Character Backgrounds

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Roll for one in lieu of the standard roll for starting gold


Beginner's Alchemy (make a Healing Potion in 1

1 Alchemist 1 Healing Potion, Mortar & Pestle 2d6
week for 125 GP)

Invoke Goddess (re-roll one die per day, but only Bronze Armor & Shield (AC 3), Bronze Sword,
2 Amazon 1d6
if wearing bronze armor) Long Bow, 2 Flasks Greek Fire (treat as Oil)

Animal Animal Handling (+4 Reaction Roll for normal

3 Mule, Guard Dog (1 HD, AC 7, 1d6 bite) 2d6
Trainer animals)

Rapid Fire (Fire arrows twice per round if not

4 Archer Long Bow, Quiver, 15 arrows, 5 silver arrows 2d6
moving or in melee)

Evasion (Flee combat without being hit, but only if Hooded Cloak, Leather Armor, Shield, Short
5 Bandit 2d6
wearing leather armor) Bow, Quiver, 20 arrows, Treasure Map (ruin)

Flask of Fine Spirits (50 GP value, +2 Reaction

6 Barkeep Ear for Listening (Knows 2d6 local rumors) 2d6
Roll if a shot is offered, 10 shots total)

Rage (+2 to attack rolls & AC 7 if no armor, will

7 Berserker Bearskin Cloak, Tooth-bitten Shield 1d6
not flee or surrender), +1 hp at 1st level

Swimming (-20% chance of drowning), Ship-craft, Cutlass, Spyglass, Treasure Map (island), Pet
8 Buccaneer 3d6
Rope Use Monkey (1 hp), 50 Rope with Grappling Hook

Tough (+1 HD at 1st level, but will not wear any Furs, Club or Stone Axe & Spear, Hide Sack with
9 Caveman ---
armor), Hunting, Illiterate Meat & Fruit

Eye for Construction (detect dungeon traps as a Lantern, Steel Mirror, Chalk Stick, Level,
10 Engineer 3d6
dwarf & secret doors as an elf) Measuring Stick (6, ruled)

Aerial Combat Training, Tumbling (-1 point per

11 Flyer Potion of Flying, Leather Armor, 5 Javelins 2d6
die falling damage)

Appraise (gems & jewelry), Cut Gems (4 in 6 Magnifying Lens, Diamond Dust (50 GP value,
12 Gemcutter 2d6
chance of increasing value of a gem by 10%) use 10 GP per attempt to cut gem)

Chain mail, Shield, Sword, Dagger, Light

13 Man-At-Arms Years of Guard Duty (surprised only on 1 in 6) 2d6
Crossbow, 30 Quarrels in Case

Breath Underwater, Leathery Skin (AC7, +1 hp at

14 Merman Trident, 20 Darts 1d6
1st level), -1 to attack rolls on land

Surprise Outdoors (1-4 in 6, if wearing only

15 Nomad Light Horse, Lance, Horse Bow, Leather Armor 1d6
leather armor), Archery while Riding

Nocturnal (Infravision, -1 on attack rolls in full

16 Orcish Leather Armor, Shield, Hand Axe 1d6
daylight), Tough (+1 hp at 1st level)

Sturdy Staff, Holy Relic (Turns Undead as 3rd

17 Pilgrim Traveling (Add 1 hex to daily movement) 2d6
Level Cleric 2d6 times before disintegrating)

Identify Magic Item (Takes 1 week and uses 100

18 Sage Reference Books, Blank Vellum Book, Ink & Quill 2d6
GP of material components)

Fire-tough (-1 point per dice fire damage), Chainmail, Shield, Hammer, Tongs, 12 Iron
19 Smith 2d6
Forging (Make weapons/armor at 1/2 cost) Spikes, Crowbar

Double Talk (+2 on reaction rolls), Disguise,

20 Spy 2 Daggers (1 hidden in boot) 2d6
Languages (Double normal number)
Each background also gets a +2 Reaction Roll when encountering others of the same background

Zenopus Archives Holmes Ref

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