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Teradata Questions and Answers:

1. What is the difference between FastLoad and MultiLoad? FastLoad uses multiple
sessions to quickly load large amount of data on empty
MultiLoad is used for high-volume maintenance on tables and views. It works with
non-empty tables also. Maximum 5 tables can be used in MultiLoad.
2. Which is faster? FastLoad. 3. Difference between Inner join and outer join? A
n inner join gets data from both tables where the specified data exists in both
An outer join gets data from the source table at all times, and returns data fro
the outer joined table ONLY if it matches the criteria.
4. What is multi Insert? Inserting data records into the table using multiple in
sert statements. Putting a
semi colon in front of the key word INSERT in the next statement rather than
terminating the first statement with a semi colon achieves it.
Insert into Sales select * from customer
; Insert into Loan select * from customer ;
5. Is multi insert ANSI standard? No. 6. How do you create a table with an exist
ing structure of another table with data and with no data? Create table Customer
dummy as Customer with data / with no data; 7. What is the opening step in Basic
Teradata Query script? .Logon tdipid/username, password. 8. You are calling a B
teq script, which drops a table and creates a table. It will throw an error if t
he table does not exist. How can you do it without throwing the error?
You can it by setting error level to zero before dropping and resetting the erro
level to 8 after dropping.
You can do it like this
9. ERRORLEVEL (3807) SEVERITY 8; 10.Can you FastExport a field, which is primary
key by putting equality on that key? No. 11.Did you write stored procedures in
Teradata? No, because they become a single amp operation and my company didn t enc
ourage that. 12.What is the use of having index s on table? For faster record sear
ch. 13.Did you use Query man or SQL assistance? SQL assistant 6.1 14.I am updati
ng a table in Bteq. It has to update a large number of rows, so it s really slow.
What do you suggest? In Teradata it is not recommended to update more than 1 mil
lion rows due to
journal space problems, if it is less than that and it s slow in the Bteq, you mig
want to add collect statistics statement before the update statement.
15.Is it necessary to add? QUIT statement after a Bteq query when I am calling i
t in a Unix environment?
Not necessary but it is good to add a QUIT statement after a query.
16.There is a column with date in it. If I want to get just month how It can be
done? Can I use sub string? Sub string is used with char fields. So it cannot be
used. To extract month from a date column, ex select extract (month from <colum
n name>). Same thing for
year or day. Or hour or minutes if it s a time stamp (select extract (minute from
column name). 17.What s the syntax of sub string? SUBSTRING (string_expression, n1
[n2]) 18.Did you use CASE WHEN statement. Can you tell us a little about it? Ye
s. When a case has to be selected depending upon the value of the expression. 19
.While creating table my DBA has FALLBACK or NO FALLBACK in his DDL. What is tha
t? FALLBACK requests that a second copy of each row inserted into a table be sto
on another AMP in the same cluster. This is done when AMP goes down or disk
20.My table got locked during MLOAD due to a failed job. What do I do to perform
other operations on it? Using RELEASE MLOAD. It removes access locks from the t
arget tables in
Teradata. It must be entered from BTEQ and not from MultiLoad.
To proceed, you can do RELEASE MLOAD <table name>
21.How to find duplicates in a table? Group by those fields and select id, count
(*) from table group by id having count (*) > 1
22.How to you verify a complicated SQL? I use explain statement to check if the
query is doing what I wanted it to do.
23.How many tables can you join in V2R5 Up to 64 tables.
24.Did u ever use UPPER Function? UPPER Function is used to convert all characte
rs in a column to the same characters in upper case.
25.What does a LOWER Function do? LOWER function is used to convert all characte
rs in a column to the lower case characters.
26.How do you see a DDL for an existing table? By using show table command.
27.Which is more efficient GROUP BY or DISTINCT to find duplicates?
With more duplicates GROUP BY is more efficient, if only a few duplicates exist
DISTINCT is more efficient.
28.Syntax for CASE WHEN statement? CASE value_expression_1 WHEN value_expression
_n THEN scalar_expression_n END;
29.What s the difference between TIMESTAMP (0) and TIMESTAMP (6)? TIMESTAMP (0) is
CHAR (19) and TIMESTAMP (6) is CHAR (26) Everything is same except that TIMESTA
MP (6) has microseconds too.
30.How do you determine the number of sessions?
Teradata performance and workload
Client platform type, performance and workload
Channel performance for channel attached systems
Network topology and performance for network attached systems.
Volume of data to be processed by the application.

31.What is node? How many nodes and AMPs used in your previous project? Node is
a database running in a server. We used 318 nodes and each node has 2 to 4 AMPS.

32.What is a clique? Clique is a group of disk arrays physically cabled to a gro

up of nodes.
33.Interviewer explained about their project (Environment, nature of work) Liste
n to them carefully so that at the end of the interview you can ask questions ab
out the project when you are given a chance to ask questions.
34.Tell us something about yourself?
Describe about your project experience, technical skill sets, hard working, good
team player, self-learner and self-motivated. 35.What is the best project you e
ver worked with and why it is best project? All the projects I worked so far are
best projects. I treat every project is equal and work hard for the success of
the project. 36.What makes a project successful and how you have contributed to
the success of the project? Good team members, technical knowledge of team membe
rs, hard work, sharing knowledge among the team, individual s contribution to the
project. Explain them that you posses all the skills you mentioned above.
37.Have you worked under stress and how did you handle it? Yes. Many times to de
liver the project on schedule, we were under lot of pressure.
During those times we work extra hours and help each other in the team to
deliver the project on schedule. Team effort is key factor for the success of th
38.What is the difference between FastLoad and MultiLoad? FastLoad uses multiple
sessions to quickly load large amount of data on empty
MultiLoad is used for high-volume maintenance on tables and views. It works with
non-empty tables also. Maximum 5 tables can be used in MultiLoad.
39.Have you used procedures? No. I have not used procedures. But I have expertis
e knowledge writing
procedures. My company have not encouraged me to write procedures because it
becomes single AMP operation, as such uses lot of resources and expensive in
terms of resource and time.
40.What is the purpose of indexes? An index is a mechanism that can be used by t
he SQL query optimizer to make
table access more performant. Indexes enhance data access by providing a more-
or-less direct path to stored data and avoiding the necessity to perform full ta
scans to locate the small number of rows you typically want to retrieve or updat
41.What is primary index and secondary index? Primary index is the mechanism for
assigning a data row to an AMP and a location
on the AMP s disks. Indexes also used to access rows from a table without having
to search the entire table.
Secondary indexes enhance set selection by specifying access paths less
frequently used than the primary index path. Secondary indexes are also used to
facilitate aggregate operations. If a secondary index covers a query, then the
Optimizer determines that it would be less costly to accessesi ts rows directly
rather than using it to access the base table rows it points to. Sometimes multi
secondary indexes with low individual selectivity can be overlapped and bit
mapped to provide enhanced
42.Why primary and secondary index is used? Refer answer from previous question.
43.What are the things to considered while creating secondary index? Creating a
secondary index causes Teradata to build a sub-table to contain its
index rows, thus adding another set of rows that requires updating each time a
table row is inserted, deleted, or updated. Secondary index sub-tables are also
duplicated whenever a table is defined with FALLBACK, so the maintenance
overhead is effectively doubled.
44.What is collect statistics? Collects demographic data for one or more columns
of a table, hash index, or join index, computes a statistical profile of the co
llected data, and stores the synopsis in the data dictionary. The Optimizer uses
the synopsis data when it generates its table access and join plans.
45.Can we collect statistics on multiple columns?
Yes we can collect statistics on multiple columns. 46.Can we collect statistics
on table level? Yes we can collect statistics on table level. The syntax is COLL
ECT STAT ON TAB_A; 47.What is inner join and outer join? An inner join gets data
from both tables where the specified data exists in both
An outer join gets data from the source table at all times, and returns data fro
the outer joined table ONLY if it matches the criteria.
48.When Tpump is used instead of MultiLoad? TPump provides an alternative to Mul
tiLoad for the low volume batch maintenance of large databases under control of
a Teradata system. Instead of updating Teradata databases overnight, or in batch
es throughout the day, TPump updates information in real time, acquiring every b
it of data from the client system with low processor utilization. It does this t
hrough a continuous feed of data into the data warehouse, rather than the tradit
ional batch updates. Continuous updates results in more accurate, timely data. A
nd, unlike most load utilities, TPump uses row hash locks rather than table leve
l locks. This allows you to run queries while TPump is running. This also means
that TPump can be stopped instantaneously. As a result, businesses can make bett
er decisions that are based on the most current data.
49.What is spool space and when running a job if it reaches the maximum spool sp
ace how you solve the problem? Spool space is used to hold intermediate rows dur
ing processing, and to hold the rows in the answer set of a transaction. Spool s
pace reaches maximum when the query is not properly optimized. Use appropriate c
onditions in WHERE clause of the query to limit the answer set.
50.What is your level of expertise in using MS office suite? Expert level. Using
it for last 8 years for documentation. 51.Have you used Net meeting? Yes. Used
net meeting for team meeting when members of the team geographically in differen
t locations. 52.Do you have any question? What is the team size going to be? Wha
t is the current status of the project? What is the project schedule? 53.What is
your available date? Immediate. Or your available date for the project. 54.How
much experience you have in MVS? Intermediate. In my previous two projects used
MVS to submit JCL jobs. 55.Have you created JCL script from scratch? Yes. I have
created JCL scripts from scratch while creating jobs in the development environ
ment. 56.Have you modified any JCL script and used? Yes I have modified JCL scri
pts. In my previous projects many applications were
re-engineered so the existing JCL scripts were modified according to the company
coding standards.
57.Rate yourself on using Teradata tools like BTEQ, Query man, FastLoad, MultiLo
ad and Tpump! Intermediate to expert level. Extensively using for last 4 years.
Also I am certified in Teradata. 58.Which is your favorite area in the project?
I enjoy every working on every part of the project. Volunteer my time for my pee
rs so that I can also learn and contribute more towards the project success. 59.
What is data mart? A data mart is a special purpose subset of enterprise data us
ed by a particular department, function or application. Data marts may have both
summary and details data, however, usually the data has been pre aggregated or
in some way to better handle the particular type of requests of a specific user
community. Data marts are categorized as independent, logical and dependant
data marts.
60.Difference between star and snowflake schemas? Star schema is De-normalized a
nd snowflake schema is normalized. 61.Why should you put your data warehouse in
a different system other than OLTP system? Relational Data Modeling (OLTP design
) Dimensional Data Modeling (OLAP design) Data is stored in RDBMS Data is stored
in RDBMS or Multidimensional databases Tables are units of storage Cubes are un
its of storage Data is normalized and used for OLTP. Optimized for OLTP processi
ng Data is de-normalized and used in data
warehouse and data mart. Optimized for
Several tables and chains of relationships among them Few tables and fact tables
are connected to dimensional tables Volatile (several updates) and time variant
Non volatile and time invariant SQL is used to manipulate data MDX is used to m
anipulate data Detailed level of transactional data Summary of bulky transaction
al data
(Aggregates and Measures) used in
business decisions
Normal Reports User friendly, interactive, drag and drop multidimensional OLAP R
eports 62.Why are OLTP database designs not generally a good idea for a Data War
ehouse? OLTP designs are for real time data and they are not normalized and pre-
aggregated. They are not good for decision support systems.
63.What type of Indexing mechanism do we need to use for a typical data warehous
e? Primary Index mechanism is the ideal type of index for data warehouse.
64.What is VLDB? Very Large databases. Please find more information on it.
65.What is the difference between OLTP and OLAP? Refer answer for question 61.
66.What is real time data warehousing? Real-time data warehousing is a combinati
on of two things: 1) real-time activity
and 2) data warehousing. Real-time activity is activity that is happening right
The activity could be anything such as the sale of widgets. Once the activity is
complete, there is data about it. Data warehousing captures business activity
data. Real-time data warehousing captures business activity data as it occurs. A
soon as the business activity is complete and there is data about it, the comple
activity data flows into the data warehouse and becomes available instantly. In
other words, real-time data warehousing is a framework for deriving information
from data as the data becomes available.
67.What is ODS? An operational data store (ODS) is primarily a "dump" of relevan
t information
from a very small number of systems (often just one) usually with little or no
transformation. The benefits are an ad hoc query database, which does not affect
the operation of systems required to run the business. ODS s usually deal with da
ta "raw" and "current" and can answer a limited set of queries as a result. 68.W
hat is real time and near real time data warehousing? The difference between rea
l time and near real time can be summed up in one
word: latency. Latency is the time lag that is between an activity completion an
the completed activity data being available in the data warehouse. In real time,
the latency is negligible whereas in near real time the latency is a tangible ti
frame such as two hours.
69.What are Normalization, First Normal Form, Second Normal Form and Third Norma
l Form? Normalization is the process of efficiently organizing data in a databas
e. The two
goals of the normalization process are eliminate redundant data (storing the
same data in more than one table) and ensure data dependencies make sense
(only storing related data in the table).
First normalization form:
Eliminate duplicate columns from the same table. Create separate tables for each
group of related data and identify each row with a unique column or set of colu
mns (primary key) Second normal form: Removes sub set of data that apply to mult
iple rows of table and place them in separate table. Create relationships betwee
n these new tables and their predecessors through the use of foreign keys. Third
normal form: Remove column that are not dependent upon the primary key. 70.What
is fact table? The centralized table in a star schema is called as FACT table i
.e. a table in that
contains facts and connected to dimensions. A fact table typically has two types
of columns: those that contain facts and those that are foreign keys to dimensio
tables. The primary key of a fact table is usually a composite key that is made
of all of its foreign keys. A fact table might contain either detail level facts
or facts
that have been aggregated (fact tables that contain aggregated facts are often
instead called summary tables). In the real world, it is possible to have a fact
table that contains no measures or facts. These tables are called asFact les s
Facttabl e s. 71.What is ETL? Extract, transformation, and loading. ETL refers t
o the methods involved in
accessing and manipulating source data and loading it into target database.
The first step in ETL process is mapping the data between source systems and
target database (data warehouse or data mart). The second step is cleansing of
source data in staging area. The third step is transforming cleansed source data
and then loading into the target system. Note that ETT (extract, transformation,
transportation) and ETM (extraction, transformation, move) are sometimes used
instead of ETL.
72.What is ER diagram? It is Entity relationship diagram. Describes the relation
ship among the entities in the database model. 73.What is data mining? Analyzing
of large volumes of relatively simple data to extract important trends
and new, higher level information. For example, a data-mining program might
analyze millions of product orders to determine trends among top-spending
customers, such as their likelihood to purchase again, or their likelihood to sw
to a different vendor.
74.What is Star schema?
Star Schema is a relational database schema for representing multi-dimensional
data. It is the simplest form of data warehouse schema that contains one or more
dimensions and fact tables. It is called a star schema because the entity-
relationship diagram between dimensions and fact tables resembles a star where
one fact table is connected to multiple dimensions. The center of the star schem
consists of a large fact table and it points towards the dimension tables. The
advantages of star schema are slicing down, performance increase and easy
understanding of data.
75.What is a lookup table? Refer answer for questions 78. Dimension tables are s
ometimes called as lookup or reference tables. 76.What is a level of Granularity
of a fact table? The components that make up the granularity of the fact table
directly with the dimensions of the data model. Thus, when you define the
granularity of the fact table, you identify the dimensions of the data model. Th
granularity of the fact table also determines how much storage space the
database requires. For example, consider the following possible granularities fo
r a
fact table:
Product by day by region Product by month by region The size of a database that
has a granularity of product by day by region would be much greater than a datab
ase with a granularity of product by month by region because the database contai
ns records for every transaction made each day as opposed to a monthly summation
of the transactions. You must carefully
determine the granularity of your fact table because too fine a granularity coul
result in an astronomically large database. Conversely, too coarse granularity
could mean the data is not detailed enough for users to perform meaningful
queries against the database.
77.What is a dimension table? Dimension table is one that describes the business
entities of an enterprise,
represented as hierarchical, categorical information such as time, departments,
locations, and products. Dimension tables are sometimes called lookup or
reference tables. In a relational data modeling, for normalization purposes,
country lookup, state lookup, county lookup, and city lookups are not merged as
single table. In a dimensional data modeling (star schema), these tables would b
merged as a single table called LOCATION DIMENSION for performance and slicing
data requirements. This location dimension helps to compare the sales in one
region with another region. We may see good sales profit in one region and loss
in another region. If it is a loss, the reasons for that may be a new competitor
that area, or failure of our marketing strategy etc.
78.What are the various Reporting tools in the Market? Crystal reports, Business
objects, micro strategy and etc., 79.What are the various ETL tools in the Mark
et? Ab Initio, Informatica and etc., 80.What are the Different methods of loadin
g Dimension tables? 81.What are Semi-additive and factless facts and in which sc
enario will you use such kinds of fact tables? 82.What is a three-tier data ware
house? The three-tier differs from the two-tier architecture by strictly enforci
ng a logical
separation of the graphical user interface, business logic, and data. The three-
is widely used for data warehousing today. Organizations that require greater
performance and scalability, the three-tier architecture may be more appropriate
In this architecture, data extracted from legacy systems is cleansed, transforme
and stored in high speed database servers, which are used as the target
database for front-end data access.
83.What are the various transformations available? 84.Importance of Surrogate Ke
y in Data warehousing? Surrogate Key is a Primary Key for a Dimension table. Mos
t importance of using it is independent of underlying database. i.e. Surrogate K
ey is not affected by the changes going on with a database
85.Differentiate Primary Key and Partition Key? Primary Key is a combination of
unique and not null. It can be a collection of key values called as composite pr
imary key. Partition Key is a just a part of Primary Key. There are several meth
ods of partition like Hash, DB2, and Random etc. While using Hash partition we s
pecify the Partition Key.
86.Differentiate Database data and Data warehouse data? Data in a Database is De
tailed or Transactional, Both Readable and Write able
and current.
Data in data warehouse is detailed or summarized, storage place for historical
87.What are OLAP, MOLAP, ROLAP, DOLAP and HOLAP? Examples? OLAP: OLAP stands for
Online Analytical Processing. It uses database tables (fact and
dimension tables) to enable multidimensional viewing, analysis and querying of
large amounts of data. E.g. OLAP technology could provide management with fast
answers to complex queries on their operational data or enable them to analyze
their company's historical data for trends and patterns.
MOLAP: Stands for Multidimensional OLAP. In MOLAP cubes the data aggregations an
d a
copy of the fact data are stored in a multidimensional structure on the Analysis
Server computer. It is best when extra storage space is available on the Analysi
Server computer and the best query performance is desired. MOLAP local cubes
contain all the necessary data for calculating aggregates and can be used offlin
MOLAP cubes provide the fastest query response time and performance but
require additional storage space for the extra copy of data from the fact table.
ROLAP: Stands for Relational OLAP. In ROLAP cubes a copy of data from the fact t
able is
not made and the data aggregates are stored in tables in the source relational
database. A ROLAP cube is best when there is limited space on the Analysis
Server and query performance is not very important. ROLAP local cubes contain
the dimensions and cube definitions but aggregates are calculated when they are
needed. A ROLAP cube requires less storage space than MOLAP and HOLAP
HOLAP: Stands for Hybrid OLAP. A HOLAP cube has a combination of the ROLAP and
MOLAP cube characteristics. It does not create a copy of the source data
however; data aggregations are stored in a multidimensional structure on the
Analysis Server computer. HOLAP cubes are best when storage space is limited
but faster query responses are needed
DOLAP: 88.What is OLTP? OLTP stands for Online Transaction Processing. OLTP uses
normalized tables to
quickly record large amounts of transactions while making sure that these
updates of data occur in as few places as possible. Consequently OLTP database
are designed for recording the daily operations and transactions of a business.
E.g. a timecard system that supports a large production environment must record
successfully a large number of updates during critical periods like lunch hour,
breaks, startup and close of work.
89.Hierarchy of DWH?
90.What is aggregate awareness?
91.Explain reference cursor?
92.What are parallel queries and query hints?
93.DWH architecture?
94.What are cursors?
95.Advantages of de normalized data?
96.What is Meta data and system catalog?
97.What is confirmed dimension?
98.What is the capacity of power cube?
99.What are difference in macros and prompts?
100. What is hash partition?
101. What is DTM session?
102. What is staging area?
The data staging area is a system that stands between the legacy systems and
the analytics system, usually a data warehouse and sometimes an ODS. The data
staging area is considered the "back room" portion of the data warehouse
environment. The data staging area is where the extract, transform and load
(ETL) takes place and is out of bounds for end users. Some of the functions of t
data staging area include:
Extracting data from multiple legacy systems Cleansing the data, usually with a
specialized tool Integrating data from multiple legacy systems into a single dat
a warehouse Transforming legacy system keys into data warehouse keys, usually su
rrogate keys Transforming disparate codes for gender, marital status, etc., into
the data warehouse standard Transforming the heterogeneous legacy data structur
es to the data warehouse data structures Loading the various data warehouse tabl
es via automated jobs in a particular sequence through the bulk loader provided
with the data warehouse database or a third-party bulk loader
103. What are data merging, data cleansing and sampling? 104. OLAP architecture?
105. What is subject area? Subject area means fundamental entities that make up
the major components of the business, e.g. customer, product, employee. 106. Wh
y do we use DSS database for OLAP tools? Refer answer for questions 61. 107. Wha
t is tenacity? Number of hours Teradata utility will try to establish a connecti
on to the system. Default is 4 hours. 108. What is a checkpoint? Checkpoints are
entries posted to a restart log table at regular intervals during the data tran
sfer operation. If processing stops while a job is running, you can restart the
job at the most recent checkpoint.
109. What is slowly changing dimension? In a slowly changing dimension the attri
bute for a record varies over time. There are three ways to solve this problem.
Type 1 Replace an old record with a new record. No historical data available. Ty
pe 2 Keep the old record and insert a new record. Historical data available but
resources intensive. Type 3 In the existing record, maintain extra columns for t
he new values.
110. What is sleep?
Number of minutes the Teradata utility will wait between logon attempts. Default
is 6 minutes.
111. Difference between MultiLoad and TPump? Tpump provides an alternative to Mu
ltiLoad for low volume batch maintenance of
large databases under control of a Teradata system. Tpump updates information
in real time, acquiring every bit of a data from the client system with low
processor utilization. It does this through a continuous feed of data into the d
warehouse, rather than the traditional batch updates. Continuous updates results
in more accurate, timely data. Tpump uses row hash locks than table level locks.
This allows you to run queries while Tpump is running.
112. Different phases of MultiLoad? Preliminary phase DML phase Acquisition phas
e Application phase End phase 113. Explain modifier! The explain modifier genera
tes an English translation of the parser s plan. It is fully parsed and optimized
but not executed. Explain returns Text showing how a statement will be processed
. As estimate of how many rows will be involved A relative cost of the request i
n units of time.
This information is useful for predicting row counts, predicting performance,
testing queries before production and analyzing various approaches to a problem.
114. Explain how hash distribution is done! 115. Difference between oracle and T
eradata warehouse! Teradata can handle multi tera bytes of data. Teradata is lin
early expandable,
uses matured optimizer, shared nothing architecture. Uses data parallelism.
The Teradata DBA s never have to reorganize data or index space, pre-allocate
table/index space, format partitions, tune buffer space, ensure the queries run
parallel, pre-process data for loading and write or run programs to split the in
data into partitions for loading.
116. What is dimensional modeling? Dimensional Data Modeling comprises of one or
more dimension tables and fact
tables. Good examples of dimensions are location, product, time, promotion,
organization etc. Dimension tables store records related to that particular
dimension and no facts (measures) are stored in these tables
117. How will you solve the problem that occurs during update? When there is an
error during the update process, an entry is posted in the error log table. Quer
y the log table and fix the error and restart the job. 118. How data is distribu
ted in Teradata system? 119. Can you connect MultiLoad from Ab Initio? Yes we ca
n connect.
120. What interface is used to connect to windows based applications? WinCLI int
erface. 121. What is data warehousing? A data warehouse is a subject oriented, i
ntegrated, time variant, non-volatile collection of data in support of managemen
t's decision-making process. 122. What is data modeling? A Data model is a conce
ptual representation of data structures (tables) required
for a database and is very powerful in expressing and communicating the
business requirements.
123. What is logical data model?
A Logical data model is the version of a data model that represents theb us ine
ss requirements (entire or part) of an organization and is developed before the
physical data model. A sound logical design should streamline the physical
design process by clearly defining data structures and the relationships between
them. A good data model is created by clearly thinking about the current and
future business requirements. Logical data model includes all requiredentities ,
attributes, key groups, and relationships that represent business information an
d define business rules. 124. Tell us something about data modeling tools? Data
modeling tools to transform business requirements into logical data model, and l
ogical data model to physical data model. From physical data model, these tools
can be instructed to generate SQL code for creating database entities.
125. Steps to create a data model? Get business requirements. Create High Level
Conceptual Data Model. Create Logical Data Model. Select target DBMS where data-
modeling tool creates the physical schema. Create standard abbreviation document
according to business standard 126. What is the maximum number of DML can be co
ded in a MultiLoad script? Maximum 5 DML can be coded in a MultiLoad script.

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