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Master Rubric

10:Mastery 8:Adequate 7:Developing 6:Inadequate Total

Thesis is definite, arguable, clear and answers the Thesis is somewhat clear and arguable Thesis is present but unclear, inarguable No thesis.
question. and answers question. or doesnt answer question.

Introduction does not make sense.


Strong introduction maps out the argument and Introduction maps out the argument and Intro is brief or weak, without context;
gives thorough topical context/summary gives some context. the reader is confused.
Well organized, with coherent and fluid Adequately organized; some Limited organization; may demonstrate Poorly organized; ideas may be

progression of ideas. coherence/progression of ideas. some lapses in coherence/ progression randomly ordered or have an
of idea. unclear progression.
Strong and varied transitions establish the Adequate transitions clarify relationships
relationships between ideas. between ideas. Inconsistent transitions. Few or no transitions.
Thorough, appropriate and convincing evidence Adequate evidence supports claims; Uneven, imprecise and cursory evidence Evidence is minimal or irrelevant;
supports claims; facts/details are relevant and includes facts and details. attempts to support claims. references may be absent or

specific. incorrectly used.

Obtained from more than one source, Obtained from one source or references
Obtained from multiple sources (synthesis) and but references may be general and are vague. Claims are presented as evidence.
source types. source type may lack variety.
Consistently paraphrased, summarized and Mostly paraphrased, summarized or Improper use of paraphrasing, Not paraphrased, summarized or

directly quoted when appropriate. directly quoted when appropriate. summarizing or direct quotations. quoted; claims are presented as
Use of

Quotes are correctly and seamlessly integrated Quotes are adequately integrated into Quotes stand alone and/or are not
into sentences/paragraphs. sentences/paragraphs. integrated properly into sentences.
Elaboration is effective and varied. Adequate use of some elaborative Weak or uneven use of elaborative Minimal, if any, use of elaborative
techniques. techniques; source summary techniques; emotional appeal may
Interpretation of evidence is mature, or may rely on emotional appeal. dominate.

demonstrating critical thinking. There is adequate Interpretation of

evidence beyond the obvious. Obvious and basic commentary. No commentary;
Original and insightful commentary clearly summary/restatement of ideas;
connects evidence to thesis and explains Commentary demonstrates critical misunderstanding of prompt or
significance of the evidence. thinking and connects evidence to thesis. text; illogical argument.
Skillful use of language: varied, accurate and apt Adequate but inconsistent use of Developing use of language, with Meaning severely obscured by
vocabulary that is appropriate to task and language, with generally appropriate meaning sometimes obscured by weak regularly flawed vocabulary or

audience. vocabulary. vocabulary or inappropriate word choice. incorrect word choice.

Frequent use of slang, clichs, non- Inappropriate to task/audience.
academic language.
MLA: Perfect (Follows directions) MLA: Good (circle 1-2 errors) MLA: Inconsistent (circle 3 + errors) Incorrect MLA format

Heading, Header, Fonts, Spacing,

Heading, Header, Fonts, Spacing, Margins, Pg #S Heading, Header, Fonts, Spacing, Margins, Pg #s
Margins, Pg #s
Perfect (Follows directions) Good (circle 1-2 errors) Inconsistent (circle 3+ errors) Incorrect format
Works Cited

Spacing, hanging indentations, margins, Spacing, hanging indentations, margins, Spacing, handing indentations, margins,
alphabetical order, correct information for each alphabetical order, correct information alphabetical order, correct information
entry for each entry for each entry

In-text citations are perfect. In-text citations are adequate. In-text citations are attempted but are Incorrect format
mostly incorrect.
Attributions techniques vary. Attribution techniques vary somewhat. *Papers with no in-text citations

No variety in attribution techniques. will earn zero points in this

All in-text citations refer to Works Cited page and Most in-text citations refer to Works Inconsistencies between in-text citations category and will have to be
all sources listed on Works Cited page are Cited page and most sources on Works and Works Cited page. redone in order to qualify for
referenced in the paper. Cited page are referenced in the paper. grading.

No errors. Mastery of: Adequate command of: Meaning partially obscured by regularly Meaning severely obscured by
flawed: pervasive errors in:

correct & varied sentence formation correct & varied sentence formation sentence formation/variety sentence formation/variety
punctuation, capitalization punctuation, capitalization punctuation, capitalization punctuation, capitalization
grammar usage grammar usage grammar usage grammar usage
spelling spelling spelling spelling
sentence variety
Requirements (All or Nothing Score 10 points)


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