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201 SCRA 253


Petitioner Magana is the owner of a parcel of Riceland. The said riceland

was tenanted by the late Domingo Paitan, under an agricultural leasehold
agreement. Magana filed a petition for the termination of the leasehold
agreement allegedly due to (1) non-payment of rentals; (2) inability and failure of
Domingo Paitan to do the tilling and cultivation of the riceland due to his long
illness; and (3) subleasing of the land holding to third parties.

Former Judge Llaguno, referred the case to the Secretary of the

Department of Agrarian Reform for certification as but said office failed to act
upon the request for a period of more than three (3) years which placed the
riceland under the Land Transfer Program by virtue which implemented Letter of
Instructions No. 474, which placed all tenanted ricelands with areas of seven
hectares or less belonging to landowners who own agricultural lands of more than
seven hectares in aggregate areas under the Land Transfer Program of the
government. A certificate of Land Transfer was finally awarded in favor of
Domingo Paitan. As a consequence thereof, the rentals were no longer paid to
Magana but were deposited instead with the Land Bank and credited as
amortization payments for the riceland.


Whether or not the issuance of Certificate of Land Transfer to Domingo

Paitan is invalid and unconstitutional.


Yes. Issuance of Certificate of Land Transfer to Domingo Paitan without

first expropriating said property to pay petitioner landowner the full market value
thereof before ceding and transferring the land to Paitan and or heirs, is invalid
and unconstitutional as it is confiscatory and violates the due process clause of
the Constitution.
The issue of the constitutionality of the taking of private property under the
CARP Law has already been settled by this Court holding that where the measures
under challenge merely prescribe the retention limits for landowners, there is an
exercise of police power by the government, but where to carry out such
regulation, it becomes necessary to deprive such owners of whatever lands they
may own in excess of the maximum area allowed, then there is definitely a taking
under the power of eminent domain for which payment of just compensation is
imperative. To be sure, the determination of just compensation is a function
addressed to the courts of justice and may not be usurped by any branch or
official of the government.
It must be stressed, however, that the mere issuance of the certificate of
land transfer does not vest in the farmer/grantee ownership of the land described
therein. At most, the certificate merely evidences the government's recognition
of the grantee as the party qualified to avail of the statutory mechanisms for the
acquisition of ownership of the land titled by him as provided under Presidential
Decree No. 27. Neither is this recognition permanent nor irrevocable. Thus, failure
on the part of the farmer/grantee to comply with his obligation to pay his lease
rentals or amortization payments when they fall due for a period of two (2) years
to the landowner or agricultural lessor is a ground for forfeiture of his certificate
of land transfer.
Should the petitioner fail to agree on the price of her land as fixed by the
DAR, she can bring the matter to the court of proper jurisdiction. Likewise, failure
on the part of the farmer/grantee to pay his lease rentals or amortization
payments for a period of two (2) years is a ground for the forfeiture of his
certificate of land transfer.
Premises considered, the petition is dismissed without prejudice to
petitioners filing of the proper action for the determination of just compensation
in the proper forum.

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