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1912 "I

Internal Revenue Stamps
Hydrometers, Lock Seals




United States Internal Revenue

Stamps, Hydrometers and
Lock Seals
By J. Delano Bartlett and Walter W. Norton

United States Revenue Society




ing the necessity of a check list of

United States Internal

Revenue stamps, herewith presents this Hand Book, Number
Two. Mr. J. Delano Bartlett, compiler of the Tax Paid stamps
section, is a thorough philatelic student and no one is better

equipped than he to write on this subject.

The Board of Directors have taken pleasure in awarding
Mr. Bartlett the prize of twenty dollars for the best manuscript
on any department of United States Revenues, as voted at
the Annual Convention at Chicago, August, 1911.

MAR 9 I960


Adulterated Butter Stamps
Act of May 9, pound upon adulterated
1902, fixed a tax of 10 cents per
butter. The stamps given in this list were prepared for that purpose and
reports show that some values were issued to collectors, although we have
never seen a copy.
1 10 lbs. ?

2 20 " ?

6 60
7 70
8 80
9 90
10 100

Export Adulterated Butter Stamps

We have never seen this stamp, although 40,000 were printed in 1902.
1 ? ?

Process or Renovated Butter Stamps

Act of May 9, 1902, fixed a tax of \ cent per pound on Renovated Butter.

Series of 1902
Type with double line border. Flying eagle with flag. Num-
set design
ber of pounds given in large orange numerals in center. White paper.
10 lbs. black
The above appears to have been a temporary set issued while the dies
were being made for a permanent set.
Series of 1902
Engraved. Inscription: "Process or Renovated Butter Stamp." Justice
seated in large R. Orange numerals in center.
8 10 lbs. black
Hand Book and Check List

Series of 1907
New design of Justice in upper left corner. The words "or Renovated"
being omitted, leaves the inscription: "Process Butter." White paper.
A, date "190" Line under control No.
No line under control No.
No line under control No.
U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps
Hand Book and Check List

Series of 1898
Head of woman at bottom engraved. Coupons at left denoting size
of package. Stamp indicates no value without coupons.
A, date line "190." B, date line "19."
2 — black x x

Filled Cheese
Series of 1897
We have never seen any of these stamps but they were printed and
issued to collectors.
U. S. Internal Revenus Stamps

Series of 1897
Portrait of Clay. Blue paper, rouletted.
3 10 cigars black
4 20 "

1898. Provisional Issue

Preceding issue surcharged in violet rubber stamp. "Series of 1898"
reading up.
5 10 cigars black (on No. 3)
The necessity of this surcharge is not apparent as there was no change
in the tax on these cigars by the Act of 1898.

Series of 1901
Tax 54c per M. Rouletted and slot perforated.
A, dark blue paper
B, pale green paper
C, light blue paper
D, bright blue paper
6 10 cigars black x x x x
7 20 " x

Series of 1910
Tax 75c per M. Bright blue paper, slot perforated.
8 5 cigars black
Hand Book and Check List

Custom Small Cigar Stamps

Small rectangular stamps.
Custom cigarette stamps surcharged with rubber stamp, "Cigar-."
White paper, slot perforated.
1 10 cigars (on Cigarette Customs No. 3)
2 20 " (" No. 4)
3 no value (on No. 8)

The first tax upon tobacco was levied by the Act of the 37th Congress,
approved July'l, 1862, and collected by monthly statements under oath, no
stamps being used. Various Acts changing the rate of taxation and method,
of collecting same, were passed from the above date until the Act of the 40th
Congress approved July 20, 1868, which provided for the stamping of all
packages. The tax levied was 16c per pound upon tobacco entirely or partly
with stems, and 32c per pound upon tobacco without stems.
Small Tobacco Stamps
1868, Class 16c
Large numeral of weight forms the general design, with head of sailor
in center. White wove pa
A, imperforated. B, perforal
1 2 oz. green, Sailor x x

1868. Class 32c

Large numeral of weight forms the general design, with head in center.
White wove paper..
A, imperforated. B, perforated.
2 h oz. black, Negro x
3 1 oz. Liberty x x
4 2 oz. " Indian x
This set was also used on snuff.

Strip Tobacco Stamps

1868. Class 16c
Head in center, denomination at left, and "Class 16 cents" at right.
White wove paper, imperforated.
1 4 oz. green, Man Smoking
2 8 oz. " Indian
3 16 oz. " Sailor

1868. Class 32c

Head in center, denomination at right, and "Class 32 cents" at left.
White wove paper, imperforated.
4 4 oz. black, Trapper
5 6 oz. " Man Smoking
6 8 oz. " Sailor
7 16 oz. " Farmer
This set was also used on Miuff.
U. S.- Internal Revenue Stamps

10 Hand Book and Check List

1872. Provisional Issue

The rate of taxation was changed on June 6, 1872 to 20c per pound on
all kinds of tobacco. The stamps of both Class 16c and 32c were surcharged
in red: "Issued under Act of Congress Approved June 6, 1872."
U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 11

12 Hand Book and Check List

Same as number 66 except the inscription, "Issued under Act of March

3d, 1875," which is in much smaller type, perforated.
71 2 oz. green, Orton
Same as numbers 69 and 70 except the inscription, "Issued under Act
of March 3d, 1875," which has been omitted. Green silk paper.
A, imperforated. B, perforated. C, rouletted.

72 8 oz. green, Fillmore

73 16 oz. " Statue on Dome x x x

Series of 1875
Similar in design to numbers 65, 66 and 67, with portraits changed.
A, green silk paper. B, violet silk paper.
74 1 oz. green, Taylor x
75 2 oz. Jefferson x x
76 4 oz. " Chase x

Note: An appropriation Act approved March 3, 1877, authorized the
printing of tobacco stamps by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. All
stamps in the hands of the Continental Bank Note Co. were removed to
Washington in September and October, 1877. New dies and plates were
prepared by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing with head of Adams
on all values also the inscription, "Series of 1878." Before the close of the
year 1877, the supply of the 1 oz. became exhausted and the new Bureau
plate of the 1 oz. was altered to "1877."

Series of 1877
Head of Adams at right. The second "8" of "Series 1878" partially
removed and the figure "7" engraved over the "8." Perforated.
A, violet silk paper. B, green silk paper.
77 1 oz. green, Adams x
All strip tobacco stamps after this issue have head of Adams.
Series of 1878
A, violet silk paper. B, white cluster silk paper. C, green silk paper.
D, green watermarked paper.

2 oz.
oz. green
" xx xx
x x x


The white
4 oz.
8 oz.
16 oz.
" xxx xx
cluster silk paper has a large number of silk threads in center
of stamp, while the ends show very few, if any. The watermarked paper
has the letters, U. S. I. R., repeated several times across the sheet.

1879. Provisional Issue

Issues of 1877 and 1878 surcharged in red, "Issued under Act of Mar. 1.
1879. Tax 16 cts. per lb." Perforated.
I . S. Internal Revenue Stamps 13

A, violet silk paper. B, green silk paper. C, green watermarked paper.

14 Hand Book and Check List

A, rouletted. B
U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 15

Scries of 1898
Dark blue paper. This set exists rouletted, also with slot perforations,
132 black
16 Hand Book and Check List
U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 17

l, imperforated.
18 Hand Book and Check List

Same design as 1865. Dated 1866. White paper, imperforated.
32 25 cigars, black
33 50 " " •
dated in red
34 100 " " 5 altered to 6 in 1865
35 250
36 500 " green
The 100 has large heads of Lincoln.

Number of cigars in center. Engraved. White paper, imperforated.
37 25 cigars, green
38 50 " blue
39 100 " brown
40 250 " black
41 500 " orange

1867. Provisional

Manuscript surcharge of new value.

42 250 on 100 cigars, brown (on No. 39

Tax Paid Stamps

of July 20, 1868, fixed the tax upon cigars at a rate per thousand
The Act
regardless of the value. All stamps under this method have the words,
"Tax Paid."
Tax $5.00 per M. "Tax Paid" in center left oval. Engraved. White
paper, imperforated.
43 25 cigars, red, Washington
44 50 green, Ship
45 100 " black, Sailor
46 250 " blue, Soldier and Horse
47 500 " orange, Farmer
The 100 cigars exist with the saw-tooth perforations, which we presume
is non-official.
general design as 1868 except the center left oval is black and
the 50 and 100 are new designs. Engraved. Imperforated.
A, white paper.
B, mottled paper.
C, violet wavy lines across both center ovals.

U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 19

Same design as 1869 issue. Imperforated.
A, buff silk paper. B, violet silk paper.
53 25 cigars, black, Washington x
54 50 " Sherman x x
55 100 " " Grant x x
56 250 " " Soldier x
57 500 " Farmer x
The paper which we term violet ranges in all shades from pink to dark
violet. This applies to all issues.
1872. First Series
Various portraits. Act of July 20, 1868 as amended. Perforated.
A. violet silk paper. B, green silk paper.
58 25 cigars, black, Delano x x
59 50 " " Fessenden x x
60 100 " " Hancock x x
61 250 " " Adams x x
62 500 " " Chase x x
Portrait of Waite. Green silk paper, perforated.
63 25 cigars, black
64 50
65 100
1875. Provisional
Tax was changed to $6.00 per M. Preceding issues surcharged, "Issued
under Act of March 3d, 1875."
On 1868 issue Manuscript Surcharge.
66 250 cigars, blue (on No. 46)
67 500 " orange " Xo. 4 7

On 1871 Issue
Printed surcharge in red on all except the 250. which is in blue. Violet
silk paper.
20 Hand Book and Check List

75 100 cigars, black (on No. 60) x x
76 250 " " (
" No. 61) x x x
77 500 " " (
" No. 62) x x
All the printed surcharges are in red, except the 250, which is in blue.
The rubber stamp surcharges exist in several varieties of type in both violet
and red, also with double and inverted surcharges.

On 1875 Issue
A, printed surcharge in blue.
B, rubber stamp surcharge.
C, manuscript surcharge.
78 25 cigars, black (on No. 63) x
79 50 " " " No. 64) x x
80 100 " "

" No. 65) xxx
Series of 1875

Portrait of Fessenden. "Act of Mar. 3, 1875." Green silk paper.

A, perforated. B, rouletted.
81 x x
U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 21

A, green watermarked paper, perforated,

B, green watermarked paper, rouletted.
92 25 cigars, black (on No. 86)
93 50 " No. 87)

94 100 (" No. 88)

95 200 " " No. 91)

96 250 (
" No. 89)
97 500 (
" No. 90)

Series of 1883
A, green watermarked paper, rouletted.
B, green watermarked paper, perforated.
C, gray watermarked paper, rouletted.
D, blue watermarked paper, perforated.
E, blue watermarked paper, rouletted.
25 cigars, black
99 50
100 100
101 200
102 250
103 500
The blue paper exists in many shades in this and the following issues.

Series of 1891
A, green watermarked paper, perforated,
B, blue watermarked paper, perforated,
C, blue watermarked paper, rouletted.
104 12 cigars, black
105 13

1898. Provisional Issue

Tax S3. 00 per M. issues surcharged, "Series of 1898."
The two previous
A, blue watermarked paper, printed surcharge, perforated.
B, blue watermarked paper, printed surcharge, rouletted.
C, blue watermarked paper, rubber stamp surcharge, rouletted.

106 12 cigars, black on No. 104)

107 13 No. 105)
108 No. 98) X
109 50 X... 99)
110 100 No. 100)
111 200 No. 101)
112 250 No. 102)
113 500 X... 103)
22 Hand Book and Check List

119 200 cigars, black

120 250 "
121 500 "
No. 117 was counterfeited by Burdell and Taylor in 1899 for the purpose
of defrauding the government. They were sentenced at Philadelphia. The
principal difference in design is in the shading around the head of Clay.
The paper is a lighter blue and the letters in the watermark are closer together.
These counterfeits exist with rubber stamp surcharge, "Counterfeit," placed
there by the inspector of seized cigars, also without the surcharge.

Series of 1901
Tax $3.00 per M.
A, dark blue watermarked paper.
B, pale green watermarked paper.
C, light blue watermarked paper.
D, bright blue watermarked paper.
122 12 cigars, black
123 13
124 25
125 50
126 100
127 200
128 250
129 500
1909. Provisional
Preceding issue surcharged with new value. Rubber stamp surcharge
of number of cigars.
130 10 on 12c, black (on No. 122D)
131 12 on 25c, black (on No. 124D.)

Series of 1910
New design. Portrait of Clav in center. Inscription, "Series of 1910."
"Act of Aug. 5, 1909."
132 12 cigars, black
U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 23

View of Treasury Building. No value given. White paper, imperforated.
1 brown
We have seen this stamp with pen-mark through the words, "Internal
Revenue," and with manuscript surcharge, "Customs."
Same as preceding issue, color changed.
2 green
Two portraits of Washington. No value given. White paper, imper-
3 red
Series of 1871

Portrait of Grant. No value given. Imprint below stamp, "Series

of 1871." White paper, imperforated.
4 black and blue
Series of 1873

Same design as preceding issue except figures of value at each end and
series date which is changed to 1873.
A. white wove paper. B, white silk paper, imperforated.
5 25 cigars, black and orange x x
" "
6 50 " red x
" "
7 100 green x
" "
8 250 " violet brown x
" " "
9 500 orange x

Series of is 75

ne design. Portrait of Harrison. White paper, imperforated.

10 25 cigars, black and orange
24 '

Hand Book and Check List

1895. Provisional Issue

The two preceding issues with new value surcharged with rubber stamp.
23 12 on 25, brown (on No. 16)
24 12 on 25, brown (on No. 19)
Series of 1904
Size 107 x 35 mm. Value in words and figures in center. White paper,
slot perforated.
25 25 cigars, black
26 50
27 100
28 250
29 500
1904. Provisional Issue
Preceding issue surcharged with new value with rubber stamps.
30 12 on 25 cigars (on No. 25)
31 13 on 25 " (on No. 25)
250 on 50
32 " (on No. 26)
The following surcharges have been seen:
A, word "Twelve" in violet.
B, large numeral "12" in purple.
C, same in black.
D, same in violet.
E, small "12" in each corner and in center in violet.
F, same in purple.
G, large numeral "13" with heavy dash underneath in blue.
H, same without dash in blue.
I, same without dash, in violet.

J. double line numeral "250" in purple.

Series of 1910
Similar to 1904 issue except no value given and the central design is
a steamship.
(— ) black
appears that the above stamp was issued with the intention of having
the inspector surcharge the value on each stamp as required, but we have
seen many without the surcharge. The following surcharges are known to
A, large solid numerals in black, 10, 12, 13, 50.
B, large solid numerals in red, 10, 13, 50.
C, large solid numerals in violet, 10, 12, 13, 25, 50, 250, 500.
D, large solid numerals in green, 100, 250.
E, large open numerals in red, 250.
F, large open numerals in violet, 250, 500.
There are several imitations of the customs stamp which were used
on cigars made in the United States for the purpose of giving the box the
appearance of imported cigars. No. 3 has been imitated by replacing the
head of Washington with those of women. The entire line work is different.
No. 4 has been extensively imitated. In the original the inscription at the
ends reads: "United States Customs;" while one of the imitations reads:
"For United States Customers," another reads: "United States, United
States." At the present time labels are used on some brands for the purpose
of deceiving the customer.
U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 25

Porto Rico
The following have been seen with "Porto Rico" surcharge: No. 25, 33.

Philippine Islands
The following has been seen surcharged "Philippine:" No. 26.

Small Rectangular Stamp

With the Act of Congress, August 5, 1909, there was brought in existence
the following stamps under the tax of $3.00 per M. Portrait of Clay. Bright
blue watermarked paper, slot perforated.
1 5 cigars, red
2 10
Porto Rico
No. the above small stamps has been seen surcharged "Porto Rico"
2 of
in black, reading both up and down.

Export Cigar Stamps

1873. Provisional
Strip stamp for custom cigars with "Exported" surcharged in large
black letters.
1 50 cigars, black and red (on No. 6)

Series of 1875
Inscription. No value given. Green paper, imperforated.
2 black.
1S75. Provisional
Strip stamp for Customs Cigars with "Exported" surcharged in large
black letters.
3 50 cigars black and red (on No. 12)
4 500 cigars black and red (on No. 15)
Series of 1878
Rectangular stamp. Portrait of Jackson at left in oval. No value given.
Green watermarked paper, imperforated.
5 black
We have seen this stamp with manuscript surcharge "ette" over the
word cigars, thus making it an export cigarette stamp.

1879. Provisional
Strip stamp of 1879 for Customs Cigars with surcharge in large black
letters, "Export."
6 100 cigars, blue (on No. 18)

Series of 1883
Same as regular issue of 1878 with series date changed.
A, green watermarked paper. B, blue watermarked pap

7 black x
Nos. 5 and 7 were printed with stub to enable the [nternal Revenue
Collector to keep a record of each stamp issued by him.
26 Hand Book and Check List


Act went into effect November 1st, 1868. The stock on hand upon
which tax had been paid prior to that date was stamped with a stamp issued
for that special purpose. '

1868. Stock on Hand

Justice standing at left. White wove paper. No value.

Scene of Harve
U. S. 1 11 tenia! Revenue Stamps 27

28 Hand Book and Check List

C, gray watermarked paper.

D, blue watermarked paper.
U . S. Internal Revenue Stamps 29
30 Hand Book and Check List

es of 1886
Vessel. No value indicated. White wove paper, rouletted.
16 (no value) brown
Series of 1891
We have never seen this stamp, but it was printed by Bureau of Engrav-
ing and Printing.
17 no value ?

Re-imported into U. S. Liquor Stamps

Series of 1891
This stamp we have not seen.
18 no value ?
Distilled Spirits, Bottled in Bond Stamps
Act of March 3, 1897 provided for paying tax on Distilled Spirits, Bottled
in Bond. The stamps are known as "case stamps" with coupons attached
to be placed over cork of the bottle. These cannot be secured with the
coupons entire, therefore we list both the case stamp and the coupons.

Case Stamps
Mercury at left.
Series of 1897
White wove paper.
A, without imprint.
B, with imprint of Bureau of Engraving and Printing.
3 gal. in 240 bottles, green
3 " 120
3 48
3 24
2 4-10 12
3 12
3 6

Bottle Coupons
1-10 pt. green


Export Distilled Spirits, Bottled in Bond Stamps

Same remarks as under Distilled Spirits, Bottled in Bond applies to this
U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 31

32 Hand Book and Check List

All Rectified Spirit Stamp

U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 33

34 Hand Book and Check List

Series of 1871
Soaring Eagle. Value in corners of border.
A, white silk paper. B, violet silk paper.
2 (25c) red and black 3

1872. First Series

Eagle. Act of June 6, 1872. Violet silk paper. Xo value indicated.
3 (25c) red and black
4 (10c) green "

Series of 1875
Eagle. Green silk paper. Xo value indicated.
5 (10c) green and black
Series of 1876
Eagle. Green border with large numerals of value in center in green.
Green silk paper.
U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 35

30 100 gal., green and black
31 110 "
32 120 "
33 130 "
Those under A, B and C have date line "18—." D has date "18
also "190—." In E, F and G the date line is "190."
Series of 1910
Figures of value at left. Bright blue paper.
36 Hand Book and Check List

Series of 1910
Bright blue paper.
8 (10c), —
vSpecial Bonded Warehouse Stamps for Grape Brandy
Series of 1877
Woman with bunch of grapes in center. No value indicated.
Green silk paper.
1 (10c), green and black
Series of 1878
River and bridge view. Xo
value indicated.
A. green silk paper.
B, green watermarked paper.
2 (10c), green and black x x

Special Bonded Warehouse Stamps for Re-warehousing Grape Brandy

Series of 187 7
Woman with bunch of grapes at right. Green silk paper. No value
1 ( 10c), green and black

Re-Warehousing Stamps
Series of 1890
We have never seen this stamp.
1 ? ?

Series of 1910
We have never seen this stamp.
2 ? ?

Special Bonded Warehouse Stamps

Series of 1889
We have never seen this stamp.
2 ? ?

Series of 1890
We have never seen this stamp.
2 ? ?
Series of 1910
We have never seen this stamp.
3 ? ?

Special Stamps for Brandy Distilled from Apples, Peaches, or Grapes,

Series of 1871
Portrait of General Thomas. White silk paper.
1 10 gal., red and black
2 20
3 30
4 40
5 50
6 60
U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 37

38 Hand Book and Check List

U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 39

Series of 1883
A, green paper, perforated.
B, green paper, rouletted

blue paper, rouletted

10 cigarettes, black
x x x
6 20 xx
Series of 1891
Tax $3.00 per M. Green paper, rouletted.
7 10 cigarettes, green
8 20
Series of 1893
A, light blue paper. B, dark blue paper.
9 10 cigarettes, blue x x
10 20 " xx
1897. Provisional Issue
Preceding issue surcharged in red, "Issued under Act of July, 1897"
in two lines, reading up.
A, Space between the two lines of surcharge, 7 mm., light blue paper.
B, Space between the two lines of surcharge, 7 mm., dark blue paper.
C, Space between the two lines of surcharge, 12 mm., light blue paper.
D, Space between the two lines of surcharge, 12 mm., dark blue paper.
11 10 cigarettes, blue (on No. 9) x x x x
" " " No. 10) x x
12 20 (

Series of 1897
Dark blue paper, rouletted.
13 10 cigarettes, red
14 20

1898. Provisional Issue

The issues of 1891-1897 Provisional and 1897 surcharged in various forms.

On 1891. Tax $3.60 per M.

Surcharged in red in two lines, "SERIES OF 1898."
15 10 cigarettes, green (on No. 7)
" " (" No. 8)
16 20
Surcharged with rubber stamp in two lines, "SERIES OF 1898."
17 20 cigarettes, green (on No. 8)
Surcharged with rubber stamp in one vertical line reading up. "Series
of 1898" in violet.
18 20 cigarettes, green (on No. 8)

On 1897 Provisional
Tax $1.50 per M. Vertical surcharge (rubber stamp) in violet "SERIES
OF 1898."
19 10 cigarettes, blue (on No. 11)
Vertical surcharge, (rubber stamp) in violet "Series of 1898."
A, reading up. B, reading down.
20 10 cigarettes, blue (on No. 11D) x x
40 Hand Book and Check List

Vertical surcharge (rubber stamp) in two lines, violet, "SERIES 1898."

21 10 cigarettes, blue (on No. 11B)
Vertical surcharge (printed) in black.
A, reading up. B, reading down.
22 10 cigarettes, blue (on No. 11D) x x
Black surcharge (rubber stamp) reading down in two lines, ''SERIES OF
23 10 cigarettes, red (on No. 13)
On 1897 Issue
Black surcharge (rubber stamp) in two lines, "SERIES 1898."
24 10 cigarettes, red (on No. 13)
Red brown suicharge (printed) in two lines reading down, "SERIES OF
1898, $1.50 per M."
25 10 cigarettes, red (on No. 13)
" " (" No. 14)
26 20
Violet surcharge (rubber stamp). Series of 1898.
A, reading up. B, reading down.
27 10 cigarettes, red (on No. 13) x x
28 20
" " "( X". 14) xx
Red surcharge (printed) in two lines at bottom of stamp, "SERIES
OF 1898."
A, normal. B, inverted.
29 10 cigarettes, red (on No. 13) x x
30 20
" " (
" No. 14 xx
The 10 cigarettes A, exist with double surcharge.
Blue surcharge printed in two lines, "SERIES OF 1898."
31 10 cigarettes, red (on No. 13)
" "
32 20 (" No. 14)
This surcharge was the work of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing,
while all others were done by the various District Revenue Collectors.

On Nos. 31 and 32
The following stamps have the surcharge of the District Revenue Collector
in addition to the surcharge of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, hence
they are known as double surcharges although both surcharges are different.
Red brown surcharge (printed), reading down, "SERIES OF 1898."
33 10 cigarettes, red (on No. 31)
Red brown surcharge (printed) reading down. $1.50 per M.
34 10 cigarettes, red (on No. 31)
Red brown surcharge (printed) reading down, "SERIES OF 1898. $1.50
per M-."
35 10 cigarettes, red (on No. 31)
" " (" No. 32)
36 20
Black surcharge (printed), reading up, "SERIES OF 1898."
37 10 cigarettes, red (on No. 31):

Series of 1898
Tax $1.50 per M. Dark blue paper, rouletted, also slot perforated.
38 10 cigarettes, red
39 20
Tax $3.60 per M. Slot perforated.
40 10 cigarettes, green
U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 41

Series of 1901

Under this series anew rate of tax was made for cheap cigarettes which
sold at less than $2.00 per M. and weighed not over 3 pounds per M. of 54 cents
per M.
Tax 54 cents per M.
A, dark blue paper. B, pale green paper. C, light blue paper. D,
bright blue paper.
41 10 cigarettes, blue x x
42 20 x x x x
Tax $1.08 per M.
10 cigarettes, green
" "

Series of 1902
x x x x

Tax $3.00 per M.

A, dark blue paper. B, pale green paper. C, light blue paper. D,
bright blue paper.
45 10 cigarettes, green x x x x
46 20 " " x
Series of 1910

Stamps of the Series of 1901, tax $1.08 per M. Surcharged, "Tax $1.25
per M., Act of Aug. 5, 1909." Bright blue paper.
47 10 cigarettes, green (on No. 43)
" " " No. 44)
48 20 (

Stamps of Series of 1902 surcharged, "Tax .S3. 00 per M. Act of Aug. 5,

10 cigarettes, green (on No. 45 i

Series of 1910

Tax $1.25 per M. Bright blue paper.

49 5 cigarettes, blue
50 8
51 10
52 15
53 20
Tax $3.60 per M.
54 5 cigarettes, green
55 8
56 10
57 15
58 20

Porto Rico
Wehave seen the following with surcharge "Porto Rico" in various styles
of type: Nos. 15, 40, 41a, 42a, 42c, 42d, 43a, 43c, 43d, 44a, 45a, 45c, 52.

We have seen the following with surcharge "Philippines '
or "P. I."
in various styles of type: Nos. 42d, 44d.
42 Hand Book and Check List

Strip Cigarette Stamps

Head of woman in center. "Tax Paid" in left center oval. Imperforated.
A, white paper. B, violet silk paper.
1 500 'cigarettes, black x
Same as last issue except leftcenter oval is blank. Imperforated.
A, yellow mottled paper. B, violet silk paper
2 500 cigarettes, black x x

1872. First Series

Portrait of Jefferson in oval. Act of July 20, 1868 as amended. Per-
forated, violet silk paper.
3 500 cigarettes, black
1875. Provisional Issue
Preceding issues surcharged, "Issued under Act of Mar. 3, 1875."
A, printed surcharge.
B, rubber stamp surcharge.
C, manuscript surcharge.

4 500 cigarettes (on No. 1A)

" ("
5 500 No. IB)
" "
6 500 i No. 2 A)
" ("
7 500 No. 2B) x
" (" No. 3) x

Series of 1875
Portrait of Seward in circle. Green silk paper.
A, perforated. B, rouletted.
9 500 cigarettes, black

Series of 1878
Portrait of Clinton in oval.
A, violet silk paper, perforated.
B, green silk paper, perforated.
C, green watermarked paper, perforated.
D, green watermarked paper, rouletted.
10 500 cigarettes, black x x x x
Portrait of Clinton is found on all cigarette stamps after 1878.

Series of 1879
Green watermarked paper, perforated.
11 50 cigarettes, black
12 100

1883. Provisional Issue

Preceding issue surcharged in red, "Act of Mar. 3, 1883."
13 50 cigarettes, black (on No. 11)
" "
14 100 (" No. 12)
U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 43

Series of 1883

A, green watermarked paper, perforated.

B, gray watermarked paper, perforated.
C, blue watermarked paper, perforated.
D, blue watermarked paper, rouletted.
15 50 cigarettes, black x x
100 "
16 x x x x

Series of 1891

"Tax $3.00 per M. Green watermarked paper, perforated.

17 50 cigarettes, green
18 100

1897. Provisional Issue

Issue of 1883 surcharged in blue, "Issued under Act of July 1897." Blue
watermarked paper.
A, perforated. B, rouletted.
19 50 cigarettes, black (on No. 15) x
" "
20 100 (" No. 16) x x

Series of 1897
Blue paper, rouletted.
21 50 cigarettes, red
77 "
22 100

1898. Provisional Issue

On 1897 issue surcharged in blue, "Series of 1898."
23 50 cigarettes, red (on No. 21)
" " (" No. 22)
24 100
On 1891 issue surcharged, "Series of 1898" in red.
25 50 cigarettes, green (on No. 17)
" " " No. 18)
26 100 (

Surcharged, "Series of 1898" in violet rubber stamp.

27 50 cigarettes, green (on No. 17)
" "
28 100 (" No. 18)

Series of 1898
Tax $1.50 per M.
29 50 cigarettes, red
Tax $3.60 per M.
30 50 cigarettes, green
44 Hand Book and Check List

Series of 1002
Tax S3. 00 per M.
A, dark blue paper. B, pale green paper. C, light blue paper.
D, bright blue paper.

35 50 cigarettes, green x x x
36 100
1910. Provisional Issue
Issue of 1901 surcharged in red, "SI. 25 per M. Act of Aug. 5, 1909."
Bright blue paper, rouletted.
37 50 cigarettes, green ton Xo. 33D)
" " " Xo. 34D)
38 100
Series of 1910
Tax SI. 25 per M. Bright blue paper, slot perforated.
39 50 cigarettes, blue
40 100
Tax S3. 60 per M.
41 50 cigarettes, green
42 100
We have seen the following surcharged "Philippine Islands:" Xo. 37, 38
Customs Cigarette Stamps
Small Rectangular Stamps
Ship in center. Imprint of Bureau of Engraving and Printing. White
A, imperforated. B, perforated. C, rouletted. D, slot perforated.
black x x x x
10 cigarettes,
Series of 1903
3 10 cigarettes, black
4 20
Series of 1910
5 (no value) black
1910. Provisional Issue
The Customs stamps 1910 without value, surcharged,
for Cigars of
"Cigarettes" rubber stamp, with value.
6 400 cigarettes, black
7 500
The above two stamps are also surcharged, "Seized."
Series of 1910
Type set border. Inscriptions, "Imported Cigarettes. U. S. Customs."
White paper.
8 — black
Strip Customs Cigarette Stamps
Vessel in center. "Customs" at right with, "United States of America"
on each letter. White paper.
U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 45

A, imperforated. B, slot perforated.

1 50 cigarettes, black x
2 100
We have seen No. 2 with rubber stamp surcharge, "S," also with word
'''Seized." These were placed on packages seized at Custom Houses.

Series of 1903

White wove paper, slot perforated.

3 50 cigarettes, black
4 100
Nos. 3 and 4 have been seen with "S" surcharge. See note under 1879
Series of 1910
5 (no value)

There were no special stamps for snuff until the latter part of 1870.
Prior to that time the tobacco stamps of Class 32 cents were used for snuff.

Small Snuff Stamps

1870. Class 32 cents
One ounce 1ms head of female in large figure 1. The two ounce has
outlined profile of Lincoln repeated several times in engine turned work.
A, white paper. B, violet silk paper.
1 1 oz. black, Head of female x x
2 2 oz. " Lincoln, stars x
3 2 oz. " Rev.
Lincoln, U. S. Int. x
Xo. 2 has 13 stars on one of the profiles of Lincoln while No. 3 has
"U. S. Int. Rev." in place of the stars.

1872. First Series

Tax 32c. Portraits in center. Act of June 6, 1872. Emperforated.

A, violet silk paper. B, green silk paper.
4 § oz. black, Jefferson x
5 1 oz. " Washington x x
6 2 oz. " Hancock x x

Scries of 1X75

Tax 32c. Various portraits. "Series of 1875." Green silk paper,

7 § oz. black, Sherman
8 1 oz. " Dawes
9 2 oz. " woman seated
10 5 oz. " Mom
1 1 1 oz. '
' Madison
46 Hand Book and Check List

Series of 1878

Tax 32c. Portrait of Seward. Imperforated.

A, green silk paper. B, violet silk paper. C, green watermarked paper.

12 ^ oz. black
ABC x x
" x x
14 2
1 oz.
oz. xxx
All snuff stamps after this date have the portrait of Seward.

1879. Provisional Issue

Tax 16c. Previous issue surcharged in red. "Issued under Act of Cong-
ress Mar.


| oz. black (on No. 12)

16 1 oz. " (" No. 13) x
17 2 oz. " (
" No. 14) x x

Series of 1879

Green watermarked paper. Imperforated.

18 \ oz. black
19 1 oz. "
20 2 oz. "
21 3 oz.
1883. Provisional Issue

Tax 8c. Previous issue surcharged in red "Act of March 3, 1883."

22 \ oz. black
23 1 oz.
24 2 oz. "
25 3 oz.
Series of 1883
A, green watermarked paper.
B, gray watermarked paper.

U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 47

34 \ oz. black
1 oz.
3 oz. " xxx
1898. Provisional Issue
Tax 12c per lb. Previous issue surcharged "Series of 1898" on all values
and on the 2 oz. and 3 oz. new values are surcharged.
A, green watermarked paper, imperforated rubber stamp surcharge.
B, blue watermarked paper, imperforated, printed surcharge.
C, blue watermarked paper, rouletted, printed surcharge.
D, blue watermarked paper, rouletted, rubber stamp surcharge.
38 | oz. black (on No. 34) x
39 1 oz. " (" No. 35) x x
40 If oz. or 2 oz. " (" No. 36) x x
41 2\ oz. or 3 oz. " (
" No. 37) x
The rubber stamp surcharges exist inverted and double.

Series of 1898
Blue watermarked paper, rouletted, also slot perforated.
42 \ oz. black
43 1 oz. "
44 If oz. "
45 2\ oz. "
1902. Provisional Issue
Tax 6c per lb.Previous issue surcharged in red "Series of 1902."
46 h oz. black
47 2\ oz. "
Series of 1902
A, dark blue watermarked paper.
B, light green watermarked paper.
C, light blue watermarked paper.
D, bright blue watermarked paper.
48 \ oz. black
49 1 oz.
50 If oz.
51 2 oz.
52 2\ oz.
53 3 oz.

Series of 1910
Tax 8c per lb. Bright blue watermarked paper, rouletted and slot
54 \ oz.
55 f oz.
56 1 oz.
57 If oz.
58 If oz.
59 1| oz.
60 2 oz.
61 2\ oz.
48 Hand Book and Check List

U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 49

Series of 1879
A, violet silk paper. B, green watermarked paper.
50 Hand Book and Check List

Series of 1898

Dark blue paper, rouletted and slol perforated.

U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 51

lcco stamps of 1871 surcharged "For Snuff."
15 \ lb. black and green (on Tobacco No. 49)
16 lb. " " " (" " No. 50)
lb. '
(" " No. 51)
lb. " " " (" No. 52)
lb. (" " Xo. 53)
1^72. Provisional Issue
Tobacco stamps of 1871 surcharged "Issued under Act of Congress
approved June 6, 1872. For Snuff."
20 10 lb. black and green (on Tobacco No. 54)
21 20 II.. (" " No. 56)
1872. First Series
Special design prepared for snuff.
A, violet silk paper. B, green silk paper.
52 Hand Book and Check List

U. 5. Internal Revenue Stamps 53

Series of 1891
A, green watermarked paper. B, blue watermarked paper.
82 black and green x
x x
54 Hand Book and Check List

Series of 1910
With has been entirely changed and instead of
this issue the design
portrait of Seward there is a tobacco plant. The stamp is printed in one
color on bright blue paper.
120 * lb. black
U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 55


1868. Class 32 cents
Size about 71x45 mm. Circle in center containing views. Imprint
of Continental Bank Note Co. White wove paper, imperforated.
1 h lb. black, Negro fastening a bale
2 1 lb. Farmer smoking
3 2 lb.
Two sailors talking
4 3 lb. Planter on horseback
5 5 lb. Negro hoeing tobacco
6 10 lb. brown Indian smoking
7 20 lb. green, Girl carrying fruit
8 21 lb. black, Mechanic smoking
9 40 lb. Cooper making barrel
10 50 lb. green, Hunter resting
11 60 lb. black, Driver and horse resting
12 100 lb. green, Old man whittling

Essays of a 20 and a 100 lb. stamp exist with viev >bacco plants
in center circle.

1869. Class 32 cents

up to and including the 5 lb. about 114 x 58 mm.,

Size of the low values
and values above about 161 x 67 mm. Imprint "Engraved and Printed
5 lb.
at the Treasury Department." The 10 lb. stamp and all higher denomina-
tions have of horizontal yellow and green parallel lines across the

stamp. Thin white wove paper.

1.) 5 lb. black, Steamship
14 Ship of War
Turk smoking
Soldier resting
Woman with scroll
Woman with i

The 15 lb. lias
lb nine 1 We have seen the high values
without parallel line.-, with the green lines missing, and with lines of the
pinkish shade instead of tigi It b Lieved thai all of these varieties

are due to som chemical or atmospherical action and that the lines were

on all the stamps ginally issued.

1869. Class 32 cents

Same design p cepl the entire ground of stamp is

covered with network of I'm colored line-. White wove p
25 | lie black, pink network
26 1 11). ore'
27 2 lb. blue
28 3 lb. green
29 5 lb.
56 Hand Book and Check List

1870. Class 32 cents

Same design as high values of the 1869 issue but on white silk paper
ermarked "I. R."
30 10 lb.
31 15 lb.
32 20 lb.
33 21 lb.
34 22 lb.
35 40 lb.
36 60 lb.

have not seen all values on this paper but presume they exist, The
remarks under first set of 1869 apply also to this set.
1870. Class 32 cents
design as preceding issues without network or parallel lines, but
instead have horizontal colored wavy lines across lower part of stamp. White
silk paper, watermarked "I. R."
A, yellow wavy lines,
B, violetwavy lines.
green and yellow wavy lines.
lb. black x
lb. " x
lb. " x
lb. " x
lb. " x
lb. " x
lb. "
lb. "
lb. " x
lb. " x
lb. " x
These stamps exist with the lines removed the same as the 186') issue.
The 15 lb. stamp has nine 1 lb. coupons.
Series of 1871. Class 32 cents
Green border with imprint
of Continental Bank Note Co. Central
design in black with imprint of Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Violet
silk paper.
green and black, Hamilton
" River steamer
" Female
" Lincoln
Farmer, type I
" Farmer, type II
" Sailor
" Washington
" Richardson
" " Grant
" Mechanic
Type I wording in upper border reads, "One Dollar and Twenty Cents."'
Type II wording in upper border reads, "Ten Pounds 10 Ten Pounds."
U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 57

1872. Provisional Issue

Tax 20c per lb. Issues of 1870 and 1871 surcharged "Issued under
Act of Congress approved June 6,1872
On 1870 Issue


We know of the existence of none of this set, but they were listed as
being seen by the early collectors and we presume they do exist.
On 1871
manuscript surcharge.
58 Hand Book and Check List

Series of 1874
Same general design as No. 89 except McCullough's portrait is at upper
left corner and in place of "First Series" is "Series of 1874." Green silk
90 60 lb. green and black, McCullough
Series of 1875
Twofemales with scroll on which is inscribed "U. S. Inter. Rev. Law."
These stamps were issued under the tax of 20c per lb. and do not contain
the date of the act. Green silk paper.
91 10 lb. green and black
92 21 lb. "
93 40 lb. "

1875. Provisional Issue

Stamps of 1872, 1874 and 1875 issues surcharged 'Issued under Act
of March 3d, 1875."
On 1872 Issue
A, manuscript surcharge, violet silk paper,
B, manuscript surcharge, green silk paper,
C, rubber stamp surcharge, violet silk paper,
D, rubber stamp surcharge, green silk paper.

94 lb. on No.
95 1 lb. No. 79)
96 2 lb. No. 80)
97 3 lb. No. 81)
98 5 lb. No. 82)
99 10 lb. No. 83)
100 15 lb. No. 84)
101 20 lb. No. 85)
102 21 lb. No. 86)
103 22 lb. No. 87)
104 40 lb. No. 88)
105 60 lb. No. 89) x
We have only seen those marked with an X.
On 1874
106 60 lb. (on No. 90)
On 1875
A, manuscript surcharge,
B, red printed surcharge,
C, rubber stamp surcharge.
107 10 lb. (on No. 91)
108 40 lb. (" No. 93)
Series of 1875
Tax 24c per lb. Same as Numbers 91 to 93, but with inscription "Act
of March 3rd, 1895" added to the black part of the design.
A, violet silk paper.
B, green silk paper.
109 h lb. black and green x
110 1 lb. " " " x
111 2 lb. " " " x
U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 59

60 Hand Book and Check List

141 40 lb. (on No. 130) x
142 50 lb. ( " No. 131) x
143 60 lb. ( " No. 132) x

Series of 1879

Act of March 1, 1879. Green watermarked paper.

144 i lb.
145 1
U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 61

Type II has no ornamental dashes.

The 20 lb. exist with and without Fessenden's name below portrait.
There are two sizes of type used for Lincoln's name under his portrait. The
30 lb. exist with and without patent notice under serial number tablet.
1891. Provisional Issue
62 Hand Book and Check List

Series of 1898
Dark blue paper.
216 1 oz.
217 | lb.
218 1 lb.
219 2 lb.
220 3 lb.
221 4 lb.
222 30 lb.
223 40 lb.
224 50 lb.
225 60 lb.
The 1 oz. stamps has portrait of Fessenden and has fifteen 1 oz. coupons.
This also applies to future issuer
1902. Provisional Issue
Tax 6c per lb. Preceding issue surcharged in red "Series of 1902."
Dark blue paper.
226 1 oz.
227 1 lb.
228 2 lb.
229 3 lb.
230 4 lb.
231 30 11).

232 40 11..

233 50 1!,.

234 60 lb.
Series of 1902.
A, dark blue paper. B, pale green paper. C, light blue paper. D,
deep blue paper.
235 OZ. XXX
x xx
lb. x x
lb. x xx
lb. x x x x
lb. x x x x
lb. x
above have "190" in the date line, while the date "19" can
All of the
also be found on those under D. The 5 and 10 lb. of the last paper exist
without red control number and have "190" in date line, and the 1 oz. and
10 lb. have no red control number with date line "19."
Series of 1909
Change of design. Head of Indian. Act of April 12, 1902. No place
for control number. Deep blue paper.
248 5 lb. black
249 10 lb. "
250 20 lb. "
251 30 lb. "
U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 63

1910. Provisional Issue

Tax 8c per lb. Issues of 1902and 1909 surcharged in red "Act of August
5, 1909. Series of 1910." Deep blue paper.
On 1902 Issue
252 20 lb. (on Xo. 234)
253 30 lb. (" No. 235)
254 40 lb. (" No. 236)
255 50 lb. (" No. 23 7
256 60 lb. (" No. 238

On 1909 Issue
Deep blue paper.
257 5 lb. (on No. 239)
258 10 lb. (" No. 240)
259 20 lb. (" No. 241)
260 30 lb. (" No. 242)

Series of 1910
The low values are much smaller than in former issues. All values
had head of Indian. Deep blue paper,
261 black
64 Hand Book and Check List

A large number of the stamps are cut to shape, while most values exist
die cut. Those with full square corners are very desirable. do not We
know of the existence of a copy of No. 4, but dies and plates were made and
the stamp may exist.
Similar to last issue -but with oblong disk in place of word "stamp."
8 12k orange
9 16fc green
10 25c blue
11 33 k maroon
12 50c brown
13 $1.00 black
14 2.00 carmine
This set also exists die cut.
Square stamp with space in center inscribed "Place for cancellation."
White silk watermarked paper. Colored wavy line across center.
A. violet wavy lines. B, yellow wavy lines.
15 brown x x
orange x x
green x x
scarlet x x
blue X
black x x
Die cuts exist.
Commencing with 1871 each is dated and the central vignette
of thestamps is printed in black with frame of the colors as noted in list.
Each stamp of this series bears the plate letter and a number denoting its
position in the sheets of twenty.
A, white silk paper. B, violet silk paper. C, green silk paper.
66 Hand 5g>o& awd Check List

U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 67

Series ofjl878

Railway and harbor views in small circles.

A, green silk paper.
B, green watermarked paper.
C, gray watermarked paper.
D, blue watermarked paper.
E, light green watermarked paper.
F, light green watermarked paper.
G, bright blue watermarked paper.
3 no value, black x x
68 Hand Book and Check List

Walter W. Norton

A hydrometer is a glass instrument used for determining the specific

gravity and purity of liquids. One end is a bulb 25 mm. in diameter by 90
mm. long the stem 95 mm. long by 6 mm. The diameter, contains a graduated
zero scale, marking the depth to which it sinks into the pure liquid. Into
the bulb during the process of manufacture is inserted a label by an agent
of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue as authoritative proof of their
accuracy. All the labels are printed in black on white bond paper described
as follows: Size 77 mm. by 28 mm., the whole label in a black wavering
frame \\ mm. wide, the left taken up with portrait of Washington in an
oval frame, to the upper "Internal Revenue" over and across letters "U. S."
below "Standard Hydrometer" and underneath the fac-simile signature of
the Commissioner, at the right end the Serial date. Nos. 2 and 3 (see list)
bear the portrait of the Commissioners, all others bear portrait of Washington,
as stated. The label is quite attractive and copies have been mistaken
for shinplasters by the uninitiated. The labels are printed by the Bureau
of Printing and Engraving, in sheets of twenty, two rows of ten labels each,
and are forwarded to the manufacturer of the hydrometer stems, by the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, at Washington, D. C, on requisition,
and are inserted in the bulbs at the time of manufacture.
A letter to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing brought the following

Bureau of Engraving and Printing
January 30,. 1911.
Mr. W. W. Norton,
Lakeville, Conn.
In reply to your request of 19th ultimo for data regarding printing
of hydrometer labels, dates printed, list of different printings, number printed,
etc., I have to state that after spending considerable time, -the following
information was obtained from the records of this Bureau:
Date of Delivery to Signature
U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 69

Date of Delivery to !
70 Hand Book and Check List

The above information is valuable to those interested in hydrometers

and explains the serial letter (see list). Five numbering machines were
used in the series of 1889, John W. Mason, A. B. C. D. and E, delivery .March
30, 1891. All these machines were again used for the same series, delivery
March, 1892. Later, as occasion required new labels to be printed, the
numbering machines were used but without system, therefore we find the
Porman label with serial letter B, but No A; likewise the Scott and Wilson,
also the Capers, with C but no A or B. The following table gives number
printed from etch machine use 1:

U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 71
Hand Book and Check List

Walter W. Norton

Lock seals are used at distilleries, warehouses and breweries by the

internal revenue storekeeper or gauger, who is in charge of the plant. The
places where distilled spirits are made, drawn or stored are under his super-
vision, and as a safeguard and precaution they are locked with a peculiarly
constructed padlock so made that a paper seal or label can be inserted to
cover the keyhole, making it impossible for any one to open the lock without
punching a hole in the paper seal. Glass lock seals were used prior to the paper
seals, but as they broke occasionally in the lock, causing trouble, they were
discontinued and the paper seals took their place.
There are sixty-five collectors of internal revenue scattered over the
United States and one in the Hawaiian Islands, at Honolulu, sixty-six districts
in all, under direction of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue at Washington.
The sheets of seals printed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing are
sent out from Washington to the Collectors of Internal Revenue and by them
distributed to the different storekeeper gaugers in their respective districts.
A record is kept by each collector of the number of sheets sent, serial letter,
date, etc., and a report is made by the gauger, accounting for each seal received.
The paper seals, so far as known, are of only two designs. The smaller
seal was used from 1879-1892, size 1 x 24 mm., printed in sheets of fifty,

and are described as follows:

The words "Internal Revenue" at top and bottom respectively, the
space between taken up with red control number, at right, "U. S. Lock Seal,"
between control number and "Lock Seal" is the opening where seal fits over
slot in lock. The larger, or "Slaight" seal (so called from patentee of the
lock) series 1875, and still in use, size 18 x 48 mm., printed in sheets of fifty-four
six rows, nine in each row, are numbered from 1 to 100,000, this making
1851 full sheets of each serial letter, the 1852d sheet having 46numbersand
8 blanks, and are briefly described as follows:
At top in curved label "U. S. Int. Rev.," underneath is a rectangular
hole on either side of which are the words "Lock Seal;" under this the control
number which is repeated at bottom of the seal. The lower half of seal
is taken up with head of Liberty and over this (since 1897-8) is surcharged
the serial letter. The series run from A to Z, excepting I, J, O and Q, which
resemble the figures 1 and too nearly to be used, (Letter, Commissioner,
Feb. 3, 1910). Each seal has at the bottom a number which signifies position
in sheet and the forming of reconstructed sheets is one of the chief pleasures
of lock seal collecting. It is not known just when the serial letters were
first used, but it is known that none were used before 1892, and it is believed
that the control letter was used from 1892 to 1897 or 1898 and then the
black with series, following with green with series to ultramarine with series,
to brown with series and red as in use now (1912.) It seems to take about
three years to exhaust a series.
It was announced in 1888 that the department had decided to change
the color of the seals every thirty days, and this was carried out at first to
a certain extent, for either the color of the seal or of the control was changed
every month. There are various shades of the violet, red and orange seals,.
U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 73

but so far as known no dropped letter varieties, missing eye-brows, nor other
perplexing minor differences that the specialist in postage gets up against.
It has been observed that four varieties of paper have been used for
printing the seals: thin hard wove, soft porous wove, vertically laid, and
horizontally laid, the horizontally laid being the kind used the most. The
paper contains a watermark of the name of the paper in large letters and
some of these letters are found in some of the stamps while others show
none of the watermark.
In 1907 the Springfield Stamp Club published a list of lock seals in
"Side Lines No. 1," and I have used their numbers, as far as possible, adding
varieties found since then.

Series of 1875. Size 18x48 mm.

Color Control Number
1 Red
( (range
Red T or Z after number
Red Z before number
Blue N after number
Blue N before number
Green B D H K or V after number
Green B or K before number
Blue D H U or V before number
Red with serial letter A B CDEFGHKLM
Red with serial letter ABC E I) F G H K L
M \ P R S U V W X V Z

Red with serial Letter A B C D E F G H K L

Red with serial letter A B C I) F G H K L
Blue with serial letters

Note— Some. of the letters of Nos. 2S and 2 have not yet been found,

but were printed. All letters of Nos. 30 and 31 are known. No 32 is now
current, and new letters will appear at any time.
74 Hand Book and Check List

Series of 1879. Size 11x24 mm.

Color Control Number
U. S. Internal Revenue Stamps 75

Hydrometer Labels 68
Lock Seals 72
Food Stamps 3
Adulterated Butter Stamps 3
Export Adulterated Butter Stamps 3
Process or Renovated Butter Stamps 3
Oleomargarine Stamps 4
Export Oleomargarine Stamps 5
Mixed Flour Stamps 5
Filled Cheese Stamps 6
Fermented Liquor Stamps 63
Beer Stamps 63
Brewers' Permit Stamps 66
Exported Fermented Liquor Stamps 37
Cigar Stamps 16
Strip Cigar Stamps 16
Inspectors' Stamps 16
Tax Paid Stamps 18
Porto Rico 22
Philippines 22
Small Rectangular Stamps 25
Porto Rico 25
Customs Cigar Stamps 22
Porto Rico 25
Philippines 25
Export Cigar Stamps 25
Small Cigar Stamps 6
Small Rectangular Stamps 6
Strip Small Cigar Stamps 7
Customs Small Cigar Stamps 8
Cigarette Stamps 38
Small Rectangular Stamps 38
Porto Rico 41
Philippines 41
Strip Cigarette Stamps 42
Philippines 44
Ci --kims Cigarette Stamps 44
Small Rectangular Stamps 44
Strip Customs Cigarel te Stamps 44
Snuff Stamps 45
Small Snuff Stamps 45
Strip Snuff Stamps is
Square Snuff Stamps 50
Tobacco Stamps 8
Small Tobacco Stamps 8
Strip Tobacco Stamps 8
Square Tobacco Stamps 55
76 Hand Book and Check List

Exportation of Tobacco Stamps 54
Smoking Opium Stamps 6
Customs Opium Stamps 6
Denaturated Alcohol Stamps 37
Distilled Spirits Stamps 26
Export Distilled Spirits Stamps 29
Customs Distilled Spirits Stamps 29
Distilled Spirits Stamps, Bottled in Bond 30
Case Stamps 30
Bottle Coupons 30
Export Distilled Spirits Stamps, Bottled in Bond 30
Case Stamps 30
w Bottle Coupons < 31
Rectified Spirits Stamps 31
Wholesale Liquor Dealers' Stamps 33
Warehouse Stamps 35
Distillery Warehouse Stamps 35
Re-Warehousing Stamps 36
General Bonded Warehouse Stamps 38
Transfer for General Bonded Warehouse Stamps 38
Re-Transfer for General Bonded Warehouse Stamps 38
Special Bonded Warehouse Stamps 36
Special Bonded Warehouse Stamps for Grape Brandy 36
Special Bonded Warehouse Stamps for Re- Warehousing Grape
Brandy 36
Wine Stamps 37
Imported Wine and Malt Liquors Stamps 37
Fortified Sweet Wine Stamps 37
Fortified Sweet Wine Stamps for Exportation 37
Transfer of Grape Brandy Stamps 37
Special Stamps for Brandy Distilled from Apples, Peaches, or
Grapes, Exclusively 36
Imported Liquor Stamps 29
Re-imported into United States Liquor Stamps 30
Springfield, Massachusetts

3 9088 00672 5642

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