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A Case Study On Coca Cola Business Essay /essays/business/a-case-study-on-coca-cola-business-essay.php

Coca Cola is the largest beverage company of the world, and it provides consumers with more than
five hundred different brands. Coca Cola is the most valuable company of the world and it includes as
products Fanta, Coca Cola Zero, Powerade, and Minute Maid. At the moment the company focuses on
the having sustainable community protecting environment and having good economical development.

Company is also called an organization and it is consist of structure, policies, corporate culture which
all can become dysfunction in extremely changing business environment. Manager can make changes
in structure and policies which are difficult to change but the companys culture is extremely hard to
change. Yet adapting to the culture is often a key to successful implementation of companys new
strategies (Kotler & Keller, 2009).

Coca Cola is a carbonated drink which is used by many worldwide. The Coca Cola is Coke and it was
invented in nineteenth century by John Pemberton. The marketing strategy of Coca Cola has made it
dominant soft drink of the world. The Coca Cola is the most popular, best selling soft drink in history
and best known product of the world. Today you can find Coca Cola in any part of the world.

Mission statement
Mission statement is developed by a company which states to share managers, workers, and
customers. A clear and obviously thoughtful mission statement gives the worker with a shared sense of
reason, course and prospect(Kotler & Keller, 2009).

Coca Colas mission is to declare the purpose of Coca Cola. Coca Cola want to refresh the world and
inspire the moment of happiness and cheerfulness. Coca Cola want to create its value and make a
difference in the world.

Coca Cola the product

Goods are physical goods make up of large of most countries production and marketing efforts. Each
time of the year companys market number of caned, frozen food products, cars, television, and
machines are stronghold of the modern world(Kotler & Keller, 2009).

As economic advance or develop the growing proportion of there activities get focus on production of
services, for instant USA economy consist of seventy-thirty services to good mix. Services for instant
include working in airlines, hotels, banks, doctors, and software programmers. Many market consist of
both offering of service and goods for instant fast food company offer both service and goods(Kotler &
Keller, 2009).

The physical characteristic of Coca Cola is to focus on the needs of the customers, and get into the
market to listen or observe the customers. Coca Cola wants to process the world view and focus on its
place in market every day.

Brand name and trademark

Brand is name, term, sign, or design or a combination of all of these for making or identifying of the
goods and services of one seller or group of sellers to distinguish them from those of
competition(Shimp, 2003). Trademark is a brand of the company unique designation which
distinguishes its offering from other product category entries. Most companies have to apply for
trademark registration and some companies have single name for registration whereas other submit
multiple names. According to one survey three names are rejected for every registered name(Shimp,

Coca Cola is the winning culture of todays world and it is about the attitude of customer it wants to
capture. Coca Cola want to become a leader of market by having excellent quality and brand. Brand
image of Coca Cola is widely known and it is made up of creativity, excitement, hopefulness and
fun.Coca Cola want to be a brand which is known to the world for example if in blind test people prefer
Pepsi, however if the test is not blindthen they must prefer Coca Cola over Pepsi.

Coca Cola has well known trademark and it is recognized by many around the world. The Coca Cola
has very good business standing and it has very good status. The trademark of Coca Cola is very
simple yet bold and known to many.

Product packaging
Packaging of a brand is of course the container that protects and sells the product. Products which are
available in the store on the selves are always enclosed, boxed or packed in some way. The term
package is used in present context a soft drink bottle is a package or jewel box of a CD (Shimp, 2003).

Coca Cola is the number one brand in the world and its shape was first registered as Coca Cola bottle.
Packaging is considering least expensive type of advertising and every package is five second
commercial, we can think package as a silent sales man. Package tends to draw attention of the
customer, break through the competitor untidiness, and justify the price and value for the customer.The
company use varies packaging technique to target the customers one such mechanism is show in the
diagram below.

Packaging must insure that the product has best quality and the beverage or the soft drink remains
fresh at the time of consumption. Uniformity and reliability in the product are critical to achieve for a
company. Coca Cola should have highest standard of quality and safety of the product.

Benefit of goods
Coca Cola is a brand which promises, and it promises to achieve certain result to deliver certain
experience in certain way. This is promise is conveyed to people by everything they see, touch, or

Coca Cola as a brand touches millions of peoples heart everyday. At special occasion to formal
meeting Coca Cola is part of our life. Coca Cola brand is the special part of peoples lives. Coca Cola
as a good has cherished in many lives and given exceptional childhood memories to army action.
Thousands of people share their stories of Coca Cola with Coca Cola. The goal of the Coca should be
to provide people with active and healthy lives by offering quality beverages.

Competitive advantage
Competitive advantage, an advantage over the competitor which is gained by offering consumer the
greater value, by either lower price or by providing more benefit that justify higher price(Kotler &
Armstrong, 2008).

Competitive advantage is an ability of a company to perform in one or more ways that the competitors
cannot or will not match. A company must have a sustainable competitive advantage because it
benefits the company in longer runs. Competitive advantage gives customer advantage for example if
Coca Cola deliver its product better than any other competitors then customers will choose Coca Cola
over other companies.

Target Market
Target marketing for a brand advertising strategy and related marketing program is define in term of
demographics, geo-demographic, psychographic, or product usage characteristic for instant for a
flower shop the target market will be all customer who rarely or often purchase flower(Shimp, 2003).

Coca Cola applies the demographic factor to achieve its target market for example it advertise for
youths to like the Coca Cola in new generation terms. Coca Cola need to better understand the impact
of Coca Cola business and its value for the customer. Coca Cola works in large international chain of
retailers and other type of business to create mutual benefits. Customer look forward cost reduction of
Coca Cola and improvement of sales to give better quality for diverse group of consumers.

The Coca Colas soft drinks are essentially for all consumers but there are some areas where Coca
Cola target specific consumers. For instants Coca Cola diet is targeting the consumer whole are older
and between the age of twenty five to thirty nine. PowerAde is targeting the people who are very fit and
conduct healthy sports. Winnie the Pooh sipper cap is a Juice which is targeting children of small age
such as five to twelve. Coca Cola company advertising target primary market of age between thirteen
to twenty four, and secondary market is between ten and thirty nine of age.

Consumer consideration of Coca Cola

Coca Cola in many peoples mind is the drink of youth, and it provides refreshment no other drink can
provide. Coca Cola is liked by 200 countries of the world and each has diverse cultures.

Buy habits
Due to the large scale of Coca Cola buying habit of people are diverse for instant younger generation
want to drink it when they are with friends, and in family orientation in people celebrations Coca Cola is
widely use.

Media preferences
Coca Cola is widely advertising TV, radio, and newspapers and mostly it capture the attitude of
customers and bring a statement about life style of people. The price of Coca Cola is widely known
thus it only needs to advertise life style.

Coca Cola has different price of different product and basically depends upon brand and size. For
example Coca Cola classic, Sprite, Fanta, is AED 1 of can and bottle 375ml. Coca Cola product are
sold in petrol stations, retail stores and grocery stores. Pricing is set by those the company sells to
petrol station and grocery stores usually sell Coca Cola at a fixed price, and in retail stores different
stores apply different pricing strategy for instant with pack of six Coca Cola one Pringles free.

Target market segment

Surely the Coca Colas target market segment is growing because it is available in every place in the
world and liked by many people around the world. The market segment is also very stable because the
Coca Cola operates in big countries like China and USA and they have diverse demographic to like
Coca Cola as their soft drink.

Coca Cola operates in soft drink industry or beverage industry. Coca have large share of the industry
and it operates around the world.

Coca Colas main competitor is Pepsi which almost sell the similar product and it is in direct
competition with us. Indirect competitors are Red Bull, Vitamin C, Energy drinksetc.

Major competitors (defined in terms of sales volume, market share,

number of outlets, etc.)
Below is the USA share of the Coca Cola in soft drink industry.

Competitors advantage over Coca Cola

There are certain risk involve in long term profitability of Coca Cola company for instant people are
becoming health conscience and want to decrease the amount of calories, so it will effect Coca Cola in
some way. There is also competition in various products of Coca Cola with other companies such as
water and sports drinks. Coca Cola is addressing the risk in developed countries by introducing Coca
Cola zero product. Today Coca Cola sale in USA and Europe are sustain but in twenty years the Coca
Cola growth will be in emerging markets.

It is important fact that Coca Cola products have been stable through the economic cycle for instant the
price of Coca Cola didnt change when recession hit the economy.

Coca Colas advantage over competitors

Coca Cola is the number one selling drink and it has been doing it for many decades. Coca Cola spend
lot of money in research and development so it has survived on large economic scale. Coca Cola has
brand equity which means it is the favorable brand. Coca Cola has competitive advantage on other
company to enter its market barrier to entry, for instant there are many companies which product
similar product as Coca Cola. Coca Cola didnt file its patent whereas IBM did but both companies are
successful. Coca Cola has competitive advantage so it is making it get bigger and bigger in terms of
sales and market share. Coca Cola reputation has also competitive advantage and it is also pursuing
environmental friendly product. Coca Cola many products are recyclable and Coca Cola is also going
for the green effect.

Coca Colas internal strengths

Strength of the Coca Cola is that it is widely recognized company and its popularity is strength itself.
Coca Cola brand is easily recognized for instant its logos, color, promotions, t-shirts etc. no other soft
drink company compare to Coca Colas popularity status and for this reason people buy Coke not
because of taste but they feel it is accepted and they feel they are part of something big or unifying.
People are extremely loyal to Coca Cola and 80 percent of Coca Cola revenues come from 20 percent
of their loyal customers. Coca Cola has ability to sell the product all over the world and they will
continue to buy what they like (Coca Cola).

Coca Colas internal weakness

Coca Cola has limited number of weakness and they need to correct the weakness if they want to
achieve the excellent or next level of achievements. Strength and weakness are part of any company
because people like to say different things about the company and it creates an image of the
company.Coca Cola has produce excellent or popular product such as Coke and Sprite but it has
approximately four hundred types of drinks which are unknown to many people. There is also some
issues about health aspect of products of Coca Cola.

Coca Colas external opportunities

Coca Cola has few opportunities in its business but it has many successful brands which it should
continue to exploit. Coca Cola has opportunity to advertise less popular products because it has large
income.Coca Cola is known to 90 percent population of the world and it has opportunity to make it
closer to 100 percent. Coca Cola has opportunity to increase the gap between them and their

Coca Colas external Threats

Despite the success of Coca Cola and its dominance in market it has yet to deal with threats. Coca
Cola has to deal with the threat of attitude towards the drink as changing health consciousness of
people. Drinking habits can damage the sales of Coca Cola and decrease its popularity. Coca Cola also
need to be carefulabout the law suit it faces.

Marketing promotion strategy

Coca Cola has most popular marketing promotion strategy because its brand is widely known. To
make a successful marketing promotion strategy a company must analysis trends (internal and
external), spending throughout company, identify customer and touch point for company and the brand
and to have innovation in its promotions marketing. Coca Cola has been advertising on TV over fifty
years. Coca Cola songs and commercials are extremely popular and they have catchy mottos such as
Adds a refreshing relish to every form of exercise.

Advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, publicity

Advertising involves either mass communication by News paper; Magazine, Medias or direct
communication is between business to business customer and only the customer. Both form of
advertising are paid to different advertisers. Direct advertisement consists of traditional mail, email has
made growth in recent years to target communication and computer has this possible (Shimp, 2003).

Personal selling involves person to person communication by the sale person to inform, educate and
pursue the consumer to buy the companies product or service (Shimp, 2003).

Sales promotion is collection of all marketing activities that try to stimulate quick buyer action or quick
sale of the product and service. Sale promotions are directed at trade, consumer or both (Shimp,

Publicity is like advertising and involves non personal communication to mass people, but unlike
advertising, the companies dont pay for media time or space. Publicity is usually assuming form of
news item or article comment about companies product and services.

Promotional strategy Explanation of promotional strategy

AdvertisingThe Coca-Cola Company uses advertising as its main source of increasing consumer
awareness. It mainly uses the television. There are many television advertisements on Coca-Cola
products. This source allows the company's products to reach a large audience.The latest television
advertisement for Coca-Cola soft drinks was the 'You know you want it' advertisement. One of the older
one are ' If you drink it, you get better of life' The company also uses the radio as another source of
advertisement. This is a cheaper source of approach compared to the television.Recently, the company
benefited from its involvement in the world's celebrated games such as the Olympics and the FIFA
World Cup. Where millions were watching these games, the business had substantial advertising and
promotions of the company's brands.Thecost of advertising over the past 3 years is shown in Fig.
(11).Cost ($ mil) YearFig. (11) The Coca-Cola Company's advertising costs

Personal sellingEvery year, The Coca-Cola Company has a highly trained sales team, which acts as a
representative of the company to the retailers. This strategy helps to maintain service and product
loyalty. It has been demonstrated by the business to be highly effective.

Publicity In February 2003, Vanilla Coke was released to the media as a news brief outlining the huge
profit achieved by the business (from the Sydney Morning Herald 14th February 2003). This helped
The Coca-Cola Company to strengthen the image of the business's products.

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