ISO 9912-1-2004 Agricultural Irrigation Equipment. Filters For Micro-Irrigation. Terms, Definitions and Classification

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Agricultural irrigation
equipment Filters for
Part 1: Terms, definitions and

ICS 65.060.35

BS ISO 9912-1:2004

National foreword
This British Standard reproduces verbatim ISO 9912-1:2004 and implements
it as the UK national standard.
The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee
AGE/30, Irrigation and drainage equipment, which has the responsibility to:

aid enquirers to understand the text;

present to the responsible international/European committee any

enquiries on the interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the
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Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the ISO title page,
pages ii to iv, pages 1 to 8, an inside back cover and a back cover.
The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the
document was last issued.

Amendments issued since publication

This British Standard was
published under the authority Amd. No. Date Comments
of the Standards Policy and
Strategy Committee on
14 January 2005

BSI 14 January 2005

ISBN 0 580 45365 0

BS ISO 99121:2004

STANDARD 9912-1 tide tsriFino

First edition

Agricultural irrigation equipment

Filters for micro-irrigation
Part 1:
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Reference number
ISO 9912-1:2004(E)

Referecne unbmer
OSI 1-2199:002)E(4
BS ISO 99121:2004

BS ISO 99121:2004

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

ISO 9912-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 23, Tractors and machinery for agriculture and
forestry, Subcommittee SC 18, Irrigation and drainage equipment and systems.

ISO 9912 consists of the following parts, under the general title Agricultural irrigation equipment Filters for

Part 1:Terms, definitions and classification

Part 2: Strainer-type filters

Part 3: Automatic self-cleaning strainer-type filters

BS ISO 99121:2004

Clogging of irrigation system components and, in particular, of drip emitters, is one of the main problems
encountered in micro-irrigation. Materials causing clogging include debris, suspended particles of organic and
inorganic origin (sand, silt, clay, plastics, algae and water-borne insects), chemical deposits (calcium
carbonate and magnesium carbonate, calcium sulphate, metal oxides and metal hydroxides) and biological
suspensions (slime secretions and fibres). Severe clogging problems are often the result of a combination of a
number of these.

The effect of the clogging materials differs according to the water source (see Annex A for a list of irrigation
water sources). With surface water supplies, water quality may also vary from one season to another and with
chemical injection. In addition, clogging hazards depend on the operating conditions, pumping regime,
irrigation system and chemical injection program.

The function of the filter in an irrigation system is to remove materials from the water that can clog or
otherwise foul the various components of the system. However, under typical irrigation conditions, and in view
of the wide range of size and hardness of suspended particles in irrigation water, complete removal of all
suspended particles cannot be expected.

Moreover, under conditions of alkaline or hard water when accompanied by conditions of high biological
activity and/or high suspended organic particle content, the materials passing through the filter are liable to
coalesce in the piping system and/or in the emitters and to cause clogging. Hence, depending on the water
quality, it could be necessary to use two or more filters in series in different parts of the system to minimize

Under conditions of problematic water and high filtration efficiency, clogging of the filters themselves may
prove to be the main problem and completion of an irrigation set may be impeded due to the need for their
frequent cleaning.

Various operating methods, using either absorption or separation, are employed in order to separate and/or
remove clogging materials from irrigation water. In turn, separation can be by means of surface separation
(gravity surface separation, pressurized surface separation or self-circulating separation), centrifugal
separation, entrapment or interception.

BS ISO 99121:2004

Agricultural irrigation equipment

Filters for micro-irrigation
Part 1:
Terms, definitions and classification

1 Scope

This part of ISO 9912 defines terms used in relation to filters intended for agricultural micro-irrigation
systems in particular, pressurized systems and provides a means of classifying those filters according to
filtration method, structure, operating principle and function. It does not deal with classification according to
the type of water intended to be filtered; nor does it apply to the classification of filters for potable or domestic
water use.

2 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

process employing a permeable medium and/or spinning component to separate, from water, materials that
would clog an irrigation system, also employing a means for removing those materials from the permeable
medium or spinning component such that the capacity of the medium or component to separate the materials
is renewed

process for separating primarily large particles from water to be filtered with the object of reducing the
clogging of the filter elements and, consequently, the head loss across the filter elements

method of removing suspended particles from water, by gravity, employing gravel partitions between reservoir
basins to separate the suspended particles from the water

surface separation
method of unpressurized separation that depends on gravity and employs an inclined separating element,
such as a screen, mesh or strainer, to separate suspended particles and larger clogging material from the

centrifugal separation
method of separation that separates, from water, clogging material heavier than water and that employs a
spinning technique using centrifugal forces exerted by the filtered water, as in a hydrocyclone

BS ISO 99121:2004

method of filtration in which clogging material is captured within the interior of a three-dimensional filter

self-circulating separation
method of filtration that employs a screen, or any other suitable filter medium, and a spinning technique used
with or without flow adjustment, for separating clogging materials from water

strainer-type filter
device containing one or more filter elements, such as a screen or mesh, used for separating clogging
materials from water flowing through the device by collecting it on the surface of the filter element, or elements

debris, suspended particles of organic or inorganic origin, or other contaminants removed from water in the
filtration process

method of removing clogging material from a filter using water without removal of the filter element or,
following removal of the element, by manually removing clogging material from the filter element using water

back flushing
reverse flushing
method of removing filtrates from a filter by passing filtered water through the filter medium or over the surface
of the filter element, in a direction opposite to the normal flow of water, to remove accumulated, trapped or
separated filtrates from the filter, without disassembling the filter

continuous flushing
method of removing clogging material from a filter element by controlled continuous flow of purge water

through flushing
flushing by means of high-velocity, high-pressure flow through a discharge valve or outlet used for filters
especially designed for this type of flushing

simultaneous back flushing
flushing occurring simultaneously through all areas of the filter element or through all the individual elements
of a multi-element filter

sequential back flushing
back flushing of one or more individual filter elements functioning in parallel after their removal from service for
back flushing, frequently using filtered water from some or all of the remaining filter elements

directed jet flushing
flushing that employs a high-velocity stream of clean water directed at a portion of the area of a filter element
on the downstream side of the filter, thus causing a localized reverse flow that flushes the filtrate from a
portion of the filter element, and which then moves over the entire area of the element to progressively back
flush all of it

BS ISO 99121:2004

disposable element filter
filter that cannot be flushed or cleaned from which clogging material is removed when the filter element is

automatic flushing filter
filter in which both the initiation and the termination of discrete flushing cycles are activated automatically by
different means (pressure drop, time, volume of water passing through the filter, etc.)

semi-automatic flushing filter
filter in which the flushing sequence or cycle is manually activated, followed by automatic termination of
flushing, generally by means of time or volume of flushing water

manual flushing filter
filter constructed so that manual opening of a valve causes a discharge appropriately oriented and of sufficient
volume and velocity to flush the filter without disassembly

manually cleaned filter
filter that must be disassembled and manually washed using water to remove filtrates from the filter element

disc filter
filter in which the filter element is composed of discs with grooved or textured surfaces arranged one on top of
the other to form a stack, creating a porous space between adjacent discs within which the filtrate is trapped
or deposited

cartridge filter
filter using a media filter element held together as a single replaceable component of the filter for cleaning

filter element
component or assembly that embodies or holds together the filter medium or surface separation device that
removes the filtrates from water by entrapment or separation

strainer filter element
component of a strainer-type filter consisting of a perforated plate, screen, mesh, or a combination of these,
intended to retain clogging materials larger than a specified size from the water flowing through the

media filter element
depth filter element
component, housing or assembly containing a three-dimensional filter medium such as sand, gravel, textile,
fibres or a porous mass of bonded particles, employing entrapment as a method of filtration

filter medium
porous permeable material employed in filtration within which the filtrate is trapped or deposited

pressurized filter
filter designed for operation with an inlet pressure greater than atmospheric pressure

BS ISO 99121:2004

gravity filter
filter that does not employ pressure or a vacuum to produce a high differential pressure but in which the
driving force for filtration is provided solely by the elevation of the free surface of water contained in the filter
above the filter medium

vacuum filter
filter designed for operation in which the discharge side of the filter is below atmospheric pressure, as on the
suction side of a pump

device in which clogging material is separated from water by a centrifugal force resulting from rotation of the
water, generally by introducing the water so that it flows in a tight vortex and the clogging material is thrown to
the walls, causing the bulk of the water to exit from the chamber at the centre of the vortex and the clogging
material and the rest of the water to exit from the chamber through its apex or bottom

in-line filter
co-axial filter
filter for which the inlet and the outlet are coaxial

on-line filter
non-coaxial filter
filter in which the inlet and the outlet are not coaxial

filter housing
component of a filter that houses or supports the filter medium

media filter
depth filter
filter in which clogging material is trapped within the interior of a three-dimensional filter medium, such as
sand, gravel, textile, fibres or a porous mass of bonded particles

sand filter
media filter in which the filter medium consists of sand, gravel or other natural or synthetic particles, in some
cases employing layers of the filter medium, each of a different particle size

nominal flow rate of filtration
flow rate through a filter for proper filtration, as declared by the manufacturer

BS ISO 99121:2004

3 Classification

3.1 General

Filtration devices for irrigation water shall be classified under the following major categories and according to
any particular characteristic(s) the device possesses, as specified in 3.2 to 3.11. The intention is to cover all
possibilities for different types of devices by classifying them according to

filtration method, configuration and filter medium,

system used to remove filtrates from the filter,

method used to achieve flushing of the filter,

pressure requirements for operation of the filter,

velocity of filtration,

filter structure and flushing arrangement,

location of the filter inlet and outlet,

orientation of the filter housing,

principal material of the filter housing, and

planned location of the filter in the irrigation system.

3.2 According to filtration method, configuration and filter medium

3.2.1 Strainer-type filters Single-element filters Multi-element filters Configured-element filters

3.2.2 Hydrocyclones Single-centrifuge Dual-centrifuge

3.2.3 Media filters Sand filters Uniform-particle filters (single-media) Filters with layers of graduated particle sizes (multi-media) Disc filters Cartridge filters Other media filters

BS ISO 99121:2004

3.2.4 Integrated filters

These are filters containing two or more of the type devices 3.2.1 to 3.2.3.

3.3 According to system used to remove filtrates from filter

3.3.1 Disposable-element type filters

3.3.2 Manually cleaned filters

3.3.3 Flushing filters Manual flushing filters Semi-automatic flushing filters Automatic flushing filters, classified according to

a) method of activation:
preset times or time intervals between flushings,
pressure differential between inlet and outlet,
quantity of irrigation water passed through the filter,
other methods,
combination of methods;

b) flushing sequence:
simultaneous flushing,
sequential flushing,
directed jet flushing. Continuous flushing filters

3.4 According to method of flushing

3.4.1 Back-flushing filters

3.4.2 Through-flushing filters

3.4.3 Filters using other means of flushing

3.5 According to pressure requirements for operation

3.5.1 Gravity filters

3.5.2 Pressurized filters

3.5.3 Vacuum filters

3.6 According to velocity of filtration

3.6.1 Slow filtration (also known as low-rate filtration) velocity of filtration u 15 m/h

3.6.2 Rapid filtration (also known as high-rate filtration) velocity of filtration > 15 m/h

BS ISO 99121:2004 Continuous-flow Intermittent-flow (as interrupted for back flushing)

3.7 According to filter structure and flushing arrangement

3.7.1 Single-filter housing

3.7.2 Composite filters (filters with two or more filter housings assembled as one manifold with single inlet
and single outlet) Composite filter with mechanism for simultaneous flushing of all filter housings Composite filter with mechanism for sequential flushing of filter housings

3.8 According to alignment of filter inlet and outlet

3.8.1 In-line filters

3.8.2 On-line filters

3.9 According to orientation of filter housing

3.9.1 Filter housing axis vertical

3.9.2 Filter housing axis horizontal

3.9.3 Filter housing axis inclined

3.9.4 Filter housing axis installed in any other position

3.10 According to principal material of filter housing

3.10.1 Metal

3.10.2 Plastics

3.10.3 Other materials

3.10.4 Combination of materials

3.11 According to planned location of filter in irrigation system

3.11.1 Filter installed at supply source

EXAMPLE River, reservoir, pumping station.

3.11.2 Filter installed in water supply system (piping)

EXAMPLE On a rising main.

3.11.3 Filter installed in irrigation control head

3.11.4 Filter installed at intake of irrigation lateral

BS ISO 99121:2004

Annex A

Irrigation water sources

A.1 Surface water

Water from rivers, canals, lakes and reservoirs storing surface water. These may present significant problems
which will vary according to the type, source and degree of contamination in the water. Contaminants can be
organic (e.g. leaves, seeds, algae, eggs or larvae), inorganic (water-borne silt or clay), industrial wastes or
domestic wastes.

A.2 Groundwater
Water originating from wells, boreholes, springs and other sources. Possible contaminants are mineral (sand),
chemical (Calcium, iron, manganese and sulphur) and biological (e.g. bacteria, algae and larvae). This water
is generally of good physical quality, even though during commissioning of pumps a considerable amount of
coarse sand can enter the irrigation system.

A.3 Recycled or wastewater sources

Water from domestic or industrial wastewaters after various levels of treatment. Filtration techniques can
remove clogging materials from raw, untreated waste waters. However, the techniques cannot be expected to
remove pathogens. Additional disinfection treatment is needed if the waste waters are to be used on crops for
human or animal consumption. Partially treated or reclaimed wastewater can be suitable for irrigation if
suitable filtration equipment and waste treatment processes are used.

A.4 Multiple (integrated) water sources

Water originating from several different sources presenting potentially complex water treatment and filtration
problems, owing to the variety of contaminants and possible interactions between them. Water from multiple
sources can also cause induced pollution, i.e. development of new water organisms or deposits of varying
particle size which flow with the water as a result of the high velocities associated with high demand
requirements at peak irrigation periods. The clogging hazards vary, depending on the position of the water
inlet in the system, with the low-lying and terminal sections of the system often being particularly vulnerable to

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