Chapter # 05 Torque, Angular Momentum, and Equilibrium

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Torque, Angular Momentum & Equilibrium

1. Torque is the _______ effect produced by a force acting on a body:

a) Accelerating b) Stopping
c) Lifting d) Turning
2. Torque is a vector quantity that produces _______ in a body:
a) Momentum b) Angular acceleration
c) Angular momentum d) Linear acceleration

3. The torque due to a force F can be found by the formula:

a) = F b) = F
c) = V F d) = F V
4. The magnitude of torque is given by:
a) = rF sin b) = rF cos
r F
c) = sin d) = cos

5. Units of torque in the SI system are:

a) mS-1 b) mS
c) NS d) Nm
6. Torque is also called:
a) Moment of force b) Moment of the inertia
c) Centrifugal force d) Centripetal force
7. The shortest distance between the line of action of the force and the origin (fixed point) is called:
a) Moment b) Moment arm
c) Position vector d) Radius vector

8. For given values of F and r , the magnitude of the torque will be maximum when the angle between them is:
a) 30 b) 45o
c) 60 d) 90o
9. By convention, torques producing anti-clockwise rotation are taken as:
a) Positive b) Negative
c) Zero d) None of the above
10. Two equal and anti-parallel forces acting on a body form a _______.
a) Pair b) Couple
c) Torque d) Moment
11. If the distance between the lines of action of two forces forming a couple and having a magnitude F is L, then the m
a) F L b) 2F L
c) F L d) F L2
12. The point in a body at which an applied force produces linear acceleration but no rotation is called its:
a) Geometric centre b) Centre of gravity
c) Centre of mass d) Core
13. During the motion of a rigid body, its centre of mass describes only:
a) Translational motion b) Rotational motion
c) Vibrational motion d) Rotational and translational motion
14. The point on which the weight of a body acts is called its:
a) Centre of gravity b) Centre of mass
c) Geometric centre d) Core
15. If the gravitational field is uniform the centre of mass and centre of gravity of a body:
a) Are opposite to each other b) Lie in the same line
c) Coincide with each other d) Have no relation with each other

By Usman khan
Torque, Angular Momentum & Equilibrium
C _17. A _18. B _
16. If P is the linear momentum of a body revolving in a circle
T T g
of radius r , its angular momentum is given by:
he he units of
a) L = P b) = direction angular
of torque momentum
and in SI
angular system are:
momentum a)
is Js-1
by the:
Right hand
rule b)
b) NS
Left hand
of vector d)
c) =
None of
the above

d) =

20. The torque and angular momentum are related to each other by the expression:
1 L
a) = L t b) =
2 t
c) = L t 2 d) =
21. Angular momentum and moment of inertia are related to each other by the relation:
a) I = L b) I = L 2
c) L = I d) I = L2

By Usman khan
Torque, Angular Momentum & Equilibrium
22. The magnitude of angular momentum can be found by the expression:
a) mr b) mr 2
c) m r
d) mr2
23. The angular momentum of a particle having uniform velocity about a fixed origin:
a) Varies with its position w.r.t. the origin b) Varies with time
c) Remains constant d) Is zero
24. If a particle moves in a circular orbit with constant speed, its angular momentum about the centre of the circle:
a) Change with time b) Depends on its angular displacement
c) Remains constant d) Depends on its angular velocity
25. According to the law of conservation of angular momentum, the angular momentum of a rotating body or system of bod
the body about that axis:
a) Torque b) Force
c) Couple d) Moment of inertia
26. A diver uses the law of conservation of momentum when he curls his body while diving so as to:
a) Make his jumping time shorter b) Plunge into water at a farther point
c) Make one or two extra somersaults d) Jump into the water more safely
27. Torque is also called as:
a) Moment of inertia b) Moment of momentum
c) Moment of force d) Quantity of motion
28. The unit of torque is SI system is:
a) N-m-3 b) N-m3
c) N-m d) N-m-1
29. Spin angular momentum is a property of:
a) Planets b) Stars
c) Wheels d) Atomic and sub-atomic particles
30. If a body remains at rest or continues to move with uniform velocity, its is said to be in a state of:
a) Equilibrium b) Rest
c) Free fall d) None of the above
31. There are _______ types of equilibrium:
a) Two b) Three
c) Four d) Six
32. When an object does not change its position with respect to its surroundings, it is said to be in a state of:
a) Dynamic equilibrium b) Static equilibrium
c) Total equilibrium d) Uniform motion
33. A book lying on a table is in a state of equilibrium because:
a) Net force acting on the book is zero b) Net torque acting on the book is zero
c) Total momentum of the book is zero d) The book is lying at a certain height from
34. A paratrooper falling towards the earth is in a state of equilibrium because:
a) He experiences no gravitational force b) The air is not blowing
c) He is falling vertically downward d) Force of gravity is balanced by air friction
35. The dynamic equilibrium is described for bodies:
a) At rest b) Not at rest
c) Falling freely d) Rotating
36. The first condition of equilibrium is described mathematically as:
a) F = ma b) F = W
c) f ext = 0 d) f int = 0

37. The second condition of equilibrium is:

a) Fext = 0 b) ext = 0
c) L = 0 d) P = 0

By Usman khan
Torque, Angular Momentum & Equilibrium
38. A body is said to be in complete equilibrium if the sum of external forces and _______ is zero:
a) Momentum b) Energies
c) Torques d) Angular momentum
39. The perpendicular distance between the line of action of force the axis of rotation is called:
a) Displacement b) Distance
c) Moment arm d) Angular displacement
40. The _______ effect on a body produced due to a force is called torque:
a) Turning b) Line
c) Equal d) Moment
41. Torque is also called the _______ of the force:
a) Magnitude b) Moment
c) Changed d) Concept
42. Torque is a _______ quantity which produces angular acceleration in a body:
a) Scalar b) Vector
c) Negative d) Position vector
43. The generally formula for torque is _______:

a) T = r F b) T = I F

c) T = d) None of these
44. The torque produced by a force depends upon two major factors, the force and the _______:
a) Acceleration b) Velocity
c) Moment arm d) None of these
45. The magnitude of torque can be written as:
a) T = rF sin b) T = rF cos
r r
c) T = d) T =
F sin F cos
46. The unit of torque in SI unit is _______:
a) kgm / s b) Nm
c) N/m d) None of these
47. A force of 10N is applied on the edge of a wheel of radius 0.20m. Find the torque acting on a wheel?
a) 8 Nm b) 6 Nm
c) 2 Nm d) 4 Nm

48. The magnitude of the torque will be maximum when the angle between F and r is _______:
o o
a) 45 b) 60
c) 90o d) 120o
49. Two equal and _______ forces acting on a body form a couple:
a) Anti-parallel b) Equal
c) Positive d) None of these
50. The center of gravity of a circle lies at _______.
a) Center of the circle b) Edge of the circle
c) At diameter d) None of these
51. The center of gravity of a cylinder is at _______:
a) Mid-point of the axis b) Quarter of cylinder
c) At the top face d) None of these
52. If the velocity of a body is constant , its acceleration is _______:
a) Positive b) Negative
c) Zero d) Ten
53. The unit of angular momentum in SI unit is _______:
a) Js b) J/s
c) Kg / J d) Kg / m

By Usman khan
Torque, Angular Momentum & Equilibrium
54. The formula for moment of inertia is _______:
a) Js b) J/s
c) I = mr2 d) P = rv
55. If the linear momentum is variable, then its _______ momentum is also variable:
a) Constant b) Core
c) Angular d) None of these
56. The magnitude of angular momentum can be found by the expression _______:
a) mr2w b) mw2r
c) m rw d) None of these
57. The angular momentum about the center of the circle of a particle which is moving in a circular orbit with constant
a) Remains constant b) Same
c) Change d) Energy
58. Static equilibrium and dynamic equilibrium both are discussed under one heading is called:
a) Translational equilibrium b) Angular momentum
c) Vertical pull d) None of these
59. The body is said to be in equilibrium if all the forces and torques will become equal to _______:
a) One b) Zero
c) Four d) Six
60. The body will be in translational equilibrium only if the vector sum of all the _______ acting on it is equal to zero:
a) External forces b) All forces
c) Uniform forces d) None of these
61. The body is said to be in rotational equilibrium only if the sum of all the _______ acting on the body about any arbi
a) External torques b) External forces
c) Second condition d) None of these
62. When an object does not change its position with respect to its _______, it is said to be in a state of static equilibri
a) Static equilibrium b) Linear momentum
c) Energy d) None of these
63. The formula or representation of first state of equilibrium is _______:
a) f ext = fo b) f ext = 0
c) f ext = fy d) None of these

64. The second condition of equilibrium is _______:

a) t ext = 0 b) t ext =4
c) t ext =1 d) None of these

65. If a body remains at rest or continues to move with uniform _______ it s said to be in equilibrium:
a) Dynamic b) Static
c) Velocity d) Acceleration
66. Torque produced by a force is equal to the product of:
a) Magnitude of force and angular velocity b) Magnitude of force and displacement
c) Magnitude of force and moment arm d) Magnitude of force and acceleration
67. In rotational motion the analogue of force is:
a) Angular momentum b) Moment of inertia
c) Moment of force d) Torque
68. A force passing through the centre of gravity of a body:
a) Results only in rotational motion b) Results only in translational motion
c) Results in both translational & rotational motion d) Holds the body in equilibrium
69. The time rate of change of angular momentum of a body is equal to:
a) The moment of inertia b) Rate of change of linear momentum
c) The applied force d) The applied torque

By Usman khan
Torque, Angular Momentum & Equilibrium
70. The centre of gravity of a body is:
a) The center of the body b) The point at which the mass of body acts
c) The point at which the whole weight of the body d) None of these
71. The center of mass of a body is:
a) The center of the body b) The middle of the body
c) The point where whole weight of the body acts d) The point at which the whole mass of the
body acts
72. The angular momentum is defined as:
a) The dot product of position vector and linear momentum
b) The cross product of position vector and linear momentum
c) The product of displacement and linear momentum
d) None of the above
73. Angular momentum of a body under a central force is:
a) Minimum b) Maximum
c) Constant d) Zero
74. In rotational motion, the quantity which plays the same role as the inertial mass in rectilinear motion is called:
a) Moment of force b) Angular momentum
c) Inertia d) Moment of inertia
75. The moment of inertia depends upon:
a) Mass of the body and its radius b) Mass of the body and its angular speed
c) Angular momentum d) Mass as well as its distribution about the
axis of rotation
76. An astronaut is in space with a life belt attached to the spaceship. If the life belt is cut by accident:
a) He will fall to the earth b) He will go to the outer space
c) He will continue moving in the orbit d) None of the above
77. A car and a bus moving with same kinetic energy are acted upon by the same retarding force, then:
a) The bus comes to rest in a shorter distance
b) The car comes to rest in a shorter distance
c) Both come to rest after covering the same distance
d) None of the above
78. In a couple, the resultant of two forces is:
a) 2F b) F
c) F / 2 d) Zero
79. Which of the following is more elastic?
a) Steel b) Wood
c) Rubber d) Air
80. A stone attached to a string is being whirled in a vertical circle. The string is likely to break when the stone is:
a) At the lowest position b) At the highest position
c) At any point during motion d) None of the above
81. Impulse has the same units as that of:
a) Energy b) Work
c) Force d) Momentum
82. A body can have constant velocity when it follows a:
a) Circular path b) Rectilinear path
c) Elliptical path d) Zig-zag path
83. The planets in the solar system possess variable velocity:
a) Due to change in direction b) Due to change in magnitude
c) Due to change in magnitude and direction d) None of the above
84. A couple acting on a body will only:
a) Accelerate the body b) Vibrate the body about certain axis
c) Rotate the body about certain axis d) Keep the body stationary

By Usman khan
Torque, Angular Momentum & Equilibrium
85. Rate of work is represented by:
a) The dot product of velocity and vector area b) The dot product of force and velocity
c) The cross product of velocity and vector area d) None of the above
86. The weight of a body at the centre of the earth is:
a) Infinite b) Zero
c) Slightly less d) Slightly greater
87. The relation between angular momentum and linear momentum is:

a) L = F V b) L = r F

c) L = m v d) L = r P
88. Unit of Torque in international system is:
a) Joule b) Newton-meter
c) Newton d) Dyne-meter
89. Torque is a:
a) Physical quantity b) Vector quantity
c) Scalar quantity d) A quantity with linear acceleration
90. Torque has maximum value if angle between r and F is:
a) 60 b) 90
c) 180 d) 360
91. Torque depends only on:
a) Direction of force b) Magnitude of the force
c) Point of application of force relative to the origin
d) Direction of force, magnitude of the force and point of application of the force relative to the origin
92. The point at which an applied force produces a linear acceleration but no rotation is called:
a) Weight of the body b) Center of frame
c) Center of body d) Center of mass
93. Center of gravity of a uniform rod is at:
a) At the center of rod b) At its one end
c) At its other end d) At a point in space
94. The center of gravity of rectangular plate is:
a) At the intersection of diagonals b) At the intersection of medians
c) Both a) & b) above d) None of them
95. The center of mass of a sphere lies at:
a) Circumference of the sphere b) Center of sphere
c) Axis of the sphere d) None of them
96. The quantity mr2 is known as:
a) Momentum of inertia b) Centripetal force
c) Torque d) Momentum of force
97. Give the example of couple is:
a) Moving coil of generator b) Moving coil of galvanometer
c) Both a and b d) None of them
98. The angular momentum is defined by the equation:
a) L = mrw b) L = mrw2
c) L = mr2w d) L = mr3w
99. Angular momentum of a body under a central force is:
a) Minimum b) Constant
c) Maximum d) Zero
100. The body moving with constant velocity may be:
a) Changing in magnitude b) Changing in direction
c) In equilibrium d) None of these

By Usman khan
Torque, Angular Momentum & Equilibrium
101. If an object returns to its original position after it is slightly disturbed then it is said to be:
a) Neutral equilibrium b) Equilibrium
c) Stable equilibrium d) Unstable equilibrium
102. A body will be in rotational equilibrium only if the vector sum of all the external Torques acting in a body is equa
a) Unity b) Double
c) Maximum d) Zero
103. The moment of linear momentum is called:
a) Couple b) Torque
c) Impulse d) Angular momentum
104. When a steady torque is acting on a body, the body:
a) Continues in its state of rest or uniform motion along a straight line
b) Gets linear acceleration
c) Gets angular acceleration
d) Rotated at a constant speed
105. When a mass is rotating in a plane about a fixed point its angular momentum is directed along:
a) The radius b) Line at an angle of 45o to the plane of
c) The tangent to orbit d) The axis of rotation
106. Angular momentum of a body is defined as the product of:
a) Mass and angular velocity b) Centripetal force and radius
c) Linear velocity and angular velocity d) Moment of inertia and angular velocity
107. When a torque acting upon a system is zero, which of the following will be constant:
a) Force b) Linear momentum
c) Angular momentum d) Linear impulse
108. Example of angular momentum is:
a) The earth rotating about its axis b) A satellite orbiting round the earth
c) Wheel of a car rotating on their axis d) All of the above
109. The center of gravity is also called:
a) Centre of buoyancy b) Centre of mass
c) Meta centre d) None of these
110. If a gymnast sitting on a rotating stool with his arms outstretched, lowers his arms:
a) The angular speed increases b) The angular speed decreases
c) The angular speed remains same d) None of the above
111. The moment of inertia depends on:
a) Volume of the body b) K.E. of the body
c) Mass as well as its distribution w.r.t. axis of rotation
d) Angular momentum
112. When a torque acting on a system is zero. Which of the following will be constant:
a) Force b) Angular momentum
c) Linear momentum d) Linear impulse
113. The physical quantity which produces angular acceleration in a body is called:
a) Angular velocity b) Momentum
c) Centripetal force d) Torque
114. Torque acting on a particle with respect to origin is given by:

a) = r . F b) = r F

c) = ( r F ) d) = r F
115. Torque is a:
a) Scalar quantity b) Vector quantity
c) Physical quantity d) None of the above

By Usman khan
Torque, Angular Momentum & Equilibrium
116. The dimensions of torque are:
2 2
a) MLT-2 b) ML T
c) ML2T2 d) MLT-1
117. Unit of torque in SI units is:
a) N-m-1 b) N-m-2
c) N-kg-1 d) N-m

118. Let torque = r F . The direction of torque is:

a) In the direction of r b) In the direction of F

c) Opposite to the direction of F d) Normal to the plane containing r F

119. The angular momentum L is defined by the equation:

a) L = m v b) L = r F

c) L = r P d) L = m v r
120. The equation for angular momentum in terms of angular velocity is:
a) m2r2 b) mr2
c) mr d) mr 2
121. In rotational motion, the torque is equal to:
a) Rate of change of velocity b) Rate of change of angular momentum
c) Rate of change of linear momentum d) Change of linear momentum
122. Angular momentum is measured by:
a) rp sin b) rp cos
c) mvr cos d) mvr
123. The total weight of the body acts:
a) At its centre of gravity b) At its other end
c) At its centre d) None of the above
124. A body will be in translational equilibrium, if:
a) = 0 b) p = 0

c) F = 0 d) L = 0
125. The condition of complete equilibrium is satisfied if:
a) Vector sum of all the torques is zero b) Vector sum of all the forces is zero
c) Vector sum of all forces and all torques is zero d) Angular acceleration is zero
126. A body will be in rotational equilibrium only if the vector sum of all the external torques acting on a body is equal
a) Maximum b) Unity
c) Zero d) Double
127. A body is said to be in complete equilibrium if:
a) F = 0 b) = 0
c) F = 0 and 0 d) F = 0 and = 0
128. A body is said to be in translational equilibrium provided:
a) The first condition of equilibrium is satisfied
b) The second condition of equilibrium is satisfied
c) No torque is acting on it
d) Its translational motion is not stopped
129. Which of the following pairs does not have identical dimensions?
a) Mass and moment of inertia b) Momentum and impulse
c) Torque and energy d) Energy and work

By Usman khan
Torque, Angular Momentum & Equilibrium
130. K.E. of rotation E and angular momentum L of a rigid body of moment of inertia I are related by the relation:
a) E = b) E = 2LI
L2 E2
c) E = d) L =
2I 2L
131. If a body is moving with a uniform velocity with respect to a fixed origin, then its angular momentum will:
a) Increase b) Decrease
c) Remain constant d) First increase then decrease
132. Which of the torques given below is required to change the angular momentum of a flywheel from 15 kg m2 / s
a) 25 kg m2 / s2 b) 27 kg m2 / s2
2 2
c) 29 kg m / s d) 31 kg m2 / s2
133. The rate of change of angular momentum of a body is equal to:
a) Impulsive force b) Applied force
c) Moment of inertia d) The applied torque
134. Law of conservation of angular momentum states that in the absence of an external torque, the angular momentum of a
a) Variable b) Constant
c) Unstable d) Zero
135. Which one the following is the dimensions of moment of inertia?
a) M2L2 b) ML2
c) ML d) ML-2
136. The moment of inertia depends upon:
a) Mass of the body and its radius
b) Mass of the body and square of its distance from the axis of rotation
c) Mass of the body and its angular velocity
d) Mass of the body and its linear velocity
137. Moment of inertia is written mathematically as:
a) m2r b) m2 / r
c) mr2 d) mr
138. The linear momentum p of a body is given by:
a) mv b) mw
c) mv2 d) m2v
139. The centre of gravity of an irregular shaped body lies at:
a) The centre of the body b) The axis of rotation of the body
c) The point of intersection of lines drawn vertically from various positions of the body d) The surfac
140. Angular momentum is defined as:
a) The dot product of position vector and linear momentum b) The c
c) The simple product of position vector and linear momentum d) The produ
141. Angular momentum is defined as:
a) The quantity of matter in a body b) The quantity of motion in a body
c) The moment of force in a body d) The moment of momentum in a body
142. Angular momentum L is expressed by the:
a) mv b) r f
c) r p d) r . f
143. The magnitude of angular momentum L = rp sin is minimum if:
a) = 0o b) = 30o
c) = 60o d) = 90o

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By Usman khan

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