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Implementation of the 2nd round of

Test of 1st Point System

Passers of the first round of test will get a chance to take the second
round of test which are Skills and Competency tests. The scores of these
tests will add up, which will be the base for their recruitment. For
Competency test, those who does not have any experiences, certificates and
training need not submit any documents. However it is a mandatory for all
candidates to take the Skills Test. Any passer who fails to attend the Skills
Test will be eliminated in the roster.
12 April 2017

Supervised by the Ministry of Employment and Labor (MOEL) of Republic of Korea

Administrated by: Human Resources Development service of Korea (HRD Korea)

Cooperated by Department Of Labor and Employment of the Philippines (DOLE) and
Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA)

Candidates for 2nd round of Test & The no. to be selected(final)

- Qualifications: The Number of passers will be 1.2 times of the number of

expected people. (One should get at least 40 percent)

Industry Passers of EPS-TOPIK(Expected number) The no. to be selected (final)

Manufacturing 7,003 persons 4,738 persons

Register skills test & submit documents for competency test
a. Register skills test : The first round passers are registered automatically

b. Documents needed for the competency test

Points distribution for competency test: Total 5 pts

Who needs to submit documents: The one who passed EPS-TOPIK and have
relevant job experiences of what he/she is applying for and certificates.

No need to submit any documents if theres none.

Period of Submission : 10 ~ 12 April 2017for 3 days

Place: POEA

How: Personal submission

Items to prepare
(1) Passport
(2) Competency Assessment Application Form
(3) The verification of the documents of the competency assessment*

Documents to be
Category Details Remarks
It can be submitted when one can get
Certificate of Career by a company. The corresponding
Work Certificate of career *For foreign company, the certificate company issues it (refer
Experiences () from the recruiting agency can be to Attachment 2-2)
(Choose acknowledged.
or ) If one cannot get Certificate of Career The signatures and
Document to verify
because of the bankruptcy of the copies of ID cards of
ones employment
company or agency (for foreign two guarantors are
() company), employment history in the needed. For employment
too small-scale business, or history overseas, the
unauthorized business common in copy of work visa and
Agriculture & Stockbreeding fields, one immigration logs are
can fill in the document in attachment needed.
2-3 and submit it.
(Except relatives, two guarantors for
joint guarantee are needed)
It can be submitted when one can get
Training Certificate of training Certificate of Training course Any diploma from
Course course completion completion (including overseas courses) universities is not
Completion (original document) from the government or private permissible.
Copy of national Any overseas certificates
certificate or The Only national certificates that are based are not permissible.
original of on national system including official Any diploma from
confirmation tests can be used. universities is not
document permissible.

* The work history in Korea is also acceptable.

* Besides the format provided by HRDKorea, Certificate of career issued from EPS system is
also available.
* Certificate of Training course completion must include the names of the courses, training
hours and the contents of the training courses.
* If any of the submitted documents are found to be false or counterfeited, the test results of
the candidate will be invalidated, the candidate will be forbidden to take any EPS related
test in 3 years, and the candidate will be under accusation.

Examples of Impermissible Work ExperiencesTraining Course CompletionNational certificate

Work Experiences: Even though a candidate has a work history in the applied industry,

the work experience will be impermissible if the experience is irrelevant. Experiences in

sales, human resources, accountants, education, public service (except for technicians), ,
gas station, cookery, serving and hairdressing are not applied to Manufacture.
Exceptionally, previous instructors in the applied industry, could submit the related
documents. For example, a previous instructor of Assembly could be qualified to use the
experiences for Manufacture.

Training Course Completion: If a training course is not relevant to the applied

industry, the history is impermissible. For example, nursing, accountant raising, and
leadership development course are not permissible.

National Certificates: If a national certificate is not relevant to the applied industry, the

candidate couldnt submit Copy of national certificate or The original of confirmation

document. For example a driving license, language certificates, vocational licenses
(medical, pharmacist and lawyers license) are not permissible.

Registration fee : Free of charge

Announcement of Test venue & date

Announcement date: 9 May 2017 / Tuesday

Find the time & location at: POEA site

Date of the skills test (planned): 25 May ~ 1st June 2017 [for 8 days]

To help you understand your Skills test scores, scoring guide will be posted.

Implementation of Skills test

Date of the skills test(planned): May. 25 ~ Jun. 1, 2017 [for 8 days]

Session Orientation Duration of the exam

Session1 08:30 09:00 09:00 11:30

Session2 12:30 13:00 13:00 15:30

You cannot reschedule your test date & venue and please be reminded that the person

who arrives later than stated time will not be able to take the test.
Documents submitted for the competency test will be verified again when interviewing

for Skills test. If document is proven to be falsified, test will be null and void and person
will not be able to take the test for 3 years. (Person will be reported to the authorities)

Result notifications
Date: 14th June 2017 / Wednesday

- View your test scores online: Access EPS homepage (supports multi
language) and create your account to view your test scores

- Valid period of the results: 2 years from the date of the announcement
(Jun. 14, 2017 ~ Jun. 13, 2019)
Composition of the 2nd round of test

Competency test(Adding Points)

EPS- Skills One who

Industry Score One who has
TOPIK test completed
Experien government
Total vocational
ced issued

Manufacture 200pts 100pts 100pts 5pts 3pts 1pts 1pts

Skills Test: Three parts ( Physical strength, experiences & interview,

Basic skills) constitute the test.

- Basic Skills Test: As the new tasks has been added to test ones competency,
candidates will select the sub category of each industry they were applying for.
Manufacturing: Select one of categories as assemble, measures, join

- Physical Test: Physical examination on finger, disk, and color blindness will
primarily be tested during the course of skills test.

Even if one with color blind took the test, the test will be null and void.

Score distribution for each industry

Skills test
Industry Total
(Skills test) score Physical
Interview Basic skills
Manufacture 100 30 30 40

Things to be aware of

1. Test date and venue for each applicant will be announced on 9 May
2017 / Tuesday and please refer to the announcement on the date.

2. You cannot change the designated test date and venue and no one is
allowed to enter the venue after the designated entry time. No
admittance to anyone who arrives after the designated entry time.

3. No admittance to anyone did not bring their Passport.

4. If one havent chosen the sub category, it will randomly be chosen.

5. We recommend you to pay special attention to your safety during

the test. You are entirely responsible for any accidents caused by
your negligence.

6. The tools and equipment for the test will be prepared at the venue,
so it is not required for applicant to bring any tools or equipment
(except for a Passport and an admission ticket).

7. It is recommended to wear comfortable and neat clothes that cause

no inconvenience in the Skills Test.

8. You will get zero point in case of cheating during the test.
Dishonesty act includes, but not limited to cheating on an exam.
Failure to maintain integrity on an exam will result in a loss of test
taking chance for 3 years.

- Relevant documents for competency test will be verified three times in the
process of test period. If the documents submitted are proven to be falsified,

test will be null and void and the person cant apply for EPS-TOPIK for 3


9. Please check the contents of the Task Instructions, announced with

this, and prepare to get good result from the test.

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