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Honest Elections City of Portland Charter Amendment

June 22, 2017

Whereas, the people of City of Portland nd that limiting large contributions and
expenditures in political campaigns would strengthen democratic institutions, avoid
the reality and appearance of corruption, enhance public condence in government,
and reduce the cost of running for office, thereby enabling a greater diversity of
persons to seek public office.

A new Section 3-107 to the City of Portland Charter, shall read as follows:

1. Contributions in City of Portland Candidate Elections.

a. An Individual or Entity may make Contributions only as specically allowed

to be received in this Section 3-107.

b. A Candidate or Candidate Committee may receive only the following

Contributions during any Election Cycle:

(1) Not more than ve hundred dollars ($500) from an Individual or a
Political Committee other than a Small Donor Committee;

(2) Any amount from a Small Donor Committee;

(3) No amount from any other Entity.

c. Individuals shall have the right to make Contributions by payroll deduction

by any private or public employer upon the employer s agreement or if
such deduction is available to the employees for any other purpose.

2. Expenditures in City of Portland Candidate Elections.

a. No Individual or Entity shall expend funds to support or oppose a

Candidate, except those collected from the sources and under the
Contribution limits set forth in this Section.

b. An Entity shall register as a Political Committee under Oregon law within

three (3) business days of making aggregate Independent Expenditures
exceeding $750 in any Election Cycle to support or oppose one or more
Candidates in any City of Portland Candidate Election.

c. Only the following Independent Expenditures are allowed per Election

Cycle to support or oppose one or more Candidates in any particular City
of Portland Candidate Election:

(1) An Individual may make aggregate Independent Expenditures of not

more than ve thousand dollars ($5,000).

(2) A Small Donor Committee may make Independent Expenditures in
any amounts from funds contributed in compliance with Section 1

(3) A Political Committee may make aggregate Independent Expenditures

of not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000), provided that the
Independent Expenditures are funded by means of Contributions to
the Political Committee by Individuals in amounts not exceeding ve
hundred dollars ($500) per Individual per year.

3. Timely Disclosure of Large Contributions and Expenditures.

a. Each Communication to voters related to a City of Portland Candidate

Election shall prominently disclose the true original sources of the
Contributions and/or Independent Expenditures used to fund the
Communication, including:

(1) The names of all Political Committees and other Entities that have
paid to provide or present it; and

(2) For each of the largest ve Dominant Contributors to each such
Political Committee or Entity in the current Election Cycle:

(a) The name of the Individual or Entity providing the Contribution.

(b) The types of businesses from which the maker of the

Contribution or Independent Expenditure has obtained a majority
of income over the previous 5 years, with each business
identied by the name associated with its 6-digit code of the
North American Industry Classication System (NAICS).

(3) For each of the largest ve Dominant Independent Spenders paying
to provide or present it:

(a) The name of the Individual or Entity providing the Independent


(b) The types of businesses from which the maker of the

Independent Expenditure has obtained a majority of income over
the previous 5 years, with each business identied by the name
associated with its 6-digit code of the North American Industry
Classication System (NAICS).

b. If any of the ve largest Dominant Contributors or Dominant Independent

Spenders is a Political Committee or nonprot organization, the prominent
disclosure shall include its top three funders during the current Election

4. Coordination with Public Funding of Campaigns.

a. A Candidate or Candidate Committee may receive during any Election

Cycle any amount provided by a system of Public Funding of Campaigns.

b. Any Candidate participating in a system of Public Funding of Campaigns

may accept Contributions of not more than two hundred fty dollars ($250)
from an Individual during any Primary Election Period or General Election

c. Any Contribution to a Candidate or Candidate Committee from a Small

Donor Committee shall be attributed ratably to the Individuals whose
Contributions to the Small Donor Committee enabled its Contribution to the
Candidate or Candidate Committee.

5. Implementation and Enforcement.

a. The provisions of this Section shall be implemented by ordinance to be

operative not later than September 1, 2019.

b. Each violation of any provision in this Section shall be punishable by

imposition of a civil ne which is not less than two nor more than twenty
times the amount of the unlawful Contribution or Expenditure or
Independent Expenditure.

6. Adjustments.

All dollar amounts shall be adjusted on January 1 of each odd-numbered year to

reect an appropriate measure of price ination, rounded to the nearest dollar.

7. Severability.

For the purpose of determining constitutionality, every section, subsection, and

subdivision thereof of this Section, at any level of subdivision, shall be evaluated
separately. If any section, subsection or subdivision at any level is held invalid,
the remaining sections, subsections and subdivisions shall not be affected and
shall remain in full force and effect. The courts shall sever those sections,
subsections, and subdivisions necessary to render this Section consistent with
the United States Constitution and with the Oregon Constitution. Each section,
subsection, and subdivision thereof, at any level of subdivision, shall be
considered severable, individually or in any combination.

8. De nitions.

Unless otherwise indicated by the text or context of this Section, all terms shall
have the denitions at Chapter 260 of Oregon Revised Statutes, as of
November 8, 2016. Terms found therein or dened below are capitalized in this

a. "Candidate" has the meaning set forth at ORS 260.005(1).

b. "Candidate Committee" has the meaning set forth at ORS 260.039 -

260.041, as of November 8, 2016, for the term "principal campaign

c. "City of Portland Candidate Election" means an election, including a

primary election, to select persons to serve (or cease serving) in public
offices of City of Portland.

d. "Communication" means any written, printed, digital, electronic or

broadcast communications but does not include communication by means
of small items worn or carried by Individuals, bumper stickers, signs
smaller than 6 square feet, or a distribution of ve hundred (500) or fewer
substantially similar pieces of literature within any 10-day period.

e. "Contribution" has the meaning set forth at ORS 260.005(3) and 260.007,
as of November 8, 2016, except it does not include (1) funds provided by
government systems of public funding of campaigns or (2) providing
rooms, phones, and internet access for use by a candidate committee free
or at a reduced charge.

f. "Dominant Contributor" means any Individual or Entity which contributes

more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) during an Election Cycle to a
Candidate Committee or Political Committee.

g. "Dominant Independent Spender" means any Individual or Entity which

expends more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) during an Election Cycle
to support or oppose a particular Candidate.

h. "Election cycle" means:

(1) Generally, the period between an election at which a candidate is

elected and the next election for that same office, disregarding any
intervening primary or nominating election, any recall election, or any
special election called to ll a vacancy.

(2) For any recall election: the period beginning the day that the recall
election is called or declared and ending at midnight of the day of the
recall election.

(3) For any special election called to ll a vacancy: the period beginning
the day that the special election is called or declared and ending at
midnight of the day of the election.

i. "Entity" means any corporation, partnership, limited liability company,

proprietorship, Candidate Committee, Political Committee, or other form of
organization which creates an entity which is legally separate from an

j. "Expenditure" has the meaning set forth at ORS 260.005(8) and 260.007,
as of November 8, 2016, except that it does not include Communication to

its members, and not to the public, by a Membership Organization not
organized primarily for the purpose of inuencing the outcome of contests.

k. "General Election Period" means the period beginning the day after the
biennial primary election and ending the day of the biennial general

l. "Individual" means a citizen or resident alien of the United States entitled

to vote in federal elections; however, when this Section expresses a
limitation or prohibition, "Individual" means any human being.

m. "Membership Organization" means an incorporated or unincorporated

nonprot organization having members who pay dues or affirmatively
choose to join and support the organization.

n. "Primary Election Period" means the period beginning on the 21st day after
the preceding biennial general election and ending the day of the biennial
primary election.

o. "Prominently Disclose" means:

(1) The Communication shall state:

(2) The disclosure shall be:

(a) Current to within ten (10) days of the printing of printed material
or within ve (5) days of the transmitting of a video or audio
communication; and

(b) Comprehensible to a person with average reading, vision, and

hearing faculties, with:

(i) any printed disclosure appearing in type not smaller than 8


(ii) any video disclosure remaining readable on the regular

screen (not closed captioning) for a sufficient time to be
read by a person with average vision and reading ability;

(iii) any auditory disclosure spoken at a maximum rate of ve

words per second.

p. "Public Funding of Campaigns" means a system of providing funds from

one or more government sources to qualifying candidates pursuant to
legislation adopted by a public body.

q. "Small Donor Committee" means a Political Committee which cannot

accept Contributions in amounts exceeding one hundred dollars ($100) per
Individual contributor per calendar year.

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