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D2J7-CEC Master of Science in Civil Engineering and Construction Management

Programme Code: D2J7-CEC
Department: Civil Engineering
Main Award: MSC - Master of Science
Full Award Title: Master of Science in Civil Engineering and Construction Management
Level: Postgraduate Taught

Edinburgh Y Scottish Borders N Orkney N
Dubai Y Malaysia Y Approved Learning Partner Y
Independent Distance Learners Y Collaborative Learning Partner N Other N

Programme Code Award Title
D2J0-ZZZ PGCERT Postgraduate Certificate in Civil Engineering and Construction
D2J5-CEC PGDIP Postgraduate Diploma in Civil Engineering and Construction
D2J7-CEC MSC Master of Science in Civil Engineering and Construction




Understanding, Knowledge and Cognitive Skills

Students should demonstrate an ability to:

1. Acquire advanced knowledge of modern civil engineering practiceincluding project

management and construction management skills
2. Acquire expert knowledge in their chosen field of specialisation within Civil Engineering
3. Develop the applied mathematical skills required by professional engineers
4. Gain a comprehensive understanding and knowledge of the concepts, principles and
theories of specialist technical issues to meet to their professional aspirations
5. Transfer problem-solving skills to a variety of contexts and multidisciplinary scenarios
6. Apply engineering technical and management skills to solve practical Civil Engineering and
Construction Management problems

Scholarship, Enquiry and Research (Research Informed Learning)

Students should be able to:

1. Develop their abilities to research unfamiliar technical issues

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D2J7-CEC Master of Science in Civil Engineering and Construction Management

2. Demonstrate an understanding of technical advances in the field of Civil Engineering

3. Undertake personal management of complex project-based activities
4. Transfer technical knowledge to application in new and diverse situations and in the
analysis of novel problems
5. Provide professional leadership when required by technical responsibility
6. Apply numerical and analytical problem-solving skills and engineering knowledge in a
variety of Civil Engineering related contexts


Industrial, Commercial and Professional Practice

Students should demonstrate an ability to:

1. Appreciate the professional roles of the Civil Engineer in the construction of the Built
2. Provide technical expertise and leadership within the working environment
3. Relate their work to international policy, standards and legislation
4. Progress towards Chartered Engineer status, where appropriate
5. Develop and provide the project management leadership skills required through their
professional activities in the field of Civil Engineering
6. Develop an appreciation for sustainability and ethics issues associated with the Civil
Engineering industry

Autonomy, Accountability and Working With Others

Students should be able to:

1. Work effectively remotely, plan and execute their learning programme, and decide when to
take courses and examinations
2. Interact constructively with academic staff, IDL tutors and with other students in the Built
Environment through discussion boards, email, etc.
3. Take responsibility for setting objectives, planning and managing research projects in
conjunction with an academic supervisor
4. Understand the implication of Civil Engineering activity for the sustainable development of
5. Experience an international perspective on engineering and engineering education
6. Develop a professional attitude to the social, environmental and professional
responsibilities of Civil Engineers

Communication, Numeracy & Information and Communications Technology

Students should be able to:

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D2J7-CEC Master of Science in Civil Engineering and Construction Management

1. Solve mathematic problems relating to Civil Engineering the majority of taught courses
require a high level of numeracy to complete them successfully
2. Critically analyse more qualitative problems
3. Clearly and concisely report results from research activities
4. Apply IT and specialist software effectively in analysis, design and communication activities
5. Reach considered and justifiable decisions in a technical environment
6. Develop project and time management skills to an advanced level


This Civil Engineering and Construction Management postgraduate programme provides students with
a higher degree in Civil Engineering and Construction Management. The programme is based on a
mix of Construction Management and Civil Engineering course options designed to provide the
student flexibility in gaining in depth knowledge of a relatively broad range of topics within Civil
Engineering and Construction Management. Students must complete 2 Construction Management
courses and at least five technical courses related to structural, water and geotechnical engineering
themes. In addition to this, the students must complete a technical research project (dissertation). All
students on this programme are either studying on-campus or by distance learning. At masters level,
these students are expected to take a large degree of responsibility for their own studies. On Campus
students are provided with lectures, tutorials, laboratory sessions and seminar activities wherein
personal knowledge and team working activities can be undertaken. Distance learning students rely
on the provision of practical study guides, detailed course texts (or a required text book) and/or
comprehensive lecture notes, tutorial examples and fully worked solutions through the Virtual Learning
Environment (VLE). Communication with academic staff, dedicated IDL tutors and other students is
either provided through the VLE in the form of email, discussion groups, or other tools (e.g. blogs,
wikis). Students are also encouraged to participate in discussion with other students and more
experienced work colleagues. Courses will usually include objectives, theory, applications in the real
world, worked examples and exercises that usually form part of the formative assessment and
feedback for the individual courses. Some courses also have a coursework component to address a
deeper level of understanding of more complex and lengthy problems or where practical software
applications are required.

Approaches to teaching and learning are continually reviewed and developed with the aim of matching
them to the abilities and experiences of students, with regard also for the subject area. Industry
feedback on course content is also used in the updating and improvement of all courses. Specific
details about teaching and learning methods are provided in the appropriate course descriptors.



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D2J7-CEC Master of Science in Civil Engineering and Construction Management

The overall programme aim is to provide the necessary academic training, knowledge, skills and
personal qualities to allow graduate engineering students to work within the Civil Engineering industry
at the highest possible technical levels and facilitate their career progression towards Chartered
Engineer status. The programme gives graduates the inter-disciplinary knowledge necessary to
undertake complex engineering and management tasks in a board range of general and specialised
Civil Engineering and Construction Management topics of direct relevance to industry. The broad
educational aims of the civil and structural engineering programmes may be defined within the context
of the educational requirements of UKSPEC (2013 ed.) as detailed below.

Knowledge & Understanding

1. Ensure students have an advanced and specialist knowledge of their chosen area of
expertise in the field of Civil Engineering
2. Ensure students have an understanding of the legislative framework within which they
operate at a national and international level
3. Provide students with a sound understanding of the relationship between their professional
activities and the sustainability of society in the future
4. Equip students with critical awareness of current problems relevant to the field of Civil
Engineering and Construction Management and provide them with the necessary
understanding and experience of complex multidisciplinary concepts of direct relevance to
industry practice

Intellectual Abilities

1. Ensure students have the creative and innovative skills to synthesise theory when
formulating solutions.
2. Equip students with a critical awareness of, and exposure to, current practices within the
field of Civil Engineering and Construction Management, as well as an appreciation of how
this practice is evolving.
3. Improve the student's problem-solving and conceptual skills and their ability to apply such
skills to solve real design and decision problems
4. Equip students with the ability to apply knowledge and understanding over a range of
scales to an appropriate level of detail

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Practical Skills

1. Provide students with the ability to undertake personal research into a variety of general
and specialised topics within the field of Civil Engineering and Construction Management
2. Provide students with the management skills required by modern built environment
3. Build upon the abilities of the students to undertake complex engineering projects of a
multidisciplinary nature and of direct relevance to industry
4. Ensure all students demonstrate the ability to undertake a major individual project
5. Ensure students develop an awareness of the Civil engineering industry and facilitate
development of their own professional competencies within this industry

General Transferrable Skills

1. Match a professional and technical education to the needs and aspirations of individuals
2. Provide professional engineers with a qualification that enables them to progress their
careers (e.g. towards Chartered Engineer status)
3. Produce high quality graduate students with the personal and communication skills
necessary to succeed in their profession at the highest technical level
4. Equip students with the opportunity to apply and improve their problem solving abilities, as
well as in the effective use of general IT and information retrieval skills.
5. Give students experience of data collection and analysis, the use of tools to support
analysis and consideration of uncertainty.


The programme uses a range of assessment types.

Coursework is used to develop problem solving skills, to demonstrate mastery of techniques taught as
part of the course that would be too lengthy to undertake as exam questions or where software
applications are required. Coursework also helps develop professional report writing skills with
emphasis on correct report structure, writing style, resume, and referencing. All courses have some
form of formative assessment that provide self, peer or staff feedback as required.

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Examinations make up the majority of summative assessment as these are the best way to be certain
of testing the capabilities of the individual student against the course aims

Each student progressing to the MSc dissertation will be required to demonstrate good research skills
and a deeper level of critical thinking and analysis than can be assessed by exam

An academic supervisor will be assigned to each student throughout the duration of their project.

Approaches to assessment are continually reviewed. Specific details about methods of assessment
are provided in the appropriate course descriptors.

Mandatory Courses
Coll. Partner







Code CourseTitle
X 1 1 B D21RZ Research Dissertation (Civil 60 11
X 1 2 B D21RZ Research Dissertation (Civil 60 11
X X X X X 1 3 B D21RZ Research Dissertation (Civil 60 11

Optional Courses
Coll. Partner







Code CourseTitle
X X X X X 1 1 A D21GG Ground Engineering 15 11
X X X X X 1 1 A D31PT Project Management: Theory and 15 11
X X X X 1 2 A D21FE Foundation Engineering 15 11

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D2J7-CEC Master of Science in Civil Engineering and Construction Management

X 1 2 A D21SB Design and Analysis of Tall Steel 15 11

X X X X 1 2 A D21SR Safety, Risk and Reliability 15 11
X X X X 1 2 A D21UD Urban Drainage and Water Supply 15 11
X 1 2 A D21WA Water Supply System Analysis 15 11
X X X X X 1 2 A D31CG Construction Financial Management 15 11
X X X 1 1 B D21EG Environmental Geotechnics 15 11
X X X X 1 1 B D21EH Environmental Hydrology and Water 15 11
X X X X X 1 1 B D21EQ Earthquake Engineering 15 11
X X X X 1 1 B D21ST Sustainability in Civil Engineering 15 11
X X X X X 1 1 B D31VR Value and Risk Management 15 11
X X X X 1 2 B D20DT Analysis of Indeterminate Structures 15 10
X X 1 2 B D21MW Marine Wastewater Discharges 15 11
X X X X X 1 2 B D21WW Water and Wastewater Treatment 15 11
X X X X 1 2 B D31PS Project Management: Strategic 15 11


8 taught courses - all optional - (plus Research Dissertation for MSc)

The following are listed as technical options the students must select a minimum of 5:

D21GG, D21EQ, D21EH, D21FE, D21SR, D21UD, D20DT, D21WW, D21MW, D21WA & D21SB

The following are listed as non-technical CPM options the students can select a minimum of 2:
D31CG, D31PT, D31VR & D31PS

The following are listed as non-technical options the students can select a maximum of 1: D21EG &

Mandatory Credits 0
Optional Credits 120
Elective Credits 0
Dissertation Credits 60
Total 180


Awards, Credits and Levels
Overall Credits Specific Requirements
Masters Degree 180 180 SCQF credits including a minimum of 150 credit at Level 11
Postgraduate Diploma 120 120 SCQF credits including a minimum of 90 credit at Level 11
Postgraduate Certificate 60 60 SCQF credits including a minimum of 40 credit at Level 11

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D2J7-CEC Master of Science in Civil Engineering and Construction Management

Award Requirements
Total Course Overall Overall Basis of Overall Mark/Grade
Passes Mark Grade
Master (Distinction) Credit Weighted Average greater than or equal 70%
70 A over 8 courses at grades A-C plus a Research
Dissertation at grade A.
Master Credit Weighted Average greater than or equal 50%
50 C over 8 courses at grades A-D plus a Research
Dissertation at minimum grade C.
Diploma (Distinction) Credit Weighted Average greater than or equal 70%
8 70 A
over 8 courses at grades A-C
Diploma Credit Weighted Averagegreater than or equal 40%
8 40 D
over 8 courses at grades A-E
Certificate Credit Weighted Average greater than or equal 40%
4 40 D
over 4 courses at grades A-E

IN MONTHS Full-time Part-time
Masters 12 24
Diploma 9 15
Certificate 6 12


1. A student who has been awarded a Grade E or F in a course may be re-assessed in that course. A
student who has been
awarded a Grade D in a course my be re-assessed in that course in order to proceed to or be eligible
to receive the award of
2. A student shall be permitted only one re-assessment opportunity in a maximum of three taught
courses. The opportunity for
re-assessment in four or more taught courses shall be at the discretion of the Progression Board.
3. Any further re-assessment opportunities in a course will require the approval of the Postgraduate
Studies Committee.
4. A student may be permitted, at the discretion of the Progression Board, to be re-assessed in the
dissertation, project or other
supervised research component of the course of study.

In accordance with University Regulations, to progress to Masters level a minimum of Grade C is required

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