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Visayan Cebu Terminal vs CIR

Facts: Visayan Terminal Co. Inc., is a corporation organized for the

purpose of handling arrastre operations in the port of Cebu.Visayan
Terminal filed its income tax return for 1951 reporting a gross income
of P420,633.40 and claimed deductions amounting to P379,036.95, leaving
a net income of P41,596.45 on which it paid income tax in the sum of

The said sums of P2,375.00, P75,855.88 and P6,300.00, representing

salaries, representation expenses and miscellaneous expenses,
respectively, or a total of P84,530.88, were disallowed by the Collector
of Internal Revenue, thus giving rise to a deficiency assessment of

The Collector modified the deficiency income tax assessment by allowing

the deduction from appellant's gross income of the salary of Juan
Eugenio Lo in the sum of P1,875.00 and miscellaneous expenses amounting
to P532.00, at the same time maintaining the disallowance of the full
amount of P75,855.88 as representation expenses.

Issue: Whether or not the representation taxes can be deducted from the
gross income?



Representation expenses fall under the category of business expenses

which are allowable deductions from gross income if they meet the
conditions prescribed by law", particularly Section 30(a) (1) of the
National Internal Revenue Code; that, to be deductible, said business
expenses must "ordinary and necessary expenses paid or incurred in
carrying on any trade or business"; that those expenses "must also, meet
the further test of reasonableness in amount", this test being "inherent
in the phase `ordinary and necessary'"; that some of the representation
expenses claimed by appellant had been evidenced by vouchers or chits,
but others were reimbursed "without presentation of supporting papers;
that the aforementioned vouchers or chits were allegedly "destroyed when
the house of Buenaventura M. Veloso, treasurer of appellant, where the
records were kept was burned"; that, accordingly, "it is not possible to
determine the actual amount covered by supporting papers and the amount
without supporting papers"; that the court should, therefore, "determine
from all available data the amount properly deductible as representation
In this case, it appears: (a) that part of the alleged representation
expenses had never had any supporting paper; (b) that the vouchers and
chits covering other representation expenses had been allegedly
destroyed; (c) that there is no documentary evidence on record of any of
the representation expenses in question; (d) that no testimonial
evidence has been introduced on any specific item of said alleged
expenses; (e) that there is no more than oral proof to the effect that
payments had been made to appellant's officers for representation
expenses allegedly made by the latter and about the general nature of
such alleged expenses; (f) that the gross income in 1950 exceeded the
gross income in 1951 and 1952, and (g) that the representation expenses
in 1948 amounted to P500 only.

There being absolutely no concrete evidence of the sums then actually

spent for purposes of representation. It may not be amiss to note that
the explanation to the effect that the supporting paper of some of those
expenses had been destroyed when the house of the treasurer was burned,
can hardly be regarded as satisfactory, for appellant's records are
supposed to be kept in its offices, not in the residence of one of its

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