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Correo, Esther M.

March 4, 2017
Legal Techniques and Logic

My Court Obsevation on Criminal Proceedings

MTC Branch 89, Paraaque City

My report in court room observation focuses on criminal cases within the jurisdiction of
the Municipal Trial Court (MTC) Branch 89 of Paraaque City of the Hon. Presiding Judge
Harold Cesar Huliganga. It was my first time to attend a Trial court and therefore I was filled
with anticipation.

The cases I witnessed myself was easy to follow. It involves theft of a thing equivalent to
P500.00, a man slapped by a woman which constitutes the crime of slander by deed, a woman
who issued several bouncing checks which violated the provision of Batas Pambansa Blg. 22, a
man who threatens to kill another man or grave threat. I was surprised at how simple the facts of
the cases were. But the aspect that surprised me from my visit is the minimal use of precedent.

I was also able to witness how the Arraignment works. Arraignment is the first time the
defendant appears in court. At the arraignment, the judge tells the defendant: What the charges
are; What his or her constitutional rights are; That if he or she does not have money, the court
will appoint a lawyer free of charge. The defendant may respond to the charges by entering a
plea. Common pleas include guilty or not guilty.

In reference to legal skill, all lawyers were able to present their legal points. Legal skills
refer to effective research, communication and organization skills. All parties seemed to be fully
prepared. Another important matter that I have observed was the role of Prosecuting Attorney,
they were asking all the points that must be covered that they think is relevant to the case, known
as Direct Examination.
After hearing from the witness and the attorneys, the judge will set a day and time to
announce the sentence or another scheduled hearing. These hearings can be held the same day, or
it can be days, weeks, even months later. The role of the Judge is the most critical, demanding
and challenging than anyone inside the Court. It can be nerve-racking to speak in public, as well
as in a courtroom nonetheless the pressure to render judgement according to the best of his
knowledge and discretion that involves the punishment he thinks that is reflective of the crime
committed. I also came to know that if the alleged perpetrator is acquitted, it does not mean that
the person is innocent or that the judge does not believe the other partys story. Rather, it means
that there is not enough evidence to make either decision beyond reasonable doubt.
This experience is somehow an eye-opener for me on what the real deal is after Law
School. The end of a trial may bring a sense of relief, or it may not offer the closure both parties
are expecting. In general, I believe that this experience was a valuable insight into the legal
action of criminal proceedings.

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