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Transparency International Georgia

Research lead: Lika Sajaia

Research authors: Tamar Tatanashvili, George Topouria
Also contributed to this research: Ana Aptsiauri, Ana Magrakvelidze,
Mariam Mardaleishvili, Nino Sakvarelidze
INTRODUCTION ___________________________________________________________________ 2
MAIN FINDINGS ___________________________________________________________________ 2
CHAPTER 1. General information on the Tbilisi City Council (Sakrebulo) _______________________
CHAPTER 2. General statistics ________________________________________________________
CHAPTER 3. Important events ________________________________________________________
CHAPTER 4. Important adopted legal acts _______________________________________________
4.1 Consenting to a loan for the Municipal Government _____________________________________
4.2 Transfer of municipal property to the government _______________________________________
4.3 Consent for the transfer of municipal property to a physical person or a legal entity _____________
4.4 Consent on Discharging Penalties ___________________________________________________
4.5 Approving strategic documents _____________________________________________________
4.6 Adoption of the General Land-Use Plan _______________________________________________
4.7 Approval of contracts on behalf of the Municipality ______________________________________
4.8 Determination of the normative price of a non-agricultural land owned by a municipality _________
4.9 Establishment of non entrepreneurial (non commercial) legal entities _______________________
4.10 Approval of statutes of legal entities of public law ______________________________________
4.11 Liquidation of legal entities ________________________________________________________
4.12 Introduction and abolition of local taxes and fees ______________________________________
4.13 Legal supervision of the legal acts adopted by the Sakrebulo _____________________________
4.14 Legislative proposals presented to the Parliament of Georgia ____________________________
CHAPTER 5. Information on the Members of the Sakrebulo and their activity ____________________
CHAPTER 6. Work of the commissions, councils and temporary working groups _________________
6.1 Work of the Council commissions ___________________________________________________
6.2 Work of the councils of the Sakrebulo ________________________________________________
6.3 Temporary working groups _________________________________________________________
CHAPTER 7. Oversight over accountable bodies __________________________________________
7.1 Hearing of Reports _______________________________________________________________
7.2 Giving approval for appointment ____________________________________________________
7.3 Summoning to the sessions _______________________________________________________
7.4 Using the right to ask a question/inquiry ______________________________________________
7.5 Budgetary Control _______________________________________________________________
7.6 Oversight over adopted decisions ___________________________________________________
CHAPTER 8. Business links of Members of the Sakrebulo, incompatible activities ________________
PROBLEMS AND RECOMMENDATIONS _______________________________________________
Transparency International Georgia carries out the assessment of the performance of the 5th convo-
cation of Tbilisi City Municipalitys representative body City Council (Sakrebulo). The report covers
a period of three years and presents information on the following activities of the Sakrebulo:

Oversight function of the Sakrebulo

Important adopted legal acts and noteworthy events
Accessibility and transparency of information
Activities carried out by the members of the Sakrebulo, commissions and councils
Business ties of Sakrebulo officials (undeclared business interests)

In its final chapter, the report also presents recommendations that will be crucial for the new 6th
convocation of the Sakrebulo.

The report is based on information requested1 by the Sakrebulo, data retrieved from the official
Sakrebulo web-page and our observations.

Positive trends of the 5th convocation Sakrebulo of the Tbilisi Municipality

200 sessions were held during the Sakrebulo of the 5th convocation. No sessions were adjourned
due to lack of quorum. 419 orders and 1570 decrees were adopted.

Agencies and its officials accountable to the Sakrebulo, as a rule, attend the sessions at the behest
of the Sakrebulo, but there have been instances when theyve not been present when summoned by
the opposition. The Tbilisi Sakrebulo adopted three important documents: Gender, Environmental
Protection and Marketing strategic documents.

In spite of these positive trends, there are a number of issues related to the work of the Sakrebulo.

It is important to note the low level of transparency and accountability of the Sakrebulo. Important
information on the activities of the Sakrebulo is not published proactively and in some instances is
not even accessible through a freedom of information request. For example, the opinions on legal
acts that are made by authors and other attendees during the hearings are not available. Also
unavailable is information on the number of speeches made by members of the Sakrebulo and their
questions to representatives of agencies accountable to the Sakrebulo. It is also important for all ses-
sions of the Sakrebulo and the commission/factions sittings to be broadcast online. This will bolster
civic participation and ensure transparency when important issues are discussed.

The Sakrebulo should strengthen the exercise of its oversight function. The members of the
Tbilisi Sakrebulo should more actively use the right to summon accountable public officials to the
sessions and should react appropriately to non-appearance. The Mayor of Tbilisi should attend the
sessions of the Sakrebulo and present a report upon the request of the Tbilisi Sakrebulo.

The reporting period is July 2014 October 5 2017, however the information provided is as of August 18 2017

There are problems with the Tbilisi Sakrebulos officials incorrectly filled-in public asset declarations,
undeclared business shares and exercise of management duties of commercial legal entities.

10 public officials out of 24 from the Sakrebulo have business links. Out of these 10 officials,
the following three are registered as directors for commercial legal entities: Giorgi Tkemaladze
(Georgian Dream Industrialists), Levan Darakhvelidze (Georgian Dream Industrialists), Lia
Jakhveladze (Tbilisites).

Incorrectly filled-in declarations (undeclared shares)

5 officials from the Sakrebulo do not have their business shares declared: Giorgi Tkemaladze
(Georgian Dream Industrialists), Giorgi Akhvlediani (Tbilisites), Giorgi Muskhelishvili (Tbilisites),
Lia Jakhveladze (Tbilisites), and Guliko Zumbadze.

2 officials from the Sakrebulo have incompletely disclosed their business shares: Vladimer Dzne-
ladze (Georgian Dream Industrialists), Levan Darakhvelidze (Georgian Dream Industrialists).

5 family members of 4 members of the Sakrebulo have business links. In the cases of Giorgi
Akhveldiani (Tbilisites and Nugzar Malaguradze (Georgian Dream for a Democratic Georgia),
the links are indicates in the public asset declaration. In the cases of Vladimer Dzneladze (Geor-
gian Dream Industrialists) and Avtandil Davitadze (National Forum), the business links are not
provided in the public asset declaration.

The decision-making process of the Sakrebulo, including the transfer of property, is charac-
terized by low level of transparency and insufficient justification. During the reporting period:

There have been 58 cases when the Tbilisi Government approved the transfer of property to
physical persons or private legal entities of law for direct disposal or competitive selection

183,414.00 sq.m of land plots have been transferred to the ownership of the Church (LEPL).
The privatization terms are usually the construction of a church. There are also instances when
the terms include the construction of a square and a cultural-educational centre, as well as plant-
ing of trees.

LEPL - Georgian Apostolic Autocephalous Orthodox Church:

Real estate has been transferred for direct disposal for a symbolic price of 1 GEL in 28 cases
1 case of exchange agreement
1 case of lending of movable property
3 cases of transfer of movable property for direct disposal

The following issues were discussed during the 5th convocation of the Sakrebulo:

The arrest of the Sakrebulo member Zurab Neparidze on charges of bribery

Accusations voiced against the chairperson of the Sakrebulo commission Tevdore Kobakhidze

The decision of the Sakrebulo on the changing of the functional zone status of land plots for the
construction of the underground parking for the Panorama Tbilisi Hotel

The Tbilisi City Council (Sakrebulo) is a representative body of Tbilisi, which exercises self-govern-
ment in the Tbilisi municipality as defined by the Organic Law of Georgia on Local Self-Government
Code. The Sakrebulo also monitors the officials of the Government of Tbilisi, and conducts other
duties according to the Georgian constitution, and other legal acts and procedures of the Sakrebulo.

The Sakrebulo consists of 50 members, out of which 25 are elected through single-seat constituencies,
while the remaining 25 are elected through a proportional system in 10 electoral districts.

Commissions are set up in a municipality Sakrebulo to prepare issues in advance, to facilitate the
implementation of decisions, and to monitor the activities of the Gamgeoba/City Hall, its structural
units and legal entities established by the municipality. The following commissions were created
within the Tbilisi Sakrebulo:

1. Revision commission (Chairperson Nugzar Malaguradze, Georgian Dream For a Democratic


2. Legal issues commission (Chairperson - Tevdore Kobakhidze, Georgian Dream For a Demo-
cratic Georgia)

3. Healthcare and social issues commission (Chairperson Irakli Pavlenishvili, Georgian Dream
For a Democratic Georgia)

4. Education and culture commission (Chairperson Tamar Taliashvili, Georgian Dream For a
Democratic Georgia)

5. Urban planning commission (Chairperson Gocha Babunishvili, Georgian Dream For a Dem-
ocratic Georgia)

6. Human Rights and Civic Integration commission (Chairperson Guliko Zumbadze)

7. Environmental Protection commission (Chairperson Shorena Bukhrashvili, National Forum)

8. Naming and symbolics commission (Chairperson Lia Jakhveladze, Tbilisites)

9. Sports and youth affairs commission (Chairperson Ketevan Jokhadze, Georgian Dream Con-

10. Economic development investment policy and international relations commission (Chairperson
Levan Darakhvelidze, Georgian Dream Industrialists)

11. Property Management and financial-budgetary commission (Chairperson Jaba Samushia, Geor-
gian Dream For a Democratic Georgia)

There are 9 factions in the Sakrebulo:2


19 3 4 3 5 3 4 4 3

Faction Georgian Dream For A Democratic Georgia Faction Republicans

Faction National Forum Faction Georgian Dream Conservatives
Faction Georgian Dream - Industrialists Faction Capital City Faction Tbilisites
Faction United National Movement Faction European Georgia - Tbilisi

Members of the Faction Georgian Dream For a Democratic Georgia: Ramina Beradze, Tamar
Taliashvili, Giorgi Alibegashvili, Malkhaz Mchedlishvili, Tevdore Kobakhidze, Nugzar Malaghuradze,
Jaba Samushia, Irakli Pavlenishvili, Gocha Babunashvili, Ia Makasarashvili, Jaba Jishkariani, Zakaria
Kolelishvili, Tarash Shurghaia, Davit Chelidze, Murtaz Shelia, Besik Kartsivadze, Zurab Kadagidze,
Gulia Gotsiridze, Boria Pirtskheliani.

Members of the Faction Republicans: Khatuna Samnidze, Davit Zurabishvili, Tristan Jincharadze

Members of the Faction National Forum: Avtandil Davitadze, Shorena Bukhrashvili, Givi Goglidze,
Zurab Neparidze (status terminated)

Members of the Faction Georgian Dream Conservatives: Davit Utmelidze, Ketevan Jokhadze,
Ketevan Mamulashvili

Members of the Faction Georgian Dream Industrialists: Vladimer Dzneladze, Giorgi Tkemaldze,
Giorgi Tkemaladze, Levan Darakhvelidze, Ioseb Manjavidze, Manuchar Machaidze

As of October 2017, source: Official webpage of Tbilisi Sakrebulo. It is noteworthy that the composition of the factions
changed not once during the past 3 years. The Sakrebulo has not provided detailed information on these changes.

Members of the Faction Georgian Dream Capital: Zaza Vekua, Shalva Ogbaidze, Tamar Cin-

Members of the Faction Tbilisites: Giorgi Muskhelishvili, Giorgi Akhveldiani, Lia Jakhveladze, Ilia

Members of the Faction United National Movement: Irakli Nadiradze, Sevdia Ugrekhelidze, Marina
Datukishvili, Temur Grigalashvili

Members of the Faction European Georgian Tbilisi: Mamuka Akhveldiani, Tamaz Shoshiashvili,
Davit Avaliani

Independement members Aleksandre Elisashvili and Guliko Zumbadze are not part of any of the factions

The mandates were allocated in the following way during the 2014 self-government elections:

Chart 1. Allocation of mandates



Majoritarians (Georgian Dream) 24

Georgian Dream 13

United National Movement 7

Nino Burjanadze United Opposition 3

Davit Tarkhan-Mouravi Georgian Patriots Alliance 2

Independent Candidates 1

During the reporting period, 104 sessions and 96 extraordinary sessions were held, by the initiative of
the chairperson of the Tbilisi Sakrebulo and the Mayor of Tbilisi. The bureau sessions of the Sakrebulo
were held 125 times. During the reporting period, no sessions were adjourned due to lack of quorum.

Chart 2. Number of Sakrebulo sessions held by years


20 33 33 18

2014 YEAR 2015 YEAR 2016 YEAR 2017 YEAR

Chart 3. Extraordinary sessions held by year


19 29 33 15

2014 YEAR 2015 YEAR 2016 YEAR 2017 YEAR

Chart 4. Number of bureau sessions held by years


19 29 33 15

2014 YEAR 2015 YEAR 2016 YEAR 2017 YEAR

According to the legislation, the following documents are legal acts of the Sakrebulo: Normative act
Resolution of the Sakrebulo and Individual Act - Order of the Sakrebulo. During the reporting

period, the Sakrebulo adopted 1964 legal acts on the basis of projects of administrative-legal acts.
442 were resolutions and 1570 orders.

Chart 5. Number of legal acts adopted by the Sakrebulo, per year


113 281 142 498 100 440 64 351

2014 YEAR 2015 YEAR 2016 YEAR 2017 YEAR

Order Decree

The Mayor of Tbilisi attended 7 sessions of the Sakrebulo:

2014 - Session 18
2015 - Session 8, 32
2016 - Session 13, 22, 30
2017 - Session 7

According to Article 34 of the Code, the chairperson of a municipality Sakrebulo is accountable to

the municipality Sakrebulo. According to Article 47 of the Rules of Procedure, the chairperson also
presents a report on the work carried out by the Sakrebulo. According to information on the official
web-page of the Sakrebulo:

On November 5, 2016, the chairperson of the commission presented a report on the work carried
out from January 1, 2015 to October 2015.

On July 12, 2016, the chairperson of the commission presented a report on the work carried out
in a six-month period

On November 2, 2016, the chairperson of the commission presented a report on the work carried
out in 2016.

No petitions were presented to the Sakrebulo during the reporting period.


Arrest of a Sakrebulo member and suspended authority

On August 26, 2017, Zurab Neparidze, member of the Sakrebulo, was arrested on charges of bribery.
According to circulated information, Neparidze threatened the dismissal of his employee unless he
was paid 400 GEL from the latters salary every month.3 Zurab Neparidze was the member of the
Sakrebulo and Majoritarian from Isani since 2014. On August 27, the Tbilisi city court ruled for a two-
month pre-trial detention for Neparidze. The Sakrebulo convened to discuss this matter and decided
to suspend Neparidze from the Sakrebulo.

Suspension of Tevdore Kobakhidze from chairpersonship of the commission

One of the heated discussions at the Sakrebulo was the accusations made towards Tevdore Kobakh-
idze. According to information in the media, 5 employees accused Tevdore Kobakhidze of pressure.4
On January 20, 2017, the Sakrebulo did not support the motion to suspend Kobakhidze from the
chairpersonship. 31 deputies voted against, 7 voted for, and one abstained from the vote.5

Changes in the composition of the Sakrebulo

The composition of the Sakrebulo changed after the parliamentary elections, namely, the following
changes were made:

1. On August 5, 2014, the Sakrebulo recognized Manuchar Machaidze as a member of the Sakrebu-
lo, replacing Ada Marshania

2. On December 2, 2016, the Sakrebulo recognized David Avaliani as a member of the Sakrebulo,
replacing Irakli Abesadze

3. On November 1, 2016, the Sakrebulo recognized Gulia Gotsiridze as a member of the Sakrebulo,
replacing Nino Goguadze

4. On November 1, 2016, the Sakrebulo recognized Zurab Kadagidze as a member of the Sakrebulo,
replacing Irakli Abuseridze

5. On November 1, 2016, the Sakrebulo recognized Ketevan Mamulashvili as a member of the

Sakrebulo, replacing Beka Natshvlishvili

6. On June 10, 2016, the Sakrebulo recognized Boria Pirtskheliani as a member of the Sakrebulo,
replacing Koba Kobaladze

Due to a straight 6-month unjustified absence from the work of the Sakrebulo, Levan Mkheidze was
suspended from the Sakrebulo and on July 28, 2015, Marina Datukishvili was recognized as the
replacement. Also, on November 27, 2015, the Sakrebulo recognized Rati Ionatamishvili as a re-
placement for Irakli Gvilava.

Changes to the Tbilisi Land-Use General Plan and confrontation in the Sakrebulo

On September 28, 2017, the Sakrebulo discussed and supported the amendments to the Tbilisi
Land-Use General Plan, according to which the functional zones were redefined in the graphical
component of the Plan. This was discussed at a joint session of the commissions, and afterwards at
the session of the Sakrebulo.

The majority of the Sakrebulo changed the functional zone status of the underground parking lot near
the Pushkin Square, and lifted the recreational status of 4700 sq.m of land on Tabori mountain in
favour of the Tabori Resorts.6 The territory near the Botanical Garden has been a frequent subject
of discussion in the Sakrebulo and media. The public has also actively discussed the use of the land
plots in the Botanical Garden and adjacent territories. It is noteworthy that the Sakrebulos decision to
privatize 29 hectares of land within the recreational zone near the Botanical Garden is not sufficiently
justified. The process of privatization of this land was carried out in a suspiciously short timeframe.
This allows us to surmise that the required level of attention and discussions were not dedicated to
the process. Moreover, holding the auction for the land in such a short period of time casts doubt over
the governments intention to ensure a competitive environment.7

On November 1, 2016, the Tbilisi Sakrebulo approved with majority the Development Plan for Tabori
mountain. The approval of the plan was followed by protests from environmental activists.8

Voluntarily leaving the Sakrebulo

Independent member of the Sakrebulo, Aleksandre Elisashvili, voluntarily left the Sakrebulo as a
protest to the Sakrebulos decision on lifting the recreational zone status on 4700 sq.m on Tabori
mountain in favor of Tabori Resorts.9

Legislative changes to the authority of the Sakrebulo

The amendments carried out in 2015 to the local self-government code affected the scope of authority
of the Tbilisi Sakrebulo, namely:

Amendments were made to the managing regulatory rules of the founding legal entities. Accord-
ing to the changes, the Tbilisi government is now authorized to transfer movable property and
financial resources to its own established non-commercial legal entities;

Without consent of the Sakrebulo, the Municipal Government approves statues of private
legal commercial and non-commercial entities and takes decisions on the appointment of their

For more details, see:

The appointment of management of LEPLs will no longer be done with the participation of the
Sakrebulo. Instead, the appointment/dismissal will be carried out through the Act of the Government.

According to the amendments, the Sakrebulo no longer adopts the Privatization Plan nor the
list of objects for privatization

According to the amendments, the Sakrebulo will no longer have the authority to transfer for free
Municipality property, including non-agricultural land plots, as well as shares to the government.
Instead, the government will have this authority.

Prior to the amendments carried out on July 8, 2015, the approval of the Privatization Plan and the
list of facilities to be privatized were carried out 12 times. Moreover, the report on the procurements
carried out in line with the Procurement Plan was presented one time to the Sakrebulo.


According to law, the following are the legal acts of the Sakrebulo: normative act order of the
Sakrebulo and individual act Decree of the Sakrebulo. The local self-government code defines role
of the Sakrebulo in the decision-making process. The information below provides information on the
decisions made by and with the participation of the Sakrebulo.


According to Article 68 of the local self-government code, the Sakrebulo has the authority to give
consent to the Government of Tbilisi to take loans. During the reporting period, this consent was
given twice,10 namely:

Upon the Order adopted on September 2, 2014, the Sakrebulo gave consent to the Tbilisi Gov-
ernment to take 30,024.6 thousand GEL as a loan from a commercial bank, in order to complete
the 2014 budget

Upon the Order adopted on June 16, 2015, the Sakrebulo gave consent to the Tbilisi Government
to take 18,000,000.00 GEL as a loan from the Municipal Development Fund.


According to the Article 24 of the local self-government code, it is within the authority of Sakrebulo to
make a decision about the transfer of municipality property to the government free of charge in accor-
dance with the rule established by the code. Namely, according to the Article 54 of the code, with the
approval of the Sakrebulo, the Mayor makes a decision to transfer movable or immovable property
by direct transfer, with the right to use for price or free of charge, conditionally or unconditionally.

During the reporting period, free of charge transfer of the state property to LEPLs11 and Ltds occurred
in 32 cases.

Additional information on this issue was not available on the webpage of the Sakrebulo
Except LEPL - Georgian Apostolic Autocephalous Orthodox Church

During the reporting period,12 the Sakrebulo allowed the City Hall to transfer 183,414sq.m of land to
the Georgian Orthodox Church. In most cases, the condition for privatization was building a church,
but also a square, a cultural-educational center, as well as landscaping and amenities. Namely:

LEPL - Georgian Apostolic Autocephalous Orthodox Church:

Real estate has been transferred for direct disposal for a symbolic price of 1 GEL in 28 cases
1 case of exchange agreement
1 case of lending of movable property
3 cases of transfer of movable property for direct disposal


1. 753sq.m land in Mukhiani for a symbolic price of 1 GEL, privatization condition: building a church
(Decree N305 )

2. 1270sq.m land on Moskovi Ave. for a symbolic price of 1 GEL, privatization condition: building a
church (Decree N249)

3. 304sq.m and 792sq.m land adjacent to the church on the Street of Heroes Fighting for Territo-
rial Integrity for a symbolic price of 1 GEL, privatization condition: landscaping and amenities of
aforementioned lands (Decree N248)

4. Construction material, for a symbolic price of 1 GEL, privatization condition: removal of construc-
tion materials at their own expense (Decree N347)

5. 2766sq.m land in Temka Settlement for a symbolic price of 1 GEL, privatization condition: building
a church (Decree N243)

6. Construction material, for a symbolic price of 1 GEL, privatization condition: removal of construc-
tion materials at their own expense (Decree N242 )

7. 3185sq.m land adjacent to A.Bochorishvili street for a symbolic price of 1 GEL, privatization con-
dition: building a church (Decree N228 )

8. 1154sq.m land adjacent to Chichinadze street for a symbolic price of 1 GEL, privatization con-
dition: building a cultural-educational center, landscaping and amenities of aforementioned land
(Decree N183)

9. 850sq.m land in Temka Settlement for a symbolic price of 1 GEL, privatization condition: building
a church (Decree N135 )

10. 2081sq.m land on Guramishvili Ave. with buildings for a symbolic price of 1 GEL, privatization
condition: building a church (Decree N129)

11. 2642sq.m land adjacent to Khudadovi street for a symbolic price of 1 GEL, privatization condition:
building a church (Decree N13)

12. 1545sq.m land in Okrokana settlement for a symbolic price of 1 GEL, privatization condition:
building only a church (Decree N3)

An overview of public financing provided to the Georgian Patriarchate (including the decisions made by Tbilisi Sakrebulo
and the City Hall) can be found in the research: Transparency International - Georgia,, July 4, 2013:


1. Outdoor light poles for a symbolic price of 1 GEL, privatization condition: removal of mobile items
at their own expense (Decree N421)

2. 1156sq.m land adjacent to Kindzmarauli street for a symbolic price of 1 GEL, privatization condi-
tion: building only a church (Decree N 296)

3. 1642sq.m land adjacent to Sandro Euli and Nafetvrebi streets for a symbolic price of 1 GEL,
privatization condition: building only a church (Decree N295 )

4. 3645sq.m land adjacent to Tskneti highway for a symbolic price of 1 GEL, privatization condition:
constructing a square (Decree N283 )

5. 2011sq.m and 138 591sq.m in Isani district for a symbolic price of 1 GEL (Decree N270)

6. 5338sq.m land on Tsuladze street for a symbolic price of 1 GEL, in accordance with the conditions
of July 13, 2016 #27.07.592 decree of Tbilisi government (Decree N200)

7. 1385sq.m land and 157sq.m land with buildings adjacent to Sarajishvili Ave. for a symbolic price
of 1 GEL (Decree N189)

8. Construction material to N(N)LE St. Thomas the Apostles Church for a symbolic price, privat-
ization condition: removal of construction materials at their own expense (Decree N175)

9. 1000sq.m land in Vake district for a symbolic price of 1 GEL, privatization condition: building only
a church (Decree N174)

10. 1000sq.m land in Gldani first micro district for a symbolic price, in accordance with the conditions
of April 6, 2016 #13.09.302 decree of Tbilisi government (Decree N128)

11. 3000sq.m land in Vake district for a symbolic price of 1 GEL, in accordance with the conditions
of March 16, 2016 #10.24.229 decree of Tbilisi government (Decree N95)

12. 3000sq.m land adjacent to Tianeti and Tibaani streets for a symbolic price of 1 GEL, privatization
condition: Ensuring access of the land with no less than 8 metres wide area (Decree N65)

13. 1884sq.m land adjacent to #3 Varketili Street for a symbolic price of 1 GEL, privatization condition:
building a church (Decree N24)

14. 244sq.m land in Kakheti Dead End #15 was exchanged in church-owned 244sq.m land located
in Isani-Samgori district, without privatization fee, privatization condition: planning and building a
new road by the church on the land (Decree on the exchange 10)

15. Privatization of 697sq.m land located in Dighomi Massive, in front of Mayakovsky square in
accordance with the conditions of December 30, 2015 #52.42.1535 decree of the government
(Decree N3)


1. Municipality-owned 19016sq.m land and 73sq.m land located in Isani district was exchanged in
church-owned 19086sq.m land located in Isani district, without privatization fee (Decree N425
agreement on the immovable property exchange)

2. 1566sq.m land adjacent to #3 Varketili Street, IV microdistrict, building #417 for a symbolic price
of 1 GEL, in accordance with the conditions of October 13, 2015 #41.07.1183 decree of Tbilisi
government (Decree N383)

2014 (movable property)

1. Transferring of two vehicles (valued 32750,00 GEL and 32750,00 GEL) for 5 years in the form of
lending (Decree N53)



According to Article 1181(4) of the Local Self-Government Code of Georgia, a decision to privatize
movable property of Tbilisi in the form of a direct disposal and/or a direct disposal based on a com-
petitive selection shall be made, and the contractual terms shall be determined by the Government,
with the consent of the Tbilisi Sakrebulo.

During 2014-2017, the Tbilisi Municipality Government was given approval 58 times on the
transfer of municipal property into the ownership of a physical person and/or legal entity in
the form of direct disposal and/or a direct disposal based on a competitive selection.


According to Article 54 of the local self-government code of Georgia, the Mayor, with the approval of
the Sakrebulo, may make a decision to discharge the buyer of municipal property/the person
who has received the right to use/manage the municipal property, from the penalty imposed/
to be imposed for the violation of obligations assumed under the respective agreement

During the reporting period, there were 30 instances when the Tbilisi Municipality Government was
consent to discharge the buyer of municipal property/the person who has received the right to use/
manage the municipal property, from the penalty imposed/to be imposed for the violation of obligations
assumed under the respective agreement.13

Ltd. Armlender Associates, PS, Pepe, ltd. Tbilisi Parks, ltd. Jini, ltd. Alma, ltd. DNS, ltd Jet Road, ltd. Richema, ltd. Vake-Park,
ltd. Ojio, ltd. Elva Market, ltd. Rendevous, ltd. Bus Stop, ltd. Sada, NN(L)E Tbilisi zoological park, ltd. Momavlis School, JSC
Telasi, ltd. Gldani Autoparking, ltd. Lanceti, ltd. Business Centre on Leselidze and physical persons, for detailed information


According to Article 54 of the Local Self-Government Code of Georgia, the Mayor, within the powers
of the municipality, ensures the preparation of relevant socio-economic development and other pro-
grammes, strategies and plans, their submission for approval to the Sakrebulo, and their imple-
mentation. During the reporting period, the Sakrebulo adopted three such documents:

The Tbilisi Municipality Sakrebulo Order of February 3, 2017 on the adoption of the Gender Strat-
egy for the Tbilisi Municipality

The Tbilisi Municipality Sakrebulo Order of September 17, 2015 on the adoption of the Environ-
mental Protection Strategy of the Tbilisi Municipality.

The Tbilisi Municipality Sakrebulo Order of December 30, 2014 on the adoption of the Marketing
Strategy of the Tbilisi Municipality.


According to the Local Self-Government Code of Georgia, it is within the powers of the municipality
to conduct spatial and territorial planning of the municipality and determination of related norms and
rules of procedure; approval of urban construction documents, including land use master plans, plans
for the regulation of development, the rules of procedure for the use and development of the settle-
ment territories. During the reporting period, the Sakrebulo Order of December 30, 2014 approved the
General Land-Use Plan of the Capital City. During the reporting period, the urban planning and civil
economy commission discussed 1087 proposed amendments to the functional zone status of land
plots and 413 development project plans in the graphical component of the General Land-Use Plan.


According to Article 24.1 (d.c), it is within the power of the Sakrebulo to express approval of the agree-
ments concluded on behalf of a municipality upon the recommendation of the Gamgebeli/Mayor
of the municipality. During the reporting period, there were 4 cases when the Sakrebulo approved
the agreements on behalf of the municipality:

Sakrebulo Decree of July 8, 2016 On the approval of the sub-loan agreement Tbilisi Bus Proj-
ect between the Ministry of Finance, Tbilisi Municipality City Hall, and the ltd. Tbilisi Transport

Sakrebulo Decree of July 8, 2016 On the approval of the transfer of grant funds for the Tbilisi
Bus Project between the Ministry of Finance and the Tbilisi Municipality City Hall.

Sakrebulo Decree of July 22, 2016 On the approval of the sub-loan agreement Tbilisi Bus Project
between the Ministry of Finance, Tbilisi Municipality City Hall and ltd. Tbilisi Transport Company.

Sakrebulo Decree of July 22, 2016 On the approval of the transfer of grant funds for the Tbilisi
Bus Project between the Ministry of Finance and Tbilisi City Hall.


According to Article 24.1 (e.c), the Sakrebulo has the power to determine the normative price of a
non-agricultural land owned by a municipality. During the reporting period, the determination was
made 3 times, namely:

Sakrebulo Decision of March 28, 2014 on the Determination of the normative price and starting
annual rent amount of land on the territory of the capital.

Sakrebulo Order of March 27, 2015 on the Determination of the normative price of land on the
territory of the capital

The normative price of the non-agricultural land in the capital is currently determined by the
Sakrebulo Order of March 18, 2016 on the Determination of the normative price of land in the



With the approval of the Sakrebulo, Tbilisi city Mayor makes decisions about the establishment,
reorganization and abolishment of relevant private legal entities of law; In accordance with the law,
participation of private legal entities of law in establishment and becoming a member; Acquisition of
stocks and shares of an entrepreneurial legal entities;

7 non entrepreneurial (non commercial) legal entities were established with the consent of Sakrebulo
during the reporting period:

1. N(N)LE Tbilisi City Municipality Giorgi Aleksidze Chamber Company - Tbilisi Contemporary Ballet
2. N(N)LE Lilo Homeless Shelter
3. N(N)LE Ponichala Youth Center
4. N(N)LE National Youth and Childrens Palace
5. N(N)LE Complex Sports Centre Mukhiani
6. N(N)LE Tbilisi Entrepreneurship Support Centre
7. N(N)LE Tbilisi Municipal Laboratory


6 statutes of legal entities of public law were approved by the Sakrebulo, namely:

1. LEPL Architecture Service of Tbilisi City Municipality

2. LEPL Tbilisi City International Arts Festival Centre
3. LEPL Emergency Medical Centre
4. LEPL National Agency of State Property
5. LEPL Technology Development Fund
6. LEPL Animal Monitoring Agency

9 decrees were adopted by the Sakrebulo on the approval to the government on the reorganisation
of legal entities of private law.

The minimal normative price is 3 GEL for 1 sq.m, while the maximum 1198 GEL


During the reporting period in 11 cases the Tbilisi city municipality Sakrebulo gave an approval to the
government on liquidation of the subjects listed below:

1. N(N)LE Tbilisi Entrepreneurship Support Centre

2. Ltd. Laboratory

3. N(N)LE Tbilisi Cultural Event Centre

4. N(N)LE Tbilisi City Hall Mikheil Kekelidze Basketball Olympic Preparatory Sports Centre and
Mikheil Kekelidze Children and Youth Basketball Palace

5. N(N)LE Tbilisi Municipality City Hall Olympic Preparatory Complex Sports Centre

6. N(N)LE Tbilisi Municipality City Hall Complex Sports Centre Nadzaladevi

7. N(N)LE Tbilisi Municipality City Hall Complex Sports Centre Mukhiani

8. N(N)LE European Youth Olympic Festival Tbilisi 2015 Organizational Committee

9. N(N)LE Animal Monitoring Agency

10. On giving consent on liquidation of some of the subjects established with 100% equity participation
of Tbilisi City Municipal Government, namely Ltd. Mziuri Courts, Ltd. Gldani Swimming Pool, Ltd.
Tbilisi Portal, Ltd. Mtatsminda Park Ropeway Lines, Ltd. Mtatsminda park, Ltd. Mikheil Kekelidze
Basketball Palace, Ltd. Tbilisi Tennis, Ltd. Emergency Medical Centre

11. LEPL Technology Development Fund


According to Article 24 of the Local Self-Government Code of Georgia, the Sakrebulo has the right of
introduction and abolition of local taxes and fees according to the legislation of Georgia. During the
reporting period, on December 30, 2014, the Tbilisi Sakrebulo adopted property taxes and various
fees determined by the Law of Georgia on Local Fees.


According to Article 132, legal supervision shall be exercised with respect to a normative adminis-
trative-legal act adopted by a municipality Sakrebulo. The legal supervision authority shall conduct
an expert assessment of a normative administrative-legal act published in the Legislative Herald of
Georgia, and submit the legal opinion to the body adopting that act. The legal supervision authority
shall draft a legal opinion and submit it to a municipality Sakrebulo not later than 15 days after the
publication of the relevant normative administrative-legal act. The legal opinion of the legal supervi-
sion authority shall indicate the provisions that the normative administrative-legal act adopted by a
municipality Sakrebulo contravenes

According to information received by the Tbilisi Sakrebulo, three legal findings were received by the
legal supervision authority:

In one case, the legal supervision authority was sent a written motivated refusal. Following this, the
legal supervision authority hasnt presented any additional opinions.

In the second case, a letter was sent to the Mayor of Tbilisi Sakrebulo, since the issue related to the
adoption of the Tbilisi Municipality budget. According to information of the Sakrebulo, Article 54 (c.a)
stipulates that the Mayor shall draft and present for approval to the Sakrebulo a municipal budget
and amendments to the budget.

In the third case, the opinion of the legal supervision authority was taken into account by the Sakrebulo.


During the reporting period, the Tbilisi Sakrebulo and the Sakrebulo Member, Khatuna Samnidze,
as a physical person, used the right of presenting legislative proposals to the Parliament, namely on
January 25, 2016, the Sakrebulo presented a legislative proposal on the Amendments to the Admin-
istrative Offences Code of Georgia, which envisaged regulations for noise nuisance. This legislative
proposal was approved by the legal issues committee and on May 11, 2017 was initiated as a draft
law, adopted subsequently on June 28. With co-authorship, Khatuna Samnidze presented two leg-
islative proposals to the Parliament on the recognition of femicide as a crime against humanity and
the adoption of the amnesty law. These legislative proposals were not initiated by the Parliament.


According to Article 40 of the Local Self-Government Code of Georgia, a citizen of Georgia who,
by the day of the voting, has attained the age of 21, may be elected as a member of a municipality
Sakrebulo. The term of office of a member of a municipality Sakrebulo shall start on the day when his/
her powers are recognized, and end upon the first meeting of a newly elected municipality Sakrebulo,
or upon the early termination of his/her powers.

Age of Members of the Sakrebulo

As of 2017, the average age of the member of the Sakrebulo is 49. The oldest members are Manuchar
Machaidze (Georgian Dream Industrialists) and Sevdia Ugrekhelidze (United National Movement)
68 years. The youngest is Keteven Mamulashvili (Georgian Dream Conservatives) 25 years.

Education and Specialization of Members of the Sakrebulo

17 members of the Sakrebulo have received an education in two specializations, 4 members have
received an education in three specializations, and one member has received education in 4 spe-
cializations. Most of the members of the Sakrebulo are specialized in engineering and construction.

The rules of procedure of the Sakrebulo regulate the reasons and results of absences of the members
of the Sakrebulo. The justified absence15 is defined as occuring due to:

Family issues
Work trip
Absence due to political opinion

According to Article 6.3 (5) of the rules of procedure of the Sakrebulo, the status of the member of
the Sakrebulo will be terminated if he/she doesnt participate with a justified absence in the work of
the Sakrebulo for a straight six-month period. Levan Mkheidzes membership was terminated on
the aforementioned grounds.

According to information received on the participation of Sakrebulo members in the sessions, there
were no cases of unjustified absences during the commission sessions. However, it is not indicated
whether there were unjustified absences during the Sakrebulo sessions. Moreover, no infor-
mation was provided on the justified absences of the Sakrebulo and commission sessions.

The Sakrebulo did not disclose the information on specific activities carried out by the members of
the Sakrebulo during the reporting period, namely the information about submitted initiatives, atten-
dance and speakers, which made it impossible to assess its performance using these components.

Women in the Sakrebulo

As of 2017, 13 out of 50 members of the Sakrebulo are women: Ramina Beradze, Tamar Taliashvili,
Ia Makasarashvili, Gulia Gotsiridze, Khatuna Samnidze, Guliko Zumbadze, Shorena Bukhrashvili,
Ketevan Jokhadze, Ketevan Mamulashvili, Lia Jakhveladze, Tamar Tsintabadze, Sevdia Ugrekhelidze,
Marina Datukishvili. 8 out of these are majoritarians, while 5 were elected through the proportional list.

Women in the Sakrebulo:

2 are faction chairpersons: Ramina Beradze (Georgian Dream For a Democratic Georgia),
Khatuna Samnidze (Republicans)

4 are commission chairpersons: Guliko Zumbadze (Human Rights and Civic Integration Com-
mission), Shorena Bukhrashvili (Environmental Protection Commission), Ketevan Jokahdze
(Sport and Youth Affairs Commission), Lia Jakhveladze (Naming and symbolism commission).

The respective faction and commission chairperson should be informed prior to the session. The respective chairperson
of the faction should be notified of the absence, who should then notify the chairperson of the Sakrebulo. In this case, the
absence is considered as justified. A member of the Sakrebulo, who is not a member of any faction, should directly inform
the chairperson of the Sakrebulo. The absence will not be considered as unjustified if the member decides not to attend
due to political views. This should be notified to the chairperson of the Sakrebulo in advance or can be announced after
the registration at the session.


The Sakrebulo creates no more than 11 commissions for the purposes of preparing and supporting
the implementation of its decisions, as well as conducting oversight over structural units and the legal
entities established by the Sakrebulo. The rules of procedure of the Sakrebulo define the powers of
each commission.

In 2014-2017,16 923 commission sessions were held. No commission sessions were adjourned due
to lack of quorum.

Chart 6. Number of commissions sessions held17


Economic Development, Investment Policy

and International Relations Commission

Healthcare and Social Affairs Commission 67

Financial-budgetary Commission 132

Education and Culture Commission 88

Human Rights and Civic Integration Commission 78

Naming and symbolism Commission 46

Revision Commission 46

Environmental Protection Commission 103

Sports and Youth Affairs Commission 78

Legal issues Commission 114

Urban Development and Civic Economy Commission 113

As of August 18, 2017 2017
As of August 18, 2017 2017

2217 findings were prepared by the commissions on the compatibility of the legal acts with the law.
The Sakrebulo commissions presented 413 legal acts.

The Sakrebulo hasnt disclosed detailed information on the legal acts presented and discussed
by the commissions.18

The Sakrebulo did not provide specific information on the summoning of accountable public
officials and agencies to the commission sessions. A number of meetings were held with citizens
to identify the compatibility of the executive bodys and its structural units activities with the interests
of the citizens.

According to Article 47.1(8) of the Rules of Procedure of the Sakrebulo, upon the recommendation of
the chairpersons of the commissions, the Sakrebulo invites experts and specialists to the commissions,
as well as signs and terminates contracts with them. The information we received does not indicate
when and for what purpose these experts and specialists were invited, however it is noted that no
contracts were signed with them.

During the reporting period,19 the Sakrebulo commissions were addressed 13 071 times, while indi-
vidual members of the Sakrebulo were addressed 54 364 times.

Chart 7. Number of addresses to the commissions


Urban Development and Civic Economy Commission 3258

Legal issues commission 2806

Naming and symbolism Commission 1505

Human Rights and Civic Integration Commission 1465

Asset Management and

Financial-Budgetary Commission

Education and Culture Commission 1120

Economic Development, Investment Policy

and International Relations Commission

Environmental protection commission 631

Revision commission 275

Sports and youth affairs commission 203

Number of legal acts discussed, by each commission
As of August 18, 2017

According to the received information, 7 commissions20 responded to all statements, while 4 com-
missions only partly responded.


Gender Equality Council

According to amendments carried out in 2016,21 the Tbilisi City Gender Equality Council was created
to systematically work on gender issues and to coordinate with the Gender Equality Council of the
Georgian Parliament. The functions of the Council are defined in its rules of procedure:

Analysis and drafting of proposals of the legal acts adopted by the Tbilisi Municipality agencies;

Working out respective recommendations and responding to statements, documentation and

other information related to violation of gender equality;

Preparing an annual report on the activity of the council and presenting it to the Tbilisi Sakrebulo

The Gender Equality Council has the authority to invite representatives of various agencies, non-gov-
ernmental and international organizations, independent experts, for the purpose of discussing and
studying the issues related to gender equality.

On February 3, 2017, the Tbilisi Municipality 2017-2020 Gender Strategy was drafted, which defines
the gender policy of the Sakrebulo, its aim, purpose, principles and development priorities. According
to information received from the Sakrebulo, the Council conducts analysis of the legal acts adopted
by the municipality bodies. No violation of gender equality principles has been found, however, the
Council has not indicated which legal acts it has analyzed. During the reporting period, the Council
was not addressed with facts of violation of gender equality.

According to the rules of procedure, the Gender Equality Council prepares an annual report on its
performance and presents it to the Sakrebulo. The Council should present this report by the beginning
of December 2017.

Council on the amendments to the order on the victims of June 13-14

The Sakrebulo Decree of February 24, 2017 established the deliberative organ Council on the
issuing of monetary aid, real estate and living space for victims of the natural disaster of June
13-14, 2015. The purpose of this Council was to prepare respective proposals/recommendations and
findings. The composition of the Council was: Giorgi Tkemaladze, Ramina Beradze, Jaba Samushia,
Mamuka Akhveldiani, Sevdia Ugrekhelidze, Davit Utmelidze, Nugzar Malaguradze.

The Order also defined the rules for the Councils decision-making. Namely, the decisions are made
at the sessions of the Council, which are presented to the Tbilisi Sakrebulo.

Urban Development and Civic Economy Commission, Education and Culture Commission, Healthcare and Social Af-
fairs Commission, Economic Development, Investment Policy and International Relations Commission, Human Rights
and Civic Integration Commission, Revision Commission, Sports and Youth Affairs Commission, Asset Management and
Financial-Budgetary Commission
Article 31 (1) of the rules of procedure of the Sakrebulo

It is worth noting that the Sakrebulo Order of July 5, 2015 was amended 6 times:

1. June 6, 2017 (Order)

2. December 23, 2016 (Order)
3. June 10, 2016 (Order)
4. May 13, 2015 (Order)
5. December 18, 2015 (Order)
6. August 12, 2015 (Order)

On December 29, 2015, the Sakrebulo defined the rules for issuing monetary compensation to the
owners of the damaged and destroyed vehicles during the 13-14 June natural disaster.


The Sakrebulo has the authority to convene ad hoc temporary working groups for specific issues. The
term of the temporary working group and its chairperson, who is elected from the Sakrebulo members,
should not exceed three months. The term of the temporary working groups can be extended by one
month, to a total of 6 months.

The rules of procedure defines the rules for formation and decision-making of the temporary working
group. During the reporting period, no temporary working groups were established.


The assessment of the performance of the Tbilisi Sakrebulo should include an analysis of how ef-
fectively it conducts oversight over the Tbilisi government. The oversight activities of the Sakrebulo
are lacking and in some cases specific oversight mechanisms are not used. According to information
provided by the Sakrebulo, it is difficult to establish whether the questions/inquiries made by
individual Sakrebulo members were part of oversight. Moreover, the accountability of the head
of the government and appearance at sessions is a problematic issue.22


It is within the powers of the Sakrebulo to monitor the activities of a municipalitys executive bodies
and of their officials, hearing and evaluation of their reports.23 The Mayor is accountable to the Mu-
nicipality Sakrebulo and the public.24

The Tbilisi Sakrebulo heard the Mayors report on the performance of the government twice. The
request for an extraordinary presentation of the report was made once. Namely, on February 2017,
15 members of the Sakrebulo requested an extraordinary presentation of the report on the issuing of
monetary compensation related to the June 13-14 natural disaster. The Mayor did not show up at
the session and the extraordinary report was not presented.

Davit Narmania: I wont attend the Sakrebulo session, because I dont want this show to continue
Article 24 (c.a)
Article 48 (2) of the Local Self Government Code of Georgia


The form of Sakrebulo participation in the appointment and selection process is defined by the code
of local Self-government. Namely:

The Sakrebulo gives consent on the appointment of a member of Tbilisi Government (Article 68,
Local self-government code)

Tbilisi City Hall head of structural unit is appointed by Tbilisi Mayor with the consent of Tbilisi
Sakrebulo (Article 77, Local self-government code)

Tbilisi Sakrebulo expresses the approval of appointment of the first Deputy Mayor and deputies of
Tbilisi Mayor with the support of the majority of attendees at the Sakrebulo Session, but no less
than one third of Sakrebulo full members (Article 76, Local self-government code)

Tbilisi Mayor appoints the district Governor with the consent of Tbilisi Sakrebulo (Article 80, Local
self-government code)

According to the information available on the Sakrebulo website, Sakrebulo gave consent on the
appointment of Governors 14 times during the reporting period, namely:

1. On the December 23, 2016 appointment of Irakli Kheladze as a Governor of Nadzaladevi District
2. On the May 24, 2016 appointment of Giorgi Bagrationi as a Governor of Samgori District
3. On the May 13, 2016 appointment of Dimitri Ormotsadze as a Governor of Gldani District
4. On the November 20, 2015 appointment of Nodar Turdzeladze as a Governor of Vake District
5. On the March 17, 2015 appointment of Lasha Abashidze as a Governor of Vake District
6. On the August 5, 2014 appointment of Mamuka Chokuri as a Governor of Samgori District
7. On the August 5, 2014 appointment of Beka Mikautadze as a Governor of Saburtalo District
8. On the August 5, 2014 appointment of Zaza Gabunia as a Governor of Gldani District
9. On the August 5, 2014 appointment of Gela Archvadze as a Governor of Mtatsminda District
10. On the August 5, 2014 appointment of Giorgi Kopaleishvili as a Governor of Krtsanisi District
11. On the August 5, 2014 appointment of Vakhtang Kizikurashvili as a Governor of Isani District
12. On the August 5, 2014 appointment of Givi Chichinadze as a Governor of Vake District
13. On the August 5, 2014 appointment of Irma Zavradashvili as a Governor of Didube District
14. On the August 5, 2014 appointment of Besik Kartsivadze as a Governor of Gldani District

According to the information available on the Sakrebulo website, Sakrebulo gave consent on the
appointment of the City Hall head of structural unit 35 times, and the appointment of the City Hall
deputies in 11 cases during the reporting period.


According to the Article 27 of the rules of procedure of the Sakrebulo, public official selected, appoint-
ed or agreed by the Sakrebulo is authorized, and if requested is obliged, to attend the commission
sessions, answer the questions and present a performance report. The commission must hear the
public official immediately upon request. According to the Article 42(3) of the same rules of procedure,
a member of Tbilisi government, a public official selected by the Sakrebulo and appointed with the
approval of the Sakrebulo, is authorized, and if requested is obliged, to attend faction session, answer
the questions and present a performance report.

The reasons for invitation to the sessions were the following: hearing the information about
high-profile cases, infrastructural projects, as well as presentation of periodic reports.

According to the information received from the Sakrebulo factions, the faction United National Move-
ment was able to use authority for session summoning twice since official formation (January 2017):

1. At the February 21, 2017 Joint session of the faction United National Movement and other op-
position factions of the Sakrebulo were summoned: Tbilisi Mayor deputies Irakli Lekvinadze and
Nato Kitiashvili, legal city service chief Sofia Gigani, LEPL property management agency chief
Karlo Laferadze. The issue for discussion was the expropriation of real estate registered under
Zviad Nazgaidze due to urgent public interest and the transfer of Tbilisi municipality property to
Zviad Nazgaidze through privatization with the form of direct disposal and related matters. None
of the summoned public officials showed up on the session.

2. At the August 3, 2017 session of the faction United National Movement were summoned Tbilisi
Mayor deputy Giga Nikoleishvili and Tbilisi city hall administration chief Irakli Khutsurauli. The
issue for discussion was staff changes made in Tbilisi municipality city hall. Neither of the invited
public officials showed up on the session.

During September 2014-2017 faction Republicans summoned 18 public officials (members of

Tbilisi Government and officials) to 14 faction sessions, out of these, 3 summoned public officials
(LEPL property management agency chief Karlo Laferadze, Tbilisi municipality Mayor deputy Irakli
Lekvinadze, Tbilisi municipality Mayor deputy Nato Kitiashvili, Tbilisi municipality city hall legal city
service chief Sofia Gigani) didnt show up on 1 session. Namely:

1. December 11, 2014 Saburtalo District Governor Beka Mikautadze on the issue related to the
tenders announced by the Gamgeoba.

2. May 25, 2015 Tbilisi City Hall department of Transport chief Giorgi Gurgenidze and gen-
eral director of Ltd Tbilisi Transport Company Alexandre Jafaridze on the issues related
to transport (development of the general plan on the unified transport system, issues existing in
Tbilisi transport system, dilapidated fleet of Tbilisi municipal transport, vehicle fleet policy, im-
provement of route schemes, amenities of bicycle routes and footpaths, amenities of pedestrian
underpasses and footbridges).

3. May 27, 2015 Tbilisi municipality Mayor deputy Irakli Lekvinadze and Department of Environment
and Green Spaces of Tbilisi chief Bidzina Giorgobiani on the issues related to environmental
problems in the city and monitoring of air pollution quality.

4. September 28, 2015 Saburtalo District Governor Beka Mikautadze on the issues related to the
performance report, initiative of Saburtalo district Gamgeoba - renewal of geological researches
and supplying population with gas and water.

5. October 9, 2015 Tbilisi City Hall department of Finance Chief Levan Tevzaia, Deputy Chief
of the Department Levan Mikava on the issues related to administration of funds of receiving
information on Tbilisi budget forming process, social utility vouchers, reasons for increasing
budgetary subprograms funding and proportional distribution of district budgets.

6. December 17, 2015 Tbilisi Municipality City Hall Department of Municipal Improvements
Chief Givi Kublashvili on the issues related to receiving information about the implemented and
planned infrastructural projects, bridge constructions and other infrastructural matters and projects.

7. December 21, 2015 City Hall Department of Architecture Chief Dimitri Mosulishvili on the
issues related to discussing matters of the citys spatial-planning and construction development
of Tbilisi central districts.

8. January 25, 2016 Tbilisi city hall Department of Environment and Green Spaces of Tbilisi
Chief Nino Sulkhanishvili on the issues related to information about implemented and ongoing
projects on environmental protection, transferring the maintenance of squares and parks to the
Gamgeoba and development projects.

9. March 25, 2016 Tbilisi Day Nursery Kindergarten Management Agency Chief Temur Tor-
dinava, city hall department of internal audit chief Badri Giorgadze on the issues related to the
information about the results of monitoring conducted in kindergartens by the agency and audit,
the reasons of dismissal of directors of kindergartens and problems existing in kindergartens.

10. November 28, 2016 N(N)LE Tbilisi Development Fund Director Giorgi Baidarashvili on the
issues related to purposes, goals and works on rehabilitation of historical part of Tbilisi, staff policy
management of the fund, implementing irrelevant works for the function of the fund.

11. At the February 21, 2017 LEPL Property Management Agency Chief Karlo Laferadze, Tbilisi
municipality Mayor Deputy Irakli Lekvinadze, Tbilisi municipality Mayor Deputy Nato Kitiashvili,
Tbilisi municipality City Hall Legal City Service Chief Sofia Gigani on the issues related to the
expropriation of real estate registered under Zviad Nazgaidze due to urgent public interest and
the transfer of Tbilisi municipality property to Zviad Nazgaidze through privatization with the form
of direct disposal and related matters. None of the 4 summoned public officials showed up
on the aforementioned session.

12. March 6, 2017 Tbilisi City Hall Department of Internal Audit and Monitoring Chief Badri Gior-
gadze on the issues related to the expropriation of real estate registered under Zviad Nazgaidze
due to failure of Tbilisi city hall public officials and Tbilisi municipality LEPL Property Management
Agency chief to appear on the joint session of the Sakrebulo factions and urgent public interest,
and the transfer of Tbilisi municipality property to Zviad Nazgaidze through privatization with the
form of direct disposal, also September 15 and March 1, 2017 reacting to the fact of impermissi-
bility of pro-oppositional deputies of the Sakrebulo on Tbilisi government session.

13. June 5, 2017 LEPL Tbilisi Department of Architecture Acting Chief Zviad Tsiklauri on the
issues related to the matter of accelerated zone changes prior to the adoption of the Tbilisi general
development plan and illegal constructions, architecture department staff and structural gaps.

The faction European Georgia Tbilisi formed in January 2017 with new members. The faction used
authority for summoning accountable bodies to the sessions twice since official formation until Sep-
tember 18:

1. At the February 21, 2017 joint session of the faction European Georgia Tbilisi and other oppo-
sition factions of the Sakrebulo were summoned: Tbilisi Mayor deputies Irakli Lekvinadze and
Nato Kitiashvili, legal city service chief Sofia Gigani, LEPL property management agency chief
Karlo Laferadze. The issue for discussion was the expropriation of real estate registered under

Zviad Nazgaidze due to urgent public interest and the transfer of Tbilisi municipality property to
Zviad Nazgaidze through privatization with the form of direct disposal and related matters. None
of the summoned public officials showed up on the session.

2. May 29, 2017 LEPL property management agency chief Karlo Laferadze was summoned. The
issue for discussion was the land transferred to Otar Fartskhaladze. Karlo Laferadze attended the
session and answered the questions of the members of the faction according to the information
received from the faction.

Faction Georgian Dream - Democratic Georgia summoned members of the Tbilisi government
to faction sessions 21 times on various issues:

1. November 6, 2014 faction session on the monitoring of the soup kitchens program was attended
by Deputy Mayor Aluda Goglichidze, city hall Department of Health and Social Services Chief
Gela Chiviashvili, also 10 District Governors.

2. December 10, 2014 faction session was attended by the city hall Department of Health and
Social Services Chief Gela Chiviashvili, also 10 District Governors, the issue for discussion
was tenders announced by Tbilisi districts within the Hot dinner program and discussion of 2015
budget of municipality.

3. February 3, 2015 faction session on solving problems in the city and discussing future plans was
attended by The Mayor Davit Narmania and his Deputy Giorgi Solomonia.

4. On February 27, 2015 Department of Transport Chief presented the report on the faction session
about 6 months performance of the city hall department of transport in 2015.

5. March 10, 2015 faction session was attended by Deputy Mayor Giorgi Solomonia, Department
of Municipal Improvements Chief Avtandil Sudadze, Ltd. Tbilservis Jgufi chief Giorgi Bagra-
tioni, Sinatlis Kalaki chief Vasil Khorava. The issue for discussion was related to the hearing
of the 6 months performance report of the department of architecture and presenting the view of
the faction on the condition of the department of architecture.

6. On March 16, 2015 faction session Department of Architecture Chief Nino Gogoberidze pre-
sented a 6 months performance report.

7. On March 19, 2015 faction session Department of Supervision Chief Mamuka Jakeli presented
a 6 months performance report.

8. March 10, 2015 faction session was attended by Department of Health and Social Services
Chief Gela Chiviashvili, Deputy Mayor Nina Khatiskatsi. The issues heard were the 6 months
performance report of the department of health and social services and the view of the faction on
the condition of the aforementioned department.

9. On April 3, 2015 the information presented by Nadzaladevi District Governor Zaza Gabunia,
Gldani District Governor Besik Kartsivadze, Krtsanisi District Governor Giorgi Kopaleishvili,
Isani District Governor Vakhtang Kizikurashvili about the first quarter of 2015 budget implemen-
tation report was heard.

10. On April 6, 2015 session the information presented by Samgori District Governor Mamuka
Chokuri, Saburtalo District Governor Beka Mikautadze, Vake District Governor Giorgi Kopa-
leishvili about the first quarter of 2015 budget implementation report was heard.

11. On April 10, 2015 session the information presented by Chugureti District Governor Zurab
Chikviladze, Didube District Governor Irma Zavardashvili about the first quarter of 2015 budget
implementation report was heard.

12. On May 2, 2015 session discussed 6 months performance report of the agency presented by Day
Nursery Kindergarten Management Agency Chief Temur Tordinava.

13. On June 4, 2015 Chugureti District Governor Zurab Chikviladze and Didube District Governor
Irma Zavardashvili attended the discussion about issues related to ethnic minorities.

14. September 15, 2015 session was attended by the City Hall Department of Social Service Chief
Gela Chiviashvili, the issues for discussion were rules for registering socially disadvantaged in
unified database and handing out set top boxes to socially disadvantaged as a result of switching
to digital broadcasting.

15. October 20, 2015 session about the report of fund activities was attended by N(N)LE Tbilisi
Development Fund Chairperson. On the same day the session about 9 months performance
report of the district Gamgeoba was attended by Deputy Mayor Giorgi Solomonia, Department
of Finance Chief Levan Tevzaia.

16. On November 29, 2016 the discussion about City Park was attended by the Mayor deputy
Irakli Lekvinadze, Department of Transport Chief Mamuka Mumladze, Property Management
Agency Chief Karlo Laferadze, Department of Finance Chief Gaioz Talakvadze, Legal City
Service Acting Chief Sofio Gigani, Department of Audit Chief Badri Giorgadze.

17. On September 12, 2016 session the information of Department of Municipal Improvements
Chief Givi Kublashvili on the department performance report was discussed.

18. On June 20, 2016 session a 6 months performance report of the City Hall Department of Trans-
port presented by chief of aforementioned department Giorgi Gurgenidze was discussed.

19. On May 10, 2016 the report about Tbilisi Development fund, presented by the fund Chairperson
Giorgi Baidarashvili, was heard.

20. On April 19, 2016 City Hall Department of Municipal Improvements Chief Givi Kublashvili pre-
sented a performance report, the session was also attended by the head of technical-economic
office of the aforementioned department Irakli Darakhvelidze.

21. On February 8, 2016 session the information of Department of Municipal Improvements Chief
Givi Kublashvili about the departments 2015 performance report, planning of works to be con-
ducted in 2016 and the tender process was heard.

According to the information provided by the Georgian Dream - Conservatives, there were two cases
of summoning:

On the July 20, 2016, the deputy Mayor, Irakli Lekvinadze, Teimuraz Topuria, assistant to the head
of the transport department, Giorgi Gurgenidze, head of the transport department, were invited to
the session of the faction (joint session). The session heard the report of the transport department
on the 6-month performance report in 2016.

On November 29, 2016, the deputy Mayor, Irakli Lekvinadze, head of the City Hall asset manage-
ment department, Karlo Laperadze, Gaioz Talakvadze, head of the financial-budgetary committee,
Sopio Gigani, acting head of the legal department, and Badri Giorgadze, the head of the City Hall
audit department, were invited to the faction sessions (joint session). The session discussed the
issues related to CT-Park.

During the reporting period, the faction National Forum hasnt used the right to invite a member of
the government or a public official elected or appointed by the Sakrebulo.25


A member of the Sakrebulo and a faction has the right to pose a question/inquiry to a person on an
issue that falls within the oversight of the government. Namely, according to Article 42 (2), a faction
has the right to pose a question to a body accountable to the Sakrebulo and individual members
of the Tbilisi government, who are in turn obliged by law to respond to the question. According to
Article 45 of the local self-government code of Georgia, a member of a municipality Sakrebulo may
address questions to a body, Gamgebeli/Mayor, or any other official accountable to the municipality
Sakrebulo and receive a reply. The relevant body and official shall be obliged to respond to questions
of a member of a municipality Sakrebulo within a week. This time limit may be extended for not more
than 10 days in agreement with the person addressing the question.

According to information received by the Sakrebulo, the majority of the members of the Sakrebulo have
addressed questions to the bodies accountable to the Sakrebulo. In total there were 1075 questions.
96 out of these were addressed to the Mayor, City Hall, Deputy Mayor and the administration, 312 to
the civic department, 67 to the limited companies and LEPLs, 344 to the Gamgeobas, 26 to the
Funds, 99 to the agencies, 69 to educational facilities, 2 to the NN(L)E My Lawyer, 3 to the
archive, 40 to the library, 18 to the theatre and museum. Nevertheless, these answers do not
show whether they were used for oversight or for the right of addressing a question/inquiry.


The discussion and approval of a draft budget of a municipality is carried out in accordance with
the Local Self-Government Code of Georgia and other legislative acts of Georgia, including making
amendments to the approved budget, monitoring and evaluation of budget execution. The Sakrebulo
conduct a public hearing of the draft budget and prior to the start of the new budget year, approves
the draft budget with a majority of the members on the current list.

The draft budget is sent to all commissions and all factions. They prepare findings that are sent no
later than November 20 to the Asset Management and Financial-Budgetary commission, which pre-
pare their own opinions and proposals that are forwarded to the chairperson of the Sakrebulo no later
than November 22. If there are any comments, the Municipality Sakrebulo shall, not later than 25
November of each year, return the draft budget with the attached comments to the Gamgebeli/Mayor
of the municipality. Not later than 10 December of each year, the Gamgebeli/Mayor of the municipality
shall submit the same or the modified version of the draft budget to the municipality Sakrebulo.

During the discussion of a draft budget by the municipality Sakrebulo, the draft budget may
be amended only in agreement with the Gamgebeli/Mayor of the municipality. The draft budget
is presented to the Sakrebulo by the Mayor of Tbilisi, Deputy Mayor of Tbilisi, head of the Tbilisi City
Hall Financial-Civic Department.

The monitoring of the implementation of the budget is carried out by the Tbilisi City Municipality
Sakrebulo through the quarterly reports provided by the Mayor. Every year on May 1, the Sakrebulo
approves the implementation report of the previous years budget.

Other factions have not provided answers to our requests for information.

During the reporting period:

On March 7, 2014, the Sakrebulo issued a Decision on the adoption of the 2014 Budget for Tbilisi.
On December 19, 2014, the Sakrebulo approved an Order on the adoption of the 2015 Budget
for Tbilisi Municipality.
On December 26, 2015, the Sakrebulo approved an Order on the adoption of the 2016 Budget
for Tbilisi Municipality.
On December 16, 2016, the Sakrebulo approved an Order on the adoption of the 2017 Budget
for Tbilisi Municipality.

During the reporting period, 21 amendments were made to the approved budget, namely:

4 amendments to the 2014 budget

6 amendments to the 2015 budget
6 amendments to the 2016 budget
5 amendments to the 2017 budget26

The latest discussions on amendments to the 2017 budget were on August 15.

Notably, one out of the three findings received by the legal supervisory body was related to the act
adopting the municipal budget.

According to the Tbilisi Budget 2017, the income amounted to 754 236.2 GEL, while the tax revenue
260 000,0 GEL.27


According to Article 25 of the rules of procedure of the Sakrebulo, the commissions, within their scope
of authority, conduct oversight over implementation of the orders and decrees adopted by the Sakrebulo
and subsequently present respective findings to the Sakrebulo. The information received by the
Sakrebulo does not indicate what sort of activities the commissions carried out to monitor
the implementation of the decisions of the Sakrebulo.

As of August 18, 2017 2017

When assessing the work of the Sakrebulo, it is important to analyze the business links of its mem-
bers, as well as undeclared assets and incompatible activities. In this regard, we analyzed the public
asset declarations of the Sakrebulo public officials28 and public information available on the public
registry webpage29

Requirements stipulated by the law

According to the Law of Georgia On Conflict Of Interest And Corruption In Public Institutions, the term
official includes the following persons: the chairperson of the Sakrebulo, the deputy of the chair-
person of the Sakrebulo, the chairperson of the Sakrebulo commission, and the chairperson of the
Sakrebulo faction. According to the law, a person should submit an officials asset declaration to the
Civil Service Bureau within two months after his/her appointment. Moreover, the Government Order
of February 12, 2014 defines the list of public officials, who are obliged to fill in asset declarations.
According to this Order, the following officials have this obligation:

Chairperson of the Sakrebulo

Deputy of the Chairperson
Chairperson of the Sakrebulo commission

The incompatibility of duties of Sakrebulo public officials is regulated by the Law of Georgia On Conflict
Of Interest And Corruption In Public Institutions, which states the following:

A public official is prohibited from holding any position in any enterprise

A public servant shall, for the term of his/her office, under a trust agreement, transfer to other
persons for management a capital share (block of stocks) of an enterprise of the business entity
owned by him/her, as determined by the legislation of Georgia.

A public servant may not be a permanent head of a business entity, or a member of a controlling,
a supervisory or an auditing body.

Public servants may not carry out entrepreneurial activities. Public servants may only hold stocks
or a share in an enterprise.

According to Article 24, 40 and 48 of the rules of procedure of the Sakrebulo, the chairperson and the
deputy chairperson of the Sakrebulo, the chairpersons of the factions and commissions, do not have
the right to be engaged in entrepreneurial activities. According to Article 42 of the Local Self-Govern-
ment Code of Georgia, a member of the Municipality Sakrebulo may not hold a position of an
official stipulated by the Law of Georgia on the Incompatibility of the Position in Public Service
and on the Corruption, and that their status may be terminated for its violation.

The asset declarations filled out in 2016-2017 are accessible at; the report does not cover cases
of registration of shares, termination of status of management positions following the submission of the asset declarations.
There are a number of undeclared companies whose information has not been updated for years on the business registry.
This potentially indicates that they are no longer in operation. Nevertheless, if the companies exist officialy, the member of
the members of the Parliament is still obliged to report their shares and terminate their management positions.

If the member of the Municipality Sakrebulo violates the rules on incompatibility, the respective Sakrebu-
lo commission will request/verify information on the incompatibility, according to the rules defined
by the rules of procedure of the Sakrebulo. If the violation is confirmed, the respective commission
of the Sakrebulo prepares the findings and presents it to the Sakrebulo on its nearest session. The
Sakrebulo then dwells on the early termination of authority for the member in question.

The bureau conducts monitoring to ensure that information provided in the asset declarations is com-
plete and precise. The asset declaration is considered improperly submitted when the information
provided is not complete or precise, as well as if the information provided is incompatible with the
special legislation. There is a 1000 GEL fine for the public official whose declaration has been filled
out incorrectly.30 Moreover, if the information has been deliberately provided incorrectly or incom-
pletely, the bureau is obliged to hand over the declaration and all supporting documentation to the
law enforcement agencies.

A member of the Sakrebulo is a public official, who is obliged to submit an asset declaration. 10 out
24 members of the Sakrebulo have business links, out of which:

3 are from the Faction Georgian Dream Industrialists (Giorgi Tkemaladze, Vladimer Dzneladze,
Levan Darakhvelidze)

3 are from the Faction Tbilisites (Giorgi Akhvlediani, Giorgi Muskhelishvili, Lia Jakhveladze)

1 is from the Faction Capital City (Zaza Vekua)

1 is an independent member (Guliko Zumbadze)

Three members of the Sakrebulo are listed as directors of commercial legal entities according to the
business registry of the National Agency of Public Registry:

Giorgi Tkemaldze (Georgian Dream Industrialists) ltd. Masterfibre- Georgia, ltd. Vetpreparati31

Levan Darakhvelidze (Georgian Dream Industrialists) ltd. Aidili

Lia Jakhveladze (Tbilisites) ltd. I.L Comp

Out of three aforementioned persons, only Lia Jakhveladze indicates her director status in her asset

5 members of the Sakrebulo have not indicated shares in their asset declarations:

Giorgi Tkemaldze (Georgian Dream Industrialists - ltd. T Group, ltd. Masterfibre

Giorgi Akhvlediani ( Tbilisites) ltd. G-Construction

Giorgi Muskhelishvili (Tbilisites) ltd. Dago 07, ltd. Gobegi, ltd. GM Motors, ltd. Real Estate

Lia Jakhveladze (Tbilisites) In addition to her director status, she is also a shareholder of the
ltd. I.L Comp

Guliko Zumbadze Does not indicate shareholder status in ltd. Ekva Tours

Article 20 of the Law of Georgia On Conflict Of Interest And Corruption In Public Institutions
The liquidation process is underway

2 officials of the Sakrebulo have incompletely filled in their asset declarations:

Vladimer Dzneladze (Georgian Dream Industrialists) Has indiciated shares in the ltd. Rachuli
Lori, but is also a shareholder in ltd. Shatro Veli, ltd. Okriba.

Levan Darakhvelidze (Georgian Dream Industrialists) Has indicated shares in the ltd. Golbi,
but is also a shareholder in ltd. Kapira, ltd. Papiloni, ltd. Agro Group Georgia.

Participation in state procurements

In the scope of this research, we present you information on the participation of companies linked to
members of the Sakrebulo in state procurement. Notably, this doesnt constitute to a violation of
the law, however, this is an interesting observation for the public. One company linked to a member
of the Sakrebulo has participated in state procurement, namely:

Levan Darakhvelidze (Georgian Dream Industrialists) ltd. Golbi/Share During his tenure
as a member of the Sakrebulo, the associated company participated in 7 procurement calls, out
which: 1 was not concluded, 5 were lost and 1 was won. The winning bid amounted to 3,260.00
GEL. The same company participated in 10 simplified procurements and won. The sum of all those
contracts was 658,531.00 GEL. The largest contract in the sum of 513,708.00 GEL was signed with
the Management Agency of Ministry of Finance on the delivery of furniture on February 16, 2015.

Five family members of 4 members of the Sakrebulo have business links. Only two members indicate
this in their asset declarations:

Ketevan Akhvlediani (spouse of Giorgi Akhvlediani) is the founder of ltd. BMG Consalting

Rusudan Bekauri (spouse of Nugzar Malaguradze) is a shareholder of ltd. Georgian Lift Service
and ltd. Tbilkalaklifti

Lasha Malaguradze (son of Nugzar Malaguradze) is a shareholder of ltd. M Group

2 members of the Sakrebulo do not indicate the business links of their family members:

Maia Maisuradze (sporuse of Vladimer Dzneladze) is a shareholder of ltd. Gala Group

Irma Davitadze (spourse of Avtandil Davitadze) is the director and shareholder of ltd. Agora

Nino Jvania, spouse of Giorgi Albegashvili, has the status of an individual entrepreneur, which is not
indicated in the asset declaration.

Participation in state procurement

1. During Nugzar Malaguradzes tenure as member of the Sakrebulo, the company linked with his
spouse, Rusudan Bekauri, participated in 18 tenders, out of which 14 were won and 4 lost. The
highest contract secured amounted to 37,439.00 GEL on December 19, 2016, which envisaged
technical service and repairs of equipment of the Chancellery of the Government of Georgia. The
same company won 11 simplified tenders, to a total value of 3252.32 GEL. The most expensive
contract amounted to 1347.32 GEL and was signed with the Department of Motor Vehicle Roads
on May 31, 2016.

Chart 1 business links of members of The Sakrebulo

Name Position Business links Income from Remark on Public official asset
Surname according to entrepreneurial entrepreneurial declaration
the declaration activities activities
according to
the declaration

Didnt indicate in
the declaration:
Ltd T Group/share-
/Ltd. Masterfibre/
Giorgi Tkemaladze First deputy of
(Georgian Dream - The sakrebulo
Industrialists) chairperson
Masterfibre - Geor-
tor (the liquida-
tion process has

Didnt indicate in
Deputy chair- the declaration:
Giorgi Akhvlediani
person of The 404872134/Ltd.
Sakrebulo J-Construction/

Ltd. M Group,
Nugzari Malagu- shareholder
radze(Georgian Chairperson of 23 Barnovi Str.
Dream - For Demo- the commission Identification
cratic Georgia) Number -

Ltd. Indepen-
dent Court of
Tevdore Kobakhidze
tion Number
(Georgian Dream - For Chairperson of
-205267913 0 GEL
Democratic Georgia) the commission
Ltd. Kobakh-
idze Legal
Group Identifi-
cation Number
- 404962698

Didnt indicate:
Ltd. Shatro Valley
Ltd Rachuli Lori -shareholder. Iden-
Vladimer Dzneladze - partner. tification Number
Chairperson of
(Georgian Dream - Identifica- 0 GEL - 422990204
the faction
Industrialists) tion Number Ltd. Okroba -
-422935382 shareholder. Iden-
tification Number
- 419620654

Name Position Business links Income from Remark on Public official asset
Surname according to entrepreneurial entrepreneurial declaration
the declaration activities ac- activities
cording to the

Hasnt indicated
Chairperson of
Guliko Zumbadze shareholder status:
the commission
Ltd. Ekva Tour

Didnt indicate:
Ltd. IDL- director.
Identification Num-
ber - 205221801;
Ltd. Kapira -
Ltd. Golbi - Ltd. Golbi - shareholder. Iden-
Levan Darakhvelidze Founder/Part- 258459.76 GEL tification Number
Chairperson of
(Georgian Dream - ner. Identifica- Ltd. Golbi - - 222941761
the commission
Industrialists) tion Number 3756.69 GEL Ltd. Papiloni
- 205040338 405182797 /share-
Ltd. Agro
Group Georgia
405104293 share-

Doesnt indicate
the following
information in the
(205217905) Ltd.
Dago 07 share-
(202355897) Ltd.
Giorgi Muskhelishvili Chairperson of
Gobegi share-
(Tbilisites) the faction
(254406557) Ltd.
GM Motors share-
(404488229) Ltd.
Real Estate Com-
pany shareholder

Apart from being

a director, is a
Lia Jakhveladze Chairperson of Ltd. I.L Comp -
0 GEL shareholder off
(Tbilisites) the commission director
Ltd. I.L Comp -

Ltd Europe
/ Georgia -
Zaza Vekua Chairperson of shareholder.
36109,00 GEL
(Capital City) the faction Identification
Number -

Chart 2. Business links of family members of the Sakrebulo members

Income from
entrepreneur- Remark on
ial activities
Position Connection ial activities entrepreneurial Declarations
according to the
according to activities
the declaration

Has not indicated

individual entre-
preneur status
Giorgi Alibegash-
Nino Jvania (addressed the
vilis spouse
public registry for
termination of the

BMG consulting, -
Ketevan Giorgi Akhvledi- founder; Identi-
10000.00 GEL
Akhvlediani anis spouse fication Number
- 406063307

Ltd. Georgian Lift

Service, share-
holder; Identifi-
Nugzar cation Number
Rusudan Bekauri Malaguradzes - 204438046; 0.00 GEL
spouse Ltd. Tbilkalaklifti,
shareholder; Iden-
tification Number
- 204574068

Ltd. M Group,
Georgia, Tbilisi,
Lasha 23 Barnovi
Malaguradzes 0.00 GEL
Malaguradze Str. - Identifica-
tion Number -

Ltd. Gala Group

Vladimer - is not indicat-
Maia Maisuradze Dzneladzes ed - Identifica-
spouse tion Number -

Is not declared:
Ltd. Gora - share-
Irma Davitadze Davitadzes
holder / director
- 405081682

There are a number of important issues the Sakrebulo is facing in terms of carrying out its functions,
powers and responsibilities. The level of transparency of public information is also lackluster.

To ensure openness and transparency of information, it is important for the Sakrebulo to join the
Open Government Partnership initiative. The 6th convocation of the Sakrebulo should make active
and concrete steps in the following directions:

1. Adoption of legal acts

There should be a higher standard of justification for amendments to legal acts and the involve-
ment of specialists and other relevant persons

It is important for temporary working groups to be created for high-profile legal acts. It is important
to involve the members of the civil society in this process, as well as relevant experts

2. Oversight

The Sakrebulo should effectively use its oversight mechanisms: inquiries/questions, invitation to
sessions, control of adopted decisions.

The oversight mechanism over the adopted decisions should be actively used

The procedural rules for inquiries/questions should be upheld and any violations should be given
a due respond, including in cases when summons from the factions are ignored by accountable

3. Accountability

The members of the Sakrebulo should take attendance with high responsibility. It is important to
amend the rules of procedure and decrease the list of justified absences (family issue)

The members of the Sakrebulo should correctly fill out their public asset declarations, duly note
company shares of their family members and leave any management positions as required by the law.

4. Transparency

The list of information to be published proactively should be amended, in order to bolster

the level of transparency

Our report has shown that it is difficult to obtain information on specific activities of the Sakrebulo
(legal acts, number of speeches, absences). Notably, in some cases the Sakrebulo has redirected
us to their website, in spite of the law requiring them to issue this information. It is important for
the Sakrebulo to issue complete and precise information, in order for information on the activities
of the Sakrebulo to be transparent and accessible for the public. The following information should
be published on the website of the Sakrebulo:

First versions of the legal acts, with the author/initiator indicated, as well as opinions expressed
at the session

Inquiries/questions made as part of oversight

Detailed information on the participation of members of the Sakrebulo in the sessions, indi-
vidual data on the justified and unjustified absences

Information on the representative expenses made by the members of the Sakrebulo

Information on the previous convocations

Information on existing councils should be presented separately

Reports and record of proceedings of the commissions of the Sakrebulo

5. Citizen engagement

The Sakrebulo sessions and sitting of the commissions should be available online and there
should be a video archive of such recordings

Information on the sessions should be timely available on the website

The Sakrebulo webpage should be more informative and include specific information on the ac-
tivities of the members of the Sakrebulo.


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