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Petitioners, VELASCO, JR., J., Chairperson,
- versus - ABAD,
Presiding Judge, Regional Trial Promulgated:
Court, Branch 39, Sogod, Southern
Leyte, and PO1 RUDYARD September 12, 2011
x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -x



This resolves the Petition for Certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court, praying that the
Order[1] of the Regional Trial Court of Sogod, Southern Leyte (RTC), dated January 16, 2009,
dismissing the criminal case for rape against PO1 Rudyard Paloma y Torres (private respondent),
and the Resolution[2] dated March 16, 2009, denying petitioners' motion for reconsideration, be
annulled and set aside.

The records reveal the following antecedent facts.

On October 25, 2004, petitioner AAA, private complainant below, executed a sworn statement
before an Investigator of the 8th Regional Office, Philippine National Police-Criminal
Investigation and Detection Group (PNP-CIDG) in Tacloban City, where she stated that she was
raped by herein private respondent on October 10, 2004 at her boarding house at Sogod, Southern
Leyte. A preliminary investigation of the case was commenced on November 4, 2004 before the
Presiding Judge of the Municipal Circuit Trial Court (MCTC) of Sogod. A warrant of arrest was
issued against private respondent, so he voluntarily surrendered to the Chief of Police of Sogod
on November 18, 2004 and was then incarcerated at the Sogod Municipal Jail.

On November 20, 2004, private respondent filed a Motion for Bail. Hearings on the motion
commenced on December 7, 2004, but petitioner failed to appear. Only private respondent
presented evidence. Thus, on March 16, 2005, the MCTC of Sogod issued an Order allowing
private respondent to post bail set at P200,000.00. After posting a surety bond, private respondent
was released from confinement.

Pursuant to the issuance of A.M. No. 05-8-26, divesting first-level courts of authority to conduct
preliminary investigation of criminal complaints cognizable by Regional Trial Courts, records of
the subject case were transmitted to the Provincial Prosecutor's Office of Southern Leyte.[3] The
Prosecutor's Office issued a Resolution dated May 26, 2008, finding probable cause against
private respondent and, accordingly, an Information for Rape was filed on June 11, 2008. A
warrant of arrest was immediately issued against private respondent.

On June 27, 2008, private respondent was committed to detention [4] and, on June 30, 2008, the
RTC issued an Order[5] stating that accused had voluntarily surrendered to the Office of the Clerk
of Court and arraignment was set for July 31, 2008. In the meantime, on July 3, 2008, private
respondent filed a Motion to Admit Cash Bond in Lieu of Surety Bond; thus, in an Order dated
July 10, 2008, the RTC cancelled the July 31, 2008 schedule for arraignment and reset the
arraignment and hearing on said motion for August 20, 2008. At said scheduled date for
arraignment and hearing on the motion, nobody appeared for the prosecution. Hence, the RTC
issued the Order[6] dated August 20, 2008 resetting the arraignment for October 31, 2008 and
stating that:

x x x this Court hereby orders the public prosecutor x x x and/or his assistant
prosecutor x x x to appear and prosecute this case on the next scheduled hearing from
arraignment up to the termination of the trial of this case otherwise this Court will order
the dismissal of this case for failure to prosecute or nolle prosequi.[7]

On October 28, 2008, petitioner AAA, private complainant below, filed through her private
counsel, a Motion for Cancellation of Hearing,[8] manifesting that Atty. Pedro Felicen, Jr. had
been granted the authority to prosecute by the Provincial Prosecutor and praying that the
scheduled arraignment on October 31, 2008 be cancelled due to the pendency of private
complainant's petition for transfer of venue before this Court. The authorized private prosecutor
did not appear on said hearing date. The hearing on October 31, 2008 proceeded as the RTC ruled,
in its Order[9] issued on the same day, that unless restrained by a higher court, the mere pendency
of a petition for transfer of venue is not sufficient reason to suspend the proceedings. Moreover,
counsel for accused invoked the accused's right to a speedy trial and, thus, private respondent was
arraigned in the presence of the Provincial Prosecutor who was designated by the RTC to
represent the prosecution for the purpose of arraignment. Pre-trial was set for November 13,
2008.Nevertheless, said schedule for pre-trial was cancelled (per Order[10] dated November 4,
2008) as the Presiding Judge of the RTC had to attend a PHILJA Seminar, and pre-trial was reset
to November 24, 2008. On November 24, 2008, the day of the pre-trial itself, the private
prosecutor again filed a Motion for Cancellation of Hearing, again using as justification the
pendency of the petition for transfer of venue. The RTC issued an Order on even date, reading as

During the scheduled pre-trial conference of this case, the public prosecutors of Leyte,
the private prosecutor and the private complainant failed to appear despite proper
notices sent [to] them.A motion for cancellation of hearing was filed by the authorized
private prosecutor, Pedro Felicen, Jr. for reasons stated therein to which this Court finds
to be not meritorious, hence, the same is denied. x x x the public prosecutor as well as
the counsel for the accused were directed to make their oral comments on the first
endorsement of the Hon. Deputy Court Administrator, regarding the motion to transfer
venue of this case to any of the RTC, at Tacloban City, x x x.

x x x Thereafter, the pre trial proceeded by discussing matters concerning the amicable
settlement, plea bargaining agreement, stipulation of facts, pre-marking of documentary
exhibits, number of witnesses, trial dates and nature of the defense. There being no other
matters to discuss on pre-trial in order to expedite the early disposition of this case, the
pre-trial proper is now deemed terminated.[11]

The said Order also scheduled the initial hearing for trial on the merits for December 12, 2008. On
December 12, 2008, no one appeared for the prosecution, prompting counsel for accused private
respondent to move for dismissal of the case on the ground of failure to prosecute. Private
respondent's motion to dismiss was denied per Order[12] dated December 12, 2008, and hearing
was reset to January 16, 2009.

Again, on the very day of the January 16, 2009 hearing, the private prosecutor filed an Urgent
Motion for Cancellation of Hearing, stating that it

was only on January 14, 2009 that he was furnished a copy of the notice of the January 16, 2009
hearing and he had to attend a previously scheduled hearing for another case he was handling, set
for the very same date. Thus, in the Order dated January 16, 2009, the RTC disposed, thus:

x x x Again notably absent are the private prosecutor, the two public prosecutors
designated by the Department of Justice to prosecute this case as well as the private
complainant herself.
A last minute urgent motion to reset was filed by the private prosecutor, but the same
is denied being in violation of the three (3) day rule in filing written
postponements. After hearing the arguments coming from both the public prosecutor
assigned to this Court and counsel for the defense, the Court deems it proper to act on
the urgency of the matter prayed for by the said counsel. Considering that the accused
has been languishing in jail since June, 2008 up to the present and to allow him to stay
in jail for a single minute, it is quite unreasonable and would violate his right to speedy
WHEREFORE, finding the motion of the counsel for the accused to be based on
grounds that are meritorious, this Court pursuant to x x x the rule on speedy trial (RA
8433) [should be 8493] hereby orders this case dismissed for failure of the prosecution
to prosecute or nolle prosequi.[13]

Petitioners filed a motion for reconsideration, but the RTC denied the same per Resolution dated
March 16, 2009.

Hence, the present petition for certiorari, alleging that public respondent acted with grave abuse
of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction in rashly and precipitately dismissing the
rape case against private respondent. Respondents counter that there was no grave abuse
committed by the trial court and setting aside the dismissal of the rape case would put private
respondent in double jeopardy.

The Court finds the petition bereft of merit.

Firstly, petitioners failed to observe the doctrine on hierarchy of courts. In Garcia v. Miro,[14] the
Court, quoting Vergara, Sr. v. Suelto,[15] ruled thus:

The Supreme Court is a court of last resort, and must so remain if it is to

satisfactorily perform the functions assigned to it by the fundamental charter and
immemorial tradition. It cannot and should not be burdened with the task of dealing
with causes in the first instance. Its original jurisdiction to issue the so-called
extraordinary writs should be exercised only where absolutely necessary or where
serious and important reasons exist therefor. Hence, that jurisdiction should
generally be exercised relative to actions or proceedings before the Court of Appeals,
or before constitutional or other tribunals, bodies or agencies whose acts for some
reason or another are not controllable by the Court of Appeals. Where the issuance
of an extraordinary writ is also within the competence of the Court of Appeals or
a Regional Trial Court, it is in either of these courts that the specific action for the
writ's procurement must be presented. This is, and should continue, to be the
policy in this regard, a policy that courts and lawyers must strictly
observe.[16] (Emphasis supplied.)

On this point alone, the petition is already dismissible. However, on several occasions, this Court
found compelling reasons to relax the rule on observance on hierarchy of courts.In Pacoy v.
Cajigal,[17] the Court opted not to strictly apply said doctrine, since the issue involved is double
jeopardy, considered to be one of the most fundamental constitutional rights of an
accused. Hence, the Court also finds sufficient reason to relax the rule in this case as it also
involves the issue of double jeopardy, necessitating a look into the merits of the petition.
Petitioners insist that the RTC dismissed the criminal case against private respondent too
hurriedly, despite the provision in Section 10 of the Speedy Trial Act of 1998 (Republic Act No.
8493), now incorporated in Section 3, Rule 119 of the Rules of Court, to wit:

SEC. 3. Exclusions. - The following periods of delay shall be excluded in computing

the time within which trial must commence:
(a) Any period of delay resulting from other proceedings concerning
the accused, including but not limited to the following:


(5) Delay resulting from orders of inhibition, or proceedings relating to

change of venue of cases or transfer from other courts;

x x x x[18]

A careful reading of the above rule would show that the only delays that may be excluded from
the time limit within which trial must commence are those resulting from proceedings
concerning the accused. The time involved in the proceedings in a petition for transfer of venue
can only be excluded from said time limit if it was the accused who instituted the same. Hence,
in this case, the time during which the petition for transfer of venue filed by the private
complainant is pending, cannot be excluded from the time limit of thirty (30) days from receipt
of the pre-trial order imposed in Section 1, Rule 119 of the Rules of Court.

The records reveal that the 30-day time limit set by Section 1, Rule 119 of the Rules of Court had,
in fact, already been breached. The private prosecutor received the Pre-trial Order[19] dated
November 24, 2008 on December 3, 2008, while the Provincial Prosecutor received the same on
December 2, 2008.[20] This means that at the latest, trial should have commenced by January 2,
2009, or if said date was a Sunday or holiday, then on the very next business day. Yet, because
of the prosecution's failure to appear at the December 12, 2008 hearing for the initial presentation
of the prosecution's evidence, the RTC was constrained to reset the hearing to January 16, 2009,
which is already beyond the 30-day time limit. Nevertheless, the prosecution again failed to
appear at the January 16, 2009 hearing. Indeed, as aptly observed by the RTC, petitioners showed
recalcitrant behavior by obstinately refusing to comply with the RTC's directives to commence
presentation of their evidence. Petitioners did not even show proper courtesy to the court, by filing
motions for cancellation of the hearings on the very day of the hearing and not even bothering to
appear on the date they set for hearing on their motion. As set forth in the narration of facts above,
the prosecution appeared to be intentionally delaying and trifling with court processes.
Petitioners are likewise mistaken in their notion that mere pendency of their petition for transfer
of venue should interrupt proceedings before the trial court. Such situation is akin to having a
pending petition for certiorari with the higher courts. In People v. Hernandez,[21] the Court held
that delay resulting from extraordinary remedies against interlocutory orders must be read in
harmony with Section 7, Rule 65 of the Rules of Court which provides that the [p]etition [under
Rule 65] shall not interrupt the course of the principal case unless a temporary restraining
order or a writ of preliminary injunction has been issued against the public respondent
from further proceeding in the case.[22] The trial court was then correct and acting well within
its discretion when it refused to grant petitioners' motions for postponement mainly because of
the pendency of their petition for transfer of venue.

The trial court cannot be faulted for refusing to countenance delays in the prosecution of the
case. The Court's ruling in Tan v. People[23] is quite instructive, to wit:

An accused's right to "have a speedy, impartial, and public trial" is guaranteed in

criminal cases by Section 14 (2) of Article III of the Constitution. This right to a speedy
trial may be defined as one free from vexatious, capricious and oppressive delays, its
"salutary objective" being to assure that an innocent person may be free from the anxiety
and expense of a court litigation or, if otherwise, of having his guilt determined within
the shortest possible time compatible with the presentation and consideration of
whatsoever legitimate defense he may interpose.Intimating historical perspective on the
evolution of the right to speedy trial, we reiterate the old legal maxim, "justice delayed
is justice denied." This oft-repeated adage requires the expeditious resolution of
disputes, much more so in criminal cases where an accused is constitutionally
guaranteed the right to a speedy trial.

Following the policies incorporated under the 1987 Constitution, Republic Act No.
8493, otherwise known as "The Speedy Trial Act of 1998," was enacted, with Section
6 of said act limiting the trial period to 180 days from the first day of trial. Aware of
problems resulting in the clogging of court dockets, the Court implemented the law by
issuing Supreme Court Circular No. 38-98, which has been incorporated in the 2000
Rules of Criminal Procedure, Section 2 of Rule 119.

In Corpuz v. Sandiganbayan, the Court had occasion to state -

The right of the accused to a speedy trial and to a speedy disposition of

the case against him was designed to prevent the oppression of the citizen
by holding criminal prosecution suspended over him for an indefinite
time, and to prevent delays in the administration of justice by mandating
the courts to proceed with reasonable dispatch in the trial of criminal
cases. Such right to a speedy trial and a speedy disposition of a case is
violated only when the proceeding is attended by vexatious, capricious
and oppressive delays. The inquiry as to whether or not an accused has
been denied such right is not susceptible by precise qualification. The
concept of a speedy disposition is a relative term and must necessarily be
a flexible concept.

While justice is administered with dispatch, the essential ingredient is

orderly, expeditious and not mere speed. It cannot be definitely said how
long is too long in a system where justice is supposed to be swift, but
deliberate. It is consistent with delays and depends upon circumstances. It
secures rights to the accused, but it does not preclude the rights of public
justice. Also, it must be borne in mind that the rights given to the accused
by the Constitution and the Rules of Court are shields, not weapons;
hence, courts are to give meaning to that intent.

The Court emphasized in the same case that:

A balancing test of applying societal interests and the rights of the accused
necessarily compels the court to approach speedy trial cases on an ad
hoc basis.

In determining whether the accused has been deprived of his right to a

speedy disposition of the case and to a speedy trial, four factors must be
considered: (a) length of delay; (b) the reason for the delay; (c) the
defendant's assertion of his right; and (d) prejudice to the defendant. x x

Closely related to the length of delay is the reason or justification of the

State for such delay. Different weights

should be assigned to different reasons or justifications invoked by the

State. x x x.

Exhaustively explained in Corpuz v. Sandiganbayan, an accused's right to speedy trial

is deemed violated only when the proceeding is attended by vexatious, capricious, and
oppressive delays. In determining whether petitioner was deprived of this right, the
factors to consider and balance are the following: (a) duration of the delay; (b)
reason therefor; (c) assertion of the right or failure to assert it; and (d) prejudice
caused by such delay.


We emphasize that in determining the right of an accused to speedy trial, courts

are required to do more than a mathematical computation of the number of
postponements of the scheduled hearings of the case. A mere mathematical
reckoning of the time involved is clearly insufficient, and particular regard must
be given to the facts and circumstances peculiar to each case.[24]
Here, it must be emphasized that private respondent had already been deprived of his liberty on
two occasions. First, during the preliminary investigation before the MCTC, when he was
incarcerated from November 18, 2004 to March 16, 2005, or a period of almost four months; then
again, when an Information had already been issued and since rape is a non-bailable offense, he
was imprisoned beginning June 27, 2008 until the case was dismissed on January 16, 2009, or a
period of over 6 months. Verily, there can be no cavil that deprivation of liberty for any duration
of time is quite oppressive. Because of private respondent's continued incarceration, any delay in
trying the case would cause him great prejudice. Thus, it was absolutely vexatious and oppressive
to delay the trial in the subject criminal case to await the outcome of petitioners' petition for
transfer of venue, especially in this case where there is no temporary restraining order or writ of
preliminary injunction issued by a higher court against herein public respondent from further
proceeding in the case.

Hence, the Court does not find any grave abuse of discretion committed by the trial court in
dismissing the case against private respondent for violation of his constitutional right to speedy

WHEREFORE, the petition is DISMISSED.


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