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Republic of the Philippines knew that the appellant abhorred children playing on the roof of the carinderia and

dren playing on the roof of the carinderia and berated them for it. His
SUPREME COURT friend Ong-ong had previously been scolded by the appellant for playing on the roof.
Manila Ricardo called on Vincent and Whilcon to come down from the roof. When the appellant saw Vincent and
EN BANC Whilcon, the former stopped his motorcycle and shouted at them, "Putang inang mga batang ito, hindi kayo
G.R. No. 137347 March 4, 2004 magsibaba d'yan!" After hearing the shouts of the appellant, Whilcon immediately jumped down from the
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, appellee, roof.6 Vincent, meanwhile, was lying on his stomach on the roof flying his kite. When he heard the
vs. appellant's shouts, Vincent stood up and looked at the latter. Vincent turned his back, ready to get down
PO3 FERDINAND FALLORINA Y FERNANDO, appellant. from the roof. Suddenly, the appellant pointed his .45 caliber pistol7 towards the direction of Vincent and
fired a shot. Vincent was hit on the left parietal area. He fell from the roof, lying prostrate near the canal
beside the abandoned carinderia and the basketball court.8
DECISION Whilcon rushed to help Vincent up but was shocked when he saw blood on the latter's head. Whilcon
retreated and left his friend.9 The appellant approached Vincent and carried the latter's hapless body in a
waiting tricycle and brought him to the Quezon City General Hospital. Vincent was pronounced dead on
CALLEJO, SR., J.: arrival.
For automatic review is the Decision1 of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 95, convicting Meantime, word reached Vincent's parents that their son was shot and brought to the hospital. They rushed
appellant PO3 Ferdinand Fallorina y Fernando of murder for the killing of eleven-year-old Vincent Jorojoro, Jr. to the hospital, only to see their son's already lifeless body. The appellant was nowhere to be found.
while the latter was flying his kite on top of a roof. The court a quo sentenced the appellant to suffer the Dr. Ravell Ronald R. Baluyot of the Medico-Legal Division of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI)
death penalty. conducted an autopsy where he made the following findings:
The accusatory portion of the Information charging the appellant with murder reads: Cyanosis, lips and nailbeds.
That on or about the 26th day of September 1998, in Quezon City, Philippines, the said accused, Abrasion, 7.0 x 2.0 cms., right arm, middle third, postero-lateral aspect.
with intent to kill, by means of treachery and taking advantage of superior strength, did then and Contused-abrasion, 14.5 x 2.5 cms., postero-lateral chest wall, right side.
there, wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously attack, assault and employ personal violence upon the Gunshot Wound, Entrance, 3.0 x 0.8 cms., roughly ovaloid, with irregular edges, abrasion collar
person of VINCENT JOROJORO, JR. y MORADAS, a minor, eleven (11) years of age, by then and widest postero-inferiorly, located at the head, left parietal area, 9.0 cms. above and 8.0 cms.
there, shooting him with a gun, hitting him on the head, thereby inflicting upon him serious and behind the left external auditory meatus, directed forward upward and from left to right, involving
mortal wound which was the direct and immediate cause of his death, to the damage and the scalp, fracturing the left parietal bone (punched-in), lacerating the left and right cerebral
prejudice of the heirs of the said offended party. hemispheres of the brain, fracturing the right parietal bone (punched-out), lacerating the scalp,
CONTRARY TO LAW.2 making an Exit wound, 3.3 x 1.0 cms., stellate with everted and irregular edges, 12.0 cms. above
Upon arraignment on October 20, 1998, the appellant, with the assistance of counsel, pleaded not guilty. and 2.0 cms. in front of the right external auditory meatus.
Thereafter, trial ensued. Intracranial hemorrhage, subdural and subarachnoid, extensive, bilateral.
Case for the Prosecution3 Scalp hematoma, fronto-parietal areas, bilateral.
Eleven-year-old Vincent Jorojoro, Jr. was the third child of Vicente and Felicisima Jorojoro. The family lived at Visceral organs, congested.
Sitio Militar, Barangay Bahay Toro, Project 8, Quezon City. Vincent, nicknamed "Hataw," was a grade three Stomach, one-fourth (1/4) filled with partially digested food particles.
pupil whose education was sponsored by the Spouses Petinato, an American couple, through an educational CAUSE OF DEATH: GUNSHOT WOUND, HEAD.10
foundation.4 Dr. Baluyot testified that the victim died from a single gunshot wound in the head. The bullet entered the left
The appellant was an officer of the Philippine National Police detailed in the Traffic Management Group upper back portion of the head (above the level of the left ear)11 and exited to the right side.12 Dr. Baluyot
(TMG) based in Camp Crame, Quezon City, but was on detached service with the Motorcycle Unit of the signed Vincent's certificate of death.13
Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA). At about 3:00 p.m., SPO2 Felix Pajarillo and Police Inspector Abelardo P. Aquino proceeded to the scene of
At about 2:30 p.m. of September 26, 1998, Vincent asked permission from his mother Felicisima if he could the shooting but failed to find the victim and the appellant. They proceeded to the Quezon City General
play outside. She agreed.5 Together with his playmate Whilcon "Buddha" Rodriguez, Vincent played with his Hospital where they heard that the victim had died. They returned to the crime scene and recovered an
kite on top of the roof of an abandoned carinderia beside the road in Sitio Militar, Barangay Bahay Toro. empty shell from a .45 caliber gun.14
Beside thiscarinderia was a basketball court, where fourteen-year-old Ricardo Salvo and his three friends, On September 28, 1998, Major Isidro Suyo, the Chief of the MMDA Motorcycle Unit to which the appellant
nicknamed L.A., Nono and Puti, were playing backan, a game of basketball. was assigned on detached service, reported to the Sangandaan Police Station that the appellant had not
Ricardo heard the familiar sound of a motorcycle coming from the main road across the basketball court. He reported for duty.15 At 2:10 p.m. of September 29, 1998, Police Senior Superintendent Alfonso Nalangan, the
was nonplussed when he looked at the person driving the motorcycle and recognized the appellant. Ricardo Regional Director of the PNP-TMG, NCR, surrendered the appellant to the Sangandaan Police Station
together with his .45 caliber pistol bearing Serial No. AOC-38701.16
Meantime, upon the urging of Vicente Jorojoro, Ricardo was brought to the Department of Justice where he On September 29, 1998, he went to the office of Major Suyo and surrendered his .45 caliber pistol. Major
was enrolled under its Witness Protection Program. He gave his sworn statement to NBI Special Agent Suyo accompanied and turned over the appellant to the commanding officer at Camp Crame, Quezon City.
Roberto Divinagracia on September 29, 1998.17 On the same date, P/Insp. Abelardo Aquino wrote the Chief The appellant was subjected to a neuro and drug test. He stated that the results of the drug test were
of the PNP Crime Laboratory Examination Unit requesting for the ballistic examination of the .45 caliber negative. The appellant was then referred to the Sangandaan Police Station for investigation.26 The
pistol with Serial No. AOC-38701 and the empty shell of a .45 caliber gun found at the scene of the pictures27 of the crime scene were given to him by Barangay Tanod Johnny Yaket, shown in one of the
shooting.18 Before noon on September 30, 1998, Divinagracia arrived at the station and turned over two pictures pointing to a bullet hole. The appellant's testimony was corroborated in pari materia by Macario
witnesses, Raymond Castro and Ricardo Salvo. He also turned over the witnesses' sworn statements.19 On Ortiz.
October 2, 1998, on orders of the police station commander,20 Pajarillo took pictures of the crime scene, Leonel Angelo Balaoro, Vincent's thirteen-year-old playmate, testified that at 1:30 p.m. of September 26,
including the carinderia and the roof with a bullet hole as part of the office filing.21 He did not inform the 1998, he was playing basketball at Barangay Bahay Toro, at the basketball court along the road beside the
prosecution that he took such pictures, nor did he furnish it with copies thereof. However, the appellant's chapel. With him were Ricardo, Puti and Nono. Vincent was on the rooftop of the carinderia with Whilcon.
counsel learned of the existence of the said pictures. While Puti was shooting the ball, an explosion ensued. He and Ricardo ran beside the chapel near the
On October 5, 1998, P/Insp. Mario Prado signed Firearms Identification Report No. FAIB-124-98 stating that: basketball court. He looked back towards the basketball court and saw the appellant, about 15 meters away
FINDINGS: from the canal, holding the prostrate and bloodied Vincent. He did not see the appellant shoot Vincent. He
Microscopic examination and comparison of the specimen marked "FAP" revealed the did not report what he saw to the police authorities. He was ordered by his father to testify for the appellant.
same individual characteristics with cartridge cases fired from the above-mentioned He also testified that his mother was related to Daniel, the appellant's brother.
firearm. On January 19, 1999, the trial court rendered judgment convicting the appellant of murder, qualified by
CONCLUSION: treachery and aggravated by abuse of public position. The trial court did not appreciate in favor of the
The specimen marked "FAP" was fired from the above-mentioned caliber .45 Thompson appellant the mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender. The decretal portion of the decision reads:
Auto Ordnance pistol with serial number AOC-38701.22 WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered finding the accused PO3 Ferdinand Fallorina y Fernando
Vincent's family suffered mental anguish as a result of his death. As evidenced by receipts, they spent GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Murder defined in and penalized by Article 248 of
P49,174 for the funeral.23 the Revised Penal Code, as amended by Republic Act No. 7659, and in view of the presence of the
Case for the Appellant aggravating circumstance of taking advantage by the accused of his public position (par. 1, Art. 14,
The appellant denied shooting Vincent. He testified that at about 1:30 p.m. of September 26, 1998, Macario Revised Penal Code), is hereby sentenced to suffer the penalty of DEATH.
Ortiz, a resident of Sitio San Jose, Quezon City, asked for police assistance; Macario's brother-in-law was The accused is hereby ordered to indemnify the heirs of the late Vincent Jorojoro, Jr. the amounts
drunk and armed with a knife, and was creating trouble in their house. The appellant's house was located of P49,174.00, as actual damages; P50,000.00, as moral damages; P25,000.00, as exemplary
along a narrow alley (eskinita) perpendicular to the main road. It was 200 meters away from Macario's damages; and, P50,000.00, as death indemnity.
house.24 Responding to the call, the appellant took his .45 service revolver, cocked it, put the safety lock in The accused is to pay the costs.
place and tucked the gun at his right waistline. He brought out his motorcycle from the garage and slowly The .45 caliber pistol, service firearm (Exh. "R") of the accused, shall remain under the custody of
negotiated the bumpy alley leading to the main road. Macario, who was waiting for him at the main road, the Court and shall be disposed of in accordance with the existing rules and regulations upon the
called his attention to his revolver which was about to fall off from his waist. The appellant got distracted and finality of this decision.28
brought his motorcycle to the right side of the road, near the abandoned carinderia where he stopped. As he The appellant assigned the following errors for resolution:
stepped his right foot on the ground to keep himself from falling, the appellant lost his balance and slipped to 1. THE COURT A QUO SERIOUSLY ERRED IN NOT GIVING DUE CREDENCE TO RELEVANT PHYSICAL
the right. At this point, the revolver fell to the ground near his foot and suddenly went off. Bystanders EVIDENCE, WHICH IF CONSIDERED COULD HAVE ALTERED THE CONCLUSIONS ARRIVED AT BY THE
shouted, "Ano yon, ano yon, mukhang may tinamaan." He picked up his gun and examined it. He put the COURT AND THE OUTCOME OF THE CASE.
safety latch back on and tucked it at his right waistline. He then told Macario to wait for a while to check if 2. THE COURT A QUO SERIOUSLY ERRED BY OVERSTEPPING THE LINE OF JUDGING AND ADVOCACY,
somebody was really hit. He went near the abandoned carinderia and saw Vincent sprawled to the ground. AND GOING INTO THE REALM OF SPECULATION, PATENTLY DEMONSTRATING BIAS AND
He picked up the bloodied child, boarded him on a tricycle on queue and instructed its driver, Boy Candaje, PARTIALITY.
to bring the boy to the hospital.25 On board the tricycle were Jeffrey Dalansay and Milbert Doring. 3. THE COURT A QUO ERRED IN GIVING UNDUE CREDENCE TO THE TESTIMONY OF RICARDO SALVO,
The appellant rode his motorcycle and proceeded to his mother's house in Caloocan City but did not inform ALLEGED PROSECUTION EYEWITNESS, WHOSE TESTIMONY IS WANTING IN PROBABILITY, AS IT IS
her of the incident. He then called his superior officer, Major Isidro Suyo, at the Base 103, located at Roces CONTRARY TO THE COMMON EXPERIENCE OF MANKIND.
Avenue, Quezon City. The appellant informed Major Suyo that he met an accident; that his gun fell and fired; 4. THE COURT A QUO GRAVELY ERRED IN INEQUITABLY APPRECIATING EXCULPATORY AND
and, that the bullet accidentally hit a child. He also told his superior that he might not be able to report for INCULPATORY FACTS AND CIRCUMSTANCES WHICH SHOULD HAVE BEEN CONSIDERED IN FAVOR
work that day and the following day. He assured his superior that he would surrender later. He then went to OF THE ACCUSED.
Valenzuela City to the house of his friend PO3 Angelito Lam, who was a motorcycle unit cop. The appellant 5. THE COURT A QUO ERRED IN FAILING TO APPRECIATE THE MITIGATING CIRCUMSTANCE OF
stayed there for three days. He also visited friends during that time. VOLUNTARY SURRENDER IN FAVOR OF THE ACCUSED.
6. THE COURT A QUO GRAVELY ERRED IN APPRECIATING THE AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCE OF contradictory; one cannot exist with the other.36 In criminal negligence, the injury caused to another should
TAKING ADVANTAGE OF HIS POSITION BY ACCUSED.29 be unintentional, it being simply the incident of another act performed without malice. 37 The appellant must
The appellant asserts that the trial court failed to appreciate in his favor the physical evidence, viz., the hole rely on the strength of his evidence and not on the weakness of that of the prosecution because by admitting
found on the rooftop of the carinderia where Vincent was when he was shot. The appellant contends that having caused the death of the victim, he can no longer be acquitted.
the picture30taken on October 2, 1998 by no less than SPO2 Felix Pajarillo, one of the principal witnesses of In this case, the appellant failed to prove, with clear and convincing evidence, his defense.
the prosecution, and the pictures31 showing Barangay Tanod Yaket pointing to a hole on the roof buttress the First. The appellant appended to his counter-affidavit in the Office of the Quezon City Prosecutor the pictures
defense of the appellant that the shooting was accidental. The appellant maintains that his service revolver showing the hole on the roof of the carinderia38 to prove that he shot the victim accidentally. However, when
fell to the ground, hit a hard object, and as the barrel of the gun was pointed to an oblique direction, it fired, the investigating prosecutor propounded clarificatory questions on the appellant relating to the pictures, the
hitting the victim who was on the rooftop. The bullet hit the back portion of the victim's head, before exiting latter refused to answer. This can be gleaned from the resolution of the investigating prosecutor, thus:
and hitting the rooftop. The appellant posits that the pictures belie Ricardo's testimony that he deliberately Classificatory questions were propounded on the respondent but were refused to be answered.
shot the victim, and, instead, complements Dr. Baluyot's testimony that the gunshot wound came from This certainly led the undersigned to cast doubt on respondent's allegations. The defenses set forth
somewhere behind the victim, somewhere lower than the point of entrance. The appellant invokes P/Insp. by the respondent are evidentiary in character and best appreciated in a full-blown trial; and that
Mario Prado's testimony that if a gun hits the ground in an oblique position, the gun will fire and the bullet the same is not sufficient to overcome probable cause.39
will exit in the same position as the gun, that is, also in an oblique position. Second. The appellant did not see what part of the gun hit the victim.40 There is no evidence showing that
The Office of the Solicitor General, for its part, asserts that the contention of the appellant is based on the gun hit a hard object when it fell to the ground, what part of the gun hit the ground and the position of
speculations and surmises, the factual basis for his conclusion not having been proven by competent and the gun when it fell from the appellant's waist.
credible evidence. There is no evidence on record that the hole shown in the pictures32 was caused by a Third. In answer to the clarificatory questions of the court, the appellant testified that the chamber of his
bullet from a .45 caliber pistol. The appellant did not present Barangay Tanod Johnny Yaket, who was shown pistol was loaded with bullets and was cocked when he placed it on his right waistline.41 He also testified that
in the pictures, to testify on the matter. The appellant failed to prove that any slug was found on the rooftop the gun's safety lock was on. He was asked if the gun would fire if the hammer is moved backward with the
or under the roof which came from the appellant's .45 caliber pistol. According to the Solicitor General, the safety lock in place, and the appellant admitted that even if he pulled hard on the trigger, the gun would not
pictures relied upon by the appellant cannot overcome the positive and straightforward testimony of the fire:
young eyewitness Ricardo Salvo. Q Is this your service firearm?
We agree with the Office of the Solicitor General. Whether or not the appellant is exempt from criminal A Yes, Your Honor.
liability is a factual issue. The appellant was burdened to prove, with clear and convincing evidence, his Q So the chamber might have been loaded when you went out of the house?
affirmative defense that the victim's death was caused by his gun accidentally going off, the bullet hitting the A Yes, Your Honor.
victim without his fault or intention of causing it; hence, is exempt from criminal liability under Article 12, Q What about the hammer, how was the hammer at that time when you tucked the gun in your
paragraph 4 of the Revised Penal Code which reads waistline?
The following are exempt from criminal liability: A The hammer was cocked like this.
4. Any person who, while performing a lawful act with due care, causes an injury by mere accident Can you not stipulate that the hammer is moved backwards near the safety grip.
without fault or intention of causing it. ATTY. AND PROS. SINTAY:
The basis for the exemption is the complete absence of intent and negligence on the part of the accused. For Admitted, Your Honor.
the accused to be guilty of a felony, it must be committed either with criminal intent or with fault or ATTY. PEREZ:
negligence.33 Yes, Your Honor.
The elements of this exempting circumstance are (1) a person is performing a lawful act; (2) with due care; COURT: (to the witness)
(3) he causes an injury to another by mere accident; and (4) without any fault or intention of causing it.34 An Q You are a policeman, if there is a bullet inside the barrel of the gun and then the hammer is
accident is an occurrence that "happens outside the sway of our will, and although it comes about through moved backwards and therefore it is open, that means that if you pull the trigger, the bullet will
some act of our will, lies beyond the bounds of humanly foreseeable consequences." If the consequences are fire because the hammer will move forward and then hit the base of the bullet?
plainly foreseeable, it will be a case of negligence. A Yes, Your Honor.
In Jarco Marketing Corporation v. Court of Appeals,35 this Court held that an accident is a fortuitive Q Therefore, the gun was cocked when you came out?
circumstance, event or happening; an event happening without any human agency, or if happening wholly or A Yes, Your Honor.
partly through human agency, an event which under the circumstance is unusual or unexpected by the Q You did not place the safety lock before you went out of your house?
person to whom it happens. Negligence, on the other hand, is the failure to observe, for the protection of the A I safety (sic) it, sir.
interest of another person, that degree of care, precaution and vigilance which the circumstances justly Q So when you boarded the motorcycle, the gun was on a safety lock?
demand without which such other person suffers injury. Accident and negligence are intrinsically A Yes, Your Honor.
Q Will you please place the safety lock of that gun, point it upwards. A Because at that time I was already confused and did not know what to do, Your Honor.
(witness did as instructed) ATTY. PRINCIPE: (to the witness)
It is now on a safety locked (sic)? Q What is your relation with PO3 Angelito Lam of Valenzuela?
A Yes, Your Honor. A Just my co-motorcycle unit cop in the TMG, sir.
Q Pull the trigger if the hammer will move forward? Q Did I hear you right that you slept at the residence of PO3 Lam for three days?
(witness did as instructed) A Yes, sir.
A It will not, Your Honor. Q Why instead of going home to your residence at Bahay Toro?
COURT: (to the parties) A Because I am worried, sir.
Q Can you not admit that at this position, the accused pulled the trigger, the hammer did not COURT: (to the witness)
move forward? Q So what did you do for three days in the house of PO3 Lam?
PROS. SINTAY AND ATTY. PRINCIPE: A During daytime, I go to my friends, other friends and in the evening, I go back to the house of
Admitted, Your Honor. PO3 Lam, Your Honor.
COURT: (to the witness) Q So if you were able to visit your friends on September 27 or 28, 1998 and then returned to the
Q And therefore at this position, even if I pull the trigger many times, a bullet will not come out house of PO3 Lam in the evening, why did you not go to Major Suyo or to your 103 Base?
from the muzzle of the gun because the hammer is on a safety locked (sic)? A Your Honor, during those days I am really calling Major Suyo.
A Yes, Your Honor. Q Why did you not go to your office at Camp Crame, Quezon City?
Q Even if I pushed it very hard, it will not fire the gun? A At that time, I did not have money, Your Honor.
A Yes, Your Honor. Q What is the connection of you having money to that of informing your officer that you will
Q Alright, I will ask you again a question. If the hammer of the gun is like this and therefore it is surrender?
open but it is on a safety lock, there is space between the safety grip which is found below the A What I know, Your Honor, is that if I do that I will already be detained and that I will have no
hammer, there is a space, is it not? money to spend.
A Yes, Your Honor. ATTY. PRINCIPE: (to the witness)
Q That even if I pushed the safety grip forward, like this. Q Mr. Witness, from the time of the incident up to Sept. 29, 1998, you did not even visit your
The Court gave the gun to the accused for him to demonstrate. family in Barangay Bahay Toro?
(to the witness) A No, sir.
You push it forward in order to push the hammer. Hard if you want but do not remove the safety COURT: (to the witness)
lock. Q Did you send somebody to visit your family?
(witness did as instructed) A No, Your Honor.
The witness tried to push the safety grip and it does not touch the hammer even if the hammer is ATTY. PRINCIPE: (to the witness)
cocked.42 Q Did you cause to blotter the shooting incident of Vincent?
Fourth. The trial court was witness as the appellant's counsel himself proved that the defense proffered by A I was not able to do that, sir.
the appellant was incredible. This can be gleaned from the decision of the trial court: Q You did not even talk to the Bgy. Officials in Bgy. Bahay Toro?
3. More importantly, and which the Court considers it as providential, when the counsel of the A No sir, because I already brought the child to the hospital.44
accused was holding the gun in a cocked position and the safety lock put in place, the gun The conduct of the appellant after the shooting belies his claim that the death of the victim was accidental
accidentally dropped on the cemented floor of the courtroom and the gun did not fire and neither and that he was not negligent.
was the safety lock moved to its unlock position to cause the hammer of the gun to move forward. We agree with the encompassing disquisitions of the trial court in its decision on this matter:
The safety lock of the gun remained in the same position as it was when it dropped on the floor.43 The coup de grace against the claim of the accused, a policeman, that the victim was accidentally
Fifth. After the shooting, the appellant refused to surrender himself and his service firearm. He hid from the shot was his failure to surrender himself and his gun immediately after the incident. As a police
investigating police officers and concealed himself in the house of his friend SPO3 Angelito Lam in Valenzuela officer, it is hard to believe that he would choose to flee and keep himself out of sight for about
City, and transferred from one house to another for three days to prevent his arrest: three (3) days if he indeed was not at fault. It is beyond human comprehension that a policeman,
Q So did you surrender that afternoon of September 26, 1998? who professes innocence would come out into the open only three (3) days from the incident and
A No, Your Honor. claim that the victim was accidentally shot. Human behavior dictates, especially when the accused
Q I thought you were surrendering to Major Suyo? is a policeman, that when one is innocent of some acts or when one is in the performance of a
A I was but I was not able to surrender to Major Suyo, Your Honor. lawful act but causes injury to another without fault or negligence, he would, at the first moment,
Q Why, you were already able to talk to Major Suyo?
surrender to the authorities and give an account of the accident. His failure to do so would invite
suspicion and whatever account or statement he would give later on becomes doubtful. A: He came from their house, Your Honor.
For the accused, therefore, to claim that Vincent was accidentally shot is odious, if not, an insult to Q: What was his attire, I am referring to Ferdinand Fallorina?
human intelligence; it is incredible and unbelievable, and more of a fantasy than a reality. It was a A: He was wearing white shirt and blue pants, Your Honor.
deliberate and intentional act, contrary to accused's claim, that it happened outside the sway of his
will.45 ATTY. PRINCIPE: (to the witness)
It is a well-entrenched rule that findings of facts of the trial court, its calibration of the testimonies of the Q: At that time that Fallorina shot the victim, was Buddha still there?
witnesses, its assessment of the credibility of the said witnesses and the probative weight of their A: He ran, sir. He jumped in this place, sir.
testimonies are accorded high respect, if not conclusive effect by the appellate court, as the trial judge was in (Witness is pointing to a place near the canal already marked as Exhibit O-14).
a better position to observe the demeanor and conduct of the witnesses as they testified.46 We have Q: Now from the witness stand that you are now seated. Can you tell the Court how far where
carefully reviewed the records of the case and found no reason to deviate from the findings of the trial court. (sic) you from Fallorina at that time of the shooting?
The testimony of prosecution witness Ricardo Salvo deserves credence. He testified in a positive and COURT:
straightforward manner, which testimony had the earmarks of truth and sincerity. Even as he was subjected Can the prosecution and the accused stipulate that the distance pointed to by the witness is more
to a grueling cross-examination by the appellant's counsel, he never wavered in his testimony. He positively or less 7 meters.
identified the appellant as the assailant and narrated in detail how the latter deliberately aimed his gun and
shot the victim. The relevant portions of his testimony are quoted: ATTY. PRINCIPE: (to the witness)
Q: While playing basketball with Nono, LA and Puti, do you remember of any unusual incident Q: How about the distance of Fallorina from Vincent, can you tell that?
which took place? COURT: (to the witness)
A: Yes, sir. Can you point a distance between Fallorina and the boy at that time the body (sic) was shot?
Q: What was that unusual incident? COURT:
A: When Vincent was shot, sir. 10 meters more or less?
Q: Who shot Vincent?
A: Ferdinand Fallorina, sir. Q: How long have you known Ferdinand Fallorina before the incident?
A: More or less two years, sir.
Q: And in what place that Vincent was shot by Fallorina? Q: Why do you know him?
A: He was at the roof of the karinderia, sir. A: I usually see him in that place at Sitio Militar, especially on Sundays, sir.
Q: Was there any companion of Vincent?
A: Yes, sir. Q: How many shots did you hear?
Q: What was the position of Vincent at that time that you saw him and Fallorina shot him? A: Only one, sir.
A: "Nakatalikod po siya." Q: Do you recognize the gun used by Fallorina?
A: Yes, sir.
Q: You included in this Exhibit O your drawing the figure of a certain Jeffrey and you and his Q: What was that gun?
tricycle? Why did you include this drawing? A: .45 cal., sir.
A: Because it was in the tricycle where Vincent was boarded to and brought to the hospital. Q: Are you familiar with .45 cal.?
(Witness referring to Exhibit O-11) A: No, sir.
Q: And who was the driver of that tricycle? Q: Why do you know that it was .45 cal.?
A: It was Jeffrey who drove the tricycle, sir. A: Because that kind of gun, I usually see that in the movies, sir.
Q: You also drew here a motorcycle already marked as Exhibit O-7. Why did you include the Q: Ricardo, you said that you have known Fallorina for two (2) years and you saw him shot
motorcycle? Vincent on September 26, 1998 at around 2:30 in the afternoon. Please look around the courtroom
A: Because Fallorina was riding on that motorcycle at that time. now and point at the person of PO3 Ferdinand Fallorina?
COURT: (to the witness) CT. INTERPRETER:
Q: So when Ferdinand Fallorina shot the boy, the motorcycle was moving? Witness is pointing to a male person the one seated at the back of the lady and wearing a yellow
A: It was stationary, your Honor. shirt and maong pants and when asked of his name, he stated his name as Ferdinand Fallorina.
Q: Did you see where he came from, I am referring to Fallorina before you saw him shot the ATTY. PRINCIPE: (to the witness)
boy? Q: Can you tell to the Court whether you heard utterances at that time that he shot the victim?
The trial court did not, however, err in ruling that the appellant is not entitled to the mitigating circumstance
A: Yes, sir. of voluntary surrender. Surrender is said to be voluntary when it is done by the accused spontaneously and
Q: What was that? made in such a manner that it shows the intent of the accused to surrender unconditionally to the
A: "Putang inang mga batang ito, hindi kayo magsisibaba diyan!" authorities, either because he acknowledges his guilt or he wishes to save them the trouble and expense
necessarily incurred in his search and capture.55
Q: After Fallorina shot Vincent Jorojoro, you saw Vincent Jorojoro falling from the roof, what In this case, the appellant deliberately evaded arrest, hid in the house of PO3 Lam in Valenzuela City, and
about Fallorina, what did he do? even moved from one house to another for three days. The appellant was a policeman who swore to obey
A: He was still on board his motorcycle and then he went at the back of the karinderia where the law. He made it difficult for his brother-officers to arrest him and terminate their investigation. It was
Vincent fell, Your Honor. only after the lapse of three days that the appellant gave himself up and surrendered his service firearm.
Q: And after he went at the back of the karinderia and looked at Vincent Jorojoro, what did he Under Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code, the penalty for murder is reclusion perpetua to death. Since
do? there is no modifying circumstance in the commission of the crime, the appellant should be sentenced to
A: He carried Vincent, Your Honor. suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua, conformably to Article 63 of the Revised Penal Code.
Q: And after carrying Vincent, what did he do? IN LIGHT OF ALL THE FOREGOING, the Decision of the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 95, is
A: He boarded Vincent in the tricycle. AFFIRMED WITH MODIFICATION. The appellant PO3 Ferdinand Fallorina y Fernando is found guilty beyond
Q: What about the gun, what did he do with the gun? reasonable doubt of the crime of murder under Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code and, there being no
A: I do not know anymore.47 modifying circumstances in the commission of the crime, is hereby sentenced to suffer the penalty
The appellant even uttered invectives at the victim and Whilcon before he shot the victim. In fine, his act was of reclusion perpetua. He is also ordered to pay the heirs of the victim Vincent Jorojoro, Jr. the amount of
deliberate and intentional. P49,174 as actual damages; P50,000 as moral damages; P50,000 as civil indemnity; and P25,000 as exemplary
It bears stressing that of the eyewitnesses listed in the Information as witnesses for the prosecution, only damages.
Ricardo Salvo remained steadfast after he was brought under the Witness Protection Program of the SO ORDERED.
Department of Justice. He explained that the reason why he testified for the prosecution, despite the fact Davide, Jr., C.J., Vitug, Quisumbing, Ynares-Santiago, Sandoval-Gutierrez, Carpio, Austria-Martinez, Corona,
that the appellant was a policeman, was because he pitied the victim's mother who was always Carpio-Morales, Azcuna, and Tinga, JJ., concur.
crying,48 unable to obtain justice for her son. We find no ill motive why Ricardo would falsely testify against Puno, J., on leave.
the appellant. It was only his purest intention of ferreting out the truth in this incident and that justice be Panganiban, J., on official leave.
done to the victim.49 Hence, the testimony of Ricardo is entitled to full faith and credence.
The Crime Committed by the Appellant People vs PO3 Fallorina
We agree with the trial court that the appellant committed murder under Article 248 of the Revised Penal People vs PO3 Fallorina
Code qualified by treachery. As the trial court correctly pointed out, Vincent was shot intentionally while his G.R. No. 137347
back was turned against the appellant. The little boy was merely flying his kite and was ready to get down March 4, 2004
from the roof when the appellant fired a shot directed at him. The essence of treachery is the sudden and
unexpected attack on an unsuspecting victim without the slightest provocation on his part.50 Nonetheless, Facts:
Vincent was an eleven-year-old boy. He could not possibly put up a defense against the appellant, a police
officer who was armed with a gun. It is not so much as to put emphasis on the age of the victim, rather it is At about 2:30 p.m. of September 26, 1998, Vincent Jorojoro, an eleven-year old minor and the third child of
more of a description of the young victim's state of helplessness. 51 Minor children, who by reason of their Vicente and Felicisima Jorojoro, residing at Sitio Militar, Brgy. Bahay Toro, Project 8, Quezon City, asked
tender years, cannot be expected to put up a defense. When an adult person illegally attacks a child, permission from his mother Felicisima if he could play outside. She agreed. Together with his playmate
treachery exists.52 The abuse of superior strength as alleged in the Information is already absorbed by Whilcon Buddha Rodriguez, Vincent played with his kite on top of the roof of an abandoned carinderia
treachery and need not be considered as a separate aggravating circumstance.53 beside the road.
We, however, note that the trial court appreciated the aggravating circumstance of abuse of public position
in this case. We reverse the trial court on this score. Beside the carinderia was a basketball court, where a fourteen-year old witness Ricardo Salvo and his three
There is no dispute that the appellant is a policeman and that he used his service firearm, the .45 caliber friends, were playing basketball. Ricardo heard the familiar sound of a motorcycle coming from the main
pistol, in shooting the victim. However, there is no evidence on record that the appellant took advantage of road across the basketball court. Cognizant to Ricardo of the appellant, PO3 Ferdinand Fallorina, a Philippine
his position as a policeman when he shot the victim.54 The shooting occurred only when the appellant saw National Police (PNP) officer, detailed in the Traffic Management Group (TMG), knew that he abhorred kids
the victim on the rooftop playing with his kite. The trial court erred in appreciating abuse of public position playing on the roof, since one of his friends was previously been scolded by the appellant before.
against the appellant.
Ricardo called on Vincent and Whilcon to come down from the roof. When PO3 Fallorina saw them, the (paid for funeral services); P50,000.00 for moral damages; P25,000.00 as exemplary damages; and
former stopped his motorcycle, he shouted and badmouthed at them. After hearing the shouts of the P50,000.00 as death indemnity. The court a quo sentenced the appellant to suffer the Death Penalty.
appellant, Whilcon rushed to jump off from the roof while Vincent was lying on his stomach on the roof flying
his kite. When he heard the appellants shouts, Vincent stood up and looked at the latter. As soon as Vincent Republic of the Philippines
turned his back, ready to get down from the roof, suddenly, the appellant pointed the .45 caliber pistol SUPREME COURT
towards the direction of Vincent and fired a shot. Vincent fell from the roof, lying prostrate near the canal Manila
beside the abandoned carinderia and the basketball court.

The appellant approached Vincent and carried the latters hapless body in a waiting tricycle and brought him G.R. No. L-37908 October 23, 1981
to the Quezon City General Hospital. Vincent was pronounced dead on arrival caused by a single gunshot
wound in the head. THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appelle,
Issues: BENJAMIN ONG y KHO, and BIENVENIDO QUINTOS y SUMALJAG previously convicted as affirmed in G.R.
No. L-34497, accused, BLDOMERO AMBORSIO, alias "VAL", Defendant-appellant.
(a) Whether the appellant is exempted from criminal liability?
On the night of April 23, 1971, victim Henry Chua was last seen alive in the company of his friend Benjamin
(b) Whether the appellant can offset an aggravating circumstance by taking advantage of his public position Ong. As Chua failed to return to his home,his family, alarmed by his mysterious desappearance, sought the
from a mitigating circumstance of his voluntary surrender? help of the National Bureau of Investigation, the Manila Police Department, and the Philippine Constabulary
to locate him. Knowing that Bajamin Ong was the last person with Chua before the disappearance of the
Held: latter, the NBI tried to contact Ong. Ong also disappeared, so the various police agnecies began a manhunt
for the apprehension of Ong.
The Office of the Solicitor General (OSG) cites that the basis for exemption from a criminal liability under
Article 12, paragraph 4 of the Revised Penal Code (RPC), is the complete absence of intent and negligence on Banjamin Ong was apprehended on August 29, 1971, in Stio patanda, Barrio Balugo, Oas, albay, Brouth to
the part of the accused. For the accused to be guilty for a felony, it must be committed either with criminal Ligao, Albay, Ong denied any knowledge of the desappearance of Chua. When Ong was transferred to
intent or with fault or negligence. CampVicente Lim in Laguna, he attempted to commit suicide. On September 1, 1971, when Ong was turned
over to the NBI for investigation, he unhesitatingly confessed his responsiblity for the killing of Henry Chua.
Thusly, the elements of exempting circumstances are (1) a person is performing a lawful act; (2) with due Ong implicated Bienvienido Quintos as one of his companions in the cirme. When quintos was arrested he
care; (3) he causes an injury to another by mere accident; and (4) without any fault or intention of causing it. also admitted his participation in the crime, and pointed to Fernando Tan and Baldomero Ambrosio as their
companions in the perpetration of the crime, stating the details of its execution.
In the case at bar, the Court a quo erred in inequitably appreciating exculpatory and inculpatory facts and
circumstances which should have been considered in favor of the accused. The court also failed to appreciate Based on the confessions of Ong and Quintos, the NBI and the Manila Police Department were able to
the mitigating circumstance of voluntary surrender in favor of the accused since it was only after three days recover the body of Henry Chua in a state of advanced decomposition. The Identity of the body of Chua was
that the appellant gave himself up and surrendered his service firearm. And lastly, the court considered the confirmed by Siy Giap Chua, brother of Henry. 1 both Benjamin Ong and Bienvenido Quintos were tried (CCC-
aggravating circumstance of taking advantage of his position by the accused. VII-922-Rizal, for "kidnapping with Murder") and convicted by the Circuit Criminal Court of Pasig, Rizal,
Seventh, Judicial District, (Judge Onofre A.Villaluz) in the "Sentence", dated October 11, 1971. 2 As both Ong
On January 19, 1999, the trial court rendered judgment convicting the appellant-accused of murder, qualified and Quintos were sentenced to death, the criminal case was elevated on automatic review to this Court (G.R.
by treachery and aggravated by abuse of public position. The trial court did not appreciate in favor of the No. L-34497). This Court in its decision dated January 30, 1975, 3 found the two accused Benjamin Ong y Kho
appellant the mitigating circumstances of voluntary surrender. and Bienvenido Quintos y Sumaljag guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of murder, with the
qualifying circumstance of treachery, and the aggravating circumstances of evident premeditation and use of
The Regional Trial Court of Quezon City, Branch 95, found the accused PO3 Ferdinand Fallorina y Fernando motor vehicle offset by the mitigating circumstances of plea of guilty and one analoguous to passion or
GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of murder defined and penalized by Article 248 of the RPC, as obfuscation, thereby imposing the penalty of reclusion perpetua on both of them. 4 Said decision became
amended by the Republic Act No. 7659, and in view of the presence of the aggravating circumstance of final and executory on February 19, 1975. 5
taking advantage by the accused of his public position (par. 1, Art. 14, RPC). Hence, the accused is hereby
ordered to indemnify the heirs of late Vincent Jorojoro, Jr. the amounts of actual damages of P49,174.00 At the time Benjamin Ong and Bienvenido Quintos were tried and convicted by the trial court, accused
Baldomero Ambrosio and Fernando Tan, Alias Oscar Tan, were still at large. 6
After the arrest of accused Baldomero Ambrosio sometime in August of 1972, 7 an information was filed by So Ordered. 9
the Provincial Fiscal of Rizal against him, to wit:
The evidence for the prosecution, essentially the same as presented and reviewed by automatic appeal, by
The undersigned Provincial Fiscal accuses Benjamin Ong y Kho, Bienvenido Quintos y Sumaljag, Fernando Tan this Court in G.R. No. L,34497, established its version as follows:
alias "Oscar Tan", and Baldomero Ambrosio alias "Val" of the crime of Kidnapping with Murder, committed as
follows: Dr. Ricardo Ibarrola, Medico-Legal Officer of the National Bureau of Investigation stated that he conducted
the autopsy of the deceased Henry Chua, and prepared the necropsy report Exh. "M". The body of the
That on or about April 23 to April 24, 1971, inclusive, in the municipality of Paraaque, province of Rizal, deceased at the time of the autopsy was already in a far advanced state of decomposition. The brains, lungs.
Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable court, the above named accused, being then private and other soft tissues of the body were already tot:ally decomposed while some of the internal organs, like
individuals, conspiring and confederating totether and mutually helping one another, did then and there the heart and the liver were already autolized. Dr. Ibarrola located two stab wounds on the liver, caused by a
wilfully, unlawfully and with treachery and known premeditation and for the purpose of killing one Henry sharp pointed piercing implement, most probably an ice-pick. He attributed death to these stab wounds,
Chua and thereafter extorting money from his family through the use of a ransom note, kidnapped and although he gave the considered opinion that death could have been hastened by asphyxiation as the
carried away said Henry Chua, initially by means of friendly gestures and later through the use of force, in an probability existed that Henry Chua was by alive. 10
automobile, and later after having taken him to an uninhabited place in Caloocan City, with the use of force
detained him (Henry Chua) and killed him in the following manner, to wit: The accused after gagging and The body of Henry Chua was Identified by his brother, Siy Giap who was present when the body was
tying up Henry Chua and repeatedly threatening him with death, assured him that if he would write and sign exhumed from a shallow grave in Barrio Makatipo Caloocan City. His Identification of the body was based on
a ransom note for the payment by his family of the sum of $50,000.00 (US), he would not be killed and would the clothes and shoes worn by the deceased, as well as the personal effects found on it, including an
be released upon receipt of the ransom note, he was again gagged and tied up by the accused, and expensive Piaget white gold watch, a lighter, a wallet with driver's license, Diner's card and other personal
thereafter stabbed in the abdominal region, several times with an ice-pick, inflicting upon him (Henry Chua) papers. 11
mortal wounds on his vital organs, which directly caused his death.
Agents Enrique Lacanilao and Diego Gutierrez of the National Bureau of Investigation investigated the
All contrary to law with the following generic aggravating circumstances: accused Benjamin Ong and Bienvenido Quintos. The original and supplementary extrajudicial confessions of
Ong and Quintos 12 which led to the successful discovery of the place where Henry Chua was buried and the
(a) Evident premeditations; subsequent exhumation of the body 13 were Identified by these agents. These witnesses also revealed the
recovery of the rope with which Chua's hands were tied and the flannel cloth with which he was gagged
(b) Grave abuse of confidence; when he was killed. 14 Both agents testified on the re-enactment of the crime." 15 In the course of
investigation of accused Benjamin Ong and Bienvenido Quintos, the accused Baldomero Ambrosio was
(c) Nighttime; implicated. When accused Ambrosio was arrested in August of 1972, he was brought to the NBI office by the
Chief of Police of Batan, Aklan. Ambrosio voluntarily gave the extrajudicial statement Exhibit "S". 16
(d) Use of an motor vehicle ;
Ceferino Castro of the Baliwag Police Department narrated the discovery of Henry Chua's Mustang car with
(e) Use of uperior strenght; Plate No. 1602 which was abandoned near a gasoline station at barrio They, Baliwag, Bulacan. The pictures of
the car were identified. 17
(f) Cruelty. 8
Patrolman Marciano Roque of the Caloocan City Police Department, narrated the alleged plan to kin Chua as
The accused Baldomero Ambrosio pleaded not guilty upon arraignment on August 26, 1972, was tried, and initiated by Benjamin Ong. Roque knew Ong for more than five years as the Assistant Manager of the Acme
the trial court rendered its decision dated October 17, 1973, with dispositive portion, to wit: Shoes Rubber and Plastic Corporation, a company situated in Caloocan City, owned by Ong's brother-in-law
Chua Pak. During the first week of April, 1971, Roque went to the Acme office to get a pair of rubber sandals.
WHEREFORE, finding the accused Baldomero Ambrosio, Guilty, beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Benjamin Ong invited Roque for a ride in Ong's car, where Ong revealed his plan to kidnap a person who
Kidanapping with Murder as defined under Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code, in relation to Article 267 allegedly cheated Ong in gambling games. Roque tried to discourage Ong from carrying out his plan. The
thereto, as charged in the Information, the Court hereby sentences him to suffer the penalty of Death; to latter insisted and asked Roque to assist him during the several meetings that followed between Ong and
indemnify the heirs of the offended party the amount of P12,000.00; to pay moral damges in the amount of Roque. Roque claimed he was taken by Ong to Barrio Matipo, Caloocan City, and shown the place where Ong
P10,000.00 and another P10,000.00 as exemplary damges jointly and severally with Benjamin Ong and planned to bury the person he planned to kidnap and kill. In one of the meetings between Roque and Ong,
Bienvienido Quintos; and to pay his proportionable share of the costs. the former saw a man seated at the rear of Ong's car and the latter referred to that man as his godson who
will help him in the execution of the crime. That man turned out to be the accused Baldomero Ambrosia Ong In the evening of April 23, 1971, Ong, with Tan and Quintos, picked up Ambrosio from his place so that the
tried to persuade Roque to join the plan as the father of the intended victim happens to be a very rich man latter could drive for Ong. They, went to a restaurant at Balintawak known as Barrio Fiesta. They then went
and the ransom money they expected to get would enable Roque to leave the police force and retire. Roque to the Amihan Night Club at the Dewey Boulevard. Ong, Quintos and Tan alighted from the car while
tried to avoid Ong and urged the latter to forget the matter. 18 Ambrosia remained in the car and he slept. (Barrio trio woke up Ambrosio at about 1:00 a.m. Tan and
Quintos rode with Ambrosio where Ong was riding. They went towards Espana. At the Araneta Avenue, the
Bienvenido Quintos who was previously accused and convicted of the crimes," of murder, 19 implicated car where Ong was riding stopped. Tan ordered Ambrosio to stop in front of the car. Tan and Quintos went to
Balintawak. Ambrosio when the former testified in his defense during that trial of CCC-VII-922-Rizal against the other car. Tan introduced himself as a policeman, then he opened the door of the car and pulled the
Ong and Quintos. 20 Quintos stated that he could recognize his co-accused, then at large, Fernando Tan and driver out. 23
Baldomero Ambrosia On April 23, 1971, Quintos and Tan met Ong and Ambrosio at the Barrio Fiesta
restaurant in Caloocan City. At about 9:00 p.m. they went to the Brown Derby restaurant at Quezon 'The narration of Ambrosio as to how the crimes," happened substantially coincided in details to the manner
Boulevard Extension, riding in the Chevrolet car of Ong. They , proceeded afterwards to Roxas Boulevard it was described by Quintos. 24 Ambrosia however, claimed that he did not participate voluntarily in the
where Ong ordered his driver Ambrosio to stop at the Amihan Night Club. While Ambrosio and Quintos crime, but rather he was ordered by Tan as to all the acts he did during the execution of the offense.
stayed in the car, Ong and Tan went inside the night club. Tan returned to the car and invited Quintos to go
to the nearby Wigwam Night Club. After a while, Tan and Quintos returned. Tan sat beside the driver Accused Ambrosio admitted that at about 4:00 p.m. of April 24, 1971, he and his wife went to Arayat,
Ambrosio while Quintos sat at the rear seat. They followed another car a Mustang from Dewey Pampanga. They, stayed two days in Arayat, then he proceeded to his brother's place in Balintawak. He then
Boulevard to Cruelty Hall, then to Quiapo, Espana and Quezon Boulevard Extension, Quezon City. They went to Aklan up to the time he. 25 He denied that Ong pointed was arrested in August of 1972. to him as a
passed Sto. Domingo Church, made a U-turn, and turned right to Talayan Village. Quintos saw the car they godson in the presence of Patrolman Roque. 26 Ambrosio likewise denied that even before April 23, 1971, he
were following stop in a dark place, and Ambrosio alighted from their Chevrolet car. Tan pulled a gun as he was already with Ong, Quintos and Tan and that Ambrosio already dug that hole in Novaliches where the
went to the other parked car the Mustang. Quintos followed the two and he saw Tan approach and point body of Chua was placed. 27
a gun at a man while Ambrosio pulled that man out of the Mustang. That man was the victim, Henry Chua.
Tan and Ambrosio forced Chua to the rear seat of the Chevrolet car, then compelled him to lie down on the He also claimed that the extrajudicial statement Exhibit S " was signed by him because he was maltreated. 28
floor. Ambrosio took a rope and tied the feet and hands of the victim, while Tan took a flannel cloth and
gagged that man. They took the route going to San Francisco del Monte Avenue. In the meantime, Ong rode The principal thrust of the defense's argument that the trial court never acquired jurisdiction over the subject
in the Mustang car and followed them. They, all went to Novaliches road. At a narrow street along the way matter of this case (complex crimes," of kidnapping with murder) because its jurisdiction as a Circuit Criminal
both cars stopped. Tan and Ambrosio took the victim from the car as Ong arrived. That man was made to Court is limited to ... (a) crimes committed by public officers, crimes against persons and crimes against
walk and then made to lie down face up. Ong gave Tan an ice-pick and ordered "patayin na iyan " (kill him property as defined and penalized under the Revised Penal Code, whether simple or complex with other
already), who in turn gave the ice-pick to Ambrosia For his part, Ambrosio gave the ice-pick to Quintos. crimes," and kidnapping is not one of the crimes that may be tried and decided by that court, becomes of no
However, Quintos returned it to Tan, who said "Hindi ka pa pala puwede " (You are not capable yet). moment when this Court in G.R. No. 34497 ruled that Ong and Quintos were guilty of murder and not
Whereupon, Tan told Ambrosio to focus a flashlight on the center of the front side of the body of Henry kidnapping with murder. 29 The co-accused of Ambrosio were, therefore, tried and convicted of the crimes,"
Chua. Tan stabbed Chua twice on the chest. While Tan lighted their way, Ambrosio carried the upper portion of murder, a crimes," against persons, certainly within the jurisdiction of the circuit criminal court that
of the body, while Quintos carrying the lower portion. When Quintos got tired, Tan gave him the flashlight rendered judgment in this case.
while Tan and Ambrosio carried the body to a hole. The hole was covered by Ambrosio Ong then stepped
repeatedly over the covered hole to compress the earth. They, returned to the car. Ong drove the Mustang The only issue in this case, therefore, is whether or not the accused Ambrosio voluntarily participated in the
car together with Tan. Quintos and Ambrosio rode in the Chevrolet car, driven by the latter. They, followed commission of the crime. That the crimes," of murder was committed has already been established by the
the Mustang to the highway. Later, it was parked and abandoned near a gasoline station. Then Ong and Tan prosecution beyond reasonable doubt when this Court convicted Ong and Quintos in G.R. No. L-34497. This
joined Quintos and Ambrosio in the Chevrolet and they proceeded to Manila. 21 Court already ruled that "Conspiracy, connivance and unity of purpose and intention among the accused
were present throughout in the execution of this crime. The four participated in the planning and execution
The version of the defense is as follows: of the crimes," and were at the scene in all its stages. They cannot escape the consequences of any of their
acts even if they deviated in some detail from what they originally thought of. Conspiracy implies concert of
Accused Baldomero Ambrosio stated that in 1971, he was a family driver of Roger Chen, and before that design and not participation in every detail of the execution. Thus, treachery should be considered against all
employment, he worked for seven years at the Acme Shoes Rubber Corporation. Accused Benjamin Ong was persons participating or cooperating in the perpetration of the crime." 30
the manager of the Acme Shoes Rubber Corporation while the accused Tan was a supervisor in the same
company. Ambrosio alleged that Tan was a man of bad reputation, involved in a killing incident and The defense of the accused Ambrosio that he was an unwilling participant in the killing of Henry Chua
kidnapping of a woman. 22 because of threats made by Fernando Tan, to Our mind, cannot be given credence. Quintos, as shown in his
testimony, (Exh. "1") by narrated how Ambrosio participated in the crime, manifesting voluntariness in his
acts throughout the execution of the same. Ambrosio was the one who pulled Chua from the Mustang car. Evident premeditation attended the commission of the crimes, because the accused meditated, planned, and
Ambrosio provided the rope and tied the hands and feet of Chua. He was the one who drove the car with the tenaciously persisted in the accomplishment of the crime.
victim inside to that place in Novaliches where they by Chua after killing him. He focused the flashlight on the
chest of the victim when Tan stabbed him. He helped carry the victim to the hole where he was buried, and Accused Ong was given the mitigating circumstances of plea of guilty and one analogous to passion and
Ambrosio covered the hole with earth using a spade. Exhibit "I" for the defense is certainly binding on it. obfuscation" 33 because Chua previously threatened Ong for non-payment of debt arising from gambling,
causing Ong humiliation and shame. 34
Ambrosio admitted that he went to different places and to Aklan after the crimes," was committed, and he
was arrested only in August of 1972, nearly two years after the crimes," was committed. He never revealed Taking into consideration the above aggravating and mitigating circumstances, Ong was sentenced to
to the authorities the crimes," that he alleged to be an unwilling participant of in that long span of time. He reclusion perpetua. 35 Accused Quintos, although no mitigating circumstance could be appreciated in his
also admitted that there were at least two times when he could have escaped from the group of Ong when favor, was also sentenced to reclusion perpetua. Ong and Quintos were also sentenced "jointly and severally
the crimes," was being executed and yet Ambrosio never did so. During the execution of the felon', Ambrosio to indemnify the heirs of the deceased Henry Chua in the amount of P12,000.00; to pay moral damages in
never by act or deed protested to the group regarding its cruel commission. We also cannot fully understand the asphyxiation of P50,000.00; and another P50,000.00 as exemplary damages; and to pay their
why Ambrosio had to join the group of Tan, if according to Ambrosia himself, Tan was a man of bad proportionate share of the costs. 36
reputation. 31 Tan has never been apprehended. The defense of Ambrosio that he was threatened by Tan to
participate in the crimes," stands uncorroborated, as contradicted by the testimony of Quintos.The inevitable The present case (G.R. No. L-37908) already pending review iii this Court when G.R. No. L-34497 was decided
conclusion is that Ambrosio voluntarily participated in the commission of the crime. on January 30, 1975, should have been decided together with the latter case, as they arose from the same
crime, involving the same accused.
The trial court did not err in discrediting Ambrosio's claim that he was maltreated by the agents of the law to
extract his extra-judicial statement. (Exhs. "S"). He never did protest the alleged maltreatment before the It is Our considered view that the accused Baidomero Ambrosio stands in this case on a similarly situated
Regional Director Nestor Gonzales before whom he signed the statement. Although he had all the chances to position as convicted accused Bienvenido Quintos in G.R. No. L-34497, and should, therefore be sentenced to
do so, he never filed charges against the persons who allegedly maltreated him. 32 The confession of the reclusion perpetua, and not death.
accused Exhibits "S" is, therefore, admissible against him.
WHEREFORE, the decision of the trial court dated October 17, 1973, is hereby, MODIFIED, finding the
As to the aggravating and mitigating circumstances present in the commission of the crime, this Court accused Baidomero Ambrosio guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Murder and sentencing him to
already ruled in G.R. No. L-34497, that treachery (alevosia) qualified the killing of Chua to murder. Chua's reclusion perpetual to indemnify jointly and severally with his co-accused, the heirs of the deceased Henry
hands were tied and his mouth was gagged when he was stabbed twice with an ice-pick. Chua was Chua in the asphyxiation of P12,000.00; to pay moral damages in the asphyxiation of P50,000.00; and
defenseless and helpless enabling the accused to commit the crimes," without risk to them. The aggravating another P50,000.00 as exemplary damages; and to pay his proportionate share of the costs.
circumstance of abuse of superior strength is absorbed in treachery. The aggravating circumstance of
nighttime (nocturnidad) cannot be absorbed in treachery because in this crimes," treachery arose from the SOORDERED.
defenseless position of Chua when he was killed, while nighttime was purposely sought by the accused to
facilitate immunity in the commission of the crime. The aggravating circumstance of uninhabited place Fernando, C.J, Teehankee, Barredo, Makasiar, Fernandez, Guerrero, Abad Santos, De Castro and Melencio-
(despoblado) is also present, due to the deliberate selection of an isolated place (Barrio Makatipo Novaliches, Herrera, JJ., concur.
Caloocan City) for killing and burying the victim. Abuse of confidence cannot be considered as an aggravating
circumstance present in the crime, because it does not appear that the victim Chua ever reposed confidence
on Ong. Chua knew that he was far stronger in money and influence than Ong. The fact that Henry Chua
invited Ong night clubbing on that fatal evening and accommodated the latter in his car did not show that Separate Opinions
Chua had confidence in Ong.

The aggravating circumstance of use of motor vehicle in the commission of the crimes," can be considered
present because the Biscayne car of Ong was used to trail the victim's car and to facilitate the commission of AQUINO, J., concurring:
the crimes," and the escape of the accused.
The role played by Baldomero Ambrosio, the godson of Benjamin Ong, in the murder of Henry Chua, is
Cruelty (ensaamiento) cannot be considered because there is no evidence that the victim Chua was by while described in this Court's decision in People vs. Ong, L-34497, 62 SCRA 174, 2 10, as follows:
still alive to make him suffer.
When they reached a dark and secluded place, Benjamin Ong urged Chua to stop the car for the former to Ong and boodle money placed in a W. Brown plastic bag by SPO1 Gonzales, thereafter, the latter arrested
urinate to which the latter obliged. The Biscayne car where Fernando Tan, Bienvenido Quintos and Ong while the CI and the back-up agents arrested co-accused De Ming.
Baldomero Ambrosio were riding, stopped. Fernando Tan poked his gun at Chua and pulled him down from
his Mustang car with Ambrosio giving help. The two (2) accused were brought to the police office where the corresponding booking sheets and arrest
report were prepared. The plastic bag containing the illegal drug substance, was referred to the Philippine
His hands were tied, his mouth gagged with a flannel cloth, and he was placed in the Biscayne car. Tan and National Police (PNP) Crime Laboratory for examination, positive for methyl amphetamine hydrochloride or
Bienvenido Quintos then rested their feet on him. Then Ambrosio drove the Biscayne while Ong drove the shabu, a regulated drug.
Mustang. They proceeded towards Barrio Makatipo, Novaliches, Caloocan City, where Henry Chua was
stabbed to death and buried. However, the appellants denied the story of the prosecution. Accused William Ong, a Chinese citizen from
the Peoples Republic of China (PRC), claimed that he came to the Philippines in 1997 to look for a job.
There can be no doubt as to Ambrosio's complicity in the murder of Chua. Initially, he worked in a pancit factory in Quezon City, but later hunted for another job, was referred by his
friend Kian Ling to Ong Sin for a possible job as a technician in a bihon factory owned by Sin. Subsequently,
Separate Opinions without any knowledge of his new job, William Ong was later taken to the police station and there he met
the other accused Ching De Ming for the first time. He maintained innocence to the crime charged.
AQUINO, J., concurring:
On his part, accused Ching De Ming testified that he is a legitimate businessman engaged in the RTW
The role played by Baldomero Ambrosio, the godson of Benjamin Ong, in the murder of Henry Chua, is business. On that same date of the commission of the crime, while waiting for his girlfriend and her mother,
described in this Court's decision in People vs. Ong, L-34497, 62 SCRA 174, 2 10, as follows: whose mother Avenlina Cardoz, testified in De Mings favor and corroborated with his story, that he was
approached by persons unknown to him. He was misidentified as one of the accused and dragged him out of
When they reached a dark and secluded place, Benjamin Ong urged Chua to stop the car for the former to his car and brought to the other car, took his clutch bag, then after a few hours, at Camp Crame, they
urinate to which the latter obliged. The Biscayne car where Fernando Tan, Bienvenido Quintos and removed his blindfold. He denied knowing Ong and the charge of conspiring with him to deliver shabu in New
Baldomero Ambrosio were riding, stopped. Fernando Tan poked his gun at Chua and pulled him down from Manila, Quezon City.
his Mustang car with Ambrosio giving help.
On November 18, 1998 the trial court convicted appellants as charged and imposed on them the penalty of
His hands were tied, his mouth gagged with a flannel cloth, and he was placed in the Biscayne car. Tan and death. It likewise ordered each of them to pay a fine of P1 million pesos. However, the case was on
Bienvenido Quintos then rested their feet on him. Then Ambrosio drove the Biscayne while Ong drove the automatic review. Appellants insist on their innocence. They claim that their guilt was not proven beyond
Mustang. They proceeded towards Barrio Makatipo, Novaliches, Caloocan City, where Henry Chua was reasonable doubt.
stabbed to death and buried.
There can be no doubt as to Ambrosio's complicity in the murder of Chua. (a) Whether or not the arraignment of appellants violates Rule 116, Section (a) of the Revised Rules of
Criminal Procedure?
Criminal Case Digest: People vs Ong G.R. No. 137348 June 21, 2004
People vs Ong Held:
G.R. No. 137348 The aforementioned provision on Arraignment and Plea provides that (a) The accused must be arraigned
June 21, 2004 before the court where the complaint or information was filed or assigned for trial. The arraignment shall be
Criminal Case Digest made in open court by the judge of clerk by furnishing the accused with a copy of the complaint or
information, reading the same in the language or dialect known to him, and asking him whether he pleads
Facts: guilty or not guilty. The prosecution may call at the trial witnesses other than those named in the complaint
Based on prosecution through the testimony of SPO1 Rodolfo S. Gonzales, in the afternoon of July 23, 1998, a or information.
confidential informant (CI) of the Special Operations Division (SOD), PNP Narcotics Group, reported to Chief
Inspector Albert Ignatius D. Ferro about the alleged illicit drug activities of accused William Ong and Ching De The trial court held that the arraignment of appellants violated the above rule. Appellants are Chinese
Ming @ Robert Tiu. As per order of Chief Inspector Ferro, a team of eight decided to conduct a buy-bust nationals. Their Certificate of Arraignment states that they were informed of the accusations against them. It
operation. Once, CI confirmed the meeting time and venue with the drug dealer, and exchanges of gift- does not, however, indicate whether the information was read in the language or dialect known to them.
wrapped packages rendered of one (1) sealed plastic bag with a white crystalline substance by the accused
Both accused Ong and De Ming were arraigned, assisted by counsel de parte, and both entered a plea of not The court decided to reverse and set aside its former decision. Appellants Ong and De Ming @ Tiu are
guilty. From the records, it was clear that appellants only knew the Chinese language, however the appellants acquitted of the crime of the violation of the Dangerous Drugs Act of 1972, as amended, and are ordered
were arraigned on an information written in the English language. The requirement that the information immediately released from custody unless held for some other lawful cause.
should be read in a language or dialect known to the accused is mandatory. It must be strictly complied with
as it is intended to protect the constitutional right of the accused to be informed of the nature and cause the Republic of the Philippines
of the accusation against him. The constitutional protection is part of due process. Failure to observe the SUPREME COURT
rules necessarily nullifies the arraignment. After the arraignment and in the course of the trial, the lower Baguio City
court had to secure the services of a certain Richard Ng Lee as Chinese interpreter.
Hence, it is abundantly clear that it was the CI who made the initial contact, and he was likewise the one who
closed the deal with accused William Ong, and set the venue and time of the meeting. Since only the CI had G.R. No. 213216 April 20, 2015
personal knowledge of the offer to purchase shabu, the court held that SPO1 Gonzales is, in effect, not the
poseur-buyer but merely the deliveryman. His testimony therefore on material points of the sale of shabu PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-Appellee,
is hearsay and standing alone cannot be the basis of the conviction of the appellants. vs.
RICKY ARGUTA alias "JOEL" and WILSON CAHIPE alias "SIWIT," Accused-Appellants.
The buy-bust operation is a form of entrapment, which in recent years has been accepted as a valid means of
arresting violators of the Dangerous Drugs Law. However, to determine whether there was valid entrapment DECISION
or whether proper procedures were undertaken by the police officers, in effecting the buy-bust operation, it
is incumbent upon the courts to make sure that the details of the operation are clearly and adequately laid PERLAS-BERNABE, J.:
out through relevant, material and competent evidence.
Before the Court is an ordinary appeal1 filed by accused-appellants Ricky Arguta alias "Joel" (Arguta) and
In the case at bar, the prosecution evidence about the buy-bust operation is incomplete. The confidential Wilson Cahipe alias "Siwit" (Cahipe; collectively, accused-appellants) assailing the Decision2 dated April 24,
information who had sole knowledge of how the alleged illegal sale of shabu started and how it was 2014 of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CEB-CR HC No. 01462, which affirmed with modification the
perfected was not presented as a witness. His testimony was given instead by SPO1 Gonzales who had no Decision3 dated July 25, 2008 of the Regional Trial Court of Tacloban City, Branch 6 (RTC) in Crim. Case Nos.
personal knowledge of the same and not part of the buy-bust operation. 97-02-76 and 97-02-77 finding accused-appellants guilty beyond reasonable doubt of one (1) count of Rape,
defined and penalized under the Revised Penal Code (RPC), as amended.
Although, the court is sharply aware of the compelling considerations why confidential informants are usually
not presented by the prosecution. Likewise, once the identity of the informer has been disclosed to those The Facts
who would have cause to resent the communication, the privilege is no longer applicable. On January 30, 1997 two (2) criminal informations were filed before the RTC charging Cahipe with two (2)
counts of Rape, and Arguta of one (1) count of the same crime, viz.:
In sum, there is no fixed rule with respect to disclosure of the identity of an informer. The problem has to be
resolved on a case to case basis and calls for balancing the state interest in protecting the people from crimes Crim. Case No. 97..:02-76
against the individuals right to prepare his defense. The balance must be adjusted by giving due weight to That on or about the 5th day of December 1996 in the Municipality of Tanauan, Province of Leyte, Philippines
the following factors, among others: (1) the crime charged, (2) the possible defenses, (3) the possible and within the Jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named [accused-appellants], conspiring,
significance of the informers testimony, and (4) other relevant factors. confederating and mutually helping each other, motivated by lewd design. with the use of a bladed weapon,
by means of force and intimidation, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously, have carnal
In the present case, the crime charged against the appellants is capital in character and can result in the knowledge of [AAA],4 without her consent and against her will.
imposition of the death penalty. The prosecution has to prove all the material elements of the alleged sale of
shabu and the resulting buy-bust operation. Where the testimony of the informer is indispensable. It should Contrary to Law.
be disclosed. The liberty and the life of a person enjoy high importance in our scale of values. It cannot be
diminished except by a value of higher significance. Moreover, the mishandling and transfer of custody of the Tacloban City, January 30, 1997.
alleged confiscated methyl amphetamine hydrochloride further shattered the case of the prosecution. There Crim. Case No. 97-02-77
is no crime of illegal sale of regulated drug when there is a nagging doubt on whether the substance
confiscated was the same specimen examined and established to be regulated drug. That on or about the 5th day of December 1996, in the Municipality of Tanauan, Province of Leyte,
Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the above-named accused [Cahipc],
motivated by lewd design, by means of force and intimidation, did then and there willfully, unlawfully and Ostero's house before reaching the latter's store. According to the R TC, these pose serious doubts as to the
feloniously, have carnal knowledge of [AAA], without her consent and against her will. existence of the second rape charge, thus, necessitating its dismissal.14

Contrary to Law. Dissatisfied, accused-appellants appealed their conviction to the CA.

Tacloban City, January 30, 1997.5
The CA Ruling
According to the prosecution, at around 8 o'clock6 in the evening of December 5, 1996, AAA was instructed
by her father to fetch her sister in school. However, AAA failed to find her sister and decided to go back In a Decision15 dated April 24, 2014, the CA affirmed accused-appellants' conviction with modification
home. On her way home, accused-appellants intercepted AAA, threatened her with a bladed weapon, ordering the accused-appellants to jointly and severally pay AAA the amount of P30,000.00 as exemplary
dragged her to a cottage at a nearby beach resort, and bound her hands and feet. Thereafter, they removed damages, in addition to the other amounts already awarded, and imposed interest at the rate of six percent
her clothes and placed her on the floor. Arguta then mounted AAA and inserted his penis into her vagina. (6%) per annum on all the monetary awards from the date of finality of its Decision until fully paid.16
After Arguta satisfied his lust, Cahipe took over and raped her. Thereafter, accused-appellants left AAA at the
cottage. An hour later, Cahipe returned and dragged AAA to a store owned by a certain Lino Ostero7 Agreeing with the R TC' s findings, the CA ruled that AAA' s categorical and straightforward testimony
(Ostero). There Cahipe undressed her again, mounted her, and inserted his penis into her vagina. Afterwards, prevailed over accused-appellants' denial and alibi. It observed that accused-appellants were in the vicinity of
AAA was returned to the cottage. The next day, AAA's father found her crying at the cottage.8 the locus criminis at the time of the incident, and that the two could easily reach the cottage where the rape
occurred.17 Thus, it concluded that accused-appellants' actions fell squarely within the definition of Rape
Further, the prosecution offered the findings of the physical examination by a certain Dr. Eilleen Colaba on under Article 266-A of the RPC, noting that accused-appellants had carnal knowledge of AAA, and such was
AAA, stating, inter alia, that: (a) AAA's genitalia was grossly normal, which means no abnormality; (b) AAA has attained through force, threat, or intimidation.18
complete healed hymenal lacerations at the 5 o'clock and 7 o'clock positions and a partially healed hymenal
laceration at the 12 o'clock position; and (c) AAA's genitalia is negative for the presence of spermatozoa.9 Aggrieved, accused-appellants filed the instant appeal.

In their defense, accused-appellants both denied the accusations leveled against them, and offered their The Issue Before the Court
respective alibis. Cahipe claimed that on the date and time of the alleged incident he was minding Ostero's The issue for the Court's resolution is whether accused-appellants' conviction for Rape should be upheld.
store. On the other hand, Arguta averred that he was at Ostero' s house watching television during the time
that the incident supposedly occurred. They both asserted that they did not know why AAA would accuse The Court's Ruling
them of raping her.10 The appeal is bereft of merit.

The RTC Ruling At the outset, it must be stressed that in criminal cases, an appeal throws the entire case wide open for
review and the reviewing tribunal can correct errors, though unassigned in the appealed judgment, or even
In a Decision11 dated July 25, 2008, the RTC found accused-appellants guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the reverse the trial court's decision based on grounds other than those that the parties raised as errors.19 The
crime of Simple Rape in Crim. Case No. 97-02-76 and, accordingly, sentenced them to suffer the penalty of appeal confers upon the appellate court full jurisdiction over the case and renders such court competent to
reclusion perpetua and ordered them to pay AAA, jointly and severally, the amounts of P50,000.00 as civil examine records, revise the judgment appealed from, increase the penalty, and cite the proper provision of
indemnity and P50,000.00 as moral damages. Further, the RTC found Cahipe not guilty of the crime of Rape the penal law.20 Proceeding from the foregoing, the Court deems it appropriate to modify accused-
in Crim. Case No. 97-02-77 and, accordingly, acquitted him due to insufficiency of evidence.12 appellants' conviction from Simple Rape to Qualified Rape, as will be explained hereunder.

In finding the guilt of accused-appellants, the RTC held that AAA's testimony, as well as the medico-legal In this case, the Court notes that the rape occurred during the effectivity of the old rape provision of the RPC,
report, established that on December 5, 1996, accused-appellants intercepted AAA, threatened her with a i.e., Article 335,21 and, thus, the latter provision is controlling in this case, to wit:
bladed weapon, dragged her to a nearby cottage, undressed her, bound her, and took turns raping her. The R
TC did not lend credence to accused-appellants' defense of denial and alibi, in light of the positive assertions Art. 335. When and how rape is committed. - Rape is committed by having carnal knowledge of a woman
made by AAA, and considering that it was not physically impossible for them to have been at the place of the under any of the following circumstances:
crime on the date of the incident.13
1. By using force or intimidation;
However, as regards the second count of Rape against Cahipe, the RTC opined that it would be unusual for 2. When the woman is deprived of reason or otherwise unconscious; and
AAA, who had just been raped and left alone in the cottage, to not attempt to escape or shout for help when 3. When the woman is under twelve years of age or is demented.
she was being transported to Ostero' s store and back to the cottage, observing that AAA had to pass
The crime of rape shall be punished by reclusion perpetua. a bladed weapon, it is only appropriate to increase their conviction from Simple Rape to Qualified Rape.
Anent the proper penalty to be imposed, Section 3 of Republic Act No. 934629 provides that "[p]ersons
Whenever the crime of rape is committed with the use of a deadly weapon or by two or more persons, the convicted of offenses punished with reclusion perpetua, or whose sentences will be reduced to reclusion
penalty shall be reclusion perpetua to death. perpetua, by reason of this Act, shall not be eligible for parole under Act No. 4103, otherwise known as the
Indeterminate Sentence Law, as amended." Pursuant thereto, accused-appellants should be sentenced with
x x x x (Emphasis and underscoring supplied) the penalty of reclusion perpetua, without eligibility for parole.30

Under this provision, the elements of Rape are: (a) the offender had carnal knowledge of the victim; and (b) Finally, to conform with prevailing jurisprudence, the Court increases the award of damages in favor of AAA
said carnal knowledge was accomplished through the use of force or intimidation; or the victim was deprived to the amounts of P75,000.00 as civil indemnity, P75,000.00 as moral damages, and P30,000.00 as exemplary
of reason or otherwise unconscious; or when the victim was under twelve (12) years of age or demented.22 damages, with six percent (6%) legal interest per annum on all the monetary awards from the date of finality
The provision also states that if the act is committed either with the use of a deadly weapon or by two (2) or of judgment until fully paid.31
more persons, the crime will be Qualified Rape, necessitating the imposition of a higher penalty.23 In People
v. Lamberte,24 the Court clarified the legal effect of the presence of both circumstances, as follows: WHEREFORE, the appeal is DENIED. The Decision dated April 24, 2014 of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CEB-
CR HC No. 01462 is hereby AFFIRMED, finding accused-appellants Ricky Arguta alias "Joel" and Wilson Cahipe
The presence of either circumstance - "use of a deadly weapon" or "by two or more persons" - qualifies the alias "Siwit" (accused-appellants) GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Qualified Rape as defined
crime.1wphi1 If one is present, the remaining circumstance, if also attendant, is not a generic aggravating and penalized under Article 335 of the Revised Penal Code with MODIFICATION sentencing accused-
circumstance. That was our ruling in People vs. Garcia, [192 Phil. 311, 342] (1981) reading: appellants to suffer the penalty of reclusion perpetua, without eligibility for parole, and ordering them to
jointly and severally pay AAA the amounts of P75,000.00 as civil indemnity, P75,000.00 as moral damages,
In the prosecution of the cases at bar, two circumstances are present, namely. 1. use of a deadly weapon and and P30,000.00 as exemplary damages, with legal interest at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum on all
2. that two persons committed the rapes. The first was alleged in the information while the second was the monetary awards from the date of finality of this Decision until fully paid.
proved during trial. In both cases, the Court appreciated the first as a qualifying circumstance and the second
as a generic aggravating circumstance, in accordance with settled jurisprudence according to the trial court. SO ORDERED.

We do not agree. Under the law above quoted, either circumstance is qualifying. When the two ESTELA M. PERLAS-BERNABE
circumstances are present, there is no legal basis to consider the remaining circumstance as a generic Associate Justice
aggravating circumstance for either is not considered as such under Article 14 of the Revised Penal Code
enumerating what are aggravating circumstances. Hence, the correct penalty is the lesser penalty, which is WE CONCUR:
reclusion perpetua, there being no aggravating or mitigating circumstance, pursuant to Article 63, paragraph MARIA LOURDES P.A. SERENO
2, No. 2, Revised Penal Code.25 (Emphases and underscoring supplied) Chief Justice
In this case, records reveal that accused-appellants threatened AAA with a bladed instrument and tied her up TERESITA J. LEONARDO-DE CASTRO
before having carnal knowledge of her without her consent. Jurisprudence holds that force or intimidation, Associate Justice LUCAS P. BERSAMIN
as an element of Rape, need not be irresistible; as long as the assailant's objective is accomplished, any Associate Justice
question of whether the force employed was irresistible or not becomes irrelevant. Intimidation must be JOSE PORTUGAL PEREZ
viewed from the lens of the victim's perception and judgment and it is enough that the victim fears that Associate Justice
something will happen to her should she resist her assailant's advances.26 In this regard, case law provides
that the act of holding a bladed instrument, by itself, is strongly suggestive of force or, at least, intimidation, CERTIFICATION
and threatening the victim with the same is sufficient to bring her into submission.27
Pursuant to Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution, I certify that the conclusions in the above Decision had
In view of the foregoing, the Court finds no reason to deviate from the findings of fact made by the courts a been reached in consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Court's
quo that accused-appellants are guilty as charged, i.e., of raping AAA with the use of a deadly weapon, as the Division.
same are supported by the records. It must be noted that the assessment and findings of the trial court are
generally accorded great weight, and are conclusive and binding to the Court if not tainted with arbitrariness MARIA LOURDES P.A. SERENO
or oversight of some fact or circumstance of weight and influence,28 as in this case. Nevertheless, Chief Justice
considering that the crime was committed by two (2) persons, the accused-appellants herein, with the use of
EN BANC Nonetheless, the prosecution proceeded to present evidence to prove the presence of aggravating
[G.R. No. 137050. July 11, 2001] circumstances. The accused on the other hand presented evidence proving the mitigating circumstances that
attended the commission of the crime.
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, vs. GEORGE CORTES y ORTEGA, accused-appellant.
DECISION The prosecution alleged that the aggravating circumstances of evident premeditation, cruelty, nighttime,
PARDO, J.: abuse of superior strength, disrespect to sex, and intoxication were present in the commission of the crime.
The accused, on the other hand, raised the attendance of the mitigating circumstances of voluntary
The case is before the Court on automatic review of the decision[1] of the Regional Trial Court, Surigao del surrender, plea of guilty, mistaken identity and the alternative mitigating circumstance of intoxication.
Sur, Branch 29, Bislig, finding accused George Cortes y Ortega guilty beyond reasonable doubt of murder and
sentencing him to the supreme penalty of death. On September 2, 1998, the trial court after considering the aggravating and mitigating circumstances
attendant found the existence of the aggravating circumstances and appreciated only the mitigating
On August 12, 1998, provincial prosecutor Alfredo J. Pondoc of Surigao del Sur filed with the Regional Trial circumstance of plea of guilty that was offset by one of the aggravating circumstances. The trial court then
Court, Surigao del Sur, Branch 29, Bislig, an Information for murder against accused George Cortes y Ortega, proceeded to rule on the appropriate penalty to be imposed on the accused. The trial court rendered a
which reads as follows: decision, the dispositive portion of which reads:

That on or about 11:00 oclock in the evening, more or less, of June 24, 1998, at P. Lindo Street, Saint Paul WHEREFORE, the court finds the accused guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Murder, defined
District, Nangagoy, Bislig, Surigao del Sur, Philippines and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the and penalized under Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended by the Republic Act 7659, otherwise
above-named accused with treachery and evident premeditation, armed with a knife and with intent to kill known as the Death Penalty Law and is hereby sentenced to suffer the penalty of Death, to indemnify the
did then and there willfully, unlawfully and feloniously attacked, assault and stabbed one Edlyn S. Gamboa, a family of the victim in the amount of P60,000.00, and to pay damages in the amount of P200,000.00 and cost
16 year old girl, thereby inflicting the latter multiple stab wounds on her body which caused her
instantaneous death as certified by the doctor, to the damage and prejudice of the victims heirs. Hence, this review
Accused raises the following errors imputed to the trial court:
Contrary to law: In violation of Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code.
1. In finding that the aggravating circumstances of evident premeditation, cruelty, nighttime, abuse of
On June 24, 1998, at about eleven oclock in the evening, Junilla Macaldo was sitting on a bench outside her superior strength, sex and intoxication attended the commission of the crime charged; and
house located at P. Lindo St., Saint Paul District, Mangagoy, Bislig, Surigao del Sur. While thus seated, Edlyn 2. In imposing the death penalty upon accused instead of reclusion perpetua.
Gamboa came to her asking for the whereabouts of Yen-yen Ibua. Junilla noticed that Edlyn was followed by
accused George Cortes. Junilla then instructed Edlyn to go upstairs of the house. When Edlyn complied, According to the accused, the prosecution failed to prove the aggravating circumstances of evident
accused followed her and successively stabbed her several times. Junilla tried to help Edlyn, but accused premeditation and other circumstances attending the commission of the crime.
overpowered her. In a moment, Edlyn was able to run away despite being wounded; however, she collapsed
five (5) meters away from where she was stabbed. Junilla shouted for help. At this juncture, accused We agree with the accused that the prosecution did not prove the aggravating circumstance of evident
scampered away. Edlyn was able to stand up but again collapsed after walking about five (5) steps. She was premeditation. The prosecution failed to establish the following elements of this aggravating circumstance:
brought to the Babano Medical Clinic, where she expired. (a) the time when the accused determined to commit the crime, (b) an act manifestly indicating that the
accused clung to that determination, and (c) a lapse of time between the determination and the execution
Accused admitted that he stabbed Edlyn. He mistook Edlyn for her male companion against whom he had an sufficient to allow the accused to reflect upon the consequences of the act
altercation earlier. He committed the mistake because at the time of the incident, accused was very drunk
and the place was very dark. He only learned that he had stabbed the wrong person the following morning As to the aggravating circumstance of cruelty, although the accused stabbed the victim several times, the
through the radio vigilantes program. same could not be considered as cruelty because there was no showing that it was intended to prolong the
suffering of the victim. For cruelty to be appreciated against the accused, it must be shown that the accused,
On August 28, 1998 the trial court arraigned the accused.[3] He entered a plea of guilty.[4] In virtue of his for his pleasure and satisfaction, caused the victim to suffer slowly and painfully as he inflicted on him
plea of guilty, the trial court proceeded to satisfy itself of the voluntariness of the plea by propounding unnecessary physical and moral pain. The crime is aggravated because by deliberately increasing the
questions to the accused to find out if he understood his plea and the legal consequence thereof. Accused, suffering of the victim the offender denotes sadism and consequently a marked degree of malice and
assisted by counsel, reiterated his plea of guilty and the extra judicial confession he executed before the perversity. The mere fact of inflicting various successive wounds upon a person in order to cause his death,
police. no appreciable time intervening between the infliction of one (1) wound and that of another to show that he
had wanted to prolong the suffering of his victim, is not sufficient for taking this aggravating circumstance amount of fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) as death indemnity, and fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00) as
into consideration.[8] moral damages and to pay the costs of suit.

As to the aggravating circumstance of nighttime, the same could not be considered for the simple reason SO ORDERED.
that it was not specifically sought in the commission of the crime. Night-time becomes an aggravating
circumstance only when (1) it is specially sought by the offender; (2) the offender takes advantage of it; or (3) Davide, Jr., C.J., Bellosillo, Melo, Puno, Vitug, Kapunan, Mendoza, Buena, Ynares-Santiago, De Leon, Jr., and
it facilitates the commission of the crime by insuring the offender's immunity from identification or Sandoval-Gutierrez, JJ., concur.
capture.[9] In the case at bar, no evidence suggests that accused purposely sought the cover of darkness to Panganiban, J., abroad on official leave.
perpetrate the crime, or to conceal his identity. Quisumbing, J., on official leave.
Gonzaga-Reyes, J., on leave.
The trial court erred in further appreciating the aggravating circumstance of abuse of superior strength.
Abuse of superior strength is absorbed in treachery, so that it can not be appreciated separately as another EN BANC
aggravating circumstance.[10] Here, treachery qualified the offense to murder.
[G.R. No. 130508. April 5, 2000]
As to the aggravating circumstance of disregard of sex, the same could not be considered as it was not shown
that accused deliberately intended to offend or insult the sex of the victim, or showed manifest disrespect PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, vs. ARMANDO REGALA y ABRIOL, accused-appellant.
for her womanhood.[11] In fact, the accused mistook the victim for a man.
Ordinarily, intoxication may be considered either aggravating or mitigating, depending upon the
circumstances attending the commission of the crime. Intoxication has the effect of decreasing the penalty, if GONZAGA_REYES, J.:
it is not habitual or subsequent to the plan to commit the contemplated crime; on the other hand, when it is
habitual or intentional, it is considered an aggravating circumstance. A person pleading in toxication to Armando Regala appeals from the judgment in Criminal Case No. 7929 rendered by the Regional Trial Court
mitigate penalty must present proof of having taken a quantity of alcoholic beverage prior to the commission of Masbate, Masbate, Branch 46, 5th Judicial Region, convicting him of the crime of Robbery with Rape.
of the crime, sufficient to produce the effect of obfuscating reason. At the same time, that person must show
proof of not being a habitual drinker and not taking the alcoholic drink with the intention to reinforce his The information against accused-appellant on November 27, 1995, filed by 2nd Assistant Provincial
resolve to commit the crime.[12] Prosecutor Jesus C. Castillo, reads as follows: Sppedsc

Accused argues that in the absence of any of the aggravating circumstances alleged in the information and "That on or about September 11, 1995, in the evening thereof, at Barangay Bangon, Municipality of Aroroy,
considering that there was one mitigating circumstance attendant, that of plea of guilty, the penalty Province of Masbate, Philippines, within the jurisdiction of this Court, the said accused confederating
imposable is not death but reclusion perpetua. together and helping one another, with intent to gain, violence and intimidation upon persons, did then and
there wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously enter the kitchen of the house of Consuelo Arevalo and when
The Solicitor General agrees with the accused that the only aggravating circumstance present was treachery inside, hogtied said Consuelo Arevalo and granddaughter Nerissa Regala (sic), take, steal, rob and carry away
which qualified the killing to murder and that there were two mitigating circumstances of plea of guilty and cash amount of P3,000.00 and two (2) gold rings worth P6,000.00, to the damage and prejudice of owner
intoxication, not habitual. The penalty shall be reclusion perpetua, not death, in accordance with Article 63 in Consuelo Arevalo in the total amount of P9,000.00, Philippine Currency; and in pursuance of the commission
relation to Article 248 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended by Republic Act No. 6759. of the crime of robbery against the will and consent of the granddaughter Nerissa Regala (sic) wilfully,
unlawfully and feloniously accused Armando Regala y Abriol has for two times sexually abused and/or
We also award P50,000.00 as moral damages in keeping with current jurisprudence. Moral damages is intercoursed with her, while hogtied on the bed and in the kitchen.
proper considering the mental anguish suffered by the heirs of the victim on account of her untimely and
gruesome death.[13] CONTRARY TO LAW.[1]

WHEREFORE, the decision of the Regional Trial Court, Surigao del Sur, Branch 29, Bislig, in Criminal Case No. Accused-appellant was apprehended by the police four days after the incident. He was identified at a police
2026 convicting accused George Cortes y Ortega of murder is AFFIRMED with MODIFICATION as to the line-up by Nerissa and her grandmother. Calrsc
penalty imposed. In lieu of the death penalty, the accused George Cortes y Ortega is hereby sentenced to
reclusion perpetua, with all the accessory penalties of the law, to indemnify the heirs of the victim in the The prosecution presented three witnesses: Dra. Conchita Ulanday, Municipal Health Officer of Aroroy,
Masbate, who personally examined the rape victim; Nerissa Tagala, the rape victim, 17 years old, a third year
high school student; and her grandmother, Consuelo Arevalo, who was her companion when the robbery (1) THE TRIAL COURT GRAVELY ERRED IN FINDING THAT SUFFICIENT EVIDENCE EXIST TO ESTABLISH CLEARLY

The prosecutions version is stated in Appellees Brief as follows: Sccalr (2) THE TRIAL COURT GRAVELY ERRED IN FINDING ACCUSED-APPELLANT GUILTY BEYOND REASONABLE
"On September 11, 1995, at about 9:00 oclock in the evening at Barangay Bangon, Aroroy, Masbate, then 16-
year old victim Nerissa Tagala and her grandmother (Consuelo Arevalo) were sleeping, when appellant which alleged errors were discussed jointly.
Armando Regala and his two other companions entered the formers house. (pp. 6-7, TSN, August 26, 1996).
In essence, accused-appellant questions the sufficiency of the prosecutions evidence in identifying him as
Appellant and his companions entered the house through the kitchen by removing the pieces of wood under one of the perpetrators of the crime charged. He claims that the complaining witness could not have
the stove. Appellant went to the room of Nerissa and her grandmother and poked an 8-inch gun on them, positively identified him as there was no electricity nor any light in the place of the incident which took place
one after the other. (p. 8, TSN, August 26, 1996) at 9:00 oclock in the evening. Consuelo Arevalo was able to identify accused-appellant only after he was
pinpointed by Nerissa, and made contradictory statements in court when she stated that accused-appellant
Nerissa and her grandmother were hogtied by appellant and his companions. Thereafter, Nerissa was raped removed his mask after she was hogtied, and later stated that accused-appellant removed his mask before
by appellant Armando Regala in bed while her grandmother was on the floor. After the rape, appellant and she was hogtied. The medico-legal officer, Dr. Ulanday, herself testified that the complaining witness either
his two companions counted the money which they took from the "aparador." (pp. 9-10, TSN, August 26, voluntarily submitted to a sexual act or was forced into one. Edpsc
The appellee insists that appellants lame defense of alibi cannot stand against the positive identification
Appellant and his companions then ran away with P3,000 in cash, 2 pieces of ring valued at P6,000 and two made by the victim, and avers that the victim, a 16 year old barrio lass at the time the rape was committed,
wrist watches worth P5,000. (pp. 11-13, TSN, August 26, 1996) was motivated by a sincere desire to seek and obtain justice. The Solicitor General also recommends an
additional award of compensatory damages of P50,000.00 in favor of Nerissa Tagala. Edp
The following day, September 12, 1995, Nerissa went to the Rural Health Clinic of Aroroy, Masbate for
medical examination. In the Medical Report presented by Municipal Health Officer Dr. Conchita S. Ulanday, it We affirm the judgment of conviction.
was shown that Nerissa sustained laceration of the hymen at 4:00 oclock and 7:00 oclock positions (fresh
wounds), indicating a possible sexual assault upon the victim. (p. 16, TSN, August 26, 1996)[2] There was sufficient evidence to establish the identity of accused-appellant as the perpetrator of the crime.
The defense presented accused-appellant who testified that on September 11, 1995, he was staying in the
house of Antonio Ramilo at barangay Syndicate, Aroroy, Masbate. Ramilo was the manager in the gold Nerissa positively recounted the incident on the witness stand. She was sleeping with her grandmother in the
panning business where accused-appellant was employed. Antonio Ramilo testified and corroborated his latters house when the accused-appellant Regala, together with the unidentified companions entered the
defense and stated that accused-appellant was in his house, which is about 5 kilometers away from Barangay house. Regala pointed a gun, about 8 inches long, at her grandmother, and then at her, and hogtied both of
Bangon. Calrspped them. Regala took off her panty and her shorts, and removed his own "porontong" pants, and made sexual
intercourse ("itot") with her while she was hogtied in bed. Her grandmother was at the floor. She saw the
The trial court held that the defense of alibi cannot overcome the positive identification of the accused. The aparador of her grandmother being opened. She could not shout because the gun was pointed at her, and
dispositive portion of the judgment reads: she was afraid. Two companions of the accused-appellant entered the room as she was being raped. Two
rings valued at about P6,000.00 and 2 wrist watches (one "Seiko" and the other "Citizen") and money was
"WHEREFORE, in view of all the foregoing, the Court finds accused Armando Regala y Abriol guilty beyond taken by the accused-appellant and his companions. After raping her in bed, Nerissa saw accused-appellant
reasonable doubt of the crime of Robbery with Rape, as penalized under Par. 2 of Art. 294 of the Revised counting the money taken from the aparador. Thereafter, she was brought to the kitchen, still hogtied, and
Penal Code and hereby sentences him to suffer imprisonment of reclusion perpetua; to indemnify the victim raped again.[5] On cross-examination, Nerissa stated that although there was no electricity, and the light in
Consuelo Arevalo the sum of P9,000.00, the cash and value of the looted articles; to indemnify the victim the house was already off, she was able to see the face of Regala because at the time Regala was counting
Nerissa Tagala the sum of P50,000.00 as moral damages, and the further sum of P25,000.00 as exemplary the money, one of his companions was holding the flashlight "beamed to the money" and there was "some
damages. No subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency, and to pay the costs."[3] reflection" on the face of Regala[6] She remembered the face of Regala because of an earring on his left
ear[7] which he was wearing when presented at the police line-up.[8]
Armando has appealed to this Court pleading that: Scedp
Consuelo Arevalo testified and corroborated the testimony of her granddaughter. Armando Regala entered
the house with two companions, hogtied her and Nerissa, and were asking for money. After having sexual
intercourse with Nerissa, Regala took P3,000.00 in paper bills and coins from her aparador, and got a "1. The penalty of reclusion perpetua to death, when for any reason of or on occasion of the robbery, the
stainless Seiko wristwatch and two gold rings valued at P6,000.00. She was able to recognize Regala because crime of homicide shall have been committed, or when the robbery shall have been accompanied by rape or
of his earring on his left ear, and because he was pinpointed by Nerissa at the police station. She was not intentional mutilation or arson."
able to shout at the time because her mouth was gagged with a piece of cloth by Regala.[9] On cross-
examination, Consuelo Arevalo declared that she was able to see Regala because he used her flashlight, and The victim in the case at bar was raped twice on the occasion of the robbery. There are cases[16] holding
he took off the mask he was wearing; she recognized Regala because of his earring and his flat top hair that the additional rapes committed on the same occasion of robbery will not increase the penalty. In People
cut.[10] vs. Martinez,[17] accused Martinez and two (2) other unidentified persons, who remained at large, were
charged with the special complex crime of robbery with rape where all three raped the victim. The Court
The Court gives its approbation to the finding of the trial court that the evidence was sufficient to clearly imposed the penalty of death after considering two (2) aggravating circumstances, namely, nocturnidad and
establish the identity of Armando Regala as the person who, with two companions, committed the crime of use of a deadly weapon. However, the Court did not consider the two (2) other rapes as aggravating holding
robbery accompanied by rape on the night of September 11, 1995. Nerissa Tagala positively identified that "(T)he special complex crime of robbery with rape has, therefore, been committed by the felonious acts
Armando Regala because at the time he was counting the money on her bed, the other companion of the of appellant and his cohorts, with all acts or rape on that occasion being integrated in one composite crime."
accused beamed the flashlight towards the money and there was a reflection on the face of Regala. Although Jjsc
the three intruders were wearing masks when they entered the house, they removed their masks later.[11]
There are likewise cases[18] which held that the multiplicity of rapes committed could be appreciated as an
Our cases have held that wicklamps, flashlights, even moonlight and starlight may, in proper situations, be aggravating circumstance. In People vs. Candelario[19] where three (3) of the four (4) armed men who
sufficient illumination, making the attack on the credibility of witnesses solely on this ground robbed the victim "alternately raped her twice for each of them", this Court, citing People vs. Obtinalia,[20]
unmeritorious.[12] ruled that "(T)he characterization of the offense as robbery with rape, however, is not changed simply
because there were several rapes committed. The multiplicity of rapes should instead be taken into account
We are not persuaded by the contention of accused-appellant that the contradictory replies of Consuelo in raising the penalty to death." Scjj
Arevalo when asked whether Regala removed his mask "before"[13] or "after"[14] she and Nerissa were
hogtied exposed the fact that she was not able to identify the accused-appellant. The contradiction referred It should be noted that there is no law providing that the additional rape/s or homicide/s should be
to a minor detail and cannot detract from the fact that both Nerissa and Consuelo positively identified Regala considered as aggravating circumstance. The enumeration of aggravating circumstances under Article 14 of
as there was a flashlight used to focus at the money while it was being counted and there was a reflection on the Revised Penal Code is exclusive as opposed to the enumeration in Article 13 of the same code regarding
the face of Regala. Both Nerissa and Consuelo remembered the earring on his left ear, which he was still mitigating circumstances where there is a specific paragraph (paragraph 10) providing for analogous
wearing at the time of the police line-up inside the police station. Misoedp circumstances. Sjcj

Dr. Conchita Ulandays testimony does not support the contention of accused-appellant that Nerissa It is true that the additional rapes (or killings in the case of multiple homicide on the occasion of the robbery)
voluntarily submitted to the sexual advances of Regala. The admission of Dr. Ulanday that her findings point would result in an "anomalous situation" where from the standpoint of the gravity of the offense, robbery
to the fact that Nerissa "either voluntarily or was forced into sexual act" does not prove that Nerissa with one rape would be on the same level as robbery with multiple rapes.[21] However, the remedy lies with
voluntarily submitted to the sexual act. Dr. Ulanday testified that there was suggested evidence of the legislature. A penal law is liberally construed in favor of the offender[22] and no person should be
penetration as shown by the two lacerations at 4 oclock and at 7 oclock which were fresh wounds. That the brought within its terms if he is not clearly made so by the statute.[23]
act was involuntary was clearly established by the fact that Nerissa was hogtied when she was sexually
attacked. As correctly pointed out by appellee, Nerissa was a 16-year old barrio lass, not exposed to the ways In view of the foregoing, the additional rape committed by herein accused-appellant should not be
of the world and was not shown to have any ill-motive to falsely implicate accused-appellant, who was a considered as aggravating. The penalty of reclusion perpetua imposed by the trial court is proper. Supreme
stranger. And as repeatedly pronounced by this Court, it simply would be unnatural for a young and innocent
girl to concoct a story of defloration, allow an examination of her private parts and thereafter subject herself As regards the civil indemnity, we find well-taken the recommendation of the Solicitor General that
to a public trial or ridicule if she was not, in fact, a victim of rape and deeply motivated by a sincere desire to compensatory damages should be awarded in the amount of P50,000.00. Nerissa Tagala is entitled to an
have the culprit apprehended and punished.[15] award of civil indemnity ex delicto of P50,000.00, which is given in favor of the offended party in rape.[24]
Also a conviction for rape carries with it the award of moral damages to the victim since it is recognized that
The crime of robbery with rape was committed in 1995 when RA 7659 was already in force. Article 294 of the the victims injury is concomitant with and necessarily results from the ordinary crime of rape to warrant per
Revised Penal Code as amended now provides, under paragraph 1 thereof: Edpmis se an award of P50,000.00 as moral damages.[25]
WHEREFORE, the judgment convicting Armando Regala y Abriol guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime ill-motive to falsely implicate accused-appellant, who was a stranger. Hence, Dr. Ulandays testimony does
of Robbery with Rape, is hereby AFFIRMED with the MODIFICATION that Nerissa Tagala is entitled to an not support the contention of accused-appellant that the victim voluntarily submitted to sexual advances of
additional award of P50,000.00 as civil indemnity. Court Regala.

SO ORDERED. The crime of robbery with rape was committed in 1995 when RA 7659 was already in force. Under Article 294
of the Revised Penal Code as amended, now provides, under paragraph 1 thereof: (1) The penalty of
Davide, Jr., C.J., Bellosillo, Melo, Puno, Vitug, Kapunan, Mendoza, Panganiban, Quisumbing, Purisima, Pardo, reclusion perpetua to death, when for any reason of or on occasion of the robbery, the crime of homicide
Buena, Ynares-Santiago, and De Leon, Jr., JJ., concur. shall have been committed, or when the robbery shall have been accompanied by rape or intentional
mutilation or arson.
Criminal Case: People vs Regala G.R. No. 130508 April 5, 2000
People vs Regala In this case, the additional rape committed by herein accused-appellant should not be considered as
G.R. No. 130508 aggravating. The penalty of reclusion perpetua imposed by the trial court is proper. The judgment convicting
April 5, 2000 Armando Regala y Abriol guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of Robbery with Rape, where the
Criminal Case Digest victim is entitled to an additional award of P50,000.00 as civil indemnity.

Facts: Republic of the Philippines

On the night of September 11, 1995, at Barangay Bangon in Aroroy, Masbate, then 16-year old victim Nerissa SUPREME COURT
Tagala and her grandmother, Counselo Arevalo, were sleeping, when appellant Armando Regala and his two Manila
other companions entered the formers house.
Appellant and his companions entered the house through the kitchen and went to the room of the victims
and poked at 8-inch gun on them, one after the other, and hogtied both of them. Armando raped Nerissa in
bed while her grandmother was hogtied on the floor. Later, she saw her grandmothers aparador being
opened where two rings, two wrist watches, and money were taken from the aparador. After raping her in G.R. No. L-28232 February 6, 1971
bed, Nerissa saw accused-appellant counting the money taken from the aparador. Thereafter, she was
brought to the kitchen, still hogtied and was raped again by the accused. THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,
He was convicted in the lower court but accused-appellant appealed his criminal case at the Regional Trial JAIME JOSE Y GOMEZ, ET AL., defendants. JAIME JOSE Y GOMEZ, BASILIO PINEDA, JR., alias "BOY," EDGARDO
Court in Masbate. He questioned the sufficiency of the prosecutions evidence in identifying him as one of AQUINO Y PAYUMO and ROGELIO CAAL Y SEVILLA, defendants-appellants.
the perpetrators of the crime charged. And based on medico-legal, Dr. Conchita Ulanday, a health officer of
Aroroy, testified herself that the complaining witness either voluntarily submitted to a sexual act or was Office of the Solicitor General Antonio P. Barredo and Solicitor Augusto M. Amores for plaintiff-appellee.
forced into one.
Baizas, Alberto and Associates, Andreciano F. Caballero and Lota, Paraiso, Garcia and Dueas for defendant-
Issue: appellant Jaime G. Jose.
(a) Whether additional rape committed in a crime of robbery be considered as an aggravating circumstance?
Mabanag, Eliger and Associates for defendant-appellant Basilio Pineda, Jr.
On cross-examination, both Nerissa Tagala and Consuelo Arevalo, separately testified that they saw the face Sycip, Salazar, Luna, Manalo and Feliciano for defendant-appellant Edgardo P. Aquino.
of Regala, despite of no electricity at the commission of the crime, because he used a flashlight and took off
the mask he was wearing, and thus, they remembered him wearing an earring of his left ear, which he was Antonio Coronel Law Office and Roberto J. Ignacio for defendant-appellant Rogelio S. Canial.
still wearing at the time of the police line-up inside the police station.

The trial court held that contradiction referred to a minor detail, cannot detract from the fact, that both
Nerissa and Consuelo positively identified the accused-appellant. As correctly pointed out by the appellee, PER CURIAM:
the victim was a 16-year old barrio lass, not exposed to the ways of the world and was not shown to have any
The amended complaint filed in this case in the court below, reads as follows: not guilty. After the merits, the court below rendered its decision on October 2, 1967, the dispositive portion
of which reads as follows:
The undersigned complainant accuses JAIME JOSE Y GOMEZ, BASILIO PINEDA, JR. Alias "BOY," EDUARDO
AQUINO Y PAYUMO alias "EDDIE" and ROGELIO CAAL Y SEVILLA alias "ROGER," as principals, WONG LAY WHEREFORE, the Court finds the accused Jaime Jose, Rogelio Caal, Eduardo Aquino and Basilio Pineda, Jr.
PUENG, SILVERIO GUANZON Y ROMERO and JESSIE GUION Y ENVOLTARIO as accomplices, of the crime of guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of forcible abduction with rape as described under Art. 335 of
Forcible Abduction with rape, committed as follows: the Revised Penal Code, as amended, and hereby sentences each of them to the death penalty to be
executed at a date to be set and in the manner provided for by law; and each to indemnify the complainant
That on or about the 26th day of June, 1967, in Quezon City, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable in the amount of ten thousand pesos. On the ground that the prosecution has failed to establish a prima facie
Court, the above-named principal accused, conspiring together, confederating with and mutually helping one case against the accomplices Wong Lay Pueng, Silverio Guanzon y Romero, and Jessie Guion y Envoltario, the
another, did, then and there, wilfully, unlawfully and feloniously, with lewd design, forcibly abduct the Motion to Dismiss filed for and in their behalf is hereby granted, and the case dismissed against the
undersigned complainant against her will, and did, then and there take her, pursuant to their common aforementioned accused.
criminal design, to the Swanky Hotel in Pasay City, where each of the four (4) accused, by means of force and
intimidation, and with the use of a deadly weapon, have carnal knowledge of the undersigned complainant Insofar as the car used in the abduction of the victim which Jaime Jose identified by pointing to it from the
against her will, to her damage and prejudice in such amount as may be awarded to her under the provisions window of the courtroom and pictures of which were submitted and marked as Exhibits "M" and "M-1," and
of the civil code. which Jaime Jose in his testimony admitted belonged to him, pursuant to Art. 45 of the Revised Penal Code,
which requires the confiscation and forfeiture of the proceeds or instruments of the crime, the Court hereby
That WONG LAY PUENG, SILVERIO GUANZON y ROMERO, and JESSIE GUION y ENVOLTARIO without taking a orders its confiscation.
direct part in the execution of the offense either by forcing, inducing the principal accused to execute, or
cooperating in its execution by an indispensable act, did, then and there cooperate in the execution of the This case is now before us by virtue of the appeal interposed by Basilio Pineda, Jr., Edgardo Aquino, and
offense by previous or simultaneous acts, that is, by cooperating, aiding, abetting and permitting the Jaime Jose, and for automatic review as regards Rogelio Caal. However, for practical purposes all of them
principal accused in sequestering the undersigned complainant in one of the rooms of the Swanky Hotel then shall hereafter be referred to as appellants.
under the control of the accused Wong Lay Pueng, Silverio Guanzon y Romero and Jessie Guion y Envoltario,
thus supplying material and moral aid in the consummation of the offense. The complainant, Magdalena "Maggie" de la Riva, was, at the time of the incident, 25 years old and single;
she graduated from high school in 1958 at Maryknoll College and finished the secretarial course in 1960 at St.
That the aforestated offense has been attended by the following aggravating circumstances: Theresa's College. Movie actress by profession, she was receiving P8,000.00 per picture. It was part of her
work to perform in radio broadcasts and television shows, where she was paid P800.00 per month in
1. Use of a motor vehicle. permanent shows, P300.00 per month in live promotional shows, and from P100.00 to P200.00 per
appearance as guest in other shows.
2. Night time sought purposely to facilitate the commission of the crime and to make its discovery
difficult; So it was that at about 4:30 o'clock in the morning of June 26, 1967, Miss De la Riva, homeward bound from
the ABS Studio on Roxas Blvd., Pasay City, was driving her bantam car accompanied by her maid Helen
3. Abuse of superior strength; Calderon, who was also at the front seat. Her house was at No. 48, 12th Street, New Manila, Quezon City.
She was already near her destination when a Pontiac two-door convertible car with four men aboard (later
4. That means were employed or circumstances brought about which added ignominy to the natural identified as the four appellants) came abreast of her car and tried to bump it. She stepped on her brakes to
effects of the act; and avoid a collision, and then pressed on the gas and swerved her car to the left, at which moment she was
already in front of her house gate; but because the driver of the other car (Basilio Pineda, Jr.) also
5. That the wrong done in the commission of the crime be deliberately augmented by causing other accelerated his speed, the two cars almost collided for the second time. This prompted Miss De la Riva, who
wrong not necessary for the commission. was justifiably annoyed, to ask: "Ano ba?" Forthwith, Pineda stopped the car which he was driving, jumped
out of it and rushed towards her.
The girl became so frightened at this turn of events that she tooted the horn of her car continuously.
Upon arraignment, Basilio Pineda, Jr. pleaded guilty to the charge imputed in the above-quoted amended Undaunted, Pineda opened the door of Miss De la Riva's car and grabbed the lady's left arm. The girl held on
complaint; however, in an order dated July 11, 1967, the court reserved judgment "until such time as the tenaciously to her car's steering wheel and, together with her maid, started to scream. Her strength,
prosecution shall have concluded presenting all of its evidence to prove the aggravating circumstances listed however, proved no match to that of Pineda, who succeeded in pulling her out of her car. Seeing her
in the complaint." Upon the other hand, the rest of the defendants went to trial on their respective pleas of mistress' predicament, the maid jumped out of the car and took hold of Miss De la Riva's right arm in an
effort to free her from Pineda's grip. The latter, however, was able to drag Miss De la Riva toward the Pontiac complainant, in all her nakedness, was asked twice or thrice to turn around. Then Pineda picked up her
convertible car, whose motor was all the while running. clothes and left the room with his other companions. The complainant tried to look for a blanket with which
to cover herself, but she could not find one.
When Miss De la Riva, who was being pulled by Pineda, was very near the Pontiac car, the three men inside
started to assist their friend: one of them held her by the neck, while the two others held her arms and legs. Very soon, Jose reentered the room and began undressing himself. Miss De la Riva, who was sitting on the
All three were now pulling Miss De la Riva inside the car. Before she was completely in, appellant Pineda bed trying to cover her bareness with her hands, implored him to ask his friends to release her. Instead of
jumped unto the driver's seat and sped away in the direction of Broadway Street. The maid was left behind. answering her, he pushed her backward and pinned her down on the bed. Miss De la Riva and Jose struggled
against each other; and because the complainant was putting up stiff resistance, Jose cursed her and hit her
The complainant was made to sit between Jaime Jose and Edgardo Aquino at the back seat; Basilio Pineda, Jr. several times on the stomach and other parts of the body. The complainant crossed her legs tightly, but her
was at the wheel, while Rogelio Caal was seated beside him. Miss De la Riva entreated the appellants to attacker was able to force them open. Jose succeeded in having carnal knowledge of the complainant. He
release her; but all she got in response were jeers, abusive and impolite language that the appellants and then left the room.
threats that the appellants would finish her with their Thompson and throw acid at her face if she did not
keep quiet. In the meantime, the two men seated on each side of Miss De la Riva started to get busy with her The other three took their turns. Aquino entered the room next. A struggle ensued between him and Miss De
body: Jose put one arm around the complainant and forced his lips upon hers, while Aquino placed his arms la Riva during which he hit, her on different parts of the body. Like Jose, Aquino succeeded in abusing the
on her thighs and lifted her skirt. The girl tried to resist them. She continuously implored her captors to complainant. The girl was now in a state of shock. Aquino called the others into the room. They poured water
release her, telling them that she was the only breadwinner in the family and that her mother was alone at on her face and slapped her to revive her. Afterwards, three of the accused left the room, leaving Pineda and
home and needed her company because her father was already dead. Upon learning of the demise of Miss the complainant After some struggle during which Pineda hit her, the former succeeded in forcing his carnal
De la Riva's father, Aquino remarked that the situation was much better than he thought since no one could desire on the latter. When the complainant went into a state of shock for the second time, the three other
take revenge against them. By now Miss De la Riva was beginning to realize the futility of her pleas. She men went into the room again poured water on the complainant's face and slapped her several times. The
made the sign of the cross and started to pray. The appellants became angry and cursed her. Every now and complainant heard them say that they had to revive her so she would know what was happening. Jose,
then Aquino would stand up and talk in whispers with Pineda, after which the two would exchange knowing Aquino and Pineda then left the room. It was now appellant Canal's turn. There was a struggle between him
glances with Caal and Jose. and Miss De la Riva. Like the other three appellants before him, he hit the complainant on different parts of
the body and succeeded in forcing his carnal lust on her.
The car reached a dead-end street. Pineda turned the car around and headed towards Victoria Street. Then
the car proceeded to Araneta Avenue, Sta. Mesa Street, Shaw Boulevard, thence to Epifanio de los Santos Mention must be made of the fact that while each of mention must be made the four appellants was
Avenue. When the car reached Makati, Aquino took a handkerchief from his pocket and, with the help of struggling with the complainant, the other three were outside the room, just behind the door, threatening
Jose, blindfolded Miss De la Riva. The latter was told not to shout or else she would be stabbed or shot with a the complainant with acid and telling her to give in because she could not, after all, escape what with their
Thompson. Not long after, the car came to a stop at the Swanky Hotel in Pasay City The blindfolded lady was presence.
led out of the car to one of the rooms on the second floor of the hotel.
After the appellants had been through with the sexual carnage, they gave Miss De la Riva her clothes, told
Inside the room Miss De la Riva was made to sit on a bed. Her blindfold was removed. She saw Pineda and her to get dressed and put on her stockings, and to wash her face and comb her hair, to give the impression
Aquino standing in front of her, and Jose and Caal sitting beside her, all of them smiling meaningfully. that nothing had happened to her. They told her to tell her mother that she was mistaken by a group of men
Pineda told the complainant: "Magburlesque ka para sa amin." The other three expressed their approval and for a hostess, and that when the group found out that she was a movie actress, she was released without
ordered Miss De la Riva to disrobe. The complainant ignored the command. One of the appellants suggested being harmed. She was warned not to inform the police; for if she did and they were apprehended, they
putting off the light so that the complainant would not be ashamed. The idea, however, was rejected by the would simply post bail and later hunt her up and disfigure her face with acid. The appellants then blindfolded
others, who said that it would be more pleasurable for them if the light was on. Miss De la Riva was told to Miss De la Riva again and led her down from the hotel room. Because she was stumbling, she had to be
remove her stocking in order, according to them, to make the proceedings more exciting. Reluctantly, she did carried into the car. Inside the car, a appellant Jose held her head down on his lap, and kept it in that position
as directed, but so slowly did she proceed with the assigned task that the appellants cursed her and during the trip, to prevent her from being seen by others.
threatened her again with the Thompson and the acid. They started pushing Miss De la Riva around. One of
them pulled down the zipper of her dress; another unhooked her brassiere. She held on tightly to her dress Meanwhile, the four appellants were discussing the question of where to drop Miss De la Riva. They finally
to prevent it from being pulled down, but her efforts were in vain: her dress, together with her brassiere, fell decided on a spot in front of the Free Press Building not far from Epifanio de los Santos Avenue near Channel
on the floor. 5 to make it appear, according to them, that the complainant had just come from the studio. Pineda asked
Jose to alight and call a taxicab, but to choose one which did not come from a well-known company. Jose did
The complainant was now completely naked before the four men, who were kneeling in front of her and as requested, letting several taxicabs pass by before flagging a UBL taxicab. After they warned again Miss De
feasting their eyes on her private parts. This ordeal lasted for about ten minutes, during which the la Riva not to inform anyone of what had happened to her, appellant Canal accompanied her to the taxicab.
The time was a little past 6:00 o'clock. When Miss De la Riva was already inside the cab and alone with the man in the picture was one of her abductors and rapists. The same picture was shown to Jose, who, in
driver, Miguel F. Campos, she broke down and cried. She kept asking the driver if a car was following them; another sworn statement (Exh. "I-l"), identified the man in the picture as appellant Aquino.
and each time the driver answered her in the negative.
After the apprehension of Jose, the other three soon fell into the hands of the authorities: Pineda and Caal
It was 6:30 o'clock or some two hours after the abduction when Miss De la Riva reached home. Her on July 1, 1967, in Lipa City, and Aquino on July 5, 1967, in the province of Batangas. On the evening of July 1,
mother, her brother-in-law Ben Suba, as well as several PC officers, policemen and reporters, were at the 1967. Miss De la Riva pointed to Pineda and Caal as among the four persons who abducted and raped her.
house. Upon seeing her mother, the complainant ran toward her and said, "Mommy, Mommy, I have been She picked them out from among several person in the Office of the Chief of Police of Quezon City. Later in
raped. All four of them raped me." The mother brought her daughter upstairs. Upon her mother's the same evening, Miss De la Riva executed a sworn statement (Exh. B-2)wherein she made the same
instruction, the complainant immediately took a bath and a douche. The older woman also instructed her identification of the two appellants from among a group of persons in the Office of the Chief of the Detective
daughter to douche himself two or three times daily with a strong solution to prevent infection and Bureau, adding that appellant Caal had tattoo marks on his right hip. After the identification, one of the
pregnancy. The family doctor, who was afterwards summoned, treated the complainant for external physical policemen took appellant Caal downstairs and undressed him, and he saw, imprinted on the said appellant's
injuries. The doctor was not, however, told about the sexual assaults. Neither was Pat. Pablo Pascual, the right hip, the words "Bahala na Gang."
police officer who had been sent by the desk officer, Sgt. Dimla, to the De la Riva residence when the latter
received from a mobile patrol a report of the snatching. When Miss De la Riva arrived home from her Appellant Caal and Pineda executed and swore to separate statements on the day of their arrest. In his
harrowing experience, Pat. Pascual attempted to question her, but Ben Suba requested him to postpone the statement (Exh. "G"), appellant Caal confirmed the information previously given by Jose that the four of
interrogation until she could be ready for it. At that time, mother and daughter were still undecided on what them waited for Miss De la Riva to come down from the ABS Studio, and that they had planned to abduct and
to do. rape her. Appellant Caal admitted that all four of them participated in the commission of the crime, but he
would make it appear that insofar as he was concerned the complainant yielded her body to him on
On the afternoon of June 28, 1967, the complainant family gathered to discuss what steps, if any, should be condition that he would release her. Pineda executed a statement (Exh. "J") stating that he and his other
taken. After some agonizing moments, a decision was reached: the authorities had to be informed. Thus, three companions wept to the ABS Studio, and that, on learning that Miss De la Riva was there, they made
early on the morning of June 29, 1967, or on the fourth day after the incident, Miss De la Riva, accompanied plans to wait for her and to follow her. He admitted that his group followed her car and snatched her and
by her lawyer, Atty. Regina O. Benitez, and by some members of the family, went to the Quezon City Police took her to the Swanky Hotel. He would make it appear, however, that the complainant voluntarily acceded
Department Headquarters, filed a complaint and executed a statement (Exh. "B") wherein she narrated the to having sexual intercourse with him.
incident and gave descriptions of the four men who abused her. In the afternoon of the same day, the
complainant submitted herself ito a medico-internal examination by Dr. Ernesto Brion, NBI Chief Medico- In his medical report (Exh. "K"), Dr. Brion noted the presence of multiple contusions and bruises on different
Legal Officer. parts of the complainant's body, as well as of genital injuries. On the witness stand the doctor was shown
several photographs of the complainant taken in his presence and under his supervision. With the aid of the
During the physical examination of the complainant by Dr. Brion on June 29, 1967, Pat. Pascual was also at photographs and the medical reports, the doctor explained to the court that he found contusions or bruises
the NBI office. There he received a telephone call from the police headquarters to the effect that one of the on the complainant's chest, shoulders, arms and fore-arms, right arm index finger, thighs, right knee and
suspects had been apprehended. That evening, the complainant and Pat. Pascual proceeded to the legs. He also declared that when he was examining her, Miss De la Riva complained of slight tenderness
headquarters where Miss De la Riva identified appellant Jaime Jose from among a group of persons inside around the neck, on the abdominal wall and at the sites of the extragenital physical injuries, and that on
the Office of the Chief of Police of Quezon City as one of the four men he abducted and raped her. She pressing the said injuries, he elicited a sigh of pain or tenderness on the part of the subject. The injuries,
executed another statement (Exh. "B-1") wherein she made a formal identification of Jose and related the according to Dr. Brion, could have been caused blows administered by a closed fist or by the palm of the
role played by him. hand, and could have been inflicted on the subject while she was being raped. It was the doctor's opinion
that they could have been sustained on or about June 26, 1967. In connection with the genital examination,
At about 9:00 o'clock of the same evening, appellant Jose executed a statement (Exh. "I") before Pat. Marcos the doctor declared that he found injuries on the subject's genitalia which could have been produced by
G. Vias. In his statement, which was duly sworn. Jose admitted that he knew about, and was involved in, the sexual intercourse committed on June 26, 1967. He said that he failed to find spermatozoa. He explained,
June 26 incident. He named the other line appellants as his companions. Jose stated, among other things, however, that spermatozoa are not usually found in the vagina after the lapse of three days from the last
that upon the initiative of Pineda, he and the other three waited for Miss De la Riva to come out of the ABS intercourse, not to mention the possibility that the subject might have douched herself.
Studio; that his group gave chase to the complainant's car; that it was Pineda who blindfolded her and that
only Pineda and Aquino criminally assaulted the complainant. The three appellants who pleaded not guilty (Jose, Aquino and Caal) took the witness stand. We quote
hereunder the portions of the decision under review relative to the theory of the defense:
After Exh, "I" was executed by Jose, an informant furnished Pat. Vinas with a picture of appellant Edgardo
Aquino. The picture was shown to Miss De la Riva, who declared in her sworn statement (Exh. "B-3") that the Their story is that they and their co-accused Pineda had gone to the Ulog Cocktail Lounge somewhere in
Mabini street in Manila, and there killed time from 9:30 in the evening of June 25 until closing time, which
was about 3:30 in the early morning of the next day. At the cocktail lounge they had listened to the music Aquino readily obliged, and to make the company complete they invited Caal to join them. They used
while enjoying some drinks. Between them they had consumed a whole bottle of whisky, so much so that at another car of Jaime Jose, different from the one they had used the day before. At Lipa, Aquino detached
least Aquino became drunk, according to his own testimony. They had been joined at their table by a certain himself from his compassions and proceeded alone to the barrio allegedly to visit his relatives. In the
Frankie whom they met only that night. Come time to go home, their new acquaintance asked to be dropped meantime his two companions had remained in the City and had, according to Canal, gone to live in a house
at his home in Cubao. The five men piled into the red-bodied, black topped two-door convertible Plymouth very close to the municipal hall building. They later moved to another house where the PC and Quezon City
(Pontiac) car of Jaime Jose, and with Pineda at the wheel repaired to Cubao After dislodging their new friend, police posse found and arrested them. Aquino was the last to be apprehended, when having read in the
Pineda steered the car to Espaa Extension to bring Aquino to his home in Mayon Street. But somewhere in newspapers that he was wanted, he surrendered on July 5 to Mrs. Aurelia Leviste, wife of the governor of
Espaa Extension before the Rotonda a small car whizzed to them almost hitting them. They saw that the Batangas.
driver was a woman. Pineda gave chase and coming abreast of the small car he shouted, "Putang ina mo,
kamuntik na kaming mamatay." The woman continued on her way. Now Pineda saying "let us teach her a The striptease-act-for-a-fee story on which the defense theory is anchored, defies one's credulity and reason,
lesson," sped after her and when she swerved ostensibly to enter a gate, Pineda stopped his car behind being and had utterly to counteract the evidence for the prosecution, particularly the complainant's testimony and
hurriedly got down, striding to the small car, opened the door and started dragging the girl out. Both Jose Dr. Brion's medical report and testimony. We quote with approval the able dissertion of the trial judge on
and Aquino confirm the presence of another woman inside the girl's car, who helped the girl struggle to get this point:
free from Pineda's grip; and that the struggle lasted about ten minutes before Pineda finally succeeded in
pushing the girl into the red convertible. All the three accused insist they did nothing to aid Pineda: but they As main defense in the charge of rape, the three accused advance the proposition that nothing happened in
also admit that they did nothing to stop him. Swanky Hotel except a strip-tease exhibition which the complaint agreed to do for them for fee of P1,000.00,
P100.00 down and the balance to be paid "later." The flaw in this connection lies in its utter inverisimilitude.
Now the defense contends that Pineda cruised around and around the area just to scare the girl who was in The Court cannot believe that any woman exists, even one habitual engaged in this kind of entertainment
truth so scared that she begged them to let her be and return her to her home. She turned to Jose in appeal, (which Maggie de la Riva has not been proven to be) who would consent (and as easily and promptly as
but this one told her he could net do anything as the "boss" was Pineda. Aquino heard her plead with Jose defense claims) to do a performance, not even for all money in the worlds after the rough handling she
"do you not have a sister yourself?" but did not bear the other plea 'do you not have a mother?' Then Pineda experienced from these wolves in men's clothing who now hungered for a show. There is no fury to match a
stopped at the corner of the street where he had forcibly snatched the girl presumably to return her, but woman stirred to indignation. A woman's pride is far stronger than her yen for money, and her revenge much
then suddenly changing his mind he said, 'why don't you do a strip tease for us. I'll pay you P1,000.00 and the more keen. The Court cannot believe that after the rudeness and meanness of these men to her, Maggie
girl taunted, 'are you kidding?': that after a little while she consented to do the performance as long as it would in so short an interval of time forget her indignation and so readily consent to satisfy their immoral
would not last too long and provided the spectators were limited to the four of them. curiosity about her. The woman in her would urge her to turn the men's hankering as a weapon of revenge
by denying them their pleasure.
Pineda sped the car until they got to Swanky Hotel where he and Maggie alighted first, but not before
Maggie had borrowed a handkerchief from one of them to cover her face as she went up the Hotel. The Besides, the manner of payment offered for the performance is again something beyond even the wildest
three followed, and when they saw the pair enter a room, they quickly caught up. All the three accused expectations. Assuming that the woman whom the accused had abducted was in this kind of trade assuming
testify that as soon as they got into the room, Maggie de la Riva asked the boys to close the windows before that the price offered was to her satisfaction, whom woman would be willing to perform first and be paid
she. undressed in front of them. They themselves also removed their clothing. Two of them removed their later? It is simply preposterous to believe that Maggie de la Riva should have consent to do a striptease act
pants retaining their briefs, while Boy Pineda and Caal stripped to the skin "because it was hot." The three for a measly down-payment of P100.00 and the balance to be paid God knows when. Since when are
accused declared that they saw Boy Pineda hand P100.00 to Maggie and they heard him promise her that he exposition of the flesh paid on the installment basis? By the very precautious nature of their pitiful calling,
would pay the balance of P900.00 later. Whereupon, the show which lasted about 10 minutes began with the women who sell their attractions are usually very shrewed and it is to be expected that they could demand
naked girl walking back and forth the room about 4 to 5 times. This accomplished, all of them dressed up full payment before curtain call. How was Maggie to collect later when she did not even know who these
once more and the three accused (Jaime Jose, Eduardo Aquino and Rogelio Caal) left the room to wait in man were, where they lived, whether they could be trusted with a promise to pay later (!) whether she could
the car for Boy Pineda and Maggie de la Riva who were apparently still discussing the mode of payment of ever find them again? If there is anything that had struck the Court about the complaint, it is her courage, her
the balance. Three minutes later Maggie de la Riva and Boy Pineda joined them. Now, the question of how intelligence and her alertness. Only a stupid woman, and a most stupid one that, could have been persuaded
and where to drop Maggie came up and it is testified to by the accused that it was Maggie's idea that they to do what the defense want this Court to believe Maggie de la Riva consented to do.
should drop her near the ABS Studio so that it would appear as if she had just come from her work.
Finally, it is odd that not one of these men should have mentioned this circumstances during their interview
Jaime Jose was picked by the police on the morning of June 29 along Buendia Avenue. Aquino testifies how, with anyone, either the press, their police interrogator, the person who negotiated their surrender (as in the
on June 29 Pineda went to him with a problem. He did not have the P900.00 with which to pay Maggie the case of Aquino) or even their counsel. One cannot escape the very strong suspicion that this story is a last
balance of her "show" and he was afraid that if he did not pay, Maggie would have her goons after him. He ditch, desperate attempt to save the day for the accused. It truly underscores the hopelessness of their stand
wanted Aquino to go with him to Lipa City where he had relatives and where he could help raise the money. and projects all the more clearly their guilt.
gauging the weight of evidence. What is more important is which of the declarations is the more credible, the
Then there is the incident of the men's stripping themselves. Why was there need for this? The Court realizes more logical, the more reasonable, the more prone to be biased or polluted. (Ricarte 44 OG 2234; Damian
that in its desperate need of an explanation for Maggie's positive identification of Caal as the man with the CA-GR No. 25523, April 24, 1959). Besides, it should be borne in maid that in the most detestable crime of
tattoo mark on his right buttock, the defense concocted the sickeningly incident story that the four men rape in which a man is at his worst the testimony of the offended party most often is the only one available
removed their underclothing in the presence of a woman simply "because it was hot." What kind of men to prove directly its commission and that corroboration by other eyewitnesses would in certain cases place a
were these who were so devoid of any sense of decency that they thought nothing of adding insult to injury serious doubt as to the probability of its commission, so trial courts of justice are most often placed in a
by not only inducing a woman a strip before them, but for forcing her to perform before a naked audience? position of having to accept such uncorroborated testimony if the same is in regards conclusive, logical and
And then they have gall to argue that "nothing" happened. For males of cold and phlegmatic blood and probable (Landicho, VIII ACR 530).
disposition it could be credible, but not for men of torrid regions like ours where quick passions and hot
tempers are the rule rather than the exception! We shall now consider the points raised by the appellants in their briefs.

All of these consideration set aside, notwithstanding, it is quite obvious that the version of the defense has 1. Appellants Jose, Aquino and Caal deny having had anything to do with the abduction of Miss De la
not been able to explain away a very vital piece of evidence of prosecution which, if unexplained, cannot but Riva. They point to Pineda (who entered a plea of guilty) as the sole author thereof, but they generously
reduce any defense unavailing. The result of the physical (external and internal) examination conducted on contend that even as to him the act was purged at any taint of criminality by the complainant's subsequent
the person of Maggie de la Riva in the afternoon of June 29, the pertinent findings of which quoted earlier in consent to perform a striptease show for a fee, a circumstance which, it is claimed, negated the existence of
this decision, establish beyond doubt that at the time that Maggie de la Riva was examined she bore on her the element of lewd design. This line of defense has evidently leg no to stand on. The evidence is clear and
body traces of physical and sexual assault. overwhelming that all the appellants participated in the forcible abduction. Miss De la Riva declared on the
witness stand, as well as in her sworn statements, that they helped one another in dragging her into the car
The only attempt to an explanation made by the defense is either one of the following: (1) the insinuation against her will; that she did not know them personally; that while inside the car, Jose and Aquino, between
that when Maggie de la Riva and Boy Pineda were left behind in the hotel room the bruises and the sexual whom she was seated, toyed with her body, the former forcing his lips on hers, and the latter touching her
attack could have taken place then. But then, the defense itself says that these two persons rejoined the thighs and raising her skirt; that meaningful and knowing glances were in the meanwhile being exchanged
three after three or four minutes! It is physically impossible, in such a short time, for Boy Pineda to have among the four; and that all of them later took turns in ravishing her at the Swanky Hotel. This testimony,
attacked the girl and inflicted on her all of these injuries; (2) it was suggested by the defense that Maggie de whose evidentiary weight has not in the least been overthrown by the defense, more than suffices to
la Riva could have inflicted all of those injuries upon herself just to make out a case against the accused. The establish the crimes charged in the amended complaint. In the light thereof, appellants' protestation that
examining physician rules out this preposterous proposition, verily it does not take much stretch of the they were not motivated by lewd designs must be rejected as absolutely without factual basis.
imagination to see how utterly impossible this would be, and for what purpose? Was P900.00 which she had
failed to collect worth that much self-torture? And what about all the shame, embarrassment and publicity 2. The commission of rape by each of the appellants has, as held by the court below, likewise been
she would (as she eventually did) expose herself to? If she really had not been raped would she have gone clearly established. Jose, Aquino and Canal contend that the absence of semen in the complainant's vagina
thru all of these tribulation? disproves the fact of rape. The contention is untenable. Dr. Brion of the NBI, who testified as an expert,
declared that semen is not usually found in the vagina after three days from the last intercourse, especially if
A woman does not easily trump up rape charges for she has much more to lose in the notoriety the case will the subject has douched herself within that period. In the present case, the examination was conducted on
reap her, her honor and that of her family, than in the redress she demands (Canastre 82-480; Medina, C.A. the fourth day after the incident, and the complainant had douched herself to avoid infection and pregnancy.
1943 O.G. 151; Medina y Puno, CA O.G. 338; CA 55 O.G. 7666; Galamito, L-6302, August 25, 1954); (3) it Furthermore, the absence of spermatozoa does not disprove the consummation of rape, the important
could also be argued that the contusions and bruises could have been inflicted on Maggie during her struggle consideration being, not the emission of semen, but penetration (People vs Hernandez, 49 Phil., 980).
with Pineda when the latter pulled and pushed her into the red convertible car. The telltale injuries, Aquino's suggestion that the abrasions on the cervix were caused by the tough tip of a noozle deliberately
however, discount this possibility, for the location in which many of the bruises and traumas were located used by the complainant to strengthen her alleged fabricated tale of rape, is absurd, if not cruel. It is difficult
(particularly on the inner portion of her thighs) could not have been cause by any struggle save by those of a to imagine that any sane woman, who is single and earning as much Miss Dela Riva did, would inflict injuries
woman trying to resists the brutal and bestial attack on her honor. on her genital organ by puncturing the same with a sharply-pointed instrument in order to strike back at four
strangers who allegedly would not pay her the sum of P900.00 due her for a striptease act. Besides, Dr. Brion
In their Memorandum the accused contend that Maggie's sole and uncorroborated testimony should not be testified that the insertion of such an instrument in the genital organ would not result in the kind of injuries
rated any credence at all as against the concerted declaration of the the accused. In the first place, it is not he found in the mucosa of the cervix.
correct to say that Maggie's declaration was uncorroborated she has for corroboration nothing less than
the written extra-judicial statements of Jose and Canal. But even assuming that Maggie stood alone in her 3. Other evidence and considerations exist which indubitably establish the commission of successive
statements, the cases cited by the accused in their Memorandum notwithstanding which the Court does not rapes by the four appellants. Upon Miss De la Riva's arrival at her house in the morning of June 26, 1967, she
consider in point anyway, jurisprudence has confirmed the ruling that numbers is the least vital element in immediately told her mother, " Mommy Mommy, I have been raped. All four of them raped me." This
utterance, which is part of the res gestae, commands strong probative value, considering that it was made by Court of the United States in Messiah vs. U.S. (377 U.S. 201), Escobedo vs. Illinois (378 U.S. 478) and Miranda
the complainant to her mother who, in cases of this nature was the most logical person in whom a daughter vs. Arizona (384 U.S. 436).
would confide the truth. Aquino and Canal would make capital of the fact that Miss De la Riva stated to the
reporters on the morning of June 26, that she was not abused. Her statement to the press is understandable. The provision of the Constitution of the Philippines in point is Article III (Bill of Rights), Section 1, par. 17 of
At that time the complainant, who had not yet consulted her family on a matter which concerned her which provides: "In all criminal prosecutions the accused shall ... enjoy the right to be heard by himself and
reputation as well as that of her family, and her career, was not then in a position to reveal publicly what had counsel ..." While the said provision is identical to that in the Constitution of the United States, in this
happened to her. This is one reason why the complainant did not immediately inform the authorities of the jurisdiction the term criminal prosecutions was interpreted by this Court, in U.S. vs. Beecham, 23 Phil., 258
tragedy that befell her. Another reason is that she was threatened with disfiguration. And there were, of (1912), in connection with a similar provision in the Philippine Bill of Rights (Section 5 of Act of Congress of
course, the traumas found by Dr. Brion on different parts of the complainant's body. Could they, too, have July 1, 1902) to mean proceedings before the trial court from arraignment to rendition of the judgment.
been self-inflicted? Or, as suggested, could they possibly have been inflicted by appellant Pineda alone, when Implementing the said constitutional provision, We have provided in Section 1, Rule 115 of the Rules of Court
the story given by the other three is that Pineda and the complainant were left in the hotel room for only that "In all criminal prosecutions the defendant shall be entitled ... (b) to be present and defend in person
three or four minutes, and that they came out to join them in what they would picture to be a cordial and by attorney at every stage of the proceedings, that is, from the arraignment to the promulgation of the
atmosphere, the complainant even allegedly suggesting that she be dropped on a spot where people would judgment." The only instances where an accused is entitled to counsel before arraignment, if he so requests,
reasonably presume her to have come from a studio? Equally important is the complainant's public are during the second stage of the preliminary investigation (Rule 112, Section 11) and after the arrest (Rule
disclosure of her tragedy, which led to the examination of her private parts and lay her open to risks of future 113, Section 18). The rule in the United States need not be unquestioningly adhered to in this jurisdiction,
public ridicule and diminution of popularity and earnings as a movie actress. not only because it has no binding effect here, but also because in interpreting a provision of the Constitution
the meaning attached thereto at the time of the adoption thereof should be considered. And even there the
4. Jose and Canal seek the exclusion of their extrajudicial statements from the mass of evidence on said rule is not yet quite settled, as can be deduced from the absence of unanimity in the voting by the
the grounds that they were secured from them by force and intimidation, and that the incriminating details members of the United States Supreme Court in all the three above-cited cases.
therein were supplied by the police investigators. We are not convinced that the statements were
involuntarily given, or that the details recited therein were concocted by the authorities. The statements 5. Appellant Pineda claims that insofar as he is concerned there was a mistrial resulting in gross
were given in the presence of several people and subscribed and sworn to before the City Fiscal of Quezon miscarriage of justice. He contends that because the charge against him and his co-appellants is a capital
City, to whom neither of the aforesaid appellants intimated the use of inordinate methods by the police. offense and the amended complaint cited aggravating circumstances, which, if proved, would raise the
They are replete with details which could hardly be known to the police; and although it is suggested that the penalty to death, it was the duty of the court to insist on his presence during all stages of the trial. The
authorities could have secured such details from their various informers, no evidence at all was presented to contention is untenable. While a plea of guilty is mitigating, at the same time it constitutes an admission of
establish the truth of such allegation. While in their statements Jose and Canal admitted having waited all the material facts alleged in the information, including the aggravating circumstances, and it matters not
together with the two other appellants for Miss De la Riva at the ABS Studio, each of them attempted in that the offense is capital, for the admission (plea of guilty) covers both the crime and its attendant
the same statements to exculpate himself: appellant Jose stated that only Pineda and Aquino criminally circumstances qualifying and/or aggravating the crime (People vs. Boyles, et al., L-15308, May 29, 1964,
abused the complainant; while appellant Canal would make it appear that the complainant willingly allowed citing People vs. Ama, L-14783, April 29, 1961, and People vs. Parete, L-15515, April 29, 1961). Because of the
him to have sexual intercourse with her. Had the statements been prepared by the authorities, they would aforesaid legal effect of Pineda's plea of guilty, it was not incumbent upon the trial court to receive his
hardly have contained matters which were apparently designed to exculpate the affiants. It is significant, too, evidence, much less to require his presence in court. It would be different had appellant Pineda requested
that the said two appellants did not see it fit to inform any of their friends or relatives of the alleged use of the court to allow him to prove mitigating circumstances, for then it would be the better part of discretion on
force and intimidation by the police. Dr. Mariano Nario of the Quezon City Police Department, who examined the part of the trial court to grant his request. (Cf. People vs. Arconado, L-16175, February 28, 1962.) The
appellant Canal after the latter made his statement, found no trace of injury on any part of the said case of U.S. vs. Agcaoili (31 Phil., 91), cited by Pineda, is not in point, for there this Court ordered a new trial
appellant's body in spite of the claims that he was boxed on the stomach and that one of his arms was because it found for a fact that the accused, who had pleaded guilty, "did not intend to admit that he
burned with a cigarette lighter. In the circumstances, and considering, further, that the police officers who committed the offense with the aggravating circumstances" mentioned in the information. We are not in a
took down their statements categorically denied on the witness stand that the two appellants were tortured, position to make a similar finding here. The transcript of the proceedings during the arraignment shows that
or that any detail in the statements was supplied by them or by anyone other than the affiants themselves, Pineda's counsel, Atty. Lota prefaced his client's plea of guilty with the statement that .
We see no reason to depart from the trial court's well-considered conclusion that the statements were
voluntarily given. However, even disregarding the in-custody statements of Jose and Canal, We find that the I have advised him (Pineda) about the technicalities in plain simple language of the contents of aggravating
mass of evidence for the prosecution on record will suffice to secure the conviction of the two. circumstances and apprised him of the penalty he would get, and we have given said accused time to think.
After a while I consulted him for three times and his decision was still the same.
The admissibility of his extrajudicial statements is likewise being questioned by Jose on the other ground that
he was not assisted by counsel during the custodial interrogations. He cites the decisions of the Supreme Three days after the arraignment, the same counsel stated in court that he had always been averse to
Pineda's idea of pleading guilty, because "I know the circumstances called for the imposition of the maximum
penalty considering the aggravating circumstances," but that he acceded to his client's wish only after the
fiscal had stated that he would recommend to the court the imposition of life imprisonment on his client. To When by reason or on the occasion of the rape, a homicide is committed, the penalty shall be death.
be sure, any such recommendation does not bind the Court. The situation here, therefore, is far different
from that obtaining in U.S. vs. Agcaoili, supra. As regards, therefore, the complex crime of forcible abduction with rape, the first of the crimes committed,
the latter is definitely the more serious; hence, pursuant the provision of Art. 48 of the Revised Penal Code,
6. Two of the appellants Jose and Caal bewail the enormous publicity that attended the case the penalty prescribed shall be imposed in its maximum period. Consequently, the appellants should suffer
from the start of investigation to the trial. In spite of the said publicity, however, it appears that the court a the extreme penalty of death. In this regard, there is hardly any necessity to consider the attendance of
quo was able to give the appellants a fair hearing. For one thing, three of the seven (7) original accused were aggravating circumstances, for the same would not alter the nature of the penalty to be imposed.
acquitted. For another thing, Jose himself admits in his brief that the Trial Judge "had not been influenced by
adverse and unfair comments of the press, unmindful of the rights of the accused to a presumption of Nevertheless, to put matters in their proper perspective and for the purpose of determining the proper
innocence and to fair trial." penalty to be imposed in each of the other three crimes of simple rape, it behooves Us to make a definite
finding in this connection to the effect that the commission of said crimes was attended with the following
We are convinced that the herein four appellants have conspired together to commit the crimes imputed to aggravating circumstances: (a) nighttime, appellants having purposely sought such circumstance to facilitate
them in the amended information quoted at the beginning of this decision. There is no doubt at all that the the commission of these crimes; (b) abuse of superior strength, the crime having been committed by the four
forcible abduction of the complainant from in front of her house in Quezon City, was a necessary if not appellants in conspiracy with one another (Cf. People vs. De Guzman, et al., 51 Phil., 105, 113); (c) ignominy,
indispensable means which enabled them to commit the various and the successive acts of rape upon her since the appellants in ordering the complainant to exhibit to them her complete nakedness for about ten
person. It bears noting, however, that even while the first act of rape was being performed, the crime of minutes, before raping her, brought about a circumstance which tended to make the effects of the crime
forcible abduction had already been consummated, so that each of the three succeeding (crimes of the same more humiliating; and (d) use of a motor vehicle. With respect to appellants Jose, Aquino and Ca__al, none
nature can not legally be considered as still connected with the abduction in other words, they should be of these aggravating circumstances has been offset by any mitigating circumstance. Appellant Pineda should,
detached from, and considered independently of, that of forcible abduction and, therefore, the former can however, be credited with the mitigating circumstance of voluntary plea of guilty, a factor which does not in
no longer be complexed with the latter. the least affect the nature of the proper penalties to be imposed, for the reason that there would still be
three aggravating circumstances remaining. As a result, appellants should likewise be made to suffer the
What kind of rape was committed? Undoubtedly, it is that which is punishable by the penalty of reclusion extreme penalty of death in each of these three simple crimes of rape. (Art. 63, par. 2, Revised Penal Code.)
perpetua to death, under paragraph 3, Article 335, as amended by Republic Act No. 4111 which took effect
on June 20, 1964, and which provides as follows: In refusing to impose as many death penalties as there are offenses committed, the trial court applied by
analogy Article 70 of the Revised Penal Code, which provides that "the maximum duration of all the penalties
ART. 335. When and how rape committed.Rape is committed by having carnal knowledge of a woman therein imposed upon the appellant shall not be more than threefold the length of time corresponding to the
under any of the following circumstances: most severe of the penalties imposed upon the appellant, which should not exceed forty years." The said
court is of the opinion that since a man has only one life to pay for a wrong, the ends of justice would be
1. By using force or intimidation; served, and society and the victim would be vindicated just as well, if only one death penalty were imposed
on each of the appellants.
2. When the woman is deprived of reason or otherwise unconscious; and
We cannot agree with the trial court. Article 70 of the Revised Penal Code can only be taken into account in
3. When the woman is under twelve years of age, even though neither of the circumstances connection with the service of the sentence imposed, not in the imposition of the penalty (People vs.
mentioned in the two next preceding paragraphs shall be present. Escares, 55 Off. Gaz., 623). In holding that only one death penalty should be imposed because man has only
one life, the trial court ignored the principle enunciated in the very case it cited, namely, U.S. vs. Balaba, 37
The crime of rape shall be punished by reclusion perpetua. Phil., 260, where this Court, in affirming the judgment of the trial court, found the accused guilty of two
murders and one homicide and imposed upon him two death sentences for the murders and a prison term
Whenever the crime of rape is committed with the use of a deadly weapon or by two or more persons, the for the homicide. In not applying the said principle, the court a quo said that the case of Balaba is different
penalty shall be reclusion perpetua to death. from the present case, for while in the former case the accused was found to have committed three distinct
offenses, here only one offense is charged, even if complex. As We have explained earlier herein, four crimes
When by reason or on the occasion of the rape, the victim has become insane, the penalty shall be death. were committed, charged and proved. There is, therefore, no substantial difference between the two cases
insofar as the basic philosophy involved is concerned, for the fact remains that in the case of Balaba this
When the rape is attempted or frustrated and a homicide is committed by reason or on the occasion thereof, Court did not hesitate to affirm the two death sentences imposed on the accused by the trial court. In People
the penalty shall be likewise death. vs. Peralta, et al., L-19060, October 29, 1968, in which this Court imposed on each of the six accused three
death penalties for three distinct and separate crimes of murder, We said that "since it is the settled rule that imprisonment, the convict will have to serve a maximum of only thirty years corresponding to a single life
once conspiracy is established, the act of one conspirator is attributable to all, then each conspirator must be sentence.
held liable for each of the felonious acts committed as a result of the conspiracy, regardless of the nature and
severity of the appropriate penalties prescribed by law." In the said case (which was promulgated after the We are, therefore, of the opinion that in view of the existence of conspiracy among them and of our finding
decision of the court a quo had been handed down) We had occasion to discuss at length the legality and as regards the nature and number of the crimes committed, as well as of the presence of aggravating
practicality of imposing multiple death penalties, thus: circumstances, four death penalties should be imposed in the premises.

The imposition of multiple death penalties is decried by some as a useless formality, an exercise in futility. It
is contended, undeniably enough, that a death convict, like all mortals, has only one life to forfeit. And
because of this physiological and biological attribute of man, it is reasoned that the imposition of multiple Before Us is a petition for intervention filed by Filipinas Investment & Finance Corporation asking for reversal
death penalties is impractical and futile because after the service of one capital penalty, the execution of the of that portion of the judgment of the court below ordering the confiscation of the car used by the appellants
rest of the death penalties will naturally be rendered impossible. The foregoing opposition to the multiple in abducting the complainant. The aforesaid car is a 1965 two-door Pontiac sedan with Motor No. WT-
imposition of death penalties suffers from four basic flaws: (1) it fails to consider the legality of imposing 222410, Serial No. 2376752110777, Plate No. H-33284, File No. 11584171, alleged by the intervenor to be in
multiple capital penalties; (2) it fails to distinguish between imposition of penalty and service of sentence; (3) the custody of Major Ernesto San Diego of the Quezon City Police Department. The car is registered in the
it ignores the fact that multiple death sentences could be served simultaneously; and (4) it overlooks the name of Mrs. Dolores Gomez.
practical merits of imposing multiple death penalties.
On April 4, 1967, Mrs. Dolores Gomez, mother of an appellant Jaime G. Jose, bought the car from the
The imposition of a penalty and the service of a sentence are two distinct, though related, concepts. The Malayan Motors Corporation and simultaneously executed a chattel mortgage thereon to secure payment of
imposition of the proper penalty or penalties is determined by the nature, gravity and number of offenses the purchase price of P13,200, which was stipulated to be payable in 24 monthly installments of P550
charged and proved, whereas service of sentence is determined by the severity and character of the penalty beginning May 4, 1967 up to April 4, 1969. The mortgage was duly registered with the Land Transportation
or penalties imposed. In the imposition of the proper penalty or penalties, the court does not concern itself Commission and inscribed in the Chattel Mortgage Registry. The mortgage lien was annotated on the motor
with the possibility or practicality of the service of the sentence, since actual service is a contingency subject registration certificate. On April 17, 1967, for value received and with notice to Mrs. Gomez, the Malayan
to varied factors like the successful escape of the convict, grant of executive clemency or natural death of the Motors Corporation assigned its credit against Mrs. Gomez, as well as the chattel mortgage, to the
prisoner. All that go into the imposition of the proper penalty or penalties, to reiterate, are the nature, intervenor. The assignment was duly registered with the Land Transportation Commission and annotated on
gravity and number of the offenses charged and proved and the corresponding penalties prescribed by law. the registration certificate.

Multiple death penalties are not impossible to serve because they will have to be executed simultaneously. A Mrs. Gomez failed to pay any of the installments due, in view of which the intervenor filed on July 5, 1967, an
cursory reading of article 70 will show that there are only two moves of serving two or more (multiple) action for replevin against her (Civil Case No. 69993, Court of First Instance of Manila) as a preliminary step
penalties: simultaneously or successively. The first rule is that two or more penalties shall be served to foreclosure of the chattel mortgage. On July 7, 1967, the court issued an order for the seizure of the car.
simultaneously if the nature of the penalties will so permit. In the case of multiple capital penalties, the The sheriff, however, could not enforce the writ of replevin because the car was not in Mrs. Gomez'
nature of said penal sanctions does not only permit but actually necessitates simultaneous service. possession, the same having been used by her son, appellant Jaime G. Jose, together with the other
appellants in this case, in the abduction of Miss De la Riva, as a result of which the car was seized by the
The imposition of multiple death penalties, far from being a useless formality, has practical importance. The Quezon City police and placed in the custody of Major San Diego, who refused to surrender it to the sheriff
sentencing of an accused to several capital penalties is an indelible badge of his extreme criminal perversity, on the ground that it would be used as evidence in the trial of the criminal case.
which may not be accurately projected by the imposition of only one death sentence irrespective of the
number of capital felonies for which he is liable. Showing thus the reprehensible character of the convict in During the pendency of that criminal case in the court below, or on July 26, 1967, the intervenor filed with
its real dimensions, the possibility of a grant of executive clemency is justifiably reduced in no small measure. the said court a petition for intervention. The said petition was not, however, acted upon. On October 2,
Hence, the imposition of multiple death penalties could effectively serve as deterrent to an improvident 1967, the trial court rendered its judgment in the present case ordering the car's confiscation as an
grant of pardon or commutation. Faced with the utter delinquency of such a convict, the proper penitentiary instrument of the crime. Although not notified of the said decision, the intervenor filed, on October 17, 1967,
authorities would exercise judicious restraint in recommending clemency or leniency in his behalf. a motion for reconsideration of the order of confiscation; but the same was denied on October 31, 1967, on
the ground that the trial court had lost jurisdiction over the case in view of the automatic elevation thereof
Granting, however, that the Chief Executive, in the exercise of his constitutional power to pardon (one of the to this Court. The intervenor then filed a petition for relief from judgement, but the same was also denied.
presidential prerogatives which is almost absolute) deems it proper to commute the multiple death penalties
to multiple life imprisonments, then the practical effect is that the convict has to serve the maximum forty On February 5, 1968, judgement was rendered in the replevin case ordering Mrs. Gomez to deliver the car to
(40) years of multiple life sentences. If only one death penalty is imposed, and then is commuted to life the intervenor so that the chattel mortgage thereon could be foreclosed, or, in the alternative, to pay the
intervenor the sum of P13,200 with interest thereon at 12% per annum from July 5, 1968, the premium Barredo and Teehankee, JJ., took no part.
bond, attorney's fees, and the costs of suit. The judgment became final and executory. Attempts to execute
the judgment against the properties of Mrs. Gomez were unavailing; the writ of execution was returned by CASE DIGEST: People v. Jaime Jose, G.R. No. L-28232
the sheriff unsatisfied. On July 26, 1968, the present petition for intervention was filed with this Court, which Title: People v. Jaime Jose, G.R. No. L-28232
allowed the intervenor to file a brief. In his brief the Solicitor General contends, among others, that the court Subject Matter: Conspiracy
a quo having found that appellant Jose is the owner of the car, the order of confiscation is correct. Facts:
On June 26, 1967, four principal-accused Jaime Jose, Basilio Pineda Jr., Eduardo Aquino and Rogelio Caal
Considering that the car in question is registered in the name of Mrs. Dolores Gomez, who, in the absence of conspired together, confederated with and mutually helped one another, then and there, to willfully,
strong evidence to the contrary, must be considered as the lawful owner thereof; that the only basis of the unlawfully and feloniously, with lewd design to forcibly abduct Magdalena Maggie dela Riva, 25 years old
court a quo in concluding that the said car belongs to appellant Jose were the latter's statements during the and single, a movie actress by profession at the time of the incident, where the four principal accused, by
trial of the criminal case to that effect; that the said statement were not, however, intended to be, nor could means of force and intimidation using a deadly weapon, have carnal knowledge of the complainant against
constitute, a claim of ownership over the car adverse to his mother, but were made simply in answer to her will, and brought her to the Swanky Hotel in Pasay City, and hence committed the crime of Forcible
questions propounded in court for the sole purpose of establishing the identity of the defendant who Abduction with Rape.
furnished the car used by the appellants in the commission of the crime; that the chattel mortgage on the car
and its assignment in the favor of the intervenor were made several months before the date of commission Having established the element of conspiracy, the trial court finds the accused guilty beyond reasonable
of the crimes charged, which circumstance forecloses the possibility of collusion to prevent the State from doubt of the crime of forcible abduction with rape and sentences each of them to the death penalty.
confiscating the car; that the final judgement in the replevin case can only be executed by delivering the
possession of the car to the intervenor for foreclosure of the chattel mortgage; and the Article 45 of the Issue:
Revised Penal Code bars the confiscation and forfeiture of an instrument or tool used in the commission of Whether or not the trial court made a proper ruling of the case considering the element of conspiracy.
the crime if such "be the property of a third person not liable for the offense," it is the sense of this Court
that the order of the court below for confiscation of the car in question should be set aside and that the said Held:
car should be ordered delivered to the intervenor for foreclosure as decreed in the judgment of the Court of
First Instance of Manila in the replevin case, Civil Case No. 69993. No, the trial courts ruling was not proper. The SC ruled that since the element of conspiracy was present,
where the act of one is the act of all, each of the accused is also liable for the crime committed by each of the
other persons who conspired to commit the crime. The SC modified the judgment as follows: appellants
Before the actual promulgation of this decision, this Court received a formal manifestation on the part of the Jaime Jose, Basilio Pineda Jr., and Eduardo Aquino are guilty of the complex crime of forcible abduction with
Solicitor General to the effect that Rogelio Caal, one of the herein appellants, died in prison on December rape and each and every one of them is likewise convicted of three (3) other crimes of rape. As a
28, 1970. As a result of this development, this case is hereby dismissed as to him alone, and only insofar as consequence thereof, each of them is likewise convicted with four death penalties and to indemnify the
his criminal liability is concerned, with one-fourth (1/4) of the costs declared de oficio. victim of the sum of P10,000 in each of the four crimes. The case against Rogelio Caal was dismissed only in
so far as the criminal liability is concerned due to his death in prison prior to promulgation of judgment.
WHEREFORE, the judgment under review is hereby modified as follows: appellants Jaime G. Jose, Basilio
Pineda, Jr., and Edgardo P. Aquino are pronounced guilty of the complex crime of forcible abduction with Case Digest of Criminal Cases: People vs Jaime Jose y Gomez, et al. G.R. No. L-28232 February 6, 1971
rape, and each and every one of them is likewise convicted of three (3) other crimes of rape. As a People vs Jaime Jose y Gomez, et al.
consequence thereof, each of them is hereby sentenced to four (4) death penalties; all of them shall, jointly G.R. No. L-28232
and severally, indemnify the complainant of the sum of P10,000.00 in each of the four crimes, or a total of February 6, 1971
40,000.00; and each shall pay one-fourth (1/4) of the costs.
Case Digest of Criminal Cases
Insofar as the car used in the commission of the crime is concerned, the order of the court a quo for its Digested Cases
confiscation is hereby set aside; and whoever is in custody thereof is hereby ordered to deliver its possession
to intervenor Filipinas Investment & Finance Corporation in accordance with the judgment of the Court of Facts:
First Instance of Manila in Civil Case No. 69993 thereof.
On June 26, 1967, four (4) principal-accused Jaime Jose, Basilio Pineda Jr., alias Boy, Eduardo Aquino Alias
Concepcion, C.J., Reyes, J.B.L., Dizon, Makalintal, Zaldivar, Castro, Fernando, Villamor and Makasiar, JJ., Eddie and Rogelio Caal; together with Wong Lay Pueng, Silverio Guanzon and Jessie Guion as accomplices,
concur. conspired together, confederated with and mutually helped one another, then and there, to willfully,
unlawfully and feloniously, with lewd design to forcibly abduct Magdalena Maggie de la Riva, 25 years old
and single, a movie actress by profession at the time of the incident, where the four principal accused, by
means of force and intimidation using a deadly weapon, have carnal knowledge of the complainant against Insofar as the car used in the commission of the crime is concerned, the order of the court a quo for its
her will, and brought her to the Swanky Hotel in Pasay City, and hence committed the crime of Forcible confiscation is hereby set aside; and whoever is in custody thereof is hereby ordered to deliver its possession
Abduction with Rape. to intervenor Filipinas Investment & Finance Corporation in accordance with the judgment of the First
Instance of Manila in Civil Case No. 69993 thereof.
Wherefore, the court finds that the accomplices Pueng, Guanzon and Guion, on the ground that the
prosecution has failed to establish a prima facie case against them, the Motion to Dismiss filed for and in Before the actual promulgation of the decision, the Court received a formal manifestation on the part of the
their behalf is hereby granted, and the case dismissed against them. Solicitor general to the effect that Rogelio Caal, one of the herein appellants, died in prison on December
28, 1970. As a result, the case is dismissed as to him alone, and only insofar as his criminal liability is
(Facts of this case are too descriptive. Id rather not include much details on the scene of the crime to protect concerned, with one-fourth (1/4) of the costs declared de officio.
the complainants repute).
Wherefore, the judgment under review is hereby modified as follows: Jaime G. Jose, Basilio Pineda, Jr., and
Issue: Eduardo P. Aquino are pronounced GUILTY of the complex crime of forcible abduction with rape, and each
and every one of them likewise convicted of three (3) of the crimes of rape. As a consequence thereof, each
(a) What kind of rape was committed? of them is hereby sentenced to four (4) death penalties; all of them shall jointly and severally, indemnify the
complainant of the sum of P10,000.00 in each of the four crimes, or a total of 40,000.00; and each shall pay
Held: one-fourth of the costs.

Undoubtedly, rape is that which is punishable by the penalty reclusion perpetua to death, under paragraph 3, Republic of the Philippines
Article 335, as amended by Republic Act 4111 which took effect on June 20, 1964. Under the law, rape is SUPREME COURT
committed by having canal knowledge of a woman under any of the following circumstances: (1) by using Manila
force and intimidation; (2) when the woman is deprived of reason and otherwise unconscious; and (3) when
the woman is under twelve years of age, even though neither of the circumstances mentioned in the two EN BANC
next preceding paragraphs shall be present. The crime of rape shall be punished by reclusion perpetua.
Whenever the rape is committed the use of a deadly weapon or by two or more persons, the penalty shall be G.R. No. L-20183 June 30, 1966
reclusion perpetua to death.
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff and appellee,
As regards, therefore, the complex crime of forcible abduction with rape, the first of the crimes committed, vs.
and the latter is the more serious; hence, pursuant to the provision of Art 48 of the RPC, the penalty EDUARDO BERDIDA Y INGUITO, ET AL., defendants.
prescribed shall be imposed in its maximum period. Consequently, the appellants should suffer the extreme EDUARDO BERDIDA Y INGUITO, LORETO SABERON Y CASAS, VICENTE ABERAS Y CORDERO and JESUS FELICIA
penalty of death. In this regard, there is hardly any necessity to consider the attendance of aggravating Y BALIDBID, defendants and appellants.
circumstances, for the same would not alter the nature of the penalty to be imposed.
Senen S. Ceniza, Emilio G. Opinion and Agustin R. Romeras for defendants and appellants.
However, said crime as attended with the following aggravating circumstances: (a) nighttime, appellants Office of the Solicitor General A. A. Alafriz, Acting Assistant Solicitor General I. C. Borromeo and Solicitor S. C.
having purposely sought such circumstance to facilitate the commission of these crimes; (b) abuse of Jacob for plaintiff and appellee.
superior strength, the crime having been committed by the four appellants in conspiracy with one another;
(c) ignominy, since the appellants in ordering the complaint to exhibit to them her complete nakedness for PER CURIAM:
ten minutes before raping her, brought about a circumstance which tended to make the effects of the crime
more humiliating; and (d) the use of motor vehicle. This is an automatic review of death sentence pursuant to the Rules of Court.1

Of the three principal-appellants (Jose, Aquino and Caal), none of them may claim aggravating On 10 May 1960, an information for frustrated murder2 of Antonio Maravilla and another information for
circumstances has been offset by the mitigating circumstance. Appellant Pineda should, however, be murder3 of Federico Caalete, were filed in the Court of First Instance of Manila. Said informations were
credited with the mitigating circumstance of voluntary plea of guilty, a factor which does not in the least directed against the same eight accused: Eduardo Berdida y Inguito, Jesus Felicia y Balidbid, Vicente Aberas y
affect the nature of the proper penalties to be imposed, for the reason that there would still be three Cordero, Cristoto Mitilla y Paral, Demetrio Garin y Payos, Protacio Libres y Corona, Loreto Saberon y Casas
aggravating circumstances remaining. and Mario Mustrado y Sumaya.
delivered fist blows on them, first on Antonio Maravilla, then on Federico Caalete.5 Furthermore, Loreto
After the defendants pleaded not guilty at their arraignment on 16 May 1960, the two cases were tried Saberon also held Federico Caalete while others gave fist blows to the latter.6 At about 1 o'clock in the
jointly. Acting on a motion to dismiss filed by defendants Cristoto Mitilla and Mario Mustrado, after the morning of 8 May 1960, Antonio Maravilla lost consciousness, shortly after hearing Loreto Saberon say that
prosecution rested its case, the court dismissed the charges against Mario Mustrado, with costs de oficio. the group would cut off the ears of Antonio Maravilla and Federico Caalete for appetizer or "pulutan".7
After the trial, the Court of First Instance rendered on 27 July 1962 the decision now under review. Its
dispositive portion states: Antonio Maravilla's sister, Elizabeth, had meanwhile been informed by Virgilio Haban, one of those who were
able to run away, that her brother and Federico Caalete were taken by armed men. She therefore went out
In view of the foregoing considerations, the Court finds the defendants Eduardo Berdida, Loreto Saberon, with some companions in search of her brother. She asked the help of Patrolman Carlos Pili, who was then at
Vicente Aberas and Jesus Felicia guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the crime of murder. This Court has in the corner of Kaguitingan and Lakandula Streets in front of Pier 6. Patrolmen Amado Santos and Fabricante
previous cases endeavored to avoid the imposition of the capital punishment. In the case at bar, however, also joined them. As the other policemen took to separate directions, Patrolman Pili and Elizabeth Maravilla
where the offenders, pretending to be police officers, kidnapped the victims and mercilessly beat one of went along Mabuhay Street. They came upon a group of men, between Piers 6 and 8, who were hesitant to
them to death, the Court finds no other alternative, in pursuance to the mandate of the law, but to impose, answer their inquiries. So they proceeded further, entering a small alley. As they went on, Elizabeth found
as it hereby imposes upon the said defendants, the death penalty, to indemnify jointly and severally the heirs the shoes of her brother. So they continued until they met Vicente Aberas, stripped to the waist, with
of Federico Caalete in the sum of P4,000.00 and to pay the costs. May God have mercy on their souls. bloodstains on his hands.8 Patrolman Pili detained him. Since somebody threatened them should they
proceed any further, Patrolman Pili and Elizabeth Maravilla went to Precinct 3, taking along Vicente Aberas.
In Criminal Case No. 52338, above-said defendants are also hereby found guilty beyond reasonable doubt of Assistance from the Mobile Patrol was then requested. Accompanied by her neighbors and more policemen,
the crime of attempted murder and considering the aggravating circumstances present, they are sentenced Elizabeth, together with Patrolman Pili, returned and went further to the interior of Mabuhay Street. Finally,
each to suffer a maximum penalty of TEN (10) YEARS of prision mayor and a minimum of SIX (6) YEARS of they came upon Federico Caalete and Antonio Maravilla, sprawled on the ground, the former face down,
prision correccional, and to pay the costs, without prejudice on the part of the complainant to institute a the latter flat on his back. Federico Caalete was found dead. Antonio Maravilla was alive, though his face
separate civil action for the recovery of damages. was swollen, rendering him barely recognizable. Antonio Maravilla was taken to the North General Hospital.

The defendants Garin, Mitilla and Libres are hereby acquitted, in both cases, with costs de oficio, and their Patrolman Pili, meanwhile, went still further to the interior and saw, about 12 meters away from where they
immediate release is hereby ordered. found the victims, a group drinking liquor. At the approach of Patrolman Pili, about four men ran away,
leaving behind four men, namely, Loreto Saberon, Mario Mustrado, Cristoto Mitilla and Protacio Libres, the
So ordered. last mentioned being then drunk and asleep on a bamboo bed.9 A Mobile Patrol car thereafter arrived and
apprehended them, except Libres. Patrolman Pili next went towards a house near Tagumpay Street in which
The records show the prosecution's evidence, as follows: direction the others had fled. In said house, which was that of Crisanta Melgar, the patrolman found some
persons who pretended to be sleeping, namely, Demetrio Garin, Jesus Felicia and Eduardo Berdida.
At about 10 o'clock in the evening of 7 May 1960, Antonio Maravilla, Federico Caalete, Virgilio Haban and Patrolman Pili brought them outside and they were taken by the Mobile Patrol to the Detective Bureau.
Pedrito Rapadas left the store of one Mang Terio at Mabuhay Street, North Harbor, Tondo, Manila, and
proceeded walking towards their homes. They were met on their way by Eduardo Berdida, Antonio Louie, Furthermore, the body of Federico Caalete was examined at the scene where it was found by officers of the
one Tiquio and one alias Ifugao, who identified themselves as detectives, told them not to move, and pointed Mobile Patrol. Detective Bureau agents likewise went to said place. Finding bloodstains near an a alley to
sharp and long bolos to them.4 Antonio Maravilla and Federico Caalete raised their hands, but Pedrito Tagumpay Street, they went to a house thereat and found Protacio Libres sleeping on a bamboo bed. Said
Rapadas and Virgilio Haban were able to run away. Antonio Louie then dealt a fist blow on Antonio Maravilla. detectives took Libres to the headquarters.
After that, the group took Antonio Maravilla and Federico Caalete along the rail tracks, telling them that
they had done something wrong. At the police station, all the apprehended suspects were made to mingle with other persons. Antonio
Maravilla, who was fetched to point out therefrom the persons who attacked him and Federico Caalete
At the end of the rail tracks, said group tied the hands of Antonio Maravilla and Federico Caalete. After identified Eduardo Berdida, Vicente Aberas, Loreto Saberon and Jesus Felicia.
doing this, they dragged the two and took them to a place in Pier 8 at the North Harbor near Vicente Aberas'
house. In said place, there were others who joined the group, among them, Jesus Felicia, Loreto Saberon and An autopsy was made on 8 May 1960 on the body of Federico Caalete by Dr. Luis Larion, Medical Examiner
Vicente Aberas. At this point Eduardo Berdida told Antonio Maravilla and Federico Caalete to dig their of the Manila Police Department. The post mortem findings in his report are as follows: (Exh. M):
graves, but they refused. Arturo Macabebe, who also joined the group, took two sticks of cigarettes and told
Antonio Maravilla and Federico Caalete to smoke. Antonio Maravilla again refused. Following said refusal, CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM:
the victims were hit with a piece of wood. Eduardo Berdida and Jesus Felicia then held Antonio Maravilla and
Federico Caalete, respectively, by the hands and from behind. As they were thus held, Vicente Aberas Hemorrhage extensive, subarachnoid brain.
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: Sometime between 7 and 8 o'clock in the evening of 7 May 1960 Crisanta Melgar was filling drums with
water in her house at 1205 Tagumpay Street, Tondo, Manila. Shortly thereafter, Eduardo Berdida, Loreto
Laceration, blood vessels, brain and spleen. Saberon and Jesus Felicia arrived. Since her husband was on night duty and her brother- in-law was ill,
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: Crisanta Melgar asked the three to remain and help her fill up the drums with water, intending to sell the
Contusion, posterior lung, bilateral. same the next morning. Said defendants consented and for some time helped Crisanta fill the drums with
Congestion, lungs, bilateral. water. At about 9 o'clock in the evening, however, said defendants went to sleep in the ground floor of
GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM: Crisanta's new house, still under construction, adjacent to the house aforementioned. At about midnight a
About 150 cc. partially digested rice meal with slight alcoholic odor. policeman and someone in civilian clothes knocked at the door and inquired from Crisanta if there were
Hemoperitoneum about 100 cc. blood, abdominal cavity. three persons sleeping in her house. She said yes, and opened the door. The policeman then told Crisanta
that a dead man was found near their place. The one in civilian attire went to the back of the house. Crisanta
SPLEEN: Maceration spleen. told the policeman she knew nothing of any incident and that the three men had been in her house for some
time. She then awoke the defendants Berdida, Saberon and Felicia. The policeman told them to stand up and
PANCREAS: Contusion, hemorrhagic, pancreas. the man in civilian was asked if they were the ones involved. Said man looked at the defendants and replied
in the negative. The policeman and the civilian then left and the defendants went back to sleep. After a
BONES AND JOINTS: while, Crisanta, who was restless and could not sleep, went down, awoke the defendants, and told them that
it was better for them to leave. So, the said defendants left, but a policeman stopped them at Tagumpay
Fracture-separation, left parieto-occipital and right fronto-temporal skull. Street and took them to the police headquarters.

MISCELLANEOUS: As to the defendant Vicente Aberas, his defense of alibi is as follows:

Wound, stab, non-penetrating, 1.3 x 0.5 cm. x 1.5 cm. deep, right lumbar region. In the evening of 7 May 1960, he was on board the fishing boat "Don Paulino." At about 10:30 o'clock in the
Wound, lacerated, 3 x 0.5 cm. occipital region. evening, after unloading their catch of fish, he left for home, bringing with him a tulingan fish. Juan, a co-
Wound, lacerated, 2.5 cm. x 1.5 cm. x 1 cm. deep, non-penetrating, left abdomen. worker of his, invited him to drink beer in a store near Pier 8. For some time they stayed there, then he left
Hematoma, frontal, right; left, parieto-occipital, and occipital, scalp, head. for home. On the way he met five men beating up somebody. Approaching them, he asked them to have pity
Contusion, multiple, left forehead; left lower eyelids; left face; nose; lower lip; left lateral neck; posterior on the man and not to beat him. Someone in the group, armed with a club, warned him not to interfere, so,
neck; left shoulder; left and right posterior chest. becoming afraid, he left. In reaching home, he took off his shirt, cut the fish he brought with him in half,
Contused abrasion, anterior left lower chest and right abdomen. lengthwise, and took one of the halves to the house of Emiliano Retone, another co-worker of his, who did
not report for work that day. Retone invited him to drink gin. After drinking, he headed for home, but on his
CAUSE OF DEATH: way he met two policemen and a woman. After being asked where he came from, which he answered, and
Shock and hemorrhage due to traumatic fracture of the skull with maceration of spleen, contusion of the whether he had seen a fight, to which he said yes, he was taken to Precinct 3.
lungs and extensive subarachnoid hemorrhages in the brain.
Appellants would, first of all, assail Antonio Maravilla's testimony identifying them as the assailants, for the
Antonio Maravilla, as shown in the medico-legal certificate of Dr. Cumalinga Espinosa of the North General reason that he lost consciousness, and, therefore, could not be relied upon to make said identification.
Hospital (Exh. R), sustained these injuries: Appellants would further insist on their defense of alibi. Antonio Maravilla, it is true, lost consciousness' at
about 1 o'clock in the morning of 8 May 1960. It is however equally true that before his sense faded out he
Contusion with abrasion, and periorbital hematoma, eye right. saw herein appellants perform their atrocities on himself as well as on Federico Caalete. It cannot therefore
Contusion upper and lower lip. be doubted that he made no mistake in pointing out to herein appellants as definitely among their assailants.
This he did, not only at the police station but also in open court during the trial. It is furthermore not
Contusion 2" mental region. disputed by defendants-appellants that Antonio Maravilla has no reason or motive to falsely accuse them of
Contusion with slight hematoma, malar right, and mandible bilateral. murder and attempted murder. The positive identification he made must therefore be given credence.
Abrasion, 3", lateral neck left.
Abrasion, 2" #2 level of the 10th rib right, along the MCL. It follows that the defense of alibi cannot be sustained. The rule is settled, to the point of being trite, that the
defense of alibi is worthless in the face of positive identification by prosecution witnesses, pointing to the
For the defense of herein appellants, the following evidence was presented to establish alibi: accused as participants in the crime. 10
In addition, the presence of evident premeditation is likewise borne out by the record. For the victims were
The trial court, moreover, found the above-related defenses of alibi not credible. For, according to said court, told at the start, when they were taken captives, that they had done something wrong, that they were the
if defendants Berdida, Felicia and Saberon really went to help Crisanta Melgar, their provincemate, fill drums ones who stabbed and killed one Pabling, and that for this reason they were to go with the group (T.s.n., 10
with water at her house, it is rather unusual that they went to sleep at about 9 o'clock in the evening. October 1960, pp. 20, 22; Exh. D). Not only that; the victims were then taken to a spot where they were
Furthermore, the policeman who inquired about persons sleeping in Crisanta Melgar's house strangely knew ordered to dig their graves. The assailants were previously armed with deadly weapons, and their assault was
their number, that is, three persons. And, finally, it is unbelievable that said policeman did not take them to a concerted and group action. From the time of apprehension of the victims, About 10 o'clock in the evening,
the headquarters for identification by Antonio Maravilla himself.1wph1.t to the time Antonio Maravilla lost consciousness, about 1 o'clock early the following morning, is sufficient
time for the offenders to meditate and reflect on the consequences of their act.
And, with respect to the defendant-appellant Vicente Aberas, the trial court found it too surprising to believe
that he went to such lengths of amiability, as to go, shirtless at that, to his friend Retone, at an unholy hour, In People vs. Lopez, 69 Phil. 298, this Court found the aggravating circumstance of evident premeditation
to share with him one-half of his tulingan fish. No previous agreement, or urgent need for such an act present, in view of the repeated statements of the defendants that the hour of reckoning of the victim would
obtained. It could have waited for the next morning, especially since, having allegedly come from work, arrive, the existing enmity between them, the fact that they were previously armed with deadly weapons,
defendant Aberas must have been tired. and the fact that the aggression was simultaneous and continuous until the deceased was left unconscious
on the ground. And in People vs. Lazada, 70 Phil. 525, four hours was held sufficient lapse of time for
As this Court stated in People vs. Constante, L-14639, December 28, 1964, the defense of alibi is an issue of purposes of the presence of evident premeditation. Furthermore, sufficient lapse of time in this regard is not
fact that hinges on credibility; that the credibility of an alibi depends so much on the credibility of the simply a matter of the precise number of hours, but of the reasonable opportunity, under the situation and
witnesses who seek to establish it; and that, in this inspect, the relative weight which the trial judge assigns circumstances, to ponder and reflect upon the consequences. In the present case, we find the facts and
to the testimony of said witnesses must, unless patently and clearly inconsistent with the evidence on circumstances obtaining sufficient to support the trial court's finding of the attendance of evident
record, be accepted. For, as is well recognized, his proximate contact with those who take to the witness premeditation.
chair places him, compared to appellate Justices, in the more competent position to discriminate be between
the true and the false. Following previous instances, the indemnity to the heirs of the deceased in this case should be increased to
P6,000. 12
And in the present appeal, we find no warrant to depart from the lower court's finding on defendants-
appellants' defense of alibi. Anent the attempted murder case, no appeal therefrom was taken. The record shows that defendants
perfected no appeal from the judgment below. The present automatic review is limited only to the murder
It is also contended by appellants that the aggravating circumstances of nighttime, abuse of superior case in which the death penalty was imposed. It was only because of the joint trial that the record of the
strength, and evident premeditation should not be appreciated in fixing the penalty. Appellants would argue attempted murder case was likewise elevated herein. Since no appeal was taken in the attempted murder
that nighttime was not purposely sought to facilitate the offense or to afford impunity. At any rate, they case, the judgment with respect thereto has become final. It therefore cannot now be reviewed herein, as
would further argue, nighttime as well as abuse of superior strength are deemed absorbed in treachery. As to some of the appellants would ask. And defendants-appellants, who are detained, should accordingly be
evident premeditation, they aver that the premeditation, if any, is not evident, for lack of sufficient lapse of deemed to have started serving their respective sentence in said attempted murder case from the time the
time between the execution of the offense and a previous showing of intent to commit it, so as to show that decision of the trial court became final as to said case.
the offenders clung to their determination to commit the crime.
Wherefore, the death penalty imposed on defendants-appellants is hereby affirmed, and the indemnity to
The presence of one generic aggravating circumstance, apart from the qualifying circumstance of treachery, the heirs of Federico Caalete is hereby increased from P4,000 to P6,000, with costs. So ordered.
suffices to fix the penalty for murder at the extreme punishment of death. For there is no mitigating
circumstance in the present case. From the facts and evidence of record in this case, it is clear that appellants Concepcion, C.J., Reyes, J.B.L., Barrera, Dizon, Regala, Makalintal, Bengzon, J.P., Zaldivar and Sanchez, JJ.,
took advantage of nighttime in committing the felonies charged. For it appears that to carry out a sentence concur.
they had pronounced upon Antonio Maravilla and Federico Caalete for the death of one Pabling, they had
evidently chosen to execute their victims under cover of darkness, at the dead of night, when the
neighborhood was asleep. Inasmuch as the treachery consisted in the fact that the victims' hands were tied
at the time they were beaten, the circumstance of nighttime is not absorbed in treachery, but can be
perceived distinctly therefrom, since the treachery rests upon an independent factual basis. A special case
therefore is present to which the rule that nighttime is absorbed in treachery does no apply. 11

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