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Arts subject: VISUAL ARTS
Title of assessment task: PRINTMAKING- 2D- COLLOGRAPH PRINTING
Band: YEAR 8
Length of Unit: 3 WEEKS (15 LESSONS)

Links to the Australian Curriculum

Achievement standard/s
By the end of Year 8, students identify and analyse how other artists use visual conventions and viewpoints to communicate ideas and apply this
knowledge in their art making. They explain how an artwork is displayed to enhance its meaning. They evaluate how they and others are influenced by
artworks from different cultures, times and places.

Students plan their art making in response to exploration of techniques and processes used in their own and others artworks. They demonstrate use of
visual conventions, techniques and processes to communicate meaning in their artworks.

Content descriptions please reference relevant content description/s addressed by this task
Visual Arts:
8.1 Experiment with visual arts conventions and techniques, including exploration of techniques used by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists, to
represent a theme, concept or idea in their artwork
8.2 Develop ways to enhance their intentions as artists through exploration of how artists use materials, techniques, technologies and processes
8.3 Develop planning skills for art-making by exploring techniques and processes used by different artists
8.4 Practise techniques and processes to enhance representation of ideas in their art-making
8.5 Present artwork demonstrating consideration of how the artwork is displayed to enhance the artists intention to an audience
8.6 Analyse how artists use visual conventions in artworks
8.7 Identify and connect specific features and purposes of visual artworks from contemporary and past times to explore viewpoints and enrich their art-
making, starting with Australian artworks including those of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

General capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities

Please highlight any of the general capabilities and cross-curriculum priorities that are represented in this task (where

Personal and
Critical and Ethical Intercultural
General capabilities Literacy Numeracy ICT capability social
creative thinking behaviour understanding

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Asia and Australias engagement

histories and cultures with Asia
Identify Organising Ideas: Identify Organising Ideas:
Cross-curriculum Identify Organising Ideas: see
see see
u/CrossCurriculumPriorities/Aboriginal- au/CrossCurriculumPriorities/Asia-
and-Torres-Strait-Islander-histories- and-Australias-engagement-with-Asia

Background information

o Class consists of 20 (8C) AND 22 (8D) Year 8 students of mixed gender and cultural background. The class also
has students who are both gifted and challenged in their artistic skills. This unit plan is inclusive of all skill levels,
with extra activities for those who excel and assessment activities which can be altered to cater for students who
have a lower skill level.
o Those with the lower skill level are given more guidance, feedback and encouragement in the classroom
o Even though this class has a mixed ability, 90% of the students are driven and stay on task.
o This class has 5 lessons a week. Two doubles and one single.
Brodie: Brodie suffers from ASD- Autism and ADHD. In order to keep him on track, it is important to check up on him
constantly, and observe his work. He will often wander and sneak out of the classroom- make sure to keep the door
closed and remind him he needs to stay seated. Some of his Strengths/Motivations are lego, history and football and he
also loves reading.
Blair: Blair suffers from Galactosaemia, which is a metabolic disorder which affects the bodys ability to process
galactose. As a result of this condition his speech and language development is affected. His understanding of
instructions and task sequence must be monitored by the teacher. Use visual cues to assist understanding. Responds
well to hands-on work, lots of praise and positive reinforcement. Also can assist learning through breaking down
instructions into smaller steps.

Kaleb: Also suffers from ADD and ADHD. Can be very disobedient and will not listen to instructions if it is not something
that he is interested in. Has an obsession/addiction to Minecraft. It is important that he is seated at the front of the
class where his laptop screen is visible to the teacher. Laptops should not be used or open if not required in the task, as
he will access Minecraft websites straight away. Do not allow him to back chat.

o Clay work
o Foundation knowledge of Visual Art Elements and Principles.
o Foundation drawing and painting skills
o Scaffolding through building skill knowledge through assessment tasks which build on the knowledge learned in
the previous task and applying this knowledge in a different task.
o Demonstrations of traditional Indigenous dot painting techniques
o Feedback is given verbally during class, and also when rubric is returned to students after completion of
artworks and written tasks.

Unit Aims

o Building a deep understanding of different printmaking styles and collograph printing techniques.
o Visual Art Conventions and Techniques from different artists are explored and interpreted through research
and experimentation
o Visual Art Elements and Principles knowledge is built upon, and considered within the composition of

Student Learning Outcomes

At the completion of this unit students:

o Will have developed knowledge about different types of printmaking
o Will have developed knowledge of Australian printmakers
o Will have developed knowledge in skills and techniques which are used collograph printmaking
o Will have developed their knowledge of Visual Art Elements and Principles and their application in art.
o Will have developed skills in peer and self evaluation processes, building their critical thinking skills.
o Will have developed skills in critical analysis of artworks.

Task description


LESSON 1 (45 mins):
Introduction into Printmaking. 8.1
WHOLE CLASS DISCUSSION: Referring to Japanese wood block
prints: discuss composition, designs and printing techniques and 8.3
Explain the assessment tasks for this unit (as highlighted on
Topic Handout) 8.7
Assessment Task #1: Completed drawing which serves as a
template design for the final print AS WELL AS completed String
Plate used for printing as a physical representation of creative
preparation and printmaking processes.
Assessment Task #2: Written Research Project of an Australian
Assessment Task #3: 3 finished Collograph prints. One must be
monochrome, one must be in colour and the last must be printed
on a different kind of paper. Eg. Newspaper. ASSESSEMENT: TEACHER
The rest of this lesson can be spent with the students developing OBSERVATION AND
a drawn design for their plate, with a SHELL theme. FEEDBACK (formative)
(ongoing throughout unit)
Teacher: bring in different plates to show for examples- lino and
drypoint. OBSERVING:
Introduction to Printmaking handout
Assessment Outline handout + rubric Understanding of
Shell design handouts composition
Are students
LESSON 2 + 3 (1 hr 25 mins): considering negative
and positive space?
Quick re-cap of the content covered in last lesson and lesson Are students
outline and expectations considering the line and Commented [JW1]: At the beginning of each lesson, students
This lesson, students will spend drawing their design for their 8.2 pattern within their are settled and the learning intention and lesson recap is discussed,
plate and print on paper, the paper should be drawn up to the composition to create so students are aware of my expectations of them as well as making
links between the last lesson.
same size the plate will be. Students should take into 8.3 tone and movement in
consideration- composition, line, pattern, as well as negative and 8.4 their works?
positive space. (Classroom expectations include art room
etiquette, clean up).
RESOURCES: Give feedback to
Greylead pencils/fine liner pens students in regard to
A3 white paper their progress in skill
Shell Design handout development and
understanding. Guide
LESSON 4 + 5 (1 hr 15 mins):
and encourage those
Recap of last lesson and intended learning outcomes. who may be struggling.
Students may continue to work on their designs however this is ASSESSMENT: GROUP
the last class that they can spend on drawing them.
GROUP DISCUSSION/PEER EVALUATION: After the first period, Commented [JW2]: STRATEGY: Peer and self-evaluation,
8.2 EVALUATION (formative)
students are to display their designs on the middle table, good particularly in art allows students to think critically about their
examples and positive elements should also be acknowledged as 8.3 Students place their progress so far, especially in regard to time management.
a way for students to recognise the standard of work that is work on the table to be
expected. Also use this discussion to highlight to those students 8.4 observed by the group,
who need to use their time more wisely. 8.6 feedback is given. This
For those who finish, they can begin drawing their designs onto also allows the teacher
the cardboard plate, as a guide to which they will glue the string to observe student
to. progress.
HOMEWORK: Students who have not finished their designs must
finish them for homework in preparation for next weeks class.

Cardboard squares for collograph plate PLATE (summative)

Greylead pencils and/or fine liner pens
Line, pattern, and
WEEK 2 composition, as well as
negative space must be
LESSON 6 (45 mins):
taken into
Recap of last lesson and intended learning outcomes. consideration. It
Students should have completed their initial design; this class should also be evident
will be spent drawing up the design onto the cardboard. that the student has
Those who may have finished drawing their design onto the plate planned their
may begin working on the Theory Project for this unit. composition to be
Students are to research an Australian Printmaker, such as appropriate to convert
Deborah Klein, Raymond Arnold, Debra Luccio Etc. The into a collograph print.
report should include: a brief description of their 8.2 The plate should be
background, a brief description of the kind of printmaking 8.3 completed to a high
they do eg. Relief, etching, dry point, monotype etc. What standard- in that the
are the iconic elements of their artworks? Eg. Bold, 8.6 design and composition
repetitive lines, which contrast etc. Include two images of is carefully considered
their artworks and an image of the artist if possible. in regard to the
A good resource for artist research is: elements and principles. The string
should also be carefully
glued to the plate, with
Cardboard squares for collograph plate.
Greylead pencils/ fine liner pens
no loose or fraying
Laptops pieces.
This assessment piece
serves as an indication
LESSON 7 + 8 (1 hr 25 mins): of the initial creative
Recap of last lesson and intended learning outcomes. process involved in
Continuing to work on the Artist Research Project, however this printmaking.
task should expect to be finished by the end of this double.
Most students should be onto gluing the string to the plate by this ASSESSMENT TASK #2:
stage; those who are not should really be pushed to catch up- AUSTRALIAN PRINTMAKER
perhaps placed on a table by themselves to reduce distraction. 8.2 ARTIST RESEARCH PROJECT
Classroom clean-up etiquette should be reiterated at the (summative)
beginning and end of this class, including respectful use of
equipment and tools. 8.4 A short written task Commented [JW3]: STRATEGY: Reminding students to be
which focuses on one respectful of resources as well as the positive reinforcement of
Australian Printmaker. those who do, builds a positive and respectful classroom culture.
Watered-down White Aquadhere Glue Students are asked to
String give a short
Cardboard Plate description of the
Scissors artists background.
They are also to give a
LESSON 9 + 10 (1 hr 15 mins):
description of the type
Recap of last lesson and intended learning outcomes. of printmaking this
Touch on art room etiquette again, emphasis on clean up artist practices,
This is the last lesson that the students will be able to work on including technique. A
their plate, as WEEK 3, will be spent printing the compositions. picture of the artist
Ensure that you move around the classroom, making sure that and two of their
everyone is on track. artworks is to be
Emphasise that the plates MUST be finished by today as they will included in the report.
not be able to print if their plates are still wet from the glue. A sentence in regard to
EXTENSION TASK: For those students who are ahead and are the significant
finished their plates, they may complete a frottage of their plate. elements and
Using crayon, pencil or charcoal, the students rub over the paper, principles evident in
with the plate underneath to gain a pretty good idea of what the their artworks/iconic
final product will look like. It can indicate areas which may need to their style should
more detail etc. also be included.
Watered-down White Aquadhere Glue

Cardboard Plate

WEEK 3 ASSESSMENT: (formative)

LESSON 11 (45 mins): Teacher gives students
verbal feedback in
Recap of last lesson and intended learning outcomes. prac classes
Touch on art room etiquette again, emphasis on clean up
This lesson will be spent beginning to print their designs.
DEMONSTRATION: Teacher demonstration of printing process-
how to correctly roll out the printing ink, without wasting the
ink, and how to place the plate onto the paper correctly. ASSESSMENT TASK #3: Commented [JW4]: STRATEGY: Completing hands-on
These initial prints can be made on good quality white paper. 8.3 THREE FINISHED PRINTS demonstrations of techniques and talking through each step
Students should repeat this process more than once if time (summative) provides students with a visual understanding of the technique they
will practice shortly after.
allows, giving them a good chance to gain understanding and 8.4 The first print should
build knowledge of the printing techniques. 8.5 be black ink printed
RESOURCES: upon white paper
Printing Ink The second print
Rollers should be printed
White paper upon a coloured
Newspaper to cover tables background
Gloves? The final print should
Smocks? be printed upon a
different type of paper.
LESSON 12 + 13 (1 hr 25 mins):
Recap of last lesson and intended learning outcomes.
SELF EVALUATION: Students should get out the prints they
completed last lesson and hold them up, each student should
highlight something they found positive/negative/interesting
about their first go at collograph printing, or perhaps something
they need to remember for this lesson in regard to technique. Commented [JW5]: STRATEGY: Self/Peer Evaluation, outlining
As students continue to work on their prints, move around the Positive/Negative/Interesting aspects of their artworks so far, gives
classroom to offer assistance and feedback. students a chance to critically analyse their work and set goals on
what they would like to achieve in the next class
In this lesson, students should be able to print AT LEAST three-
five different prints. Those who have achieved a good quality Commented [JW6]: STRATEGY: Moving around the room,
black and white print, can begin to print on coloured 8.4 offering guidance and feedback is a strategy I use all the time to
ensure that everyone is on track and understands what is expected
backgrounds and print on different kinds of paper eg. Craft paper 8.5 of them. Through observation and giving feedback I am also able to
or newspaper. assess the students engagement with the task formatively.
Reiterate correct use of tools and materials, as well as clean up.
Printing Ink
Paper- white, craft, newspaper
Acrylic paints to paint background/coloured paper
Newspaper to cover tables
LESSON 14 + 15 (1 hr 15 mins):
Last class to be spent on this unit.
Recap of last lesson and intended learning outcomes.
Students can continue to work on their prints. Offer assistance
and feedback.
EXTENSION TASK: Those who have completed, 1 black and
white print, 1 coloured ink/coloured background print, and 1
print on an alternative paper, can complete a hand colouring
print where they can colour one of their experimental prints, 8.4
using watercolour paints or pencils.
Printing ink

Paper- white, craft, coloured, newspaper
Newspaper to cover tables
Watercolour paints/pencils


Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA),. (2016). Visual Arts, Education Services
Australia Limited. <>

The Department for Education and Child Development,. (2016). TfEL Teachers' Companion, South Australian
Teaching for Effective Learning.

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