Physics 101

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A Course Title
& Number
Physics 101: General Physics I
B Pre/Co-requisite(s) (PHY 001 or Passing the Physics Placement Test) + and MTH 103 (Calculus I)
C Number of credits 3-0-3
D Faculty Name Dr. Nasser Hamdan
E Term/ Year Fall 2017
F Section 11, 12

Instructor Office Telephone Email

Nasser Hamdan P209 5152509 [email protected]
Office Hours: MW: 2:00-3:3:50 and (9:00-9:30) PM
or by appointment

G Instructor A calculus-based introductory course for scientists and engineers covering the fundamental
Information principles, laws and concepts of mechanics (kinematics, Newtons laws of motion with
applications, work and energy, momentum, torque, static equilibrium) as well as some
introductory material on mechanical waves simple harmonic motion) . The laboratory
consists of experiments illustrating the principles, laws and concepts discussed in the course.
H Course
Learning Outcomes Assessment
Description from Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: Instruments
Catalog 1. Describe point particle motion in 1- and 2-dimensions. Quizzes, Midterm 1,
Final Exam
2. Represent and analyze vector quantities (addition, Quizzes, Midterm 1
subtraction, scalar and vector products).
3. Analyze point particle and rigid body dynamics, using Quizzes, Midterm 1,
Newtons laws and energy methods. Final Exam
4. Employ Newtons laws and energy methods to analyze Quizzes, Midterm 2,
static and dynamic equilibrium; and recognize simple Final Exam
harmonic motion.
5. Apply the momentum (linear and angular) and energy Quizzes, Midterm 3,
conservation laws to analyze collision dynamic. Final Exam
I Course Learning Ebook: Principles of Physics, 10th edition (International Student Version), J.
Outcomes Walker, D. Halliday, R. Resnick; 2014
Online Practice Platform: WileyPLUS / Orion
J Textbook and Lecture: The course-plan involves three theoretical credit hours, and no practical credit
other Instructional hours. Most of the three credit hours have been used for theoretical discussion,
Material and problem solving, and class demonstrations.
K Teaching and
Grading Scale
Learning A 90.0 100.0 A- 88.0 89.99
Methodologies B+ 86.0 87.99 B 83.0 85.99
B- 79.0 82.99 C+ 74.0 78.99
C 68.0 73.99 C- 62.0 67.99
D 54.0 61.99 F 0 53.99
Grading Distribution

Assessment Weight
Quizzes 15 %
Midterm Exams 55 %
Final Exam 30 %
Total 100%
L Grading Scale, Quizzes will be given in class from time to time; the instructor may or may not
Grading inform you of them in advance!
Distribution, and
At the end of the semester the lowest two quiz grades will be dropped.
Due Dates
There will be no make-up for any quiz, for medical or other reasons.
Students receive a grade of zero for the missed quiz regardless of the reason.
Calculators cannot be shared during quizzes or exams.
Solutions of quizzes and midterm exams will be posted on iLearn afterwards.

M Explanation of Students in this course are required to follow the AUS Attendance Policy as
Assessments outlined in the AUS Undergraduate Catalog.
N Attendance Students MUST read the Student Academic Integrity Code outlined in the AUS
Undergraduate Catalog and abide by the standards for academic conduct, students
rights and responsibilities and procedures for handling allegations of academic

O Student Academic Announcements will be posted on iLearn; please check those.

Integrity Code
Laptops are not allowed in class, even for note-taking.
Cellphones and smartphones must never ring or be touched in class!
Any appeal to the grading of quizzes, homework and exams should be made to
me, in writing, and within 48 hours of the posting of the grades for that quiz or
exam or homework.
Grading is absolute (no curving).

P Class Rules


1 1 1: Measurements 23

2 1-2 2: Motion Along a Straight Line 15

3 3 3: Vectors 12

4 3-4 Motion in Two and Three Dimensions 15

Midterm Exam 1

5 5 5: Force and Motion - 1 13

6 6 6: Force and Motion - 2 1, 3

7 6-7 7: Kinetic Energy & Work 1-7

8 7-8 8: Potential Energy and Conservation of Energy 1-5

Midterm Exam 2

9 9 9: Center of Mass and Linear Momentum 18

10 10 - 11 10: Rotation 18

11 12 - 13 11: Rolling, Torque, and Angular Momentum 18

Midterm Exam 3

12 14 12: Equilibrium and Elasticity 12

14 15 15: Oscillations 14

Final Exam

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