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OFITECapillary Suction Timer

Part No. 294-50

Instruction Manual
Updated 4/14/2015
Ver. 1.7

OFI Testing Equipment, Inc.

11302 Steeplecrest Dr. Houston, Texas 77065 U.S.A.
Tele: 832.320.7300 Fax: 713.880.9886

Copyright OFITE 2015
Table of Intro..................................................................................................2
Contents Components....................................................................................3
Warranty and Return Policy...........................................................8

OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / 1
Intro The Capillary Suction Timer (CST) principle was developed at the Water
Pollution Research Laboratory in Stevenage, England, for studying the
filterability of sewage sludge and for evaluating the effects of pretreatment
chemicals and process conditions of sewage treatment. It has been widely
used to study the colloidal properties of clay suspensions. The petroleum
industry uses the CST to characterize shales and to optimize the electrolyte
concentration in drilling fluids for minimizing its effect on shale formations.

CST studies of filtration characteristics of aqueous systems utilize the

capillary suction pressure of a porous paper to affect filtration. When a
suspension is filtered under the influence of this suction pressure, the rate at
which filtrate spreads away from the suspension is controlled predominately
by the filterability of the suspension. The CST automatically measures the
time for the filtrate to advance between radially separated electrodes when a
fixed area of special filter paper is exposed to the suspension.

Description The CST consists of two separate components - the acrylic filtration unit with
the electrodes and a timer. The method is rapid and easy to use. A sample
of the aqueous system to be tested is placed in the sample cylinder and the
suction pressure of the filter paper beneath the sample draws out the filtrate.
The filtrate progresses radially in an essentially elliptical pattern with the
timer starting when the liquid reaches the first pair of electrodes. When the
liquid reaches the third electrode, the timing ceases, and an audible signal
is sounded. The CST reading is indicated on an LCD counter indicating to
tenths of a second.

OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / 2
Components #147-02
Battery, 9-Volt, Alkaline
Standard CST Paper; Whatman #17; Chromatography Grade;
Package of 100
#294-50-002 Sample Holder
#294-50-021 Upper Block Assembly
#294-50-011 Lower Block
#294-50-012 Electrode
#294-50-015 Power Supply, 12-Volt
#294-50-017 Adapter Set for Power Supply, 4-Plug Wall Clip (US, UK, Eu-
ropean, and Australian)

#294-05 Special CSTPaper; Recommended for very viscous or slow filter-
ing systems; Package of 300

Upper Block

Sample Holder
Lower Block

OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / 3
Operation 1. Before each test, make sure the upper and lower blocks are clean and dry.

2. Plug the upper block into the socket on the rear panel of the control box.

3. Place a sheet of filter paper on the lower block. Place the upper block
onto the lower block on top of the filter paper with the stainless steel
probes facing down.

4. The sample holder has two openings. One side has a 1 cm diameter
opening for fast filtering. The other side has a 1.8 cm diameter open-
ing for slow filtering. Insert the holder into the upper block and rotate it
slightly while applying light downward pressure. This will ensure an even
contact with the filter paper.

5. Turn on the control box. The initial display will read:

Capillary Suction Timer
Firmware Ver:1.xx

When this display times out, it should read Timer Ready 0.0 s. If it does
not, press the reset button to reset the controls.

The CSTwill automatically power off after a period of inactivity. If this oc-
curs while test results are displayed on the screen, the next time the unit
is powered on, the previous results will be displayed again.

The CSTperforms a continuity check on initial power-up and when the

RESETbutton is pressed. If there is an electrical connection between
the probes (e.g. if used test paper was left on the stand), the screen will
display a continuity error. Make sure the upper and lower blocks and the
paper are clean and dry, then try again.

6. Using a syringe or pipette, pour 5 mL of sample fluid into the sample

holder. Liquids from the sample will be absorbed by the filter paper in a
circular pattern of increasing diameter. When the liquid reaches the first
pair of contacts, the unit will beep and the timer will start. When the liquid
reaches the third contact, the timer will stop and the unit will beep again.
Record the timer reading. This is the capillary suction time in seconds
and tenths of seconds.

7. Carefully remove the upper block from the lower block and remove the
sample holder. Remove and discard the filter paper. Thoroughly clean
and dry the upper and lower blocks and the sample holder. Any moisture
remaining on these components may affect future test results.

8. Repeat this process at least 3 times per sample and average the results.

9. When testing is complete, turn off the control box.

OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / 4
Notes Several factors have a significant effect on the CST including the filter paper,
temperature and suspended solids concentration.

1. A double thickness of filter paper may be used to slow down the rate of
travel of the liquid. This is sometimes useful with a very fast aqueous

2. A special filter paper (#294-05) is available for very slow filtering systems.

3. Whatman #17 chromatography grade filter paper is machine made and as

a result has a grain in the paper. This grain produces a slightly elliptical
wetted area instead of a circular wetted area. To assure that the CST
is always measured along the major axis of the ellipse it is important to
perform every test with the filter grain running parallel to the longer side of
the lower block.

4. Temperature has a significant effect on CST results. The CST decreases

as the temperature of the fluid being tested increases. To minimize the
effect of temperature on the fluid being tested, the samples should be at
ambient temperature prior to performing the tests. The temperature of
the fluid should also be recorded so corrections can be made if there are
temperature variations among the samples.

5. Suspended solids concentration has a significant effect on the test results.

When using the CST procedure to evaluate drilling fluid additives, sludge
conditioners, or assist in the operation of a dewatering process, this effect
can be avoided by adhering to proper sample preparation procedures,
particularly in ensuring homogeneity in each of the samples to be tested.
Comparison of CST data between different original samples (especially
if taken on different days) cannot be made with confidence unless
suspended solids concentrations are comparable. A rough correction for
different solids contents can be made by dividing the CSTvalue by the
solids concentration.

6. It is recommended to take several readings (4 or 5) for each test. Discard

any erroneous readings and then average the ones remaining.

7. It is important to maintain solid contact between the electrodes and the

test paper. Weights can be placed on the upper block to hold it down.

8. Always place the device on a level surface and keep it stationary during
testing. Avoid twisting the cable.

9. To produce repeatable results, use a consistent delivery device for every

test. It is recommended to use a pipette on a stand at a constant height
and a pipetter.

10. Make sure the device always has adequate power while testing. If
available, ACpower is preferable.

OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / 5
11. For more information, refer to the following papers:

A Rectangular Capillary Suction Apparatus; D.J. Lee and Y. H. Hsu; Ind.

Eng. Chem. Res.; 1994.

Assessment of Capillary Suction Time (CST)Test Methodologies; O.

Sawalha and M. Scholz; Environmental Technology; Vol. 28; 2007.

Development of a Revised Capillary Suction Time (CST)Test; Miklas

Scholz and Julian Tapp; Water Conditioning and Purification; 2006.

Polymer Deflocculants:Chemistry and Application; R.D. Wilcox and

M.A.Jarrett, NLBaroid; IADC/SPE17201; 1988.

OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / 6
Maintenance 1. Always keep the upper and lower blocks clean and dry. Occasionally
clean the probes by drawing the block carefully with a slight downward
pressure over 400 grit carborundum paper laid on a flat surface.

2. This instrument uses a commonly available 9-volt battery (#142-02),

which should provide many hours of operation before replacement is nec-
essary. For maximum operational life, an alkaline type battery is recom-

Alow-battery warning will display when it is time to replace the battery. To

replace the battery:

a. Turn the instrument OFF.

b. Remove the two screws and lift the battery cover off. Remove the
old battery and replace it with a fresh one. Place the battery cover
back on the case and tighten the two screws.

c. Turn the instrument on to verify operation.

OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / 7
Warranty and Warranty:
OFI Testing Equipment, Inc. (OFITE) warrants that the products shall be free from liens and defects in
Return Policy title, and shall conform in all respects to the terms of the sales order and the specifications applicable to
the products. All products shall be furnished subject to OFITEs standard manufacturing variations and
practices. Unless the warranty period is otherwise extended in writing, the following warranty shall apply:
if, at any time prior to twelve (12) months from the date of invoice, the products, or any part thereof, do not
conform to these warranties or to the specifications applicable thereto, and OFITE is so notified in writing
upon discovery, OFITE shall promptly repair or replace the defective products. Notwithstanding the fore-
going, OFITEs warranty obligations shall not extend to any use by the buyer of the products in conditions
more severe than OFITEs recommendations, nor to any defects which were visually observable by the
buyer but which are not promptly brought to OFITEs attention.

In the event that the buyer has purchased installation and commissioning services on applicable products,
the above warranty shall extend for an additional period of twelve (12) months from the date of the original
warranty expiration for such products.

In the event that OFITE is requested to provide customized research and development for the buyer,
OFITE shall use its best efforts but makes no guarantees to the buyer that any products will be provided.

OFITE makes no other warranties or guarantees to the buyer, either express or implied, and the warranties
provided in this clause shall be exclusive of any other warranties including ANY IMPLIED OR STATUTORY

This limited warranty does not cover any losses or damages that occur as a result of:

Improper installation or maintenance of the products

Adjustment by non-authorized sources
Improper environment
Excessive or inadequate heating or air conditioning or electrical power failures, surges, or other
Equipment, products, or material not manufactured by OFITE
Firmware or hardware that have been modified or altered by a third party
Consumable parts (bearings, accessories, etc.)
Returns and Repairs:
Items being returned must be carefully packaged to prevent damage in shipment and insured against pos-
sible damage or loss. OFITE will not be responsible for equipment damaged due to insufficient packaging.

Any non-defective items returned to OFITE within ninety (90) days of invoice are subject to a 15% restock-
ing fee. Items returned must be received by OFITE in original condition for it to be accepted. Reagents
and special order items will not be accepted for return or refund.

OFITE employs experienced personnel to service and repair equipment manufactured by us, as well as
other companies. To help expedite the repair process, please include a repair form with all equipment
sent to OFITE for repair. Be sure to include your name, company name, phone number, email address,
detailed description of work to be done, purchase order number, and a shipping address for returning the
equipment. All repairs performed as repair as needed are subject to the ninety (90) day limited warranty.
All Certified Repairs are subject to the twelve (12) month limited warranty.

Returns and potential warranty repairs require a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number. An RMA
form is available from your sales or service representative.

Please ship all equipment (with the RMA number for returns or warranty repairs) to the following address:

OFI Testing Equipment, Inc.

Attn: Repair Department
11302 Steeplecrest Dr.
Houston, TX 77065

OFITE also offers competitive service contracts for repairing and/or maintaining your lab equipment, in-
cluding equipment from other manufacturers. For more information about our technical support and repair
services, please contact [email protected].

OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / 8

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