2004 Pausas Ecology Fire Traits

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Ecology, 85(4), 2004, pp.

q 2004 by the Ecological Society of America


1CEAM Centro de Estudios Ambientales del Mediterráneo, Charles R. Darwin 14, Parc Tecnològic,
Paterna, València, 46980, Spain
2NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Biodiversity Survey and Research Division,

Box 1967, Hurstville, 2220 NSW, Australia

3U.S. Geological Survey, Western Ecological Research Center, Sequoia-Kings Canyon Field Station,

47050 Generals Highway, Three Rivers, California 93271 USA, and Department of Organismic Biology,
Ecology and Evolution, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 90095 USA

Abstract. Disturbance is a dominant factor in many ecosystems, and the disturbance

regime is likely to change over the next decades in response to land-use changes and global
warming. We assume that predictions of vegetation dynamics can be made on the basis of
a set of life-history traits that characterize the response of a species to disturbance. For
crown-fire ecosystems, the main plant traits related to postfire persistence are the ability
to resprout (persistence of individuals) and the ability to retain a persistent seed bank
(persistence of populations). In this context, we asked (1) to what extent do different life-
history traits co-occur with the ability to resprout and/or the ability to retain a persistent
seed bank among differing ecosystems and (2) to what extent do combinations of fire-
related traits (fire syndromes) change in a fire regime gradient? We explored these questions
by reviewing the literature and analyzing databases compiled from different crown-fire
ecosystems (mainly eastern Australia, California, and the Mediterranean basin). The review
suggests that the pattern of correlation between the two basic postfire persistent traits and
other plant traits varies between continents and ecosystems. From these results we predict,
for instance, that not all resprouters respond in a similar way everywhere because the
associated plant traits of resprouter species vary in different places. Thus, attempts to
generalize predictions on the basis of the resprouting capacity may have limited power at
a global scale. An example is presented for Australian heathlands. Considering the com-
bination of persistence at individual (resprouting) and at population (seed bank) level, the
predictive power at local scale was significantly increased.
Key words: fire-prone ecosystems; forest fires; Mediterranean-type ecosystems; plant functional
types; plant traits; regeneration; resprouting seeding; wildfires.

INTRODUCTION of life-history traits and species into a set of functional

groups that best represent the range of strategies pre-
Fire regimes are expected to change over the next
sent in fire-prone ecosystems. By simplifying the great
century in response to land-use change and global
diversity of plant species into a smaller number of func-
warming (e.g., Piñol et al. 1998, Flannigan et al. 2000,
tional types, large-scale modeling, and hence predict-
Houghton et al. 2001, Pausas 2004). Understanding
ability, become much more feasible (Botkin et al. 1972,
how vegetation responds to fire is important for pre-
Noble and Slatyer 1980, Loehle 2000), although group-
dicting the properties and the distributions of many
ing species may reduced accuracy. The general goal of
ecosystems (Smith et al. 1997, Lavorel and Cramer the present paper is to examine the utility of plant func-
1999). In this paper we start with the premise that pre- tional traits for global prediction in crown-fire ecosys-
dicting vegetation change can be accomplished with tems. The existence of functional types suggests the
the use of plant functional types (McIntyre et al. 1995, existence of certain underlying constraints or tradeoffs
Woodward and Cramer 1996, Smith et al. 1997, Lavorel (e.g., vegetative vs. sexual regeneration; Carpenter and
and Cramer 1999, Pausas et al. 2003b). This allows us Recher 1979, Keeley 1986) that limit the possible com-
to reduce the overall range of possible combinations binations of life-history traits (Pausas and Lavorel
2003). Fire may act as an evolutionary filter against
Manuscript received 8 November 2002; revised 10 June 2003; certain traits (Herrera 1992, Keddy 1992, Dı́az et al.
accepted 27 June 2003; final version received 20 August 2003. 1998), and therefore we expect different combinations
Corresponding Editor: D. P. C. Peters. of traits in systems with different fire history (Keeley
4 Members of the GCTE Fire Network who have contrib-

uted to the paper are W. Hoffmann, B. Kenny, F. Lloret, and and Zedler 1998).
L. Trabaud. It is often considered that predictions of vegetation
5 E-mail: [email protected]
dynamics in fire-prone ecosystems can be made on the
1086 JULI G. PAUSAS ET AL. Ecology, Vol. 85, No. 4

basis of the ability of a species to resprout (or the question by analyzing trait databases from different
degree of resprouting) (Bellingham and Sparrow 2000, ecosystems as well as from bibliographic references.
Bond and Midgley 2001). For example, resprouting has (2) To what extent do combinations of fire-related
been equated to persistence or domination under high traits change in a fire regime gradient? We addressed
frequency of disturbance in many ecosystems (e.g., this question using information from Australian heath-
Keeley and Zedler 1978, Kruger and Bigalke 1984, lands, which span a range of localities and environ-
Trabaud 1991). However, the role of fire as a selective ments for which a reasonable range of data were avail-
agent in the evolution of resprouting is by no means able.
certain (Wells 1969, Yih et al. 1991, Lloret et al. 1999,
Bond and Midgely 2001), nor is there universal agree-
ment that species with resprouting ability will persist Our analysis is restricted to traits related to the effect
and dominate only at the high frequency end of a dis- of a single fire event or the effects of recurrent fires
turbance gradient (e.g., Bellingham and Sparrow 2000). (fire frequency); traits related to fire season, intensity,
If a species is unable to resprout after fire, the re- and extent are not considered. Because adaptive options
generation of that species will depend on a range of vary depending on the disturbance regime, our analysis
associated traits dealing with seed banks (i.e., obligate is also restricted to stand-replacement (crown) fires.
seeders: non-resprouter species that rely only on re- Our emphasis is on woody species. The persistence of
generation from seeds for postfire recovery). In general trees in areas with a surface fire regime (e.g., western
and at local scale, the persistence of seeder species on USA forests, savanna ecosystems) is based on a very
a site depends on: (1) the ability to produce seeds dur- different set of plant traits (e.g., bark thickness, height,
ing the inter-fire period, (2) the seed survival during self-pruning) than the persistence of plants that are typ-
fires, and (3) the degree to which recruitment of new ically fully scorched by fire (e.g., resprouting, seed
individuals is enhanced by the fire. Different processes bank) (Zedler 1995, Gignoux et al. 1997, Pausas 1997,
related to recruitment (flowering, seed dispersal, ger- Keeley and Zedler 1998, Schwilk and Ackerly 2001).
mination) may be stimulated by some fire-related fac- Based on the postfire persistence of individual plants
tors (e.g., heat, charred wood, and smoke; Trabaud and and populations, we adopted the following approach
Oustric 1989, Keeley 1991, Roy and Sonié 1992, Than- and nomenclature.
os and Rundel 1995; see the recent review by Keeley Resprouters (R1)
and Fotheringham 2000). Whether all seeds germinate
or a portion of the seed bank remains dormant would These are species in which individuals are able to
contribute to the fate of the population after recurrent resprout after 100% scorch by fire (Gill 1981) from any
disturbances. In some cases, species only regenerate plant structure (e.g., rhizomes, root buds, stem buds,
shortly after fire (and not during the inter-fire period), lignotuber, etc.). Resprouters persist at individual level
as in species in which seed release is strongly fire de- as a vegetative form.
pendent (Lamont et al. 1991). Non-resprouters (R2)
The inclusion of the seed bank, along with resprout- Non-resprouters are species without the capacity to
ing, in schemes for predicting vegetation dynamics in resprout after 100% scorch by fire (Gill 1981). Indi-
relation to fire is well accepted (e.g., Keeley and Zedler viduals are killed and do not persist after a fire.
1978, Noble and Slayter 1980, Gill 1981, Rowe 1983,
Bond and van Wilgen 1996). Thus, it is predicted that Propagule-persisters (P1)
different combinations (or different degrees) of these Propagule-persisters are species in which the popu-
main traits (i.e., different plant strategies or syndromes) lation locally persists in propagule form (seed, fruit)
can lead to differential success under different fire re- after 100% scorch by fire. Seeds resist (or are protected
gimes. Seed bank and resprouting characteristics co- from) fire; they often have a persistent seed bank, and
occur with other traits that are less directly related to the recruitment of new individuals is often enhanced by
postfire persistence but are relevant for longer term fire (e.g., by breaking seed dormancy, by stimulating
dynamics (e.g., growth, dispersal). Different co-occur- seed release). Species that have exclusive pyrogenic
rence of traits may have important implications for flowering are also considered in this category because
long-term dynamics and thus determine the success of this strategy is functionally similar to a canopy seed bank
the different postfire syndromes under different fire re- (i.e., they lack persistent seeds, but establish transient
gimes (Pausas 2001). The ability of these general traits seed banks after fire through flowering). Thus, there are
to predict vegetation dynamics in different ecosystems three types of propagule-persisters: species with soil
remains to be tested. In this context, we address the seed bank, serotinous species (i.e., with canopy seed
following questions: bank), and species with pyrogenic flowering.
(1) To what extent do different life-history traits rel-
evant to vegetation dynamics co-occur with the ability Propagule-non-persisters (P2)
to resprout and/or the ability to retain a persistent seed These are species in which the propagule (seed, fruit)
bank among differing ecosystems? We explored this does not persist after fire. After fire, propagules may

even compared with other fire-prone ecosystems (Table

1). However, postfire obligate resprouters (R1P2) are
almost absent in the Australian heathlands (although
they may appear in some parts of the landscape, e.g.,
rainforest gullies). Most resprouters in the Mediterra-
nean basin are R1P2 (i.e., R1P1 are rare), while in
California, resprouters are evenly segregated among
the two types (R1P1, R1P2), at least for the shrubs.
R2P2 are rare in most fire-prone shrublands.
We developed six hypotheses on the co-occurrence
of traits related to plant dynamics and tested them using
FIG. 1. Hierarchical classification of the four basic fire-
response functional groups (the hierarchical RP persistence several data sets (Table 2 and Appendix A) and by
scheme). Abbreviations are: R1, resprouters; R2, non-re- reviewing the literature. Hypotheses are tested for the
sprouters; P1 propagule persisters; and P2, propagule-non- two well-known fire syndromes (R1 vs. R2), and,
persisters. The two dichotomies are: first, whether the indi- where data are available, for the four syndromes pro-
viduals persist after fire (by resprouting) and, second, whether
the species population persists after fire (as propagules). The posed above (R 3 P, Fig. 1). Resprouting and seed
four groups are: R1P1 (facultative species), R1P2 (obligate persistence are traits related to the postfire persistence
resprouters; seeds do not resist fire, and recruitment is during at individual and population level, and the hypotheses
inter-fire period), R2P1 (obligate seeders; these only persist tested refer to the relation of these fire traits with other
at species level by seeds; thus they are specialized in postfire traits relevant for the dynamics at population, com-
recruitment), and R2P2 (species that do not persist after fire).
munity, and landscape scale (e.g., growth, mature age,
height, longevity, stress tolerance, dispersal). Although
only occur by dispersal from the neighborhood (off- it is beyond the scope of this paper to rigorously test
site establishment). the phylogenic effect, when possible, we consider the
From the combination of these parameters, we obtain taxonomic relatedness (as a surrogate of phylogeny)
four basic fire-response groups (Bond and van Wilgen together with the traits tested. The taxonomic level test-
1996, Pausas 1999a) that can be hierarchically clas- ed depends on the data set (see Appendix A). Statistical
sified (the hierarchical RP persistence scheme, Fig. 1). analysis for quantitative traits is based on ANOVA with
Pausas (1999a) provides some initial hypotheses on two factors, postfire-response type (R or R 3 P) and
trait co-occurrence and population dynamics for the taxonomic level; for the BANKSIA data set, intra-ge-
four types, and Pausas and Lavorel (2003) expand this nus taxonomic level was evaluated with a nested design
approach to other scales and disturbances. The first (subgenera, section nested in subgenera, and series
dichotomy refers to the individual level (whether the nested in section). For qualitative traits the chi-square
individuals persist after fire), and the second to the test was used.
population level (whether the population persists after
fire). This simple classification does not consider other Hypothesis 1: Juveniles of non-resprouters allocate
important traits such as those related to dispersal or to resources to shoot growth, whereas juveniles of
the competitive ability (Pausas and Lavorel 2003). Fur- resprouters must also allocate resources to storage
thermore, such a binary classification is an obvious tissues; consequently, juveniles of resprouter species
simplification of a wider range of possibilities. That is, are slower-growing than those of non-resprouter
embedded within this scheme is substantial variation species
with respect to resprouting capacity and propagule per- Different allocation patterns have been found be-
sistence (e.g., variations within and between species in tween resprouting and non-resprouting Erica species
propagule longevity). Also, fire intensities are not con- in the Cape region (Bell and Ojeda 1999, Verdaguer
sidered, and they may vary greatly (within and between and Ojeda 2002), and between resprouting and non-
fires) and can determine the success or failure of re- resprouting populations of Ceanothus in California
sprouting (e.g., Morrison and Renwick 2000, Pausas et (Schwilk 2002); in all cases, seedlings of resprouters
al. 2003a) and the degree of fire-stimulated germination allocate more starch to roots than seedlings of non-
and seed mortality (e.g., Moreno and Oechel 1994, resprouters. Epacridaceae and Restionaceae species
Bradstock and Auld 1995). also showed higher allocation to roots (e.g., root/shoot
Although all four plant types appear in most fire- and starch concentration) for resprouters than for seed-
prone ecosystems, the relative proportions of each type ers (Pate et al. 1991, Bell and Pate 1996, Bell et al.
may differ between ecosystems (Table 1). The propor- 1996). Data from heathlands in southwestern Australia
tion of resprouters and non-resprouters (first-level di- show that juveniles of resprouter species grow signif-
chotomy, Fig. 1) in Australian heatlands is relatively icantly slower than those of non-resprouter species
1088 JULI G. PAUSAS ET AL. Ecology, Vol. 85, No. 4

TABLE 1. Percentage of species in each of the two (R1 vs. R2) and four (R 3 P) fire response functional types (first and
second level dichotomy in Fig. 1) in different areas (see Appendix A for details on the data sets).

First level (%) Second level (R 3 P) (%)

Database Source† n R1 R2 R1P1 R1P2 R2P1 R2P2 P
OZSE (all species) 1 1173 52 48 44 8 45 3 ****
OZSE (woody) 1 864 47 53 43 4 51 2 ***
Mediterranean basin
EIBER (woody) 2 67 78 22 16 62 19 3 ***
GARRAF (woody) 3 60 65 35 13 52 33 2 ****
CALIF (woody) 4 86 86 14 35 51 12 2 **
CALIF (shrubs) 4 72 89 11 40 49 10 1 ns
CALIF (trees) 4 14 71 28 7 64 21 7 *
South Africa
Swartboskloof (all species) 5 210 79 21 64 15 13 7 *
Swartboskloof (woody) 5 54 59 41 52 7 22 19 **
Notes: Abbreviations are: CALIF, trees/shrubs of the chaparral, sedge scrub, and woodlands of California, USA; EIBER,
common species from the eastern Iberian Peninsula, including southern Mediterranean France; OZSE, southeastern Australian
species; and GARRAF, Garraf National Park, Spain. Significance of the x2 test for the R 3 P contingence table (test of
independence) is also shown (ns, P . 0.05; * P , 0.05; ** P , 0.01; *** P , 0.001; **** P , 0.0001).
† Data sources (see Appendix A for more details): (1) Bradstock and Kenny (2003); (2) J. G. Pausas, L. Trabaud, and F.
Lloret (unpublished data); (3) F. Lloret (unpublished data); (4) Californian crown-fire ecosystems compiled by J. E. Keeley
(unpublished data); and (5) van Wilgen and Forsyth (1992).

(JUVWA data set, Table 3; the taxonomy level did not shrub species in the Sydney region suggest that res-
have a significant effect), and allocate higher biomass prouters (R1P1) need more time (ca. double) to start
to roots than do seeders (Pate et al. 1990). A congeneric producing flowers than non-resprouters (Tables 3 and
contrast between a resprouter (R1P1) and a non- 4). A similar pattern was found for a range of Australian
resprouter (R2P1) in legumes of southwestern Aus- species (OZSE, Table 3), and for shrubs in the Eastern
tralia also showed lower growth in the juveniles (,6 Iberian Peninsula (Table 3). A review for Epacridaceae
years old) of the resprouter species (Hansen et al. in southwestern Australia (Bell and Pate 1996) sug-
1991). Yates et al. (2003) followed postfire regenera- gested that non-resprouters flowered at three years of
tion for 12 years in Western Australia and showed that age or earlier, whereas some resprouters first flowered
seedlings of resprouters grow slower than seedlings of at seven years of age, and most were not yet flowering
non-resprouters, but resprouts grow faster than any after 10 years of study. Similar results were observed
seedling (Fig. 2). In conclusion, although few growth in the African fynbos (Le Maitre 1992). Data from
rate data are available, there is evidence in support of Californian species do not show any clear tendency
this hypothesis. between age to maturity and fire response, and a strong
taxonomic relation is observed (Tables 3 and 4). How-
Hypothesis 2: Resprouters are slower maturing and ever, intraspecies comparison (Ceanothus tomentosus)
longer lived species than non-resprouters shows that three-year-old seedlings of non-resprouting
Based on Loehle’s (1988) analysis, Clark (1991) sug- populations flowered more than those of resprouting
gested that, assuming the same fire recurrence and in- populations (Schwilk 2002).
ter-fire mortality, resprouters should mature later than R1 and R2 comparisons of the first reproduction
non-resprouters. The available data for Proteaceae from seedlings may be relevant, for instance, in the

TABLE 2. Databases compiled for this review.

Abbreviation Life forms species Study area Vegetation type
BANKSIA shrubs and trees 77 Australia Banksia species, mainly in heathlands
CALIF shrubs and trees 91 California chaparral, sage scrub, and woodlands under
EIBER shrubs and trees 67 Eastern Iberian Peninsula Mediterranean shrublands and woodlands
EUCS trees 62 Australia Eucalyptus species
JUVWA shrubs (juvenile) 32 Western Australia mainly in heathlands
OZSE shrubs and trees 1338 SE Australia heathlands and sclerophyllus forests
PROSYD shrubs 134 Sydney region, Australia Proteaceae species, mainly in heathlands
Note: See Appendix A for more details.

FIG. 2. Postfire height growth of resprouts (rR1, solid symbols), seedlings of the same resprouter species (sR1, gray
symbols), and seedlings of non-resprouter species (sR2, open symbols), in Western Australia. Species are Eucalyptus caesia
ssp. magna (Ec), Eucalyptus petraea (Ep), Allocasuarina huegeliana (Ah), and Hakea petiolaris ssp. trichophylla (Hp). The
figure is elaborated from data in Yate et al. (2003).

restoration context, where seeds or seedlings of both lished plants) may grow the fastest and flower the ear-
R1 and R2 may be considered for plantations in fire- liest (Figs. 2 and 3).
degraded ecosystems (Pausas et al., in press). However,
in natural conditions, R1P2 do not recruit seedlings Hypothesis 3: Resprouters are shorter in height than
immediately after fire, and thus, from the dynamic point non-resprouters; resprouters form communities with
of view, it may be relevant to compare the reproductive shorter average height than non-resprouters
age of non-resprouter seedlings with the reproductive This hypothesis is based on the assumption that re-
age of resprouts. In this sense, the time in which re- sprouters allocate more resources to basal and stem
sprouting species produce flowers after a fire (mean 5 buds whereas non-resprouters maximize vertical
1.9 years for OZSE shrubs) may be similar or even growth.
shorter than the values for non-resprouters (mean 5 Looking at maximum height values for individual
3.6 years for OZSE, significantly different at P , 0.02; species, Proteaceae shrubs from the Sydney region
Table 3). (PROSYD database) show that resprouters are shorter
Data on lifespan for woody species is difficult to than non-resprouters (Table 3), although taxonomic ef-
obtain, especially for resprouter species. Sydney Pro- fects (i.e., the differences among genus) were also sig-
teaceae resprouters have a longer lifespan than species nificant (Table 3, Fig. 3a). Proteaceae shrubs within the
unable to resprout (Tables 3 and 4). Furthermore, some genus Banksia from across Australia do not show a
resprouter species have a very long and indefinite life- significant difference in height. However, there is a
span that was not considered in the statistical analysis, clear tendency for serotinous Banksia species to be
and so, the mean life-span of resprouters is underes- shorter than non-serotinous species (see hypothesis 4).
timated. Eucalypt trees in SE Australia (EUCS) show a signif-
In conclusion, most data provide evidence for this icant tendency for non-resprouters to be taller than re-
hypothesis. These results together with the previous sprouters (Table 3), although the number of non-re-
hypothesis suggest that juveniles of non-resprouter spe- sprouter eucalypts in the data set is low and there are
cies grow faster and flower earlier than juveniles of significant differences between the two main subgenera
resprouters (because the latter must allocate resources (see also Noble 1989 and Austin et al. 1996 for Eu-
to storage tissues); however, resprouts (from estab- calyptus subgenus differences).
1090 JULI G. PAUSAS ET AL. Ecology, Vol. 85, No. 4

TABLE 3. Mean values of various plant traits for resprouters (R1) and non-resprouters (R2) and the significance of two-
way ANOVA (R1 vs. R2, and taxonomic relatedness [Tax.]).

Trait Mean SD n Mean SD n R Tax. R 3 Tax.
Growth rate (gm/yr)
JUVWA 1.5 1.3 14 4.5 4.3 18 * ns ns
Plant height (m)
BANKSIA 6.0 5.5 29 4.3 4.0 42 ns ns ns
CALIF 6.4 9.1 74 11.5 13.1 12 *† **** *
CALIF trees 23.3 15.5 10 26.3 3.8 4 ns ···‡ ···
CALIF shrubs 3.7 3.1 64 4.1 1.8 8 ns *** ns
EIBER 8.0 7.5 34 10.5 12.7 9 ns ** ns
EUCS 22.4 12.0 55 42.1 12.2 7 ** ** ns
PROSYD 2.5 2.0 31 3.4 2.7 54 *** **** ns
Age at maturity (yr)
CALIF 8.0 5.0 74 10.6 2.1 12 *† **** ns
CALIF trees 14.1 7.8 10 11.3 2.5 4 ns ···‡ ···
CALIF shrubs 7 3.7 64 10 2.0 8 * **** ns
EIBER 9.5 4.1 11 6.2 4.1 7 ns ns ns
EIBER shrubs 9.1 3.6 8 3.8 0.3 5 * ns ns
OZSE§ 5.8 6.2 121 3.8 2.1 190 ****† **** ns
OZSE shrubs 5.4 6.1 103 3.6 1.9 160 **** **** ns
OZSE trees 10.1 5.6 8 6.1 3.7 14 * ns ns
PROSYD 10.2 8.1 5 5.1 1.8 16 * ns ns
Plant longevity (yr)
OZSE 86.2 73.2 231 27.9 34.4 1174 ****† **** ns
OZSE shrubs 49.1 39.6 121 21.9 14.6 141 **** **** ns
OZSE trees 134.2 85 90 63.6 81.7 22 *** ns ns
PROSYD 59.09 22.4 11 25.38 23.4 13 ** ns ns
Diaspore mass (mg)
CALIF 1604.2 4392.7 74 1049.9 2845.3 12 ns† **** ns
CALIF trees 7235.0 10 385 10 92.1 160.9 4 ** ···‡ ···
CALIF shrubs 724.6 1064.0 64 1528.7 3453.2 8 ns **** ···
EIBER 1058.6 1736.4 24 121.7 263.4 6 ** * ns
OZSE 259.8 547.2 24 154.5 373.0 23 ns ns ns
PROSYD 233.1 542.9 14 123.4 313.2 17 ns **** ns
Notes: See Table 2 for abbreviations. Only woody species are considered. Ellipses (···) indicate that there were not enough
data for testing.
* P , 0.05; ** P , 0.01; *** P , 0.001; **** P , 0.0001; ns, P . 0.05.
† The factor life form (shrub/tree) was significant (P , 0.001).
‡ All R2 trees are conifers.
§ Age at first flowering.

Californian plants (CALIF) and Eastern Iberian Cape forest, resprouters form shorter communities and
plants (EIBER) did not show height differences with non-resprouters taller ones, although it would be inter-
regeneration strategy; and height differences are main- esting to study the pattern of serotiny in this data set
ly related to the taxonomy. By looking at some closely and the possible interaction with the moisture gradient.
related taxa, the pattern becomes more clear. For ex- In conclusion, species maximum height values are
ample: Arctostaphylos peninsularis has two related not always higher for seeders than for resprouters, and
subspecies in California (Keeley et al. 1992), the short some phylogenic effect is observed for this trait. The
and burl-forming (strong resprouter; ssp. peninsularis) patterns are clearer when part of the variance is ex-
and the taller non-resprouting (ssp. jaurenzenss). In plained by taxonomic level or when congeneric com-
South African fynbos, congeneric comparisons also parisons are performed. Information from the com-
suggested that in many cases (genera Widdringtonia, munity level approach (i.e., using site data rather than
Podocarpus, Faurea, Olea, and Euphorbia), resprou- maximum values from flora) in systems with diverse
ters are shorter than non-resprouters (Midgley 1996). phylogeny seems to support the hypothesis (Cape for-
At the community level, an analysis of the data from est), although some confounding effect with serotinous
Kruger et al. (1997) in Cape forests (South Africa) taxa (see hypothesis 4) needs to be considered.
showed that the number and proportion of non-re- Hypothesis 4: Serotiny is associated with low-growing
sprouter species increase with forest canopy height, habitat
while the total number of species is not related to canopy Cowling and Lamont (1985) suggested that serotiny
height (Fig. 3b). Thus, these data suggest that, in the is associated with short communities in Western Aus-

TABLE 4. Mean values of various plant traits for the four functional types (Fig. 1) and two-
way ANOVA (R1 vs. R2, and taxonomic relatedness [Tax.]).

Groups ANOVA
Trait R1P1 R1P2 R2P1 R2P2 RP Tax. RP 3 Tax
Plant height (m)
CALIF 3.7 8.2 9.6 21.0 **** **** ****
CALIF trees 6 25.2 21.7 40 ··· ··· ···
CALIF shrubs 3.59 3.82 4.43 2 ns *** ns
PROSYD 2.7 1.3 3.1 ··· ns ns ns
Age at maturity (yr)
CALIF 7.1 8.5 10.5 11.5 * **** *
CALIF trees 8 14.8 10.0 15.0 ··· ···† ···
CALIF shrubs 7.1 6.9 10.7 8 ns **** ns
EIBER 5.2 11.2 6.2 ··· * ns ns
EIBER shrubs 5.2 11.5 3.8 ··· *** ** *
OZSE 6.9 4.95 3.9 2 **** **** ns
OZSE shrubs 6.44 4.94 3.8 2 **** **** ns
OZSE trees 14.3 5 5.2 ··· ** ns ns
PROSYD 11.5 ··· 5.3 ··· * ns ···
Plant longevity (yr)
OZSE 80.7 78.9 26.6 20.5 **** **** ns
OZSE shrubs 52.9 52.1 22.75 20.5 **** **** ns
OZSE trees 140.8 115.0 56.5 ··· * * *
PROSYD 59.0 60.0 26.8 ··· * ns ns
Diaspore mass (mg)
CALIF (mg, log) 520.1 2343.3 1208.3 257.6 ns **** ns
CALIF trees 28.6 8035.7 11.3 33.3 ··· ···† ···
CALIF shrubs 537.0 879.6 1721.2 181.8 ns **** ns
EIBER 398.4 1278.7 14.5 657.7 **** **** ****
OZSE 288 ··· 176.5 0.29 ns ns ns
PROSYD 226 ··· 138 ··· ns **** ns
Notes: See Table 2 for abbreviations. Only woody species are considered. Ellipses (· · ·)
indicate that there were not enough data for testing.
* P , 0.05; ** P , 0.01; *** P , 0.001; **** P , 0.0001; ns, P , 0.05.
† All R2 trees are conifers.

tralia because the cones of tall species rarely come into shorter (mean 5 3.4 m) than the non-serotinous species
contact with flames, and thus we should not expect high (mean 5 13.9 m). Cowling and Lamont (1985) also
degrees of serotiny in these tall species. On the other found that the degree of serotiny (as a proportion of
hand, limited height increases the probability that folicles remaining closed since the last fire) in three
ground fires will carry up into the canopies resulting in Banksia species increased with decreasing plant height
recurrent intense canopy fires, in which serotiny may be and water availability. Serotinous conifers of California
an evolutionary advantage. However, many short com- (CALIF) are also significantly shorter (mean 5 28.8
munities grow in dry areas (they are short due the limited m) than non-serotinous ones (mean 5 55.7 m).
water availability) and have higher fire recurrence than Our results suggest that in many cases the hypothesis
taller communities in moister conditions. Thus, the re- is not supported because of the strong taxonomic (phy-
lation between serotiny and height could be mediated logenetic) effects. When a specific taxonomic level is
by fire recurrence, because serotiny is disfavoured at studied (Banksia, conifers), the pattern becomes ap-
low fire recurrence (Enright et al. 1998a, b). parent.
The analysis of Sydney Proeteaceae does not support
this hypothesis and both height and serotiny show to Hypothesis 5: Resprouters have bigger and heavier
be strongly associated with taxonomy (genus, P , dispersal units, are mostly dispersed by vertebrates,
0.00001); that is, serotiny is found in most Banksia, and produce fewer seeds per season, in comparison
Hakea, and Petrophile of the Sydney area, and absent with non-resprouters, which have the opposite
in Conospermum, Greville, Lomatia, and Persoonia. attributes (small, dry, wind-dispersed seeds)
The genus Banksia has a range of both serotinous and Herrera (1992) detected two plant syndromes in the
non-serotinous species in Australia, permitting a deep- Mediterranean basin: (1) sclerophyllous species, with
er analysis of this genus for the whole continent. In evergreen leaves, small, unisexual greenish or brown-
this case, height is strongly associated with serotiny ish flowers with a reduced perianth, and large seeds
(and not with the taxonomy within the genus), with the dispersed by vertebrates; and (2) non-sclerophyllous
serotinous species being significantly (P , 0.0001) species with the complementary traits. Verdú (2000)
1092 JULI G. PAUSAS ET AL. Ecology, Vol. 85, No. 4

FIG. 3. Plant height and resprouting capacity. (a) Congeneric comparison of maximum height values for Proteaceae species
of the Sydney area (PROSYD). (b) Relationship between number of species and canopy height in Cape forests (elaborated
from data in Kruger et al. 1997). Total species (open circles, no significant fit) and non-resprouters (solid circles and fitted
line). The line depicts the GLM fitted values (assuming the average number of plots, i.e., 3.4, in the data set); percentage
of the explained deviance (Exp. dev.) is also shown (total, F 5 2.56, P 5 0.13; R2, F 5 54.73, P , 0.0001).

noted that the first syndrome is significantly related to are vertebrate-dispersed and produce fleshy fruits. Ex-
resprouter species, and the second to non-resprouters. amples of resprouting species that are vertebrate-dis-
The link between Herrera’s syndromes and the re- persed but do not have fleshy fruits are the oaks (Quer-
sprouting pattern may be due to the fact that vertebrate- cus) in both California and the Mediterranean basin.
dispersed seeds may not survive high temperatures There is no significant relation between diaspore type
(fleshy coat as opposed to hard-coated seeds; Keeley (fleshy vs. dry) and resprouting pattern for Sydney Pro-
1991); vertebrate-dispersed plants living in a fire-prone teaceae species (PROSYD, x2 5 1.92, df 5 1, P 5
environment should regenerate vegetatively to main- 0.17, n 5 113). For example (from PROSYD), of the
tain the populations. species of the Persoonia genus with fleshy fruits dis-
Dispersal mode.—The EIBER data support the re- persed by vertebrates, 26% resprout, while 74% do not
lation between dispersal system (vertebrates vs. others) resprout. Most other Proteaceae species do not have
and regeneration pattern (R1 vs. R2) (x2 5 8.55, df fleshy fruits, but rather dry fruits or seeds (often
5 1, P 5 0.02) for a Euro-Mediterranean ecosystem; winged) dispersed by gravity, ants or wind. Banksia
60% of the species were vertebrate-dispersed resprou- species have winged dry seeds and about 42% of the
ters, and only 9% of the non-resprouters had vertebrates Banksia species do resprout. For Australian species
as a dispersal vector; 52% of the total species were (PROSYD, BANKSIA), diaspore type and size are
vertebrate-dispersed and R1P2. In a similar way, di- more related to the taxonomy group than to the regen-
aspore type (fleshy vs. dry) and resprouting pattern eration pattern. These results agree with those from
were not independent (x2 5 13.40, df 5 1, P 5 0.0003, French and Westoby (1996) in similar Australian com-
n 5 60), i.e., most resprouters had fleshy fruits. Typical munities, that is, many vertebrate-dispersed species are
examples of resprouting species that do not have fleshy capable of vegetative regeneration, but there is not a
or vertebrate-dispersed seeds are some Erica species significant dependence between the two factors.
(e.g., Lloret and López-Soria 1993). Diaspore mass.—In most of the data sets considered,
Similar results to those in the Mediterranean basin the mean values of diaspore mass were higher in R 1
are found for Californian plants (CALIF). Both the than in R2; however, due to the large variation, the
dispersal mode (vertebrates, wind, others) and the di- means were not statistically significant in most cases
aspore type (fleshy vs. dry) are related to regeneration (Table 3). Part of the variation in diaspore mass can
pattern (R1 vs. R2) (diaspore mode: x2 5 9.084, df be explained by the taxonomic relatedness. For EIBER
5 2, P 5 0.011, n 5 95; diaspore type: x2 5 6.333, and CALIF trees, diaspore mass was significantly high-
df 5 1, P 5 0.012) in the way that most resprouters er for R1 (and especially for R1P2) than for the other

FIG. 4. Stored seed per plant (mean 1 1 SD) in different congeneric serotinous species in western Australia (Bellairis
and Bell 1990). Species are (from left to right): Allocasuarina campestris (Ac), A. acutivalvis (Aa), Melaleuca scabra (Ms),
M. tuberculata (Mt), M. scabra (Ms), M. tuberculata (Mt), Dryandra sessilis (Ds), D. lindleyana (Dl), Banksia hookeriana
(Bh), B. attenuata (Ba), B. hookeriana (Bh), B. attenuata (Ba), Hakea erinacea (He), H. cristata (Hc), H. oblique (Ho), and
H. corymbosa (Hco). When the same species name is used twice, it refers to different samplings.

types. Neither Australian data sets (PROSYD and (i.e., Ceanothus resprouters produced fewer seeds than
OZSE) shows a significant trend (Tables 3 and 4), al- the congeneric non-resprouters, but the opposite was
though within Hakea species, seeds are significantly found for Arctostaphylos). Some other studies show
bigger in resprouter species than in non-resprouters that resprouters recruit poorly after fire in South Africa
(Lamont and Groom 1998). (Le Maitre 1992, Le Maitre and Midgley 1992) and in
Seed production.—Congener contrasts among re- tropical forests (Bellingham et al. 1994).
sprouters and non-resprouters in Australia (Fig. 4) have In conclusion, this hypothesis cannot be generalized.
shown that resprouters typically produce fewer seeds It seems to apply in the Mediterranean basin and Cal-
and seedlings after fire (during inter-fire periods) than ifornia when comparing R1P2 vs. R2P1 (obligate
non-resprouters in serotinous species (Enright and La- resprouters vs. obligate seeders), but it may not be true
mont 1989, Bellaris and Bell 1990, Lamont and Groom when comparing R1P1 vs. R2P1 (facultative vs. ob-
1998, Lamont et al. 1998, Groom et al. 2001). Seed ligate seeders) in Australia. In the Mediterranean basin,
production varies largely in relation to the age and size the first set (R1P2 and R2P1) is the most abundant,
of the plants and to the time since fire (e.g., Bradstock while in the Australian heathlands, the second one
and O’Connell 1988, Bradstock 1990). The number of (R1P1 and R2P1) is dominant. In many cases, these
viable seeds in different serotinous Banksia species 14– traits show a strong taxonomic (phylogenetic) effect
16 years after the last fire shows higher values in non- (e.g., Jordano 1995).
resprouter species than in resprouter ones (Lamont and
Groom 1998). However, this trend is not always true Hypothesis 6: Non-resprouters tolerate water stress
(Lamont 1985). better than resprouters
Keeley (1977) also showed no clear tendency in seed Specht (1981) suggested that in Australian shrub-
production among resprouters and non-resprouters for lands the abundance of non-resprouters was inversely
P1 non-serotinous species in the Californian chaparral proportional to precipitation, while the abundance of
1094 JULI G. PAUSAS ET AL. Ecology, Vol. 85, No. 4

resprouters was directly related to this parameter. At a resprouting [P , 0.001], subgenera [not significant],
similar geographical scale, Ojeda (1998) suggested that section nested in subgenera [P , 0.0001], and series
the distribution of resprouters and non-resprouters of nested in section [P , 0.001]).
Erica species in the Cape Floristic Region was related Species may coexist in a dry environment by having
to summer water availability. This trend of increasing different strategies to cope with low water availability
resprouters along a precipitation gradient could be (e.g., Lo Gullo and Salleo 1988), i.e., physiological
more related to different fire recurrences along the pre- drought-tolerance and drought-avoidance mechanisms
cipitation gradient than to the direct effect of water (Levitt 1980) and different morphological drought-
availability. Thus, more in-depth studies are needed to avoidance traits (e.g., extended or deep root system,
segregate the effect of water availability from the effect small and hairy or rolling leaves). For example, Davis
of fire regime. and collaborators (Davis et al. 1998, 1999) suggested
At the local scale, Keeley (1986) and Meentemeyer that the coexistence of resprouters and non-resprouters
et al. (2001) found more non-resprouters in the drier in southern California is due to the deeper root system
parts of the landscape (equator-facing slopes, shallow of resprouters (e.g., .13 m for Rhus laurina) and to
soils) and more resprouters on the moister sites (pole- the higher xylem resistance to cavitation and embolism
facing slopes, deep or fissured soils) in the Californian of non-resprouters (e.g., Ceanothus megacarpus).
chaparral. Similar observations have been made for In conclusion, at the landscape scale there is some
eastern Australia (Keith 1991, Benwell 1998, Clarke tendency for non-resprouters to survive best on drier
and Knox 2002) and for the Mediterranean basin (Pau- sites. Because morphological drought-avoiding traits
sas et al. 1999). All these observations suggest that (e.g, higher root:shoot) are more common in resprou-
ecophysiological and/or morphological parameters af- ters, non-resprouters should be physiologically more
fecting growth could differ between resprouters and drought-tolerant to survive on drier sites; however,
non-resprouters (Miller 1981, Keeley 1986). deeper physiological analysis is still needed to link field
At the physiological level, in the Mediterranean ba- observations with physiological mechanisms.
sin, resprouters (e.g., Quercus, Pistacea lentiscus) are
often considered more drought-tolerant species because OBJECTIVE 2: THE PREDICTIVE VALUE OF THE

they show later stomata closure and higher carbon as- FIRE-RESPONSE GROUPS
similation at low water potentials than non-resprouter If different plant traits lead to differential success
species such as Pinus and Cistus, which are considered under a disturbance regime, then, for a given region,
drought avoiders (Damesin and Rambal 1995, Schwanz we should observe different trait sets under distinct fire
et al. 1996, Grammatikopoulos 1999, Martı́nez-Ferri et regimes. In this context, Keeley and Zedler (1998)
al. 2000, Calamassi et al. 2001, Vilagrosa et al. 2003). showed clear differences in plant traits associated with
However, Californian non-resprouter species have diverse fire histories for Pinus species growing in North
greater resistance to water stress-induced embolism and America. We approached the question of the effects of
later stomata closure than resprouters (Davis et al. fire regime on plant traits by studying different com-
1998, 1999), suggesting that non-resprouters are more munities with the same structure (heathlands) and dif-
drought-tolerant than resprouters. In this ecosystem, ferent short-term fire histories; they are separated in
vulnerability to xylem embolism was positively related space to ensure that the medium- to long-term fire his-
to postfire seedling mortality and resprouting success tory is also different. An associated problem is that
(Davis et al. 1998). Smith et al. (1992) did not find a sites may have different climatic conditions, which is
consistent pattern between regeneration strategy and unavoidable due to the strong link between long-term
physiological parameters in the South African fynbos. fire regimes and climate. However, to consider this
More congeneric comparisons, and in different eco- problem, heathland type was also tested to study to
systems, of physiological traits between resprouters what extent differences among heathlands are related
and non-resprouters are needed before we can gener- to fire history or/and heathland type (environment).
alize the link between physiological mechanisms and We used a modified version of the data sets compiled
regeneration patterns. by Keith et al. (2002) of different heathlands across
At the morphological level, many resprouters avoid Australia (Appendix B). This data includes heathlands
higher water stress with a higher root/shoot ratio or a under stand replacement crown fires only, and so our
deeper (extended) root system (Pate et al. 1990, Bell analysis is restricted to a relatively small range of fire
et al. 1996, Keeley 1998, Davis et al. 1999), while non- histories. We used 18 of their sites in which fire history
resprouters are exposed to higher water stress. Leaf size for the last few decades (;20–35 years) was available.
is also a morphological trait often associated with per- For each site, fire history was obtained from various
sistence in dry conditions; in Australia, Banksia leaves fire databases and fire reports relevant to each example.
are significantly smaller in non-resprouting than in re- Sites were clumped as average fire intervals of ,15
sprouting species (BANKSIA data set, F1,72 5 5.4, P years, 15–30 years, and .30 years. Although this clas-
5 0.02), and the significance increases when consid- sification of fire intervals is mainly based on the ob-
ering the intra-genus taxonomy (nested ANOVA with servation of a few decades only, it is possible, at some

FIG. 5. (a) Proportion of species for different fire-response groups in relation to fire interval in the Australian heathlands.
(b) Proportion of species with canopy seed bank (all species and R1 and R2 separately) in relation to fire interval. Vertical
lines are standard deviations. Significance among fire regimes (,15 yr, 15–30 yr, .30 yr) is shown for each fire response
group (ns, P . 0.05; *P , 0.05; **P , 0.01; ***P , 0.001). See Fig. 1 for abbreviations.

earlier stage in the past, that differing fire frequencies However, when considering traits related to seed
may have occurred at some of the studied sites. How- bank, some significant patterns do emerge in relation
ever, attempts to quantify such variations would be to fire history (Fig. 5a): There is an increase in both
speculative. Sites were also classified according to resprouting and non-resprouting propagule-persisters
heath type (tropical, alpine, montane, coastal, or tem- (R1P1 and R2P1) with decreasing fire interval (for
perate heath). Fire regime and heath type were not sig- R1P1, fire history, P , 0.001; heath type, ns; inter-
nificantly related (x2 5 10.85, P 5 0.23; Appendix B). action, ns; and for R2P1, fire history, P , 0.05; heath
For each site, the proportion of species having a specific type, ns; interaction, ns). Obligate resprouters (R1P2)
trait or set of traits was computed from the total number show a significant trend with heath type, but not with
of species. Differences were analyzed by fire history fire (fire history, ns; heath type, P , 0.01; interaction,
and heath type, and the interaction was also tested. ns). Species without any persistence mechanism
Because data were proportions, logit analysis of de- (R2P2) decrease with decreasing fire interval, al-
viance (Generalized Linear Modeling, GLM) assuming though some variability is also explained by heath type
quasi-binomial error distribution for overdispersed data (fire history, P , 0.05; heath type, P , 0.05; interaction
was used to evaluate the significance (McCullagh and ns).
Nelder 1989). The maximum proportion of species with canopy
seed bank is observed at intermediate-to-short fire in-
Fire regime gradient in Australian heathlands tervals, and there is a significant decrease in serotinous
Many studies in fire-prone ecosystems have sug- species in the long fire-interval class (Fig. 5b). For non-
gested that resprouters should do better at extremes of resprouters, the intermediate pattern is also evident
the fire recurrence gradient than non-resprouters (Kee- (Fig. 5b, R2; fire history, P , 0.01; heath type, ns;
ley and Zedler 1978, Kruger and Bigalke 1984, Keeley interaction, ns). The interaction between fire history
1986, Hilbert 1987, Pausas 1999b). However, the op- and heath type was significant for resprouting species
posite has also been proposed (Bellingham and Spar- (fire history, P , 0.01; heath type, ns; interaction, P
row 2000). In the Australian heathlands, the proportion , 0.05), suggesting that the abundance of serotinous
of resprouting species (R1 vs. R2) did not show a species was highest in montane heathlands and lowest
relationship with fire regime (fire history, heath type, in alpine heathlands. This significant interaction re-
and interaction were all not significant [ns]; Fig. 5a flected the fact that alpine and semiarid heathlands only
left). On average, ;67% (1 SD 5 12.7) of the species occurred in the low fire recurrence class in the data set
are able to resprout after fire. Thus, the pattern of re- (Appendix B). Our results support the idea that serotiny
sprouting in relation to fire regime cannot be gener- should be a disadvantage where fire frequency is low
alized (Pausas 2001). (i.e., no evolutionary pressure should favor serotiny in
1096 JULI G. PAUSAS ET AL. Ecology, Vol. 85, No. 4

low fire frequency environments). Furthermore, very specialization and extinction are different. That is, not
short fire intervals may not allow serotinous species to all resprouters are threatened to the same degree by
refill the seed bank. Thus, the canopy seed bank should fire regime or climate changes because their regener-
be more important at intermediate fire recurrences (En- ation strategies (e.g., seed bank) and interactions (e.g.,
right et al. 1998a, b). for seed dispersion) are different, and thus, this has
A similar pattern was also found for the proportion implication for global vegetation modeling. The dif-
of species showing enhanced postfire flowering, which ferent trait co-occurrences in different ecosystems help
enhances postfire recruitment (fire history, P , 0.001; to explore why some general questions worldwide (e.g.,
heath type, ns; interaction, ns). The proportion of spe- Midgley 1996, Bellingham and Sparrow 2000) may
cies with soil seed banks was unrelated to fire history need different answers for different ecosystems/con-
and heath type. tinents (e.g., Pausas 2001).
Within the context of Australian heathlands, no pat-
DISCUSSION terns among sites with differing fire regimes could be
The basic fire-response traits (i.e., resprouting ability discriminated on the basis of resprouting capacity
and propagule persistence) were found to correlate to alone. We conclude that, at least within this general
some other traits when examined either alone (Table flora, it is not possible to predict pathways of vegetation
3, resprouting ability only) or in combination (Table dynamics on the basis of this trait. We do not rule out
4). In general, most resprouters are longer lived and the possibility that this conclusion may differ in other
slower maturing than non-resprouters and allocate ecosystems and/or localities, given that resprouters or
more resources to basal buds and storage tissues. In non-resprouters may have differing trait co-occurrence
some examples, they also tend to produce fewer seeds, elsewhere. The Australian heathland example did in-
to be shorter, and to have heavier diaspore units, al- dicate, however, that inclusion of a persistent seed bank
though these traits show high taxonomic relatedness, in addition to resprouting produced patterns in relation
which makes appropriate unambiguous comparisons to differing regimes. We conclude that the hierarchical
difficult (Felsenstein 1985, Harvey 1996). And, there RP persistence scheme (Fig. 1) may include the min-
is no relation between dispersal mode and postfire re- imum trait set that can be used to indicate general pat-
sponse when considering different ecosystems. Thus, terns of fire-related vegetation dynamics in this broad
while the global scope of the data used to explore such vegetation type. Furthermore, including the nature of
correlations was limited, there was an indication that persistent seed banks (i.e., canopy vs. soil) offers im-
the pattern of correlations between the two basic fire proved prediction (Fig. 5).
traits and other traits relevant to vegetation dynamics
varied between data sets from differing continents/eco- Implications for a changing world
systems (Tables 3 and 4). Fire regimes are far from constant. Currently, some
Assuming that correlations between the basic fire areas show a general increase in annual burnt surface
response and other traits will affect the performance attributed to changes in land use and climate (in Euro-
of either the individual species or functional groupings, Mediterranean ecosystems; Piñol et al. 1998, Pausas and
the finding that such correlations may be heterogeneous Vallejo 1999, Pausas 2004), or to increased logging and
between samples is important. As a result, we may drought (in rainforests; Stanford et al. 1985, Cochrane
expect that the nature of predictions made on the basis 2001, Laurance and Williamson 2001). On the other
of basic fire-response traits (R1 vs. R2) will vary from hand, recent fire suppression policies in many ecosys-
place to place according to the inherent characteristics tems are also changing natural fire regimes (e.g., Parsons
of the differing floras. We emphasize that this does not and DeBenedetti 1979, Bergeron and Dansereau 1993,
mean that the basic traits have limited predictive power. Stephenson 1999, Beaty and Taylor 2001). Furthermore,
It does mean, however, that pathways of change may future predictions suggest a tendency to increasing tem-
differ between floras and that the ability to predict on peratures and evapotranspiration (Houghton et al. 2001),
the basis of basic fire-response traits may be high lo- lightning (Prince and Rind 1994), and urban–forest in-
cally but low globally. For example, while most res- terface (Terradas et al. 1998) in large parts of the planet.
prouters in Australian heathlands also produce per- All this suggests that fire regimes will change in the
manent seed banks (Table 1), in the Mediterranean ba- future.
sin most resprouters do not store seeds in a bank. An- At the global scale, our ability to predict changes in
other clear example is that most resprouters in vegetation due to changes in climatic conditions has
California and the Mediterranean basin are dispersed improved thanks to the global climatic-based function-
by vertebrates, but this is not true in Australian heath- al types (see papers in Woodward and Cramer 1996
lands. These differences have implications in the dy- and Smith et al. 1997, Foley et al. 1998). However, the
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Descriptions of the databases and species used in this study are available in ESA’s Electronic Data Archive: Ecological
Archives E085-029-A1.

The location, heath type, and assigned fire regimes for the heath studies in the fire regime gradient are available in ESA’s
Electronic Data Archive: Ecological Archives E085-029-A2.
Ecological Archives E085-029-A1 http://esapubs.org/archive/ecol/E085/029/appendix-A.htm

Ecological Archives E085-029-A1

Juli G. Pausas, Ross A. Bradstock, David A. Keith, Jon E. Keeley, and the GCTE
Fire Network. 2004. Plant functional traits in relation to fire in crown-fire
ecosystems. Ecology 85:1085–1100.
Appendix A. Descriptions of the databases and species used in this study.

For the present study, several databases of species by traits have been used. Here we provide a short
description of each database, including the source (compilers or reference), total number of species and
the main traits. Note that in any database there may be empty cells (species × traits), and so, the total
number of species may not be the same as the sampling size (n) used in specific statistical analysis for a
specific trait (Tables 3 and 4). Data sets have a bias towards Australian ecosystems, which may reflect
the large fire-prone areas of this continent and the long and deep tradition on fire ecology.

It is out of the scope of this review to test rigorously the phylogenetic effect on plant traits. However,
when possible, we have tried to detect strong taxonomic effects that may be related to the phylogeny. For
this reason, we also indicate the taxonomic level used for the taxonomic relatedness (e.g., Tables 3 and 4).
We do not know to what extent the taxonomic structure is related to the phylogenetic tree, but we assume
that there must be some correlation, and so, taxonomy is used here as a surrogate of phylogeny.

BANKSIA Australian Banksia species.

Source: from George (1996)
Number of species: 77
Main traits: resprouting capacity, height, serotiny, mean leaf longitude, mean leaf width, mean leaf area.

CALIF trees and shrubs of the chaparral, sedge scrub and woodlands of California (USA). Trees growing
mainly under surface fire regime are not included.
Source: compiled by J. E. Keeley based on field observations and bibliographic references.
Number of species: 91 woody species
Main traits: resprouting capacity, height, serotiny, propagule type and mass, maturity age.
Taxonomic effect: Cronquist Superorder

EIBER Common species from the Eastern Iberian Peninsula, including southern Mediterranean France.
Source: compiled by J. G. Pausas with inputs from L. Trabaud and F. Lloret, based on field observations
and bibliographic references.
Number of species: 67 Mediterranean species.
Main traits: life form, resprouting capacity, maturity age, shade tolerance, dispersal mode, propagule
Taxonomic effect: Cronquist Superorder.

EUCS Eucaliptus species of Australia

Source: Boland et al. (1992).
Number of species: 62
Traits: resprouting capacity and height.
Taxonomic effect: subgenera (Monocalyptus and Symphomyrtus).

JUVWA Juvenile shrubs of Western Australia

Source: Pate et al. (1990)
Number of species: 32
Main traits: growth, resprouting capacity.
Taxonomic effect: families (Legumes, Porteaceae, Myrtaceae)

1 of 2
Ecological Archives E085-029-A1 http://esapubs.org/archive/ecol/E085/029/appendix-A.htm

OZSE South Eastern Australian (i.e., mainly New South Wales) species.
Source: compiled by R. Bradstock and B. Kenny (see Bradstock and Kenny 2003)
Number of species: 1338 woody species
Main traits: resprouting capacity, age at maturity, longevity, diaspore mass, seed bank.
Taxonomic effect: family
Gill and Bradstock (1992), Keith
(1996), Benson and McDougall (1993-2000), and others.

PROSYD Proteaceae shrubs species of the Sydney region (Australia).

Source: Benson and McDougall (2000)
Number of species: 134
Main traits: longevity, height, resprouting capacity, seed bank, fruit type, diaspore mass.
Taxonomic effect: genus
Comments: This family is chosen because it accounts for a high proportion of the woody species in the
Australian heathlands, it has a range of fire responses (reprouters and non-resprouters, serotinous and
non-serotinous species), and it is relatively well known (e.g., Benson and McDougall 2000, Myerscough
et al. 2000).

Literature cited

Benson, D. H., and L. McDougall. 1993–2000. Ecology of Sydney plant species. Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7a,
7b. Cunninghamia 3:257–422, 3:789–1004, 4:217–431, 4:553–752, 5:330–544, 5:808–987, 6:402–508,

Boland, D. J., M. I. Brooker, G. M. Chippendale, N. Hall, B. P. M. Hyland, R. D. Johnston, D. A. Kleinig,

and J. D. Turne. 1992. Forest trees of Australia. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, Victoria, Australia.

Bradstock, R. A., and B. J. Kenny. 2003. An application of plant functional types to fire management in a
conservation reserve in south-eastern Australia. Journal of Vegetation Science 14:345-354.

George, A. S. 1996. The Banksia Book. Third edition. Kangaroo Press, Kenthurst, NSW, Australia.

Gill, A. M., and R. A. Bradstock. 1992. A national register for the fire response of plant species.
Cunninghamia 2:653–660.

Keith, D. A. 1996. Fire-driven extinction of plant populations: a synthesis of theory and review of the
evidence from Australia vegetation. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of NSW 116:37–78.

Myerscough, P. J., R. J. Whelan, and R. A. Bradstock. 2000. Ecology of Proteaceae with special reference
to the Sydney region. Cunninghamia 6:951–1015.

Pate, J. S., R. H. Froend, B. J. Bowen, A. Hansen, and J. Kuo. 1990. Seedling growth and storage
characteristics of seeder and resprouter species of Mediterranean-type ecosystems of SW Australia.
Annals of Botany 65:585–601.

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Ecological Archives E085-029-A2

Juli G. Pausas, Ross A. Bradstock, David A. Keith, Jon E. Keeley, and the GCTE
Fire Network. 2004. Plant functional traits in relation to fire in crown-fire
ecosystems. Ecology 85:1085–1100.

Appendix B. Location, heath type, and assigned fire regimes (FI) for the heaths studied in the fire regime

Location, state Heath type FI References

Arnhem escarpment,
Tropical <15 Russell-Smith et al. (1998)
Brisbane Water, NSW Coastal <15 Bradstock et al. (1997)
Broadwater, NSW Coastal <15 Benwell (1998)
Temperate <15
Williams (1995), Williams & Clarke
Gibraltar Range, NSW Montane 15–30
Temperate 15–30
Gippsland High Plains, Wahren & Williams (unpubl.), Wahren et
Temperate >30
VIC al 1999
Leura (Blue Mtns),
Temperate 15–30 Holland et al. (1992)
Melaleuca, TAS Temperate <15 Keith (1995) + Keith (unpubl.)
Myall Lakes, NSW Coastal <15 Myersough et al. (1995)
Temperate <15
O'Hares Ck, NSW Coastal 15–30 Keith (unpubl.), Keith et al. (2002)
Coastal 15–30
Temperate 15–30
South Olary Plains, SA Semi-arid >30 Morelli & Forward (1996)
Tasmanian Alps, TAS Alpine >30 Kirkpatrick & Dickinson (1984)
Victorian Alps, VIC Alpine >30 Muller & Williams (unpubl.)
Wadbilliga, NSW Montane <15 Mackenzie et al. (1998)

Notes: Fire regime and heath type are not significantly related (Chi-squared = 10.85, P = 0.227, Monte
Carlo estimation of P value with 2000 permutations). Full heath type names are: tropical heath, east coast
dry heath, temperate wet heath, eastern montane heath, and alpine heath. See Keith et al. (2002) for more

Literature cited

Benwell, A. S. 1998. Post-fire seedling recruitment in coastal heathlands in relation to regeneration

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