Social Inequality Occupation Nation An Occupy Wall Street Documentary

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What is Social Inequality

2. How do important thinkers such as Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels address the issues?
3. What can we do in the Criminal Justice system to address economic inequality?
4. Based on the video formulate a reflective essay.

Social inequality refers to giving unequal opportunities and access for different social
positions within the society. Marx and Friedrich Engels explained how capitalism creates two
classes of people in the society: the working class and the owners of the means of production.
They argued that this inequality is results from struggle or conflict between these two classes
due to competing interests, and the unfair distribution of profit by property rights.

In dealing high levels of economic inequality, the justice system must intensify criminal
justice punishment. In some accounts, the rising poverty that accompanies growing inequality
raises crime rates and, ultimately, the scale of imprisonment.

The Occupy Wall Street is a movement of peaceful protests taking place in cities across
United States. The focus of this movement is to address the issues of economic injustice,
financial crisis, and the role of corporate money in the political system. Protesters turned their
focus to occupying banks, corporate headquarters, board meetings, foreclosed homes, and
college and university campuses. Although protests have been mostly peaceful, some were
arrested by the police due to disorderly conduct and blocking the traffic.

Gatherings involving public protest movements can have disruptive effects on

transportation, commercial, and government services, especially when staged in major city
areas. Large protests, even considered peaceful, also carry the potential for violence that can
trigger a challenge for law enforcement.

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