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Case Laws on #Cognizance of the Offence

1. S.R. Sukumar Vs. S. Sunaad Raghuram, (2015) 42 SCD 746

2. Narsingh Das Tapadia vs. Goverdhan Das Partani, AIR 2000 SC 2946
3. Subramanian Swamy vs. Manmohan Singh, (2012) 3 SCC 64
4. S.K. Sinha, Chief Enforcement Officer vs. Videocon International Ltd.,
(2008) 2 SCC 492
5. R.R. Chari vs. State of Uttar Pradesh, 1951 SCR 312
6. Jamuna Singh vs. Bhadai Sah, (1964) 5 SCR 37
7. Nirmaljit Singh Hoon vs. State of West Bengal, (1973) 3 SCC 753
8. Devarapally Lakshminarayana Reddy vs. V. Narayana Reddy, AIR 1976 SC
9. CREF Finance Ltd. vs. Shree Shanthi Homes (P) Ltd., (2005) 7 SCC 467
# Case Laws on Cognizance of the Offence

# 1. S.R. Sukumar Vs. S. Sunaad Raghuram, (2015) 42 SCD 746

Cognizance of offence means taking notice of the accusations and applying
the judicial mind to the contents of the complaint and the material filed

It is neither practicable nor desirable to define as to what is meant by taking

cognizance. Whether the Magistrate has taken cognizance of the offence or not
will depend upon facts and circumstances of the particular case.

# 2. Narsingh Das Tapadia vs. Goverdhan Das Partani, AIR 2000 SC 2946
It was held that the mere presentation of a complaint cannot be held to mean
that the Magistrate has taken the cognizance.
# 3. Subramanian Swamy vs. Manmohan Singh, (2012) 3 SCC 64
Apex Court explained the meaning of the word cognizance holding that
In legal parlance cognizance is taking judicial notice by the court of law,
possessing jurisdiction, on a cause or matter presented before it so as to decide
whether there is any basis for initiating proceedings and determination of the
cause or matter judicially.

# 4. S.K. Sinha, Chief Enforcement Officer vs. Videocon International Ltd.,

(2008) 2 SCC 492
Considering the scope of expression cognizance it was held as under:-
The expression cognizance has not been defined in the Code. But the word
(cognizance) is of indefinite import. It has no esoteric or mystic significance in
criminal law. It merely means become aware of and when used with reference
to a court or a Judge, it connotes to take notice of judicially. It indicates the
point when a court or a Magistrate takes judicial notice of an offence with a
view to initiating proceedings in respect of such offence said to have been
committed by someone.

# 5. R.R. Chari vs. State of Uttar Pradesh, 1951 SCR 312

A three Judge Bench of Supreme Court while considering what the phrase
taking cognizance mean, approved the decision of Calcutta High Court in
Superintendent and Remembrancer of Legal Affairs, West Bengal vs. Abani
Kumar Banerjee, AIR 1950 Cal. 437 wherein it was observed that:
What is taking cognizance has not been defined in the Criminal Procedure
Code and I have no desire now to attempt to define it. It seems to me clear,
however, that before it can be said that any Magistrate has taken cognizance of
any offence under S.190(1)(a), Criminal P.C., he must not only have applied his
mind to the contents of the petition, but he must have done so for the purpose of
proceeding in a particular way as indicated in the subsequent provisions of this
Chapter, proceeding under S. 200, and thereafter sending it for enquiry and
report under S. 202.
When the Magistrate applies his mind not for the purpose of proceeding under
the subsequent sections of this Chapter, but for taking action of some other
kind, e.g., ordering investigation under Section 156(3), or issuing asearch
warrant for the purpose of the investigation, he cannot be said to have taken
cognizance of the offence
# 6. Jamuna Singh vs. Bhadai Sah, (1964) 5 SCR 37
When on a petition of complaint being filed before him a Magistrate applies his
mind for proceeding under the various provisions of Chapter XVI of the Code
of Criminal Procedure, he must be held to have taken cognizance of the
offences mentioned in the complaint.
When however he applies his mind not for such purpose but for purposes of
ordering investigation under s. 156(3) or issues a search warrant for the purpose
of investigation he cannot be said to have taken cognizance of any offence.

# 7. Nirmaljit Singh Hoon vs. State of West Bengal, (1973) 3 SCC 753
Under s. 202 Cr.P.C., Magistrate, on receipt of a complaint, may postpone the
issue of process and either inquire into the case himself or direct on inquiry to
be made by a Magistrate subordinate to him or by a police officer for
ascertaining. its truth or falsehood.
The inquiry by the Magistrate envisaged at this stage is for ascertaining the truth
or falsehood of the complaint, that is, for ascertaining whether there is evidence
in support of the complaint so as to justify the issue of process.
Unless, therefore, the Magistrate finds that the evidence led before him is self-
contradictory, or intrinsically untrustworthy, process cannot be refused if that
evidence makes out a prima facie case. In a revision against such refusal, the
High Court also has to apply the same test.

# 8. Devarapally Lakshminarayana Reddy vs. V. Narayana Reddy, AIR 1976

SC 1672
Elaborating upon the words expression taking cognizance of an offence by a
Magistrate within the contemplation of Section 190 Cr.P.C., the Court held as
But from the scheme of the Code, the content and marginal heading of
Section 190 and the caption of Chapter XIV under which Sections 190 to 199
occur, it is clear that a case can be said to be instituted in a court only when the
court takes cognizance of the offence alleged therein.
The ways in which such cognizance can be taken are set out in clauses (a), (b)
and (c) of Section 190(1). Whether the Magistrate has or has not taken
cognizance of the offence will depend on the circumstances of the particular
case including the mode in which the case is sought to be instituted, and the
nature of the preliminary action, if any, taken by the Magistrate.
Broadly speaking, when on receiving a complaint, the Magistrate applies his
mind for the purposes of proceeding under Section 200 and the succeeding
sections in Chapter XV to the Code of 1973, he is said to have taken cognizance
of the offence within the meaning to Section 190(1)(a).
It, instead of proceeding under Chapter XV, he has, in the judicial exercise of
his discretion, taken action of some other kind, such as issuing a search warrant
for the purpose of investigation, or ordering investigation by the police under
Section 156(3), he cannot be said to have taken cognizance of any offence.

# 9. CREF Finance Ltd. vs. Shree Shanthi Homes (P) Ltd., (2005) 7 SCC 467
Cognizance is taken of the offence and not of the offender and, therefore, once
the court on perusal of the complaint is satisfied that the complaint discloses the
commission of an offence and there is no reason to reject the complaint at that
stage, and proceeds further in the matter, it must be held to have taken
cognizance of the offence.
One should not confuse taking of cognizance with issuance of process.
Cognizance is taken at the initial stage when the Magistrate peruses the
complaint with a view to ascertain whether the commission of any offence is
disclosed. The issuance of process is at a later stage when after considering the
material placed before it, the court decides to proceed against the offenders
against whom a prima facie case is made out.
It is possible that a complaint may be filed against several persons, but the
Magistrate may choose to issue process only against some of the accused. It
may also be that after taking cognizance and examining the complainant on
oath, the court may come to the conclusion that no case is made out for issuance
of process and it may reject the complaint.
A perusal of the above decision would show that Apex Court has emphasized
upon the satisfaction of the Court to the commission of offence as a condition
precedent for taking cognizance of offence. However, in the facts of the said
case, Court was of the view that the cognizance was taken by the Magistrate
once the Magistrate applied his mind on the contents of the complaint and on
the satisfaction that prima facie case existed.

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