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Go Organic !
Beej Bachao Andolan is
as much a philosophy as
a movement.
Raju Gusain* profiles
this unique movement
that conserves seeds as
well as local knowledge

48 TerraGreen January–March 2007

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omen going to collect fodder, we were accused of taking development backwards. But
children playing on courtyards, today, that is not so. People understand the issue. Beej
and elderly males smoking Bachao is a vichaar, a philosophy, and it has spread,’ Vijay
hukkas—Jardhargoan village in Jardhari avers.
District Tehri, Uttarakhand, The intensive search for traditional seeds brought to
appears to be an ordinary hill village, with people light several hidden facts. For instance, in the valley of
busy in the drudgery and happiness of daily life. Ramasirain, there grows a distinctive variety of red rice
But beneath the humdrum, a unique movement is called Chardhan (four grains). The rice is nutritious and
simmering, bringing the village to the notice of does not require huge external inputs. Farmers in the
outsiders—the Beej Bachao Andolan Garhwal hills also grew other indigenous varieties of rice,
(Save the Seeds movement). locally known as Thapchini, Gorakhpuri, Jhumkiya,
Rikhwa, Sukhnandi, and Lal Basmati. Cultivation of
This movement, which began in the late 1980s, is not these varieties was totally free from the use of chemical
only a crusade to conserve traditional seeds but also to fertilizers.
promote agricultural biodiversity, sustainable Commenting on the importance of the unique
agriculture, and local traditions. Launched by a local movement, Biju Negi, another movement activist, says,
farmer – Vijay Jardhari – along with his
friends, the movement thrives on the fact
that it is a people’s campaign and
flourishes without any financial or any
other aid from the government.
What prompted Jardhari to start the
Beej Bachao Andolan? The 53-year-old
farmer replies, ‘After the Green
Revolution of the 1960s, farmers in the
hills also adopted high-yielding varieties
of seeds. After initial success, the Green
Revolution fizzled out as the yields began
to decline. This made the villagers realize
that the so-called modern agriculture was
unsustainable. Low production despite
increased investments on pesticides and
fertilizers, as well as decline in soil fertility,
forced us to think of corrective measures.’
With this, the movement to save
traditional seeds got off the ground. Now
the search for the seeds began—Jardhari
and his friends travelled from village to
village to collect traditional seeds. To date, When we started,
they have collected some 200 varieties of
kidney beans, 100 of paddy, and 7 of we were accused
wheat, to name just a few. The huge
collection of local seeds, which had been
presumed ‘lost’ in the region, clearly
of taking develop-
indicates the toil put in by the movement
activists. ment backwards.
After collecting the seeds, a detailed
document was prepared. To make the Today, Beej Bachao
farmers aware of the importance of
traditional seeds, a comparative chart,
based on high-yielding-variety as well as
is a vichaar, a
traditional seeds, was drawn. This
comparative study helped farmers realize philosophy, and it
the importance of traditional farming.
And now, more and more farmers are
opting for organic, traditional farming.
has spread.’
‘About 20 years ago, when we started,

TerraGreen January–March 2007 49

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‘We all know that knowledge is power. No one sign, as an upswing trend for organic food grains, which will
understands this better than the big companies who strengthen the movement.
wish to come and occupy your space. Divest the ‘There is a lot of hope for the future.To cite an example,
farmer of his knowledge; say it’s old and outdated; we have just returned from participating in the annual ten-
give him an entirely alien knowledge (and free seeds day Nature Bazaar at Dilli Haat in Delhi. This was our
to push that), and he is a puppet in your hands.’ thirteenth year there—selling organic pulses, grams, rice,
‘That is why this movement is important, which millets, turmeric, ginger, apricot oil, and other organic
ensures that the farmer retains his knowledge, and he produce. Initially for a few years, we hardly made any sale
retains the power to exercise that knowledge. and had to do a lot of convincing to whoever came to
Traditional farming meant that the farmer donned enquire. Now it is no longer like that. People in bigger cities
the mantle of several scientists rolled into one: a know what organic food means and they are willing to spend
botanist, a zoologist, that extra rupee for it. This consciousness is spreading to
a veterinarian, a soil scientist, a climatologist, and so smaller towns as well. Every year, we find that there is more
on. He was not a puppet in anyone’s hands. He knew and more demand for organic produce. So, there is hope for
his work, and he could take his own decisions. He had what our farmers are doing,’ says Dhoom Singh Negi.
control over his farming. This movement seeks to give The movement received a major setback on 15 July 2006
or return that power to the farmer; that is why this with the death of firebrand Beej Bachao activist-writer,
movement is important.’ Kunwar Prasoon. People associated with the movement were
The movement made the farmers aware about an yet to recover from the shocking death of Prasoon, when the
old practice: Baranaja, meaning twelve grains. news came that Dr Indu Tikekar is no more. Indu was a long-
Baranaja refers to inter-cropping of twelve (or term supporter, from the Chipko days, of the movement. She
sometimes more) crops. Under Baranaja a mixed the environmental philosophy with the Bhagwad
combination of cereals, lentils, vegetables, creepers, recitation and oration, to spread awareness.
and root vegetables is grown. The twelve crops are The Beej Bachao Andolan, despite all odds, continues to
such that they can grow in harmony with each other. gain strength. And it will continue to do so in the near future
The trend is slowly changing and the demand for as it guarantees sustainable agriculture development.
organic food is growing worldwide with each passing * Raju Gusain is a senior freelance journalist based in
day. The Beej Bachao Andolan considers this a good Dehra Dun.

Comparative net rice obtained from paddy yields (per 100 kg)

Variety Net rice Variety Net rice
(kg) (kg)

Jhumkya 76.5 Saket – 4 70.0

Thapachini 75.0 Dwarf 65.0
Ghyasu 74.0 Dwarf 60.0
Rikhwa 75.0

Source From Beej Bachao Andolan field records

Comparative yields from some traditional and hybrid paddy varieties (per hectare)

Variety Yield Fodder Variety Yield Fodder
(kg) (kg) (kg) (kg)

Thapachini 7000 6600 Saket-4 6000 5000

Jhumkya 8800 8000 Dwarf 6400 8000
Lalmati 7000 5600 Kasturi 4000 3200
Nagmati 6000 6500 Sabarmati 6000 4800

Source From Beej Bachao Andolan field records

50 TerraGreen January–March 2007

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