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Las Pi as City Natioal Seior High School

Mauyo Campus
Tramo St. Mauyo I, Las Pi as City

Earth and Life Science

AY 2017-2018
Long Test # 1 - 2nd Quarter

Name: ________________________________________________________________ Score: ____________

Sectio: ______________________________________________________________ Date: _____________

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct aswer ad write your aswer i CAPITAL LETTER before the

_____1. Where does the oxyge gas released durig photosythesis come from?
a. water b. sugar c. pigmets d. carbo dioxide

_____2. Orgaisms whose cells lack ucleus are called

a. Plats b. orgaelles c. eukaryotes d. prokaryotes

_____3. What type of cell has these characteristics: cotais DNA but o ucleus, cotais flagella, ribosomes,
cytoplasm, ad a cell membrae.
a. Plat b. Fugi c. aimal d. bacteria

_____4. A cell with relatively few eergy eeds will probably have a relatively small umber of;
a. Ribosomes b. Lysosomes c. mitochodria d. chromosomes

_____5. A cell is observed to cotai a ucleus, mitochodria ad chloroplasts. From this iformatio you ca
coclude that the cell is;
a. A plat cell b. A aimal cell c. a bacterial cell d. a prokaryotic cell

_____6. Adaptatio must occur i order for species to survive i the eviromet. Take a populatio of moths that
live i a forest. The brow moths bled i well with the trees due to their coloratio. A factory opes earby the
forest ad covers it with soot. Which of the followig will happe to the moths due to such evirometal chages?
a. Noe of the moths will be able to survive
b. Black moths will have difficulty survivig
c. Moths with the lighter coloratio will have difficulty survivig
d. This evirometal chage will ot affect the populatio of moths

_____7. Approximately how log did Earth exist before life formed?
a. 4.6 billio years b. 3.6 billio years c. 1 billio years d. 2 millio years

_____8. Deep time is a phrase that we use to illustrate the cocept that
a. It has required oly a short period of time for life o Earth to develop ito the diversity we see today
b. Humas have bee o Earth for a extremely log time relative to Earths history
c. Developmet of life has occured over a extremely log period of time ad is acceleratig
d. Developmet of life has occured over a extremely log period of time ad is deceleratig

_____9. The wooly mammoth became extict approximately 10,000 years ago. If a huma lifetime is approximately
72 years, how may lifetimes ago did the mammoth become extict?
a. 13.9 huma lifetimes c. 720,000 huma lifetimes
b. 139 huma lifetimes d. 72,000 huma lifetimes

_____10. Choose the sequece of evets that represet how life may have emerged
a. Polymers formed- moomers formed- developmet of RNA- membrae-boud sacs emerged- metabolism
ad self-replicatio
b. Polymers formed- moomers formed- membrae-boud sacs emerged-metabolism ad self-replicatio-
RNA produced
c. Moomers formed- polymers formed- membrae-boud sacs emerged-metabolism ad self-replicatio-
RNA produced
d. Membrae-boud sacs emerged- moomers formed- polymers formed- metabolism ad self-replicatio
developed- RNA produced

II. True or False. Write the word TRUE if the statemet is correct ad the word FALSE if the statemet is wrog.
________________1. Digestive ezymes or hydrolytic ezymes are terms associated with smooth edoplasmic
________________2. ATP ad NADPH are substaces that is produced through cyclic phosphorylatio.
________________3. The site of ATP productio ad the site of photosythesis are the mitochodria ad chloroplast.
________________4. There are 2 ATP molecules used durig the iitial steps of glycolysis.
________________5. Fermetatio is a process that produces the greatest yield of adeosie triphospate or ADP.
________________6. Birds that eat isects have a differet beak shaped tha the oes that eat seeds. This is a example
of Gee mutatio.
________________7. Sythesis is a process of splittig apart somethig ;arger ito smaller pieces.
________________8. Developmet referes to a orgaisms chage from asexual to sexual reproductio.
________________9. Reproductio refers to the creatio of offsprig.
________________10. Regulatio refers to homeostasis.

III. Matching type. Match colum A with colum B by writig the CAPITAL LETTER at the space before the
_______1. Everythig i this world was created by a Supreme Beig. A. Abiogeetic Sythesis Theory
B. Beeath the Ice
_______2. Life Origiated as a spotaeous evet.
C. Clay Breedig Groud
_______3. Life bega i the primordial seas. D. Electricity
E. Paspermia (Cosmozoic Theory)
_______4. Ice may have bee protected the compouds, allowig them to
F. RNA World
iteract ad thereby creatig life G. Simple Metabolism ad Reactios
H. Special Creatio Theory
_______5. Lightig may be resposible for the origis of life, primarily
I. Spotaeous Geeratio Theory
by strikig through rich volcaic clouds. J. Submarie Hydrothermal Vets
_______6. Life o Earth bega from rocks, ad other debris from impacts
i the form of highly resistat spores such as meteorite.
_______7. All life sprouted from a complex RNA world that is far more
self-regulatig, if less efficiet, tha DNA.
_______8. The primordial soup simply cotiued to react with itself over
time, producig more ad more complex molecules, evetually yieldig
_______9. Clay may have served as a area of cocetrated chemical
activity, providig a breedig groud for DNA ad other compoets.
_______10. The utriet-rich eviromet filled with reactive gases ad
catalysts, creates a habitat teemig with life.

IV. Write the chemical reactios of;

A. Photosythesis (5pts)

_________________+ ___________________ + ___________________ ___________________ + ___________________

B. Cell Respiratio (5pts)

_________________+ ___________________ ___________________ + ___________________ + ___________________

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