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Section 1. Identification of Association

These are the Bylaws of Bella Collina Property Owner's Association, Inc.
("Association") as duly adopted by its Board of Directors ("Board"). The Association is a
corporation not for profit, organized pursuant to Chapter 617, Florida Statutes.

1.1. The office of the Association shall be for the present at 215 Celebration
Place, Suite 200, Celebration, FL 34747, and thereafter may be located at any place designated
by the Board.

1.2. The fiscal year of the Association shall be the calendar year.

1.3. The seal of the Association shall bear the name of the Association, the
word "Florida" and the words "Corporation Not For Profit."

Section 2. Explanation of Terminology

The terms defined in the Articles of Incorporation of the Association ("Articles") as well
as in the Second Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions
and Supplemental Declaration for Bella Collina ("Declaration") are incorporated herein by
reference and shall appear in initial capital letters each time such terms appear in these Bylaws.

Section 3. Membership; Members' Meetings; Voting and Proxies

3.1. The qualification of Members, the manner of their admission to

membership in the Association, the manner of termination of such membership and the voting by
Members shall be as set forth in the Articles.

3.2. The Members shall meet annually ("Annual Members' Meeting"). The
Annual Members' Meeting shall be held at the office of the Association or at such other place in
the County as the Board may determine and on such day and at such time as designated by the
Board in the notice of such meeting commencing with the year following the year in which the
Articles are filed with the Secretary of State. The purpose of the Annual Members 'Meeting shall
be to hear reports of the officers, elect members of the Board (when that shall be appropriate as
determined by the provisions of the Articles) and transact any other business authorized to be
transacted at such Annual Members' Meeting.

3.3. Special meetings (meetings other than the Annual Members' Meeting) of
the Members shall be held at any place within the County whenever called by the President or
Vice President or by a majority of the Board. A special meeting must be called by such President
or Vice President upon receipt of a written request from Members having the right to vote at

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]east one-third (1/3) of the total number of votes entit]ed to be cast by Members at any such
special meeting.

3.4. Except as otherwise provided in the ArticJes, a written notice of each

Members' meeting, whether an Annual Members' Meeting or a special meeting (collectively
"Meeting"), shall be given to each Member entitJed to vote thereat at his last known address as it
appears on the books of the Association and sha]) be mailed to the said address not less than
fourteen (14) days nor more than forty-five (45) days prior to the date of the Meeting. Proof of
such mailing shaJI be given by the affidavit of the person giving the notice. Any notice given
hereunder shall state the time and pJace of the Meeting and the purposes for which the Meeting is
caJled. The notices of all Annual Members' Meetings shall, in addition, specify the number of
Directors of the Association to be designated by Declarant and the number of Directors to be
elected by the Members, if applicable. Notwithstanding any provisions hereof to the contrary,
notice of any Meeting may be waived before, during or after such Meeting by a Member or by
the person entitled to vote for such Member by signing a document setting forth the waiver of
such notice.

3.5. The Members may, at the discretion of the Board, act by written response
in lieu of a Meeting provided written notice of the matter or matters to be agreed upon is given to
the Members or duly waived in accordance with the provisions of these Bylaws. Unless some
greater number is required under the Bella Collina Documents and except as to the election of
Directors, which shall be accomplished by plurality vote, the decision of a majority of the votes
cast by Members as to the matter or matters to be agreed or voted upon shall be binding on the
Members provided a quorum is either present at such Meeting or submits a response if action is
taken by written response in lieu of a Meeting, as the case may be. The notice with respect to
actions to be taken by written response in lieu of a Meeting shall set forth the time period during
which the written responses must be received by the .Association.

3.6. (a) A quorum of the Members shall consist of Members entitled to

cast thirty percent (30%) of the total number of votes of the Members. Limited "Proxies" and
general "Proxies" (as hereinafter defined in Paragraph 3.10) may be used to establish a quorum.

(b) When a quorum is present at any Meeting and a question which

raises the jurisdiction of such Meeting is presented, the holders of a majority of the voting rights
present in person or represented by written Proxy shall be required to decide the question.
However, if the question is one upon which a vote other than the majority vote of a quorum. is
required by express provision of the Bella Co11ina Documents or by law, then such express
provision shall govern and control the required vote on the decision of such question.

3. 7. At any Annual Members' Meeting when elections of Directors are to

occur, written ballots are to be suppJied to Members for such purposes. Members may not vote
for Directors by Proxy, but may vote by absentee ballot. Furthennore, at any Annual Members'
Meeting at which Directors are to be elected, the "Chairman" (as hereinafter defined in
Paragraph 7.2) shaJl appoint an "Election Committee" consisting of three (3) Members to
supervise the election, count and verify balJots, disqualify votes if such disqualification is
justified under the circumstances and certify the resul1s of the election to the Board. The Election
Committee shall be able to detennine questions within its jurisdiction by plurality vote of all
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three (3) members, but matters resulting in deadlocked votes of the Election Committee shall be
referred to the entire Board for resolution.

3.8. If a quorum is not in attendance at a Meeting, the Members who are

present, either in person or by Proxy, may adjourn the Meeting from time to time until a quorum.
is present with no further notice of such adjourned Meeting being required unless otherwise
determined by the Board.

3.9. Minutes of all Meetings shall be kept in a businesslike manner and be

available for inspection by the Members and Directors at all reasonable times. The Association
shall retain minutes for at least seven (7) years subsequent to the date of the meeting the minutes

3.10. Voting rights of Members sha11 be as stated in the Articles with respect to
the election of all Boards other than the First Board. Such votes may be cast in person or by
absentee ba11ot. Proxies may be used to vote on other agenda items at meetings at which
Directors are to be elected, and may also be used to establish a quorum. "Proxy'' is defined to
mean an instrument containing the appointment of a person who is substituted in the place and
stead of the person or authorized representative of an entity entitled to vote. Proxies shall be in
writing signed by the person or authorized representative of an entity giving the same and shall
be valid only for the particular Meeting designated therein and, if so stated in the Proxy, any
adjournments thereof, provided, however, any proxy automatically expires ninety (90) days after
the date of the meeting for which it was originally given. A Proxy must be filed with the
Secretary of the Association before the appointed time of the Meeting in order to be valid. Any
Proxy may be revoked prior to the time a vote is cast in accordance with such Proxy.

3.11. The voting on any matter at a Meeting shall be by secret ballot upon
request of the holders of ten percent (10%) of the votes represented at such Meeting and entitled
to be cast on such matter, if such request is made prior to the vote in question.

3.12. Members have the right to attend all Meetings and to speak for at least
three (3) minutes at any Meeting with reference to an items opened for discussion or included on
the agenda. A Member may speak to any item if such Member submits to the Association a
written request to speak prior to the Meeting. The Association may adopt written rules
governing the frequency, duration, and other manner of Member and parcel owner statements.

Section 4. Board; Directors' Meetings

4.1. The business and administration of the Association sha11 be by its Board.

4.2. The election and, if applicable, designation of Directors shalJ be conducted

in accordance with the Articles. Except for Declarant-appointed Directors, Directors must be
Members or the parents, children or spouses of Members.

4.3. (a) Any person elected or designated as a Director shall have all the
rights, privileges, duties and obligations of a Director of the Association.

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(b) The term of a Director's service shaJl be as stated in the Articles
and, if not so stated, shall extend until the next Annual Members' Meeting and thereafter until
his successor is duly elected and qualified or until he resigns or is removed in the manner
elsewhere provided.

4.4. The organizational meeting of a newly elected Board shall be held within
ten (10) days of its election at such place and time as shall be fixed by the Directors at the
meeting at which they were elected. Provided the organizational meeting is held directly
following the Annual Members' Meeting, no further notice of the organizational meeting shall be
necessary; if not, however, notice of the organizational meeting shall be given in accordance
with Section 720.303(2) of the Florida Statutes.

4.5. Regular meetings of the Board may be held at such times and places in the
County as shall be determined from time to time by a majority of the Directors. Special meetings
of the Board may be called at the discretion of the President or the Vice President. Special
meetings must be called by the Secretary at the written request of at least one-third (1/3) of the
Directors. Any such special meeting may be held in the County at such time and place as
determined by the Directors requesting such meeting or in such other place as all of the Directors
shall agree upon.

4.6. Notice of the time and place of regular and special meetings of the Board,
or adjournments thereof, shall be given to each Director personalJy or by mail, telephone or
telegraph at least three (3) days prior to the day named for such meeting unless such notice is
waived before, during or after such meeting. Any Director may waive notice of the meeting in
writing before, during or after a meeting and such waiver shall be deemed equivalent to the
receipt of notice by such Director.

4. 7 Notice of alJ Board meetings shall be given to the members in accordance

with Section 720.303(2) of the Florida Statutes.

4.8. A quorum of the Board shall consist of the Directors entitled to cast a
majority of the votes of the entire Board. Matters approved by a majority of the Directors present
at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall constitute the official acts of the Board, except as
may be otherwise specifically provided by law, by the Articles or elsewhere herein. If at any
meeting of the Board there shall be less than a quorum present, the majority of those present may
adjourn the meeting from time to time until a quorum is present. At any meeting that takes place
on account of a previously adjourned meeting, any business which might have been transacted at
the meeting as originally cal1ed may be transacted. In the case of the adjournment of a meeting,
no further notice of the adjourned meeting need be given unless otherwise determined by the

4.9. The presiding officer at all Board meetings shalJ be the President. In the
absence of the President, the Directors shall designate any one of their number to preside.

4.10. Directors' fees, if any, shall be determined by the Members.

4.11. Minutes of a11 meetings of the Board shall be kept in a businesslike
manner and be available for inspection by Members and Directors at all reasonable times.
Minutes shall be maintained in written fonn or in another form that can be converted into written
form within a reasonable time. A vote or abstention from voting in each matter voted upon for
each Director present at a Board meeting must be recorded in the minutes.

4.12. The Board shall have the power to appoint an "Executive Committee(s)"
of the Board consisting of not Jess than three (3) Directors. An Executive Committee(s) shall
have and exercise such powers of the Board as may be delegated to such Executive
Committee(s) by the Board.

4.13. Meetings of the Board sha11 be open to all Members, and Members shalJ
have the right to speak for at ]east three (3) minutes on any matter placed on the agenda by
petition of the voting interests. The Board may adopt written reasonable rules concerning the
right of Members to speak and governing the frequency, duration, and other manner of Member
statements. . The Board may also hold closed meetings to the extent permitted by applicable
law, including, by way of example but not by way oflimitation, when the discussion at a meeting
is governed by attorney-client privilege. In the event a Member not serving as a Director or not
otherwise invited by the Directors to participate in a meeting attempts to become more than a
mere observer at the meeting or conducts himself in a manner detrimental to the carrying on of
the meeting, then any Director may expel said Member from the meeting by any reasonable
means which may be necessary to accomplish said Member's expulsion. Also, any Director shalJ
have the right to exclude from any meeting of the Board any person who is not able to provide
sufficient proof that he is a Member or a duly authorized representative, agent or proxy holder of
a Member, unless said person has been specifically invited by any of the Directors to participate
in such meeting.

4.14. Any action required or permitted to be taken at a meeting of the Directors

may be taken without a meeting if a consent in writing, specifically setting forth the action to be
taken, shall be signed by all the Directors entitled to vote with respect to the subject matter
thereof and such consent shall have the same force and effect as a unanimous vote of the
Directors, provided, however, whenever Assessments are to be considered or when rules that
regulate the use of Committed Property may be adopted, amended or revoked, they may be
considered only at a meeting of the Directors properly noticed to all Members in accordance with
Section 720.303(2), Florida Statutes. Section 720.303(2), Florida Statutes, requires at a
minimum that (i) written notice containing a description regarding the nature of Assessments to
be considered or levied be provided to a]] Members at ]east fourteen (14) days before such
meeting of the Board, (ii) written notice containing a description regarding the nature of Special
Assessments to be considered or levied be mailed, delivered or electronically transmitted to all
Members and posted conspicuously on the Association Property not less than fourteen (14) days
before such meeting of the Board, or (iii) written notice containing a statement that changes to
the rules regarding the use of the Committed Property will be considered, adopted, amended, or
revoked be mailed, delivered or electronically transmitted to all Members and posted
conspicuously on the Association Property not Jess than fourteen (14) days before such meeting
of the Board.

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4.15 If twenty percent (20%) of the total voting number of votes of the
Members petition the Board to address an item of business, the Board shall at its next regular
Board meeting or at a special meeting of the Board, but in no event later than sixty (60) days
after the receipt of the petition, take the petitioned item up on the Board's agenda. The Board
shall give all members notice of the meeting, in accordance with Section 720.303(2), Florida
Statutes. Each Member shall have the right to speak for three (3) minutes on each matter placed
on the agenda by petition, provided that the Member signs the sign-up sheet, if one is provided,
or submits a written request to speak prior to the meeting. Other than addressing the petitioned
item at the meeting, the Board is not obligated to take any other action requested by the petition.

Section 5. Powers and Duties of the Board

5.1. All of the powers and duties of the Association shall be exercised by the
Board. Such powers and duties of the Board shall include, but not be limited to, all powers and
duties set forth in the BelJa CoJlina Documents, as welJ as alJ of the powers and duties of a
director of a corporation not for profit not inconsistent therewith.

5.2. The Association may employ a manager to perform any of the duties,
powers or functions of the Association. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Association may not
delegate to the manager the power to conclusively determine whether the Association should
make expenditures for capital additions or improvements chargeable against the Association
funds. The members of the Board shall not be personaJly liable for any omission or improper
exercise by the manager of any duty, power or function delegated to the manager by the

Section 6. Late Fees

An Owner who fails to timely pay any Assessment shall be charged a late charge of One
Hundred Dollars ($100) by the Association for such late Assessment. Owners shall be
responsible to pay all legal fees (including, but not limited to, attorney and paralegal fees and
court costs) incurred in connection with the collection of late Assessments whether or not an
action at law to colJect said Assessments and foreclose the Association's lien has been
commenced. The Board has authorized the following initial schedule of fees for such

(a) One Hundred Fifty DolJars ($150) for a Claim of Lien plus recording costs
and sending of Notice oflntention to Foreclose;

(b) One Hundred Do1Jars ($100) for a Satisfaction of Lien plus recording
costs; and

(c) Any further action would require an hourly computation of attorney and/or
paralegal time spent pursuing collection of such unpaid Assessments.

Section 7. Officers of the Association

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7.1. Executive officers of the Association shall be the President, who shall be:
Director, one or more Vice Presidents, a Treasurer and a Secretary, all of whom shall be electec
annually by the Board. Any officer may be removed without cause from office by vote of the
Directors at any meeting of the Board. The Board may, from time to time, elect such othei
officers and assistant officers and designate their powers and duties as the Board shall find to be
required to manage the affairs of the Association. One person may hold any two office~
simultaneously, except when the functions of such offices are incompatible, but no person shal
hold the office of President and any of the folJowing offices simultaneously: Vice President
Secretary or Assistant Secretary.

7 .2. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association. He
shall have all of the powers and duties which are usually vested in the office of the President o1
an association or a corporation not for profit, including, but not limited to, the power to appoin1
such committees from among the Members at such times as he may, in his discretion, determine
appropriate to assist in the conduct of the affairs of the Association. If in attendance, the
President ("Chairman") shall preside at all meetings of the Board and the Members; provided,
however, that the President may appoint a substitute.

7.3. In the absence or disability of the President, a Vice President shall

exercise the powers and perform the duties of the President. If there is more than one (1) Vice
President, the Board sha11 designate which Vice President is to perform which duties. The Vice
President(s) shall also generally assist the President and exercise such other powers and perform
such other duties as shall be prescribed by the Board. In the event there shall be more than one
Vice President elected by the Board, then they shall be designated "First," "Second," etc., and
shall exercise the powers and perform the duties of the presidency in such order.

7.4. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings of the Board and the
Members, which minutes shall be kept in a businesslike manner and be available for inspection
by Members and Directors at all reasonable times. The Secretary shall have custody of the seal
of the Association and affix the same to instruments requiring such seal when duly authorized
and directed to do so. The Secretary shall be custodian for the corporate records of the
Association, except those of the Treasurer, and shall perform all of the duties incident to the
office of Secretary of the Association as may be required by the Board or the President. The
Assistant Secretary, if any, shall perform the duties of the Secretary when the Secretary is absent
and shall assist the Secretary under the supervision of the Secretary.

7.5. The Treasurer sha11 have custody of all of the monies of the Association,
including funds, securities and evidences of indebtedness. The Treasurer shall keep the
assessment ro1ls and accounts of the Members and shall keep the books of the Association in
accordance with good accounting practices and he shall perform all of the duties incident to the
office of the Treasurer. The Assistant Treasurer, if any, shall perform the duties of the Treasurer
when the Treasurer is absent and shall assist the Treasurer under the supervision of the Treasurer.

7 .6. The compensation, if any, of the officers and other employees of the
Association shall be fixed by the Board. This provision shall not preclude the Board from hiring
a Director as an employee of the Association or prec1ude contracting with a Director or a party

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affiliated with a Director for the management or perfonnance of contract services for all or any
part of Bella Co11ina.

Section 8. Resignations

Any Director or officer may resign his post at any time by written resignation, delivered
to the President or Secretary, which shall take effect upon its receipt unless a later date is
specified in the resignation, in which event the resignation sha11 be effective from such date
unless withdrawn. The acceptance of a resignation sha11 not be required to make it effective. The
conveyance of a11 Lots owned by any Director or officer (other than appointees of DecJarant)
shall constitute a written resignation of such Director or officer.

Section 9. Accounting Records; Fiscal Management

9.1. The Association shalJ prepare an annual financial report within sixty (60)
days after the close of the fiscal year. The financial report of the Association shall be prepared
as folJows:

(a) If the Association meets the criteria of this subparagraph the Association shall
prepare or cause to be prepared a complete set of financial statements in accordance with
GeneralJy Accepted Accounting Principles. The financial statements shall be based upon the
Association's total annual revenues, as foJlows:

1. If the Association has total annual revenues of $100,000.00 or more,

but less than $200,000.00, the Association shall prepare compiled financial statements.

2. If the Association has total annual revenues of at least $200,000.00, but

Jess than $400,000.00, the Association shalJ prepare reviewed financial statements.

3. If the Association has total annual revenues of $400,000.00, or more,

the Association shall prepare audited financial statements. The auditor of the Association's
financial statements shall be determined by a vote of the Board.

(b) If the Association meets the criteria of this paragraph the Association shall
prepare or cause to be prepared a complete set of financial statements in accordance with the
folJowing provisions:

1. If the Association has total annual revenues of less than $100,000.00,

the Association shalJ prepare a report of cash receipts and expenditures.

2. The report of cash receipts and expenditures must disclose the amount
of receipts by accounts and receipt classifications and the amount of expenses by accounts and
expense classifications, including, but not limited to, the fo11owing, as applicable: costs for
security, professional, and management fees and expenses; taxes; costs for recreation facilities;
expenses for refuse co11ection and utility services; expenses for lawn care; costs for building
maintenance and repair; insurance costs; administration and salary expenses; and reserves if
maintained by the association.
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(c) If twenty percent (20%) of the totaJ number of votes of the Members
petition the Board for a level of financial reporting higher than that required by this Section 9,
the Association shall duly notice and hold a meeting of Members within thirty (30) days of
receipt of the petition for the purpose of voting on raising the Jevel of reporting for that fiscal
year. Upon approval of a majority of the number of votes of the Members, the Association shall
prepare or cause to be prepared, shal1 amend the budget or adopt a Special Assessment to pay for
the financial report regardless of any provision to the contrary in the governing documents, and
shal1 provide within ninety (90) days of the meeting or the end of the fiscal year, whichever
occurs later:

1. Compiled, reviewed, or audited financiaJ statements, if the Association

is otherwise required to prepare a report of cash receipts and expenditures;

2. Reviewed or audited fin ancial statements, if the Association is

otherwise required to prepare compiled financiaJ statements; or

3. Audited financial statements if the Association is otherwise required to

prepare reviewed financial statements.

(d) If approved by a majority of the Members present at a properly cal1ed

meeting of the Association, the Association may prepare or cause to be prepared:

1. A report of cash receipts and expenditures in lieu of a compiled,

reviewed, or audited financiaJ statement;

2. A report of cash receipts and expenditures or a compiJed financial

statement in lieu of a reviewed or audited financial statement; or

3. A report of cash receipts and expenditures, a compiled financial

statement, or a reviewed financia] statement in lieu of an audited financial statement.

9.2 The Association's accounting records shall be open to inspection by

Members and Institutional Mortgagees or their respective authorized representatives at
reasonable times. Such authorization as a representative of a Member must be in writing and
signed by the person giving the authorization and dated within sixty (60) days of the date of the
inspection. Such records shall include, but not be limited to: (i) a record of all receipts and
expenditures; (ii) an account for each Lot within Bella CoJlina which shall designate the name
and address of the Owner thereof, the amount of lndividual Lot Assessments and a]] other
Assessments, if any, charged to the Lot, the amounts and due dates for payment of same, the
amounts paid upon the account and the dates paid, and the baJance due; (iii) any tax returns,
financiaJ statements and financial reports of the Association; and (iv) any other records that
identify, measure, record or communicate financial information.

9.3. The Board shall adopt a Budget (as defined and provided for in the
Declaration) of the anticipated Operating Expenses for each forthcoming calendar year (the fiscal
year of the Association being the calendar year) at a special meeting of the Board ("Budget
Meeting") called for that purpose to be held during the month of November of the year preceding
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the year to which the Budget app1ies. Notice of such special meeting of the Board, at which
Assessments or Special Assessments will necessarily be considered or levied, shall be properly
noticed to all Members in accordance with Section 720.303(2), Florida Statutes, which among
other requirements requires fourteen (14) day written notice to the Members containing a
statement regarding the nature of the Assessments or Special Assessments to be considered or
Jevied. Prior to the Budget Meeting, a proposed Budget for the Operating Expenses shall be
prepared by or on behalf of the Board. Within thirty (30) days after adoption of the Budget, a
copy thereof shall be furnished to each Member, upon request, and each Owner shall be given
notice of the Individual Lot Assessment appJicable to his Lot(s). The copy of the Budget, if
requested, shall be deemed furnished and the notice of the Individual Lot Assessment shall be
deemed given upon its delivery or upon its being maiJed to the Owner shown on the records of
the Association at his last known address as shown on the records of the Association. If a
Neighborhood within Bella CoJlina is administered by a Neighborhood Association, the total
anticipated Neighborhood Expense for the Neighborhood each calendar year shall be set forth in
a budget prepared by the Board of the Neighborhood Association. If a Neighborhood is not
administered by a Neighborhood Association, the total anticipated Neighborhood Expenses for
the Neighborhood each calendar year shall be set forth in a budget prepared by the Board of the

9.4. In administering the finances of the Association, the following procedures

shall govern: (i) the fiscal year shall be the calendar year; (ii) any monies received by the
Association in any calendar year may be used by the Association to pay expenses incurred in the
same calendar year; (iii) there shall be apportioned between calendar years on a pro rata basis
any expenses which are prepaid in any one calendar year for Operating Expenses and
Neighborhood Expenses, if any, which cover more than such calendar year; (iv) Assessments
shall be made quarterly in amounts no less than are required to provide funds in advance for
payment of all of the antidpated current Operating Expenses and Neighborhood Expenses, if
any, and for all unpaid Operating Expenses and Neighborhood Expenses, if any, previously
incurred; and (v) items of Operating Expenses and Neighborhood Expenses, if any, incurred in a
calendar year shall be charged against income for the same calendar year regardless of when the
bill for such expenses is received. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Assessments for
Operating expenses and Neighborhood Expenses, if any, and any periodic installments thereof
shall be of sufficient magnitude to insure an adequacy and availability of cash to meet all
budgeted expenses in any calendar year as such expenses are incurred in accordance with the
cash basis method of accounting.

9.5. Individual Lot Assessments and Neighborhood Assessments, if any, shall

be payable as provided in the Declaration or any Supplemental DecJaration.

9.6. No Board shall be required to anticipate revenue from Assessments or

expend funds to pay for Operating Expenses or Neighborhood Expenses not budgeted or which
shall exceed budgeted items, and no Board is required to engage in deficit spending. Should
there exist any deficiency which results from there being greater Operating Expenses or
Neighborhood Expense than monies from Assessments, then such deficits shall be carried into
the next succeeding year's Budget as a deficiency or shall be the subject of a Special Assessment

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or an upward adjustment to the Individual Lot Assessment or Neighborhood Assessment, if

9.7. The depository of the Associa6on sha11 be such bank or banks as shall be
designated from time to time by the Board in which the monies of the Association shall be
deposited. Withdrawal of monies from such account shall be only by checks signed by such
persons as are authorized by the Board.

9.8. A report of the accounts of the Association shall be made annually by an

accountant and a copy of the report shall be furnish1~d to each Member who requests same in
writing no later than the first day of April of the year following the year for which the report is
made. The report shall be deemed to be furni shed to the Member upon its delivery or mailing to
the Member at his last known address shown on the records of the Association.

Section 10. Rules and Regulations

The Board may at any meeting of the Board consider and adopt rules and regulations or
amend, modify, rescind, or revoke then existing rules and regulations for the operation of Bella
Collina; provided, however, that such rules and regulations are not inconsistent with the terms or
provisions of the Bella Collina Documents and that notice of any meeting of the Board at which
rules regulating the use of the Committed Property will be considered, adopted, amended,
modified, rescinded or revoked is provided to the Members in accordance with Section
720.303(2), Florida Statutes, which among other requirements requires fourteen (14) day written
notice to the Members containing a statement concerning the nature of the proposed changes to
the rules. Copies of any rules and regulations promulgated, amended or rescinded shall be
mailed or delivered to all Members at the last known address for such Members as shown on the
records of the Association at the time of such deliveT"J or mailing and shall not take effect until
forty-eight (48) hours after such delivery or mailing, or, in the event both forms of notification
are used, whichever is later. Notwithstanding the foregoing, when rules and regulations are to
regulate the use of a specific portion of the Association Property, same shall be conspicuously
posted at such facility and such rules and regulations shall be effective immediately upon such
posting. Care shall be taken to insure that posted rules and regulations are conspicuously
displayed and easily readable and that posted signs or announcements are designed with a view
toward protection from weather and the elements. Posted rules and regulations which are torn
down or Jost shall be promptly replaced.

Section 11. Parliamentary Rules

The then latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of all
meetings of the Members and the Board; provided, however, if such rules of order are in conflict
with any of the Bella Collina Documents, Robert's Rules of Order shaJl yield to the provisions of
such instrument.

Section 12. Roster of Owners

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Each Owner shall file with the Association a copy of the deed or other document showing
his ownership interest in Bella ColJina. The Association shalJ maintain such information. The
Association may rely on the accuracy of such information for a11 purposes until notified in
writing of changes therein.

Section 13. Amendment of the Bylaws

13 .1. These Bylaws may be amended as hereinafter set forth in this Section 13.

13.2. After the Turnover Date, any Bylaw of the Association may be amended
or repealed, and any new Bylaw of the Association may be adopted by either:

(a) a majority vote of the Members at any Annual Members' Meeting

or any special meeting of the Members ca11ed for that purpose or by majority action of the
Members who have acted by written response in lieu of a Meeting as permitted by these Bylaws;

(b) by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Directors then in office

at any regular meeting of the Board or at any special meeting of the Board called for that purpose
or by written instrument signed by all of the Directors as is pennitted by these Bylaws, provided
that the Directors shall not have any authority to adopt, amend or repeal any Bylaw if such new
Bylaw or such amendment or the repeal of a Bylaw would be inconsistent with any Bylaw
previously adopted by the Members.

13.3. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing provisions of this Section 13 to the

contrary, until the Turnover Date, all amendments or modifications to these Bylaws and adoption
or repeal of Bylaws shall only be made by action of the First Board as described in the Articles,
which First Board shall have the power to amend, modify, adopt and repeal any Bylaws without
the requirement of any consent, approval or vote of the Members.

13.4. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section 13, there shall be
no amendment to these Bylaws which shall abridge, amend or alter the rights of: (i) Declarant,
without the prior written consent thereto by Declarant for so long as Declarant holds title to at
least one (1) Lot; or (ii) any Institutional Mortgagee without the prior written consent of such
Institutional Mortgagee.

13.5. Any instrument amending, modifying, repealing or adding Bylaws shall

identify the particular section or sections affected and give the exact language of such
modification, amendment or addition or of the provisions repealed. A copy of each such
amendment, modification, repeal or addition attested to by the Secretary or Assistant Secretary
of the Association shall be recorded amongst the Public Records of the County.

Section 14. Interpretation

In the case of any conflict between the ArticJes and these Bylaws, the Articles shall
control; and in the case of any conflict between the Declaration and these Bylaws, the

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Declaration shall control; and in the event of any conflict bet\veen the Articles and the
Declaration, the Declaration shall control.




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