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Horizontal Steam Sterilizer

PROHS steam sterilizers have as basis of their

function the control of the parameters Temperature
and Pressure seeking the complete elimination of all
living microorganisms.

Through a fast and uniform heat transfer, the

PROHS sterilizer is an indispensable tool in places
where high levels of sterilization are required.

The sterilization through saturated steam performed

by the PROHS sterilizer is the sterilization method
by excellence, as it is the most safe and well-known
process. Indeed, is the most economic sterilization
system and the most used in hospitals.

Our products are manufactured in accordance with

the standards of safety and quality control by
certified and qualified technicians. Throughout the
various stages of production, all products are
submitted to rigorous tests and essays in
accordance with the European norms and directives,
to ensure high quality and reliability.

The selection of certified components of high quality,

allow us a significant reduction of the cost along the
useful life time of the equipment as well as its easy
substitution in any brand agent. PROHS is a certified
company for the ISO 9001:2000 - Management
System of Company Organization and for the ISO 13485:2003 - Quality Management System for medical devices
manufacturers, working according to the finest rules of Hygiene and safety at work.

The sterilizers manufactured by PROHS have CE mark granted by SGS UK (CE 0120) under the directive 93/42/EEC-
Medical Devices. As the sterilizer is an equipment under pressure, its covered by the Directive 97/23/CE Pressure
Equipment, having been granted with CE mark by SGS Portugal (CE 1155).

Aware that the production of a medical device requires an attentive position regarding the evolution of technology and
production processes, PROHS invests heavily in R&D, either internally or by academic cooperation, so that has
established a partnership with one of the leading technology institutions - University of Minho - in order to optimize the
production process and the medical devices, both in sterilization and disinfection.

We leave nothing to chance.

| E | [email protected] 1
| W |
Horizontal Steam Sterilizer

Available Models
Available Capacities Available Options
PROHS Horizontal Sterilizers are available on the capacities shown The following options are available:
below. One or two vertical sliding doors;
With or without built-in steam
All or a part of pipes in stainless
Capacity (litres) height x width x depth (cm) height x width x depth (cm)

BRAND Model Useful Exterior Accessories

The sterilizer can be supplied with
Dimensions Dimensions
32x32x70 170x77x92
Load/ Unload car in stainless steel;
110L Load/ Unload platform in stainless
40x40x70 180x84x96 steel;
175L Stainless steel sterilization baskets;
50x50x70 180x94x96 Air compressor;
250L Water softener;
50x50x100 180x94x127 Recorder;
340L Color Touch Screen on unloading
PROHS 70x70x70 195x116x96 area.
360L SD Card
60x60x100 180x106x127
70x70x100 195x116x127
70x70x130 195x116x157
70x70x160 195x116x187
70x70x190 195x116x206

If another size is requested, please consult us.

Sterilizer Front Sterilizer Back Loading Car and Platform

| E | [email protected] 2
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Horizontal Steam Sterilizer

Technical Data
Construction Characteristics
Steam Generator
Chamber Doors and Safety

The autoclave doors are equipped The sterilizer can be supplied with or
The rectangular chamber is totally
with safety devices avoiding their without built-in steam generator. The
made in AISI 316L stainless steel, a
opening if some conditions occur. steam production is performed by
material with high resistance to
electrical immersed heaters.
corrosion. Our chamber is equipped
The following safety devices are The sterilizer can be prepared to
with a full jacket, during the
available: work with steam from the hospital
production process is used an
net, or an external/built-in steam
automatic robot for the welding
Safety that stops the ascending generator. The operator can define
process, complying with the Directive
movement of the door if there is an which steam (from the steam
97/23/CE, the CE mark is granted by
object interposition; generator or the hospital net),
SGS Portugal (CE 1155).
supplies the sterilizer, by a simple
touch in the screen. The steam
generator vessel is made of AISI
316L stainless steel, welded in
accordance with the Directive
Door Security Detail
Mechanical door lock when in The generators operation is
closed position (high), the position autonomous and independent from
control is made by micro switch. the PLC.
Equipped with electronic water
Additional safety features, when the relay, high and low water limiter and
Sterilization Vessel sterilizer is in operation: a safety alarm when there is water
Thermal Isolation of the chamber is lack.
achieved through the use of mineral The sterilization cycle does not Equipped with a pressure switch
wool, coated with an external start if the doors are open; and a certified safety valve.
protection in aluminum. It has a drain system for
The doors do not open maintenance and cleaning.
The surface of the sterilizer simultaneously; Internal system to save water and
chamber and door receives a special energy. In standby, the steam
treatment for a better cleaning. The The doors do not open if the
consumption is null.
sterilizer is available with one or two sterilizer is under pressure;
Water supplied to the steam
vertical sliding doors, with a safety generator passes through a water
system, preventing the door opening There is possibility to open the door
pump to increase the pressure.
during the cycle. in the discharge zone, after it has
been closed. Useful, when the door
The door gasket is made of rubber has been closed without the platform;
based on silicon (especially designed
for high temperatures), being easy to The sterilizers body is sustained by
replace. a heavy structure in stainless steel
The overpressure is released by
opening a safety valve, with proper
dimension and calibration.
| E | [email protected] 3
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Steam Generator
Horizontal Steam Sterilizer

Vacuum Pump External Panels

The required vacuum production for a The external shield of the sterilizer is
complete cycle (pre-vacuum, pulses and made in AISI 304 stainless steel.
drying) is reached through a liquid ring The temperature on the surface of the
vacuum pump, reducing the cycle time external panels and doors never exceeds
and increasing its performance. 45 C at a room temperature of 23 C.
The access to the electrical box and
The water used by the vacuum pump other components, normally on the right
recirculates in a deposit to reduce the side, is protected by panels connected
Fluid Circuits
water consumption during the cycle. together.
To achieve the correct water Those panels can be equipped with
temperature to feed the pump, its lock and key, to restrain the access to
used a temperature control system. the components.
Best vacuum obtained: 33 mbar.

Fluid Circuits
All pipes and connections used to
distribute the steam through the
sterilizer are made in copper and PLC - (Programmable Logic Fluid Circuits
brass. As an option, they can be Controller)
The sterilizer is equipped with an
provided in stainless steel.
automatic control, whose
The pneumatic valves are controlled inputs/outputs (analogical and digital)
by an electrovalves group. can centralize all operations.
During the maintenance process, the Reliable, with high capacity and large
pneumatic valves can be easily memory.
controlled on the touch screen of the Bus protocol for communication
Ethernet &Internet.
diagram menu or manually operated
RS-232 or RS-485 speed (56k) for
through the inputs/outputs. PC & Network.
The condensates pass through a The system manages and controls the
cooling system before being sent to operation process of the machine, with
the drain, avoiding any damage on auto-test System.
the installation. Total number of sterilizations counter
Pipes are coated with thermo resistant (till 99,999,999 cycles), and a partial
counter for Bowie & Dick a nd air
leakage tests;
The condensates circuit allows: Huge list of errors related to eventual
Automatic and permanent specific failures of the cycle;
condensates drainage from the Double PLC (Master & Slave),
sterilizer (chamber, jacket and available as option; Pneumatic Valve
gaskets). Control
Relief of the pressure in the
chamber at the end of the sterilization
Intuitive and user friendly interface,
through a color touch screen 5,7.
Reutilized the vacuum pump water.
Having several menus that guide you
through the sterilizer operations:
Cycles selection;
Doors (open/ close);
Alarms (visual and audible);
Visualize the cycle progress and its
parameters (graphics, temperature,
pressure, time, etc.);
| E | [email protected] 4
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Access to several menus such as, Electric Box
technical maintenance, calibration,
configuration, alarms storage, etc...;
Several languages are available;
Horizontal Steam Sterilizer

Possibility to hide fields, if desired.

Monitor (Touch-Sreen)


On/Off Button

Possibility to print multiple

Emergency Stop copies of the last cycle.
Useful when the paper runs
out in the middle of the
printing process, or when
more than one copy of the
cycle is needed.

Panel Components Electrical Box

The Front Panel is constituted by the Consists of control and power
following components: components, from reliable brands
Color Touch Screen 5,7 Allows (e.g. Siemens, Omron);
the visualization of all stages of the All components are identified for an
Sterilization Process, all operative easy recognition.
commands are easily controlled As shown in the previous page figure
through a simple touch in the screen. electrical box.
Power switch, to turn On and Off
the Sterilizer. Other Components
Emergency Stop Immediately For a correct cycle control, the
stops the Sterilizer. sterilizer is equipped with two
Conventional gauges for easy pressure sensors (chamber and
visualization of the working pressure jacket) and two temperature sensor
within the chamber, jacket and steam PT100 class A, installed in the
generator. (shown in the previous page) chamber.
The double door version of the The air entrance for the required
sterilizer has a panel that allows the equalization of the pressures in the
visualization of the sterilization Sterilizer is achieved through an
cycles current stage. adequate bacteriological filter which
Printer Dot-matrix or thermal retains microorganisms, particles, etc
(width 5.6 cm), fast printer with (effectiveness to 99,995% for
Unload View graphical records for conclusive particules larger than 0,2 m);
results in real time. An automatic steam trap to
eliminate the condensate air inside
the sterilizer chamber.
| E | [email protected] 5
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Horizontal Steam Sterilizer

Installation Requirements

Compressed Air Installation (3)

The sterilizer needs a connection to compressed air
with a cut-off valve pipe DN 3/8, 5 to7 x10^5 Pa;

Installation Requirements Power Supply Installation (2)

For a correct installation of the Horizontal Sterilizer, Once located in a proper place, according to the
the following aspects must be taken in to attention: previous conditions, the installation of the power
Must be placed in a flat and leveled surface; supply, must fulfill the following requirements:
Laterally, a free space of approximately 40 cm must The electrical characteristics required on the
be kept. This is an essential space for a correct access technical chart, must be confirmed;
for maintenance; The sterilizer must be connected to a net protected
The place where the sterilizer is installed must be well by an earth connection, according to the local law and
ventilated (4 to 6 renewals / hour); norms.
It must not be installed in places where explosive
gases can be released. Sewer Installation (4)
Care should be taken when handling liquids that may The sewer must comply with the following
damage the sterilizer external panels. requirements:
Heat resistant material, preferably alloy (DN50);
Cold Water Installation (1)
The water feed must fulfill the following requirements:
Cold water supply (DN 1/2, 4 to 6 x10^5 Pa and
hardness around 7 F);
Please request installation drawing. For any additional
It important to comply with the above water clarification, please contact us.
parameters requested by EN 285, Annex B. Otherwise,
the correct operation of the machine can be affected.
| E | [email protected] 6
| W |
Horizontal Steam Sterilizer

Horizontal Sterilizer (Program Normal)

Standard Program (Porous Load) Configurable Programs Program Description

Validated standard sterilization Up to a hundred new and fully Vacuum production and steam
cycles specific for hospitals (134C configurable sterilization programs injection through pulses, at least
Normal, 134C Instruments, three, to achieve a complete
can be created: elimination of the air inside the
134C Containers, 134C Prions
and 121C Rubbers); Program name; chamber.(PRETREATMENT - 1,
Drying methods (Vacuum, air PULSES - 2);
Number of pulses (0, 1, 2 or 3);
pulses, steam pulses); Steam injection until the
Sterilization temperature (from corresponding values of pressure
Only vacuum - appropriate for porous 105.0 C to 136.0C, adjusted to the and temperature required for the
material (textiles); sterilization stage. (STEAM
tenth of degree); CHAMBER - 3);
Vacuum with air pulses appropriate
for instruments and rubbers; Sterilization time (up to 99 minutes, (STERILIZATION 4). This stage
Vacuum with steam pulses maintains the parameters reached on
adjusted to the second);
appropriate for metallic containers stage 3, according to the cycle time
with instruments. Drying time (up to 99 minutes, selected, to achieve the death of all
living microorganisms;
Preheating cycle (to preheat the adjusted to the second);
Steam flows out of the chamber. (5
sterilizer before performing the Bowie Drying available (only vacuum, air - DECOMPRESSION);
& Dick Test);
A Flash cycle is available to be pulses, steam pulses); Coinciding with the adequate
used when an urgent sterilization is values of vacuum, time period and
required. drying type (only vacuum or with
The sterilizer can be also supplied injection of air pulses), so that the
with an open liquids cycle, upon processed material be free from all
request. moistness residues. (6 DRYING);
Test Cycles The Pressures equalization is
In accordance to the EN 285 and CE achieved through the entrance of
mark, PROHS Horizontal Sterilizer is sterile air in the chamber (AIR
supplied with two Test cycles (Air ENTRANCE 7), passing through a
Leakage and Bowie & Dick tests); bacteriological filter.

| E | [email protected] 7
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Horizontal Steam Sterilizer

Programs Type of Material

Preheating Should not be used to sterilize material
121C Normal Thermo-sensitive materials (rubbers,
Glasses, etc.)
134C Normal Textiles (Hollow Load)
134C Instruments Wrapped Instruments
134C Containers Metallic containers with instruments
134C Prions Material contaminated with Prions
134C Fast Unwrapped materials
Bowie Dick Specific Test (Leakage Test)

Bowie & Dick



134C Fast








N. of Pulses * - 3 3 3 3 3 1 3

Sterilization Temperature
134 134 121 134 134 134 134 134
Sterilization Time (min) 3 4 16 4 4 18 3 3:30

Drying / Vacuum (min) 1 5 - - - 10 5 5

Drying with air Pulses (min) - - 20 20 - - - -

Drying with Steam Pulses

- - - - 20 - - -

*- Our standard cycle can have up to 5 pulses.

| E | [email protected] 8
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Horizontal Steam Sterilizer

Access Codes
It uses access codes, optional, associated to the users names.
It has a simple 2 level hierarchy.
Possibility to configure an outside technician, who has complete access to the technical options of the sterilizer;


User 1 User 2 User 3 User 4 User 5 User 13

Options User Technician

Execute a cycle (Programs)

Execute the Bowie Dick test
Execute the air leakage test
Execute a configurable program
Execute the Sterilizer cleaning (Open doors)
Print last cycle
Set date and time X
Execute the program 134C Fast X
Adjust the brightness and contrast X
Manage the fields Client and Sterilizer X
Manage the name and codes of the users X
Manage sound options, end of cycle and alarm X
See Inputs / See Outputs X X
See the errors report in the Touch Screen X X
See the counters X X
Advance manually the cycles stages X X
Access to Options during the execution of the Safety Program X X

| E | [email protected] 9
| W |
Horizontal Steam Sterilizer

Quality and Security

Our products are manufactured in accordance
with the standards of safety and quality control
by certified and qualified technicians.
Throughout the various stages of production, all
products are submitted to rigorous tests and
essays in accordance with the European norms
and directives, to ensure high quality and

The selection of certified components of high

quality, allow us a significant reduction of the
cost along the useful life time of the equipment
as well as its easy substitution in any brand

PROHS is a certified company for the ISO

9001:2000 - Management System of Company
Organization and for the ISO 13485:2003 -
Quality Management System for medical
devices manufacturers, working according to the
finest rules of Hygiene and safety at work.

Throughout its production and before being

shipped from the factory, PROHS Horizontal
Sterilizer is submitted to several tests according
to the safety standards (EN 285: 2006).

Its given a special attention to functional aspects, such as:

The sterilization cycle does not start if the doors are The safety system in case of power failure or water
open; lack;
The doors do not open simultaneously; The safety valve;
The doors do not open if the sterilizer is under pressure; The audible and visual error messages;
The safety system in case of overheating The cycle parameters control (temperature, pressure,

| E | [email protected] 10
| W |
Horizontal Steam Sterilizer

Technical Characteristics
Brand Model Useful Exterior Energy Water Weight Useful
Dimensions Dimensions 3 ~ 400V - 50/60Hz Consumption Space

70L 32x32x70 170x77x92 26kW 3,6kW 110 260 1

110L 40x40x70 180x84x96 26kW 3,6kW 120 495 1

175L 50x50x70 180x94x96 26kW 3,6kW 130 570 1

250L 50x50x100 180x94x127 26kW 3,6kW 145 685 1

340L 70x70x70 195x116x96 32kW 3,6kW 170 750 4

360L 60x60x100 180x106x127 32kW 3,6kW 170 800 1

490L 70x70x100 195x116x127 32kW 3,6kW 200 830 6

640L 70x70x130 195x116x157 47kW 3,6kW 225 1000 8

780L 70x70x160 195x116x187 47kW 3,6kW 225 1200 10

930L 70x70x190 195x116x206 60kW 3,6kW 225 1400 12

/litres /cm /cm /WITH /WITHOUT /litres /Kg /stu

capacity height x width x height x width x steam steam (approximate, with
length length generator generator steam generator)

OPTIONS Programs* Sterilization Duration Types of Drying


The Sterilizer is available with High Vacuum Drying

one or two doors; Heating Program
Car and Loading Platform in 134 C Normal (textiles) 4m
High Vacuum and Air
stainless steel; 121C (rubbers) 16m Pulses Drying
Sterilization Baskets in 134C Fast 3m (Instruments)
stainless steel 4m
134C Instruments
Independent Data Recorder 4m High Vacuum and
134C Containers
Process Software (stores the 18m Steam Pulses Drying
134C Prions (Containers)
cycles data);
Bowie Dick Test 3m30s
Steam Generator (integrated or
Air Leakage Test
Silent Air Compressor;
Water Softener;
Color Touch Screen in Possibility to create up
Unloading Area. to a 100 new programs

* all cycles can be adjusted

or removed according to
costumer demand

| E | [email protected] 11
| W |

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