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Game Plan for Completing Well in Meleiha Areas Eng.

Mohamed Ali
(A) RIH with TCP / Completion String
1. RIH on Drifted 3 " Vam Top Tubing to Depth 5712 ft (176 Joints of Total 352 Joints).

- Drift 3 " Vam Top Tubing [API Drift: 2.867] Prior to RIH.

- Metal Displacement will be on Trip Tank.

2. M/U X-Over 3 " Vam Top Pin X 3 " EUE Box.

3. R/U Gharib S/L Equipment.

4. RIH with 2.84 Gauge Cutter, Tag on 2.81 X-Nipple, Pooh (Record Tag Depth +/- 5324).

5. RIH with 2.7 Gauge Cutter, Tag on 2.56 GF-Nipple, Pooh (Record Tag Depth +/- 5405).

6. RIH on Drifted 3 " Vam Top Tubing to Depth 11210 ft (Total 359 Joints).

- Drift 3 " Vam Top Tubing [API Drift: 2.867] Prior to RIH.

- Call Sapesco E/L Crew before Correlation by Enough Time.

7. M/U 11 X 3 " Tubing Hanger Assy [without Seals] with Landing Joint 3 " TSH. Blue Tubing from Rack no.1.

8. RIH Slowly, Land Tubing Hanger [Put Mark on it] [+/- 27 ft Below Rotary Table], Set in Place.

9. M/U X-Over 3 " TSH. Blue Pin X 3 " EUE Box.

10. Put String under tension.

11. R/U E/L Logging Tools & Equipment & RIH with 1-11/16 GR-CCL Tool.

12. Perform Correlation Depend on Open Hole Log, Calculate Space out / in.

- Avoid Set across Casing Collar Depend on CBL-VDL-GR-CCL Tool.

13. Pooh & R/D E/L Logging Tools & Equipment.

14. Pooh to SCSSSV Depth [Joint Rack no 356].

15. M/U 3 " SCSSSV [13 % CR] Assy 2.813 Profile Size.

16. Connect Control Line to SCSSSV.

17. Function Test SCSSSV in Open & Close Position.

- Kept SCSSSV in Open Position & Observe Opening Pressure for 15 min.
- Band Control Line on The Tubing by Completion Engineer.
18. RIH on Drifted 3 " Vam Top Tubing as Per Tally.

- Drift 3 " Vam Top Tubing [API Drift: 2.867] Prior to RIH.

19. Space out / in for TCP Guns to be on Depth using Pup Joints [will Put Pups Joints Below Tubing Hanger by 1 Joint].

20. M/U 11 X 3 " Tubing Hanger Assy [with Seals] with Landing Joint 3 " TSH. Blue Tubing from Rack no.1.

- Completion Engineer Installs Fittings, Feed Control Line through NPT Ports for Tubing Hanger.

21. RIH Slowly, Land Tubing Hanger [+/- 27 ft Below Rotary Table], Set in Place.

22. M/U X-Over 3 " TSH. Blue Pin X 3 " EUE Box.

23. Tighten 4 Lock down Screws & Open Side Outlet Valve on T.H.S.

24. Close Annular Preventer & Pressure Test Tubing Hanger Seals to 500 Psi / 1500 Psi by Rig pump.

25. R/U Gharib S/L Equipment, Lubricator & Pump-in T.

26. RIH with 2.84 Gauge Cutter Tag on 2.81 X-Nipple, Pooh (Record Tag Depth).

27. RIH with 2.81 PX-Plug, Set on 2.81 X-Nipple, Pooh (Same Tag Depth above).

28. RIH with Prong, Set on 2.81 PX-Plug, Pooh (Same Tag Depth above).

29. Connect to Baker Cement Unit, Test Surface Lines T/ 5000 Psi for 10 Min.
Game Plan for Completing Well in Meleiha Areas Eng. Mohamed Ali
- Dont Close BOP Rams at all During Pressure Tests to observe if there is Leak during Pressure Test.
30. Final Way Pressure Test String against PX-Plug to 500 Psi /10 Min Then Increase to 4000 Psi /15 Min.

- Bleed off Testing Pressure to +/- 1500 Psi inside String.

31. Perform inflow Test to SCSSSV under Supervision of Company Man & Completion Engineer.

- Bleed off CL Pressure [Close SCSSSV].

- Bleed off pressure Above to 500 psi.
- Observe Pressure for 10 min.
- If the Wellhead Pressure is Steady [No increasing], bleed off to Zero.
- Open SCSSSV.
- Observe Pressure for 10 min.
- If the Wellhead Pressure is increasing.
- SCSSSV is Functionally ok.
- bleed off Pressure to Zero.
- Open SCSSSV by Applying CL Pressure +/- 4500 psi on Surface.
32. Gharib S/L RIH with PX-Plug Retrieving Tool, Latch Plug & Prong [two Runs] & Pooh.

33. RIH with 2.56 FB-2 Plug, Set Same in 2.56 GF-Nipple [Keep Hang].

34. M/U Surface Lines to Baker Cement Unit.

35. Set 7 PHL Packer under Supervision of Company Man & Completion Engineer @ +/- 10846 ft.

- Check that 7 PHL Packer Slips & Element not Against Casing Collar (Check CCL Log + Casing Tally).
36. Bleed Off Pressure Slowly.

37. POOH with 2.56 FB-2 Plug & R/D Gharib S/L Equipment Meanwhile:

- Line up Surface Kill lines to Side Outlet Valve on T.H.S (Annulus), Test Packer (Annulus) to 1500 Psi.
38. Retract Tubing Hanger Lock Down Screws & Check Packer Setting by Pulling 10 KLBs.

39. Install 3 One Way Back Pressure Valve.

40. Break out X-Over, L/D, Retrieve Landing Joint 3 " TSH. Blue Tubing & L/D Same.

41. Hang up BOP Stack, Cut C/L above Tubing Hanger & N/D BOP Stack.

42. Install Seal Sleeve Sub.

43. N/U X-Tree, retrieve 3 one Way & Install 3 Two Way Back Pressure Valve, Test same to 4000 Psi by Cement Unit.

44. Preform Cavity Test to Check Seal Sleeve Sub, Ring Gasket to 3000 Psi by Hand Pump.

45. Feed Control Line through X-Tree adapter & Function Test SCSSSV to 4500 Psi.

46. Connect X-Tree & Choke Valve to Surface Test Package [Upstream] then Production Line & Flare Line.

47. Test Expro Upstream Connections to 4000 Psi by Cement Unit.

- Test Downstream Connections T/ 1000 psi, Offline.

- Test Flare Lines Connections T/ 500 psi, Offline.
- Test Production Line Connections T/ 500 psi, Offline.

Mohamed Ali
Drilling Supervisor
Agiba Drlg Team
Game Plan for Completing Well in Meleiha Areas Eng. Mohamed Ali
Displacing Tubing by Nitrogen through Coiled Tubing
1. Spot Halliburton Coiled Tubing & Nitrogen Pump While N/D BOP & X-Tree Installation.
- Check type of Connector depend on Minimum String Restriction.
- M/U Baker Surface lines to Halliburton CT & Pressure Test Line T/ 5000 Psi.
2. M/U Halliburton CT injector Head with Double Stripper & Quad BOP.
3. Perform Pull Test to . Lb.
4. M/U CT BHA [Nozzle, Hydraulic Disconnect, double flapper checks Valve, Connector].
- Flush CT Reel through Baker Surface Lines [Total Capacity . BBL's].
5. M/U Halliburton Riser on X-tree [3-1/16 X 10 K Flange].
6. R/U Halliburton CT injector Head with Double Stripper & Quad BOP.
- Flush CT Reel through Baker Surface Lines to Cold Flare Pit.
7. Pressure Control Equipment Test as Follows [observe CT Pressure & WHP]:
- P/T CT Stack & Stripper 500 Psi X 5 Min & 5000 Psi X 10 Min against Swab Valve of X-tree.
- Bleed off Pressure T/ 3000 psi from Baker unit [Negative Test for Check Valve], observe Pressure.
- Bleed off Pressure t/ Zero psi from Baker unit & Expro Choke Manifold to Cold Flare Pit.
- P/T CT Upper Pipe Ram 500 Psi X 5 Min & 5000 Psi X 10 Min against Swab Valve of X-tree.
- Bleed off Pressure t/ Zero psi from Baker unit & Expro Choke Manifold to Cold Flare Pit.
- P/T CT Lower Pipe Ram 500 Psi X 5 Min & 8000 Psi X 10 Min against Master Valve of X-tree.
- Bleed off Pressure t/ Zero psi from Baker unit & Expro Choke Manifold to Cold Flare Pit.
- Pick up CT BHA & P/T CT BSR 4000 Psi X 10 Min from Rig Pump against Master Valve of X-tree.
- Bleed off Pressure through Expro Choke Manifold to Cold Flare Pit.
8. Cool down Nitrogen Pump during Last 2 Tests.
9. Pressure Test Nitrogen Surface Lines T/ 500 Psi X 5 Min & 5000 Psi X 10 Min against CT.
10. Open Master Valve, RIH with 1.5'' CT to Depth +/- 7000 ft Meanwhile Pumping Nitrogen with minimum Rate.
- Line up Return Line to Trip Tank to Have +/- 61 BBLs Brine to Create Under Balance 1150 Psi.
11. POOH with CT to Surface & R/D CT [Keep Well Head Pressure +/- 1600 psi].
- No Release for CT till See the Results.
- Keep Annulus Pressure to 700 Psi till Fire.
12. Install Halliburton 1.25 Firing Bar inside X-Tree.
13. R/U Gharib S/L Equipment, Lubricator & Pump-in, Test against Master Valve of X-tree T/ 5000 Psi, Bleed off.

14. Open Master Valve and Drop 1.25 Firing Bar to Perforate the Desired Intervals.

15. After Good Indication for Firing (Sound, Annulus Pressure Fluctuation), Observe Well for 2 hr's.

16. If Had No Good Indication for Firing, R/U Gharib S/L to fish Bar & Check Indent Plug.

- Hydraulic Fire for TCP Guns is Optional if No Success Mechanically.

17. In Case of Well Not Flowing Naturally, Lift Well by Nitrogen to +/- 10000 ft.
18. Install Memory Gauges [Call Field Petroleum Engineering].

Mohamed Ali
Drilling Supervisor
Agiba Drlg Team

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