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Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater

contact between the full concentration of liberated iodine and the sample. With Method C, do not
use the starch-iodide end point if the concentration is less than 1 mg/L. In the absence of
interference, the amperometric and starch-iodide end points give concordant results. The
amperometric end point is inherently more sensitive and is free of interference from color and
turbidity, which can cause difficulty with the starch-iodide end point. On the other hand, certain
metals, surface-active agents, and complex anions in some industrial wastes interfere in the
amperometric titration and indicate the need for another method for such wastewaters. Silver in
the form of soluble silver cyanide complex, in concentrations of 1.0 mg Ag/L, poisons the cell at
pH 4.0 but not at 7.0. The silver ion, in the absence of the cyanide complex, gives extensive
response in the current at pH 4.0 and gradually poisons the cell at all pH levels. Cuprous copper
in the soluble copper cyanide ion, in concentrations of 5 mg Cu/L or less, poisons the cell at pH
4.0 and 7.0. Although iron and nitrite may interfere with this method, minimize the interference
by buffering to pH 4.0 before adding KI. Oxidized forms of manganese interfere in all methods
for total chlorine including amperometric titration. An unusually high content of organic matter
may cause uncertainty in the end point.
Regardless of end-point detection, either phenylarsine oxide or thiosulfate may be used as the
standard reducing reagent at pH 4. The former is more stable and is preferred.
The DPD titrimetric and colorimetric methods (F and G, respectively) are applicable to
determining total chlorine in polluted waters. In addition, both DPD procedures and the
amperometric titration method allow for estimating monochloramine and dichloramine fractions.
Because all methods for total chlorine depend on the stoichiometric production of iodine, waters
containing iodine-reducing substances may not be analyzed accurately by these methods,
especially where iodine remains in the solution for a significant time. This problem occurs in
Methods B and D. The back titration procedure (C) and Methods F and G cause immediate
reaction of the iodine generated so that it has little chance to react with other iodine-reducing
In all colorimetric procedures, compensate for color and turbidity by using color and
turbidity blanks.
A method (I) for total residual chlorine using a potentiometric iodide electrode is proposed.
This method is suitable for analysis of chlorine residuals in natural and treated waters and
wastewater effluents. No differentiation of free and combined chlorine is possible. This
procedure is an adaptation of other iodometric techniques and is subject to the same inferences.

4. Sampling and Storage

Chlorine in aqueous solution is not stable, and the chlorine content of samples or solutions,
particularly weak solutions, will decrease rapidly. Exposure to sunlight or other strong light or
agitation will accelerate the reduction of chlorine. Therefore, start chlorine determinations
immediately after sampling, avoiding excessive light and agitation. Do not store samples to be
analyzed for chlorine.

5. Reference
Copyright 1999 by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association, Water Environment Federation
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater

1. COOPER, W.J., N.M. ROSCHER & R.A. SLIFER. 1982. Determining free available chlorine
by DPD-colorimetric, DPD-steadifac (colorimetric) and FACTS procedures. J. Amer.
Water Works Assoc. 74:362.

6. Bibliography
MARKS, H.C., D.B. WILLIAMS & G.U. GLASGOW. 1951. Determination of residual chlorine
compounds. J. Amer. Water Works Assoc. 43:201.
NICOLSON, N.J. 1965. An evaluation of the methods for determining residual chlorine in water,
Part 1. Free chlorine. Analyst 90:187.
WHITTLE, G.P. & A. LAPTEFF, JR. 1973. New analytical techniques for the study of water
disinfection. In Chemistry of Water Supply, Treatment, and Distribution, p. 63. Ann Arbor
Science Publishers, Ann Arbor, Mich.
GUTER, W.J., W.J. COOPER & C.A. SORBER. 1974. Evaluation of existing field test kits for
determining free chlorine residuals in aqueous solutions. J. Amer. Water Works Assoc. 66:38.

4500-Cl B. Iodometric Method I

1. General Discussion
a. Principle: Chlorine will liberate free iodine from potassium iodide (KI) solutions at pH 8
or less. The liberated iodine is titrated with a standard solution of sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3)
with starch as the indicator. Titrate at pH 3 to 4 because the reaction is not stoichiometric at
neutral pH due to partial oxidation of thiosulfate to sulfate.
b. Interference: Oxidized forms of manganese and other oxidizing agents interfere. Reducing
agents such as organic sulfides also interfere. Although the neutral titration minimizes the
interfering effect of ferric and nitrite ions, the acid titration is preferred because some forms of
combined chlorine do not react at pH 7. Use only acetic acid for the acid titration; sulfuric acid
(H2SO4) will increase interferences; never use hydrochloric acid (HCl). See A.3 for discussion
of other interferences.
c. Minimum detectable concentration: The minimum detectable concentration approximates
40 g Cl as Cl2/L if 0.01N Na2S2O3 is used with a 1000-mL sample. Concentrations below 1
mg/L cannot be determined accurately by the starch-iodide end point used in this method. Lower
concentrations can be measured with the amperometric end point in Methods C and D.

2. Reagents
a. Acetic acid, conc (glacial).
b. Potassium iodide, KI, crystals.
c. Standard sodium thiosulfate, 0.1N: Dissolve 25 g Na2S2O3 5H2O in 1 L freshly boiled

Copyright 1999 by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association, Water Environment Federation
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater

f. Standard iodine, 0.1N: See C.3g.

g. Dilute standard iodine, 0.0282N: See C.3h.

3. Procedure
a. Volume of sample: Select a sample volume that will require no more than 20 mL 0.01N
Na2S2O3 and no less than 0.2 mL for the starch-iodide end point. For a chlorine range of 1 to 10
mg/ L, use a 500-mL sample; above 10 mg/L, use proportionately less sample. Use smaller
samples and volumes of titrant with the amperometric end point.
b. Preparation for titration: Place 5 mL acetic acid, or enough to reduce the pH to between
3.0 and 4.0, in a flask or white porcelain casserole. Add about 1 g KI estimated on a spatula.
Pour sample in and mix with a stirring rod.
c. Titration: Titrate away from direct sunlight. Add 0.025N or 0.01N Na2S2O3 from a buret
until the yellow color of the liberated iodine almost is discharged. Add 1 mL starch solution and
titrate until blue color is discharged.
If the titration is made with 0.025N Na2S2O3 instead of 0.01N, then, with a 1-L sample, 1
drop is equivalent to about 50 g/L. It is not possible to discern the end point with greater
d. Blank titration: Correct result of sample titration by determining blank contributed by
oxidizing or reducing reagent impurities. The blank also compensates for the concentration of
iodine bound to starch at the end point.
Take a volume of distilled water corresponding to the sample used for titration in s 3ac,
add 5 mL acetic acid, 1 g KI, and 1 mL starch solution. Perform blank titration as in 1) or 2)
below, whichever applies.
1) If a blue color develops, titrate with 0.01N or 0.025N Na2S2O3 to disappearance of blue
color and record result. B (see 4, below) is negative.
2) If no blue color occurs, titrate with 0.0282N iodine solution until a blue color appears.
Back-titrate with 0.01N or 0.025N Na2S2O3 and record the difference. B is positive.
Before calculating the chlorine concentration, subtract the blank titration of 1) from the
sample titration; or, if necessary, add the net equivalent value of the blank titration of 2).

4. Calculation
For standardizing chlorine solution for temporary standards:

For determining total available residual chlorine in a water sample:

Copyright 1999 by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association, Water Environment Federation
Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater

A = mL titration for sample,
B = mL titration for blank (positive or negative), and
N = normality of Na2S2O3.

5. Precision and Bias

Published studies1,2 give the results of nine methods used to analyze synthetic water
samples without interferences; variations of some of the methods appear in this edition. More
current data are not now available.

6. References
1. Water Chlorine (Residual) No. 1. 1969. Analytical Reference Service Rep. No. 35,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio.
2. Water Chlorine (Residual) No. 2. 1971. Analytical Reference Service Rep. No. 40,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio.

7. Bibliography
LEA, C. 1933. Chemical control of sewage chlorination. The use and value of orthotolidine test.
J. Soc. Chem. Ind. (London) 52:245T.
AMERICAN WATER WORKS ASSOCIATION. 1943. Committee report. Control of chlorination. J.
Amer. Water Works Assoc. 35:1315.
MARKS, H.C., R. JOINER & F.B. STRANDSKOV. 1948. Amperometric titration of residual chlorine
in sewage. Water Sewage Works 95:175.
STRANDSKOV, F.B. , H.C. MARKS & D.H. HORCHIER. 1949. Application of a new residual chlorine
method to effluent chlorination. Sewage Works J. 21:23.
NUSBAUM, I. & L.A. MEYERSON. 1951. Determination of chlorine demands and chlorine residuals
in sewage. Sewage Ind. Wastes 23: 968.
MARKS, H.C., & N.S. CHAMBERLIN. 1953. Determination of residual chlorine in metal finishing
wastes. Anal. Chem. 24:1885.

4500-Cl C. Iodometric Method II

Copyright 1999 by American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association, Water Environment Federation

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