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Authors: Brian Campbell {lntroduccion, Chapter Four and
portions ofChapter One), Scephen Michael DiPesa (Chapcer
One, Appendix), Sam lnabinec (Chapters Two and Three,
porcions of che Appendix), and Mace McFarland (Chapcers
Four and Five}. World of Darkness created by Marie
Rein Hagen
Storyteller game system designed by Marie Rein Hagen
Development: Bill Bridges
Editing: Ana Balka
Art Direction: Aileen E. Miles
Interior Art: Langdon Foss, Leif Jones, Matchew Mitchell,
Alex Sheikman
Cover Art: Lawrence Snelly
Layout, Typesetting & Cover D esign: Aileen E. Miles

Author's acknowledgements: Sam lnabinec would like

co thank Piter de Parq, Kercesz-~rolcosz, Emrey, Shane,
Mike & Willow and especially George & Marjorie for their
invaluable help.

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ER i=EBUR: BeYEBND TH HEBRIZEBN 106 ~ ...... _.... ....

Reality, as most of humanity know it, is defined faded from the world, however, the practice has become more
by the collective belief of the six billion people c.lifficult - reality is less accepting of magical altematives.
who live on Earth. Ir's a system governed by Once the c other dimensions erved as reflections of our
immutable laws, a dimension where two plus own world. ome were funhou e mmors that distorted real-
two equals four, graviry works, and the sun ity, exaggeranng some aspects and min1mmng others. Mages
in the east every morning. In thts "real work!," could explore those alternatives, learn from diverse experi-
most ofhumam ty remains obi iv 1ou to the ex i~l ences, and bring what they learned back t<> the ordinary
ence of the supernatura l world , act ive ly world. Freed from the limitations of Earthly reality, they
disbelieving (or at least ignoring) anything chat found domain that allowed them co practice incredible act
isn't"real." Everyday, mass mechachatters on endlessly with its of willworking, realizing possibilities they could never fully
tnvial observations, money changes hands, and life goes on. experience on Earth. Whether shallowing into faerie realms,
Mages, on the other hand, are aware of a lternatives to walking through the Spirit Wilds, or contemplating the
this reality. They have awakened to other possibilities. For depths of Astral Space, stepping outside Earthly reality of-
visionaries who can perceive things outside the physical fered new perspectives on life, the universe, and everything.
world, other dimensions surrounding the Earth contain the Now the Earth is undergoing drastic change . As magic
improbable, the impossible, the idealized, and the imaginary. <lies, ancient evils return, and powerful forces calcify creation.
These are the Ocherworkls, the Infinite Tapestry of c reation. The impo sible has become irrelevant, disconnecting from
From the physical world, mages can perceive two of these more immediate and mundane problems. The Otherworlds
dimensions, gaining insights into the real world by peering into have become di tant and more difficult for spi ri tua I travelers to
Astral Space (as described in Chapter Two) or the spirit world attain. In centuries past, mages could ascend to ocher real mes,
of che Penumbra (as described in Chapter One). Whether that find mg worlds that reflected their ideals. Some acruallydefined
vtSion depends on altered states of consciousness, heightened "Ascension" as a literal ascension co the heavens, where they
perception, impossible technology, or magical artifacts de- could attain a higherstateofexistence. A few lost their way and
pends on the mage's practices and paradigm. Powerful magcs urrendered co eternal twilight, never co return, but the mo t
can actually enter other dimensions, "stepping sideways" out of powerful Masters and Oracles actually created dimensions
che physical world and into the Otherworlds. As magic has reflecting their personal and magical belief~.

.,, I
Earthly reality, in a cosmological act of self-defense, has Umbrood spirits, the approach of Armageddon, or even the
since isolated itselffrom these alrernatives. O utside the natural power of Consensus, the collective will of humanity. Theories
world, other dimensions lay beyond supernatural barriers. abounded, yet for all their experience, the myStery and power of
Astral Realms of intellect, spiritual Realms of e nergy, and the Otherworlds confounded the Masters once again.
many hells of the dead wait faroutside the boundaries of human The Avatar Storm was as deadly as it was sudden. This
perception. A bove, below, and around the physical world, if paranormal force was drawn to Pa radox, powe r, and the
indeed such words can apply, realms of spirit, mind, entropy, strength of ancient souls. Eve ry mage has a n Awakened
and madness offe r an escape, but it is only a temporary one. The Avata r, even though each one defines and understands it
world we see around us is the one mages must now live in - and differently. The Avatar is the essence tha t allows a mage to
if they cannot cope with the supernatural terrors that surround work her will upon the wo rld. Whether it is an o ld soul, higher
chem, it is the world they must die in. self, Enlightened mind, shard ofdivinity, or dark shadow does
not matter. Because every mage possesses an Ava tar, any
TH DAWN E11f A Ntw RA willworker who stepped outside the physical world - the
At the end of the 20th century, a whirlwind of events dimension inhabited by ordinary humans - encountered
called the Reckoning swept through all creation. A porte nt unseen forces that could wound, cast out, kill, or even worse,
appeared in the Heavens: a red sta r visible only by certain re nder the traveler incapable of ever performing magic again.
denizens of the supernatural world. Unknown forces imbued Spirit worlds filled with the ene rgy of life could mete retribu-
ordinary humans with extraordinary powers, creating armies tion a nd death with the same fervor.
of hunters armed against the night. Spirits of the dead The Infinite Tapestry of creation has unraveled. In the
returned to Earth, seeking and claiming huma n flesh to wake of the Storm's initial front, mages can see the devastation
inha bit. In the midst of this madness, the T echnocracy it WTought. Entire dimensions have disappeared, or cannot be
claimed to stand triumphant - yet even they watc hed found. Portals to private chantries on the Horizon have closed,
helpless as unknown and unseen forces cleansed the world. along with the supplies of Quintessence to those dimensions.
O ne of the deadliest menaces of the Reckoning was a C reatures and sentient beings isolated from the physical world
ro iling tempest tha t swept through the O therworlds. A vast have changed. Strange winds sti II soar through the dimensions
and primal phenome non flayed spiritual travelers with primal of creation, laying bare anything left unprotected.
fu ry, isolated distantdimension sfrom the rest of creation, and Paradox and powe r still draw the Ava tar Winds. Loss of
tormented the spirits of the dead. God like Masters of magic life is the kindest punishment, for the Ava ta r Storm is capable
found themselves trapped in Realms they had created fa r from of stripping away identity, intellect, or even sanity. Venture
Earth. O racles a nd Masters found that they had become too from the world you know, and you may re turn forever changed
powerful for the world of their origin, but not powerful - if you re turn at all. The S torm's initial fury has subsided,
e nough to re turn. at least fo r now, but the dangers of the spirit world remain.
Within the T echnocracy, orbitaloutpOStsstationed around Anyone exploring Realms outside the one we know should do
the planet briefly lost contact with (and control over) agents, so cautio usly, for limitless possibilities present o pportunities
constructs, and territories below them. From private "h yper- for limitless c ha nge ... a nd limitless horror.
space fo rtresses," T echnocratic masters watc hed events on the Scho lars claim to see th e porten ts of the End Times, the
front lines of reality from afar. They could observe and advise prelude to Armageddon. By their recko ning, all of creation is
agents in the field, but front-Iine operatives fo ught the endgame destined to come to an end. Some fear the A vata r Storm is
of the Ascension W ar on their own. Communications have me rely th e first of many changes, as they look for a bulwark or
since been restored, but countless loyal agents h ave been have n to protect them. O the rs gather up threads of the
caught out in the cold - and cold war conditions still prevail. shredded tapestry to rebuild what they ca n. Traditionalists
Visionaries who studied the many realms of spirit world and Technocrats alike sort the detri tus of reality, desperately
always knew the O therworlds were capricious and deadly, bur trying to understand what could h ave unleashed such mad-
rad ical ch anges in worlds beyond confirmed it. Much of what n ess. ls this the calm before th e n ext storm, or the eye of the
they had explored had been changed, and even worse, much hurricane ?ls it the end of the world or the dawn of a new one?
of what they knew was now obsolete. In a desperate attempt The answers lie in worlds beyond , awaiting discovery.
to name wh at they could not understand, they called this
phe nome non the Avatar Stoml .
For the few Masters left on Earth, this euphemism suggested This book prov ides the basic fra mework of Realms out-
a freakish tum ofevents that was as impersonal as a change in the side reality. It isn't a "cano nical" listing of what remains
weather. Arrivingassuddenlyas a hurricane, it drasticallyaltered o utside reality; instead, consider it as a structure you sho uld
the spiritual landscape of the Otherworlds. For years, it contin- feel free to build on. Any experienced Mage playe r should
ued to unleash chaos on creation, and it still does. Secretly, man y already be familiar with the basic frames of reference of the
mages fear its actions are caused by the influence of powerful spirit world: the Penumbra, Spirit Wilds, the Astral Plane,

them. Your players will feel more at home if the basic rules and
E9UR. CE9NSIDERA11E9N Umbra! geography stay the same, but the Otherworlds are a
Sleepers have their own legends ofindividuals who have perfect locale for all those really bizarre ideas you wouldn't
into chc Otherworlds. A few are described below. dare attempt in an ordinary Mage game. No mage can stay
The Don] Series: Decades ago, Carlo.s Castaneda outside the material world for more than a few months, but
icled the meraphysical 1oumeysofDonjuan, a Yaqui during that time, whatever you can dream, you can do.
-.."'""'.,...who u:;ed entheogens and Native American mys Unleash impossible magic. Defy the conventional paradigm.
deism to gam glimpses ofother worlds. Some die-hard fans Let your imagination soar. As long as your characters can
isted the stories were real, but Castaneda expended Ii ttle return to the material world afterwards, the sky's the limit -
effort to correct them. Cultists of Ecstasy may find some and in some cases, there are no limits.
mtnguing alternatives here, including bizarre ideas and Previous editions of this book worked like road maps,
ttoru adap~ble to the Periphery and Penumbra. giving directions to enduring locations in the Otherworlds.
Thi BookofDtJan Madame Blavatsky was a 19th- This tome serves more as a user's manual, giving the Story
tury spmtualist who claimed to receive knowledge teller tools for building his own spirit worlds. You won't find
Ancient Masters. Whether she's a mage, medium, an exhaustive listing of every locale that's ever been printed
or charlatan in the World of Darkness remains a matter on the Spirit Wilds, but you should have the framework to tell
cidebate. Regardless, she was one of the first people to a thousand stories within it. In particular, most of the Horizon
populame the term "astral space" in the West. She Realms have vanished, but if your story really needs one of
clauntJ to receive instruction from powerful sorcerers those locales, it can mysteriously reappear as needed, before
who had al>Cended from this world into the astral world. vanishing once again. The geography of the Otherworlds is
Whlle the writing may seem incredibly turgid to the intentionally unpredictable, but with a few basic guidelines,
I reader, 1t may give inspiration to anyone playing it shouldn't be overwhelming. When Storytelling adventures
an oldkhool Hermetic mage. in these dimensions, keep three basic principles in mind:
Alice's Adventures: For a much simpler approach to The Or.herworlds are consr.antly changing. Even if a mage
theOtherworlds, it's hard togowrongwithLewisCarroll's can find the same Horizon Realm more than once, it may be
looking glasses and rabbit holes. Alice and Wonderland subtly (or drastically) different each time she encounters it.
Through the Looking Glass are great inspiration for No two journeys should be quite the same, even if they both
ird encounters in realms beyond, along with the lead to the same destination. Impossible things are still lost
rknown S:yl~ and Bruno. outside of reality, so mages can encounter anything your story
The Dream-Quest ofUnknown Kadat.h: H.P. Lovecraft demands. And just as quickly, the Avatar Storm can erase all
wrmen several stories set in the Dreamlands, an- traces that it ever existed.
other dimension only accessible to powerful minds and The Or.herworlds o:re infinite. Any idea can become reality
uc1d dreamers. A beggar in our world can be a king in his outside the "real world," if only for a moment. This book
drtams, and a modest scholar can master magic beyond contains a few examples of places that may or may not exist,
unagmaraon. For Storytellers seeking a blend between but feel free to use them as examples for other dimensions. If
easy and horror, go straight to this source. you've got a favorite Horizon Realm that hasn't been "re-
Breaking Open the Head: A Psychedelic Journey into vised" or updated for this book, there's no reason why it
Conztmporary Shamanism: Daniel Pinchbeck's personal couldn't suddenly reappear in your campaign. Most Horizon
lorat1on of the strange new worlds hinted at by Realms have been lost, but in your campaign, some of them
llucmogens. You don't have to use the drugs to get may be found again, if only temporarily.
Umbra! inspirations from the bizarre experiences Pinch- Stories succeed where rules fail. When building on this
llect.s from psychonauts the world over. structure, don't try to quantify everything in hard mechanics.
The rules we present in this book should serve as guidelines, not
andsoon. lf not, any character with the Occult or Cosmology gospel. There's plenry of "crunch" in here to keep your game
Ability hould have the chance to learn about them. The running, but dealing with the unknown is not simply a matter
capnc1ous nature of the Avatar Storm means that the most ofciting rules. Toescapefroma loot civilization, a magedoesn't
~1ble, fantasttc, or even ridiculous Realm you can think say he'll use "a conjunctional Effect of Spirit 5 and Prime 3,
can arrear overnight, and then disappear forever - or with three successes on an Arete roll against difficulty 8."
endure for a thousand years. Encourage your players to come up with wild ideas, have them
We cannot describe everything that's here, but the roll Arete, and describe the resuh:s. Use magic, not metrics -
conrcnrs of this book should be a solid start. When all else drama, not dice. If your players find hard rules essential, there
fa1b, make up more details. No, really. If reality has limitless will be plenty of time for that when they return to Earth. Let
po65tlnlme , the Storyteller should have the freedom to use this book serve as your escape, as well.
Anything's possible. the Penumbra, mirrors our own. For almost every building and
The Infinite Tapestry of creation encom- person existing in our world, something forged from ephem-
pas:;es everything-all that is, all that was, and eral spirits exists in the Penumbra to represent it.
all that can be imagined. For a frame of refer- In ages past, mages found it easier to enter the Penumbra
ence, mages place the Earth at the center of all than any other alternate dimensions. Lea med Verbena speak
creation, if only to understand the mysteries of the Paths ofWyck that once stretched through it to other
around it. Call this reality the physical world, If parts of the planet, forming roads between continents. These
you like, or the real world, if you eschew all were some of the fust pathways used to navigate spiritual
alternatives. We call it Earth. Mages are hu- wilderness. The few trods, airts, and passageways that remain
man, first and foremost, and thus, they live and die in this are crafted by spirits, and guarded by them as well. Older
world, the ~phere mhabited by ordinary humans. When willworkers learned to pass through the Penumbra on their
rtternng to the Tapestry, most rely on the same terms, ideas, way to other dimensions, places abcwe, below, and around it.
and framt.'S of reference they used before the Reckoning. These three Umbrae - High, Low and Middle - collec-
Whether all rhe~e ideas hold true remains to be seen. Their tively form the Near Umbrai the boundaries of all three
planet is no longer the center of creation, and once safe extend to the limits of Earth's atmosphere.
Realms now deceive and destroy the unwary. Above us is a dimension of intellect, a realm where ideas
Ahove, helow, and around - these are the cardinal and concept exist in strange forms and living images. Perhaps
d1tteuons for places that don't exist. All around us is a spirit the word "above" is appropriate because of the lofty concepts
world we cannot see, a reflection of the physical world. that dwell there. For untold ages, the High Umbra was only
Everything in our world casts a "shadow" of sorts into that attainable by Masters of the Mind Sphere, elitists who could
duncns1on; thu~. mages often use the Latin word for shadow isolate their intellectual essence in Astral Space. Projecting
- the Umbra - to descnbe it. Ephemeral spirits inhabit a their minds into astral bodies, they once thought themselv~
ralm where nearly is alive. Its closest dimension, superior to lesser creatures unaware of the Astral Plane's
existence. Now, they encounter ancient forces that humble Umbra with impunity, but now the favor of the Goddess has
them with impersonal and omnipotent power: courts of changed. Mages still travel through astral Realms and distant
Umbrood, alien infestations, and far stranger things only the worlds, but after the wrath of the Reckoning, the Spirit Wilds
mightiest minds can survive. now punish unwanted intruders. Mages no longer belong
Below us are therealmsofthedead, the forgotten, and the there.
victims of entropy. The Low Umbra has always been a bleak The Low, Middle, and High Umbra are like the warp,
and violent dimension. Just as the Penumbra reflects life in woof, and weft of the Tapestry. The cardinal directions of
the physical world, this underworld holds the shadow of abotie, around, and below still remain within these three
death. Where dynamic, living energy thrives in the Middle regions, but the Otherworlds have undergone a severe and
Umbra, entropic forces conquer and corrupt in its dark profound cosmological shift. Dimensions beyond are at the
shadow. As the Avatar Storm lashed spirits in the Middle and mercy of the winds of change. It's as if the signs have all been
High Umbrae it tortured souls in the Low Umbra. Whether knocked down, and travelers are still desperately trying to
a mage defines it as the Dark Umbra, the Shadowlands, the remember directions. The Otherworlds constantly evolve,
Underworld, or even Contrarian depends largely on his phi- and the farther a mage travels from Eanh, the more sudden
losophy. Whatever you call it, a massive roiling Maelstrom and violent that change can become.
makes it nearly impossible for living mages to enter that
dimension at the tum of the 21st century.
When the dawning of Anthelios, the Red Star, signaled Surrounding the Earth, a spiritual gauntlet separates the
the start of the Reckoning, tempestuous events in the Low physical world from vast and terrifying Realms beyond. Count-
Umbra brought further horrors. For millennia, the souls of the less portals once existed on Earth, leading from hidden places
recently deceased descended into the Shadowlands. The to dimensions far outside the "real world." In the wake of the
most powerful ghosts, often called wraiths, defied death with Reckoning, they have closed. The more impossible or frivo-
the strength of their passions. But just as arrogant mages were lous Realms have softly and silently faded away, leaving no
cast from the Spirit Wilds, many of these ancient souls were trace or trail. Many of the portals leading to them are gone,
hurled from the Shadowlands. Cunning spirits of the Restless and cosmological travel has become unpredictable.
Dead claimed dead bodies as their new vessels, animating The three Umbrae described above extend to the limits
them as zombies-and becoming easy prey for human hunters of Earth's atmosphere, contained by a massive spiritual bar-
of the supernatural. Some of the oldest souls in the Under- rier called the First Horizon . It forms the limit of Earthly
world, the Amenti, underwent pilgrimages to restore their reality and the outermost boundary of the Near Umbra.
earthly bodies, quests that allowed them to emulate the During the Renaissance, mages testing the limits of creation
mummies of myth. considered it the edge of the world. Modem mages see it in
At the height of the Reckoning, the delivery of souls to many different ways. Some Dreamspeakers see it as a churn-
the Underworld abruptly stopped. A growing Maelstrom ing river of ethereal energy; Sons of Ether monitor its
isolated the physical world from the Lands of the dead. In the disturbances of cosmic rays; Void Engineers often encounter
years that followed, mages witnessed few new wraiths. a barrier of unquantifiable energy as they approach it. What-
Euthanatoi and other scholars of death could no longer ever your paradigm, it serves as an obstacle for sorcerers and
descend into the Dark Umbra. The few damned souls trapped Technocrats who lack the power to cross it.
ln the Underworld during the Maelstrom dwelled in un- The True Horizon stretches from the limits of Earth's
known and unseen hells. Perhaps one day the storm may atmosphere to the hazards of the asteroid belt. Just as Earth
subside, but for now, it has made the Shadowlands inviolate. casts reflections into the Otherworld, space also casts a
Death became a mystery again, and for the time being, the spiritual reflection. In the spirit world, deep space has never
Underworld remains an enigma. been a lifeless vacuum; instead, invisible and insubstantial
The Penumbra still has paths leading above and below, winds soar through it. A vast sea of luminiferous ether roils
from the depths of Malfean hells to the highest ideals ofAstral ceaselessly, conducting heat, light, and spiritual energy. In
Space. Between these extremes, Penumbra! paths lead to the our reality, this area is empty space, a lifeless vacuum, but
living dimensions of the Spirit Wilds. If a traveler can bargain outside of Earthly reality, it holds infinite possibilities. Some
with spirits, follow hidden paths, and most importantly, modem mages call this Etherspace, but for others, all of this
survive capricious Umbra! stonns, she may fmd her way territory is the Horizon.
through the Penumbra to living Realms that reflect different Pocket dimensions called Horizon Realms drift through
facets of the animistic world. Primal forces work openly there, this dimension as spirit Realms cast adrift in the eternal night.
as vast hierarchies of spirits serve the Earth Mother who rules Because the portals leading to these Realms have closed,
those Realms. Her most dangerous guardians include feral some are now adrift in the ether - and some are gone forever.
shapeshifters, creatures who can adapt to the many Realms of A few scientific idealists have devised craft that can sail or
flesh and spirit. Once mages traveled through this Middle soar through this roiling sea to explore what remains. Ambi-
ttouS Soru. of Ether have constructed most of these ethercraft,
rach capable of beanng travelers through the True Horizon, rr--~ A TRADmEDNAL sumrnAR.Y I1~
but such joumeyi; are always perilous. Technocrats repeatedly Some Hermetic mages posit a more traditional view of
attempt to travel faster than light through the hyperspace this cosmology. Imagine the Earth as a physical globe, with
around Ethen;pace, but their technology is so experimental concentric circles within and without. The Low Umbra IS
that u always draws Paradox. Instead, most craft in the Umbra inside the Earth, concaining the Underworlds (hence, it hes
navel at velocities approaching the speed of light. below where most people stand}. The Middle Umbra,
The sea of ether extends to another barrier, the Far known as the Spirit Wilds, is along its surface (around where
Hon~an. aspherical gauntlet of hazards as difficult to navigate most people stand). The Astral Umbra is the atmosphere
as the chains of asteroids they represent. The paths through (abooe), and the Horizon is everything beyond the atmo-
th1S bamer were once charted and dependable. Now chaos ~ sphere, out to the asteroid belt's orbit.
reigns. Powerful rituals are necessary to reach beyond this These three realms collectively form the Near barrier. The safest rites cast minds and souls deep Umbra, which is contained at the limits of Eanh's
into worlds beyond, leaving a mage's physical body behind. atmosphere by another "circle" of sons: the First Hori;"
Beyond the Far Horizon, the cold and deadly Void zon. The True Horizon extends from the circle of the
stretches out to mfmity. In the physical world, deep space First Horizon to a much larger circle at the edge of the
may be a lifeless realm, but the Void contains horrors entirely asteroid belt: the Far Horizon. The lesser planets -
ahen co mankind's comprehension. Mages try to define chis Mercury, Venus, and Mars-drift through the Horizon's
realm through their disparate philosophies, but the minds of ea of night in predictable paths. The Horizon Realms
men hold no influence on its shadow or substance. Alien once had regular orbits as well, but now they have beerij
forces arc at work, and alien creatures demonstrate abilities ast adrift, freed from their connections to the Earth.
beyond magic. Spiritualists know this realm as the Deep ~any were connected to Nodes on Earth that supplied
Umbra; Technocrats speak of the Deep Universe; both groups them with Quintessence, but the Avatar Storm has
are enurely out of their depth within it. severed all tho e connections.
Adrifr in the night, spheres of isolated reality promise In this cosmology, the sun seems to circle the Earth, v
safe havens from the terrors of the Void. Within our solar but a more enlightened perspective suggests chat the
system, each of the nine planets holds a Shard Realm, and each Earth is merely the Shard Realm of Prime, and that each
casu a spiritual reflection within the Otherworld called a ocher Shard Realm had (or still has, in some cases) it.'
Slwlt Realm Hennetics have documented that each one own Penumbra and Three Umbrae (above, around,
corresponds to one of the Nine Spheres. Before the Avatar below). Mercurian Cosmologists (see below) often travel
Stonn, the:;e reflections were actually cast on the First Hori- through the Horizon to test or prove these theories -
zon. After the Reckoning, the primal connections between and strangely enough, they often find what they...:~~~
Earth .md distant planets were lost; thus, spiritual travelers
must now ioumey co ocher planets to find chem. With the forever. Before the dawn of human history, impossible crea-
advent ofspace travel (both spiritual and physical), explorers tures called Bygones-the dragons and sea serpents oflcgend
have found other Planetary Realms, from the Venusian - required Quintessence to survive. As magic died, they
Penumbra and Martian Mythical Realms to personal dimen- passed from the world. Horizon Realms have also been
sions that test the minds and spirits of mages who seek them. dependent on their connections to Earth's Quintessence and
Any mage with a basic understanding of magical cosmol- the Nodes that supplied it. Without ties to the real world,
ogy (and a modest command of the Cosmology Ability) is they have drifted away from Earth and Earthly reality.
probably conversant in these ideas. However, most events ln years past, many Earthly mages hoped to "escape" to
and places in the Void remain highly theoretical for the the Ocherworlds, dwelling in Horizon chantries far from
average mage. Events on Earth have discouraged chem from Earth's troubles and the iron fist of the Technocracy. With
seeking an escape from Earthly reality. Once mages could enough command of Spirit and Prime, and a sufficient bupply
travel freely between our world and distant dimensions, but of Quintessential energy, a Master magus could actually
as Armageddon approaches, the separation of the real and the create a Realm around himself in the depths of space-but no
1maiimary is becoming more pronounced. longer. While Earthly mages still quest for these lost Realms,
it is now painfully evident chat the spirit world has undergone
DISCEBNNECTIE9N drastic changes, from the netherworld to Astral Space. Now
The Reckon mg disconnected many ancient forces from there is no escape - and for some, no chance co return.
Earth\ primal energy. Picture a bubble adrift in space, con- Older mages fluent in the ways of the sptrit world are well
nected to Earth by a silvery thread supplying it with everything aware what happens to travelers who remain m the spirit
it need~ to survive. Now imagine snapping that thread. world. Isolated mages in the Ocherworlds run che nsk of
Stranded Realms have since withered, died, or changed becoming spirits themselves, disconnected from the physical

world. The mage gradually becomes Disembodied, losing his will. The ghosts of ancient mages roam the corridors, debat-
material form as he transforms into an ephemeral creature of ing their interpretations of reality on Earth, a realm to which
pure spirit. He literally becomes a ghost of his former self, they can never return. Few travelers have seen the ruins of
losing his connection to physical reality. As the Tapestry Horizon, and those who have will be afflicted with sadness for
unravels, more Realms have also lost their primal connec- the rest of their days.
tions to the Earth. The souls within them have become The storm of the Reckoning has passed, at least for now,
ephemeral spirits, obedient to the laws of nature governing but the dangers of Disembodiment now extend above, bekJw,
their alternative dimensions. around, and beyond. Even experienced travelers look over
For instance, a traveler wandering the Otherworlds may their shoulders. When Tradition mages speak of
encounter the Grand Chantry of Horizon - or what's left of Disembodiment, they look to the moon. In three phases of
it. Impossibly high towers crafted by imagination soared over the moon (that is, about three months), a mage in the spirit
pristine terrain, surrounded by an isolated ecosystem of plants world - any spirit world - becomes disembodied from the
and animals. Here the Council ofN ine found refuge from the physical world. Some snide Technocrats refer to this phe-
Ascension War, meeting in ecret chambers to discuss the nomenon as a "90 day warranty" on alternatives to reality.
fate of the world. The Grand Chantry was a landmark in the Beyond that time, there is no guarantee that a spiritual
Otherworlds, a dependable destination for mages traveling traveler can return to the physical world. Young m.ages
through the Horizon. cannot return without being changed, and powerful magi
In one of the greatest tragedies of the Reckoning, the cannot return at all.
mages, consors, and structures of this refuge have become For those who quest for lost Horizon Realms, the impli-
/ ephemeral, merging completely with the spirit world. Once cations are devastating. Powerful mages trapped in Horizon
' they were flesh and blood; now they are not. In the few places Realms have been lost for years, and thus, their Disembodiment
that remain, you can still look or listen at your surroundings, from Earthly reality is all but assured. The fates of individual
but touching them or speaking to them takes supreme acts of Masters and Oracles remain as mysteries. Perhaps the ghosts

of their former selves are stranded beyond the Horizon, or
trapped in dimensions altered by the Avatar Winds. Some
may have urvived, some may be insane, and some may have Throughout the 20th century, cosmologists within
become more than human, merging with the spirit world in the Order of Hermes attempted to document, classify,
frightening and alien ways. Ancient Masters struggling to and categorize the phenomena of the spirit world . Us mg
survive are now confronted with an ongoing choice: Should a system as intricate as gematna or the Kabbalah, they
they accept their fate and ascend into the Otherworlds, used their insight into what they saw as the "true nature
seeking perfection? Or should they help shepherd others into of realicy" to draw parallels between spiritual phenom-
worlds beyond? The trivial conflicts of Earth no longer ena and other aspects of magical knowledge.
distract them, for their eternal fate now lies in the balance. The most ambitious scholars attempted to make
maps of the imaginary Realms of the Otherworl<ls. The
entirety of this scholarly work' was compiled into a
LE9SJNG CE9NTR.E9L system of knowledge known as the Mercurian Cosmology.
Technocrats view the phenomenon of disconnec- In a supreme act of arrogance and scholarship, represen-
tatives of the Hermetic Tradition then attempted to
tion quite differently, for they have theirown suspicions.
Throughout the 20th century, many agents were advised publish journ~ls regarding the structure of the
by an entity known as Control. Anywhere technology Otherworlds. Each one bears the name of the principle
author and the year of its publication. Every time, the
~ present, a representative of Control could send
infonnation. Control's voice could emanate from any title was the same: Mercurian Cosmology.
radio, television, or computer screen at any time. Some After the Reckoning, the sum total of all this work
claimed that Control could appear as an actual pen;on. has been greatly devalued, reduced to a series of histori-
(Describing it as an Avatar was a sure way to ensure a cal documents. Much of the information IS now obsolete
:ngthy stay m a psychiatric ward). Rogue Technocrats - or so the cynics of other Trad1t1ons would claim.
u:;pect that these transmissions may have something to Since the past, present, and future are all contained
do with the effects of Disembodiment. Perhaps distant within the Otherworlds, spiritual travelers may some-
Masters can advise, but not directly interfere. Loyal times see reflections of places that once were, or places
Technocrats would not dare suggest such things. After that never existed. As a result, the composite of all
all, Control may still be listening. cosmo~ogical lore (and the applications of Abilities like
Cosmology) does not consistently apply to what is en-
countered in the Otherworlds.
WHAT RflllAINS Fragments of the Mercurial Cosmology still hold
Assigning names to the new phenomena of the some relevance, if only to explain how the pirit worlds
Otherworlds, and making analogies to old ones, is a commu- came to their present state. Hermetic Chantries still
nal conceit. Enlightened minds sharing the same philosophy upport lengthy quests into other Realms, but now,
may technically belong m the same Tradition or Conven- uch of the work concerns verifying how much of the
tion, but ultimately, they're all individuals. In the same way, rigmal documents are still correct. Although much o~
they may use the same names to refer to the same concepts, the body of Hermetic knowledge is carefully guarded and
but reahcy outside the world we know is never as ftXed as we cautiously hoarded, "Mercurial Cosmologists" snll offer
would like 1t to be. Ambitious visionaries attempt to redefine to accompany heroic mages on lengthy sojourns through
th~e new worlds simply by giving them different names. the Otherworlds.
Again, how much they still apply remains to be seen. Cynics may argue that the Avatar Storm itself was
Petty rivalries and old grudges remain, and the Reckon- reality's attempt to rebuild a dynamic Umbra that had
mg has become an excuse to once again blame other factions grown too static, thanks to the legions of scholars who
of mages for real or imagined slights. Some blame the Tech- had attempted to set its meaning in stone. The new sects
nocracy for what has happened, claiming that the Union of cosmologists who document the ever-changing na-
wa~ted its time trying to "sector" or "solidify" various regions ture of the Otherworlds say they are content to remain
of ~pace. The Avatar Storm, by this interpretation, was a "mercurial." Their opponents contest that anyone who
ma sive backlash agamst their efforts to know and understand attempts to "know" anything as unpredictable as the
something that could not be contained or understood. pirit worlds indulges in a frivolous pursuit. In this way,
More radical w11lworkers, including the Emissaries, who they forsake profound knowledge hidden beyoml che
follow the m~tenous Rogue Council, blame the oldest and Horizon - including priceless secrets that may help
most experienced magi, including the Masters and Oracles. mages cope with the terrors to come.
Everyone who contributed to the building of Horizon Realms,

:,,u,f vr'
j. I ~ I )
Horizon chantries, and other "permanent" locations in the ness. In fact, many large populations of Nephandi and Ma
Umbra was perverting the natural order of the Otherworlds. rauders have survived for centuries in the depths of space.
The Avatar Storm, they claim, was a backlash against mages Perhaps, they hope, other radical changes will allow outcast
who indulged in egotistical attempts to create their own madmen to return to the physical world.
Horizon Realms. The Near Umbra was choked with these And then there are the recurrent theories of the ap-
vain efforts, and Earth was severely drained of its Quintes proach ofArmageddon. Every society ofsupernatural creatures
sence. The very fact that the Ancient Masters are fading away has some theory of how the world will end (or be reborn).
is a sign that their time in the universe has passed. Throughout human history, the worlds of flesh and spirit
Many Marauders interpret the Avatar Storm as a sign have drifted apart, making it progressively difficult to step
that the forces of chaos are returning to the world. Dynamic sideways into the Otherworlds. As alternatives to reality
forces are tearing apart all that has been established in the become progressively more improbable, only one reality
Near Umbra, making the Spirit Wilds into a spiritual wilder bound by Consensus remains.


Contrary to what many Umbral veterans, long
experienced with the nuances of the Otherworlds, '1~ ThR.EaUGH A CURTAJN E9F SWE9RDS
believe, the most significant thing any would-be The Avatar Storm is the single most catastrophic
Umbral traveler needs to know is not the names of phenomenon to happen to Umbra! travel since the
dangerous spiritual beings, the locations of the separation of the worlds of flesh and spirit in the primor
most interesting Realms or even the differences dial past. The Otherworlds are now a place far deadlier
between the pre and post-Reckoning Umbrae, and more remote than they were even three or four years
but instead simply how to get chere. Without that ago. As the ancient proverb says: Every journey begins
knowledge and understanding, there can be no with a single step. If the would-be Umbra! explorer is not
journey into the far reaches ofthese strange and wonderful worlds. careful, that first step can easily be the last.
Naturally, the tried-and-true method of fmding one's way The AvaU\r Winds are terrifyingly beautiful and
inro the Umbra (the Spirit Sphere's Stepping Sideways Effect), hideous, even for those who use any of the growing
while still occasionally tried, is no longer anywhere near as true number of ways co avoid it (save for Stormwardens, and
asitoncewas.TheAvatarStormservesasanunblinkingsentinel those accompanying the more powerful among them
against such simple methods of intrusion. Those who have through physical contact). Lurking in the instant of time
stubbornly refused to seek alternate forms of access co the when one is neither in the physical world nor the
Otherworlds are becoming a rare breed, most of them having Umbra, it is a sinuous tapestry of jagged spiritfragments,
been tom to shreds on their own pride and the screaming winds howling in unceasing torment and yet possessed of the
that hide within the Gauntlet. Fortunately, magesarean inven raw, resplendent radiance of a million naked souls. Like
tive lot and it has not taken long for all manner of theories to so many of nature's calamities, the Avatar Storm is
develop as to better ways of reaching the post-Reckoning Um magnificent in its power and horrifying in its purpose.
brae. Though suspicions now run high between cabals and the When player characters cross the Gauntlet, Story
relative unity once enjoyed by the Traditions as a whole has tellers should fully describe the awesome elemencal fury of
suffered in the wake of the devastation of the Reckoning, it is the Avatar Winds. Let them catch just a glimpse of the
Tradition mystics who have posited many of the best and most sinfully pure light and feel the hot waves of rage and
successful ideas on reaching the Otherworlds. Gradually, these tted thatseethe, impotently, in that luminous tempest.
new rotes have migrated, by way of the grapevine, from cabal to And, of course, when a mage must actually breach the
cabal and are now coming into common usage across (and Gauntlet unprotected, descriptions should get vivid. Tell
beyond) the Nine Mystic Traditions. the player how the storm lunges and latches on, greedily,
Of course, not all of these new methods have found their hungering for company with which to share its indescrib
way into the hands of all Awakened, and some isolated cabals able agony. Be evocative, conjuring to mind images of the
are not even yet aware that there are options other than mage and his Avatar screaming as one, as the tattered
gritting your teeth and trying not to scream on the way spirit-shreds of the Avatar Storm are drawn to the charac
rhrough. Those fortunate enough co count a powerful ter and adhere to him, tearing jagged welts into his soul.
Stormwarden among their number may not even really care The Avatar Storm is the fLrst step toward makmlt
to find other ways of getting to the Otherworlds. In any case, the Umbra again a place of mystery, wonder and fear.
what follow are some - though by no means the only-ways When your mages wince at the thought of trying to sneak
of getting to the various Umbrae. past it, you're going in the right direction.
te: 03.02.02 03:46:31

om: [email protected]
: Getting There (was: Screaming Souls)
nal Prophet" <[email protected]> wrote:
> ive heard that if u have a guiding spirit it can help u to go to the other side but i haven't had a chance to > fin
To tell you the truth, I just fin~it easier to Nstep through" a summoned spirit to get into the Worlds Beyond. Granted
s messy (the thing almost never survives), but what's a guy to do? Besides, it's not as though I'd even consider th
ative. Jasmyn still has scars from crossing over.
- mAL '

te: 03.02.02 04:02:56

m: [email protected]
: Asshole! (was: Getting There)
AL" <[email protected]> wrote:
> To tell you the truth, I find it just easier to "step through" a summoned spirit
How can you just kill spirits like that? You don't need to. AU I need to do is ask Isabeau to hide my soul inside h
n we cross between worlds and I get there just fine. Besides, Jasmyn was stupid about crossing and she's lucky sh
n't get worse.
P.S.: I've heard that the Things out there get pissed off at you for doing stuff like that, Mal. You should watch yourself'.

Priestess, Oracle, Jeweler

Elaborate Afflictions (

late that the mage's Avatar becomes saturated by this spirit

TH fLSH INSIDE TH SPIRIT essence and can eventually no longer sustain this Effect. More
Stepping through the Gauntlet while hidden by an likely, the spirits themselves single the transgressor out for
Umbra! native is a particularly innovative strategy conceived punishment and carry him away to some ftnal and awful fate.
of not long after the onset of the Avatar Storm. There are two Either version of this "spirit stepping" Effect may be
common ways of going about this. enacted for the benefit of a single mage or a whole group of
The easier and far more pleasant means involves using them. Naturally, carrying more passengers means more com-
the mage-familiar bond as a shield against the Avatar Winds plicated magics, but it is certainly possible to bring even a
(see the Shield of the Soul rote, pp. 183-184). A mage using large number of Awakened through the Gauntlet using only
this method effectively "camouflages" her Avatar within the one mage's familiar as a guide. A familiar willing to do this,
spintual essence of the Familiar, thus preventing the normal however, often requires boons of all who wish to partake in its
reaction to Umbra! passage. services; it is only fair after all, a gift for a gift. A raven familiar,
The much less kindly version of this idea, and the only for example, might require a precious and shiny object from
one available to those without a familiar, is to compel a spirit each mage who benefits from this rote, while a mechanical
co coexist physically with the mage for the instant ofUmbral companion might ask that each mage spend a bit of time later
craris1t, while impressing Quintessence from the mage's Ava- entering new information into its drives.
tar into the spirit's form and drawing some of the spirit's
ephemeral being into the mage (see the Bridge of Blood rote, EBN TH WINGS~ THE9UGITT
pp.181-182). The Avatar Winds, drawn to the spirit instead Afantasticfeelingofliberationandjcryooerwhelmedmewhen
the mage, immediately attack the Umbral native, while l first acquired sufficient understanding to slip the confines offlesh
allowing the mage to go his way in safety. This latter method, and mOtJe as an entity of pure thouglu. l had been blessed with a
however, is brutally cruel and tales circulate of terrible and kindl-y and insightful sifu in the earl-y da-ys of m-y training and m-y
poetic vengeance exacted by parties unknown. Some specu progress upon the Way was, some said, remarkable for m-y age.
Whether this was true ar not, I fek all earthly concerns -pride, ing an astral form to the physical body} is best suited to
self-absorption, arrogance - falling away from me as though they traversing domams forged of the most rarified and profound
were an ugly garment co be cast off and ltft behind. I knew then thoughts, concepts and ideals.
what it meant co see enlightenment, et1e11 if only from a distance. Also, a mage in astral fonn is truly unaware of the current
- From the journal of Valerie Kim, Akashic Brother state of her body, unless she has taken mystic precautions of
For one who doesn't mind confining one's journeys to the some sort (and even this is often an uncertain proposition}.
Astral Reaches, there is, for those who attain the highest level Further, this form still suffers from the dangers ofDisembodiment
of understanding in the Sphere of Mind, a much safer altema - the body simply passes away if the mage is gone for too long,
tive to physical transit through the Gauntlet. By creating an provided it has been cared for in some way and hasn't perished
astral "shell," a Master of Mind can shift his consciousness into naturally in that time - and the mage requires a period of
the spiritual realms without the need to ever "step sideways." Acclimation just as if he had traveled physically into the
This astral fonn can freely interact with the conditions and Umbra. {See Disembodiment and Acclimation, below.} Awak-
natives of the High Umbra. Of course, an Adept of Mind is enedsc.holarsarenotquitecertain why this is, but it would seem
similarlycapableofcreatingsucha body, though such a journey to indicate that the process of deterioration is also psychologi-
must be brief in duration {a matter of minutes, making travel cal and psychic, destroying the human elements of the mind in
beyond the Vulgate at this level a virtual impossibility). the same way as it eats away at the flesh. Of course, mages
The primary advantage of this form, obviously, is that it capable of prolonged astral travel are rarer than those able to
completely bypasses the Avatar Storm, since the body is not breach the Gauntlet physically, so the specifics of this matter
physically present in the transit. On the other hand, the astral may not be resolved for some time yet.
form cannot travel beyond the {granted, expansive} confines Thesilvercord itself is a liability. Severed, it causes the mind
of the Astral Reaches. The Middle Umbra cannot be accessed to drift in the mange space of the Astral Umbra {along with any
in anyway {currently, at least} with this astral mind. The fonn possessions carried over and any fumiliar brought along}, discon-
at the end of the umbilicus argentus {the "silver cord" connect nected from physical form and unable, under most circumstances,
to rerum without outside aid. The umbilicus argentus is severed if Severing the silver cord without first battering down and
the mage loses all her astral Health Levels- her Willpower. disrupting its bearer (by reducing her astral Health Levels-
The astral traveler had best have some friends on hand or a her Willpower- to zero or less) is a difficult task for a mage,
healthy dose ofluclc, preferably a measure of both. A mage with requiring a Mind 5 psychic assault specifically intended to
Mmd 2 and Prime 2 (or an entity with comparable mystic disconnect the consciousness from the form. This Effect is
abilities) is capable of creating a psychic beacon for such a resisted, like any telepathic attack, by the intended victim's
drifting consciousness to latch onto. The beacon's creator can- Willpower. Certain exceedingly powerful High Umbra! na-
not himself be adrift without a cord, and the drifting mind must tives may be capable of attacking an umbilicus argencus more
succeed tn a Perception or Wits + Meditation or Occult roll directly and efficiently, but few mages have had contact,
(whichever Attribute+ Ability total is best), against a difficulty violent or otherwise, with astral beings of such power.
of 9 minus the successes scored by the creator(s) of the beacon. If a cord is severed in this manner and the mage still
Without nearby allies to offer such aid, a drifting mage must possesses an astral form (it has not been disrupted through
in.stead make a Wits+ Occult roll, difficulty 9, to find her way back Willpower point damage), she can quickly will her astral
to her body. Either roll may be made once every six hours, subject mind back into her physical body - snatching onto one
to the nonnal difficulty increases for failed rolls. Alternately, a strand of the rapidly unraveling cord - by spending one
MNer may, with a Mind 5/Prime 3 Effect, simply reconnect a temporary point ofWillpower. Otherwise, she becomes adrift,
consciousness to a body (and may do this for the benefit ofherselfor as above. When speeding back to the body in this manner, she
another) at will. A mage fortunate enough to have a familiar at hand cannot take any possessions with her. A familiar who was
ma~ be guided back to the Penumbra near to her body, allowing the attached to the mage with its own silver cord (such as through
miOO to be restored to the body. Ofcourse, not alt familiars know the the Astral Sojourn rote, seep. 180) is yanked back with her,
ants, so this is not necessarily to be considered an "easy way." although it arrives in the Penumbra around the body's physi-
cal location, unless it, too, was astrally projected.

abriel Lafayette, bani Solificati

Subject: Astral travel experiments 01(23/02
1am pleased to report, Magister, that the rituals were ruccessfully applied to the fabrication o(tl mdy astral body, com_..Plere
umbilicus argencus, as suggested by the recovered texts. This would seem to indicate that the ancients possessed knowledge
this greater fonn of astral ttavel, though perhaps it is simply our expectations that create the fabled "silver cord," in this
tance. Matters of the Astral Realms, after all, often boil down to little more than perception and assumption.
This astral body bypasses complet.ely the so-called "Avatar Storm" (see 10(20ft)O report), by way of leaving th y
behind to allow unfettered p ychlc interaction with the High UmbOl. The unfortunate cost of thii; (as with normal astral
uavel) is that the travel~r's body is comatose and totally insensate to stimuli. Thus, we have stron reason to suspect that
a traveler's body might be assaulted while the spirit carries on, oblivious, elsewhere. Worse still, Magister Chase reported
ving little awareness of how much time was passing whlle he explored the astral reaches. We must therefore conclude.
tone could also CQnceivably perish from dehydration whlle in astral form. Muscle atrophy is also a concern. Both of
se conditions, naturally, can be staved off with magic, but it i~, nevertheless, an important factor to keep in mind.
Still, the potential benefits of this new method frcl11Sport are incalculable: the astral shelJ i. capable of traveling
yond the Astral Penumbra and into any Umbral Realm. MagisterChase reported spending mucll of his two days in astral
fonn in the Middle, rather than High, Umbra. I don' t need to tell you what a fantastic development this will prove to be.
Re!!J>CctfuJly Yours,
Gabriel Lafayette, bani Solificati


TH LUITIINE9US RE9AD about it and l 've seen how some of them look when they come
through, but it just, well, doesn't exist for me. Who can say why?
Recently discovered (or, as some have posited, rediscov,
- Jason Chang, Cultist of Ecstasy
ered} by the OrderofHermes is another means ofastral travel,
more versatile than that granted by Mastery of the Mind Some of the most fonunate Awakened in the world
Sphere alone. (See the Astral Sojourn rote, p. 180.} Appr' today are those who, for whatever reason, Awakened with the
priately, it is a means available to more powerful mages, of miraculous immunity of a Stormwarden or, of course, those
itself a potent exercise of Awakened will. Requiring great who manifested such immunity upon the inception of the
proficiency with the Mind Sphere, as well as some knowledge Avatar Winds. This blessing seems to choose mages without
of the Prime and Spirit arts, this astral body (which also rhyme or reason and there are staunch Technocrats who
possesses an umbilicus argentus identical to that generated by possess it and devout Dreamspeakers who do not. It is a rare
Mind 4 or 5 astral travel} is capable of traveling into any layer and special gift, and mages possessing it are sought out by
of the Umbra the mage is capable of finding and navigating. others. Some (Technocrats and Hermetic mages figuring
prominently among these ranks} wish to analyze and explott
This Quintessential body is statistically identical in
every way to the mage's real body and houses her mind and the ones so gifted, and stories circulate that Stonnwardens
have been captured and subjected to terrible experiments by
spirit (rather than serving as a channel for the spirit, as the
those wishing to determine the cause of their immunity. (For
normal Mind 4 or 5 Astral Projection does}, allowing for the
funher insights, see the Psychopomp spirits, p. 150-152.)
normal use of magic. The body is an idealized form and
Some few merely wish to confirm the rumors that a handful
manifests accompanied only by Wonders, enchanted items
ofAwakened exist who are free from the ravages of the Avatar
and a familiar, if any. As with almost any means of entering
the Umbra, this form appears in the local Penumbra and may, Storm and to draw hope from them. Most, however, fall
somewhere between these extremes, seeing the Stonnwarden
from there, go to any Umbra! Realm the mage has the desire,
as neither resource nor symbol, but instead simply as a mage
the knowledge and the conviction to reach.
with a slightly different ability than most.
Of course, as mentioned above, Disembodiment is still a
Stormwardens do not interact with the Avatar Storm in
threat to this "advanced" astral form and one must still
any way when crossing the Gauntlet; they simply do not
Acclimate upon return to the material world. Unless special
precautions are made, as with Mind 4 or 5 astral sojourns, the perceive it and neither to do those who cross over with the aid
of mages touched by the more powerful version of this gift.
body is comatose and defenseless, unable to eat, drink or
Whether this stems from the presence in the Avatar Winds
completely ignoring the mage in question or some other cause
Many spirits not native to Astral Space are curious about
is uncenain, despite the research that no few mages have puc
mages they see manifested in such a form. This body is into the subject. Suppositions that the Avatar Storm is simply
unfamiliar to most of them and attention on the pan of
not a pan ofa Stonnwarden's reality have yet to be confirmed
interested spirits can range from the scholarly, to the mischie,
or denied, but offer intriguing perspectives about the nature
vous, to the dangerous. of subjectivity and the Awakening.
Of course, a mage cannot choose to be a Stormwarden
SE9 Wf'Rf AB.SeLUTfLYCLf.AR... and no amount of mystic prowess, experience or simple desire
There are only two differences berween the astral will force this ability to manifest. A mage either is a
rm generated by this Mind 5, Prime 2, Spirit3 rote and Stormwarden or he isn't. That being the case, it is a resource
the one generated purely by Mind 4 or 5. First, the Astral that most cabals do not have at their disposal and one,
Sojourn allows for non-physical travel into any layer, considering the rarity of Stormwardens (especially of the
Realm, etc. of the Umbra. Second, the Astral Sojourn, more potent variety}, that most will never have access to.
ing a Prime 2 Body of Light as the vessel into which
the consciousness is shifted, mimics the mage's Physical WHRf TH WALLS
Attributes precisely, rather than substituting Mental fALLAPART
Attributes for them.
l am certain of what I saw , Grandfather. I didn' t belietie
it at first, because it seemed impossibk. Still, even ifl doubt my
TE9 STAND BEF<DRf TH STE9RIT1 own eyes, l cannot doubt what the spirits told me. It wasn't far
from the burial ground, perhaps a quarter,mile. The sky was
How do l go? I don't know, I just do . Everyone keeps telling clear and bright and, though the moon was a sliver, I saw well
me chat there's supposed to be some 'wall of horribk, 1JeTige{ul enough. A woman in traditional dress was kneeling by the brook
souls' or something out there , waiting between worlds w tear up and singing the old songs . She was brushing her hairandstaringinro
anyone who dares to cross the barrier, but l'veneverseen it. Never the water. She turned as I approached and smiled as I looked inro
etlefl heard it. l hatie to believe it exists; enough people have told me her eyes . I can't say how, but l knew then chat she was not from
om u~ %t scood and slid inco w brook uiidiom makingewn THE HARDWAY
ilrc s/ightt5t splash and l could feel w closeness ofche spirit worlds.
Ir was an m.sttmt of smgultrr a~on) . My Agama Sojourn
lronl"V Luted a moment loTlger, before w sense subsided and I u1as
was del1t!ertd to me lry a Rinpoche on the end of a blade and,
tJl'llft.ilonl in ck dark. Thee is a pLc.ce of power there, Grand.fa,
even then, dymg of the womul she had inflicted on me, I did not
rhcr, and 1c wm~ co be awakened agam. It 01>ened t1w. door as a
experience an1thmg like the pain of crossing through, into che
'"11 of u.1king me ro mak 1t u1~ Umbra It was bke being bom ouc of a ratored womb. The
- From the accounc of John Rain, Dreamspeaker Gauntlet clung to me like a membrane wet w1Ui blood and I
Ages ago, che Gauntlet was nowhere near as powerful or sensed the chings tTapped wicltm ir grabbing hold of me. I felc as
pmru1vc a phenomenon as is it today. ln some places, the though l had been set afire and then doused lry leaping inco
Gauntlel ran so chin, in fact, chat it was somec1mes not there bro~ glass. My soul reeled with the pain for manJ lonR
at oil. The Order of Hennes called che:.e points Shallowings moments and et1en the sound of my breathing was ragged, as if
aNI they were both dangerous and valuable. Dangerous, the wou~ on my body had tom the par terns of mJ life as well
bectu.\e tine never knew whee mighr stumble out of chem and as my flesh . I wept then, fcrr I could nor shake the that
tntt> che material world, and valuable because they allowed I had left shreds of my spirit, like raw strips of skin on barbed
for those with l!ttle or no proficiency wlth spirit magics to wire, on the teeth of tltat tempest of hungry souls. Even today,
hyra"~ the Oaunclet. my wounds bleed of their own accord from time tO time .
Nowadays, Shallowings are all but nonexistent, the Sometimes, when they bleed, they whisper words to me in no
Gauntlet having been continually reinforced over the years earthly tongue. I do not know che language, but I underswnd
by the heavy weight of human fear, apachy and disbelief. what !hey are sa:ymg: Fool, you cannot pass this waJ ....
Even most of the remoce and primal places have been - From the journal of Ar.iunn Patel, Euchantos
scourged of their inherenc magic and power. Snll, a handful For some, che luxury of the newer and easier ways into
of places sull exist in the worlJ where, at cercam times or the Umbra 1s simply not an option. Some mages are so
under cemun circumstances, the walls between worlds eg, solitary or ouc of che loop that they have not heard of these
scnually cea~e to be. innovations tn Otherworldly travel. Others may lack the
When a Shallowing occurs at or near the site of a mystic proflciency needed for such alternate methods. A
Node, denbens of the Ocherworlds are able co cross over rare few refuse to change theirway6, despite the horriftccost
free!~ into the physical world without the need for powers of chear btubbornness. Certainly, for a whale after the onset
of manifestation. Ukew1se, beings from chis world can of the Ava car Storm, there simply was no other ready means
easily cro ll over into the Penumbro. Unfortunately, most of cro,sing the Gauntlet.
Shallowings now are temporary affairs at besc, meaning For chose who are not Stormwardens and, for what-
that tho e who leave their respecuve worlds must make ever reasons, cannoc or will not seek other ways of
their explorauons bnef or else nsk becoming trapped on entering the Umbrae, there ts llnle recourse but to brave
the far ~idc. of the Gauntlet. Still, when a Shallowing can the Avatar Winds and to pay their heavy toll. Grievous
be found, it is a cause for celebration among pose-Reckon physical wounds and rerrible spiritual lacerations plague
mg m1Jges, since the Avatar Storm holds no sway in places those who wo\lld continue to pass through the Gauntlet
where the Gauntlet is reduced to nil. in the time-honored way. Some arc killed and those
In certain rare cases, particularly fortunate mages some even less fortunate are sometimes suhjcctcd to the equiva-
umi:s have on lnbom aff'micy for weakening the Intensity of lent of the Gilgul rite.
the local Gauntlet (see the Natural Shallowing Merit, p. 187) There are ways of making the traditional means of
and th~ 50m can be hotly concested by Chancries with passage through the Gaundec more bearable, however. Any-
powerful Nodes, :.tnce they can, by their very pre:.ence, make thing that allows che mage to soak aggravated damage wall
tt 6~11f1cantly easier co Shallow a locale. allow a soak as normal against che Avacar Winds. This
It musr be stres.'iCd, however, chat Shallowings, despite mcludeli certain rotes, Wonders and permanent Life Sphere
being perhaps the most favorable method (in tenns of risk) of enchanrmencs. Though the advantages of chis means of
reichm~ the Umbra, are certainly the rarest. MO:it mages will transpon are few, there 1s something to be said for the hard
go thn1uRh their entire lives and never lay eyes on one. Mose repucauon one can make by conunumg to Step Sideways in
11.111 never even hear n reliable rumor abouc the location of a the post-Reck.omng world and, of course, m accessing the
po1enual Shallowing. If a cabal was co come across such a Umbrae hy the very means chat mscancly deters almost
potent rmd precious resource, no maccer how mcermittendy anyone else from danng co follow.
1t might funcrion, its members had best hold onco tt rightly
nnJ be prepared to fight co defend it.
Date: 12.02.00 13:47:41
To: ddress Withheld
from: Address Withheld
Re: Dimensional Science and Related Issues
As you know, the Bangladesh fiasco of this past sum.mer has left quite a few questions circulating pertaining
to e dimensional matters and a decided lack of forthcoming answers. The Void Engineers are uncertain as
to w at to dQ they have lost contact with several Deep Universe posts. Prelimjnary inteUigence indicates that
we a dtalfng with multiple po;nts of incursion from non~Euclidean space and Universes that exist outside"
or Hbeyood the forward wave of our own reality's expanSion. The nearby wilds of the Ntotemk" alternate
dimensions seem to be all but severed from the earthly realm, which is good news, of course, but it is really
some of the on(y good news I have to offer. We are dealing with a period of upheaval and dissent and we cannot
begin to forge onward anew until a sin9le, corrict explanation ts discovered. Put your team together again and
get the Time Table back on track in your region. We need hard facts hat we can point to. Get me answers, Niles;
I'll worry about making them make sense. Best of luck to you.

Of the nonTechnocratic scientific mystics, the Sons of

TCHNEBrT1AGIC AND Et.her are likeltc,L co \\ ish to and still be capable of reaclung
TCHNEoc:RATIC che Middle Umbra. The V1rtual Adepts have never had much
ofa use for places with talking foxes, crees chat move and land:
fNLIGITTfND SCIENCE where you can wnlk on moonbeams. Fortunately for the Soru,
T cchnomag1c has never been able to adequately explam their parttcular brttd of Science lends nself well w 1oumeys
many aspects of the various Umbrae. and the restncttons on into the a1rumng and inexplicable. The Avatar Storm 1s sttll
Otherworldly travel unposed by the Reclconing have all but an everpresent threat for those wishing direct, physical
cue off most rcchnomancers from certain Realms. Of course, transport incothe Middle (or any) Umbra, but their paradigm
Technocratic Dimensional Science, more so than even ord1 IS not, o( ICSeff, a hindrance to such travel.
nary technomagical views of Spirit magics, always lacked for The Low Umbra has never been a place for the techno-
ready explanations of many Umbral phenomena. What thi:. logically minded. The afcerltfe is best left to mystics and hol)
means is that most technologically inclined Awakened are people, not students of cutting-edge ans. Even chose who
simply oul of luck now when it comes to many kinds of have cradirionally had ties to the Afterworlds, like the
Umbra! travel. Euthanacos, have found such places infinitely more difficult
Amnl travel of all varieties is easily explainable under to access since the Reckoning. Most technomancers ond
most enlightened technological paradigms (Sons of Ether, T echMcrats are content to leave the barren and forlorn
Virtual Aderts and Technocrats). Sons ofEther can point co Realms of the Low Umbra to the dead.
"the Astral Planes of ancient civilizations," while Teehno- 0( the variou other Realms and locales scattered ac~
crnrs need only look to the Universal Unconscious and the the Umbrae (such as Maya or the Horizon), Awakened
Campbellian Archetypes. Such explanations even allow ag scienc~ have many diffenng answers. Horizon Realms and
nomc ~1ent1Sb (or Scientists) to comprehend the existence the Homon itself, as well as the pomts beyond, are no mo~
of heavens, hells and everything in between. or less difficult for such Awakened to reach than any otheq
The Spmt Wilds are a bit more difficultfor ~tsdenttfi (which 1s co say, uch access is quite difficult and requ1ra
cally mandcd Awakened to understand. The Technocracy h~ knowledge, power and great effort on the pan of the craveIer).
been more than happy, by and large, to simply deny the Tmd1ttonalisc (Viccorian and Utopian) Sons of Ether con
connnued existence of these tmracingly and unapologetically tinue to bemoan the apparent loss of the1r beloved Hollow
"mystical" plane,, as even the Void Engineers are hard-pressed Earth, though many moJemlltts in chat T rad1tion simrl)
co gee co them anymore, much less explore them. The claim that it 1 1 as a concept, becoming phased out of the
Technocracy's denial of the fantastic cuts both ways, it would popular consc1o~n~ of the West, along with most of the
seem. The Void Engineers are the only ones who appear to be staples of the old pulps. Most of the other odd Realms (like
put out by this change, though, so, Uke so many of their Maya) were never particularly well-suited co scientific expla
complaints, this one gets rued under "attend t() later or never."

l I
'Jt. V r '
1 r (. ..J r ,
r t fl '
nauon and w1ll lakely contmue co remain mosdy unexplored Deserving of some spectal mention m all of dus, how-
by those who see che Awakening chrough such a light. ever, IS the Digital Web. Despite cheCrashand the reboot of
Of courR, mosr T rachnons and at least a few Crafts the Web, thtS 1s, as much as ever, the haven-Realm of the
ha\'e at lea~t some minimal cechnomancer presence (House technologically inclined mage, regardless of affiliation. As
Vcrd1tius for the Order ofHennes, che Euchanatos Lakshimists, always, a simple Correspondence 2 effecc, coupled with
etc.), bur the ways in which 6uch technomages interact wich appropriate foci, IS sufficient co geea mage, mentally, into the
the Otherworlds are often more colored by che views of their D1g1tal Web (circumventing che Avatar Scorm), gJV1ng
mymc fellow~h1ps, rather than chem panicular views on teclmomages and Technocrats with che desire co do so one of
technok>gy and magic. the ea iest, safest and most reliable means of access to che
Umbra known.

A pericarp 1s a bamer separating one dimension from the Arete roll. If che Spirit mage has one dot in th
ocher, much like the one that separates the physical corresponding Sphere (for inscnnce, Spirit 3/Matc:er 1 o
nrlJ from rhe Penumbra. Earth's Gauntlet is the one most che aforementioned gauntlet on Hollow Eanh), che gaunt
i~esorefomiliarwith (thus, it's spelled with a capital "0," let can be crossed at a +2 difficulty. As an alternative, ifth
che snme way chat Earth's moon often has a capital "M") . mage is attuned co the local Sphere, and only has Spirlt
.ist5p1r1rual barriers can be crossed with Spirit), through (in this case, Matter 3/Spirit 1), increase chedifficulry by 1
l tcpping Sideway Spirit Effect. The Avatar Storm Bringing another mage through the Gauntlet worlcs th
" 1y~ punishes mag~ who pass through Earth's Gaundet; same way, but requtres a fourth-rank Sphere (such
er pencarps are free from it (~cept, perhaps, for the Matter 4/Spint l or Spine 4/Macter 1). For added dram
roqng Sronns described elsewhere in this book). don't ask the players what Spheres they're using; let the
A mage with Spirit 3 or higher rolls Arece against a improvise their own ncual, look at their character shec
1 1culty equal to the suength of the Gauntlet (based on and declare their difficulty. Then let them roll Arete.
c amount of order or stasis nearby). The number of Why add this level of complexity? First, keep 1
CC"-1\CS rells how long ic takes co cross the Gauntlet; on a mind chat it's opcional. For players quescing on distan
tch, rhc mage is trapped, or something nastier happens world:;, the!>e mechanics clue chem in chat the Spher
iliu vtsittoa Zone). A mage w1thSp1nc4can help others you're mennomng is tJtry important m the story that
oss the Gauntlet, usually an additional willworker for to follow. The added detail gives them options, prevent
h succe~\. Some ctrcwru;tances may alter this difficulty, ing chem from being shut out completely. For 1rutanc
h :i~ wallcmg through naked, carrying too much rechnol~ the Storyteller may require the charac r to pass throu
with you, wa1t1ng for a proper Juncture, or giving a Correspondence Gauntlet to enter a wmdow l
1minage co a Dreamspeaker's totem. Mercury's City of Brass (see pp. 119120). Nav1gatin
Sometimes a mage can cross a different type of gaunt through the city and dealing with the local spiritS re
r hy u~lng a different Sphere. ln Hollow Earth, for quires frequent use of chis Sphere, so it keeps ouL mag
mnce, moges may encounter a Matter Gauntlet, or they who aren't ready for such challenges.
lY <!ncounter a Mind Gauntlet while ()n a quest in a ln a very brute-force way, chis mechod can also fore
mnlan Mind Realm. The mechanic works like the Step shadow places the mages can go later in a campaign. Oru:
dewayt rote, but the mage substitutes that Sphere for the they encounter a Mind Gauntlet they can't pcnecrate, ~
1ru Sphere. Thedifficulry isusually6 (fora lone traveler) instance, they know it contams challenges they arert'
7 (when escorting other mag~). but buarre circum ready for yet. If they've encountered this phenome
ces (coating your naied body with mud to appease a before, the strength and "Sphere" of the Gauntlet gi
ner Gauntlet) may ad1ust the difficulty. them fair warning of what they're about to expcmen
Ai the Storyteller's discretion, a mage using Spirit can They may try to cackle it with Spirit 4/Mind 1, bur they'
111 p.iS:i through the gauntlet, but with a +3 difficulty on probably do bener bringmgsomeone with Mind 4/Spirit l
The Mercurian ~-mology. long held by ac symp:uhy, to gauge d1 ranees and plot courses. The-e lattu
least several T rad1cions as a workable model of tyre. ho~cvcr, seem to be les.s effective than they once were,
Otherworldly geography, is now hopelc~ly <\), the fahnc of cenam RealrrLS is still nor quire senled mto
outdated. Some Realms have been laid co wa~re new fixed fomt and navigational cools using such Realms
entirely, while others have shifted theLr pos1 lx.-acon~ are, consequently, sometimes unpredictable.
uoru. and, quite possibly, altered their puqxhe~ In tenm. of acruaJ Sphere Effects, mosc mages find con
and appearances. Some new worlds seem to 1unc.tmnal Corrc.,pondence/Spuit Effects co be mo:.t helpful,
have come mco being, as well. ln shon, noth w1Ch MinJ chrown in 1f one ts intending to navigate Amal
mg is as it was even fl ve yean. ago and no one Space. Of course, bOme Realms respond better to more eso-
Is quite sure how co navigate the landscape of the post 1erk. npplicat1ons of che Spheres, making Entropy, Prime anJ
Reckoning Umbra. Time olsn morginally useful for the purposes of finding one's
Between the var(ous parties researching the changed way. In certain Reo lms {like Shard Realm Time, for example)
faces of the many Umbrae, two significant conscants seem m nnvigolicm b all buc impossible for any save perhaps Mastc~
have emerged. First, and perhaps most lmporcantly, nomnrtcr .inJ Archmogcs, tinJ tbcse places are best avoided entirely by
where one is In the Umbra, the moon always seems m younger onJ less expenenced willworkers. (Sec the Ephemeral
accurately appear m its currenc phase. This bas always been Mechanics: Magic m rhe Umbra sidebar.)
and, to the relief of many, seems to still be the case. In liOme
Realms, rhe moon LS, of course, a bit harder ro finJ than m INVISIBLE REBADS
others but, once located, it usually serves as a con.,tant Once a mage has figured out how to get mto the Umbra
measure of time. As Disembodiment is alm<ht alwa}:. accu :ind ha) e~cabh,heJ for he~lf some sense of a desired destl
ratcly charted by a lunar calendar (according to research nauon, 'he mu'r now address the complex LSSue of acruall
conducted since the Reckoning), this news comes as a great reach mg sa1J Jesunation This has never been an easy manet
help to many. Second, the locations of the various levels of in the Othcrworlds and it has only become more d1fficu!t
the Umbrae do not seem co have moved, regardle, of how 'mce the <levnr.taticm wroughc upon the spirit worlds. ln even
md1v1dual Realms fared. Thus, one LS not ape to move directly the mu~t nava~ahle Realms, there are now obstacle.) and
from the Penumhra co tbe Horizon, for example, and the broken p.ith!>, while the most remote and impassable worlds
Elemental Couru, though thev might now be harder co find, have become all hut hopeless causes for the would-be v1s1r
-.cem co be nghr where they always were. anJ nearly ansurmountable roadblocks co one who must pass
Those who have explored the Umbra co any degree since Lhrough them on rhe way to somewhere else.
the Reckoning have likened It to walking into a serried region All travel Imo the Umbrae, save in a few isobtcd casea
Jfter a long period ofabandonment.Familiar structures are still follow1r a set progrc sion: Umbra! percepcion, bypassing tht
there, bltt ore often so overgrown as to be netirly unrecogniz Gaunrlc1, arriving In the Penumbra, departing for rhe Low,
nhle. lt ii; a sight akin to the pyramids ofSouth America or the Middle or I ligh Umbra. Once a mage arrives in her desired
ruins lnSoulhcast Asia. Realms mapped forcemurlcs and wcll- layer of the Umbra, ~he can set a course for a Realm found In
known nrc now once more wild and untamed. Often, it that lnycr or may forge out coward the more distant Ren Ims on
behooves the would-be explorer to find a guide, in the form of the fringes of Creation. Naturally, however, such bold and
a sp1m native to che ReaJm being srudied, for the spines \t?Cm mrrcp1J JOumc~ 1rtart with baby seeps.
to have an 1ntu1t1ve <;ense of che Umbra! landscape and mo.'l
are an no wa} dLSOnented by che recent tumult that hns LEDEDK.ING INTED THf El1rni:RWEDRl.DS:
overwhelme<l their homeland. Narurally, few guarantee~ can TH PRlf'HERY
be made when 1t comes to sp1ms. but most will generally JllVC By the Awareness Ability, mages are capable
(largely) accurate information in ex~ for favors, whether (X'\:ring into che Penumbra. For mosc, it is jlbt a momentmr
cho-e come in che fonn of services, Tass or somechinR else. na,h of he1ghtene<l perception, a sense that things are
Of course, a few Wonders have been made "ince the me how more real (or, m some cases, surreal) than they were the
of the Avatar Stonn, in the hopes of making Umbra! nav1ga moment before and wiJI he the moment after. Chills down the
non a b1c le..s h1tor-m1ss. Some of these w.e bound sp1rm, ~pme, a f">elmg of "ha,rng one's grave walked over" anJ an
caking advantage of their amazing Otherworldly direction overwhelming i;urge o( feelmg "in the moment" can all be,
seruc, while ~me use prmc1ples of one or more of the nine le.~t occ<1.'1onally, acmbuced to contact with the Penphery If
Spheres co divine direction. Others are constructed from gcmng tnto the Umbra requires a doorway, the Periphery i' d
materials calcen from various Realms and create a sore C'lf Int I1ke the light that shines through the crack under the dtJOr
Umbra! criangulat1on, using principles of contagion and
~ ur the muffiL.J sounJs one can sometimes hear through It
1'l .,. '' ' r t I f ~ r~
I 11 I I, (.I ' .
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Dre:un., can ulso serve as a mean!) of conneccing co the From here (unless the moge's desired destination is the
Peripht'ry nnd dnydrcamsoomelimes fulf'lt I the same function. Penumhra), a mage will need m decide where, exactly, she is
Par11ruhirly imoglnulive (or, conversely, insane) individuals going. There are three aspects to the Penumbra, each one
rnay e:otpericncc frequent cmltflt:.l wirh the Periphery. Mages corresponding 10 one of the three layers in which aU Realms
have the option of using the r.ensory effects of the Mind or wlchln the confine~ of the Horizon exist. Most mages will, by
Spmt Spheres to intentionally glimpse the Periphery, as well. default, end up in the Astral Penumbra, in which sensory
input seems cleaner, more crisp and focused. This Penumbra
THE GATE TED ALL W@RLDS: THE epitomizes intellection, reason and pure concepts. Most
PfNVffiBRA ~ha manic mystics, on the other, hand, will find them.selves in
The Penumhrn ts reached direcdy upon entry inco the the Middle Penumbra, where everychmg exists in brighter,
OtheNorld~anJ has more or less e:mhly laws of space and more vital hades and the world seems more alive and real A
d1nance, ob\'laung the need for any ~pecial means of primal fore.'t will be the mOllt grand l\Od plendid wood a mage
uans1t in them. Save for co,metic variations (such as h~ ever ~en, while a factory will be choked \nth smog and
cxceruonally v1\1J color an a pamcularpark.or a palpable pulse with a cancerou!> mnlignance. Of the Low Penumbra,
mantle o( death clinging to a cemetery) and a corutant perhaps only che Euchanacos and cercam Hollow Ones are ape
aura of moonlit tw1l1ghc chat 11luminateseveryching, things to see 1t. lt IS a place ofc;orrow, o;0litude and decay. Everythmg
are reasonahly normal here. Penumbra! London exisrs seems more muted there: colors, l>Ounds, light. The differ.
atongs1<le" nom1al London and ii. across the Penumbral encel. between che.o;e three Penumbrae, however, are, for the
Engli~h Channel from Penumbra I France.Travel rhrough mo:.t part, purely c~mccic. Three mages, each percervmg a
either medium, or spintual, will follow the basic different Penumbro, stonding in the same cleanng, will all
geographic patterns of the Enrth. still Etee one another there (through the particular lens of the
Penumbra wnh which each is most comfortable).
can simply wander there with the intent to reach 1t; they will
soon arrive in the Vulgate.
If, however, the mage has arrived by way of ''nonnal"
Certain Spheres influence realicy differently in the (Mind 4 or 5) Astral Projection, che only place to go, so m
splrit world chan they do in che physical world. If you're speaJc, 1 up. The mage will only briefly pass throu~h tht
planning on using the Umbra for more than a few houT"S in Astral Penumbra, arrivmg almost instantaneously ac the
your chronicle, consider adding these additional details. Vulgate. Should a mage be seeking the High Umbra via tht
Correspondence usually worksdifferently m the splrir Astral Sojourn rote, on the other hand, he has the opnon u
world than in the physical world - one cannot simply remaining in the Astral Penumbra or bypassing It immedt
teleport the Penumbra to the ruins of Do1ssetep on ately, at his discretion.
Mal'li. A mage can use Correspondenceto access another See Chapter Two for more details on traversing Astral
desrinauon in the same dimension, but cannot cro Space.
from one Realtp to another. Gauntlets and pericarps Navigation in most of the Astral Umbra requires Percep-
11npede such progress. In the Penumbra, teleportation is tlon + Cosmology roll$, while finding one's way in ihc
also perilous; if you score less than three successes on Eplphnmics and other such Realms of rarified choughl calb
your Arete roll, your Storyteller can reset your dcstina for lnrelllgen.ce + Enigmas rolls.
tton co whatever serves the story. It probahly won't
kill you, but it will probably Inconvenience you TH mroou: UmBRA, E9RSPJRITWILDS
There are safer methods of travel with this Sphere. The Middle Umbra, which now malc:es up the greatest
Correspondence can help ftnd the correct path to other portion of the so.-called "Splric Wilds'' 1s still (relatively)
Reahru and destinations through the Penumbra. Three easily accessible by modem mages and has its own rules
successes on a roll may Lead to a shortcut that drastically travel. Those who, by whatever means, physically enter the
reduces travel time, while fewer sueCCSM!S may give you Umbra are virtually always, by default, in a position to JXl'i5
a hint of the type of path for which you shoo Id scclc. Such into the Realms of the Middle Umbra. Lilcew1se, those who
routes ryp1cally "correspond" m some way ro their desti- have used the Astral Sojourn rote to pierce the Gauntlet mar
nation. For instance, 1f you're trying to flnd a y wnmg enter the worlds of the Middle Umbra if they Wlsh. Other
chasm where chaos consumes anything that approoches astral cravelers are conflned to the High Umbra.
1t, the path may involve stepping on cracks on the The most common means of getting from here to there
idewallc. lf you're seeking a realm where order hai; in the Middle Umbra are the "Moon Paths" (so named
lcified everything char has encered 1t, look for spider because they seem to glitter as though in pale moonlight anJ
ebs, or listen to the cachinnation of Insects signaling are known co wax and wane with the moon, as well ~
you m Morse code. This Sphere won't help you interpret disappear completely during the daytime). Another option
what you see, but it may give you hints (often In sensory to seek out the secret roads traveled by Middle Umbmlspma
impressions) of where you're going. Close to home, even themselves. Though hard to find, these paths are usuallyqu1re
basic Correspondence can help you estimate che dis- safe. Mages, however, must often bargain with the guardian
tance between major landmarks; beyond the Horizon, spirits of such roads In order to have access co them. Somt
such concepts no longer apply. spirits like to engage in games of riddles or chance, wlulc
Spirit magic typically makes the user shine like a bea:- ochers demand sacrifices and still others will settle for a Dram
con, anJ 1tactsagamstspmts thesameway.Lift magic workS or two offass. Though this way can be cridcy, the roods ofthe
agaimt living crcatutts. Against ephemeral objects, 1t wocicS pirlts connect to every Middle Umbral Realm. The last
the same way Matter does against non-living objects. option for the would-be Middle Umbra I aaveler is to use chc
Ti~ and Matter Effects have a+ l difficulty. strands of the so-called "Pattern Web" itself. Once again, chU
A character who can fly in the physical world can do biuure construct touches on virtually every Realm of the
Middle Umbra, but it is thick with spirits of Stasis, most cl
80 In the Umbra; the easiest method involves che Astn.1
Win rote (stt pp. 180-181) which perceive any mtrus1on mto their tcnitory as an mcur
ion by Dynamism and chaos and respond accordingly.
In addttion to connecting Realms m the Middle Umbra,
THf HIGH UrTlBRA, E9RASTRAL SPACf both Moon Paths and the spmc aails tend to connect po1nu
If a mage wishes to travel from the Penumbra to Astral of significance within larger Realms. Once again, though,
Space, her options for doing so are determined by her method many of these paths have been damaged or rearranged by tht
of arrival. Those who have physically bypassed the Gauntlet recent p1ritual backlash~ that have rocked the Umbra, and
must enter a medicative state and "wiU" themselves into the the mexpenenced traveler is warned not to wander too farm,
High Umbra (roll Willpower, difficulty 8)-unless they are lest she lose her way and be trapped long enough in the Umbra
mages (they have Awakened Avatars), In which case, they to lose her human self and become a thing of spirit. Beyond
the omnir~nt daniter of Disembodiment IS also the chreac
ci m.1l~olent being~ that have begun to stallc the bridges
between and within Realms in record numbers in recent Mages are mortal, fmc and foremost - t:betr world is
yms faen the ~ml ro.1<b, once largely mviolace, are no chat of mankind Even the mo6t mystical Dreamspeaker is
longer anywhere nc-Jr M guarded from the trcspas.s of such a crearure of fl~ and blood, no matter how adePt she is at
emmes th1.c-y once were (though they sull remain the safest mteracung with the pmr world. In this sense, magesdon't
mtchod oi t:mnstt while in the MiddJe Umbra). reallybelongmtheSplntW1ld~.burthcycanadaprtocbe1.t
There 11sc<l co be a bit more rhyme and reason co the surroundings The Spmt Wilds d1Stort the1r appearances..
orgam:auon of the variow Realms m the Middle Umbra, but System: Mages in the phyi;ical world cast vibrant
the \h)rl~ char compnse 1c are now somewhat more haphaz- shadows in the Penumbra, depending on the screngchof
arJly arranged from the persreccive of the Awakened. Paths their Arete and Avatar. These represenc their scrong
chat led to particular destinations may be broken, lead co will, supemnrurol strength, and influence on the world
nuwhcreac all now, or carry che traveler toa destination very around them. When a mage steps sideways inl'.o the
different from Lhe one he had envisioned. This Ls true even of Spirit Wilds, che cffect is more pronounced. A mage is
the spiriL pa[hs, though the natives of the Middle Umbra obviously A mngc, and her appearance subtly shifts to
~rem 10 have llulcl.lifflculcy, for the most pare, in figuring out adapr to the local environment. Her Resonance and
wh<rc a given rood leads. Spheres may alter minor features about her. Even a mage
There are ocher trailb that wind through the Middle with the Arcane Backg1ound Is revealed in t:hts way,
Worla., and these - though less safe overall than the Moon alchough he may appear blurred or our of focus ar rimes.
Pat!~ and 'i)int trails - are probably a bit easier for most In the phy&ical world, a very powerful m.age may
A"'akcned ro fmd and use. Of course, there are few guarantees uruntennonallysummon minorphy~ic:al phenomenaabout
hen u comes to what roads lead where. In general, the he:r;elfbased on her Srhe~. A masterof Forces is probably
spuuual mirror offered by the Umbra malces piclungsome paths energeric, for in cance, while an Oracle ofSpmr may move
abiteasitt (given a choice of t:Wo roods, one of which as a miscy wtth a grace and &n char suggests unheard music. Mages
aream and the ocher of which ~ cobbled wich the crowns of ofany potency may ~.unmon uch effects from nme to time,
slulls, theaveragc uavclcr has an idea of which one is more apt ~rticularly when <:&ting magic They can (ai::w.L.bould) be
tomke him to hi.) preferred destination), but this is not always more obvious in the Spmc Wilds. By c.ontraSt, certain
dit~. Patruof temfyingaspectsomerunesserveasacrucible cechnolog1cal or magical 1te~ do not function in me
to keep the unworthy or cowardly away from beautiful Realms Realms; they miaht just d1S3ppear until the cmveler leaves.
and plendid, silver-lined roods have been known to lure If you're using the rules for Resonance Traits, then
unwary mages inro hells better left ununagined. erymagehossomedegrecofdynamic,stacic,orenaopic
More detail on the Spirit Wilds can be found in the Res6nance. In the physical world, Resonance Is mainly
Umbra 'IOurcehook for Werewolf. The Middle Umbra is less evident when a Paradox Boddosh occu~, but ln the spirit
unique to mage.c; thon it once ww; where once mages per- world, It is evident all the time. The number of dots a
ceived !cs Realmsdi fferend y than a werewolf, Lt has concretized character hos in this Trait influences her spiritual appear-
wmewh1u, an<l mages who travel there often experience the ance. The cldthes of o dynamic mage may crackle with a
s~me things as werewolves. stacic electrical chorge.11'\e garments of an entropic rnage
Nav1rr.1ting Lhe Middle Umbra! Wilds requires lntelli- may be frayed at che seams, while the raimenr of a static
gtrnce +Cmmology rolls (when traveling between Realms) or mage may have an astronomical count.
Wm. +Enigmns rolls (while traveling within a single Realm). For any of these phenomena, this means that an Awak-
Cert nn Realms may buck these rules (such as Aux, in which ened oOOC!rver can deduce ~medung about the mage bv
direction~ as meaningless a concept~ form), but these are. scrunnizing her with a Perception+ A~ roll. Making
llt\erthel~. rhc rules of chumb. a imple ob.ervauon t5 difficulcy 6, but at the StOf)'teller's
option, complicated msigh~ into che pracncioner's para-
THE LEBW Urt!BRA. EDR. ntE AFrERWEDR.LDS digm and a~ to magic may have a diffkulcy as high as
The Low Umbra, also known as the Afterworlds, IS 9. By this hidden crut~ may revealed
btgely inaccessible to m t Awakened now. While some
Eu1hanros anJ pcrhap:> a handful of Craft mages still retain
knowledge of how co reach some of the lands of the dead, ofNochingne:.s 1uclf. a stonn that has yet to die, but they can
rhose rotes are largely usele now. The unquier ghosts who offer little iru11ght beyond chat.
nncc populated these Realms thickly are, almost without Accord mg ro the few mages who have had anycomact with
tx'-l!ption, imply gone. A few motley stragglers have made the AfcerworlJs since the destruction of Bangladesh, it would
claims o( a terrible storm of spirits roiling up out of the maw seem thesrorm that laid waste to cne Low Umbra coincided
aImo'[ .:x.kcly \\ nh dw un'>I: r ol rhc Avatar Stllffil and <.k,Lr. i\lJ Scor1cellers who w1\h to allow players to enter the
nul'L 1I rhcJ...111xnsnl t h1he R...alm,l1r l~nt:iheJ them d~whlrc. Underworlds are .1d\'l'>C<l to consult che rele' ant Wraith
TI1\.' dclfie.'( Rl~lllll "' 1hl' Low Urnhm Cl'IOUnUl!l- (II rcfll-<.: I cl sourcebook for the n:gion they plan co uaver.e.
rn1 rh1J and Jl'layl'l.l ,.1,11111111 uur uwn w\irld, anJ trmd through
11 r11ughly ,1rrrox11nau;, wh111 one m1ghc expect m phyML.\I mmVING BETwfN
r'l.'alrry. Tht> far-llung nnd i.:dmly fantasLic "cities of the dtad" me When attempting w rnove between layers of the Umbme,
c1rher fulkn mto ruin rn me olf from contact hy the living, aqhc the difficulty anJ magki. involved depends largely upon how
ro.1J~ m chem rn 1l11ngc:r ,1_c111 tu wllrk The varwu' "hc;W1'lh .ind exactly the traveler ~1)f where.' he W<l.). Those who have phric:ally
hdl," t>nce l.111nJ 1mcing rh~ AfrcrwurlJs seem ro Ill' l1kc:w1-.c entered the Umbra hnvt: the ITIObC choice 10 chl.5 reg.uJ, cl.\ chti
hmcre<l ~~,nd r..'\:11gnsr1e1n or hope l>I sllval!1.' anJ 1.:<tnn111 he can always cry to wall wherever 1t 15 they wam to go. Gemng to
cll1.l"...e-J. for the 11\1 '[ pin. lnly rh.: todi~h 11r mily ..k...p.:r.11c che Astral Umbra n.\juncs a keen and discrpluieJ mmJ (or, Ill
lntd the I... '" Urnlr.1.m\ rnorl , nJ only madmen would d lit tc 1 certain rare mstancc.., ,1 porml l (~me sort), though trdvel thcrt
.trr<:llll" lo p1:nctr.1t1. tlw t.1nlwr rc.t1hl' uf tts Re.11111,, St r.m~~ can only be accomrlr,h1.'l.I from che Penumbra. Master> o( the
l>t111g~- 'Ptnb ol thmi.:' rwwr horn or <lead s1rn:.e rhl 11K1p1111n Mind Sphere may ~nually d1recdy ac.ces.-. the, while
111 Lunt: and 1:-t'mg-,kulk HH'ven rhcSkmlandsnow, made hrnw less skillcJ m buch aru must often make a loni:;cr Journey,
hy the grcatlv Jim1111~hl'd 1n11nhcr" of srn1ls d1at rcm.1111 ll('rt'. conceprualtziug their way rntu Lhe "higher" Realms.
rinding one':. wny Ilm1u~h nnyrhmg but rhe I .11w Ptm1m If one i.s physk;illy in 1hc Umbrae, getting into the l..c.lw
hr.l j, nigh 1mp11,,1hlc .it hl~t In 1hc unhkely evcn1 a l1vmg Umbra can be accomplr,hcJ fmm almost anywhere, providcJ
m,1ge imJ~ h...r\ell Ill th1 AhtrworlJ~. 1c 15 hc ... r rcmunht11.d one hasche mystic knciwlc<l1o?ct0Joso. Thisformof tmvel (called
th.H rhn.,... wh1"' Jnumcy ,lnwn .rn1nng the dt'ad in tlw t 11ne an Agama Sojourn among the Eu1hanacos) reqwre. coruidcr
.1tter 1he R1.1.konmi: .uc .1lm1hC nlw:ip. tact..J to rem.un t lwrc. able calent5 with Entmpy, Life and Spmc Sphere m.ag1Q.
Unforrunacely, rhc 1mc cinnot be said of tho..e W\.'hmg to lea~ e
the Afte-rworlJs; such a journey often requires the locaaon of a Realm while m the Otherworl~ (where they are suspended on
gateway or the oid of a guide (both ci which have become the edge of che Horizon). however, L~ sometimes even sunpler
mcrtasmgly rare m the rune following the Reclcorung and che andsometimesfarmoredifficuk.RealmsofMatterorForcesrend
commgoftheAvatarSronn). lngenerul, wh1lcphys1callyw1chm co be pretty straightforward and getting into chem is often an
the Umbra, the Middle Umbra IS eas1e.t to acces.s, though the uncompl1cateJ {1f not always safe or easy) matter. Paradox
J<Jonwysthat lead to 1tareoftenoncway. However, the dangers Reallllli fonn1..'cl on principles of Correspondence, Entropy or
lrihcreni in physically breachmS? the Gaunclec make it much Time, however, can be 6endishlyd1fficult even co find, let alone
s:ifetand \\Iser co underrake one's ioumeys astrally. tnccr. lngencml, Realms created by PancmSphere (Forces, Life,
There are a few coru.canc:; char seem to work beC\\-een Matter or Pnme) are more easily navigable - though noc
Umbrae, however, even 1f chey do noc as easily or surel) ly safer - than those fonned by more esocenc Spheres.
coon~ict rhe levels of the OthcrworlJs an)more. The most (Sec the Ephtmeral. Medtania: Magic m the Umbra sidebar.)
natal t'f chek " the Alder Bole or World Tree - a great, Findmg one's way around m any Paradox Realm will
ant1~'1l1 crce rhac stretches both obove and below to far beyond m~t likely require rolls againi.t one or more Meneal At,
the edgl.'s of perception, uansfix1ng ull Umbroe at once. The mbutcs anti Abilities including, burnoc Hmitcd co:Cosmology1
crown of the rree is nestled among the Realms of Ascral Space, Enigmas, MeJitation, Occull or Survival. As a rule of thumb,
while 1hl.! majorlry of che trunk is fount! wllhln the Middle 1c 1s n hell of a lot harder to get our of n Paradox Realm than
Urnhra and rhc roor.scoil in the fetid depths of the Low Umbra. to get in 11nd, under most circumstances, it is nearly impos-
Find mg che Alder Bole {also known as Mount Qaf- see sible lo extract the mage or magcs meanr to be imprisoned
n.ltbar) b qunc difficult in mOl>t place&, requiring multiple th1:rt before rhe allotted rime of incarcemuon is through.
lnrell1gcnce + Cosmology rolls co locate. Navigating the Deta1b on the Honzon or beyond can be
World Trce once 1t IS found from one layer of the Umbrae inco found m Chapter Three
anothtr is dementaty, af one is noc dtSCeming as to where one Finally, as co lo~r Realm,, initial explorarions indicate
md.sup. for tho.-.e seelung co have some say in thetrdestination. that the ~hadows of such de:.croy..-d Realms perst5t, fueled by
\l11ts +Co,;,mology rolls are in order. Noce, hmvever, chat those AwakeneJ belief m them and \U~tamed by the Tellurian\
~ho arc ,\Strally pro1ect1ng into chc Umbra using only Mind 5 merua Mage can access these "afterimages" nonnally and
Cllll not leave the Astral Umbra, regardl~ of how. some m1ghr not even be aware thar che Realms no longer truly
Beyond this, there are a hantlful ofdoorway mcoand out ex 1~c. These <lead Realml> are slowly fadmg, however, and m
of the three layers of che Umbroe. In general, most such ume, preliumabl), most of them will cease to exist.
p:irtnls are dangerous and unpreJ1ccable now, though some of
thl.'m ~ull k-00 more or less where rhcy were intended co. It IS WHAT G$ES UP...
Important to note, also, that the impl1cacioru of "low," In general, the physical la~ of the Umbra are close
m1JJle" ant.I "high" are convenr1ons, nol alutudes and that approxunattons of those found on Eanh A thrown object
<loorw.1y11 lead mg from the Astral Umbra 1nro che Afterworlds gradually loses momentum <IOU lands on the nearest: solid
ire us commun {and rare) al> tho e leading from the Low ~urfnce, and sources of light allow for the sense of sight co
Urnhm to the Middle or the M1J<llc to the l ligh. function properly. Now, in many cases, the thrown object
may drift nlong lazily for an impossible length of time, or
colors may be all wrong, but, in mosccase , lheunderstanding
Nntumlly, despite the fact that the three layers of the nnd experiences common to mc.>sr adult humans prove suffi
Umhr.1e (Low, Middle and High) make up the majoricyof rhc cicnc cu at lea~c get by In a majority of realms.
Otlu:rworlJ~ chat would be of intcrc~t to most Awakened.
Of course, there is cenainly no small number of places
there are other places still to go and, ~met1mes, compelling
where, for example, what g~ up exponennally increases m
rea-ons ro sel!k them our.
velocity, ouc ro infmicy, or light only serves to create hideous
Getting to Paradox Realms is, unfortunately, all too easy for cacophonies of mrnd-1ihaccenng noise that is heard as much
lllO!tl m~re:.. Paradox tSdrawn coAw.ikenlod wilJ and !iOmerim~
within rhe <.0ul as on the eardrums.
mere rrox1m1ry lS enough co pull a hapl(!S:) willworker in.
One of the most annoying and potentially dangerous
Ccm1inly, the reckless use of the gifts of the Awakening will
lluctuattons in physical law in the Umbra is the disroruon of
m:nt11.11ly open the door to a Paradox Realm for any mage. lf, by
~pace/time. Moving in the spine Realms can someumes get
llihateH~t\rrangcchance, a mage actually nec..'f.b orwants co enter
you nowhere, while stand mg "till has been lcnown co result m
e given Pmndox Realm, let common sense be the watchword.
remarkable prtJb1fCSS toward a desunauon no sane man would
Getting into a Paradox Realm while in the marenal world wbh for. Likewise, some unlucky souls have scepped ouc of the
SllllPIY requtres locaong the telkale "n.>ahcy w.trpage" of Paradox Otherworld after a few day , only to discover thac weeb or
ml \l)tng one of the nonnal means of ~cepp1ng mto the Penum more had pa~~c!d. while some have toiled for years m saange
1-ra from there. Instead of reaching the Penumbra, the mage will Realms, emerging m the world of flesh perhaps hours after
fmJ h1m.i;elf w1chm the ParnJox Realm. Gewng into aParadox first cro.~sing che Gauntlet.

The following manuscript was purchased through a Syrian de:iler in anriqu1ciei; by an unnamed Master on behalf of
che Council of Nine around the rum of the previolbccnrury. Scholars from 'm1ous Traditions have embellished 1t w1ch
addenda and commentary in the intervemng years.
Kitah alMir'aj alKahin ("The Book of the Ascent of the Magician")
Speak, 0 t11rgm parchment! 8eaT witl'llSS to rhose wondtrs
Which no eye hath beheld. Speak u.'OTds no ear hath heard. 1
Those that seek wisdom, let them read thee and learn.
They who would be wise, let them shut lkir ~
Let them so shut om the world, be blind co 1u sights and dtaf to its clamor.
Let them be ac peace 'uithin, that they might know the inner wonders.
r them see the world wiihin, which is reflectetl by r.he world 2
Utt them see Its cities and wildernesses. let them charc its course of thought.
Let chem Orient thtnuel\les, r:t4ming cheir face co the light of morning
And Lo! R1Smg up at the left hand, ~ most glorious green mounwn!J
Clouds of siL'1er wreath its peak, ihe lands of men stirround its ba.fe,
Rippled like unto a bed-cloth. Let the seeker venture therein,
Marking u& the mannm of its natives; lee him tlttl'l1d ro the lore they rmpart
For 1t is then' role co assist, if the seelcc can but know therr wngms.
As he makes his way. let him refwe no gift
For these are r.he lancl.s of knowledge, the Eighth Cbmt u1hose sub1umce
Is the scuff of legend, whose very .soil u composed of u~randing
Yee let him be not dan~d by its wondm, nor stray inw its enticements,
But hol.d ever tn4t w hU padt, ewr following hu own inner tight.
Fer 1s the land of mates and mm'OYS, the labyriritli of the soul,
lt.s ~ths di'!! as mmterou.s as thought, each di~onefrom another,
1'"fr~ branchu of the Tttt of Ufe 1i.sdf. lcs tw1gs brush the OUltmlO.St firmammc. S
1. Our unknown author begin in the fashion of che ancient Icings of Mesopocoinia, who nddres d their clay tnblet
directly, commanding it to speak and thus tell their subjects of their proclamaclo015. - Cornelius, Order of Hennes
2. Do the Subtle Ones believe that the physical world is a reflection of the spirit world? Later chc poetsuggescs otherwc;e
This is typical of the 'Batlni, who rum everything Inside out and baclc agnln, as will be seen. Note char the journey begms
by using the techniques of Astra1 Projection, rather chan Stepping Sideways; I.his might mean the author was drawing from
much olden ources dating baclc to an age when the Gaumlet was not as scrong as it is today. - Uqbal LaPanga, Dreams111:aker
3. Miiny Tradirions begin their most basic riruals facing toward the east, "orienting" themselves, as it were, to che
sunrise. There is probably a salutation co each cardinal direcc1on, in clockwise order, which hru. been om med as bc.vonJ
rhe scope of this treatise. That the mountain hes co the north tS common to most sp1rirual rradirions of the nordiem
hemisphere, identifying their spiritual center with the cele.mnl axis of Polans, the pole star. -Comeltus
4. ln other words, the Avatar can be relied upon Cll'jllldance, ~pecially m this plane chat is now called the Vulgate.
The spirits h:we much to lc?2Ch us, but they still hav thetr own mrete.cs and m UV.'~, and often ay to draw the 11ker
into their own little games. - LaPanga
5. Although the reference is, I would assume, Qahalisric, this is rhe first hint that Mount Qafcan be identified wnh
the Alder Bole. Larer verses make it clear that it ~rved the me function for the AhliBacm, as a conjunction and
intersection for the Umbra as a whole. The planes of tne Astral Umbra, with the Vulgate below and Ep1phamies abm-e
are already clear, but the Batini apparently made no partcular disunction between this anCI what v.~ know <b the
M1drealm This excreme compression of ideas- punlng all their cw in one basket, so to speak -was probably a major
foctor in their undoing. -Sangralea, Verbena
Many of the O\():\t dangerous d1meruLOns are Realms around you demonstrate wildly uncharacteristic beha'
draw the rmveler into an alremate rcahry, somenmes 1ors may give you ms1ghts into your perception of the
thout hLS knowledge. The~ podcec dtmeruions, called Then again, it may tesc your ~nity as well. A devio
-., follow chcir own lawi. of physics and create thetr Storyteller may use a Zone moment to trigger a Parad
~altemauvcs. Anywhere in the Near Umbra, mcluding Backlash for Quiet.
pmt Wilds, a mage can encounter Dream Realms, The Null Zone has been dcscnbed as "backstage at th
nror Zones or Null Zon~. dLmensioru that ace on the theater of che mind." le show~ the scenes "behind" realiq
im~ of unseen forces. like the backstage of a massive theater showing a thousan
Mtrya, or the Dream Realnu, float at seeming random plays, films, and stories all nc once. You can't enter th
muMhout the Umbrae, composed of pocket realities performance because you've been relegated to a passiv
sed on dreams or collective folk beliefs. A Dream Realm role in realiry. This place is more nightmare than play
at RtOWS big enough, either throdgh collective belief or ground, as it's a realm where magic fails and technol
Ing visited by many travelers, might become a Mythic ceases to function. Time and space are meaningless, an
localizing Itself on the Horizon or in the Spirit outsiders doubly so. If you Slcp through a Gauntlet
!ldh - or even on o Spire in the Astral Reaches. Maya pericarp and fall, It's probably the lase place you want to
ay he vls1teJ in dreams, through willfuJ meditation, orby Dark, damp runnels connect most areas and mamfes
1cd and bodiless magcs in the Umbra. This Zone may at tationsof the Null Zone. EphemeraIstagehands perioJicall
l arpcar ~mall, but it JS VOlJt, perhaps as vast as the entire rush by with imaginary propi.. Survivors speak of"steppin
mbra, and seems to mirror its progression from an initial ouc from behind che scenery" to enter the real world a
nurnbca into deeper Realms, leading into alien while others have narrowly escaped by stepping Sldeways
. msca~ that perhaps ex1~t beyond the Far Horizon. Like the exit from a cheap movie theater, the doors
cumcs dream lonb, calleJ the One1ra, appear as leg perttpnon close behind you when you leave. For Goddess'
archerypes.-pcrhaps figures from the Major Arcana sake, don't try to prop open che door.
the Taroc. Abo, che fae, or pintli resembling them, often Vistas are panommasof alcemace realities. Theyaren'
r.Some belteve Maya 1 the gateway to fabled Arcadia, <;<> much plac~ as m~ ive "UmbraI rnq_vies" of events y
e coortS of che fae. cannot influence or control. At the moment a wim
Mm-orZones offer sudden and alternate possibilities co corers, something cntical has just occurred. The Big Ban
I reahry. Everything is ~1ble m the Otherworlds, if the End of che Univeri.e, the viewer's own death -
for a lmle wlule -which 1s precisely why these places are three of the most commonly encoumered phenomena
. A mage may bd leve he has rerumed to Earth, only to The experience often afflicts the wimess with fatalism,
over that lhe Technocracy is gone, or dragons are if these events arc orJaine<l, but a magc who sees more tha
ng over New York, or humans have devolved into one never has the same experience twice. A willwork
'tmtcllluent reptiles. While these kinds of altema cannot affoct u Vista. He is merely a spectator, and occa
ves are drnmnticolly amusing. most Mirror Zones depend sionally a victim.
11rcater subtleties. Some are' so incredibly Insidious that Oprlonal Rules: If you must use rules for this sort o
v1s1101 may nusrnke it for his own real ily until it's coo lace thing, anyone viewing a Vista should make a Willpowe
e"Wpc. While it may he tempting to remain In a Mirror roll (difficulty 10, minus che spectator's Arete). On a fail
ne w1rhoul war, chc Technocracy, or evil, a mage who roll, rhe wimess loses n poml of Willpower; on a botch in one will eventually become ephemeral, and a roll, he loses two. Once all Willpower is gone, the vte
ne IS under no obhlr.ltton to remnin pennanenr. may accept his fate as fmal, la5ing all will co leave.
A minor Mirror Zone may breeze by m a heartbeat, Finally, the Digiutl Web 1s a unique Zone populated
l\'lng udJcn chanae.~ in a mage'<1 companions or sur technomagei. and other freaks lt cra:;hed once, but is no
nd1ngs. Experienced mweler:. call these "Zone back m busm See che Digital Web 2.0 iOUrcebook fi
ents," but are ull complelely unprepared (or un more deca11s.
~e) .... h n they ha n. ud<lenly em the ~ople _~-~
TRAVfl fl1Aoe (Ra.AllVfLY) StmPL
NonnaJ means of travel and navigation
Dreaming or using the Awareness Abihcy, Mind or Spirit sensory Effects: no nav1gatia
Stepping Sideways (Sp mt 3), Breach the Gauntlet (Spint 4 ), Shallowmg, Astral ProJec
tion (Mind 4 or 5 - Astral Umbm only), Astral Sojourn (Mind 4 or 5/Prime 2/Sptrit
navigate as though m the macerial world).
As Penumbra for the Awakened, or roll Willpower (difficulty 8); navigate with Perccpuon
Cosmology (lncelligence + Enigmas in the Epiphamies).
Stepping Sideways (Spmc 3), Breach the Gauntlet* (Spirit 4), Astral Sojourn (Mind 4
5/Prime 2/Spirit 3 ), Shallowing; navigate between Realms with lnrelligence + Co:.mology
within Realms with Wits + Enigmas.
Agama Sojourn (Entropy 4/Life 2/Spirit 3, or Entropy 4/Life 3/Spirlt 4 to send anoth
through)i navigate with Perception + Cosmology or Enigmas
Porcals, gateways, Anchorheads or Umbra! exploration: navlgate with appropriate Men
Attribute + Cosmology, Enigmas, Medication, Occult or Survival.
Loe.ate (through Prime senses) and use any of the normal means ofaccessing the Penumbra (
on Earth), physically enter ifat Realm's location tn the Umbra; navigate byappropriateMem
Attribute+ Cosmology, Enigmas, Meditation, Occulc or Survival.
Break the DreamsheU (Spirit 5); navigate by Perception + Cosmology
Deep Umbra Travel (Spirit 5), or l1fesuppon of some sort to sUIV1ve; navigare by Pcrccpt1
rween Umbral layers All. Alder Bole {Mt.. Qai), gateway or as though encenng from the Penumbra (those cmveh
via Astral Projection [Mind 4 or 5], however, cannot access any layer of the Umbra other r
Astral Space).
Ponals, gares and pathways
Any Awakened person using this method of entry suffers the Avatar Storm, unless he "steps through" with a rot
m1liar or other spmt.

For the mosl pare, human beings are advised to stay far Realms" seem to be a bit more common, though somt
from Real~ with physical laws so far removed from the speculate that it 1s perhaps more a case ofU mbra I uda l mo non
terrestrial as to be totally alien or nearly so. Not only do such sifting out the shattered remains of "nearby" Realms, wluJ,
ReAlms conroin unknown potential for harm to the indi- drawing in worlds further removed and bringing them clOlirr
vidual, but also there is no telling what manner ofdeleterious in the Umbra! landscape.
aftereffects exposure co such places can bring. In certain rare The Realms that border on the physical world (tht
in~tances, mages have visited such bizarre worlds, only co Penumbrae) operate under laws that are almost always com
begin co age in reverse, have senses permanently altered patiblc with those held to be true by the ma1omy d
beyond the scope of nonnal human consciousnes:. or co contemporary humanity. Being reflections of the ordll\3ry
undergo inexplicable transformations of other soru. world, this 1s unsurprising. Likewise, most worlds JUSt be)ond
Some believe that spending time in certain Realms can those generaJly conform to standard physical laws. le is wben
be ~ damaging to the con.~1ousness and psyche chat a a traveler beg ms to become more remote than this from Eanh
descent (slow or otherwise) mto Quiet is the only possible chac the rules under which the world operates begin
recourse for a fragmenting sense of sanity. More than one degrade. In some Realms, these variations are minor (.uchas
Mamuder hru; likely been made through prolonged exposure a great Umbml clubm that swallows all light), wlule in
to a spine world where thmgs are, m one way or another, JUSt 1c is far more pronounced (such as the Epiphamy of q
wrong. In the days following the Reckoning, such "Mad Euclidean geometry").

l _t 1 I ,
lI f l' I' l l I .J " ' I
1 fd
(ll". ,.J, 'J I' f' I

, t :-,
r,.., r,J .. __.__J__j.L..---.A.
. .c~ r- i:
The most powerful Umbra! winds are more violent roll from five; the result is the number of levels of lethal
soul<rmhmg than Earthly phenomena. They aren't damage inflicted (thus, a character who scores five or more
t storms: rhey'rc the pmrual e:>sence of stonns. Hurri uccesses IS noc hurt). On a botch, roll again rhe s.ame way
eond tornadoes merely inflict physical damage, but an but inflict aggravated damage. If the second roll botches
~ral ~tonn can np your soul apart. The most powerful hurl the character from that dimension to somewhere e~
, Umbroquakes, represent the fury of powerful sptrics. Optional System: At the Storyteller's discretion, u
lesserUmlfral storm can change the landscape, eradicate roving Avotar Storm may roll through a Realm ac any
and moon paths, and dramcally hurl mages off-course. cime. This ii; a message from the cosmos that the Realm 1
orher words, don't expect co mid a sacred site in the about co undergo a profound change. Mages are odv1sed t
bra with impunity. seek shelter or leave the Realm as quickly as pos ible -
S)'item: During an Umbraquake, everyone in the these are che soru of storms that can flay sanity,
mity may be thrown Lo the ground for one to five dice of an Ava car, or k Ill in a heanbeat. Such occurrences shout.I
avatcd damage. Victims of an Umbral wind make be rare, but they do happen. A Scoryceller who abuses th111
mma rolls against o difficulty of 6 to 9; the inrenslcy may power should expect powerless mages to flee every tim
n<l as much on what the mages have done as where the wind picks up (or just give up on the game). l
y are. Subtract the number ofsuccesses on the Stamina idea with caution.


Above and beyond the dangers inherent in t.hat I hardly noticed tht ony riwlecs ofblood tJuu flowed from the
~cepping inco the lands of the spirits, there is a cues it left on my faa . My eye5 burned with rem:s, for tht fadierl1
considerable risk co body and soul to be found gescure. despite how grotesque and morucrou.s it had become, u1as
in the Umbra. For centuncs now, some mages famiW%T wmt. Thulemenralhad no1 lied, whatfloawl in ihuthtr
who hnve tarried well overlong in the before me had once been Antonio de Roma, Masrer of the Ars Vu
Otherworld have gradually metamorphosed andm1 pour
into beings of spirit, losing their human iden, - From the journals of Veronica Underwood, bani
t mes and degenerating (or evolving, depending Bonisagus
upon one's per5pective) lnco creatures that are The step from mage co spirit was once a long one, Long
no longer even remotely human. Since the Reckoning, the enough that it almosr rt.'qutred a conscious effort. Often, with
tune required co affect this transformation is considerably the proper precaucions, one could last for up to a year without
ttd~. Funher, most mages report a kind of"sluggishness" succumbing to the siren song of the ephemeral world. Not so
or ~unfnmllmriry" to their physical bodies upon return, as now, in these days after the Reckoning. The coming of the
thou11h the very act of srepping physically into the Umbra Avatar Storm has heralded an omen perhaps even grimmer and
now h:gin~ co degrade earthly flesh. Considering the number certainly far more insidious. After dwelling "' the Umbra for
of ll\ab't!S ~tnn<led out in the various Umbrae when the three full lunar cycles (each cycle being phase co phase, about
A\'l\tar Sconn first began to rage and the destruction of the twenty-eight and one-quarter days each, or about 84 days-12
w-~nls shielding most I lorizon Realms, chis bespeRks a grim weeks - total), a fully terresmal being, such as an animal,
rrobab1liry for the Awakened population of the world. Sleeper or mage, alma;r cerwnly will become a sptrit penna
nently, losing connection to the ph~1cal world and caking on
DISIT1BEBDIITINT the characteristics of an Umbra! native. Though some ele
~Yes, I remember you now, little one," it said to me . "You mentsof theoriginal per50nality and 1dent1tyofthe newly born
~e grown somt , buc it has not been long tU all. No. not so spint may how through, the entity that now ex1 c:; is no longer
long. l see -rour fear and fruscracion, they are wriuen on you a thing of flesh and belongs fully to the Otherworkh.
llS plainly as ihe power that /lou.'S within your soul like blood. Do Each week spent in the Umbra beyond the chmJ lunar
Ml free, 11111.e one." monthrequlresa Willpowerroll(beginnlngacdifficulcy8anJ
Ar rhis. IL wrhe.d out with ICS hand, its fingm longer increasing by one for each week thereafter, using the same
rliana man 'sann, andg~tl'.1 stroked my chllk in whaut haue rules as for magic difficulties above nine). Ifa roll lS failed, the
rorurnwl robe acomfCrUngfa.shUm. Raw Quint.essence boiled on mage muse seek to escape the Umbra quickly (withtn a few
!hr np5 of its cryscalline claws and so poweeful. was tht sensation hours at most) or else be rransforme<l forevermore inco a
spirit. This affects even mages In Horizon Realms, which were There are a few means of stalling the process of
once immune to disconnection. D1sembod1menr, but some of these are rather gruesome
No one knows why this has happened, save co say chat (such as the 81otemporal Maintenance Field Generator, p.
chc metaphysics of the Umbra seem co have been fundamen 184) anJ only a handful arc many way reliable. Those with
tally altered on many levels. Those of an apocalyptic bent the Umbral Affintty Mem (p. 187) or, of course,
arc quick to point ouc theories involving the end of umc, Dream~peake~ with Totems have better options m thb
citing the Reckoning and this accelerated cimeframe for regarJ (~e pp. 34-35), but most mages have linlccho1cebu1
Disembodiment (among other things) as proof that the to get any business in the Umbra done within three lunar
world 1s spiralmg out of con trol, toward annihilation. Some months anJ, as some have speculated, perhaps this is for the
believe chat the T ellurian is figh ting bade. against the besc. The world, after all, I!> not going to be put back. on track
depredations of humanity and 1s domg so by shielding ltS chcough any kind of vast Umbral quest. Knowledge anJ
soul m the only manner it can - by dissuading most of experience gleaned from the Otherwoclds, rhese magc:.
humanity to keep away. Whatever it is that causei. the contend, lb better suited to improving llfe here on Enrch,
physical form to rapidly degrade in the Umbra, it is a realicy rather chan being set co the purpose of creating make-
with which the Awakened must now contend. pretcnJ realI tics for from the Sleepers whose procecrlon and
educati<ln ore the obligation of the Awakened.

ate: 02.23.01 19:23:56

o: Dr. Robert Goldfarb <[email protected]>
rom: Lynette Anselm <[email protected]>
e: Weird
Just got back from my interdimensional clinic and I feel stra nge, Bob. I've done this six tim
efore (of course, the whole schedule was completely thrown off by the energy disturbance i
he interdimensional membrane) and now I feel.. . sick. I don't know how to explain it; it's Li
aving a flu or being constantly just a bit tired. Worse still, some of my advanced lessons int
ern Sciences are eluding me, as though I've contracted a memory retention disorder. Th
elings have lessened with the passage of even just a couple of days, but I have to wonder wh
LL of this means. I'll have more detailed reports for review by the board within a week or so.
ust need to get over this thing. Talk to you soon.

ACCLlfTIATIEBN The nec..J for Acclimation is almosc certainly a dttcct

Just as when stepping off of a boat onto land for the first symptom of phybical deceriorauon (given the incvitabk
time after a prolonged sea voyage, there is a cenain amounr result thaL follow:. final-stage Accl1mat1on) through che pro-
of disonentat1on and readjustment uiherent m rerummg to cess ol D1&embod1ment. Thus, no ordinary medical or other
the world of flesh from chat of spirit in the wake of the purely physical cures can ~ ISL 1t. Likewise, che Acclimauon
Reckoning. By most, it is described as a feeling of slowness, process seems to be rather resistant to acceleration or nega
heaviness or awkwardness, as though the body is responding tion through the use of Mind of Spmc Sphere magics. It ~
only ~tuggishly to the mmd's commands. There is a feeling of possihlc that certain clever uses of Life, Mind and Spinr
bemg somehow less substantial. The mind cannot focw. as con1uncc1onally nuglu be able to hascen a mage's Acchnu
well on the remporal and, ac more advanced ~tages of this tion, but very few thm~ &eem to be capable ofcutting out tht
Acclimation, even the mage's magic suffers for it. need for tr entirely. A few mageb have deroonsrmted a greater
Thts Acclamation did not exist for most before the tolerance for Disembodiment than others and have, conse
Reckoning, so moscscholarsofUmbral matters have lumped quenrly, suffered somewhat les on account of Acclimation
the phenomenon in with the myciaJ other change:; that seem but such mages are the exception to the rule and cheu
co have been swept in with the edJies of the Avatar Storm, immun1Uc!1Jon'tseemcobeablecobeleamed,anymorethan
de:.pite the fact that the two are not hlcely to be directly one can cry to be become a Stormwarden.
related co one another.
Tttt LeNG ReAD Hertlf: AccurtlA11eN
After extended jauno, mco the Umbra, wherein the body becomes saturated with ephemeral matter and the fo
ms,alm())tfrom the momentof em:ry, to slowly losesol1dltyofPaccem, m t mages require a bit of time tofullyreadj
che macenal world. This Acclimation is a mere nuisance for those who have just spenr a few Jays in the Umbra, but ca
a more ~rlous concern for those who have stretched rheir Disembodiment tolerance to its limits. The penalri
durcd during Acclimation are ai. folloW!i:
gth of Journey Penalties
None. However, the mage may experience some slight dtSOnenumon for joume~ npproachi
the four-day mark, and this shoufd be roleplayed.
+ l to the difficulty of any physical application of An Ability for one day after returning.
r to five weeks + 1 co the difficulty of any physical application of at'\ Ability for two days after reruming and +
to che difficulty ofall Pattern (Forces, Life and Matter Spheres) maak~ for one day after retumin
+2 co the difficulty of any physical application of an Ability for two days after rctuming, lessen
to+ t difficulty for three days thereafter. Further, +1 co the difficulty of alJ Pattern magics fouh
days after returning.
1 tt) nme weeks +2 to the difficulty ofany physical application ofan Ability for four days after rerumlng, lessen
to+ I difficulty fora Week thereafter. Further,+ l to the difficulty ofall Pattern magicsforonewe
after recuming.
0 weeks + Even If the mage is not Disembodied, he accrues a final Acclimation penalty at this point: +3
the difficulty of any physical application of an Ability for four days after retum1ng, lessened co+
for a week thereafter and +1 for the week after chat. Further, + 2 to the difficulty of all Pattt:
magics for three day:. after returning, lessened to +I difficulty for one week thereafter.


11t If :you listen wwhat other members ofthe so-called
"Nine M:ysric Tradiaons" hatJe w sa:y about
When it comes to matters of the Umbra, Dreamspeakers
are simply not playing by the same rules as everyone else. This
realms ofspine nowadays, :you would chink that is to be expected, given their unique relationship with the
people of &rrt.h must confine their joumeys in> Otherworld and the cl~ kinship they :;.hare with the spirits.
such worlds to a macwr of da:ys or, a.t best, weeks. In many ways, the Dreamspealcers enjoy the best of both
Well, I fed I should expose sucl1 words for the lies worlds. Considering, however, that they must often carry the
!hey are. Most proctiti.on.ers of mystic ans are weight of both of chose worlds as individuals and as a Tredi
chamed w the kinds of men, bin We Who Speak uon, this is only fair.
wirh Dreams have other opaons a.tiailable. While Dreamspeakers still have co comend with the
You see, etJtn though I am called co service ofthe spirits of Avatar Wind!>, JUSC like everyone else, they know, hands
srtdand neon lighu, l underst.and our invisible brothers and sisters down, the mo t effective ways of bypassing the Storm. Odds
and ihe world$ r.hty dwell in far better than any ordinary man or are, if a means of safely c~mg the Gauntlet exists, a
1Luman JJUght, far, e~, than most of ourf ellDw T radicion, Dreamspeaker somewhere knows it. Even enmities becwecn
alim. Because of tlw, the W\St!en re.alms know me and sheller me shamans are put aside when 1t comes to mattersofdissemmac,
as rJiey do ihtrr own nat:itie cluldren. So long a.s I perform my sacred ing information about evading the wmcls between worlds,
duties and do not break rrust with my gwding wrem, I am since all have a sacred duty that transcends human squabblei;
welcomed inw Othm.cmld.s with open arms and ocapted and tnftghting.
among rite spmu Many Dreamspeakers are capable of calling on the
lusn't ~thmgyou can quantifJ with charts ar figures and pov.'Cr of their Totems (sec below) to defend the
it doesn't fie m neat little circles surrounded b:y words in dead Storm and circumvent the processofD1sembodunenc. While
~s. No science will capture it and no explanation will this procecuon does come with the price of a loss of a bit of
suffice. lrjusc is and that 1s enoughf<Yr us and chose \ serve. Don't their sense of self, most Dreamspealcers are happy co endure
rry w undersiand it m order to retain che1r powerful connection co the
- David Takawa, Dreamspeaker Otherworld and the ability to move around in chem at will
and foras long as desired. Some Dreamspeakers even see this clon chat plagues most mages under
sub1ugauon of the self co the greater power of the Dream as taking prolonged sojourns mto the
a blessmg, a sign of favor and a Otherworlds.
privilege. No other person, Awak- The Dreaimpeaker (or any
ened or otherwise, after all, can mage who seeks ~uch an alha.nce)
achieve uch closeness with a must first invest ma Totem (see
Totem as to think, feel and be as T radition Book:
one with 1t for a time. Dreamspea.kers for more m
Even for th():)C Dreamspeakers who formation on the Totem
lack such totemic defenses, there are op Background). This spirit be
cions. The Urnbral Affinity Merit comes the mage's link to the
(seep. 187) is, for example, more UmbraJ realms, as surely as
common among Dreamspealcers the Dreamspea.ker serves as
than among membersofany ocher the spuit's hands ln the ma
singleTradition, Convention or terial world. While Totems,
Craft. Also, since the Reck- evenat their basic costs, can
oning, fetishes to stall the offer a variety ofspecial c:apa
process of Disembodiment bilicles to those they favor, they
have been created, with varying also grow more potent with time
degrees of success. A persistent (as the mage invest'S more expen
Oreamspet1ker is capable of remaining ence poinrs in the Tocem).
human in the Umbra for longer Totems can partially pro-
chan J~t about anyone else tect a Dreamspeaker agairut
might. the Avatar Storm by sheath
mg their children within a
portion of their Essence
TheTotem must have the
trait that allows It to fmJ
Lhe rnage rapidly (a trail
Dreamspcakers occupy a costing one freebie point),
unique position wichm the in addition to a new trait: s.
hierarchy ofspiritS. They are ~nee Shield (a trait costing two
servants of great power who freebie points, or six experience
must be respected. Though pomrs, per soak die against
not born to the Umbra, they the Avatar Storm).
arc regarded by Umbra! be Ln addition, Totenu
ings as fellows and can protect thetr chtldren
peers. They from Disembodiment with
are, in another new trait
manycul- Disembodiment Shteld (a aa1r
t u res, cosang one freebie point or three
iieen to be experience pomts). Thae pur
as much spmt as chases, however, do not coofu
theyarehuman. Thu..., uncondirional immurucy.
1r is only ficting chat such Whenever the
pnmaJ mysttcs be afforded mage steps mco the
a greater degree of protec Umbra, she has the
uon against the rigors of opaonof merging
the Avatar Storm her Umbra! body
and che gradual withtheephem
physical dissolu
Otherworld, her own ~ycholog1cal characteristics diminish,
THR.EBUGH llif YS et= A SHAITTAN while those of her Totem grow scronger. Evenrually, the mage
While m~t wanderers m the Otherworlds are easily will ace lcs:. Like a human being and more like a spuit.
confw.ed by che changes thar have overtaken the Um In the deepest regions of che Umbra, the shaman must
bra, Drenmspeakers are sull reasonably sure in their make W11lpower rolls to avoid engaging in behav1orappropn
ah1licy to navigate the Spirit Realms. Like spirits them ace to his Tocem at any opportunity co do so. In the example
selves, the ~hamnns have a measure of intuitive direction ofCoyote above, the mage would need to hold tnckster urg~
srnse tn the Umbra and they alone among mages may m checlc, wlule one:;wom coCac will tend co be self-absorbed,
c~ the Co:.mology spectalry: Ains, which allows for finicky an.J lusty.
the re rolling of 1Os when navigating the Umbra This,
pleJ with the tnherent empathy mo~t shamans have VICTEBR.Y EBR. DefeAT?
with the denizens of the spmt worlds, proves one of the
There 1s a considerable amount of debate going on
only universally applicable axioms of the Otherworlcls:
right now m Dream.speaker circles as to whether to
\\hen traveling in the Umbra, it pays co have a
consider the current complexion of the many Umbrae as
11rcamspcaker by one's side.
, ;) ~atamophlc setback or a significant victory. After all.
the W(>rld~ of the spirits are, if anything, more remote
crul form of her Totem (she must do :;o lfshe wishes to gain the Lhan they once were from che world of flesh, but this has
Es.'ICnce Shield benefits listed above). 11us creates a slight also 'crved to keep harmful 1ntn1ders out. While the
ipenmJ"O!'trion while m the Penumbra. Thus, a servant of Avatar Storm is dangerous, the Dreamspeakers quickly
Cc1~\Xc nt.1\' physically have camne eyes, f'uz?y, pointed ears, a ound way.. co cope with it and are now finding
light narrowing of the jaw and somewhat sharper ceeth. A Otherworltb more wild and primal, more connected,
psycholog1cal rrarufonnanon abo ralc~ place, imbuing the perhaps, to the ancient wellspnng~ of wonder, fear and
mage with cenam facets of the Totem's mencahry, as well. One imaszinacjon from whence they came. Only time will cell
pleJgcdtoSplderwill tend to be pauent, morbid and predatory, 1f the Reckoning was truly t.he herald of the End or tfi~
\\hcrca:.a Dremnspeaker bonded with Otrcr will be curious and
pl.1\ful. Should the mage opt co delve m10 deeper reaches of the
harbinger of a new begmmng ~

I t

"J '

a I ........------------
~- --- ~---=n~~~P-..----
0, wluJc a world of unseen visions and heard silences, tlu.s insubsrantial country of the mind! . A stcm rhearer of
~puchkss monologue and f1reveruem counsel, an im11sible ma11S!Oll of all moods, mtuings, and myswnes , and mfiniie
re.sort ofduapPomtments and disc~imes ... A hidden hemmage whtre ~may study otct 1he emu.bled book ofwhat we have
dane and yet may ch .. I leradirus, m parricular, called it an enonnous space whose houndanes, even try travelmg along
et 'er'j path, could never be found out. A millennium later, Augustine t.tmong che cat>cnied hills ofCarthage was astonished
at the 'mountains tmd hills of my high imaginations,' 'the plains and caves (Ind caverns of my memory' with ics recesses
of 'mcmifold and S/){1cim l.'i chambers, wonderfully furnished with in numerable stores.' Note /tow cite metaphors of mind
are the world it perceives.
Julian Jaynes, The Origins of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.

J;1ynt.-s ~OCb on tu wrue, "There is not much we one who contemplates 1hem finally turns away, loses inceresc,
can do a~>ur such metaphors except to srate or foils asletp The<;e mastc~ immen.e thermelves in pure
char ch:ic 1s rrecbcly what they are." ln saymg thought unril the physical world recedes, to be replaced by a
, clu;; he demormrnte. the difference between the world composed of mcamng rather than sub~cance. From th1S
Steerer\ v1e\\' of A~tral Space and chat of the vane.age, the human mind (:isleepor Awake) appears less ltke
Awakent..J. To the overwhelmmg majoricy of an independently fi.ancuoning engine ofahlcraccion, generat-
mortnl\, th~ "counlry of the mmd" is unique to ing 1~ 1dio'}'TICrat1c cream o( thought accordmg to its own
the mJ1v1Ju.1l, lockeJ up m each person's head whims and want'>, and more like a receptacle or radio receiver
....._~......~ with mv1<llahle privacy, "a hidden hermi.rage." that cunes into and 1 filled with Ii.leered-down notions from
One cannot travel co 11nmhcr'l> country except by proxy, a vase upper re~rvuir of higher truth:., divine plans, pure
uchangmg choughb and feelings only through the medium of speculntiom or exrrnvagant, nonsensical whimsies.
v.-ords !op\1kcn or wrmcn, of nrct,t1c expressions, of actions and Thi) istheahodeuf 1Jea :md thought. Mages call it Astral
heh 1v10r which arc imbued with particular significance. Space, che Amal Umbra or che High Umbra. Sleepers may
Mages know bcctcr. (Don't tbeynlways?) To the Masters also be aware of 1c, rhough rhcy cannor experience 1c dtrecdy
~f MinJand Spirit, iden~ rake on a shared objective existence and so Jo not com.idcr 1t 10 have any sort of objective realicy
ma continuous rcnlm drnt Jucs nol simply vamsh when the beyond rhc thouRhtsof nny ~ivcn individual. At various times
and an various places, AsrraJ Space has been described by faded to mere! i.hadows since the Storm, gradually dissolving
Sleeper my tics and philosophers by such names as rhe into oblinon or being replaced by scrange new 1dea-pla~.
ldeosphere, che Noosphere, che Realm of S1m1hrudes, the unle!>ll their tenuous hold on existence 1s aided by strong
Lands Beyond Substance, Mundus lmagmalis, Mundus Spirit and Prime magics.
lntclhgib1hs, or simply Idea Space. (Many of these term:; are
derived from the paradigms of Awakened Traditions, as wiU BEeffiNS
be noted where appropriate.) Just as the Middle Umbm can Why visit the High Umbra at all, ifone can find wisdom
be said co be composed of the collective feelings and UlStmcts through srud~ or contemplation? Aside from searching for
of che world, the High Umbra is composed of the world's hidden Masters or re:.cuing chose who failed to recum from a
thoughts and lncellectual abstractions. spmtual so1oum, what is the point of navigating che twists
Although the Astral Umbra may appear differently to all and turns of the Vulgate, climbing the treacherous Spires to
who enter it, seemingly comprised of billions of separate, che distant courts of the gods, or making chc leap of faith 1r
mutually contradictory realities, the work of the Mercunan rnkes co seep out into a cloudy, vaporous Epiphamy? Why
Cosmologists centuries ago showed that, where some ac- 11'\lrude upon the home fields of the spirits when they can be
counts agreed, a roughly continuous ideospheric geography contacted in visions induced by fasting, dancing, drugs,
could be stitched cogerher and posited with some degree of tortuous ordeals or simply curling up with a really good boolc.?
certainty. The lowest level of Astral Space, which is adjacent To complete the monomythic plotline, a hero must
co, and corresponds most closely ro, the Penumbra, is the obtain the elixir - that which means salvauon for her
Vulgau. This is che idea of the world, and mjmics physical community - and rerum with 1c so it can be used to heal her
reality in general look and behavior, if not in the specifics of injured land. The streets of the World of Darkness arc about
place and time. ~ m1ured ru; a land can get, and only those Awakened by che
There 1s no dear dcmarcaoon between the Penumbra call to adventure havt the means co seek out the el0<ir!> long
and the Vulgate, so it 1s possible co wander from the mises of bant5hed from stattc reality. When hope and inspiration are
one into the mtSts of the ocher without reailzingone has done gone from the material world, it is up to the mages, those who
iiO, except by recognizing and uuerpreting certain landmarks. have leamC\.I to wallc tn che lands beyond substance, to bnng
Rbmg above the lowlands of the Vulgate arc innumerable the unreal rock tntO the real, CO reunite the estranged twlOS
Spires, 1mpo:;s1bly steep mountains with craggy rock faces, of matter and spine. It b up to the enlightened willworker co
whose peaks arc lose in distant cloud banks that hide the bnn~ back together, lmle by little, piece by piece, a world
abstract Epiphamies - the highest of che High Umbra - Mindered by che Gauntlet, to make the land whole again.
from the view of those below. Atop the Spires, the seeker may In Mage, any reward to be won in the High Umbra is
encounter the Court.s of the High Umbrood, spirits of mm called a Boon, and may cake the form ofa new or difficult idea,
sccnuenc power who may appear as the archetypal gods of a bit of lost lore or mw data, a different way of looking ac
ancient mythologies, impanmg the sacred wlbC!om required something, on intense feeling, a heighcened abiHty, an un
for safe Eplphnmic navlgotlon. Above the Epiphamic cloud precedented degree of skill or obscure knowledge, a work of
layer arches a dramatically magnified aetherial version of the ort, o poem or song, or even a tangible object with some
sky as seen from earth; che ascraJ sun and moon loom so clo:.ely magical propcn y. Mages may sec out upon an UmbraJ journey
thol one can feel their gravitational puJI even from che w11h a specific Boon in mind as the object of their quest, or
Vulgate, and the naked eye can make out planetary dern1ls moy scumhlc on one while pursuing some unrelated maccer
like che rings of Sarum, Jupirer's storm and somerunes canals Finding a Boon should not be an easy taslc, and Scoryccllers
on Mars. Beyond the local planets, the conscellatioru crowd would do well co be creative-buc fair - in placing ob,tacles
m co outshine the dimmer stars amid the chick belt of che and challenges along the astral path that leads to it.
Milky Way and broadly smeared features of distant nebulae. (Even knowing the extStencc of a pamcular Boon
When they appear, comecsseem ro hurtleduecdy coward the should not be a simple affair, buc a quest tn 1cself, in\'olvmg
astral observer m agonuingslow mouon, then veer offand fill re earch into arcane tomes, interviewing wtSe and learned
the sky for days before passing. characters who value their privacy and solarude, or recover
Thought t~ (or ac lea~t should be) an ongoing dynanuc ing the cldom,recounted legends of ancient or
process, and the topography of Astral Space evolves over swifrly-von1shmg culture:.. if the necessary information does
time in accord w1 th the changing ph ilosoph ica I incl inac ions not exist in the physical world, the heroes may need to spend
of humanity, Awakened and Sleeper alike. The Avatar ume doing re earch and Legwork m che Vulgate, poring
Storm hit the High Umbra like the eqwvalenc of a ma1or through it~ libraries and museums, following furtive figurtll
seismic cataclysm, obllceratmg some realms and radically through ils back alleys or petitioning for admittance to its
changing the nature and relative positions of others. Many palaces and temples.)
mages who frequent Astral Space are learning that what Some Boons can he found in the Vulgate, but these tend
they believed to be well-founded independent realms have to hove simple and direct effects that can only be used once,
or for shon penoJ~ More powerful Boons are to be sought in in the High Umbra get nowhere by asking "What IS it?" rather
w more rnnfied realms of the High Umbra! Courts, where than "What docs tt meanr' Likewise, the intentions that
archetypal _pirirs beset the seekers \tlth tests and ordeals to propel one's octtons are JUSt as important, if not more impor-
dtterm1ne the1rwonh1ne:.s to possess such power. The great tant than the specific actions one cakes, even when the
est Boons of all, of cou~, are to be found m the Epiphamies, outcome of an acrion dtffers from what was originally in-
and seldom talce the form of a specific object or well-defined tended.
rtcee cl mform:mon. Epipham1c Boons cend to manifest as This aspect of che higher Umbra! planes becomes more
unique tru1ghcs or wisdom chat muse be internalized, incorpo- pronounced the higheroneclimbs incoAscralSpace,butdoes
rateJ mco the psyche of the seelcer, m order to be of any use not apply co the Middle or Low Umbrae. Objeccs carried into
in rhe material world. In game terms, these Boons may take the High Umbra tend to perform only the specific functions
the form of permanenr additions to Attributes, Spheres, for which they were Intended; all mcidental physicalqualiues
certain Backgrounds and Merits, and even Arete or Will- - weight, hordness, even size and shape - seem present in
power With their Masters lost during the Reckoning, many the Vulgate, bucgrndually diminish as the items are carried up
younger mages may not be able co progress in their magical the Spires. At the level where reside the High Umbrood, only
development except by visiting the Epiphamies themselves. the purely sensory aspects of an object - what it looks like,
Bringing a Boon back to the physical world is easy how it feels when brandished or worn, che way it sounds when
enough if it ts Intangible, like a bit of memorited knowledge used, what It smells like - remain to signify what it does.
or a new or Increased Trait, but those that take the form of Nearing the Epiphamles, physical objects are translated into
physical (or, rather, ephemeral) objects can be problematic. pure functions that act as naturol extensions of their bearer's
Mo:;r cif those from the Vulgate or the High Umbral Couns own innate fnculcie11. This 6ubdecy of astraJ existence LS
ire o( this son: conventional objects or magical Talismans, frequently mt understood by novice voyagers, who ofren
Devices or Feushes. These muse be carried through the believe that they are being forcibly depnved of matenal
Gauntlet by Stepping Sideways (Splfit 3); the former may possessions as pan of the pa~ge co the higher realms of
need to he Enchanted with Prime 2 in order to retain their abstraction (An ape mterprecacion, for this can happen
wpcandqll3littes m the material world, while Wonders thac hcerally as one approaches certain Epiphamies.)
(lOSSeSS an Ame rating arc . ubjecced to the same dangers of For instance, a mage manages to seep sideways while
1he Avatar Stonn as the mage who bears them. carrymg his brand new athame, a custom-crafted dagger he
Mages who are trave1sng by us mg the technique of AstraJ has begun to use as hts focus for magic involving che Sphere
Projection (Mind 4) cannot, by definition, carry an ephem- of Forces. While recovenng somewhere m the Vulgate,
rralob1ectduecdy into the physical world. They may, however, necessity finds him employing his dagger for other uses. Its
leave the object nearby m the Penumbra, rejoin their asrral keen edge slices smoothly and cleanly. The sides of the blade
form with che1r physical form, then use The Spirit's Caress are smoolh enough to reflect ltghc like a heliograph, and if
(Spmr 2) ro reach across the Gaunclec and rerrieve ic, well polished can serve as a narrow hand-mirror. The flat
as:;ummg they cnn stnnd taking damage from the Avatar heavy pommel can be used os a hammer, to drive nails or
Storm. (Of course, there is no guarantee that the object will bust heads.
not be snatched up by a passing spirit or other Umbra! traveler Later, he becomes ensnared in the intrigues of the High
mthe rime le wk~ co do this; coordinating one's actions with Umbrood Court, where the Inhabitants might remark upon
d companion on Lhe other side of the Gaundec the dagger's striking design and fine craftsmanship. When a
would be safer, when possible.) misunderstanding with nshontempered Umbroodlord forces
Mages who arc using the new technique of Astral So- the mage to use his achame as a defensive weapon, however,
journ may phy 1cally bring objects across the Gauntlet with he finds chat che blade will no longer cue, no matter how well
them when the~ return to their bodies, bur Awakened Won- he strikes wich tt. In Lhe lord's dungeon after he loses the fighc,
der> ~rill ruffer Av-.nar Storm damage. even the mas.o.1ve pommel cannoc smash the ancient, rusted
lock on the bars of his cell door. Fortunately, theathamestill
AsTRAL SUB.5TANC functions as a very serviceable focus for Forces, and he blasts
~ OllT bt5t mag1dcal rool u 'JOUTUlf ouc the wall of his dungeon and conanues on his way.
- a teach mg from Galeouan Wicca Lacer sull, bound up amid the ethical perplexities of
While phyi.1cal ob1ecc and actions have their reflection some deeply moral Ep1phamy, the mage wishes ro cake action
and consequence tn Astral Space, chose magcs who VlSit in some emouonally charged scene appearing before him, but
regularly have teamed char ru rrnl ephemera forms and reacts finds hlS feec rooted to the ground by ltceral tendrils ofdoubt
occor<ling co the meaning and significance attached to it. that coil and srrctch up rug legs 1usr as uncertruncy about his
Ne~ly encountered asrrnl phenomena muse be examined m
intended course ofaction grows in his mind. Instinct cells him
to whip out his trusty blade and slice through the soft clingy
ltght of what absrroctions lhey represent 1f any real useful
knowledge Is to be galnC<.1 from the study of them. Travelers tendrils, but when he reaches for the belt sheath it is empcy.
He hasttly tnes to cast a Forces effect to bum the tendrils
away, but without his favorite focus he cannot manage 1t. The
tendrils continue upwarJ, to engulf his body and pin his arms
co his sides while the Joubts in his nund swell into full-blown
hopclessn~. In desperatton he calms himself and mes the
effect once more, this time visualizing himself using the
athame focus as he normally would. Doing this, he gains the
benefit of the focw. and forcibly dispels boch the literal
bindings as well as the more profound incemrude that kept
him from charging into action. (Which he now does .... )
Note chat, m this example, 1t IS the bearer's intended
purpose for the object that manifests, racher than any purpose
assumed by Lhe manufacturer. In other words, a dagger not
used as a magical focus would, m these same situations,
become the epitome of "knife" or short-edged blades m
general. anti hence would only be capable of cutting but
Insufficient for any other purpose, lilc.e focusing Forces.
Mage:; who traverse the Umbra by the method of creat-
ing an astr<1I body using the Aslr.lJ Sojourn rote may equip
that body with Wonders, foci or ocher spiritually significant
ob1ects with another Prime 2 effect, Enchant Wcapon Astral
equipment thus formed IS immune co this "pure intentmnaltty
effect" (as some call it), and retains all "physical" properties
even in the Epipham1~. If the mage mtheprecedingexample
had cmvele<l via astral body, hlS blade would have worked as
a blade chroughouc his journey, to draw blood from the High
Umbrood lord or cu1 through the tendrils of doubt without
che use of magic.
Mages who crave) via the Mind Sphere effects Astral
Projection and Untether, referred to as "bodiless" travelers
(ns oppo.5Cd ro "bodied" travelers who use Stepping Sideways
or Astral Sojourn), have di<;eovere<l the opposite of this
effect. In the flrsc place, only items that ihe mage has already
formed a close lleMnal hond with and psychologically incer-
ruil1ied could aclually be mcluded as part of che mage's
Projecred or Untethered consciousness. The newly acquired
arhnme of the example a hove would not accompany the mage
if he were Amully Projectmg himM:lf into Idea Space, unless
he had aln.'tl<ly spent some nmc atcunmg to it (by, say,
anointing It with oil, inscribing and naming it In a rite
of ded1catitln). And 1( he had <lone so, the acha me would nor
appear as a "physical" dagger - even in the Vulgate - but
only as a kind of 1mmacenal focus for casting Forces effects.
(Pr~pective astrnl exploren. .;hould calce noce. The 1m-
pltcauon here IS, foci that do not involve any sort of phy ical
ob1ecc-dancing, Do. formulae, language, some ordeals and
sex, or so9a are aucomancally "canied" by a mage who is
Astrally ProJecung or Unrethere<l. Masters of Mind often
favor immaterial foci.)
Ob1ects treated wuh the Spim 3 Effect, Awaken the
ln.arumate, may accompany an astral vis1cor no macter whac
method he may use to reach the High Umbra An11nace
objects retain their objective qualities chroughouc Am~l
Spoce, but hecome susceptible co other laws of particular realm:.. Items with willing ~irits perform every ln general, time appears ro pass at the same rate in the
funwon well, whether used in the mcended manner or rigged Astral Umbra as in the physical worlJ, buc variance and
for me 1mprov1s:monal pu~. The Storyteller may even distomon can be quite common m many circumstances.
nllow an animate object to exceed ic..~lf in some way, such as Masters of olden times sometime:. spoke of embarking on
a gun that never needs reloading, or a knife whose blade does prolonged quests through the higher realms that took months
not break when especially stressed. Animate objects inhab- to complete, and of learning chat only a few days had passed
1reJ by unwilling, recalcitrant spines or miscreaced by their when they returned co Earth. Others complained ofspending
ov;ners may not function properly m every capacity; the days engnged m some fruitless research an a remote asttal
Stof)teller may even wish co make some son of "morale" library and afterwards fmd1ng that weeks had passed in the
i;hrck for animate teems in the High Umbra. The exemplary matenal world during their ab:.ence. No tOStances of such
arhame aliove would, i( awakened through Spirit 3, perhaps exrreme can be vcnfled in the modem era but similar stories
"tr) harder" during the duel with the High Umbrood, adding persist, and Masters of Time who visited the High Umbra
1tsown Rage roll to the mage'scombat rolls; in the Epiphamy, agreed that astral time does not tlow inn constant ratio with
huwl!ver, It may be transfixed with the same doubts as its physical time except for the periodicity of the astral moon's
wielder, impairing its ability nor only to cut in a physical phases, which are always the same as the physical moon's. An
rnanner but its utility as a focus as well. astral lunar month, however, can be comprised ofany number
Umbra Iobiects may be transported ro the physical world of days, and astral days or nights can cake, in game terms,
through the Gauntlet, but suffer from a complementary anywhere from one Scene LO one ChapLer. When the astral
pht.>nomcnon that reduces them to their basic physical prop ky cannot be seen for whatever reason-overcast Epipbamies.
tn1e . All spmtual qualioes recede from che item, leaving u in the shadow ofa Spire, being underground or simply indoors
a lump of lifeless matter unless Enchanted with Prime 2. - there IS no correlation at all 11ecween physical and asoal
...pmrually animated objects origlJ\attng in Astral Space may tame; minutes can ~m Like year and vice versa, although
retain whatever consciousness they posses:., but are forced such excrcmes arc rare. Bue 1f the ky can be seen again, che
back tnto Slumber by passage through the Gauntlet. They exact date In the physical world can be reckoned by a muned
may l'1: re-awakened by casting Awaken the Inanimate on astronomical observer with three successes on an lncelligence
rhem again; this time only half the original number of + Science or Cosmology roll. (The Storyteller sets the diffi-
SUCCL''iC (round up) is required. Especially animated items culty according to which celesrial hod1es can be observed at
can. ttmct lhe actenc:ion of Paradox Spines if they 1DSist on any given moment.)
acung too ahve around Sleepers. Those who keep crack of 1;uch thing~ have, in comparing
Of course, che Storyteller may decide that all this is too notes on their respective experiences, developed a rough
arcane for her type of chronicle and ignore it complecely. Or theory that may explain these time-flow variances. Asaal
she may wtili co I006Cn up the restriction somewhat by time, they hypothesize, 1s equivalent to the way humans
expanJmg the parameters of the "pure intenc1onality effect'' subjectively experience the constant passage of regular time.
tn include habit and history. Let us say that che athame ofour When o person is engaged in an en1oyable scene, or is
example is not a new, custom-made Item but an old, conven- dillgently applymg her consciousness to a particular task, she
tionnl knife with some history of practical use: a family perceives 1ime as moving by much faster, perhaps discovering
ht1rl,>0m used for barroom brawls, surviving ln the jungle or Later that something that seemed to last only a few minutes in
e1cn Just for butchering livestock. Here It would keep the fact took hours to happen according LO a clock or an uninvolved
ab1l11y co cut regardless of where in Astral Space ic is ca.ken. observer. Conversely, when someone is suffering through a
Most Tra<lmons frown upon employing a consecrated focus difficult or uncomfortable occurrence or 15 waiting for some-
tor such mundane uses, but many Oreamspeslcers and Ver- thing specific to happen or simply finds himself with noclung
bena cm.I co laugh at a laufe that doesn't cue. to occupy his attention, he feels that ume IS passing much
slower than it nonnally would, even co lhc point where the
AsTRAL Trrnt: hands ofhtS watch seem to take longer co move. Jn theory, the
If 1ask JOU w thmk of the kut htmdred ;tean, JOU may have ratio becween physical and astral time would vary m propor-
111,ikkricy w txurpt the in s1u:h a wa)' the succession tion to chis difference between obiecuvely recorded time and
of ]tan is lPfead out, probably from left w righc. But of course subjecuvely expcnenced time.
rkre uJW k/1 or nglu in time. There is only btfore and after, and When a mage in Astral Space 1s actively pursuing an
cht.ll do noi haw any sparjal propm1es whattuer - except lry admowleJged goal or working co accompli~h the task ac
analog. You cannot, absolu~l) cannot clunk of time acepi lry hand, he will find that less ume hl'IS passed in rhe physical
~tin.g ir. Consciousness rs always a sparialit11non mwhich iM world than her astral adventure set"med co take. Conversely,
diachronic 1$ nnned moo the S1'\Chron1c, m wluda u.>hat has a mnge who wanders the High Umbra wtthouc direction or
~d m cnnt is exceTf>ctd and seL'n m side-b,~sideness. p~. or who cannot manage to concentrate and apply
- Jaynes, op. cit. immediate goal might be, willceenrer


"11lC I
;', 1
' I ~ !
materiality to find that it is much later in the day than he nudge an the darecuon of understanding. Even novices have
choughc it would be Astral time seems to measure itself m noted a tendency co "bump into" a spirit who happe[\) to
qualn:ative factors of purpose and accomphshment rather know whatever scrap of esotenc lore they currently seek.
than in quantities of speed and discance. Experienced ascml Some of chis can be anributed to the Vlew that Ascral
cravelers often exhon novices to "be unhurried, but move Space is created by thought, and thus anything that hapreru
with purpose." In other words, don't go there without o good In Astral Space lS caused by whomever 1t happens co. Any
reason and don't allow yourself to be distracted orsidecracked enc1ry one encounters tS brought forth and formed by one'&
from doing what you went to do, or you may end up wasting conscious and unconscious expectations, need 1 desU"CS anJ
far more rime than you reahre. fears. A similar theory, seeking to account for the objective
Storytellers who choose to utilize variances ofascraJ time ontologically precedent nature ofAsttal Space, deftnes p1r1ts
an their chronicles may need to make value judgments about as non-local fields of magical energy vibrating with a very
what their party of player characters is doing at various stages specific Resonance, chat coalesce into speciAc persona ~
of their High Umbra! adventure. Time spent in idle argument when called upon, forced into action or triggered by some
with fellow player characters or Umbra! denizens, irrelevant pamcular event. The spirit fields collectively comprise the
discussion, pointless obsessive examination of the surreal source of human thought and feeling, with the most powerful
details of Astral Space and any sort of procrru;tinacion or forming the bo.sls of all shared racial psychology and person
maying from the quest at hand can cause time to speeJ up on nlity drives, and are in tum fed by human contemplation,
the material plane. The Storyteller may find some way LO alert remembrance, devotion and celebration. ThC3e are the or
players co the ticking clC>Ck back home, perhaps by allowing cherypes, vnst complexes of awareness that may appear to
a conjunccional use Correspondence 2, Spirit 2 and Time 2 mortals an the guise of Anc1encOodsor Natural Law or even
chacenablesanUmbralpartycoglimpsewbatishappeningon Human Nature Those long recognized and defined by wor
the physical plane Because the ace of doing so might be h1ppers in ant1qu1ty throng the faded pantheons of the
considered a waste ofastral time or might be directly relevant Courts of the High Umbrood. Newly discovered archecypca
to the party's immediate purposes, visions of the material -and archetypes ab old as mankind but that have never been
world so obtained could be delayed images from the rec.em compleccly defined - are found on the uppermost slopes of
past or likely projections of the near future. It may be the Spires and in the Epiphamies.
Impossible to tell which until the party reentets materiality co Less powerful -;pmt flelds are also suscained by hum.m
see for themselves. beliefbutdo not express the same sort ofdeep connection to all
human souls and their relation to the universe that character
ASTRAL PEBPUIATIEBN i.zcs the archetypes These les.5er c.ypes have been labclcJ
POPULATION . NONE. It is known iliat rhere are an "stereocypal" and seem co derive their specific forms from the
infiniu number of worlds, but rho.t not every ~ is inhabawl. unexamined assumpnons and expecranons humans hold to-
Therefore there must bt afinire number afinhabited worlds. Any ward each other. (Whereas an archetype invanably surpasser
finite number divided b:Y infinity r.s as near to nothing as makes no whatever a human might assume or expect of it.) One chlng
odds, so ifevery pl.anetanthe Universeho.sapapu./ationoftero then that distinguishes the two cypes is chat, while an archetype
c/1e entire papul.acicm of t.he Universe must aho be tero, and any usually appears as a single figure, a person, place or thing of
people you may actually meet from time to time ate merel-y the power, a stert.'Otype may appear in large numbers and seems 10
producr.s of a detariged imagination." expand to All particular astral niches. When an apparent
- Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at ck End of the individual is approached orengoged bya mage, thestereocypal
Uniwm field focuses into that 1>p1rit to manifest its persona Firs1
le has been said chat, in Astral Space, there is no such impressions are important in dealing with stereocypal !lplrits,
thing as a random encounter. Treat every sp1nt you meet~ smce the cone of an tnaual meeong can affect all other
though it had some great wisdom to impart to you, some subsequent encounters w1th spirits of the same type.
MasterS once said, for the substance of their lavb and the While the old socio-politically charged stcreotypl!il
medium through which they move is meaningfulness and based on gender, ethnicity, lifestyle, etc. are cenamly well
s1gmflcance itself. One can readily understand this an the represcnced in the Vulgate, this is not to say rhat lower
upper astral reaches, where Epiphamies shine with cranscen- Astral Space is inhabited solely by spirits programmed roact
dent cruth and even the doings of the High UmbralCounsare out images of humanity's worse biases and bigom~.
charged with profundity and poignancy. But what of the Stereocypal fields seem to be more closely aligned with
lower Vulgate, which, though imoalJy seeming Uke a de professional and vocaci.onal categories; the Vulgate "33ts
serted ghost town, appears in its densest regions as populous an endless vanety of decreptt, bespectacled scholars, prlm
as any modem city? Some astral explorers go so far as co librarians and robed, shaven-headed monks. Another n~
describe these "huddled masses" of lesser Umbroocl as hidden pect of th~ fields is how they can be shaped and influenced
teachers waiting In the wings for some visitor chat they can by the narrative media In human culture; a stereotype is lib
a stock character in a book or play, and may sometimes names, number:. and emblems associated with a spirit seem co
rrsemhle those ubiquitous but unrecognized character ac be regarded by the pmr it.selfas personal and private matters,
ton that permeate film and television. ("Hey, it's chat guy. just ~ each human regards their own ind1v1dual memories,
You, that guy.. from that how ....") hope anJ fears. A nereorypal spml addressed by, say, Lts
Some Traditions teach that there are basic categories Zochacal affiliation, will react the way most mortals do when
ofstereocypal field, which some equate with the 12 signs of they meet 5'.)meone who hares their musical preference or
the Zodiac, che phases of the moon or the hour; of the day, hobby, or who can c:alk shop about their pamculaqob or who
and ochers relate to the various perM>nahry types of mcxl- follows the same 5portS team. The Zodiac signs can prove
em r~ycholog1cal theory. Hermetic and Batmi magesboasc especially effecuve in this regard, smce even some mages and
of subduing hordes of what must have been stereorypal Sleepers ~cill 1denufy themselves w1ch rhetr astrological birth
sp1ms using appropnace astrolog1cal sigils. Hollow Ones sign. A spmcwhosharesa Zodmcal affiliauon wlcha magewill
and Orphanl>, so ofcen ignorant of that style of classical be more receptive co the mage's presence, taking a personal
occulnsm with Its endless cables of correspondences, have interest even to the point of creating the mage Like a long-lost
long been sensitive to the Jistinctive personality rypes family member. On the other hand, a mage whose birth sign
thJt emerge in any clolle group, and how stereorypal spirits is astrologically opposed to a spirit's own alignment may get
often show up to fill in for obsent or even nonexistent a negative reaction whenever he Interacts with chat spirit,
mernbe~ of o traveling pany. An astral-bound cabal, regardless of what he does. Naturally, mages who use their
whose heavy-hitting martini ans expert gal-with-all#the lore to bind and command spirits against their will are
guns had to stay behind co prorcct the ailing bookworm, considered thieves or betrayers of crust exploiting the spirics'
will be presented with mnny opportuniues to enlist the aid private weaknesses, and are avoided by the rest of che spirit
of 61>IJ1ers and scholar on the :.erects of the Vulgate. communiry. Knowledge 1s power 1n Astral Space, co be
Unfortunately. they are 1ust as lilcely to attract ocher wieldeJ with care. Even a mundane simplicity ulc:e which
mwm1?'' types like che charismatic natural leader (or, if horoscope one habirually glances at in the morning paper
they already have one, the jealou rival), the loyal but cranslaces as magical knowledge chat can be used as a weapon
merzcalous follower, che griper, the mooch, the guy who by \engeful Umbrood.
doesn't know what he's ralking ahouc but refuses co stop The Vulgace IS not populated entirely by these lesser
talking about 1t, the chick who tne:. coo hard to make stereorypal ptric::., however. More powerful archerypcssome
mrybody happy, the hoc-headed, hoc-blooded hotshot cunes walk lt6 streets m disguise m pursuit of their
kid, etc. incomprehensible errands. Demons and Banes cloalc.ed in less
Despite such ncgattve aspects, any stereotype can be a alarming forms also frequent the Vulgate, spying on the gcxls
useful ally n..1Jnrdlc of its power or rank in the spirit world, and digging up tnfonnation they can use in the tr plans for che
provided the party under:.canc.b mi type well enough to incor- material world. Young J1inn who left their own Invisible
(Xlntte it mto the gmup<lynamic. Nearly all Vulgatestereorypes World often passed through here on their way to the physical
are literate and take a special del ighc in research, legwork and plane, and many opred to stay for reasons of their own. The
the kmd of mencnlly repetitlve work that makes humans more academically inclined among them often talc:e up resi-
bored and restless. Spirit scholars in particular can easily be dence in the Vulgate to enroll ln its universities, peruse its
induced to expound profuscly on their pet subject, or any libraries and marvel at lti. museums. These resident djinn are
mher presented to them, at great length (though, le muse be especially proud of their lineage and wUI resent being mis--
noteJ, not always nccumcely). Discerning the true type of a taken for a loca I stereotype. (For more information on djinns,
sp1ntcan be accomplished using Spml 2; forcing one's wiU on see Lost Paths: Ahl-i-Batin & Taftanl)
a les-er 'Pirir to change its behavior or attitude. as some Another segment of the Vul~ate's demography is com-
Tradmons do uslnit zodiacal correspondrnces and sigtl.s, re- pnsed of mages, both from Masters in h1dmg and those who
QUllC$ Sp1m 4. Even mages untrained in the Sphere of Spirit spent too much time in the Umbra and lost the ability co
can U)t ruch occult lore to bol ccr rolls for social tasks with return co thetr own world While a few have lived long and
rr$!3rd to pints; a preliminary roll of Wits+ Occult (or Spmt grown powerful as pmtl>, most are noc fortunate enough to
~.or another appropriate spec1alry), can complement share rhtS destiny; they live out their lives as mere ephemeral
ammrL'i co use Charisma or Manipulanon on a pamcular shadows of their former selves, ea ily lost in the faceless
lrsser 'Pmt. The true n:irure of an archetype m1ghc be dis-- crowds. Before the Avatar Storm, some began to speculate
cemeJ in th~ way as well, but the roll is Wits+ Cosmology that these human-born pinu could mace and reproduce m
(or Court Lore} and these powerful Umbrood can rake the Umbra jll)t a:. they did on Earth, over the ages concribut
mtasur~ co prevent lheir actual selve:. from bemg revealed. mgtoa~mall bucsub:>tancial segment of the astral population.
In play, th~ whodcmonmace ~me esoteric knowledge Recent expenences suggest that nattve Umbrood resent the
oi the spirit they are dealing with can reap simple but far. presence of these ephemeral humans, even co the point where
reaching benefit:. beyond whAt magic hos co offer. The sigils, they might hide their true ancestry from their offspnng, who
grow up believing rhemselves to be, and thus behaving like, can grow or rise in power co become a true archetype is
other Umbrood. doubrfol; stereotypal spirits seem to emerge directly from the
According to rhe rank system suggested by Bait and human worldview, while archetypes by their nature tren
Machado (The Book of Madness, p. 113) the bulk of the scend human consciousness, as though their ongms lay in
Vulgate's populace consists of Monsignors, T ochnicians and some greater source. Archecrpal spirir.s can be likened to an
Accountanu. Some stereotypal individuals may have grown ind1v1dual who wears many mask , while stereotypal spirits
in power to qualify as Lower Managers. Wherher a stereotype are Like many individuals who all wear a single mllSk.

The astral region adjacent to the Penumhra ls own merits. Navigating chmugh the Vulgate without a guide
known as the Vulgace, or common area, where is a matter of discerning recognizable landmarks through the
the most widely held notions of renliry directly mises - city skylines, tall buildings, Spir~ and other large
reflect the physicaI realm. Medieval Hermetics geographical fomiations. For instance, the top of the Fortress
knew it as rhc. Mund us lmaglnalis, or "world of of Govemmenr (see Eplpliamies, below) can be seen from
~-,..:,. images." To studenti> of the Qabsla, this Is anywhere in the Vulgate (but notthe Penumbra) rismg above
Yesod, the ninth sephira on rhe Tree of Life; the misr.s and ioco che Epiphamic clouds. lcs precise appear
the Ahl-i-Batin call it the "alam al-mithal," or ance, however, varies depending on where m the Vulgate it
...........__~~ Realm of Similitudes, in which the cranscen- is viewed from, and, because of the non-Euclidean geography
denc Unity becomes immanent in phenomenal diversity and of the VulE,iate, le cannot be used to detennine any dirccnon
cakes on the fonns that ultimately manifest in physical r~ality. other Lhan that which leatfr> directly co the Fortress itself.
The Vulgate looks and feets much Uke the physical world, Most places in the Vulgate nppear deserted when lnltially
with the same sens.e of solidity and i1mnedlacy. approached, and le is po51;ihle ro wander through u Vulgatic
The Vulgate is compri...~ of the collective thoughts of city wichour ever seeing another living en city. While random
humanity, not only the rational mcellecrual con:.rructb of the encounters are not unknown, the rule seems to be that vis1tocs
incelligents1a, but the g0$S1p of housewives, the pre1uJice:. of usually only ma.lee contact with spines that they are looking
barroom philosophers, the daydreams of children and every for-or chat are looking for them. le is only when arriving at
passing whjmsy that does not actually belong in rhe Dream a specific destination thal the "general populace" becomes
Realms themselves. Whether human thought creates the visihle and resident spirits can be seen in large groups.
Vulgate (and. by extensLon, all of Astral Space) or the Jn anc1enc times, early visitors often mistook the Vulgate
thoughts of humans are simply the result of ideas that filter for a realm of ideal1Zed archecypes, where every object was
down through the Vulgate has long been a key point of realized in ics Platonically perfect fonn, all people willfully
conflict in the Ascension War. The T echnocraric paradigm behaved according co law and eciquette, and socienes strove
favors the former view, rreacing Astral Space as simply a together in strict practice of cheir Utopian mores. This is crue
consensual hallucination shared by interacting lntelleccs, for much of the Vulgate, bul only half the lime. The proces
enjoying an illusion of permanence as ideas are handed down slon of day and night changes the more visible aspects of the
throu~h che ages to successive generations. Trud1tional para- astral lands1 as daylight shows everything in its mosl positive
digms tend coward somethmg closer to the larcer view, way1 while the dark of night causes the flawed and unbalanced
sometimes even granting the Vulgate and the Epiphall\les narure of things co emerge,
respecuvely lower and higher places in the h1erarch1cal tiers Ac noon, a modem High Umbra! city can look like a
of their onculogical philosophies. Regardless of which view gleaming metropolis of polished steel and glass where police,
one cakes, it is clear that actions in the Vulgate closely mirror cheerful pedestrians throng clean sidewalks while alert, safety
the mental life of the physical world. Most of the Vulgate's conscious drivers maintain a smooth flow of uncompetitive
economy is based uP9n chc flow of infoanation rather than traffic. As the sun secs, the buildings take on a grimy, unkempt
actual resources, but this is not always apparent w the casual look, and \chicles hurtle recklessly down garbage-strewn
observer since information can usually appear as an ob1ect or sr:reeu where shady characcers scurry aboul on nefarious
rubscance in Astral Space. I fowever, even a newcomer can errand~. In rural regions, desolate shacks on barren stubble
easily see thac Vulgacic ctties are clearly dominate<l by their fields transform inco quaint cartages nestled in bucolic v1staS
libraries, universities, bookstores and temples. of ripening crops when dawt\ arrives. Even individuals of the
When approaching the Vulgate from the Penumbra, Vulgate's populace can be affected by th 1s change: an earnest,
chere no clear boundary marking the cransmon; the mists feel hard-working young Umbral professional chat one meets at
the same, and spirits that emerge from them or landmarks lunch may be rumbhng with biker gangs amid the urban
seen through chem must be recognized or identified on their blight ar m1Jnighc.

Understand, however, that the d1ficrencc between day
and night m the Vullftlte 1s not Mmply one of good and evil,
or even scncdy of po-.1uvt and negauve. In the light of day,
rhyme and reason are in a..-cenJance anJ go\'em the cone of
reality; everyone is rauonal :mJcoru.1dera1e, everything loob
the way everyone wants it to look am.I everything works the
way it's suppo~ed to work. A~ the light of order gives way co
night, unfounded spcculauon replaces loj!ic. and suspicion
overcakC!i compa~Mon a~ the world becomes populated by
figments of rumor. bigotry and widespread delusion. By night
the Vulgate thinlci. with tallacaou.:. logic :mJ acts m accor-
dance with Murphy's Law. h has been remarked that the
Vul~atc by day represents the way human icy hopes the world
can he, while by night It rcpresenrs how humanity fears the
world actually is.
The geography of 1he Vu lgarc organize., 1t!>elf in domains
ol cultural influence nrruyed in stage!. of h1 torical progres-
sion A few day!> ol hard riding could carry un astral \'Oyager
from a place com.~pundm~ to modem America back through
rcgaoru; that resemble Victonan Bmain, M1...J1cval Europe,
Imperial Rome nnd Dyna~uc Egypr Scorytellcrs shouLJ re-
main aware, however, that this example does not constitute
crue ume travel, since the rCJition.s of the Vul~ate rcAect only
current ideas ahout p;isr h1,cory com baned wtth che echoes of
the mental life of bygone eras. Acuons caken m the Medieval
Vulgate wall not rc:.hape the pre:.enc day, or CUU\e change!> an
the recorded hmory of 1he material wmlJ, alchough it may be
possible to learn thing~ not founJ in hbrory books or ro
recover lose knowledge 1f the Storyteller decides thac is
ThlS is not to \,y that e\cry earchl\ city and counll) has
itsownd1Jitmctcqu1valent Ul che Vulgate; chis lb, in fuct, pan
of what disungui~hc!> the Vulgate from the Penumbra. MaJor
cultures nre each reprcisenccd by a single city along with its
nuu.kircs, but one chur cont[lins all of che most widely recog-
nized landmarks important tothatculcurc. The urban United
State!>, for instance, i& collcc.uvely repr~cnted by a cicy that
"hares elements from the ..kyline:; of New York, C11icago,
Seattle and ~ AnReles, where che Statue of Labercy over-
looh the Golden G;1re Bridge beneath the St. LoULs Arch.
Thissupenmpo!.ed al I-American city can he reached through
the Penumbra of m<M maJOr urban ccntel'b in the U.S.
(Theculrural rootsofT raJmonal m:tg1cal parddagmscan
mh on profound importance <luring a Vulg:ttic journey, as
the local Umbml inhabatant!t tend to rl.'3Cl favorably to mag1..>s
who can caalor their Eftccb to conform co the beliefs chat
prevail m each society. While all magic in the Vulgare ~
considered coancadental with respecc to Paradox, local
Um brood can fear and re"Cnt the intrusion of foreign snange-
ncs" and unfamiliar wondt into rhear cozy lmle reahcy JUSt
as much as Sleepers, but can look with favor upon a mage who
loob and aces as they feel a worker of won<len; should.)


lt;:C I L, I '
THf RrvfR. E9F LANGUAGf yeu) somt explorer.., mainh teclmoma.ncers and those who
c.leave to che more scienufically based paradigms. daun to have
(EBR, CULTURAL ~RAPHY found that the River of language IS but one branch ofanother,
E9F Tiif VULGATf 10 1) olJcr larger delm of I sounds. At. this point the voyager
ha left true A'cral Space fur behind and wandered into one of
TM powet" of rclzgion has been sorely underesamace.d by our the fringe.' of che Spine Wilds But others who have ventured
sc1tncuts No ocher force m lwwry has been so effecai.rt a1 chisfarbackdcdnre that the River's source is an unpossibly tall
compelling human be1~ IO sa1 things m languages iliey don' c waterfall, che top of which tS lost in checlouds-poss1bly that
undersrand. - from Mauue'Bib's lntrodiicrion IO ~ New very Ep1phamy originally known to the Mercunan Cosmolo-
Improved Te.siamtTU of the Orange Counry Bible, ediced by the g1st:. os the Raver of Language.
Princess Seruian Waterway~ connect various branches of che delta, while
- National Lampoon's Doon by Ellis Weiner some branches a re completely separate from the resc. IsolarcJ
In the Umbra, it is not uncommon co hear intelligible dialectS occupy ox-bow lnkes that lie parallel to their parent
speech coming from the mouths of animals, in the rustle of screams, and even twin languages are represented by secluded
witld through leaves and grass, and in the gu(gling and pools hidden in less traveled areas. "Dead" tongues like
babbling of screams one.I rivers. This is especially common in ancient Greek or Larin, which are still studied and find
the Spim Wilds, of course, but the sounds of water in limited use In mo<lem times, are narrow screams running
particular rake on a specific significance when one enters the bcrween cheir once broad banks; only truly extinct languagei;,
Vulgate. Here the rivers swell into broad waterways rhar tho~e complerely lo t co history, are represented by dried
provide both ustcnance and transpOrt for che locals, and it is riverbeds. Shallow dt rches of pidgin connect widely separa red
said that a mage who can pick apart each trickle and splash branc.hes like English and Chinese. Between many of the
that combines to produce the deafening torrent will be able modem branches are cultivated field-;, 1mgated by aqueducts
co hearcvcrych1ng that has evec been said, or ever will be "laid. and qanacs of dense technical 1argon. A thin canal of Espe-
Once believed robe an Epiphamy, che River ofLanguage ranto cut:. .icro the halic. Gennarucand Balco--Slav1c regions
is now under.rood to be the accessible and inclusive map of the pa t century, and other canals ofamficial international
avn1lable to mag~anempting to navigate the Vulgate. ) as lan~ages - Volapuk, lnter~a. Loglan, and lojban -
the. polen word 15 the primary medium ofhumand1scour..e, link th~anJotherarcru.. Popularandcounter-culruralslang
the River IS the main mechum through which the mhab1ranta flow in underground scream~. whale secret language:. can be
of the Vulgace conJuct their travel and commerce. Just a:. found in urban M!wer ~v terns. The plumbing of modem
human speech divides into all the different language;, anJ Vulgate t1tie:. r~unds with the high-speed pulses of com-
dialects of the race, so the River splits into a vase delta plain, puter programming languages, and some V1rrual Adepts
where each course represents a particular language. dt11m to have found.a way into the Digital Web through these
Along the banks of eoc.h branch of the river delta reside the convoluced waterworks.
Vulgate's reflections of each human culture and history, the On a lnrgcr seale, even the "watercycle" oNulgacic ecology
collective stereotypal spirit representatives of all who share a reflects 1.hc primllry kinds of media ch.rough which knowledge
common tongue In the material world. Modem cultures, can be craru.mitted in the material world. Rainfall from
rhose nearest to the Penumbra and thus most familiar to the Eplphomie-., rcprebencing the emergence of novel ideas In chc
2 lsl century mage, occupy lhe delta's coastal regions, where mmcrlnl world, cauM!S the River of Language to swell and flood
each river mouth empties Into a vast, seldom-explored ocean m som~ are:u., n~ new cenntnology is coined ro help define the
(often capitalized as The Great Ocean). As one rravels back new ideas.Just~ liqutd wacerrepresentsthespoken word, frozen
to the 'IOurce of the delta, the local cultures rend ro resemble ice seem.~ to embody the written word; Libraries, bookshops and
chose of the periods and places where the earlier form of the ocher reposlton~ of CCXC tend to be found adjacent lO ICY glacte~
language was onginally i.polccn. For instance, following the of variOW> uc tN.1aUy cluscered about the base of the most
English branch back to Its source, old Germanic, one finds frequently traveled Spires. Some believe chat the WtSCSt spines
one.elfin a place very much hlce nonhem Europe in the early who woe\; in qich place. acqwrc chetr books and documencs by
DarkAgb. actually mining chem from che ice mas.5 and somehow r:ransmut
Uf>$tream, the muddy riverbed of Prorcrlndo-European ing chem into pnntcd or handwnttenpages bya secretive~
(the pcl'itted root lanauage of the lndo-European family) joins known only to local 1rutiaces.
those of other linguistic families and evenrually cames the No one can agree on what the Great Ocean symbolizes;
traveler into the mists ofprehistory, with irssimplistJcgrammar for chis very n~a'>On 1c is generally assumed co embody The
and small object-oriented vocabulary, until che River itself Unkno\\n 1t~elf. Distant Spires wreathed with mcomprehen
narrows into o scream of Pleistocene hunting commands and ~1ble Ep1phnm1es JUC from the nusry horizon, and Umbrnl
pre-human warning calls. Where the local populace begins co sailors somcumes cell cales of faraway lands where strange,
resemble the earliest anthropoid apes (orStanislaUitS2ulkalski's inhuman thoughts cook form. Some claim to have reached
the Shani Realm. by cro~ing the Great Ocean, but few Other "physical anomalies" present chem.selves, Uke raging
believe them. One Akash1c Brother, considered mad by the torrents of modem speech flowlog from che slim trickle of
mt of his Tradition, avers that the Akashic Records can be their seldom-spoken parent tongues or even from the dry
read on a massive polar icecap at the antipode of the Vulgate. nverbeds of dead languages. Again, Storytellers are encour
An old description d1scardeJ from the Mercurtan Cosmology aged to make any Journey or cask their players undertake as
succ:. chanhe River's delta horehne is one cononuous coast, easy or as difficult as their plot ttqutre), rather than adhering
like a tngle island or conunenc. The author of th1S account too literally to any ng1d acsdeOllcschema. (See thesidebaron
claimed rohave followeJ the coastline all the way around and linguistic Navigarion.)
arrived at his starting po1nr, having encountered every extant Boon: Drinking the water of che River of Language
language and culture along the way. The main reason this enables the drinker to speok and understand whatever tongue
account was rejected from the Co:.mology 1s that it seemed to corresponds to the branch of the delta that 1t came from.
violate geometry (as geometry was understood at that time, Chewing or suclong on a piece of ice has the same effect for
anywu.y); even lace medieval mages had daff1culcy conceivmg readmgand writing that language. This effect does not negate
that all past history - and possibly the entire Sptrir Wilds as any languages the imbiber already knows, and the ability to
well - could fit inside a perimeter that seemed to represent cranslaLe one languoge Into another is limlted only by his
the current era, or indeed the pr~sent moment. Modem native intelHgence. Multiple sips from different branches of
miil(es familiar with hypcrJ lmcnsional theory, however, have the delta can make the drinker as multilingual as she cares co
less trouble with chtS concept. They abo note chat the be. (A really pedantic Storyteller might even allow for
Vulgauc coastline seems to be constantly extending into the translating an unfamiliar but related language with an lmeJ
future, as if the River of Language were depositing sechmenc ltgence + Linguisttcs roll, the dtfficulcy bemg, say, 3 plus
at 1rs mouths to fonn new land, upon which the mo:.c current however many forks of the family tree mu t be crossed to
~'Ctors of the modem Vulgate will be built. With this geo- reach the unknown tongue. However, by this example, it
groph1c metaphor in mind, they have UlUS come m chink of would be harderforanEnglishspeakerco translateRussian -
the Great Ocean as the Future - which, bemg uncertain, from the western branch of Germanic to the eastern Slavic
rcL1ms much of its identity as the Unknown as weU. branch of Balto-Slav1c fora difficulty of9-than co aanslace
Occasionally fog will enshroud the lan<kape, cm..1.5ing all Hittite, a direct descendant of Proto-lndo-European with a
speech to slur and become incoherent and aJI wn nen orprinted difficulty of 6. A little knowledge can screw up your day but
rextro blur 11legtbly. At such times a party of travelers can lose good, especially m the Vulgate .... )
their bearings and wnnJer into a distant, unrelated delta region lf the water is taken from che River during the daytime,
without realizing they have scraycd or comprehending the the drinker learns the exact literal connotations of the
relarive astral dismnce they have crossed. When the fog arises language, but may not understand certain native figures of
from the River itself, 1c coruisrs of seemingly meaningless speech or coUoquial usage. If the water is drawn from the
non.o;ense chat malces 1r imp<>ssible for one character ro under- River at rught, the drinker gains an awareness of the tongue's
'tan<l what her friend next to her is saymg. lf the fug descends subde nuances, such as those found m poetry and other
from the Epiphamics or sweeps m from rhe Great Ocean, styllied writing (like mySLical treatises), along with innu 1

however, It may be composeu of complex polyglortal, Joycean endo, double entendre and puns, but may have trouble wlth
wordplay In which a srrani,iely transformed word or phrase can straightforward exposition or precisely worded technical cexc.
inspire an lnrellectual revelation or a vision of the future, Water drawn during sunrise or sunset confers both properties.
rcspecrlvely. ln eichcrca..-.c, the Storyteller may require aroll of In some areas of the delta, water should be filtered or distilled
W1u + Linguistics - or even Wier. + En1itmnS - simply co so that impurities and pollutants will not r~ult in solecibm,
understand any words the characters hear or read. malaprops, bad grammar or a heavy accent. Dead languages
Remember that Astral Space does not play by the same may be rettieved from beneath dry nverbeJs by using a sip
rules as physical space, so just hccause a party of mages tore che scraw and rolling more than one success on an lnceUigence +
language-family page out of che encyclopedia to take on their Survival roll, with the Storyteller detennming che difficulty
Umbra! advenrure does not mean they can find theLr way based upon how obscure the language is.
around with ease. The landscape IS fraught with strange twists The effect las~ for one scene, but the Storyteller may
that violate normal geometry, such as the many aqueducts of allow a character to prolong the effect by usm~ appropnate
medical, scient1fic and ccchmcal jargon that connect class1 Time, Mind and Prime magics, or through the expenditure of
cal umn and ancient Greek to modem English without ever Willpower. It may be safely assumed that eating or dnnking
crossing the scream of Medieval French where ocher Latin any local food or beverage while in the Vulgate renders one
derived vocabulary flowed tntoOld English. No ocean divides fluent in the regional dialect for the durocion of one's scay in
the Bncish, Amencan and Australian portions of the modem the nrea. When transporting River water across the Gauntlet,
coastline from each ocher, hue a va.:.c desert ofold antagonism the water must be Enchanted (Pnme 2) or it will lose tfb
separates the closely related regions of Arabic and Hebrew. efficacy m the material world. lt might be a good idea co carry

It m an extra-strong container as well River water can be sign is Pisces or the Ox, and their collective personality is thac
stored for lacer use in che material world, but must be re of the Conformist.
Enchanted every new moon to retain its magical quality. Willpower 2, Rage 4, Gnosis 1. Essence 7
There is no specific dosage measurement, but the imbiber Charms: Rumormongering (More of a collective effect
must consume enough co wet his entire rongue and throat. (tn chan nn Individual power, boatmen can transmit, as if by
other words, no fair using che eyedropper to make your stash celcpachy, one fact per successful Gnosis roll to all other
lasl longer or to stretch it out among che cabal.) bonttncn along the branch of che River delta that they
SPIRITS E9F THE RIVER. currently occupy. Each successful roU can only transmit o
short sentence: "The wiltworker wearing purple is biding a
These spirks are the veritable dregs of Vulgate society.
scroll;" "A French-speaking lady asked me how co find the
They may not be chosen as Totems or Patrons. (See the!
N1hil." Essence points muse be spent co transmit more mfor
sidebar on Patronage in Courts ofrhe High Umbrood.) Through
rnanon, like "Zew is going co lc1ck someone's ass m the alley
careful observation, visiting mages can learn the respective
behind the Four Winds Tavern later tonight.")
Abilities of these! .piritS up co the level given, but the spirits
them!lelvcs u:;c Wi IIpower, Rage or Gnosis for therr own Dace Abilities: Alertness 2, Brawl 1, Dodge I, Streetwise 3,
Pools when rolling for actions. Dnve ( warercraft) 5, Linguistics 4
lmage: u~lly - but not always - male, stocky and
VULGATe BeA1TTlfN ITKHNICIANs) strong, with leathery skin, wearing simple, patched clothin~.
Th~ p1rits crave! along the River of language, acting Boon: To purchase the servaces of a boatman for traiu-
as frcighter5, n hers or ferrymen. They carry mformation port and nav1gauon, the traveler must pay by celling the
between regions, both m che form ofhard commodity and idJe boallnan something he or she has never heard before: an
gossip. They also act as tnfonnants for both the Fortr~ of mceresttng tory, a cunous fact, a joke! or even an obscure or
Government and the Bibliotheca lskandrina. ln fact, they coined word. The value of new words is proportional co their
embody James Joyce's nouon of"gossipocracy," and anything usefulness in everyday life; the word should make sense and
told to or wltn~ by a boatman tends to be common refer to something most people know about or have expen
knowledge throughout the Vulgate within a few days. Their enceJ (In ocher words, bringing a book of SniglecsTM on an
Umbra) journey will only gee you but so far). Because of the wieldy, they could roll Wits plus Expression or some Knowl-
RumormongeringChann, travelers can seldom use the same edge Ability. The difficulty should gradually increase for
pa)ment more than once per astral voyage; longer stories tend players who keep using the 53me Knowledge over and over.)
co be forgorccn LO between Umbral visits, however. One
~ful tactic for those who plan extensive cows of the Vulgate
u 10 mcmome a long story that IS di vu.Jed into short segments Thesep1ratesprowltheR1verofLanguageundercoverof
wuh cliffhanger endings, aher the fashion of the Arabian the glossolaliac fog, raiding the boatmen's crafu and occa-
~1~hb. Boatmen love co compare notes over grog ac the sionally cagmg forays onco the riverbank. Violent and
Tavern of the Four Winds, and cl1encs who can give them uncouth, they plunder whatever 1nfonnat1on they can and
something mrerestmg to talk about, like puzzle pieces to sell 1c co the highe:;t bidder. (Buying black market mforma
~hare," ill definitely win their fuvor. Maybe enough for a free tion is the only illegal activity - forbidden by law of the
riJe Maybe even enough to keep a secret. Maybe. Fortress of Government - that the Bibliocheca lskandrina
(Scorytellers should have their players make payments to engages in. Only Callimachus is aware that lesser employees
~1:iatmen in character, but If chis gees too tiresome or un- of the Library do this, and hides the fucc from Aristarchus to

The River delta ls where a mage's conventional aca- Tasmanian tongue. Furthermore, he related all to a preh1
~mic education can come Into play, as the study of toric Proto World tongue, which would serve as thesir\gl
n ru1st1cs and cultum I anthropology is used to reckon the source for all the waterways of the River ddta. Mag
rherwise nonsensical geographical layout of the Vulgate. familiar with his schema would theoretically be able to fin
oryteller.. who w!Sh to capitahze on this are encowaged their way to any part of the Vulgate without having to pa
o have a copy of the family rree of lndcrEuropean lan- the fees of prof~ional guides.
ages handy, such ns can be found in some large illusttated However, these families are largely the hypothen
1c.uonanes, encyclopedias, or cextboob on linguisocs. constructs of Westem scholars and may not nccessanl
e branching lmb of this diagram (which might vary hold crue m all p.1rt of the Vulgate, where the beliefs
epending on one's ~rec) co~pond closely co the culture hol~ obout itself are reflected more scrongly
citing waterways of the broad delta that comprises the beliefs helJ by out iders. Tub LS especially true of
of Language. Travelers who do not automatically African and Native American "families," each of whi
ogni:e the tongue poken by local spirits can roll Percep encompasses a greater diversity of tongues with less due
on + Llngu1<1t1cs to decennme which branch of the delta relauon~h1p co each other than any other geographic
ey are on, with additional succ~s enabling them co linguistic groupings. Storytellers who wash to use thellh
ess at the closest adjacent bmnches. To find the way co of Language co explore the richness of African, Middl
spec 1fk region, roll Intelligence + Lingu iscics to ascertain Eastern, Par Ea!tcrn, Native American or Pacific [s
ircction and estimate travel time, or else hire a boannan. cultures may want to treat chem as completely separat
lther way there is nn average of one day and one night regions tha~canonl y be reached by a difficult Landcrossin
tween each branch juncture. or simply mnke up whatever as1 ml urrangement that woul
Nute chnt mosl copies of the lndo-European family best suit the purposes of their chnmicle. lo any c
eeare, as the name Indicates, Eurocentric, with the lndo- characters who try co shortcut directly from one branch
anian subfamily- which includes Sanskrit and Persian, another have no ai.sur:mce of where they will arrive, unle
nq ochers - tu the only Asian languages represented. they have some well-defined theory or paradigm to gui
'r theoretical families besides lndo-European are Finno them.
gnc, which includes Hungarian and Estonian; Some arcane story hooks or ubplots could be gener.
m1ro-Sem1uc, which includes Egyptian, Hebrew and aced from such cheoncs, like, for instance, the need toet'.3':
, b1c; Sino-Tibetan, which includes Chinese, Tibetan a Nephand1 ccxle based on Cretan Linear A. T echnocrntt
many cnbal tongu of Burma and northeastern India; dean-up teams, hampered by their dependence upon
care, whLch mclude:. Korean and Japanese; Mala~-o demically accepted paradigms, have been unable to era
olynci;ian, and Native American. The Late Joseph H. down some hidden Masters who disappeared into a regi
recnbcrg of Scanfonl grouped all but the last two into a thac col'WipOnd to Howard Barraclough Fell's ~
-family called Eurosiatic, divided Native American discounted theory chat many ma1or Polynesian
co three 1iUper-fam1lies, rre-colomaJ Sul>-Saharan Afri. arc descenJed from lote demotic Egypnan. Learned
n languag~ mto fou r super-fam1Jies, and posited an open-minJed explorers of post-Reckoning Astral S
tlPaclfic super-family to cover Papuan New Guinea, can discover many 6uch things thnt could radically alt
me of Melanesia, Andaman lslonder and the extinct worldwide academic nnd !ICienciAc thinking.

. ..
protect his social status.) The Horde's sign is Scorpio or the (sing. Setapeum), found throughout the civilized areas of the
Tiger, and their collective pet'sonality is the Rebel. River delta. Whlle the historical ambience of the Library has
Willpower 4, Rage 6, Onosis 1, Essence 11 been preserved, some accommodations have been made to
Charms: S'word (The long-bladed weapons of the Word keep this store of knowledge fluent in the modem informa-
Horde remove one word from the target's active vocabulary tion age. As the library that no longer exists in the physical
for each Essence point spent instead of damage. This effect is world, it specialiies in keeping books that have likewise
permanent, affecting mage.s even after they return to the departed the material plane. This is where one goes to look up
material world, and must be enforced when speaking in those writings or other recorded matter that has been lost to
character. The Storyteller decides which words are stolen, the material world.
either choosing from whatever thoughts were at the forefront Its exterior is a sprawling, multilevel affair, many-col-
of the target's mind at the time the attack started, or just umned in the early Greco-Egyptian style, with one main
taking commonly used articles, pronouns and prepositions- entrance, three large entrancts at each quarter and broad,
"the," "I," "in" - or both, whichever she feels would add covered walkways leading outward to additional subsidiary
interest to the story or be most fun to rolepla:y. Stolen words wings. (One such wing covers nearly as much ground as the
c;an only be recovered by inflicting damage on the pirate who Bibliotheca itself, surmounted by a taller, even more stately,
took them - while they are stereotypal spirits, members of domed structure known as the Mouseion, described below.)
the Horde do retai.n their individual identities and appear- Inside, the public portions of the Library are comprised' of
ances- or else by spending one experience point per word to seemip.gly endless rows of shelves and racks averaging about
"re-learn" it.) three meters tall apiece, with ladders and wheeled staircases
Abilities; Athletics 3, Bfawl 4, Intimidation 3, Melee 4, placed to service each section. The circular central gallery, to
Stealth 2 which each entrance leads directly, is five stories high, with
skylights and clerestory windows allowing daylight to spill in
Image: Usually-:-- but not always - male, of any age or
body type but geuerally agile, dressed like typical pirates and bounce from one plain white or mirrored surface to the
straight out of the movies: bandanas, eye-patches, wide belts next, filling the huge edifice with light.
and baggy trousers, mostly shirtless and barefoot. (Parrots are On either side of the main entrance hang two gigantic
not uncommon, and usually tum out to be sentient spirits portraits: to the right, as one faces the entrance from inside,
themselves.) is Serapis, the patron deity of the Library synthesizing Gteek
Boon: The Word Horde c annot be hired or reasoned and Egyptian attributes; to the left, Al~xander the Great,
with, and so are not good for much except trouble. However, enthroned in the garb of a pharaoh, h~:ng crook and flai(.
prying their weapons from their cold dead fingers transfers the A ~mall fountain, surmo~nted by a ~r-faced statue of
S 1word Charm to the new wielder, enabling him to steal Hermes, Thoth, Ganesha and Odin, is the centerpiece of the
words from his own opponents. A mage using a S'word must ground floor, surrounded with curved benches. Around this
spend a Willpower point.and declare that he is striking for are long reading tables in a radial fonnation, amply supplied
words rather thandamage, but still makes a damage roll and with inkwells and quills, paperweights and magnifying glasses;
chooses one word per success. A S'word taken to the higher each table is lined with drawers kept full of reams of paper -
levels of Ascral Space does not do ephemeral damage; it just blank, graph or college-ruled. While an obvious effort has
been made to maintain the archaic atmosphere of the place,
steals words.
the glow of computer terminals can be detected around the
BIBUE9THCA ISKANDRINA corners of concealed niChes, and sometimes even the faint
clacking of a manual typewriter can be heard echoing from
There are temples nowadays, which we have seen, whose distant cubicles.
bookcase~ have been emptied by our men.
And this is a matter that
Moving away from the central gallery, the shelves crowd
admits no doubt.
more closely together, with labyrinthine aisles so narrow that
- Christian historian Oros1us, 6 .15 .3 2 even two slender men cannot squeeze past each other. In
The fabled Library of Alexandria has occupied an area corners and at Qdd junctures ate comfy chairs furnished wlth
adjacent to the old Semitic, Greek, Latin and Egyptian side tables and oil lanten or electric lamps, but their wicks
branches of the delta ever since it - or rather, its orlginal are usually dry or else the bulb is burnt out. Here light seldom
earthly incarnation - was destroyed by Bishop Theophilus penetrates and the shelves are crammed so tightly and hap-
around the tum of the 5th century CE. Once the greatest hazardly that removing a single book or scroll could trigger an
collection ot books and center of learning in the ancient avalanche of crumbling parchment. (It is not uncommon ~o
world, it has since carried on that function as one of the tnost hear that librarians have qiscovered the desiccated skeleton
respected and cherished institutions in the Vulgate. Al- of some scholar or another, long.lost in the seldom-traveled
though situated in its historically appropriate region; it can be stretches of this outer mare,) Seekers of arcane lore would be
reached through its "daughter branches,'' called Serapea
well advised to bring their own laght source, but flame of any The local lihrnrians will soon upproaLh the visitor, politely
son 15 to be trongly discourajited for obvious reasons. request to bom.>w the book (t1r "hatever IC may be) for the
All the re.source~ of the B1bl1otheca are free to the public, Library, nnd offer their own ~rvic~ in rerum. If the owner
bu1 thl! 'rants of the place are uny1cldmg when 1t comes to refuse. co yield at for \\ hatcver rea.~on, the Librarians mform
pmtting cheir ~tore o( kno" ledge. Books may be copied him of the law and wam that 1fhe doe:. not consent, l[ wul be
(gtnerally b~ hand, nlthou~h libmnans may provide xero taken by whatever means uy, If the owner soil refi.bes,
grarhic ordi~ital scanning faciliti~ if they can be convinced acqutSmon enforcement pecialt..cs are dispacched from che
Of cruly urgent nccJ) but are not allowed to leave the Library Serapeum; th~ may be armed police or, 1f the visitor and bl.S
unJer any circumstance . Defacing Library property is coun party are anned thcm.~lve::., hi(Zhly uamcd burglars or pick
LcrcJ with creauvely ~dc;t1c pun1Shments. and destroying pockeb. The-.e enforce~ wilt stop at nothing co add any new
e\en a single letter of any lxXlk is grounds for summary informauon co the Library'& catalogue, buc wall avoid harm-
execution. Mose of the inhabitants of the Vulgate depend ing the Vbitors und offer every oppoman icy for the t:raruaccion
upon the Biblaotheca for their livelihood, usmg it as a kind of to be made as peacefully ru; po.ssible. Those who consent will
lnformntion marketplace, and will report any known offender Invariably have the book or ocher item recumed within a day
of Library law immcJlately, or even cake it upon themselves or two, ofren sooner, nnJ alway$ In exactly the same condi
ro enforce such lnws. tion as when It left their possession. Those who have ~ecret:S
The main h1w of 1he Bibi lOlhecA dates back to its days in to be guarded Al nil Cl)SlS (like most mages) are in for a fight;
1h1: phys1C<.1L plane; all bh1ps chat visited the port of Alexan all acquisltil"ln cffom will escalate until the information is
dria were bearched, oil books and scrolls were confiscated, obtained or rhc owner Oee:. from the 81blaotheca'i> influential
sent co the Library to be copied, and re tu med to their owners. reach.
Th1~~me rule issull m effect, and extends throughout nearly This b nm CC> say that the librarians o( lhe Bibliocheca are
all of the c1V1la:ed Vulgate. M01tt of the inhabitants of the a bunch of lncrary fa<;<: 1st:> hording texts which they refuse ro
Vulgare will keep an eye out for any sort of written mforma- share, but they are mten~ly<lcJicaced to both preserving and
uon, be 1t text, <liagram or map (and even ocher media like malung acce ~able knowledge \lih1ch could otherwise be lose
11lm. ~ iJeo, auJ10 ur Cl1mputer d1.Sk) that a vtS1tor aught bnng forever. The staff lb compnseJ of pant~ that have the names
~1th chem, and report 1u presence co the nearest Serapeum. and personae of hi,tonc Alexandrian scholars; perhaps they
are the ghoscs of the onganal librarians, or former rnages who
h.avefound1mmonalicya Umbralspints,orsimplyUmbrood
m3.!i(juerading as famous personalities from rheanctenc world. Dart w march u1its wich god-hlce geeks!
Whatever the case, they seem co remember rhe various - Comedy Cencral's "Beat rhe Geeks" game .ihow
diwters chat befell the Library m the material world with a The large c wing of the B1bliotheca lskandrina 1s the
high degree of pcr;onal involvement, and pursue their i;elf- Mousc1on, or in Latin, che Museum. Once a scare-sup
avowe<l mt ion w1th a kind of religious zeal. While they can rorted research insmuce char "as pan of the historical
be Oerce .ind unyielding toward th~ who would steal or Library of Alexandria on the physical plane, the Mouse ion
destroy their cex~. they can also ~how unending gratitude co wa!> dedicated to rhe study, preservauon and practice of
any who hring chem new hooks or who assist the Bibliotheca the arr:. and sciences. Since becoming part of che Vulgate
in any way. They especially welcome all men and women of in the lace 3rJ cencu ry CE, it has grown as much, 1f not
lette~-~holan., hilicori.ins, sc1ennsrs, translators and wriLmore than, the Library, expanding its array of galleries,
ers of all cypcs. classrooms and laboratories to accommodate Medieval,
Boon : The S toryteller may choose to reduce the time Rennissnncc, Enlighrcnmenc and Modem stud ies. Its
spent or ev(n the experience point cost for learning Knowl- communal gn.1 unJ~ seem to be built according to some
edge Abilltiei; while in the Bibliotheca. The main benefit hypc rdlmen~ l oonl plan that contains even more room on
che in~iJe rhan the already sprawling excerlor would
to be 11atned fro m o vlsir co rhc BiblioLheca is the sa me ::is
tha t of any l1br:uy - access LOa wide variecy of literaru resuggest. The interior of the building includes apartments,
- but chis Library exceeds all others in immensity and cloisters, mcJltnt1on chnmbers, dmmg halls, lecrure hall~
h1~torical scope. Removing a book from the Library is not and a n n111ronom1cal oh~e rvacory incorporating ancienr
allowed, buc copies and translations can be obtained for a and modern technology. Outstde, an elaborate hedge
price, u~ually the offering of some previously unknown mn:e of exotic. rop1ary leads co botanical garden and
work or translauon, or rendering some service co the :zoolog1c,1I parks represenung nearly all physical - and
institution. Additional charges may be mcurred when many Umhral- environments.
tran Lation into o r from ~me obo;cure language is required The relation hip berween the Bibliorheca and the
and a text mu t be transported to a Serapeum tn a remote Mou e1on 1 analogous co that between cheoreucal and
pare of the delta. applied knm\ ledge, or between research and development;
The B1bliotheca lskandrina is a veritable creasure magc who show the re~pect due co both in:.tituttons can
trove of ancient lmowleJge, for its incarnation m che pracuce ccchnique here that they have learned from
Astrnl Umbra contains all of che cexts that were ever readin~ in the L1hrary. As part of che Bibliocheca, the
included in 1cs earthly catalogue- che o riginal collecuon Mouseton func.llon~ in much che same way, allowing the
of fou nders Ptolemy I {"The Preserver") andDemetrius of u~e l1f 1t' foc.1l1t1es co nny visitors who have knowledge or
Phaleron; the remnnnrs o( Aristotle's Library, acquired by some skdll'd service co offer In return. However, guest!> art
P1olemy II Phllatlelphus; the 200,000 scrolls from the required to let the lnscilule display any work of arc or
Peq~umum {onother great library in Asia Minor), given to perfurmnncc created with its facilities, o r co lee the srnff
C leopatra V il hy Marc Antony to compensate for the supervise nny scientific experiment conducted o n ils
losses during her war with Pto lemy Xlll, and a ll texts grounds for safety purposes, of course. The Mouseion
destroyed hy the C hristians in che 5th century - both in a lso rCSl'rves the righc to retain copies of all lite rary and
rheir o rigina l langunges ond the obligatory Greek tronsla- phllo!'>oph1cal wt.irk~. as well as scientific findings and
uon~. lmpo rcan L works from subsequent centuries, experimcntol re:.ulrs, for inclusion in the Bibllocheca.
especia lly mog1cnl and religious texts, have also been r:ailurc LO comply with these rules results in a di!>m1~~a1
added to the shelves. There is even rumored co exist a from the institute and che confiscation of che results ofany
Special Collection Room containing books chac never work done on the premise . The administrators recognize
ex1 ted in the material world: the Necronomicon as de the nee<l for ~ec rec y, however, especially m cena m matters
scribed hy Lovecraft {as opposed co the of occult or cientific study where there is a potential for
Sumenan-Crowleyan synchem of S imon or the ..John Dee the mi'u'e or <tbu'e of powerful knowledge, and can ho\\
tran)lation" of Colan Wilson), the play ..The Kmg m flex1h1ht)' 1f appru.1cheJ d1recrly and honestly.
Yello"" (:" oppo~d to Robert Chambers' collection of The Mou e1on was originally a temple co the ancient
short uorle m which the play is quoced), and even the Greek Mu'c', nnd these High Umbra! entities, smce rel
complete woru of Kih~ore Trout and H agbard Celine. Of egate<l to the ~catu~ of a mere poetic conceit on the
cour~c. one can only gain access to chis Special Collecnon material plane, c. m till~ encountered dtrecdy within its
by making on ttppointment with the Head Librarian and hall~ (11ec The Cmm of che Muses, pp. 70-80). The number
doing him a really big favor .... of Muse~ that ore currently known has doubled since
Hellenic times, and tho5e with a more direct interest in the CH1ff LIBRARIAN A.RISTARCHUS E9f
v.-orks of humanity have caken up residence here in the SAfTI$THRAC (UPPER BISHer)
Vulgate. The'c are now known as the Medial Muses, for H1sconcally, Amtarchu wa~ the fifth Librarian at
their purview is ch:u of work Jone m the amsric (and Alexandria, hi) tenure tretching from 175 co 145 BCE.
sc1enufic) media as It mamfe:.b m the physical world. An tntelleccual gi:mt of his Jay, he proposed a heliocentric
Whtie their influence upon rhe maJonty of human hearts model o( the . olar YStem over a thousand years before
nd mind ha~ waned, they may still come when called Khayyam, Copern1cu) or Zonker Becau$C of chis, he mighc
properly and 'omeumes even exreml themelves to msp1re be ex:cremcly graceful co anyone who could change the big
monals who shov. promise in communicaung or express- lmife switch 1n the Cununuum Orrery (see Epiphamies) to
ing important ideas. A~trnl travelers with some significant read "Anstarch.m" rather than "Copem1can." Unfortu-
mc~al.ll to convey to the world at large are encouraged to nately, this kind of permanent Ep1phamic alteration can
\'lblt the Mouseion and pctiuon one or more of the Medial
only be Jone by amending millions of texts in the material
Mu,e& for ParronaRe (seep. 71-74). The other Muses of the worlJ and making his name for more prominent in the
1!1iih Umbrnl Courts visic rhc Mouseion frequently for popular collective mentality of western civilization - so
prolunged periods or rime, anJ even Lhe more powerful good luck wi lh rho L
~rchetypnl Umhrood torus hove been known to manife~t
Aristarchus cmhudics the mission of the Bibliocheca
here on mre occasions. - the qul!!lt for knowledge - and his influence through-
Boon: While the Mouselon 1s not the right place to out the Vulgate put!t his ~tat us above chat of many local
rniwce largescale Forces Effeccs or severe warpages ofspace rulers; a patient lt~ccncr who consider all sides of any
and ttme, magt.~ who wish to develop magic designed co problem or isi;uc, he is often invited to rhe Forness of
expre:s' 1cle:b or in.spire wonder in Sleepers may be offered Government to act as atlv1:.or and consultant. His many
much in th1: way of guidance and a )istance. Medial Muses ducie!t anJ private studie~ le:we him lmle ttme co meec
can be found here at almost any time co teach their respective with Library visitors tn person, and his stern manner makes
ipCCtaltl~ 1n ExprbSion or Crafrs. Ocher inspirational and hun seem unapproachable, but 1f "hmm courtesy and
rutdary pints can be contacted from the Mouseion, with a re peer he can he quite l(r.1c1ous, and 1f his mtelleccual
reJucnon in difficulty for the Call Spirit Effect (Spmc 2) to cun o icy ts piqued he become~ downnghc fnendly. For
be detcrmmcJ by che Scoryceller mages usmg an astrological parnd1gm co idennfy spirits, he
IS a~oc1ated With the ign or Libra m the occidental
:.ystem, and w1ch the.: Year of the Dog m the oriental
Although they arc, mccly speaking, stereocypal spmts,
system. ~ lis per>0nalicy Archetype (the Rame term, not the
those who run the Alexandrian Library and Museum have
High Umbrood category) 1s the Arch1cecc.
retained their cl1sunct md1v1dual ldenciciei. for centuries-
Willpower 6, Ragt 2, Gnosis 7, Essence 15
ovcr 2000 years, in some cases. They speak orancient history
a~ though they lived le, hut tenJ to be reticent when Charms: A<lvcnturcs in Reading (When Aristarchus
dbcussing the various crogedics that befell cheir institution reads aloud, or pcr:.()nully recommends n pamcular book, the
in Alexandria. Some astral touris1sclnim that they might be
text seems ro come alive, ns chough the scenes and situations
~ho~ts, gmntc<l leave from the Low Umbra to continue their described on the page were Actually happening to the reader
work, while ochers speculate thut they were mages in hfe or listener. Thii. cffoct, n mimJscape that ls distinct and
who ~1mehow achieved immortality after fleeing co the separate from the rc.~t of ldca Space, lasts for one Scene and
landswithoutsubsmncc and suffcring Disembodiment. requires a Gnos1:. roll and the expenditure of I Essence.)
However, their many (ofrcn nameless) employees seem to Abilltie : Awarene-.s 4, Leadership 4, Meditation 3,
be reflccciom of their tlwn peNlnahcies, which would sug- Technology 1, AcaJemtcs 5, Computer 2, Cosmology 5,
ge~t th.H they are a 'pccial cla~ of scereocypal entity with a Enigmas 2,<:!i 3, Occult), Science (any) 5
pec1f1cally foc~cJ 1Jenmy lmage: An elderly beardl.J man with a piercing gaze and
While the ~taffol th<.~ Vulgacic iru,tirutions can provide shaven hc:ld, wcann~ "<:holarly robes and holding a staff wtth
tnformanon Cl)nccming the High Umbrood and even a little an ankh ac the cop (like the one m che ponrait of Serapis).
about chc Epiphamtei., che~ are not powerful enough co act as Boon: Ari tarchu!> concrob all library access, and can
Patron.' or Totem>. They ma~ te.:lch their respective Abilines deny 1t to anyone he choose.,, effectively placm~ a ward
up lO che level given, but u.~c Willpower, Rage or Gnosis for against them on all entrance:.. He can upply innoductions to
their own Diet:: like any other spmt. aU maJor leader.; in the Vulgate, and knows the names

' ..
CHAPTER. Tw<D: TH L<DW13R. A5T1W.. Rt3ACHf.S 53 1 J
._ 1 ~~:
~ ~ J ~- 1
l'.n!H 1 .~/1 i l \," l'~
~ ~
. r1 , ~- ',l (. ' . t
1 I
~ I
major Umbrood lords. He can descnbe m~t maior Epipham1es nmes this 1te and is now cross-mdexed by full names,
and can direct travelers co the one called the Connnuum pseudonym:., dares and sub1ect matter 01 Literary genre. le
Orrery, buc he has no cime co vis1c them himself. require 'everal shelf uni cs of ats own to house, but can be
accessed through the B1bliocheca's computers, and
K.YDAS 1lif SPEARTTIAN (L9WRBISHE9P) Callimachus keeps 1t scrupulously up co date. He also keepi.
Kydas was Aristarchus's succ~r at Alexandria, from 1c m his head, and can automatically find, or direct ns1cors
115 co 116 BCE, anJ now serves hisformermentorassecurity to, any text anywhere m the Library. He also acts as curator
d1reccor of the B1bhocheca. As the embodiment of the for the Mou e1on\ Pinakotheke, or an gallery, and has an
mst1rut1on's rules, he polices the Library grounds, tracks equally encyclopedic knowledge of all artwork kept there
down stolen books and is m charge of forcibly confiscating Ha:. signs are Virgo and che Cat, and his personal icy is the
any text nor w1lhngly surrendered by visitors for copying. Tradiuonahsc.
Tough, smart and dedicated, he is identified with the sagn of Will power 4, Rnge 11 Gnosls 8, Essence 13
Taurus or the Year of the Rooster, and his personality is that Charms: Produce Copy (Callimachus can replicate any
of the Director. text ornrlwt)rk within one full astral day ar a cost of 1 Essence.
Willpower 6, Rage 7, Gnosis 4, Essence 17 His copies are perfect reproductions, complete with mnrgin
Chai:ms: The Tronsfixer (The spear for which Kydas Is notes, artistic flaws and the effects of aging. Shoner texts or
known has long been feared throughout che Vulgate, though simpler pieces of art cost the same, but only take one Scene
he rarely usei, it outside the Bibllotheca, and only when there to create.)
is real trouble. Although he can use it to do spiritual damage Abilities: Awareness 2, Expression4, Crafts 3, Technol
as an ephemeral weapon, if he scores three or more succes..,es OR)' 3, Academia. 5, Computer 5, Cosmology 3, Erugmas 3,
on h1S Rage attack roll, he can opt co spend 1 Essence co lnvt:sugatton 2, Law 4, Linguisncs 4. Occult 3, Science 3
Transfix the target, which has che effect of freezing them in Image: A small, ~tender, middle-aged man with a slightly
their tracks. TransfuceJ rargecs are like starues, staymg in hunched back, weanng Franklm bifocals and a runic with
pos1uon, unaware of the1rsurroundingsor the passage of ttme, Grec~Egypc1an embroidery; a bent quill is always tucked
while Ky~and his men carry chem out of the Library, usually behind one ear, ~me o~ure tome in the crook of one arm,
deposmng chem m some unpleasant pan of the Vulgate. anJ pcrmancnc mk:.tains on his fmgers. His care-worn face
Once the spear 1s removed, the target rerurns to normal, is usually pinched m preoccupation, but brightens 1mmeasur
suffenng no m1ury, other than what was inflicted through ably with rhc pro!ipect of some new mtellectual or arttsuc
normal means.) endeavor.
AbiUtles: Alertnw 3, Achleucs 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 3, Boon: Though Calt1m.achus has no time to compose
lnt1mtdauon 3, Leadership 2, l , Firearms 3, Melee 5, poerry of his own, he still appreciates new work, and, if
Stealth 3, Academics3, lnvestigation 4, Law 3, Linguistics 2, prei.cnt(...J wuh a well-crafted poem he has not already read,
Medicine 3 mny be induced to Jo extensive research or reproduce some
lmage: An older man, but large and solidly built, w1Lh tcxl or artwork as a personal favor. This is an activity that he
hair and beard cut shore, wearing Greek armor and carrying truly loves, and, while not the fastest, he is incredibly thorough.
a large spear (the Tninsflx,er).
Boon: Visitors to che Bibliotheca who abide by its rules HYPATIA eP ALXANDRIA (UPPRBISHEBP)
can coum on the prorection of Kydas while on Library l( rhe spirits of the Libracy are indeed the ghosts of
grounds, nnJ those who do noc will at lease get a verbal people from ancient history, then Hypatia has the most
warning before they are Transfixed and removed. Those who tragic story of all. Despite her accomplishmenrs in math
gain the fuvor of Amtarchus by provmg their honesty, emat1c.'i, asrronomy, physics and Neoplatonic philosophy,
mtegncy and deJ1cation may be entrusted co carry out mLS rare enough for anyone - especially a woman - of that
s1ons for the Library, and will usually be accompameJ by era, her fnend)h1p with the Roman governor of Alexan
Kydas, who supplie:. an add1rional degree of authonty, tacta dna brought down the wrath of Archbishop Cynl, who was
cal savvy and muscle consolidating the power of che early Chrisuan church and
denouncing the intellectual accomplishments of the pa
CALurtlAcHUs (meNsIGNeRJ gan In 415 CE, a mob of Cyril's fanatical follower5
Once a poec, grammarian and Library employee dur dragged Hypaua from her chanoc while she was on her way
mg the 3rd century BCE, Calhmachus maintained the to work, tore off her clothes and flayed her with abalone
Library's catalog, known as che PinaJcLs. Ongmally 120 'hells. Her remains were burned and her worb destroyed;
volumes, grouped 1nco 10 subject categories, chis catalog her death marked che end of Alexandnan scholarship, and
listed all authors alphabet1cally by first name; since being Cyril wll~ canonized as a saint. Hypatia 1s now head of the
translated to the Umbra, che PiTUJkes has grown over 10 Umbrul Mouse Ion, a distinction she was born too late In
the rhys1cal world 10 achieve, and has continued her wander do~er co the entrance may notice the yellow, crum-
sc1cn1ific endeavors for the lase 15 cenruries. A srunning bling playbill posted beside che unadorned door, and might
beaury, she re1ect:. all mvitauoru to dalliance, caring o nly even recogmze the name of someone they know, or perhaps
about her work, and tends Lo be wary of members of the even thetr own, m the fading print.
Ccl~ual Choru and other monothetSrs. Though seem- There is no ndmi. ion; a bored and elderly-looking
tnglrcoldanJ d1sumt, Hypat10, lake e\'eryone else associated sp1ric weanng an ill-f1tt1ng usher's uniform and slumped
ith the Bibliocheca, becomes quite personable at the on a wobblin& stool simply hands a ticket to anyone who
prO!pCCt of intellectual adventure of any sort. Her signs are enters, chen promptly snatche it back, tears it in half and or che Snake, ond her personality 1s the Perfectionist. rerums the stub. The ~par e concession stand ts unar~
Willpower 5, Rnae 5, Gnos1s 7, Essence 17 tended, and patrons who decide to serve themselves find
Charms: Looking into the Heart (Hypatia's personal the drinks wocercd down beyond any navor whatsoever,
history has made her e5pecially sensitive co the crue inten- the popcorn sta le and the candy lnedibly ossified. Beyond
uons of others; with a G nosis roll she can divine anyone's a threadbare curtain is the cheater proper, which seats
actual plons regarding the Mousclon or her personally. Sbe perhaps a hundred at bcsl. The floor is sticky and chose
wtll Jlsmlss anyone who plans to do ha rm to another, and does few wooden seats that remain unbroken are hard and
not wasre time on would-be suito rs pretending to be inter- uncomfortably narrow. The audience consists of a dozen
ested ln her work.) scattered, shape less forms reeking of cheap liquor and
Abilities: Awareness 4, Dodge 3, Meditation 2, Tech- snoring fitfully In the Jark, with one young couple lo udly
nology 4, Academics 5, Compurer 3, Cosmology 4, Enigmas 3, necking m the back row; If any member of this audience
linguisucs 2, Medicine 2, OcculL4, Science 5 is approached or addressed directly, they will get up and
Image: A very beautiful woman In her mid-forties with leave in annoyed silence (except when they tum out co
Mccl1rerranean features and penetrating eyes, wearing her be someone a lready known or have some story-related
hair and dress tn the style of late Roman Egypt. purpose for being there).
Boon: Hypana holds the same authority over Mouseion The play 1s u ually in progress when the visicocs enter,
resourc~ as d~ in che Library, and her social unless the Storyteller has some reason co show the visitors
influence m the Vulgace i even greater, as masc male leadetS the beginning The production is singularly umnspired
(and some female as well) are overcome by her looks. She is and uninspmng, the sec pieces are obviously plywood,
~on practical expcnmencatton as opposed co pure re painted in a hurry; the ound effects are always out of
search, nnd will pc>nally help anyone seelong co rest a synch, and any mu 1c u ed in the show 1s hackneyed and
chcory rhat intrigues her. overloud. The actors are astoundingly bad, unable to
project themselves or emote w1ch any degree of convic-
TH THEATR E9F TH ITIIND tion; viewers may get the dlsclncr impression that they
were on ly handed their &cnpts an hour ago. (No self.
respecting Umbroo<l of nny rank ~mends the Theatre's
FOR MADMEN ONLY presentations; even the Muses muse be coerced into going
PRICE OF ADMIITANCE YOUR MIND near it. The Muse of Drnma denies char le even exists. For
NOT FOR EVERYBODY chis reason, It is one oflhe few places in the Vulgate where
- Herman l lesse, Steppenwolf che Influence of Lhe Bibliotheca lskandrina or the Forcress
In one sense, every theater in the Vulgate can be of Government [sec Et>iphami~sJ docs not extend, and thus
considered a "theater of the mind," as the thoughts, dreams, is often chosen as a safe place to pass along secrets kepr
psychodramas and mytho1 of humanity are enacted ac any from those venerable mstltuuons.) It is only the content of
number of places along the River delta - by the masked the play chat might elicit ony interest whatsoever in
choruses in classical amphitheaters, by the acrobatics of viewers, for this theater ively octs out events that
Ounese opera, through the srylizacion of Noh and Kabulu have actually occurred, or are mo t likely to occur, whether
troupes, in the exouc haJow ployl> of Southeasc Asia. But m the physical world or m che Umbra.
modem astral rravelers tell ofone pec1fic place, m the slums The event of the play are u)ually- but noc always-
found JUST a few blocks off of the VulJ?atic refleccion of things chat have happem.J . to the visiting viewers, or chat
Broadway in the city a t the mouth of che Amencan English happened in che1r presence, and mvariably involve chem
branch. From the our:;1Je 1 one would never guess its rrue and che reasons for their current astral journey. Scenes
nature, its boarded-up wmdo~ offering no clue as to the presented 1n che Theatre of the Mind are played OutJUSC as
dramas unfoldmg wtthm, )Wt a ramshackle building sand- an uninvolved observer would have seen them, with all
wiched within a row of condemned tenements and spoken lines and actions occurring exactly as chey
dilapidated warehouses that all look the same. Those who happened, regnrdless of how ineptly they may be depicted.
The depiction may be distorted with the overemphasis or any of the locals and not c hanged her appearance drasti-
downplay ofcertain aspects of the events, bur there ls a lways cally, she will undoubtedly be greeted by name.) There are
a recognizable basis in objective reality. Sometimes relevant boatmen from the River, scholars and researchers from the
events occurring in the material world at that time are Biblio theca and Mouseion, agents from the Fortress of
dramaLized, and on rare occasions scenes from the foresee- Govemmenc (both off-duty and pursuing coven missions)
able future may be shown. and actors from the Theatre basking in the afterg Low of their
Boon: There is no particular spiritual benefit associ- latest imagined triumph. Very special events can result
ated with the Theatre of the Mind, but Storytellers may when the Muses visit to inspire a band, singer or comedian.
use its content to suit their purposes. Scenes set ln the Even the raucous pirates of the Word Horde can be found
future are not revelatory prophecies, but highly likely here, their ephemeral weapons set aside for the moment-
scenarios chat can be predicted by most anyone. Scenes but well within reach.
from the present, however, can let visitors know what is Spirits whoseemdistanc, uncooperative and even com-
going on ln materiality while they tarry in the spirit world, bative when found elsewhere are much more approachable
and scenes from the past can reveal back history and if encountered in the Tavern, and, if one has the time to
infonnat ion otherwise unavailable. Storytellers who use wait, eventually everyone seems to show up and unwind. By
the Theatre in chis way and find their players becoming day, everyone is in a pleasant mood - "out of character,"
dependent on it and abusing its availability have a few o ne might say - and remains so unless provoked in some
options to rectify the situation. The usher at the door may way. As night falls, the cheerful a tmosphere becomes louder,
refuse to give them tickets and instead demand the stubs the conversations more energetic, the jokes raunchier, the
from previous visits; if the theatergoers refuse and try to impromptu dancing more vigoro us, and there is a sense of
force their way in, he can whistle for a suitably burly things about to careen out of control. New acquaintanc~
bouncer to eject them. lf the bouncer is overcome, the start to seem anxious and overfriendly, clinging to visitors
resulting commotion can disrupt the performance; this or with a casual rudeness of which they seem unaware. But
any other interruption will cause the actors co break unless the visito rs themselves scan something, real trouble
character permanencly and complain loudly and abw;ively seldom breaks out.
undl the visitors leave. Also, che offended actors will be The Tavem is actually an astral co-locale, existing
only too glad to report any illegal activity that they see simultaneously in cities and at crossroads all along Lhe
from the stage to the authorities. River delta; other examples of such places include the
A lternatively, the content of the plays can be geared Fortress of Government (described in Epipho.mies) and the
toward embarrassing disclosures-like revealing secrer;s that Library's Serapea. The fa~ade presented at each external
the members ofa craveling cabal have been keeping from one location is architecturally appropriate to the region; the
another-or constantly rehashing a viewer's failures or most interior combines layouts, d~cor and technological appa
depressingoccasions(pretendtheyaresupposedtobe"growth rarus from all cultures and periods. There is a long, curved
experiences" until the players get the message). As a final bar with polished-brass rails and fittings, a row of antique
reson, the Theatre can be shut down permanendy - every taps, open booths and curtained alcoves, a dining area with
play only runs for one nighcanyway-and if!u s to be brought tables and chairs (with C hinese d&or reminiscent of
back into the Chronicle, it cakes some less accessible form, where many of Jackie C han'searly fight scenes took place),
like ancient Greek drama, Chinese opera, Noh, Kabuk1 or and corners resembling cozy Irish pubs and modem sports
Sumatran shadow puppetry. bars. Most T avern patrons seem unaware of any disconti-
nuity, regarding the place as they would their own
TttTAVRN neighborhood watering hole.
$f TH RBUR. WINDS The proprietor is a female spirit, full-figured, husky of
voice, with a ready wit and earthy sense of humor, gregarious
It's the nenis of crisis and the origin of storms ... and o utgoing, although her face is always veiled beneath ber
-Blue Oyster Cult, "Astronomy" lcohl-Hned eyes. On her apron is embroidered "Eat, drink
At the comer of the alley leading to the Theatre of the and be merry... " (ellipsis emphasi:ied) in mock cuneiform
Mind sits an invitingly warm and comfortable bar known as letters; above the mirror behind the bar hangs a plaque
the Tavecn of the Four Winds. Inside can be found a c ross- bearing a similar motto: "Lusisti satis, edisti et biblst1,
section of nearly every steteotypal demographic group in cempus nbire cibi est." ("You have played enough, you have
the Vulgate, most of whom sound a chorus of friendly eaten and drunk enough , now It is time for you ro go.")
greeting every time a new visitor enters. (If the visitor Visitors versed in Akkadian or Babylonian mythology may
c:raveled the Vulgate before, or has even been ln the vicinity recognize her as the "divine bannaid" Siduri, goddess of
for more chan a whole Scene, and has ident ified herself to

bttwtng and wisdom, who remanded Gilgamesh that death portals. This 1s not to say that che ocher parts of ic have been
ClllDCS inmtably to all mortals when he was mourning the destroyed completely, though: rather, sections of the Hall
b.1 of his fncnd Enkidu. with extant portllls have sepanued from the whole and are
Those who fail co recognize her, thanking her only a now drifting and spinning through che lde<):jphere, breaking
commLm sten.'Ocypal spirit, may unwisely indulge overmuch apart, colliding and rejoining other: sections to form small
In tht' hc:ady draughts she brews, which are spaced with temporary juncrures at truly random potnts m space and time.
ephtmeml herbs and fungi harvested from the Spirit Wilds These junctures can be classaAed according co the number of
and tmd to calbC viStons. They may sec the regular pattons portals connected to them.
11 disguised archerypes: the comatose lush as Bacch~. the Closets: Most common are 11ingle portals. with three
hoo\:er ruming mck.s as Ishtar, the card sharp and pool walls (and ceilmg and floor} a. mall space beyond,
h~tler from the back room as Loki, that loud-mouthed usually only rwoorthree meters square TheancaencMediter-
womanizer at the end of the bar as Zeus. In point of fai:t, ranean architecture and furnishings can sull be recogruzed;
many Umbrood lords do frequent the Tavern in disguise, as some closets contain achairor bench, or even a discarded tem
It is the only place in the Vulgate where rhey can mix freely or blanket from pasc campers. With porcals chat have been
withthecommon rabble without their presence being taken warded against outside entry, one sometimes finds a trapped
aa an omen (which It sometimes is anyway). Storytellers are camper or wanderer, usually half-mad from Isolation and
invitcJ co exploit the face that drunken visions are not claustrophobia. (This raises che quei.clon of whether the
alwaV5 true, and that visitors who remain sober might not Hall's sentinels still exist, and how they might react if trapped
~na?l' mcognaro gods for who they are. in a small Juncture.)
Boon: Vt inng mages may use the Tavern's co-locality Foyers: When two portals JOIO, the space between
effect to travel to distant reaches of the Vulgate, bur must them resembles a closet, buc w1ch another door on the
score thrttor more ucc~ on their Perception+ Cosmol- opposite wall. These cwo portals are someumes doors that
~ roll agaamt a difficulty of 8 in order to do so. (Those faced each ocher across the oraganal Hall, but not always.
rraincJ in the Sphere of Correspondence may reduce the When not, the foyer may be triangular m shape; dependmg
difficulty by a fuctor of one for every success on a Sense on 1cs size and how the doors' hinges are placed, opening
Connection CMLing roll.) An easier method to accomplish them can be problematic. (In such ca~es, using Correspon-
rhis is to identify a patron associated with the region one dence or Maner to gee through the foyer should be done
ti'ishb lo VLSll, and Leave in their company or follow them with great care, for reasons described below.) Some travel-
out 11.1thout !~mg sight of them before fully exinng. (lf the ers claim to have found glass-paned windows set in the
direc1 line of Mght is broken between the time the spirit blank walls of closet~ and foyers, through wh1cb strange
being u1lcJ ccp out the door and moment the follower Umbral Vistas can be seen. The e windows may not be
ka\es, 1hc follower will find himself in the same exterior opened, and breakmg the glass results m che destruction of
from which he entered.) the entire juncture.
The Tavern also presents the po.~s 1 bility of meeting Intersections: On rare occasions, three or more por-
Umbmod lords without climbing o Spire or engaging in tals have been found togerher; the highest number of
prolllngt.-d, exhoustlng riruals. There is no guorantee, though, porta ls yet founJ In an intersection is J3, but that juncture
as to who will show up or when. only lasted a few seconds hefore dwindling down into a
foyer, then a closet. Relatively srnble intersections, those
TH (fiBRITIR) GRAND HALL that lase for longer periods of ume, appear to be segmentS
Can I get rJim from here. of the original Grand Hall, with doo~ facing each other
-Fuuign Theatre (via REM). How Can You Be In Two across che long sades of a rectangular room and other
Plact.s At Once When You're Not AnJwhere At AU portals or blank walls capping che ends. The~ are exceed-
ingly rare, and arc carefully guarded i>ecrets. Appearing
The Grand Hall of Endless Gates, also called the Great
slightly more frequently, bur with less duration, are po-
H31l, ruccumbed to the Avatar Sconn. Its exterior does nor
lygonal rooms wach portals on each wall.
cxm in any part of Astral Space anymore. Many portals were
deltrovt..J, and those that were not are no longer connected It is noL known if the fountain at rhe center of the
iothe single continuous astral structure that fonned the Hall. Greac Hall still exists; 1f anyone found it, he has noc
Thi.s may not be arparenc to those who have continued to reported 1t. Portals connecung the physical world to the
m1t 11 ftcquently ince the Reckoning, as their presence and Umbra are not apparent wichout the u. e of magical senses,
use may have kepc sections of 1t intact; however, they will but chose who pass through them ~till uffer damage from
soon finJ that increasingly large quantities of Quintessence the Avatar SLOrm. Attempcing co radically alter che shape
mli't be expended to maintain familiar pathways to known or substance of any 1unccwe - whether through magical

I I.' .. I '
or gross physical means-causes all portals to disconnect, yond recognition, while it seems almost to have carefully
1 the strucrural integrity of the resulting closet is dis- smpped and d1smancled others, scaccermg their parts at
rupted, it ubi;tance crumbles away inco the Ep1phamy random acro!>s the Realm. Some speculate that some pieces
known as the N1h11. When Junctures disconnect, anything flew completely out of the lnventium, appeanng else
inside is cropped in a closer with the nearest portal. The where in Idea Space and even embedding in far-flun11
destinauon ro which any found portal Leads is, ofcourse, up region o( the physical space-rime continuum; the Gurlt
to the Scoryreller. Cube anJ other apparently manufactured anifaca that
Boon: The incredible usefulness of the Grand Hall is have appeared anomalously in million- and even billion
no more, but Junctures can be maintained by sacrificing year-old eeolog1cal deposits may be componencs of devices
one po1nc of Qu1ncessence per portal each ume a portal 1s from the lnvenuum
u ed. Th ts insures that it will stay connected for one more Of che various factions that camped out in this realm,
usage, or until a full cycle of the moon has passed, which- the 11urvlvors are long past Disembodimenc and now exist
ever Is shorter. (Note that, without the right wards, anyone only a11 i.plrlts. The Scavengers, holed up in their deep
can use a pom1l If it Is left unguarded, and they may not subterronean refuge, fared the best, their families ch riving,
care ab()ut Its permanence, or know how to keep it in place and conduct themselves as they always have, though their
for next rime .... ) acclv1tles are now concerned wlth putting pieces bacl
together, an endless and excruciating task. However, they
Ttte (RBRmERJ INveNTrum do not seem to be oware chat cheyarenowspirics, no longer
Your J>uny inr.ellcccs are no for our superior technology/ human in the physical sense. The Verbena Garden, so out
Exrratcrrewial Invaders from The Simpsons of place to begin with, is untouched but enclosed and
Like the Grand Ifall of Endless Gates, ir was just coo isolated in the molten and blasted landscape; Lady Au
good to last. The Avatar Storm devastated the lnvenc1um tumn R1ver1> underscnnds her spliitual predicament, and
even wo~e rhan che Hall, smashmg 1t.s toys and scanenng has become lonely over the lase couple years. She will
all 1he parts acr~ the Tellunan. New inventions no longer entreat .iny vmtor co talce her to a more populous part of
fall out of the sky, or, if they do, chis is so rare that it has yet the Vulgate, where she plans co tum over her own notes 10
robe ob.served, -.cholars who note the ever-increasmg pro- the Mou e1on nnd somehow contact with her
liferation of technolog1cal breakthroughs in the physical Tradition. The Technocrats of the Hackworth Compila
worlJ believe there 1s some reciprocal relation berween uon Fac1l1ty and the Etherices of Exingron Hall ha\"t
the.-.e two trends The realm can still be reached through the ~uffered rhe worse, driven stark, raving mad by the ravag~
fooclocker, but in the chaos following the Reckoning, so of the Storm They have completely lose all sense and no
many Technocmlic and Traditional factions fought co re longer under~tanJ the cechnology they were invescigaung,
tam ~ession of the portal that no one can now say who rhey live as two warring mbes of primitive savages amidst
hot~ 1c, or where in Astral Space it wHI show up next. the wreckage, hunung what few imported animals remain.
Wirnesses nsscrr that the foodocker's lid now sits cockeyed The lasr l lerodocus 1s in a similar state but Lives apart from
on Its bent hinges, the locking mechanism no longer fits In the others; In his more lucid moments he can remember
place, nnd1 of t'he inscriptlon inside the lid, only che words whnt the lnvcn1 ium once was, and will give name a
"This passnge prohibited" remain legible through the soot of "Hniry Odditus."
multiple Interior blasts. The staircase within is likewise Boon: Only lhe sturdiest and most primitive tools art'
blackened and damaged; many seeps are bent, and loose left inract m the lnventium, but some notes, sketches,
enough co flip and drop any visitor incautious enough co put d iagrams, blueprints, schematics and other descrlprivc
his full weight on one without testing it fuse. In some places material remains among che ruins. Lady Rivers can will
whole landm~ are missing, leaving a drop of I0 feec or more ingly shares mo~t of che information she has gathered olier
to the next incact level. the years, except for weapons and other cech she feels
Apparently, the Storm's turbulence jumbled the moun- woulJ have a corrupung influence rf released co the "orld
tain. of gadgetry and caused many devices co act1\"ate at large. The Scavenger:; wall not mcentionally show rhem
elv~ to outsiders; 1fencountered they tend to be suspic1
poncaneou ly; 5parb flew, and combustible components
1gniteJ. The horizon all around is now composed of tower but will rc!ipond to courtesy, and may even help th
mg, tw1~ceJ shape.-., slagged by the detonation of nuclear whom che savai?es have hurt. They are extremely reciunl
and ocher unknown power sources. The ground crunches about sharin1: cheir knowledge with anyone, ho"evcr
"Hacko~" anJ "Exo~." the savage tribes, possess the O\'er
underfoot with tiny cogi;, springs, levers, switches, valves
and innumerable silicon chips that drift lilce sand dunes m whelming bulk of recorded tnformation, buc do not
the dry wind. The Storm smashed many invencions be understand its significance and make noanempc to keepn
In usable condition. They've usc<l all paper to fuel camp demagnemed- as jewelry. The tribes resent all intruders
fire5 or to insulate their makeshift hovels, and they wear (and are especially brutal coward thieves), but one can
11orp1c:> and compact disks - badly scratched and often someumes bargain with them during the day.
A$ one leaves the Vulgate behind to ex- cime5 before I Messiahs f>Omted w the door I No one had the guts
plore lhe upper reaches of the High Umbra, the to leave the r.emplt
reality one perceives loses its lmmediacy and - The Who, Tommy
conrnincy, its tcmlency to be more or less what Once lhe wonders and complexities of the Vulgate have
il isowced to he, ond takes on a more subjective been reduced to tawdry bpcctacle and redious intricacy by the
4ualiry, seeming to nrrange itself around those overlong stay of Lhe otherworld-weary mage, how does she
who expcrh.mcc It. Masters of the Sphere of move on to greater 1h ingi;l Ifshe emered the Umbra via Astral
Mind hove said chin movement upward through Projection or Untether, or if she can levitate, grow wings, or
Astral Space 1s the some as movemenc inward, obtnm !iOmc manner of flying device, then she could launch
and that the enuuc!> one cncounten. on such a journey are all her.elfoucof che Vulgarc and theorerically nsedireccly into the
present 1n the 1nd1v1dual's he at all times, though they do Epipham1es. The problems inherenr m astral flight, however,
not all man1fe c ac once. Masters o( the Sphere of Spirit, are manifold, and older Trad1tio~ have come to refer ro this
however, warn a~ain~c lhe fallacy of assummg that, simply method as the "Flight of Icarus," recounung the well-lcnown
becaU:>e one may occupy the center ofone'sown uru\'erse, one story ai, a caunonary fable. The apparent lade of compassion
~not necessarily the cemcr of the Umverse at large. and "<;OUl-le:...vne-)" thac ~m~ to characteri:e the modem
The commandment "Know chy-.elr' 1 both the watch Technocracy ~~en a: a d1rccc result of us reliance upon chis
~'Ord of tho..e who woulJ venture into the Couns of the High rcanan method," which attemrm to bypass the Courts of the
Umbrood, .md the l~"iOn which thbe ennnes would ulti High Umbrood. By d1scounung che ume-honored myths as
marely tea~h mere supel':iUtions irrelevant to the p~nr day, T echnoc:rats
(and some other rru.h ccchnomancers) have l~ touch with
AsTRAL fLIGHT their own inner being, sclfling the v~)ices of their hearts, and
lf I told you dwt it takes w reach the highest heights I You'd thus lad. che w~lom or compassion to sensibly or responsibly
laugh and say nothmg's chat s1m/>le I Bitr you've been told many use che knowk.Jge and power they stole from the Epiphamies.

The Av,mu Storm still seethes across the Gauntlet, nod possible for a tmveler caught tn a strong enough Sconn co
e(.hoelt of 1~ turbulence, called the Upper Avatar Storm or hecome so dtsonented chat she cannot telJ when she IS swept
High Umbral 'itorm. fill the emp~ spaces of the ru;ual ..Icy off one Spire and depo:.iccd on another, or dropped into any
with invi 1hle echenc zone:; of danger or relative safety. pJrt of the Vuh~;ne or cacapulreJ through an Epiphamy. The
During the Redwning. che Avacar Storm blotted out the Scormwarden Mem does not prevent this particular effect,
entire a tral 'Icy; "<>me l~r Spires toppled and even the buc High Umbra! Patronage does.
Epipham1c clouds ~cmed caughc up in its turmoil. Ethenc Furthermore, the open space between the Vulg" and
hum canes la,he<l at the coast of the Vulgate, leavmg some of the Epiphami~ is :;till ruled by the archetypal gods; althou~h
the mo.-.L profound intelleccualstrucruresofthe modem world their influence 1s noc "hat it once was, the "middle layer of
with Lhc1r expo~d foundanons resting precariously on a A!-tral Space is ~till their home turf, whe-re no hubris will be
beach of loo!JC sand. Tornado funnels became visible with tolcr.ucd. The modem Icarus can expect lightning and ror-
ephemeral detritus ai. they core into the ground, exposing chc nodo, ram and hail, searu:ig blnst.s of blinding light, swarms of
fuctunl ~drock beneath the Lands-withouc-substance; t.hcse flying vermin and unending pursuit by fiery chariots and
churned-up areas have since been re-covered, repopulated hnrJes of winged beings too numerous and varied co descnbe.
am.I rebuill with unfounded famasy and rumor, or with This is Mr to say that asrral flight invariably retiulci; in a
modernist revisionibm. disastrous fall , but before one can sail the.astral skies in safety,
For the most part, the High UmbralStorm now truces the one must be learn the archetypaJ Lessons by paying one'~
form of diffuse dust clouds drifting along with the ephemerol respects to the Courts of the High Umbrood. And where are
breezes rhat drift along the ground in the Vulgate.Traveler:; thc:.c? According co che ma1orityof the world's mychographe~.
feel Lhe rising winc.b by che increasing frequency of Prime rhcy arc .uop some sacred mountain or other.
shard scnlces, hue exrcrience a barrage of deadly ethenc hail
when tl temporary decrease and dispersal in the "ambient" THSPIRES
Avatar Storm precede:i Storm froncs. For the mOSt part, the ROCK CLIMBING I!!
Scorm .;e[dom couche~ the Vulgate now, and when it doe:., -Mv tcry Science Theatre 3000, Episode 208: The Ltm
one m.ty find refuge within buildings or underground. High Continent
Umbml Storm." tend co cling co che upper slopes of the Sp1~.
A Spire 1 an unusually tall and sreep mountain, u.::.uallr
and expenenced travelers say It 15 unpossible co find an
cm~ry and forh1ddmg, of the sort generally seen m cartoons
entrance ro a H1gh Umbrood C.ourc or to eruer an Epiphamy
and fan cosy-genre illumacions. They doc the landscape of the
from the outside w1rhout ac some point passing through a
Vulgate; nearly every branch of the River delta e1ther con
flurry of this Upper Avacar Stonn. Most Spices are marked
cam~ une or,hare.s one with ib neighbonng branches, and the
with cnou~h caves and crevices chat climbers and fl1e~ can
older branche!i may have i.evcral apiece. This often g1v~ the
find shelter against the SLOrm w1thout too much searchmg,
imprcs5ion that any given cultural pantheon, or High C.ourt,
but travelers must be wary - a cave on a Spire is never just
re~1Jes solely or primarily on the Spire nearesc the branch
a cave, hut 1hc entrance co an Elemental realm, a High
reprcscnung rhe culture that worshipped them; this 11> usually
UmbrooJ Courc or n monster's lair. Narrow slipstreams swirl
the case, bur Mt always, especia1ly along the modem coastal
around Spires and up between rhe Epiphamies, but the
rcgloni.. Here rhey mny have more unnatural appearance!.~:
Avatar Storm never enters any Epiphamy and does not affcc:l
i all stacks of hewn rock, towers of polished machine-tooled
direct passages between Eplphamies.
mewl anJ even pinnacles ofcut or blown glass sometimes rise
Flying mulght through the calmest space would result in from amid lhc cities on chc shoreline. To contact the old
as Iltde as n single die ofdamage for the entire duration of the pngan gods, though, ic is generally best to travel mland and
flighr The d1smbut1on is noc even, though, and coalesces lmcn for where the River sounds Hice the language m which
into buffering wmcls chat deliver cwo or three dice of dJmagc the gods first found their names. Among luerate culcurei1
every ftve turns, or massive scorm fronts that pour down four there will be an array of glaciers around the base of the Sp1te
or more dice of damage every other rum that a traveler ts emboJying che sacred texts-especially chose lost to hbcorr
exposed co them. The amount of damage ma Sinl?le tum can - dcscnhing the pantheon. Those we best remember and
never exceed a m.lge's permanent Paradox+ Arete, ofcoW">4e. study in the modem day may also lte among foothills where
Aie" who come ro the Umbra by Stepping Sideway ,uffor che echoc of their respecnve Myduc Ages still sound, and
chtsdamaJ?e tothc1r Avararsjustas if theywereflymg through where pmlb ace out the well-lc.nown legends. Let the asrrnl
chm veils of the Gauntlet, unless they are protected by the tra\'elcr ~ware, for the monsters of these myths may yec live
Smrmwarden Mentor by the Patronage of a High Umbrood. on in the caves and crevasses of many a Spire.
Bodilt.'5 travelers do nm suffer damage hue are affected
' nonerheless; every successful die of Avatar damage subtracts
Bodiless rravelers may simply rise up the side of a Spire,
hut th1~does noc prorect chem from being disoriented or even
one ~uccess from the rraveler's Perception + Cosmology roll
blown away from the Spire by the High UmbraJ Stonn, unless
LO m:ilncain ht& hearings as he flies c:broughAstral Space. It is
Lhcy cnn rake cover in a cave or cleft in the rod::. For bo<lte<l
travelers, climbing a Spire is treated as it would be in the archetypes and the highest truths, just like climbing a moun-
physical world, with a Dexterity + Athletics roll. The diffi- tain to fmd the High Umbrood and the Epiphamies. Even if
culty IS up co the Storyteller, but should be adjusted down for the Storyteller chooses not to use the Spires as presented here,
a Spire where a well-known pantheon is believed to abide. it is important to avoid just handing the player characters
Mount Olympus on the Hellenic branch, for example, would their desired level of enlightenment on a silver platter. Make
be the easiest, say difficulty 4, with a narrow path and them work for it in some way that emphasizes the importance
numerous broad ledges on which to rest. Coastal Spires are of the reward they receive for their effort.
more like difficulty 8, with widely spaced finger- and toeholds Furthermore, the hierarchical scheme is not the only
on steeper faces. Those Spires that jut straight out of the way to go about this. Many members of the Celestial Chorus,
Great Ocean are the worst of all: sheer vertical shafts slick Hindu Euthanatos, pretty much all Hermetics and Batini
with water spray and slime for a difficulty of 10. The Story insist on thehierarchicalscale, going from the lowest spiritual
teller may allow a roll of Perception+ Awareness to look for station to the highest in a specific order. Sons of Ether can
gripping features and ledges; Awareness is used instead of relate this scale to the energy levels of colored light, and
Alenness since this is the Umbra. For this reason, the Story Virtual Adepts to the hierarchy of operational commands
teller may also allow Willpower points to be spent in lieu of within their computer tools. But humans are also capable of
Stamina checks. Falling due to a botched climbing roll need seeing the visible colors as a circle, with violet fading back
not be fatal; if the climber had not yet reached the level of the into red. Akashics, Dreamspeakers, Ecstatics and Verbena
High Courts or Epiphamies, the Storyteller may just let him tend to think in the round, in interdependent relationships
tumble into the mythic foothills or glaciers with only bashing that can be termed the uholarchic scale." A holarchy does nor
damage. (Falling from a greater height can be dire, however. place greater importance on one component than another
See the following section on the Epiphamies.) but shows how each leads to the next, with all being equally
The one thing common to all these great astral journeys necessary to the whole. Virtual Adepts can relate this to their
is not simply the distance involved, it is the actual effort spreads of data or the sprawl of the Digital Web itself, while
required to get to the higher reality. Not every Spire takes the Etherites understand it in terms of interpenetrating force
form of a mountain. Some High Umbrood reside in deep fields. For the astral voyager, the journey co the farthest
caverns where the seeker must climb down rather than up, stretches of the mind can lead right back to the mundane,
feeling his way in darkness. Some are on islands far across the ordinary reality where their quest began.
Great Ocean, requiring the building and use of a metaphoric
ship, or the heroic effort of a long-distance swim. Some THfEOC;EBNY AND TH csTASY
Epiphamies even connect these vastly divergent regions, so I went out looking far God the other day and I couldn't pm
chat the way out is entirely different than the way in. Spires him. So I figured if I couldn't find him I'd look far his stash: his
have been represented in allegorical literature as ladders and Great Lake of Lotre that holds the whole world in gem. And when
stairs as well, so that some Courts and Epiphamies might be I finally found it I had the pleasure of finding that people were the
reached without even going outside of a building m the guardians of ic. Dig that. So, with my cwo-ti~tWOisfour, I
Vulgate. A symbolic motif frequently associated with both figured that if people were guarding the stash of love known as God
Spires and Epiphamic thresholds in texts accessible to Sleep then, when people swing in beauty, they become little Gods and
ers is the rainbow, or the spectrum ofvisible light. "Graduated" Goddesses. And I know a couple of them myself personally and I
Spires like ladders and stairs are often depicted with steps of know you do coo.
varying colors, usually starting with red (the color of light - Lord Buckley
with the lowest vibratory frequency, most closely associated
If the Vulgate can be said to be comprised of an interper
with the physical world) and going up through orange,
sonal mental space, those thoughts which humans (and
yellow, green, blue, indigo and finally arriving at violet (the
others) have shared with one another, then what lies between
highest rate of vibration corresponding to the highest spiri
the Vulgate and the Epiphamies can be said to be comprised
tual states). of a personal space, those thoughts which pass from one part
This brings up an interesting point that Storytellers may of an individual's mind to another. A visit to a High Umbra!
wish to consider. A number of traditions also use the color Court can seem like a tour through the machinery of one's
spectrum (not capitalized, for this lore is available to Sleepers own braini everywhere one turrlS, one sees a partial reflection
too) to symbolize the chakras of the yogic paradigm and, in a of one's Self. Some ancient mages developed the techniques
different order, the Sephiroth of the Qabalistic Tree of Life. of ecstatic trance (from ex stasis, literally to "stand outside" of
While the T rec can symbolize the Spire - a system of oneself) in order to commune with their gods. Their personal
luerarchic orders of spiritual reality- it also, like the chakra power came from this ability to dissociate themselves from
system, represents a hierarchy within the human individual. their ego-identity and become part of the universe at large.
By making an effort, by doing the necessary work, the mystic Since the microcosm reflects the macrocosm, they were thus
can raise her own inner state to attain an experience of the
able co control the actions of the external world as they
controlled their own actions.
Because of this, the High Umbrood who inhabit this
personal space may easily be mistaken for mere extensions,
exteriorized reflections, of the ideas and emotions with which
they are most closely associated, but it should never be
forgotten that each is an independent individual, and when
encountered is most likely to react in its own way according
to how it is treated. Such is the nature ofarchetypal spirits, the
distinct personalities that collectively compose the psychic
makeup of creatures of the material world: components of
individual minds, they exist beyond any individual's specific
understanding of them.
Some Masters have declared that one never meets a god
unless it is truly necessary to one's purpose, and for them it
may be true. The presence of the divine has always been
characterized by a wyrd, inextricably bound to notions of fate
and destiny. But many individuals, especially modern mages
and mystics, have rejected potential encounters with godhood
in their efforts to free themselves from predetennination, to
create their own destiny. This is the aforementioned Flight of
Icarus, and those who would bypass the Courts of the High
Umbrood are labeled Icarites and treated as enemies. (Here
it might be noted that the ancient world had no concept of
"mere chance," the idea of randomness being a modem
invention. What we regard as games of chance - throwing
dice, shuffi ing cards, casting lots, etc. - originated as meth-
ods of divination, since the gods determined the outcome of
any event. Even the Roman goddess Fortuna, whose Wheel
can still be found in tarot decks and television game shows,
was a directing and determining force rather than a personi-
fication of dumb happenstance. Thus Umbrood Lords who
identify with the old gods do not understand this aspect of the
Sphere of Entropy, and may be shocked or enraged to see it
used in this way.)
Not only Technocrats fall into the fallacy of Icarus; self.
important Traditional mages, along with ignorant Orphans,
exceptionally talented sorcerers, monomaniacal Marauders
and power-hungry Nephandi, have all made the mistake of
thinking that the archetypal gods could be Ignored - or,
worse yet, subjugated to the willworker's will. It is true that
many archetypal spirits are not as all-powerful as they would
like to appear, and that they can be tricked or manipulated by
clever mortals. But in so doing these mortals neglect the very
important function of this particular level of the Astral
Umbra, that of psychic integration, of getting one's Self
together, as it were. By circumventing the High Courts or
cheating one's way through the tests and ordeals the High
Umbrood would impose, one risks approaching the Epiphamies
in a state of hubris that could lead to deep misunderstandings
of the higher abstractions and result in a disastrous fall, not
only in the High Umbra but in the material world as well.
The Courts are as varied as all the belief systems of yournose."TheGateofTouch usually takes the formofalong
mankind, ranging from embodiments of the metaphysical subterranean passage where visitors must feel their way along
elements and the pantheons of classical mythology, to the in pitch darkness; sometimes the cave entrance may be
angelic ranks of monotheism or the operating theaters of farther down the Spire than expected, and climbers may pass
flying saucers where bug-eyed, gray-skinned extraterrestrials it unknowingly on the way up. The approach to the Gate of
torture abductees from the modem world. The examples Touch can take other forms, Like a thick fog that limits
provided in this section are in no way complete, but are visibility, distorts sounds and disperses smells, ora deep night
intended as models for Storytellers to use when creating when heavy Epiphamies hide the astral moon and the tiny
whatever High Umbra! Court(s) their own chronicle re- lights of the Vulgate are out ofsight far below. Whichever the
quires. Every Court should have its own unique flavor and case, travelers who bring their own light source or who use
ambience, but certain aspects and components can apply to some kind of heightened sense other than physical contact
all of them. The Storyteller who wishes to reinforce the idea will not find this Gate until they douse their torch or switch
of the High Court as a personal space, an arena of individu- off their ether goggles. But, like the first two Gates, Scent and
ation, can use the idea of the Five Gates In and the Two Gates Touch can sometimes be fused into a common means of
Out. (The Epiphamic Boons in the next section are delin- ingress, like a dark tunnel with the smells of the gods wafting
eated with this scheme in mind.) The Five Gates correspond oucof it, or an aromatic breeze that can befeltagainst the skin.
to the five senses, and are the only ways to enter a particular Both of these Gates are kind of Like back doors to heaven;
High Umbra! Court or pantheon; even bodiless travelers passing through them does not automatically alert the High
cannot pass through the walls and wards surrounding a Court Umbrood to the intruders' presence, leading to private quar-
except by these means. One or more of the Five may be barred ters, unoccupied rooms, hidden corridors and sections where
and warded against intrusion, but at Least one is always open only servants work.
to those clever and diligent enough to find it. The Gate of Taste is the subtlest Gate of all; while it may
The Gate of Sight is the most obvious, found along the occasionally be fused with the Gate ofScent, when found alone
direct line of approach as one ascends a Spire, and always it does not take the form of a concrete opening on the side of
takes some plainly visible form: a massive arch of stone, wood a Spire or the outer wall of a High Coun. To pass through this
or wrought iron, elaborately carved with sigils, runes, Gate, the mage must ingest something: a golden apple, the
hieroglyphs or pictorial reliefs, with single or twin doors made Peaches oflmmortality, a seed from the Alder Bole, sacramen-
of a similar material or of some precious substance - gold, tal wine, certain substances favored by some among the Cult of
gems or pearls. The Gate of Sound may be equally apparent, Ecstasy, or the heady brews served in the T avem of the Four
often forming along with Sight one halfof a large double gate, Winds (see pp. 56-57). Entering via the Gate of Taste may or
as seeing and hearing tend to be the predominant senses may not draw the attention of the High Um brood; visitors can
among the majority of humans. This is not always the case, find themselves in either a public or private area of a High
though; sometimes the Gate of Sound takes some searching Court- the Storyteller should decide the result of accessing
to find, as it may be hidden in a rocky cleft or niche, or else the Gate of Taste according to circumstances and the needs of
concealed by vegetation or some other visual obstacle. In the story. All five Gates are accessible to bodiless travelers,.but
either instance, this Gate can be found and identified by the the Storyteller may require an additional Perception + Alert-
sounds coming out of it - heavenly music, or the voices of ness roll (difficulty 7) for them to find the Gates of Scent,
the gods within. These Gates are generally the first to be Touch and Taste, because these senses are not normally
barred when gods choose to withdraw from mortal affairs, but, engaged in this mode of Umbra! travel. (To taste ephemeral
even when left wide open, will always be guarded by a sentry food or drink, a bodiless mage must move his point of con-
ofsome sort who will challenge all who approach and demand sciousness into the substance itself.)
to know why they should be let in. This sentry is usually a Once inside a High Umbra! Court, there are only two
lesser Umbrood lord, although common elementals can some- exits to the Epiphamies (other than going back out the Five
times be found on guard duty. Entering through either of Gates and attempting some form of astral flight, assuming the
these Gates immediately attracts the attention of the High High Umbrood do not prevent this); like the Five Gates In,
Umbrood who dwell therein, as each leads directly to the these Two Gates out may be fused into one, but this is
public areas of the Coun. extremely rare as most High Umbrood tend to favor one
The other three Gates can be even more difficult to particular Gate far more than the other, and may even try to
access, and are never plainly visible. The Gate of Scent is hide the existence of the one they don't like. These Two
marked by the enticing aromas or offensive odors that ema- Gates are called Rhyme and Reason; when both can be found,
nate from inside: exotic perfumes and incenses, appetizing the former is always to the right, and is very obvious -
ambrosia and nectar, or malodorous sulfur and brimstone, perhaps built up like the Gate of Sight - while the latter is
fumes from strange engines, animal musk or ozone from a on the left and may be in a state of disrepair or even partial
casually hurled bolt of Lightning. As the bird says, "Follow collapse. This is not to say that the Two Gates will always be
found side by side - in fact, they are seldom within sight of but don't let the players push you around just because they've
each other. But at some point during their visit to a High already read this book on their own ....
Court, visitors will be given a bilateral choice- between the Most High Umbroocl prefer that visitors - those thar
"dexterous" right hand and the "sinister" left- usually in the they allow to pass through at all- exit through the Gate of
form of a T-shaped corridor intersection - that will affect Rhyme, which sensitizes those who use it to the subtle and
which Gate they approach. The Two Gates can even be on intangible aspects of existence, to emotion, nuance, ambi-
diametrically opposite sides of the Court, but the right-left ence, attitude, inflection and style. The Gate of Rhyme is
relationship will still be the same relative to whichever of the concerned with context, holism, goal-oriented activities
Five Gates the visitors entered through. (That's right, retrace and pattern recognition; it encourages the kind of psychic
your steps and pull out the graph paper .... ) mindset in which the old gods thrived, that of irrationality
Umbroocl lords, as the masters of their respective do- and suggestibility. The Gate of Reason is the opposite,
mains, can affect the topography of their realms and alter the dealing with rationality, tangibility, linearity, hierarchical
appearance of the Two Gates, or even make the bilateral structures, task-oriented activities and things that can be
choice take some entirely different form. Some lords, if they proven with logic. Most High Umbrood know that they gain
realize that their guests understand the difference between power through human belief, power that was lost when
the Two Gates and wish to use the despised Gate of Reason, mankind (under the influence of the Order of, ahem, Rea-
may give them some kind of allegorical choice between two son) began to place rational thinking above all else, and try
representative objects held in the lord's hands - say, a sword to encourage irrationality from their remote mountaintops.
in his left hand and a ball in his right. By facing the chooser They cannot change the fact that mortals have free will to
directly, the lord hopes to confuse the issue- i.e., the sword think as they choose to, but they can smell a potential
often represents Reason in occult symbolism, but is the Technocrat when they're faced with one and will do their
choice actually determined by my left hand or your left hand? level best to fuck with 'em.
In a situation like this, the Storyteller should be fair; the In point of fact, the Two Gates are not exclusive
Umbroocl lord has already decided how the actual choice is to opposites, but complementary halves, mere mindsets or
be presented and must abide by the mage's decision whether frames of reference that can work together synergistically. It
it is made unwittingly or not. In other words, no fair changing is possible to pass through both Gates simultaneously, and
your mind to force the game one way or another. Play nice,

66 Tue lNANrrf TAfSTR.Y

~ r f .,, r ~ ""

thus claim both types of Boons from the Epiphamies. Cer-
tain rare Umbrood lords, who embody and can manifest
both principles, can teach the secret of fusing the Two Gates Stick with me , kid, and you'll go far ...
mto one; it involves consciously balancing both principles
- Show-biz cliche
within oneself, requiring the accumulation of 10 successes
on an extended Intelligence+ Meditation roll with a diffi- While it is not impossible for a mage to learn his way
culty of 8. Each mage passing through the Two Gates must around the Vulgate, sneak past the High Umbrood, fly
achieve this balance individually; those who do not only up through a calm spot in the Upper Avatar Storm and
gam the benefits of the particular Gate they find themselves gain access co the Epiphamies, the odds against achiev-
at. Most High Umbrood have important business to attend ing this and finding the Epiphamy he seeks, much less
to, however, and will not wait around while mages prepare understanding it and coming back with something worth-
themselves in this way. while, all before Disembodiment secs in, are astronomical.
For this reason it is prudent to make friends with the lords
Once the visitors have stepped through either (or both)
of the High Umbrood who guard the way up and the way
of the Two Gates, they will all find exactly the same thing on
down. The best way to do this is to already have chosen
the other side: a small ledge, just large enough to accommo-
an Um brood lorp as part ofone's Totem Background, but
date their party and any High Umbrood who has cho en to
only the Dreamspeakers remember the art of wooing the
accompany them to the Epiphamies. Beyond the ledge, a
old gods, and their expertise is primarily concerned with
sheer drop straight down to the base of the Spire, with the
the lncarnae of the Spirit Wilds. For those who did not
Vulgate like a toy village far below; the ledge itself provides
prepare for an astral voyage by spending their lives
shelter from the Upper Avatar Storm, but its invisible winds
worshipping some ancient archetype, there is Patronage.
may rage just past the edge. Above and all around, the
Ep1phamic clouds rear their vast heads in awesome grandeur. A Patron is a High Umbra I archetype who guides and
Th!S is the point of no return. The High Umbrood will not, protects an astral traveler, and Patronage may be gained m
under any circumstances, allow a mage who has gained this exchange for some big favor, through an act of devotion
precipitous vantage co tum back. Bodiless visitors, or those on the part of the traveler, by prearrangement through
who have somehow retained the ability of astral flight, may rituals conducted on the material plane or even by decep-
simply soar away into the higher abstractions as they will. tion and trickery. (This last method is not recommended,
Those others who want to abandon their quest and climb as the High Umbrood have ways of discovering the truth
back down the Spire might conceivably do so, depending on and may enlist the aid of vast sectors of the Umbra!
how things went in Court, but the difficulty for climbing the populace in aces of vengeance.) Theoretically, the Scory-
face of this precipice is 10. Those who have gained the teller may allow a mage to have multiple Patrons, but this
companionship of a High Umbrood lord may receive some tends to stir up conflict and resentment among Umbrood
spiritually profound verbal exhortation to step off the ledge, lords; only the Muses seem willing to share Patronage with
or perhaps simply an enigmatically encouraging smile. Or a other High Umbrood. On rare occasions an Umbrood
helpful nudge forward. Or, if things did not go so well in lord may choose to become someone's Patron entirely on
Court, a swift and massive boot in the backside. Howsoever is own, but this can be trouble depending on the Patron's
they managed to get th1S far, they're going over the edge no ocivation - pity, amusement, or the desire to teach a
matter what .... cocky willworker a lesson in hubris. An astral visitor who
has a Patron is called that Patron's "filial."
tLtIT1NTAL CEI7URTS Although it is capitalized, Patronage is not a new
Background or other Trait. Patronage is temporary, lasting
There's a magnificent pylon in this, there's a tO'rch fO'r the
only as long as a single Umbra! voyage, although it may be
world: that life cannot be as beautiful as it should be. We have the
possible co get the same Patron on subsequent journeys into
blocks to make up the mosaic of life: the dream - a beautiful,
the spirit world, provided the filial has shown the Patron
wonderful, warm, unendingly delightful schematic of living. This
proper respect during previous encounters. Ideally, Patron-
is the truth. We have all these things to put them together.
age should result purely from roleplaymg on the part of the
- Lord Buckley mages during encounters with the High Umbrood, but the
The Courts of the Elements are found midway up a Spire, Storyteller may let them make rolls using Social Attributes
before a traveler actually reaches the Five Gates, with each and/or Occult lore to contact, recognize and befriend
Element represented by a realm that expresses its intrinsic specific Um brood lords, if he deems it suitable to the story.
nature. (Individual Elemental realms, however, may be lo- Patrons benefit their filials by staving off
cated almost anywhere in Astral Space and can even overlap Disembodiment. The Patron must spend 5 Essence points
other parts of the Umbra. The realms and spirits are too to grant the filial an extra lunar cycle before
numerous to be detailed here, so only theu particular func- Disembodiment set. in.
tion in the Ideospheric ecology will be explained.)
Many new elemental realms have been discovered in the LITINTAL C$URT E9f TH EBc:CIDENT
past few centuries - glass, electricity, etc. - but only the Perhaps the most well-traveled and influential Elemen-
mo t ancient configurations that have embedded themselves tal Court is that of the four-fold Occidental paradigm found
10 the human psyche can truly be considered "Courts" in the throughout Europe and the Middle East, appearing in the
High Umbra! sense. While each element can be visited and Tarot, astrology, alchemy, and the Qabala. (Players with
dealt with separately, collectively they can represent the access to the Mage Tarot may note the attributions of the four
basic functions of the psyche as expressed within Idea Space. suits of its Minor Arcana; how they correspond to the four
Elemental spirits may try to draw visiting mages into the types of Avatars bears enough relevance to be mentioned
various doings of their respective realms, to involve visitors in here. Mages with appropriate Avatars have the difficulty of
their schemes, intrigues, romances and open conflicts, but by Social rolls reduced by one when dealing with corresponding
visiting all the realms of an Elemental Court and paying elemental lords.) The schema of this Court is so deeply
respects to their rulers, the mage attains an equilibrium of ingrained in the Western psyche that it can be related to
consciousness that can be useful in dealing with Higher modem scientific thought, especially the psychology of Carl
Umbrood and the Epiphamies. Jung and the quantum interpretations of Fred Alan Wolf.
Balancing oneself in this way can be both time consum- This Court can participate in the individuation process of a
ing and dangerous, since elemental spirits tend to be either mage or even of an entire traveling party by asking them
slow to respond to visitors or else have violent tempers and questions that elucidate the concerns and motivations of the
far-ranging powers. Furthermore, the rituals of many Tradi- visitors regarding their personal tate of mmd or the reasons
tions metaphorically re-enact a complete circuit of an they are undertaking the current astral journey.
Elemental Court, such as calling the quarters when casting a Air: Generally found on the eastern face of a Spire, the
magic circle, so many mages already consider themselves realms of Air might be mistaken for Epiphamic clouds by the
balanced enough to bypass the Elemental Courts during astral uninitiated, except that their nature becomes apparent by
journeys. (Some shamanic rites stem from such primal roots studying the forms and activities of the spirits that move in
that even the "proto-scientific" schema of the Elements is and around them. Their ephemeral tangibility corresponds to
replaced with an experience of personal death, decay, disso- the gaseous state of matter, expanding and permeating to fill
lution and reassembly in a new improved form.) There are, of the space they occupy. In addition to their aerial powers and
course, benefits to be had from excursions into each realm qualities, the lords of this realm are most receptive to mages
individually - enlisting elemental spirits as servitors, or the with Dynamic Avatars, and express the Jungian function of
Patronage ofelemental lords-but the true Boon lies in a full thought; thus, their questions co visitors usually address the
circuit of one of the known and established Courts. intellect and concern the rational associauve processes that
The Elemental Courts are usually aligned with the car- motivate the visit, i.e., "What do you about that?" ln the
dinal directions, although there is some disagreement both quantum terms of Wolf, this corresponds to the experience of
between and within Traditions as to which directions corre- time through the orderly progress of concepts 10 the mind.
spond with which Element. The alignments given here are Water: Usually found on a Spire's western slopes, the
the most commonly used, and the directions are as deter- realms of Water may appear as mountain springs, waterfalls,
mined by the movements of the sun and moon through the or even a lake on a broad ledge. The ephemeral tangibility of
astral sky. these realms and their inhabitants corresponds to the liquid
Boon: Mages who can gain the favor of a lord from each state of matter, flowing into the shape of the space they
element in a Court get an additional die to their Dice Pool occupy but remaining constant in volume. The lords of this
when rolling Willpower. (When groups are making an astral realm welcome mages with Primordial Avatars, and express
journey together, it is not necessary that each individual the Jungian function of feeling, concerning themselves with
make the entire circuit; sending emissaries to each realm the emotional content of a visitor's mind or his general
secures this Boon for all members of the party once they situation by asking, "How do you feel about that?" In Wolfian
regroup, but they only get the benefit when all members are terrrts this corresponds to the experience of energy through
present together.) Normally this Boon lastb only for the rest the internal and external movements of forces that contrib-
of the Umbral voyage, or until the end of the current Story, ute to the overall energy state of an entity or situation.
whichever comes first. Ifvisitors pay their respects to the same Earth: Found mainly on a Spire's northern face, the
Elemental Courts on their return trip down from the realms of Earth are not always immediately distinguishable
Eptphamies, and if the Storyteller ts willing, thtS may be made from the substance of the Spire itself until they present
a permanent Willpower point. (The Storyteller may choose themselves or are exammed with magical senses, appearing as
to reduce the experience point cost or even waive it, depend- caves or strange rock fonnattons. The ephemeral tangibility
ing on how the elemental intrigue was played.) of these realms and their residents corresponds to matter in its
Additionally, elemental spirits of high rank always know solid state, maintaining a distinct shape and volume unless
how to find the Five Gates on the Spire where they reside. acted upon by external forces. The lords of this realm tend to
accept Pattern Avatars, and express the Jungian function of realms. Those who understand the Oriental Court insist that
sensation, exhibiting an unusual interest in the physical disharmony results if one does not pay respects to the ele-
situation that prompted an astral journey by asking, "What ments both when climbing a Spire and when descending. The
circumstances bring you here?" In quantum terms this corre- rulers of each realm have the identity of mythic Chinese
sponds to the experience of space, of the shapes, distances and emperors; if they can be reached at all, they will not deal with
motions that comprise the sensorium. visitors directly, but will converse through their assistants.
Fire: Climbing up the southern slope of a Spire, the Even though three of the elements appear to be the same as
astral voyager may come upon the realms of Fire, open in the Occidental Court, their occult significance is different
flames and burning zones that can seem distinctly out of and spirits from one Court do not relate well with their
place except when appearing as geothermal vents or volca- counterparts from the other Court. The Elemental Court of
nic apertures. Even if the spirits that live here are recognized the Orient is found almost exclusively on Spires that rise from
and understood for what they are, they can still be as between the Asiatic branches of the River of Language.
dangerous as they appear because their ephemeral tangibil- Wood: On the eastern slopes of a Spire will be a dense
ity corresponds to matter in its plasmatic state, a sort of forest with a windy climate, verdant as though in the throes
transitional phase wherein specific forms and qualitative of spring. The winds carry rancid odors, and anything you eat
properties break down in the course of organizing into a new here will have a sour taste. The spirits here shout a lot, as
state. The lords of this realm express the Jungian function of though in anger, but show benevolence when treated courte-
intuition, deriving the contents of consciousness from un- ously. Then they may bring visitors before Emperor Fu Hsi,
conscious processes; as such, they have little patience with who appears clad in blue riding a dragon. When visitors are
visitors (although they are more tolerant of those with ascending the Spire, the Imperial Assistant Chu Mang will
Questing Avatars), expecting them to immediately state speak of a quarrel with Huang-ti, Emperor of the Earth realms,
their business and purposes and get on with it. The best and enlist them in foiling his plans or doing some harm to
prompt a hesitant visitor can expect would be an irritable those realms. If the visitors are descending the Spire, Chu
expostulation like, "Well? Say something!" If the visitor Mang will tell them that the Emperor wishes them to render
cannot explain his presence straightaway, he will be ex- aid ofsome sort to his brother Shen Nung, Emperorof the Fire
pelled with some flashy pyrotechnic display. According to realms.
Wolf, intuition is experiencing wavelength, jumping from Fire: On the southern face of a Spire, a volcanic rift
crest to crest - from idea to idea - without plodding spews fire, scorching the air and coating everything with
through the valleys of conscious association in between. bitter ash. The spirits of this realm laugh joyously as they bum
Having elemental spirits as companions can be benefi- and blast, but show propriety in response to a polite approach.
cial, as many hands can lighten workloads and make sure Then they will lead the way to Emperor Shen Nung, who
backs are covered in a fight. The limited intelligence oflower- appears clad in red, astride a burning phoenix. If the visitors
ranking elementals can be a drawback, though. Higher-ranking are ascending the Spire, his Assistant Chu Jung will try to
elementals seldom leave their realms, but if they can be involve visitors in a war upon Emperor Shao-hao ofthe Metal
convinced to accompany travelers they may prove useful in realms. If they are descending, Chu Jung will express his
understanding certain aspects of some Epiphamies. For in- master's concern after the health of Earth Emperor Huang-ti,
stance, elementals of Air and Earth who accompany a mage and ask the visitors to go see how he is doing.
through the Gate of Reason might, acting together, explain Earth: Following a natural tunnel into the center of a
the transformations ofTime and Correspondence that can be Spire, visitors will enter the fragrant but humid cavern where
learned in the Continuum Orrery, or Water and Fire in spirits of Earth sing praises to Emperor Huang-ti, clad in
tandem can elucidate the Forces and Matter transformations yellow and mounted upon an ox. His Assistant Hou-t'u will
of the Einsteinian Epiphamy. (See Epiphamies, below.) A express his sympathy for travelers stopping here and offer
smart elemental who accompanies a mage through the Gate them sweets. If the visitors have been climbing upward, Hou-
of Rhyme can pick up on the deeper psychological content of t'u will express his master's contempt forChuan-hsu, Emperor
the more personal Epiphamies. Of course, the Muses (below) of the realms of Water, and entreat them to do him some
are far better suited for this purpose. harm. If the visitors are engaged in climbing down the Spire,
Hou-t'u will request they deliver gifts of goodwill to Shao-
LmENTAL CURT F THE EDRIEITT hao, the Metal Emperor.
Scholars currently know of only one other full Elemental Metal: An exposed vein of ore on a Spire's western face
Court: the subtle and mysterious Court of the Orient, whose causes the autumnal air to seem rotten to the nose and
workings are not well understood outside of the Akashic pungent to the tongue. The spirits here weep as though
Brotherhood. As a consequence, travelers who are not versed grieving, but respond well when visitors appeal to their sense
in the esoteric internal alchemy practiced by masters of Do of righteousness. They may lead guests to Emperor Shao-hao,
will have difficulty understanding these spirits and their who wears white and rides a tiger; his Assistant Ju-shou will
ask them to help exact retribution upon Emperor Fu Hsi of .,
Wood if they are ascending, or to help Emperor Chuan-hsu of SPlRIT TRAITS
Water if they are descending. Spirits do not have normal physical, social or mental
Water: On a Spire's snowy northern slope, a scenic fall Attributes, nor do they have Abilities. Instead, they have
of salty water marks a realm where spirits groan as if in fear, the following four Traits: Willpower, Rage, Gnosis and
giving off a putrid stench, but who are capable of imparting Essence. When certain supernatural creatures try to ma-
elementary wisdom to those who prove worthy. Such ones are nipulate spirits, those four traits often set the benchmark
granted audience with EmperorChuan-hsu, clad in black and for difficulties. The first three are ranked from I to 10; the
sitting upon a giant tonoise. His Imperial Assistant Hsuan- t last one serves as a measure of Health Levels and power.
ming will ensnare visitors in a plot against the Fire Emperor Willpower reflects a spirit's ability to strike in
Shen Nung if they are goi ng up, or ask them to help Emperor combat, its initiative, and its overall will.
Fu Hsi if they are going down.
,. ... Rage determines how much damage a spirit does.
As you can see, the doings of the Elemental Court of the Gnosis reflects a spirit's ability to deal with puzzles
Orient are convoluted and can be especially baffling to the and enigmas, and with magic.
uninitiated. Storytellers may have little need to explore its Essence (also called Power) is the number ofHealth
intricacies unless they are running a Chronicle that focu es Levels a spirit has, but also the pool of points he can
primarily on the Akashic Brotherhood. ~~pend to cast certain Charms. Note that Essence for a
GRAY E1'PfRATING RffiffirTI pirit is not the same thing as Avatar Essence.
Spirits also have supernatural abilities known as
For a relatively brief period during the last century,
Charms. Some Charms require a successful Gnosis roll to
those few who believed in them viewed extraterrestrial
cast, while others may require the expenditure of Essence.
visitors as benefactors from beyond; the visitors even took
on the appearances and names of the classical gods. Over Note: Similar rules for Spirits are detailed in thcj
subsequent decades, however, this belief was twisted with Mage Storytellers Companion; simply substitute "Power"
darkness and paranoia, as contactees became abductees, for "Essence."
gifts of hope and wisdom became horrifically invasive surgi-
cal procedures, and the court of shining ones from the sky sacred and the profane, and have taken to crossing cultural
became an operating theatre where strange experiments boundaries in the High Umbra, appearing in any number of
were performed upon seemingly random victims. While any Umbrood Courts to act as messengers, ambassadors and, for
Storyteller who uses the idea of alien abduction and inva- mortal travelers, as guides to the astral world. Also, the Muses
sion undoubtedly has Chronicle-spanning elaborations of have a Court of their own upon a Spire whose base lies near
her own in mind, the initiatic quality of the experience, the Mouseion in the Vulgate; this Spire resembles Mount
especially in relarion to the shamanic idea of dissolution/ Helicon in Greece, believed to be the home of the Muses in
deconstruction and reassembly, warrants a passing mention ancient times.
in this section. This Court is mobile, appearing out of the Originally there were nine Muses, in addition to the
Great Ocean anywhere along the Vulgaticcoast, in the form Elder Muses and their Leader; this number has doubled. but
of a silvery disk. The "Spire" that leads up to its central the original nine are still in existence, though their specialties
aperture is a shaft of rainbow-hued light; those who pass and areas of influence have changed slightly. As the mcxles
through it are drawn upwards and within. and means of human expression grew, so too did the variety

TH CE9URT 61F TH ffiuses of Muse. The original daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne
have modernized their appearance and purviews somewhat,
Information is not knowledge. I Knowledge is not wisdom. I and new Muses have come into being-some recruited from
Wisdom is not truth. I Truth is not beauty. I Beauty is not love. the ranks of men in ancient times, others emerging fully
I Love is not music. I Music is the best. formed from the categories of human activity. Recent ac-
- Frank Zappa, Joe's Garage, Act Ill counts suggest that at least cwo distinct "species" now exist,
Since the Reckoning, an old Court has re-emerged from one concerned primarily with the material world and its
the collective unconscious with new members and a renewed manifestations, the other embodying more abstract notions,
vigor and purpose in the modem realm of high ideas. These either derived from, or causing, shaping and informing,
are the Muses, who were also known as apsaras in India or the physical events. Each type has its own particular usefulness
Valkyrie in Nordic myth, but whose individual names and for mages engaged in astral voyages, so Patronage shared
purviews were best divined by the ancient Greeks. The Muses becween the two types is common.
have expanded upon their role as intermediaries becween the
muses eF ITTDIA range with a successful Gnosis roll. Note that this is not
Wnting about music is like dancing about archir.ecture. simply misdirection through holding the lips immobile dur-
-Frank Zappa ing speech - the sound actually originates from the targeted
point. Her thrown voice can speak for any length of time, but
Sometimes regarded as the lowest rank of the Musa!
separate pronouncements, like responses to questions or
Court, Muses of Media embody the means by which the high
continuing after an interruption, cost 1 Essence point apiece.)
ideals and abstractions of the Astral Umbra can be commu-
nicated to the physical world in a tangible and concrete form. Image: Like all Medial Muses, Calliope generally ap-
They are known in differing forms the world over as culture- pears as a young woman of pleasing aspect in a flowing gown
bringers and culture-bearers who teach humanity the arts and (although the Muses may actually take a form of any age,
crafts that enrich life. Mages who use some form of art as the gender, ethnicity or other disposition). Originally pictured
Focus for their magic are particularly favored. Some modern holding a wax tablet and a pencil, she now usually appears
art forms employ several distinct types of media, like film and
with a microphone in her hands.
video or performances and installations, so Storytellers may Boon: Calliope provides her filial one dot of Wits. In
restrict mages to a single Medial Muse as Totem, to reflect the addition, she grants the use of True Ventriloquism (roll Wits
mage's specialty. (An ambitious auteur might write, direct + Expression, substitute Quintessence for Essence expendi-
and star in his own film, but can he be equally involved in the tures) once per astral journey, or, if she is the mage's Totem,
choreography, set and costume design, as well as building the once per Story. She may also tell where to find secret lore of
theater where it is to be shown?) One nearly always can find the Sphere of Prime.
Medial Muses at the Mouseion in the Vulgate. Cum, must: EDF lliE WRTITN W EBRO
Because they teach the spectfic techniques of creation,
Originally the Muse of History, Clio now inspires all
both magical and mundane, the Medial Muses make excel-
forms of writing, whatever the style, subject matter or intent.
lent Totem spirits for mages (especially those who don't want
She also favors those whose worlc directly involves the writ-
to be bossed around by power-mad gods). The Muses of Media
ten word, such as printers, typesetters, file clerks, data entry
can also act as Patrons, granting two Innate Abilities to astral
personnel, etc.
voyagers, but their knowledge of the uppermost levels of the
High Umbra is limited, so they are not especially useful as Willpower 4, Rage 2, Gnosis 6, Essence 24
gmdes. Their Boons tend to be of a more practical, utilitarian Charms: Translate Writing (Clio can, with a successful
sort, and they may encourage their filials to seek out a second Gnosis roll, divine the meaning of any sort of written text,
Patron, such as a Muse of Mode (below) - although other whether in phonetic alphabets, hieroglyphs, pictographic
High Umbrood may be appropriate as well. Medial Muses can characters or computer codes. This does not extend to the
be accorded the rank of Low Cardinals in the ranlting system interpretation of spoken language or pictorial representa
ofBalt and Machado. tions without verbal content. She may translate any amount
Ban: All the Muses of Media have essentially the same of text, but she must spend re-roll for separate documents or
Ban. Mages must practice the art form that their Totem changes of language within a document.)
personifies on a regular basis - at least once a week, if not Image: Clio may appear holding a scroll, book or dedi-
daily - and present some finished work or performance at cated word processor.
least once a year. Also, the mage may not deface or destroy Boon: Clio provides her filial one dot oflntelligence. In
any work of the same type, or interrupt or heckle a perfor- addition, she grants the use of Translate Writing (roll Intel-
mance of the same type. (This last part of the Ban is negotiable, ligence + Academics or relevant Knowledge Ability) once
though, since it may constitute a work of art in itself if done per astral journey, or, if she is the mage's Totem, once per
properly. While the Medial Muse may be angered, the mage Story. She may also tell where to find secret lore of the Sphere
may be granted a chance to ask at least one Muse of Mode, of Mind.
and/or an Elder Mu e, to intercede on his behalf.)
fUTfRPE, must: EDF ffiUSIC
CALLIE9PE, ITTUS EDF V E9IC Originally the Muse of Lyric Song, Euterpe has changed
Originally the Muse ofEpicSong, Calliope's purview has her purview to include all music save that produced by the
expanded to include all uses ofthe voice-singing, announc- human voice, which is Calliope's domain. Euterpe also
ing, lecturing, storytelling, stand-up comedy and any sort of governs the use of any rhythmic or significantly meaningful
acting where only the voice is heard, like film narration or the non-verbal sounds, lilce warning sirens, train whistles, car
vocal component for characters in animation. horns, alarms, beeps, pings, or even the transmission of data
Willpower 5, Rage 3, Gnosis 4 Essence 24
through phone lines and electrical pulses of various sorts-
Charms: True Ventriloquism (Calliope can cause her except for any content that falls under another Medial
voice to emanate from any direction or source in sensory Muse's category.
Willpower 6, Rage 2, Gnosis 4, Essence 24 tionary people to get up and move or people in action to be
still. She can make travelers veer off course, and combat
Charms: Groove (For l Essence, Euterpe may alter the
actions miss their targets or strike more effectively. It costs l
emotional state of almost any sort of being - man, god or
Essence per target to activate, plus l point per additional
beast - generating a mood of her choosing. Only one
specific motion to be redirected.)
creature is targeted, but additional targets cost her but l more
point. Targets may try to resist the effects of this Charm with Image: Originally shown with a lyre, Terpischore may
a contested Willpower roll.) appear with any sort of dancing prop- hat and cane, banner,
scarves or even light melee weapons.
Image: Originally pictured playing a double flute, Euterpe
may appear holding any sort of musical instrument, ancient Boon: Terpsichore provides her filial one dot of Dexter-
or modem. ity. In addition, she grants the use of Swing (substitute
Quintessence for Essence expenditures) once per astral jour
Boon: Euterpe provides her filial one dot ofCharisma. In
ney, or, if she is the mage's Totem, 9nce per Story. She may
addition, she grants the use of Groove (substitute Quintes-
also tell where to find secret lore of the Sphere of Forces.
sence for Essence expenditures) once per astral journey, or, if
she is the mage's Totem, once per Story. She may also tell AACHIE9P, muS eF AACHITCTURf
where to find secret lore of the Sphere of Time.
A new Muse, Archiope's purview is that of spatial
TRPSICHE9Rf, ffiUS eF THf DANCf enclosure and demarcation (usually permanent shelters, al-
though tents and lean-cos also fall within her jurisdiction).
Terpsichore is, as she always has been, the Muse of
Her constructions are occupied or inhabited, and thus de-
Dancing, but has expanded her domain to include all those
fined by such aspects as solidity, comfort, degree ofshelter and
for whom the movement of the body is the central fact oftheir
visibility (when desired) and ease of access. Besides surround-
craft - athletes (and in some cases their referees), martial
ing the place where people stay, she also determines the flow
artists, soldiers and bodyguards, traffic cops, stunt doubles and
of their traffic, and may thus also be considered the Muse of
the like.
city planning and highways. She favors not only architectural
Willpower 4, Rage 6, Gnosis 2, Essence 24
designers and builders, but interior decorators and feng-shu1
Charms: Swing (Terpsichore's dancing can affect the consultants as well.
movements of others, redirecting their actions, causing sta-
Willpower 4, Rage 4, Gnosis 4, Essence 24 fUD<BRf, ffiUSf EDF DRAITIA
Charms: Erect (Archiope can cause a building of nearly Another new Muse, whose domam 1s m constant danger
any sort to spnng from the ground, or enclose an area of open of encroaching on those ofother Medial Muses, Is Eudore, the
space with a solid structure, in a matter of moments. The basic Muse of Drama. Her purview is the physical pro1ection of an
cost is 2 Essence for an area large enough for a dozen human intended character, whether one's own, someone else's or
sized forms co lay comfortably or move past each other with that ofan entirely fictional person. Her expressions ofspeech,
ease, pleasingly modeled in some basic, known architectural mannensm and appearance often conflict with those of
style, that lasts for one Scene. More elaborate visual details, Calliope, Terpsichore and Tamaraponme, causing conflict
an additional 10 square feet offloor space or an extra Scene's when she and they arc present together.
duration costs l point apiece.) Willpower 6, Rage 3, Gnosis 3, Essence 24
Image: Archiope generally appears with a pencil behind Charms: Portray (With a successful Gnosis roll, Eudore
one ear, holding rolled blueprints, a clipboard, a ruler, mea can take on the role of any character - physical, Umbra! or
suringstick or tape measure. fictional - and dramatize any situation by acting it out,
Boon: Archiope provides her filial one dot of Stamina. indicating aspects of the environment through narration and
In addition, she grants the use of Erect (substitute Quintes exposition, verbal and facial "reactions," or pantomime. She
sence for Essence expenditures) once per astral journey, or, if can also jump back and forth between multiple roles at a cost
she is the mage' Totem, once per Story. She may also cell of l Essence per role; while she does not actually co-locate to
where co fmd secret lore of the Sphere of Correspondence. appear in several places at once, her jumping from role to role
takes place at the speed of thought, disappearing from one
TAfllARAf(BNITif, ffiUSf EDF DRfSS position and reappearing in another instantaneously. Eudore
Another new Muse is Tamaraponme, whose do main cannot perfectly mimic the voice, mannerisms or outward
includes all outward aspects of individual appearance and appearance of known persons, nor can she produce props or
personal presentation - clothing, hairstyle, makeup, head cause scenery to manifest, unless other Medial Muses -
gear, footwear and accessories. Usually associated with the Calliope, Terpsichore, Tamaraponme, Phidia and Archiope,
world of high fashion, Tamaraponme is also involved with respectively - are also present and they can be convinced to
any item worn to signal status, affiliation or job. work together.)
Willpower 7, Rage 3, Gnosis 2, Essence 24 Image: Of all the Medial Muses, Eudore is just as likely
Charms: Fashion Statement (With a successful Gnosis co appear in a masculine form as in a feminine one. She is
roll, and the expenditure of l Essence per additional target, usually flamboyantly dressed (though never to the degree that
Tamaraponme may clothe anyone in any way whatever, Tamaraporune is), carrying a dog-eared script of some sort.
altering their general appearance with haute couture, uni Boon: Eudore provides her filial one dot of Manipula-
forms, gang colors, elaborate displays or innocuous disguises. tion. In addition, she grants the use of Portray (roll
The target's actual physique is not changed and garments that Manipulation + Performance, substitute Quintessence for
incorporate some particularly important physical effect - Essence expenditures) once per astral Journey, or, if she is the
Iike armor, weaponry or protection against biochemical agents mage's Totem, once per Story. She may also tell where to fmd
or radiation - are beyond her power. She can, however, secret lore of the Sphere of Spirit.
perfectly reproduce signifying details like badges, insignia and
other emblems of identification. With additional successes PHlDIA, ffiUSf EDF ScULPTURf
on the Gnosis roll she can enhance special comfort factors Once a mortal- and a male at that - Phidias's skill at
like orthopedic support or insulation against cold, all without shaping stone so impressed the gods that he was invited to
disrupting the overall visual effect she intends to produce.) become the Muse of Sculpture. As such, her domain includes
Image: Usually equipped with needle and thread, the crafting of all material forms, not only three-dimensional
Tamaraponme's appearance is always striking, but always pieces of art both representational and abstract, but the
changing, as she tends to be wearing something noticeably precise shaping of tools and machine parts as well.
different every time someone looks at her. Willpower 3, Rage 5, Gnosis 4, Power 24
Boon: Tamaraponme provides her filial one dot of Ap Charms: Mold (Phidia can shape and reshape any sort of
pearance. In addition, she grants the use of Fashion Statement inert or non-living substance into any form desired. The cost
(roll Willpower, substitute Quintessence for Essence expen is l Essence per five cubic feet of volume, or I point per
ditures) once per astral journey, or, ifshe is the rnage's Totem, separate moving part when crafting a mechanical device, plus
once per Story. She may also tell where to find secret lore of another point when changing the shape of something already
the Sphere of Life. crafted.)
Image: Phidia always has her sleeves rolled up and her involving themselves in particular kinds of conflicts. (The
skirts tucked in her sash, exposing strong well-muscled limbs, types ofconflicts given here are defined in the Mage rulebook,
usually holding a mallet and chisel, or sometimes a carving p. 268-270, and are offered only as suggestions, since some fit
knife or welding torch. She still appears as a man on occasion, quite well and others do not. The Storyteller should not feel
but not that often. any need to force a Muse into a Story that is not appropriate,
Boon: Phidia provides her filial one dot of Strength. In or to exclude a Muse from a Story simply because the conflict
addition, she grants the use of Mold (substitute Quintessence is not the type given here.) All Muses of Mode are able to fmd
for Essence expenditures) once per astral journey, or, ifshe is the Epiphamy called the World Stage with ease.
the mage's Totem, once per Story. She may also tell where to The Muses of Mode tend to choose their filials as or more
find secret lore of the Sphere of Matter. often than they are chosen as Patrons, guiding Umbra!
travelers in ways that they feel would best facilitate the sorts
XEKEDPS, muse EDF PAIN11NG of events they specialize in. In theory, a mage could choose a
Xerops is the new Muse of two-dimensional images both Modal Muse as a Totem, but the permanence of this relation-
representational and abstract, and governs not only painting ship would severely limit the variety of the mage's life, acting
and drawing in the classical sense, but photography, pro- more like a curse than a blessing. As Patrons, on the other
jected images like film or television, diagrams and blueprints hand, the Muses of Mode can be extremely good guides to the
as well (sharing the latter with Archiope, to some degree). High Courts and the Epiphamies, where specific feelings,
Willpower 2, Rage 3, Gnosis 7, Essence 24 ways of thinking and the general tone of events take on
Charms: Depict (For 1 Essence per five square feet of increased significance. When traveling in the company of a
surface area, Xerops may create a two-dimensional image that Medial Muse, the two can sometimes fuse into a single
can be emotionally expressive or mathematically precise. Her composite entity, reflecting the union of form and content
natural istic, representational images are so realistic that they that the original Greek Muses embodied. (When the Modal
can easily be mistaken for three-dimensional scenes unless Boon Attribute dot matches that of a Medial Muse also
some magical sense is directed toward them.) present, they add together for a two-dot bonus.)
Image: Xerops's hands, face and gown are always marked
with spatters of ink or colored paint; she always has a pen,
pencil or brush behind her ear, ifnot in her hand, and possibly When you make love, MAKE IT! Oh , some of you brothers
a palette of paint dabs or a drawing-board in the other hand. and sisters ... HOLDOUTS!
Boon: Xerops provides her filial one dot of Perception. - Lord Buckley
In addition, she grants the use of Depict (substitute Quintes- Originally the Muse of erotic poetry, Erato is concerned
sence for Essence expenditures) once per astral journey, or, if with the overwhelming passions of life, especially those that
she is the mage's Totem, once per Story. She may also tell draw people together, like love and desire. She prefers happy
where to fmd secret lore of the Sphere of Entropy. endings, but may drive her filials through unending tribula-
tions to get them there. She is especially attracted to Bon
muses EDF meoe Vivants, Perfectionists and Thrill-Seekers, and tends to in-
Though some believe them to be of higher rank than the volve herself in "Mage versus Mage" conflicts.
Medial Muses, the Muses of Mode are actually the same - Willpower 7, Rage 6, Gnosis 2, Essence 30
Low Cardinals, according to the Bait-Machado system. This Charms: Pleasure (For 1 Essence, Erato can put a target
confusion stems from the tendency of Modal Muses to avoid into a state of orgasmic bliss, causing them to swoon with
the "lower" regions like the physical world or the Vulgate, and delight and raising the difficulty of all their rolls by 2. How
instead concentrate on more abstract matters. It is not that individual targets may react to this is up to the player or
these Muses are uninterested in the material, but that their Storyteller, but most do not seem to object unless they were
concerns lie in the overall generalities of existence rather trying to accomplish something at the time. The effect only
than its particulars. Thus, Buddhists know them as the lasts for three turns, but can be extended at a cost of 1 Essence
Paramitas-the philosophical and analytical goddesses. One per tum. Erato can affect multiple targets simultaneously, but
could say that while Medial Muses are concerned with how the initial Essence cost must still be paid for each.)
the stories of reality are told, Modal Muses are concerned with Image: Erato is exceptionally beautiful, with full sensu-
what cype ofstories are being told. Consequently, they are also ous features and an inviting smile. She still carries her small
sometimes called the "Muses of Genre." lyre around to grace a scene with romantic theme music.
They frequent the High Umbra! Courts and even the Boon: Erato provides her filial one dot ofAppearance. In
Epiphamies, taking the larger view and acting somewhat like addition, she grants the use of Pleasure (in the form of her lyre;
critics at the plays that the Medial Muses help put on. Modal substitute Quintessence for Essence expenditures) once per
Muses thus have a special affinity for specific rypes of charac- astral journey. She knows how to fmd Epiphamies of love,
ter and story, favoring mages with certain Natures and

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desire and passion (including thac of Motherhood), as well as ever the Storyteller feels they most deserve at the moment.
che Shard Realm of Life. The actual game effect is the same as Erato's Charm: Pleasure,
increasing the difficulty of all rolls by 2; the cost is the same
ffiaPEBmM, must: et= TRAGEDY as well - l Essence per target for three turns, extended for l
The lxuljau that a cat blows waiLs long after he's cutout/ The Essence per tum.)
grOOVJ is often srashed with their frames . Image: Polymnia is plain of face and dress, and usually
- Lord Buckley, "Marc Antony's Funeral Oration" wears a veil across her face, which maintains a piously pensive
Melpomene remains the Muse of Tragedy, for the pain expression.
that mortals inflict upon one another has changed but little Boon: Polymnia provides her filial one dot of Charisma.
over the last few thousand years. She does not delight in this In addition, she grants the use of llluminatc (her veil; substi
pain, but tries to guide people through it into an understand tute Quintessence for Essence expenditures) once per astral
ing of why it has come about and what might be done to journey. She knows how to find Epiphamies of eternity and
prevent it in the future. She tends to accompany Caregivers, transcendence (including the Apex of History and the Well
Masochists and Penitents, and shows especial concern for of Souls), as well as the Shard Realm of Prime.
Stones of the "Mage versus Family" type.
Willpower 5, Rage 4, Gnosis 6, Essence 30 THALIA, must et= CefT1DY
Charms: Sympathos (Melpomene can cause a target to 1t is the duty of the humor ofany given nation in times of high
experience any pain, physical or emotional, that the target crisis to attack the caUJStrophe that faces it in such a manner as to
inflicts upon another, whether it was intentional or not. cause the people to laugh at it in such a manner that they do not die
Physical pain results in the same wound penalties, but no before they gee killed.
accual health levels are lost. The cost is 1 Essence per target -Lord Buckley, "H-Bomb"
and the effect lasts for five turns, but can be extended for I Thalia was and remains the Muse of Comedy, always
fusence per tum. Using this Charm in tandem with some sensitive to the inherent absurdities of life, pointing out the
form of Mind control or other stimulation of the memory - humor of any situation (sometimes to the shock of those who
like catching the target just after he has drunk from the Well accompany her). She likes to play with Connivers, Curmudg-
of Remembrance Epiphamy - can cause the target to feel eons and Tricksters, Laughing at them as often as with them,
pain he has caused to others in the past.) and takes special delight in "Mage versus Self' conflicts.
Image: Melpomene appears o lder than the other Modal Willpower 3, Rage 5, Gnosis 7, Essence 30
Muses, with a face lined with care but showing a comforting Charms: Crack Up (By making a funny face, uttering a
smile to those who need her help. She wears an ivy wreath and one-line zinger, or just cutting a fart at the right moment,
carries the classical mask of tragedy. Thalia can cause a target to double over with such intense
Boon: Melpomene provides her filial one dot of Stamina. laughter that the difficulty for all his rolls is increased by 2 for
ln addition, she grants the use of Sympathos (in the form of a duration of two turns. The cost lS l Essence to activate for
her tragedy mask; substitute Quintessence for Essence expen a single target, and more targets can be added for l Essence
dicures) once per astral journey. She knows how to find each, but the duration of the effect may not be extended. The
Epiphamies of pain, grief and loss (including the Well of Charm may be cast again immediately, but a cumulative
Remembrance), as well as the Shard Realm of Spirit. additional cost of l Essence is added every time it is used again
during a single Scene. Whether non-targets find any of this
PEaLYrilNIA, muS et= RfUGIEaN funny is up to their players or the Storyteller.)
And the Naz:t said, "Dig Infinity!" And they DUG IT! Image: Thalia is always bright-eyed and laughing, except
- Lord Buckley, "The Nazz" when wearing a mock frown or pout. Like her sister
Polymnia, also called Polyhymnia ("She that is rich in Melpomene, she has an ivy wreath on her head, and carries
hymns"), was the Muse of sacred songs, and now lends her the classical mask of comedy.
guidance to those on a spiritual path, who seek understanding Boon: Thalia provides her filial one doc of Wits. In
of the mysteries of the soul. She is drawn to Celebrants, addition, she grants the use of Crack Up (her comedy mask;
Martyrs and Visionaries, and appears in Stories of the "Mage substitute Quintessence for Essence expenditures) once per
versus the Supernatural" type. astral journey. She knows how to find the Shard Realm of
Willpower 6, Rage 2, Gnosis 7, Essence 30 Time, but her knowledge of specific Epiphamies b limited.
Charms: Illuminate (By singing a hymn, Polymnia can Thalia can, however, get anyone ejected from any Ep1phamy
send targets into a transport of divine rapture, granting them she accompanies them to, and guide their subsequent fall to
visions of heavenly glory, sending them into mystic trance a harmless - if not particularly dignified, comfortable, hos-
states or causing them to suffer the torments of hell, which pitable or even safe - place to land.


URANIA. muse EDF SclNC spends, up to 6 Essence, or 6 dice, per tum. His invective
He delegated his household duties to the third frame of his ranking can be directed at up to six targets per tum. Targets
subconscious mind and proceeded to lay back into the longest goof can soak the damage by spending a Willpower point and
in the history of that far out wig stretch. He became the King of AU uttering a gocx:l comeback, but this must be played in charac-
Spaceheads . ter and the gaming group as a whole gets to vote on whether
- Lord Buckley, "The Hip Einie" the comeback was witty enough to tum aside the barb.)
Urania was the Muse of astronomy, and now extends her Image: Archilochos retains the form of his youth, a lean,
domain to all Science, ever on hand for those who seek to wiry fighting man, brandishing a large, steel-tipped pen sharp
discover and comprehend the most fundamental mecha- enough to be used as a weapon.
nisms of creation and existence. She keeps company with Boon: Archilochos provides his filial one dot of Dexter-
Directors, Pedagogues and Traditionalists, and generally ap- ity. In addition, he grants the use of Sharp Tongue (his pen;
pears during conflicts of "Mage versus Nature." substitute Quintessence for Essence expenditures) once per
Willpower 6, Rage 2, Gnosis 7, Essence 30 astral journey. He know how to find Epiphamies of conflict
and struggle (including the Apex of History), as well as the
Charms: Dissect (Urania's keen eyes are legendary for
Shard Realm of Forces.
the ability to see through anything - and anyone. For l
Essence, the outermost layer of an inanimate concrete object SE9LE9N, ffiUSf eF fUSTIC
becomes invisible to her; underlying layers can be "peeled
You should always try to swing with a policeman I And never
back" for another 1 point each. She can do the same with
ring-a-ding a policeman I And you can bet your life I He's hip to
living bodies, diagnosing organic disease, internal injury or Mack the Knife
ocher tissue damage. For 2 Essence, she can peer into the mind
- Lord Buckley, "Hts Majesty, The Policeman"
of any sentient entity to examine the course of its thought
processes or the structure of its personality. In doing this, she Solon of Athens (640-559 BCE) was identified with
cannot read the actual content of the mind - what it is the moral conscience of the human race, emphasizing equal-
thinking about, its memories, etc. -in detail, bur can see its ity and fair play in the execution of the law, and so is now
general workings and patterns- its personality type, certain the Muse of Justice. His ethical wisdom and devotion to
forms of mental illness, etc.) equitable social order make him a favorite of Architects,
Conformists and Judges, as well as drawing him to "Mage
Image: Urania has a sharp, penetrating gaze and usually
versus Hunter" conflicts.
holds a celestial globe, although she may carry any sort of
scientific instrument. Willpower 5, Rage 5, GnoslS 5, Essence 30
Boon: Urania provides her filial one dot oflntelligence. Charms: Sense Guilt (With a successful Gnosis roll,
In addition, she grants the use of Dissect (usually m the form Solon can detect a guilty conscience m a target, even if the
of a magnifying glass or some other optical device; substitute target is nor consciously aware of her guilt. For 1 Essence, he
Quintessence for Essence expenditures) once per astral jour- can tell approximately how long ago the guilty act was
ney. She knows how to fmd Epiphamies of reason and cosmic committed. For 2 Essence, he can tell who was victimized by
order (including the Continuum Orrery, Newtonian Me- the act, or what it was directed against if there was no
chanics and Einsteinian Relativity), as well as the Shard particular victim. For 3 Essence, he can figure out what the act
Realm of Matter. itself was.)
Image: Elderly but upright and alert, Solon has a keen
AACHILEBCHffiS, muse EDF ACTIE9N eye and a stem expression that softens for those who have
ls it hipper for the wig to dig I The flips and drags of the w~L been wronged. He is often seen holding the scales of justice.
of fortune I Or to come on like Kinsey I Against this mass mess / Boon: Solon provides his filial one dot of Strength. In
And by this stance cooer the action? addition, he grants the use of Sense Guilt (the scales; roll
- Lord Buckley, "To Swing or Not to Swing" Willpower, substitute Quintessence for Essence expendi-
Credited with being one of the first satiric poets on earth tures) once per astral Journey. He knows how to find
(around the 8th century BCE), Archilochos's wit was wielded Epiphamies oflaw, judgement and social order (including the
with such unyielding belligerence that he often had to defend Fortress of Government), as well as the Shard Realm of Mind.
his verse with actual combat. He has thus become the Muse
of Action, favoring Bravos, Competitors and Gallants; his
love of both verbal and physical conflict draws him to clashes I'm the baddest cat m this whole world/ There ain' t nothin' I
of "Mage versus Technocracy." ain't done ... I've done in my brother. I've done in my sister. I've
done m my done-ins. I been aU over tlus here world studying
Willpower 6, Rage 7, Gnosis 2, Power 30
scientifically how tO be a bad cat!
Charms: Sharp Tongue (Archilochos can wound with
- Lord Buckley, "The Bad-Rapping of the Marquis de
words, causing 1 die of bashing damage per l Essence he

1 ~ 'It o ~ , r I Cn r ~ II I ' " l l I ' . ,~
1 ...!_._1,J L!...l...:Y t..!l_ I ~ 'L!LJ I_ _ I !li!.! L.ll.!...I _.L._
Actually a fictional character from the works of Plautus,
Pseudolos was given Umbra I life as the Muse oflntrigue by all
the scheming, plotting and dirty dealing that goes on in the
world. His love of keeping secrets - and of exposing them at
critical moments - draws him to Autocrats, Fanatics and
Rebels, and into Stories that involve a "Mage versus Mortal"
type of conflict.
Willpower 7, Rage 5, Gnosis 3, Essence 30
Charms: Shared Breath (Pseudolos has ways of finding
out who has been talking to whom, and when and where, but
not about what. With a successful Gnosls roll, he can see a
lund of vapor trail connecting conspirators-literally, "those
who breathe together" - back to the cloudy mist where their
conversation took place. Essence must be spent to follow the
trail of a conspiracy, at a rate of 1 Essence per additional
target, l per day since the conversation and 1 per room or
direct-line-of-sight area through which the conspirators have
passed since conferring. With the help of Medial Muses,
Pseudolos can trace the flow of information through written,
electronic or visual means. Of course, he must first suspect
that something is going on in order to want to use this Charm
m the first place, but then he always does.)
Image: Physically resembling his most outstanding dra-
matic portrayal, that of Zero Mostel in A Funny Thing
Happened on the Way to the Forum, Pseudolos usually appears
with a much darker and more sinister look and demeanor, and
often consults a small black book with a knowing leer.
Boon: Pseudolos provides his filial one dots of Manipu
lation. In addition, he grants the use of Shared Breath (his
little black book; roll Perception + Subterfuge, substitute
Quintessence for Essence expenditures) once per astral jour
ney. He knows how to find Epipharnies of deception and
conspiracy (mcluding the Fortress ofGovernment), as well as
the Shard Realm of Correspondence.


. ..Thtusweecand square-yet swinging-maiden I Whom
the fly chicks r.agged Lenore ...
- Lord Buckley, "Po' Eddie and the Bugbird"
The Muse of Horror is believed by some to \lave been
with mankind since the first stirrings of consciousness, al-
though it was not until the 19th century that one of the most
gifted poets of the western world gave -her a name. Lenore
signifies the dreaded anticipation of all that we fear, and so
finds herself often in the company of Deviants, Loners and
Monsters, as well as in Stories of the "Mage ven;us the
Unknown" variety.
Willpower 7, Rage 4, Gnosis 4, Essence 30
Charms: Frighten (By shrieking hideously, and spend-
ing 2 Essence, Lenore can paralyze a target with fright,
effectively preventing him from making any rolls at all for the
next three turns. Additional targets can be added for 1
Essence each, and by spending another 1 Essence on a single
target before the three turns have passed, she can cause a
target to flee in blind terror.Targets may resist by spending a
Willpower point and making a contested Willpower roll.)
Image: Lenore is pale and thin, sunken eyes perpetually
aghast at what she sees, wearing a tattered and soiled gown
that billows in a chilling wind.
Boon: Lenore provides her filial one dot of Percep-
tion. In addition, she grants the use ofFrighten (by giving
a shred of her gown; substitute Quintessence for Essence
expenditures) once per astral journey. She knows how to
find Epiphamies of fear and loathing (including the N ihil,
although she cannot follow visitors inside and will try to
warn them off if they approach it), as well as the Shard
Realm of Entropy.

TH LDER ffiusss
The oldest of all the Muses were nearly forgotten even in
ancient times, yet are so deeply ingrained in the bedrock of
the human soul that they outrank the Muses of Media and
Mode, as spirits are reckoned (High Cardinals). For the most
part they associate only with the gods, involving themselves
in worldly affairs only when events that shape the entire
T ellurian are m play. Thus, they cannot be chosen as Totems
and seldom present themselves at all for Patronage. Mages
who are aware of their existence can always try to find them
at the High Courts, but they will not be seen unless they wish
to be seen ... .
Properly speaking, it is the three sisters - Melete,
Aoidae and Mneme-who are traditionally referred to as the
Elder Mu es. They are known in nearly all High Courts and
throughout the Umbra in various guises: the Graces, the
Fates, the Noms, and even as aspects of the T nple Goddess.
In times of great worldly tribulation, such as the current post
Reckoning period, they may deign to appear disguised as
common hags, singly or together, to cravelers in the Vulgate.
Also included here is the Leader of the Muses and the winged
steed Pegasus, who sprung from the severed neck of Medusa
when Perseus slew the Gorgons (themselves another primor-
dial aspect of the three sisters).

ffieLETe, LDER. ffiuse E9f ffifDITATl$N

Melete teaches the arts of introspection and self-knowl-
edge; her domain is the present moment, the world as it exists
right now, immediate and concrete. In relation to the
Metaphysic Trinity, she is associated with Stasis and is thus
most likely to contact rnages whose Essence is that of Pattern.
Willpower 5, Rage 5, Gnosis 8, Essence 36
Charms: Things Near and Far (For 3 Essence, Melete
may grant a vision of anything happening at the present
moment, whether in the physical world or any part of the
Umbra. Some believe her vision extends even to the Deep
Umbra, though few can make sense of scenes from that far
away. The vision can unfold before all spectators present, or
may be directed toward a single person, as Melete chooses.)

Image: Melete, like her sisters, nearly always appears as rt1USAGTS, Lf.ADER El)f TH ffiUSS
an older woman, either fair of features or a shriveled hag. In At some point during a visit to a High Umbrood Court,
her Triple Goddess aspect, however, she takes the role of the mages may make the acquaintance of either or both of two
Mother. She carries an orb of purest crystal, through which distinct and seemingly opposed male archetypal spirits. One
she invokes her visions. will have a solar or celestial aspect and espouse the principles
Boon: Melete can direct a traveler to anywhere in the of order and logical thought; if the Court has a Greco-Roman
Near Umbra, and may lend her Charm in the form of the esthetic ambience, he may be recognized as the god Apollo. If
crystal orb to those she deems worthy. (Once used, however, a visitor wins his favor through rational and courteous behav
it vanishes to reappear in her hands.) ior, he may show them the location of the Gate ofReason. The
other has an earthy, vegetal aspect and will act in a wild,
AEBIDA, LDER. rtlUS E9F SmNG chaotic and disorderly manner; in Hellenic Courts he can be
Aoidae sings of events that have not yet happened, identified as Dionysus or Bacchus. Those who participate in his
inspiring those who meet her to go forth boldly and embrace drunken revels and pranks will be shown to the Gate of Rhyme
the destiny that awaits them; her domain is the future, of (which they probably could have found on their own anyway).
possibility and potentiality. In relation to the Metaphysic Both will deftnitely make a point of addressing themselves to
Trinity, she is associated with Dynamism and will thus sing to any visiting mages with Questing Avatars.
mages of Dynamic Essence. It is possible, however, that either ofthese god-forms may
Willpower 8, Rage 5, Gnosis 5, Essence 36 resemble, down to the smallest detail, other High Umbrood
Charms: Things to Come (For 3 Essence, Aoidae can ofsimilar aspect already present, suggesting that some kind of
sing of any possible future event, bringing the scene to life mythic masquerade is underway to dupe the visitors. Those
around her audience or a single listener. The future of which who examine each of the two spirits by rolling Perception +
she sings is not an immutable prediction but follows the paths Awareness can, with five successes, see through the disguise
oflikelihood and high probability, usually leaving the listener to distinguish the face of an entirely different spirit, one they
with the question of what role their choices will play in will probably not have met before (unless they have visited
coming events.) this or other Courts and performed the same examination on
Image: Aoidae carries a small drum used to keep time like spirits). By comparing what they have learned about
with her singing. In her Triple Goddess aspect, she plays the these "two," the visitors can identify him as one and the same
part of the Maiden. individual.To those who confront him about this charade, he
Boon: Aoidae can direct a traveler to anywhere in the will reveal himself as Musagetes, the Leader of the Muses and
Near Umbra, and may lend her drum-Charm to those she lord of the Two Gates Out. Musagetes will not leave the
deems worthy. (Once used, however, it vanishes to reappear Courts of the High Umbrood, and thus cannot be a Patron,
in her hands.) but he does have a Boon to bestow upon those who pierce his
deceptions ....
fl1Nrn, LDER.rtlUS E9F R.frt11TIBRANC Willpower 7, Rage 6, Gnosis 7, Essence 40
Mneme whispers of things long past, revealing the se- Channs: Dual Identity (Musagetes's charade can be
quence ofevents that lead to the present moment, uncovering adapted to any High Umbral Court as long as there is a
the origins of the world and the roots of all living things. Her distinct dichotomy between two resident Umbrood of order
association in the Metaphysic Trinity is that of Entropy, and and chaos, Logic and illogic, heaven and earth, spirit and
she is given to revealing herself to mages with a Primordial flesh, particle and wave, etc. Musagetes will go to great
Essence. Lengths to keep up his Apollonian/Dionysian charade, and
Willpower 5, Rage 8, Gnosis 5, Essence 36 can change instantly from one form to the other by spending
Charms: Things Gone By (At a cost of 3 Essence, 2 Essence. For an additional ! Essence, he can, while chang
Mneme can read the past of any individual or group, disclos- ing disguises, instantaneously teleport from one part of a
ing their personal history and genetic or cultural antecedents, Court to another. Musagetes does not bilocate, however, and
showing how their current situation grew from chains of so cannot appear in both forms simultaneously. Of course, he
events stretching back to the dawn of time.) can still arrange to be seen with either of the two real gods he
Image: Mneme bears a long scroll on which is written the is impersonating, and in all probability has tried to enlist their
history of all things. Her part of the Triple Goddess aspect is aid in keeping up his play. The real Apollonian and Dionysian
that of the Crone. Umbrood may or may not agree, or might simply tire of the
Boon: Mneme can direct a traveler to anywhere in the game, and so drop hints and clues to visitors about what is
Near Umbra, and may tear off a portion of her scroll to let really going on.)
those she deems worthy read of Things Gone By. (Once Image: Musagetes's dual aspects may be respectively well
used, however, it vanishes to re-attach itself to the scroll in groomed or disheveled, but in his natural state he actually
her hands.)
favors his Apollonian side - young and handsome, clean Hindu mythology, with the body and limbs of a man and the
shaven, with bright eyes and a radiant smile that shows only head and wings of an eagle {or sometimes a vulture). Some
a hint of puckish Dionysian twist co his full lips. times it swoops down to pick up a traveler against their will,
Boon: For those who see through his disguises, Musagetes delivering them from danger and/or carry mg them off to some
will teach the secret meditative technique of merging the fated destination {usually a momentous meeting with some
Two Gates Out into a single Gate, enabling those who pass Um brood lord ... ); when transporting someone involuntarily,
through it to claim both cypes of Boons from the Epiphamies Pegasus may have a dark and ominous aspect - its visits to
- provided they manage to understand the meaning of the West Virginia in the mid-60's, as recorded by John Keel,
Epiphamy, of course. earned it the name "Mothman" from a local newspaper.
Boon: Bodied Umbra! travelers without wings of their
PfGASUS, ITTEDUNT $f TH musS own may try to employ Pegasus as a means of astral flight; the
The function of the wing is to take what is heavy and raise ic bodiless may choose to do the same, since Pegasus flies faster
up co the region above, where the gods dwell; ofall things connected than most spirits and instinctively avoids High Umbral
with the body, it has the greatest affinity with the divine. Storm fronts.
- Plato, Phaedru.s
Pegasus is spirit-beast born of the blood of the Elder WHAT A LE9AD E9F BULflNCH...
Muses in their most monstrous aspect, and regularly carries The High Umbrood may cake nearly any shape, but the
the Medial Muses between their Court and the Mouseion. forms most accessible to them are those defined by millennia of
While heeding the call of the Musa! Court, it sometimes human belief, the gods and goddesse. of old pre-monotheistic
roams freely across Astral Space and even the Spirit Wilds, lore. Some tend to think that it is belief that shapes and sustains
instinctively exploring for the pure joy of it, or looking for them, but others suspect that the ontologically precedent
travelers in need. On occasion it may be sent to the material abstractions of the Epiphamies fashion the gods as a kind oflens
world to perform an errand for the Muses or other High through which to focus pure idea into the human mind by
Um brood. Being a mere beast, Pegasus cannot reveal esoteric giving it a quasi-tangible form. The intellect is more receptive
knowledge or grant special abilities, and so is unsuitable as a to a notion with a face on it, they argue, and this explains why
Patron or Totem (at least for mages, anyway). Pegasus may be the old religions fell by the wayside as mankind evolved a
"tamed" and ridden with five successes on a Wits + Medita greater capacity for abstract thought. In either case, it is easier
tion roll; it may choose to resist, though, throwing off bodied to refer to the High Umbrood as gods since they have for the
riders with Rage or dissuading the bodiless with Willpower. most part retained some degree of their ancient identities.
Willpower 4. Rage 8, Gnosis 1, Essence 26 Furthermore, Umbral explorers have noted the emergence of
Charms: Heal {When appearing as Garuda, Pegasus may new god-forms in Idea Space, perhaps indicating that the
heal bodily wounds - or lost temporary Willpower for the abstract has not yet surpassed the need for faces.
bodiless - by spending 3 points per bashing wound level or Some masters have theorized that when a god looks at a
temporary Willpower point and 5 points per lethal wound mage, he does not see the finite mortal form, but the infinite
level. Garuda cannot heal aggravated damage or loss of immortal spirit within - the mage's Avatar. The god may
permanent Willpower.), Thunderous Hooves {Pegasus is no recall the Avatar from previous incarnations, and start remi,
stranger to fighting monsters, and can disperse any spirit for niscing about ancient events that the mage does not
7 points, after defeating it by kicking and trampling with consciously remember. Older gods might reawaken in the
Rage. Dispersed spirits may not Re-Form for the remainder of mage memories of past lives and explain why a mage might be
the Scene.) fated for certain things in this life, or they might simply come
Materialized Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 5, Stamina 8 off as a kind of senile relative who mistakes the mage for
Abilities: Alertness 3, Brawl 5, Dodge 3 someone else.
Materialized Health Levels: 10 TRADmmNALARcttETYPES
Image: Normally Pegasus appears as a snowy white horse A few Umbrood lords have maintained their distinct
with large birdlike wings, but it can take on other forms form and character for thousands of years, presumably thanks
depending on how it is encountered. When in the company to the power of earthly mages who have continuously hon
ofaMuse, Pegasus and the Muse can merge intoasinglesptrit ored them and espoused the archetypal principles they embody.
entity with the horse's body, bird's wings, and the Muse's They may be petitioned to act as Totems for mages, but will
head; this form is known to the AhliBatin and lslamtc lore only bestow this honor on those who truly personify the best
as al-Buraq (literally, "Lightning"). When appearing to Um- of their respective Traditions.
bra! travelers in disrress, it takes the form of Garuda from
HfRTT1S (2 INNATE ABiunes) in the modem imagination, but the theory of Epiphamtc
AU JOUT children are poor unfortunate victims of lies JOU ontological precedence suggests that their function in the
beliM I A~ upon JOUr ignorance that keeps the Joung from evolution of the human mind is still necessary. In either case,
rite truth rheJ deserve. many may seem quite bitter toward the world at large and
-Frank Zappa, "What's the Ugliest Part of Your Body r' even toward those mages who seek them out. They can still
be convinced to act as Totems or Patrons, however. (In acrual
Though known by many names and identities -
fact, they are just waiting to jump at the chance to re-involve
Tnsmegisrus, Thoth, Mercury, Odin-theGod Who Teaches
themselves in the human affairs .... )
Magic has been preserved as "Hennes" both by a particular
Awakened Tradition and in Sleeper lore, even living on in ozYAUS BR.EBNTHEBR.(2 lNNATABILITTES)
the more general adjective "hermetic." One of the most I'm the God of Thunder ... and Rock and Roll!
ubiquitous Umbrood lords, Hennes can be found in a number
-Kiss, "God of Thunder"
of High Courts ln this guise and others, and roams the Astral
Umbra in search of esoteric knowledge. Besides being the Zeus, Jupiter, Thor, Indra - his names resound across
classic Totem for mages from the Order of Hennes, he will the sky like a rolling thunderclap. Even many actual words for
gladly act as Patron for any Umbra! traveler whose quest for "god" are variations - deus, dios, theos - going back to the
knowledge is sincere. {He still has a soft spot for thieves and Sanskrit dyaus. The Lord of the Skies, Hurler of Lightning,
pranksters as well.) All-Father, is not pleased at being relegated to the status of
bad parental stereotype in the minds of bored schoolchtldren,
Willpower 7, Rage 6, Gnosis 9, Essence 44
and vents his wrath freely and fluently upon all who cross his
Charms: Caduceus (Using his winged serpent-entwined astral domain. {But still, a good Patron to have watching your
staff - the symbol of the medical profession to this day - back when the Upper Avatar Storm kicks up .. . ) Dzyaus
Hermes may heal lost health levels and Willpower. The cost spends a lot of time at the Four Winds Tavern, hitting on
ts I Essence per bashing wound or temporary Willpower
feminine spirits or visitors, giving them the name "Joss
point, 2 Essence per lethal wound and 3 Essence per aggra- Shurdi" (Shurdi being the name by which he was most
vated wound or permanent Willpower dot.) recently worshipped in Albania).
Image: When in motion, Hermes still resembles his Willpower 6, Rage 9, Gnosis J, Essence 36
classical Greco-Roman form, a lithe youth with winged cap
Charms: Lightning Lance (An all-time favorite, Ozyaus
and sandals. When at rest or engaged in some esoteric
likes hurling lightning bolts that do a die of damage per 1
activity, he takes on the appearance of a traditional her-
Essence spent.), Avert Avatar Storm (Ozyaus can actually
metic magus, older, with a long beard and robe, surrounded
influence the course of High Umbra\ Storm fronts, turning
by the four instruments of occidental magic- wand, knife,
aside one die of Prime damage per Essence spent.)
cup and disk.
Image: Usually at least twice as tall as whomever he is
Boon: Hennes grants his filial one dot of Intelligence.
with, Dzyaus IS muscular and barrel-chested, amazingly hir-
He knows his way around most Epiphamies and most of the
sute, in late middle age, with a full beard and long hair
rest of Astral Space. For those he regards as worthy, he may
whipping about in the wind.
loan the use of his winged sandals (which are the equivalent
Boon: Dzyaus grants his filial one dot in Strength. He
ofthe Astral Wings rote; see pp. 180-181) or even, if the need
is great, the Caduceus. does not know his way around the Epiphamies that well, but
can find the most violent and energetic ones. To those who
Ban: Hermes forbids the destruction or loss of magical
demonstrate great personal strength and force of will, he may
knowledge in any form, and insists that his charges practice
loan the use of his Lightning Lance.
and perfect their magical craft constantly.
Ban: Bronthor despises weaklings, and will wreak spec-
merATHEITIC AACHffiPS tacular vengeance upon those who show cowardice or who do
not indulge their will co power in any way. He also wants co
As the worship of the old pagan gods was supplanted with
monotheistic doctrine, and later by a scientific-materiali t hear hls name - any of them - shouted with gusto during
worldview that had no use for them, many of the older every thunderstorm.
archetypal spirits began to "let themselves go," so to speak.
These Umbrood lords were once praised in many languages
under a variety of names, but no longer take the effort to put What have they done w the Earrlt?... I and plun-
on the various masks by which they were known. These gods
dere.d and ripped her and bit her I Stuek her with knives m the silk
with "collapsed" identities are thus known as "metatheitic" of the daum I And tied her with fences and dragge.d her down.
archetypes. - The Doors, "When the Music's Over"
Their continued existence and rank may be supported Although Gaia - Mother Earth or Mother Narure -
only by the persistent but highly marginalized place they hold may still appear in the Spirit Wilds as a loving, caring,
nurturing bringer-forth-of-abundance, her identity in the ~NNA fTIATRJX (2 INNAT ABrl.IT1S)
Astral Umbra is markedly shaped as a conscious resentment
Hello, fun-fun boyz! Boot me up! Tum me on! Touch my
of the injuries and indignities heaped upon her by her prodi-
screen! ... Push my "ENTER" button and I'll download all over
gal son, Man the Toolmaker. Here she shows her darker
primeval aspect, the all-devouring Kali, bitter and mistrustful
of humans and their works, telling all who approach her, "I - Pyxy Styx, from The Bride of Firesign
gave you everything in the world, and just look at what you've It has been speculated for almost two decades now that
done to me in return!" Even the most ardent eco-guerilla the escalating interconnection of mankind's information
would have trouble winning her over, as she regards their media might ultimately result in a new collective intelli-
efforts to be too little, too late. For those whose presence she gence, a kind of global electronic brain whose consciousness
tolerates, she prefers to be addressed as She Who Is Not To Be manifests as the Digital Web and whose subconscious might
Fucked With. possibly be the Internet itself. The Virtual Adepts can point
Willpower 7, Rage 10, Gnosis 6, Essence 46 to numerous phenomena that illustrate this, compiling de-
scriptionsofmany spirits that reside in the digital environment,
Charms: Devour (For 4 Essence per target, Ummaugh
and chiefamong them is Donna Matrix. She seerr15 to embody
Daanau can unhinge her jaw and expand her throat to engulf
William Gibson's pronouncement, "Information desires to
and swallow any being ofany size, even sucking in the bodiless
be free," yet her voracious need to insinuate herself into every
with the force of an ethereal tornado. Those whom she eats
single hut in the electronic village troubles some. Her self-
with th1S Charm suffer no injuries - save those they may
bestowed titles include Most Downloaded Girl Ever and Gold
mcur in fighting agairlSt it-but will find themselves in the
Medalist of the Olympic Swimsuit Competition.
Nihil for an extended period and ultimately emerge in the
Epiphamy of Motherhood.) Willpower 8, Rage 4, Gnosis 6, Essence 36
Image: Short and squat, with a tangled bird's-nest of Charms: Save Self to Disk (For 4 Essence, Donna can
white hair, skin the texture of parched clay and breath that replicate herself onto any computerized information me-
smells like fresh dung, Ummaugh Daanau's face has a notice- dium, allowing her to be present in any computer that reads
ably Neanderthal cast. She may bear a partially unraveled the disk whether it is linked to the Net or not, like a sentient
cornucopia, the fruits of which are dry, shriveled and mal- virus. For every 100 kilobytes of disk space, she can spend an
formed, smelling of the poisons dumped into the soil that they additional 2 Essence for a level of spirit Trait, up to the
grew from, and which may crack open like eggshells to maximum of her own Traits given above. She can charge her
disgorge the Larval forms of primordial chthonic monsters. copy with any mission or motivation given above, but cannot
communicate with her copy unless the computer in which the
Boon: Ummaugh Daanau grants her filial one dot of
copy resides becomes linked to the Internet.)
Stamina. In addition to sending travelers into the Nih1l or
Motherhood (voluntarily or not), Ummaugh Daanau can Image: Donna's visual appearance corresponds to her
show the way to ecologically oriented Epiphamies that teach Most Downloaded tide - young, slender, blond, tanned,
how to live in harmony with the earth and its creatures Caucasian, slightly over-inflated, dressed in a bikini, lingerie
(granting one dot ofSurvival), or lead one to the Spirit Wilds, or other revealing outfit. When encountered in the Digital
where he might show a somewhat gentler face. She can also Web or Astral Space, her skin is covered with an ever-shifting
teach all levels of the Sphere of Life. phosphorescent tattoo of flowing circuitry patterns.
Ban: Ummaugh Daanau demands that those who would Boon: Donna grants her filial one dot ofTechnology and
follow her must fight as fiercely as any werewolf the corrup- Computers. She knows her way around the Digital Web and
tion and destruction of the ecosystem, even at the cost of their any Epiphamy concerned with the flow of information,
own health and well-being. including many departments of the Fortress of Government.
Ban: Accepting Donna Matrix as Totem means that one
NBBTHemc ARCHf1YPS must never keep secrets unless divulging them would lead
New god-forms have been seen in the Umbra since the directly to the harm of innocents. She also insists on honesty
Reckoning; some appear in the High Umbra! Courts while in most affairs but understands the value of a well-directed lie
others create realms of their own. While the archetypal ideals in the cause of informational liberty.
they embody may be quite old, their identities and presenta-
tions tend to be distinctly modem, prompting cosmologists to
EBA11s-RA (2 INNATE A.Brunf.S)
com the term "neotheitic" by which to designate them. It is Those dirty, lousy, miserable, rotten politicians! Those t.hie4J-
clear that their presence embodies the impingement of new ing monsters. Those greedheads. Look what they've done to this
abstractions upon the material plane, and their specific beautiful dty! Look at these streets! Those rotten, {~headed
concerns are very worldly, though their motivations differ freaks! Deach to them .. .
widely. They are only too glad to act as Totems or Patrons to - Lord Buckley
whomever espouses the principles of their existence.
Ever since the dawn of civilization, those who hold Boon: Oatis-Ra can always fmd the Fortress of Govern-
power have understood that there is no human aspiration, no ment, or the Gate of Scent to any High Umbral Court, and
dream or hope or altruistic urge so strong and true that 1t knows much of the Vulgate like the back of his pudgy hand.
cannot be crushed out of existence by forcing people to live Those sleazy enough to have him as a Totem can gain worldly
in substandard shelter, to eat no more than they absolutely power and friends in high places, in the form of two dots to
need to subsist and to compete viciously simply for the spread between Allies, Influence and/or Resources.
opportunity to spend every day in back-breaking labor just to Ban: Oatis-Ra's adherents must horde everything withm
earn these necessities. In the vast abyss between have and have reach, guard it with their lives (or, better yet, the lives of
not dwells Oatis-Ra, the Slum-Lord of Lower West Egypt, others), and make everyone pay through the nose to partake
spawn of Amon-Ptui, Slayer of the Sunrise. Those who have in any of it. Furthennore, they must never pass up a chance to
encountered him are not entirely certain just what he repre- insult a social inferior.
sents, but whatever it is, it should probably be scamped out
Willpower 7, Rage 5, Gnosis 2, Essence 28 THf BLUf LADY (I INNATABILITY)
Charms: Swarm of Venn in (Oatis-Ra can call up hordes Balance killing with the support of life ... Female spirits of earth
of the most disgusting small scavengers around; each Essence and sea, "maidens ofwisdom and sense," will come to protect the land
summons one rat, a dozen roaches, or a cubic-yard-sized cloud and the people . The Ufe-mainraining, earth-preserving feminine wis-
of gnats, midges or houseflies. For another 1 Essence apiece, dom embodied in the ancientgoddess religions is needed to play acentral
the vermin may bite or sting for die of damage. Oatis-Ra may role in the rescoracion of the community of all beings on this p/aJ'let.
direct them toward any place - or anyone - he indicates.) - Ralph Metzner, The Well of Remembrance
Image: Flabby, sweaty and pot-bellied, with the head Adults dismiss it as infantile fantasy, but the children know
of a cockroach, Oatis-Ra may be an Umbrood lord of better: word on the street has it that a spirit queen has arisen from
great power, but everything about him reeks of cheap her kingdom at the bottom of the sea to set the world aright,
1m1tation and tawdry high camp, from his bad cologne washing away poverty, inequity and injustice. Sworn enemy of
and gold lame Egyptian-style kilt to the stank-ass cigarillo Oatis-Ra, the Blue Lady protects orphans and homeless chil-
clutched in his mandibles. dren, and will lend her aid to the poor and downtrodden.


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Willpower 7, Rage 6, Gnosis 7, Essence 40 Image: The Blue Lady rises up from the ground (or
Charms: Shield oflnnocence (By swirling her translucent water) in a swell of diaphanous blue which parts to reveal her
blue cloak around, the Blue Lady can cast a sphere ofprotective blurry and indistinct- but recognizably feminine and beau-
force around an area large enough to hold a dozen small tiful - form; the split mound of blue then settles about her
children or seven adults; this sphere protects not only against shoulders like a cloak.
physical damage but also magical effects and spirit Charms. Boon: The Blue Lady grants her filial one dot of Survival. In
The cost to activate is 6 points, plus 2 points per die against addition to protecting deprived children, she can lead the way to
physical damage or 3 points per die against magic.), Create safe and peaceful areas anywhere within the Umbra or materiality.
Food and Water (For 2 points per person, the Blue Lady can Ban: Devotees of the Blue Lady must never harm a child
bring forth from the folds her cloak a simple but nourishing and and always do their best to provide shelter and sustenance to
tasty meal-taking into account all necessary dietary needs- those who need it.
and a large silvery chalice of pure fresh water.)

Man positively needs general ideas and convictions long thought lost when the ideas associated with them fell out
that will giue a meaning to his life and enable him of use in the mundane world, have been rediscovered in
to find a place for himself in the uniuerse. He can modem times, their appearance and symbolic imagery changed
stand the most incredible hardships when he is but their inherent ideas still intact. The Epiphamies may thus
convinced that they make sense; he is crushed be considered as the cause rather than the effect of human
when, on top ofaU his misfortunes, he has r.o admit thought and feeling. Those who travel to the Epiphamies
that he is taking part in a "tale told by an idiot." sometimes find their adventures there appearing as fictional
- Carl Jung, Man and His Symbols narratives- novels, movies, television, comics, etc. -after
An Epiphamy is the most difficult aspect of they return ro materiality.
the High Umbra to understand, as well as the most fundamen- While individual Epiphamies often refuse to be identi-
tal. If the Vulgate can be thought of as interpersonal Astral fied until one has actually crossed their threshold, all
Space and the High Courts as personal Astral Space, then the collectively appear in the sky of the Vulgate as clouds of
Epiphamies are transpersonal Astral Space. Scholars in the varying size, color and movement. The common lore of the
Order of Hermes and Celestial Chorus called it the "Mundus Vulgate claims that specific Epiphamies can be recognized
lncelligibilis" and the Realm of Divine Names; qabalistically, among the clouds by their symbolically suggestive shapes, but
it is known as the Macroprosopus, or "Greater Countenance" actual experience shows no basis for this. The Epiphamy does
comprised of the upper sephiroth on the Tree of Life. To the not exist"on" or" in" a cloud the way that a place corresponds
Ahl-i-Batin, it is "Alam al-Lahut," the Presence of the Divine to the surface of a landmass, but the constantly shifting
Attributes; to many technomancers it is the Pandimensional positions and shapes of clouds - how they break apart and
Metaverse. Some teach that, like so much else in Astral Space, seemingly dissipate into thin air, how they grow and spread to
an Epiphamy is formed as a result of human belief and tends to blanket the sky- does in some way reflect how Epiphamies
present itself in whatever shape is expected. They explain that can phase in andourof existence (or, rather, inand out ofour
the Epiphamies as a whole can be conceived as the culmination experience) and how one can lead directly into another at
of human mental activity, all the highest-level abstractions times while having no connection at others. All Traditions
and most intense feelings superimposed to form a semi-con- can agree that the substance of the astral clouds seen from the
tinuous landscape of excruciatingly significant imagery. Vulgate must be ephemera in its most rarified state, broken
This may be true up to a point, but the experiences of down into infinitesimal particles of raw experiential pro-
those who have visited them suggests that an Ephiphamy cesses and highly reactive to observation and interpretation.
exists independently of human conception, abiding outside This ephemeral "vapor" forms itself into shapes and scenes
of the space-time continuum in a way that the Vulgate and that are meaningful to the observer, in a deliberate effort to
High Umbral Courts do not. The view from above, as they convey the concept that the Epiphamy embodies, not simply
call it, shows the material world as a mere epiphenomenon, as a place to pass through bur as a state of mind to be
an emergent form caused by the simultaneous intersection of experienced. Ephemeral material as refined as this is ex-
all Epiphamies at once. Traditional histories contain ac- tremely reactive to magic, but can nullify magical effects that
counts of many Epiphamies embodying what are generally conflict with the experience it seeks to impart, prompting one
referred to as "laws of nature" that were not understood until neo-Mercurian wag to dub the figures of astral meteorology
the Order of Reason incorporated these laws into their "cumulonuminous clouds."
technologically progressive paradigm. Likewise, many Let it not be thought that an Epiphamy is some sort of
Epiphamies of religious revelation or philosophical truth, "place" floating high above the Vulgate, for an Epiphamic

I 84
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revelation can occur anywhere in the T ellurian, whether knowable ends of the universe, Muhammad is deposited at his
Umbral realm or even the material world. The purely tran dwelling just in time to see the pitcher fall over and spill across
~endental nature of the Epiphamy allows it to intersect any the dry ground.
other level or type of reality - dreamscape, Seeking, spirit Some Epiphamies can be experienced through ad-
glen, Horizon Realm or another Epiphamy - in a way that vanced meditative states, lucid dreaming, ecstatic trances
Dimensional technomancers describe as "perpendicular to and other means of consciousness alteration, but these
the local space-time axes." Experiencing an Epiphamy, even methods only result in incomplete fleeting glimpses that
when on the physical plane, may seem to take days, even a impart the "gist" of the Epiphamy without offering the
lifetime, but once one emerges from the experience one may enrichment of a sustained exploration. Flying through the
flnd that no time has passed at all. One of the best examples High Umbra from cloud to cloud at random will certainly
of this comes from Batini lore, the Night Joumey wherein the deliver one to an Epiphamy, but the odds against finding the
Prophet Muhammad is borne upon al-Buraq to tour the Epiphamy one is searching for are, in theory, infinite. The
various heavens of Islamic cosmology. Just as al-Buraq was best way to reach a specific Epiphamy, and the best way ro
caking flight, a pitcher of water sitting nearby was knocked understand what it has to offer, is by climbing a Spire from
over. After spending an evening traveling co the furthest the Vulgate and, if possible, enlisting the aid of one of the

BEDEVERE: Look! It's the old man from Scene 24 - touch, and usually dematenahze after the individual
?iat's he doing here? party has passed over it. Some of the most frequentl
- Monty Python and the Holy Grail traversed bridges appear all at once, staying v1s1bly con
To walk to an Epiphamy from the top of a Spire, one nected to the Spire behind and stretching out toward a
eed only step off of the Spire's precipice, out into empty Epiphamy ahead.
pace. For the novice who entered the Umbra by Stepping The exact visual details of any given bridge var
ideways or Astral Sojourn, this is a supreme act of faith, widely, but some types can be categorized. For voyage
mce she has nothing but the tales of those who have gone passing through the Gate of Reason, the aetherial brid
fore - and perhaps of any High Umbrood who deign to will usually have a man-made look, like a normal bridge o
company her - to tell her that she will not just drop to an architecturally ornamented staircase, or else be com
inful death. (Even experienced astral travelers some- posed of rectangular planes of shimmering light, connectc
1mes taunt each other with the speculation that an to each other with geometric precision. For those wh
piphamy of Hubris manifests as a torturously prolonged passed through the Gate of Rhyme, archaic or unstable
lummet down a steep jagged cliff face .. .. ) Once she takes looking structures predominate, like rope bridges orncke
1s leap, though, an aetherial bridge automatically appears catwalks, or else natural formations like the limbs of a trc
neath her feet, providing as much Level footing as she (which some claim are branches of the Alder Bole)
ay require, even expanding to keep her from falling if the levitating chunks of stone, flat and smooth on top w1
rt1ginous high-alntude view causes her to lose balance. uncut rock or stalactites dangling from the bottom. Mage
e bridge will extend forward, enabling her to walk who have not passed through one of the two exit Oat
mong the clouds and, hopefully, leading her to the from a High Umbra! Court may nevertheless step off of
piphamy she seeks. Spire in the same way; for these, the aetherial bridge ma
In essence, traveling via aetherial bridge is not unlike appear as a thin wisp of cloud or, in rare cases, as a rainbow
ability to breathe the ether in outer space; because the both seemingly insubstantial but nevertheless providin
e understands that such a thing is possible, it can firm footing and a path to follow into the Epiphamies.
come real. Accidentally falling from an aetherial bridge While aetherial bridges provide a means of travel t
apart from being forced or flung off by the High Umbra I and from Epiphamies, they do not conceal the traveler'
torm or <luring combat - is unheard of. Falling from the presence from flying enemies or the High Umbrood. I
p1phamic level carries its own significance, that of a fact, anyone journeying among the Epiphamies with som
1lure to increase one's understanding, and the aetherial kind of aerial nemesis on their tail will defmicely fee
ndge IS only a path connecting Epipharnies and Spires, exposed and vulnerable while on the bridge, which d
1th nothing in particular to be learned by crossing 1t. not form any son of cover or fortification. This i y,
ridges form themselves to accommcxiate any traveling another reason to have the favor of the gods when voya~1
arty, as wide or flat, as inclined or graduated, as is required this far into Astral Space. Also, most Epipham1es ante
provide a safe medium for travel. In some cases, portions each otherdirectly,so that it is usually possible to pa s fr
f the bridge often do not actually materialize until the one to another without requiring an aetherial bridge be
oment a traveler's foot steps forward, as if activated by tween them.


;1,'H't ~ V'r'
I ~ I
High Umbrood who knows how to find the way to it and man) thought, including the minds of its visitors. The de-
who may be of help in interpreting its surreal imagery. scriptions given below may be considered "default settings" or
Moreover, once an Epiphamy is entered, one might only be what the Epiphamy looks like when not tailoring itself to play
able to leave on that Epiphamy's terms. (Some seem to have with (or against) the expectations and preconceptions of
no exit whatsoever, along with an appetire for visionary chose experiencing it. Epiphamies of extreme emotion can
souls like Amelia Earhart or Ambrose Bierce.) Bodiless reproduce important moments from the visitor's life when he
travelers using Astral Projection or Untether may find was overcome by that emotion; purely tutelary Epiphamies
themselves inexplicably saddled with the body they thought can present a figure like a respected schoolteacher or mentor
they had left behind (or even a completely different one), to explain its ideas. Such scenes and figures need not be
subjected to all the same "physical" limitations as bodied confined to the character's past, as visions of the future are
travelers using Astral Sojourn or Stepping Sideways. In almost commonplace at this level of the High Umbra. Dreams,
such cases, if the mage takes corporeal damage while in an revelatory visions, past incarnations and disordered fantasies
Epiphamy, the wounds are not transferred to her physical can also manifest. Storytellers should not feel constrained in
form in any way, but the corresponding health level penal- any way when describing an Epiphamy, and are encouraged
ties still apply to all Social and Mental Attributes, and may to customize all Epiphamies to suit the needs of their chronicle.
cake just as long to heal.
An Epiphamy can eject any visitor who acts too dense or TH W E9RLD STAG
unreachable when it comes to understanding the Epiphamy's It's show-time/
essentialidea,orchosewhoabuseorplantoabusecheEpiphamy's - Bob Fosse, AU That]au
awesome power in some way. Mages who attempt to use Frequently the ftrst Epiphamy to be encountered on a
Spheres co change the basic meaning of an Epiphamy, or who mage's first High Umbra! voyage, the World Stage is also
cry to dispel some aspect of the Epiphamy or deny its existence sometimes the last, and has occasionally interposed itself at
entirely, can also be ejected. (This does not mean magic cannot unexpected junctures between Epiphamies. Astral Projec-
be used here, just that it must be used with care.) Ejection can tion ists and Untethered minds, once they enter, take on their
take many forms, from an imperceptibly seamless cross-fade normal physical forms, with all attendant constraints and
phasing into another Epiphamy, to a simple, abrupt crapdoor- complaints, and may not escape this state for the duration of
style drop through the "ground" and out of the bottom of a their visit. The initial approach to the Epiphamy is usually a
cloud thousands of feec above the Vulgate. Guides and com- long, slow glide into increasing darkness toward a distant
panions from among the High Umbrood may be ejected along pinpoint of light and sound that resolves into a slit between
with the visitor, but sometimes they can be trapped in the two curtains with a large crowd of many voices beyond. At
Epiphamy and must fmd their own way out. this point unseen hands from the darkness begin ushering,
For the Storyteller who hasn't the heart to calculate urging and openly pushing the travelers forward as nearby
several thousand feet of falling damage compounded by the voices whisper "It's time!" "You're on!" and various vague
Avatar Storm, some options are avai lable at chis point. If the encouragements to propel them along. If they refuse to move
ejected mage realizes l'ter mistake on the way down, she may forward, or tum back the way they approached, they return to
only impact the ground with the damage from a short drop wherever they disembarked on their Epiphamic sojourn,
like 10 or 15 feet, or may land in a body of water or a soft spot perhaps never to make another. Any attempt to use violence
like a hay-wagon. It is also possible to fall onto an aecherial or magic against the unseen hands and voices will result in
bridge (see below}, or into a "lower" Epiphamy, from which immediate ejection from the Epiphamy. If the characters
a path to the previous Epiphamy may or may not be found. (it proceed through the curtain, the light beyond it will blind
is said that one always passes briefly through the Epiphamies them for at least a few seconds (or one combat rum). The floor
of Motherhood or the N ihil or both before hitting the ground beneath their feet is polished hardwood; the echoes around
from falling out of an Epiphamy, or when one actually dies them suggest a vast but enclosed space. The light resolves
while inside an Epiphamy.) Most common, though, is for the itself into a spot! ight directed straight at the characters, with
plummeting willworker to land in a High Umbral Court footlights ahead and stage lighting above. As they enter, a
(falling damage and the Avatar Storm mayor may not apply), thunderous wave of applause breaks forth - or not, as the
usually one that the mage disembarked from for the Storyteller sees fit. The travelers have just made their en-
Epiphamies, or has visited in the past. The High Umbrood trance upon the World Stage.
keep a sharp lookout for falling lcarites who - in their view In nearly all cases, they are inexplicably stripped of
- trespass upon the Epiphamies without paying their re- possessions and clothing as soon as they have entered this
spects to the old gods, just so they can pluck him from the skies Epiphamy, usually dressed in a skimpy leotard. On rare
and have a word with him about that. occasions, mages have entered wearing an unfamiliar cos-
An Epiphamy can cake any form imaginable in order to tume, a mask or make-up that they cannot see unless some
get its meaning across, drawing from all human (and inhu- reflective surface can be found, as if they were set to play some
role they have not rehearsed. The stage itself may be bare, It has long been debated just what, exactly, this Epiphamy
fl lied with elaborate set pieces or starkly equipped with a lone is intended to express, since the play in progress is seldom the
prop or two. Other "actors" may be present as well, familiar same. Perhaps it embodies the well-known Shakespeare quote,
faces from everyday life or exotic Umbrood rypes, already elucidating real life through the metaphor of show biz. In-
engaged in the play or simply waiting with varying degrees of deed, most scenes encountered on the World Stage are
patience for the visitors to arrive. Usually they will address biographical, drawn from the lives of the astral voyagers
the new arrivals directly as soon as they enter, immediately themselves. Many are intensely personal, wherein the dark
engaging them and involving them in whatever scene is being secrets that cabal members keep from each other are revealed.
played out. Unlike the inept personnel of the Vulgate's Often, it is the situation that brought about the astral journey
Theatre of the Mind, the "Wodd Stage Players" appear to be in the first place that is being dramatized, forcing the rnages
well-trained in every form of expression, acting, singing, to reflect upon the purpose of their quest. Sometimes the play
dancing, improvising and flawlessly executing any trick the may not appear to involve the players' characters at all, but
play requires, even imparting great spiritual wisdom or using concerns the lives of people they don't even know-but may
Sphere magic as necessary to fulfill their roles. Despite this, learn of in the future.
they may be as authentic or unconvincing as the Storyteller Many Masters in the past have speculated that the World
feels is appropriate, incorporating the spitting image of a Stage is not a true Epiphamy at all, but a transitional phase,
known person or some abstract mask and costume to repre- a threshold of the Epiphamies as a whole or marking the
sent a recognizable entity. (Player characters may try to change from one Epiphamy to another. Most other Epiphamies
dislodge a mask or wipe away the make-up from these "ac- seem to connect to the World Stage in some way, either
tors," in which instance the face ofsome even more significant reached through the wings or the audience exits, or by
person is revealed.) superimposing themselves on the play itself, as mentioned
Naturally, Storytellers should always have a specific above. Former visitors who were ejected from this Epiphamy,
scene in mind when using this Epiphamy, one that is impor- or who abuse a Boon gained here, often find that people,
tant to the current plotline or stresses the significance of places and situations in the material world begin to appear
whatever astral quest the players are pursuing. It is not phony and staged, as though their real lives had been replaced
necessary to have the act scripted out line by line, since the with conventional theatrics. Those who have also visited the
players will never stick to any script anyway. The World Stage Theatre of the Mind in the Vulgate might even recognize its
is the Storyteller's chance to disclose information that cannot bad actors beneath the "disguises" of their friends and family.
be gained any other way, or to replay a past scene that could ln a way, the Theatre of the Mind can be seen as a dim
have gone differently, or to foreshadow, or to present the reflection of the World Stage, and Storytellers may use the
current story situation in some abstracted or symbolic form. relationship between the two to underscore the point of any
The play could be clearly fabricated, with cardboard sets and astral quest where both are visited. In doing so, however, they
garish costumes that only broadly represent some real-life should stay mindful of the difference between each. The
situation, or may become so detailed and realistic that the Theatre of the Mind is objective, showing outside observers
theatrical trappings disappear, to be replaced by the actual only the bare facts of what happens in the experiential world;
landscape of a new Epiphamy. the World Stage is subjective, forcing visitors to participate
Although every attempt should be made to involve the in whatever real or imagined events it presents. Mages famil-
visiting mages in the scene at hand, they should still be free iar with both places have remarked their names seem to be
to improvise their own lines, or even to "break character" and reversed, each being more appropriate for the other. Some
leave the Stage entirely. The Storyteller may allow them to suspect that the denizens of the High Umbra are playing some
interact with the audience, who could be an anonymous kind ofcruel practical joke on them, while a few contend that
crowd or full of familiar faces; if Patrons and Totems are not the confusion is intentional and meaningful, perhaps provid-
in the play, they will be watching either here or from the ing, in the breakdown of the subject/object duality, some clue
wings. While it is theoretically possible for certain Um brood as to the mysteries of Ascension.
and hidden Masters to be in the World Stage's audience, more Boon: There is no particular Boon associated with the
ohen than not these are simply figures created by the Epiphamy World Stage, beyond whatever information or feeling the
to populate its landscape, just like the players onstage. Alter- Storyteller chooses to impart through dramatization. The
nately, there may be no audience at all, just a lone janitor (a access this Epiphamy provides to other Epiphamies can be
la Carol Burnett) or a director who cannot be approached but Boon enough in itself. Of course, the Stage can represent an
only barks out whatever encouragement or criticism the excellent opporcUnity to increase through practice any Social
Storyteller deems appropriate. Other possibilities to explore Attributes, as well as Abilities like Expression, Subterfuge and
include the players recovering their lost equipment and Performance. Some Backgrounds can be introduced or in-
possessions by miming their use, or finding a script concealed creased, like a player character learning of his Destiny or
behind the scenery or lying around somewhere offstage. revisiting the World Stage through Dream. If visitors abuse the


various benefits this Epiphamy offers, they may return to
the Vulgate co find their own performances on the Stage
being aped as farce by that troupe of hams at the Theatre of
the Mind.
The Storyteller might use this Epiphamy co extend
the individuation process of the High Umbra! Courts
in cases where Courtly business was left unfinished or
the Courts were circumvented somehow. For one way
to do this, the World Stage can be presented in a
"rehearsal" mode, with no audience, no scenery or
props and no supporting "actors," just a barren stage
with the director's voice from behind the spotlight
asking "Why are you here? What are you going to do?"
Alternatively, the "actors" might take the roles of
Totems, Patrons and other Umbrood, either in their
preferred forms or in disguise.

To be astonished tliat the laws of nature ate etierywhere
the same is co be amazed tliat, e41en in the outer reaches of
infinite space, there are three feet in a yard.
- Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington, The Philosophy of
Physical Sdence
One enters this Epiphamy through a trapdoor that
can be reached by climbing the ladders and catwalks of
the World Stage co find the roof access, or by aetherial
stairway, astral flight - assuming the flyer has a means co
locate it - or any sort of upward-facing portal the
Storyteller chooses to place in other Epiphamies. (Many
archetypal spirits strongly associated with things celestial
may have their own portal as well.) Bodied visitors enter
the Epiphamy with their usual form and appearance
intact, with whatever physical/ephemeral equipment they
brought; bodiless minds remain in, or resume, their incor
poreal state, and may thus pass through the trapdoor
without opening it. The trapdoor opens upon a flat gray
plain, smooth and cool like polished marble, circular in
shape and some 10 meters in diameter. Beyond and
around lies the astral sky in all its glory, unobscured by
Spires or Epiphamic clouds, with visibility so clear that
the planets look close enough to touch.
Visitors who step to the edge of this platform can see
the Vulgate filmed by cloud, far below and surrounded by
the Great Ocean fading away into the sky itself, looking
remarkably like the physical planet Earth as seen from
high orbit. Any Spire and/or aetherial bridge used to
reach this Epiphamy can also be seen, though highly
distoned, stretching away from beneath the platform like
a thin tether line disappearing into the Earth. Stepping off
the edge of the platform results in an extremely long
plummet with a predictably messy end for those not
equipped for some manner of astral flight, although one
can aim for Spire or bridge by jumping off the right point
on the platform's circumference. Searing, biting winds

from the uppermost strata of the Avatar Storm are undetect- platform, the other a straight radius that leads to the center
able from the platform, but immediately affect anything that of the platform. Anyone who traces a radial strut back to this
drops below its surface level. center finds it connected to a large contraption, some two
The platform itself is featureless when the Epiphamy is meters in diameter, of interlocking gears and flywheels that
first entered, its marble-like substance reacting normally to any stands hitherto unnoticed in the middle ofthe platform. (The
physical or magical efforts to change or mark it; in most cases, trapdoor opens away from it - not that that makes a differ-
any such changes are repaired or disappear when the Epiphamy ence in Astral Space .... ) This is the Orrery proper, a complex
is exited, or if no effort is made to control its structure and astral depiction of a type of machine once used to model the
appearance during the next several minutes. Ifnothing is done movements of the heavens. Various levers and cranks jut out
to change the platfonn at all, its surface will soon begin to from its base, with pivots, swivels, gyros and gears of all sizes
exhibit details, either flat images, incised relief textures or even ticking away the moments of sidereal time. The radial rods
three-dimensional structures growing up out of it. All such that connect the model planets to the mechanical Orrery pass
details take the form of known cosmological mandalas or ethereally through the platform and all persons standing on
astronomical diagrams, filling the circle with some schematic it, but anyone who wishes to grab one or block its movement
of the universe. Flat images include Tibetan mandalas, illumi- with their body - assuming they brought one - can do so
nated drawings showing the Ptolemaic planetary system and/or without using magic. (This is the aforementioned "pure
images of the Zodiac or the heliocentric diagrams of Kepler or intentionality effect" of astral ephemera.)
Copernicus; raised reliefs may show similar images, clock faces, Visitors who try working the controls of the Orrery will
Arabic or Chinese astrolabe faces, or the Mayan calendar; find levers that make the entire thing run forward or back-
upraised structures can take the form of a~y style of sundial or ward at varying speeds, and cranks that adjust the relative
scale models ofancient observatory sites like Stonehenge. One positions of individual planets. One large electric-type knife
will note that all such details appear on the platform in perfect switch is labeled "Copernican" and "Ptolemaic"; reversing
alignment with the current positions of all corresponding the switch causes the entire Orrery mechanism to fold in on
celestial bodies. itself and reconfigure to show a geocentric model of the
Visitors who concentrate on visual examination of the planetary system, with the universe revolving around th.e
astral heavens will also notice subtJe visual details in the sky. Earth. (Ever since the OrderofReason became dominant, the
Thin gray lines, faint at first but waxing brighter when Orrery has always been set for "Copernican" or heliocentric
focused on, crisscross the celestial dome, dividing the sky into mode when the Epiphamy is first entered.) A series of concen-
quadrants like outward projections of terrestrial latitude and tric crystalline spheres enclose the platform, causing echoes
longitude. The poles of the earth's rotational axes are clearly to ring back and forth, while any light source on the platform
marked, as are the plane of the ecliptic, the tropics, planetary generates a series of distorted reflections in the spheres. Each
orbital paths and the galactic equator. Tiny hash marks sphere corresponds to the orbit of a planet, which is embed-
measure out the degrees of each great circle and important ded on a smaller glassy sphere pivoting along the surface of the
angles of intersection, along with points of aphelion and larger one to show apparent retrograde motion. The Ptole-
perihelion, labeled with symbols, brief annotations and num- maic mode may be decorated with the cosmological trappings
bers that appear in whatever language any observer can associated with that particular astronomic paradigm; images
recognize. Directly overhead, a small crossed circle indicates of pagan gods can appear on the planets with which they were
the zenith and cardinal directions; this point, and indeed the associated, and quaint drawings of mythic figures are superim-
entire visible sky, reflects that of whatever point in space and posed over their respective constellations.
time (usually- but not necessarily always - on the surface (For those who look closely enough, there is a tiny silver
of the planet Earth) that the visiting party, or at least their toggle switch set deep in the innards of the machine that
leader, left materiality for the Umbra (except for the astral converts the Orrery to a lunacentric, or moon-centered
moon, of course, which always shows whatever phase is mode, which shows all the convoluted movements of the
current in the physical plane). solar system as they would appear to an observer on the
Visitors who concentrate on observing the sky may well surface of the moon. This switch also causes the Orrery to
remark that the planets appear close enough to reach out and synchronize with actual sidereal time current in the physical
touch; anyone who tries to do so (without wandering off the world. It takes five successes on a Perception + Technology
edge of the platform) will find to their surprise that this is in roll to notice it.)
fact the case. The planets are hollow orbs of stone or metal, If visitors persist in working the mechanical controls
crafted in such perfect detail that they are indistinguishable they can find new - that is, hitherto unnoticed - ones
from the actual celestial bodies until one makes physical appearing; these will take the form of electrical switches,
contact with them. Once this happens, it can also be seen that buttons, slides or dials, and even computer keyboards with
chey are held in place by thin, rusted metal rods - one a video monitors. Some visitors may even recognize the control
circular ring representing the orbit that encompasses the panel of a modem planetarium. These new controls can set
the Orrery in any number of modes, depicting more obscure Boon: Besides being the wet dream ofeveryone who ever
ancient astronomical models or other cosmological para- enjoyed going to the planetarium, the Continuum Orrery is
digms, including those of cutting-edge physics. The Orrery the perfect classroom and virtual playground for mages seek-
can "zoom in" to show the surface features of any planet as ing to explore, understand and manipulate the universe at
seen from low orbit, or "zoom out" to show the local interga- large. The Storyteller may reduce the learning time or even
lactic community. Astronomic models can even be dispensed experience point cost for mages who use this Eplphamy to
with entirely, replaced by grandiose visions of archaic cre- increase their Cosmology, Occult or Science Abilities where
ation myths or abstract mathematical models of the space-time specialties like astrology or astronomy are concerned. It is also
continuum. Visitors may "rewind" to view the Big Bang, or a relatively safe environment for experimenting with Corre-
"fast-forward" to explore such hypothetical possibilities as spondence and Time magics; some mages have even learned
the "Big Crunch" or the thermodynamic heat-death of the to interchange the effects of these two Spheres, by under-
universe. They may view both the origin and fate of the standing how distance can be defined as the amount of time
cosmos simultaneously as the opposite poles of an egg-shaped it takes to cross, or how time can be defined as the durational
time-space continuum, as described by Stephen Hawking and space through which actions are played out. This interchange
others. The surface of such a continuum can be viewed as a can be applied in limited circumstances {limited by the
Minkowski diagram, with space represented as the horizontal Storyteller, ofcourse) to creating conjunctional effects where
axis and time as the vertical; these diagrams can be rotated the mage knows one Sphere but not the other.
and expanded to examine the intersecting past-and-future Another benefit of using the Continuum Orrery is the
light cones of quantum theory, or stretched and distorted to means to navigate many other Epiphamies through specific
simulate time-warps, singularities and wormholes. simulations. For instance, one can reach the Newtonian
Everyaspectofthesecosmicsimulationsiscustomizable, Epiphamy by investigating the gravitational relationships of
allowing visitors to translate the unseen ends of the electro the planets, or by playing with the speed of light and space-
magnetic spectrum into the colors of visible light, or to time curvatures one can reach the Einsteinian Epiphamy.
convert images to a "photographic negative" mode that Those attempting this must make a roll to represent the
could illuminate dark matter. Natural law and universal appropriate train of thought (in this instance, lntelligence +
constants can also be altered, changing the speed of light, Science) that makes the connection. Also, Intelligence +
the inverse square property of gravity, Planck's constant and Occult can be used to open a threshold co, say, the Fortress of
other aspects ofany simulation; entering Mordehai Milgrom's Government in the constellation of Aries (associated with
adjustments to lsaac Newton's gravitational equations, for the Emperor trump of the Tarot), or the Well of Souls in
instance, renders the notion of dark matter unnecessary. Scorpio (corresponding to the Death card). Visitors who
The Orrery has a seemingly infinite "memory bank" of have passed through the Gate ofReason have the difficulty of
cosmological paradigms that includes everything from crack- Science rolls reduced by two, while those who passed through
pot pseudoscience to primitive creation myths, along with the Gate of Rhyme get the same modifier on Occult rolls used
all the most recent advances of modem astronomy and even for this purpose.
more incomprehensible strangeness that has yet to be ex- Repeated visits to the Continuum Orrery can cause
plored or classified. Some visitors have claimed to find visitors to have a veridical (or "true") hallucination upon
detailed simulations of alien planets and star systems, for their return to materiality, wherein they see the projected
example. Excessive usage of the Orrery (as determined by
lines showing orbits and celestial coordinates in the night sky
the Storyteller) can have unexpected and even disastrous of the physical world. Th is can reduce the difficulty of making
consequences, however. As the controls are manipulated astronomical or astrological observations by four. These
more and more, they tend to grow stranger and increasingly hallucinatory coordinates can become skewed during epi-
difficult; projected holograms that must be spoken to or sodes of Quiet, however, and the sufferer may feel that the sky
sung to, perplexing arrays of colored crystalline cylinders, is a solid dome growing smaller and closing in around him.
plates, cones, spheres and polyhedra that must be rear- This is common enough to have become known as the
ranged precisely, and even organic consoles with flexible "Chicken Little Syndrome."
limbs, quivering knobs, nodules and orifices that are excep
tionally sensitive to the slightest touch have all been reported, NWTEBNIAN ffitcHANICS
confounding all efforts to control the simulations. Further-
more, the simulations are sometimes projected upon the AND tINST6NIAN RflATIVITY
actual astral sky as seen from the Vulgate, causing wide- "If you push something hard enough, it will fall ewer! Fucld' s

spread panic among the lands-without-substance and First Law of Opposition. How can we best illustrate the stubborn
intellectual turmoil in the material world. The observatory consistency of this eternal principle? By walking down this shady
at the Mouseion keeps detailed records of such instances, New England lane on Wednesday, 1875 ...
and its astronomers have learned to distinguish wild - Firesign Theatre, We're AU Bozos On This Bus
Epiphamic simulations from actual celestial upheavals.

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These two closely related Epiphamies are described to strating his theories both by using the objects in his laboratory
gether here to show how certain Epiphamies can be "stacked" as he would have in life, and by altering the scenery and
in Idea Space, with the "higher" one representing the comple- reality of the Epiphamy after the fashion of the Continuum
tion of the intellectual work begun in the "lower" one. This Orrery. The way to engage Sir Isaac, to put him in the
is commonly found in Epiphamies heavily exploited by the interactive mode, is both simple and terribly clich~d; it
Technocracy, whose scientific method demands a thorough requires the impact ofone of the apples from the orchard upon
understanding of basic fundamental principles before one his head. The Storyteller may choose to do this automatically,
may derive a higher order of theories from them. It can also dropping the apple from a tree when the visitors first enter the
be seen here how certain much-visited and widely known Epiphamy, and Leaving them to figure out how to "activate"
Epiphamies bear the imprint of the manner by which their Newton on subsequent visits.
concepts are usually explained to the world at Large, taking While beaning a revered intellectual authority with an
the form of scenes, characters and actions that may or may not apple might appeal to certain irreverent personalities, it is
have existed and occurred in the history of the physical world. more difficult than it appears. The apples are props used by
They can both be reached by activating their respective this Epiphamy to illustrate Newton's principles regarding
simulations in the Continuum Orrery. They can also be found motion and inertia, and thus do not behave as they would in
cloaking the upper slopes of a cold, gray Spire whose base sits the physical world. They are initially unaffected by gravity
somewhere between the English and German branches of the once they have been picked up, and their trajectory is not
River delta. (No High Umbra! Court resides on this Spire, impeded by atmospheric resistance; when thrown, they travel
having abandoned it to the influence of the Technocracy in a straight line at a constant speed, until they collide with
long ago, but the collapsed shambles of oversized Viking something else and ricochet in the same manner. Thus the
structures can be seen near the summit. Most mages take difficulty for throwing one accurately starts at 10, but can
these ruins to represent the Loss of Asgard in a kind of quickly be reduced with practice. Furthermore, this property
Ragnarok- the replacement of the Nordic mythic age by the of the Epiphamic apples can change according to expecta-
modem scientific-materialist paradigm. Some wags refer to it tion, experiment and simple play; they may attract each other
as the "Hangover After Valhalla.") with a gravitational force specific only to themselves, rolling
The Epiphamy identified with and defined by Sir Isaac together on the ground or orbiting each other in mid-air, or
Newton always appears initially as a pleasantly bucolic apple colliding and rebounding with the mathematical precision of
orchard on a balmy spring afternoon. The figure of Newton billiard balls. If already engaged, Newton can use the apples
himself appears as a young man dressed in 17th century garb to demonstrate his laws of motion and gravity; otherwise, the
sitting under one of the apple trees, scribbling in a large Storyteller should let visitors figure out what is happening on
notebook. He will normally ignore the visitors, who seem to their own, through experimental trial and error.
be invisible and immaterial to him, and eventually get up, go If the visitors allow Sir Isaac to live out his compressed
to his laboratory workshop not far from the orchard, and professional life, they finally find themselves on a beach with
proceed to live out the major scenes of his life in a kind of him as an old man, while he picks up and examines various
time-accelerated or compressed documentary way. Visitors pebbles found among the sand. Some he tosses aside, others
may look over his shoulder, both Literally and figuratively, as he puts in his pocket with a satisfied smile. If he is in
he enacts all the major scientific discoveries and theoretical interactive mode, he may present one pebble to the visitors,
work attributed to him: purchasing a book on astrology just to remarking on how smooth or pretty it is. At a suitably
see what it contains, buying a book on trigonometry to climactic moment, Newton skips a stone out across the
understand the celestial mathematics involved, acquiring waves. All visitors to the Epiphamy suddenly see the figure of
Euclid's Elemenr.s of Geometry to understand the trigonom- Newton on the seashore zoom away from them and shrink
etry, inventingdifferentialcalculus two years later, conducting into the distance as they find themselves standing (or men-
experiments in physics and optics, meeting or corresponding tally present) on top of the flat pebble as it bounces along the
with the other great minds of his day and writing all his classic water's surface. Everything in Newton's Epiphamy is briefly
scientific texts. Bodiless visitors may actually enter Newton's visible as it all contracts into a shrinking reddish sphere that
head and experience his thoughts as he lays the foundations quickly disappears far behind the travelers. The sky and sea all
of modem science. (Note that all events witnessed concern around are dark; the skipping of the stone soon becomes less
his scientific work exclusively; outside interests and personal frequent and its motion harder to feel, as though it were
details of his historical life do not appear.) hanging motionless in dark empty space. For a brief moment
It is possible, however, to directly engage this Epiphamic even the stone disappears from beneath the travelers' feet (or
Isaac Newton, causing him to see and interact with visitors, minds). and they find themselves in the Epiphamy called the
greeting them and conversing with them as though they were N ihil for no more than three turns; then it reappears. (During
his university students or fellow scientists. When in this these moments before and after the Nihil, the surface of the
mode, he will respond to questions, explaining and demon- stone temporarily coexists with both the platform of the

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Continuum Orrery and a darkened and silent World Stage; velocity. Einstein can modify anything to make his demon-
archetypal spirit guides and past experience can alert voyag- strations clearer, and can produce yardsticks, stopwatches
ers to the possibility of abandoning this passage between the and scales out of thin air, with admonitions that the visitors
Newtonian and Einsteinian Epiphamies and just staying in take their own measurements and do their own calculations
either Stage or Orrery.) Soon a new, bluish sphere of reality to better understand his work.
grows in the distance ahead and the stone plummets into it at The narrative thread of the Einsteinian Epiphamy does
a dizzying speed. Travelers may recognize it as a German not come to a clear end, as did Newton's, but branches out
country road before they drop out ofthe sky toward a longhaired into other Epiphamies that represent aspects of the modem
boy riding a bicycle. The pebble bounces harmlessly but nuclear age; heavily weighted toward those scenes that grip
painfully off his head, causing him to stop, rub his head, drop the popular imagination, these can be quite grim, as visitors
the copy ofBemstein's People's Book of Natural Science he had find themselves at or near ground zero in Alamogordo,
under one arm, and avoid being run over by a speeding horse- Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or witness the causes and conse-
drawn cart at the crossroads he had been approaching. quences of Three Mile Island or Chernobyl, or pass through
The visitors find themselves in the company of a young the Apex of History (below} to wind up in a desolate waste-
Albert Einstein, who gets back on his bike, pedals to school land gripped in global nuclear winter. While most visitors
(where a teacher he pesters with questions yells at him), immediately try to find some way to exit these Epiphamies,
drops out of school, runs away to Italy, publishes the Special those who have stayed claim.that there are important lessons
Theory of Relativity in 1905 and permanently changes the to be learned here about power and responsibility, lessons
face of science forever afterward. Unless the visitors magi- that can apply directly to any mage that has ever lived.
cally altered the path of the pebble before it struck the young Like many other Epiphamies that use historical and
Albert, or entered the Epiphamy by some other route, cultural settings to express their concepts, these two bear
Einstein will address them directly and respond to them in the recognizable influence of the educational documen-
interactive mode, usually placing them in the roles of taries used to disseminate scientific knowledge among
students in a German classroom and later in the lecture hall the public. Newton and Einstein as encountered here are
of a major European or American university. Here he writes not ghosts, or spirits that have taken on their personali-
formulae and diagrams on a blackboard that can expand ties, but are pure Epiphamic representations of how these
surrealistically to encompass all of space and time, becom- personages are most often portrayed to the majority of
ing a vast empty space occupied only by the visual people. They always appear to be speaking in whatever
representations of Einstein's lessons (along with Einstein language a visitor best understands, and can always find
himself and the visitors), but rendered with more clarity, a suitable analogy or metaphor to best explain the most
precision and depth - not unlike the graphics used in difficult concepts. Neither one will discuss personal au-
modem science documentaries, and the simulations of the tobiographical details, nor will they react emotionally to
Continuum Orrery. Visitors may go completely outside of dumb questions, smartass comments or found objects
space-time to see its curvature and how it distorts around pelted at them. Both can, however, with a snap of their
massive bodies like stars and planets, or they may shrink to fingers or the toss of a pebble, eject visitors who become
subatomic size to examine the incredible energies contained particularly disruptive to the general documentary-nar-
in the smallest building blocks of nature. They may even rative flow, or who voice some intent to abuse the
ride on a photon and watch the classroom, countryside and Epiphamy's knowledge for harmful or exploitive ends, as
surrounding universe contract into a tiny dot before their the Storyteller sees fit. Newton will not talk about his
eyes, as it did in the passage from the Newtonian Epiphamy. hermetic interests in alchemy or qabala, and Einstein will
The professor can also take the visiting students out of not expound upon his thoughts concerning religion and
the classrooms and labbratories to demonstrate his theories morality (except when "activated" and asked about these
using everyday scenes and objects to illustrate his points, particular subjects by visitors who have passed through
altering certain aspects of reality to illustrate his points. He the Gate of Rhyme on their way to the Epiphamies). It is
can reduce the effective velocity of light in these scenes to also possible to enter the Einsteinian Epiphamy without
more easily imaginable speeds, like 40 kph, to show how the the vehicle of the tossed pebble, by questioning Newton
apparent movements and positions of passing bicycles and closely on subjects that connect the two, such as the
horse-drawn carts can change according to the inertial actual speed of light or how gravity can act across empty
frame of reference of the observing visitors. Visitors may space. One can return to Newton's Epiphamy by asking
experience an increase in mass and find objects falling Einstein to talk about Newton.
toward them if they get in a car and accelerate to 40 kph, or Boon: By their very nature, these "educational docu-
whatever light-speed has been established; they can also see mentary" Epiphamies seek to instruct visitors in the
how other cars approaching this speed seem to flatten into fundamental principles they embody, so Storytellers can
what may look like cardboard cutouts once they achieve this consider granting first-time visitors one dot of Science (spe-
cialty Physics, in this case) free of experience point cost,
providing they paid attention and participated in the educa-
tional process. Mages can gain insight into certain Spheres: From the Bible to the popular song I there is one theme r.hat we
Einstein can explain the relationship between Time and find all along: I of all ideals they hail as good, I the mosi sublime LS
Correspondence, and how their magical effects can be inter- motherhood.
changed, as described in the Continuum Orrery; both he and -Tom Lehrer, "Oedipus Rex"
Newton can teach a similar relation between Forces and Motherhood can be an Epiphamy in itself, or a transition
Matter, enabling a mage to change the properties of physical into another Epiphamy, where all visitors have bodies whether
substances by manipulating the energies contained within they brought them or not. The threshold is always the same
them (electromagnetic charge, kinetic energy or inertia, ineithercase; visitors fmd themselves curled up in a confined,
etc.), or to alter the energies expressed through material dark, soft, wet space. (This can be especially uncomfortable
objects by changing their physical properties (e.g., decreasing and embarrassing for parties traveling together.) Patrons and
the mass of a bullet to lessen the force of its impact). Totems do not appear in this space, but may soon rejoin
One may reach other Epiphamies regarding related sub- visitors on the outside. Immediately, the walls of this enclo-
JCCts from these two, either by reading the personal journals sure begin tightening and contracting in a rhythm that
found in Newton's laboratory or Einstein's classroom, or by increases until they are forced through a narrow passage and
traveling "off the map" - that is, away from the laboratory or out into a space that is too cold and bright by comparison. The
the classroom - with the specific intention of finding con visitors have the bodies of newborn infants and the experi-
temporary scientists elsewhere in the world. (le is important ence recapitulates the details of their own birth(s) - along
to have a specific destination in mind, or you may "drop off with whatever joys or traumas are attendant thereunto .... (A
the edge" of the Epiphamy and fall into the astral sky over the group of visitors may thus experience aspects ofth IS Epiphamy
Vulgate.) Epiphamies dealing with concepts that the general differently, but all have certain things in common and are
public is aware of usually have some kind of expository "born" together as twins, triplets, etc.)
"mouthpiece," like the scientist who discovered or invented Naturally, the visitors are naked and wet, and it shall be
a concept explaining everything in plain talk. Those that left to the Storyteller to decide how graphically visceral co get
have only ever been discussed among experts, or published during this "natal" phase. ln cases where this is only the
only in technical periodicals, do not exhibit this "interactive transition to another Epiphamy, the v1Sitors may grow into
educational" mode, however, and visitors must figure out for their adult bodies in mere seconds, and be clothed and re-
themselves, through experience and experiment, what the equipped by Patrons or Totems acting as doctors, nurses or
Epiphamy represents. For instance, imagine dealing with midwives. When Motherhood is an Epiphamy unto itself, the
Newton's apples or Einstein's surreal road traffic without actual experiential contents may vary, as visitors may grow
having Newton or Einstein there to explain everything; this more slowly, in spurts as it were, to recapitulate specific scenes
IS actually often the case with return visits. from their childhood (or perhaps even someone else's child-
Visitors who passed through the Gate of Reason may hood). Groups may experience these scenes individually, as
reach other scientifically accepted Epiphamies, like those of non-interactive observers ofeach other's lives, or collectively
Euclid, Kepler, Liebniz, Descartes or Huygens from among as siblings whose recapitulations are a kind of amalgam of
Newton's predecessors and contemporaries, for instance. everyone's lives simultaneously. The one Epiphamic content
Those who passed through the Gate of Rhyme can gain access common co everyone's experience would of course be the
to the scientists' "softer side," like Newton's occultism or mother figure.
Einstein's religion, as well as finding their way to obscure and She is the focal point of the Epiphamy, which reflects not
seldom-visited Epiphamies of rejected and discounted scien- only the purely biological relationship, but the entire psycho-
tific notions. These include, in Newton's case, the idea that logical complex of the visitor, whatever it may be. The
gravity acts through helical or spring-shaped rays that "screw "physical" umbilical cord may be cut at birth, but the Umbi-
mto" physical objects and pull them together with their licus Argencus always leads back through the mother figure for
rotary corkscrew motion, or that sight is accomplished by the the duration of the Epiphamic voyage. She always appears
eye internally generating and projecting its own invisible visually to each individual visitor as that individual's actual
light rays that become visible when they bounce back to the biological mother as she looked at the time of his or her birth.
eye. In Einstein's case, one such notion is that of the lumin- (This in itself can be a Boon of sorts to those who were
iferous ether, the history of which is already well documented orphaned or adopted or otherwise separated from their moth
by a certain Tradition, or quantum theory and its manifold ers at an early age, depending on the circumstances.) Her
interpretations and applications, which have since become speech, mannerisms and behavior, however, will always re
an mtegral part of the prevailing scientific world-view even fleet the strongest mother figure in the visitor's psyche - his
though Einstein himself found them intellectually and es- biological mother, stepmother, adopted or foster mother, a
thetically unsatisfying. nanny or frequent babysitter, that special kindergarten teacher,
or just the lady who ran the orphanage. (Psychologically, the passing through the Two Gates simultaneously and eating
mother complex need not be limited to older females; the one's placenta while in the Epiphamy of Motherhood grants
figure may act like an older sibling, a single father, an Mastery of the Sphere ofLife, but nobody has managed this. An
especially beneficent employer, television characters, a drill adventurous Storyteller might allow a mage to change their
sergeant or even an entire social institution like a church or Demeanor or even Nature, if story and roleplay warrant it.
government agency. Such cases are rare, though.) Most of the other Epiphamies that can normally be
The overall content of this Epiphamy cannot be speci- reached through Motherhood are equally personal and in-
fied, since it reflects some of the most intimate details of each tense, embodying relationships with other family members,
individual's life; the Storyteller must tailor the visit to the friends, enemies and anyone else especially important to the
visitor. Ir may be comprised of warm fuzzy reminiscences of a traveler's Life, or embodying significant life stages or trends like
happy childhood, a blandly pleasant but emotionally dis- growing up, learning, rites of passage, major transformations of
tanced upbringing, unending guilt over things that were lifestyle or personality, traumas, triumphs, etc. Although indi-
never allowed to be forgotten, a torturous maze of neglect and vidually personalized, they all represent things that everyone
abuse, or pure joy at the prospect of simply being alive. has to deal with in some way at some point in their lives. From
Whatever the case, few pass through th is Epiphamy unmoved this fact, some have speculated that Motherhood is the center
or unchanged; sweet, bittersweet or sour, it embodies the very of one half of an inclusive Epiphamic complex known in
essence of the lives of everybody who was ever born. Visiting patriarchal terminology as the Universal Man, called Pan Gu
alone can be unbearable; visiting with a group can bind a by the Akashic Brotherhood and Adam Cadmon by qabalists.
cabal together in a way that no other shared experience can Despite the masculine appellations, qabalistic lore relates that
match. Accepting what the Epiphamy of Motherhood has to Adam Cadman was a sort of cosmic hermaphrodite, being
offer can lead to the deepest catharsis ever, and usually leaves female on one side and male on the other. The Epiphamy of
the visitor with an overwhelming desire to create - a child Motherhood is thus seen as the center of the female half.
of one's own, a work of art, a profound social change, or the Studying the mythic anatomy of the Universal Man is part of
reintroduction of magic into the mundane world. the cosmological knowledge mages use when navigating the
Rejecting this Epiphamy leads to ejection, which takes a High Umbra; the parts of "his" body correspond to commonly
singular form: the entire perceived reality of the Epiphamy shared aspects of the human experience.
contracts all around one and coalesces into a sharp bright
point in the heart, leaving one alone on the World Stage, or TttAPX E11F HISTEBR.Y
in the Nihil, or somewhere up in the astral sky. The point We will all go together when we go.
moves from the heart down to the belly, causing it to swell. -Tom Lehrer
Labor pains set in with mounting intensity until, after what Nearly every culture has its own version of the "End
seems like hours, the Epiphamy - now about the size of a Times," the completion of the current temporal cycle in a
cantaloupe - is expelled from the groin and disappears into scheme that usually involves the destruction and rebirth of
Astral Space. All attendant bodily sensations are real and the world. The various sentient species inhabiting the World
immediate and inescapable - the visitor is not fully ejected of Darkness share this myth: vampires have Gehenna,
from the Epiphamy until the Epiphamy is ejected from the werewolves the Apocalypse, wraiths Doomsday and change-
visitor. Some visitors may have had ftrsthand experience with lings have the Long Winter. While mages may seek Ascension
this sort of thing; others, particularly those of a certain for all, their own individual quests may blind them to the
gender, may not take it very well. paths that others may find, and conflict between them may
Boon: The Boons of the Epiphamy of Motherhood are bring about Ascension's opposite, a collective descent or fall
cathartic, more concerned with roleplaying than game statis- that signals the end of the world (or, at least, of history as we
tics (especially if the visitor's mother is still alive when he know it). Throughout the Tellurian there is a general sense of
returns from the Umbra). An adventurous Storyteller might a headlong rush toward some inescapable and unknowable
allow a visitor to change their Nature into something else, to climax, and even the most self-absorbed Sleeper can feel its
reflect the profundity of the experience. For those who don't approach. Some religions have passed their due dates and
want to leave empty-handed, who gotta have a new dot on must amend their timetables. Political systems are reaching
their sheet, there are some tenuous possibilities. Experience the limits of their power, economic systems are reaching the
points may be spent to increase Attributes during the "birth'' limits of resource distribution, and the planetary ecosystem is
process. Those who passed through the Gate of Reason may reaching the limit of how many people it can hold and still
learn the Science of genetics, as well as Medicine, by reading remain a going concern.
the surface of the birth caul; passing through the Gate of This Epiphamy embodies all of that, in excruciating
Rhyme enables mages to keep their cauls to use as a protective detail and vivid immediacy, placing visitors in the center of
Talisman, giving them three extra dice to be used in any dice the action. Those who pass it tangentially receive only
pools when their lives are in immediate danger. It is said that glimpses, broad visions of what the future holds in store.

(These are, ofcourse, possibilities and probabilities, not fixed visitors' own particular versions, Storytellers may feel free to
and immutable.) Those who enter directly may simply watch include elements from any Traditional views, superimposed
from the sidelines as bodiless observers, but only for a short together, on any given visit to this Epiphamy. In ocher
while. Storytellers should present scenes familiar to the words, everything below all happens at once, but the magi
visitors - their cabal, their families and friends, their com cal training of each visitor enables him or her to act upon
munity - to draw them into the action and get them some aspect of the overall problem in a way that affects the
personally involved. As they start to take part in events, the collective outcome.
visitors soon find themselves bodied, tangibly affected by
what is going on around them and unable to leave the
Epiphamy even if they desire to disentangle themselves from
the unfolding drama. From there the scope can broaden while
time jumps ahead through scenes where the visitors find
themselves embroiled in the fray of world events.
The apparent time frame is always the very near
future, and the experiential world in which events take
place is always recognizable as the same physical one that
visitors left behind when they entered the Umbra. For the
sake of convenience, chis Epiphamy may condense the
entire world into a single central locale, normally a major
population center that is representative of the whole
planet earth in the same way that the cities of the Vulgate
are representative of an entire culture. This "world city"
can appear in other Epiphamies as well, an Epiphamic
complex signifying that the visitors are always, in some
sense, at the center of their universe insofar as they and the
events surrounding them interrelate. It can be called the
Universal City, and some try to identify it as the City of
God, or Utopia - although it can have a Dystopian or
purely mundane overall character, too -or even the New
Jerusalem. (One school of thought suggests that, if Adam
Cadmon can be identified and located at the center of the
New Jerusalem, those who accomplish this may be gifted
with a vision and understanding of how the One relates to
the All, of how metaphysical unity exists at the center of
phenomenal diversity, which the Ahl-i-Batin call the lhn
Talaqin, or the Entelechy.)
While the end of the world can be condensed into a
comprehensible form this way, everyone views it differ-
ently, with different expectations and reactions. The
Traditions each have their own beliefs, and how the Apex
of History manifests itself will conform to some degree to the
general paradigms of every visitor, whether they have actu
ally studied their Traditional eschatology or not. This
Epiphamy comes to its conclusion in a way that definitely
invites a judgment of success or failure from the visitors,
showing them how the Ascension or fall of the human race
1s a direct result of their actions in the physical world. What
follows are brief descriptions of how each Tradition views
the Apex of History and the positive or negative outcomes
of involvement in it. The images may be applied as literally
or metaphorically as the Storyteller feels is appropriate to e.
the overall tone of his Chronicle. Every visitor will experi whose souls are pure and
ence the Epiphamy as it relates co his or her philosophy and piritualstrength to combat
to ochers present simultaneously; while focusing on the confronted and shown for
what they are, the denial of unity and the turning away from
the light. People who are too far gone in their possession
might need to be destroyed to prevent them from harming
those who are not, but anyone who still desires the light may
be given strength by the faith of the visitors. Miracles and
displays of awesome magical power are not the primary
weapon in this conflict, but when used in love and devotion
they can certainly h . Ultimatc:ly, one can united
g the cl Creation in the red
ons t ofthe world is not
t 1"*111 the virtues brother
ve, ao t their names cannot
lttsio lit llglon of hate t w begi

their full pC>O=n.PJU..
destroy the
shake off
feel good even
and boredom, tu
The conspiracy
tors exposed, th
unbridled funk a
of the machine tH

is needed: th sp
pleaded with for the 'JWl.IU&......,

l . 1 j, I t
d ''l''.J
" 1
"'' 11
"" I' Vf' I
, ;.
~ I''r t
ol '
human nature i~lf act in harmony with social control, are of little help since blowing Mirzabah to
pieces only increases the likelihood of planetary impacts. It is
up to the practitioners of forbidden science to save the day;
anti-gravitational engines and the transformation of the
inherent properties of matter are needed. Even the raw
substance ofspace's "empty vacuum" must be called back into
existence in order to avert annihilation. Ascension in this
case requires a wide-scale Consensual acceptance of
marginalized paradigms and the backing of those with influ
ence and resources. Failure means, at best, a global deluge as
Mirzabah's tail sweeps across the atmosphere or, at worst,
a t

y an equally
of human life;
genetic manipulation of fi s and tampering with
human DNA brings forth monsters. Within a single genera
tion, the human race degenerates into weak and twisted
mutants ruled by a eugenic elite that requires constant care
and nourishment to maintain its physical superiority. Failure
to restore the natural balance of life, both in the species and
in the individual, leads to a world of H.G. Wells's Morlocks
and Elohim, feeding off each other in an environment where
biological diversity has been replaced by an incestuous polar
ity: a single type of predator feeding upon a single type of prey
until the two closely related species devolve back into the
lfge, but failing o ti lp the primordial ooze. Success must come through diverting the
h 1spinnin in an ndless dual trend of biological deprivation and genetic over-stimu
lation, even if the current generation has to sacrifice its very
lifeblood to divert ae.
n th:e trademark of those VrRTUALADEPTs

h to
t possibility. The tools
toward destruction or


"ephemeralization," or "doing more with less." The :zero- whenever they entered the N ihil. They can see and hear
mass virtual environment ultimately merges with the each ocher at first, although there is no apparent light source
forgotten spirit worlds, bypassing the Avatar Storm and or air in which sound can travel. No atmosphere or even
enabling the human race to cross the Gauntlet by changing ether can be detected, although the decompression of being
its mind with the flick of a mental switch. in a vacuum does not occur, and any trouble breathing
would only be caused by the visitor's own panic. Movement
HEBLLEBW EDNES is only possible insofar as visitors are able to physically reach
In this version of the Apex, the fall seems inevitable, as each ocher and pull chemsel ves together or push each ocher
the accumulated cataclysms and psychosocial degeneration away. Visitors who drift out of reach soon loose sight of each
of the other versions come co~thout hope of preven other and cannot hear each other, unless some kind of
tion. Failure her; irnot the unsuccessful:. mpt at salvation, connec tion can be established first, whether physical, like a
but the failu~ to act in any y;. 11. cenSl'Q(l is not the length of rope, or metaphysical, like a telepathic bond or
ability t uansform tQ world into a paradiac a onious some other Sphere usage. Once contact has been lost,
coexi nee, but acceptance of the f'ac.t ohhe f.i l thout however, it cannot be re-established until the traveling
true opelessn Only those who have learned to ce party emerges into another Epiphamy or out of the
a~d the ruins of a once-proud race can keep any v of Epiphamies altogether, into the astral sky.
e human int ahve. I tually come fu l The duration of a visit to the Nihil depends on the
rcle int 18 Epap my, emerging as the culture'~>A""'"' circumstances under which it was entered. Often it forms only
hatever s left () th race after th end f his a brief transition phase between other Epiphamies, as in the
Boo r ym tbecons' redatruep passage fTom the Newtonian to the Einsteinian Epiphamy.
ition of , in it dOes not reveal i When one falls into the Nihil after being ejected &om another
\hat is noealready foreseeable n who icd t Epiphamy, it can seem co last much longer, although even
"5t or sim ly thought about what a cs the. rld. Fort e external astral time appears not to pass while one is in the N ihil,
m~part, ~ lesson to be learned at the Apex of Histo until one drops out ofthe astral sky. When questioned on these
on of toleran , communal harmony and $0Ctal syn matters, spirit Patrons and masters of old usually skirt the issue
the y-facete Armageddon just around the co must by declaring "The N ihil lasts exactly as long as the N ih ii lasts."
be de ~ith by the tire human race acting l ~ ty. The Umbra[ Patrons and Totems do not appear in the Nihil and
Technoc~c.'( and Marau have their parts l'.6 play, not cannot be contacted &om within it, although they may rejoin
necessarily as vtll~,ins, supplying necessary.elements of order their companions "on the other side" of it.
and chaos; even the epbandi~e obstacles that ulti Whenever a visit to the Nihil lasts more than a few
macely strengthen the visitors who can overcome them. The moments (subjectively speaking), a terrifying effect begins to
many paths to Ascension all converge at this point, but must set in. Simply put, the visitors start to disappear, &om the
merge seamlessly to come out the other side. Any number of outside inward. Companions gradually fade from view, even
Epiphamies can intersect this one, but it is impossible to leave if they have not pushed away &om each other; voices and
the Apex of History uncil it is completely played out. The other sounds fade as well, and even physical contact dissolves
Storyteller can mitigate degrees of failure; contributing to the away. Visitors who have embraced each ocher find their
fall by discord and strife can lead to a literal fall &om the astral partners disappearing &om between their arms. For the trav-
sky, but if a sufficienc gleaning of the lesson of survival was eler who has entered the Nihil alone, the next phase comes
gained amid the fall, the players in this eschacological drama on more quickly: ephemeral equipment and carried items
might simply remove their masks and cake their bows while fade away in the same manner, followed by clothing, then any
the visitors are booed and hissed off the World Stage. bodily alterations- piercings, tanoos, makeup, bionic limbs
or organs, etc. Then the body itself starts to disappear,
TttNIHIL beginning with fingers and toes, then legs and arms, torso, and
lt's hard to imagine "nothing." NotlUng. No thing. No me. finally all sensations of the head and face are lose.
No you. No world. Nothing! And r.hatfrighrens me. l can'tscarul For bodiless visitors, all these bodily phenomena are a
tlUngs that frighten me .... moot point, except when they are traveling with a party of
- Ken Nordine, "Looks Like It's Going To Rain" companions. The sensations of the earliest phase of the
This Epiphamy, also called Nothingness, the Void, the Nihil are the same, in that embodied companions can be
Nether Zone and a host of other names, is feared by most seen and heard, etc. Sphere magic can be used, however, to
mages, regarded as a necessary evil by some, and actually establish mental contact or otherwise affect each other in
embraced by a rare few. It consists of empty, starless space, some way. There is little for Spheres to ace upon in the N ihil,
devoid of matter or any sort of boundary chat can be though, so magic can only affect that which the visitors
determined. Bodied visitors find themselves floating, weight brought into this Epiphamy with them. Correspondence
less as if in fTeefall, in whatever positions they were in can only change the relative distance between visitors;
Forces, Life and Matter can only affect the visitors until acquire or increase the Arcane Background after prolonged or
che1r bodies disappear. Mind, Prime and Spirit can be used repeated visits; others might get a reduction of certain typeS
to sense or contact one's companions for a few moments of Resonance, or even of permanent Paradox without suffer-
aher the bodies are gone, but fizzle shortly afterwards. ing a Paradox Flaw. As always, 1t IS up co the Storyteller.

Tttf w LL 61F RmlfITIBRANCf

Telepathy (Mind 3), for instance, can be used to maintain
contact for a few moments after a companion drifts out of
sight or fades into nothingness, but must have been estab- He knew by heart the farms of the southern clouds at dawn on
lished beforehand and cannot be re-established thereafter. the 30th of April, I882, and could compare them an his memory
Time might be used to shorten the subjective experience of with the mottled streaks on a book in Spanish binding he had only
passing through the Nihil, but for the most part the use of seen once and with the outlines of the foam raised by an oar in the
magic only serves to lengthen the Nihil's duration. Rio Negro the night before the Quebracho uprising ... He could
As to what happens next, accounts differ. Some claim to reconstruct all his dreams, all his half-dreams. Two or three times
experience a loss of mental faculties - memories cannot be he had reconstructed a whole day; he never hesitated, but each
accessed, learned knowledge and skills cannot be used, the reconstruction hadrequiredawholeday. He cold me: "l alone have
passage of time cannot be determined (even with Time 1 or more memories than all mankind has probably had since the world
the Time Sense Merit) and the ability to think about the has been the world."
future is lost. Others claim to have visions or hear voices; - Jorge Luis Borges, "Funes the Memorious"
whether these are merely hallucinations or the intersection of The Well of Remembrance appears as a small stone-
other Epiphamies cannot be determined. Some few claim to walled well with a crude wooden winch built over It to
have contacted - or been contacted by - permanently raise a rusty bucket on a length of frayed twine. Visitors
disembodied mages or even entities that do not appear to may hear echoes from within, sounds and voices chat
answer to descriptions of any known Umbrood or Ep1phamic they may recognize from their personal past. The winch
manifestations. Lore relates that one can escape this phase of must be operated with great care, as its wooden frame is
the Nihil by creating a new Epiphamy of one's own thought rotting away and the twine seems barely able to hold
and reaching other Epiphamies by thinking about them. It is the weight of a full bucket. The bucket itself leaks, and
noted, however, that those who are known to have done this may only contain enough water for a single sip by the
always find themselves back in the Nihil at some point later time it has been drawn within reach. The bucket may
in their lives, whether on a subsequent Umbra( voyage or as be repaired with magic, but every other aspect of the
a dream, hallucination or manifestation of Quiet. Well cannot be changed, although the winch can still
Sphere magic may be used to do this, but to make one's break from stress. le may be situated atop a deserted hill
own Ep1phamy real enough to connect to others, it is neces- (usually for those who have passed through the Gate of
sary to accumulate at least 20successeson a roll oflncelligence Reason) or at the center of a secluded glade (usually for
+any Knowledge Ability- provided one can explain to the those who passed through the Gate of Rhyme), depend-
Storyteller - briefly - how that particular Knowledge is ing on how and by what paths 1t has been approached.
supposed to make the new Epiphamy intellectually coherent The Well can also appear, in a "portable" form, in other
an relation to another known Epiphamy that one has not been Epiphamies, as a big iron cauldron o r ocher large con
ejected from already. The Storyteller bases the difficulty on tainer, always looking very old and solid, like something
how much sense the explanation makes, if any. Anything crafted in ancient times; its true Ep1pham1c nature may
chat was lost to the N ihil- equipment, clothing, limbs - is not be apparent in suc h instances, however.
not regained except by returning to the Nihil and completing Drinking the water from the Well of Remembrance
one's original trajectory through it. All traveling companions suffuses the present moment with an overwhelming sense of
eventually reach the new Epiphamy, however, even if they dejl'l vu and endows the imbiber with a perfect total recall of
did not participate in its creation and were lost to the Void. her entire life up to that moment. Every event, every conver-
Totems can always find their way to the new Epiphamy, but sation, every stray thought and forgotten dream can be
Patrons may not know where to look for their filials. remembered with absolute clarity. Each moment of child-
Fortunately for those who are just passing through, the hood and even prenatal memories back to the moment of
entire process of disappearance reverses itself eventually, conception can be recalled in detail. Blocked or suppressed
although at the same pace of its onset. Everything that was memories also emerge, driven by all the psychic force that was
lost is gradually regained, with the pos.sible exception of used in their suppression; this alone can unhinge the sanity of
things like faith, sanity, peace of mind, etc. Those who have many, and so spirit guides usually advise caution when bring-
sought out the Nihll as a destination in and of itself have ing astral voyagers co the Well. The effect only lasts as long
never been heard from again. as the water is inside the body, fading soon after bemg
Boon: If there is any real Boon co be gained from the urinated out. Bodiless visitors can get the same effect by
Nihil, 1t has yet to be determined with certainty. Some may

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immersing their mind-point in the water; the effect then lasts Well repeatedly may, if the Storyteller allows, endow the
for the rest of the current Scene. drinker with the Merit: Eidetic Memory; abuse of this
By immersing herself in the Well, a mage can gain access property, however, can affect the mind's ability to function
to the memory of the entire world, the sum total ofeverything properly in the present moment, as massive associative
experienced by everyone who ever lived. Once submerged, networks crowd in upon the consciousness, wherein every-
the visitor is barraged with variations of her own memories thing that comes to one's attention reminds one ofeverything
showing events she witnessed or participated in, but seen that has ever occupied the attention. Borges's short story
from different viewpoints as others would remember them. "Funes the Memorious" illustrates in detail how this state
(The Storyteller may require a Wits + Meditation roll at this can manifest itself.
point, just for the submersed mage to orienc herself and grasp For bodied visitors who wish to go into the Well, the
what it is that she is experiencing.) The mage can see herself mouth of the Well is less than three feet across, and the stones
as others have seen her, which can be a life-changing expe- of its walls are irregular and rough-hewn, so climbing down
rience in itself. The memories of family, friends, brief into it is fairly easy - only a difficulty of 4 on a Dexterity +
acquaintances and even passing strangers might be identified Athletics roll. Only one person can fit inside the Well shaft
by their point of view, and the mage can experience the ata time, however, and at least IO successes must be accumu-
memories of anyone she recognizes by swimming in their lated before the water level is reached, some 30-40 feet down.
direction. In essence, every point underwater represents the Diving straight in is not recommended, as this is likely to
accumulated recollections of everyone that has ever lived, result numerous fractures and loss of consciousness from
with those still living occupying the surface of the water and concussion before hitting the water. Once submerged in the
the dead stretching away beneath; everyone is connected by Well, divers who did not pass through the Two Gates can only
shared memories, those things they did or saw together and access the sensory content of the individual memories within
time spent in each other's company. Everything in the Well - what was actually seen, heard, felt, etc. Those who passed
is seen through a purely subjective lens, as it appears in the through the Gate of Reason may access the remembered
memory of one person, but shared memories can be viewed thoughts of individuals as well as perceptions; those who
through a number of different individual perspectives. passed through the Gate of Rhyme can access remembered
By swimming slowly and carefully, the mage can follow feelings and emotional content in addition to perceptions.
the web of shared memories from person to person into the
past; moving laterally along the surface can, if the Storyteller
pennies, grant the swimmer glimpses into recent events of the Here Comes Everybody ...
material world. (Perception + Meditation, difficulty 8, to - James Joyce, Finnegan's Wake
identify memory impressions and follow connections be- This Epiphamy appears as it always has, strangely unaf-
tween shared memories.) Moving too suddenly or swimming fected by the Reckoning or the ever-changing fashions of
too fast can completely disorient the swimmer, as she moves Consensual belief. Its threshold is a long underground pas-
recklessly into the memories of people she has never met, sage, the walls marked with signs left by previous visitors -
composed of events she does not recognize in places she has sigils, runes, graffiti in every language ever written, all dating
never been. In theory, it is possible to see and hear the entire back to earliest antiquity; as one nears the Well, the more
history of the world while in the Well, although each view- elaborate markings give way to cave paintings and simple
point is skewed slightly, with details perceived differently and handpri.nts. The light at the end of this passage comes from
personalconcems coloring everything. Diving into the depths the Well of Souls itself, an immense swirling column of raw
takes one further into the past, until the water becomes Prime with the true faces of every being that has ever
muddy with pre-human animal memories that can only be achieved consciousness flowing across its surface, rising from
made sense of by animal spirit guides, or someone who has broad subterranean ocean at the center of a cavern vast
recently drunk from the source of the River of Language. beyond imagining. Voices fill the air with utterances made
Plunging down past this level causes the swimmer to emerge during moments of self-realization, and ambient magical
in the Epiphamy called the Well of Souls. energy crackles and drifts all around, sometimes forcing
Boon: A sip of water from the Well of Remembrance bodied visitors to their knees from the sheer, overwhelming
grants the drinker complete and perfect recollection of all shock of just being present, causing their throats to tighten,
his memories, including those that were suppressed or oth- their heans to skip a beat and their hair to stand on end.
erwise lost to the unconscious. Memories that were blocked Bodiless visitors can be swept up in the overall flow of Prime,
or removed through cerebral injury, drugs, brainwashing or separating them from their companions, making them lose
Mind magic cannot automatically be recovered, but the gap their bearings and leaving them unable to distinguish the
that they occupied in remembered time will be plain, as are cave mouth through which they entered from the innumer-
the side effects and incidental psychic mechanisms left over able other openings to the cavern.
by whatever caused the memory loss. Drinking from the


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A prolonged v~at co lhl!i Epiphamy can cause aU visitors, wich chose inside the Well 1t:-elf can lead to che recovery of
bod1of and bod ales..' alike, to begin w ing on che appearance memories from a Past Life (~>e sidebar). A daring Storyteller
ci their Avatars (baring their naked soub, so co speak), an might acruaJly allow a mage to change her Essence while
dfec.t which does not alway!> wear off by the came chey travel visiting the Well of Soul~. refleccing a profound cransfonna,
from here co other Ep1phnm1es. Dark secrers can be revealed aon of che Avarnr it~elf, but this 1s very extreme, and should
11'1 this way, ns even cabal maces may not necessarily know only be used as the climax of a major Story mtegral to the
eoc.h other's true forms, and mages may learn more about eocire Chronicle.
rhemselves as their Inner Essences are disclosed. the The various caves that open into the Well's cavem can
Well, the Avauin; of rhose who have passed from life may be used to reach other Eplphnmics (and may even contain
cecognlie friends or rivals among the currencly incarnate portals to ocher parts of rhe Umbm), but they are many, the
visitors, and call out for them to enter the Well to strike up distances between them nre vast, and IL is impossible to cell
old relattonsh1ps or rejoin oh.I con fl 1eci.. lr is said chat one must where chey lead except by reading the markings found within
never actually enrer the Well of Souls, however, for co do so each. (Storytellers should remember thal che most primitive
v.oold automatically end one's pr~nt tncarnauon and set marking are cl~r to the Well,~ at may be necessary to go
one to rescan the cycle of life as an enmely new creature, deep into any given cave runnel before a rraveler can even
probably wachouc any memory nt all of chis life. guess where 1t lead~ )
Boon: When ac can be reacheJ at all, che Well of Souls
can serve as a virtually anexhausuble Node during Epiphamic THf<:BRTRfSS El)f
acurs1ons, buc medatanng to channel its ambient Qwntes~
scnce can accelerate che manifestation of the Avatar and
attract the ancnt1on of un mcamate A\'3tarS within che Policies i.s !he truertammenr branch of Business.
Well. The water.. of che subterranean ocean at the base of the - Frank Zappa
Well ~said to be h11i1hly pocent Tas.;,, but gening co chem can Considered by ~me tO be another "fallen Epaphamy,"
be difficult; the v1sicon.' own entrance may be far from che like the Raver of Language, lhe Forrress of Government now
actual shoreIme, wh1c.h lb u~ually ot lhe bottom ofa steep, wet seems co be !ilNated in the Vulgate, though occupying many
cliff with waves crashing violently at the botrom. Conversing places simultaneously. Once widely aclcnowledged as the


N0t JOU flk one look al my telewion face, and you got Some cahals who:;e members share this Background
knou1 I didn't get aU these miles on m1 puss in one liferi~ So found that their Avatars were associated with each o
got co g~t hip t0 cht fact tJuu I'm a reincarnated car... dunng prev10lL~ incarnations - not always as frie
- Lord Buckley Havm~ a gamin~ group with th1.S Background in comm
Thi 1!> the ~me as the WerewoH Background: Past open:. up po-.s1bilittes for roleplaying troupes m hiscon
1fe, bur repre.'ients the influence from previous mcama semng!> .1 subplot material.
1ons of a mage's Avacar rather than ancestral memory. lts A botch on the Pru.t Life roU may indicare char the
11me effect 1s e enttally the same: once per game 5e$ion was unable co unJer.;mnd the memories betng accessed
r r Story), the mage can roll her Pase Life Background was overwhelmed by the i,heer mass of old infonna
d1ff1cuhy 8, or JO 1( Lrymg co contacc a specific incama culLUre shock or i;xperiences thar do not translate well in
ion). Each success adds one die to the Dice Pool o( any modern term11. Worse yet, iL may mean that che mage h
bi11ty or can c.rcatc a Dice Pool for an Ability che mage been po$SCSSe<l by the personality of a previous incaman
docs not posscc;s. 111e Storyteller may impose some limits, who doc.~ nm hnve the same motivations, values or mo
owcver, if he chooses co treat the cycle ofteincamatlon as coucs ns the curren1 nrngc. ln general, the effects tlf th
chrunolo~lcttlly historical progression; Le., the mage may Background hlst only for one Scene, but the Storyteller ma
at ndd to an A btliry to do something chac was discovered decide otherwise. (Po..~sessitm, for insrance, can give c
r developed during her presenc liferlme. Computer usage Storyteller 'iOmething to do with characters when the
nd mo t current Science or Technology, which came lnto pl.1yers Jo not show up for the game ....)
uiuon Junng che current generacion m modem times, are Succes e Effect
mo~t obvious examples; those who lived in older I You get hazy flashe:> of scenes from the pa$
ric::il period:> would have no working knowledge of 2 Face:>, places an<l things appear long enough
h thing . To balance chis, che Storyteller might reduce often enough co be mJdied oc recogniztd.
difficulty for magh trying co boost a more "primitive" 3 You can 1denrify 1nd1v1dual incarnation.~
b1hcy like Alerme~. SmwlorSurvival. This Background who they were, wh~ and where they Ji,
1ight even provide acces:. co Occult lore that has been lost
4 You can access thoughts and memones
the modem era.
~veral past lives.
Through repeated exercise of the Pase Life Back
5 You rememherdecailsfrom a large number
oundduring medit:trion, a magecandistinguish between
pre\'iOu:. incarnations; their persona\:
learn co recognize individual incarnations, possibly
\peak co you when triru?erecl by somethm2 i
ven gmning '>pec1fic historical, social and geographical
your pr~enr..cJay experiences.
informauon regarding faraway places and times long past.

virtual paragon of civilization, the force chat solidifies and Langui1j:fe, upon whose flow it depends for che exercise of
stabilizes society, government has come robe viewed by many power. ll presents a culturally and historically appropriate
as a Ogureheuu propped up by self-interested power-mongers foce to each branch, like elaborate fai;ades arrayed around a
to divert the collective will of the populace, an outnght com1mm center. Though usually first seen from a distance, tt
conspimcy of control for its own sake. In their eyes, cne 1~ acrually ~eldom mt)re rhan a day's walk away, unless one
Forness no longer stands for protection of the people, bur to ventures inland into pnmmve or lawless rerrarones, and
protect tho~ within from che people. Modem notions of cannm be seen ac all from the Spmc Wilds. Its oldest face
leadership and rule have been tinged with paranoia and rei>emhle a ma.~1ve ziggurat overlookmg the early Hamm>-
cyn1c1~m. and this, like all notions, is explic.idy and graphi- Scm1tic branch o( the dt:lta; 1cs newest tace is a domed
cally reflected tn Astral Space. But che traditional exemplars structure built in a Greco-Roman Revivalist: style not far from
of" ise and JU)t ndmimstracion on a large scale are not yec the modem American coast. El.sewhere, 1t may appear as a
completely absent; like most ocher things in the High Umbra, sprawling, ornate palace amid lush gardens, a crude ~tone
it is imply a matter of ho" (and, w1ch regard to the Vulgate, keep on a lone~me h11lrop, or sracely rown hall of under
when) 1l 1s approached. seated provincial architecture. The older faces are often
It mtRht be more correct to descrrbe the foruess as an md1~tingu1 hable from ancient temples. lo every mstance its
Er1phamy with lb roots in the Vulgate; government as an tallest point - be 11 a dome. tower, minaret, arch1ccccural
abstraction can be a vehicle for the noblest of ideals, but it spire or even J~t a lightning rod- will be lost in the cloud>
can nor exi~t without he mg grounded in concrete reahty. The above. It 111 this point that IS seen when the Foruess b
Fortress cam be ~en from nearly every branch of che River of approached from the Eriphamic clouds, its exact appearance
tobedcrermlneJ by the predominant cultural bias of the one exist, but they are very few, with access heavily restricted and
tttkmg 1r (or of a cravehng group's leader). closely supervised.
li encering from above via the Fortress's Epipham1c Navigating these Corridors of Power IS nigh impossible
~tnr, the visitor has a special perspecuve on everything to using conventional means lilce caJung noces, drawing maps or
be 1ttn within, as though she were walking on an upper consulting etheric compasses. The Fomess worb on its own
sroq tloor made ofglass, able to look down mto the halls and internal logic, and once one has entered at the Vulgatic level
roo,11115w1thout acruaJly entering them- unless she specifi- there IS very lmle to do but play out che game of bureaucratic
cally chooses to do so. Ifentered from the Vulgate, however, runaround on itli own cenns. This is not to say that the maze
this higher level cannot be reached, even by magical means, is unpossible to run, though. Knowledges like Law, lnvestiga
anJ nothing be seen overhead but a conventional rion and even Academics can help make sense of the endless
ceiling. Because of this, the Fortress can be used as a quick interconnecting offices, and Talenc.s like Leadership, lnrimi-
and dirty way co re-enter the Vulgate from the Epiphamies, dation and Subterfuge can be employed to secure the service
rrov1dcd Its highesc point can be found. But it only works of some functionary spirit to act as guide.
one way; climbing to che top of the Fortress does not bring Ulrimately, a successful navigation of the Fortress can
one to the level of the Epiphamies, the way climbing a Spire lead one to the great meeting room at its center. Built Like a
would. There Is no easy access from the Vulgate to the gigantic circular theater with conccncrlc rows oflarge leather
Eplpbamies here. chairs and fine wood-paneled walls in an Anglo-European
Beyond the Vulgatlc entrance of each face lies a recep- style, It seats up toa thousand but only a tenth of these are ever
tion area of corresponding size and style, with a number of in use at any given time. Here the Managers and Bishops
corridor stretching away into the interior. Following any confer and argue over how the lands of the Vulgate are to be
one of these corridors will quicldy get one lost in the administered. The powerful archetypes of the upper realms
lah}TIOthine bowels of the Fortress, as the local architec seldom manifest to take part in such "worldly" affairs; the rare
tuilll sryle g1\es way co undecorated halls built of a smooth, occasion on which they do appear usually signals some
!!r.I) tndeterminace substance. Some sections may have overwhelming societal upheaval with catastrophic conse-
doon placed ac regular or 1rrcaular intervals while others quences m both the Vulgate and the material world. (A mage
may bt complecely featureless. Occas1onally a window may who "dro('IS m" from the Epiphamic level could well be
afford a v1ewofa ~mall, wellmamcured, enclosed courtyard, mistaken for such and will be rece1vedaccordingly-usually
but no door leads out to 1t. with panic and hosuliry.)
Some of the doors along the corridors are labeled, usually Relauons becwcen che llnguisucaJly defined delta re-
in pnnt too small co read unless one gets close enough to open gions closely mmor how the corresponding nations relate in
them. Many simply lend to other corridors that connect to the material world, even to the point where the spirits
entrances elsewhere on the River delta; these can be guessed involved take on the faces, voices and mannerisms of current
at according to the language of the door's label. Most are (and past) leaders of the physical world. Because of the
offices or office suites of widely varying sizes and styles, giving numinous nature of astral reality, the deceptive veneer of
the impression ofo vase, Intricate and highly compartmental- respectability that coats politics on the material plane is all
ized bureaucracy. Nor a1l offices fol lowthe modem bureaucratic but gone; hidden agendas are openly - but discreetly -
model, however; ns one nears che entrances to older areas of discussed, consplmtorial activity is tacidy ncknowledged, and
the delta, more archolc forms rend to talce over. Certain the underlying assumptions and prejudices of those in power
offices may have a distinctly monarchic air to them, like a are plain to all who would scrutinize them. This is not the
long, tapestried hall with an official occupying an elevated cynic's view of power as an lnherendy corrupt activity, but
throne at the far end. A few others have a religious tone, with simply the toob of sratecrafr seen without the usual white
high, \'aulced arches where air rich and milky from incense wash. They can be likened to the carpenter's hammer and
vibrato wirh echoes of choirs ond belb as slanted shafts of surgeon'sscalpel, wh~potenual tohelporharmdependson
light illumtnate rhe official behmd the al car. (These would be the user. ThlS doesn 'c mean thatthere is any less intrigueafooc
thc~canonsofVulgnuc Managers and Bishops from the left m the Vulgate, buc that with 1c all being cl06Cf to the surface,
and Right Branches, respecuvely, of Umbroocl Society as an outsider is more likely co get caught up in it.
delincaced by Bait and Machado tn The Book of Madness.) Aliule from the echoes ofcurrent affairs from the matenal
In ihe modem reg1oru, however, it 1s the business-like aano- plane, mostpoliticalactiv1ty m the Fortressconcemsrebwld-
sphere that preva1hi, with governing sptrits - mostly mg damage from the Avacar Scorrn, which destroyed a great
~fon.s1gnors, T echn1c1ans and Accountants, as spirit ranks deal of Vulganc property during the Reckoning. The work
arc reckoncd-worlung m bland cubicles amid a vast swamp has been hampered by a lack ofephemeral building materials,
oi paperwork not yer replaced with compurers and eleccroruc and the modem coastal regions have taken to plundering che
media. Poinu o( contact with the Digital Web do acrually older inland areas (and less-developed modem areas) for
resources. The ancient spirits of the delta sources, cmbodi Boon (Vulgatk): lfthcpoliticalgameisplayed UCCCSS
ments of Living history. have seen their ancestral lands fully, 1f a suitable governor can be found and dealc with, if
d~poi led by the voracious apperi tcs of the presenc day and are proper respect is shown to Low Managers and true p1ecy
banding together an protesc. Tempers flare regularly as the displayed before 81Shops, the supplicant may be grom"1
archaic elders are driven co histrionics by cbe more numerous possession ofa special T allsman known as a "Writ of Author
smooth-callcing modems. who claim that the "inland primi icy." This Talisman Is acrlvated by spending a Willpower
tives" are using their crude technologies and magics to combat point and casts a Mind 2 Mental Impulse effect, causina all
the "rebu1lders" (I.e., loggersand miners who are invading the who see it to regard the bearer as ifshe were a duly authorlzaf
old lands). The Vulgate stand~ on the brink of open warfare or higher-ranking member of wharever organization rhe
between the past and the present, with the inland regions viewer IS mosc strongly affiliated with, or as a member of a
seehng alliances with the Spirit Wilds and calling upon the more highly placed group that can exercise control over the
old gods for aid. Visiting mages will be wacched, questioned v1ewer's own. The Wm only works within the context of
about their allegiances, and couned or challenged by each hierarchical organlumons with well-defined rules of aulhor-
facclon depending on their response. The governing spirits 1ty, lllce governments, enforcement agencies, large businesses
will show no interest ln the material world, and refuse to and organized religious establishments. The effect can be
accept neutrality as an answer. used any number of times within a single chapter once it has
If approached from the Vulgate during the day, the been shown- not necessarily the same chapter during which
Fortress Is bustling with activity, receptionists are police and it was granced - and only with respect to one single organi
helpful, bureaucratic procedures are explained fully by those iation or type of jurisdiction at a cime. ln other words, the
who facilitate them, access to worlcang officials can be gained bearer cannot claim to be a government inspector, an undcr-
with relative ease, and the officials themselves speak directly coverpoliceofficer AND thechainnan ofche board'sassistant
and honestly, as If they genuinely expect to be held account co the same group of people at once, or co hold different such
able for their wonis and deeds. Remember that all this IS not positions to the same individual acdifferent times. Once lbed,
just a front; dus is Government acting in the best interesr.s of 1t loses its power ac the end of the chapter.
HS const1rucncs, to the best of its ability, as people generally The Wm of Authority usually takes the form ofa scroll
believe ic hould acc. In the light of day, that is. By night, on when Orst granted in the Fortress; afterwards it may ap~ir
the ocher hand, the entrances arc closed. even barred against in whatever form 1s appropriate - an ID card, a badge, or 11
forcible entry, and the corridors arc desened save for furtively legal document. Being an effect of the Mjnd Sphere, le only
slinking funcuonanes who try their best to avoid outsiders worlcs on thinking creatures, and will not act as an elec
rather than deal with anyone directly. lf cornered and con ttonic key or swipe-caro or affect any sort of automated
fronted, these lesser spmts are shifty and evasive, telling security system. (Storytellers may require an additional
fX"Ople whatever they seem to want co hear and then scurrying Correspondence 2 Effcct to show the Writ to a Iive observer
away at the first chance they gee. The higher officials, 1f they on the other end of a ecunty camera, or to get someone on
can be reached ac all, are arrogant, callous and duplicitous, a celephone or Intercom to accept a fictitious ID or badit!
gathering In inaccessible back rooms to plot and scheme. number.) In some circumstances, the bearer may need to say
They will tell lies boldly end eloquently, cheat and steal co something to activate the Writ's Effect; this may be explicit
acquire whatever wealth or Items of power the visiti~1g char ("I outrank you!"} or implied ("You don't want to piss off
ncters might be carrying, and then have the visitors ejected or your boss by refusing me, do you ... ?"). In other cases this
arrested for trespassing on Government property at night. may not be necessary; flashing the Writ ac a gace-lceepang
(Because there are so few windows in the Forrress, those who guard is enough to gee the bearer a wave-through, provided
have entered from the Vulgate may not be aware ifand when that 1s tandard procedure.
the Government hasswitched from one mode to the ocher.... ) Storytelle~ should noce that the Mind Effect is not one
"What possible use could such a place be?" the visiting of absolute behavioral control. If ic is shown ro rebell1ous
mage may well aslc. Because e\lcry style of actual world types, traitors, mole:. and disgruntled employees, they will
government IS represented among the various departmental believe the bearer to be whoever she claims co be, but will nil
offices of the Fortress, with governing spirits who act JUSl as act according ro their true narure, and disobey, betray or
currenc (and histoncal) world leaders would, any sort of harangue the bearer as they normally would.
political action can be simulated and tested before being Boon (Eplpbamic): When approached via the Gate of
employed on the material plane, where the consequences of Reason, the Fortress offers an excellent opponumty co learn
any action are irrevocable. This can, of course, be a time through obscrvauon such Abilities as Leadership and Law, Of
consuming proccs:. that requires constant monitoring and the means co build up one's Influence background on the
interpretation. Results that manifest by day may be consid physical plane. Those who approached through the Gate of
cred best-case scenarios; those observed at night are Rhyme may learn lnum1dation, Etiquette and Subterfuge in
worstc~ examples. the same manner, or can find unexpected Allies of high rank
when they re-enter che physical world. All craic increases roll from the wielder. Maner, Forces and Correspondence
Mild be decennined by the Storyteller to reflect what Effects are mcorporaced, enablmg the Key tO operate on
act02lly happened in the Epiphamy. Goddesses, Muses and automated and electronic identification devices. Visirors to
gods cl Justice, lnrriguc or Thieves that can be convinced of the Epiphamy who did not encounter the High Umbra!
the justness of a cnage's cau..""C may show her how to obtain a Courts and pass through the Two Gates cannoc learn Ab1H
Wonder called che Key to the City, which aca like an ties as those who did, but have the same opportunity to
unmarcriaJ Wnt of Authority (see above). deluxe version. increase their Bade.ground traits and may be able to fmd the
This Key hns no physical component in the material world, Key to the City if they are aware of its existence.
but can materialize whatever fonn is required with an Aretc
Eorth is vibrant with life. Bil hons of humans Horizon to the Asteroid Beli , seas of roiling ether carry light,
inhabit its burfoce in the physical world. Be- heat, and soul&. Tmvel lhrough this dimension is remarkably
yond the Gauntlc1, dozens of dimensions exist liketm.velthrough Lhc Near Umbra, butwithafewsignificant
outside humnn perception, populated with changes.
countlessspintr>, conceptll, and ephemera. Each
~--.. of the ocher planets In our solar system casts a
shadow into the spirit world, but not one of Magic in Etherspace: In Ether pace, all magic iscoinci-
chem has u pres1:nce ~ extensive as the denrnl; the standard difflculcy is Arete + 3. ln general, you
extrnd1mens1onal hierarchy surrounding our cannor accumulate Paradox in pace. Botched rolls, on the
mm. Earth's 'Plrlt world-. reflect mankind's hopes, dreams, other hand, can still cause an Effect co backfire.
and nightmares. Yct as more ma~es craveI beyond the Hori- Flaws: Old Paradox Flaw~ disappear when you enter the
ron, the number of realm' on ocher worl~ steadily increases. Horizon, then reappear when you recum co Earth.
Anythmia you seek cnn be found there - and once you find Optional Rule: When a mage is hie with a Paradox
1, ~ou may never come hack. Backlash m the Hori:on, takinji! a Paradox Flaw shouldn't be
a viable opuon. Mo-.t arc \\-Tttren co be relauve to Earthly
CREBSSING TH f lRST HEDRIZEDN reality, after all. When you're ~urrounded by a kmgdom of
A sphere of spmtunl energy ~urr<.lunds the Eanh, divid- celepach1c dmo~aul'b, who cares 1( your. kin is blue, or tf your
mg its relatively predictahle real icy from the mysceriesofdeep watch ts running 1-iackwards? To ad1usc for rhis, picking up
space. Historians know that the C loud:;h1ps of the Dark Quiet outside Earth's reality should be as easy as picking up
Fantastic Age couldn't th1. boundary withour opposing Rawi. w1thm It.
powerful paradoxical force~. To some, It's a mysucal barrier The most insidiou11 types ofQuiet correspond to the local
bamng acolytes who n&pi re to leave the Earth. From the Fim reality of the realm. These either force rhe mage co conform


f I L, II I , ti t'
:'11'1l'l ; ' Vf ' :f1 '~1.1 ~ yr1, :'ti'\1.', I',Vf \
.... ....
to or believe m che local reality ("I muse make a sacrifice to elimmaccd chis last opuon, as the shortcuts to other d1men
the volcano god,") or make him insane enough to defy local sions have been lost.
reality ("I am Bob Smith, Prophet of Kansas, and I have Instead, a mage can reach Mercury, Venus, or Mars by
arrived co d~croy your volcano god I"). The easiest way co uavelmg through Etherspace (that is, the ether that penne
introduce this mechanic is to write each delusion from Qu1ec ares the True l-lomon). The s1mpl~t approach begins with
on an mdex c..uJ; the Storyteller can then give out one card crossing the Firsc Homon. If a cabal ts asnsced by a powerful
for each pomt of Paradox Backlash. Failing co carry ouc the Spmc mage (Spane 5, usually with the Break the
delusion mny rei.ulr m not earn mg experience for the se&s1on, Effect}, it can enrer the mists of lumm1ferous ether that draft
or even worse, retaining the Paradox when the mage leaves between Lhesc "inferior" planets. The Arete roll that follows
the realm. 1s called on anchorhead roll; nonnolly, it's against difficulty 8.
Crossing the First Horizon at an anchorhead require:; five
THEthlifR. succe~; Cl"().)S1ng without an anchorhead requires 10 (usu
The sea of echer drifnng between worlds doesn't just ally an extended or communal anempt) or more.
conduce light and heat- Lt's a medium for magic. Mlmscule Fewer than five ~uccesses on an anchorhead roll ensurCi
quantities of r.iw Quintessence wafr on etheric currencs, that passage through the Fim Horizon either cakes longer (a
allowing ma~lcal creatures and creations co soar through \t. In mon~h or cwo), attracts the incerc~c of powerful spirits (like
centuries past, Bygone creatures could actually sustain them Lunes}, or hurls the mage back into the Near Umbra, lOwards
selve:. by breaching ether, creating fantastic ecosystems in the a destination corrc.,ponding co his mindset. For instance, an
sptnrual reflecuon ofspace. A wakened mages can also adapt Alcashic Brother wanting to find the Shade Realm of Forces
co this rarefied envtronrnent, but only with practice. on Mars to perfect his mamal slolls may be cast down into a
Many Trad Iti on mages can actually "breathe" ether after realm where the ghosts of wr.ithful mages perpetually fight
performing a few simple rituals. Most Technocnm can't the Ascension War, or where ancient mages dabble in
without proper equipment or gcneuc mocltfications. Decades ce!Umen wizards' duels. On a botch, this new desunatlon
ago, forcing a mage outside an echership's "airlock" was might actually be a Paradox Realm.
considered a cesc of whether a mage was a TradmonalLSt or Ac the conclu..,1on of a successful ntual and anchorhead
T echmxrnc Now 1c's about as effective a cechnjqucas tcsnng roll, the magi!:) must set a course for thctr de.snnat1on w1rh a
a womcm for w1cchcrafr by throwtn$l her ma lake to sec 1f she nat11gaaon roll (usually Wi0> + ~mology). When scclon51 a
drowns. The boundary between the two phiJosophles isn't as Shade Realm, a mage who kno~ its corresponding Sphere
scriccly defined nnymore, if it was ever true to begin w1ch. can make an Aretc roll lnsteaJ. Three successes are required,
Breathing ether takes some praccice; unprepared travelers plus one for each additional traveler; communal or extended
usually only hnve one chance co discover whether they have rolls are allowed. A roll with one or rwo successes hurls the
a talent for at. sptrirual travelers at a hazard or encounter (sec the EthDic
System: Surviving in ether doesn't require any one Hazards s1debor for cxampl~}.
particular Sphere; Instead, 1t reqwres an Arete roll (diffi* At the Storyteller's ope ion, a mage may attempt an Arete
culcy 6). The fin;t rime a mage is case into the echecic sea, if roll ro reach one of the "inferior planets" instead; three
he thinks he con breathe echer, he can attempt this feat. successes are required. As a general guideline, reaching Luna
(Some hidebound Technocrats found the idea ridiculous, is difficulty 6; Man. or Venus is difficulty 7; Mercury is
and thus never tried 1t.) With three successes, the magc can difficulty 8. If you're using Wits + Cosmology, the same
breathe for one scene; with two successes, be breathes for difficulucs :ipply.
one minute; wirh one succ~. he breathes for one round; on
Am.age traveling through Etherspace soars in a straight
a botch, he immediately hegms to suffocate. After this umc,
line at a constant speed uni~ acted upon by something else.
he can attempt co hold his bre.uh, using the Suffocation
rules in the core rnlebook. A mage who makes five successes
on chis Arece roll never has to attempt to breathe in ether TH ITTEBEBNLSS NJGITT
again; he can do 1t for the durauon of a story by rolling one Perha{b chc greatest danger of extensive navel
success on an Arecc roll. beyond the Hon.zon com~ from the absence of the
moon - 1c can no longer be seen (or. when at can, ats
CaSTIAL fTIECHANJCS: NAV1GATING pha es relattve to Earth are no longer dear}, and hence,
frHfRSPACf its cycles can no longer be used co keep accurate count
The nine planets once had portals linking them to the of how much tame passes an the material world.
"real world," or Jt least correspond mg to places along the Fim A con1unctional Co~pondence 1, Spirit 1 percep-
Homon. In rhe last millennium, crossing over to one of these tion Effect may allow the mage to plane a magical eye JLL~t
d1mens1onsrcqu1rcd complex ntuals, parocularcm:um:;canceb, within the Honzon, focused on the moon, but he better
or a sample willingnes.s to enter. The Avatar Sconn has get a lot of ~uccesses co apply co dismnce and duration.
Oiangtng your velocity requires the expenditure of a point of themselves on &uch quests. And for Spirit mages enlightened, which IS immediately followed by another navi- enough to "nlk berween worlJs, there are ~pmts just as
g.iuon roll. Losing all your Willpower m the ether may make powerful~ rhey are. Some can be coerced co ace as familiars,
It mu'"h easier for somcching else to find you. companions, or allies, if only temporarily. Many have Spmt
Charms that allow them tl1 maccnahze m the physical world
GRfAT RISKS, GRfAT RfWARDS for an hour, a day, or even a year. Danger LS only one part of
Cros ing the First Honzon requires a command of Spint a quest to che Horizon; remembering co reward heroes who
5, hue even then, the dangers on distant worlds may challenge survive it wich more than mere experience poincs is a hall-
the m11!htte't mage:.. If a hero want~ to quest co the furthest mark of good Storycellm$(.
reac.hcs of the cosm0;., the Storyteller should reward such Th~ '\Orts of Boon& that might be awarded Beyond the
1dcah!>m In bygone ages, mages dwelling on the Horizon Horizon J1ffer from cho.-.e in Astral Space or ocher pans of the
cmted powerful Wonders to aid their ambitions; in the Umbra in thnt they rend robe more mecaphysical in nacure
ln(~em age, legends mny launch epic quests co find them. - ms1qhtful clues mm the workings of one or more Spheres
Although thegrcatesr Mnstersand Oracles have disappeared, are usually the mosr common. Delving deeply into these
'il>me ha\ e become ephemeral. These still have knowledge to distant Realms, however, 1s far more dangerous than places
impart, whether ic's forgouen lore, ancient riruals, or even within the shell of the I lorizon, for their laws are often
rotes that can only be pracciced outside of terrestrial reality. unfathomable ro even the most learned and wise Masters and
Mage:~ who confirm the survival oftegendary people and Oracles- Indeed, one oft he rea~ons Oracles are i.aid to roam
rlaces also gain a reputacion within rheir Tradmon. Some these space i becau~c no other region sull offers them the
contemporaries offer aid, or even boons, for heroe~ who prove same degree of unsolved myscerie:..

Outside the astral reaches, beyond the First 1t on the T c1:.hnocrats, if you mu. L - either way, their
Horuon,a few realmsex1stthatonly rnagescan degenerauon cannot be denied.
~11111111 enter. More elaborate d1IDens1ons are oolated In the lru.L cencury, do:.ens of Homan Realms served a~
within the True Horuon. More mythical realms relatively permanent plocb in the Umbra. To build one, a
are located on the inner planets (that 1s, Mer- master magu~ would need a massive a mount ofQuintessence,
c.ury, Venus, and Mal"'i); deadlier realms are a lank to a Node on Eanh that could supply even more, and
hidden wtthm the spiritual reflection of the u~ually a portal for bnngmg more materials up from Eanh.
Asteroid Belt, the Far Horizon. Once, rravel- Without that portal, NoJc, or influx of Qumtessence, isola-
l!.1;11-~~ Ing to these alternate realities was easy, even uon in a Realm dependent on rhc creacor'i. ego was a sure
routine, hut che Reckonmg has destroyed or redirected all rouce to insanity or magical Quiec. Modem Horizon Realms
paths, shortcuts, portals, and escape routes. Such worlds are have become lost c1vilizarions: they may be cncouncered
l1nce again Cllpricious, mysterious and deadly. fleetingly, Ubually by accident, hefore fading away again.
Throughout the last century, the Horizon Realms served Finding chc Balador Pleasure Oome1 or Verbena Seasonal
as an escape from reality. Ancienc Masters found refuge in Realms, doesn't depend on fixed geography or predictable
d1mension1; created in epic rituals or encountered far from methods. Tames have changed, and the very narure of nme
Earth. Now many of ch~c places nre dying, dead, or com- has chanl(cJ.
plerely forgotten. Mose lay in ruins, or are fadjng away. Even Which Horizon Realms remain depends entirely on the
in plac~ that once served to imp1re great JOY, a taint of opinion of the Storyteller. Brace yourself for a shocking
sadness preva1b. Shadow' lengthen as the crimson ligbc of concept: The Honzon Realms rhac exist in one chronicle do
Antheli().) penncatb the Otherworld:.. not need to be the same as the realms encountered m another.
There's a good rea~n why Earth doesn't look the same The., are now em:irel1 optional, like che "house rules" you may
as 1t did cenrune:; ago: ma1t1c ha:. been ceadily fading from the choose to u<;e for your own home campaign. Add in phenom-
world. In .1~e5 when mythical creaturt:5 existed (like dragons ena like ParJdox Backla~hes, Quiet, and Mirror Zones, and
and sea :,erpents), their survival depended on a steady flow of che concept IS a bit mure palacable. A mage may rhmk he'
Qumcessence. As the rift between the realms of spirit and been to the Balador Pleasure Dome, but there's no way ltl
lle;h increa cd, and the welbpnng of magical energy dried prove it ou~ide hi~ own cales anJ experience.
up. th(l5e 1mp<ll>:>ible creature:. were 5tarved for pnmal energy. Two Hanz.on Rc!alms are pre~nted below co serve as
In rhe w'3ke of the A\'Otar c:;torm, the slow death of Horizon examples of what lit~ 1n wait. A few explorers have reported
Realms rs remarkably similar. Impossible places are fading sightings of Victoria Station and the H<11low Worlds, but no
:iway. Attnbure 1r co manlund's apalhy, if you will, or blame one h~ found a penn:lnent route to either one. Both can act


,, I ~, ~ ' !
:o, 11t, i vr ' :f 1 ~1.

, vr ~
r 'I p~ , ) '' . ! , )
as way stations to further Umbral journeys, but there's no quoise, a shinlng laodmarlc sec amidst a neatly manicured
reason for any rwo mages co encounter them in quite the same landscape of pruned trees and elaborate topiary sculptures.
way - or encounter them at all. T wentiethcenrury mages Leaming to era.verse theetbenc
Reality Theses: When the Void Engineers explore these seas typically reached Victoria Station by powerful spirit
kinds of worlds, they often attempt to assign a Reality Thesis magic or Umbra! craft. Enough spacecraft had rraveled there
to the local variants of magic, clarifying the boundary be over the last century that the routes were quite establisheu.
rween whar is commonplace (or coincidental) and what is Sons of Ether would brave a tame gauntlet of Void Engineer
impossible (or vulgar). In the same spirit, each Horizon sarellices to rub shoulders with ochers headed for the Deep
Realm should at least have a Reality Thesis of its own, acting Umbra. Now its locanon IS peripatetic at best, serving more
as the guiding principle of willworking in that domain. as a destination for the historically curious than a point of
lncerpreting it is at the discretion of the Storyteller; it's a departure. The local spLrits have heard chat the Technocracy
guideline defining the difference between coincidental anti has won the Ascension War, but steadfastly refuse co believe
vulgar magic there. ic. Most live in the past, denying that the Victorian Age ever
really ended. After all, if Lord Ruchven's Union had really
VICfEBRIA STATIEBN succeeded, one would at lease expect the trains and ethershipb
Before the Avatar Storm, a chunk of marble orbited scheduled for departure to leave on time.
Luna on the Horizon. On one side, a surface as cratered as the Thesis: In Victoria Station, Victorian tedmomagic and
moon harbored numerous etherships awaiting refueling and ethership technology is coincidental. The cutting edge t>(
departure. On the other, a 19th-century railway terminal technology roughly corresponds co the science of the 1930s;
feted the sh 1p's crews and passengers with Victorian gentiliL)'. anything beyond that point is vulgar. Magic chac is consid
A neo-baroque edifice of marble, glass, and steel scood as a eced vulgar on Victorian Earth is also vulgar in this realm -
refuge for spiritual travelers, a way station for all points magic is best performed as though the mage was surrounded
beyond. lts copper dome gleamed a brilliant shade of rur by the Britishers of London in the 1890s.


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~Lt. 1 ,VJ r 0 ! . _. _1 11. /ft Q_!__. ~~LJ...... ~ _!UJ -'- 'Jl!...!..J .1UJ. _jL_
BAC~GREBUND mystery, Electrodyne Enganeeers refused co fund further expe
ln 1871, the Echenc Engineers found a paragon of dations orgamzed by Savage's society oveT the next year.
entrepreneurial spirit. An Englishman named Steven Savage responded by conclusively prov mg through the sight-
Lawrence Robertson sank a fortune into che creation of his ing mechanism of nn etheric interferometer that a huge
Trans-Spzmal Railroad, a monumental effon co link the chunk of the Lunar surface was now orbiting the moon. A
Wfld by tunnels and spirit gates. Awakened conductors noted Ed,enc Theosophical society attempted to blame the
operated the ftrSt trains to depart from the station. Robertson evenr on "Lunar faeries," but vanous technomag1cal societies
hoped that if they traveled the route enough times, making quickly 1;uppressed such rumors.
the impos:;1ble a linle more possible each ume, world travel ln the pages of nn obscure pubIication named Paradigma,
..'OUld become commonplace. Savage announced a second expedition, this rime ro the
ln the physical world, the land for the station was kept in "island o( the moon" trapped in the Lunar ether. Alrhough he
a London warehouse. On the ocher side of the Gauntlet, an had become a subject of ridicule, his reputation was salvaged
elaborate brick-and-spider-web building isolated spiric trav by his collaboration wnh a man named Professor Dubrius, the
ders from the hazards of the surrounding Penumbra. With inventor o( a marvelous new contraption called the Oxygen
each journey, the wards ai:ound the buUding thickened - Engine. ln one of the most curious social affairs known co the
perhaps inviting che chaos that followed. maglcal llnd para-sclontlflc world, Savage offered a safe haven
Victoria Station's fll'St spirit cm in, The Spirit of DaVinci, to any inventor who could devise a 1nethod offollowing him.
met with misfortune on ics 13th voyage. Perhaps it cook a This was swiftly followed by the promise o( an honorary
wrong tum, or maybe one of rhespirit gatesshepherdedit into membership in the Savage Society to any Elecrrodyne Engi-
another dimension. Some say portions of the train are now neer who could achieve this challenge before che end of the
crapped within the Dark Umbra, as part of a ghost min century.
Joomed to travel through entropic realms forever. Alter this When Big Ben tolled midnight at the dawn of the 20th
catastrophe, che warehouse containing the physical land for century, 42 men and women toasted hlDl on the Lunar
the station was sealed under lock and key, kept by che fragment. They were amazed to see what he had seen: a
execurol'5 of Robert.~'s will. simulacrum of Roberuon's Victona Sration adrift in space.
Yet an the true spine of the Victorian Age, a temporary The Savage Society immediately dedicated itself to the
setback of defeat was answered with a resoundmg and effer- station' reconsrrucuon. When the Electtodyne Engmeers
vescent burst of renewed enthusiasm. Within a month of the ftrSt "defected" to the Tmditions, the Savage Society became
crain's di.sappearance, an eccentric Ethente living in New an exclusive order. Anyone who accomplished Savage's
York City established a foundation for the pursuit of Lunar challenge was welcomed with honorary membership, but 1n
craveI, the documenting ofsuch voyages, and the quest to find later years, anyone Savage recognized as one of the "Sons o(
the remain~ of The Spirit of DaVinci. The self-appointed Ether" was also welcome.
pres1demof this society was none other than Captain Horatio The rraditions of VLctorian gentility and enthusiasm
Savage, a legend in hi5 own mind and a visionary ahead of his remained on the Lunar fragment for yerus, like an explorer's
dme. society cast adrift in time. ln fact, many of its most esteemed
In 1893, Capcaln Savage was ready to hurl himself into membcrscamecoconsiderthequaintenvironsofthis"Victorla
die heavens in a patented "Vemwell" rocket consaucred Station" to be their real home, following the roles of travelers
from scrap iron and alummum. Under cloak ofsecrecy (and passing through w1Lh an intere:.t that far exceeded the tame
Arcane councermeasures), Savage conquered the Lunar sur scandals of war and suffering related from the so-called "real
race for the flrsr time... but ac a terrible price. His spacecraft world" below.
was tom asunder by "etheric stresses," barely managing a After the Reckoning, many of the inhabitants became
rouaculous landing m the Gobi Desert. Upon has return, he ephemeral remnants of the Victonan Age. These ghostS of
fabricated a story of an "erheric Charybdis and Scylla tearing the sration'i. happier dayi. are thoroughly Victorian in dress
the very moon apart and castmg our poor vessel down co and attitude, and completely oblivious co recent events on
Earth." A probe named Raptu$ was swiftly dispatched to Earth. On any given "day," newspapers are for sale at the
confirm thi~ tale, but at immediately suffered a samtlar fate, station, but they concern hiscorical events of the past, un-
~hredded by ethenc wands before sptrahng into a fiery cara- troubled by the complcx1ues of che modem age. Over the
clysm in the remoce taiaa of Russia. massive doors of the station's entryway, four words have been
For many years, Savage said nothing of how he managed chiseled for Umbml eternity: Pax Britumia Ad lnfmitum.
co survive this journey and return to his drawing room in Pl.Aces E9F INTER5T
Victorian Gotham. Every account he gave ended with hj.,
crash landing on the moon and the fanciful creatures he saw Surrounded by n roiling sea of echer, cloaked m mist and
there, faal ing to explain how he ever returned. Because of thlS steam, a Victorian train station rests in pristme condition on
a massive chunk of Lunar cerraan. The underside of thi

ethenc tSland looks suspiciously like Lhe surface of the moon, Wherever visitors may wander, a beautiful, barefoot
or more prectSely, like a plaster cast of a moon crater. Up ro woman In a flowing dress greets them, appearing as an
13 etherships are docked there at any given time, with more anachronistic vision worthy of Maxfield Parrish. She usually
drifting through the misty "skies" above. offers to lead her guests a spacious lounge with plush chairs
On both sides of thtS cosmological curiosity, mists cast a and a massive fireplace. Here one may find oil paintings of
perpcrual gray pall. A beautiful sunset is visible in the "west" famous Ethcnccs, a billiard table, humidors ofcigars, percola
(1f such a term may be used), while in the "ease," the eternal tors of coffee, a massive lndian rug, a library ofVictonan fact
sunrise of Anthelios casts a crimson glare across the land- arid ficuon, and a g1gant1c sruffed uger. If any of these items
scape. The station is surrounded with an artiflcialaonosphere. are removed from the realm, they fade away Lke cigar smoke.
BubblesofsmokeandsteamoccasionallydriftintoEtherspace. Ln this drawing room, Savage's secret society conducted
A spirit gaunrlet further separates the atmosphere of the its esteemed meetings. Nine spmts still inhabit this room,
ration from the i.urroundmg sea of ether. (Crossing it re appearing as shade& of Victorian travelers. Each one repre
quiresSpir1t3, usually threesuccesses on an Areterollagainst senrs a different nationality. They cell stories like the
difficulty 4.) inhabitants of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales , as if waLting for
The landscape surrounding the srnrlon looks as prisrine the arrival of 1.1 train that will never come. Outside this room,
as the terrain of a child's railway ser, complete with mani- the few remaining acolytes and attendants scuny co speed the
cured lawns and trees. A few farm animals wander the passengers on their way. They don't want to hear about
grounds, although an astute observe may notice the more "recent" developments on Earth; irutead, they act as though
cultivated spirits enact the exact same behaviors from day ro the "wind coulJ pick upacany minute," a local euphemism for
day. Along the outer boundary of this Umbra! train set, one another assault from roving Avatar Stonns. Many fear that
can see a nng of warehouses, presumably filled with "lost guests who stay for too long wLll summon Umbral storms
luggage" and rusty replacement parts. Now forgotten, they are against the Statton - and the fear has some basis in fact.
slowly becoming less luminous. Travelers don't so much board a train here as summon il,
In a curiously mixed metaphor, the front steps of the with the help of the three current Inhabitants of the platform
train station lead coa long walkway resembling a wooden pier. and the visitors m the lounge. The most effective method is
Small craft and large ethersh1p:; can dock at this jetty, telling a story of an UmbraI JOumey one of the mages present
allowing passengers to disembark. Wanderers using Spmt has undertalc.en. Failing that, a tale of travels on Eanh will
magic or flight may alight on the landing as weU. At the end suffice, although the inhabitants will be thoroughly dense m
of the pier, massive marble steps lead up to a titanic set of l 0- understanding any bit of technology, polincs, or similar
foot-tall doors bound in brass, with grotesque gargoyle temporal references since 1893. The oldest passenger here
knockers. was once a Master ofSpirit, and he is still capable of perform
As the doors open, a departure gong resounds through ing the rote required co summon one of 13 etherships to the
out c.hestation. Beyond the doors, fubulousworksoNictorian station.
orchitecrure extend m rococo excess. A massive empty hall A network of walkways leads to the terminus where
awaits Awakened guests. Its twofitorytall atrium resembles etherships and railway engines arrive and depart. Noisy
a cburch nave, bur has served as a ballroom on many occa Oxygen Engines are visible at various points, chugging away
sions. When Horatio Savage toasted the first members of his to drive back smoke with gusts of fresh air. Robotic porters
exploration society here on the dawn of the 20th century, he endlessly ferry luggage, sometimes ( lt would seem) to give the
ensured its pince In magical history. illusion that the sratton is busLer Lhan it actually is. The
The dozens of doors nearby once led to restaurants, platformhasfourpotntsofdeparrure,eachendingincasNron
kitchens, and libmncs, but the corridors are now choked with girders, wooden planks, and railroad ties stretching off inco
misty apparitions. An echeric fog is inexorably encroaching the mists. Someday, perhaps, the mhab1cants of Victoria
on the asteroid, and le has since drifted into c.he building. ln station will board che lase departing train here, never to
any of these corridors, one can hear the laborious churning of rerum. The oldest inhabitant, Professor Dubnus, fears chat
the station's largest Oxygen Engine. When it too disappears one day The Spim of DaVma wlll return, heralding the fmal
mco the Mises, a sea of ether will presumably overwhelm dissolution of Victoria Station.
everything within this linle bubble. A SWlrhngspiralsca1rc.ase
bone of the few areas unaffected by the encroaching "fog of
war." It leads co an observation dome through which one can Nothing laves in Victoria Stauon, save fora few mice and
view Earth, Luna, and Etherspace. The gradual influx of pigeons (or more precisely, Mouse Gafflings and Pigeon
Paradox in this realm has distorted the telescope's view: when Jagglings). The Inhabitants are all ephemeral or mechanical,
one rums It upon Earth's landscape, the surface resembles the reenacting the events of previous eras like clockwork. Thrtt
geopohucal terrain of c.hc Victorian Age. of the most notable 1nhab1tanb have become pennanent

. I
Any mage who remains in ph~ical fonn m the Umbra favorite Effect he used repeatedly, htS conversion would
mcludtng the Homon - for three months risks a good time to give chat "rote" n name and write 1t do
$Ctllbodiment (~ Chapcer One). The same fute has
alien magQ who have remained in the Hon:zon for years USING SPHERf CHARJTls
ore the Reckoning. Many Scorytellers wilJ no doubt More precisely, Sphere Charms are spiritual abilici
er to make a magc's ephemeral Traits the same as his usable by magcs who have become disembodied and ar
mal Trasts. For mO!itStones, thts(hould work just fine. now spirirs. Disembodied mages no longer have Arete
If you're crossing over this book with other World of proper Spheres, but the lcnowledge of these Spbe"5
css games, however, you'll want to convert to Spirit incorporated mto their natures. As spirit5, they must no
ra1ts. Sec the Spmt Traits siJebar in Chapter Three, p. 70 work within their natures - they are not as mutable
se the followlng hints when converting: have as much free will as mages. For ease of rules use, Sphe
Willpower: Depending on th~ style of story you tell, Charms are Riven o level roughly conversant with actu'
can total the number of dice ln the character's best Sphere level, and they allowthe spirit co mimic many of th
k, or add his DexLerlty to his Wit$ (his base modifier Effeccs possible wich real Spheres. They work like rot
r !nlrlauvc), or simply libL the character's permanent however- preset rituals perfonncd by the spirit to evok
1llpower. magic. The mage is no longer manipulating the base reali
Rage: Figure c.he number of damage dice used in the of the universe so much as rapping lnco a deep resonan
with the Sphcre.!l.
aracter's deadliest attack. For Instance, if a mage with
ngrh 3 commonly U!CS a broadsword that inflicts Disembodied mages who have permanently
engd\ +2damage, htS Rage is 5. Note that ifa character's spirits no longer have A varars, but at is unclear whether
tattnclc involved a firearm, that attack may not work m Avatar is loOscd to incarnate m different material bodies
ntwrealm. merges with the n~wspsnt ucll that its Essence ssno longe
Gnosi : Ch~ one dice pool that best summames
characcer's cnpac1ry to deal with mystenes in che spint Sphere Chamu have a few aJJmonal limitations.
orld, chen total the number of dice in that pool. Percep- spimcannocdsrecdyaffect th~out61JC its current Real
+ Coimology and Wits+ Enigmas are two common
(although at can observe them). It cannot perform vu
ices Optsonally, you may decide to hst the character's magic (at le~t as 1t is defined by that Realm's realscy). a
1t cannot use Spam magic to permanently alter his 0\\
tt rating instead.
Essence: As with most spam:;, total Willpower, Rage Traits or those ofother spines sn the Realm (thus. at: cann
Gnosis to get the rnage's Essence racing. Ancient, use magic to change back into a mage).
mg mages mny have slightly more. By the way, one of Example: A Cu lust of ~casy named Cheshire is no
e worst effects of becoming ephem~ral is an inability to trapped 1n the Balador Pleasure Dome (after hearing las
akdamage with Stam inn. The distinction between ba,sh- call at the bar, he dec:ldc<l to stay). His traits convert lik
g, lethal, and aggravated dnmnge becomes irrelevant. this (including the three optional traits described above)
Here's the baJ news: A mage who becomes a spirit W/Upower 5: 1!e never put extra po ants into Wlllpow
much o( his ability to perform Jynamic magic. ln- (which may explain why he's trapped In Balador).
ead, he can cast a limited number of rotes from one of his R~ 4 : The swordcnne he carries inflicted 4 dice
heres as Sphere Charms. When converting a mage to a damage.
mt, wri ce down the "rote:;" the character uses most often Ono.sis 7: He had seven dice in Perception+ Cosmo!<
r h~ most useful Sphere. The rating for that Sphere Essence 7 A typical mage has seven Health Leve
omes the rating for the spirit's "Sphere Charms." The T~Chmms 3: The ~im can perfonn three roces,
ber of rot~ he cm conven to Sphere Charms as the the Storyteller decade to choose three Time Effects
as that Sphere r.mng; thlJ:),,a character with Mmd 2 rhe core rulebook None can have a rating higher than
Id hav "Ms d " l ch er had a

rbidenb. 13 gentlemen greet them each morning from the ~ the inventor o( the Oxysen Engine, and h.e may be able to
Society's dmwmg room 33 '\Colyc~ scurry about on errands repair or even equip an ethership in need of "life support."
requested by what's left of the realm's Awakened inhabitants. The crews of visiting ethcrships may consult with Oubrius
Professor Dubrius about various desnnat1ons acr the Honzon, but much of
Professor Dubnus perpetually wanders the corndors, his information is woefully out ofdate. He claims he can leave
direcringconsors and acolyreson vu nous errands. He's known at any time, but doe$ not want to, since he has "retired" from
lus tiresome conflict wich "Lord Ruthven's Union." He will only proof they can provide is that Technocrats still seem 10
noc allow any ethership to remain with crew for more than a patrol these areas. Stranger emrnnce!'> CXJst: the calderas rJ
month. Ships here for more than three months are cast adrift, remote volcanoes, thermal vents m the ocean, and even a fc\\
where they wander the mists within the asteroid's protective (heavily guarded) elevators in the world's largest cities.
bubble of atmosphere. Unknown to most cosmologists, the cunnels of lnnersp:k.t
WUlpower 7, Rage 3, Gnos1s 8, Essence 18 actually lead co outer space, fonning unstable pockets ol
Charms1 Matter Charms 3 (Fragments of Dream, Straw reality along the First Horizon.
into Gold, Sculpture) Networks of subterranean tunnels and caverns connect
Margrave Luftwelle 111 disparate realms, forming an area of "lnncrspace" accessablc
Margrave Karl-Werner Lufrwelle Ill is a masterful card only co masters of Matter, Spirit, and Dimensional Science.
player, bucpos:s1blyinsane. He dresses as an OldWorldhussar. A few scam decades ago, Ethentes documented that a mv
A master of transdimens1onal communicacions, he some- eler could burrow from one side of the planet co the other-
times receives distress calls and dispatches etherships. from Chicago to China, or Berlin co Bolivia-by 6pelunking,
Although his command of magic isn't what it used to be, he caving, and crawling through lnnerspace. Countless runnel
was almost a master ofCorrespondence when he was trapped have since collapsed, and lnnerspace is no longer the subtc1
here forever. He can contact any ethership in the Near ranean spiritual shortcut it used to be. Haunting evidence
Umbra by rad10phone (asoneofhisCorrespondenceChanru); suggescs that the former inhabitants of cenam lost civili:a
his remaining magical feats involve his skill at cards and love tions are attempting to escape lo che surface world, perhaps
of his telescope. prodded by an inhuman menace that threatens all mankind.
Willpower 6, Rage 5, Gnosis 8, Essence 19 Would you dare descend into such an abyss? Seekers ftcr
Charms: Correspondence Charms 4 (Contact Ethershap, horror would nslt all they hold dear to unearth such secre~....
Correspondence Sensmg, Chain, Bubble of Real icy) Thesis: Reality here is based 1n the pulp sci.ence of 1930s
UrrRe'ok fiction. Wondrous feats of technology arc possible, and P'~
chic abilities nan rampunt. Occasionally, a lost civilization
UrrRe'ok: ls an expert in the history of eche~hips. She
will hnve its own approach to obvious magic, but these feits
has ttn office with many fanciful drawings of such craft, and
are based on Sphere Charms, not dynamic magic.
she remembers all of the ships that have been abandoned
here. No one looks askance at her, despite the fact that she Is fiACKGR.EBUND
a sencienc, bipedal protocerarops (complece with three horns) Behold the two-fasted, hoc-blocxfed world of the 193051
who communicates telepathically m English, Gennan, and Bursting with action and adventure, the Thirties wen: a
French. She dines every night on ephemeral pigeon. golden age for the Sons of Ether. In an era of heroe;, the acme
Rage 6, Gnosis 5, Willpower 5, Essence 8 of adventure was Doc Eon, the chansmatic leader of the
Charms: Mind ChannsJ (Mand Empowerment, Psychic Terrific Trio. Together, they would go anywhere, fight any
impression, Probe Thoughts) one, and do anything in the all-imponanc pumut of science.
Eon garnished a fortune from extensive archeological discov
TH HEBLlJ9W W EBRLDS erles In South America, where golc.1 was abundant and danger
Atlmris, Lemuna,Shangrila, cheLoscWorld-Eanh's lurked in every occulted corridor. For years, he failed co
hu.tocy is filled w1ch legends oflost cavillzattons, places buried understand the origin of his propensity for discovering pre
under the sea, hidden under the Earth, or lurking just beyond cious metals: a latent command of magic (including
l~t honzons. When a legend as repeated long enough, at Correspondence, Matter, and Time). In later years, Doc &m
come alave. In the Honzon, these legends have caken form, demonstrated a remarkable talent for unearthing the am~
crafte<l from ephemera and shaped by imagination. If these sible. Until his f'mal showdown with Nephandic forces m
placb were merely concepts, some scholars muse, they would World War II, Doc Eon would oppose many manifestations of
be repre.:.ented in astral space, but withm che Horizon, chey evil, mcludmg those htdden an lose worlds.
are acninlly living, chnvlng testimonies to lost civilizations. Throughout millennia, the Awakened and the Aware
One extensive Otherworld connects chem all through an have stumbled upon subterranean c1v1lizations, briefly en
elaborare network ofsubterranean tunnels: the Hollow Worlds. countering evidence of their exisrence before spiritual m1sr\
According some Sons of Ether, the Hollow Worlds are roiled in co obscure chem again. Yet Eon is credited with
Ltke a ~ond Penumbra, not above the Earth, but below at. discovering the network of lnnerspace iliac extends beneath
The easiest way to reach this dimension is by accident, like the Earth's surface. Whtie quesnng foT rhe mythical realm of
Alice falling down the rabbit hole. In the wake of great Agartha, he became the f'arst outsider to explore its surround
corms, mo.5t of the re liable entrances leading to subterranean ing Umbra.scape. DiUgcntly, he chronicled an ever-evolvme
lc.angJorris are now sealed. Ethericcs are quick ro blame the geography as his mastery of the Spine Sphere grew. With the
Void Engineers for actively closing many of them, but the help of Joe "Lucky Skunk" Ross, Frank "Bull" Barrett, nnd

Simon "Sesqu1peclalian" Smith, he later constructed the
Malfean, a behemoth case-iron subterranean digging appara
ws that allowed him co explore darkness beneath the Earth.
The torpid world of ordinary men and women was
unrrerared for the spectacular discoveries that followed. Doc
Eon wanced to liberate mankind from its conventional inter
rretauons of geography, but Joe "Lucky Skunk" Ross, as his
personal lawyer and adventuring companion, rewrote Eon's
journals as asenahzed narrauve published in the cheap dime-
ntl\'cl fonnat of the day Lmle did Doc realize that a small
soc1tty ofSons of Ether suspected chac the tales were crue -
and a.~1red co follow m his tank-cracks. After using their
Awakened insight to deduce the subtle clues Ross had hidden
within the document for tho Enlightened, the race was on to
rxplore lnnerspace. Etherites and kindred thrillseekers began
1.on-1uenng a new fronc1er!
Through countless expedinons, the Sons of Ether rein
forctd thesupemarurnl pathways beneath the Earth's surface,
but a cunous phenomenon plagued them. Although the
tntrances they found to lnnerspace were rehable, the lost
C1\'1hzauons Doc Eon wrote about were never encountered in
tht ~me way cw1ce. "Subumbral" mists constantly shifted co
obfuscate their true locanoru, a subterfuge only the most
adtrt $J>antualiscs and sc1entLSts could conquer. By the mid
1930s, o;c1entLSrs had only discovered two reliable entrances
1ntothe lnnerworld These, the largest means ofenuanceand
tgrC$, lay at the North and South Pole: the "holes at the
poles." Visionaries hke Poe and Lovecraft had composed tales
1.lf lost civ1lizat1ons m Antarctic realms. Had they glimpsed
the future, or had che zeal of the Ethente societies brought
them to life? Regardless, the clearest escape from the poverty
and suffering of a world wracked by the Great Depression lay
beneath mankind's very feec.
Then, in 1938, a most remarkable realm of lnnerspace
rcvcoled itself: the Hollow Earth. Ordinary men Uve on the
outer circumference of the Earth, but unknown to human
hutory, anotberinnenuorld was thnving on the mnercircum
ftrence of the Earth And at the heart of lnnerspace, in the
center of che planet, another sun cases irs perpetual. light on a
pcr/tcd'J spherical umversel Teams of Etherice explorers delv
ang in clus "Inner Earth" made contact with a primitive tribe
a( degenerate half-men who worshiped a star at the hean of
their universe- an inner uncalled the "Smoking God" -
the bnnger of lafe. lmagane 1 Here Wal) one of the most
momentous discoveries in the history of Awakened explo
rarion 1
Sul as World War loomed on the horizon, high weird-
ness claimed the innocent realm. Throughout its untold
bUpemacural history, emissanes of mankind had survived
bncf encounters with subterranean refugees: Atlantean ex
11~.Aganhan monks ,cabtOut.SfromShangn -la,andscranger
para-evolutionary specimens. Within days of mankind's dis-
covery of this Inner Earth, another degenerate tribe declared
war on the surface dwellers. The sinister tribe's weapons of


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war were not mere pears and stones, but fonrudable psychic Ad.anci.s: Numerou.s subaquatic civilizations now bear
powen.developed after millennia of parallel evolution. Dwarf- this liObnquet, each one having vague resemblance co fam
'1\(e creaturel> had hidden from the surface world since the submmed by Plato. One Atlantean Realm reqwres the trnv
dawn of time, u ing their mastery of Mind co erase aU trac~ eler to use Matter m~1c to breathe the warer; a second is
of their exi tcnce. defended by telepathic dolphin magi empowered by sacred
The much-neglected visionary wncer, Richard Shaver, alien crystab; a chmJ is guarded by the ancestors of Atlantcan
had chronicled hlli encounters with a race of this lcind in the kin~. who ~lbtain the ancient populace by magical jewelry
pages of another pulp magazine: Amazing S~ . The edu- wom by the nobihcy. No one has been to Atlantis twice,
cated reader (or at least, the educated Etherice) is no doubt however, so verifying such stories is nearly unpossible. Per
familiar with his mle:; of Titans in the Eanh, the Atlans, haps these tales arc merely the result of insamcy, Quiet, or
whose empires rose and fell beneath the surface. Beneath our waterlogged Paradox Realms.
very feec, demmenrnl robots, known as the dero, schemed B1owp1a: Dinosaurs run rampant in this Lost Kingdom,
against mankind. Set against them were humanity's allies, the where the mnny stages of evolution are preserved in pocket
integrative robots called rero who worked to occult the dimensions. Sume reports suggest that portals and gacewa~
sinister subterranean society's schemes from the societies of here once led to Venus, hut that's sheer poppycock, ofcourse.
the surface. Woe! Had Shaver known the truth all along? Or Here a traveler can find Modassai, the mother of all jungles,
had the coll.ectlve imagination of the Etherites once again or an em ire ecosystem adapted on the slopes of a 6000-fooc
shaped unsullied realms with their coliective nighonares and high volcano that hungers for sacnfices. Explorers still quesr
empowered willworking? for the losl villages o( the Wybassa, caretakers of the Great
The story J,,'l'OWS even stranger. Some Sons of Ether Serpent River, while avoiding the deadly encampmenrs o(
believed chat their ah1scorical exploratory societies delved the cannabaltst1c Pokotan, cl1ff-<lwellers mutated into hor
too~eed1lyand too deep. like the dwarves of fantasy legends. nble monsters hy an abundant supply of radfoaccive minerals
A pcrva~ive theory holds that the dero and tero are actually in their homeland.
hobgoblins of the mind, anomalous phenomena created by a The complex, moisture-laden ecosystem of B1otopia
tremendous Paradox Backla.,h. Some p<>SlI that che Echerites combines with numerous thermal vents ro creace a hothouse
actually created the5e realms as they delved, and that their environment where plane-life can attain massl\'e propor
ambiuon and hubns ummoned the very spines that would tions. The thickest concentrations of plants contain
destroy them. None can confmn or deny chis fanciful theory populauons of herbivorous dinosaurs, which in rum feed the
- they can only deal with the consequences of the Atlans' camal appetites of moredanj?erous ch under lizards. Occasion
exi.<itence ls 1l cruch or Paradox 7The answer lies in lnnerspace. ally che.-.e manic beas~ wander mto realms frequenred by
humans, showing visiting mages how accurate the films o(
tcEBLEBGY Ray l:lrryhau.~en really were.
The caves of lnnerspacc maintain a conscam tempera The Shard Realm of Matter: Several reports suggest char
ture of 65 degrees, and are suffused wich a pale illumination there are nccually runnels lending from the Hollow Worlds
of unknown source. As a traveler continues down a corridor, to che Shndc Realm of Jupiter. Such claims are usually
plnm lifo accumulates on the walls, and the substance of the dismissed as utter bunk. Further speculation holds rhat
rock cbnngcs. Jfyou're seeking Atlantis, look for seaweed and Jupiter is large enough to contain portions of Hollow Earth,
coral; if you're stalking the Goro monks of Agartha, it helps along with 1lollow Venus and Hollow Mars. In theory, It
co know ubout obscure Tibetan flora. The caves are relanvely mny he possihle for a traveler ro find an anchorhead ro one
devoid of higher lifeforms- unless you stumble upon a crap of Jupiter's Planetary Realms within the Hollow Worlds
sec by the dero, of course. (crossing 11 would require 10 successes against a Marcer
Pl.ACS E9F INTfRfST Gauntlet, as de cnbed in rhe Alternate Gauntlets sidebar
on p. 21) Cyn10 have suggested that all such sighting~ are
Agan.ha legend holds that the Nazis sent "occult spe- che re~ulc of massive mindscapes crafted by che dero to
c1alM~" tnto the depths of the Earth to find this lost lcingdom,
mislead the unwary
based on an amfact Hider held in ht.s personal collecrion.
This subterranean monastery lS eas1esr to reach from the
mountains of Tibet, although some believe your chances
improve 1f you're ~uffenng from extreme oxygen deprivation RfAuns
while climbing the highest peaks. Immortal masters of medi- In 'he begmnmg, there U !O.$ Ute One, perfect and mfrruct,
cative mama I ans, the Goro are a peaceful people said co have encompassmg all crtacion In one dynamic burst, it frogmenwJ.,
developed powerful ~ych1c techniques for repelling dero fC1Mning srars and planec.s ofthe universe. Shards ofdlvirury la)
invru;loru. m the smu:cure of planec.s and the sculs of che Awakened. The
dtt Nm.t Sphem rtmoms m dtt nine planets
Ttl0!\a11ll of tach of Wilds, demonstraclng ar least a potenual for life on the planet
!four s,swn. k above, so belotu (a fact thac delights the Sons of Elhcr no end). Realicy on
- Winston Teyvcl, Mmunal Cosmology, 1553 worlds like UranUb and Neptune is exceptionally mutable -
llus mcroducnnn from the cosmological documents of the spmb can craft tnd1v1dual mmdscapes and dreamscapes
anoced Henneuc t!'i cyp1cal ofa common view of the cosmos. almost instantly co ac.commodate seekers, explorers,
It' a' good an explanation as anything else. No one can psychonaub, and other excmd1meru1onal travelers. le is also
dicrooghl\ document all the realms and extra dimensions possible that che co~pondence bccween different worlds
beyond the First Horizon. lf we need an anchor for our exrra- and Spheres may change as well. Jupiter holds the Shade
d1mcru.ional epistemology, it might as well be the nine Realm of Mauer, for example, but one massive storm on its
~hani Realms. surface mighc pomaneoUbly create a temporary Force Realm.
The Shard Realms reflect the sun, the moon, and the Don't look fo r one "" list of Realms, because
nine planer:. of our i.olar system. Experience venfies that in any list you could reed would at best be a snapshot. By the
each realm, one of lhe Nine Spheres ls dominant. lt is as cime the film 1s developed, the subject has changed. lf
though the very character of the realm and the planetrefl.eccs substance m the spiru worlds is, by its very nature, "ephem-
the essence of char Sphere. Acts of magic Rssociated with that eral," then Realms may cnme and go al Lhe whims of the
Sph~re are often CRSlcr to perform there, and usually remark- cosmos. And a spirit like an lncama or Celestine, far
ably coincidental. According to borne accounts, simple acts of removeJ from "consensuul real ii y," may easily entertain
11illworking hold great power in such realms. A breath of whims only gods can fiuhom. Le:.ser creatures, like mages,
wmd that lifts n feather in the physical world may move a may crenre their own realrm on other planets, but as on the
mountain in a realm dominated by Forces, at least if the Homon, chat can be a ~ure way to disconnect from the rest
throri~u are C()fTCCt of the universe. Mose willworkers should be conrenr co
At one ume, the Shard Realms were accessible from explore the rest of reality firi.c.
Shade Realms on the 1loroon Each Shard Realm case a fRAGmEN"TS
reflccuon on the Homon in the form of a Shade Realm,
Legends pcr.-1st of bizarre and unique dunens1ons exLSt-
l\htch could act~ a portal to that distant planer. Smee the
mgon these \VorlJ\, hue m 1he 21st century, few witnesses can
Avacar Stonn, these former ponals have become tteac.herous,
confirm their continued existence With so muc.h urevision"
~emus, distant, or mt.sleadmg. Eac.h one re.embles the
takinf? place in Eanh's own 1ip1m worlds, mages are far more
spmtual land.scape" of lb re:.pecuve planet m some way, but
liJcely to que:.t acr<b:t che Honzon chan brave the perils of the
die Umbra) winds have altered them. Powerful spirits are
Void, especu1lly when ~eking near-mythical Shade Realms.
needed co find them, and M>mecames the sptnts themselves
mu\t be sacrificed to the winds before a traveler can escape Technocrottc archive ~peak of a handful of cnumphant
bt:yond the Horizon. exped1uoos in which Vmd EnRmeers encountered "ghosts" of
these prcviou rcalm!o. Since Technocrat5 mounting such
Oki-fashioned loremm;rers have the disturbing habit of
expedic1onr:> were no Joubr !solaced from the Earthly realm as to the various planets by the names of their Shade
well, 1t is possible many of those explorers are now about as
Realnl$. Ft1r instance, n l lcrmetlc referring to Jupiter may
real as the manifeiitntlons they encountered. Cynlcal Tradi-
choose co call it the Shade Realm of Malter Instead. Instead
tionalists dismiss such mies as propaganda, buc che
of speakln~ of the Shade Ren Im of Matter, it's much easier to
Technocrats' stories do have origins In truth. ln all of the
simply describe it as che Matter Realm. Technocrats are
Shade Realmb, reflecuons of Lhe pasl Still linger on. Ghosts of
\'1ltlled for just calling a planet a planet, but that's tbe easiest
the realms' previous 1nhnbltunts may still be visible to those
label to use.
who look for them, ~pccmlly for disciples of Entropy and
As the spiritual and ru;cral lam.bcape surrounding Earth
T Lme. Realms of Shade now hold shadowi. oflegend, history,
demonstrates, there's no limit to the number of Realms and
and myth. Appanttom; of a Realm's legendary past are some-
d11nen!l1ons ~urrounding a planet. The more mages look, the
times known as fragmcus, a name once applied co the Shard
moretheyftnd. Theoreucally, most ofEarth's,.p1ritworldsare
Realms them~lvc~.
in one of three places - one of the three Umbrae-- but there
Of cou~. the Technocracy has it:. own paniculac reac-
art rlency o( excepuons to che rule. Aher all, in a world of
oom to these event . The dangers of Dunensional Storms are
lun1tle5$ pos:.1b1liti~. 1t 'shard co have ndt.s at all. On a distant
now considered too hazarJou:. co Void Engmeer e.xpedmons;
worlJ where chere aren't six b1ll1on conscious mmds thinking
thus, high-ranking SynJ1cat~ and Ivory Tower representa-
"no, rntliry IS Ii~ ilUs!" - well, anyrhmg's possible.
tives have cut their fund in~. At the height of the Reckoning,
Here arc che basics of what we know: Eac.h planet has ac
exploration of the Shard Realms was a very Low pnonty,
least one ShaJe Realm, bur some have many other types of pan1cularly after the Unioru.' Horuon constructs were iso-
milms. Venus and Man., for Instance, have their own Spirit
lated from the terrirories on Barth they were assigned co
monitor and protect. Some groups of rogue Technocrats, HRfA.m .
however, have decided to risk their lives co reclaim these lost All of this information and cosmological epistemol-
lands. The crews of these Vold ships muse ulcirnateJy decide ogy - data conceming imaginary realms on distant
whether to eradicate the fragments they find- treating them planets - means httle in the real world. Anyone who's
as other ghostly manifestations- or create colonies of their been beyond the Horizon for over a week is going co have
own according to Technocratic visions and agenda. crouble adjusting back to life on Earth. Aside from any
lf reality in a shard Is mutable, as some scholars attest, It dice pool penalties or game mechanics, once you've
may theoretically be possible to shift the Realm's reality back rerumed from another dimension, Earth looks like a
to its former smce. For instance, in the Shade Realm of dtfferent place.
Mercury, travelers may encounter the ghosts of the Baoni Asking someone for the time of day i& a routine
explorers who tried to colonize that Realm centuries ago. occurrence all over che planet. Bue the simple act of
Perhaps there is a way co return the colony co life. Whether approaching someone to ask, "What month is it?" -or
that requires rebuilding the colony's defenses against great t"ven won.c, ''What year is it?" - cm be met with
heat, the arrival of a true Batini hero, or a quest to confront skepticism. Zones, anchorheads, and Paradox Realms
the very spirit of Mercury is entirely a matter of speculation. havea habit of tricking mages lnto thinking they're back
on Earth, so it's perfectly natural for a rnage to be
ca.fSllAL mECHANJcs: skeptical of his surroundings. Conversely, many of a
SHADE RfAun IllAGIC mage's routine activities many appear insane to ordinary
You may safely assume that on all planets and in their people. and in major cities, most people actively ignore
corresponding Shade Realms, all Effects that use chat realm's che insane. A wild-eyed mage who calks co inanimate
Sphere have a -2 difficulty. Conjunctional Effects with that objects, has trouble adapting to Earth's gravity, or at-
Sphere are at a -1 difficulty. The Storyccller may decide co use cempts to walk through solid objecrs elicits far more
the "automatic success'' rule for Effects using that Sphere. ln hostile reactions.
other words, if youc Arete racing is greater than the difficulty System: If a mage incurs Paradox on the Horizon.
of the Effect, you may be able to perform 1t without rolling. If one ofics subtler effeccs is tricking the mage inro believing
:.everal characters want to use these abilities at once, roll e is still in the Realm he just left. Each point of Paradox
initiative. incurred on the journey grants a "spirit modifier" to the
Note that spirits from Lhese Realms almost always have <ltfficulty ofaU Perception rolls. Every two points bestows
Sphere Charms associated with their Realms' Spheres. If acumulacive + l difficulcy. Ifthis pushes thedifficulry past
you're a spirit, finding your way on Mercury is damn near a threshold (that is, past difficuJcy JO), he will interpret
impossible without Correspondence, and nothing can exist masc of what he sees in terms of bis last dimension. When
on Pluto for long without Entropy. you've spent too much tlme in the Hyperion Realm, for
m.stance, everything looks like a sci-fi movie. This Para
I11YrH AND PARAl:>EBX dox canonlydtsappear with timei it"stmighrens" atarate
Mythic Realms reflect a planet's legends and tales, acced- ofone point a week. lf me mage incurs Paradox Backlash
ing to the desires of travelers who expecr to see Greek gods, however, that "pennanem" Paradox still adds to the dice
pulp monsters, or similar human inventions. Since reality in pool for the roll. Mark the Paradox Incurred in the other
a Shard Realm is highly mutable, influenced by the traveler dimension with an asterisk (*) instead of an X to dtSc:in
who perceives it, the spirits may choose co adapt to a form a guish it from ordinary Paradox.
spiritual traveler can understand. A Son of Echer fluent in
pulp fiction may face a world like Edgar Rice Burroughs's task, solvmg a pU%%le, resolving a story, or crickmg the local
Barsooro. Conversely, Technocrats may face a harsh envi- ephemera. As you'd expect, this may launch additional ad
ronment with sparse evidence of life-but just enough co ventures.
merit furcherexploration. This theory has resulted in various
attempts to shift reaLcy in these distant realms, lending a RfALrry Demos EBN PRCfPTIE9N
whole new meaning co the tenn "Void Engineer." Contrary to the desires of individuals who publish boob
Isolated planets are also ideal locations for Paradox on the spirit world, there is no absolute and 1rrefutable
Realms. Some planets have become prisons for the powerful interpretation of a planet's spirit realms. A hundred mage~
mages who sought chem, evolving an entire Realm around may visit a planet and find a hundred different pennutatiom
one Master's dream. A mage may be able to use magic m of the same dimension. In the past, one powerful mage could
escape the local Master's Paradox Realm, but further back- expend a vast amount of Quintessence to create a Horizon
lashes can tum a heaven inco a bell. Mages may flnd entering Realm, fighdng the collective imagination of the bilHons o(
one all too easy, but leaving may require performing a specific minds on Earth who thought such places never existed. In a
the Earth is 88 Jay:;, while a complete rotation (a "Mercurial
ftlERCURIAN CEDSITlEBL~: Day") is 58.6 day:..
THE NINE SPHfRES The few Ahl-1-Bauni astronomers you might encounter
Historically, Hennetic mages have published in the modem day claim that 500 years ago, the planet's
the following corre:.pondences becween Shard Realms rotauon rook the exact amc time as at:. revolution. The first
and Shade Realms. Batin1 colony on Mercury re:.ced on the "far side of the
'Planet Shade Realm planet," clCR enough co the light side the temperature
Mercury Correspondence was near zero degrees. Blaming the failure of this colony on
the degeneration of che planet's rotational speed is a rather
enus Life
clever way to exonerate the Batini who once Laved there.
Eanh Prime
Mars Forces BACKGRffiUND
Jupiter Matter From Earth's perspective, Mercury ls close enough to the
Sa tum Time Sun that it never shines brightly. Morning and evening are
Umnus Spirit the best umes co see It, when It hugs the horizon before le secs.
Neptune Mind During the Renolssance, some acolytes attempted to track its
Pluto Entropy position during other limes of the day as an exercise in
Correspondence. This moy have led to the Hermetic belief
There are other versions of this List; many are
that Mercury was tied co che Correspondence Sphere.
niectural. The mmt concroversiol one suggests that
the Sun ls Prime, and chat the Earrh does not represent In rhe 16th cenrury, Masters and Oracles of the Bacini
;a )Ingle Sphere, but is instead the axis mundi of all
Tradition allegedly found their wny to this planet's
pbec~ - it's where all Spher~ meet and mmgle. ThJS
Umbra.scape. where they e:.cabhshed a colony known as the
Cuy of Brass. The un's bnlllant lighc, fumed through the
may explain why only Earth has minds, spirits, and
Umbral aono:;phere and magical barriers, bathed the lime
panems all embodied by lifefomu. Of course, a spint
quc~c to the Sun to prove Ir:; connection co Pnme would
stone buildmgs of this Mercunal landscape with a coppery
be an epic 1oumey indeed sh.ecn. According co an account called the Record of Marcella
Decw, the Baum colony was eroded over centuries by over-
whelming heat, and eventually pen hed 10 flames. The author
lifeless rock m space, there may be fur more Quintessence and of chis book cla1meJ to see the:.e events in 1846, but it's
almost no resistance to such schemes. If anything, such possible they were reflecttons of events that had happened
attempc.s may work too well. centuries ago, in the future, or never ac all.
When VicLorian mage set off mto the Void to colonize
the Ocherworlds, they attempled co reshape them for their DescRJmeN
own particular philosophies. &>me actually beli.eved they The surface of Mercury re embles rhaL ofour own moon.
could make lo into a Technocratic haven, or erect mankind's Meteorites shaped its cratered surface, and the lack of atmo-
grentest chantry on o~nymede. Jn some cases, everybody sphere helped preserve it. One of the largest craters, the
won, and everybody losL Five different expedilions to Venus Ca1oris Basin, shows the sltc of an impact so severe it sent
may have leJ LO five different Realms forming on the planet. seismic waves the semi-molten core clear through to
When the inhabitants became Disembodied from Earthly the other s1Je.
reality, chear Realms foJed away, leaving only fragmencs of Once the Mercunnn Shade Realm held great cities, but they
what was. Since the phenomenon of Disembodiment is have long since fractured. O>rrcspondence magic is powerful
&trooger than ever now, ambitious Void travelers can find here, but 1thas twisted theortlerlycomdotSof the Batinicity into
what they're looking for beyond the Horizon, but if they do, a Byzanttne labynnth wonhy of &cher. The local spllits are
they might never rerum to tell anyone about it. mrimately familiar wath the shifting pennutations of comdors
and rooms, nav1g:mng them Wtth shortcuts that defy all Earthly
ffifRCURY logic. A visitor may actually be pcesent in several room:> at once.
In the ph)l!iical world, Mercury as an airless, crater- GraviryalsodepcnJson yourpomc civ1ew. A()()Ci may warp into
poded world with a !.low rocauon, no volcanic activity, and ceilings, and arch1recrure may suddenly disregard gravity en
extreme temperatures. The side facina the sun can reach over ~ly. To undcmand events in the Ciry of Brass, a traveler may
700degrees Fahrenheit, while the other can plunge co almost have to watch event:. m several different locaoons at once.
'00 degrees below zero. The mas:;1ve gravitational puJl of the (Thus, mages may need co use a first-rank Effect called
Sun has rapped away any atmosphere Mercury once had. As Polyperc.eption to understand what':. going on.)
a result, the surface tempera cure ls h agh enough during the day An anonymous Virrual Adept cl.auns to have seen frag
to melL many metols. Mercury's "sidereal period" for circling m.encs of rhe Mercurian Realm drifting on the Horizon, but

w1sel) Jcl tJlJ wavrnJ all rnntact w1t1111. Most mamfcstac10n.-.
ul rhe ( ' 11y of Bms:.only nppear 10 Mercury's SharJ Realm, hut SPIRffS fREBm ffiERCUR.Y ~ ~
Mncc chi: tn u rc pal.Kc rc!>ts ac rhc "correspondence pomc," 11 Pushmi-Pullyu (Escherian Anomaly)
1.:uuld chl'1 rc11e<1ll) .1p~.1r 1mide a ~ h.-ide Realm, a Parndnx The pushm1-pullyu is a spiral wormlilce crearurc
R\.-alm, t e\t~n a Mythtl Realm 111e-e sharJ, 1hre<1ten Ill with a bulbous head on either extremity of its scaly body.
cn.,narc unw;1ry cran~t...r. , unpnsonmg 1hose whm:an nmcounter Several pairs of segmented leg extend at regular inter
che1r effcu, with C1rn.,ponJencc. 111e portal behave:, much vats along 1ts body. Ics eyes are a dull-jet black, percetvmg
like a Par.1Jox Re'llm, ~rhap:. bc.-cau~ It shouldn't cxi!>t. "fTont" and "rear" at the same nme. It literally rakes us
In pm Jle chatmom,, '<'me Vtrtu."11 Adept.:> h;wc thei1n.:cJ fonn from a drawing by Escher, while its name has its
char rhc Raun1J 1Jn'c renlly colnmze rhe c ity, hut were torccJ origin m Hugh Lofting's Dr. Doolittle. i
11tt Em1h lx1..,\U'>c nf m.t,,1ve ParaJox O thers L<)Unter char ,1 a Willpower 9. Rage 3, Gnosis 6, Essence 18 '
Baum Or.u.:lcdcJ m.. l.J i way ch r1.1ugh the punal, hut lx-cau.~ he
Charms: Correspondence Charms 3
11~J pc.1wtrlul lll<l~IC lP Jo It, he w .b rmrped on Mercury and
Sentient Carpet (Parasitic Beast of Burden) '
!tm;cd to ~ndure ht~ nwn Quiet - dooming an y mage who
encered hi~ pcr,onal hell. If several Shtlrd Realms may rnex1sc Elaborate carpets and tapestries decorate many rooms
on rhc ,,unc pl.met, hoch 'rcmes may he true, and the "c1llo- within the City of Brass. Some can be convinced (wtth
msr"" may nnly hl J 1mh aware uf the mad Bmm1 Orndc. Spirit 2) to carry crnvelersfrom room to room. Others act as
Srrnngcr 1hangs havt happened, and will happen again. porcab {or traps) into less desimble areas. A Sentient
Carper can act as a temporary familiar to some travelers,
fCEBLE.OC;Y consuming Quintessence in exchange for erasing Paradox
}'.!IN wNoru. of \ li'l'l'ltnan Cvsnu~ repun sighting~ ol Willpower 6, Rage 4, Gnosis 8, Essence 18
livesti Ilk ll~lJ hy Bat ml colontsc- (or perhaps thcirJc~endam~) I Charms: Correspondence Charms 4
anJ link d.,t. Mme mudcm accounts J e.<:eribc mathemackal Batini Colonist (Refugee Cast Adrift in Time)
-ririn. that Jd1ght 111 the l.lty'::. nwny impossible pa.~gc\l.ay' Most Batin1 colonists still behave as though cheyar~
''me n..~mhle the 111 tared Barm1colorusr~. The Bauni L-srah- living m the RenatSSance age of the Sorcerers Crusade
1t..hed na~~ on Mucury, mO!>tly hy sei:mg i.mall ~lice' of Their dementia causes them to treat outsiders as appari-
'>pace fmm 1">C.1late<l pla1.:C\ on Earth h 1s unlikely than an y ul tions, and many treat visitors as though they arc.-
them ,call cx1~ man~ ll>nn useal-ile hv Void trdvdcr.;. lnscea..I. man1fe.,tations of Quiet.
d "-'t\\':l)' h1JJcn thn 111i.:h,>Ut the J11nt.:ns1on lead Cll r,,,.,m, <mJ 11 Willpower 5, Rage 4, Gnosis 8, Essence 17
h.~llw-ay' from the C1ry of Brass. The Joors anJ wmd,1w, l..IO
Charms: Correspondence Charms 4 _ - _
lhangc which rooms they connect 1,1 on a whim. ".
Ghn.,tl> ol Baum colonists suit wander rhc cnrnJors, hofJ ..
tnl! C<nver..111orl.'> w11h hemg:; that are no lunger rhere - lr The chantry's arch1tecrure was a curious mix of med1
pcrha(" .m. prei.ent 11111cher :irea!i llf the City. Becnu<ie J 1stam:c cval, Romanesque, and Moorish design. Behind the shield
and spced arc rclar1vc, the B.1tini fragment:. sometime~ travel h\ walls, the Avesqunremile campus included a mosque, cwo
tl~ing ..:mpu, w1 ~~ uf doud, or ropc..>S le-<lding t0 mm here. It i~ chapels, and a library of Alexandrian proportions. Here the
rum,ucd th.\t .1 rxm crful & ttni ~ .1lso trap(""al w1chm chi~ first edition of Mercurian Cosmology saw print, che Circle of
d1men,1lln, pcn1enmg thl' g-l"l.1gmphy tn meet his insane whims. Seven found refuge for decades, and the Batini escaped the
One his111rtan ha.~ reported s1ghungsofan inhumanly fusr Orndc Traditions' acts of betrayal against them on Earth. The
whn rr.l\lcls qmckcr than .my of the local spines, 1..k ltver1ng Technocracy invaded and decimated th.e chantry in 1995,
\\,1mm~" anJ re\'el.lt1\1n' tn the h:m1,,~ rr-.ipped tn.<o1de. Accord leaving the buildings barren and abandoned.
mgly, he h.1, named 1h1., wmged messenger Mercury The fragments of a once-great chantry are still visible on
Lhe Umbra! moon, bur most of it is in ruins. Any explorer
Pl..ACS f INTfR.fST foolbh enough to arrive from Mercury's Shard Realm fin~
\it1t' ~ 1crcun h.1, n11 !><ltellite. m the rhr..,11;al world, but rubble cloalced m 'hadows. In dark comers, in moments o(
il>genJ, Jc:.cnh: an Umlm1l m.:1on Llrdmg the planer. ln the sttlln~, one can still hear the screams of mages killed on Mus.
carftc,t Jay,ol theC1unc1l ,lfNme, the Ba rim invtteJ the Ordc1 Ic is best nor to dwell on such thoughts, for Mus has developed
"' Hl'nnc~ tu build ,\ uni' ersity on M1.1:>. Mercury'!> sp1ncu.1l a shadow in the Dark Umbra, where Nephandi have created
nKX'n. l\."-plll' the realm'~ remote kl(."r\tlon, the founder. in their own cwisted vanant of the chantry. Batiru barabbt have
tcndl'\.l 11 w .1..r .\!>a ton re...., a:. weU Many h.1storian' -.u.~pec1 rh1., developed another fortress of knowledge there, but Legend'
"''' mtl:ndcd 111 her Ml-rl.11ry fn,rn the Orderof the RL-a.~m. hut persiscof"living tomes" offlesh and blood. le is said that anyone
hcl:.Ul't' <1nly Ma:itl'~ of ( :<>m:~pondencc cou!J enter the heart who meditates too long on the chantry's dest:ruct1on may
of the Cit\' of fk<N, th1: theory ~ often discred1tt-J U tht\' ' hallow mto che "dark side of MU)," never to rerum.
Jctl.'Ct1..J other rhrcm' nc.1rh), no rvconl' remam.


1 120 THf INANrff T AESTRY

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Although not smcdy a Shade Realm, this celestial crippled with weapons fire, or lured to the surf.lee wit
follows the same orbtt as Earth, staying exaccly on the psychic mckery, mduccees are led to reception areas whe
er side of the Sun. As a self-suscauung arcology 10 miles they are submmed to retina scans, genetic, voic
Jiameter, Auchochthonia appears as a visionary, math- recognition, and epidermal scouring necessary co crack th
rical utopia on the oucs1dc. Few outside of the syscem's inhab1rnn~. The first mdoctrinacioru usually oo
echnocracy have w1tnes..~ this sight, however, in fac.t, cur through a Oat b1omechanical device with vaguel
0:.t of 1cs current demicns are Disembodied agenrs of humanoid (cnture~, a k105k chal supplies Life-sustairun
eraclon X and 111-faced Void Engineers. Orderly polyhe- energy (or crude soylenc, or derivatives thereoO, addresst
1spirits called geomi<ls patrol its exterior, monitoring philosophical quandaries, and ensures personal security
of solar panels, delicate antennae, weapon ports, Because this is not a Shade Realm, spirits employ man
locb(nowmosdynonfuncuonal),andviewports.Once different Sphere Channs. Most pints here know a fe
~ ephemera aggressively patrolled to keep intruders Com: pondence, Forces, or Mind Charms, working to
tt, Driven mad by roving Avatar Storm,s, they now gether to oppress outsiders with a synergimc screngt
nempt ro capture anomalous phenomena occurring out greater than the sum of their pttrts. The station's less loy
t and draw th.em ln for processing. inhabicancs inhabit the outer corndors, which assort
The 1ncerior is a blend o(sterile, futuristic arch1recture robots pacrol co ensure &afety. As one proceeds to the cen r
d vaguely organic nanotechnologkal creations. lnter- o( the station, the standard o( livm increases, bur sod
b and monitors pulse in every corridor, and countless the security. The air is as fresh o.s the strictei.1clean roo
lrgy conduits and translucent pipes surge with rerouted wh11e the colorot ion ofsurfaces progressively inteni.ifLes,
r Wellcways,slldewal.ks,andcranswaysleadmgthrough whites become more antiseptic and chrome surfaces mar
rs connect everything from cavemous chambers to polished.
fining spartan cells. The 10nued air 1 redolent with Low-level psychic mrerference (mcludmg condition
fusing '>Cents, from machine oil to fresh rubber co ing Mind Charms) prepares intruders for the innenno
erloaded circuitry, but it 1s rtonetheless maintained at a servitors of the scructure, being that are hard at work fusin
stant 37 degrees Celsius. the interface between man and machine. At the hean
One can no longer deliberately access Autochchonia the Construct, loyal ephemeral Iterators attend The Co
Earth; Autochthonia sends probes through surround pucer, the ultimate 1ncell1gence within the True Horu
space to process and assimilate captured spirits and Life 1s efforcless here, for resistance 1s useless. In a ant
atures as it glides along Earrh's akemate orbit. Ofall the days, the system can procellb any anomalous life form t
-'rds of Near Umbra! navigation, ic is unquestionably become an idealized and utterly ergonomic cog in th
e of them r severe. Whether c. ptured in energy fields, perfect snuctu o Autochch ni .

VtNUs penetrate these deadly clouds, hue does not allow heat ro
escape. Venus ibn'l just uninhnbicable - its atmosphere is
As the brightesc object in Earth's heavens, Venus bas coxlc. The corrosive atmosphere's temperature is above 900
atcrocced its share o( dreamers and spiritual travelers. Because degrees Fahrenheit. Even mnsterworh of Mauer cannot
che planet lS nearly os large as Eanh, scientists have enter protect anyone foohsh enough co travel on the physical
tuneJ wild speculauons o( the possibility of life on the surface.
surface. In the early 18th cencury, the Russian astronomer
Mikhail Lomonosov claimed the planet had a thiclc armo- BACKGRE9UND
sphrreofclouds, largely because his celescope wasn't powerful Hermetics have attempted co account for oucrageous
cnooi?h to make OUl further details. For cenrunes, schol.acs talcs of life on VenlJ.) by claunmg 1c IS tted to the LlfeSphere.
~teJ that moisture in the atm phere could hide exotic life Verbena historians add that every Imaginable landscape on
below t:h1S cloud cover. In the 1950's, the Brinsh astronomer Earth can be found somewhere in Venusian Shade Realms.
Fred Hoyle th comed the ex 1stencc o( vast oceans ofoil on the Before che Avaror Stonn, Venusian Shade Realms on the
surface, which alleAedly created massive drops of 011 in che Horizon led directly mto thlll dimension. The four largest
annasphere Dreamers responded by modifymg their specula- re'iCmbled the four seru.ons on Earth, resulting in dimensions
uon 10 accommodnte more exotic fonns of life. lcnown as the Verbena Seasonal Realms.
By radar, one can see that d1e i.urface is actually covered Like Mars, Venus also has 1ts own Spirir Wilds, a fact that
with sprawl mg ranges ofactive volcanoes. Roiling lava chums poses various magical and scientific mysterle . The Spirit
below an aoncxphere composed o( carbon dioxide and sulfu Wilds on Earth reflect the d1vers1ty of living things on the
nc acid. A pronounced "greenhouse effect" allowi. light co planer, includmg ecosystems throughout Earth's history. The


Venusian Penumbra resembles Earth during the Coal For~t "lifeuap:.") thtS realm spawns. Whether you ally with Tech
pertod, l'C."emblang the son:s of wild landscapes influenced by nocracs or T radit1onahscs, a mage proficient in the Life
scientists like Lomonosov and Hoyle. The terrain is complece Sphere IS essential for staying alive - or for preventing
w1ch Jungles, swamps, and volcanoes. As in outrageous tales ~methi ng parasitic and alien from livtng in you.
of i.cience fiction, the planet has fems, mosses, molds and Time in Bygone Venus 1s a questionable concept ar be:.t.
fungi. Liiards spawn unchallenged save for the predations of Living things grow, change, and evolve faster here than on
distant repulaan relauves and the perils of predatory plants. Earth. Mutations and freaks follow evolutionary paths no one
The Sons of Ether claim co have inconrrovertible proof chat can predict. The only excepuon to chis cemporal Aucruarion
the donunant hfe form in the realm IS a species of senuent is when aspinrual travelerd1rectly ob.serves herSUITOundings.
celepachic dmosaur, but no evidence suppon:s this claim. Time c;eems to pass at a "normal race" in the area aroun.d a
Hopeful magical sc1enrn;r:s cake rhe presence of these v1S1tor co Venus, but all around, ouc of sight, the landscape
Spirit Wilds as a sign chat che planet at lease has a "memory" changes ln dramatic and outrageous ways.
ofllfe. Realistic practitioners counter that life only extSts here Mages who are confident that their rotes grant immun1cy
becnuse lhe Shade Realm of Life Is here. By another theory, are often deceived by th LS last phenomenon. Perhaps a quiet
its so-called Penumbra may actually be a Mythic Realm - glen may make for an ideal locale for a brief picnic, complete
Instead of reflecting the planet's past, il reflects the collecllve with a panorama of unicorns to amuse you during your
mychs of the explorers who went looking for ic. Perhaps It's afternoon cea. By the lime you finish your watercress sand
merely a matter ofsemantics, or perhaps the Ethe:rites really, wiches, however, the road you fo!Jowed there will have
really, reall1 wane to meet telepathic dinosaurs. Boch facC:., changed. The geography, flora, and fauna will be unrecogn1z
and ne1cher fact, are crue. able. A w1Wemess may have burned down, rumed to charcoal,
and respawned new plantli and anunals that never cxtSted on
c<BL~ Earth. If you saw unicorns when you arrived, by che time
Ideally, the Shade Realm of L1fesbouldconcain a perfect you're leaving, they'll have teech for eating virgins, and the~
version of nearly any Eanhly ecology you can name. Deseru may have grown antenna, extra legs, or tentacles. The 1mpoo
and tundra, grassland and Jungles, gas-giant ecologies and sible noc only happens here three umes before brealcfast, but
underwater thermal vencs- If an ecosystem supports life, it a dcnen times during such luncheons.
hould be in here somewhere ln its own neatly contained Sadly, even che mosc robust applications ofTime magic
dimension. In theory, if Venus reflected the visions of the cannot predict such changes in che Shard Realm of Life.
Verbena, four little pockec dimensions would also reprel>Cnt Enuopy magic cannot predict a pattern in chis evolution, for
the Four Seasons, each represented by a Shade Realm one Life trumps all other Spheres here, as well as logic. Jungl~
could easily find on the Hori.ton. Theory and practice, unfor- exist in the m1dd le ofdesem., and fro:en tundra harbors wann
tunately, are often at odds. In face, m the Venusian ecosystem, oceans. Sometimes the creatures smy m their narural hab1
theory and reality are often at war. rats. At ocher times, they breed w1ch anunals from a vastly
Life runs rampant on Venus, contaminating all imagmeJ difrerent terrain, or simply watch their mutated offspring
boundaries of season, species, or ecosystem. The dominant colonize another evolving dimension. Countless permuta
landscape here is a cross be(wcen a rainforest, a greenhouse, tions of living thingi. exist here, if only for a shore time.
and a <.hnosaur movie dangerous enough to consume)urassic
Park in one rapacious feast. Nicknamed "Bygone Ven us," chis PLACS E&F lNn:RfST
realm of Venusian reality has Infected and spread across the Soft Rains: Whether chis IS a locale, a phenomenon, or
planet's Umbrascnpe. Its lifeforms have become vuulent. even a cransient Zone, mc1p1ent rain heralds it:> arrival.
Nature can be beauaful, but when you can't identify the Punishing and ccasele5:> rain pummels everything, battenng
poisonous antmal that JUSC mjected you with a paralytic down sh.elters and dnvmg travelers insane with its endb
poioon, it can get nasty, coo. The Venusian Umbrascape tS and chaotic tattoo. No Force rote or Life Effect can hold thu
more than a greenhouse - it's a green hell. torrent at bay (ac least, none chat anyone bas med so far).
Mold spores and mildew creep into the unprotecred Some consider this lmle pocket of hell to be a Paradox Realm
equipment of Venusian visitors. Unprepared wanderer:> have meant to punish mcaucioui. or constant use of magic m
drowned or gone mad from ramstonns that seem co (and overcoming the local terrain. Effects of the rain can range
perhaps do) lase for etem1cy. For Void Engineers, T echnocrnt anywhere from gradual bashing damage co actual Matter
tec.hnology can mean the difference between life and deach. arcacks against equipment. Throughout the course of a story
A breathing mask may prevent a semi-Cretaceous mutanc set here, mages may need to make Witlpowe:ror Arete rolbto
from growing m your lungs, and a firearm may protect you avoid being driven maJ by the relentless rains.
from ~mi-mtelligent Bygones too 1m~ible co live on The Amu.-eU Expedition. 13 Sons of Ether have found a
Earth. By the s.1me cote.en, Masters of the Life Sphere claim co fountain of youch in Bygone Venllll, and all of them have
have walked untouched through the worst deathtraps (or srnyed. The Amwell Expedition is acrually a sampling of
&hences chroughout history who came co Venus and re
mained. They lead minor expeditions to various parts of the
planet, but every time, they end up m the same encampment
in which they began. A visitor lucky enough to encounter If a mage can worlc magic with the dominam Sphere
1hemw11l be catalogued with thesamemamaanencomologisc ma Shade Realm, he can use his w1UworLmg to counter
i.'OUld reserve for a previously undiscovered insect. All of many of the local ha:ards. For mscance, a mage m the Life
them are confused enough to sull consider themselves real, Realm ~hould be able co deal with env1ronmencal hazards
nnJ regard their VlS1rors as mere ephemera. One of them, by usmg Life magic. Consider adapting the following
.secredya Marauder, is pmnmg the bodies ofh1s captives inan cemplace for dealing with dangerous phenomena.
entomological album he hides in a distant cave. Dececr It: Wich che fltSt rank of a Sphere, the
Dmosauria: Witness the kingdoms of the dinosaurs! As ma~e may be able to sense dangers summoned by 1t.
E.anhly science cripples fanciful ideas of tyrannical thunder Trivial hazards require one success; lns1d1ous craps may
lt:ards, the dinosau~ of Venus grow increasingly exotic. require five. In some ca~. the number ofsuccesses may
&hemes speculate that the lizard-like ephemera actually represent the number of rounds one has wtth which to
adapt to flt the conception of the mages who witness them. 30 make prepararions or muster defenses. If you can derect
ycarsago1 most species had green skin, buL 10 yeArs ago, most a "physical" dnnger approaching, you may be able co
had scales with a kaleidoscope of colors. A Tyrannosaurus dodge (that is, use Dex+ Dodge against It). Either way,
here is capable ofoutrunning a Land Rover with ease, despite Detect lt requires an Arete roll (difftculcy 4). Characters
recent theories claiming they were slower than rurkeys. True without the Sphere for thtS Realm may be able to detect
Jmosaur freaks claim to have had conversations with the danger with Perception+ Awareness (difficulty 8).
local lifeforms, dtseovere<l signs of their cool use, or to have Deflect It: W1rh the second rank. of a Sphere,
rcrformed epic quests resulting in a dinophHe's ascension to the ma2e be able to block or reduce a direct actack using
the coveted title of Lizard King. Regardless of che explorer's che Sphere. An Arcte roll (difficulty 5) can be used co
accomphshments, if he docsn 'c leave in three cycles of the soalc bashing or lethal damage. Soaking aggravated dam-
moon, it's a utle he may hold for life. age ndds three co tht. d1fficulcy The mage can only use
Seasonal Realms Pocker of the onginal Verbena Sea- this rote to defend himself.
sonal Realms are sull here, hidden somewhere within the Deceive lr: By using the third ranlc ofa Sphere.
undergrowth. Each one corresponds to one of the four sea- he mage can alter the local conditions to hide, escape,
sons. Once they served as pnsune refuges of perfect ecologies. or t.helter himself from the phenomenon. Spirits use
LegenJ holds that Lilith herselfsaved them from destruction Gnosis to make an roll against this deception.
during the Mythic Age. Historically, Verbena in the Spirit Defend Ochers: With che fourth rank of a
Wuds who wandered through the most tranquil and 1dealist1c Sphere, the mage can use Deflect le to protect one other
realll\.', of natural wonder often found atrt.s and crods co these person. Each additional person prorecced requires an
local~. whether by mupsang acros.s rainbow bridges, shaJlowmg
additional success.
through rings of mushroom,, or swimming skyclad into crys-
Defuse It: Mastery of the fifth ranlc of a Sphere
tal pools of water.
allows the mage Lo use countermagic against a Spbere
Now the paths are a ll obscured, the four Realms are Charm, including indirect attacks. Each success cake~
isolated, and the vm1lcnt lifeforms of hostile Venusian realms away one success from an opponent's Charm roll, but
rhreaten roconsume nil living thmgssurv1ving m the Seasonal only tf che opponent is using the same Sphere as the
Realms If you can c~ the lost Horizon that obfuscates these caster and the Realm. fu you can, councermagic is
3:ICJ'ed locales, you can rei.t 1n the W mcer Castle of Dragonlord easier on Earth than In the Ocherworl<ls.
Viouvre, cavort m the Spnng Cottage of An Giblin Coille.
explore the ruins of Prester John's kingdom In che Summer
Grove, or observe the holiest of druidic trndit1ons in the and shapechangers know her as Luna. Madness holds court in
Autumn Circle. Verbena who rireofa banal existenceonEarth the Lunar Umbrascape. For mage:., the spmrual reflection
someime:s quest for these lost para~. each bet ievmg she can hol~ no permanent geography- it IS different every time 1t
bohtcrthe Realm 'sdef~agam.stadyinR universe. Forsome, IS encouncered. Some Hennen~ who mstSt on defining all
dpng in the Season Realms to become a nature spint forever creation cl31m 1t IS a Mythic Realm; some Verbena maintam
is a que5t worthy of the word "Ascension." rharche faene kingdom of Arcadia is in there somewhere, and
chaL fey magic isd1scorting Its nppcarance. Cynics suggest that
the realm immediately plunges the visitor into a state of
Many world!> have moons, but humanity gees the very Quiet, fabricacmg a dimension that reflects exacdv what a
conupc of"moon" from one celestial body. To Sleepers, she IS deep and secret part of him wishes co see.
1mrly called "the Moon," but many Westem mages, mystics,
Whatl'\ tr 1lw rt''" m, .11 holl53.0J dilt"trt nr rdlel! 1on' 111 'Ptntual rdlc1.11on 1itfu, 111w uf the m<>tot d1vetSe landscapu
lunar my1hs .1hounJ ha1 11\ a harn:n \\,1~rdand \\ht'k in 1lw ()1 hernwlJ~
'llentl'b t.\11 nurrun. lti1 Ill tht shadows of crnler"; ,, l,1~1
l:.i.,'Vptl m kmgde1m wh~rt s1:n11ent cat.- i.?WmJ temple.~ 111 RM, BACKGR.<DUND
rhe J1m1 11n nl l'ho1:l--c, .1 h111.1r t.:lxlJess 111 11lt 1111are p11wcr wh11 In I K77 ll1m Jn111 Sdtllparell1 compiled the fim Je.
J.!HIW' lnlp!."lhlc fl<lWl'f' lO ol f'Klo.11111 ptm: ,,I\ tr; thesp;l\\ lllnj? t,ubl m.1p ..1 the ~url,1ce. Amons;: his more unusual
ground ,,f I lllll',, lunJr sp1111, who havl.' '- r 1frcJ enurl:' c1\'1l1- J1,co,e11t~ \\,,,a ncC\lork 111 lm1...., che asrronomercermed
;:,m1m" 1u1 111 m111nl1:.111h. Tiu: ghos1 1I I l1 >rauo ::->a\ ag1 1s II\ umal1 111.' tlw11mc!<l 1h.11 they haJ N?en waterways at ~me
thtre s111t1L wlwre, along \\ tth a do:en d1fftr1cm n:pre!.Cl\t,1
prnrn. Pl'll'l\'.tl Lnwdl latl'r agreed with him, theormng that
lltm ..1rlw gram taleol 1ht D.1rk SiJe(\ip..rnu:.m (\>n:.tru~t. Lhe~ \H'rl' 1ruhc1al -.crul 1ure' LlrveJ by a '-entient alien race.
Scnp,. ol 'llwccd II\ lhL MJre" 'llJ.!J:l.''I 1 IJ ~e,ln,, wlwre Clc~r an'pl' lllm ha, kJ rnhers tl> JeJu1..e they were some
Rtna ''' mu: t lnu~l,h1p' r1,t Ill .1 \ ;i,t ~ lfl.!"~ ~a. lr '' ;1l1\ 1; rhmt.!"1 n 1lh1-,1<n,a m1 ... rcrc'-pmm caused by lookulg
1r 1s d1:.1d; 11 b .inyrhm~ \llll m1bl Jcsirt ur ahsolurcl\ tear. ,11llc.'l:11ix: w11h 1he len:i clD:.ed Jown too far.
1 hl tvforcian Umhra.,G1pc reflect~ many of the wildest
fllARs lanr.1..1c' .1h11111 }. i.1r' t;d11.1parell1 \ f1mhngs launched Joicn.s f.!l 1re' red in d1t night sk\ The Cirl.'cks. Rllll.lll\, lt tthcr,h1p'" \\1th v1.,1111Mnc' ;lnJ drl'amcrs who would g1v1:
and B,1byl11n1 mi- all n.1t11l d 11 .tlll'r J.!<>1.h ol W<ir, while till'
0 mtan1ng .ind .,uh.. rnnc.:e to the planet\ erhenc reflecnon
Herme111.. s lwl 1cvcd fl ll\ll1ttnced the must \\ .rrl 1ke Sphere:: Mar1't II\ llnl' 11( three rhmt'h Ill the ~olar system with its own
force.,. 'I lw rld planet hah lt1spmJ many fllyt h.s, hu1 cnnnot Sr1ri1 Wild~ 11, presenn rn11IJ reflect a potential for life in
'"J'J'llrt any lrll. lllllrl' clHllf'lcx than lidwn There\ \\Hll.'r che phind~ pa,c. m 11 m.1y IX' 1me tif many Mythic Realms for
hen\ hut II\ ell h1:r I r\l'l'l'd 1111 he red r 11. k or ,ealed 111 lrn~i.:n a }.hr, 1h.11 never wa' In thi: Otherworlds, a lose Maman
i.:arlxm dt11'<1dt in thl p; 11.c cap-,. Th1. thm aDnt"j'lll're u\1la:.111on might h,l\ c sur\"l\'CJ for c.cncun~, but whether I(
i.:ann11t ld1lr 1>1H 11l.1Jh 11lt1.t\ mlet ray,, wh1ll exue1m lt'ln- is rhl la't amn,1111 nfltll 1111 M.irs or the resuh of someone's
pcrattire~ drM.:numgc anyone a11emplmg IOl'\J'lore 1rii "l'trtl ual vivid 1m,1)!'1n.1t11111 i' a m.111t1 111 :.,peculatil)n .
surt 11..l Whtk 1he plwstl. 1l m 1mte,t.lt11in 1s llnf'.'llp11l;1r, ll' \ ki-r m.tgc' "'h11 entl'r 1h1: \fanian Umbra find d1men
'tom. wlwrl' rhe Ctm.i/1 rul,t: \rnh enefl..'Y A network of Icy
!me' ..: Ufll'' mcnl!er 11111111111' t Quince: -.ence through the
SUR.VIVING 11-1 V<DJD pmt Wildrnt }.far,, 'phl 1111:ral Man1ancreacuresrepr~nt

Longttrm expthllft' In 1hc V11J m.1y h1. hazard11u' mg a \';t,1 h tl't ,tr1. hy 111 -;c 1cnte I1ctl{ln populace the landscape.
(\)your ~1111. hir ,1,t.lrt, .ti\} magi.' whll "'"~en ra"r th1. MlM .ire 1mly ~emi,cnt 1tnt, l'ut ev1Jence of ancienc c1vilua
F.n I l,1r1:1m l<ir thrcL' ph.1'l'' ,,f the m111.m heu1111e' mm' '' l11d kn here ,,, \Hll.
cphl.'mer.d: lw c,m en11.r Ethcl'p:iu~ .md the Ne-ar Um- ~1111w bd1cvc h\ l'Xll:Osl\'dy :.cuJymg archaeolog1
hri. h11r c 111nnc f'l rn1.mentl) ret um 111 Earrh. The c 1l t:\'llll'l1l l' 111 the M.1rt 1;111Umbra,11ne may finJ a gaceway
Sto[\ rdk-1 111.1y atlm~ J ni.1gl' trappe,I in tlu: l'enumhra w rn plnu!" \\ hlrc rhc~l' t.:I\ 1lrn111<1n:. cnnunue. Others counter
use '-;ptnt l 111 "ma11..ri.1lm" m rhc wnrlJ, in the rhar ,myth mi.: h.1ppcnang nn E.1rch 1:. larmcire unporranc than
:,ame w.1y .1-,pmr \\t111ld w11h the ~l.11c11 , ll1:. C'harm, h111 rhc ht,tof\ 111 1ma~mal') u\'d1:atton~ on Mar.;. Nonecheles:i,
the ll11r.111un l11r cJu, clkll nevlr h pcrm;tncnt A' 1111111crn11' "'nn, of Etlwr h.1vl -.pem month.s seeking such
a magc wamler' 1he Yrnd, hl:'r ,,1111 11,,1 he~rn' tt1 J1ss1 thtngi., mJ huw ~1.1yed long enough co ensure they
pate ( '11111111hly, M:1r,1rnkrs anJ Ncphandi are immune would t\l'Vl'I ntum. ~l'Vl'ral Erhcrite explorer societies have
tu chis dk1.1 There .Hl 1hrec ways 11111v111d rhis db~olu begun ttsll\f.! rhe phr.1,t "1>0 day cxpcuicmn" in many of its
u,1n '- 1,11111-: the C.,p1rn 1 Oeep Umbra! Travel Efku ann1 unn mtnt, 111 Umhr.11 explorm1~ms
u~m~ .1 T l'dmocrat1l llflll\ :1lent (\\uh D1men~tl>
Suenn ), "r r1.m:111\lllf' 111~ 1Jc .1eale.I1thership.
Tht Void h:1' 111 htt haz.1rJ,, of1. otir,c. At rhc l'nJ of Thl dt''l'rt' nf tlw Matt rnn Penumbra often appear as
World Wnr 11. the Tl dm1 x rai.:v anJ Tr.1J1t ion~ allu:J to l'Xtrunc 1u111uwn11n,111 \\'o!'ldand~ 1m our own worlJ The
driH llll .u the w..rlJ n1t"1 po\H'riul N1:rhanJ1 "" .m '' thmnu chc ll.:"1['\'nllme '' v.,1rmer, anJ the flora and
chc 1'l. ~h""r lf the Nephan,li J1L"<l. hut ''ffiC were I.1una Ml' n11un .1bh Jt>n,Jl 1t r. Ci ret:n 11,1Sc!> are h 1dden from all
torlt'd m111 thc lkl.'p Umh.1. Some M.1r.1UJcr. a..:ru.111~ hue tht llhht rcrccp11v1.:, ' l \ l ' for thu<.e mhab1ced by Jcadly
rretcr 1hc V111d Ill r::.uthl~ real11y, .mJ 111.1y prey up<1n pr1:d.uor'.'o l'nmHt\'l' wand1.rer" fmd no ,hortage of bea!its co
un'"'Pl'\ 11ng worldwnlkt rs or e1hn,h1p~ . Tht: tTil"k:>t ccr hunt 1 m t Im\\ :irl 1kl.' \\'1 ir Id, .111J ephemeral representation' of
. ' nl)ltlf:: 111.1t\lll''t.111tm <>I the Peep .ire the "Dcm1in l ( l:arth ', grt~Hl,1 \\ 1m11r' etemall} scalk them (both
H<mk--s," tm1ch:" rh.11 d\Hll S.) h m rhe w11rlJ we 1he hc.1'" 11t.I 1he \\,1111lt.r1rs). The l.mger a visitor stay~ on
kn\\\\ th.11 l'\'CO 1.:.1'11,d (ll!lrat.:r \\'II h tl11.'lll Uln drl\ c ol Mars. 1ht 11111rl' d.111~1.:r,111' the ec11l11J..'Y becomes. Mountain
MH1l' m.111 m.1d.

1 .,, .. lit INANfTf TAfSTRY
bvcring Bug-Eyed Bea t
The averJge M:irttan BEM runs almost as Cast as che
av~e mag 1n a cabal, but t1 still capable of ranged
attac.bagalll:it anything it am see. M06t inflict hellacious
amoun[),of lethal damage, bucfommacely, most are also
:anpcrcepuvc and easily tric.kcd.
Willpower 4, Rage 7, Gnos1f> 3, Essence 14
Charm : Fore~ Channs 2
Nubile Alien Prince
!tardy men who live for exploration have seen an
inorJlru1tely lnrgc numherofhelple&s and beautiful alien
woqien in the Mythic Realms of Mars. Mosr eschew
iolencc, but cnrry numerous insights into che workings
of the locol ecosystem. Nearly nll of these women yearn
for romtlntic Interludes wlch n<lventurous spacemen,
convincing them co ~my on Mo rs for all ecemicy. Some
have Charms resembling psychic powers co make such
otters attmcuve Wc loc;c mme spacemen that way ...
Willpower 5, Ra~e 3, Ono 1s 9, Essence 17
Charm : Force:. Charm1 I

ranges become taller, beasts grow larger, and spintual uonns

pun~h the unprepared with increasing frequency.
The mo.,t d. ngerous rcallll!> of che Maman Umbrasc:ape
bonJer the Shard Realm of Force:>. Any dangerous natural
phenomenon is po-..51blc there. lmroo 1ble storms challenge or
bll the unwary. WindoW!> into the Shard Realm are as unpre,
d1anble ~the path ofa hurricane. Once a to the Forces
Rc:alm opens nnd travelers shallow through, the unprepared
may face sudden outburllti> of wind, water, radiation, echeric
things. Only a MastcnlForces Is capable of improvising proper
Jefenses or erect h1g shclu~rs ngnlnst such attacks.
In the Umbm, dnngemus Mart inn monster present more
exotic difficult les. AkaJShics nnd Etherites alike find the bug,
eyeJ monsters of Mnrs an exottc (and perhaps refreshrng)
change o( pace from their nl'mull m1inlng exercises and
laboratory experiments. A regular column m Paraaigma fea.
turcs s11?htins,rs of these "BEM~." althouizh some suspecc they
111e merely invented a~ n way to bypas the 1oumal's normal
submi.1on requirement:.. Bccau..e of Mars' connecoon to the
Shard Realm of Force , some wamors employ quasHmpos,
ihlc Fore~ rote. to capture or subdue their prey, leading to
cunous mnovanons tn Ethe me weapon technology.
Doimtep. Mars 1 also a s1ce of great tragedy. Two
Tradmon }Cttlcmcntb offered refuge on Mars for mages who
.mranced thcm:.elves from the A~ension War. Doissetep was
onenl the largest Tradition trongholdseverdevised. During
che hc1ghc of the Ascension War, an elite terun of Techno- this settlement actually succeeded In cerraformmg a small,
cratic commandos and traitors to the Nine Traditions physical area of Mars. Walls of Force kept che experiment
destroyed che chantry. In the wake of che Ava car Storm, it- contained, but they couldn't prevent the Avatar Storm from
alongw1ch everyone who was inside the ruins when cheScorm isolating the community. A IJVmg community on a dead
began - became disconnected from reality. The ongmal worLJ wa:; mcthmg of a Paradox, and chus, the realm faded
bu11dings were constructed m an overlap zone ber:ween the mto it!> own pocket dunens1on. The people. plants, anJ
Shade Realm of Forces and the Martian Penumbra. This animals w1thm are now enurely ephemeral, creatures of purt
"pocket of reality" was effectively sealed by tempestuous ether preserved for eternity. It 1s possible that a traveler
Mart1ansandscorms. Isolated from icssupply ofQuintessence, wandering Mars for several months may actually be fooled
Doissetcp slowly becrune too impossible co exist. mto thinking 1t lS real.
All is not loi.t, however. Wanderers in the Martian Dennos and Phobos: Mars' two moons are airleM anJ
Umbrnscape can still see the fume outlines of where the rather small, rather like asteroids caught in the planet's orbn
chantry once scood. Masters of Spmt may try to summon the Phobos is only 17 miles long, and 1rs largest crater is six miles
shades of once-great mages here. Disciples of Enttopy may wide. It zooms around the planet twice per day. Deimos Is 10
deduce the ~Ices where various people and places faded away. miles wide, and its orbit is less than 15,000 miles from che
Willworkcrs can even use Time to see the chantry as il once center of Mo rs. Calculations show that it is doomed to crash
was, but craveling back there Is simply impossible. Rumor has into the surface in 50 million years. Historically, the two
it chat there 11> also a "Legendary Realm" on Mars where the moons served as prime pieces of real estate for various c.abab
Masters of Doisettep- now ghosn; of the past-still debate of mages. ~far ns we can tell, the sp1rlrual landscape of both
the tSSu~ of the Ascens1on War ln an act of supreme irony, worlds was decimated by T echnocrat1c carpet bombingshonly
they have been made completely ineffective at swaying before rhe Reckoning. Thus, the two moons malce for populnr
events on Earth, and in some 11\Stances, completely obi IVIOus locations for brief meetings on the way to che Far Horizon. No
that they will never again be a part of them. one is troubled by unwanted observation from Disembodied
Manbase One: The Sons of Ether establimed a tempo- previous inhabitants, because no one was alive there when
rary base on Mars in 1996. Unoffic1ally lcnownas"Bradbury," the Avatar 5torm hit.

ii=9:::::;ri~ After Copernicus informed the educnred citi- Perhaps this is understandable. Maybe they wnnted co
zens of Western Europe that che Earth went fmd a place in space they could consider a refuge from the
ll1~~t<'.tiii!I oround the sun, and not the reverse, it cook Ascension War, where they could be relatively sure thty
almost 50 years for mages co cross the Flrst wouldn't have co worry about caprure from the Technocracy,
Horizon and leave the Earth. Within a century, the Ncphand1, or ahen invaders. Three months after the
crave I beyond that spiritual barrier became rou- Avatar Storm began, they found it, and kept 1t, for eternity.
rine enough that travelers were no longer ln three phases of the moon, they became Disembodied from
constantly beset by Paradox. Despite brief so- Earthly reolily. Because they no longer needed co exist as
.___ _ _~ journs on Luna, Mars, and Venus, few were creatures of matter, chey became ephemeral, slowly changing
recldess enough co reach the Asteroid Belt. Spiritual shadows inco spim. Mose had forgotten about events on Eanh, nnd
of the spinning balls of rock plagued anyone foolish enough to never noticed the difference.
encer IC from nny d1recaon. Cenrunes lacer, travelers looked for Mose mages have very personal goals they pun;ue through
pathway:. and gores through the hazards of ~teroid fields. By out their lives. Some seek knowledge, snuggle to mcrease their
then, a second Gauntlet separated the "inferior planets" from understanding of magic, or wage war wich chose who would
worlds beyond- effectively creating the Far Horizon. Tech- question their phllosoph1es Other mages claim co seek"~
nocrats called the vast expanse on the other side the Deep cens1on," whatever chat may mean to chem Perha~ they
Universe. Trn<licion mages still prefer the term Deep Umbra. believe char it ltcerally involve:; an ascension co the Heaven:i,
By the end of the 20th century, vanous facnons, Tradi- when they will leave Earthly reality behind and become one
tions, Convennons and chantries regarded celesrial bodie:. in with the universe. Dunng the Reckonmg, travelers tn the [):ep
the Deep Umbra as a vast tract of real estate. Universal Umbra who sought ch1S type of "ascension" found 1t. By
cravelers would sometimes refer co moons and planets as becoming one with another dimension, and assuming a purely
"ouni" or "theirs," leadmg co absurd statements hke "we spiriru:il form, they have left Earth's concerns behind forever
control Ganymede" or "they've cak.en lo!" Ambitious The ~tero1d Belt contains a more elaborate spmrual
wiUworkers rouunely took credit for conquests achieved by barrier than the one surround mg Earth. Jfyou must define the
ocher people who just happened to share che same approach 1mposs1ble, che Far Horizon d1v1des che rest of che Homan
co magic as they did. from the Deep Umbra. This barrier is impermeable unlCSli a
traveler can find one of the gateways wichin it - a vortex of dodecahedron. Stranger things a re possible, and weirder
energy colloquially known as an anchorhead. Certain othe r things may be encountered along the way. Sadly, th is method
supernatural creatures h ave found rela tively permanent does no t help a mage actually cross the Far Horizo n, and che
anchorheads, but such places are staunchly defended . The journey may take years; thus, che practice hru. fallen out of
very force ofrealicy seems to work in che defender's favor near favor over the last few centuries.
such strongholds; in some cases, che defender's magic be-
comes coincide ntal, while disparately different invaders PLACS EDF lITTRfST
discover their magic is then vulgar. The whims oflncama and Before the Reckoning, a wide a rray of realms near the Far
Celestines, spirits of godlike power, may intervene as though Horizon promised escape from reali ty. The most famous, at
they were defending worshippers. least in magical circles, were the Horizon C hantries, but other
Historically, magesattempted to build Horizon chantries dimensions attained their own degree of notori ety. The
near potential anchorheads, opening gates for mages not yet Ho rizon Realms still promise knowledge, but they can also
powerful enough to do so on their own. After the Reckoning, lure mages into staying long enough that they can never
some mages have reported sightings of ghostly O racles who leave. It is as though reality is atte mpting to put everything in
assisted in such rituals - although others have described its proper place.
them as guardians barring the way. The Pleasure Dome is an Ecstatic C ultist's heaven or hell,
depending on how you define suc h th ing as pain and plea-
CELST1AL fTifCHANICS: sure. The mages Disembodied here have become spin es
Rf.ACHING TH f AR HEDRJZEDN trapped in an endless o rgiastic fury, whe re thei r lusts, unions,
Jupiter and Saturn lie beyond the Far Ho rizon, repre- and consumma tions are preserved for etern ity. Wi th a minor
sented in the physical world by the Asteroid Belt. One command of Spirit, o ne can watch. W ith slightly greater
method of reaching this barrier involves traveling through facility, on e can even couch , feel, and experie nce the spi rits'
Etherspace with an astero id as the destination. U se the same e ndless mergings. Those who surrende r completely to the
dice pool you would for N avigating Etherspace (Wits + sensations of this realm can lose centuries in a hlink of
Cosmology), but set the difficulty at 9. Once a mage reaches Brahma's eye. Ecstasy and eternity become one.
the Far Horizon, crossing it is always a daunting task. N o two The Gemsback Continuum serves as a "sciencificrion"
mages experience this in quite the same way: the barrier may haven for the Sons ofEther. A vast metropo lis houses citizens
appear as a river of ephe me ra, a roiling sea of creation's blood, firmly energized in the belief of a better to morrow through
a wall of iron, a field of cosmic radiation, or the shifting scie nce. Zeppelins and etherships soar above che cityscape,
shadows of hundreds of astero ids. while laborsaving devices in the home create remarkable
Crossing the Far Horizon: C rossing at an anc horhead amounts of leisure time, making every day a d ream. The
requires an extended Arete roll with 10 successes; the task boundary of magic st rongly favors visionary technology,
requires Mind S (for bodiless travelers) or Spirit 5 (for allowing the T radition to maintain scientific laboraton es
embodied travelers}, so the difficulty is 8. C rossing back where rampant research is conducted without fea r of Para-
requires a second ro ll. O n either of these ro lls, the mage can dox. With each impossible act of w1llworking, it dri fts a bit
bnng along other Awakened travele rs; each additional suc- farther fro m che Earth.
cess pulls one additional mage across the barrier. C rossing the Dozens of other realms once existed, anJ have been
Far Horizon wichout an anchorhead approaches the category publish ed in various incarnations of Mercurian Cosmology .
of "nearly impossible." (Requiring 20 successes would be Deciding which of them remain is left as a n exercise to the
kind.) In this case, a powerful mage or cabal of Spirit mages reader and Storyteller. O utside the game, some may prefer to
is actually "summoning" a temporary anchorhead - and keep a "Mercurian Journal" of such worlds, covering each
probably summoning a gua rdian, bodhisattva, or Thing from page with a dime nsion for their troupes to explore. Just like
Beyond along with it. the Hermetic versions, each one should be diffe rent.
The Dream Background: Imaginative mages seeking
the Far Horizon may follow a differe nt path, on e guided by THE AsTEREBID BaT
their own perceptions. Each traveler rolls Perception + Cos- Between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, over 5000 '
mology (difficulty 9 ) or Perception + Dream (difficulty 8 ); massive chunks of rock collectively form th e Asccrmd Belt.
take the highest result. With five successes, instead of an T echnocrats an d T raditionalists claim to have fou nJ thou-
endless vacuum or churning sea of e ther, the traveler may sands more, either in the physical world or Otherworlds.
unagine a different landscape. An aborigine mystic, for in- Some rocks served as refuges, some offer excellent Sites for
stance, may picture a n endless desert and simply walk across refueling etherships and spacecraft, an d all of chem a re now
the Void. A classical alchemist may see the heavens as a spiritually isolated from the Earth.
nested series of concentric pe rfect solids, and thus walk Twentieth-century astro no me rs speculated th at the
toward the point where an icosah edron intersects with a Asteroid Belt originated as on e plan et, possibly one capable


of supporting life. For some reason, they argue, it exploded,
forming thousands of asteroids, the moons of Mars, and many
of the gas giants' smaller satellites. Mystical astronomers have
wondered what this planet's Shard and Shade Realms must
have been like. Hermetics debate the Sphere to which they
corresponded, and whether that link still exists. Theoreti-
cians and suicidal explorers look for the answers. Despite
their efforts, events on Earth continue unabated.
For Sleepers, the asteroids arbitrarily separate the "inner
planets" from "outer planets." For many mages, they define
the boundary between the True H orizon and Deep Umbra. A
pervasive theory posits that many of the Horizon Realms that
orbited Earth can now be found hidden among the asteroids.
A few have been found, but all of these realms have been
wracked, decimated, altered, or dismantled by the Avatar
Storm. They are, at best, shadows of what they once were,
figuratively or literally.
Swirling gates of energy randomly manifest within the
asteroid belt. Whether they're found in the depths ofspace or
on the surface ofspinning rocks, they are the portals one must
pass through to access Realms beyond, including Realms on
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. A ccessing the
gate may require a powerful rote o r ritual, particularly if one
wants to reach a particular destination. Some travelers call
them anchorheads, despite the fact that such places are never
really anchored to anything except the Far Horizon .
As a world-walker travels through an anchorhead, a
whirling vortex of energies threatens to tear her apart. No
magic works within; instead, the traveler is hurled through a
cosmic corridor or wormhole until she emerges somewhere on
the other side. The voyage can carry the traveler into a Shard
Realm, the depths of space, or if the ritual is botched, a
nightmarish Realm the traveler feared during the journey.
In recent years, there have been a few sightings of former
Spirit Masters in the Void, trapped in ephemeral form outside
the Near Umbra and Earth alike. Witnesses have described them
by many names: bodhisattVas, ferrymen, or in some cases,
Oracles. Although they cannot use Spirit magic to heal their
condition, they can "manifest" in the Near Umbra from brief
periods of time, appearing ghostly and ephemeral. (This is a
Spirit 3 Effect, but the duration is rarely more than one scene.)
A Spirit Oracle can help shepherd a traveler across the Gauntlet
(using the rules for communal casting to assist). Unfortunately,
this aid carries its own share of risk, since some ferrymen have
gone insane from long-term exposure to the Void. A lone mind
or spirit trapped in the Void is easy prey for madmen.

Hydrogen and helium compose much of Jupiter's atmo-
sphere. Below the clouds, extreme pressure compresses
hydrogen into its liquid form, and further down, into metallic
._.. hydrogen. It's the largest mass in our solar system; fou r of its
moons are as large as planets. If the planet had been any more
l massive when it was formed, the heat and gas would have


been dense enough to spawn nuclear fusion, transforming it THE rT1ATIER REALrtl
into a scar. Jupiter easily e mits more radiation than it receives The Shard Realm of Matter mirrors our universe, but
from the sun, wreaking havoc with electronic equipment that where we have vast interplanetary space, it has vast inter
approaches it in physical space. planetary "solid." The physical sphere of Jupiter acts as the
In the Deep Umbra, Anthelios follows the same orbit as spiritual boundary of the Realm. That is to say, when entering
Jupiter, circling the sun exactly opposite the planet's current the Realm, a traveler steps sideways through mists of toxic gas
po.sition. Paranoid mages point out that chis sort of thing has into the planet's interior. The planet has more than enough
happened before. Autochthonia's orbit mirrored the Earth, room within to hold several of Earth's planets, so somewhere
serving as something of an object lesson concerning Earthly inside, there are mirror realms for each of our solar system's
technology. planets. Realms known as H ollow Earth and Hollow Mercury
represent their physical counterparts.
Matter rotes are massively useful fo r digging tunnels into
Throughout the 20th century, Jupiter and Saturn were the surface, although they mysteriously collapse within a few
heavily contested battle zones in the Ascension War. Both weeks or months of use. Neither modem science nor refined
were large and stable enough to support massive fortresses and alchemy can analyze the predominant substance of the Mat
launch heavy assaults. T ales of etherships and Void Engineer ter Realm, although Etherite explorers never tire of coming
spacecraft hurtling through the Deep Umbra are the stuff of up with new names for substances they cannot understand.
legend. Technomagical strongho lds sent raiding parties to
newly discovered caches of Quintessence, h oping to tip the
balance of power, whether real o r imagined. After the Second
During the Renaissance, Saturn was the most distant
World War, when Nephandi were driven from the Earth in
planet known. It is fitting then chat the planet was named
large numbers, Deep Umbra! chanoiessent for reinforcements,
after the father of the gods. In 1610, Ga lileo discovered its
bringing thousands of consors and acolytes into the fray.
most famous astronomical feature: the rings urrounding it.
Of course, these troops can't return to Earth. Somewhere
Before then, its most notable curiosity was that it took 29
in another dimension, thousands of sentient spirits are locked
years to circle the sun. Massive rotational speed forces its
in an eternal struggle for quintessential resources, firmly
equator to bulge outwards - the planet makes a full rotation
believing their victories ho ld vital meaning for Earth's future.
in less than 11 h ours. Winds on the surface routinely exceed
Circling Jupiter's Oth erworlds, a gargantuan torus called the
a thousand miles an hour. Astronomers have sighted 18
Hyperion Realm serves as the setting for epic battles where
sate Ilites, most of which are named for characters in the works
armadas of echercraft ceaselessly battle. Some of the more
ofShakespeare and Pope (most notably, The Rape of c.he Lock) .
imaginative inhabitants of this dimension believe chat victo
Mystics insist that these same characters must exist some-
ries in this battle foreshadow victories for their respecti ve
whe re in Mythic Realms hidden in the moons.
factions back o n Earth. For all we know, they may be right.
Before the Reckoning, various factions contested for
Earthly travelers may quest for this realm hoping to join
con t ro l of Saturn 's many moons. Psychic wars and Umbra!
the battle with additional waves of reinforcements, but any
raids continued for decades, until violent spiritual storms
who can't get back home after 90 days are stuck there for good.
isolated many pocket Realms and dimensions. At the dawn
This reckless behavior has become progressively less popular
of the Reckoning, as Anthelios shone its crimson light m
as signs of Armageddon become apparent.
the heavens, the barriers between worlds hardened. Spiri
The Hyperion Realm resembles a cross between a Rash tual travelers can visit any of Saturn's moons, but a n attack
Gordon serial and the Mythic Age rituals of cenamen - a from Satumian spirits can t rap a mage there in a heartbeat.
dimension where "wizards' duels" are waged with spaceships and (A Time a ttack here that scores fou r successes ages the
ray guns. Various factions maintain fortresses on assorted moons victim three months, immediately reducing him to ephem
and spaceships. For instance, on New Year's Eve in the year 1999, era; fortu nately, the victim can resist this direct attack with
the Traditions held Ganymede, the Technocracy had Europa, a Willpower roll.)
the Marauders had captured Callisto, and the Nephandi were
camped out on lo. Reality on chose four planets remained THE TITTIE Rf.ALJll
" tacked" in favor of the dominant faction, sometimes making Saturn has always presented one of the most dangero us
invaders' complex rotes vulgar (usually chose beyond a certain realms in the Deep Umbra, especially on its "spiritual sur
Sphere rating) and the defenders' magic coincidental. Space- face." Even astrologically, Saturn holds malefic influence.
ships still flit about from moon to moon like pieces on a Chronos, a powerful Satumian lncarna, acts as the world's
chessboard, desperately trying to score a checkmate with the guardian, and his domain is the Shard Realm of Time. Many
Umited pieces on the board. The conflict, now called the of his spiritual servitors are capable of manipulating time (and
"Hyperion War," shows no signs of ending anytime soon, par the Time Sph ere), making them some of the deadliest crea-
ticularly since none of the big players can leave. tures of the spirit world after the Reckoning.
One cannot enter the Realm and pass through it thus revolve at right angles to its axis. Circling chesun every
without traveling in time. By historicalaccouncs, Saturn's 84 years, its north and south poles have pronounced and
travelers know that space in the Time Realm seems lengthy seasons. The north pole has a continuous summer
normal, but wherever a mage moves in space m that for 42 years, while the south pole lingers in winter, waiung
dimension, one moves m time as well. All dimensions are for a reversal of fortune.
ume - even standing st11l 1s traveling in ume. Two steps Astronomers first conceived of the planet's ex1Stcnc.c
forwud and one to the right might age you 10 years and beca~ of Bode's Law, a formula predicting where the solar
hurtle you 20 years forward. Ecstatics call this effect "the system's planets must lte. In the World of Darlcne:.s, mages
blink of Brahma's eye.'' could not reach either destination before Sleepers imagined
The Avatar Storm has fatally altered thls effect. Mages ic. Hermetics then wrote of the planets' correspondence to
who can avoid the servants of Chronos and enter the Mmdand Spirit. Only mastersofMindandSpiritcould reach
Realm are invanably swept away in the rimestream. In the chem ac first, making chem desunations for many Seclungs m
past, a lucky few would ex1c a year, or decades, or centuries later centuries.
10 the future. Now Disembodiment has made the realm a
oneway mp. A mage hurtled months or years into the
future cannot leave, because by then, he has become a CLSTIAL CHAN1CS: SEKJNGS
being of pure spirit.
Uranus and Neptune are so far removed that a magc
Some hopeful cosmologists theorize that those lost cannot travel co them physically; he must leave hii body
souls mmc go somewhere. Perhaps they are hurled into behind and send his mind (with Mind 5, Pnmc 2) or
dimensions that resemble the time penod they seek. Maybe ~pint (with Spirit 5, Prime 2) past the Far Horizon. This
a histonan may try to enter a Realm in the distant past - type of joumey is called a Seeldng. Masters and Oracl~
and Actually create his own personal dimension char reflects who nre about to increase their Arete may rake the
his desires, ifhe survives. A Technocrat may seek a furure in joumey co clarify their understand of magic. (Some
which the Technocracy has erased all other philosophies Storytellers may actually require a seeking as a prmqw
from existence, but in the process, he will ulrimate isolate fitt for incrcasiQg Acete any higher.) The mechanic 1
hunself from all creation m a Realm of his own imagining. the same as for Cr05Smg the Horizon, but the second
There are worse ways to die. nk of Prime helps 5eal che mmd or spirit ma shell of a
PHlLesEBPHICAL RfAutlS l"iody, protecting it from dtSSOlution in the Void Seek in~
requires three successes on an Arece roll; extended or
Vanous philosophical and political factions have
communal castmgs are possible. Each addinonal success
claimed nearly all the moons ofJupiter and Saturn. Because allows the mage tO bring an adJicionalA wakened seeker.
of chis, the spiritual landscapes of these places reflect the
ideab of the T raditioru, Conventions, or chanuies chat lf the mage achieves less than three successes, he is
case mco the Void, where he finds another Realm chat
have settled chem. Technocrauc colonies hold utopias (or
dy:.copias) according co the local leadership. A moon colo- corresponds to his mmdset. Not surprisingly, chc most
nized by Verbena may be a natural paradise, while a world common alternatives are Realms onJupiter nnd Sarum.
with a predominantly Akashic chan,cry may be a haven for For lnscnnce, most will workers obsessed with tkstroying
meditation and martini mastery. their rivals among the Traditions/ Technocracy/ Ma
rauders/Nephandi have a chance to act out their violent
Contrary to the possessive ambitions of soldiers in the whims in the Hyperion Realm (described above).
Hyperion Wars, 1c 1s possible for sewral groups co possess a
moon at the same time. At the end of the century, Marauders Seeking distant Realms can cast a mage, or an
made a beachhead on lo, a moon held by the Technocracy, entire cabal, into a destination very different than the
but m the 21st century, lo Collective #33 is a Realm unto one lhey were seeking. For this reason, these soru o
itself, undisturbed by the "Marauder's Arctic Picnic" con rlcuals are not to be attempted lightly. An Arece roll for
tinually held on the same moon. A traveler can visit either navigation works best as a cliffhanger at the end of
realm - although the inhabitants may then cry to capture game session; otherwise, the Storyteller should prepare
him and keep him long enough ro "convert" him to their more than one story, since he won't be able to predict
pomcof v1ew where the characters will end up. A more dev1
nlternnuve involves che Storyteller making the Ame
URANUS AND NfPTUNf rolls secretly, possibly before the game session acrunlly
takes place. It lacks drama, but it also allows a bit more
Uranus serves as an enigma in many ways. ltsplns on an depth in the story, since you'll only be preparing for one
axis nearly 98 degrees from its plane of orbit. Compared to f the 11.
all the other planets, 1t spins on its side. All of its sacelJites
Beyond atum, the Planetary Realms become inc rea -
mgly my cical, locales ideal for Seekings and Epiphanies.
Uranus and Neptune hold realms of Mind a nd Spirit. The
spintsof these realms have abilities to read your mind, mutate
your philosophy, or plumb the depths of your spirit. A Realm
does not exist on Uranus or N eptune unless a traveler is there
tosee it. O nce the travele r leaves, he, she, or it is changed , and
the Realm fades away like the mage's past.
Before Sleepers "discovered" Neptune, Uranus held both
the Realms of Mind and Spirit. So me copies of Mercurian
Cosmology from tha t time claimed that Neptune didn't exist
until mages consideretl it as a concept, and once they theo-
rized its existence in che next logical orbit, it was real enough
for astronomers co detect it. The n again, old copies of this
book are frequently theoretical, speculative, or just plain
wrong. No ev1tlence exists to confirm that mages realized the
existence of this pla net before its discovery. That i a mystery
that has terrified many.
Seeking~ to one of these Realms invariably begins with
a journey to the Far Horizon, where an anchorhead gateway
opens fo r the traveler. A guardian spirit of Mind or S pirit
always bar the way. A single mage may ba rter, plead, or
struggle for passage, or an entire cabal may ally for the
journey. When several mages undertake such a journey at
once, they ofte n uncove r the darkest and deepest secrets of
their companions.

Travel to the Realm of Spirit begins with a "mirage of
feeling." T rave le rs see the gate they expect to find, whethe r
that's a tlark cave illuminated by internal light or a misty
castle with an a rmored guardian at the door. It may be a
natural glade or wall of fire, depending entirely on the mage's
temperamen t. O nce past the gate, the mage's mystical jour-
ney begins.
In the Realm of Spiri t, the la ndscape resembles the state
of the traveler's soul. N ephandi walk through their version of
hell; Technocrats stride through austere landscapes; Tradi-
tion mages may find a pristine n atural refuge, the corrido rs of
a Gothic castle, a labyrinth of flesh, or stranger things.
Regardless, the mo ment a mage steps inside, the mage's
Avatar becomes a separate entity, bound to the original body
by a golden cord. When you travel to a Spirit Realm, your
spiritual and physical selves di vide, sepa rating your identity.
Bound pints, such as tho e in fe tishes, are likewise freed. If
a soul or spmt 1s lost, 1t 1s nearly impossible to regain.
In the Realm of Mint!, the landscape is beset by weather
representing the travele r's emotional state. Anger unleashes
storms, contentment bnngs sunshine, and confusion sum-
mons fog. The lantlscape reflects the traveler's mental state,
whether that's an ortle rly labyrinth, a Kafkaesque castle, o r a
subterranean grotto. If a group of mages enters, the la ndscape
is a composite of the re pective person alities. It is a discon -
certmg experience in a cabal that holds secrets, since 1c 1s cerer, Awakened, Aware, lmhue<l, or somehow generally
nearly impossible to determine which mage on gmated the attuned to mystical reality. The only real evidence char
phenomenon. supports this outrageous claim 1s chat Tombaugh found the
Whether the Realm reflects Mind or Spirit, tests follow. planet before anyone else did- mcludmg Earth's mages. It's
Some are contemplative, others dangerous. A my uc may as though something magical W3.) oh~cunng all mysncal
find the cracks in her psychological armor, the fallacies in her attempts to find it.
assumpuons, revelations of he r deepest secrets, or resolution
to emotional Lrauma. (Whether these stories u e simple
puzzles, diceless dramas, or tricky dice rolls reflects the tem- At the end of rhe 20th century, the Euthanto mystic
perament of the Storyteller.) One troublesome fact has Senex forbade access to Pluto's Shard Realm. His passionate
emerged: If the mages who experience these parallel Shard oratory regarding this topic is remembered fondly, mainly
Realms created them through Mind anti Spirit, then che because Senex is now rarely seen after lhe Reckoning. All
Realms may collectively form a sentient entity. Perhaps al the that is c reated near Pluto falls apart, and thus brings entropy
<lawn of Armageddon, it will undergo its own "seeking." to everything contemplated here. It ts rumored there are
paths to the demonic Realm of Malfeas or the ghostly
PLVTEB Shadowlands on Pluto, but none have survived the journeys
to find them. Senex used to say there was an Entropic Realm
Neptune and Pluto weren't discovered by observauon,
howing the destruction ofanything you'J care to thank about
but by calculation. In the 19th century, astronomers realized
-although the Realm might also destroy any memory of your
chat the orbit of Uranus was slightly irregular. Penurhation.
being there.
in its path through the heavens suggested chat the gravity of
another planet was altering its orbit. In 1845 , an Engli h The only real question is how some th mg falls apart. If you
astronomer named John Couch announced that he had want to test something to destruction, hnng 1c to Plum's
calculated the orbit of this phantom planeL, but without Otherworld. You'll be tom apart too, hut at least you'll find
actual observation to support chis deduction, his finding~ some small measure of cosmic understanding before you go. If
were promptly ignored. A year later, a French astronomer you're an idealist, you can console yourself with the knowl-
named La Verrier published evidence that the calculalions edge that your Avatar will be reborn somewhere else. If you're
mighL be correct, and astronomers throughout the world a pessimist, then you can cake comfort in the belief that
raced to find it. Johann Galle confirmed the data through Realms of Pluto have permanently destroyed the souls of
observation from the Berlin Observatory in 1846. countless idealists.
C lyde Tombaugh used a similar combination of math- The term "Entropy Realm" 1s as good as any other.
ematics and astronomy to prove the existence of Pluto in Someone had another name for 1t once, but that person
1930. Percival Lowell, chesame man who fervently upporte<l di appeared, and we can't remember who he wa . Theorists
the theory of life on Mars, actually captured the image of speculate that the many po sihle <leach~ of Earth, the Uni-
Pluto in some of his photographs of the heavens, but because verse, and Everythmgcan be witnessed an the Entropy Realms.
he was looking for a planet seven times heavier than Earth, he Vistas for every possible Armageddon arc here, along with
failed to realiz.e what he had "accidentally" found. A school- Gaia' Apocalypse, and polmcal permutations based on the
girl at Oxford suggested the name "Pluto" for the new planet. awakenings of van ous vampiric Methuselahs during Gehenna.
Coincidentally enough, the first two letter JUSt happened to The visions are so compelling - more so than those in the
be Percival Lowell's initials. Apex of History Epiphamy even -that they frequently draw
the observer into the event. In fact, many of these scenarios
As wich so many supernatural societies, many arc quick
begin with a foolish mage deciding to witness the end of the
to claim that either Lowell or Tombaugh was a mage, sor-
world on Pluto. Game over.


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We have no business calling in such things from outside, and

only very wicked people and very wicked cults ever try to .
- H. P. Lovecraft, "The Dunwich H orror"

Exploring the U mbra( Realms can lead to cocki T hey are varied. The c reatures from beyond the Void
ness, over time. On ce she has e ncountered the do not all serve the same master. They are not all "demons
mind-sha ttering strangeness of Astral Space, fro m H ell" or "servan ts of the Wynn." Mages (and players)
faced herself as a roning corpse in a Death- wishing to categorize the m wo uld do well to re me mber that,
Realm, been seduced by fae-like creatures while in orde r to effectively divide a group into ca tegories, one
drifting off to sleep, and witnessed t he Battle of needs complete information. Complete information is simply
Bouv ines firsthand, the Umbra( traveler is wont unava ilable. Hence, not even the most knowledgeable mage
to forget the darkness beyond the Realms she's h as a c ha nce of trul y understanding these beings.
seen. No matter how many odd or even terrify- They are alien. None of t he beings are o r were at any
ing places a mage visits, beyond her vision is the outer darkness. po int human. They don 't think like humans, act like humans,
The darkness isn't empty. Things live in the Void beyond or feel like humans. We've de cribed the m in huma n terms
what even the most seasoned traveler knows. What exactly because we do n't have a choice, but under no ci rcumstances
spawned these creatures is a matter of intense debate among the sho uld a characte r be able to relate to, or (most likely) even
mages who know about them (and don 't actively serve them). reason with one of these beings.
Demons?Perhaps, but their behaviordoesn't exactly mesh wich They want something. This is probably the most
scories of fallen angels and servants of the C hristian Adversary. frighte ning fact of all about the beings from beyond. They
Aliens? The Void Engineers think so in some cases, but many have an agenda and they have desires. Exactly wha t they
Tradition mages find that ideaa bit far-fetched. Manifested fears want, or at least to what purpose, is probably unfa thomable.
of the human subconscious? Doubtful - that these beings Plus, desires vary from creature to creature; the C hulorviah
predate humanity is one ching that the mages don' t debate.
Whatever their origins, a few supportable conclusions
have goals very different from the run-of-the-mill demon.
The Goals section in the emries below should be considered
.. ...
: ...11
can be drawn from encounters with beings from beyond: off-limits for any player reading this chapter, as the horror of


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facing a creature from beyond is much keener when both the reaches of the Umbra. Some have appeared in previous books
player and the character are in the dark. and some are new, but even the "new" beings are only new
With these facts in mind, presented below are several insofar as they haven't wanted humanity to see them.
races, beings, and forces that originate from the deeper Until now, at least.

I used to have nightmares that I was underwater. No creatures gain a measure of sentience, but worse, they gain the
explanaUon as to how I got there. I'd just find myself power to control a living host by burrowing their foul tentacles
in the ocean, with a million tonS of pressure on my into the victim's brain. Such infected cephalopods are called
head, struggling to reach the surface, wen rhough I pecyrani (singular pecyranos) and they are the true threat that the
couldn't euen tell which way was up. No light, of Chulorviah presents to Deepwater (and the surface world).
course, but I could still "see" in that weird dream way . The Deepwater project was originally designed to provide
Thewarstpartofthose dreams , though, was that right housing to the population at large. The Technocracy, in recent
before I woke up, somethingmotled. It motJed by me years, has had other things to worry about, and so hasn't kept
and all I could tell was that it was enormous. up with Deepwater as closely as it hould. ltspartnersinfunding
l chink maybe everybody has that dream. the project, Pentex Incorporated (although both organizations
The C hulorviah is not exactly a race; in truth, it functions operate through a number of subsidiaries, naturally- neither
more like a disease. It is intrinsically tied to the deep oceans, side is aware of the other's nature) have taken up the slack, and
where the Gauntlet is so thin that a human might swim between the representative from Pentex, one Hannon Klieg, has made
worlds and never notice, were it possible for humans to swim so sure than any fonner Deepwater employee can fmd employ-
deep. The C hulorviah is an ancient force that appears to want to ment in the company somewhere (a goodly number of said
colonize the surface world. However, its exact nature and goals employees are hosts for pecyrani, of course).
have never been fully explained. Indeed, most of the A wakened Deepwater itself has been largely cut off from the Awak-
have no idea that these beings even exist, and if they did, few ened - they aren't easy to infect and they ask too many
have time co worry about "octopus men." questions. Many of the personnel don't need to breathe air
anymore, and as a result the scation has fallen into disrepair.
IP THIS LEBEBK.S f ATTIILIAR. ... The Void Engineers might send someone to look into the
... it should. The Chulorviah were first detailed in facility sometime soon , but it's not a priority for them - they
World of Darkness: Blood-Dimmed Tides. We've reit- have enough concerns on the surface for the time being. A
erated most of the salient points fro m that book, but small but persistent voice in the Earth Fro ntier Division,
even so, the Chulorviah should remain mysterious and however, advocates investigating the site as soon as possible.
indefinable. The agendas and goals ascribed to the For one thing, they argue, the Deepwater Project cost the
Kraken-bom here are merely a suggestion on how to use Union a pretty penny and that sort of money shouldn't be just
them in a Mage chronicle and shouldn't be considered a written off. But the true reason for the urgency from the EFD
canonical explanation of the Chulorviah's true nature. ls a missive received by a junio r operative in the Union, which
simply read: "Sonar contact, again. Same time every day.

Moves a few yards towards us then disappears. If current rate
of approach continues, will reach the outer wall in -."
AND THAW AK.ND However, the Technocracy isn't the only group of Awak-
ened with cause to be concerned about the C hulorviah.
While magcs know next to nothing about theChulorviah,
the Kraken-bom know quite a bit about the Awakened. TH BALTimffiRf l.ABEDRATffiRY
Project: Deepwater, a Technocracy-funded endeavor to build
The Sons of Ether maincain a chantry - though its
a research station on the edge of the Marianna Trench, has members prefer the tenn "laboratory," ofcourse- in Baltimore.
been unde r the influence of the Kraken-bom for years now. One of their number is a sometime employee of the National
S lowly, the personnel have become infected with the
Aquarium, and over time the group's research has encompassed
"Chulorviosis" strain. As personnel are rocated out of active such varied topics as na utical travel, using sea flora as a food
duty, infected people reach first ships and then land. Thus, source, and the claim that shark cartilage might hold the key to
the Chulorviah spreads across the world. curing cancer. In recent months, however, the aquarist of the
While Enfolded humans don't have much ofan agenda, the group - one Seth Dawson by name - has been conducting
disease also targets octopi and other cephalopods. Infected experiments on an odd specimen he found while taking dimen-
.,. ~
humans, as noted in the C hulorviosis sidebar, grow less intelli-
gent, but this is hardly the case with infected cephalopods. Such
sional soundings in the harborone night. The creature looks like
an octopus, but has green eyes and, more inexplicable yet, the


tip.$ of its tentacles contain a bone saucture not unlike the
human finger. Dawson has shared these findings with the other HULEaRVIEaSlS
mages an the laboratory, and while they feel the creature is a The infection can be passed by contact with the
genetic fluke for the part, they cannot disagree with the fact bodily fluids of an Enfolded host, and is virulent enough
that the beast registers on every Spirit test they've administered. that even drinking fro m the same glass can transmit the
The group's resident practitioner of Mind has also confmned disease. A victim may avoid infection by rolling Stamina
that the thing is sentient on some level. (difficulty 6) once per day for three days; success fights off
Dawson himself has not contracted the disease, though the infection entirely. Ifa victim becomes infected, how-
he's been exposed to it several times (he's in remarkably good ever, his mind slowly begins to conform to that of the
shape and keeps himself fit and healthy via a number of Chulorviah. Intellect and innovation dim and instinct
mundane and magical practices). At present, he's the only begins to factor more heavily into the victims' dccision-
one who has spent enough time with the petyranos to even making. VictimS don't lose any knowledge that they had,
have a chance of becoming Enfolded or, worse, acting as its but often lose the patience and drive to implement it. Pain
host. Perhaps the C hulorvian is truly trapped and has not yet sensors deaden but other facets of the sense of touch
had the opportunity to break free, or perhaps it is merely heighten, allowing the Enfolded person to nearly "taste"
biding its time, waiting for the right host ? the air (wearing clothes becomes difficult after a time).
The person's appearance c hanges ever so slowly;
TH K.EaPA LE9El tiny suckers may appear on the h ands and fee t, skin color
The mages of the Pacific Islands are no longer a Craft, takes on a slight bluish hue, lips begin to harden, and so
having Joined the Dreamspeakers (at least nominally) in the on. The victim becomes susceptible to h eat and arid
wake of the Avatar Storm. The Dreamspeakers enjoy their conditions; Enfolded must remain moist and deh ydrate
knowledge, however - the kahunas of the Kopa Loei have much more easily than normal humans, dying in only a
fo rgotten mo re about the Umbral oceans tha n the few hours in extreme conditions (this is one reason why
Oreamspeakers will ever know, and that includes the they remain in coastal areas). However, the Enfolded
Chulorviah. Isolated masters of the Craft might know more can easily pass as human for a number of years after the
about the Kraken-born than anyone else in the world, and ltial infection, although the dimming of the person's
likewise may know how to counter the effects of the infection, intellect and the newfound vulnerability to heat makes
how to remove a per.yranos from a host without killing him, and ontinuing the host's life all but impossible.
even might offer hints about what the Chulorviah truly is. A Enfolded humans wander towards the sea soon
group of mages faced with the prnspect of learning about the (often within' six months) after infection. Until then,
Chulorviah might do well to seek out such akahuna. Of course, they aren't o vertly dangerous, but do attempt to pass on
finding one wouldn't be easy. (See Dead Magic 2: Secrets & the disease. Infected mages may cure the disease via a
Survivors for more information on Polynesian willworkers.) Life 2, Spirit 2 rote (Life 3 required to h eal another). If
the infection is completed, however, the mage retains
GE9ALS her identity only for a number of weeks equal to her
TheChulorviah began as an Umbra! virusclingingtoamuch permanent Willpower rating. After that, she becomes
greater race of beings in the same way that a flea clings to a dog. no different than any other Enfolded - and perma-
On the rare occasions that these beings passed close enough to nently loses her Arete and all ability to perform magic.
Deep Umbra! explorers to notice them (originally proto
Dreamspeakers and eventually Void Engineers) the greater race
simply noted the humans' existence and moved on. The parasites, of slow infection. The one organism that may replace humans
however, took an interest in these creatures that were so resource- as the dominant species on earth, as so many astute scientists
ful as to traverse the Otherworlds and "followed them home." have observed, is the virus. The C hulorviah, while it might be
Why the C hulorviah chose cephalopocls as hosts is capable of taking large and more impressive forms, h as found
unclear. Pe rhaps since the deep oceans and the Deep Umbra that the only way to colonize the surface wo rld is to infect it.
are linked on so many levels, they simply reached out to Is the C hulorviah intelligent? It seems capable of hatch-
whatever species they could find and we re most at home with ing long-term plans, of infecting humans and using their skills
octopi a nd squids. Perhaps the first humans they Enfolded and intellect to its best advantage, and even of manipulating
were coastal dwellers. It doesn't much matter now. As hu- mages to its ends. Is all of that drive, then, turned towards
manity pread from shore to shore, the C hulorviah wormed simple colonization? It seems to desire only survival, but then,
its way into the oceans of Earth, occasionally infecting a it also focuses its attention on beings that can cross the
cephalopocl or mutating one into a monstrous beast. Over barriers between worlds. Perhaps, instead ofsurvival, it wants
time, they fou nd that overt displays of power could frighten to avenge itself against the race from beyond that it once
humans into a rmed response - hence their current practice looked to for sustenance ....
Us~GTHfCHULffiRVIAH makes fo r wonderful msp1rat1on he re; m fact, most of
Lovecraft's work serves mcely as inspiration for Chulorviah
While it might seem tha t the o nly sorts of stories in
stories.) If the c hronicle would support some truly horrific, if
which an encounter with the C hulorviah 1s appropriate are
slightly sci-fi, stones, perhaps the caba l coul<l somehow
na utical on es, this isn 't necessarily the case. A group of
journey to whatever remains of Deepwater. There in the
mages that explores the Deep Umbra, by accide nt o r design,
lightless depths, on the edge of a bouom less trench, the
might meet the Kraken-bom in its true form (wh atever that
C hulorviah has had iti. way with the greatest technology on
might be). Likewise, a n earthbound cabal migh t run across
Earth. What h as it wrought?
an EnfoldeJ human or, worse, a human play ing host to a
petyranos and therefore unab le to control his own actions. Oth e r spirits don't have much com act with the
What the Sto ryteller does with the encounter <lepends on C hulorvia h; th e Kraken-bom a rc n ative to the Deep U mbra
the needs of the c hronicle, but consiJer for a moment wh at and rarely come across the Jenizcns of the other parts of the
the C hulorviah represents. Otherworlds. However, spirits of inspirauon, free will, and
light are antithetical to the cold and near-sou Iless C hulorviah,
The C hulorviah is designed to be a mystery, evocative of
a nd such spirits could conceivably aid mages m attempts to
the bound less and vaguely menacing enigmas of the sea, and
fight or cure the infection. The C hulorv1ah don't make their
the Umbra plays into that me taphor nice ly. The C hulorviah
way into Astral Space; the River of Language 1s, at present,
is also a horrifying element because it 1s capable of infection
free from the Kraken-hom, as is the ocean into which it
- much like extended travel in the Umbra can c hange a
empties. However, if an infected mage drank from these
magc's very being to spirit instead of flesh. Suppose the cabal
waters, it's entirely pos ible thac che C hulorviah might be
finds that a city's reservoir hosts several Enfolded humans. Is
ab le to adapt to these surrou nJings. What the crealure might
the entire town at risk of infection? Are the citizens already
do if granted the kinJ of power concamed in the Vulgate is
infected, and merely going about the motions of their human
anyone's guess, but given its apparent goals, the implications
lives? (H. P. Lovecraft's "The Shadow Over lnnsmouth"
arc frigh tening.

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The Chulorviah is chiefly encountered in lWO forms: The Chulorviah t.ecms to have a much higher regard for
Enfolded humans and petyraru. le cannot leave the Deep cephalopods than for humans, which might granc some
Umbra wtthout some form ofh~t body (although th1s is hardly iru1ght mto the nature of the race to which the Kraken-bom
rommon knowledge) Some ho:.t:. are more compatible-with its was once attached Th~ creatures resemble ordmary squ1m
goob and phys1olog}' than others; there is no known msrance and octop1, and~ such rclnge an sue from finger sired to thirty
of che Chulorviah ever mfocung other spmt:l, for example. foot gaancs. Normally, however, the Chulorvaahdoesn'c infect
Below are brief deSLripl ions of both rypes of Enfolded. large animals- 1t seems to relish its abilacy co possess hoses.
Per:yrani possess a few extra tentacles. They use these slender
THf NRDLDED appendages to burrow into a host's brain and cake concrol of
Humans mfected by the Chulorv1ah are known as "the his body. During dus came, the peryranos coals around the
Enfolded." For a ume, they recam their pel"-OnaLties and host's tor..<> and remain' unmoving; human ho:.r.s must wear
,ktlb, but as the mmd of the human faJCli, the alien instinct loose-fmmg clothing to conceal the creature and notlung
of the Chulorviah rokes over. However, up until the lase ever really douses rhe smell. While pecyram aren't really
moment, these unfortunates remain vaguely aware of what is combat-capable, espec1;-illy oucof thewacer, theyfighcashard
happening to thern and exactly how little rhe Chulorviah as possible to avoid being dried out or simply killed.
think.~ of them. They know, until their minds blank. out and Traits: Physical Attributes, Charisma and Appearance
they can do nothing but walk into the <iea, that they are a:, the host. Manipulauon 4, Percepnon 3, Intelligence 5,
merely a vehicle and a manipulauve device for a creature that W ttb 4. The pecyranos can draw upon che host's Abilities, but
'hould never have exmcd on Earth. doel) so at +I difficulty. It always ha:. ace~ co the following
T ralts: Enfolded are usually stronger than normal humans Abilities: Alerme~ 4, Enigmas 4, Occult 3. In order to take
by a rea~nable margln (adJ one or two dors ro Strength) but control ofa hose, the petyranos must chew a hole an che target's
gain no other bonuses. W 1 ~ is no higher than 3. Enfolded keep neck The beasr secret~ a chemical that numbs the area,
\lrurcver AbiLc1es their hos0> knew, and as the infection making it possible for the J>etyranos to perform this procedure
rrogn.."-:bgamAthleric.4, Brawl3,and Dodge3 (ifcheydidn't while che target lee~ Once che creature s1nlcs ats cencacles
have these Abahta~ already) Enfolded can breathe water as mto the ho:;c's bmm, 11 foecb from any nutnents the host
well as aar (careful examlnac1on will fmJ thetrg1lls); otherwise, in~cs and can even fa leer oxygen for it (allowing the host to
they function as nonnal humans for years after the mfecuon. "breathe" underwater).

1 opened a gateway rorught. Something lurks be- The "demons" in the various realms of the Umbra aren 'c
hind ac, biding rts ame, deciding whether to come fallen angels so much as creatures from Beyond that take . l don't know if che crearure behind che forms similar co be1ngi> from JuJeo-Chrisuan mythos. (An
gate reall-y wants to be on Barth. I only know that interesting question then becomes: Drd these beings choose
Earth is probably preferable to Lhe fire and pain it 1heir fonns baseJ on i.uch legends, or did they give rise to the
knows now. It's plucking up Its courage - or legends in the Orst place?) The <lemons have goals and desires
=r'.l-"!l"I perhaps gathermg strength - before encering our perhap:. not unlike ch~ traditionally ascribed co Christian
world. demons, and many aren't above claimmg former membenJup
l'tc seen ocher creatures desrroyed by che in the Holy He:.t 1( they need to maintain such a ruse (this is
\L'e1ghc of the raaonal world. No place m such a world for chem. espectally easy if a mage has researched a particular demon
God ~~~Uing, rhere's no place for demons, ehher. And expects ro see certain things when he travels to the
Stncdy speakmg, che cenn "demon" implies "fallen an- demon's Realm or summons it). However, a demon chat
gel," one of rhe Ho)t chat rebelled against God and was cast carries this ruse coo far often finds chat traditional means of
into Hell with Lucifer. A~ any forward-thinking mage would binding and wan.ling hell-spawn also work agamsc 1t, mean~
tell you, though, th~ Jeflnu1on lacks. lt'l> based, after all, on mg the hapl~ !>ptnt can be bound on Earth or even pressed
J rel1g1on that hasn't been around nearly as lonft as humanity into service.
it,elf. The notion char Lucifer and Satan are the same being
is an invented legenJ, traceable co Milton. Mose of the TH E9VTR DARKNSS
"demon-summoning" mes char mages come across only refer The ongtns of Umbrnl <lemons, like mosr of the spirit
peripherally to the Bable. Realm~ mhablcan~. aren't really known. That they predate
And yet, they seem to work occasionally. humanity lS a sucking point between some Tradmons; the

.. , 1
~ I I 'tt \ ~
Celestial C horus (who usually don't see a difference between Some demons, of course, acttvely cry to reach Earth. The
"Umbra! denizen" and "demon from Hell") argues that they Avatar Storm and the Reckoning have changed the Umbra,
do, a these beings were once part of God's Host. The making parts of it more volatile -some of the Umbra! Hells
T radicions with more modem roots theorize that human aren't safe anymore, even for demons. The less intelligent
legencJry gave rise to these beings' existence in the first place, demons would be satisfied to fi nd another Realm to inhabit,
and so they couldn't possibly be o lder than human civiliza- whereas the more powerful and ambitious demons have
tion. The Verbena, reluctant co accept any theory that turned their minds on revenge. They know that the weapons
requires accepting Judeo-Christian mythology as "correct," that decimated the spirit worlds were the products of human
postulate that Umbra( demons are avatars of destruction, minds, and they also know how easily chose minds break.
either mockeries of the natural cycle or (according to some of Should any of these horrors breach the Gauntlet, the Tech-
the more cynical members of the Tradition) part of it. nocracy might find itself the victim of<1 most horrid reckoning.
Umbra( demons often rule their own pocket Realms.
These realms might resemble various religions' versions of GE9ALS
Hell (which spawns the endless "chicken-and-egg" debate; Umbra! demons, as stated, have extremely varied goals
did people fo rm the legends from glimpsing the Realms, or the and mindsets. Some think of themselves as (or perhaps just
demons form their Realms to mimic human legends?) or they pretend to be) C hristian demons, and look and act the parts.
might be landscapes completely alien to human understand- Some wish to brood in their obsidian palaces, deep in their
ing. Reaching these Realms usually requires a good sense of Umbra! domains. Some look hungrily out at Earth and pine
where to go (while many demons would like nothing better for a way to bridge the immense ~pmtual gap between their
than co reach Earth and wreak havoc, just as many simply world and ours.
want co be left alone) as well as some powerful Mind and Life Also, these demons are often part of the Umbra! Courts,
Effects in place to keep one's sanity and physical cohesion which means that they have a place in the unknowable
intact. A complete disregard for personal safety is also recom- spiritual hierarchy of the High U mbra. This also means that
mended- the inhabitants of the Umbra! Hells have varying they have political goals that are so far- reaching and so alien
attitudes about humanity, but they tend co fall somewhere that no mortal mage could ever hope to puzzle them out -
between "apathy" and "hunger." which works co the demons' advantage when using mages as
pawns. It isn't unknown fo r a demon with a great deal ofgood
f ALLN ANGELs? fortune (or raw power) co contact a mage and send him on an
As the astute reader may have guessed, the "de- errand through various Umbra! worlds. The demon might
mons" presented here are not those of Demon: The even grant the mage a safe way through the Avatar Storm -
possibly even permanently. However, a mage who accepts
Fallen. The fallen angels presented in that game are,
may well shift the U mbra! political scene horribly, and while
indeed, the lost Host of God who have now returned to
Earth for a variety of reasons. The demons presented that might not have any direct effect o n Earth, in a decade or
herein are Umbra! beings that resemble demons. two when this ancient treaty expires o r that geas is lifted, one
never knows what might materialize ....
The obvious question, then, is: If a mage or a
sorcerer summons a demon using an ancient rite, and
the demon in question is still in Hell, does the mage
actually summon the demon, or some Umbra I pretender Scorytellers who use these creatures in their chronicles
masquerading as a demon ? The answer, as you can have a great deal of latitude. Demons have myriad forms,
probably guess, is up co the Storyteller. If the Storyteller goals, and abilities. Some can breach the Gauntlet without
feels like integrating some of the Christian- based set- help, but most cannot. Many can be summoned; many can
tingofDemon, there's no reason why the mageshouldn't choose to answer summons, entering the world as casually as
ummon the actual demon (well, there are lots of one might answer a phone call.
reasons he shouldn't, but no reason he shouldn't be In whatever form, demons should be horrific. "Umbra!
allowed to). If, on the o ther hand, the Storyteller would Demon," after all, is a catchall term fo r those "Things That
rather keep to the Mage cosmo logy (which basically Should Not Be" from beyond the barriers of human thought,
states chat belief shapes reality and therefore all deities reason, and imagination. Some of these creatures are masters
are Umbra! beings, in a fashion) the demon thus sum to Nephandi and Infemaliscs, some of them might even once
moned up is not more dangerous or evil than any other have been other types of spirits. The important thing to keep
malevolent Umbra! denizen. in mind when using these beings in a story is that they should
Which, obviously, isn't any cause for comfort. be unknowable. Keep them mysterious; don't let the players
ever think they recognize a given demon (to that end, feel free

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to Earth that it can extend its tendnls through shadows to
DEAL.5 WrTH DEvlLS capture unsuspecting targets. What it wants with humans is
It isn't exactly wise, but mages can accept demons as unknown - perhaps it just enjoys feeling their terro r mount
pen.anal Totem . Mechanically, demons act like any as it drag them back into its world ?
other spiri ts with regards to the Background: they grant Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4, Chansma 0,
various T raits and Abilities and can lend their chosen Manipulation 3 (telepathic speech only), Appearance 0, Per-
mage aid in return for following whatever their particu- ception 5, Intelligence 1, W ies 2
lar ban happens to be. Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 4,
The problem is, demoni c bans are usually harsh Stealth 5
and vile. The best chat can be said about demons is Willpower: 6
that they are alien, but it's closer co the truth co ca ll Attacks: The tendrils can attack to entangle or throttle
them inhuman. Man y feed on pain and violation, and an opponent, inflicting five dice of bashing damage.
their bans o ften require a mage to keep them "fed." O f Health Levels: Each tendril can ab o rb five healt h
course, a mage can simply feed his patron demon with levels of damage before becoming severed and/or u eless,
Quinces ence, and even "flavor" it by means of Mind but ifTyglss has a body to which che tendrils are at tached,
magic, but a mage mentally geared cowards making it never hows.
Faustian deals isn't likely to blanch at the prospect of Powers: T elepathy (automatic, urface though ts and
ortu ring someone to appease his master, especially emotions only)
not when t he alternative is giving up some of his own
Totem rules: T yglss grants two dots ofA lercne:.s and one
hard-earned power.
doc of crength (for purposes of grappling only) to any mage
In che secLio n belo w, two of the three demons are who cakes him as a patron. As payment, he requires a weekly
allowable as T otems and have rules to chat effect summoning rit ual in which a living thing (the more intelli-
(Laklebb is coo powerful to bo ther with caking earthly gent the better) is cast into a large shadow so that he may d rag
pawns). Consider these rules to be indicative of the sort it back in to his Realm. Mages who take T yglss as thei r totem,
of thing that demo ns would grant- and demand of - therefore, must possess Spirit 2.
their followers.
CYlT, THf fc:x;fD E9N
to make any neces ary changes to the example demons given Cyiet rules over a Realm of broken glass, jagged rock,
below). Make the players feel lucky that their characters even twisted metal, and ocher sharp and barbed material. The
glimpsed one and escaped alive, let alone sane. demon usually appears in human form (to humans, an yway)
and is mocking and sarcastic to anyone he speaks with. He
DESCRIPTIE9NS pretends not to be interested in the goi ng -on of Ea rth, but in
As stated, t hese examples should by no means bind the fact escapes to our world every chance he gees. mce the
Storyteller to using these creatures exactly as presented. Reckoning, however, his Realm has severed mo t of its
They are mean t as examples of what horrors might exist connections with Earth, and he has been able to venture here
beyond our world. less frequencly.
Cyiet's name is mentioned in ome demonology texts
TYGLSS, TH CRAWLfR and Hermetic U mbrood guides, and occasionally someone
Tyglss is an U mbrood of moderate power but fairly low summons him up by mistake (there's really little purpose to
ambition and intelligence. lt appears as a number of kudzu- calling upon him directly). Usually, he likes to talk mages
line vines, all snaking out from a shadow or somewhere else into setting him free on Earth, but if necessary, he'll bargain
from beyond an onlooker's line of sight. T yglss cannot speak, fo r t he privilege. Cyiet isa proud spirit, and won'tdo anything
but can communicate with intelligen t beings through telepa- remo tely menial, no matter how en ticing the prospect of
thy. However, he muse touch the target to do so, and is Earth is. He will happily assassinate a given target, however
immediately privy to whatever the target is think ing. The - introducing sharp, bladed things to soft flesh is what he
result is a combination of mental vio lation, as the demon likes m do on Earth, anyway.
caresse the victim's thoughts and feelings, and physical Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 6, tamina 3, Cha-
revulsion as its sticky tendrils play across h is skin. T ygl is not mma 2, Manipulation 6, Appearance 4, Perception 4,
pnvy to a rnrget's memories chis way, however - only what Intell igence 3, W its 5
he 1 thinking and feeling at t he moment. Abilities: A lertness 3, Brawl 2, Dodge 3, Expression 5
T yglss is curious, but not terribly driven. Its Realm - a ( vicio~ humor), l.ntimidation 3, Etiquette 4, Melee 5, Stealth3,
morass of vines with no solid ground, the center of which is Enigmas 3, Occult 4
presumably T ygl ' brain - occasionally drifts close enough

Willpower: 8
Attacks: Cyiet also carries a bladed weapon of some
kmd, and adds one die to the damage of such weapons. Also,
his hands inflict lethal damage instead of bashing.
Health Levels: O K x 4, -1 x3 , -2 x 3, -5, Dissipated
Powers: Cutting Remark (once per day, Cyiet can inflict
eight dice oflethal damage to a target with a successful Manipu
lation + Expression roll); Faceless (C yiet leaves no fmgerprints or
foocprims, and is considered co have Arcane 5); Reform (destroy
ing Cyiet's physical body only banishes him to his Realm)
Totem rules: As much as he'd hate co admit it, Cyiet
would be flattered if an y mage approached him about adopt
ing him as a T otem. No mage has done so yet, but Cyiet wo uld
gram a supplicant an extra do t of Manipulation, Expression
3 and Melee l. However, Cyiet is an emotional bully, and
won't patronize anyone he can't dominate. Therefo re, any
mage who adopts Cyiet as a patron can have a Willpower
rating no higher than 5. Also, followers of Cyiet must slice
human flesh with a sharp instrument at least once per week
(the mage's own flesh qualifies).

O ne might imagine the myriad realms of the Umbra as
bubbles, floating around each other, occasionally touching.
What then of the spaces between ? Much of that space is the
purview of Laklebb.
Laklebb is a demon older, perhaps, than the Tellurian
itself. Wherever void exists, Laklebb can be present. It is the
absence of light, heat, and energy, the embodiment of the
frigid O uter Darkness. No one has ever summoned Laklebb;
indeed, it is not possible to do so (though it is possible to get
its attenuon ). Laklebb can manifest phys ically on Earth, but
has done so only three times in human history. The first time
was during the Black Plague. A wimess describes "a man
shrouded in black mist, who looked out over a pile of corpses
and whispered, 'And it was good,' and then vanished."
The second time was in June J999, Bangladesh. This
time, there were no witnesses.
The third time Laklebb appeared , he actually spoke.
During an eclipse in late 2002, mages paying attention to t he
winds of the Avatar Storm heard a horrible voice whisper,
"Soon, they will be free, and all will fall apart." Some of those
same mages then saw a human figure slinking away into the
shadows. Although none of the witnesses have realized it,
Laklebb appeared at exactly the same mo ment at eight
diffe rent places on Earth.
Laklebb has an agenda, to be sure, and it seems to involve
human suffering and death. However, no one has ever spoken to
Laklebb and retained his sanity, so any clues as to what it truly
wants are locked in the mindsoflunatics-orperhaps Marauders.
,,J I No Traits are provided for Laklebb. It is more a sentient
:'~ I,_.. force than a true Umbrood. The best anyone could hope to do
.. t I "~ in interactions with Laklebb is come away intact .
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The rituals are r.he same. I lower r.he knife, oh, so degrees suddenly). After some extensive factoring, the
slowly , towards r.he trembling flesh of r.he sacrifice. Nephandi realized that they were ill suited to the kind of
I pierce her flesh, and I wait as the blood spreads theoretical formulae required to decipher where their masters
from the wound to r.he trenches car"ed in the altar. had drifted. However, they knew of some folks who excelled
She does not scream - my magics haw seen to that at such things - the O rder of Hermes.
- but her eyes tell the stnry of her pain and I feel Many Nephandi, of course, were o nce Hermetic mages,
her agony offered up to those we SeT\le. The and as word spread of what had happened, every available
incantations ha"e not changed- I know them like Hermetic barabbus was put to task, wo rking with ancient
a child knows his bedtime prayers . Umbra! maps, trying to quantify the forces brought to bear in
These things ha"e not changed. But r.he beings that answer the the Avatar Storm, and generally trying desperately to break
Tires- they haw changed. through the barriers correctly. At present, some cabals have
Somewhere in the vasmess of the Umbra, a series of succeeded in fine style. Not just in opening communications,
interconnected Realms hosts a race of beings similar in some they have also opened gateways to the Realms of Those
ways to Umbra! demons. They answer summons, and they Beyond. In many cases, these are beings most easily identified
seem to desire the freedom to visit Earth. Their interaction as demons. The Nephandi in question often note subtle
with humans is a recent development, but they themselves differences in their masters' temperaments from before the
are assuredly ancient. While the Traditions haven't much Avatar Storm fell, but they chalk that up to the unknowable
noticed these creatures, and the Technocracy not at all, nature of the Qlippothic Lords. That the beings they now
rituals designed to summon demons have grown easier to serve might be a different breed of evil entirely rarely occurs
perfonn in the recent past, though the creatures they call up to them.
are often a bit different than what the summoner expected. Whatever the beings the Nephandi have contacted
The mages who have noticed, of course, are the Nephandi - actually are, they seem (as mentioned above) more willing to
in a way, they were responsible. answer direct summons than before. These "demons," unlike
the massive Nephandi Lords who Lay bloated and sessile in
PATHWAYS TES HLL their Umbra! hells, evidently long for something here on
Since the Avatar Storm wreaked havoc upon the Um- Earth. At present, the Fallen have not learned any rotes to
bra, the Fallen weren't, for a time, able to easily communicate allow them to stay on Earth for long periods of time -
with their otherworldly masters. In a panic, some cabals of Unbelief affects these creatures, except for the truly rare that
Nephandi began performing rituals designed not so much co can fashion (or inhabit) human bodies. But it's probably only
commune with Those Beyond as get their attention - about a matter of time before some truly inspired barabbus figures
the equivalent of raising one's hand in class and waving it out a way to open a permanent gate. Until then, the Nephand1
about fervently. Despite the sacrifices, the urgent magics, and make do with opening temporary paths and "visiting" these
the general passion the Nephandi put into these rites, they creatures on their own turf. This is costly, of course - any
didn't work - not in the way the Fallen mages wished, Nephandus found unworthy is immediately consumed - but
anyway. Occasionally, minor beings would slip through the those who survive often return stronger. The demons bum
cracks into our world, but the great Realms of the Nephandic away weakness and leave the mage sound of body and mind
Lords remained closed. (that is, more perceptive and intelligent - sanity is by no
As with so many facets of magic, however, it was just a means conferred). While very few Nephandi have been
matter of finding a way around the problem, rather than willing to take the chance, this process is very slowly weeding
through it. In late December 2000agroupofCzech Nephandi out stupid, weak, and complacent barabbi in a grotesque
discovered that the Realm of their unho ly patron had simply parody of natural selection.
drifted, as though a great shockwave (probably one of the An interesting note is thatwidderslainte, those Nephandi
spirit nukes detonated in 1999, not that the Nephandi knew whose very Avatars are corrupt and irredeemable, don't seem
it) had somehow knocked the entire Realm a slight distance to merit any special treatment in this process. This is an odd
off-center. As the cabal investigated, they found that the shift; widderslairue were always favored by the Nephandic
entire Umbra had begun to shift, but since most of it was Lords before. While widderslaince tend to be more powerful
subjective and inconstant anyway, it hadn't mattered much and dedicated (the result of having an inverted Avatar from
in practical terms. Since, however, Nephandi are so often in birth) and therefore tend to pass the demons' "tests" more
direct contact with the Realms of their masters, the "position- often, the beings from beyond don't even seem to recognize
ing" of said Realms is rather important for calibrating rituals a widderslainte when they see o ne anymore. What exactly this
(imagine trying to navigate by the stars if they all shifted a few might portend isn't quite clear yet, but the barabbi, often
ff$R.CS , PR.imE ,SPIRIT ]
This unpleasant rote traps a target in a tiny pock
EN THE RAlNDR.EBPS Realm for safekeeping. If the Nephandus has time t
CEBR.RfSPESNDENCE , SPrR.IT ] prepare, she can design the Realm ahead of time, stockin
it with maggots, fire, horrid smells, or whatever oth
Nephandi have as much trouble stepping sideways as
unpleasantness she desires. The victim is trapped in th
ther mages. Methods that Traditio n mages use to get
Oubliette until the mage decides to release her- prov id
round the Avatar Storm are listed on page 30. This rote
the Nephandus doesn't simply forget about her.
lows a Nephandus to effectively sneak around the Storm.
The Nephandus simply invokes the spell, using what
The Nephandus must cross the barrier quickly (often
ever paraphernalia is appropriate to her style, and the targ
eading a barabbus to build the Effect over the space of an
disappears. The spell is designed for sheer intimidatio
our or so rather than try to make a go of it all at once}.
value; the ability to make an opponent vani h, apparent!
he invokes whatever foul name her master is known by,
from existence, is terrifying, and so very little preparatio
ut quietly, and then dips her hand in a bowl or cup of
is typically involved. Common foci include complicat
iquid (water actually works best, to the disappointment
gestures, incantations, stabbing the ground or the mage'
f some Nephandi}. If successful, the rote allows the mage
own palm with a sharp knife, or anything else appropriat
o manipulate and spindle the Gauntlet to the point that
to the mage's paradigm.
t provides a bridge between the Realm and the Hive
System: The mage opens the gate with Spirit 4, shov
ealms. From there, the mage quickly calls upon her
the target in with a burst of kinetic energy (requiring Fore
pirit magics to transport her well away from these foul
and Prime}, warps the Umbra! fabric around the targetan
terstices, to elsewhere in the Umbra. Nephandi trapped
then seals the rift again. The Umbra I "cell" is actually a fol
he Hive Realm don't usually fare any better than other
in the spirit realms (which is why the rote does not requi
isitors, after all.
Correspondence). This is deliberate; it makes the victi
System: Spirit 4 creates the gate between the Earth
almost impossible to find. Unless the target has a means
nd the Hive Realm, and Corre.spondence lets the mage see
stepping sideways, she is trapped, and the Nephandus ca
th where she is going and where she has been. A second
find the Realm again without difficulty. Some Nephan
II is required once the mage reaches the Hive Realm;
add Life and Matter to the rote, causing the target to van is
ince a gate is already in existence this roll simply modifies
with a thunder-crack and leaving behind a smear of bl
(and therefore only two successes are required}. If it fails,
and a puff of smoke (this has the dual effect ofdeterring
owever, the mage is stuck in the Hive Realms until she
target's friends from searching for him and scaring the
n fashion another gate, which can prove quickly fatal
out of any onlookers}.
nless the mage's patron is extremely powerful.
Needless to say, this rote is vulgar as hell under m

resentful of their more powerful "cousins," have taken careful largely at fault for handing the Nephandi a way to reinvigo
note of the situation. rate their war on creation.
The "shift" in positioning of the Nephandic Realms Tho mas Wyler, a young Hermetic apprentice traveling
hasn't gone entirely unnoticed by other factions of mages, of in Hungary, ran across two members of the aforementioned
course. Below are three specific mages and factions whom the Czech cabal by sheer chance. One of them, a forme r Hermetic
unfolding Nephandic drift has affected. herself, struck up a conversation with him about mystical
formulae and applied metaphysics and discovered that Tho-
THEHER.JT1TICCEBNNCTIEBN mas had an almost savant-like ability to apply mundane
Worse yet, the Nephandi aren't the only faction of mages mathematics to magical workings and produce predictable
with ties to these hideous beings. The Order of Hermes, as results. The barabbus seduced the young man, appealing to his
mentioned, possessed the skill and mindset necessary to hormones as well as his intellect, and soon had him under her
facilitate communication in the first place, but barabbi did thumb without ever stooping to use magic. She also slipped
most of the actual work. However, one particular Hermetic him some "theoretical problems - nothing that would ever
who never saw the inside of a Caul- and indeed, knows next really work, of course." Thomas eagerly solved them, and
to nothing about Umbra! denizens in general - might be worse, explained his logic to the Nephandi.


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Thomas made it back to America with both his life and growing worried, but as Lorraine is the most powerful and
his soul intact, and with no idea what he'd done. However, of experienced mage there (which really isn't saying much) they
late his sleep has grown fitful. He dreams of the equations the aren't sure what to do. If Lorraine isn't stopped soon, she
Nephandus (though he simply thinks of her as "Ondrea") might inadvertently open a gateway to whatever Hell lurks in
gave him, the numbers and odd symbols changing in front of that cave. Even if the gate isn't open long, it might attract any
him in a maddening parade of factoring and extrapolation. number of Nephandi and other such beings to the site.
And every morning he awakens with the sick feeling that
somehow along the way, he missed something - made a THE PHE9ENIX ArtlALGAITl
mistake in the factoring, left something critical out, or maybe Out in the desert, odd things can happen. The higher-
just didn't understand the question. ups in the Union might be convinced that monsters just don't
make it into this plane of existence anymore, but they do. The
TuABANDE9ND LABYRINTH Phoenix, Arizona Amalgam has seen its fair share of weird-
As mentioned in the Book of Madness Revised, some of ness over the years. After the extra-dimensional calamities of
the Nephandic Labyrinths were abandoned during the final the recent past (scuttlebutt in the Union was that some sort
battles of the Ascension War, burned and emptied by Tech- of nuke was used, but they don't tell the grunts anything) the
nocrats and Traditionalists alike. These structures, imbued Amalgam was looking forward to things easing up a bit. For
for so long with resonance of hate, fear, and other negative a variety of reasons, that didn't happen.
emotion, rarely stand dormant for long. Spirits of the worst The Amalgam is under the leadership of Jordan Lem-
kinds take up residence, as do any otherworldly or supernatu- ming, a New World Order operative and a member of the
ral beings attuned to such resonance. Unless the force that Watchers methodology. Lemming really had his heart set on
destroyed the Labyrinth's dwellers took the time to cleanse the Void Engineers, specifically mapping out and studying
the place spiritually as well as physically (which the T echnoc- (and subsequently exterminating) Reality Deviants from
racy was actually somewhat more thorough about) one never other dimensions, but politics and evaluation of his skills
knows what horrors might have moved in. landed him in the New World O rder. He got his wish after a
This is exactly the sort of place that a young cabal of fashion, though- the Phoenix Amalgam seemed to have its
mages found in Oregon after purchasing a 60-acre lot for far hands full with such creatures.
less than they would have expected. In exploring their new Lemming is probably one of the most learned members of
land, they discovered a cave formation. A geologist (or even his Convention with respect to spirits and the Umbra in
a perceptive spelunker) could have told the mages that the general. Of late, his Amalgam has been pursuing rumors of
cave wasn't natural, but the young mages didn't really bother "demons" among the city's poor. Lemming is aware that
to look into it - they were too busy building their chantry Reality Deviants who resemble vampires and werewolves
and dealing with the minutia of everyday life to notice the exist; he's also aware that extra-dimensional entities on Earth
brutal, grating resonance from the cavern. often define themselves in convenient forms, and therefore
The cave, of course, was at one point a Labyrinth used to he doesn't really believe in demons, just beings from outside
convert mages into barabbi. Hollowed out by a dedicated our world. He has yet to capture one of these creatures, but
circle of Nephandi, the Labyrinth wasn't part of the Fallen's since no other Amalgam has reported the same problems as
"chantry" and as such escaped the notice of the Technocrat his, he's guessing (correctly) that somewhere in Phoenix
team sent in to deal with the problem. With the Nephandi there's a gate through which these creatures are entering his
dead, the Labyrinth lay dormant until the new cabal bought city. He'd love to find this gate, but he'd rather have someone
the land. else find it so that his team can go in and mop up (he doesn't
Thus far, only one member of the cabal has discovered have the manpower or resources to waste lives in a big
anything wrong. A young Verbena called Lorraine Horton, assault). At present, he's looking for bait.
while out walking the perimeter of the property, found the
cave and decided to explore it. Wandering in too deep, she GE9ALS
crossed the boundary and would ordinarily have immediately The "false demons" want to get out. Trapped inside an
become a barabbus, except that the spells require to enact immense Realm - actually a series of hive-like, intercon-
such a change had not, of course, been cast. The experience nected sub-realms - they only wish for freedom.
did not leave her unscathed, however, and she turned her Unfortunately, should they be freed, they will naturally wish
natural bent towards Spirit magic to figuring out exactly what to make the Earth into a place in which they are comfortable,
lay beyond the Gauntlet in that cave. Lorraine isn't cor- which would entail eating and enslaving Large segments of the
rupted, necessarily, but she has most certainly taken on some populace.
of the more unpleasant traits of the Labyrinth - her personal While the Hive Dwellers aren't as intelligent as the
Resonance has become brutal and bloody, and her rites have Nephandic Lords, they are much more motivated (the
relied much more on sacrifice of late. Her chantry-mates are Nephandic Lords, after all, know that everything will end
sooner or later; they just want to hasten the process). To that Finally, the Hive Realms - or, more co the point,
end, after the Reckoning when the Nephandi were struggling escaping from them - might make for an interesting story.
to contact their masters, the Hive Demons answered as many Just be careful; there's little co be found in the Hive Realms
of the summons as possible. Even amateur spellcascers re- but death.
ceived phenomenal success, at least initially. As various
groups in the World of Darkness became aware that more DEscRIPTIE9NS
Umbra) horrors were abroad, some of these groups began The Hive Demons come in a variety of forms. They most
hunting the demons down, forcing the creatures to become certainly have a hierarchy of some kind, apparently based on
somewhat more circumspect. Now, the Hive Demons only age and the ability co spawn more demons (an ability which
answer summons that they feel have a good chance ofleading comes with age). The Nephandi, again, are the only sect o(
to the Hive Realms opening to Earth permanently. The mages who have seen enough of the Hive Demons to make
Nephandi can cast compelling rituals most reliably, but hope any guesses on how this hierarchy might work. They have
springs eternal among the Hive Demons, and they might well identified three loose "casre" of demons, which they have
answer ummons from an otherwise good-hearted mage if named Guardians, Builders, and Masters.
they feel that they can manipulate her effectively.
Where did the Hive Realms and their foul inhabitants GUARDIANS
come from? No one on Earth is really qualified to answer that These are the Hive Dwellers most commonly summoned
question. The Nephandi are laboring under the delusion that to Earth. They vary in form, but are most often quadrupeds.
the Hive Demons are their masters (why the Nephandi's true Like all Hive Dwellers, they shun light, so seeing them in
masters haven't seen fie to involve themselves in all of this is detail isn't easy (which may be something of a mercy). Some
another question). No o ther sect of mages has had enough have fur, some scales, some both. Some have tails or fins, and
contact with the Hive to make any safe assertions about them; one Nephandic communique speaks of a pack of Dwellers
any mage who sees a Hive Demon is likely to assume it to be with wings emerging from a gate. Few Gua rdians larger than
a random Umbra! horror - perhaps the pet of a Nephandus men have been reported, but this is generally thought to be
- but not ascribe any real power to it (as individual Hive because the smaller Dwellers commonly answer summons. If
Dwellers don't tend to be very powerful, especially not on a better summoning ritual could be performed, the logic goes,
Earth). Mages with high Avatar ratings might feel something something correspondingly more powerful would answer it.
naggingly familiar about the Hive Dwellers and even the Traits: Guardians' Physical Attributes average about 4,
Hive Realms (should such a mage be unlucky enough to see and they usually have high Perception and Wies ratings.
one) but can never quite seem to pin the feeling down .... Social Attributes are virtually nil, although some Guardians
are capable of human speech and they tend to have mellow,
USING TH HIV DwLLRS pleasant voices. As stated above, they appear in a variety of
Hive Dwellers differ from Umbral demons in that they forms, and may have extra features like tails, wings, or extra
all share a very simply focus and goal - they hate their limbs. All Guardians have natural weaponry of some kind:
world and wish to escape into ours. They are far more claws, fangs, poison and quills are all fairly common. The
animalistic and primitive than most Umbra) denizens, at exact nature of these attacks and the amount of damage
least o n the surface. Their Masters are quite intelligent and inflicted by them is up to the Storyteller based on the power
may have some long-term plans for our world, but they of the demon in question and the needs of the story.
disguise that under a veneerof simplicity. After all, the mo re
they seem like mere brutes, the more likely that greedy or BUILDERS
power-hunger spellcasters are co let them loose, figuring Rarely glimpsed outside the Hive Realms, Builders are
that they ca n simply bind the Hive Dwellers again when the responsible for remaking these Umbrnl dwelling places into
given task is complete. suitable homes for the demons. Speculation among the
Hive Dwellers can make superb combat opponents, Nephandi is that the Hive Dwellers took over the Hive
simply because they range in power so much. However, don't Realms from another race. If so, the Nephandi wonder, could
underestimate their usefulness in a horror setting. Guardians the Builders wreak the same sorts of changes on Earth? Some
don't have to be rampaging monsters; a Guardian could easily Nephandi have discussed harnessing the skills of the Builders
be a stingray-like creature that clings to walls and ceilings, to reconstruct lost Labyrinths. Other Fallen feel that releas
scuttling along behind a group it has chosen (or been ordered) ing these demons on Eanh is perhaps something to dtSCuss
to watch. The characters might never see a Builder, but when and study further before actually making the attempt.
a disused subway runnel is reshaped as though to facilitate a Builders, like all Hive Demons, take different forms. The
new purpose, the characters might discover (via Time and/or largest reported, glimpsed in the background as a Nephandus
Matter magics) what has happened ... and what is intended co discussed terms with a Guard ian, seemed the size of a city bus.
happen next. Most, however, appear no Larger than big dogs. Builders

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secrete mucous-like slime, whic h softens solid matte r. They
then use their "hands" - all Builders have appendages
capable of fine manipulation - co rework the matter into
whatever they Jesire. Some Nephandi who fee l that sum
moning Builders to Earth would be too risky wonder if
"milking" them for their fluiJ is possible instead.
Traits: All Attributes vary widely depending on the
Builder's size. S trength, for example, might range fro m 4
(dog-sized Builder) to lS (bus-sized Builder) . All builders
have a minimum Dexterity of 5 for purposes of fine manipu
lacion, but the larger anJ bulkie r ones migh t h ave much lower
scores for pu rposes of dodging attacks or other full-body
movements. The fluid that Builders secrete makes any solid,
non-living matter soft anJ pliable. The harder the material,
the more time and fluid it cakes for the Builder to reshape it.
Builders aren't generally suited for combat, although the
larger ones are quite dangerous simply by dint of their size.
Builders eat like spiders, digesting their prey externally (they
cannot inflict bite damage).

Master Demons are rarely seen; only two, in fact, h ave

ever been sighted, but the Nephand i who saw them did not
for a moment mistake them for any othe r type of Hive
Dweller. Masters are immense, some as large as two-story
buildings. They vary in form, like all Hive Dwellers, and
might resemble nothing so much as a hill of flesh or might
cake on more recognizable features. While Guardians and
Builders migh t be able to pawn, all Masters can, and can
create demons of either other caste (but cannot c reate new
Masters). Masters can command any other Hive Dweller in
their immediate vicinity, and at least o ne is capable of pulling
open the Gauntlet for sho rt periods (though it may only do so
if in an area satura ted with its o wn type of Reson ance).
Whethe r or not Masters can be summoned to Earth isn't
known. Nephandi theorize chat first, an area of Earth would
have co be specially prepared by Builders to accommodate the
Master. S mee no Builders have been allowed to cross the
Gauntlet to Earth as of yet, there has been no way co test their
theory, although some sects of N ephandi are eager co try.
Masters may speak in human languages, and the few Nephandi
who have h eard the m say their resonant voices remain in
one's head for weeks after the fact.
An interesting fact about Master Hive Dwellers is that
there doesn't eem co be any political friction be tween them
- the Nephandi have noc discovered any "factions" spring
ing up around various Masters. Admittedly, of course, the
Fallen know very little about the Hive Dwelle rs in general,
but if the entire race is in fact committed to the same goals,
this indicates a unity of purpose that could have dire implica-
tions for the human race.
Traits: A Master Demon is a tiery powerful Umbrood,
and if the Storyteller requires Traits fo r it, things have
probably already gotten out of hand. Assume 8 to be the


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average Attribute rating. Masters might have powers dupli ideal, howeve r, for Builder to reshape and strengthen. The
cating any of the Spheres, but are most likely to exhibit Builders then u e this new, stronger matenal to build the
powers mim icking Life, Matter, Prime, and Spirit Effects. "palaces" of the Masters.
Anything they touch can be absorbed into their bodies; they These palaces rise up out of the otherw1 e bleak land
don't need to take the time to kill their food first. However, cape like skyscrapers in the midst of a de err. The Builders
they cannot venture to Earth without permission and a evidently construct them around the Ma ters, fo r the struc
suitable environment in which to live, so the only way for cure sport no doors that such massive creatures could use for
them to interact with humans directly is if the humans ingress or egress. If necessary, a Master could probably simply
venture tO a Hive Realm ... or pave t he way for their escape. smash it way out - the true purpo e of palaces, then, 1s
unknown. Perhaps the Masters simply succumb to some form
HIVf RfALms of conceit and order the creation of these halls, or perhaps
Escaping the H ive Realms isn't as simple as coaxing a they need shelter from some elemental condition in the Hive
bunch of shortsighted mages to open gateways, either. The Realms, something from which the smaller Builders and
Hive Realms were, at one time, simply a cluster of Realms in Guardians can easily take helter.
the Deep Umbra. The Avatar Storm and variou other What the Hive Dwellers live on is unknown, if indeed
spiritual factors caused the Realms to cluster together and these creatures are even troubled by something so mundane
then drift towards Earth. The Hive Realms have now spread as hunger. They might well feed o n one anocher, or perha~
out through the Umbra, in between Earth and the Near there are other beings in the Hive Realms that no mage has
Realms. They tend to drift towards areas of like rci.onance, yet seen, being that exist solely to feed the Dwelleri.. What
which means that areas of extreme violence, hunger, hatred,
ever the case, theenv1ronmentof the Hive Realms 1sdec1dedly
and misery are likely to house one. Any mage stepping unfriendly tO humans. While humans can breathe in them,
sideways in such an area, or even looking into the Umbra, has the air is thin and tastes faintly of bile. The ground is often
a chance of peering inro a Hive Realm in tead. unsteady, and while the rock is briLtle, it retains an edge and
Hive Realms are vast, pockmarked landscapes. The tripping may result in serious lacerations. However, the
ground is comprised of blood-red stone that breaks under greatest threat a human would need to consider in the Hive
even a slight jolt, and crumbles if squeezed. This material is Realms, of course, a re the H ive Dwellers themselves.

He rants all night. I cannoc plllce his fever; it is not Mages often research the folklore of many different
an illness I have encountered before. My best countries, and so the legend of the achcri isn't unknown
mundane treatments have failed, and so wmorrow among the Awakened. It's just normally filed away along with
I shall have to proceed with more esoteric medicine. talcs of penangallan, dragons, and various ocher supernatural
But the dreams the poor boy suffers! When he beings that do seem to be just legends - the kind of thing a
wakes, he babbles incoherently about how a demon mage can read about and feel thankful they don't exist.
poisoned him chrough his shaclow. I have no idea But magcs are never that lucky.
what that statement means, but it rings m1e when,
ever I hear it. But is this a metaphor? Did someone TH TmPTRS
or something take advantage of a vice or a mistake to inflict this Beings that strongly resemble the achcrt do indeed exiltt,
upon him! Or does he mean it literally! hut on ly seem to have plagued humanity m the wake of the
It's strange how Sleepers' legends always seem to get a horrible events in Bangladesh in 1999. Beginning in India,
few things right. and then spreading :.lowly ove r the world, hospitals admitted
In India, for example, a quaint little talc is told about patients- usually c hildren -suffering from two strains ofa
beings known as acheri. These spirits - usually regarded a disease. The first, milder strain cleared up tn a fewd;1ysanddid
the unquiet gho ts of little girls - live on mountaintop and not seem to do any lasting damage; the secomJ was much more
venture down among mortals looking for fun. However, their rare but nearly always fatal. Symptoms for both disease.
idea of"fun 11 is somewhat warped; they enjoy infecting mortal included sweating, convulsions, high fever and hornble fever
children with hideous diseases. If ever their shadow falls dreams. In a few ca ~. the child would speak of a ghost or a
across a person, that person grows deathly ill and rarely demon that "cast a hadow 11 over him.
survive . A piece of red thread worn around the wrist (or The Euchanatos, always vigilant in India and alway~
sometimes as a necklace - the legends vary), however, watchful ofsuch thmgsasdeadly disca es, took note and made
provides complete protection from the acheri. the connection with the achen legend. Exam ming the places


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where the children were infected, and the children them- While in a stolen body, an acheri looks entirely human.
selves, they determined that the "mild" form of the disease A mage who knows what to look for may attempt a Mind l,
was in fact illusory; a skilled enough mage could duplicate the Spirit 1 Effect to see the being for what it truly is. Then, the
effect by using a precise application of Mind magic (some- mage sees that the acheri's shadow superimposes itself over its
thing not lost on the Euthanatos). Even if the disease had no host's body. In some cases, that shadow completely obscures
physical cause, however, the symptoms were real enough , and the host, leaving only red, glowing eyes visible on the black-
some form of Umbrood was causing it. Various members of ness. ln others, the acheri's skin looks blackened and marked
the Euthanatos traded stories and the term "acheri" came into by boils and other signs of disease.
usage; towards the end of 2000, however, the cases were A horrifying truth about the acheri, however, is that
reported less and less frequently and the Tradition kept its some of them have been present among humanity for years,
collective attention on other things. seducing, tempting, and infecting the Masses. They are all but
undetectable, and unlike other acheri, have bodies of their
ffiUTBRfM. F NIGHTI11ARfS own (though whether they are born into these bodies some-
And then, in summer of 200 1, a small outbreak occurred how or have simply possessed them on a permanent basis is
among children of Indian immigrants living in the Research unknown). These creatures know a great deal about human -
Triangle (Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina). A young mem- ity, whereas the more "recent" acheri don't seem to know
ber of the Euthanatos named Debbie Yost, who was studying much at all (which can sometimes give them away). But then
at Duke University and had spent time in Madras not long this begs the question: Did these more powerful acheri call the
before, recognized the symptoms . .. and the stories the chil- less powerful ones to them? Did they spawn the newcomers?
dren told while gripped in fever dreams. A spirit came down Do they hate them?
from the mountain, they said, and cast a shadow over them.
Debbie called in help from her Tradition, but none was GEBALS
available just at the moment. She spoke to mages who had The acheri are creatures born of nightmares, spawned
seen the disease in India, and they assured her that it was from Dream Realms. While it might seem that they are fever
illusory, psychosomatic, and it would pass. hallucinations made flesh , this isn't entirely the case. A cheri
A month later, when she attended the funeral of the are spirits associated with temptation as well as disease, and
third child, she knew it wasn't so. can lure victims to spiritual corruption just as easily as they
Debbie knows that the disease the children in Raleigh- can infect their bodies.
Durham face is real and deadly, but fortunately doesn't seem Acheri have little in the way of organi zed goals. Their
to be contagious. She also knows that, unfortunately, her interaction with the A wakened comes mainly in the form of
Tradition might send help now or later, and that they'll show incidental meetings; the acheri infects or seduces someone
up precisely when needed. That's not good enough fo r her at close to the mage, and the mage traces the incident back to
the moment, and she's actively looking for other mages who the acheri. What happens then is a mat ter of the individuals
might be able to help. in question. Acheri are unique individuals, and one's agenda
might be very different from another. Some acheri seem to
STEBLN BEBDIS follow their whims almost blindly, indulging in whatever vice
One of the more horrific aspects of the acheri, above and takes their fancy. Some act so much like humans that careful
beyond their ability to spread disease, is that they apparently magic is required to tell the difference, and some regiment
do not have bodies of their own. A cheri, to all evidence, are themselves very carefully, subscribing to an alien, though
insubstantial spirits - possibly ghosts, as the old legends well-defined, code of behavior (obviously, these last are the
suggest - and to affect the physical world, they need a body. acheri least likely to encounter a mage).
While even the few mages who are aware of the acheri's O ne thing that all acheri want, however, are bodies. For
existence don't know this, acheri may possess human bodies whatever reason, they do not wish or are unable to travel back
for several hours at a time. Doing so is draining for the spirit into whatever U mbrae spawned them, but they cannot sur-
- unless it slips into the body during sleep. While the human vive for long on Earth without bodies.
mind dreams, it disconnects itself from the body enough that
A cheri also live to corrupt. Not only through spreading
the spirit can slip in and claim the body for itself, resulting in
disease, but acheri look to make humans indulge in whatever
a much longer period of possession. During this time, how-
base desires they prefer. Some acheri involve themselves in
ever, the body is sluggish and dull-witted, and this carries over
the narcotics or sex trades, some take more d irect action and
to the spirit somewhat. Some acheri have powerful magics at
incite humans to physical violence. What kind of sustenance
their disposal that allow for more complete possession.
or satisfaction an acheri receives out of this is unknown.
Acheri are a different kind of spiritual threat. They don't As the perceptive reader may have guessed, acheri
wish to conquer Earth, and they aren't precisely interested in appeared in the Changeling: The Dreaming sourcebook
killing people. Yes, they do spread potentially dead ly diseases, ~Denizens of the Dreaming. Given their otherworldly
but fo r all that, they have more use for live humans than dead origins and their propensity for causing disease and
ones {live humans can indulge in dark vices and therefore corruption, they make for appropriate inclusion here as
feed the acheri the spiritual energy they need). well. A Storyteller familiar with Changeling should feel
When using the acheri, remember that unless a mage ~free to incorporate their full range of powers, including
knows what to look for, even (especially) magically, the Arts and so forth, but it's hardly necessary. The acheri
acheri are all but invisible. The most obvious manifestation are dangerous enough as presented here without adding
of the creatures is the disease they leave in their wake, and this more variables to the mix.
makes for a nice hook for a cabal of humanitarian mages. The
mages might be able to cure the disease (or at least stabilize talking people into deviant behavior. Abilities vary; acheri
the victim long enough to fight it off), but where did the can absorb some of their host's knowledge, but for the most
d isease come from?The mages are then faced with the task of part, they retain their own. This tends to mean high scores in
tracking down an Umbrood that they cannot easily detect by Awareness, Enigmas and Occult. Those few acheri who have
magic, and that can skip between bodies if necessary. their own bodies and have resided on Earth for years might
The acheri may not be as viscerally frightening as the have any combination of Abilities. Driving acheri out of
H ive Dwellers or as destructive as some Umbra! demons, but possessed bodies requires Spirit 4 and Mind 3. An Indian
they are intelligent, deadly, and subtle - and therefore one legend says that one can immobilize an acheri by nailing its
acheri can make a slippery foe for a cabal. shadow to the ground, but this has yet to be tested.

DEscRIPTIEBNS Powers: Shadow Plague (an acheri can detach her own
shadow and send it out to infect humans; the virulence of the
Acheri can look like anyone; given their powers of posses- disease and whether it is "real" or "illusory" depends on how
sion, they can be anyone. No matter their form, their shadows much energy the acheri is willing to invest); Immunity
always look a little darker than they should, but this is difficult (poison and disease).
to spot {again, unless the observer knows what to watch for). Special: Acheri cannot use their S hadow Plague powers
Mages can use a Mind l, Spirit l Effect to detect acheri, on anyone wearing something red. The article of clothing
revealing them for spirits in human bodies, as stated above. must be visible and entirely red; a shirt with an American flag
T raits: Physical Attributes as the host. A cheri tend to doesn't count.
have high Charisma and Manipulation scores; they excel at

The Awakening often seems random , as though extensive discussion thereof can be fou nd in the Mage Story-
Avatars don't have any control ooer the types of tellers Handbook ).
people they incarnate into. I wonder if this is In times past, the Avatar did not always choose the mage
because of the At1atar Storm? But that makes no into which it incarnated - another being made that choice
sense; undesert1ing folkwere becoming Awakened fo r it. These being~ appear o nly in very o ld texts and legendry
even before that horror was t1isited u/>0n us. of some of the T raditions; Choristers an<l Batini mages
Old legends of our Tradition don'c mention records from as far back as the 13th century speak of"angels,"
the At1atar ac aU, but some do speak of spirits and Hermetic texts relate tales of gaUu, the creatures of
bringing Hermetics ro a "pool of light" or "fount of Babylonian myth that carried souls to the underworld (though
knowledge." What, then, are these spirits? They don't seem like some slightly more favorable tales also speak of Anunnaku,
modern Atiatars, and l know of no mage who has encountered creatures who once ruled C reation ). Likewise, the Akashic
them. ls the state of the world due w their absence? Did the Records hold the memories of magcs who recall the couch of
Technocracy drive them off? the lung, the sacred dragons that directed the heavens and the
The Avatar is a vastly misunderstood phenomena. The souls of the Awakened. However, these beings, whatever
exact nature of this force (being?) that guides mages towards they truly are, only appeared in the history of the Awakened
enlightenment has never been discovered , though every for a brief time. The "modern" understanding of the Avatar,
Awakened faction in the world has its theories. What the after all, o nly came into being around the 14th century.
Avatar is and does is not the purview of this book (though an Before that, mages didn't feel the stirrings of enlightenment
in the direct manner that they do now. The Avatar did not


arrange vision quests and Seekings; a mage was free - and
forced - to find his own path.
As magic thought became more codified among the The Psychopomps did not disappear overnight, of
groups that would one day become the Traditions, the Avatar course. But likewise, the shift in Avatars - moving from
began taking a more active role, gaining a voice and a name, pools of power to distinct voices- was a gradual change,
rather than just acti ng as an amorphous force. At the same too. Plus, all of these things happened earlier in some
time, the gallu (or whatever name one chooses to call them) areas than o thers. For example, Native American
were guiding certain Avatars to certain bodies. What influ- Dreamspeakers have legends of Seekings and Avatar-
enced their choices is unknown, and few concrete theories like visions long before European mages do, and some
exist on the matter, as they only performed this function for cultures and C rafts still don't seem to.
approximately two centuries. Around the middle of the 15th Avatars appear to be a developmental step in the
century, these "soul guides" disappeared. Since very few tp~volution of a mage, or a group of mages (and therefore
mages recognized their existence anyway, they weren't readily a paradigm). It might be that the Psychopomps simply
missed. But ever after, Avatars have incarnated into mages weren't necessary anymore after a certain point, or it
without help, which occasionally results in confusion and might be that they simply got the process of Avatars
discord as "unworthy" (or more accurately, unready) candi- incarnating into mages rolling. After showing the Ava-
dates receive Awakened Avatars. While the O rder of Hermes tars how to choose their hosts, they faded back into
and various other Awakened factio ns (including the Tech- whatever U mbra! Realms they came from. J
nocracy) have records and notes on these beings- commonly
called "Psychopomps" in modem parlance - no one has any
real clue what they are or from where they o riginated.

~~ ~
\~, I'1~
E9RIGINS $F TH PSYCHE9PE9mPS supernatural form guided by the mage's perception of what
the Psychopomp is and what his own Avatar should be. This
The soul guides are sentient - that is, they don't have means a Chorister or any heavily C hristian mage might
the same single-minded devotion to a particular task that become a living angel, whereas a Euthanatos might become
many spirits do. They have their own agendas and reasons for something ... darker. Becoming an Anakimdoes not "cleanse"
guiding Avatars to certain mages. It may be that they work (or or "purify" the mage in any way; an evil or corrupt mage
worked) on behalf of a higher power, but whether that higher becomes an evil or corrupt Anakim (although, generally,
power is indeed divine or simply an extremely powerful Psychopomps do not merge with such mages if they can help
Umbrood (if it exists at all) is unknown. The fact that the it). The mage must be willing to accept the merger;
Psychopomps disappeared after being noticed for only a Psychopomps have no power to join with unwilling hosts.
relatively short time seems to indicate that either they were
Throughout history, various cultures have spawned myths
doing something they shouldn't have been doing, or that they
about powerful beings sleeping beneath the Earth who will rise
were called into existence to do one particular task. However,
to the world's protection when needed. Many countries have a
thus far few living mages even realize that Psychopomps ever
myth of a sleeping Emperor; even Christianity's tales of the
existed, and so even fewer know that they have returned.
second coming can be viewed the same way.Might the Anakim
BANlSHITTfNT be responsible for these tales? And if so, is the world not in such
At some point (the few theories that exist on the matter dire straits now that the might of the Anakim is required?
put the date around the middle of the 15th century) the THEAVATAR SfE9RITI
Psychopomps were barred from their chosen tasks by some-
Possibly so, but the Avatar Storm has confused the entire
thing. If the gallu did indeed act on behalf of a more powerful
works. As mages are now largely barred from the Umbra, the
being, it seems likely that this being (or perhaps an enemy
Psychopomps have once again had to take a direct hand in
thereof} banished them. If not, the banishment may have
things. Those few mages who possess the ability to navigate
been self-imposed; again, perhaps they completed their task.
the winds of the Avatar Storm (as described in theSronnwarden
It may simply be that time and Paradox barred them from
Merit, page 295 of Mage: The Ascension) are actually
Earth. The most likely explanation, however, is probably the
spiritually descended from mages "chosen" by the Psychopomps
second: they chose to abandon their task. The reason for this
in years past. Stormwardens can mitigate the damage done to
is that they have appeared when mages have great need of
the Avatar, and this has occurred once before under similar
them - normally when some horrific force threatens Avatars
circumstances (see Manifesto: Transmissions from the Rogue
on a grand scale (such as the Avatar Storm). This is further
Council for the most recent appearance of the Psychopomps).
corroborated by the existence of the Anakim.
If the Psychopomps have begun conducting souls to their
TtteANAK.Im destinies, can the Anakim be far behind? And if so, will an
These beings result from the merger (some would say incautio us choice spell disaster for the world, or a breath of
"possession") of a Psychopomp and a mage. Anakim are new hope?
extremely powerful spiritual beings, and tend to take on a Only time will tell.

The important thing is not w be afraid. body to inhabit, a magical ward against Unbelief.. . or an
They can smell fear like dogs . And like dogs, invitation.
they can be trained. They can be brought w heel. What kind of mage summons an Umbral denizen? The
~.._... They have w be. They're not intelligent; they're reasons for such summo ning vary widely. The most common
t:~~~:;i barely sentient. They exist w serve . But the trick is reason is, unfortunately, simply power. The mage summons
w find a way to make them see tha1, and with the up something that he thinks will teach him magic, or perform
right spells, that can be accomplished. tasks for him. O nce in a while, such a mage is right. Far more
I know others have tried. Their blood stains often, he conjures up something he cannot put down.
o:;...."' the walls. I can see the marks on the floor as one
ic:=;&...1... . . . . Other summoners are motivated by simply curiosity.
clung to the stones for dear life while the demon dragged him back. Whether it's to see what that creature would look like up
But I will succeed. I am unafraid. close, or simply to see if an o ld ritual actually works, these
The horrors that lurk beyond the Gauntlet, for the most mages test the boundaries of their magic and open rifts large
part, don't try to cross it. The world is harsh and destroys such enough for Umbrood to step through - and then, often, reap
beings. Most Umbra! beings need a shield of some kind, a the consequences.

l , . I

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spirit, often the case in demon summoning or in call mg up the
IN TERTTls E9F mECHANJCS 'I spi rits of the dead, she must know the being's name. A botch
Summoning creatures from the Umbra usually re- on a magic ro ll at this stage (or a botch during any Occult roll
quires Spirit 4 at the very least. This allows the mage to made in preparation) may mean the mage cal Is someihing, but
contact the being he wishes to summon, and then open certainly not what she'd intended. All the mage is trying to
a rift into Earth large enough for the being to step do at th is point is gee the spirit's attention. If che mage cakes
through. Mind 3 is also usually required to negotiate extra time (extend ing the duration of the spell by a decent
~s with the being; most of the Umbrood only speak margin) she may ensure that she contacts the right entity.
human languages when it suits them, and may not be O nce the mage makes contact, the Entreaty phase
willing to converse in any language except their o wn, begins.
unpronounceable dialects.
Paradigm is also an important consideration. Most ITTRfATY
Nephand i don't have trouble summoning demons of The mage attempts to convince the spirit to travel to her
nearly any stripe, for example, and a Celestial Chorus location so that they can discuss terms of service. In many
flage might welt be able to call down an angel (o r an cases, the mage simply uses magic or knowledge of the being's
'l.Jmbrood that looks like one). But a Chorister probably T rue Name to compel the spi rit to come co her; indeed, it is
wouldn't know how to call up an elemental, even if she very risky to gain the attention of a powerful spirit without
possessed the right Spheres fo r it. In game terms, some such assurances! Since this stage of the spell typically cakes
rating in Occult is a good idea for any would-be sum- the form of"long distance" communication (the spirit can be
moner, the higher the better (of course, very high Occult anywhere in the vastness of the Umbra when the mage
ratings might simply indicate that the mage has a better ~ contacts it), it can actually take a great deal ofttme, although
chance of getting in over her head). the conversation itself is very short.
" No hard and fas t rules exist for the reaction of spirits
contacted by an opportun istic mage. Beings like the Hive
Many other motivations are possible. A lo nely (and Dwellers, who want nothing more than to infest Earth,
lusty) mage might call up a succubus o r something similar to ordinarily answer any summons given. Ocher spirits that
fulfill his wishes. A mage who has lost his family might try to don't care as much about Earth (including aloof beings such
raise them from the dead. And, of course, the Nephandi work as djinn or many High U mbra) spirits) might on ly respond if
feverishly co call up unspeakable horrors from the O therworlds, forced to do so, or cajoled with something especially appropri-
simply to hasten the downfall of the world. In the end, the ate to the spirit. A mage who makes an appropriate sacrifice
question is less often about why something was summoned can expect a much better reaction than one who simply tugs
than about what was summoned (and how to put it back). on the spirit's proverbial sleeve and asks for a powwow.


Once the spirit responds, the spell enters the Bargaining

Most summons are cast deliberately, and for the most

part, the mages in question know what they're doing. They BARGAlNJNG
don't always full y understand the consequence, but the poinc T he spirit and the mage haggle; the mage explains what
is that it's difficult to cast a summoning spell by accident. she wants the spirit to do for her and the spirit informs the
Summoning rituals tend to be long and drawn out. Some of mage what recompense it would require. Agai n, if the magc
them can cake days co perform, and the vast majority cannot has the means co compel the spirit LO undertake certain
be interrupted. That means that most mages perfo rm Life services, then the spirit is effectively bound to whatever the
Effects (to stay awake and not succumb to hunger) and Mind mage might demand of it. O f course, such behavior all but
Effects (to stay mentally alert and sharpen their memories) guarantees that the being will follow the letter of the
before even beginning. demand, but not its intent, and will betray the magc given
Summoning spells can take any form. Hermetic mages a half a chance.
often inscribe circles with runes and Enoch ian lettering, Ironically, it is the Nephandi who usually treat the
whereas Verbena might invoke the names of the spirits they Umbrood they summon the best. They offer sacrifices of
wish co call around a bonfire for a full night. However, the whatever the spirit would find pleasing and don't normally
spell usually comes down to four stages: Contact, Entreaty, ask for anything the spirit wouldn't have done anyway. The
Bargaining and Service. problem is that Nephandi often summon p1rits who bke
hanging around on Earth, which means that getung them to
Ce ITTACT go back is problematic (of cour e, the Nephand1 might not
During this stage, the mage casts out for the spirit or want the spirit to leave, either). Hermetics are known for
Umbrood she wishes to call. If the mage is calling a specific being somewhat arrogant to the beings they summon (though
to their credit, they usually don't summon such powerful into performing a spell that grants a spirit permission to
beings chat this is an issue, at least no t deliberately). e nter Earth.
The terms of service, so to speak, can take the form of a If the mage was performing a summoning and contacts
wntten contract or a verbal agreement. Unless the mage something other than intended, she might not even know it
possesses Entropy 5, she has no way to seal the bargain until the Entreaty stage is complete (th e pirirual communi-
magically, but mo t spirits who agree to a bargain are bound cation of the Entreaty ha rdly allows for close scrutiny of the
by their own oaths. However, a mage must be very careful in subject). O nce the spirit "arri ves" and the Bargaining stage is
what she agrees to, and that all bases are covered . For meant to begin, the mage may find chat she is far out of her
example, if a mage summons a being and instructs it to make depth. Arrogant or overconfident mages might press on with
her rich, but J oesn 'c specify a time frame, the spirit m ighc well Bargaining anyway, hoping to get the best of the spirit. Ln
wait for the mage co be on death's door from o ld age before it gene ral, this is exactly what the spirit wanes. I c will twist the
fulfills the terms of the bargain. bargain in any way it can a nd normally simply kills the mage
A mage who reneges o n a bargain co an Umbrood, no upon conclusion of the discussion (a surprising number of
matter how powerful, is in trouble. Spirits have extremely mages forget to stipulate that, as pare of the bargain, the spirit
long memories, and no spirit exists in a vacuum. A mage who is barred from harming the summoner), a nd then goes on to
c heats on a spirit bargain can expect the Umbra co reject her pursue whatever agenda it likes.
powers, or for any spirit even remotely allied co the jilted one On the othe r h and, mages can be cricked into releasing
to be hostile. Oddly enough, this reaction is not common spirits into our world. This bypasses th e normal stages of
towards mages who compel spirits to do their bidding magi- summoning spells. It mo t often occurs when a particular
cally. Apparently, using magic to control spirits is more fair spirit has been bound to a place or barre<l fro m entering
than lying to them. physical reality - o rdina rily, a way to break such bans
exists. If a curious mage disrupts the ban, th e spirit is free to
SRV1Cf do as it likes. Not all such spirits immediately destroy their
Once the terms are decided, the actual service begins. As liberators, but many figure that it's the smartest bet (after
the rca<ler has no doubt surmised by chis po int, the Umbra has all, why leave someo ne alive who has even an inkling of how
an infinite variety of spirits, which means that the mage can, to re-enact the ban?).
with the right rituals, summon a spirit to undertake nearly any
task. ome examples are given below: tXAITIPLS
Menial Service: Some mages summon weak spirits to Summoned spirits come in infinite variety, as do those
perform mundane casks such as cleaning or building. The who call down Umbrood for their purposes. Below are two
bargain usually binds them toa specific length of time or until examples of summoners anJ cheir chosen targets, for use as
one cask is complete. Storyteller characters, plot hooks, o r simple inspiration.
Guardian: The spirit is assigned to physically (or
magically) guard a person, place, or object. Usually chis LffiWfLL mcALLISTfR. Vt:RBENA SEaurARY
assignment lasts a predetermin ed le ngth of ume, although Lowell is a Verbena magc who Awakened shortly after
very powerful mages can bind spirits indefinitely to their the Avatar S torm began while he was on vacation in Scot
cha rges. land. His mentor taught him Spirit magic as well as Life, but
Assassination: The spirit re mains on Earth long cautioned him against attempting to travel the Otherworlds.
enough to kill a specific target or group of targets, then This was good enough for the hard-working, practical Lowell.
fades . .. provided the mage remembered to specify tha t in the When he re cu med to the Uni te<l States, he set about convert-
bargain. ing his family's home into a sanctum. However, Lowell still
Companionship: This might mean sex (an<l some had to make ends mee t, and couldn't cake much time off work
magei. <lo indeed conjure up spirit lovers for themselves) or co make the alterations he wanted. T o that end, he called up
could simply mean that the mage enters into a familiar-type an elemental to help him.
bonJ with the spiric. This is best reserved for spirits that do n't The ritual requireJ an enure weeke nd, but finally Lowell
hate Lhc mage, of course. contacted a ha rd-working and thorough earth spirit and
coaxed it into the physical worl<l. He feeds 1t Quintessence
ACCIDENTAL SUITIITIEBNING and it works 24 h ours a Jay on his home, <loing basic
le Joesn't happen often, but sometimes a mage calls up carpentry. It appears as a short, squat, humanoid creature
something she diJn't mean to. This n ormally happe ns for made of tightly packed dire and grass, but it crumbles into a
one of two reasom: either the mage was summoning one pile of earth if anyone except Lowell comes within 20 feetof
creature an<l got something else entirely, or she was cricked the house. The elemental works very slowly - Lowell,



, r '~l'.'~
~ ~ ~1 r

work mg alone, could probably have the work done in half the family around the globe, pursuing any interesting story he can
time, but this way he doesn't have to spend every waking find. He has a special interest in "haunted places," meaning
moment either working at his day job or on the house. that he often winds up visiting Nodes. While Jorge himself
What Lowell doesn't know is that the reason the el- isn't terribly powerful (he isn't even Awakened; for Storytell-
emental is taking so long is that it is also building tunnels and ers with access to Sorcerer Revised, assume Jorge is a sorcerer
other featu res into the ground around the house. Once the with Sdots of Summoning, Binding, and Warding- though
work i finished, any number ofsimilar beings will have access he's always looking to learn more) the demon that travels
co Lowell's tiny Node, as well as any other spiritual features he with him is deadly (see the sidebar for details). He refers to it
designs for the area. While this isn't in violation of the as mi perro ("my dog") and will go to great lengths to keep it
Bargain Lowell made with the creature (and while Lowell fed and happy.
might not necessarily mind, as long as he gets some use out of
his Node, too) the tunnels are destabilizing the house. O ne "I

minor earthquake cou ld bring it crashing down, once the ,r

"construction" is finished - and quakes aren't unknown in The demon is rather canine looking in form, or it
the area. would be, if it stayed still long eno ugh for anyone to
take a look. It has six legs, each of which end in wicked
jeR.Gf v ALL DE CeNSTANCIA, claws, and a ho rrid maw full of long, cruel fangs. While
fllAo EBcCULTIST it prefers to eat bone marrow from Jorge's family , it can
subsist on the pickings from any human's bones. It is
Jorge Valle de Constancia is a middle aged Spaniard who
fully loyal to Jo rge and will never attack him, no matter
worked for many years as an attorney for Endron O il, special-
how hungry it gets.
izing in international law. He is superbly qualified for the job
- Jorge is intelligent, suave, and polite. He has a knack for Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 7, Stamina 6, Cha-
languages (he speaks 10 fluently and is conversational in risma 0, Manipulation 0, Appearance 0, Perception 4,
many more) and for immersing himself in nearly any culture. 1 Intelligence L, Wits S

He is also completely amora l, willing co do or say anything to Abilities: Alertness S, Athletics S, Brawl S
win a case. Willpower: S (10 for purposes of resisting mental
Occultism had always been a side pursuit fo r Jorge; even attacks and commands)
he can't say how he first became interested. When he retired Health Levels: OK, OK, OK, OK, - 1, -1, -1, -2, -4,
from Endron in 1999, he began traveling the world, pursuing -5, Incapacitated
the many leads on supernatural phenomena that he'd accrued Attacks: Claws (Strength+ 1 ), Bite (Strength+ I)
over his career. Du ring that time, he began expenmenting Powers: Hellish Speed (attacks three times per
with magic and discovered that much of it was just like tum); Faster Than the Eye ( + 3 difficulties to hit the
learning a language - once he learned the basics, the rest demon); Regeneration (heals one lethal or bashing
followed. damage per tum, aggravated damage takes one day/
While in Rio de Janeiro, Jorge came across a curious level); Should Not Be (anyone who gets a good look at
legend about a creature that came out of the jungle and slew ,the demon rolls Willpower, difficu lty 7; failure indicates
hundreds of men before it raced off after the setting sun, the viewer loses a permanent doc of Willpower. Thi
thinking the light it saw was blood. Intrigued, he traced the effect only happens once to any given person; that ts, a
legend's roots and discovered that it actua lly referred to a person who looks upon the demon and succeeds m the
demon ofsorts, and, more interesting yet, the demon could be Willpower ro ll need not make another, although chat in
summoned by anyone willing to feed it. lts diet is unique; it no way means the demon is not disturbing to view)
feeds on human bone marrow, and to summon it requires an Weaknesses: Sunlight (suffers aggravated damage
offering of marrow from the summoner's own family. from sunlight - 3 levels/tum of exposure, no soak; will
Fortunately, Jorge has an extensive family, and several run from any source of sunlight); Hunger (must eat o ne
were willing to journey to Rio to meet him. pound of human bone marrow per week, or it loses o ne
The dying words of his cousin as the demon pounced- health level daily until it feeds); Bloodlust (roll Will-
"No debe ser" ("it should not be") - gave Jorge pause, but he power, difficulty 6, to avoid chasing an obvious source of
was immediately overcome with love and admiration for his blood o r meat).
new companion. He set about traveling the world, and visits

~ . . . . ..-.
Can't keep my mind from the circling sky,
Tongue,cied and twisted, just an Earth,bound misfit, l.
- Pink Floyd, "Leaming to Fly"

The Umbra, as the reader has by now while the focus of Mage remains on Earth, the Umbra is
learned, is quite literally a place of endless no less "real." But how be t to u e thi limitless expan c
po sibility. Mage troupes can do nearly in chronicles? This chapter covers exactly that. Herein,
anything on the far side of the Gauntlet, the toryteller will find rationale for U mbra! journeys,
and that often creates a certain hesitancy ways of u ing Umbra! denizens and phenomena in the
about using the U mbra in storie . Many Prime reality, notes on integrating the changes in the
players (and Storytellers) have a tendency Umbra into chronicles, and a sample story suitable for a
to refer to Earth as the "real world," and cabal of magcs interested in reaching beyond.
The greatest advantage in using the Um, hand them easy solutions to the problem, but perhaps
bra in a chronicle is its sheer versatility. intimate that some further preparation is necessary. If,
Mages can do literally anything in the however, the group is dead set on jumping in with both
_ Umbra, provided they know how and go to feet, don't discourage them. Overweening hubris is,
the right "place." But that very openness is after all, a primary theme of Mage.
daunting-within infinite possibility, how What themes will the story explore? The answer
do you use the Umbra?When considering to this question largely depends on the reason the group
an Umbra! story, ask yourself the following is leaving (see below), but even a story that ostensibly
........,.._...___..___, questions: has a concrete goal can have a variety of themes. For
Why leave Earth? Umbra! journeys should never example, consider a cabal that ven tures into the Umbra
be undertaken lightly. If your troupe's cabal h as hit on to prepare for an assault on an enemy by "running
the idea ofleaving Earth for the Umbra, make sure you simulations" of the upcoming battle. The story could
understand their reasons for wishing to do so. Don't take on a very gritty "preparing for war" theme, as the
discourage them, even if the underlying idea is frivolous cabal comes to realize that not all of them will survive,
or badly thought out, but do take note of such things - no matter h ow prepared they are. If, however, over the
an ill, prepared group of mages venturing into the course of preparations, the mages come to appreciate
Otherworlds will have very different experiences than a that innocent people might be harmed in their battle,
group that takes the time to plan their journey out, in the story might begin to lean more towards themes of
large part because intent and focus makes the journey choice and principles - is the battle worth human life?
that much easier. If the group has a concrete goal, make In the Umbra, where ideas and concepts are so impor
sure you understand it. If they wish simply to explore, tant, considering theme is a muse.
that's fine, too, but then you must keep careful eye on
the proverbial clock, so that yo u known when RfAsEBNS TEB JEBURNY BEYEBND
Disembodiment sets in (see pp. J l ,J2). The reasons for traveling to the U mbra I Realms are
What changes does the chronicle need? The nearly as limitless as the Realms themselves. Below is a
Umbra takes the rules of life and turns them upside list of possible reasons for venturing into the Umbra,
down. It's possible to introduce new characters, re, and what types of Umbra! Realms might suit those
invigorate old ones, reveal information about a situation, reasons.
or give characters a chance to fix old mistakes in the
U mbra. If one of the characters brings a familiar on the fOYSTRY
journey, for example, that familiar is effecti vely going The Umbra represents the greatest enigma ever. It
home. Might that journey home change the spirit in is a virtually endless supply of virgin territory, with
attitude, or in ability? Maybe one of the ch aracters strangeness and wonders unimaginable. The human
manages to stumble into a pocket realm that changes spirit cries out for the thrill and possibility of discovery
him (perhaps beneficially, perhaps not - maybe the (or perhaps longs for new lands to conquer and despoil,
character even contracts some sort of Umbra! disease depending upon whom one asks) and the U mbra can
like C hulorviosis). Think about recent events in the provide that easily. Some cabals migh t travel beyond
chronicle; what could be expanded upon by a trip into the Gauntlet for the sheer thrill of exploring new
the U mbra? O r, if the game has (for example ) felt a bit Realms, attempting to map out the U mbra, or simply to
slow and cerebral of late, an Umbra! sojourn could see what kind of odd spirit beings they might encounter.
include a run, in with some hostile spirits, just to quicken In such a store, the discovery itself is the goal, and so the
the pace a bit. desire to reach the goal won' t result in the mages
Is the group prepared? Stepping into the Umbra venturing to any parricular place. Instead, they might
isn't as simple as casting a few Spirit Effects and hopping wind up an ywhere in the U mbra that th eir will and
through a gateway. U mbra! travel is risky. If the group magic can carry them.
thinks that they can just leap directly in with no Viewing the U mbra as a mystery to be solved holds
research or preparation - or, worse, they are basing two major dangers, however. O ne is Disembodiment.
their plans on the way the Umbra was pre, Reckoning, Without a concrete goal, the cabal may become so
it might be worthwhile to give them a few h ints. Don 't enamored of the infinite discoveries it makes that the


' J 1 v r I
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. ~ ~. r,r } .

~, . , h
mages forget that Earth is truly their home. As they
journey fanher away from Earth, it may seem less IllAPPING TH UmBRA
important to go back. The Storyteller faced with the Can it be done? Past Mage sourcebooks have
prospect of the characters becoming lost forever might indicated that it's possible to map a location out of
consider staging an encounter with another explorer existence; if Tradition lore is true, that's what the
(perhaps even a proto-Void Engineer, a member of the Technocracy did to places like El Dorado and
Order of Reason who became lost centuries ago) who Atlantis. But is it possible to create even a reason-
has become wholly spirit, and in the process lost his able travel guide to the Umbra?
humanity - and enlightenment - entirely. The answer to this question (and to many
The other major danger is simply that those who other questions regarding the Umbra) is: maybe.
look for danger often find it. Intent and desire tends to Some Realms are more "stable" than others are;
shape one's experiences in the Umbra, and that means this is especially true of the Spirit Wilds, which
that a group that intends to find and define the more doesn't depend so much on perception. Its Realms
dangerous, wild, or even untouched parts of the Umbra seem to stay relatively stable in appearance (they
might wend their ways into any of the more unpleasant do change, actually, but do so gradually). How-
parts of the spirit worlds. A group wishing to face the ever, these places are also of comparatively little
dangers of the Umbra might wander into one of the interest to the Awakened.
Hive Realms (see Chapter Five) . A cabal idly express- Realms such as those described in Chapters
ing curiosity about shapeshifters might blunder into the Two and Three can and do change, and of course
Spirit Wilds, where the dance of predator and prey is he myriad splinter Realms, formed from idea and
decidedly slanted against humans. And woe betide a thought and kept alive by one traveler's belief, can
mage who expresses a desire to study the Avatar Winds alter themselves or cease to be as soon as the
in greater detail .... inceptor leaves the area. As for mapping out
When deciding where to "send" an exploratory pathways between worlds, it can be done, but
group of mages, it's often best to present several possi- generally requires a magical Effect consisting of
bilities (in any archetypal form that the characters Correspondence 3, Spirit 1, and Mind 1. Mapping
understand: paths off a road, links to web sites, different the Umbra through mundane means (that is, just
dreams, etc.) and let the group choose. If after one story, drawing a map) doesn't really work, as so much o
they don't feel like heading back, perhaps the second Umbra! travel is made of "thinking" one's way to
"choice" is more broad; whereas in the first choice you a destination.
presented several specific Realms to which they could
travel, in the second story you might give them choices possible to use the Umbra as a kind of "training ground"
between the Spirit Wilds, the Astral Umbra, and the - a dedicated group of mages can set up a pocket of the
Shard Realms. As they continue to travel, they grow Umbra as their own personal simulation of whatever
unable to see the specifics, instead seeing only the situation might be required. This sort of thing is best
vastness of the Umbra (the group, at this stage, is on the accomplished in a part of the Umbra not already dedi-
way to losing its connection to Earth and wandering the cated to one particular ideal (the Digital Web is the best
Umbra forever). place to find such "clean slates") but it's not impossible
Possible Realms: Any. Entering the Umbra in to clear a section of the Umbra and reshape it as
order to explore or reveal the myste ries of the necessary. This generally requires at least Spirit 4, and
Otherworlds can take a group of travelers literally any- usually high levels of Matter and Prime as well.
where. The Storytelle r should be sure not to send the Beyond simply creating a mini-Realm to use as a
group somewhere immediately fatal (as intent really proving ground or a dry run, the Umbra represents
does direct destination, and the group probably doesn't possibility on a much larger scale. Anything can happen
intend to die). beyond the Gauntlet, and while that phrase may seem
trite or meaningless at first blush, stop and consider the
PEDSSIBIUTY larger implications. Anything can happen - and that
The Umbra is the realization of all possibility, and means that a mage can find the answer to nearly any
as such , mages may wish to travel to the Otherworlds to nagging question while in the Umbra. This can range to
seeifan idea can truly take root on Earth (realms like the broad historical question s ("What if the South won the
lnventium stemmed from this sort of thing, before the C ivil War?") to very personal issues ("Suppose I had
Avatar Storm came). Likewise, as mentioned above, it's gone home with that pale woman in the bar?") . The
chance to learn nearly anything, as long as one knows Possible Realms: The Epiphamies, the Digital Web
where to look (which, of course, is another matter (see The Digital Web 2.0), Realms beyond the Hori-
entirely) is not something that many mages are prepared zon, Mirror Zones, many of the Realms in the Spirit
to pass up. Asking a question in the Umbra, some mages Wilds (but the Battleground in particular), the Dream
postulate, actually forms the answer as well. .. some- Realms. Chronicles including beings other than mages
where. The trick is finding it, and being in the Umbra might need to be set in areas of the Umbra conducive to
allows the mage to change the process of searching for such beings; mages have a great deal of versatility with
an answer, which can involve soul-searching or years of regards to visiting differing areas of the Umbra, while
research, into a literal, physical (or, more accurately, other creatures do not.
metaphysical) journey.
More than any oth er reason for venturing beyond
Earth, the theme of possibility helps to drive home the As mentioned above, the answers to nearly all
realization that potential is a fine thing to consider, but questions can be found in the Umbra. Rather than
ulcimately accomplishes little. The truly important realm traversing the Gauntlet to ask "what if," however, many
is Earth, because it is there that a mage grows and mages simply go seeking enlightenment or wisdom for
ascends (so to speak) as a human being. A character who its own sake. This differs from possibility in that instead
allows herself to wallow in "What if?" paralyzes herself of looking to understand and cope with the past, the
in the end, trapped between so many possible outcomes mage seeking wisdom looks to comprehend and meet
. that she can't decide what to do. In Mage, this is the future. While both drives are valid, they represent
symbolized by Disembodiment; the mage slowly be- two very different approaches to a problem.
comes a spirit, unable to utilize the knowledge and A mage looking to find wisdom in the Umbra
potential she gains through her endless search, but might set out with a definite goal in mind, focusing on
merely flitting from one question to the next. a specific question or problem and seeing where the
Another option for themes and quests of possibility Umbra! paths take him. Such quests often lead either
is that of crossover. Mages are not the only "race" of to Epiphamies, where the specific issue can be ad-
supernatural beings that have business in the Umbra. dressed, or to Realms that will answer the mage's
Werewolves, of course, are the most obvious, but the question in a roundabout way (or at least put it in
Restless Dead, changelings, and even the Reborn can perspective for him). For example, an Akashic Brother
also enter various levels of the spirit worlds. Mages fit accidentally kills a man during a fight and this forces
into the cosmology rather strangely - they don't have him to confront his own beliefs with regards to human
a place in the Umbra that they see as exclusive to them life. He travels into the Umbra with the objective of
by divine right (although they are commonly the only finding that man'sspiritor, failing that, simply seeking
beings who traverse the Astral Reaches) but do consider what happens to someone who dies as the result of
the exploration of the entire Umbra to be their privi- random violence. Depending on the Storyteller's
lege. Needless to say, other beings can become quite thoughts on the matter (whether she wishes to incor-
upset to find uninvited humans crawling around "their" porate anything from Wraith or rule that the souls of
Realms. But if, for some reason, the characters had a the dead are indeed reachable through the Umbra) the
reason to co-exist, the Umbra can make for superb character might wind up speaking with the dead man
neutral ground. After all, no race can really claim to be and asking forgiveness, explaining his actions, and
completely safe in the Umbra, and no race can legiti- learning about what the death of one human does to
mately claim to understand all of its mysteries. An the fabric of the universe (which may be nothing at all,
exchange of ideas that would cause gasps of horror on again depending on the tone of the story and the needs
Earth can take place in the Umbra simply because and whims of the Storyteller). Or, the Akashic may
anything is possible here. This does not mean that a find himself in a Realm like the Wasteland, where
mage and a werewolf are going to sit down, explain their suffering and death are commonplace, and striving to
views on the universe, agree on those views, and then understand under what circumstances adding to such
proceed to share all of the cultural and ideological bases misery might be acceptable.
of their people. It merely means that running a game On the other hand, a mage might simply enter the
consisting of more than one type of character using Umbra seeking wisdom, but nothing specific. ln effect,
Umbra! themes (possibility or otherwise) is a better bet the mage uses the Umbra as a vision quest. This nor-
than trying to run such a game on Earth, where too mally requires the mage to use some appropriate focus as
many rules are in force. he Steps Sideways; consuming peyote or some other

160 TH lNfrNITe TAesTRY

hallucinogenic is one possibility, as is losing himself in The characters may simply be seeking to bring
music or another sensory stimulus. Once across, the Umbral energy to Earth in the form of Tass. This is
mage simply wanders, looking for nothing in particular, probably the simplest type of story a troupe can tell with
and waits for a vista to show itself. The danger in such a theme of Power, but it is by no means unrewarding. A
an instance, of course, is that since direction in the quest into the Umbra to find Quintessence can bring up
Umbra is determined so much by intent, the mage all sorts of other issues - how far will the cabal travel,
might walk for long periods of time without seeing knowing that every step they take away from Earth is a
anything in particular. Or, worse, a malicious spirit or step they'll have to make again? How far can they go
even another mage might take advantage of the before the risk of Disembodiment is too great and they
character's desire for wisdom and use it for its own ends must turn back? If they find a mediocre source of power,
(which might in itself be enlightening). However, very will they take it and run, or keep looking for something
few vision quests are inspired by boredom. More often, better? And, of course, any source of Quintessence they
the mage enters a quest as a response to an event in his find is likely to be in use. Very little, if anything, in the
life (and therefore in the chronicle). As Storyteller, you Umbra is superfluous (and what is superfluous is prob-
should try to gauge what a character (and a player) is ably stuff that mages put there to begin with). That
trying to gee out of such a quest and present symbols and means that the group might well be stealing energy from
events accordingly. When in doubt, ask the player. a society or a spirit that desperately needs it.
A mage might also travel into the Umbra to seek Suppose the cabal travels to the spirit representa-
advice from a particular being. This could be an oracle tion ofa famous monument and discovers that miniature
of sorts (a Dionysian Cultist might seek out the O racle souvenirs charged with Quintessence appear in the
of Delphi, or the spirit thereof, with a question) or a Umbrascape around the monument almost daily. Tak-
Master believed lose to the A vacar Storm. This sort of ing these trinkets, they reason, won't make much
plotline sometimes crosses over into the realm of Power difference in the long run - the folks who'll come to
(see below) because the focus is on the goal, rather than admire the monument will replace them tomorrow. But
on the wisdom to be had. will collecting those souvenirs leave the monument
A Seeking is a specific type of vision quest that may spiritually weakened, even for one night? Will that
take place in the Umbra (depending on whom you ask). weakness make it more likely that someone will attempt
Seekings take many forms, and it is perfectly acceptable to damage the monument? And what if the Technoc-
for a quest to begin as a simple journey to find whatever racy, in investigating such an incident, finds the
wisdom might be waiting and evolve into a Seeking as characters' Resonances and traces them? By keeping an
it progresses (particularly if the character accrues the eye on the consequences, the Storyteller can inject a
number of experience points necessary to raise her note of responsibility into a story that, on the surface,
Arete during the Umbral quest and wishes to do so resembles a simple "find and loot" scenario.
immediately). The Mage Storytellers Handbook con- If the characters wish to find allies in the Umbra,
tains more information on Seekings. however, the story takes a very different spin. Many
Possible Realms: Most of the Realms listed above Umbrood have their own rules, and this means that any
under Possibility can also function for vision quest/ mage who wishes to deal with spirits had best learn those
wisdom stories. However, it's more important for the rules before trying to make deals. Shamans know well the
Storyteller to decide what the lesson to be learned conceptofchiminage, and the fact that the High Umbral
during the story is and choose the Realm or Realms to courts have their own laws ofdecorum is common knowl-
be visited based on that lesson. edge among the Hermetics. However, knowing that the
rules exist, and knowing the rules are cwo different things.
PEBWR If a mage goes asking favors and manages to offend a
Quests into the Umbra do not al ways revolve around powerful spirit in the process, the entire cabal might be in
the pursuit of knowledge or the desire to better oneself for a very cold reception (or worse). Chief among the
or one's fellow man. There is power aplenty to be had concerns when approaching spirits for help is, Why should
beyond the Gauntlet. A mage or a cabal of rnages might the spirit in question help the characters? Spirits aren't
venture into the spirit worlds to find a source of Quin- necessarily cruel or apathetic, but they are extremely
tessence, a mentor, or even spirit allies to bring with tunnel-visioned and don't normally ace outside of their
them to Earth. This kind of story can go in any number roles (this is more true of Middle Umbral spirits than
of directions, depending on why the characters are those from Astral Space, but even those latter beings
seeking power and in what form they wish to find it. don't tend to see things in human terms).
If a cabal asks properly, however, they might well its host using the enlightenment it granted to go off on
gain allies in whatever the ir cause happens to be. The pleasure jaunts (of course, the Avatar can get around
Storyteller should carefully consider what form that aid this by nudging the mage towards Realms that seem
might take. The simplest form of aid is information and perfectly peaceful, but are in fact anything but). This
instruction; spirits can sometimes teach Spheres (though kind of complacency might result in the Avatar strip-
their understanding of magic is, of necessity, very differ- ping the mage's powers for a time, leaving her stranded
ent fro m most mages' and might require some in the Umbra without the vast power that the Spirit
paradigmatical re-working when the mage reaches Earth Sphere usually grants - leaving her, in effect, at the
again), and most can teach Knowledges such as Enig- mercy of a much more capric ious environment than the
mas, Occult, and Cosmology. If the characters want "real world" ever is.
more tangible aid , such as martial backup, the spirit Another issue concerning escape, of course, is that
might require a bequest of energy to breach the Gaunt- the issues one escapes from tend to follow, especially in
let (and will likely require even more to stay there). Of the Umbra. Mages looking to get away from their lives
course, certain magical effects such as Living Bridge can might fall into Paradox Rea lms or Mirror Zones, or
alleviate t he n eed of Quintessence to stave off Unbelief, simply have disturbing dreams (which can very easily
but not all spirits will agree to share a body with a human blossom into reality) about their lives back on Earth.
(and some might not want to give it up once the favor Plus, after the 17th time the landscape changes, leaving
has been discharged). the mage trying desperately to get a grip on her sur-
Some beings, of course, are perfectly able to stay on roundings, home can look pretty promising.
Earth without being eroded by the Consensus. Such There is a thin line, of course, between exploration
beings, though, are either powerful enough to fuel and escapism, and the Storyteller should pay close
themselves or draw their power from a higher master, attention to which one the characters are trying to
which means they typically serve that master's agenda. accomplish by heading off into the Umbra. If they are
See C h apter Five for some thoughts on summoning merely hungry for discovery, that's fine (although the
creatures from the Umbra and what this can mean for notion about having work to do on Earth might still
the summoner. apply). If they just want to head off to Balador (seep.
Possible Realms: The Umbra I Courts and the N ear 113) and get La id, perhaps you should show them what
U mbra are good starts. Really ambitious cabals might remains of the Pleasure Realm ....
travel to the Deep Umbra to try and find sources of Possible Realms: Depending on what the players
power heretofore untapped (the Technocracy has been are trying to accomplish, if anything, a number of
doing this for years, apparently). However, most of the Realms might suffice. Again, the ruins of Balador can
U mbra! Realms include some source of power-a really send a very poign ant message about escapism and hedo-
vicious cabal might travel to the H ollow Earth to try and nism. The Spirit Wilds host rapids, cliffs, and forests
tap into its sun. more vast and awe-inspiring than anything on Eart h,
should the mage wish to "get away from it all" -
scAP1sm naturally, the fauna found there is a lso more impressive.
The World of Darkness is an extreme Iy trying place, Mirror Zones, by nature, are good places to send mages
seemingly bereft of hope. For beings such as the Awak- who don't want to face reality, as are the Dream Realms.
ened who have the power of reality at their fingertips,
it's often too damned depressing to contemplate. The RffuG
Umbra, however, is everything that Earth is not - Trying to escape from unpleasant realities doesn't
chock-full of possibility, light, energy, and hope. So why have to be a matter of disliking one's normal routine. A
not leave Earth behind and delve into the O therworlds? mage might literally be trying to escape from something
Even if the mage doesn't wish to do so on a permanent or someon e with designs on causing her harm, and the
basis, the Umbra would seem to have excellent "vaca- Umbra can be a superb place to hide out. A cabal of
ti.o n spots." It's just a matter of finding a friendly Realm mages running from the Technocracy or even more
and leaving before Disembodiment sets in, right? mundane forces (such as hunters or vampires) might
Things are rarely so simple, of course. The Umbra is enter the Otherworlds and wait their opponents out -
not a friendly place; it's far too vast to be characterized or attempt to get the drop on them.
by anything so anthropomorphic. Besides the usual The Near Umbra makes for a good resting place. It's
caveats about losing oneself to the Umbra and becom- familiar enough that the mages don't have to worry
~ ing a spirit, the mage's Avatar might not take kindly to quite as much about the landscape sh ifting on them
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every few minutes and most of the laws of nature (as
mages know them) still apply. The characters might :r SPIRIT HEBUNDS
take sanctuary in the spiritual reflection of a shelter or These creatures are native to the Spirit Wilds,
hospice, since the energies there are probably condu- although similar creatures exist in Astral Space.
cive cowards refuge. A mage who plans ahead might They take the form of hound dogs or wolves (de-
have access to a Demesne or Shallowing where her view pending on the mage; more animistic mages tend to
of reality is the dominant one (although getting her see them as feral animals, while humanist mages
friend there might be a little trickier). perceive them as dogs).
If, however, the forces from which the characters t Spirit Hounds are capable of tracking any being
are running are themselves capable of Umbra! travel, across the Umbra, provided they first have a sample
hiding in the Umbra becomes a much different propo- of the target's Resonance. Successfully reproducing
sition. Most spirit are able to track targets, and powerful a mage's Resonance requires Prime 2 and Mind 2,
beings (including other mages) can often summon but it's best if the hound can "sniff" at something
"bloodhounds" (see sidebar) . In this case, thecharacters the target hasacrually touched or altered magically.
may flee to the Umbra only to discover their lots have Spirit Hounds, while superb trackers, aren't much
worsened-or they may attempt to cum the flexibility in the way of attack animals and are in fact some-
of the Umbra to their advantage. Maybe the escape to ~hat cowardly. They are very curious spirits, but
the Umbra was motivated not by fear or desire for self. not easily distracted once given a task.
preservation, but by a desire to protect the Sleepers who Willpower 5, Rage 3, Gnosis 6, Essence 14
would be hurt in a conflict taking place on Earth. Charms: Aire Sense, Tracking (Gnosis roll,
A story about Refuge might end with the conflict difficulty 6, or 3 if the Hound can sample the
being resolved, or it could end with the characters Target's Resonance. Physical smells don't help, but,
resting, making plans, and traveling back to Earth to "scenting" something that the target has altered
face their fears. Regardless, the Storyteller shou ld re- magically does)
member that time passes while the characters are in the


''.I 1:wL ~' vr ~

' ...'
Umbra and if the mages don't resolve their problems, some organization , rather than blunder along merely
they may find that these problems have multiplied trying to survive. The Council ofN ine once held a great
when they emerge into Earth again. deal of power, and the infusion of new blood it recently
Possible Realms: The best Realms to take refuge in received by absorbing many of the Disparates should
are ones that the characters know well. If the characters have acted as a boost - but instead, it merely added
flee to the Umbra on a whim, they might use Spirit and mo re voices to the rabble. Something, some symbol or
Mind magic to search out a safe place to rest; this could wo rd of wisdom must lie beyond the Gauntlet, waiting
lead them to someplace in the N ear Umbra or it could like Excalibur for the right person co seize it and unite
lead to a Realm farther out. A powerful Avatar within the Traditions.
the group might guide them to such a place, as well. Whatever the motive- pushing back the Nephandi,
When leading a cabal to a "safe haven," try to use weakening the Technocracy, reinvigorating the Tradi-
imagery relevant to the ch aracters. A well,educated t ions or simply reclaiming what was lost-Reclamation
Son of Ether might see a suitable Rea lm as a student's stories are likely to take place in several different locales
lounge at a university, whereas an islander Oreamspeaker in the Umbra. ln fact, they should probably involve
might ee a beach house as an ideal place to rest. severa l trips, simply to make sure that the characters
don't become lost to Disembodiment while earching
RfcLAJT1ATJE9N for the answers they need. O ne story might involve
The Awakened have lost much in the wake of the confirmatio n that, yes, it's possible to find what they
Reckoning and the Avatar Storm. Many mages, espe, need. The second could lead the cabal to new heights of
cially those with some experience with the Umbra understanding, for example with some breakthrough
pre,Storm, feel cheated that they can no longer reach that allows for the creation ofa safe gateway through the
beyond the Gauntlet as easily as once they did. Arra, Avatar Storm. The third and subsequent stories might
gant though it may seem, some mages fee l that the see the cabal meeting with lost Masters or High Umbrood
power to step between worlds is a right, no t a privilege, (perhaps the mages can't tel I the difference?) and decid-
and they wish to exercise it o n ce aga in . The ing what methods are acceptable. After all, the zeal to
Oreamspeakers, in particular, often fee l useless in a allow humanity to Ascend and the arrogance of think-
world that bars them fro m the Otherwo rlds. For a ing that there was onl y one way to do it were what drove
number of reasons, the mages wish to reclaim the ir the T echnocracy to take the drastic measures that it did.
abilities to cross the Gauntlet. ls the cabal making the same mistakes, with different
A story about Reclamation most often involves the tools? O r can they truly regain some of the glory of the
Avatar Storm. This book has already presented a few ways past? Should they?
to mitigate the damage it causes, but what about a story Possible Realms: Any, really, but the Horizon and
about ending it altogether? Woul<l a trip to the Well of what remains of the Shard Realms are good candidates
Souls (see pp. 100, 101) provide the kind of knowledge and for truly lofty goals.
power the characters need for such a grand undertaking?
What about a Device thought lost in the outer reaches of UITIBRAL LSSE9NS
the Umbra? Perhaps the characters must simply learn by Venturing inro the Umbra should always be a
practice how to influence the Storm, and must simply teaming experience, especially when traveling to As-
srudy it close up (without being ripped to shreds). The tral Space. When the characters reach beyond our
I Psychopomps (see pp. 150, 152), a very special race of wo rld, they see beliefs and concepts take concrete
spirits, would be able to help, but most mages don't even form, which forces them to confront those concepts.
:j;. know that they exist, much less what they can do. This often results in the mage learning something
2~ O r perhaps che characters accept the Avatar Storm abou t himself and his own views- usually more than

r,~ ~
as an unfortunate happening, but are willing co brave it he wanted to learn.
to bring leadership back to their Traditions. Some of the Structuring this kind of learning experience can be
Masters doubtless survi ve beyond the Gauntlet, and daunting for the Sroryteller. However, with a little
perhaps even beyond the Horizon. If the Earth,bound forethought and a bit of attention to detail, you can
'ir,, , mages could bring back proof that some of the Masters make a visit to Astral Space into a truly engaging
~ .:,..;
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yet live, or (conversely) learn for themselves the hide, enigma, a ridd le for you r players to unravel. We here
oI Jo bound folly that le<l to the fate of the famed Ho rizon present so me tips on how to do just that.
r;'~ I ._.. chantry, perhaps the Traditions could find some focus,
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SYmwusm can see tiny glowing images-symbolizing thought and
Symbols need to remain consistent within a vi ta, inspiration - racing from place to place.
or at least need to progress logically. For example, if the The Umbra should be freeing for the toryteller -
characters encounter a Realm dedicated to grief, and anything can happen here, anJ that means you can
the Storyteller u es constant rain to symbolize the describe locales of surpassing beauty, horror, and gen-
emotion, she shouldn't then change the meaning be- eral strangeness - places that coulJn'Lexist on Earth.
hind the rainstorms to "cleansing," at least not without Think about what kind of place a Realm is, what sorts
some events within the story to make that transition. of symbolic e lements it needs to include, and Lhen see
Changing the meaning of a symbo l in Astral Space what kind of inspiration springs fonh . The earlier chap-
essentially means you're not in the same place anymo re. ters of this book include descriptions of many different
In Astral Space, symbols are the equivalents of land- Realms, but the Umbra is infinite, and nothing says you
marks, so treat them carefully. can't create your own locale for your players co explore.


Good advice for Storytellers in general, this becomes Of course you should have a reason for Laking the
all-important when dealing with the Umbra simply be- troupe into the Umbra (or, if it's Lheir 1Jea, under rand
cause so much of perception is dictated by expectation. the reasons). This chapter contain a fairly thorough
When journeying in the Umbra, characters wind up examination of the various reasons for a cabal to ven-
where they expect to wind up, and that means thac you ture sideways. When choosing a mood, theme,
need to be relatively certain what the characters' expec- appropriate challenge and symbol for the journey,
tations are. Don't rely on stereotypes, either: A Catholic
Chorister might see an Umbral Realm dedicated to Faith
f'ffi""'~ xAmPLE: CREATING A Rf:ALITT "-~+-~
as a cathe<lral, yes, but perhaps she sees her C hurch as
becoming slowly corrupted from within? That means A Dreamspeaker character deci<les to make an
that a cathedral isn't going to symbolize faith for her very Umbra! sojourn in order to find the answer to a
effectively. Take your cues from past stories with the magical conundrum - specifically, she wishes to
players; use those stories as springboards towards shaping advance her knowledge of Mind . She knows that
quests through the Umbra. she can implant emotions in a target, hut wishes to
On a related note, a quest into Astral Space is take this a step further, grantinga target visions and
probably best reserved for a troupe that has been together images (this is a Mind 3 Effect, described on page
for some time. When you, as the Storyteller, are certain 178 of Mage under the Telepathy effect). To this
that you have a good bead on who the characters are and tend, the Dreamspeaker, and perhap the re t of her
how the players portray and visualize them, you've got a cabal, enter the High Umbra earching for a vista
better chance of taking the group into the Umbra and not o riented towards Images.
frustrating them. Juse like a Seeking or any other situation The Storyteller, knowing that the character is
where symbolism and allegory are the rule of the day, an artist, decides that the Realm the characters find
Umbra! stories can become very obtuse. Try to keep consists of a gallery with infinite rooms, the walls
things specific (see below for more on this). covered in portraits, paintings, and other forms of
art. The artwork isn 't abstract; each work Jepicts
CE0NCRtTE NE0TIE0NS something specific, fro m anima ls to lan<lscapes to
One of the things chat has changed about the specific people. The Realm has no in<ligenous"life,"
Umbra, particularly the Astral Reaches, since the Reck- ~s the only inhabitants are the images present on
oning is that the High Umbra has become more concrete. the paintings, which are static. As the Dreamspeaker
That doesn't mean that it can be mapped- the Umbra searches, she may begin to realize Lhat all of the
is still fluid and ever-changing- but it does mean that pictures on the walls existed first a~ inspiration, an<l
vistas and places in the High Umbra that were once therefore emotion (which means she can " end"
unstable and so cerebral that no mage could describe, let images in the same way as feeling, with a bit of
alone visit them, have solidified enough to a llow travel. refinement). She might realize this through simple
A vista that wa once nothing more than a vast expanse reasoning, or the Storyteller might Jecide that the
dotted with the occasional flash of color (which could Realm does indeed house sentient spirits; maybe
have symbolize<l just about anything) now appears as an the paintings themselves take on life if someone
immense electrical circuit board, where the characters touches them or pays enough attention to them .


I L A ' I - ,,, ,. rl
keep that reason in mind. The Umbra is huge, and
keeping the focus on the matter(s) at hand en ures that .I SUPfRNATURAL TRAITS
the characters don 't go off on dangerous tangents. Supernatural Merits and Flaw may follow the
But what if the players decide, en masse, to change mage into the Umbra and become mixed up in the
the focus of the story? This is where being flexible Umbrascape when she reache Astral Space. For
becomes important. For instance, characters searching example, a mage with the Devil's Mark Flaw (p. 298
in the Umbra for a source of Quintessence (see Power, t ofMage) normally manifests only a "witch's nipple,"

pp. 16 1-162) might encounter some alien beings guard- which merely resembles an unpleasant birthmark.
ing a wellspring of T ass, and then decide that learning ln the Umbra, however, that nipple might slowly
about those beings is more important than the energy leak Quintessence, which acts as a beacon to any
they protect. The focus of the story has now shifted to thaumivorous creature in the area, lOsay nothing of
Mystery, and the Storyte ller, who before might merely eventually weakening the mage. Backgrounds can
have een these beings as disposable combat creatures, ~work this way, too, of course. A mage with a high
meant only to give the T ass- raiding mages a hard time, A vatar rating is quite likely to receive a visit from
now has the task of giving them some identity. It is his guide while in the Umbra, and a mage associated
crucial that she does so, however, because by not seeing with a Legend might very well wander into a Realm
the creatures as simple cannon fodder, the magcs are straight out of the tale that he embodies. Unfortu-
developing and maturing (and so, perhaps, are the nately, Adversarial Backgrounds work the same~
players). They are learning from their time in the way- no spirit wi ll ever forget an Uncanny mage.
Umbra, and the last thing the Storyteller should do is
shove them back into whatever mindsets they h ad in a real situatio n to address those feelings. While
before. This is not only dismissive and counter to the problems can take on concrete form, the form they take
themes of Mage in general, but it runs completely shou ld lend itself somehow to concrete re olution that
against the notions and motifs of Umbral stories. can be applied outside of the Umbra. U mbra I vistas can
indeed be therapeutic, but the key to overcoming a
LSSE9NS LARND mental block is recognizing and understanding it. If it
When designing an Umbra! story, ask yourse lf, simply takes the form of a monster, that's less a way to
"What will the characters take home from this experi- overcome the problem and more ju t wishful thinking
ence?" The mages should be able to apply at least some on the mage's part - what you need to do as Storyteller
of what they learn while in the U mbra to their mystic is present an angle of approach for the character that the
paths, their everyday lives on Earth, or preferably both . player can understand and apply after the journey into
The U mbra can be a superb place to wo rk through the Otherworlds ends.
personality difficulties and other psychological flaws, Of course, mages can have i sues that have noth-
simply because those flaws become real, physical fo rces ing to do with their psycho logica l makeup and
as often as not. A character struggling with his mento r's everything to do with more spiritual and mystical
disapproval of his magical choices might be able to save matters. The Umbra can provide a way to correct-or
his mentor from death by using the forms of magic that at least recognize - these ort of problems, too (see
his teacher so despises. A mage who grapples with an the Supernatural Traits sidebar for hints o n how these
intense fear of rejection might find herself in her home might manifest ).
city, bur every door she approach es is slammed in her
When planning an Umbra! story, the Storyteller
face. The characters can overcome these o bstacles in
should make a list of the characters' applicable Merits,
any way they can think of: maybe the rejected character
Flaws, Backgrounds, and general personality trait that
finds a place of her own and establishes a home indepen-
might find representation in the Umbra. Even if the
dent of other people.
effect is merely cosmetic (a mage with the Legendary
The danger in using allegorical methods of over- C harisma Merit gains a beatific h alo while aero the
coming uch problems, of course, is that if the solutions Gauntlet) paying attention to these traits forces the
are handled wo allegorically they cease to address the Storyteller to consider each character's relation hip to
problems. For example, if a mage feels dominated or the Umbra and what she might learn therein. And don't
J belittled by a teammate and inside the Umbrascape that be surprised, of course, if the player takes whatever
teammate becomes a beast to be slain , that might make lessons you might pre ent in complete ly new directions.
for a dramatic scene but it completely fails to address One of the main themes of Mage is that willworkers
why the character feels belittled and what he could do


I vr
. ~ J r

make their own ways in the world, and a trip into the UITTBRAL DENIZENS
Umbra should help enhance and define a mystic's path, Chapter Five of chis book is devoted to examples of
not hinder it by specifying what the mage must learn. Umbral beings that are crossing into our world, either
Umbral lessons are not Seekings (though an Um- deliberately or by accident. Most of those beings are
bra! journey could conceivably become a Seeking); baleful, malevolent, o r at least amoral. However, crea-
while a mage might gain wisdom from his time in the tures from Beyond visiting Earth need not be vile or
Umbra, he probably won't gain true enlightenment. destructive. Below are some examples of h ow Umbra!
However, challenges presented to an Umbra-traveling denizens might function as plot hooks.
mage should be, like Seekings, highly symbolic and Fleeing from enemies. The spirit is being pursued
useful. If an entire cabal travels into the Umbra to- by something more powerful than itself, and it chose to
gether, consider what the whole group has to learn flee to Earth, hoping to hide. The characters might find
about each other and about their dynamic. If one the spirit hiding in their chantry (particularly if it
member of the cabal consistendy gets shouted down and houses a Node), or they might simply feel odd spiritual
fumes about it quietly, maybe her voice takes on a ripples as the creature begins following them. O r, per-
distinct rumble when she speaks, hinting that the other haps the characters run afoul of the being chasing the
should listen to her. If two of the mages butt heads over spirit - chis could be a more powerful spirit, a lycan-
leadership of the cabal, the Umbra might be a good thrope, or even a team of Void Engineers trying to
place to settle the dispute, as lying in the Umbra is destroy what they perceive as a threat. The spirit itself
difficult (since concepts can so quickly take physical is probably fairly powerful (else it couldn't cross the
form) . Of course, if one member of the group is a traitor, Gauntlet, unlessofcourse it used a character's Shallowing
that might reveal itself in subtle, symbolic ways that to do so). What are the spirit's motivatio ns, other than
none of the mages understand until the traitor is in a survival ? Will it take on a harmless-looking form to try
position to escape ... or strike. and sway the characters to its side? What if the being in
When a character learns something impo rtant in pursuit is actually trying to destroy a dangerous demon,
the Umbra, the Storyteller might consider allowing her or put down a spirit infected with some sort of plague?
to take some sort of keepsake back with her. This item Preparing to invade. Earth is a versatile, lush
doesn't need to have any magical properties or qualify realm with plenty of natural resources. Some Umbra!
even remotely as a Wonder, but should be unique denizens mightseektocolonize Earth. Of course, Unbe-
enough to serve to remind the character of what she lief being what it is, such a race would need some way to
learned beyond the Gauntlet. A ch aracter who experi- be accepted before going to war - if the army is going
ences a lightning storm in a Realm of chaos might find to die in a few hours due to the collective disbelief of
a bead of glass created when the Umbra! lightning their chosen victims, the invasion isn't going to suc-
struck sand, and later cum that bead into a necklace or ceed . They might take on the forms of humans, at least
earring. When things become chaotic, she fond les the superficially (remember the old V television series?).
glass and remembers that even the most violent energies Or, they might subtly start working on becoming an
can lead to beauty and stability. Such baubles collected accepted part of human life or legend - afte r all,
from Umbra! journeys can very easily become foci for vampires don't seem to suffer from Unbelief, but they're
Spheres learned on such quests. pretty improbable (makes you wonder where they came
fro m origina lly). What if the race pretended to be
UffiBRAL PLEBT DEvlCtS benevolent, going on at length about how they could
Mages can choose to journey beyond, yes, but help humanity if only they could survi ve o n Earth? Are
sometimes the Umbra comes to chem. The Gaundet the characters kind-hearted (and gullible) enough to
weakens in certain places, a llowing things and forces to help chem, and thus faci litate the invasion of Earth ?Or,
slip through. Sometimes this merely results in a change perhaps a maverick cell ofTechnocrats is already work-
in ambiance, whereas other times it results in a being ing on getting humanity to recognize the Umbrood,
literally crossing the Gauntlet and entering our world. either as aliens (which is pretty unlikely) o r as humans
As Storyteller, you can use the Umbra as a plot device with some sort of deformity. Will forcing the creatures
without the characters ever having to set foot o n in the to adopt a scientific paradigm render them more vulner-
spirit realms. able to magic, or less so?
Another questio n to consider is why they want another way take on an earthly form. O f course, the
Earth so badly, anyway? Do they use the same sorts of creature might not have a body at all. It may simply flit
resources we do, or could they live off of humanity's around the Near Umbra, able to reach across occasion
pollution and waste? O r, following the V example, ally but unable to en act any true influence. The
would they like to make more direct use of humanity, characters may wind up wishing to use the spirit, help it
either as slave labor or a food source? get home (or fully reach Earth, depending on their
The danger in running an invasion game is that if desires), or destroy it. And what of the summoner? Did
the characters don't succeed in stopping it, it will com- he enact the summoning on a whim, o r was the spell a
pletely change the face of the world. Be prepared for that matter of life or death for someone (perhaps the spirit
eventuality, unless of course you wish the invasion to be has knowledge of how to cure a disease or heal a mystical
subtle and slow. The Umbrood might simply wish to wound) ?ls he resentful that the characters have built up
exist on the fringes of humanity, feeding off Sleepers an y kind of rappo rt with the spirit? Will he come to
until such time as they can safely bid for open power them warning them of how dangerous the Umbrood
(sounds like vampires again, doesn't it?). truly is ... and if he does so, is it true?
Escape from Hell. Ignoring references to Demon:
The Fallen, the Umbra holds quite a few powerful beings
that would love to escape their current homes. However, In certain places, the Gauntlet between the Umbra
while Earth might not be the ir first choices, it is full of and the Prime Realm of Earth is almost sheer. Talented
lovely, inquisitive mages who are keen to try any ritual - or extremely perceptive - individuals can see across
they can get their hands on . A botched summoning, a it into the Otherwo rlds. Such places can offer a variety
particularly nasty Paradox backlash , or even a side effect of story options by themselves, without anyone or
of the Avatar Storm might blow a hole into some prison anything ever crossing the Gauntlet (although that
Realm, setting whatever lurks there free on humanity. Of lends itse lf to a number of plot hooks as well) .
course, once again, Unbelief protects the Masses. .. un- Spirit vistas. Emotion creates strong resonance,
less the creature has some way around that effect. Maybe which in turn attracts spirits att uned to the same sorr
it made a deal with a mage a long time ago that shields it of energies. While they might n ot have any desire or
from the effects of human minds. Maybe it resembles ability to cross the Gauntlet, no ma tter how thin it
something that humanity can believe, or maybe it's just gets, their mere presence in the N ear U mbra changes
that powerful. In any event, the creature doesn't have to the physical world in subtle ways. The more spirits
be immediately hostile to humans, but it was imprisoned associated with anger that flock to a bar, the more
for some reason. Perhaps it's infectious, or unstable, or fights break out there. A concentra ted aura of lust on
just extremely annoying. Not all demons eat flesh and a back road creates a lover's lane. H owever, in a place
call down fire, after all. Maybe this one just can't keep its where the Gauntlet is thin, people migh t be able to see
hands to itself, or maybe its odor is just offensive. This into the Umbra, even for brief mo ments. Stories of
kind of plotline can be played for whatever kind of tone visions and waking d reams - or perhaps of a danger
you require, and the best part is that you can change it to ous chemical spill causing hallucinations - begin to
horror at a moment's notice. For example, maybe the circulate concerning the area. The characters might
creature is pretty much harmless, if a little ugly and investigate out of curiosity, concern for people 's safety,
smelly, up until it's been on Earth for a month. But when o r simple lust for power (as a thin Gauntlet often
the new moon comes around, it needs to eat again. indicates a nearby N ode) .
Strange how it looks hungrily at day care centers and toy As an alternative, though , what if an area contains
stores .... a gateway to a particular Realm?People passing through
Invited guests. C h apter Five has extensive notes the area see visions that they can't shake, but might well
on the how and why ofsummoning otherwo rldly beings, dismiss them as half, remembered dreams or scenes from
and this sort of interactio n with the U mbra can make for television shows they saw while dozing off. Folks who
great stories. Mythology and fantasy literature is rife live in the affected area, however, slowly become accli-
with tales of foolish, ambitious, or just plain arrogant mated to that Realm and that Realm's reson ance. For
mystics who summon creatures that they have no power instance, consider an apartment complex that for some
to control. Not all failed summons result in misshapen reason has a mystic connectio n to the Elemental Court
demons tearing up a city, of course. An Umbrood of Water. Apart from all of the faucets leaking, the
:'~ 1 . .. brought to Earth and unsuccessfully bound to its sum- tenants there are likely to take on some of the charac-
'I ' . moner might simply possess him, if it is able, o r find teristics of the den izens of chat court - they become
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mercurial and inconstant, late with the rent (which deed is done and the spirits are in an uproar. Can the
isn't a big problem because the on-site landlord doesn't Gauntlet be thinned again ?Perhaps the Technocracy is
always remember to collect) and unreliable, but also still guarding the area, making sure the procedure "took."
expressive, introspective, and mildly psychic. Eventu- And even if the characters can reverse the sanitization ,
ally, the ir personal resonance, usually unnoticeable, should they? The T echnocrats might h ave been pro-
since they are Sleepers, becomes strong enough for a tecting the world from something truly horrific.
mage to sense. When that happens, a spiritual "shove" T o put a different spin on this sort of scenario, what
might actually open a true gate to the W ater Courts. if another group is responsible for trying to close off the
Sanitization. The T echnocratic Union is not, on Umbra? The Nephandi might try to strengthen the
the whole, well versed in spiritual matters. However, Gauntlet in an area where their particular resonances
th eir interpretation of the Spirit Sphere (called Dimen- are weak, or they might feel the need to bar entry to a
sional Science) does allow them to find areas where the being with which they can't bargain. The Marauders, on
Gauntlet thins. Their usual response to such a place, the whole, encourage chaos, but even they might bar
rather than investigating it to see what kind of wonders Earth from an U mbra! intrusion if doing so played into
it might hold, is to shut the nascent gateway before it a particular Marauder's madness. A nd, of course, the
lets anything unpleasant in. The sanitization process is Traditions don't always see eye-to-eye, especially in the
quiet, but causes a great strain on the surrounding wake of the Masters falling and the Traditions' 1.e ader-
Umbra (as it effectively grabs a double handful of the ship becoming so scattered. The Sons of Ether might
area's ephemera and forces the rift closed) . clash with the Verbena or the Dreamspeakers, for ex-
T radition mages might become involved at any ample, over the Umbra an d its denizens.
stage of a sanitization procedure. They might get wind Accidental crossings. Of course, one of the most
of it beforehand, mean ing that they might wish to stop obvious storylines in places where the Gauntlet weak-
the Technocracy from shutting out the spirit worlds a ens is the notion of spirits - or Earth creatures -
little more. They might happen across the procedure in crossing the barriers into the Umbra. What happens
progress, and must decide how to respond to this act. O r, next depends upon where in the Umbra the gate leads.
the characters may not become involved until after the lf the rift simply leads into the Near Umbra, a Sleeper


~ '
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or other denizen of Earth might find itself becoming personality that the Gauntlet doesn't present much of
pure and idealized, as only its strongest self-images are a problem, b) does so in a Shallowing or other area
able to sustain it. For animals, this means very li.ttle; where the Gauntlet is low, or c) is extremely powerful.
animals don't grapple with identity the way we do, and Any of these options is acceptable, but don't over-
so lower creatures don't change as much in Astral Space whelm your troupe with something that they can't
as humans are wont to. Sleepers, though , can become possible hope to hurt.
very different, even if they only spend a few hours Motivation. Any spirit that chooses to jump into
beyond the Barrier. For a good guideline as to a person's a human body does so for a reason. A spirit of lust from
changes, consider the character's Nature. A Gallant is the Spirit Wilds might decide to enter a porn director's
likely to become colorful and flamboyant, as his atten- body, just because the man is in constant contact with
tion-hungry center consumes him. Likewise, a Survivor the emotion the spirit feeds on. An Umbra! demon
becomes hardy and quick, and might even develop might wish to escape its prison-like Realm and trick a
defensive adaptations based on the challenges that the foolish human into giving it permission to ride around
Umbra throws at her (for example, if she winds up in her body (she doesn't know that the demon will
falling off an Umbra! building, developing patagia-like attempt to take permanent control as soon as it can) . A
flaps under her arms wouldn't be amiss). The changes loa enters into a sort of pact with its host, enjoying the
that a human undergoes can be as subtle or as blatant as ben efits of a body while granting the "horse" certain
necessary; in general, assume that the more time a powers. Consider the spirit's reasons for wanting a body,
person spends in the Umbra, the more obvious the and how far it is willing to go to keep that body. A spirit
change becomes. These changes undo themselves in a that can simply jump into another host a moment later
few moments after reentering Earth (unless sustained is going to be much less resolute about defending itself
magically, which usually garners Paradox). than one that will be cast back into Hell if exorcised.
A spirit can cross from the Umbra into Earth just as Horror. The demon in the movie Fallen is scary
easily at such a place (often called a Shallowing). Spirits because, upon leaping into a person, it knows every-
that do so accidentally aren't likely to survive long, but thing that person knows. The demon in the Exorcist was
more intelligent spirits might realize that they can scary, on the other hand, in part because it changed the
extend their visiting time by staying near the rift. Such room around i.ts stolen body to suit it. Some spirits can
spirits will usually go to any le ngth to protect their own grant their hosts disgusting or horrific powers by reshap-
private gateway. ing their very flesh; others merely ride along with their
hosts, assuming no real control. Any spirit that inhabits
PSSESSlN a person, however, is frightening for the sheer sense of
The more powerful spirits of the various Umbrae are violation that possession engenders. When using such a
capable of jumping into human bodies and using them spirit in a Mage story, play that horror to the hilt.
as they see fit. Many ghosts have this power, as do the Perhaps in between sentences, a victim's face flashes
more unpleasant denizens of the Spirit Wilds. Inhabit- looks of pleading and terror to the ch aracters as the
ants ofAstral Space, however, depend on the Consensus spirit's control lapses. Maybe the possessing ghost mim-
for a large part of their identity. What this means is that ics the host, but steadily becomes more violent as it
if people believe that a gi.ven spirit can possess a human grows bored.
being, it probably can.
Character possession? Should you allow a spirit
Stories involving sp irit possession can run the to possess one of the players' characters? If you trust the
gamut from a tale involving practitioners of voudoun player in question to roleplay the possession convinc-
being ridden by loa, to an Exorcist-style tale depicting ingly, then this can be a very effective story hook. Of
a demon-like creature slowly warping the flesh of its course, any mage who looks at her teammate using the
host. The spirit might even be able to change hosts Spirit Sphere will probably figure out what's goingon -
quickly, forcing the characters to chase it across cities but if the player acts out the possession we ll and if the
as it leaps from one unsuspecting victim to the next. A spirit isn't coo blatant, it can go on for some time before
Storyteller wishing to use such a spirit in a story sh ould anyon e thinks to look. Maybe the spirit only possesses
consider the fo llowing: the character at night, leaving her drained and tired
Power. Spirits, in general, h ave a hard time during the day. O r maybe the spirit is in constant
forcing their way through the Gauntlet. That means contact with the mage, causing her pain if she acts out
that a spirit that manages to possess a human being is against her uninvited guest.
either a) so attuned to the human's Resonance or

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The spirit worlds as they apply to Mage as the Traditions have slowly begun to recoup, they've
have undergone quite a few changes since been able to appreciate the effects. Many of the surviv-
the first edition of the game. The more ing Masters are cut off from Earth, and that has crippled
recent - and dramatic-of these changes the leadership of the Traditions. O f the T echnocrats,
is of course the Avatar S torm, and this only the Void Engineers ever made regular journeys into
book introduces more changes, mostly as- the Umbra, so the Union hasn' t cared as much about the
sociated with Astral Space. However, for a Storm. Any mage, however, who commonly interacted
troupe running a chronicle and following with the Umbra pre-Storm has probably fe lt its effects at
i...;._-=;.U..............1 the ongoing storyline of the Mage universe least once.
(or the "dreaded mecaploc," if you like), the changes in Game Effects: Any mage crossing the Gauntlet
the U mbra can be frustrating. without some form of protection (see p. 30) suffers a
The advice in this section assumes that your troupe number of aggravated dice of damage equal co her Arece
makes some attempt to run Mage as presented, includ- +Paradox. Wonders are affected similarly, as is any mage
ing all of the U mbra! strangeness presented in The attempting an Effect that manipulates the Gauntlet.
Bitter Road and other recent books. H owever, we Use in Stories: The Avatar Storm prov ides a
re iterate: You are under no compunction to follow the humbling experience for any mage who regards the
metaplot. You may spindle , fold, and mutilate the plots Umbra as his own persona l playground. lf you wish to
and rules presented in these books as necessary. White include the inception of the A vatar Storm in your
Wolf not only allows chis, but also encourages it. ch ronicle, The Bitter Road deals with the phenom-
With that in mind, the fo llowing sections present enon in much greater detail than we can devote to it
some notes on the "evolution" of the Umbra. Note that here. Mages dea ling the Storm after the fact, however,
the greater body of Awakened on Earth may or may not might wish to discover why more enlightened mages
know this information. For example, very few mages suffer the worst effects of it. The Avatar Storm isn 't very
know any useful information about the Psychopomps aptly named, it seems-strong Avatars aren't hurt any
(like that they exist) as of yet. Discovering these truths worse than weaker ones.
can make for any number of interesting stories.
The three sections below are presented in roughly AsTRALSPACE
chronological order, and expla in what happened (in What Happened: The spiritua l explosions and
brief) , how mages reacted to it, what the game effects are events that began the Avatar Storm shook the entire
an<l how your troupe can discover and/or use this Umbra. For a decent metaphor, imagine the Umbra as
change in the Umbra in your stories. a tank of water, and the A va car Storm and its anteced-
ents as a cherry bomb thrown into the tank. The tank's
THE AVATAR STEBRfTI walls cracked (the Avatar Storm) , but the contents of
What Happened: The A vatar Storm came about as the tank were also thrown into disarray. Many of the
a resuIt of the detonation of nuclear devices, some in the familiar Realms of Astral Space were destroyed or at
U mbra, some on Earth . Adding this to the horrific least devastated , and the "positioning" of many orhers
energies released as the Digital Web crashed, Doissetep changed. O ne of the effects was that the entire High
burned and an unprecedented storm ravaged the Lands Umbra became slightly "off-kilter"; this is why the
of the dead, the very fabric of reality changed. Spiritual Nephandi lost much of their power for a period of
energy crackled across the Gauntlet like hot fat on a months and then recently capped into a different source
frying pan, liquefying an y mage unlucky enough to be of allies (the Hive Dwellers; see pp. 143- 148). However,
crossing the barrier at that particular moment. The another effect was that the firmament of the U mbra
Avatar Storm has not abated, and continues to plague itself weakened. In order co protect itself, the H igh
anyone trying to reach the Umbra. U mbra solidified just a fraction .
Mage Reactions: O n the whole, the Awakened The effect is chat Astral Space ex ists more as images
commun ity was bu y dealing with some of the events than concepts. A mage traveling to Astral Space doesn't
that precipitated the A vatarStorm (including the nukes have co worry about seeing an idea as an amorphous,
used in Bangladesh following the Week of N ightmares indescribable notion; she does, however, have co worry
and , in part, the storm in the Shadowlands). However, about that idea taking physical form and eating her.

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This makes retrieving physical items from the Astral changed from concepts to images isn't going to mean
Reaches easier, but it also "ups the ante" a bit - much. H owever, for a more experienced troupe, that
physical challenges can mean physical injury and death. can indeed be a n asty surprise.
Mage Reactions: The Awakened are largely un- ln order to use the changes in the High Umbra
aware that anything happened to the High Umbra. The effectively in a story, you should find out what the
Avatar Storm has kept the mages out of the spirit characters thought about the Umbra before. If they
worlds, and in the chaos left by the end of the Ascension believed that it was a representation of the human
War, they haven't had the time or the inclination to go subconscious (and therefore didn't exist but as a reac-
running off to the Umbra and check up on things. But tion to humanity), then the fact that the Umbra is much
now that the Traditions are begin to solidify again, some more a place than an idea may come as an unpleasant
cabals have taken up searching for purpose, weapon s, shock. A Void Engineer who knew the High Umbra as
and so forth in the U mbra. And what they have found an alternate dimension might worry that the Umbra is
is awe-inspiring. inching towards Earth and therefore becoming solid;
If the Astral Reaches are becoming permanent, perhaps new continents will arise if the Gauntlet falls?
does this mean that the Umbra itself could be mapped ? The Umbra didn't play by a lot of hard-and-fast rules
Will the various Realms remain constant? Could a before, and it doesn't n ecessaril y do so now, but the
powerful enough cabal use the new stability of the High merest hint that the spirit worlds are becoming concrete
Umbra to end the AvatarStorm?The changes in Astral is enough to set many mages (and their playe rs) on edge.
Space leave more questions than answers at this point. Even if Astral Space isn't exactly becoming predictable
Game Effects: Systems in Astral Space are dis- (and it isn't; the denizens might be a bit more solid as far
cussed in C h apters Two and Three. as interacting with visitors go, but they still can change
Use in Stories: Most of this chapter is geared from visit to visit), the Umbra has always been fluid and,
towards using the Astral Space in stories, but a few notes at least to some minds, safe because of it. These new
on discovering the changes are in order. First of all, developments are po ten rial ly dangerous, and not just to
running any kind of "discovery" story involving the Umbra I travelers. After all, most mages know that every
Umbra! Realms assumes that the characters knew that dream, idea, and con cept in the history of the world
something changed in the first place. If the players are existed somewhere out there. What if all of those things
new to Mage or have never read The Book of Worlds, suddenly became real?
then the sudden revelation that the High Umbra has


The Master's Voice is a story designed for A varar Storm to an end herself, that she could re-unite
a Mage troupe wishing to discover some of the Traditions by her sheer presence, indeed that the
the changing facets of Astral Space. lt Umbra itself bows to h er whim. Somewhere along the
works best with characters with some pre- way, the characters might start to realize that no living
vious experience in the spirit worlds, but mage could possibly be as powerful as Sela purports to
with a bit of set-up, could function just as be, but that plays nicely into the story's conclusion.
well with any cabal of mages. Don't quash the characters' hopes before then ; let them
Note that this is a bare-bones story; we expect as grandiose a reality as they wish .
have filled in few of the details about The mood of the story is race against time. Sela might
encounters, events, or consequences. The Storyteller is be powerful, but if the Technocrats reach her first -
encouraged to use this story as a method to get the who knows what they might do? The Avatar Storm is
characters into the Umbra, whereupon she can use any changing the Umbra, and if the characters don't get this
of the details and Realms of this book as she sees fit. Master out of the spirit worlds and back on Earth (where
she could possibly answer some questions), the T radi-
tions may miss a golden opportunity and a powerful ally.
The theme of The Master's Voice is expectation.
Play up the wonder and the power of the Umbra, and PRELUDE: HARING THf V E9IC
build up the characters' (and the players') hopes for The Master's Voice works best if you introduce
Sela. Make her seem as though she could bring the certain elements in advance. "Sela" is calling out to any
., exception. Any character with the Scormwarden Merit
I THBASICS receive much more attentio n from ela than charac-
The most important moments of The Master's ters without it.
Voice cake place in the Umbra, specifically in After the characters are all wondering who the
Astral pace. That in mind, the characters need a mysterious woman in their dreams is, you can begin the
way co gee around the A vacar Storm and reach the story proper.
Realm where "Sela" resides. Chapter One presents
the sy terns necessary for such travel. However, if (HAPTfR EBNf: PURSUING SfLA
none of the characters can use them, other methods This chapter begins when the characters realize
are required. You might simply wish to wait and run that they are all seeing the same person in their Jreams
the story after the characters have attained the anJ begin looking for her. lf the characters aren't
necessary Sphere ratings to Step Sideways, but that proactive about figuring it out, you may need to up the
assume that anyone in the group chooses to focus ante a bit. Perhaps the Rogue Council ends a transmis-
on Spirit. Another method might be to introduce a sion about a stolen T echnocracy file detailing a trip into
Storyteller character with the Stormwarden Merit, the Umbra to find "Sela," which the character can then
since such a character could then direct the cabal recognize as the dream-woman. Perhap ela her elf
~mo the Umbra without harm. Finally, the amal- become mo re aggressive in trying co get the characters
gam of Void Engineers intent o n finding "Sela" ha invo lved, actually asking them to come find her rather
its own methods oftraveling beyond, and it wouldn't than just sending messages and hint .
be impossible for a dedicated cabal to hij ack their
Whatever method the character use to begin their
dimensional portal for its own use. You know the search for the wo man in the dreams, they will finJ that
needs of your chronicle best, and so the method by
her identity isn't easy to nail down. Let them investigate
which the characters enter the Umbra and reach
using whatever channels they wish; Contacts o r Allies
Astra l Space is left to you. All that this story within the Traditions (especially Dreamspeakers and
assumes is that the characters can get there. ,,..,,,,,,i V irtual Adepts) are the hest bets, but mher avenues of
research can also yield results. The characters may learn
mages in the area, and the troupe's cabal simply receives the fo llowing:
her most clearly. This can manifest in dreams, whis- The woman's name i ela. If she has a lase name,
pered voices, and even strange elementsduringSeekings. no one seems to know it.
When choosing manifestations of Sela, try to make She is a Dreamspeaker and a olitary. Suppos-
them jarring, disrupting the rhythm of the mage ' nor- edly, he withdrew from the physical world some
mal day or routine. lf she appears during a dream, for year ago.
example, have the player describe what might be nor- She i a Master.
mal dream for the character, and at some point, interject
Her Resonance is best described as Hopeful. If the
with a brief flicker fro m Sela.
characters manage to find anyone who actually knew
Sela i reaching out to the mages in the characters' her (difficult, but not impossible), they mention that
base of operations (or, if they're mobile, whatever area her magic often was accompanied by the scent of fresh
they're currently in) because of a Shallowing that en- flowers.
ables her to reach into Earth a bit more easily. However,
She was a reformer. During her time with the
she isn't able to control what kind of mages she reaches
Traditions, she worked on uniting the Dreamspeakers
(not that she'd differentiate too much if she could) and
(a Sisyphean task to say the least) and tried to direct the
so she reaches not onl y the characters, who are presum-
Council of Nine to work within the modern world
ably Tradition mages, but an amalgam of T echnocrats
rather than struggle against it. Some older Virtual
led by Henry Ulrich of the Void Engineer (seeDramatis
Adepts remember her fondl y.
Personae, below). The cimuli Sela chooses to use are all
remini cent of her hopeful nature. C haracters might fNTR THE TKHNOCRACY
hear lilttng, beckoning voices o r smell spring flower~ in At ome point during their investigation, the char-
bloom. A person in a dream might suddenly be replaced acters run across Ulrich's amalgam. This encounter can
with Sela, long enough for her to offer the character a explode into violence or it can be an amicable, if
flower or ki him on the cheek in greeting, and then the somewhat tense, chance meeting. Ulrich himself is not
dream resumes. Introduce these elements slowly, and present (he is spending all his time working on the
distribute che m evenly across the characters, with one Dimensional Portal) but his amalga m has been receiv-

'' .I
ing the same images and visitations from Sela chac che Sela via one of their dreams using Mind magic, or
characters have. perhaps they could track down one of her acquaintances
Whether by discussion, interrogation, magic, hack- in che Virtual Adepts and ask for help.
ing files, or any ocher method, the characters should Regardless of the actual methods they use, this
discover that the T echnocracy plans co travel into the chapter should begin the "race against time" feel of the
Umbra and find Sela. Their objective in doing chis is story. The characters know that the Technocrats in-
never stated outright, and in face, perceptive characters tend to enter the U mbra to find Sela , and the Void
might notice that che amalgam leader, one H enry Engineers are mo re effic ient and experienced at this sort
Ulrich, seems to be the only one who knows what the of thing than the characters ever could be. The charac-
point of che mission truly is. His amalgam assumes that ters must put aside any differences they h ave and work
they will capture and perhaps kill the mage, though they together on finding ways to locate Sela in the vastness
are all puzzled as to why this is any kind of priority for the of the Umbra. Try to keep the pace of this chapter very
Un ion (hunting down seemingly harmless mages in the short; don't allow the characters to take too long with
Umbra is a waste of resources). The higher-ups in the their preparations and avoid letting them slip off onto
Technocratic Union have been led to believe that Sela tangential discussions. The life and soul of a Master
wields magical influence on Earth, and so they approve might be at stake here!
of the mission as a fact-finding journey, but Ulrich has When the characters have a way to enter the
buried the mission behind layers of paperwork and allies Umbra (see C hapter One) and a method of tracking
within the Technocracy. Any degree of investigation down Sela, and are ready to embark, begin the next
in to the Technocracy's motives on this matter indicates chapter.
that chis is Ulrich's brainchild .
At chis point, che characters should know that CHAPTR. THR:
Sela is a surviving Master who once had great plans for
the Traditions, and chac che Technocracy is planning
The ch aracters travel through the High Umbra,
to hunt her down . Hopefully, chis is enough of an
looking for Sela. The Storyteller can let this take as long
impetus for chem co accempt to reach her firsc. lf, on the
as she desires, but remember the tone of chis story.
ocher hand, chey decide to ambush Ulrich and his
Anything chat would distract the characters can cost
amalgam to prevent him from reaching Sela at all,
them precious cime. Perhaps the characters have de-
you'll need to think on your feet. If the characters
vised or been given a means of tracking where U lrich
defeat U lrich , will they still approach Sela ? If U lrich's
and his group are; if so, you can use chis to heighten the
forces win, he's not likely to kill t he characters out-
tension - the T echnocracs stop for a time, and then
right but he'll definitely hold them for interrogation
suddenly surge off in a different direction . Do they know
and eventual reprogramming. If the players begin to
something the characters don't ?
grow militanc, Sela may actually contact them and
subtly try co lead them away from that path. However, This chapter allows the Storyteller to showcase as
beware of using Sela this way; sh e should appear to be much or as little of the High Umbra as she desires. The
a far-off beacon of hope, not a manipulator. characters might travel through any number of Realms
during their search for Sela, which can take as long as
CHAPTR. TWEB: che needs of che story dictate. Along the way, che
characters should notice that che Astral Reaches are
INTEB TH UITIBRA different than they remember - rather chan floating
This chapter begins when the characters have concepts, che mages see discincc images that then subdy
learned about Sela's identity and about the T echnocrat's alter themselves as the characters interact with them.
plans to hunt her down. Hopefully, they will attempt to You might also wish to seed hints as to Sela's true nature
reach her before U lrich and his ama lgam can. If the during this time; maybe the ch aracters meet beings that
characters have some experience with the Umbra, they could be human in the Realms, but they always cum out
can probably figure out how to "track" Sela's Resonance to be spirits upon scrutiny. Many spirits in the Vulgate
to the Astral Reaches (using the Auric T rail rote, p. 18 1; may well once have been mages who became obsessed
I the difficu lty is 8 - the trail is old, but she has left a with some portion of it, such as the G reat Library, and
strong Resonance). If not, they'll need to devise some stayed coo long.
oth er way. Perhaps chey could forge a connection with

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This chapter begins when the characters reach Sela's Realm is a pocket demesne of Astral Space
Sela's pocket Realm in the High Umbra, on a plateau dedicated to Hope. Colored as it is by Sela's residual life
atop a Spire (although one that is not as tall as most force and Avatar, it is eternally spring. Tiny flowers bud,
Spires - it only barely brushes the Epiphamic cloud the air is cool, and the sun is perpetually rising. A
layer). As the characters approach the Realm, they see character might see anything that she personally asso-
U lrich's team nearing it as well. The Void Engineers are ciates with hope in this Realm.
wearing belts which keep them connected in the midst When the characters enter (by standing atop the
of an energy field (preventing any of them from drifting plateau), they find that violence is extremely difficult.
off) and which draw them toward Sela like magnets. Any violent applications of magic receive a + 2 1.Jiffi-
The characters might, if they think of it, be able to culty, whereas calming or healing magic difficulties
disrupt th is effect (this requires Forces, Prime, Spirit, drop by two. After the characters arri ve and have a
and Correspondence) and cause Sela's Resonance to moment to take in the scene, Sela appears.
repel the field instead. Ulrich is no fool; he'll shut off the Sela will not directly explain what and who she is,
belts and approach "on foot," as it were, if the ch aracters mostly because she doesn't know. She assumes that she
do this, but it will still buy them some time. is still a mage and still alive (which isn't quite true) and
If the characters initiate a fight with the Void Engi- still wishes to do some good for the world and for the
neers before entering Sela's Realm, the Technocrats fight Traditions. She can explai n why she contacted the
back with everything at their disposal (these characters characters- because she wished to draw the A wakened
are armed with whatever toys the Storyteller finds par- back into the Umbra and bring the spirit worlds closer
ticularly fun). Ulrich, however, does his best to reach the to Earth. She believes that no true balance - or
Realm, even to the point of leaving his troops behind. Ascension - is possible in a spiritually bereft world, and
Neither side has the advantage of numbers, however; to that end she wished to draw the Astral Reaches
assume one Technocrat per character, including Ulrich. nearer to Earth.
Let the characters talk with Sela (and probably knew her (and who survived the Reckoning) assumed
Ulrich) for as long as they wish. Several outcomes are that she either died in the storms or was out there in the
possible here: Umbra, somewhere. As it rums out, both suppositions
Sela realizes that her human incarnation is dead, were right to a degree.
and dissolves the Realm to free her Avatar (which then Sela traveled through Astral Space, experiencing
reincarnates on Earth; the characters and the Void the madness of the ever,changing concepts. She was
Engineers will likely seek out the resulting mage) . experimenting with Hope and the many forms it could
Sela decides to keep her Realm the way it is and take, and reflecting that this ideal embodied her life's
reach out to other mages, bringing them hope through work, when the Avatar Storm wracked the spirit worlds.
dreams. She does offer her Realm as a resting place for Sela's body died in an instant, but her spirit, her Reso,
the characters, however. nance and her Avatar bonded with the concept of
She becomes disgusted with the violence that Hope. In that moment, Sela became Hope. Her Quest,
even now grips the Awakened, dissolves her Realm, and ing Avatar formed the Realm and Sela, now an Umbrood
flees deeper into the Umbra. and very confused about what exactly she was, began to
Any other possibility that the characters' actions reach out gently from her Rea lm to find other mages.
might suggest. She discovered, unfortunately, that the Gauntlet
In any case, the characters might be able to find and the Avatar Storm prevented her from making
something in Sela's Realm to take with them, some contact. It took several years for her to find a Shallowing
keepsake or Boon from their time with her. A flower (or that closely matched her Resonance, and through that,
better yet, a seed or bulb) would be the best choice, she began speaking to mages (appropriately enough}
symbolizing delicate hope, too easily crushed, yet able to through their dreams.
be nurtured and cultivated. HfNRY ULRICH
CHAPTER Av: Henry Ulrich always wanted to be an explorer. The
world held few frontiers, though, and Henry had no
TH R.EBAD BACK interest in deep,sea exploration. He wanted to know
The trip back to Earth should be more leisurely than what lay beyond the stars, but the scientific certainty
the frantic rush to find Sela. Let the characters explore, that man would never cross the insurmountable dis,
if they like (but keep on eye on their time in the Umbra tances to other star systems disheartened him.
for Disembodiment and Acclimation purposes). Any, His powerful Primordial Avatar would not be de,
thing they ignored on the way to the Realm is now nied, however. He Awakened while in college studying
waiting for them. Even if Sela decided to disappear into parapsychology, and was quickly recruited by the Void
the Umbra, the characters can now see that the myster, Engineers (who recognized that his longing for other
ies of the Infinite T apestry are theirs to discover. lands would lead him to the Traditions sooner rather
than later, and had no wish to lose such a great asset to
DRAITlATIS PRSEBNA those maniacs) . Ulrich, while a decent student and a
The only two important characters in The Master's gifted Scientist, was a lousy politician. He had dreams of
Voice, as written, are Henry Ulrich and Sela. Statistics commanding a starship. He wound up chasing ghosts
are not provided for these characters; Sela should not and sanitizing Nodes.
need them and the Storyteller can best determine the Just recently, he discovered the Shallowing through
level of power that an opponent like Ulrich needs. which Sela was speaking and rather than close and
sanitize it, he listened. The more he listened, the more
he realized that this being, whatever it truly was, had the
Before the Reckoning, Sela was a Dreamspeaker right idea. The Technocracy could do a great deal for
and a Master of the Spirit Sphere. She was known as an humanity, and spiritual matters did not have to remain
incurable hopeful, constantly trying to prod the Masters apart from the Union's agenda. However, he needed
of the various Traditions to come back to Earth and take something more tangible. To that end, he began build,
a direct hand in its formation. Finally, while addressing ing a Dimensional Porta l to travel into the Otherworlds
Porthos and the other Council members, sh e was firmly and find this "Sela." When h e does, he intends to
rebuked and told, in effect, to go away and leave govern, capture her and bring her before the Un ion as proof that
ing the T raditions to the grown,ups. Hurt and angered, not all spiritual entities are dangerous.
Sela disappeared into the Umbra. Most mages who
Note: Ulrich is a Storm warden. If the troupe has Dimensional Portal he builds is noth ing more than an
already played through the scenario presented in Mani, elaborate focus for his Dimensional Science phere co
festo: Transmission from the Rogue Council, they allow him to bring his team into Astral Space.
might be able to recognize him as "Fetch, Marked." The


Magic is a protean thing. Ir conforms to the and wildest imaginings find form and clarity in the
contours of will and be lief, sculpted by the O therworlds. It fo llows, then , that the stuff of Umbra I
_._..._1 focus of human intellect, passio n, disci- magics must be truly fantastic - miracle born of a
pl ine and ideals. ln many ways, the Umbra realm of fluid existence.
is a similar phenomeno n. O ur hopes, fears

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T oday, the Otherworlds are almost as return, as his mind readjusts to the constraints of form,
strange and alien to long-time Umbra! and must still be concerned about Disembodiment (see
veterans as to those completely new to the pp. 31-32).
Awakened world. The recent changes of System: Successes are identical for those required
topography initiated by the Reckoning, by the Spirit 3 Stepping Sideways Effect. Gauntlet
the Avatar Storm and the n atu rally mer- difficulties are the same as those faced by one attempt-
curialstate of the Umbra have necessitated ing to pass through it physically, as a thicker barrier
the discovery of new magics with which to between worlds requires greater concentration, focus
explore, understand and, sometimes, just and effort to penetrate. While in this astral body, the
to visit the many realms beyond the Gauntlet. The mage'sAttributes and Health Levels re main unchanged,
Umbra is, if anything, an even more dangerous place since the Body of Light reflects the truth of the mage's
now than it has been in centuries: fami liarity has been image and not simply self-perception . If she loses all her
replaced by mystery and uncertainty. These newer (or, astral body's Health Levels, the body is disrupted and
in some cases, perhaps much older) rotes and effects she becomes a mere astral projection (as the Mind 4 or
reflect that sense of peril and terrible wonder. As the 5 rote) - except that her cord is cut and she is now
hattered remnants of old Realms come to settle in the adrift. (See On the Wings of Thought, pp. 15-17.)
dark com ers of these new worlds, these are the magics
that will enable explorers of all sorts to begin to discover ASTRAL W INGS
the nature of this muc h-changed Umbra. I LlfE AND PRIITit , 6R. SPIRIT ]
This rote enables a mage who has entered the
AsTRAL S6!6UR.N Umbra by Stepping Sideways or through Astral So-
[ rl1IND 6R. , PRrrnE , SPlRfT ] journ to literally sprout wings and take to the a ir in
By entering a deep meditative trance, an earth- defiance of Umbra I gravity. A living part of the mage's
bound mage can form a temporary astral shell and move body, the wings appear in a form suitable to the mage's
his consciousness to inhabit it, thus entering the Umbra overall look, Resonance, color sch eme and ensemble;
as a thing of intellect and spirit only and leaving his they may look like spreading fans of light or shadow, or
body behind, insensate, while he explores the reaches of feathery like a bird's, like a bat's with skin stretched
the O therworlds. This rote uses the Body of Light between thin bones, or like rippling gossamer in the
Prime Effect to form the vessel and to weave an umbilicus shape of a butterfly's wings. Astral Wings last for a
argencus, the silver cord that binds an astral shape to the whole scene, but disappear if the mage leaves Astral
earthly form, while the Mind Sphere moves the con- Space for the Spirit Wilds, the Low Umbra or certain
sciousness and center of perception into the astral body Epiphamies. They can carry a traveler beyond the
and allows the mage to interact with the Umbra as H orizon, but must be fueled with additional Q uintes-
though he were physically present. The Spirit compo- sence in the Deep Umbra.
nent pierces the Gauntlet for mind and creates a channel System: For those who entered the Umbra using
for the powers of the Awakened soul. the Stepping Sideways Effect, a conjunctional Life and
The Astral Sojourn has become quite popular with Prime Effect creates the wings. Those who entered by
what few powerful Adepts and Masters remain since the Astral Sojourn can choose to use Spirit 5 instead to
time of the Reckoning, as the mystic means by which it forge ephemeral wings to their "body."
allows a mage to access the Umbra circumvents the Astral Wings only confer upon the user the power
Avatar Storm completely, while still allowing the mage of astral flight - they do nor include the ability to see
to carry any Wonders and objects (though not people or the Upper Avatar Storm, to knowingly navigate be-
beings) touched by the Consecration Prime Effect, as tween Realms and aspects of the High U mbra, or to pass
well as a familiar, into the Umbra, "piggybacked" on the through "solid" ephemeral barriers like walls, trees or
astral form. (In the case of fami liars, a smaller umbilicus Spires, and they do not protect the user against the
argentus attaches the spirit's body to the mage's, though ravages of the Upper Avatar Storm.
this silver thread is immaterial and cannot be affected, Many High Umbrood lords associated with the
other than by severing the mage's own cord.) The mage sky, weather or celestial matters will be offended to see
still needs to Acclimate (see pp. 32-33 ), however, upon a mo rtal with wings, unless that mortal has earned


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their Patronage. If not, they may be so incensed by the stepped off the path to enter a Realm, a new roll would
mortal's presumption that they may try to pursue and be needed to pick up his auric trace in the new Realm.
capture her, tearing her wings off with their own This rote can also be used on Earth, but it is much
h ands. Astral Wings can theoretically carry their user more difficult, for Resonance is more quickly wiped
to the thresho ld of an Epiphamy, but do not always away by the passage of others or over time: Base diffi-
appear in Epiphamic reality, depending on the rules of culty is 8, with one added to the difficulty for each day
each particular Epiphamy. The Storyteller may de- that passes since the track was made. If the area is well
cide , based on the amount of subjective time spent and traveled -even by Sleepers-add+ 1to+3, depending
on what occurs within an Epiphamy, whether an on how populous the place is (it would be hard to crack
Umbra l traveler's wings reappear once he leaves the another mage through a ma ll).
Epiphamy for open Astral Space again, or if the rote Spirits can be tracked through the Umbra with this
must be re-cast. rote, but it requires Spirit 2 (and Correspondence 2 if
the spirit Reforms omewhere else ). Spirit tracks fade
quicker than a mage's (add one to difficulty for every day
[ CE9RRf.SPEBNDENCE , PRIIT1 ,SPIRIT ffiR. ] that passes since the tracks were made), but the ir Rage
Mages makes waves wherever they go. Mages with often gives them away (subtract one from the difficulty
this rote can trace signs of another mage's passage and for every three levels of Rage the spirit possesses).
track them back to the ir source, fo llowing the fa int aura
of Resonance given off by that mage (this can also work BRIDGE E9F BLEBE9D [Prumt: , srim J
to track spirits). As with any attempt to follow a trail, While Shield of the Soul (below) allows the bound
whether on Earth or in the Umbra, the freshness of the partners of mage and familiar to coexist spiritually for
tracks matters; old tracks may fade beyond scrutiny. the duration of the rigorous journey through the Gaunt-
Common foci for this rote are bird feathers (which let, Bridge of Blood offers a grisly option to those
bend in the "breeze" to point the pro per direction) , without the benefit of a spirit companion . This rote
pendulums, dowsing rods, compasses, and even GPS compels a spirit (usually random, though the mage may
trackers or X-Ray glasses (the kind you once ordered summon a specific Umbra! entity if he has both the
from a comic book advertisement). knowledge and the power to do so) to man ifest physi-
System: The mage weaves a conjunctiona l Corre- cally for an instant on the mage's exact location and to
spondence, Prime and Spirit perception Effect and then serve as his living armor against the assault of the Avatar
rolls Perception + Awareness. The difficulty depends Winds. This gruesome rote saturates the summoned
on the landscape (although the trail can be followed spirit with the mage's own Quintessence, while simulta-
through the air, not just on "land") . Relatively "normal" neously and temporarily stealing a portion of the spirit's
places, such as the Penumbra or the Vulgate, have a essence, and causing the A vatar Storm to attack and
difficulty of 6. Stranger places, such as the U mbrood likely obliterate the spirit rather than the mage. The
Courts, have a difficulty of 7. Outright weird places like mage effectively masquerades as an U mbra! native while
the Epiphamies have a difficulty of 8. Unstable places throwing the spirit to the wo lves. The use of this rote by
such as Etherspace h ave a difficulty of 9, while Deep anyone is viewed with absolute hostility by both Um-
Umbra! space is difficulty 10. bra! denizens and Dreamspeakers and it would not be
There are a variety of other factors to take into considered excessive by many in those circles to infl ict
account: subtract one from the difficulty for every two a lingering an d brutal death on those who would dare
leve ls of Resonance possessed by the target mage (use use such cruel and selfish magics.
highest Resonance Trait) , but add one to the difficulty Few will admit to even using the Bridge of Blood, let
for every three days that have passed since the target left alone inventing it, though the specifics of this rote's
the auric track (up to a max imum of+ 3 ). Also, add one casting, with images of death and rebirth and existing
for every dot of Arcane the target possesses. simultaneously as flesh and spirit, seem to indicate a
Additionally, every major change in course the shamanic paradigm. Accordingly, many Oreamspeakers
target makes in his travels may require a fresh roll to pick believe this rote to be the work of a V ision-Mocker and
up the new trail. For example, if the target took a boat are apt to treat those who use it as such.
up the River of Language but then disembarked to climb System: In orde r for this rote to be successfull y
a Spire, a new roll would be required. Likewise, if he cast, the mage must accrue at least as many successes
were traveling a Moon Path in the Spirit Wilds and as her A vatar rating, enabling her to invest on e point

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of Quintessence per dot of A vata r into a summoned difficulty of the being's Willpower) any mystic effect
spirit. She then Steps Sideways (or uses a similar rote (one requiring the expenditure of Rage and/or Gnosis)
to pass the Gauntlet). The spirit, saturated with the generated by the being imprisoned within the circle:
mage's Quintessence, is drawn through the Gauntlet C harms reduced to zero successes simply fizzle without
with the caster and draws the power of the Ava tar effect, though any points of Rage, Gnosis or Willpower
Storm like a magnet, away from the mage (using the expended to use such powers are still gone.
mage's Arete +Paradox total as normal) , and is quite
possibly obliterated in the process. This rote can be lNTfRNALIZf PHmRAL ffiBJKT
(and often is, for those with potent A vatars) under- [ ffiLND PRITT , SPIRJT

taken as an extended roll, and a simple failure on it PE9SSIBLY E9THR SPHRES}

yields no disastrous consequences for the mage, though One possibility for the Astral Projectionist who
a botch damages both mage and spirit and fails to send wishes to bring a spirit object like a Boon across the
the mage anywhere. Gauntlet into the material world involves "internaliz-
ing" the object by carefully scrutinizing it while still in
CTR.CLE $F BINDING the Astral Umbra, memorizing every aspect and compo-
[ CEaRRBS~f , PRlrnE SPTRfT ] nent of its magical makeup, then re-creating it in the

The Order of Hermes has a long and storied history physical world the way one would normally create a
with the denizens of the O therworlds. From elementals, Wonder. Boons, however, are rarely simple things, and
to angels, to (among the least scrupulous of mages) the one can never be sure if one's understanding of such an
servants of Hell itself, wizards of the O rder have almost object is truly complete, even ifone is suffic iently versed
always proven eager to have truck with the natives of in all the relevant Spheres and processes.
the Realms Invisible. O f course, the first step practiced System: Those attempting this method must Men-
by any successful summoner is to ward oneself against tally Empower themselves with Mind l, both when
the wrath of anything that one can call forth. This rote tudying the Boon and when physically re-creating it.
has been, historically, the simplest such ward advocated This method can also be employed by the mage
for use by the Order's leadership, serving to forcibly using Astral Sojourn, with a considerable advantage;
contain an extraplanar being and to blunt the fury of instead of using Mental Empowerment to memorize the
any mystic assaults it might attempt to hurl through the object in detail , he simply carries the ephemeral object
walls that confine it. with him when he returns to the physical world. When
The focus for this rote often takes the fo rm of an the mage's etheric body rejoins his physical body, the
inlaid c ircle of silver or gold, graven with powerful sigils object becomes a latent component of the mage's psyche.
and signs, though mages without such ample resources This means that the mage retains possession of the
have been known to render the appropriate c ircles in object, but cannot actually use it until an appropriate
chalk or paint. So Long as one holds the being, one may physical object can be obtained and consecrated to
freely communicate with it, often to the end of sealing house its spiritual essence, using the Spheres of Prime,
a pact of some sort in exchange for its freedom. Note, Spirit and whatever other Spheres are involved in the
however, that most U mbra! beings resent this sort of magical Effect it produces. Because this rote can involve
treatment (a prime reason why the Order is not we ll- any number of Spheres at any level, several mages with
liked by most Otherworldly creatures) anJ that many of different areas and levels of requisite expertise may be
them have excellent memories and well-developed needed to collectively internalize a particularly power-
senses of vengeance. Note also that this rote can func- ful object; it is necessary in such cases that all individuals
tion perfectly well within the Umbra itself. be present and participate when the object is re-created
System: Each success ro lled in the casting of the in rhe material world.
Circle serves to summon a chosen spirit and compels it
to manifest physically (with more powerful spirits natu- pA THflNDlNG NTRE9PY SPIRIT ] I

rally requiring more successes to call), unable to return While the Avatar Storm is a dangerous deterrent to
home until either the caster releases it, or the Effect's Umbral travel, it (like all storms) abates somewhat with
duration expires. Likewise, successes create a Ward time. The result of this gradual calming of the Storm is
effect against spiritual beings, a llowing ephemeral mat- that small pockets of (reasonably) stable Gauntlet are
ter to pass neither in, nor out of the c ircle. Further, the manifesting. While these points, Like eddies of sanctu-
Prime component of this rote causes each success to ary in a raging hurricane, move from moment to moment,
accrue into a temporary dice pool for resisting (at a they do exist and can be used by a mage desperate

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enough to attempt to "dive" through the Gauntlet beginning of each new day he wishes to remain in the
without other forms of protection . This rote e nables a O therworlds and ma intain this Effect.
mage to seek out such weak spots in the Avatar Storm,
most often for the purposes of Stepping Sideways im, SHARING TH E9UTSIDfRS GAzf
mediately thereafte r (since the "safe point" detected by [fTJJND , PR.lffif ,SPIRIT l
this rote is usually not applicable from even one minute This rote, popular among C ultists of Ecstasy who
to the next). h ave dealings with the O therworlds, allows a mage to
Almost all schools of mysticism now h ave com, sh are in a spirit's senses. Man y spirits, afte r all, possess
mand of some type of Pathfinding, whethe r that comes sensory faculties simply alien to the human mind , such
in the form of the Etherites' Interdimensiona l Matrix as "tasting" Quintessence in the air, feeling emotion as
Scanning, the Choristers' search for the resonance of a tangible tactile sensation and other feats of perception
pure spiritual harmony o r the Verbe na's awaren ess of beyond the scope of the five no rmal senses to which
the wounds carried by the T ellurian itself. For T echno, most te rrestrial creatures are accustomed. Needless to
crats, this rote most often invo lves the use of complex say, there are some be ings upo n who m the use of this
multidimensional geometry and quantum physics. rote is not recommended, for such spirits may command
System: Each success rolled by the caster creates a senses fundamentally inimical to human consciousness.
tempo rary dice pool for the purposes of soaking the T o man y C ultists, however, a warning is nothing more
aggravated damage inhe rent in cross,G auntlet travel than anothe r rule begging to be broke n. S till, this rote
(representing a heightened awareness of "calm po ints" has been known, once or twice, to result in a Q uiet that
in the Avatar S torm) . This sense (and thus, soak pool} never ends.
lasts for no more than one minute pe r success accrued in C ultists most ofte n enter this state through deep
the casting, though it is applicable to as many persons meditation , the use ofconsciousness,alteringsubstances
passing through the G auntlet in that time as the caster or, in the case of more human oid spirits, sexual congress.
wishes to assist. Sharing the Outsider's G aze is an extremely intimate
This rote is conside red coincidental, although what, experience and is never, save by the most depraved
ever means used to actually trave l the path perceived are Awaken ed, undertaken without consent and appropri.'
not necessarily so. ate respect.
System: Each success accrued in the casting of this
rote allows the mage to ut ilize one of the senses, corre,
This casting is not a partic ularly flashy or exciting sponding to a "normal" earthly sense of a chosen spiritual
one, but it is, neverthe less, invaluable to mages who e ntity (for example, while a given spirit may be able to
wish to traverse the Umbra for pro longed pe riods of see Destiny on an individ ual, it is still just a mod ified
time. Essentially a merge r of the Psychic Impression version of the ordinary sense of sight, much like an owl's
and Body of Light Effects, Remembrance c reates a ability to see in almost total darkness). Two successes
temporary "snapshot" of a mage's Pattern a nd person a may be used to gain access to a truly unearthly sense
that continually resonates in the subconscious and can (normal pe rception of four, dimensional space, for ex,
be perceived by the Avatar. It is, in effect, a ribbon tied ample ), though a Willpowe r roll (difficulty of at least 7,
around the finger, reminding the mage on all levels of though some sensory experiences can certainly drive
who she is and is thus helpful for staving off the vicissi, that number high er) should usua lly be called for, in
tudes of form and consciousness that c reep in with the orde r to successfully and sane ly wrap the mind around
first stages of Disembodiment. what it perceives. Failure on the Willpowe r ro ll is apt to
The Akashic Brothe rhood first developed this ro te , push a mage toward Q uiet.
and in many circles the technique of casting it still
carries the marks of the Brothe rhood's discipline. It is
most often enacted through a state of deep mediation In the wake of the Reckoning, mages who would
and reflection, in which the mage envisions her true, interact with the U mbra have, of necessity, learned
inner self and seeks to divest herself of illusion and self, methods of circumventing the A vatar S torm, no matter
how strange or dangerous. Many attempts have met .-~
deception , in favor of inalien able T ruth.
System: Cast before Disembodiment sets in, this
with varying degrees of success, but the best of these '~~ ~~
rote pro longs a mage's time in the Umbra by up to one
day (sunset to sunset) per success scored, though the
ideas thus far was to "hide" the Avatar inside the
spiritual presence of a familiar. Shield of the Soul draws .....
upon the essence of the mage,familiar bond to armor an
: ...1 .
mage must expend a po int of Quintessence at the
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Awakened human being against the ravages of the requ ired, but this rote does not fully shie ld hangers-on
Avacar Winds. As the familiar is a native of the Umbra! against the Avatar Storm. Instead, the number of suc-
realms, it is always allowed through the Gauntlet with- cesses scored on the Stepping Sideways rote (or whatever
out harm, thus protecting the mage fu lly from the magic is used to cross the Gauntlet) - which must in
spiritual damage normally sustained in otherworldly this case be cast by the same mage who cast Shield of the
travel. Soul - determines how many pass through in safety.
Etherites are known to engage in bizarre and exten- Passengers beyond that number (determined randomly,
sive "psychic bonding exercises" with their familiars in excepting the caster of this rote) are affected normally
preparation for the use of this rote, while Hermetic by the Avatar Winds.
mages strike small pacts, exchanging a servi.c e for a
service, and Virtual Adepts have been known to "code"
their own Patterns into those of a familiar before engag- Invisible to unaided senses, the ebb and flow of the
ing in cross-Gauntlet travel. Upper Avatar Storm is visible with theEtheric Sense of
System: A single success is sufficient to conceal the Prime land the Spirit Sense of Spirit 1. This will show
mage's Avatar more or less "inside" his familiar's aura the general distribution of microscopic shards of Prime
throughout the "unused" volumes of Idea Space. The
and thereby spare it from the damage inflicted by the
Avatar Storm - or most of it, at any rate. The mage mage can judge the density of shards in a calm part of the
astral sky and chart the safest course through them, and
need not roll Arete when determining damage from an
Umbral crossing, but must still roll any Paradox she has can see heavier winds, flurries and Storm fronts long
(since the ta int of Paradox is often carried as much before they approach . Within a range limited by direct
within the mind and body as the spirit). proximity and regular line of sight, the mage can also
detect crevices, caves and other shelters from the Storm
The mage may also seek to bring others over through
that may appear on the face of a Spire or along the
the auspices of her own familiar. Doing so, however, can
exterior surface of an Epiphamic cloud.
be risky. One extra success per person to cross over is

The new topography of the Umbra has within by a dull, ruddy glow as it drives its limbs into
brought about a few recent innovations flesh (inflicting a Health Level of unsoakable lethal
resulting from and designed to deal with damage) and grafting itself temporarily onto the mage's
the changing rules of the Otherworlds. body. So long as it is attach ed, this H ealth Level of
These T alismans, Fetishes and Devices are damage may not be healed naturally, nor may it be
sometimes gleaned from new or lost realms, mended by magic without ejecting the Device from the
the flotsam ejected across ephemeral space mage's body and negating its benefits. While worn, the
and, other times, they are the direct result Device's ticking sounds in time to the wearer's heart-
~--- of experimentation and innovation on the beat, attuned to the biological and Q uintessential
part of ambitious willworkers. Not a few, like many patterns of the body. Thus attuned, the generator's
other Wonders, stem from unknown sources, their bio tempo ra l field is capable of retarding t he
origins a mystery. A few new and notable Umbral Disembodiment process for a mage, but only at a steep
Wonders are listed be low. cost . By sustaining an unsoakable Health Level of
aggravated damage that may not heal until the Device
B1EBTt:rnPEBRAL I11AJNTNANC At:LD is deactivated and removed, Disembodiment (and the
GENERATEBR need for Acclimation) may be staved off for a week's
8-pt. Wonder time. The mage may continue to pay this cost week by
This strange Device seems to have "washed up'' in week, for so long as he has Health Levels to spare, in
the material world after the chaos that overwhe lmed order to remain in the Umbra, should he so ch oose.
the lnventium. The machine appears to be a clockwork
backpack of sorts, with eight spider-like appendages DREAITl GAT
bristling with vicious barbs, slender phlebotomizing 6-pt. Wonder
tubes and saw-toothed clamps. It ticks quietly, like an Shortly after the Reckoning, a few of these Talis-
unassuming metronome, while not in use. When a mage mans found the ir way into the hands of the Awakened.
dons it, however, it ratchets noisily to life, lit from For the most part, they are reasonably plain in appear-
0 0


0 ~
ance (statuettes, mirrors, etc. ), though they resonate PRFECTD focus
with rather potent Prime signatures. A Dream G ate Variable Point Wonder
allows its u er to enter the High Umbra in an astral shell In the Epiphamies, all objects exist solely for the
(similar to that generated by a simple Mind 5 Effect), purpose for which they are truly intended . A doorknob
but only while engaged in REM sleep. The mage may only opens doors, but does so perfectly. lt cannot be used
then remain in the High Umbra until such time as he to bash someone o n the head as a real doorknob might,
awakens (whe ther naturally or through outside interfer- nor will it ho ld papers down against a stiff breeze.
ence), and his body will reflect the goings-on in the Likewise, a sword in the Epiphamies will cut through
Ast ral Realms as though inadream (unpleasant c ircum- flesh and bone with ease, but it cannot be used to slice
stances will produce reactions like those the mage paper and its blunt edge cannot be used to bludgeon .
would display in the throes of a nightmare, while bliss Sometimes, objects fro m the Epiphamies can be drawn
will likely result in a pleasant smile and occasion al physically into the world, existing as perfected versions
contented sighs). Any who chance upon him may of real-world objects. The doorknob above might serve
certainly wake up the mage, but nothing that occurs in to open any door it is placed against (regardless of
hi <lream-journey will naturally bring him out of sleep. locking mechanisms and bypassing all but the most
If the mage's dreamform is killed, he will wake with a potent mystic seals) when turned, serving as a six-point
scream, losing half his curren t Willpower (rounding T alisman. A pen may write on any flat surface, even
down ), but suffering from no other ill effects. After underwater or in the bitterest cold: on glass, stone or ice,
be ing "killed" in such a fashion, a mage will be unable for example. Such a pen would be a two-point Wonder.
to use this W onder for a single lunar month. A rapier might make called shots at no penalty (reflect-


ing the object's intended use in thrusting at the vitals) is superimposed over the mage's own while in any of the
and inflict aggravated damage (respecting the lethality Otherworlds, which is not apt to draw favorable atten-
with which it is to be wielded), making it a 10-point tion from any save the most depraved and vicious spirits.
Wonder. Naturally, let good sense (and Storyteller
discretion) prevail in the creation of a Perfected Focus, SILVR.STRAND
that no one tries to slip a Perfected Nuclear Warhead, 6-pt. Wonder
Perfected Node or any other such nonsense through No one knows for certain who first successfully
character creation. preserved the severed umbilicus argentus of a lost U mbral
traveler, but a very few of these strange Talismans have
RAVANA's SKIN shown up in the hands of the Awakened. Some appear
7-pt. Wonder as slightly frayed cords of a gossamer silvery material,
Only a handful of these horrid Fetishes exist. Sewn whereas others appear perfectly well preserved, if tom a
from the flesh of those left dying in the terrible destruc- bit roughly at the ends. These Wonders can only be
tion of Bangladesh, the twisted mages who stitched properly used by a mage in astral form, though they can
them together see them as slivers of the essence of a save lives when wielded properly. When first forming an
slaughtered demon god. Souls battered and tom by the astral body, a mage may choose to thread the Silver
massive physical and spiritual punishment inflicted Strand around his own umbilicus argentus, granting his
upon Bangladesh were bound forcibly to remain in their ephemeral body four dice of armor for resisting any
withering bodies and, even as life left them and the source of damage sustained in the Astral Reaches.
Avatar Winds began to roar, those bodies were flayed Otherwise, it can be anchored to a soulless living body
and the agonized spirits compelled to inhabit the skins. {for the purposes of this second effect, all normal non-
The appearances of these grisly Wonders vary from human animals count as soulless) and its unattached
ragged cloaks to sleek, tanned bodysuits, but all are end can be offered to a denizen of the High Umbra,
heavy with a dark blessing. The wearer of a Ravana's giving the being an opportunity to inhabit an earthly
Skin effectively has the 3-point version of the shell for a single waxing and waning of the moon (just
Stormwarden Merit (since the Skin carries within it about four weeks, though the creature may depart sooner,
some of the jagged Avatar Shards that comprise the should it wish) . Many natives of the Astral Realms
Storm) and may expend a Quintessence point from the could be persuaded to offer boons in exchange for a
Fetish to Step Sideways, as per the rote. Any kind of chance to experience the world of flesh, though just as
spirit sight perceives something evil within the Skin, as many are likely to be uninterested in such a foolish
an insensate presence struggles against its confinement notion or to promise aid and simply never deliver.
and writhes in suffering. Likewise, this malevolent aura

The new circumstances thrust upon the eration (which sometimes draws various spirits of death
various Umbrae with the arrival of the and decay), Devil's Mark {sure to attract some of the
Reckoning and the fury of the Avatar more festive sorts of spirits described under both Addic-
Storm have brought with them a variety of tion and Degeneration, as well as various and sundry
new boonsandcursesfortheworld's Awak- other demonic ephemera), Ghoul (like Addiction, but
ened. Likewise, for those seeking frequent worse), Green Thumb {seen as a sign of great favor by
interaction with the Otherworlds, some certain U mbral denizens), Mayfly Curse (see Degenera-
among the old host of Merits and Flaws tion), Medium {useful for communing with the beings
deserve to be addressed, even ifonly briefly. of the Afterworlds, few though they now seem to be),
Merits and Flaws from the Mage: The Ascension Natural C hannel, Primal Marks {of the totemic or
book especially appropriate to {or otherwise meriting legendary, rather than historical, variety), Shapechanger
individual attention for the purposes of) Umbra! Kin {which may or may not at some point be of help in
chronicles include: Acute Senses {which can, in some the Otherworlds) and Stormwarden.
realms, be either a great benefit or a terrible curse), Note that a mage with a Manifest Avatar (Mage:
Addiction {which can occasionally draw malevolent The Ascension, pg. 295) that is permanently physi-
spirits of various to sorts to the character, depending cally manifest in some way (such as being taken
upon the severity and nature of the addiction), Degen- conjunctionally with the Allies Background) may in-


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teract strangely with the Umbra, especially as regards from no cause the mage can determine, she is fortunate
Disembodiment. Long Umbral forays on the mage's en ough to be able to sustain longer-term exposure to the
part (whether or not the Avatar is present for them) Umbra than most. T he character suffers n o effects for
may cause such an Avatar to grow sick, disoriented or first- and second-stage Acclimation (see the Acclima-
irritable and Disembodiment may actually kill the tion chart on p. 33 ), and all other stages affect him one
Avatar (or, perhaps, free it to seek a new incarnation step less. H ence, third-stage acclimation only inflicts
or higher state of being). second-stage symptoms, and sixth stage only inflicts
Also, a note on the Nephilim Merit (see Blood fifth -stage symptoms. What's more, this character does
Treachery, pp. 85-86): Nephilim do not suffer from not suffer from Disembodiment until four full moon-
Disembodiment while physically within the High cycles h ave passed while within the Umbra. (Those
Umbra, nor need they Acclimate upon return. The Realms that modify the time required for Disembodiment
Astral Realms are as much their home as Earth, some have those timeframes doubled by this Merit.)
small recompense for the disfigurements they suffer and
the enmity they must endure. f LAWS
ITTtRITS You h ave walked through the Gauntlet in the time
STE!1R.ITI....ScARRED (I TE!1 3....PT. fLAW)

ASTRAL VIGE11R.(3---IT. memJ since the birth of the Avatar Storm. Perhaps you were
Your mage's astral body is especially well connected trapped on the far side of the Gauntlet when the terrible
to her physical form. She does not suffer any of the destruction in Bangladesh took place or maybe you
psychological side effects normally associated with pro- simply weren't yet aware of the dangers when you called
tracted astral travel (such as the loss of REM sleep), upon the Spirit Arts for the first time after that destruc-
though her body continues to atrophy and starve at the tion. Or perhaps you were just desperate to get away
normal rate. Her astral body, fortified by a powerful from something and had to dive through, knowing fully
psychic presence, h as two dice of inherent armor. Also, of the potential consequences. In any case, both your
the character's strong tie between body and spirit allows body and your soul have been flayed by the Avatar
her to ascertain her body's state of being (dehydrated, Winds and you wear the scars of your encounter with
damaged, etc.) at any time, with a moment of quiet that nigh tmare storm.
concentration. For one point, you bear a few physical marks of your
harrowing journey (superficial scarring of a slightly
unusual nature: perhaps of a mildly strange color or in
A rare few souls draw the spirit worlds to them like inexplicable patterns). These old wounds throb slightly
moths to flame, calling out silently through the Gaunt- while in proximity to areas with low Gauntlet ratings or
let. Your mage is one such . The Gauntlet is always one actual gateways (temporary or permanent) into or out of
less in the immediate vicinity of the mage (which, in the Otherworlds, inflicting a difficulty penalty of one on
some of the last remaining places of power, can reduce your character for all strenuous physical activities. (Note
the Gauntlet rating to zero). Further, by expending a that the character does not suffer any pain while actu-
point ofW illpower, the mage may cause the Gauntlet to ally in the Umbra; only when he is near portals that lead
reduce by an additional one, though this is as far as sh e into or out of it.) Under certain circumstances, these
can go. Note that multiple mages with this power marks might also increase the difficulty of certain Social
cannot "stack" its effects. Dreamspeakers often see Attribute rolls by one, depending upon what and where
those who possess this Merit as being especially blessed the scars are and what the character is trying to do.
by the spirits and are inclined to be friendly to them (- For two points, the scars are more substantial and
1 to social difficulties). are much h arder to conceal ( + 1 to all difficulties for
UI11BRALAffINITY (4-IT. mem)
seduction or in cases where raw physical beauty is
called for). Oth erwise, they cause you pain and dis-
Despite the coming of the Reckoning and the
comfort similar to that sustained in the one-point
looming threat of Disembodiment plaguing most mages
version of this Flaw.
in the days since, your ch aracter is blessed with an
exceptional tolerance for the unique circumstances of For three points, your wounds have never fully
the Otherworlds. Whether this stems from spirit heri- healed properly. In addition to the physical disfigure-
ment suffered for the two-point version of this Flaw,
tage, long exposure to the pre-Reckoning Umbra or
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your scars will open and bleed anew whenever you are body at an accelera ted rate and , whereas Acclimation
anywhere with a Gauntlet of 5 or less or you actually is a pain for some , it is, for yo u, an object of dread.
cross into or out of the Otherworlds. The savaging of Whenever you enter the U mbra, you automatically
your body inflicts an unsoakable Health Leve l of lethal begin at second-stage A ccl imation for the purposes of
damage that may be healed normally. Strange phenom- returning and you halve all times between stages, with
ena, clearly identifying the h arm as stemming from no the roll to resist Disembodiment occurring at the end
earthly source, often accompanies the re-opening of of six weeks instead of twelve. (Subsequent Willpower
Storm-Scarred wounds: faint moans issuing forth from rolls to resist Disembodiment are made every three
the bloody gashes as they open, tears that bleed in days thereafter.) Some spirits may find you particularly
arcane and terrible shapes and the hissing and smoking repulsive on account of this Flaw, while others (not
of searing flesh are a ll fairly common manifestations of necessarily malevolent, given the strange moralities to
this level of Storm-Scarring. which such beings adhere) may be quite fr iend ly to you
and try to convince you to enter and remain in the
CURSE E9F THE E9THER.WE9RLDS Umbra for as long as possible. Among Dreamspeakers,
(2'""'PT. fLAW) despite the me thods deve loped by that Tradition to
For whatever reasons, you do not do we ll in the c ircumvent the possibility of Disembod iment and the
worlds beyond the Gauntlet . Pe rhaps your Avatar is n eed fo r A cclimatio n upo n ret urn fr om t he
tied a little less strongly to you than most, or maybe O therworlds, this is seen as a te rri ble stain on a mage's
your lineage includes an incarnated spirit in the an- soul. Dreamspeaker ch aracters wit h t his Flaw, there-
cient past and tha t heritage cries out for you to join the fore, increase all diffic ulties for social rolls with others
ranks of the Umbra's natives. In any case, you D isem- of their Tradit ion by two.

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ISBN l, 58846,409, 1
WW4632 $24.95 U.S .
52 5

781588 464095

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