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Effects of Occlusal Stabilization Splints on

Obstructive Sleep Apnea:

A Randomized Controlled Trial

Maria Nikolopoulou, DDS, MSc Aims: To assess the influence of occlusal stabilization splints on
Postgraduate Student sleep-related respiratory variables in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)
Department of Oral Kinesiology
Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam patients. Methods: Ten OSA patients (47.3 11.7 years of age) re-
(ACTA) ceived a stabilization splint in the maxilla. All patients underwent
University of Amsterdam and VU University three polysomnographic recordings with their splint in situ, and
MOVE Research Institute three recordings without their splint in situ, using a randomized
Amsterdam, The Netherlands crossover design. Results: Repeated-measures ANOVAs did not
Jari Ahlberg, DDS, PhD yield statistically significant differences in the Apnea-Hypopnea In-
Associate Professor
dex (AHI) or in the Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS), neither between
Department of Stomatognathic Physiology
and Prosthetic Dentistry the three nights without the stabilization splint (AHI: F = 2.757,
Institute of Dentistry P = .090; ESS: F = 0.153, P = .860) nor between the nights with the
University of Helsinki splint in situ (AHI: F = 0.815, P = .458; ESS: F = 0.231, P =. 796).
Helsinki, Finland However, independent ANOVAs revealed that the mean AHI of the
Corine M. Visscher, PT, PhD three nights with the stabilization splint in situ (17.4 7.0 events/
Associate Professor and Epidemiologist hour) was significantly higher than that of the nights without the
Department of Oral Kinesiology
Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam splint in situ (15.9 6.4 events/hour) (F = 7.203, P = .025). The
(ACTA) mean increase in AHI with the splint in situ was 1.4 1.7 (95% con-
University of Amsterdam and VU University fidence interval = 1.94.7). No difference in ESS was found when
MOVE Research Institute both conditions were compared (F = 1.000, P = .343). Conclusion:
Amsterdam, The Netherlands The use of an occlusal stabilization splint is associated with a risk
Hans L. Hamburger, MD, PhD of aggravation of OSA; however, the effect size was small, which
reduces the clinical relevance of the study. J Orofac Pain 2013;27:
Department of Clinical Neurophysiology
and Center for Sleep-Wake Disorders 199205. doi: 10.11607/jop.967
Slotervaart Medical Center
Amsterdam, The Netherlands Key words: crossover design, obstructive sleep apnea, occlusal
Machiel Naeije, PhD stabilization splint, randomized controlled trial,
Professor Emeritus vertical dimension
Department of Oral Kinesiology

Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam
(ACTA) n dentistry, occlusal stabilization splints (ie, hard acrylic resin
University of Amsterdam and VU University dental appliances that cover the occlusal surfaces of the maxil-
MOVE Research Institute lary dentition) are commonly used in the management of tempo-
Amsterdam, The Netherlands romandibular disorders (a number of clinical problems that involve
Frank Lobbezoo, DDS, PhD the masticatory muscles, the temporomandibular joint, and the as-
Professor and Chair sociated structures)1 and of sleep bruxism (an oral parafunction
Department of Oral Kinesiology
characterized by grinding or clenching of the teeth during sleep).2
Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam
(ACTA) They are also used in dental rehabilitation procedures for patients
University of Amsterdam and VU University with occlusal tooth wear and to protect dental restorations. The
MOVE Research Institute possibility that a stabilization splint alters airway patency during
Amsterdam, The Netherlands sleep in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA; a condition
Correspondence to: characterized by repetitive complete or partial obstruction of the
Dr Maria Nikolopoulou upper airway during sleep)3 has been investigated in two previous
Department of Oral Kinesiology
Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam pilot studies.4,5 One study found that the use of stabilization splints
(ACTA) in OSA patients may be associated with a risk of aggravating these
Gustav Mahlerlaan 3004 patients respiratory disturbance. In the other study, a mandibular
1081 LA, Amsterdam advancement device, which is a common treatment option for mild
The Netherlands and moderate OSA,6 was inserted in the 0% protrusion position
Fax: +31-20-5980333
(ie, without protruding the mandible), thereby only raising the bite
Email: [email protected]

Journal of Orofacial Pain 199

Nikolopoulou et al

of the participating OSA patients.5 In line with the Force,3 an AHI of at least 5 events/hour and the
finding of Gagnon et al,4 the outcome of that study presence of excessive daytime sleepiness (measured
suggested that a bite rise without a protrusive com- objectively or subjectively), which is not explained
ponent may be associated with a risk of aggravation by other factors, are commonly used for an OSA
of OSA for some but not for all OSA patients. diagnosis. When excessive daytime sleepiness is
So far, however, no well-controlled prospective absent, at least two symptoms, eg, recurrent com-
clinical trial has been performed on this topic, thus plaints of unrefreshing sleep and daytime fatigue,
rendering the suggested association between stabi- should be present.3
lization splints and aggravation of OSA as incon- To be included in this study, participants had to be
clusive. The aim of the present study, therefore, at least 18 years of age, and their AHI should have a
was to assess the influence of occlusal stabilization value between 5 and 30 events/hour of sleep,7 com-
splints on sleep-related respiratory variables in OSA bined with an Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS) score
patients. A crossover, randomized, controlled trial of 6 to 10 (higher values were excluded for ethi-
design was employed. The hypothesis was that in- cal reasons)8 or with at least two of the symptoms
sertion of a stabilization splint, resulting in an suggested by the American Academy of Sleep Medi-
increase of the vertical dimension of occlusion, ro- cine Task Force3 (see above). Further, the partici-
tation of the mandible, and reduction of the tongue pants had to have adequate retention possibilities
space would yield a significant worsening of the in their dentition for an occlusal stabilization splint
OSA condition. (ie, not missing more than two posterior teeth and
not wearing a removable dental prosthesis), which
was determined during a thorough dental examina-
Materials and Methods tion at the Department of Oral Kinesiology of the
Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA).
Settings and Participants Exclusion criteria were medicine usage that influ-
ences sleep (eg, selective serotonin reuptake inhibi-
Potential participants for the study were selected tors, benzodiazepines), a body mass index (BMI) of
from among those being referred to the Center for more than 40, and/or sleep bruxism (ie, diagnosed
Sleep-Wake Disorders of the Slotervaart Medical by a PSG recording following the criteria of Lavigne
Center in Amsterdam by their family physician be- et al9). Patients with temporomandibular disorders
cause of a possible OSA. All potential participants (diagnosis based on a functional examination of the
underwent a thorough medical examination, includ- masticatory system),10 an unhealthy periodontium
ing a full-night polysomnographic (PSG) record- (ie, periodontal diseases), and/or dental pain (eg,
ing, using Siesta hardware and ProFusion software chronic pulpitis) were excluded as well.
(Compumedics). A multidisciplinary OSA team Following the above-outlined selection proce-
consisting of neurologists; ear, nose, and throat spe- dure, a total 16 OSA patients were asked to partici-
cialists; pulmonologists; dentists; psychologists; and pate in the present study. Six of them (3 men and
technicians especially trained in sleep medicine 3 women) declined participation because of time
discussed all PSG recordings. All consecutive and constraints. Thus, a total of 10 mild/moderate OSA
eligible OSA patients for whom a mandibular ad- patients with an AHI between 5 and 30 events/hour
vancement device was indicated were invited to par- participated in the study. There were 3 men and
ticipate in the study, provided that they also fulfilled 7 women, with a mean ( SD, range) age of 47.3
the other inclusion and exclusion criteria (see below). ( 11.7, 23 to 62) years.
OSA was quantified and classified using the Apnea- The scientific and ethical aspects of the protocol
Hypopnea Index (AHI),3 which was used as this were reviewed and approved by the Medical Eth-
studys primary outcome measure. According to the ics Committee of the Slotervaart Medical Center
American Academy of Sleep Medicine Task Force,3 (NL23988.048.08). The protocol was also registered
an apnea is defined as a cessation of airflow for at at under number NCT01004692.
least 10 seconds. A hypopnea is defined as a de-
crease in nasal-oral airflow of more than 50% for Randomization and Allocation
at least 10 seconds, or a substantial decrease of less
than 50% in nasal-oral airflow if associated with The participants were randomly allocated to one of
an arousal and/or an oxygen desaturation of great- two investigative groups (see Study Protocol). To en-
er than 3%. The AHI is the number of apneas and sure that the groups were of approximately the same
hypopneas per hour of sleep. Based on the report size, block randomization was used. The allocation
of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine Task sequence was automatically generated and subse-

200 Volume 27, Number 3, 2013

Nikolopoulou et al

quently concealed by an independent coworker, in situ 10 nights before the recordings as a habitu-
who kept a paper copy in a lockable drawer. Sealed ation period.
opaque envelopes were used to conceal the alloca- Monet hardware (Medcare) was used for the
tion from the principal investigator. ambulatory recordings, and Rembrandt software
(Medcare) was used for the analyses. All PSG re-
Occlusal Stabilization Splint and Blinding cordings consisted of two electroencephalographic
leads (C3-A2 and O2-A1), two electro-oculographic
An occlusal stabilization splint was constructed for leads, mental surface electromyography, nasal-oral
each participant. The splint was a hard acrylic resin airflow using a thermistor, oximetry, abdominal and
appliance with no palatal coverage, to be worn in thoracic respiratory effort, body position, electro-
the maxilla. It caused a bite rise of about 1.0 mm cardiography, leg movements (m tibialis anterior),
at the level of the first molar (for a detailed descrip- and a piezoelectric lead for the detection of snoring.
tion, see van der Zaag et al11). The intermaxillary A trained coworker performed the montage of the
relationship of choice was the retruded contact recording devices at the Slotervaart Medical Center.
position, ie, the point of initial contact between After each PSG recording, values of BMI and ESS
the mandibular dentition and the splint when the were obtained.
mandibular condyles are guided along the posterior
slope of the articular eminence into their most su- Data Analysis
perior position on jaw closure.1 Canine guidance
and anterior guidance were built in so as to enable All PSG recordings were coded, randomized, and
contralateral and posterior disclusion during articu- analyzed under blind conditions by a specialized
lation movements. The splint did not come into con- sleep medicine technician. This examiners intra
tact with the participants soft tissues, nor did it act observer reliability of AHI scoring was excellent,
as an orthodontic device. The splints were fabricat- with an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of
ed at the Department of Oral Kinesiology of ACTA, 0.96; that of sleep scoring could be qualified as
in collaboration with a dental laboratory (Excent good to excellent, with ICC values ranging from
Tandtechniek Amsterdam). 0.64 to 0.96. Sleep stages were scored manually in
The participants were blinded to the a priori hy- 30-second epochs according to Rechtschaffen and
pothesis regarding the effect of the splint on their Kales,12 and standard sleep variables and respira-
OSA condition. After using the splint, all the pa- tory variables were obtained. After the completion
tients were asked if they experienced a change in of the analyses, the recordings were decoded again.
their sleep apnea symptoms with the splint in situ.
Analyst blinding was ascertained by assigning codes
to data sets and by analyzing these sets in random Statistical Analysis
To enable the use of within-subject factors, analyses
Study Protocol of variance (ANOVAs) for repeated measures were
performed. Based on current insights into the etiol-
After written informed consent was obtained, all ogy and mechanisms of OSA,8,13 BMI was introduced
participants underwent two sets of three consecu- as between-subject (co-)factor in case of a significant
tive ambulatory PSG home recordings, with 2 weeks interaction of BMI with the variable of interest (ie,
between both sets, using a crossover design. In the AHI or ESS). Repeated-measures ANOVA was used
first randomly composed group (see Randomization to assess possible statistical differences in the AHI
and Allocation), the participants (2 men, 4 women) (the primary outcome measure) and ESS between
who had a mean ( SD, range) age of 50.2 ( 8.7, the consecutive nights. Second, the AHI and ESS val-
39 to 60) years first underwent the three nights of ues of the three non-splint nights and of the three
PSG recordings without the stabilization splint in splint nights were averaged, followed by independent
situ. After the 2-week wash-out period, they under- ANOVA to check if there was a statistically signifi-
went the three nights of recordings with the splint cant difference in AHI and in ESS between the mean
in situ. In the second group, the participants (1 man, values of the non-splint nights and the mean values of
3 women) with a mean ( SD, range) age of 43.0 the splint nights. Finally, the standard sleep variables,
( 15.7, 23 to 62) years first underwent the three averaged over the three nights for each condition,
PSG recordings with the splint in situ, and 2 weeks were compared between the splint and non-splint
later they underwent the three PSG recordings with- conditions by using two-independent-samples t tests
out the splint in situ. All participants used the splint and Bonferroni adjustment for multiple comparisons.

Journal of Orofacial Pain 201

Nikolopoulou et al

Table 1 Mean Values SD of the Standard Sleep Variables of the 10 Participants, Averaged over the Three Nights* for Both
Experimental Conditions (ie, without and with the stabilization splint in situ)
No splint Splint T P
Total sleep time (min) 428.9 64.9 437.1 85.9 0.315 .757
Stage 1 and 2 (%) 6.07 11.4 60.4 14.8 1.990 .065
Stage 3 and 4 (%) 14.7 12.8 17.5 7.2 0.994 .330
Stage REM (%) 19.9 6.5 20.3 5.2 0.933 .362
Sleep in supine position (%) 51.0 23.9 42.1 22.8 1.120 .279
Sleep efficiency (%) 83.3 7.3 87.9 4.1 2.61 .042
*For one participant, the mean values of the splint condition were based on two PSG recordings. T = test statistic for two-independent-samples
t tests.


25 25

20 20

Mean AHI


1 2 3 4 5 6
No splint Splint

Fig 1 AHI values obtained with the six PSG recordings Fig 2 Mean AHI values of the three PSG recordings per
per participant. Note that for one participant, the AHI experimental condition (ie, without and with the stabili-
from the sixth PSG recording is missing. zation splint in situ) for all 10 participants individually.
Note that for 1 participant, the mean value of the splint
condition was based on two PSG recordings.

All analyses were performed with the SPSS pack- the splint and non-splint conditions after Bonfer-
age for Windows, version 16.0 (SPSS Inc). P < .05 roni adjustment (ie, statistically significant when
was considered statistically significant. P < .0083).
Since no significant interactions between BMI
and any of the outcome measures were present, the
Results ANOVAs for repeated measures were performed
without using BMI as a cofactor. There was no
All but one participant completed the entire study statistically significant difference in AHI or in ESS
protocol, even though two of them felt that the sta- between the three nights without the stabilization
bilization splint caused dry lips and increased their splint (AHI: F = 2.757, P = .090; ESS: F = 0.153,
snoring. The patient who did not complete the en- P = .860). Similarly, there was no statistically sig-
tire protocol failed to do the last recording of the nificant difference in AHI or in ESS between the
splint condition because of severe allergy to the glue three nights with the splint in situ (AHI: F = 0.815,
and stickers used for the recordings. All PSG re- P = .458; ESS: F = 0.231, P = .796). To illustrate the
cordings were judged to have normal structures by night-to-night variability in AHI, Fig 1 shows the
the medically responsible sleep medicine specialist results of the six PSG recordings for each individual.
(HLH). The standard sleep variables are shown in Figure 2 shows the mean AHI values of the three
Table 1. None of them differed significantly between PSG recordings per experimental condition (ie,

202 Volume 27, Number 3, 2013

Nikolopoulou et al

without and with the stabilization splint in situ) these were not randomized controlled trials (RCTs).
for all 10 participants individually. The mean AHI In contrast, the present study was a RCT. The em-
of the three nights with the stabilization splint ployed crossover design allowed each patient to
in situ was significantly higher than that of the be his or her own control. The design included a
three nights without the splint in situ (with splint: 2-week wash-out period between both conditions
mean SD = 17.4 7.0 events/hour; without splint: (ie, no splint versus splint). Furthermore, multiple
mean SD = 15.9 6.4 events/hour; F = 7.203, PSG recordings were obtained for both conditions
P = .025). The mean ( SD) increase in AHI with and for each participant to take into account the
the splint in situ was 1.4 1.7 events/hour; its 95% night-to-night variability in AHI.1416 Hence, the
confidence interval (1.4 1.96 1.7) was 1.9 to present study yielded conclusive data.
4.7. Even when the patient with the largest effect Apart from the dissimilarities in study design,
size (a 62-year-old male; BMI = 20.9; neck circum- variation in the design of the intraoral devices could
ference = 44.2 cm) was removed from the analy- have influenced the differences between both previ-
ses, the mean ( SD) increase in AHI (0.9 0.5) ous studies4,5 and the present one as well. Indeed,
remained statistically significant (F = 29.033; the magnitude of the bite rise in the present study
P = .001). No significant difference in ESS was found (viz, about 1.0 mm at the level of the first molar)
when both experimental conditions were compared differed from that in the studies by Gagnon et al4
(with splint: mean SD = 9.5 5.3; without splint: and Nikolopoulou et al.5 Gagnon et al4 used an
mean SD = 9.6 5.2; F = 1.00, P = .343). An occlusal stabilization splint with a slightly larger
interaction with randomization order was not pre- thickness of approximately 1.5 mm at the molar
sent for AHI or for ESS (AHI: F = 2.65, P = .142; level and of maximally 4.5 mm at the incisor level,
ESS: F = 0.812, P = .394). while Nikolopoulou et al5 used an intraoral device
(viz, a mandibular advancement device with 0%
protrusion) with a bite rise of 6 mm at the incisor
Discussion level. Whereas the small difference in thickness of
only about 0.5 mm between the splints used in the
The hypothesis tested in this study was that an oc- present study and those used by Gagnon et al4 is
clusal stabilization splint is associated with aggra- unlikely to have contributed to the different findings
vating the respiratory disturbance in OSA patients. between both studies, the considerable difference in
The use of stabilization splints indeed raised the AHI thickness between the devices used in the authors
significantly. The increase in the AHI was small, but previous study5 and in the present one may have
it occurred in all 10 OSA patients who participated contributed to the differences in findings.
in the study (see Fig 2). Even when the patient with The exact mechanism that may have caused the
the largest effect size was removed from the analy- above-discussed effect of increased thickness is as
ses, the mean increase in AHI remained statistically yet unknown. Possibly, it is related to the fact that
significant. If one considers the mean difference plus occlusal stabilization splints not only modify the
or minus its 95% confidence interval, however, it space between the dental arches, but also reduce the
turns out that zero is included in the interval, sug- space for the tongue and rotate and anteriorly trans-
gesting that both experimental conditions could be late the condyles,1719 thus compromising the upper
considered equivalent. Hence, whether the small in- airway lumen.
crease in the AHI is actually clinically relevant re- Another aspect related to the design of the in-
mains to be studied. Also the long-term effects of traoral devices used in the various studies so far is
stabilization splints on OSA need to be captured in the fact that in the study by Nikolopoulou et al,5 the
future longitudinal trials, although such studies may mandible was fixed to the maxilla with the intraoral
be difficult to perform because most patients will device in situ, while both in the study by Gagnon
have received treatment for their OSA condition in et al4 and in the present study the mandible could
the meantime. move freely in all directions. Hence, the above-
Previous studies4,5 found no significant group discussed lumen-narrowing effect of intraoral de-
change of the AHI when the bite was raised in OSA vices is likely to have been stronger in the study by
patients. Increases were observed only at the indi- Nikolopoulou et al,5 because the mandible was pre-
vidual level. In both previous studies, however, it vented from moving anteriorly and thus from wid-
was noted that the observed differences between ening the upper airway lumen.
the two conditions (ie, no increased jaw gape ver- The 62-year-old male participant who showed
sus increased vertical dimension) did not necessar- the largest increase in the AHI with the occlusal
ily reflect a true effect of the intervention, because stabilization splint in situ was also one of the two

Journal of Orofacial Pain 203

Nikolopoulou et al

patients who complained of increased snoring with Acknowledgments

the splint in situ. Interestingly, when this patient was
compared to the other participants, he turned out The authors gratefully acknowledge the staff of the Center for
Sleep-Wake Disorders of the Slotervaart Medical Center in Am-
to have a relatively low BMI but a relatively large
sterdam, The Netherlands, for their assistance with the data col-
neck circumference. Obesity is known to be the lection and analyses, and Dr Maurits van Selms, PhD, for his
main risk factor of OSA.20,21 However, in this case, assistance with the statistical analyses of this study.
the participant was of normal weight, even tend- No actual or potential conflicts of interest exist for any of
ing towards underweight. On the other hand, fat the authors, nor is there any personal or financial support and
author involvement with organizations with financial interest in
deposition around the upper airway, as suggested
the subject matter of the paper.
in this participant by his neck circumference, may
narrow the airway lumen and increase the collaps-
ibility of the pharynx.22 Furthermore, the older the
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