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The Longwood Herbal Task Force

(http://www.mcp.edu/herbal/default.htm) and
The Center for Holistic Pediatric Education and Research

Rhubarb root (Rheum officinale or R. palmatum)

Kathi J. Kemper, MD, MPH

Chinese herbalists have relied on rhubarb rhizomes (roots) for thousands of years. The
rhizomes contain powerful anthraquinones that act as stimulant laxatives and tannins that act as
astringents1. The Chinese also use rhubarb to treat gastric ulcers, chronic renal failure, and
pregnancy-induced hypertension. The current practice of using rhubarb to treat cancer (as an
ingredient in the herbal Essiac formula) lacks the support of controlled clinical trials2. Rhubarb
root can cause severe diarrhea and abdominal cramps. Treatment periods as a laxative should not
exceed eight to ten days. Persons with a history of renal stones should avoid rhubarb due to its
high oxalate content. The high tannin content may cause upset stomach, renal damage, hepatic
necrosis and increased risk of esophageal and nasal cancer. Rhubarb root is not recommended
during pregnancy or lactation or by children less than 12 years old. There is marked variation in
the content of active compounds in commercially available rhubarb products. Consumers should
be aware that medicinal rhubarb root is not the same as the garden rhubarb used for food.

Historical and Popular Uses

The roots of medicinal rhubarb have been used in traditional Chinese and Tibetan
medicine for 2000 years, gradually spreading to India, Russia, Europe and North America3.
Rhubarb arrived in Europe via Turkey, hence the common name, Turkey rhubarb. European
herbalists recommended rhubarb as a laxative and diuretic and to treat kidney stones, gout, and
liver diseases characterized by jaundice. Externally, it was used to heal skin sores and scabs.
Paradoxically, although larger doses were used as a laxative, small doses were used to treat
dysenteric diarrhea4.
The Chinese use rhubarb as an ulcer remedy and consider it a bitter, cold, dry herb used
to clear heat from the liver, stomach and blood, to expel helminths and to treat cancer, fever,

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upper intestinal bleeding (ulcers) and headache5,6. It is also used to treat toothaches7. In
Europe, rhubarb is a component of spring tonics or blood cleansing cures, including Swedish
bitters8. Turkish or medicinal rhubarb is also one of the four major ingredients in the herbal
cancer remedy, Essiac.

Medicinal species: Rheum officinale or R. palmatum L. Other rhubarbs from other parts of the
world include R. tanguticum Maxim. ex. Balf., R. emodi and R. webbianum, also known
as Indian or Himalayan rhubarb. Garden (English) rhubarb or R. rhaponticum is
considered food rather than medicine. Active ingredients vary by species; different
species are frequently substituted for one another in commercially available medicinal
rhubarb products, some of which may also be contaminated with heavy
Common names: Canton rhubarb, Chinese rhubarb, chong-gi-huang, da-huang, daio, Japanese
rhubarb, medicinal rhubarb, racine de rhubarbee (French), rhabarber, rhei radix, rheum,
rhizoma rhei, shenshi rhubarb, tai huang, Turkish rhubarb, Turkey rhubarb.
Botanical family: Polygonaceae, which contains 51 genera and 1150 species, including
Plant description: Medicinal rhubarb (R. palmatum or R. officinale) is a large, leafy perennial
with hollow stalks that may reach ten feet in height. The root/rhizome is the part used
medicinally; it is thick and branching, with a brown exterior and a yellow interior. The
medicinal species are not garden herbs. Garden rhubarb typically grows to about three
feet and has reddish to purple stems. It contains similar active ingredients, but is much
less potent, so doses would need to be increased for medicinal use. Roots can be
harvested as early as the fourth year after planting; the plants are harvested in the
Where its grown: Medicinal rhubarb is native to China and Tibet and is cultivated in Europe,
India and Pakistan; imports from developing countries may be contaminated8. The most
potent products are grown at high altitude such as in eastern Tibet.

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Rhubarb: Active Chemical Constituents
Anthranoids, especially anthraquinone glycosides: rhein (sennosides A and B), aloe-emodin,
Oxalic acid
Tannins (5% - 10%): gallotannin, catechin, procyanidin
Other: pectin, phenolic carboxylic acids

The anthraquinones found in rhubarb are also found in other natural stimulant laxatives
such as senna, buckthorn, cascara sagrada and the lining of aloe leaves18. They enhance colonic
motility and stimulation of chloride and water secretion into the stool. Quantities of the active
ingredients vary during growth, by season and during processing19,20. Tests of the sennoside
content of different market rhubarb preparations in China and Japan reveal marked variations in
the content of active compounds, with some products containing no active ingredients9,21. The
British and European pharmacopeias specify that products must contain not less than 2.2% of the
hydroxyanthracene derivatives, calculated as rhein.
Oxalic acid combines with calcium in blood, forming insoluble calcium oxalate crystals
that may be deposited in the kidneys, leading to renal stones. Persons with a history of renal
stones should use great caution when consuming oxalate-containing herbs and consider avoiding
their use altogether22.
Rhubarb contains 5% - 10% tannins. Tannins are phenolic compounds found in many
herbs and common foods, such as sorrel and tea. Plants that contain more than 10% tannins have
potential adverse effects including upset stomach, renal damage, hepatic necrosis, and an
increased risk of esophageal and nasal cancer. Tannins are astringent and are traditionally used
topically for a variety of wet or oozing skin conditions such as poison ivy. Therapeutically,
tannins have been used to treat diarrhea and inflamed mucus membranes22. It is thought that at
low dosages, the tannin activity in rhubarb supersedes the anthraquinone activity, thus leading to

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decreased number and lower water content of stool. At higher doses, the anthraquinone activity
is thought to predominate, resulting in more watery and more frequent stools.
Pectin tends to be antidiarrheal. In conjunction with tannins, its effect may supersede the
effect of anthraquinones when rhubarb is given is small doses.

Experimental Studies
Rhubarb: Potential Clinical Benefits
1. Cardiovascular: Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH), myocardial contractility
2. Pulmonary: none
3. Renal and electrolyte balance: Diuretic, diabetic nephropathy and chronic renal failure, renal
4. Gastrointestinal/hepatic: Diarrhea, constipation, liver disease, ulcers, pancreatitis
5. Neuropsychiatric: none
6. Endocrine: none
7. Hematologic: none
8. Rheumatologic: none
9. Reproductive: Uterine tonic
10. Immune modulation: Immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory
11. Antimicrobial: Antiviral, antibacterial, molluscicidal, antitrichomonal
12. Antineoplastic: Ingredient in Essiac remedy
13. Antioxidant: none
14. Skin and mucus membranes: none
15. Other/miscellaneous: Toothache

1. Cardiovascular: Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH), myocardial contractility

a. Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH)
i. In vitro data: none
ii. Animal data: none
iii. Human data: In a randomized, controlled trial of 265 Chinese women at risk for PIH,
rhubarb extract (0.75 grams po daily for 9 10 weeks) resulted in a significantly

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lower rate of PIH (5.7% vs. 20.8% in controls), as well as significantly lower levels
of plasma fibronectin, plasminogen activator inhibiter (PAI) and anti-thrombin III23.
b. Myocardial contractility
i. In vitro data: Some of rhubarbs polysaccharides displayed a dose-dependent
inhibition of calcium influx, while others promoted influx of extracellular free
ii. Animal data: In vivo studies in cat hearts showed a significant dose-dependent effect
of alcoholized extracts of rhubarb on contractility and monophasic action potentials:
low doses (1.0 1.5 g/kg) had an excitatory effect, while higher doses (2.0 gm/kg)
had an inhibitory effect25.
iii. Human data: none
2. Pulmonary: none
3. Renal and electrolyte balance: Diuretic, diabetic nephropathy and chronic renal failure,
renal protectant
a. Diuretic
i. In vitro data: none
ii. Animal data: Rhubarb has proven effective as a diuretic in rabbit models, apparently
by blocking sodium-potassium ATPase in the renal medulla26.
iii. Human data: none
b. Diabetic nephropathy and chronic renal failure1
i. In vitro data: Cultures of rat renal tubules showed a dose-dependent inhibition of
growth proliferation as measured by the uptake of radiolabelled thymidine27.
Rhubarb extracts markedly diminished DNA synthesis in rat renal tubular cells in
ii. Animal data: In diabetic rats, renal hypertrophy and declines in GFR were reduced in
those given rhubarb extracts29. In rats submitted to partial nephrectomy, those given
rhubarb root extracts (150 mg/day) in their drinking water had significantly less
proteinuria and less severe glomerulosclerosis than untreated rats; renal function and
hypertension were comparable in the two groups30. Among rats with adenine-

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induced renal failure, rhubarb tannins significantly improved BUN and creatinine,
glomerular filtration rate, renal plasma flow and renal blood flow31,32,33,34.
iii. Human data: A case series of 50 Chinese patients with chronic renal failure reported
marked improvement in the quality of life of those taking rhubarb supplements35. In
a randomized, controlled trial of 30 Chinese adults with chronic renal failure, rhubarb
extracts were superior to Captopril over 6 22 months of follow-up in terms of
uremic symptoms (such as nausea and anorexia) and serum albumin level 36,37.
In a prospective clinical trial, 151 Chinese adults with chronic renal failure
were assigned to treatment with either rhubarb, Captopril or a combination of rhubarb
and Captopril; in follow-up over 2-4 years, progression to end-stage failure occurred
in 26% of the rhubarb treated patients, 13% of those receiving combination therapy
and 54% of those receiving Captopril alone (P<0.01). Rhubarb treatment was also
associated with lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels38.
c. Renal protectant
i. In vitro data: none
ii. Animal data: In mice treated with cisplatin, co-therapy with rhubarb significantly
reduced the lethal toxicity and renal toxicity of this common chemotherapeutic agent;
the combination did not interfere with the chemotherapeutic effect of cisplatin39.
iii. Human data: none
4. Gastrointestinal/hepatic: Diarrhea, constipation, liver disease, ulcers, pancreatitis
a. Diarrhea: Historical and traditional use; no clinical studies.
b. Constipation
i. In vitro data: Anthraquinone glycosides are hydrolyzed in the gut to aglycones which
are reduced by bacteria to anthranols and anthrones (the active compounds). The
laxative effect is due to inhibition of water and electrolyte reabsorption in the large
colon and to a stimulant effect on intestinal motility8,40.
ii. Animal data: In rats, rhubarb extracts increased electrical excitatory activity in the
colon and duodenum; this effect could be blocked by atropine41,42; on the other
hand, rhubarb extracts also had spasmolytic qualities in guinea pigs43,44.

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iii. Human data: Rhubarb has historically been used as a laxative. It is often used to
soften stool in the presence of anal fissures and hemorrhoids and post-operatively for
recto-anal operations. It is so effective as a cathartic that rhubarb is included in some
standard bowel preparation programs for colonoscopy in China45.
c. Liver disease: Traditional use; no studies.
d. Ulcers
i. In vitro data: Rhubarb roots anthraquinones inhibited H. pylori growth in vitro46.
ii. Animal data: none
iii. Human data: In a Chinese case series of 312 adults with bleeding ulcers, alcoholic
extracts of rhubarb root (dose unknown) were associated with improved symptoms in
90% of patients within three days47,7. In another case series of 400 Chinese patients
hospitalized with acute upper GI bleeding, 97% were effectively treated by 3 grams
of rhubarb given two to four times daily48. No controlled trials have been reported.
e. Pancreatitis
i. In vitro data: Rhubarb extracts inhibited several pancreatic enzymes in vitro49.
ii. Animal data: In rats with experimentally induced necrotizing pancreatitis, 1.5 ml of a
10% rhubarb decoction resulted in significantly decreased mortality and improved gut
motility compared with saline treated controls50.
iii. Human data: Rhubarb is used for pancreatitis in China; no controlled studies have
been reported.
5. Neuropsychiatric: none
6. Endocrine: none
7. Hematologic: none
8. Rheumatologic: Rhubarb is traditionally used for pain in rheumatic conditions51; no studies
have been reported.
9. Reproductive: Historically, cathartic herbs like rhubarb have also been considered uterine
stimulants; there are no data to evaluate this effect with rhubarb.
10. Immune modulation: Immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory
a. Immunostimulant
i. In vitro data: none

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ii. Animal data: In mice, oral administration of rhubarb increased delayed
hypersensitivity response to bovine serum albumin and the proliferation of spleen
cells in response to Con A and lipopolysaccharide52.
iii. Human data: none
b. Anti-inflammatory
i. In vitro data: Some tannins in rhubarb have anti-inflammatory actions51.
ii. Animal data: In rabbits renal medulla, rhubarb inhibited the metabolism of
arachidonic acid to prostaglandins E2 and F2 and thromboxane in a dose-dependent
iii. Human data: none
11. Antimicrobial: Antiviral, antibacterial, molluscicidal, antitrichomonal
a. Antiviral
i. In vitro data: Rhubarb extracts have had mixed results as antiviral agents in cell
culture studies. Anthraquinone extracts were virucidal against HSV I, measles, polio
and influenza virus in vitro54,55,56; rhubarb extract prevented cells from becoming
infected with HSV I57. In other studies, rhubarb was not active against HIV1,
vaccinia viruses or polio virus58,55.
ii. Animal data: none
iii. Human data: none
b. Antibacterial
i. In vitro data: The rhein component of rhubarb had antibacterial activity against
Bacteroides fragilis in vitro59; others reported activity against gram positive bacteria
and acid fast bacteria60. The antibacterial effects of rhubarb are believed to be due to
its inhibition of enzymes in the mitochondrial electron transport system61.
ii. Animal data: none
iii. Human data: A series of 157 adults suffering from gonorrhea was treated with
Chinese rhubarb tablets; they had a reported cure rate of 66%, but diagnostic criteria
and co-therapies were not reported62.

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c. Molluscicidal
i. In vitro data: A 0.03% rhein solution was molluscicidal against Oncomelania
hupensis, Biomphalaria glabrata and Bulinus globosus (vectors of Schistosoma
ii. Animal data: none
iii. Human data: none
d. Antitrichomonal
i. In vitro data: none
ii. Animal data: Emodin displayed antitrichomonal activity in mice64.
iii. Human data: none
12. Antineoplastic: Ingredient in Essiac remedy
i. In vitro data: The antineoplastic activity of rhubarbs anthraquinone constituents is
believed to be due to its inhibition of the mitochondrial respiratory chain61. Rhubarb
extracts have shown antimutagenic activity in S. typhi 65.
ii. Animal data: Injections of rhubarb root extract caused damage to sarcoma-27 in
mice66. Emodin inhibited melanoma growth in mice66. Alcoholic extracts of rhubarb
root were inactive against sarcoma in cell cultures and in mice67,68.
iii. Human data: none
13. Antioxidant: none
14. Skin and mucus membranes: none
15. Other/miscellaneous: Rhubarb is traditionally used against toothache in China.

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Toxicity and Contraindications
All herbal products carry the potential for contamination with other herbal products, pesticides,
herbicides, heavy metals and pharmaceuticals. This is particularly concerning with imports
from developing countries.
Allergic reactions can occur to any natural product in sensitive persons.

Rhubarbs leaves are poisonous, impairing hemostasis and causing nausea and vomiting.
Potentially toxic compounds in rhubarb: Anthraquinones in roots, oxalic acid and tannins in
leaves. Products from China may be contaminated with other species or heavy metals.
Acute toxicity: Diarrhea, intestinal cramping. Patients may notice that urine becomes bright
yellow or red.
Chronic toxicity: Rhubarb should not be used as a laxative for more than 8 10 days; chronic use
may deplete potassium and potentiate the effects of cardiac glycosides. Chronic use may
also lead to pigmentation of the intestinal mucosa (melanosis coli). Rhubarb did not
display mutagenicity in the standard Ames test69.
Limitations during other illnesses or in patients with specific organ dysfunction: Rhubarb root is
traditionally not recommended for patients with chronic intestinal inflammation such as
gastric or duodenal ulcers, Crohns disease or ulcerative colitis. It is contraindicated for
patients with intestinal obstruction or ileus. It should be avoided or used with great
caution by patients with history of renal stones due to its oxalate content22.
Interactions with other herbs or pharmaceuticals: Rhubarb root may potentiate other laxatives. It
may increase potassium loss (e.g. with steroids). Because of its potential to deplete
potassium, it should be used cautiously by patients taking cardiac glycosides.
Safety during pregnancy and/or childhood: Because of its putative effect as a uterine stimulant,
rhubarb root is not recommended during pregnancy. Because it contains anthraquinone
alkaloids, it should not be used by nursing women. It is also not traditionally
recommended for children less than twelve years old4.

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Typical dosages
Provision of dosage information does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement, but
rather indicates the range of doses commonly used in herbal practice.
Doses are given for single herb use and must be adjusted when using herbs in combinations.
Doses may also vary according to the type and severity of the condition treated and individual
patient conditions.

Typical adult doses for diarrhea:

Powdered root:
- tsp. (1 gram) boiled in 1 cup of water for 10 minutes70. Take 1 Tbsp. (15 cc) at
a time, up to 1 cup daily.
Tincture: tsp. daily
Typical adult doses for constipation:
Powdered root:
1 tsp (5 -6 grams) boiled in 1 cup of water for 10 minutes. Take 1 Tbsp. (15 cc) at a
time, up to 1 cup daily.
Tincture: -1 tsp daily
NOTE: 30 100 mg of dried hydroxyanthracene derivatives are equivalent to
approximately 1.2 4.8 grams of the dried root.15 The total daily dose is 1 2 grams
of dried root.
For toothache: Tincture is applied by cotton swab directly to the painful tooth7.
Availability of standardized preparations: None. There is marked variation in the anthraquinone
content of commercial preparations, as well as the potential for contamination with
related species and heavy metals in imported products.
Multi-ingredient products containing rhubarb root: Abdominolon, Certobil, Cholaflux, Colax,
Compound Fix Elixir, Dragees laxatives, Enteroton, Fam-Lax, Herbal Laxative,
Herbalax, Neo-Cleanse, New-Lax, Plantago complex, Tisana Arnaldi, Vegebyl
Dosages used in herbal combinations: Variable
Pediatric dosages: Not recommended for children less than twelve years old.

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Longwood Herbal Task Force: http://www.mcp.edu/herbal/default.htm Revised September 24, 1999

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