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The Imperative for Stealth


By Maj Gen Mark Barrett, USAF (Ret.) rA

ie s

e ro s ud
with Col Mace Carpenter, USAF (Ret.) p ac e S t
Note to readers: this electronic edition features an interactive table of contents and endnotes. Click on the
page number in the table of contents to be taken to the respective chapter; endnotes in the text are linked
to their respective citation at the end of this study. Click on the citation number to go back.
The Imperative for Stealth

By Maj Gen Mark Barrett, USAF (Ret.)

with Col Mace Carpenter, USAF (Ret.)

The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

Air Force Association
Arlington, VA
July 2017
About the Mitchell Institute
for Aerospace Studies
The Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies is an independent, nonpartisan policy
research institute established to promote understanding of the national security
advantages of exploiting the domains of air, space, and cyberspace. The Mitchell
Institutes goals are 1) educating the public about the advantages of aerospace power
in achieving Americas global interests; 2) informing key decision makers about the
policy options created by exploiting the domains of air, space, and cyberspace, and the
importance of necessary investment to keep America the worlds premier aerospace
nation; and 3) cultivating future policy leaders who understand the advantages of
operating in air, space, and cyberspace. Mitchell Institute maintains a policy not to
advocate for specific proprietary systems or specific companies in its research and
study efforts.

2017 Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies. All rights reserved.

About the Authors
Maj Gen Mark A. Barrett, USAF (Ret.), is the vice president of aviation operations for
Operational Support Group LLC, a consulting firm, and chairman of the board for
The Common Defense, a non-profit organization that promotes nonpartisan analysis
and public discourse on national security challenges facing the United States. He
previously served as the executive vice president of the Air Force Association from
September 2014 to April 2016. Barrett retired from active duty in June 2014 after 34
years of service, serving as the chief of staff of US European Command in Stuttgart,
Germany in his last assignment. During his career, he commanded at the squadron,
group, and wing levels, and led the first operational F-22 wing the 1st Fighter Wing
at Langley AFB, Va.from April 2007 to May 2009. Barrett also served as the chief of
combat forces and program integration division on the Air Staff, and was Air Combat
Commands inspector general from May 2009 to June 2010. He holds a bachelors
degree in engineering from North Carolina State University, and masters degrees
in aeronautical science technology from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and
national security strategy from the National War College. A command pilot, Barrett
has more than 4,500 hours in the F-15C/D and the F-22, with more than 300 hours of
combat time in Southwest Asia deployments.

Col Mace Carpenter, USAF (Ret.), is currently a senior fellow at the Mitchell Institute for
Aerospace Studies and a defense and national security consultant. Carpenter retired
from the US Air Force in 2010 after 30 years of service, with extensive experience in
strategy, combat operations, and command and control. He flew combat missions
in the F-111 during Operation Desert Storm and in the F-117 during Operation
Allied Force, also serving as the director of stealth employment in the combined air
operations center (CAOC) for Allied Force. Later, in Operation Iraqi Freedom, he
served as chief of strategy in the CAOC during initial combat operations. His other
assignments included commands of the 9th Fighter Squadron at Holloman AFB, N.M.
and the 32nd Air Operations Group at Ramstein AB, Germany, and a tour as the chief
of Air Force strategy development on the Air Staff. Carpenter has a B.S. from the US
Air Force Academy, and masters degrees from Troy State University and the School
of Advanced Air and Space Power Studies at Air University. He is a PhD candidate in
political science at the University of Missouri at St. Louis. A command pilot, instructor
pilot, and flight examiner, Carpenter has over 3,800 hours in the 0-2A, F-111, F-117,
and the AT-38.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY__________________________________________________________ 1










MAKING WAVES: THE WAKE DETECTION THREAT_______________________________ 27

CONCLUSION_________________________________________________________________ 29
Executive Summary
Stealth, or aircraft signature reduction, is a potent and viable military capability in modern combat, and
will remain so well into the future. It is not, however, an all or nothing capability, as some critiques have
suggested. Investments in stealth technology significantly improve the ability of US aircraft to penetrate
enemy air defenses and create significant costs for adversaries who attempt to defend against this technology.

In certain environments, stealth may have the ability to penetrate with little support. However, stealth is most
effective when employed in concert with other aircraft, tactics, and capabilities. Adding stealth to a multi-
capability force package creates a lethal synergy that is difficult to defend against. By reducing the enemys
ability to detect attackers, this complicates air defense efforts and reduces time for adversaries to react effectively.

The United States demonstrated the warfighting impact of stealth aircraft technology in Operation
Desert Stormthe 1991 Gulf Warvia F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter operations. Freed from having
to package large groups of aircraft to break through defenses, commanders utilized stealthy aircraft to
strike strategic targets before air defenses were neutralized or destroyed. Stealth aircraft were also used to
neutralize or destroy adversary air defenses, so conventional aircraft could penetrate high threat areas. Less
than a decade later, both the F-117 stealth fighter and B-2 stealth bomber demonstrated similar capabilities
in 1999s Operation Allied Force, over Serbia. Again, the use of stealth enabled friendly forces to strike deep
immediately, reduced risk and losses of non-stealthy assets, surprised the enemy, and significantly improved
economy of force by allowing aircraft that would have been tasked for support operations to strike other
targets. The operational advantages offered by stealth aircraft like the F-117 and B-2 resulted in stealths
widespread adoption in many subsequent US aircraft designs and programs such as the F-22, F-35,
RQ-170, and X-47and now the next generation bomber, the B-21. By 2022, approximately one-fourth
of the US combat air forces will be stealthyand the proportion should grow with each passing year
as F-35s and B-21s enter service while non-stealthy aircraft retire. After years of observing US military
operations, other nations too are convinced of the advantages of stealth design, and are moving to close the
capability gap. Russia and China have adopted stealth in a range of new aircraft designs that are currently
in development, and are slated to enter production in the next decade.

Stealth aircraft have now been in development and service for over 40 years. As with any military capability,
the potential offered by technologies to counter stealth advantages are being developed, and also being
debated. As a result, several questions must now be addressed. Do the advances in computational power
and radar systems seen in the digital age undermine stealth aircraft survivability? Will stealth remain viable
in future decades in the face of these technologies, or will its effectiveness wane? Should the United States
continue to invest in stealth systems to improve them or mitigate technology that attempts to counter them,
or shift its approach? Debate over these issues will increase in the coming years as spending on systems such
as the F-35 and B-21 increases. In the service of trying to answer some of these questions, this study aims to
provide an unclassified assessment of the long-term viability of stealth in the coming decades, and why it is
vital to successful modern air warfare. 1
Stealth and the Offense-Defense Contest
It is important to articulate, up front, what we mean when using the term stealth in the context of
discussions about modern airpower. The word stealth simply means an object, in this case an aircraft,
that is difficult to detect. Stealth does not make an aircraft completely invisible by any means, but
can make it extremely difficult for it to be detected, tracked, and destroyed. Stealth also significantly
reduces the range at which aircraft can be detected, and this in turn increases survivability. Stealth
combined with speed creates additional challenges for enemy air defenders. Even if defenders can detect
the presence of aircraft, the time they have to track, fire, and guide surface-to-air missiles (SAMs)
is minimal. Sometimes engagement windows are so short, even detected stealth aircraft are nearly
impossible to engage.

The survivability of a stealth aircraft is primarily the result of stealth design (the set of technologies that
make the aircraft hard to detect) and tactics (the means by which operators employ stealth aircraft to
maximize survivability and effectiveness). Modern stealth or low observable (LO) technologies allow
aircraft to minimize their measurable signatures to prevent
As demonstrated by combat detection, tracking, and ultimately engagement. The most
advanced LO aircraft designs enable manipulation of the entire
operations dating back to
electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) in order to reduce radio
World War I, visual detection of frequency (RF), infrared (IR), electro-optical (EO), visual, and
aircraft proved a poor means acoustic sensor capabilities. The goal of LO design is to reduce
the aircrafts signatures in each of these areas to as low a level as
of providing defense against
aircraft. Combat experience
and detailed studies show that As demonstrated by combat operations dating back to World
War I, visual detection of aircraft proved a poor means of
visually searching the vast
providing defense against aircraft. Combat experience and
expanse of sky for an unknown detailed studies show that visually searching the vast expanse
object remains a difficult task. of sky for an unknown object remains a difficult task. Under
ideal conditions, a small fighter can be detected at roughly three
miles. Night, clouds, and adverse weather further reduce the ranges and chances of detection. Such small
detection ranges make it virtually impossible to detect and track an aircraft to bring defenses to bear
against the intruder.

The development of radar before World War II permanently changed the air combat attacker-defender
duel. During the day or night, and in all types of weather, the new detection technology could determine
the presence, location, altitude, and direction of attacking aircraft. Passing this information to interceptors
and ground defenses enabled defenders to allocate and direct forces to effectively engage attacking aircraft.

2 Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

Radars long-range, all-weather capability has made it the cornerstone of modern air defense since its
introductionradar provides orders of magnitude improvements in detection ranges compared to visual

Therefore, avoiding detection by radar is key for an attacker, and reducing a defenders radar range by
reducing the attacking aircrafts radar cross section (RCS) is one way to accomplish that. This is the
distinguishing characteristic of stealth aircraft.

Table 1 shows how reducing RCS impacts modern fighter-borne and early warning radars. As seen in the
table, at very small radar cross sections, the detection range of radars is reduced to levels similar to visual
detectionand with similar impact upon the task of an air defense network. Stealth technology presents
air defenses with the same challenge they had over seven decades ago, before the advent of radar.

RCS (m2) RCS (dB) Fighter AESA Radar Range (mi) Early Warning Radar Range (mi)

1 0 100 300
.1 -10 56 168
.01 -20 32 95
.001 -30 18 53
.0001 -40 10 30
.00001 -50 6 17
.000001 -60 3 9

Table 1: How detection range is reduced by smaller radar cross section.

Over the long run, the US will engage opponents who field increasing numbers of powerful digital multi-
band radars. Because ground-based systems are bigger and able to deploy larger arrays, their theoretical
ranges and capabilities will be greater than those carried by fighters and airborne early warning aircraft.
The ground-based systems, if they can successfully detect and locate an aircraft, can alert SAM batteries
and vector fighters to the threat location perhaps without ever losing track. This will pose new challenges
for US stealth aircraft, but there are several factors to keep in mind in this offense-defense struggle:
Reduction in RCS continues to offer huge operational advantages by shrinking the ranges at which the
aircraft can be detected. The laws of physics are hard to break. If newer radars can detect stealth
aircraft at longer ranges, their ability to detect non-stealthy aircraft is also increased.
Current operational stealth aircraft feature highly tuned systems that detect adversary radars and
use knowledge of the aircrafts RCS to optimize routing in order to minimize the potential for detection
and engagement. Stealth is a combination of reduced RCS and operational tactics that result in
signature reduction.
Multi-band or broadband stealth is growing in importance as more multi-band radars are fielded.
Such radars are still in their infancy, but will grow in numbers over the coming decades. This
will put an emphasis on larger, tailless designs such as the B-2, B-21, and X-47. Modern aircraft
optimized for reduced RCS against high frequency radars such as those carried by fighters will still 3
enjoy a huge operational advantage but may become more detectable by low frequency radars. Mission
planning for fighters with vertical tails will also become increasingly complex as side-aspect detection
and engagement is better enabled by advanced sensors and high performance SAM systems, such as
the SA-21.
Just as radars have benefited from the advances of the digital age, so have stealth aircraft design
capabilities. Nearly 50 years of working with stealth aircraft has given the US a significant advantage
in the development of the next generation of stealth platforms. The United States is now developing its
fourth generation of stealth aircraftand to date, the US is the only military power to successfully
field an operational stealth aircraft.1 The computational capabilities available to design the F-117 and
B-2 are dwarfed by the power now available to design teams. Simulations of interactions between
designs and various threat radars are now far more accurate and realistic, allowing additional refinement
of stealth design solutions before any hardware is actually built or tested. This capability should drive
significant cost and schedule efficiencies in the development of the B-21, resulting in reductions in
RCS beyond those achieved on other platforms.
Stealth aircraft will be operating in coordination with non-stealthy aircraft. The latter feature larger
radar cross sections, which are bound to draw attention from defenses. This is one of the reasons
why stealth pilots have been known to refer to legacy aircraft (tongue in cheek) as aluminum chaff.
In the high-speed arena of air warfare, defenders will be highly stressed trying to locate stealth aircraft
amid groups of non-stealth platforms.
Since the advent of radar, development of electronic warfare capabilities has expanded significantly.
Stealth, combined with electronic jamming and spoofing, can significantly increase the stealth capability
of a force packagesometimes by an order of magnitude. On older generation aircraft, adversaries have
been fielding digital radio frequency memory (DRFM) pods, which provide false targets to opposing
radars. The small RCS of stealth aircraft combined with advanced
Stealth, combined with
processing and digital control make it much easier to use low-power
electronic jamming and spoofing with on-board AESA electronic attack RF systems to execute
spoofing, can significantly digital cloaking and disappear from adversary displays. This capability,
combined with general wide area jamming, will further complicate an
increase the stealth
adversarys defense problem.
capability of a force
packagesometimes by The continued offense-defense battle between modern radars and stealth
aircraft will continue for decades to come. Digital age improvements
an order of magnitude.
to radars are counterbalanced by the impact of that same digital
technology on stealth aircraft design. Unlike other stealth aircraft (such as the F-22 and F-35) that have to
balance stealth and aerodynamic performance requirements, the B-21 (like the B-2) will provide what is
known as all aspect, broadband stealth. The emerging anti-access/area denial (A2/AD) threat is requiring
this approach, and modern computing is enabling it.

This study also explores the potential of other capabilities under development as potential counters to
stealthinfrared, acoustic, and wake detection technology. Of these three areas, analysis indicates
infrared has the most potential. That said, current infrared detection capabilities offer ranges greater than

4 Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

visual detection, but not as great as radar. Similar to visual detection, infrared sensing is also degraded by
adverse atmospheric conditions (rain and cloud cover, for example), and current infrared sensor hardware
is expensive, and difficult to maintain. All of these factors limit the overall utility of infrared sensors and
have resulted in limited proliferation to date. Modern stealth aircraft like the B-2 currently utilize design
features and employ techniques to minimize their infrared signature. Should infrared systems overcome
current deficiencies and proliferate in the future, means of cloaking and actively managing an aircrafts
infrared signature are available and could be leveraged to minimize this threat.

Emerging modern threats are pushing the importance of stealth technology to the forefront of counter A2/
AD strategies. The analysis in this study illustrates the value of stealth in magnifying adversary problems
in attempting to detect, track, and engage an LO aircraft. Not only is stealth viable in the future threat
environment, it is also becoming a requirement for many of
todays missions. The capability to significantly reduce the range Not only is stealth viable in the
and effectiveness of modern radar and other threat sensors is now
future threat environment, it is
a basic requirement for aircraft survival as contested air space
becomes more common. Additionally, stealth simulations and also becoming a requirement
planning are becoming critical for future successful joint force for many of todays missions.
operations. These provide pilots and mission planners a detailed
The capability to significantly
awareness of how their platform is perceived and viewed by an
adversary, and other forces. This understanding is critical to reduce the range and
managing risk, as it enables accurate predictions, insights, and effectiveness of modern radar
awareness of the aircrafts vulnerabilities to specific threats.
and other threat sensors is now
Detection capabilities of modern radars, meanwhile, are a basic requirement for aircraft
improving at a rate roughly parallel to Moores Law (which survival as contested air space
stipulates computer processing power doubles about once every
becomes more common.
two years), elevating the risk to modern US aircraft. Despite this,
LO characteristics of US aircraft still possess a significant advantage over air-to-air missile threats in the
engagement phase, and a lesser but still notable advantage against SAMs, even with modern fire control

Though the capability of modern electronic warfare radars, fire control systems, and other technologies has
improved in order to attempt to detect stealth aircraft at greater ranges (and reduce the element of surprise),
these improvements only slightly decrease survivability in the air-to-air realm. Early detection allows an
adversary to launch fighters, but their ability to detect and engage remains relatively limited against stealth
aircraft. The surface to air threat for detection and engagement is decidedly higher with early detection,
but detection does not guarantee engagement. Missiles must be able to strike in the end game, and while
detection has improved, stealth still provides a tangible advantage in combat.

In the air attacker-defender contest, however, one thing has not changed. The process of shooting down an
aircraft remains a difficult combat task. Successfully breaking the kill chain at just one point can result 5
in mission success for the attacker. The US Air Force uses the terminology find, fix, track, target, engage,
assess (F2T2EA) to describe the kill chain. Generations of airmen have been trained in executing this
process against targets, and breaking adversary chains targeting US and allied forces. Survivability during
World War I and II hinged on speed and aircraft maneuverability to evade other aircraft in dogfights,
where guns served as the aircrafts primary weapons. Following WWII, high altitude, supersonic aircraft
like the SR-71 were developed to avoid threats. Moving into the 1960s and 70s, as radar technologies and
air-to-air missiles became more reliable and lethal, the US turned to stealth to avoid detection altogether.
Today, digital age technologies have significantly improved capabilities on both sides making control of
the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) more critical than ever. Stealth is central to controlling the EMS.
Not only is stealth viable today and into the foreseeable future, it is also more necessary than ever before.

6 Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

Attrition and Survival:
A History of Airpower and Stealth
Airpower forces are historically very sensitive to attrition. Airpower is an equipment-intensive form of
military powerwithout aircraft, a state does not possess airpower. Seemingly very low rates of attrition
over time can rapidly reduce aircraft numbers, a vulnerability the US Air Force must increasingly
confront today, as it has fewer aircraft in its inventory than at any time in its history. Accordingly, when
faced with attrition, airpower commanders have reacted quickly with changes in operational concepts
and tactics that often sacrifice mission effectiveness. At the outset
of World War II, high attrition forced the Royal Air Force to The need to manage attrition
switch from daylight bombing to night bombing (a shift that from World War II onward
greatly reduced effectiveness). After the disastrous Schweinfurt
required dedicating significant
raid over Germany, the US Eighth Air Force shifted to targets
lying closer to the British Isles in order to reduce exposure to numbers of support aircraft
defenses. To deal with deeper targets, the US Army Air Corps
electronic jamming platforms,
developed and fielded long-range fighter escorts to accompany
defense suppression aircraft,
bomber formations and reduce attrition. Similarly, the Royal Air
Force deployed a range of electronic jamming assets to reduce the and fighter escortto enable
losses inflicted by German radar-equipped night fighters. strike aircraft to hit targets and
ensure their survival.
The need to manage attrition from World War II onward required
dedicating significant numbers of support aircraftelectronic jamming platforms, defense suppression
aircraft, and fighter escortto enable strike aircraft to hit targets and ensure their survival. In the Vietnam
War, commanders had to marshal large packages of aircraft to enable their forces to punch through defenses
and hit targets. Often, the number of support aircraft outnumbered the strike aircraft, in effect reducing
the number of strike aircraft that could actually attack targets.3

Concern over the vulnerability of aircraft to modern air defenses was heightened by the experience of the
Israeli Air Force in the Yom Kippur War of 1973, where the IAF lost 60 combat aircraft (out of a total
inventory of 340 jets) in four days when encountering then-modern Soviet air defense systems.4 The
United States and its NATO allies relied on their advantage in airpower to help deter Soviet aggression in
Europe. A perceived high loss rate would have undermined the deterrent capability of Alliance forces. The
potential capability offered by stealththe set of technologies that could reduce the detection range of
various sensors and hence increase survivabilityaccordingly looked very attractive at the time.

The common definition for stealth is the act or action of proceeding furtively, secretly, or imperceptibly.
As such, stealth does not make an object completely undetectable, but stealth used with modern aircraft
greatly reduces an enemys detection range, which in turn increases survivability. The survivability of
stealth aircraft is primarily a result of stealth design (the set of technologies that make the aircraft hard to 7
detect) and tactics (the means by which operators employ stealth aircraft to maximize survivability and
effectiveness). Other attributes also enhance stealth airpower, such as speed, effective nighttime operations,
weather, and offensive electronic jamming. Low observable technologies allow aircraft to minimize their
measurable signatures to prevent detection and tracking. The most advanced LO aircraft designs enable
manipulation of the entire electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) in order to reduce radio frequency (RF),
infrared (IR), electro-optical (EO), visual, and acoustic sensor capabilities. The goal of LO design is to
reduce the aircrafts signatures in all areas as much as possible.

In combat operations, shrinking aircraft signatures means that an aircraft will appear very small to
air defense sensors. This reduces sensor performance and improves survival probability. In addition to
generating smaller signatures than a non-stealth aircraft, stealth aircraft signatures are studied by US
airmen and are both known and predictable. The precise understanding of how an aircraft is seen by
adversary sensors aids planners and aircrew in mission planning and execution.

Careful mission planning occurs in order to minimize the amount of time a stealth aircraft might be
detected on a given mission. Together with other operational considerations (such as terrain, time of day,
moon illumination, speed, altitude, and maneuvering) a precise understanding of the threats facing a
particular strike package lowers risk and optimizes the chances for mission success. If an aircraft has a
small enough radar signature, it can effectively create open space in an air defense network and exploit
it a practical freeway where a stealth aircraft can operate without radar detection or engagement. The
illustration in Figure 1 shows an attack by conventional non-stealth aircraft on a notional Cold War-era
air defense system (on the left), and a modern stealth aircraft attacking through an air defense system,
shrinking its radar ranges (on the right). The right side of the figure approximates the effect of modern
stealth aircraft in todays operational environment.

Figure 1: Notional Cold War air defense radar network versus a non-stealth platform (on the left), contrasted with an
air defense network against a stealthy B-2 bomber (on the right).
Figure 1: Notional Cold War air defense radar network vs. non-stealth platform (Left)
vs. stealth B-2 (Right)
The 1991 Gulf War proved a defining moment for the USAF and offered powerful evidence of the value
of stealth technology. In the build-up to the war, planners had been developing large strike packages to
punch through air defenses. Once F-117s were made available, however, planners rethought their concepts

8 Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

of operations. The stealthy F-117s could operate with minimal, if any, support. Accordingly, more strikes
could be launched concurrently against a larger number of targets. On the opening night of the Gulf War,
F-117s flew into, over and through the heart of the fully operating [Iraqi] air defenses (often without
any jamming support) and struck strategic operations and communications facilities, paralyzing Iraqi
command and control.5 The Iraqis never recovered. In all, the stealthy F-117s flew just two percent of the
total attack sorties but struck nearly 40 percent of strategic targets.6

The F-117s provided enormous leverage. Then-Lt Col David Deptula, who served as the chief attack planner
for Operation Desert Storm, wrote that on opening night of the conflict a standard attack package of 41
aircraft punched its way through defenses to strike three aim points, or target areas. At the same time, 20
F-117s struck 37 aim points. Deptula pointed out the F-117s in this example provided a 1,200 percent
increase in target coverage using fewer than half the number of aircraft.7

Stealth offered planners the capability to execute a whole new approach to air warfare. Instead of marshaling
large formations of aircraft into attack packages to strike a few targets, stealth aircraft flying at night could
range an entire battlespace to strike any location without warning.
And without the ability to detect and track stealth systems, an
By 2022, approximately one-
adversary had no effective defense. This in turn enhanced US fourth of the US combat air
deterrent capabilities. By the end of Operation Desert Storm, F-117s forces will be stealthyand the
had flown 1297 sorties, often in the most contested environments,
with no losses. Modern stealth had proved its operational value.
proportion should grow with
each passing year as F-35s and
Stealth aircraft have now been in development and active service for B-21s enter service while non-
over 40 years. The operational advantages offered by stealth aircraft
like the F-117 resulted in stealths widespread adoption in many US
stealthy aircraft retire.
aircraft designs, prototypes, and programs. These include the B-2, F-22, YF-23, A-12, F-35, RQ-170, and
X-47and soon the B-21 next generation bomber. By 2022, approximately one-fourth of the US combat
air forces will be stealthyand the proportion should grow with each passing year as F-35s and B-21s enter
service while non-stealthy aircraft retire. Today, Russia and China have also adopted stealth in a range of
new aircraft designs that are currently in development, and are slated to enter production in the next decade.

That said, a range of adversaries are also fielding advanced air defenses, comprised of long-range radars,
advanced fighters, modern SAMs, and advanced command and control networks to pass information
quickly between nodes. These new air defense capabilities now pose a threat to stealth aircraft, as they offer
some significant new challenges:
More powerful advanced radars: Modern radars, utilizing digital advancements, can detect aircraft
at longer ranges. In addition, next generation radars can use a wider portion of the frequency spectrum,
making them more flexible and capable.
More lethal SAMs: Modern SAMs being fielded by multiple adversaries feature greater range, speed,
and agility than previous generations. Additionally, the mobility of these systems makes targeting and
striking them much more difficult. 9
Advanced fighters: Adversaries are fielding higher performance fighters equipped with advanced radars
and long-range missiles.
Networking: Modern command and control systems use both land lines and wireless connectivity
which, when combined with advances in processing and display technology, provide air defense commanders
with better situational awareness and the ability to pass critical information quickly.

As with any military technology, the threats posed by technology to counter stealth are under debate. Do
the advances in computational power, SAMs, and radar systems seen in the digital age undermine stealth
aircraft survivability? Will stealth remain viable in future decades in the face of these technologies? Or will
its effectiveness wane? Should the United States continue to invest in stealth systems or shift its approach?
Discussion over these issues will increase in the coming years as spending on F-35 and B-21 increases.
This study is an attempt to provide an unclassified-level assessment of the military viability of stealth
over the coming decades. To conduct this analysis, we first examine the performance of stealth against
radarthe primary sensor underpinning modern air defenses. We will then discuss the impact of digital
age improvements to this core sensor, and parallel improvements to stealth aircraft design. Lastly, we must
examine threats posed by other sensor types, and outline some ideas and proposals for countering these
threats in the future.

10 Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

Beyond the Naked Eye:
Radar Detection and Airpower
The development of radar, today the primary means to detect aircraft, was spurred by the fact that visual
detection of aircraft proved a poor means of defense against attacking aircraft. In the early days of manned
flight before radar, visual detection was the primary detection and tracking method. Air attackers of
the day focused on avoiding visual detection using tactics like flying in clouds or approaching an (often
unsuspecting) opponent from the rear while defenders did what they could to detect, track, and engage
incoming raids. During this period, the pilots with the best vision were often the most successful. The
element of surprise was, and still is, critical in air combat.

Visually searching a vast expanse of sky for an unknown object (especially an aircraft) is a difficult task.
Studies have shown that even under ideal conditions when the aircraft is known to be in a particular
location, visual detection ranges are limited (see Figure 2 below). For example, under ideal conditions, the
visual detection range of an F-16 is just over five kilometers, or around three miles. If the F-16 is at top speed
(1,500 knots true air speed), this limited detection range results in a narrow 10-second detection window.8

This data alone exaggerates the utility of

visual detection. These range measurements,
it must be noted, assume the location of the
incoming aircraft is known. The difficulty
increases significantly when an observer must
find a fighter-size aircraft at an unknown
location in the sky. Studies have shown that
detection probabilities of 10 percent or less
can be expected when searching a 180-degree
area even when a fighter is within range and
the sky is very clear.10
Figure 2: Predictions of aircraft visibility ranges.9

When an observer is tasked with scanning a smaller search area, the probability of detection goes up,
but even with this improvement, a simple example illustrates the limited utility of visual detection for air
defense. Consider the case of defending a 1,000-mile national border (for perspective, China has 9,000
miles of coastline). If we assume that reducing the visual search volume to four degrees results in 100 percent
probability of detection of a fighter within range (a highly optimistic assumption), then the linear border an
observer could reasonably cover is roughly one third of a mile. These observers would need to be airborne
since the max altitude of an F-16 is well beyond visual range. Assuming that the altitude of the attacker was
known, it would require 3,290 aircraft to cover 1,000 milesroughly double the number of combat aircraft
in the US Air Force. If the altitude of the attacking aircraft were not known, the defender would need to layer
aircraft in a way that would add significant complexity, further increasing the number of aircraft required. 11
Military aircraft paint color and reflectivity is carefully chosen to further reduce the ranges at which aircraft
can be detected. Add clouds and rain to the equation and the problem gets even worse for the defense, as
visual night detection becomes nearly impossible. Difficulties surrounding visual aircraft detection during
the First World War led to the proclamation by former British Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin in a 1932
speech to Parliament that the bomber would always get through.11 Put simply, visual detection offers very
limited utility in developing defenses against aircraft.

The development of radar technology by both the British and Germans just before World War II changed
the attacker-defender duel permanently. During the day or at night and in all types of weather, the new
detection technology could determine the presence, location, altitude, and direction of attacking aircraft.
Passing that information to interceptors enabled defenders to allocate and direct forces to shoot down
attacking aircraft, as was demonstrated in the Battle of Britain in 1940 and German defense of the Third
Reich in subsequent years.

Figure 3 shows the absolute and relative ranges of modern radar systems compared to ground and airborne
visual detection capability. Radars long-range, all-weather capability has made it the cornerstone of modern
air defenses since its introductionradar provides orders of magnitude improvement in detection ranges
compared to visual means.

Figure 3: Comparison of radar and visual detection ranges.12 13 14 15

Figure 3: Comparison of radar and visual detection ranges
For illustrative
Note:purposes, consider
Radar ranges assumethenon-stealthy
previous example
defending a 1,000-mile
target with RCS of 1 mborder.
2. Some modern,
are mounted on have
aircraft may aircraft, such asthan
RCS greater the1 E-3 Airborne on
m depending
2 Warning And Control System
the aircraft.
Notional ghter AESA range derived from F/A-18E/F Super Hornet vs. Sukhoi
(AWACS) aircraft. These assets have the ability to search vast swaths of open sky very effectively. Using
Flanker, by Dr. Carlo Kopp. Air Power Australia. 2014. Web.
such a system would require a defender to use only two or three assets to detect incoming, non-stealthy Accessed May 6, 2016.
attackers along the entire
Notional border.
mechanical This
scan would
radar be afrom
scaled hugeghter
improvement over
AESA radar the thousands of aircraft required
with unaided visual detection.

12 Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

Outsmarting the Sensor:
Stealths Impact on Radar
Because of its capabilities, radar has historically been used as the primary air defense sensor for early
warning, detection, and fire control. Therefore, avoiding detection by radar is key for an attacker. Radar
cross-section (RCS) is a measure of how detectable an object is by radar. A larger RCS indicates that an
aircraft is more easily detected. Reducing a defenders radar range
by reducing the attacking aircrafts RCS is one way to accomplish For a non-stealth aircraft,
this task.
RCS is directly related to the

This is the most distinguishing characteristic of stealth aircraft. size of an aircrafttypically

Radars work by sending out radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic the larger the aircraft, the
energy from a transmitting source and looking for reflections at
larger the RCS. RCS can also
a receiver. The transmitter and receiver are typically in the same
physical locationan architecture called monostatic radar. This be changed by the design
type of system transmits RF energy and listens for reflections from of the aircraft. Vertical tails,
objects, similar to an acoustic echo. These reflections behave similarly
corners, and other aircraft
to optical light reflecting from a mirror. A modern Doppler radar
is specialized radar that exploits the Doppler effect to produce design shapes and structures
velocity information on objects at a distance (the Doppler effect can generate radar reflections.
is the change in frequency or wavelength of a wave or other periodic
event for an observer moving relative to its source). Doppler radar works by bouncing microwave signals
off of objects, and determining their movement by how the frequency of the returned signal is altered. This
allows radar to determine objective velocity relative to that radar. The aim of stealth design and operation is
to prevent as much energy as possible from being reflected from the aircraft back toward the radar receiver.

For a non-stealth aircraft, RCS is directly related to the size of an aircrafttypically the larger the aircraft,
the larger the RCS. RCS can also be changed by the design of the aircraft. Vertical tails, corners, and other
aircraft design shapes and structures can generate radar reflections. The size of an aircrafts RCS is directly
proportional to the distance at which that aircraft can be detected by radar (in other words, the radars
range). The relationship between RCS and the range of a powerful long-range early warning radar (like
that on the E-3 AWACS) or a smaller active electronically scanned array (AESA) fighter radar is plotted in
Figure 4, using the standard radar range equation.16

Figure 4: The standard radar range equation. 13
The goal of RCS reduction in a stealth aircraft design is to limit radar range to operationally insignificant
distances for an effective air defense. Large RCS reductions are required to significantly impact the radars
range to distances that are beneficial for the attacker. Actual RCS performance of military aircraft is
highly classified, but the lead designer of the F-117 stated the RCS of the stealth fighter was roughly the
size of a ball bearing.17 The Air Force stated in 1990 that the RCS of the B-2 was in the insect class,
indicating an even lower RCS than the F-117.18 Twenty-five years of steady improvement to computing
tools and processing power (with Moores Law effectively doubling processing capability every 24 months)
has enabled significant further reduction to the RCS of newer generation aircraft.

This reduction effectively makes a modern stealth aircraft appear smaller to radar than it actually is
moving from right to left on the graph depicted in Figure 5. For purposes here, we assume an aircraft with
an RCS of one square meter (m2) that can be detected by an airborne early warning radar at 300 miles,
and AESA fighter radar at 100 miles. An F-16, for example, has an established RCS of around one to two
meters, depending on weapons load out and features.

Figure 5: Radar range as a function of aircraft RCS.

More Stealth

For perspective, Table 2 shows how reducing RCS impacts modern long-range
Figure 4: Radar range as aradars.
function of aircraft RCS

Fighter AESA Early Warning

RCS (m2) RCS (dB) Equivalent Objects
Radar Range (mi) Radar Range (mi)
1 0 Cruise Missile (.5m2) 100 300
.1 -10 Mallard Duck (0.1m ) 2
56 168
.01 -20 Average-sized bird 32 95
.001 -30 Blue Winged Locust (.001 m ) 2
18 53
.0001 -40 Medium-sized insect 10 30
.00001 -50 Alfalfa Caterpillar Butterfly (0.000063 m2) 6 17
.000001 -60 Small-sized insect 3 9

Table 2: How detection range is reduced by smaller RCS. 19

14 Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

At the very low signatures shown in the table, radar detection range is reduced to levels similar to visual
detection. Reducing radar performance to low double digit or even single digit miles gives stealth platforms
many benefits, but one of the most important is the imposition of significant monetary and capability
development costs on an adversary who must defend against stealth aircraft. Simply put, an adversary
forced to defend against stealth is an adversary who is not investing in other military capabilities. The
reduced RCS of attacking stealth aircraft pose significant cost and technical challenges to air defenders.
There is clearly a relationship between the level of stealth (RCS) and the number of radar systems it would
take to defend an airspace. Revisiting the 1,000-mile border from the examples above, the operational
value of stealth becomes obvious.

The plot below in Figure 6 quantifies how many modern airborne early warning aircraft a defender would
need to defend a 1,000-mile border against attacking aircraft with varying levels of stealth performance.
For perspective, the US Air Force owns a total of 31 E-3 AWACS aircraft, of which a portion would be
available in a given theater of operations.20 As shown, detecting a non-stealth platform would only require
two or three radar assets, but as stealth capability increases, it becomes clear that defending against stealth
adds significant cost and complexity to air defense.

While defending a border is a thought-provoking exercise, a more realistic goal would be to defend an
entire area against attack or persistent air operations. This is the objective of emerging A2/AD defenses
in China, Russia, and elsewhere. However, stealth helps to mitigate the effectiveness of these types of
defenses. Figure 7 shows the number of systems required to detect stealthy aircraft in a 1,000-mile by 200
mile area. The number of aircraft increases exponentially when the attacker possesses stealth capabilities.

Figure 6: Number of detection systems Figure 7: Number of detection systems

required to defend a 1,000-mile border, required to defend a 1,000-mile x 200
as a function of attacking aircraft RCS. mile area, as a function of attacking
aircraft RCS.

More Stealth More Stealth

Figure 6: No. of detection systems required to defend 1,000 mile x 200 mile area as
a function of attacking aircraft RCS
Figure 5: No. of detection systems required to defend 1,000 mile border as a
function of attacking aircraft RCS 15
Our analysis to this point has primarily focused on detectionthe first step of the kill chain. As explained
in a US Air Force unclassified paper on stealth in 1990, however, to shoot down an aircraft, a defender
must successfully complete each step of the kill chaindetect, track, engage, and kill.21 To illustrate, lets
consider a very simple air defense made up of a single surveillance radar for detection, one fire control radar
for tracking, and one SAM for engagement. Assume the surveillance radar has a probability of detection of
90 percent, and the fire control radar has a probability of tracking of 90 percent. Also assume the probability
of the SAM being in the position to engage is 75 percentand the probability of the missile fusing is also
75 percent (modern missiles typically rely on radar proximity fuses to detonate, which can be adversely
affected by aircraft with a reduced radar signature). With this
Air defense is a complex endeavor,
fully functioning air defense and very high probabilities of
and only one link in the kill chain successful detection and engagement, if these elements are
has to break before it all falls apart. multiplied together the total probability of a kill comes out
to just 45 percent.
The reality is that stealth attacks
each link in turnmaking the If an attacker is able to disrupt just one part if this process,
probability of a successful kill very however, the ability to intercept the aircraft becomes very
problematic for the defender. Even if an aircraft is optimized
low indeed.
only to defeat high frequency fire control radar, this limited
stealth capability reduces the probability of tracking to 20 percent. For simplicity, the surveillance radar,
SAM, and fusing performance are not impacted. This single degradation in one part of the chain results
in a probability of kill of only 10 percent. Air defense is a complex endeavor, and only one link in the kill
chain has to break before it all falls apart. The reality is that stealth attacks each link in turnmaking
the probability of a successful kill very low indeed. Stealth, coupled with other attributes such as speed,
maneuverability, tactics, mission planning, and jamming further decrease any successful completion of the
kill chain.

16 Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

Global Response to US Airpower:
A2/AD and Modern Air Defenses
Air defenses in Iraq (in 1991 and in 2003), Serbia (in 1999), Afghanistan (in 2001), and Libya (in 2011)
proved largely incapable of dealing with stealth aircraft. Serbia did shoot down one F-117 due to operational
training shortfalls, planning errors, and luck on the part of Serbian air defenders. But potential adversaries
like Russia and China are developing and fielding air defenses that take sensing and information sharing
to the next level in an attempt to counter US stealth capabilities.

Russia and China are now fielding a range of more lethal SAM systems, such as the Russian SA-21.
Compared to older generation SAMs, these new missiles have greater ranges (250 miles), are capable of
higher speeds (Mach 14), and are more maneuverable (>20g at 100,000 ft).22 Unlike older, long-range
systems like the SA-2 and SA-5, these new generation SAMs are mobile and networked into a wireless
system. This enables air defenders to use shooting and scooting tactics to minimize the chance of being
located and engaged by attacking aircraft.
Left and below: The mobile multi-channel
anti-aircraft missile system S-400 "Triumph" is
designated in the West as the SA-21 SAM. Its
main components include the 5P85TE2 TEL
(at left) and the 92N6E Grave Stone Multimode
Engagement Radar (pictured below). (Almaz)

Below left: An SA-21 nighttime launch. (Almaz) 17
Left: A pair of Russias
Sukhoi T-50 PAK-FA
prototypes during a
display. The aircraft is
claimed to have a radar
signature of three to
four square feet.

Below: Chinas
Shenyang J-31 at the
2014 Zhuhai Air Show.
The aircraft is externally
similar to the F-22 and
F-35. (File photo)

Adversaries are also fielding ad-

vanced fighter aircraft to protect
their national airspace. Fighters
can be vectored against enemy
threats, whereas SAM batteries
must typically wait for aircraft to
come within range.

Integration of digital technologies has steadily improved sensor range, accuracy, and the overall speed
at which modern air defenses operate. The rate at which each step of the kill chain can be executed has
increased significantly from legacy systems. When compared to air defenses of just two decades ago, newer
systems leverage more capable sensors and better communication networks to share information faster, and
often autonomously. The net effect is a significant increase in the speed at which a defender can complete
the kill chain against an incoming attacker.

Without improvements in radar, however, new SAMs and fighters would be operating in the blind
against stealth aircraft. Accordingly, US opponents have made significant investment and progress in
controlling the EMS by leveraging improved digital signal processing and control technologies driven
by the commercial electronics market. Russia and China have developed longer range, lower frequency
systems that leverage complex low probability of intercept (LPI) waveforms with solid electronic
protection to reduce the effectiveness of standoff jamming assets. They have also designed and fielded
high power, ground, and airborne AESA radars similar to those pioneered in the US and fielded on
platforms like the F-22, F-35, F/A-18E/F, surface ships, and on ground vehicles. The Russian PAK-FA
stealth fighter will reportedly carry five AESAs when fully operationalclear evidence of the connection
between airpower and control of the EMS. 23 24

18 Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

In theory, AESA technology enables radar systems to focus more power in narrow beams to detect, acquire
and track low-signal targets. To be effective, however, these RF beams must be accurately steered or cued,
to put the higher energy on distant targets. Stealthy targets can introduce small pointing errors and poor
Doppler measurements from these systems, which can complicate tracking by requiring prolonged or
repeated search scans to develop engagement quality tracks. Speed, maneuverability, electronic interference,
and tactics are stealth capability multipliers in this context as well.

Older air defense systems typically used low frequency radars to detect the presence of incoming aircraft at
long ranges but with poor locational accuracy. In general, the long-range radars provided indications that
an aircraft was in range, but could not necessarily pinpoint what type it was. This information would then
be used to alert higher frequency radars associated with SAM batteries to scan particular areas to detect
and track the aircraft in question. These higher frequency (generally X-band) radars provided far better
resolution and accuracy to enable missile guidance. Similar X-band radars were installed on fighter aircraft
for the purposed of engagement and weapons control to be used once they were vectored to the area of an
attacking aircraft. These systems were slow by todays standards and
had many moving parts that allowed for disruption at each step. Older air defense systems
typically used low frequency
Today, however, the advances of the digital age are yielding radar radars to detect the presence
systems capable of operating seamlessly over very wide portions of the
EMS. By operating in multiple RF bands, these wideband systems of incoming aircraft at
improve the search, track, and targeting solutions individually and long ranges but with poor
nearly eliminate the transitions from one to another. This wideband locational accuracy.
operation is critical for stealth aircraft designers to consider because
an aircrafts RCS is very frequency dependent. Therefore, modern stealth designs must truly account for this
expanded operational frequency of threat radar systemsa characteristic known as broadband stealth.

In addition to wideband AESA radar, US adversaries have also integrated bi-static and multi-static
radar systems into their air defense networks. These could pose some potential problems for traditional
stealth designs by separating the transmitter from the receiver (bi-static) or dispersing a group of receivers
(multi-static). The concept of multi-static radar systems has been established for years, but until recently,
limitations on computational power and signal processing prevented viable implementation due to the
complexity of architectures. Separating the transmitter from the receiver introduces synchronization
challenges resulting in system noise and clutter that could not be overcome by older radar processing
capabilities. While bi-static and multi-static surveillance networks may finally be enabled by improved
real-time computational signal processing, performance analysis of these systems indicate that their bi-
static or multi-static detection performance is no better than similar networks of distributed monostatic
radarsthe same type of radars stealth has been designed to defeat for decades. While these systems may
be somewhat less expensive than traditional radar, the investments required for calibration and advanced
signal processing have been equal to, or more costly, than simply deploying additional monostatic radars.
Not only has this development proved extremely complex and imposed additional cost on US adversaries,
but it also presents more opportunities for penetrating aircraft to disrupt the complex kill chain. 19
The Leading Edge:
Modern Stealth Design Considerations
Over the long run, the US and its allies will be facing opponents fielding increasing numbers of powerful,
digital multi-band radars. Because ground-based systems can be larger and are able to deploy larger arrays,
their theoretical ranges and capabilities will be greater than those carried by fighters and airborne early
warning aircraft. The ground-based systems, if they can successfully detect and locate an aircraft, can alert
SAM batteries and vector fighters to the threat location perhaps without ever losing track.

This will pose new challenges for US stealth aircraft, but there are a few factors to keep in mind in this
offense-defense struggle:
Reduction in RCS continues to offer huge operational advantages by reducing the ranges at which the
aircraft can be detected. If newer radars can detect stealth aircraft at longer ranges, their ability to
detect non-stealthy aircraft is also increased.
Current operational stealth aircraft feature highly tuned systems that detect adversary radars and
utilize knowledge of the aircrafts RCS to optimize routing in order to minimize the potential for detec-
tion and engagement. Stealth is not only reduced RCS but also the tactics used to employ the reduced
signature in the optimal manner.
Multi-band or broadband stealth will grow in importance as more multi-band radars are fielded. Such
radars are still in their infancy, but will grow slowly in numbers over the coming decades. This will
put an emphasis on larger, tailless designs such as the B-2, B-21, and X-47. Aircraft like the F-22 and
F-35, which are optimized for reduced RCS against high frequency radars such as those carried by
fighters, will still enjoy a huge operational advantage but will be more detectable by low frequency
radars. Mission planning for fighters with vertical tails will also become increasingly complex as side-
aspect detection and engagement is enabled by sensor and missile performance of SAM systems like
the SA-21. However, effective use of speed, maneuverability, jamming, and a complete sensor picture
of battlespace mitigate this somewhat.
Just as radars have benefited from the advances of the digital age, so has stealth aircraft design. Nearly
50 years of working with stealth aircraft has given the US a significant advantage in the development
of the next generation of stealth platforms. The US is now developing its fourth generation of stealth
aircraftand no other world power has yet fielded an operational stealth aircraft.25 The computational
capabilities that were available to design the F-117 and B-2 are dwarfed by the power now available
to design teams. Simulations of interactions between designs and various threat radars are now far
more accurate and realistic, allowing additional refinement of stealth design solutions before any
hardware is actually built or tested. This capability should drive significant cost and schedule efficiencies
in the development of the B-21, resulting in reductions in RCS beyond those already achieved on other
Stealth aircraft will be operating in coordination with non-stealthy aircraft. The latter feature
larger RCSs, which are bound to draw attention from defenses. Because of the difference, stealth

20 Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

pilots understand their aircraft can become lost in the mix, due to their very small signature. In the
high-speed arena of air warfare, defenders will be highly stressed trying to locate stealth aircraft amid
large numbers of non-stealth platforms and electronic interference.
Low observable technology, combined with cyber capability, remains a formidable challenge to potential
adversaries. EW, jamming, and other tools used with stealth to reduce an adversarys ability to engage
aircraft are potent, but the inclusion of cyber engagement against threat systems can further reduce
detection and engagement envelopes against stealth aircraft.
Since the advent of radar, development of electronic warfare capabilities has steadily improved. On
older generation aircraft, adversaries have fielded DRFM pods, which provide false targets to opposing
radars. The small RCSs of stealth aircraft combined with advanced processing and digital control
make it much easier to use low-power spoofing by on-board AESA electronic attack RF systems to
execute digital cloaking and disappear from adversary displays. This capability, combined with
general wide area jamming, will further complicate an adversarys defense problem.

The continued offense-defense battle between modern radars and stealth aircraft will continue for
decades to come. Digital age improvements to radars are counter balanced by the impact of that same
digital technology on stealth aircraft design. Unlike other stealth aircraft that had to balance stealth and
aerodynamic performance requirements like the F-22 and F-35, the B-21 (like the B-2) will provide what is
known as all aspect, broadband stealth as the emerging A2/AD threat is requiring this type of stealth,
and modern computing is enabling it.

All aspect simply means that RCS is reduced when the aircraft is viewed from any direction, and while
the detailed specifications are unknown to the public, the B-21 image released by the USAF depicts a
design that does not use vertical flight control surfaces like tails. Without vertical surfaces to reflect radar
from side aspects, the new bomber will have an RCS that reduces returns not only from the front and rear
but also from the sides, making detection from any angle a challenge.

Aircraft like the Lockheed Martin F-22 and F-35 were designed to balance aerodynamic performance with
stealth capability, which resulted in designs with radio frequency (RF) signatures resembling a bowtie
due to increased RF returns from the sides, as depicted in Figure 8. Because of differences in the traditional
missions flown by fighters compared to stealth bombers, these fighter designs essentially traded some of their
side aspect stealth capability for high maneuverability (and the vertical tails required for maneuvering). A
larger, less maneuverable subsonic bomber
relies much more on stealth for survival
than a fighter does, and the stealthiness of
bomber designs reflects that.

Figure 8: Notional bowtie RF signature of a fifth

generation fighter (such as the F-35 on the left)
versus a notional all-aspect RF signature of a tail-
less flying wing (such as the X-47 on the right).

Figure 9: Notional bowtie RF signature of a 5 th Gen (F-22/F-35) ghter (Left) 21
Notional all-aspect RF signature of a tailless ying wing (X-47) (Right)
The most advanced stealth designs today are described as broadband stealth designs because of the
very wide frequency range over which they reduce an aircrafts inherently frequency dependent RCS.
Broadband stealth makes an aircraft appear very small to all types of enemy radar from low frequency,
early warning to high frequency, fire control and missile guidance radars.

Before computational improvements enabled modern stealth modeling and analysis, the frequency
dependence of RCS complicated stealth designs significantly. This complexity often forced aircraft designs
to only be optimized in limited portions of the EMS to
The most advanced stealth designs counter specific radar types. For example, the F-117 was
today are described as broadband optimized to reduce returns in the higher frequency
portions of the EMS in order to counter fire control radars
stealth designs because of the very and missile guidance systems. While very successful,
wide frequency range over which an F-117 was eventually shot down over Serbia in 1999
they reduce an aircrafts inherently using a combination of low-frequency radar, a modified
missile, and proficient air defenders who took advantage of
frequency dependent RCS. Broadband USAF operational training shortfalls.26 27 As this incident
stealth makes an aircraft appear very highlighted, lower frequency systems are now capable
small to all types of enemy radar of higher resolution tracking because their improved
computational capability allows them to eliminate the
from low frequency, early warning signal clutter that hindered them in the past.
to high frequency, fire control and
missile guidance radars. Any new stealth platform must be stealthy from all angles
and over a much broader frequency band to limit detection
and tracking by all types of radar systems. In the current USAF fleet, only aircraft like the B-2 have this
type of all-aspect, broadband stealth. This broadband capability helps to optimize the modern stealth used
with other penetration assets to survive in combat against modern A2/AD defenses.

22 Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

Hot on the Trail:
Infrared Detection and Stealth
In addition to optimizing an aircrafts RCS to reduce the effective range of adversary radar, other sensor
attributes must also be considered as they become more prominent to the overall detectability and
survivability of the aircraft. After RF, the next most significant signature for any jet aircraft is the infrared
(IR) signature, generated primarily by the heat from jet engines. In past stealth designs, this problem was
addressed by placing the engine inlets and exhaust on the topside of the aircraft and burying the engine
as far into the aircraft structure as possible (see photos below). Hot gases from the engine can be further
cooled using mixing techniques in the exhaust system.

This engine position prevents ground based IR sensors from a clear line-of-sight view of the engine or its
exhaust and creates thermal isolation with the skin of the aircraft. This configuration is a design challenge
but one that has been overcome on numerous other platforms. The use of buried engines and stealth inlets
have proved very effective against IR sensors.

Above: The topside engine inlets of a B-2 bomber, which direct air into buried engines, are clearly visible in this photograph.
The use of buried engines and specially configured stealth inlets have proved effective countermeasures against IR sensors.
(Northrop Grumman) 23
An Emerging Challenge:
The Infrared Search and Track Threat
Some analysts speculate that the emergence of next generation Long-Wave Infrared Search and Track
(LW-IRST) sensors will enable long range passive detection and trackingand potentially passive (non-
transmitting) lethal engagementsagainst modern US stealth aircraft. The reality is that advanced LW-
IRSTs have not proliferated with potential adversary airborne systems as originally anticipated. While
advanced LW-IRSTs have been developed and fielded in limited numbers on a few NATO aircraft, China
and Russia have not made significant progress in deploying these sensors on their airborne systems.
Moreover, these sensors are extremely expensive to manufacture, maintain, and sustain in the field.

Fundamentally, the physics of infrared search and track sensors limit their effective range, operational
effectiveness, and field of view (and therefore, search capability) in the presence of suboptimal environmental
conditions. The optimal performance of the Eurofighter Typhoons PIRATE IRST system is depicted in
Figure 9, compared to airborne radar and visual detection ranges.28 The PIRATE system uses long-wave IR
to increase range and attempts to compensate for environmental conditions and mid-wave IR to provide
the resolution required to detect and engage an adversary.

Figure 9: Comparison of radar, infrared, and visual detection ranges under optimal conditions.29
Figure 12: Comparison of radar, infrared, and visual detection ranges under
This simple comparison shows that IR sensors are still
optimal in a different class than modern radar. Under adverse
Note: Ranges assume non-stealthy, subsonic ghter size target with RCS of 1 m2.
weather conditions, the performance of IRST systems degrades while radar performance remains relatively
unchanged. Due to search limitations, IRST systems must often be cued in order to acquire targets that are
already within their operational detection range. While their role may expand in the future, fundamental
physics indicate that cost and capability limitations reduce the attractiveness of LW-IRST systems as a
near-term solution to counter stealth.

24 Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

While defeating advanced LW-IRSTs with passive approaches has appeared difficult, new commercial
industry advances in active thermal technologies indicate that the US defense industry has not reached
any particular threshold in developing counter long-wave IR material solutions. In the same way that
RF signature management has advanced over the years with improvements to both LO technologies and
electronic warfare, counter-IR sensor solutions are certain to be developed to the extent the IR detection
threat is realized.

Research of IR signature management (IRSM) technologies is ongoing, and the progress has been largely
positive to date. Second-law IRSM (SL-IRSM) concepts related to turning heat into useable energy have
progressed significantly in recent years, and nano- and micro-electro-mechanical devices (NEMS and
MEMS) are showing great promise for turning waste heat
In the same way that RF signature
into useable energy. Near term applications such as IR
thermal cloaks to mask heat generated by buried facilities management has advanced over the
are being explored, and the natural extension to cloaking years with improvements to both LO
an aircraft is clearly evident in the thoughts of researchers.30
technologies and electronic warfare,
Longer term, SL-IRSM propulsion applications are also counter-IR sensor solutions are
showing promise. The potential of NEMS and MEMS certain to be developed to the extent
devices to enable active IRSM capabilities is leading some
the IR detection threat is realized.
to the conclusion that it appears possible in principle to
both propel and IR-cloak aircraft using SL-IRSM technology.31 The extent of the application of these
technologies to a platform like the B-21 bomber will be determined by the emerging threat, but the physics
appear very promising.

Overall, infrared detection capabilities have ranges greater than visual detection, but not as great as modern
radar. Similar to visual detection, infrared sensing is also degraded by adverse atmospheric conditions (such
as rain and clouds). In addition, IR sensor hardware is expensive and difficult to maintain. All of these
factors limit the overall utility of infrared sensors and have resulted in limited proliferation and employment
to date. Should infrared systems overcome these deficiencies and proliferate in the future, however, means
of cloaking and actively managing an aircrafts IR signature can be leveraged to minimize the threat. 25
Stealth and Sound:
The Acoustic Detection Threat
The US Air Force is also researching other unconventional air defense approaches. There are many ideas
that seem both feasible and threatening to US stealth capability. Because of this, and the importance of
stealth to modern air operations, the Air Force maintains a vigorous program to assess aircraft survivability
against emerging and potential threats. One of the closely watched threats over the past 30 years is
the evolving threat of acoustic detection. Large jets make a lot of noise and acoustic sensors (namely,
microphones) are relatively inexpensive. On the surface, using acoustic detection for air defense seems to
make a lot of sense.

When the B-2 was in development, in order to better understand the threat, the US Air Force did an
extensive study to assess the feasibility of acoustic aircraft detection. The USAF discovered that the
effectiveness of the threat lay in the details. Similar to the exponential complexity caused by limited
detection ranges in the earlier examples of this study, if a defender chose to use microphones with a range
of 5 miles to cover an area defined by a 1,000-mile border and extending 200 miles inland, they would
need over 2,500 detection stations. This seems potentially feasible until one considers how this number
explodes to nearly 23,000 stations to cover an area defined by the approximately 9,000 miles of coastline
in China, for example.

Additionally, the USAF study revealed that there were fairly obvious operational difficulties with taking
such an approach to air defense. Some of those include:
Aircraft crossing at high altitude transmit very weak acoustic signals.
All aircraft flying over the defense would trigger alarms, not just adversary aircraft, with no method to
A few US cruise missiles intentionally flying along the border would ring many of the alarms and
exhaust the defensive response.
The US could destroy one of a few small segments of the fence or move a penetrating bomber force
through only a few places to saturate the air defense interceptors which must necessarily cover the
entire fence.

The study also uncovered technical challenges to such an acoustic detection approach:
Acoustic sensors are severely degraded by wind noise.
Atmospheric propagation effects can cause quiet zones where microphones cannot hear very well
(much as layers of differing temperatures in the ocean provide hiding places for submarines).
Snow, ice, and rain could degrade the operability and reliability of the microphones (a particular problem
for adversaries like Russia where a significant part of the fence would be close to the Arctic Circle).
The interceptors would still have a very difficult job of detecting, tracking, and killing an all-aspect,
broadband stealth aircraft as discussed above.32

26 Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

Making Waves:
The Wake Detection Threat
Another unconventional detection method that is marked as a potential threat to stealth aircraft is
the detection of atmospheric disturbances created when aircraft fly through air, also known as wake
detection. The so-called Schlieren Signature (the word is German for streak), also known as a wake
signature, has been used to detect aircraft in wind tunnels and other controlled environments for years
through a process called Schlieren photography. There have even been claims of accidental stealth
aircraft detection using this method. But just how big of a threat is wake detection to modern stealth

The process of Schlieren photography has been around since 1864 and was primarily developed to study
supersonic shock waves. It could simply be argued that subsonic stealth bombers do not create this
magnitude of atmospheric disturbance, and if no one has yet figured out a way to make this operational
by now, it is not a significant threat to the viability of stealth aircraft.

Schlieren photography remains a subject of interest in modern aeronautics. NASA continues to conduct
research into modernizing Schlieren photography for the 21st century, in part to improve supersonic
aircraft design techniques.33 One obvious issue to this approach for use in aircraft detection, however,
is photographys reliance on a light source. Even if effective under ideal lighting conditions, advances
to Schlieren photography would certainly be challenged under
the cover of night or other adverse environmental conditions The so-called Schlieren
in the same way that operational EO sensors are challenged in
Signature... has been used
these same conditions.
to detect aircraft in wind
Academic research continues to show promise for aircraft wake tunnels and other controlled
disturbance detection, but the operational realization of the
environments for years through
concept remains distant. Wake detection can be performed
by pulse Doppler radar or laser-based LIDAR (light detection a process called Schlieren
and ranging). LIDAR determines distance to a target by pulsed photography. There have even
laser light, by measuring the reflected pulses. Doppler LIDAR
been claims of accidental
appears to be the most mature technology to date for wake
detection.34 A few successful experiments have been performed, stealth aircraft detection using
but the ranges cited in scientific literature are operationally this method.
insignificant. As discussed previously, theory would indicate
that radar ranges should be longer than optical LIDAR, but to date, tests have only realized radar wake
detection ranges under 10 miles. This is even less promising when one considers that, in addition to being
range-limited, any LIDAR-based solution will have high sensitivity to environmental conditions common
to all optical systems. 27
When considering radar-based wake detection solutions, one obvious issue is that the most common and
mature radar imaging techniquesynthetic aperture radar (SAR) relies on imaging objects that are
stationary. Moving wakes present problems, and SAR's difficulties imaging ocean surface waves could be
indicative of a dead end for radar-based aircraft wake detection.35

Another potential issue with the wake detection approach is that wake detection is quite a long way from
aircraft detection, tracking, engagement, and fire control. The theory is that the aircrafts wake will point
to the aircraft in the same way that the wake of a surface vessel traces all the way back to the vessel itself.
This sounds simple, but this is a very difficult proposition for two
Even if an aircrafts wake reasons. First, in order to trace a wake disturbance to an aircraft, a
disturbance is imaged significant portion of the wake around the aircraft must either be
imaged optically (as with Schlieren photography) or recreated by
successfully and the aircraft other means (like LIDAR or radar) to the extent required to identify
is tracked quickly enough, a its point of origin (i.e. the aircraft). The immaturity of this imaging
stealth aircraft must still be process has been addressed.

engaged by an asset that The second issue may be even more imposing. Even with modern
can provide weapons grade improvements to computational power, image processing remains
tracking for fire control a a major challenge for computers in general. Turning a wake
disturbance into an image is one thingcreating enough of those
non-trivial problem, even for images fast enough with high enough resolution and creating a
more mature technologies. computer algorithm to identify the point of origin and track it as
it moves through three-dimensional space is something even more
difficult. At some point, raw computational power without perception cannot overcome the complexity
of the proposition. Even if an aircrafts wake disturbance is imaged successfully and the aircraft is tracked
quickly enough, a stealth aircraft must still be engaged by an asset that can provide weapons grade tracking
for fire controla non-trivial problem, even for more mature technologies.

28 Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

By all accounts, stealth, or aircraft signature reduction, will remain a viable capability into the future.
Stealth is an important aspect of aircraft mission success and mission effectiveness in the 21st century. As
air defenses improve, stealth will become ever more important to conducting successful air campaigns.

Reducing the ability of modern enemy air defenses to discover, track, and engage US and allied aircraft
is essential. But it is important to stress that stealth is not an all or nothing military capability. Much like
improved missiles and guided munitions, stealth has also advanced over the past several decades. Investments
in this technology significantly improve the ability of US aircraft to penetrate enemy air defenses, and
create significant costs for adversaries who attempt to mitigate US aircraft signature reduction capabilities.
The costs for adversaries to attempt to offset this advantage are
significant. Although highly capable, modern SAM systems such Reducing the ability of modern
as the SA-21 are estimated to cost around $400 million per division
enemy air defenses to discover,
(a division of SA-21s is comprised of 8 launchers, 112 missiles, and
numerous command and control and support vehicles). track, and engage US and allied
aircraft is essential. But it is
At the same time, stealth aircraft are more affordable than ever.
important to stress that stealth
For example, the F-15SG variant of the F-15E sold to the Republic
of Singapore Air Force features a raft of improvements from the is not an all or nothing military
base F-15E Strike Eagle model, such as an advanced infrared capability.
search and track system, a modern targeting pod, and improved
engines, among other features. These aircraft, delivered between 2009 and 2013, came out to around $85
million a copy for a buy of 24 airframes. In comparison, the last F-22s to roll off the assembly line before its
termination cost between $90 million and $100 million a copy, and subsequent airframes could have cost
even less. The F-35 is now on a cost reduction curve to get just below $90 million a copy, as production ramps
up and customers begin to receive modern, operational aircraft. In light of these trends, its important to
consider capability and costs versus requirements for modern combat aircraft. Low observable aircraft are a
very compelling proposition, even at a 10 to 20 percent cost premium when compared to other non-stealthy
aircraft, especially in light of higher threat combat scenarios where these aircraft could face modern defenses
against Russia, China, or a military equipped with capabilities from both of these potential adversaries.

In certain environments, stealth may have the ability to penetrate with very little support. In the future,
there will be combat scenarios where stealthy aircraft have the ability to ingress and attack without detection.
However, stealth is normally most effective when employed in concert with other aircraft and tactics. Adding
stealth to multi-capability force packages, coupled with cyber operations, creates a lethal synergy. Mixing
stealthy aircraft with conventional aircraft, deception, air defense suppression, and electronic jamming will
complicate an enemys defensive problem set by an order of magnitude. By reducing the enemys ability to
detect attackers, air defense efforts will become more complicated, leading to a sharply reduced timeframe
for an adversary to react effectively in future campaigns. 29
Though modern air defenses continue to improve, stealth has improved as well. Since the development
of the B-2, the US has not halted stealth research, and continues to innovate. Investments in stealth and
counter-stealth technologies alike by the US and its allies have resulted in a better understanding of stealth
design, materials, and supporting capabilities like mission management and EW self-protection required to
enable aircraft survival against the most hostile threats. Through the life and operations of the B-2, critical
capabilities like LO sensor management and LO routing have been developed and refined through various
modernization upgrades to the platform. Leveraging modern computing capabilities, advances with new
designs certainly appear possible.

Stealth is a central tenet of aircraft survivability in the future air combat threat environment. It gives
platforms an increased chance of survival against air defenses by reducing the number of sensors that can
detect, track, and shoot while increasing the time it takes them to complete these tasks. In short, stealth
lowers an adversarys probability of kill. The threat scenario and associated survivability equation are more
complex now than ever, but one truth remainsthe laws of physics ensure that stealth will always make an
aircraft more survivable by enabling it to manipulate the same EMS on which modern sensors rely so heavily.

Overall, advances in microelectronics and the commercial availability of advanced computational power
has clearly helped US adversaries like Russia and China develop new threat capabilities, like wideband
AESAs and DRFM jammers. However, in a similar way, the US has also leveraged these digital innovations
to enhance its understanding of stealth and better optimize stealth designs more rapidly and across the
broader EMS. Advanced computing has also enabled the production of materials with extremely precise
electrical and physical properties, which, combined with advanced manufacturing processes (material
deposition, 3D printing, etc), have not only benefitted the commercial electronics industry, but have also
enabled the production of US stealth designs with much tighter electrical tolerances.

In addition to improving aircraft manufacturing, these digital advances have also enabled the creation of
stealthy subsystemsRF and IR sensor and communications designs that better reduce and control their
contributions to the overall aircraft sensor signatures. This occurrence alone could yield several orders of
magnitude improvement in component-level RCS performance.

Figure 10: Non-stealth in A2/AD (left) versus stealth in A2/AD (right).

Figure 13: (Left) Non-stealth in A2/AD vs (Right) Stealth in A2/AD

30 Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

Today, the high threat A2/AD environments conceptually shown in Figure 10, on the previous page,
have progressed to the point that, in some cases, completely avoiding all detection may not be feasible,
but neither is it necessarily required. As discussed earlier in this study, each part of the kill chain must
be effectively executed within a certain time window of opportunity in order to shoot down an aircraft.
Therefore, an air defense system must be able to accurately detect, track, identify, and engage an incoming
aircraft, which creates many opportunities for disruption. The new B-21 stealth bomber will undoubtedly
be designed to save its kinetic disruption for strategic targets and leverage its passive stealth to manipulate
the EMS and disrupt the most advanced A2/AD defenses in the world.

The emerging threat is pushing the importance of stealth technology to the forefront of counter A2/AD
strategies. Not only is stealth viable in the future threat environment, it is also becoming required for a
broader variety of missions than ever before. The capability to significantly reduce the range and effectiveness
of modern radar and other threat sensors is becoming a basic
requirement for aircraft survival as contested air space becomes The emerging threat is pushing the
more common. Additionally, stealth gives pilots and mission importance of stealth technology
planners a detailed awareness of how their platform is seen by
to the forefront of counter A2/
the adversary. This understanding is critical to managing risk
because it enables accurate predictions, insights, and awareness AD strategies. Not only is
of the aircrafts vulnerabilities to specific threats. stealth viable in the future threat
environment, it is also becoming
In the air attacker-defender contest, however, one thing has not
changed. The process of shooting down an aircraft remains a required for a broader variety of
difficult task in combat. Successfully breaking the kill chain at missions than ever before.
just one point can result in mission success for the attacker. The
US Air Force uses the terminology find, fix, track, target, engage, assess (F2T2EA) to describe the kill
chain, and it remains as relevant as ever. Generations of airmen have now been trained in both executing
this kill chain against targets of the US and its allies, and surviving and breaking it when they themselves
are targeted.

Stealth will be closely intertwined with survivability in any future air campaign. Survivability during
both world wars hinged on speed and aircraft maneuverability to evade other aircraft in dogfights where
guns served as the primary weapon. Following WWII, high altitude, supersonic aircraft like the SR-71
reconnaissance aircraft were developed to avoid threats (it also used radar-absorbing composites for its
leading edges, in one of the first uses of stealth technology).

By the 1970s, as radar technologies and air-to-air missiles became more reliable and lethal, the US turned
to stealths promise to avoid detection altogether. Today, digital age technologies have significantly
improved US capabilities, and those of allies and potential adversaries around the world, making control
of the EMS more critical than ever. Stealth in modern air campaigns is a central tenet of EMS control.
Not only is stealth viable into the foreseeable future, it is clear its advantages are needed more than
ever before. 31
1 Authors note: The F-117 marked the first generation of stealth aircraft. B-2: second generation; F-22 and F-35: third generation; B-21: fourth generation.

2 Christopher J. Bowie, Untying the Bloody Scarf: Casualties, Stealth, and the Revolution in Aerial Combat (Arlington: IRIS Independent Research), 1998,

3 Bowie, p. 9.

4 Bowie, p. 4.

5 Eliot Cohen and Tom Keaney, Gulf War Air Power Survey, Vol. II Operations Report (Washington DC: USGPO), 1993, p. 124.

6 Eliot Cohen and Tom Keaney, Gulf War Air Power Survey, Summary (Washington DC: USGPO), 1993, p. 224.

7 David Deptula, Effects-Based Operations: Change in the Nature of Warfare (Arlington: Aerospace Education Foundation, 2001), p. 11.

8 US Air Force, F-16 Fighting Falcon Fact Sheet, Updated September 23, 2015,
fighting-falcon/ (accessed April 19, 2016).

9 Andrew Watson, Cesar V. Ramirez, and Ellen Salud, Predicting Visibility of Aircraft, PLoS ONE 4.5 (2009).

10 D.J. Dugas, The Probability of Visual Detection of Reconnaissance Aircraft by Ground Observers, The RAND Corporation, June 1965.

11 Mr. Baldwin on Aerial Warfare A Fear For The Future, The Times, 11 November 1932, p. 7, column B.

12 Authors note: Radar ranges assume non-stealthy fighter size target with RCS of 1 m2. Actual fighter aircraft may have RCS greater than 1 m2 depending
on the aircraft.

13 Authors note: Notional fighter AESA range derived from F/A-18E/F Super Hornet vs. Sukhoi Flanker, by Dr. Carlo Kopp, Air Power Australia, 2014, (accessed May 6, 2016).

14 Authors note: Notional mechanical scan radar scaled from fighter AESA radar range.

15 NATO, "AWACS: NATO's eyes in the sky," NATO Public Diplomacy Division,
awacs-e.pdf (accessed July, 2017).

16 Authors note: This equation is derived from Radar Equation,, 2016,
html (accessed April 19, 2016). Ptx = transmit power, G = antenna gain (assumes same antenna for transmit and receive), = wavelength, Prx = receive power.

17 Ben Rich and Leo Janos, Skunk Works: A Personal Memoir of My Years at Lockheed, Boston: Little, Brown, 1994.

18 Molly Moore, Air Force Presents New B-2 Picture, Washington Post, June 7, 1990.

19 Solo Hermelin, Radar Basics, Part II, updated January 27, 2009, (accessed June 2017).

20 US Air Force, E-3 Sentry (AWACS), updated September 22, 2015, US Air Force Fact Sheet,
Article/104504/e-3-sentry-awacs/ (accessed April 19, 2016).

21 B-2 Survivability Against Air Defense Systems, Headquarters US Air Force White Paper, March 1990.

22 Carlo Kopp, Almaz-Antey 40R6 / S-400 Truimf Self-Propelled Defense System / SA-21, Air Power Australia, January 2014,
APA-S-400-Triumf.html (accessed June 2017).

23 Piotr Butowski, Raptorskis Maiden Flight, Air International, Vol. 78, No 3, March 2010, pp.3037, Stamford, UK: Key Publishing.

24 Piotr Butowski, T-50 Turning and Burning over Moscow, Air International, Vol. 85, No 4, October 2013, pp.7982, Stamford, UK: Key Publishing.

25 Authors note: see note 1.

26 David Cenciotti, Vega 31: the first and only F-117 Stealth Fighter Jet shot down in combat (15 years ago today),, March 27, 2014, (accessed May 5, 2016).

27 Associated Press, Serb discusses 1999 downing of stealth, USA Today, October 26, 2005,
serb-stealth_x.htm (accessed June 2017).

32 Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies

28 Lt. Col. R. Zmug, Der Eurofighter Typhoon (VII), Bundesheer, Episode 306, Issue 6, 2008,
php?id=807 (accessed April 19, 2016).

29 Authors note: Ranges assume non-stealthy, subsonic fighter size target with RCS of 1 m2.

30 Daniel P. Sheehan, Infrared Cloaking, Stealth, and the Second Law of Thermodynamics, Entropy, October 2012.

31 Sheehan, p. 1931.

32 B-2 Survivability Against Air Defense Systems.

33 Peter Merlin, Schlieren Images Reveal Supersonic Shock Waves, NASA Public Affairs, Last Updated May 4, 2016,
armstrong/features/shock_and_awesome.html (accessed June 2017).

34 M. Garnet and A. Altman, Identification of Any Aircraft by its Unique Turbulent Wake Signature, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics,
Inc. January 2009.

35 W. Alpers, SAR Imaging of Moving Objects, Including Ships and Ocean Surface Waves, Institute of Oceanography, University of Hamburg. Hamburg,
Germany, February 2008. 33
Artist's rendering of B-21 Raider. (USAF)

34 Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies



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