Edexcel Unit 6 Pastpaper Jan 2016 Wbi06

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Examiners Report/

Principal Examiner Feedback

January 2016

Pearson Edexcel International IAL

in Biology (WBI06)
Paper 01 Practical Biology &
Investigative Skills
Edexcel and BTEC Qualifications

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January 2016
Publications Code IA043018*
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Pearson Education Ltd 2016
Overall Impressions

Students responses to this paper varied immensely in quality. There was

pleasing evidence of students reflecting on the practical contexts provided and
thinking independently, demonstrating logical application of biological principles.
In general students showed good knowledge of the Core Practical procedures,
and the importance of controlling variables is clearly appreciated. Students were
also very competent at interpreting the results of the statistical test and
identifying safety hazards. On the other hand, some students found it very
challenging to engage with the contexts of the questions. Sadly there continue
to be students who attempt to apply answers from previous mark schemes to
this years questions, with very limited success.

Question 1
This question was based around the mitosis root tip squash Core Practical.
Students showed very variable levels of understanding of the fundamentals of
the technique. Some students clearly appreciated the idea that the squash
provides a snapshot of the state of the cells at one point in time. Unfortunately
other students seemed to think that the cells would continue their activities
under the microscope, so described the cells moving through the stages of
mitosis and suggested that the length of the stages could be measured in real
time using a stopwatch. It is strongly recommended that students are given the
opportunity to carry out all the Core Practicals for themselves, to avoid
misconceptions that may arise from a purely theoretical study of the techniques.

In general students gave good descriptions of how a root tip squash should be
prepared. It was pleasing to see answers from students who were able to
explain the reasons for each step of the procedure, although these were not
required in this describe question. However, many students did not go on to
describe how the squash would be used (the second part of the question) and
therefore could not access all the marks available. The key ideas here were that
the chromosomes would be stained and therefore visible under the microscope,
and that the position of the chromosomes indicates the stage of mitosis of each
In some cases practical details were rather vague. Reference to squashing the
root tip, without further elaboration, was not sufficient to gain a mark since the
term squash is used in the name of the technique. There was some confusion
as to appropriate use of slides and cover slips, and some candidates suggested
using an electron microscope but this is not suitable for viewing a field of cells

This question asked about variables that should be controlled with respect to the
pieces of plant tissue. Students are reminded that they should take care to
read the whole question before answering, since some responses referred to
aspects of the procedure for preparing the squash; these answers could not earn
marks since they were not what the question asked for. Some answers were too
vague to be credited, for example temperature or water alone; however, these
were valid suggestions if related to the context of the question, for example
temperature at which the plants were grown or water availability to the
growing plant. The idea of controlling the size of the piece of root tissue was a
fairly common student answer. Unfortunately this was not relevant to the
method in question since the proportion of cells at each stage of mitosis is
found, so the total number of cells viewed is not important.

In the second part of the question many successful answers discussed the effect
of temperature, mineral ion availability or the age of the plant, drawing on
familiar biological principles. However, good application of scientific logic was
credited in relation to any variable chosen.

There were some excellent answers to this question, often including the
mathematical formula that would be used (although this was not required).
Other students did not mention that the total number of cells counted was
important, but still accessed mark point 3 by making the link between the
number of cells at a particular stage and the length of that stage. Sadly a
significant number of answers suggested that the stages could be observed in
action and directly timed using a stopwatch. Responses based on this idea could
not gain any credit, and raised a question as to whether the students concerned
had actually carried out the Core Practical.

In general students found this a challenging question. It was common for
answers to display confusion as to which events occur at which stage of mitosis.
A particularly frequent mistake was the suggestion that prophase would take
longer because DNA replication would take longer with a greater number of
chromosomes; although this is a logical suggestion, it could not be credited since
DNA replication does not take place in prophase. Other students demonstrated
good knowledge of the events of prophase, but did not use this to answer the
question (often simply listing the events). Mark point 1 was by far the most
frequently awarded.

Question 2
The context of this question seemed to spark students interest, stimulating
considered critical comments that demonstrated engagement and independent
thought. A few moments consideration was needed for students to identify the
correct independent and dependent variables, and it was important that these
were described correctly throughout the question. In particular it was the
decrease in time taken to find food that demonstrated learning by the
mammals; references to the time taken (without the idea of the decrease) could
not be credited.
There were many concise and clearly stated null hypotheses. Some students
continue to find it difficult to decide whether the null hypothesis should describe
a significant correlation or a significant difference, as has been mentioned in
reports on previous papers. There was also some imprecision in the statement of
variables, for example reference to brain size rather than brain mass, or the
omission of the idea of the decrease in time.

Many of the simpler tables seen by the examiners were also the most successful.
Students were asked to display only the brain masses and mean decreases in
time taken to find food, so a two-column table could gain full marks. No marking
penalty was applied if students tabulated more data, but those who included the
names of the mammals and the three sets of repeat data sometimes got into a
muddle and made mistakes. Each type of data should have a separate column in
the table, and headings should be clear enough to be understood by someone
who has not read the question stem. It is also important that mean data is given
to an appropriate degree of precision. A common mistake was to mix up the
data for hamsters and gerbils: this was understandable given the order in which
the raw data were listed in the question paper, but this question assesses the
handling of data so students were expected to tabulate the data for all the
mammals correctly.

The quality of graph-plotting was more variable than in some previous papers,
with more high-quality graphs but also more incorrect graph choices seen. Some
students plotted a bar graph with the types of mammal on the x-axis, but this
was not suitable because the independent variable under investigation was brain
mass (not type of mammal). A number of candidates plotted an otherwise
excellent graph, but did not scale the y-axis correctly to accommodate range
bars so could not be awarded the third mark. In cases where students had made
a mistake in the tabulation of the data, full credit was given for a graph that
correctly plotted the data from their table.

This question was generally well answered, particularly in relation to the
interpretation of the statistical test. Most students obtained the correct critical
value, although some used the wrong number of degrees of freedom. Students
appeared very confident in comparing the calculated and critical values, and
most correctly stated that the null hypothesis should be accepted. Some
students did not go on to gain the final mark because they did not state a
correct conclusion. The question also signposted that the graph should be used,
but relatively few students made reference to their graphs so mark point 1 was
least frequently awarded.
Mark points 1 and 5 were most frequently awarded, for the idea of an
uncontrolled variable and the problem of small sample size, and students
typically scored 1-2 marks on this question. However, it was encouraging to see
many more thoughtful answers commenting on, for example, sensory
differences between the species or possible variation in brain mass between
individuals. Students are reminded that their answer must relate to the context
of the question; very vague or generic statements are unlikely to earn marks.

Question 3
The practical technique relevant to this investigation was measurement of the
permeability of membranes, often carried out using beetroot. The question stem
stated that pigmented cells were provided, in order to steer students in the right
direction, and most students selected the correct technique. A solution of
perforin was also provided, therefore it was not necessary for students to devise
a method for isolation of perforin from parasites.

Since the question stem stated that perforin causes the death of plant and
animal cells, it was hoped that students would identify perforin as a hazardous
substance. Some students did, but it was much more common to see less
specific comments relating to the possibility of the substances used causing
allergies or irritation. Safety points that related to working with parasites were
not credited since a solution of perforin was provided, so there was no need to
use parasites as a source of perforin. For the award of the mark relating to
ethical issues, students needed to be very clear that there were no ethical
issues. Some answers stated that there were no ethical issues but then went on
to identify ethical issues, which unfortunately constitutes a contradiction and
prevented the award of the mark.

Students continue to find it challenging to suggest appropriate preliminary
practical work, but the examiners felt that there was an improvement in the
quality of answers this year. The idea of trialling the proposed method continues
to be the most frequently awarded mark point, but it was pleasing to see more
students appreciating the need to determine various experimental parameters.
The idea of finding suitable volumes and concentrations of solutions, suitable
conditions for the activity of perforin and a reasonable timescale to see the
effects of perforin were the most common suggestions. Surprisingly few
candidates referred to finding an appropriate wavelength setting for the
colorimeter, despite the fact that the vast majority of candidates made use of a
colorimeter in their method.
Almost all students correctly identified the independent variable and it was
encouraging to see many well-designed experiments making appropriate use of
plant tissue, perforin and inhibitor. Unfortunately a few students added perforin
to the tissue before adding inhibitor, which would allow the perforin to begin
damaging membranes without the effect of the inhibitor. The examiners were
particularly pleased to see a significant number of students appreciating the
importance of a control involving tissue and perforin but no inhibitor.
Students showed a good understanding of the need to control variables and
employed appropriate techniques to do so. A few students referred to apparatus
such as water baths without making it clear that these were being used to
control variables: students are encouraged to be explicit about which variables
they are controlling and how this is to be done. Most students referred to the
use of a colorimeter, but far fewer were specific about what would be measured
(transmittance or absorbance) so mark point 7 was not awarded as frequently as
had been hoped. There was a tendency for students to omit important practical
details such as rinsing the coloured tissue before use, or shaking the solution to
ensure the pigment is evenly dispersed.
There was also significant confusion around the dependent variable. It is
important that students should know the difference between the true dependent
variable and any measurement that may be used as a proxy. In this case the
dependent variable under investigation was the activity of perforin, credited via
mark point 2, whereas the intensity of colour of the solution was the
measurement proxy, credited via mark point 7.

Mark points 1, 2 and 3 were generally well addressed by students. It is
important that table headings are sufficiently clear for the reader to understand
the contents of the table, and units must be included (where appropriate). In a
few cases the data that students proposed to collect would not have been useful
in relation to the question given, but the marks for choice of method are in part
(c) so these answers were not further penalised. Almost all students were aware
of the need to calculate a mean, but in a few answers there was no reference to
repeat data from which means could be taken. It is expected that the table will
include space for repeat readings. It was pleasing to see most students correctly
select a bar graph to allow comparison of the performance of the potential
inhibitors. Interestingly, very few students included results from their control in
their table and graph, even when a suitable control had been described in the
method. This made it less likely that students would access mark point 4,
because it was important that students described the use of a statistical test to
compare the inhibitor against a control. A number of answers suggested
comparing the inhibitors with each other, but this is not particularly useful: the
key test of efficacy is comparison against a control (perforin with no inhibitor).
Students should carefully consider the wording of this question: it asks about the
limitations of the method. Successful answers will therefore make reference to
specific aspects of the practical technique. Students clearly appreciate the
importance of controlling variables and the associated difficulties; mark point 1
was the most frequently awarded. Unfortunately many answers did not earn any
more marks because they did not discuss the limitations of the particular
technique used. It is hoped that all students will have carried out an
investigation into membrane permeability. This practical typically yields quite
variable results, providing a good opportunity for discussion of limitations such
as damage to cells when cutting pieces of tissue.

Advice for students:

Read the whole question before you start to answer, and check that your
answer covers everything the question asks for.
Make sure your answer relates to the specific context of the question.
When studying Core Practicals, think about what the techniques might be
used for and the types of scientific question they might help to answer.
Carry out every Core Practical for yourself, so you understand how it
works and any difficulties that might be encountered.
If you are given the procedure for a practical technique, put yourself in
the shoes of the person writing the procedure: how would they have
worked out the details (such as volumes, concentrations and times)? They
will have used preliminary practical work.
Consider the strengths and limitations of each Core Practical technique.
Practice writing null hypotheses for experiments you carry out, even if you
will not necessarily be applying a statistical test.

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