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Gwynn Park High School

Ms. Rosenberg

¡Bienvenidos a Español 2!
Class website:
Email: [email protected]

Welcome to Spanish 2! This will be a very busy and exciting year of learning about a
new language and new cultures. We will be learning how to speak, read, write and
listen to Spanish through Hispanic art, music and literature. Together, we will build
the solid foundation needed to become fluent Spanish speakers and develop an
appreciation for diverse cultures.

Please completely read through this syllabus and see me if you have any questions.
The last page is a contract that you and your parent/guardian will sign to signify
your commitment to these expectations, policies and procedures. This signed
contract must be returned by Friday, August 27th.

Goals for Spanish 2:

I expect all students to perform at high academic levels. In order to prepare for
Spanish 3, we will work this year towards three Big Goals:
1. Earning an 80% or higher on each Unit Exam and the Final Exam.
2. Writing a 150 word essay in Spanish.
3. Participating in a 2 minute Spanish conversation.

Expectations and Procedures

It is important that we work together to create an environment that allows us to
learn as much as possible. The following classroom rules and procedures are in
place to make sure that everyone is able to learn, and that none of our valuable
class time is wasted.

Classroom Rules
• Respect for Yourself: Be positive. Work hard. Be prepared and on time.
• Respect for Others: Use appropriate language. Respect others’ differences
and opinions. Listen quietly so everyone can learn.
• Respect for the Classroom: Treat all classroom materials with care. Follow
all directions.

School Rules
All Gwynn Park rules and expectations will be observed in this classroom.
• Uniforms and IDs must be worn appropriately every day.
• No food or drinks
• No electronic items (iPods, etc.)

Minor behavior violations will result in a loss of participation points. Subsequent
violations will result in further point loss, personal conferences, phone calls home,
and written referrals.

Good behavior and effort will be rewarded with Peso raffle tickets. At the end of
some class periods, I will collect pesos and draw for prizes. The more pesos you
earn, the better chance you have of winning!

Everything that we do in class builds on material from previous classes. Therefore it
is important that you are in class every day. If you are absent, you are required to
make up all missed work and must hand in a yellow slip in order to receive full
credit for that work. You will have one week after returning from the absence to
make up missing work. No late work will be accepted.

All make-up work can be found on the class website:
You are responsible for printing out and filling out all guided notes, classwork and
homework and turning it into me within one week.

Other specific classroom procedures will be discussed in class.

Class Syllabus
• Unit 1 – Who am I?
o Students will review main concepts and prior knowledge from Spanish
1 in order to:
 Ask and answer questions about personal and biographical
 Describe the physical and personality characteristics of others
• Unit 2 – School Life
o Students will use school and school-related vocabulary in order to:
 Ask and answer questions about their daily lives at school
 Write a Spanish paragraph comparing and contrasting schools in
America vs. Spanish-speaking countries
• Unit 3 – Daily Routines and Chores
o Students will use daily routine vocabulary and grammar in order to:
 Ask and answer questions about chores they do at home
 Write a short story about one’s daily routine and getting ready
for school
• Unit 4 – Shopping
o Students will utilize clothing and shopping vocabulary in order to:
 Describe a past shopping experience entirely in Spanish
 Simulate a shopping experience entirely in Spanish

• Unit 5 – Community
o Students will use directional and place vocabulary in order to:
 Give and follow directions around a town in Spanish
• Unit 6 – When I was Young
o Students will use the preterite and imperfect tense in order to:
 Write and present a Spanish biography of their past
I will provide you with the basic supplies for your Cuaderno (binder) and we will put
them together during class. Every day, you are expected to bring your updated
Cuaderno and a pen or pencil. If you lose your Cuaderno, you are responsible for
replacing it and all of the lost materials inside. This Cuaderno will be in place of a
textbook, so it is important that you keep it up to date and bring it to every class!
Grading Policy
Your grade will reflect your work, participation and effort in this class and will be
broken into three areas:
• Assessments 45%
o Unit tests, unit projects, quizzes
• Homework 20%
o Completion of all homework assignments ON TIME, random binder checks
• Class Work 35%
o Completion of all notes and classwork, Participation points

The majority of your grades will be recorded on an individual Stamp Sheet that you
will receive at the beginning of each class period. This stamp sheet will be explained
in more detail during class.

Help and Support

I will do my best to be available when you have questions about Spanish, college, or
anything else! There are several ways that you can get extra help outside of class:
• Study Sessions:
There will be at least one after school review session before every unit exam.
I will announce the dates as they get closer.
• After School Tutoring:
I am available after school for tutoring until 4:00. Please give me advance
notice so that I will make sure to be available!
• Email:
After school hours, you may email me at [email protected] with
any questions. I will respond within 24 hours.
• Website:
All materials and links to helpful resources can be found on our classroom
website -

Dear Parent/Guardian,

I am very much looking forward to working with you and your student over
the course of the year. In order for this year to be as successful as possible,
it is important that we consistently communicate about your child’s progress.
This syllabus outlines the course material for the year as well as academic
and behavioral expectations. Please take this opportunity to read over the
syllabus, fill out the attached Parent/Guardian survey and respond back if
you have any questions or concerns.

I am extremely excited about our school year and want to do everything

possible to ensure your child’s success. Please feel free to contact me at any
time during the year at the email address or phone number below.

Meredith Rosenberg
Foreign Language Department Chair
Gwynn Park High School
[email protected]
Phone: (301) 372-0140 Ext. 301

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