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Foreclosure in Texas

Texas is a non-judicial foreclosure state. A foreclosure proceeding in Texas is like a Motion for
Summary Judgment.

And as Sergeant Major Basil Plumley stated: Gentlemen, prepare to defend yourselves!

Be prepared to defend yourself, read “Alvie Explains it” and learn how to prove the banks committed
fraud. But also know there is more information provided by James McGuire to take this fraud even

Basically, the non-judicial process of foreclosure is used when a power of sale clause exists in a mortgage
or deed of trust. A "power of sale" clause is the clause in a deed of trust or mortgage, in which the
borrower pre-authorizes the sale of property by the trustee to pay off the balance on a loan in the event of
the default of the debt obligation. In deeds of trust or mortgages where a power of sale exists, the power
given to a valid lender to sell the property is to be executed by the trustee for the lender or a legal
representative of the lender. This same trustee does not have any roll in the mortgage or deed of trust until
such time as there is a lawful default of the debt obligation.

When does Section 51 of the Texas Property Code become an enforcement tool under State Law for the
homeowner? When the secured debt becomes bifurcated and the lender attempts to use this nullified
instrument to foreclose. The Deed of Trust is void?

When the Security Instrument, becomes a nullity, certain sections of the Texas Property Code, become
enforceable in a different way. These Codes all contain a specific reference, “deed of trust”. Without the
deed of trust, there is no legal enforcement of a foreclosure.

Sec. 51.0001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:

(1) "Book entry system" means a national book entry system for registering a beneficial interest in a
security instrument that acts as a nominee for the grantee, beneficiary, owner, or holder of the security
instrument and its successors and assigns.

“Book entry system”, according to most lenders, mortgage servicers, alleging Mortgage
Electronic Registration Systems, Inc, commonly known as MERS, is the
beneficiary/nominee. MERS never had this prestigious status. It was only an illusion. There
are many suits across the United States, like Nebraska and Vermont cases that state MERS
cannot prove MERS has the authority to conduct business as a mortgagee. Since MERS has

Copyright© 2010 A.Campbell P.O. Box 291 Coupland, Texas 78615 Alvie Explains It (Series) 1
alleged this “ability” to assign/transfer security instrument by means of electronic process,
MERS bifurcated most all mortgages in the United States. Maybe a thank you card is

If the paper note was negotiated and the public records were not updated, there was a
failure to maintain a continuously perfected lien. And since it was bifurcated, the security
instrument is a nullity with no enforcement.

Who has the beneficial interest in the security instrument?

It better be the holder in due course that holds the note. These banks plead everyday in the
courts, the “security instrument follows the note”. So if any person other than the holder in
due course says they have an interest in the security instrument, it has been bifurcated.

(2) "Debtor's last known address" means:

(A) for a debt secured by the debtor's residence, the debtor's residence address unless the
debtor provided the mortgage servicer a written change of address before the date the mortgage
servicer mailed a notice required by Section 51.002; or
(B) for a debt other than a debt described by Paragraph (A), the debtor's last known address as
shown by the records of the mortgage servicer of the security instrument unless the debtor
provided the current mortgage servicer a written change of address before the date the mortgage
servicer mailed a notice required by Section 51.002.

There is no debt secured by the debtor’s residence when bifurcation or loss of perfection
has occurred. There is no mortgage servicer. The mortgage servicer, trustee and any other party or
requirement under a null security instrument is a “nullity” There remains, if proved up, a right to
file in a court of equity under the note.

(3) "Mortgage servicer" means the last person to whom a mortgagor has been instructed by the
current mortgagee to send payments for the debt secured by a security instrument. A mortgagee may be
the mortgage servicer.
There is no secured debt when bifurcation or loss of perfection has occurred. The security
instrument is a nullity. There is no mortgage servicer once the secured debt was bifurcated.
Since there is no valid security instrument, the “mortgagee” does not exist and as such, a
mortgagee could not be the mortgage servicer. End of story.

Copyright© 2010 A.Campbell P.O. Box 291 Coupland, Texas 78615 Alvie Explains It (Series) 2
(4) "Mortgagee" means:
(A) the grantee, beneficiary, owner, or holder of a security instrument;
(B) a book entry system; or
(C) if the security interest has been assigned of record, the last person to whom the security
interest has been assigned of record.
When bifurcation or the loss of perfection occurred, none of the above mentioned or
“Mortgagee” exists. There is only the creditor of the unsecured debt.

(5) "Mortgagor" means the grantor of a security instrument.

When bifurcation or loss of perfection occurred, the “Mortgagor” as defined in the security
instrument no longer has the property offered up as collateral to guarantee the debt. The
creditor is left with an unsecured debt.

(6) "Security instrument" means a deed of trust, mortgage, or other contract lien on an interest in real
Again, when bifurcation or loss of perfection occurred, the “Security Instrument” ceased to
exist. It became a nullity taking up space in public records.

(7) "Substitute trustee" means a person appointed by the current mortgagee or mortgage servicer
under the terms of the security instrument to exercise the power of sale.

The note and security instrument having been bifurcated or has lost its perfection, the
security instrument was rendered a nullity.

When the alleged holder of the note or the 3rd party mortgagee files a notice of substitute
trustee in public records for the trustee named in the nullified/bifurcated security
instrument it is without legal merit.

When bifurcation or loss of perfection occurred, the “Trustee” ceased to exist. The
“Trustee” or the newly named “Substitute Trustee” are third parties committing theft of
the real property.

(8) "Trustee" means a person or persons authorized to exercise the power of sale under the terms of a
security instrument in accordance with Section 51.0074.

Copyright© 2010 A.Campbell P.O. Box 291 Coupland, Texas 78615 Alvie Explains It (Series) 3
When bifurcation or loss of perfection occurred, the “Trustee” was converted to a third
party attempting to use an invalid deed of trust to take control of the real property by theft.


(a) A sale of real property under a power of sale conferred by a deed of trust or other contract
lien must be a public sale at auction held between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. of the first Tuesday of a

(d) Notwithstanding any agreement to the contrary, the mortgage servicer of the debt shall
serve a debtor in default under a deed of trust or other contract lien on real property used as the
debtor's residence with written notice by certified mail stating that the debtor is in default under
the deed of trust or other contract lien and giving the debtor at least 20 days to cure the default
before notice of sale can be given under Subsection (b).

Subsection (a), clearly states “A sale of real property under a power of sale conferred by a
deed of trust”. When the Security Instrument, or Deed of Trust, is not perfected in public
records, or if it loses its perfection, the Deed of Trust becomes void. Therefore, this
subsection is no longer applicable.

Subsection (d), also clearly states “Notwithstanding any agreement to the contrary, the
mortgage servicer of the debt shall serve a debtor in default under a deed of trust” and
“debtor is in default under the deed of trust ”. There is no default under the deed of trust.
The Mortgage Servicer has no standing under this subsection when the Deed of Trust is a
nullity. This subsection is not applicable due to the bifurcation or loss of perfection.

If the deed of trust is nullity and since the mortgage servicer existed only under the security
instrument, how does the mortgage servicer have a right to collect or demand payments for
principal and interest or collect or demand payment of "PMI Payment Mortgage

How many people have been paying PMI insurance that is not required in a Nullified "deed
of trust”? Oops, that would set a monetary amount for the greedy lawyers to have a basis
to sue on and recover monies and by all appearance, in some cases the insurance policy is
not bought but instead the payments collected is what pays the premiums on the Credit
Default Swap's, the banks paid the premiums with unlawfully collected monies.

Copyright© 2010 A.Campbell P.O. Box 291 Coupland, Texas 78615 Alvie Explains It (Series) 4
servicer may administer the foreclosure of property under Section 51.002 on behalf of a mortgagee if:
(1) the mortgage servicer and the mortgagee have entered into an agreement granting the
current mortgage servicer authority to service the mortgage; and
(2) the notices required under Section 51.002(b) disclose that the mortgage servicer is
representing the mortgagee under a servicing agreement with the mortgagee and the name of the
mortgagee and:
(A) the address of the mortgagee; or
(B) the address of the mortgage servicer, if there is an agreement granting a mortgage
servicer the authority to service the mortgage.

This is the favorite Section of the Property Code of the alleged Mortgage Servicer.

This is the favorite Section of the Property Code of the alleged Mortgage Servicer. This section
went out the window when the secured debt was bifurcated or lost its perfection. There is no
secured debt. There is no Mortgage Servicer. There is no Mortgagee, there is no Mortgage, there is
no Mortgagor. Only the unsecured debt that is held by the holder in due course. Remember?
(Lender and Borrower)


(a) If the price at which real property is sold at a foreclosure sale under Section 51.002 is less
than the unpaid balance of the indebtedness secured by the real property, resulting in a
deficiency, any action brought to recover the deficiency must be brought within two years of
the foreclosure sale and is governed by this section.

(b) Any person against whom such a recovery is sought by motion may request that the court
in which the action is pending determine the fair market value of the real property as of the
date of the foreclosure sale. The fair market value shall be determined by the finder of fact after
the introduction by the parties of competent evidence of the value. Competent evidence of value
may include, but is not limited to, the following: (Blah, Blah, Blah)

(a) Once the secured debt was bifurcated, the third party continues to commit theft by
deception by recovering additional profits from the sale of real property under the nullified
deed of trust.

Copyright© 2010 A.Campbell P.O. Box 291 Coupland, Texas 78615 Alvie Explains It (Series) 5
(b) Third party commits fraud upon the courts by making such fraudulent motion in the court
of the real property jurisdiction to obtain additional profit from the theft of the real
property under a nullified deed of trust.


(a) This section applies if:

(1) real property subject to a deed of trust or other contract lien is sold at a foreclosure sale
under a court judgment foreclosing the lien and ordering the sale; and

This subsection clearly states “real property subject to a deed of trust” and “securing the guaranteed
debt is sold at a foreclosure sale under Section 51.002”, meaning, unless there is a valid Deed of
Trust, Section 51.005. Judicial Or Nonjudicial Foreclosure After Judgment Against Guarantor—
Deficiency, is no longer applicable.

There is only a third party committing theft of real property by deception.



(a) This section applies if:

(1) the holder of a debt obtains a court judgment against a guarantor of the debt;

This subsection clearly states “the holder of a debt”. The “Note” was an agreement between
the original parties, the Borrower and the Lender. Unless the Mortgage Servicer, Trustee or
any other party provides legal proof of a valid security instrument and can prove they are
the holder in due course of the secured debt they have no legal rights to foreclose. They
might be able to get a money judgment on a note if they can prove they are the holder in
due course. But that would be in another court on another day.

(2) real property subject to a deed of trust or other contract lien securing the guaranteed debt
is sold at a foreclosure sale under Section 51.002 or under a court judgment foreclosing the lien
and ordering the sale;

This subsection clearly states “real property subject to a deed of trust” and “securing the
guaranteed debt is sold at a foreclosure sale under Section 51.002”, meaning, unless there is
a valid Deed of Trust, Section 51.005. Judicial Or Nonjudicial Foreclosure After Judgment
Against Guarantor—Deficiency, there can be a deficiency under the note for a monetary
amount, but to offset the deficiency amount by taking the property under a nullified
security instrument is a third party committing theft of real property.

If the secured debt was bifurcated or lost its perfection, the security instrument is a nullity,
the third party applying a sale amount of the real property against the value of the note has
committed theft of real property.

Copyright© 2010 A.Campbell P.O. Box 291 Coupland, Texas 78615 Alvie Explains It (Series) 6
There is no real property subject to a deed of trust when the secured debt is bifurcated or
has lost its perfection.

(3) the price at which the real property is sold is less than the unpaid balance of the
indebtedness secured by the real property, resulting in a deficiency; and

If the secured debt was bifurcated or has lost its perfection, the third party committed theft
of real property.

(4) a motion or suit to determine the fair market value of the real property as of the date of the
foreclosure sale has not been filed under Section 51.003 or 51.004.

Once the secured debt was bifurcated or there was a loss of perfection, determination of fair
market value is irrelevant.

Third party commits fraud upon the courts by making such fraudulent motion in the court
of the real property jurisdiction to obtain additional profit from the theft they committed.

(b) The guarantor may bring an action in the district court in the county in which the real property is
located for a determination of the fair market value of the real property as of the date of the
foreclosure sale. The suit must be brought not later than the 90th day after the date of the foreclosure
sale or the date the guarantor receives actual notice of the foreclosure sale, whichever is later. The fair
market value shall be determined by the finder of fact after the introduction by the parties of competent
evidence of the value. Competent evidence of value may include:

(b) When the secured debt is bifurcated or if there is loss of perfection, there is no
guarantor with a valid security instrument there, therefore there is no reason to bring forth
an action in court to determine fair market value.


(a) This section applies to a holder of a debt under a deed of trust who accepts from the debtor a deed
conveying real property subject to the deed of trust in satisfaction of the debt.

When the bifurcation or the loss of perfection of the Secured debt takes place, there is no
“debt under the deed of trust”. The Deed of Trust is no longer a useful tool to foreclose on
the home, or to bargain for another negotiable instrument, legally. But, the obligor upon
their own action may surrender the property for monies due under the note to extinguish

Copyright© 2010 A.Campbell P.O. Box 291 Coupland, Texas 78615 Alvie Explains It (Series) 7
the indebtedness. The secured debt was destroyed, now only the “note”, as an unsecured
debt, is left as evidence. The secured debt cannot be put back together again unless the
obligor and obligee agree to new secured contract. (Hello Refi/Loan Mod)



(a) The trustee named in a suit or proceeding may plead in the answer that the trustee is not a
necessary party by a verified denial stating the basis for the trustee's reasonable belief that the trustee
was named as a party solely in the capacity as a trustee under a deed of trust, contract lien, or security

When the secured debt is bifurcated or has lost its perfection, there is no TRUSTEE. There
is only a third party committing theft by deception, illegally gaining control of real

Sec. 51.0074. DUTIES OF TRUSTEE.

(a) One or more persons may be authorized to exercise the power of sale under a security instrument.

There is no person authorized to exercise the power of sale when the secured debt was
bifurcated or has lost its perfection.

(b) A trustee may not be:

(1) assigned a duty under a security instrument other than to exercise the power of sale in accordance
with the terms of the security instrument; or

(2) held to the obligations of a fiduciary of the mortgagor or mortgagee.

Because of the bifurcation or the loss of perfection, “Sec. 51.0074. DUTIES OF TRUSTEE”,
is not enforceable by a trustee or any other person. The Deed of Trust is null and void.
There is no power of sale clause. There is a third party committing theft of real property.


(a) A trustee or substitute trustee may set reasonable conditions for conducting the public sale
if the conditions are announced before bidding is opened for the first sale of the day held by
the trustee or substitute trustee.

Again, when the secured debt was bifurcated, or has lost is perfection, there is no trustee. Only a
third party committing theft by deception to gain control of real property.

Copyright© 2010 A.Campbell P.O. Box 291 Coupland, Texas 78615 Alvie Explains It (Series) 8
(b) A trustee or substitute trustee is not a debt collector.

This is correct. The trustee is not a debt collector. The trustee is a third party committing
theft by force selling real property.


A purchaser at a sale of real property under Section 51.002:

(1) acquires the foreclosed property "as is" without any expressed or implied warranties, except as to
warranties of title, and at the purchaser's own risk; and

(2) is not a consumer.

(1) “except as to warranties of title? What title are they speaking of?

The buyers of a foreclosed property would have to sue the title company.

Purchaser’s of foreclosure property, failure to research the property, could find out later,
that they may stand the chance of losing their investment. But I suppose this is all a


(a) In this section:
(1) "Active duty military service" means:
(A) service as a member of the armed forces of the United States; and
(B) with respect to a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of
another state or a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United
States, active duty under an order of the president of the United States.

(b) This section applies only to an obligation:

(1) that is secured by a mortgage, deed of trust, or other contract lien on real
property or personal property that is a dwelling owned by a military
(2) that originates before the date on which the servicemember's active duty
military service commences; and
(3) for which the servicemember is still obligated.

Copyright© 2010 A.Campbell P.O. Box 291 Coupland, Texas 78615 Alvie Explains It (Series) 9
When bifurcation or loss of perfection occurred, there is no deed of trust. These thieves still
commit fraud upon the very people who serve this great country, here and abroad. Goes to show,
they do not care who you are.

That just about covers the Texas Property Code, Chapter 51. Now, defend yourself!

Know how to prove the banks committed fraud.

Copyright© 2010 A.Campbell P.O. Box 291 Coupland, Texas 78615 Alvie Explains It (Series) 10

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