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Edited by:
Raisa Arvinen-Muondo and
Stephen Perkins

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Raisa Arvinen-Muondo and Stephen Perkins, 2013

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ISBN 978 0 7494 6360 1

E-ISBN 978 0 7494 6361 8

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Perkins, Stephen J.
Organizational behaviour : people, process, work and human resource management / Stephen
Perkins and Raisa Arvinen-Muondo.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 978-0-7494-6360-1 ISBN 978-0-7494-6361-8 1. Organizational behavior.
2. Personnel management. I. Arvinen-Muondo, Raisa. II. Title.
HD58.7.P4626 2012

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Co n t e n t s

List of Figures and Tables x

Contributors xi

PA R T O N E Introduction 1

Introduction 3
Stephen Perkins and Raisa Arvinen-Muondo
Learning objectives 3
Managing others to a purpose 3
How did OB get onto the management curriculum? 8
Definition of OB 8
Definition of HRM 11
Overview of the chapters to follow 15
Conclusion 21
Key learning points and conclusions 22
Discussion questions 22

PA R T t wo Individuals at work under

an employment relationship 25

01 Managing diverse identities at work 27

Janice Johnson and Christina Schwabenland
Learning objectives 27
Introduction 27
Key concepts and debates in diversity management 28
Case study and discussion questions 31
Key concepts and debates summary 37
Processes of identity formation at work 38
Processes of identity formation summary 44
Diversity in a global context 44
Key learning points and conclusions 47
Case study and discussion questions 47
vi Contents

02 Perception, making decisions and people

management 51
Raisa Arvinen-Muondo
Learning objectives 51
Introduction 51
Social perception and cultural perspectives 53
Perception 54
Common errors of perception 59
Decision making 63
Implications for HR practice and people management 65
Key learning points and conclusions 71
Case study and discussion questions 72

03 Motivation at work: engagement and facilitation 75

Nahid Rozalin
Learning objectives 75
Introduction 75
Employee motivation 77
Historical perspectives of motivation 77
Content theories of motivation 79
Process theories of motivation 82
Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and the individual 85
Motivation and HRM: the psychological contract and
employee engagement 86
Key learning points and conclusions 98
Case study and discussion questions 99

PA R T t h ree Employing human resources to

work together for a purpose 101

04 Managing performance 103

Caroline Bolam and Sarah Jones
Learning objectives 103
Introduction 103
Contents vii

Performance and control 105

Performance management systems 113
Managing performance in practice 115
Key learning points and conclusions 123
Discussion questions 124
Case study and discussion questions 125

05 Leadership, communication and organizational

effectiveness 127
Linda Holbeche
Learning objectives 127
Introduction 127
Why is leadership so topical? 128
What is leadership? 130
Categories of leadership theory 132
Critical management scholarship 139
New approaches to leadership 142
Discussion questions 150
Key learning points and conclusions 150
Case study and discussion questions 151

06 Talent management 155

Raisa Arvinen-Muondo and Qi Wei
Learning objectives 155
Introduction 155
Talent management versus HRM 158
The OB perspective 159
Talent identification 162
Strategic talent management 166
Emerging issues in managing talent 172
Key learning points and conclusions 176
Case study and discussion questions 177
viii Contents

PA R T f o u r Shifting contexts for organizational

behaviour 181

07 Conflict, power and politics 183

Philip Davies and Rod Smith
Learning objectives 183
Introduction 183
Definitions power, politics and conflict 184
Main arguments in the literature 186
Politics 187
Power 189
Conflict 191
Difference 192
Possibility of competitions degenerating into conflict 197
Key learning points and conclusions 205
Case study and discussion questions 206

08 Organizational culture 209

Eliot Lloyd
Learning objectives 209
Introduction 209
Defining organizational culture 212
Interpretations of organizational culture 213
Organizational culture and performance 216
The development of culture 220
Perspectives on the divisions of culture 226
Managing organizational culture 228
The role of recruitment and selection in organizational
culture 234
Key learning points and conclusions 235
Discussion questions 236
Case study and discussion questions 236

09 Managing organizational change 241

Faten Baddar Al-Husan and Konstantinos Kakavelakis
Learning objectives 241
Introduction 241
Contents ix

Drivers and triggers of change 243

Different types of change 243
Resistance to change 250
The change agent 251
The role of HR in change management 254
Key learning points and conclusions 259
Case study and discussion questions 260

10 Creativity, innovation and the management of

knowledge 265
Pauline Loewenberger
Learning objectives 265
Introduction 266
Creativity and innovation 266
Organizational learning and knowledge management 272
Implications for HRM and HRD 279
Key learning points and conclusions 286
Discussion questions 286
Case study and discussion questions 287

PA R T f i v e Summation and reflection 293

11 Coda: HRM and OB accenting the social 295

Stephen Perkins and Raisa Arvinen-Muondo

Glossary 301
References 309
Index 335

List of figures and

Ta bl e s

Figure 1.1 Factors that have an impact on diversity
management 39
Figure 4.1 Cycle of PMS practices 120
Figure 6.1 Talent wheel (Kock and Burke, 2008) 175
Figure 7.1 Simplified representation of Schmidt and Tannenbaums
stages of evolution (Schmidt and Tannenbaum, 1960) 196
Figure 8.1 Life-cycle framework of culture 221
Figure 8.2 Dynamic model of culture by Hatch (taken from
Ashkanasy, Wilderom and Peterson, 2000) 224
Figure 8.3 Perspectives of culture (Hatch, 1997) 227
Figure 8.4 The cultural web (Johnson, Whittington and Scholes,
2011) 230
Figure 10.1 Climate factors supporting creativity and innovation
(adapted from Amabile, 1996 (inner radial) and Isaksen,
2007 (outer radial)) 270

Table 4.1 PM implications arising from the self-control, social and
administrative control perspective of HRM practices 117
Table 7.1 Summary of three dimensions of power (Lukes, 1974) 189
Table 7.2 Stages of dispute (Schmidt and Tannenbaum, 1960) 196
Table 7.3 Summary of bargaining types, games and
game states 200
Table 7.4 Five conflict-handling styles (based on Kilman and Thomas,
1977) 203

Co n t rib u tor s

Raisa Arvinen-Muondo works in the area of office administration and HR

management in Luanda, Angola. Raisa has undertaken doctoral research
at the University of Bedfordshire and is an experienced intercultural
resource consultant. Her expertise lies in human resource development
in Africa. She has co-authored event reports and conference papers and
is an experienced presenter at practitioner and academic conferences.
She has also taught OB and HRM at postgraduate level and works
with clients in the oil industry consulting on Angolan history, politics,
economy and culture.

Faten Baddar Al-Husan is a senior lecturer in HRM at the University of

Bedfordshire with a PhD for a study of the processes of human resource
reform introduced by French multinationals in privatized Jordanian com
panies. Her principal research interests are in multinationals strategies
and policies; cross-border mergers and acquisitions; change manage-
ment, cross-cultural and international management, and key account
management. Dr Baddars work has appeared in a number of journals
including the International Journal of Human Resource Management
and Thunderbird International Business Review.

Caroline Bolam is a senior lecturer in human resource management

(HRM) at the University of Bedfordshire. She has over 10 years experi-
ence working in HRM, up to Business Partner level. In January 2011
Caroline started a PhD, a qualitative study of how academic perform-
ance is influenced by managerialism in higher education in the UK.

Philip Davies is a former senior lecturer in strategy and general man

agement at undergraduate and postgraduate level at the University of
Bedfordshire. He is an experienced teacher and has run programmes
throughout Europe and the Middle East for companies and for post-
graduates. He consults for private and public sector organizations up to
board level. Prior to joining the University of Bedfordshire Phil taught
strategic management at Cranfield School of Management and was a
senior manager in the NHS. His first career was as an officer in the
xii Contributors

Intelligence Corps with service in Hong Kong, Germany and Northern

Ireland. His current research interests are on how strategy happens in
practice. He has also published articles on the link between social
networks and innovation as well as how business strategy relates to
military strategy.

Linda Holbeche is an established author, commentator, consultant,

developer and a thought and practice leader in the fields of leadership,
HRM and organization development. Linda has previously been Director
of Research and Policy at the CIPD, of Leadership and Consultancy
at the Work Foundation and Research and Strategy at Roffey Park.
Currently Visiting Professor at Cass, Bedfordshire and Imperial College
Business Schools, Linda is also Fellow at Roffey Park, and the UK
Commission for Employment and Skills, Associate at Ashridge and
Erasmus Business School. Recent books include HR Leadership (2009),
Aligning HR and Business Strategy (2009) and Organisation Develop
ment: A practitioners guide for OD and HR (with M-Y Cheung-Judge,
2011) and Engaged (with G Matthews, 2012).

Janice Johnson is a senior lecturer in HRM at the University of

Bedfordshire, teaching on undergraduate and post-graduate programmes.
She has been involved in teacher training as subject strand leader on
the PGCE (1419) Applied Business Programme for a number of years.
She is a fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
as well as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Research, con
ference papers and publications have been in the areas of Western HRM
practices in developing countries and diversity and professionalism in
UK higher education institutions.

Sarah Jones is a senior lecturer at the University of Bedfordshire as

well as an experienced human resource consultant. Her specialist area
of research is employee reward and she has co-authored a number of
publications in this field as presented at international conferences.

Konstantinos Kakavelakis is a lecturer in organizational behaviour

at the University of Bedfordshire. His research interests to date have
included organizational change, knowledge management and work
place learning. Dr Kakavelakis work has appeared in journals such as
Personnel Review, Journal of Education and Work, British Educational
Research Journal and Management Learning.
Contributors xiii

Eliot Lloyd is a senior lecturer and the undergraduate field chair in

strategy at the University of Bedfordshire. He has been responsible for
delivering core undergraduate modules in strategy and also delivers a
module on the CMI programme. His research interests include using the
balanced scorecard to improve the delivery of taught modules and devel-
opment of short-course programmes in designing balanced scorecards
for small businesses.

Pauline Loewenberger is a highly experienced lecturer and a fellow of

the Higher Education Academy with a PhD in facilitating organizational
creativity. Dr Loewenbergers research has been presented at interna-
tional conferences. Her contribution for this book is an extension of
this work through synthesis with knowledge creation, management and
organizational learning.

Stephen Perkins is Dean of the London Metropolitan Business School

and Professor of Corporate Governance and Leadership. He is also a
visiting professor at City University, London. His career has combined
roles in both the academic and business worlds, driven by a mission to
keep both communities in reciprocal dialogue. He holds a doctorate
from the University of Oxford. He was a member of the UK power
generation privatization team and first HR director for National Power
International. He has consulted with a range of organizations in both
private and public sectors internationally. With approximately 100 pub-
lications, including Strategic International HRM published by Kogan
Page, he has completed a number of research and reporting commis
sions for the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. He is
a member of a transcontinental research team funded by the Australian
Research Council analysing the problem of alignment between corpor
ate strategy and reward management, using data assembled in Australia,
Canada, the UK and the United States. He serves on the Chartered
Management Institutes Academic Advisory Council and is current Chair
of the British Academy of Management Corporate Governance Special
Interest Group.

Nahid Rozalin is a PhD researcher at the University of Bedfordshire, and

also teaches courses in international HRM. She has an MBA and an MA
in international HRM. Formerly she worked as a visiting lecturer in a
London college and as a lecturer in a leading university in Bangladesh.
Nahid has published articles in several academic journals in Bangladesh
xiv Contributors

and has presented a number of papers at academic conferences in

the UK.

Christina Schwabenland taught diversity management at London

Metropolitan University for seven years prior to taking up a reader
ship in public and voluntary sector management at the University of
Bedfordshire. Dr Schwabenland continues to research into diversity
management in the voluntary sector and her second book Metaphor and
Dialectic in Managing Diversity will be published by Palgrave in 2012.
Her previous experience includes over 20 years in management positions
in voluntary organizations in the UK including 14 years as CEO.

Rod Smith is a highly experienced HR professional and works with

organizations to help them achieve their business objectives through
their people. In parallel with his consultancy, Rod also shares his experi-
ence with business students worldwide on the University of Bedfordshire
international MBA programmes.

Qi Wei has been a HR practitioner and academic researcher for several

years in both the UK and China. Dr Weis research interests include
reward management, cross-cultural management and Asia Pacific man-
agement and business. Her recent publications are in the Asia Pacific
Business Review, and Human Resource Management: The key concepts.




S tep h en P er k i ns and
R a i sa A r v i nen -Mu on d o

L earn i n g o b j e c t i v es

Identify what we mean throughout this book when talking about

management as a thing managers do and as a process they are
involved in.
Establish a sense of where the body of knowledge referred to
as organizational behaviour (OB) has come from and how it
interacts with management and managing specifically people
Present an overview of debates that the human resources
management (HRM) community has been engaged in and how
that surfaces a need for some means by which to frame analysis
and interpretation of the claims and issues.
Present an overview of what is on offer over the course of the
remaining chapters making up this book.

Managing others to a purpose

Many volumes written under the title of organizational behaviour (OB)
are positioned to inform readers at the most introductory level of manage
ment studies. We have written this text specifically to appeal to those
who have already been exposed to basic commentary and are ready to
engage with argument and evidence that is at once more sophisticated
and more critical ie not only introducing but evaluating ideas and
research findings. We hope that if you are a final year undergraduate
honours student or beginning a masters course you will find the book
both relevant and stimulating as a study aid. And we hope your tutors
will too. Our intention is to put before you and assess knowledge
4 Introduction

interacting between the boundaries of OB and HRM as we consider that

each can benefit from this, in the sense that HRM can ground socio-
psychological and other social science theory grouped under the
OB banner while a fuller understanding of HRM will be informed
by social science knowledge that moves consideration of people man-
agement in organizations beyond a preoccupation with recipes and
techniques. Whether your management studies course is generalist
or specialist, we believe you will find the material in the chapters that
follow useful.
Management in its simplest definition is getting things done through
other people. Thats, in turn, what managers do: their task is to organize
the work capacity of others to achieve purposeful outcomes. There are
all sorts of questions we might ask about the nature of that purpose,
and its likely impact on people involved in setting and trying to achieve it.
These questions will be discussed in this book with a view to under
standing how such matters have an impact on the task were discuss-
ing here: getting things done involving a group of people playing various
As you can see, weve already extended our simple management
definition: now were signalling that groups of people are involved in
activities covered by management thats the managers and those who
managers are trying to organize to a purpose, interacting with one
another. Each of these players is undertaking roles roles that have been
set for them by people influencing the purpose of organization, and roles
that as self-determining human beings they choose for themselves.
In turn, as weve begun expanding on the opening statements, were
using words such as interaction, organization, self-determination and
groups as distinct from although made up of individual actors.
Youll have noticed the way these descriptions are increasingly formed
using metaphors a figure of speech to represent something, used fre-
quently in management and organizational writing metaphors that
use the language of theatre. A well-known line from a play by William
Shakespeare, All the worlds a stage, And all the men and women merely
players says it all. The text (from the play As You Like It) continues: They
have their exits and their entrances; And one man [or woman] in his time
plays many parts. Even in this section, another word to convey an
idea of a human activity has been introduced perception. That idea
perceiving, and then interpreting to make sense of the environment in
which people are acting out their roles also has an important place
in the kinds of things were going to discuss in this book.
Introduction 5

We hope this volume will help not only students of management, but
also practising managers. There is plenty of debate about what practising
implies for management. Is management all about a series of practices
things that can be separated from the people and places and times in
which they occur? Do managers need to learn about these practices
practices on their own and in bundles as things or objects to be
applied to others when trying to get them to do things to achieve some
purpose? Alternatively, rather than objects that can be understood inde-
pendent of the context (people, place, time) in which they may occur,
should we view what goes on under the label management as a process,
or series of processes hence (in British English) signalling something
different by using an s not a second c to complete the word, in the
sense that management is something practised (a verb not a noun or
object). Its something dynamic not static, that unfolds in a particular
setting, and so is a creation of the people and the place and time in which
they are interacting (another word we need to pay attention to).
If its a creation of social interaction then the practice resulting, let
alone the outcome, could have been different, something difficult to
predict in any generalized way. And if the practice has been constructed
by a group of human beings managers and other organizational actors
theres also the potential for it to be reconstructed. And in some vari-
ants of management study, analysts would call for the practices to be
deconstructed to reveal aspects that while maybe unstated, below the
surface of an observable organizational setting, have had an important
influence on what becomes visibly apparent. As well see later in the
book, concepts for articulating and interpreting those implicit influences
have been identified and specified in academic writing on management
and the social sciences; eg cultures, conflicted interests between groups,
and differences in the levels of authority, power and/or influence they
may bring to legitimize their actions. There are plenty more.
Why is all this important and worthy of inclusion in a course of study
on management with the goal of preparing people to become profes-
sional managers? (Professionalization as a process and an implied
state of being, itself dynamic is yet another concept well encounter
along the way working through the discussions to follow.) One answer
is that if management is a social construct concerned with achieving
purposeful action where groups of people interact, then people who
want to lay a claim to competence in doing management are likely to
enhance their credibility if they have mastered a body of knowledge and
how this is debated brought together as a social science.
6 Introduction

The notion of science is used here in the sense of offering a way of

systematically specifying assumptions and ideas about organizing people
managerially, so that the issues in play, including the contextual
conditions, the choices to be made, and some ideas around the likely
consequences from whats done and how its translated from idea
to action can be more readily grasped. In the general field of organiza
tion studies and management, the body of social science knowledge has
come to be grouped under the heading of OB. OB can include inputs
from a variety of social science disciplines specializing in their own
right in the search for meaning and understanding in how humans
individually and collectively function: anthropology, occupational and
social psychology, political science, organizational and work sociology,
labour economics or personnel economics, transaction cost economics and
industrial relations.
The summary argument here, then, is that getting a grasp of a body of
knowledge that can help us in approaching our task as professional
managers can be seen as a prerequisite to success in completing that task.
Its a very complex activity as is human life in general, as we know
from a moments reflection on all the things we experience in the society
we inhabit. And, of course, given that the body of knowledge is subject
to debate, as students of management were likely also to benefit from
learning about the ways in which to sift and evaluate the competing
ideas making up that body of knowledge.
Given the emphasis on management as getting things done through
other people, as what management in general is about, were not propos-
ing to embark on a detailed study of discrete areas in management
literature such as accounting and finance, marketing, or logistics to name
but a few specialist directions. Here were focusing in particular on
a body of knowledge thats been grouped under the general heading
HRM. This can of course be read as a management specialism too able
to offer long lists of techniques developed within its disciplinary bounda-
ries: for recruiting, developing, engaging, rewarding and discharging
employees, and so on. But advocates of HRM as a distinctive way of
getting people to do things to a purpose specified managerially would
suggest that beyond separate and bundled techniques the ideas that it
brings together as a holistic view of organizing people and other organ
izational resources are at the core of what managers can do to fulfil
their core accountability what theyre employed to achieve (see the
case study below). Well see that using the word resources to include
people is itself controversial with the implication that just as a resource
Introduction 7

such as money or land or machinery (inanimate, or lifeless, objects) can

be put to work, so too can people (in the course of living a life), perhaps
setting aside their own priorities as human beings in the world to serve
an organizational goal.

C A S E S T UDY Shifting from piecemeal to holistic HRM

Cathie Wright-Smith, Head of HR in Nampak, the UKs market leader in plastic milk
bottle manufacturing, was reported reflecting on the shift in thinking about how to organize
to get things done through a workforce since she was hired in 2007 (Churchard, 2011):
Nampak didnt really have people management procedures. When Nampaks Managing
Director interviewed Wright-Smith for the job he basically said: Weve hired and
fired people, weve disciplined people, we do day-to-day HR, but now I want an engaged
culture in the business how do we start? [concluding] I think it was the challenge
I was looking for.

(For more on Nampak, see Smedley, 2011.)

In this book, weve set out to bring together ways of thinking about get
ting things done through individuals and groups of people in organiza-
tional settings, drawing on published writings collected under the general
heading of HRM. Our goal has been to examine this body of knowledge
using what social scientists tell us about the ways in which to specify and
weigh up alternative choices around getting people to do things and
to behave in certain ways in the course of these actions (collected
together as OB commentary). Achieving a critical grasp of this is likely
to help managers in practising their craft, with an awareness of the issues
they will encounter and how to decide what to do in all the variety of
settings in which their organizational stagecraft may occur. So we see
another interaction taking place: between ideas about getting things
done through other people, these ideas themselves remember the product
of social construction. We see the diversity of issues managers are likely
to encounter when interacting with other organizational actors and see
that OB commentary can show how these managers can make interpre-
tations to inform what they decide to do. In other words, using another
well-known metaphor, they will be able to look before leaping into
management activity.
8 Introduction

How did OB get onto the management

Taking a brief look at how and where OB as a discipline in its own
right emerged will help us understand whats involved and how we can
make critical use of the ideas and evidence bundled together under
the OB banner. Well follow this with a complementary section discuss-
ing the HRM paradigm (a way of thinking proactively about managing
people), motivated by the same reason to make sure we have a solid
foundation for ongoing discussion.

Definition of OB
A simple definition of OB is offered by Stanford University in the
United States. OB is the study of human behavior in organizational
settings. In its micro variant, generally informed by psychology,
OB investigates how individuals and groups affect and are affected
by organizations. And in its macro form, incorporating organiza
tional theory and economic sociology, OB studies organizations as
social systems; the dynamics of change in organizations, industries
and markets; and the relationships between organizations and their
In one article, George Strauss traces the origins of organizational be
haviour as an academic discipline back to controversies around what
became known as the human relations school of industrial psycho
logy (Strauss, 2001). This school had emerged from attempts among
employers in the United States to manage the people (or labour) they
employed as corporations became increasingly large in the early part of
the 20th century.
One of the first management consultants, Fredrick Winslow Taylor
(writing one hundred years ago) took the view that labour is a com
modity like any other available to be purchased in economic markets
and on the face of it sought to dehumanize the labour process (see
Braverman, 1974, and the critical literature that followed this seminal
work). A scientific approach to management emphasized the economic
exchange inherent in the employment relationship and sought to intro-
duce a strict labourmanagement division: expert managers were to do
the planning; those hired to work under managerial supervision were
Introduction 9

simply to apply their muscle just in the way that mechanized equipment
powered production processes in the industrial era.
A combination of disappointing productivity levels across US industry
and severe conflict between managements and strong labour unions
capable of disrupting production (Kochan, Katz and McKersie, 1994)
led to some voices questioning the focus on the economic and the macro,
organizational level of analysis and managerial action. Instead, atten
tion was placed on individual workers and how they felt as human
beings in the alienating surroundings constituted by large industrial
complexes. Demands for cooperation over conflict in workplaces
charged with producing necessities to serve the military effort in
Europe during the Great War of 191418 added to the perceived impera-
tive for an industrial truce. During the 1920s a series of experiments
was conducted by industrial psychologists, shifting the focus from
macro to micro sub-units of the organization and the individuals
populating them that came to be known as the Hawthorne series,
named after the lead investigator. Although beginning with an emphasis
on experimenting to capture the effects of varying the physical shop-
floor working environment, what emerged from the studies was the
sense that the pathway to increase labour productivity was by paying
attention to workers as complex human beings, interested in a range of
workplace motivators, not simply an economic wage for reporting
to work.
But this line of reasoning too soon attracted controversy. On the
political left, in the words of Braverman (1974) the so-called human
relations movement represented no more than an ambulance service
offering palliative care to those wounded by the ravages of large-scale
industrial capitalism, that perpetuated a division of labour between
brain power and labour power. On the right, as Strauss (2001)
puts it, the results of this kind of industrial psychology were judged
merely nambypamby marshmallow management. For this school of
thought, productivity would not be served by managers resting solely
as they saw it on good intentions, rather than rational economic work-
place controls.
On the other hand, in the era following the Second World War and
with an emphasis on assuring a strong Western military-industrial
complex (Mills and Wolfe, 1999) to meet the demands of the Cold War
with the Eastern Bloc countries, the US academy was receptive to a new
orientation to equipping managers with a basis to understand the people
side of organizational affairs. Strauss (2001) points out this was
10 Introduction

prompted by criticism in the influential 1959 Ford Foundation report

that lambasted US business schools for their lack of theoretical rigour
and research base. In particular they were criticized for ignoring the
behavioural sciences; a reflection of the then constitution of educators in
much of the US business academy as in effect management practitioners-
turned-teachers, rather than researchers and theorists, as in other areas
of higher education.
To break away from the all-round criticism human relations had
attracted, a new name OB came to represent this contribution to
business school teaching. That notwithstanding, there remained separate
strands offered by US educators, with then still strongly influential
schools of industrial relations, grounded for the most part in economic
and quantitatively informed analysis retaining the focus on macro level
policy issues.
And a lowly ranked personnel or human resources field that was
oriented less to rigorous analysis informed by social science ideas and
methodologies and more to describing and training people in the admin-
istrative functions around hiring and firing lower level workforce mem-
bers. For its part, Strauss (2001) argues that OB asserted its new-found
confidence by distancing itself not only from the name of human
relations, but also from the normative orientation that that movement
had adopted. OB was to be a science too quantitative analysis techniques
underpinning the scientific method and an effort to distil social science
theories deemed appropriate to deliver objectively verifiable accounts of
the nature of behaviour observable within and between individuals and
groups at work.
What this brief history indicates is that the fields of HRM and OB
have been to a greater or lesser extent intertwined for some considerable
time. And when in the late 1980s scholars such as David E Guest,
who wrote a much cited piece in 1987 and then offered an update on
the workers verdict on this individual-facing approach to people and
organization management a decade later (Guest, 1999), the transplanta-
tion of more action-oriented HRM to the UK employment scene got
underway with gusto. Embraced by the professional body (CIPD), seek-
ing its own rationale to one trading in the United States under the head-
line of high performance work systems (Huselid, 1995), Guest, an OB
professor, embarked on a series of empirical studies exploring what has
become known as the psychological contract at work (eg Guest and
Conway, 2002, 2004). Reflecting the industrial or occupational psychology
foundation in contrast to labour economics but equally grounded in
Introduction 11

the scientific method and quantitative analysis the promise offered by

HRM in its UK variant was to lift the discipline (and its practitioners)
above the lowly administrator status of the traditional personnel or
employee welfare officer. The aim was to counter-balance the role of the
IR specialist seen as too embedded with organized labour (ie the trade
unions), putting emphasis on management and its core task: getting
things done through others in this case, dealing directly with the
individual or managerially configured work team in ways that engaged
in implicit (psychological) rather than overt (economic) relations between
people and the organizations in which they are employed. Under Guests
preliminary (1987) specification, HRM was a new approach distinct
from industrial relations, founded on:

a managerially led, holistic approach to workforce relations

intended to assure commitment to:
management plans and ways of achieving them;
in-built quality of work processes;
not being reliant on a third-party quality control mechanism;
a willingness of individuals and work teams to be flexible in
cooperating with managerial requirements to resource
operations to match ever-changing customer demands;
the need for efficiencies.

HRM and OB
One of the inspirations for writing this book was reading the article
some years ago by George Strauss (a distinguished professor based in the
United States). In summary, Strausss argument concerned a question:
HRM-OB comparing British and US perspectives whats all the fuss
about? (Strauss, 2001).

Definition of HRM
A classic definition of HRM appears in the opening section of one
of the seminal texts written by Harvard Business School academics,
published in the mid-1980s. This reads: Human Resource Manage
ment (HRM) involves all management decisions and actions that
affect the nature of the relationship between the organization and its
12 Introduction

employees its human resources (Beer et al, 1984). The same authors
promote the idea of HRM as a system something that has inputs,
throughputs and outcomes that is the primary responsibility of
general managers. At the time labelled groundbreaking the approach
was promoted as involving nothing less than a rethinking of the
traditional relationship between managers and other organizational
As discussed in the previous section, the two areas in particular
when they come to be studied by management scholars can be seen
to blur, depending on the perspective adopted. However, for this
volume weve deliberately set out to use the variant of HRM referred
to as a normative approach. This is a set of ideas that as a student
of management youre likely to encounter as saying this is how you
ought to do HRM. The normative HRM approach has had plenty
of criticism again from those with a critical orientation (perceiving
the ideas as little different from the human relations schools pallia
tive as a developmental but still exploitative approach to economic
organization). Other scholars have criticized the a-theoretical nature
of HRM, although there have been efforts over the past several decades
to address this weakness see Hendry and Pettigrew (1990); Guest
(2001). The aim in this book is to use the scope for OB to provide
the reader with access to frameworks from social science to enable
a more informed assessment of the kinds of ideas (and the practical
choices they face the manager with) an encounter with HRM arguments
and research findings will give rise to.
While interrogating normative HRM primarily here, its important
to note that different approaches are discussed in the literature.
Delery and Doty (1996) provide an overview of ways of theorizing,
summarized as follows. The universalistic (normative) view is premised
on the notion that for every best practice applied, benefits will follow
in terms of high performance work system outcomes note the idea
of a system here, something holistic and integrated. A contingent
approach (see the case study below) argues that the impact of apply
ing best practices in HRM will depend on the context people, history,
stage of organizational development etc. A configurational approach
argues that what is important is not simply to apply isolated practices
however good they may be; the key is to configure bundles of practices
that provide organizations with an edge over others (MacDuffie, 1995;
Purcell, 1999).
Introduction 13

C A S E S T UDY Next generation HR

In the UK, the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) have been exploring
in consultation with a group of domestic and multinational employers ideas informing
people management practices. A recent report on progress (Sears, 2011) describes findings
that illustrate the way HR functions in organizations whom we might interpret as adopting
a contingent view of HRM:

They start with a very sophisticated understanding of the business and the unique
context it operates in, and work from there, rather than starting with a systematic
notion of the people processes and levers that have to be pulled first. Here, for
example, HR may see its primary function as being to wake up an organization that has
gone to sleep, and so to form unholy alliances with whoever is necessary to support
that agenda. Equally, HR may try to take the testosterone out of an organizations
strategy if they feel this best serves the interests of future stakeholders. In this world,
HR starts with no set formula.

There is a logical linkage between views of strategy one that implies

that strategic planning comes first, with resources a bolt-on, choosing
best practices for generalized benefits without paying attention to the
nature of the resources or contexts. A contingency theory form of
strategy does what contingent HRM suggests. And the resource-based
view of strategy and organization argues that attention needs to be
focused on the unique combinations of people and attendant systemic
features of an organization that will enable sustainable competitive
advantage to be gained. Thus, rather than policy interventions it is what
emerges from releasing the potential of a configuration of resources that
are valuable, rare, non-substitutable and inimitable that will result in
organizational success relative to competitors that will sustain over time
(Barney, Wright and Ketchen, 2001).
Its interesting to place alongside these ideas those that come from
studies of international business organization: a universalist view that
argues that with industrialization ways of organizing including HRM
will increasingly converge on a single form. This is contrasted with con-
vergence theories that argue that the settings are so different and deep
rooted that although ideas and practices may be transplanted between
places over time, differences in interpretation and thus outcomes will
prevail. A crossvergence perspective (Ralston, 2008) argues that it is
14 Introduction

likely that due to international mobility of elite groups and those

from whom they gain education and advice on managing organizations
a blending will take place. Ideas will be relocated, but there will still
be a sense in which users will see the issues and course of action to
implement solutions through lenses that result from their socialization
across multiple settings (east, west, north and south hemispheres).
The complementary view has been expressed that what may be observed
is a directional convergence in HRM practices, although final conver-
gence may be some way off (Tregaskis and Brewster, 2006). Different
theoretical lenses may be applied to explain what is seen from the uni-
versalistic to the comparative institutional to the cultural ways of viewing
business systems and the interactions of people wherein managers seek to
achieve purposeful action through others (Brewster, 2007).
Childs (1997) strategic choice theory adds another dimension in that
while accepting the way institutional structures may set the initial
boundaries for managerial action (or agency), these agents interpret
the world they seek to act on. The scope for a social reconstitution of
those structures arises through the combinations of choices to act in this
way or that over time among the multiplicity of organizational decision
makers. And isomorphic pressures (the impetus to imitate) as multina-
tional corporations (MNCs) dominate the affairs of business and by
extension state policy activity around the globe, with decision makers
feeling compelled to do as others do to secure their legitimacy, mean
again that at least directional convergence may be witnessed affecting
what corporate managements do.
Institutional isomorphism has been divided into three broad types:
coercive, memetic and normative (DiMaggio and Powell, 1983). If
a foreign-owned company enters a developing business system and
acquires others or if, for example, a supranational body such as the
IMF engages in funding development then requirements may be stipu-
lated to conform to the parents or funders ideas of how organization
should be done. Legal and corporate governance (financial compliance)
requirements may be a source of coercive isomorphism for example,
the corporate governance codes companies are now required to adhere
to. Memetic isomorphism is a product of uncertainty: as companies
compete with one another in unfamiliar circumstances they may find
themselves drawn say through seeking advice from management con-
sultants, and through employee migration, to following what turn out
to be similar organizational paths as other organizations in the market
place. In the case of normative isomorphism this may be the result of
Introduction 15

drawing on resources from professional groups that have certain norms

and values their members have been socialized into. These then are
carried into the organizations that recruit them. The same may apply
from inter-hiring between firms and hiring people from similar educa-
tional backgrounds. Cathie Wright-Smith was described in a People Man
agement magazine report as bringing to her new employer Nampak
a blue-chip background including Asda, Nestl and Volkswagen from
which the report concluded: she was used to HR best practice
(Churchard, 2011).
OB as a source of frameworks for clarifying and interpreting the
practice of management may thus help when trying to understand what
the continually emerging body of HRM knowledge has to say as a
normative approach or set in specific contexts or as a bundle of activities.
It can further assist when trying to grasp the possible choices managers
face, and the strategic opportunities and threats arising, accounting for
the settings for managerial action in different employment systems
worldwide, and the pressures to fit in while at the same time seeking to
leverage resources in ways that secure sustainable competitive advantage
for the organization and its stakeholders.

Overview of the chapters to follow

If were to help you to understand HRM using ideas and evidence thats
been collected together under the OB field of study, we need to organize
the volume in a systematic way. The chapters that follow bring together
in an accessible form a significant chunk of what passes for the OB body
of knowledge.
We start with the basic building blocks: individual social actors
(people) and groups of them, classified in diverse ways, including occupa-
tional groups, hierarchical layers (supervisors, managers and others),
not forgetting demographic classifications including ethnicity, gender
and other differentiators that may have an impact on how people think
about themselves and their sense of identity in their relations with other
social actors and the organizational settings in which they work. We can
then look at things that affect those individuals and collections of them,
informed by the tools social scientists have given us to ask more focused
questions about these social things in search of understanding. Janice
Johnson and Christina Schwabenland take a principled approach in
Chapter 1, explaining why it is relevant managerially to value diversity
16 Introduction

and reduce inequality in organizations. Assessing the merits of UK and

US thinking and practice in managing diversity when this extends
to other national settings, they explain how contexts and processes in
organizational systems influence an individuals sense of his or her own
and others identities.
Another core question that organizational managers need answers
to is how do individuals perceive themselves and their social environ-
ment? What is perception as a psychological process; does it have a
social dimension? Given that while individuals physiology may enable
or inhibit use of the physical senses in observing and processing the
environment in which they are situated, how they interpret those
phenomena may be more than instinctual. They may be further enabled
or constrained by the way people have been socialized giving them
a greater or lesser vocabulary with which to articulate to themselves as
well as others what they sense going on around them. Does this imply
that perception may be a collective as well as a purely individual action?
In Chapter 2 Raisa Arvinen-Muondo discusses these and other issues,
to help develop your capabilities in grasping how decision making is
affected by human perceptions, and the implications for HRM.
A logical next step for managers of people in organizations is to think
about what it is that does, or has the potential to, mobilize individuals
and teams to act. There is a vast literature grouped under the heading of
motivation that, in Chapter 3, Nahid Rozalin examines with a view to
addressing what and who and how people, as individuals and groups,
with needs and interests vested in the relationships they negotiate with
and inside and between organizations, get motivated to act in ways that
they otherwise might not. Are people intrinsically motivated to do certain
things? Do they respond to actions by others (managers) intended to
motivate them to do what the manager is tasked with achieving through
the actions of others? Is there a sense in which groups become motivated
and so mobilized to act, perhaps in ways that are a product of the team
interrelationships they encounter and actively forge, that as individuals
might not occur? Is there, for example, something that a sense of com-
mon purpose positively or negatively oriented injects into a collec-
tion of otherwise disparate people employed in an organization?
Debates OB analysts are engaged in provide frameworks as well as
indicators of likely outcomes to guide assessment of the range of actions
managers might take to secure purposeful action through the people
working under their direction and supervision. For example, when present-
ing an organization in the search for candidates to fulfil occupational
Introduction 17

and work roles, thinking about the way individuals perceive information
available to them can help managers, in turn, to weigh up communica-
tions strategies for making the desired impression and managing expec-
tations raised in doing so. When organization managers are seeking to
increase the competencies among workforce members, an understanding
of how individuals learn and the potential for codifying knowledge so
that it may be transferred among individuals and groups is likely to
prove beneficial. In Chapter 4 Caroline Bolam and Sarah Jones explore
the literature grouped under the term performance management to help
build understanding around ideas of systematic performance manage-
ment and how this may be viewed critically using the lens of managerial
control, related to purposefully organizing the work of both individuals
and teams of employees.
Getting individuals and groups motivated and organized to do things
intended to serve a managerial purpose brings, in turn, the need for
attention to questions about how that action and the process it relies on
is lead. Do teams lead and manage themselves unprompted? Or is there
a necessary role for someone either emerging from within the team,
perhaps varying depending on the task being focused on, or supplied
by the corporate organization as a formal leader and/or manager to do
things that motivate others to follow the lead given in a particular
direction? Is there a sense in which leadership and management are
the same or different? Is leadership something that can be pre-specified
using certain social codes that can unlock social action among groups
and the organizations they populate a form of objective, scientific
management? Or is the leader and/or manager something that has
a spontaneous character, emerging as a function of the group of people
involved in particular circumstances? From the leaders perspective, is
this a subjective or objective state? Linda Holbeche explores the multi-
faceted and contested literature on leadership, in Chapter 5, explaining
too why new approaches to leadership are called for in the second decade
of the 21st century.
Organizational effectiveness depends on harnessing the talents of
people identified and employed to resource activities. While it may be
viewed as an omnibus term for processes embedded in HRM selecting,
socializing, developing and motivating the notion of talent manage-
ment has been receiving attention. Indeed there has been a line of
discourse among management practitioners and those who advise them
dramatized using the phrase war for talent, carrying the implication
that, as the source of intangible value at the core of competitive success,
18 Introduction

employers must regard this as a strategic imperative. In Chapter 6, Raisa

Arvinen-Muondo and Qi Wei offer a critical appraisal of the still emerg-
ing talent management literature, to help tie down what is meant by
the term, identify what challenges organizations need to overcome if
they are to secure and engage talented people, and build understanding
of the role the concept and practice may play as a strategic tool in develop
ing human resources.
In thinking about groups of individuals, their motivation and leader-
ship, we encounter debates in the literature that call for answers to
questions of whether or not we should expect socially harmonious rela-
tions to be the norm, between group members accounting for demo-
graphics, occupation, hierarchy and so on. Or would the expectation be
that individuals will be pre-formed by their socialization and economic
background such that it would be naive to assume that even if they
accept employment in an organization knowing it is subject to manage-
ment, their interests and those of other stakeholders will coincide?
Should we prepare for conflict in organizational encounters and if so
how should we begin to make sense of this and perhaps as managers find
ways of channelling and so resolving conflicts arising?
Similarly, power has long been debated among social scientists
in terms of the ways in which it may be deployed to influence the out-
come of relations between different individuals and social groupings.
In managementemployee relations we may assume that the fact that it
is managers that do the hiring gives them the upper hand. For this
reason, especially in large stable organizations, employees have banded
together into unions to intermediate between the parties to the industrial
relationship. However, not only has thinking about HRM changed the
perspectives on giving employees a voice, and with moves over the past
several decades to limit politically oriented regulation in favour of
markets. The increasing shift from a manufacturing dominated to a
so-called knowledge society has given rise to arguments that power has
shifted in favour of key workers on whom managers depend to get things
done. In Chapter 7, Philip Davies and Rod Smith explore debates around
conflict and politics in organizations and the relationship with the
dynamic dispersion of power.
Managers may benefit from getting to grips with a significant litera-
ture on another area. It is one that relates to the issue of what influences
individuals and groups in their approach to organizations and others
encountered. And it raises questions about what managers may be able
to do themselves to influence orientations to work and managerially
Introduction 19

specified purposeful activity. Eliot Lloyd will look at these phenomena

in Chapter 8. A common term in the literature for thinking about this
aspect of the contexts in which management takes place is culture in
popular language expressed as the way things get done around here,
or how a group of people solve problems. Culture as a series of
underlying values and traditional ways of thinking and judging and
acting in the light of such assessment of social situations sets the basis
on which people through their socialization into a particular culture may
be pre-motivated positively or negatively towards the organization and
its management. And it is an avenue that management writers have
travelled along to offer ideas and suggestions about how managers
might be able to construct (and change) a culture to be consistent with
their goal of achieving purposeful action through others. An area of
debate is whether culture is spontaneous or whether it can be actively
managed, and in turn whether culture is a static or dynamic pheno
menon. Does culture as a form of social structure determine people and
how theyre likely to behave in organizations? Or do people, generally
or through the actions of particular groups, create the culture and ways
in which it is legitimated?
Reflecting the turbulence in markets as the world has become more
interrelated and interdependent albeit with arguably divergent benefits
between the countries and regions and the need for organizations to be
ready to adapt in the face of such developments, change and its manage-
ment have become an increasingly prominent concern among OB
commentators. In Chapter 9, Faten Baddar Al-Husan and Konstantinos
Kakavelakis look at the growing literature in this area and its inter
relationship with policies and practices the normative HRM literature
has generated. These policies and practices are intended to enable man-
agements to take workforce members with them, with views bifurcating
between transactional change on the one hand (founded on instrumental
relations between employees and their employers) and transformational
change (that, in turn, calls for attention to sustainable rather than extrins
ically oriented short-term relations).
When introducing change to the organization and its practices,
managers can expect to be able to choose pathways for action with
greater confidence, equipped with rules of thumb for assessing the likely
response among other managers and the workforce generally. Ideas and
evidence about how people in organizations behave offers a foundation
on which to test assumptions about the extent to which an organization
as a cultural phenomenon is fixed and objectively verifiable or an evolving
20 Introduction

social construction, combining the dynamic interplay of multiple subjec-

tive orientations, needs and interests that change agents will need to
account for.
Such knowledge is likely to assist in more systematically assessing the
extent to which giving employees a voice in the transformation process
is likely to build engagement with what managers are trying to do.
And such knowledge can provide a rationale for approaching this with
the focus on communicating directly with individuals or involving third
parties representing collective employee interests through formal and
informal channels. Allowances may be made here for assumptions about
the level and nature of power available to the various organizational stake-
holders to set the terms for ongoing organizational activity distributed
among managers and other individuals and groups on the payroll.
And of course managers who decide that an active effort is required to
motivate employees to cooperate with their planned performance goals,
using various explicit and implicit reward management techniques,
may avoid naive assumptions about cause and effect if informed by what
is known about what motivates people individually and in team group-
ings, positively and negatively.
In recent debates among academics and practitioner audiences alike
the concept of knowledge management has come to the fore, inter
related with ideas around creativity and innovation. This has been coupled
with the longstanding preoccupation OB theorists have had with learning
which in turn has matured into examining not only how individuals
learn and the effects that result, but also to ask about the possibility and
extent to which there can be learning organizations. In Chapter 10,
Pauline Loewenberger examines literature discussing the scope for
managerial action to encourage and reinforce creativity and innovation
that may form into uniquely configured activity among a group of
people or an entire organization (a firm such as Apple comes to mind
here) that enables the firm to attain and sustain market leadership
over competitors. The chapter examines attention placed comparatively
between organizational learning and knowledge management, with the
aim of achieving a synthesis between phenomena at the leading edge of
managerial thinking and practice.
In a final chapter we briefly reflect on what the narratives developed
throughout this volume tell us about the ways in which HRM and OB
can usefully be considered, and what issues emerge for ongoing attention
by management academics and practitioners alike.
Introduction 21

In this chapter weve introduced ideas about management, understood in
terms of getting things done through others, paying particular attention
to ideas about people management grouped into a specifically HRM
literature. Weve indicated the rationale underlying this book for engag-
ing with these ideas offering you as an aspiring or existing professional
manager access to the knowledge that social scientists have collected
together, leading to debates about the merits of ideas and the actions
implementing them may result in.
Weve discussed the idea of treating organizations and the interaction
of various individuals and groups within them as static and open to
objective observation, resources to be acted on managerially. And weve
also considered arguments suggesting that instead people and organiza-
tions as sentient, indeterminate beings are in a constant state of becom-
ing, or renewal, between apparently settled states of being. As such, with
a more subjective sense in which to observe and then interpret what
is perceived, influenced in turn by the socialization of the observer, weve
noted that socially constructed states are open to reconstruction to
suit the needs and wants of the members of the organization and its
The social history of OB in and beyond the classroom has been briefly
recounted, as well as reflecting on ideas that have come together over
the evolution of ideas in the United States and then the UK branded as
HRM active, purposeful approaches to managing people. These ideas
and particularly the normative practices advocated by some HRM com-
mentators have come in for criticism, whether as inadequately theorized
or more politically in terms of the assumptions about people and
employment and organizational relationships underpinning HRM com-
mentary, and the interests seen as being served to the detriment of others.
On the other hand, in a similar way that the Hawthorne experiments
produced positive responses from the employees observed by virtue of
the fact that managers appeared to be showing an interest in them,
the workers verdict on HRM according to Guest (1999) has been to give
it the thumbs up. At a British Academy of Management HRM special
interest group conference in April 2009, the consensus was that HRMs
underlying problem as an academic discipline was the over-reliance on
managerial accounts so that the employee voice (Gollan and Perkins,
2010) was being overlooked.
22 Introduction

Bringing this introductory chapter to a close, weve offered you in brief

summary conceptual lenses for making sense of HRM ideas and practices
that OB writers have developed. And weve sketched the various broad
topic areas to be examined in detail by contributors to the volume over
the chapters that follow.

Key learning points and conclusions

Management is concerned with getting work done through
mobilizing others.
HRM can be understood as a collection of ideas to assist in
this task.
Organizational arrangements can be viewed as static or dynamic
as objective or as the product of social construction and
reconstruction; and they can be deconstructed for sense-making
OB forms a collection of ideas derived from longstanding social
science analysis: it needs to be viewed and used mindful of its
provenance, emerging initially for fairly instrumental reasons
in business schools in the United States.
HRM has had its own trajectory of development, and is the subject
of debate that challenges its underlying basis for reasoning and even
its legitimacy located within political-economic relations.
OB can be applied to address the various approaches HRM
commentary covers intended to guide managerial action to achieve
purposeful action by others. OB uses ideas and evidence for
evaluating the choices open to managers, the contexts in which
these may be interpreted as a basis for action and the logical
consequences to be aware of. OB flows from the managerial
strategies embarked on in forming and reshaping their relations
with those on whom managers rely to get things done in diverse
organizational settings.

Discussion questions
What examples can be generated from group reflections on
experiences in the workplace, or from stories youve heard told by
Introduction 23

friends and relatives of what managers do? Use these personal

experiences and stories to inform discussion to address the
question: whats the main task a business manager performs?
Does the nature of this task vary depending on whether the
setting is a private business, a public service, or a voluntary
association, or whether the organization is large, medium-sized
or small?
Who are the people managers rely on most in performing their
core functions? Why?
What are the ideas discussed in this Introduction with which
you are familiar either from prior study, from practice or from
publications in the general media?
What would you list as the key components of HRM? What
assumptions are necessary to implement policies to address
each of the ones you identify?
What would you do to help a manager taking on a new work
team in preparing to do this?



Individuals at
work under
an employment



Managing diverse
identities at work
Jan i c e Jo h nson and
C h r i st i na S c h wa b enlan d

L earn i n g o b j e c t i v es

Explain the relevance of valuing diversity and reducing inequality in

a particular organizational setting.
Understand how organizational processes and dynamics help
to shape our sense of how we see ourselves and each other.
Assess the relevance of US and UK approaches to diversity to
managers working in other countries and cultures.

Managing diversity is a term that refers to a bewilderingly wide range
of policies and practices designed to respond to the increasingly hetero-
geneous nature of the workplace. In this chapter we aim to demystify
some of the key debates and dilemmas surrounding diversity manage-
ment while maintaining a clear focus on the needs and interests of
generic managers and management students, who are themselves in-
creasingly likely to comprise a very diverse group with internationally
determined interests, commitments and affiliations. We will start by
presenting a brief overview of the origins of diversity management and
some of the key debates. We will then go on to explore the key dilemma
at the heart of diversity management, which was elegantly summarized
by John Edwards: which of a multitude of differences between people
28 The Employment Relationship

justify us in treating them differently and which similarities justify

similar treatment? (Edwards, 1987).
Although many writers regard diversity management as coming
within the domain of HRM we suggest that a wider approach is needed
and so we will go on to explore some of the ways in which people
writing from an interest in organizational behaviour have contributed
to our understanding of the ways in which ideas about similarity
and difference are constructed and make up our sense of individual and
group identity. These characteristics serve to create and maintain a sense
of similarity with those who share comparable characteristics and
a sense of distance or separation from those who do not. In the final
section of the chapter we briefly explore some of the cross-cultural
dilemmas that arise in applying the diversity approach internationally.
Examples and cases will be used to illustrate these different debates and
approaches in organizations.

Key concepts and debates in diversity

Diversity management refers to the various actions organizations can
take to ensure that they are treating all employees (and potential
employees) fairly and that they are not discriminating. Usually regarded
as having emerged from the United States as a successor to, or develop-
ment from the discourse of equal opportunities (Kirton and Green, 2005;
Wrench, 2005; Kandola and Fullerton, 2003), the term is generally used
to refer to the practices that have evolved in response to the need to
accommodate a workforce in which individuals are increasingly likely
to come from communities differentiated by geography and nationality
and also by ethnicity, gender, religious affiliation, disability and many
more aspects of identity. This is where the idea of diversity comes
from. However, because diversity management as a concept has evolved
from what used to be called equal opportunities it also implies a need
to challenge discrimination that disadvantages people because of these
aspects of difference.
However, there are many more reasons why diversity is important.
All organizations need to attract the most talented recruits and then
make sure that their talents are well used and the staff want to stay.
This means creating a culture in the organization that is supportive and
Managing Diverse Identities at Work 29

welcoming of people from many different cultures and backgrounds.

This is not as easy as it sounds. Organizations create ways of doing
things that may reflect unconscious assumptions about who can do
what. For example, most organizations expect senior managers to be
prepared to work very long hours, to demonstrate their commitment
by being willing to fly off to an urgent meeting at short notice, and
to adhere to a particular dress code that reflects contemporary ideas
about how professional men and women should dress. These require-
ments, though, which are often unwritten and may even be unconscious,
may make it more difficult for women, people with disabilities, and
people who want to wear clothes that reflect their cultural or religious
affiliations, to feel welcome. If we are to create a welcoming culture we
need to think about how the things we are doing at the moment might
be creating barriers.
Syed and Ozbilgin (2009) suggest that in understanding what organ
izations can do to promote diversity there are three different levels to

the macro level, which is the attitudes and characteristics of the

wider society in which the organization is located;
the mezzo level, which is the organization itself;
the micro level, which is the attitudes and commitment of the
individual workers.

Different strategies may be needed at each of these levels but in this

chapter we are primarily concerned with the mezzo, or organizational

Law, policy and practice

An organizations responsibility for managing diversity
In order to manage diversity a manager needs to be familiar with the
legislative framework and how to create and implement good policies
and practices. In most countries there are laws that require employers
to have certain measures in place to ensure that people are not discrimi-
nated against at work for reasons such as their gender, race or disability.
In some countries, such as the UK, the legislation also covers sexual
orientation, religion and age.
The first responsibility of all employers and employees is that they
know what the law requires them to do, so that they can make sure
30 The Employment Relationship

they are not breaking the law and, even if unintentionally, making the
organization liable to legal proceedings. Many of the settlements in
discrimination cases are very expensive. For example, in 2010 one
organization was ordered to pay 125,000 for a claim brought under
the Disability Discrimination Act (Personnel Today, 22 April 2010).
Second, the organization needs to have good policies in place.
These must ensure that all employees, applicants for jobs, and, in many
countries, customers, service users and members are treated fairly.
This means ensuring that systems and practices do not discriminate,
either directly or indirectly; consciously or unconsciously, because of their
race, gender, religion or any other protected characteristic. In practice,
most organizations concentrate specifically on the HR functions of
recruitment and selection, training and promotion and increasingly
reward practices.
Third, managers should ensure that there is an atmosphere of mutual
respect throughout the organization and that all people feel welcomed
and valued for their contributions. Managers should also ensure that rude,
disrespectful language, jokes, traditions and rituals are not allowed.
We all contribute to the culture of the organization. We all play a role
in making people feel welcome and accepted, or just tolerated. Diversity
is everyones responsibility. But of course, different functions and depart-
ments have different roles to play. The HR department will be respons
ible for making sure that the organization has the right policies and
procedures in place. Senior managers are responsible for the organiza-
tions overall strategic direction, including a commitment to creating
products or services that are appropriate to an increasingly multicultural
society. Line managers will be responsible for making sure that these are
all translated into action on a day-to-day basis.
But what does it actually mean to manage diversity? In the UK,
Kandola and Fullerton are two writers who suggest that managing
diversity goes beyond ensuring that the organization is not unfairly
discriminating against people. Their definition of managing diversity is
one that is very popular. They write: The basic concept of managing
diversity accepts that the workforce consists of visible and non-visible
differences that will include sex, age, background, race, disability,
personality and work style. It is founded on the premise that harnessing
these differences will create a productive environment in which everyone
feels valued, where their talents are being fully utilised and in which
organizational goals are met (Kandola and Fullerton, 2003).
Managing Diverse Identities at Work 31

Case study and discussion questions

C A S E S T UDY People Together

People Together is a registered charity that runs residential projects for people with mental
health problems. Five years ago there was a staff vacancy for a residential care worker.
There were only a few applicants and three people were interviewed by the selection
panel. The choice came down to two candidates, both of whom did well in the interviews,
but for different reasons. Jacob (who is white) had more relevant work experience and his
answers were more detailed but the panel thought they were a bit formulaic, as if he knew
what was expected to get through an interview, without necessarily believing in what he
was saying. Serena had much less relevant work experience and was taking an Access
to Work course, She had few academic qualifications but her answers seemed to be
intuitively more in keeping with the charitys ethos and values. Although no-one said it in the
discussion afterwards, the fact that Serena was black was seen by the panel as positive
because they wanted to increase the number of black staff working for the organization.
Serena was offered the job.

Serena was very pleased to be offered the job. She was committed and hard working.
There were some problems, arising mostly from her lack of experience and understanding
about social services provision, the roles of social workers etc. She was sent on several
training courses and although her probationary period was extended, she was confirmed
in post. She built good relationships with the residents, although these relationships tended
to be slightly too informal, and not too professional. But she was very popular with the
residents. Although there were some concerns, her work was seen to be good enough
to get through the probationary period.

She continued in post for a number of years. During that time a lot of other staff came and
went, including the manager. The new manager tended to recruit graduates who had
ambitious career aspirations within social work. Although there was no hierarchy among
the team, some of the newer staff gradually took on more and more responsibility. Serena
resented this because she was the most experienced by that stage and had been there the
longest. But the quality of her work didnt seem to have improved beyond her first year it
was still only just about good enough. Serena was happy with the job, she had commitments
outside work that were important to her and she wasnt particularly ambitious.

The relationship between Serena and her new manager deteriorated. The new manager
held a performance review meeting with Serena and made it clear that she thought Serenas
work needed to improve in various areas. The manager was quite blunt about these. Serena
got very angry and swore at her manager. Her manager was very upset and told Serena that
swearing was unacceptable and that there would be a disciplinary hearing about it that
might result in Serena being given a warning.
32 The Employment Relationship

At the disciplinary panel three senior managers heard both sides. Serena admitted she had
sworn at her manager but said in mitigation that her manager was victimizing her. Serena
said that she had worked in the same way for five years and nobody had been so critical
before. If her work was good enough for other managers why not for his one? She said that
perhaps her new manager was acting in a racist way towards her.

Discussion questions

What should the panel do?

What issues does this case study raise?
How could this situation have been avoided?

Kandola and Fullerton would argue that over the last 40 years we have
gone through different stages in our responses to individual differences
at work. Liff (1997) described these as moving from an approach
designed to eradicate differences (the assimilationist approach, perhaps
best pictured through the US metaphor of society as a melting pot),
ignoring differences (by treating everyone the same), accepting dif
ferences (and accommodating them to an extent through such measures
as flexible working patterns for women with children, the provision of
food for people with special diets as a result of a disability or a religious
conviction) through to valuing differences, which is the approach that
Kandola and Fullerton are describing above.

The business case for diversity

The business case for diversity argues that good diversity policies are
good for business and profitability. It is based on four key points:

recruitment and retention of good staff;

better products and services;
better decision making;
better reputation.
Managing Diverse Identities at Work 33

Recruitment and retention

The argument in favour of recruitment and retention is primarily based
on demographics organizations need to trawl as widely as possible
to attract good staff and have good policies in place to keep them.
As many parts of the world are becoming increasingly more diverse,
due to migration, changing job opportunities and the impact of political
and economic changes, organizations cannot afford to ignore the talent
residing in women, people with disabilities and older people.

Better products and services

The argument in favour of better products and services is that organiza-
tions need to ensure that their products are desirable by people who
come from a wide variety of groups and so the more diverse their work-
force is the more likely they are to produce goods that people want.

C A S E S T UDY Window on practice: recruiting Polish speaking

staff to recruit Polish speaking customers

Managers at a building society in Peterborough realized early enough that it was ignoring
a large percentage of its Polish residents, many of whom had been relocated from cities
into the area. Many were sending money back home but were finding it difficult to do this
on a regular basis with a reputable company. The building societys managers also realized
that not having staff members who could speak Polish was another barrier to business.
They started by creating positive recruitment and selection policies to attract qualified
Polish workers, which in turn led to an increase in Polish customers who now felt as if their
differences were being accommodated and an appropriate remittance service put in place
to serve their needs as well as those of the business.

Better decision making

Better goods and services are the product of better decision making.
Homogeneous staff groups are more likely to think alike. This can make
for poor decision making because alternatives are not given sufficient
consideration and the dangers of groupthink may become more emer-
gent. A more diverse workforce can lead to a wider range of views being
expressed and thus to better decision making.
34 The Employment Relationship

Better reputation
The argument that having good diversity policies can improve a com-
panys reputation is probably best demonstrated by companies such
as the HSBC bank, the worlds largest local bank, which has incorpor
ated ideas of diversity into its branding. Another UK example is B&Q,
a do-it-yourself chain that actively promotes the employment of older
workers. The argument is also supported in reverse when companies
find their brand image damaged by gaining a reputation for sexist or
racist policies.
The arguments in favour of the business case look good, but are there
any problems with it? One problem is that the evidence to support it
is mixed. There is little research that has been able to track companies
performance over a period of time to investigate whether having good
diversity policies has demonstrably led to improved overall perfor
mance (Wise and Tschirhart, 2000). There are some individual studies
that do show a clear connection but others where no such connection
can be made.
Berg and Hopnes (2001; in Wrench, 2005) studied two Norwegian
companies. In one, the diversity of the workforce did lead to increased
profitability, in the other it did not. They concluded:
In one company ethnic diversity was seen to be directly relevant to
profits and in another completely irrelevant. The former was a bakery
experimenting with product development and innovation, and immigrant
workers were being drawn on for their knowledge of various baking
traditions... the latter was an industrial printing company where there
was no use for employees with different linguistic skills... as the whole
production was automated to such a degree that it made it difficult to see
how ethnic differences could be drawn on and profitably exploited either
in the production process or in the organization of work (Berg and
Hopnes, cited in Wrench, 2005).

Does diversity lead to better decision making? Again, in some cases it

does. Milliken and Martins (1996) also point out that differences can
lead to conflict that impedes decision making.
So, one of the problems with relying too much on the business case
is that if diversity isnt demonstrably good for profits will a company
want to invest time and resources in it? And if so, why? Tomlinson and
Schwabenland (2010) looked at diversity policies in not-for-profit
organizations because for many of them (organizations such as Save the
Children, Disability Rights, Age UK) the business of the organization
Managing Diverse Identities at Work 35

is social justice, but even here they found out that there can be conflicts
between the requirements of their diversity policies and the needs of the
people they were working with.

The social justice case for diversity

The idea behind equal opportunities was the importance of social
justice. If certain groups in society faced disadvantages, in the labour
market and beyond, then it was the responsibility of the state to take
action to redress these imbalances in opportunity, through legislation
that required employers to have measures in place to ensure that they
were treating every applicant, employee and customer fairly. Recent
research indicates that the UK is now on course to become the most
stratified country in the Western hemisphere because of recent develop-
ments in the political and economical environment. For example,
The Resolution Foundations Commission on Living Standards found
that in 1977 of every 100 of values generated by the UK economy
16 went to the bottom half of workers in wages; by 2010 that figure
had fallen to 12; a 26% decline (Resolution Foundation, 2011).
Another important aspect of this debate is whether the measures that
organizations take to promote diversity actually challenge inequality.
Kandola and Fullerton (2003) argue that they do, and that ... the skills
necessary to manage diversity are essentially a restatement of an old
theme, namely good interpersonal or communication skills (Kandola
and Fullerton, 2003). This supports our initial claim, that the methods
commonly promoted to manage diversity still reflect its origins in HR
while its aspirations are much broader. However, Nkomo asks: is
diversity management really just about talking about respecting all indi-
vidual differences? If so, this is problematic and cannot in its present
form lead to inclusive organizations. There is a real danger in seeing
differences as benign variation among people. It overlooks the role of
conflict, power, dominance and the history of how organizations are
fundamentally structured by race, gender and class (Nkomo, cited by
Wrench, 2005).
Who is right? It depends on what evidence you look at. Some statistical
surveys seem to demonstrate that the proportions of people in or out of
employment from different ethnic groups in the UK have barely shifted
in 35 years. The gender pay gap remains stubbornly wide. People with
disabilities are still extremely disadvantaged in the workplace (statistics
36 The Employment Relationship

from the Labour Force Survey are available at

However, more anecdotal evidence suggests significant shifts in workplace
cultures, with many organizations becoming profoundly more welcoming
and inclusive and individuals demonstrating significantly less tolerance
of racist, sexist and homophobic attitudes.
Much of the practice of diversity management is concerned with the
technology of management; monitoring the workforce, establishing
benchmarks and targets, and assessing policies for possible impact on
equality initiatives. It is not clear how effective these approaches are.
Anecdotally there is some support for more soft approaches, such as
creating a culture of respect throughout the organization, developing
flexible approaches to designing work and the liberal use of encourage-
ment; these last examples are practices that benefit everybody but may
have a disproportionately positive effect on workers from marginalized
groups. Kandola and Fullertons (2003) survey of 2,500 organizations
(57 per cent private sector, 41 per cent public sector) found that the
initiatives that were regarded as most successful were universal benefits
and flexible working, while the least successful were setting targets
for the composition of the workforce and using positive action in


Individually, can you list three ways in which diversity gives your organization a
competitive edge?

In small groups discuss whether you think that a diverse workforce is good, bad or
just irrelevant for business.

Points to ponder

Does valuing diverse identities lead to a reduction in inequality between different

groups in society?

What evidence would you look for to decide? And what does existing evidence say?
Managing Diverse Identities at Work 37

Key concepts and debates summary

We have seen that every organization must ensure that its policies and
practices meet the legislative requirements that protect people from
discrimination. This legislation emerged from the social movements of
the 1960s and 1970s in the United States, the UK and beyond and their
aim is to ensure that there is equal opportunity for all regardless of race,
gender, disability or any other unfair cause of disadvantage. Nevertheless,
the best way of challenging such deep-rooted causes of disadvantage
is contested. Proponents of the business case for diversity maintain
that a diverse workforce confers competitive advantage and is good for
business. Advocates of the social justice case point out that inequality
between rich and poor is increasing, rather than decreasing, and that the
diversity approach, which, especially in the United States, is based on
maximizing individual potential for the good of the firm, has lost sight
of structural inequalities such as class and poverty issues that are
shared among a group.
Wrench writes: diversity management is too simplistic. It presents
a model that is relational rather than structural in nature: its emphasis
on aspects such as training, communication, mentoring and team
work excludes the more fundamental issues of structural equity and
accountability. Even after diversity management programmes have been
implemented real problems of exclusion, conflict, harassment and margina
lization continue to exist in organizations (Wrench 2005).
Wrench (and others) argue that the emphasis on diversity has actually
worked against the realization of equality. They say that this is because, by
ignoring the existence of structural inequalities, an emphasis on diversity
implies that if an individual doesnt make it it is that persons fault.
Furthermore, although one of the key differences between the social
justice approach and the business case approach is that of repositioning
diversity management as the responsibility of the entire workforce rather
than reposing in the HR department. This is primarily because of its
links to the business case and its emphasis on the relevance of diversity
to other specialist functions such as marketing, strategy and product
development. However, despite these claims the methods generally
proposed to manage diversity still seem to be those of HRM.
The key dilemma seems to be the one that Edwards (1987) posed:
how can we know when we should treat people similarly because of
their similarities, and when is it more fair to treat people differently
38 The Employment Relationship

because of their differences? Our ideas about similarity and difference

are at the heart of how we perceive our identity. Therefore, in the next
section we go on to explore how contributions to understanding processes
of identity formation, drawn from people studying organizational
behaviour and processes more widely, can help us in developing a deeper
understanding of the dynamics at play in diversity management.

Processes of identity formation at work

Many explanations of identity are based in psychology or anthropology.
However, in this chapter we are primarily interested in how we see
ourselves and others in an organizational (social) context and how
organizational processes and dynamics influence this process of deter-
mining and reshaping our social selves. In this section we will explore
some contrasting theories about how we develop a sense of personal
identity and their implications for managing diversity at work. We will
explore the intersection between the individual and the organization;
exploring how the organization manages employees identities, looking
at those aspects it believes offer competitive advantage; those it finds
problematic; those it regards as irrelevant, and how these differ in dif
ferent cultures, sectors and occupational groups. We will ask whether
the ways in which organizations and individuals influence each others
identity formation are benign, coercive or even discriminatory.

What is identity?
Identity captures those characteristics, friendliness or professionalism
for example, that contribute to our sense of how we see ourselves and
how others see us. But where does our sense of identity come from?
The nature/nurture debate refers to two contrasting positions; that
the characteristics that make up our sense of identity are biologically
determined (nature) versus the view that they are socially constructed
(nurture). Theories developed from the biological determinism approach
include those of Darwin, who explored the ways in which different
species evolve over time to ensure survival, and the more recent work on
the human genome project that aims to identify the ways in which
personality is determined by our genes.
In contrast, there are theories that start from the assumption that iden
tity is socially constructed by: a combination of individual and collective
Managing Diverse Identities at Work 39

histories and experiences and our responses to them; and through the
roles we take on (such as the role of a good mother or professional
manager) and how we carry them out. Individuals may feel most at ease
with themselves when they perceive themselves as having a clear role to
play that is recognized and confirmed in their relationships with others
(Billington, Hockey and Strawbridge, 1998). Watson describes this two-
way development of identity well. He writes: Identity is a notion of
who a particular person is in relation to others. It defines in what ways
the individual is like other people and in what ways they differ from
other people. It has a self-identity component (the individuals own
notion of self) and a social identity component (the notion others have
of who the person is) (Watson, 2002).
Watsons suggestion is that we actually have multiple identities that
are comprised of our own notions about ourselves along with the ways
in which we are perceived by others. These, of course, will include our
membership of various groups, such as those defined by gender, race
or ethnicity, religion or age, among others. So, the choices we make
about our attitudes and behaviour shape our personalities, but then we
are also recognized, chosen, defended or even accused by others, based
on their perception and estimation of these different characteristics, as
shown in Figure 1.1.

F i g u re 1.1 Factors that have an impact on diversity


Education Religion

status Military

Physical Sexual
ability orientation
Parental Race location
40 The Employment Relationship

Dynamics of identity formation at work

Jenkins (1996) describes identity as process that is developed over time
through constant negotiation with those around us. Identity then emerges
as an ever-changing consequence of agreements and disagreements.
Individuals make judgements on how to behave depending on their
exposures to different situations and circumstances. Some of these
behaviours may become deeply embedded and seem almost permanent
while others are more rapidly changing. We can see this clearly if we
think about young graduates going through assessment centres and then
into the workplace. It is important for them to make a particular impres-
sion during the assessments and interviews in order to persuade the
organization that they will fit in. Once accepted, they begin to assimilate
into organizational life taking on a number of different role identities
as they adapt to the culture and the environment. As they become more
professional in their jobs their professional identity also evolves and
becomes more prominent.
Identity can also be shaped by a perception of affinity, or similarity,
as in those instances when employees believe there to be a close match
between their own attitudes or beliefs and those of the company they work
for. People may choose to work for companies they can identify with and
they often thrive in those environments. This is what we understand as
commonality: factors that we recognize in ourselves and elsewhere that
create familiarity and proximity.
However, work identities can also be taken on that allow the indi-
vidual to fit in with the immediate environment. We can see this
attempt to fit in acted out in the popular UK and US reality television
show The Apprentice, where all the candidates are desperate to show
how much they are like Lord Sugar or Donald Trump, even if this
involves doing things and behaving in ways that are unusual or even
unprincipled. HR managers sometimes regard this characteristic as
being adaptable and often consider it to be a much sought-after skill
for organizational effectiveness.
How does this relate to diversity? Some of the ideas that we absorb
about how we should behave, or even what we should be like, are a
consequence of often outdated stereotypes about what a good worker
should be. As we assume roles as professionals, parents and partners,
these social roles add to the base identity creating a more complex
one that is often splintered to help us manage competing pressures.
Mead and Freud (cited in Craib, 1998) refer to social identities as social
Managing Diverse Identities at Work 41

selves but not in the same way as having a cast of actors more in the
way of having different parts of our identity responsible (or best suited)
for different roles in our lives. The face we assume then may not neces-
sarily be recognized by people known to us, as illustrated in the case
study below.

C A S E S T UDY Window on practice: Malcolms different social


Malcolm is a chartered engineer in a highly pressured telecoms organization. He has tight

objectives and his bonuses are linked directly to his achieving these objectives. He has
a reputation for getting things done but often through frequently raising his voice and
behaving in an intimidating manner to his staff. He claims that in this industry this is the only
language that is understood and you have to make your presence felt and your voice heard
otherwise the staff will laze around and underperform. At his last performance review,
anonymous upward feedback indicated that staff were afraid of Malcolm and found him
threatening; some called him a bully and, although they liked working for the organization,
if they could find another job they would quickly leave.

Malcolms friends are surprised when he shares this information with them as they
find Malcolm accommodating and extremely helpful though sometimes a bit steadfast and
right-minded in his views.

In this example we see what is termed as a social identity being formed:

Malcolm absorbing the pressures of his job to produce an impression
of himself that gets results. It is believed that we become performers
in organizations we are presented with a contract and a script
upon which we must deliver an outcome or be dropped from the
film. The Malcolm at home may be a different person or may well
continue to rant and rave (personality extension) as a way of manag
ing the stress from work. Individuals may become so caught up in
this work identity that others in their personal lives no longer recognize
who they are.
42 The Employment Relationship

C A S E S T UDY Window on practice: Mandys different social


Mandy recently applied for a job heading up her department in a prominent university.
No-one else had applied and Mandy was successfully interviewed and given the job.
At the time Mandy was the only female academic in her department and there was
resentment from her male colleagues that they would have to answer to her. One went as
far as suggesting to HR that her track record of performance and research was not good
and that they were making a mistake putting her in this role. Mandy realized that in order to
manage this group of professional men who would constantly try to undermine her she
would have to adopt a more masculine approach to this role.

According to Craib (1998) one of the ways in which we reduce anxiety

in everyday living is to identify ourselves with something else trying
to make our social identity into our identity, often to reduce any
biases against ourselves. For example, we see female CEOs acting
more masculine (in dress, language, posturing, aggression even) in order
to be better accepted into the boardroom. These coercive pressures
to conform to images of the ideal worker may cause people to try to
adapt to unrealistic expectations, or even to deny important aspects of
themselves. For example, a devout Muslim woman who wishes to wear
a hijab to work may struggle to reconcile this desire with her perception
that the organization will not see her as ambitious and aspiring to senior
However, another response to these pressures may be anger and
alienation. What is sometimes referred to as identity politics is about
seeking recognition for who we are and the struggles arising from what
is perceived to be the discrimination, oppression or neglect. According
to Schwabenland (2012) these struggles then become characterized by
political platforms in organizations based on a shared sense of what
people are (such as gender, race, caste, religion) rather than what they do
(their professional role).
One of the organizational practices that has been subject to a lot of
critique is that of monitoring employees by race, ethnicity, gender,
etc (Mason, 2003). There are many arguments in favour of monitoring
for example it provides a benchmark against which progress can be
measured. On the other hand, it can also be seen as an invasion of
Managing Diverse Identities at Work 43

privacy. Also, the categories that are chosen for monitoring staff are
always problematic. Mason analysed the categories used in the UK census
and commented that they: represent a curious mishmash of princi-
ples of differentiation. Thus, they mix, in a variety of inconsistent ways,
skin colour, geographical origin, and nationality or citizenship catego-
ries (Mason 2003).
Another criticism that is made against monitoring practices is that in
choosing to highlight certain characteristics over others the effect is to
reinforce peoples sense of difference. It is interesting to note that in
France it is illegal for employers to monitor the ethnic diversity of its
workforce because this is believed to reinforce a sense of separation and
inequality rather than emphasizing the commonality of shared citizen-
ship. However, in the UK public bodies are required to monitor the
workforce in the belief that this will help to identify hidden discrimina-
tion and disadvantage.


Look at the job applications for five different companies that are advertising for staff.

Do they include an equal opportunities monitoring form?

If so, how similar or different are the categories that are provided?

Points to ponder

What are your experiences of monitoring?

Do you feel comfortable with the categories you are given to choose from?

Demographic, social and political trends are creating great changes in

the composition of the labour market. For example, we are living longer,
may well be working longer, come from increasingly different countries
and places, have different expectations from work and have different
Changes in terms of organizational mergers and political agendas will
continue to strengthen these alterations, resulting in a complex range of
44 The Employment Relationship

possible identities and affiliations (Mullins, 2010). Managing people in

organizations requires not only an understanding of the employees but
also recognition of the environment in which they exist, especially of
their cultures. Managers want to select the right individuals to fit into
the organization but they also have to be prepared to challenge their
own assumptions about what makes someone right. Managers also
need to understand the impact the organizations culture and, indeed,
their own personality will have on others.

Processes of identity formation summary

Our sense of identity rests not only on what we bring to the organization
but also on how we respond to the expectations that the organization
has on us. These can be explicit (such as dress codes) or implicit (whether
people behave differently towards men and women), intentional (how
the organization thinks its workers should behave) or unintentional
(involving assumptions taken for granted, such as that all couples are
heterosexual) that may reinforce traditional stereotypes. We may react
to these coercive pressures to conform by adapting our behaviour,
even to the extent that our self-image is altered and transformed. Or we
may choose to resist and challenge them. Managing diverse identities
requires employees and managers alike to develop greater awareness
of how these dynamics of identity formation are created, maintained,
challenged and experienced at work.

Diversity in a global context

In this section we will suggest some critical questions that managers
could ask themselves that would be useful in identifying the most
relevant diversity issues for their different contexts. Such questions could
include: who is privileged in this organization? Who is disadvantaged?
How is that disadvantage maintained? What behaviour is or is not
acceptable and how is that supported? What are the possibilities for
changing operating systems that have a discriminatory impact? The aim
of this section is to help managers and management students relate
to the more theoretical debates about diversity (some of which have
a very Western-centric orientation that may be of little direct relevance
to people working in different contexts) to their own situations.
Managing Diverse Identities at Work 45

When you read about cross-cultural management you will find a lot
written about the importance of managers respecting cultural differ-
ences (Hofstede, 2001a; Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner, 1997).
The international manager should recognize that people from different
cultures may have developed different understandings of such concepts
as authority and respect. Branine writes that researching cross-cultural
management: helps to establish the ways by which national cultural
differences influence employment policies and practices of different
countries and the ways by which national and international organiza-
tions have responded to them in a world that is determined by a
globalizing power of business on the one hand and a localizing power of
culture and politics on the other (Branine, 2011).
This brings us back to Edwards (1987) comment: when is it more
equitable to treat people differently because of their differences and
when does different treatment become unfair discrimination?
Managing diversity as a concept originated in the United States
(Kirton and Greene, 2005). Indeed, the underlying idea that it is desir
able to challenge inequality and that every human being is equal to all
others and is entitled to certain basic rights, is part of a certain political
philosophy that is very deep rooted in Western societies.
However, even in the United States these ideas have not always been
shared until the 1960s it was illegal for black people and white people
to marry in some southern states. In South Africa that was also the case
until the 1990s.
Applying diversity management approaches in different contexts may
require great sensitivity to the local context. They may be controversial,
even illegal. For example, in the United States and the UK it is illegal to
discriminate against people on the basis of sexual orientation; in parts of
the Caribbean and Africa it is illegal to enter into a same-sex relation-
ship; in Iran people who are openly gay or lesbian are executed. In the
UK it is illegal to discriminate against people with disabilities but for
many years people with disabilities were sterilized in the United States so
that they would not be able to have children. In the United States and in
Europe it is illegal to discriminate against women, while in parts of India
and China female children are regularly killed.
One important consideration is that the groups who are protected
under legislation in the United States or the UK may not be the groups
facing the most significant disadvantage, either there or in other countries.
For example, diversity management is more concerned with horizontal
inequalities than vertical inequalities. Horizontal inequalities are the
46 The Employment Relationship

differences across groups (such as gender, race, ethnicity and religion)

while vertical inequalities are those of power, status, class and income.
Very little diversity literature has much to say about income differentials
and the gap between rich and poor.
Another important aspect is the relative disadvantage of minority and
majority groups. Although much of what is written about diversity tends
to assume that people who are experiencing discrimination are likely to
come from minority groups, that isnt always the case. For example, in
South Africa only 11 per cent of the population is white and yet the wealth
of the country is still disproportionately concentrated in their hands.
In the Philippines 1 per cent of Chinese control 60 per cent of private
income (Chua, 2004). Chua describes market dominating minorities as
the Achilles heel of free market democracy (Chua 2004).
Other people who may not be recognized in strategies to promote
diversity are nomadic or tribal people, whose relationship to land is
unconventional. In Europe Roma or Travelling communities continue
to experience ongoing discrimination, as do people from First Nations
in the United States, Australia and Canada. In many countries refugees
or asylum seekers, who may have lost their connection to their home-
land, may also be disadvantaged in many ways, including access to
appropriate employment many refugees are highly qualified and were
doing demanding and skilled jobs in their own countries before being
forced to leave.


Applying the business case for diversity to your own country, if your organizations
were more diverse would that bring you greater competitive advantage?

Points to ponder

Which groups of people in your country are disadvantaged in employment?

What do you think are the long-term consequences of inequality in access to jobs
and promotion?
Managing Diverse Identities at Work 47

If you work in an MNC, especially if the parent company is a US or

European company, the ideas and practices described in this chapter
will be very important to its culture and you will need a basic under-
standing of them. But it is for you to decide how best to apply them
in your own setting.

Key learning points and conclusions

Managing diversity is part of the job role for everyone working in
organizations not just for HR practitioners.
Understanding diversity is key to enabling good practices to thrive
and become part of the culture of organizations.
Essential to unpicking diversity issues is to understand the nature
of the individuals involved and their specific identities.
As society is becoming more individualistic there is more emphasis
on fairness and equitable treatment, a greater emphasis being placed
on the ways in which workers are managed.
Each of us will bring different aspects of our being to work and
how we participate in organizational life will depend on how our
individual identities are perceived and accommodated.
Organizations and individuals each manipulate their understandings
of their own and each others identities to aid, or increase,
Managing across diverse cultures requires preparation as well as
deep understanding of how other people wish to be treated.

Case study and discussion questions

C A S E S T UDY How to manage across cultures

Bernard Smith is the newly appointed general manager of international marketing for
a large UK company. His first challenge is to chair a meeting. The participants are John
Miller, the American marketing manager; Hans Schmidt, the German operations manager;
Nato Suzuki, the Japanese distribution manager; Mohammed Salleh, the Arab financial
manager; and Li Chen, the Chinese manager of market research.
48 The Employment Relationship

After a brief introduction by each manager on his groups activities, Smith formally
and politely opens the floor to discussion. Schmidt questions the information that
Suzuki has presented and its sources. Suzuki responds briefly, but senses an argument.
Not wanting to destroy the harmony of the meeting, he suggests that the two of them
meet later for lunch.

Miller then tries to defend Suzukis position, at which point Miller and Schmidt get into a
heated debate. Salleh tries to intervene, pointing out that everyone should listen to what
each other has to say. In order to proceed with the meeting, Salleh invites Suzuki to present
his rationale, experiences and final opinions again. Believing in teamwork, Suzuki takes the
opportunity to ask the other managers to clarify some of the points discussed before giving
his opinion.

In a bid to alleviate the tension, Smith makes a joke and then asks Chen to elaborate on the
data he has presented, realizing that the Chinese representative has been waiting for an
invitation. Like Suzuki, Chen responds without drawing any conclusions and leaves the
decision to Smith. He then turns to Salleh and requests more money for research. Salleh
categorically refuses, stating that he is in charge of finances and that the entire budget has
already been allocated. Chen bows to his authority.

Smith now decides to wrap up the debate and come to an agreement. Miller immediately
recommends a democratic vote, but Schmidt insists on delaying any vote until all the
information is in. Suzuki smiles nervously and points out that the debate should continue
until everyone is in agreement. He suggests that more time should be taken to help everyone
settle down, perhaps during lunch and even a round of golf. For his part, Salleh supports
Millers suggestion for a vote, stating: God will help the majority.

Smith finds himself in the middle of a multicultural clash and calls for a coffee break,
wondering what he will do to break the deadlock. Luckily, his secretary reminds him of his
flight to Asia in two hours. Smith excuses himself and heads out to Heathrow airport, hoping
that the problem will take care of itself while he is gone.

Smith then visits Malaysia, Korea and Japan, where he attempts to tie up sales agreements.
But in every city his hopes are dashed. In Malaysia, his 9.00 am appointment with a senior
manager is changed to an 11.00 am lunch with a junior manager, Noor Ismail, who is more
interested in learning about Smiths companys past activities in Malaysia than he is in
product details.

Two days later, without confirmation from Ismail, he flies to Korea. Following tentative
agreement with a Korean junior manager, Smith has brought a contract for final signa
ture. To his surprise, the junior manager says the vice-president has not agreed the terms
of the contract and has requested a 30 per cent discount. The meeting ends with no

In Japan, Smith fares little better, despite having laid the groundwork with his agent.
He invites the potential clients to a sushi dinner and is bombarded with questions.
Managing Diverse Identities at Work 49

But no formal order is made. Sitting in the taxi on the way to the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo at
11.30 pm, Smith is not sure that the 300 sushi bill will ever pay off and wonders where
he went wrong.

Source Elashmawi, F (2000). First published in People Management magazine 30 March 2000

Discussion questions

What preparations could Smith have made to ensure a more successful outcome?
What questions does the case study raise about managing across diverse cultures?
What advice would you offer a new manager taking up a similar international role?



making decisions
and people
R a i sa A r v i nen -Mu on d o

L earn i n g o b j e c t i v es

Understand what perception is as a sensory process and the

implications of common errors.
Gain a sense of what perception means on an individual level
and as a socially constructed phenomenon.
Understand what perception means for organizational members,
both managers and the managed, in culturally diverse environments.
Learn to identify and evaluate critically the potential impact that
individual perceptions may have on decision making when
developing and using people management processes and practices.

Perception that is, the way in which we as individuals see and interpret
the environment around us and others behaviour in it has an impact
on and guides the kind of decisions we make about our own subsequent
actions. Think of organizations as living breathing organisms: although
structured around processes, practices and policies, they are inherently
52 The Employment Relationship

sustained by individual people, all with unique ways of seeing and inter-
preting the world around them, working together in groups to achieve a
purpose. Therefore, the ways in which people, both managers and those
who are managed, perceive others behaviour, as well as the practices used
and structures in which they work, are likely to have a wide-reaching
impact on organizational effectiveness. So when talking about people
management, the impact of perception, a concept that has been explored
in the organizational behaviour rubric but by and large overlooked as
a concept in its own right in the area of HRM, warrants attention as
we as thinking living human beings attempt to navigate through organ
izational contexts in which we place ourselves. Like a pebble thrown
into a pond, the impact of perception ripples through to all facets of
organizational life, including practices and processes such as recruitment
and selection, reward management, performance management, training
and development, and succession planning.
We are constantly making sense of our surroundings and choose
to act or react based on what we perceive as happening around us.
The assumption is that, based on our interpretations of observed
phenomena, we as individuals then consciously or unconsciously make
judgements and take decisions to react or behave in a given manner.
As the focus of this chapter, and indeed the book is human behaviour, in
organizational contexts I argue that the way in which people make sense
of the world in which they interact with inanimate objects, structures,
practices and processes as well as other social beings is contextual.
Our environments, both social and organizational are occupied by other
human beings, albeit in different capacities and to varying degrees,
but nonetheless we do not behave in isolation. We are social actors in
constant interplay with our environment and other social actors within
it. From a managerial perspective, the question then arises, given the
contextual nature of perception and consequent behaviour, what are
some of the signals that managers need to recognize and act upon to
manage individuals and teams to meet shared organizational goals that
are conducive to optimal business performance?
The Introduction stated that in this book the intention is to adopt
a normative approach as we explore various key OB concepts and their
relevance to people management and the practice of HRM. So if percep-
tion is contextual, what can we learn about the concept as a process
that you could potentially apply universally within practice to help you
navigate the world of organizational life in a way that will make you
an effective and motivated organizational member? This chapter cannot
Perception, Making Decisions and People Management 53

give you an entirely prescriptive list of instructions that would account

for every possible scenario in the world of work. However, by adopting an
OB lens and explaining what the perceptual process entails, its potential
impact on individual judgement and decision making, and demonstrat-
ing these through vignettes and case studies, the intention is to equip you
with the skills to ask the right questions. These are the questions that
will enable you to assess the potential impact individual perceptions
have on the way people are managed in the contexts you will encounter
beyond your studies and certainly beyond this book.

Social perception and cultural perspectives

Although the mechanics of the perceptual sensory process will be
explained to lay the foundations, this chapter attempts to move away
from positivist notions premised on an idea of single observable objec-
tive reality. The focus of this chapter will be on the role of social percep-
tion in individual judgement and decision-making processes and the
implications for people management practices. Social perception refers
to the perceptions people have of other people as opposed to their
perception of inanimate objects. Adopting a social behaviouristic
perspective (Ryckman, 1997), the underpinning logic presented in this
chapter is that most of our behaviour is socially learned and geared
towards achieving a specific goal, rather than innate. In other words,
interaction between people is multidimensional and influenced by the
external environment. Therefore, it can be logically argued that our
behaviour and perceptions of others behaviour also depends on our
previous socialization experiences (Bandura and Walters, 1963). The
increasing multicultural and multinational nature of labour forces and
indeed business operations means that the norms and values of the
environment into which we have been socialized and which we are con-
ditioned by are constantly being redefined and challenged by behaviour
that we may see as foreign. Think of yourself and some of the values
and traits you see as important and how you may have come to think
this way. Perhaps you value timeliness as it was instilled in you by your
parents expectation that you be home every evening by 5.00 pm for
dinner, or your teacher dismissed you from class for being five minutes
late. Our attitudes towards time are culturally contextual, as research by
well-known writers on cross-cultural management such as Hofstede
(1991) and Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner (1997) among others
54 The Employment Relationship

has shown. A manager who comes from a culture that values punctuality
would perhaps struggle to understand why employees from cultures that
hold very flexible attitudes towards time, for example many African and
Latin American cultures, are what he or she perceives to be consistently
late. The manager might mistakenly interpret such tardiness as laziness,
which in return may have significant consequences on the performance
management of the employees. The employees in turn would perhaps
struggle to understand why their manager has appraised them in ways
that they perceive to be harsh, since for them time is flexible and main-
taining and building relationships are qualities that are valued over
punctuality. Thus, we are constantly challenged to interpret our surround-
ings in a way that makes sense to us and, vice versa, communicate our
actions or reactions in ways that makes sense to the person at the other
end of the communication equation. In other words, successful inter
cultural communication (verbal and non-verbal) in business requires
that parties are able to understand how their decisions and subsequent
behaviour may be perceived and interpreted by others.

Points to ponder

What are the implications for our interpretations of behaviour when our
understanding of acceptable behaviour is based on distinct cultural values?

How do perceptions of fairness and equality in an employment relationship differ

in different cultural contexts?

What are the potential implications of mismatched perceptions?

If decision making is reliant on individual interpretation, then what are the

potential consequences in the organizational environment and on HRM policy
and practice?

Definitions of perception seem to vary depending on the dictionary one
refers to, but one thing they all seem to have in common is the notion
that perception is inherently about how we receive information through
our senses (sensory organs) and how we then go about analysing it to
make it meaningful. In order to understand what perception may mean
Perception, Making Decisions and People Management 55

in the context of organizational behaviour, it is helpful to elaborate on

this a little and as such perception is defined here as a mental process,
which involves selecting, receiving, attending to, organizing, structuring,
interpreting and storing information in order to make sense of the world
that surrounds us. The perceptual process is how we make sense of the
environment external to us, events that occur within it and the behaviour
of other social actors that occupy the space with us. First we select,
receive and attend to stimuli (a thing or an event that evokes a specific
reaction). Then we organize and interpret the stimuli in a way that is
meaningful to us. Finally, we store our interpretations so that they can
be retrieved later as the basis of new perceptions. Perceptions are inher-
ently interpretations we make about what we see, hear, taste, smell and
touch, a subjective reality, rather than an objective one that could be
interpreted the same way by all social actors. The perceptual process is
very much individualized and two people observing and experiencing
the same thing are likely to infer different meanings. Therefore, the
world we experience is never reality per se, but one individuals person-
alized version of reality (see Knights and McCabe, 2000).
The individualized way in which we perceive starts at the very begin-
ning of the process, where we select (consciously or unconsciously) what
information to process as we are confronted with more information than
we can possibly handle at any one time. Our attention to and selection
of information to process depends on both external and internal factors.
What we are inclined to notice through our senses is determined on one
hand by internal factors relating to us as individuals (our physical
abilities, personalities and past experiences, for example, make us recep-
tive to different things). On the other it is determined by external factors
relating to the environment, which we may have very little control over.
Take our sensory system; for example, we are inclined to notice sudden
sounds like the doorbell or a sudden shriek from another person over
constant humming of a computer, heating system or a fish-tank filter.
An individual growing up in a Western developed country travelling
around in underdeveloped countries, confronted with images and narra-
tives of poverty in reality for the first time, is likely to react differently
than someone who lives it on a daily basis. Our sensory system also
changes and evolves, particularly if we are exposed to certain stimuli
for longer periods, or vice versa. We also learn to adapt to our environ-
ments. Situations that may have felt alien to us previously, through con-
tinuous exposure become familiar and as we learn to interpret them
accurately we are better able to appreciate them, if not perhaps like or
56 The Employment Relationship

agree with them. Think about how we use technology to communicate

with others as an example. In the UK, many people are what I would
refer to as texters. Rather than actually calling a person, they prefer to
send a text message from their mobile phone. Indeed some people only
call others if it is an absolute necessity and manage to maintain their
friendships through a series of mobile phone SMS messages. However,
many individuals coming from more interpersonal relationship-focused
cultures may see this as odd and very impersonal or even offensive when
directed at them. One might interpret continuous texting as disres
pectful as the sender does not appear to value the receiver enough as an
individual to take the time to call in person. Text messages may be seen
as practical for relaying a practical message, but insufficient for sustain-
ing a relationship between friends, which would require face-to-face
time or talk time at the bare minimum. However, if an individual from
a relationship-focused culture (see Glossary) comes to appreciate that
texting in a more transactional culture (see Glossary) is seen as a
normal way of communicating between friends and acquaintances,
they are less likely to interpret it as lack of interest or take offence when
directed at them, even if they do not fully agree with it.
An essential part of the perceptual process is the way in which we
organize and structure the information that we receive according to
schemas. Here it is helpful to refer to Clegg, Kornberger and Pitsiss
(2008) summary of the variety of schemas (or schemata) that we as in-
dividuals use to structure meaning of the information that we constantly
receive from the world around us. There are several types of schemas
that structure the meaning we attribute to things, events or people, which
I will introduce here. We hold:

schemas about ourselves (self-schemas) that help us structure

the way we see ourselves and construct self-conceptions;
schemas about others (person schemas) that guide the way we
see and behave with others;
social schemas that structure our knowledge about the world
and what is socially important;
schemas that help us remember and understand information
so that we can function in the world on a daily basis (script

Using the language of performance, we as individuals act out several

scripts every day to carry out routine tasks, such as shopping for food
Perception, Making Decisions and People Management 57

and going to work. As social actors we act out these scripts through
a variety of roles in constant interplay with other social actors perform-
ing their roles simultaneously. Not only do we structure the meaning we
infer about the roles that we play ourselves, but also the roles others act
out in a given interaction (role schemas). Schemas essentially contain
information about our underlying values and beliefs and we base our
interpretations of the world on the value systems that we hold.
Returning to the metaphor of performance is fitting here. The Concise
Oxford Dictionary of Music (2007) defines interpretation (in music)
as merely an act of performance, with the implication that in it the
performers judgement and personality have a share. In the same way,
individuals act out their roles in the environment they occupy structured
by their underlying belief and value systems (schemas). Essentially the
process of interpretation is about clarifying and explaining the stimuli
that we receive through our senses and the resulting conclusions or
assumptions are defined by the interpreting individuals personality and
judgement. Here we refer to judgement as a process of assessment (of the
situation and possible options) that leads to considered decisions about
the course of action in any given situation. If we are unique individual
thinking human beings, the assumption here is that no two individuals
undergo the exact same process of judgement, even if they arrive at
similar conclusions. The judgements we make are shaped by our previous
experiences. We make assumptions about situations and other people in
our environment all the time, often based on pre-set assumptions that we
hold and may not even be aware of. Although not particularly politically
correct to admit and certainly organizations should devise measures
that seek to manage people across the board equally it is impossible to
eliminate the impact of individual judgement in people management
practices. A survey of 300 senior managers carried out by an executive
communications and management development consultancy, for example,
showed that 70 per cent of surveyed managers prefer thinner workers
(Phillips, 2007). It was reported that appearances and weight had an
impact on the chances for success in the workplace as thinner individuals
were seen as being self-disciplined and having more self-control. It is not
clear in which cultural context this survey (Phillips, 2007) was carried
out, but it raises an interesting question about context. The findings of
the study reported that the senior managers surveyed equated thinness
with success, a common modern and Western ideology. However, in many
cultural contexts where fatness may be perceived as a sign of wealth and
prosperity, managers might be inclined to equate being overweight with
58 The Employment Relationship

success. A newly published Malawian novelist, Thumbiko Shumba, cap-

tures this sentiment well in his novel Worklife as he narrates a fictitious
conversation between his main character and a friend: In Africa, a leader
should look fat or pot-bellied. Generally, Africa associates fatness with
good things. A sign a child will be a leader is if he or she is fat. You will
notice that many cabinet ministers and corporate managers in Africa are
fat (Shumba, 2010).
Judgement, the process of evaluating our options, is the interconnect-
ing link between perception and decision making, be that in terms of
individual or collective decision making. In organizational contexts that
transcend cultural, linguistic and geographical borders, employees and
managers should develop both an awareness of bias in their own cultural
value system as well as endeavour to understand the values that underpin
other systems at play in their environment. Mutual understanding of
different cultural value systems is needed in order for organizational
members to make decisions at individual level as well as at corporate
level about action in a way that allows them to be understood by other
organizational members as they were intended. I will return to the
topic of perception and decision making later in the chapter. Conse
quences of judgement will be discussed further in the next section,
which explores some of the common errors of perception and examines
practical implications for people management practice.
The final step to the perceptual process, as mentioned earlier, is
storing and retrieving our interpretations of observed stimuli or ex
perienced phenomena. By this I mean that the observations we process
together with our experiences act as the basis of new perceptions we
have; they are stored, retrieved and reinterpreted. Our previous assump-
tions are updated and new ones created, implying that the perceptual
process is an iterative and a dynamic one and that perception does not
happen in isolation. Our continuous construction and deconstruction
of the world around us through the perceptual process defines our
behaviour and interaction with other social actors.
The way that we perceive others behaviour influences how we choose
to behave in return. Within dynamic social interaction we attribute
different traits and characteristics to people. We judge their behaviour
relative to other actors in our environment and based on our previous
experiences. Therefore, an essential component of the perceptual process
that requires further elaboration is the process of attribution. Attribution
theory, developed by Heider (1958), is about how we attribute cause to
our own behaviour or to the behaviour of others. It is essentially about
Perception, Making Decisions and People Management 59

asking Why do I behave the way I do? and Why do others behave
the way that they do? According to attribution theory, behaviour is
essentially determined by internal and/or external forces. Internal attribu
tion (internal locus of control) therefore refers to the process whereby
we attribute certain behaviour of individuals to internal factors such as
skills, ability, effort or perhaps dispositional traits (for example being
happy, kind, angry, mean). External attribution (external locus of control)
refers to the process whereby we attribute the cause of certain behaviour
to external environmental factors such as the organizational structure,
culture, the disposition of others or even the climate. Locus of control
(see Glossary) has significant implications for organizations. Research
conducted among managers in Skanska, a Swedish multinational organ-
ization (MNC), reported that individuals with a high external locus of
control preferred participative decision making, for example (Selart,
2005). Research has also shown that individual personality traits such as
locus of control correlate to job performance and success (Verbeke,
1994). Individuals with an internal locus of control, who equate their
personal effort with success, are likely to be higher performers than those
who believe that their success depends on external factors (Patten, 2005).
However, attribution comes with its own set of errors, which we will
discuss in the next section with other common perceptual errors.

Common errors of perception

Having established what perception is and what the perceptual process
entails, it is time to have a look at some of the common errors that we
frequently make in our interpretations and judgements, and to explore
some of the possible implications in organizational contexts for how
people can be managed. In this section I will explore common errors
such as stereotyping, the halo effect, self-fulfilling prophecies, perceptual
defence, attribution errors and cognitive dissonance.

Stereotyping is a process of ascribing characteristics (positive or negative)
to a person or thing based on widely held but oversimplified ideas.
By stereotyping we categorize people or objects into groups according
to our general perceptions, usually when we dont have sufficient cues to
make an informed judgement. Stereotyping is generally seen as negative,
60 The Employment Relationship

an error, but are there situations when stereotypes can become helpful
generalizations? In intercultural consultancy, expatriates embarking on
an assignment in a new country are on the one hand encouraged to
steer clear of stereotyping and making preconceived value judgements
about their local employees and peers. Clients are guided on picking
up social cues and taught to question why things are done perhaps
differently in their host country than back home before jumping to
possibly the wrong conclusions. Trainers encourage new expatriates
to have an open mind and develop an understanding for the local context.
However, when advising on specific cultural contexts, intercultural
consultants and trainers inevitably rely on some form of generalization
or helpful stereotyping to assist clients to make sense of the cultural
customs and values of host country. After all, it would not be helpful to
any relocating expatriate to be told: Well, in France it just all depends.
Instead, trainers need to be able to communicate helpful generalizations
without judgement such as In France (or Italy, Portugal or Spain) it
is customary to greet people with kisses on both cheeks or referring
to research: Many African cultures tend to be interpersonal rather than
transactional and therefore relationships are important. Stereotypes
become unhelpful when they infer negative value judgements about
others based on broad generalizations. Most widely used examples
of this would be cultural and racial stereotyping where individuals are
judged negatively based on their belonging to a particular racial or
cultural group.

The halo effect

The halo effect, a concept first coined by Thorndike (1920), refers to the
generalization of a whole based on a single perception, trait or char
acteristic. The belief that thin and attractive people are somehow more
successful in work is an example of the halo effect. If we see someone
being helpful to a homeless person on the street, we easily make an
assumption that the person must be a generally altruistic person, kind
and considerate in all situations. This may be the case, but we make this
assumption based on a single situation we observe without any evidence
to show that it will be the case in other situations also. We might perceive
some organizations as more ethical than others and we might infer that
because the organizations purpose is good (for example not-for-profit
organizations), they must also be good employers and provide a good work-
ing environment. In other words, if we ascribe traits or characteristics
Perception, Making Decisions and People Management 61

to a person or organization in one situation, we assume that they are

true or applicable in other situations too for that person or organization.

Self-fulfilling prophecies
Similar to the halo effect is the perceptual error that arises from self-
fulfilling prophecies. The self-fulfilling prophecy refers to a belief or expec-
tation, regardless of whether it is true or not, that influences ones own
behaviour and that of others in a way such that the belief or expectation
becomes true. In other words, a self-fulfilling prophecy is like a prediction
of behaviour, regardless of the validity of the perception: if it is believed
to be true, it will become so. The self-fulfilling prophecy is also referred
to as the Pygmalion effect after George Bernard Shaws stage play about
a phonetics professor Henry Higgins who sets out to transform a very
Cockney Miss Eliza Doolittle into a refined young lady. Self-fulfilling
prophecy is also known as the Rosenthal effect, after a study of the effects
of teachers expectations of students performance by Rosenthal and
Jacobson (1992). Rosenthal and Jacobsons experiment showed that if
teachers believe that students are high achievers, regardless of whether
this is true or not, they are likely to act differently towards the students
they see as gifted and therefore, in time, as the students perceived to be
gifted are given more attention they become higher performers. Needless
to say, the findings of the study have significant implications for the pos-
sible effects of supervisors expectations on employees performance. If
individuals are identified as high flyers at an early stage of their careers,
according to the Pygmalion effect, their future success is predictable.
However, who determines which individuals have high potential? What
are the characteristics of a high flyer and are they transferable across
cultural contexts? Or as you enter the world of work as a graduate, is it
just a case of meeting the right person at the right time, who sees your
particular potential, which another person might miss? The idea that
peoples potential can be realized through the power of perception is
actually quite incredible. It raises a whole world of questions and debate
around how talent is managed, particularly as organizations tackle global
human resourcing. (Talent management will be explored in Chapter 6.)

Perceptual defence
We also have a tendency to screen out information (stimuli) that we find
perceptually threatening or difficult to process. This is called perceptual
62 The Employment Relationship

defence. We often use the term selective hearing jokingly when we

notice we have not heard information that we should have or when we
feel that others have not listened to us. However, people may in fact be
selective of what they want to hear or see and unconsciously prefer to
process information that is supportive of their own viewpoint rather
than information that challenges them to think about things differently.

Fundamental attribution error

Attribution theory was mentioned earlier. Attribution comes with its own
set of errors, the fundamental attribution error being that when we inter-
pret the behaviour of others, we have a tendency to attribute behaviour
(particularly what we perceive as failures) to internal factors (for example
disposition, personality or attitude). However, when we attribute cause
of our own failures, we have a tendency to attribute them to external
factors and when identifying causes of our successes, we attribute them
to internal factors (a self-serving bias). In other words, if we fail its
someone or something elses fault, but it we succeed we tend to see it as
a personal victory made possible because of our own skills, abilities and
exceeding personalities. Therefore, the way in which we perceive others
and the traits we attribute are not free of subjective value judgement.

Cognitive dissonance
Cognitive dissonance refers to the feeling of discomfort or anxiety that
we feel when we hold contradicting schemas. When this happens we
often reconcile by reinterpreting the conflicting information or we may
even perhaps change our beliefs. Imagine parents who are particularly
religious. They have always lived with the hope, perhaps even an as
sumption that their child will marry someone of the same faith as they
feel that two people of different faiths cannot possibly have a successful
marriage and raise a family. One day their daughter comes home and
tells her parents that she is going to marry a man of another faith. At
first the parents are very upset. They meet their future son-in-law and
find that he is kind, intelligent and successful and clearly makes their
daughter very happy as the young couple share the same vision for their
future. The parents cannot help but like him. Despite holding a very
strong belief of what they believed to be the right life choice, they change
their priorities (a happy daughter is more important than an pre-set
assumption they held based on a cultural or religious bias than practical
Perception, Making Decisions and People Management 63

evidence about the makeup of successful marriages) as they are con-

fronted with information (a likeable and successful man and a very
happy daughter) that conflicts with their previous beliefs. Cognitive dis-
sonance carries implications for employeesupervisor communications.
If employees, for example, feel that they have provided significant input
to a task and performed well but, for whatever reason, the feedback they
receive from their superiors is perceived as not showing the recognition
that the employees feel they deserve for their efforts, this may have
considerable consequences on their sense of motivation and commitment
and therefore have an impact on their performance. By encouraging
critical self-evaluation prior to task appraisal, managers would be in a
better position to eliminate negative effects of cognitive dissonance. Follow
ing the underpinning logic, where employees have low self-confidence in
their abilities cognitive dissonance via positive feedback has the potential
to encourage employees motivation, engagement, commitment and there-
fore future performance.
In summary, although the perceptual process can be framed in a series
of logical stages, the resulting perceptions we have are distorted by a
variety of errors. This takes us back to our original argument that
perception is about individuals creating a unique sense of reality for
themselves. However, without getting too philosophical, as the environ-
ment that we occupy where we interact with other people is not one
objective reality, we cannot assume that in an organizational context,
despite policies and structures designed on best practice, the outcome
will be the same for all people. In the same organizational structure,
navigating through the same process and practices, individuals are likely
to draw different (and given the room for error, possibly incorrect)
conclusions about the people they interact with and the purpose and
outcome of practices applied to them. Subsequently, the decisions they
make will differ.

Decision making
The decision-making process is often described as rational and logical,
a series of steps taken to define, assess and develop solutions, and finally
implement the solution that is thought to bring optimal results. However,
the underlying assumption is that the choices we make depend on the
ways in which we attend to, organize, interpret, store and retrieve
information (stimuli) that we perceive in our surroundings. I argue here
64 The Employment Relationship

that our interpretations of others behaviour influences how we choose

to behave as a reaction, and vice versa. Communication is a complex
and multidirectional process. Within dynamic interaction we are required
to receive and decode both verbal and non-verbal messages and the
way we approach this process of decoding and coding can be culturally
specific (Adler, 2002). Research in cross-cultural communication has
shown that cultures place different emphasis on context and non-verbal
messages in social interaction (for example Hall, 1990). In a high context
culture it may be assumed that individuals are more perceptive of non-
verbal behavioural indicators. In such a culture the context in which
messages are delivered and who they are delivered by is significant and
therefore the recipient would make a decision to react based on their
appraisal of all those factors rather than purely on the words used to
deliver the message. Contrastingly in a low context culture (for example
in the United States) emphasis is placed on the words used to relay the
message and communication is considered more direct. In the course of
my fieldwork exploring perceptions of personal career development
of professional Angolans working in the oil industry, I observed that
in Angolan culture (in the most generic sense) behaviour and decision
making seem to be largely guided by unspoken but commonly assumed
social rules. For example, in urban Angolan culture appearances seem to
be important. Individuals are likely to portray the image they want the
observer to see. Material wealth, expensive cars, lavish parties, designer
clothes and friends in high places are seen as status symbols. However,
most Angolans will know that just because people wear designer suits
does not necessarily make them rich or successful or even mean that they
have a house of their own to live in. Therefore, people do not seem to act
or react purely based on observed physical behaviour or the words used
to communicate, but rather based on what they anticipate the reality of
the situation to be given their knowledge of the contextual factors. For
an outsider, particularly one who is accustomed to direct communica
tion, interpreting the behaviour of those that come from a high context
culture such as this, would likely find interaction confusing due to their
inability to recognize, or their misinterpretation of, contextual factors.
The perceptionbehaviour process therefore is continuous and multi
dimensional. The next section does not endeavour to cover group or
organizational decision making per se. Rather, it will explore what the
perceptiondecision-making dynamic means for individuals working
in organizations and discuss the implications of such decisions in the
context of HR processes needed for effective people management.
Perception, Making Decisions and People Management 65

Implications for HR practice and people

So, now that I have established what I mean by perception and
how perceptions are both individual and socially constructed, what kind
of impact do individual perceptions and resultant decision making
have on the way people manage or are managed in organizations?
I mentioned earlier that the way we perceive the world around us and
other social actors in it implies significant consequences for HR processes.
HR processes, starting from attracting and recruiting to managing per-
formance and retaining people, are influenced by individual interpreta-
tions of the world. Aycan et al contend that managers implement HRM
practices based on their assumptions about the nature of both the task
and the employees (2000), therefore developing an understanding of
how and why we perceive is critical to effective people management.
Lets start by exploring some of the ideas around how individuals choose
to work in given organizations and then discuss what perception may
mean for recruitment and selection processes, maintaining the employ-
ment relationship and HR development.

Organizational choice
Here I will briefly introduce the idea of organizational choice, as it is
perhaps the point where perception comes into play as individuals make
decisions about the kinds of organizations they visualize themselves
working for and the kinds of individuals organizations seek to attract.
That said, the discussion will be limited to the role of perception in terms
of employer branding or corporate branding and perceived fairness of
the employment relationship (for example the psychological contract).
I argue here that individuals make decisions about positions to apply
for and seek to become a part of organizations based not only on how
fair they perceive the potential employment relationship to be, whether
in terms of extrinsic or intrinsic rewards or development opportunities
in exchange for effort expended (for example Vrooms (1964) expectancy
theory), but also on their perceptions of opportunities available and
corporate branding.
Granovetters (1995) study conducted in the United States in the 1970s
suggested that social structure plays a role in the job opportunities avail-
able; the more contacts one has, the more likely one is to be aware of
66 The Employment Relationship

new job opportunities. Although this idea has probably changed some-
what since Granovetters study (conducted more than 40 years ago) given
the explosion of technology, online advertising and recruitment, the
basic assumption that we apply for positions that we perceive as attain-
able to us still applies. Whether that perception is based on a realistic
self-appraisal of our skills is irrelevant in terms of the intent to apply.
If we see ourselves as under-experienced or under-qualified, we might be
inclined not to apply at all and thus the proposition that individuals
apply for employment opportunities they see as available to them is
reasonable. In developing countries where the technology may not be as
widely available due to poor infrastructure and in societies that are
relationship focused logically deduced, social structure would be a
significant determinant of perceived opportunities available, perhaps
even more so than in the West.
In attracting new talent, organizations need to consider what kind
of image they want to market to potential employees. Employer brand-
ing (see Glossary) is key to attracting and retaining key talent (Brewster,
Sparrow and Harris, 2005). HRs search for credibility as a discipline
and realization of brand power during a time when unemployment was
relatively low and competition for talent was high (Jenner and Taylor,
2007), has given rise to employer branding literature. In the simplest
terms, this literature is concerned with exploring how tools traditionally
adopted to market consumer brands could be used to market organiza-
tional qualities to prospective and existing employees. The Chartered
Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD) defines employer branding
as: a set of attributes and qualities often intangible that makes
an organization distinctive, promises a particular kind of employment
experience, and appeals to those people who will thrive and perform
best in its culture (CIPD, 2010a). Understanding the possible perceptions
and consequent behaviours of applicants is therefore crucial in developing
a brand image that not only attracts the right people with the right skills,
but is also realistically sustainable once the employment relationship
begins by not promising what it cannot deliver. Despite scepticism with
the global financial crisis of 2008, since unemployment is on the up
and there are more applicants then there are jobs, employer branding
still appears to be relevant, particularly for those who have realized its
power as a tool for sustainable engagement. (The next section discusses
what employer branding means for employee engagement.)
In terms of organizational choice, a study conducted by Freeman
(2003) concluded that gender differences exist in the traits men and
Perception, Making Decisions and People Management 67

women attribute to organizations they visualize as ideal employers.

In considering potential employment opportunities, according to
Freemans study, women are more likely to look for organizations that
display feminine traits that are focused on fair working conditions
and are people-oriented, for example a friendly and a relatively stress-
free working environment, concern for employees well-being, diverse
mix of people, where men are likely to place greater importance on
salary. In other words men and women structured their perceptions
of the organizations differently (Freeman, 2003). However, the study
also found that the majority of the female respondents did not perceive
male domination of certain organizations as a factor in their decision-
making regarding job application (Freeman, 2003). Freeman suggests
this paradoxical desire of women for feminine constructs in organ
izations but lack of conscious preference for gendered organizational
cultures may be explained by females of the current age being brought
up in the belief that they are equal to men and will be treated as such.
Although the national or cultural background of the respondents is not
specified, the data for the study was collected from final year under-
graduates at major UK universities.

Points to ponder

Do you think the findings or Freemans proposition would differ if the study was
conducted in a different cultural context and if so how?

Do you think differences exist in the kind of organizational or job characteristics

applicants from the UK, for example, would seek in comparison to say a Nigerian,
Chinese or Russian counterpart?

Earlier we considered the role of pre-set assumptions in recruitment
decisions with the example of managers who equated thinness with
success. Since recruitment is a process of social interaction between two
or more people, the interviewee and the interviewer(s), there are likely to
be a multitude of pre-set assumptions at play that will inevitably have an
impact on the decision to recruit or not and on the interviewees decision
to accept the employment offer or not. The recruitment situation is
68 The Employment Relationship

therefore a process where both parties try to find a fit between their
own expectations and their perceptions of the situation and of each
other. Hurley-Hanson and Giannantonio (2006) found that the image
norms that recruiters have of applicants influences their evaluations and
decision making during interview processes. In this case image norms
refer to the pre-held conceptions of normal or typical appearance or
image of an applicant that the recruiter holds, which may be defined by
organizational image norms. Empirical evidence suggests that applicants
whose appearance or image do not meet the pre-set expectations of
recruiters are likely to be stigmatized during the recruitment process and
experience a subtle, yet unacceptable form of employment discrimina-
tion (Hurley-Hanson and Giannantonio, 2006). This is a somewhat
simplistic scenario, but consider a man in his twenties, with a pierced lip,
tongue and eyebrow and spiky dyed hair attending an interview for a
carer position in a nursery. Although the man is dressed appropriately
and has all the relevant qualifications and experience, do you think the
nursery manager interviewing might be inclined to draw misconceived
conclusions about the candidates ability to perform based on his
unconventional appearance? Even if the manager can look beyond the
exterior, what kind of conclusions do you think some parents who leave
their children in the nurserys care might make? As uncomfortable as
we sometimes may be in admitting our biases, it would be nave to
think that our decisions are uninfluenced by the stereotypes we hold.
Even when there are no conflicting image norms, the candidate and the
interviewer come from a similar cultural background and the organ
izational cultural context is familiar, there is still room for plenty of
personal differences that will make the recruitment and selection process
a challenging one.
Consider then when there are multiple cultural contexts in play,
when the recruiter and the candidate each come with his or her own set
of cultural values and expectations of what the other is looking for.
Imagine the room for misinterpretation if no real understanding of each
others cultural value systems exists. A study on the hiring decision
perceptions of Hispanics in the United States showed that Hispanic
and non-Hispanic respondents held significantly differing perceptions
about the hiring criteria used, which implied that the two groups held
different values about what is important (Peppas, 2006). The Hispanic
respondents perceived subjective traits such as loyalty, initiative, motiva-
tion, enthusiasm and self-confidence as significant factors in hiring
criteria. Their non-Hispanic counterparts, although they also valued
Perception, Making Decisions and People Management 69

motivation, self-confidence and enthusiasm (to a lesser degree than the

Hispanic candidates), perceived more objective criteria such as oral
communication and work experience as significant hiring criteria. If we
look at cross-cultural management literature, the differences in Hispanic
and non-Hispanic perceptions can be explained by the US business
environment being highly competitive and thus more transactional as
opposed to Latino cultures where loyalty is key to any successful relation
ship, business or otherwise (Peppas, 2006). In practice then, a Hispanic
candidate when interviewed for a position might be more inclined to
emphasize his or her eagerness to work, ability to take initiative and
his or her loyalty to the new employer. However, a US manager might
dismiss such pledges as he or she is focused on whether the candidate has
the required work experience and technical skills to perform on the job.
If the candidate fails to explain his or her technical abilities to the prospec
tive employer who values oral communications skills, there is a good
chance the Hispanic candidate in this case could lose out on the job
opportunity, despite having the technical skills, qualifications and motiva
tion to succeed.
Once the challenges of the recruitment process have been overcome,
with interviewee and interviewer perceptions reconciled, managers and
employees perceptions of the ongoing employment relationship define
the sustainability and success of that relationship.

Sustaining the employment relationship

The perception that employees have of their employers or prospective
employers has consequences not only for recruitment, but also for
employee engagement and retention. The way internationally operating
organizations manage their key human resources is no longer just about
plotting out a series of international assignments for young high flyers,
but rather about attracting and retaining talented and skilled people
by presenting a positive and attractive employer brand (Brewster,
Sparrow and Harris, 2005). However, as Jenner and Taylor point out
(2007), creating a sustainable employer brand that works in multina-
tional organizational environments is challenging, but if created and
communicated successfully, internal branding can increase organiza-
tional commitment. If members of an organization perceive that the
system in which they work views them as individuals and consider them-
selves as being treated fairly in the employment relationship, they are
more likely to strive for better performance. For example, the successful
70 The Employment Relationship

delivery of corporate social responsibility (CSR) programmes and initia-

tives in organizations has been shown to depend on the extent to which
the employees buy in to the initiative (Collier and Esteban, 2007). Collier
and Estebans study indicated that employees commitment to the imple-
mentation of CSR is complex and influenced by corporate social factors
as well as employees perceptions. In other words, if members of an
organization do not perceive the ethical image being promoted by their
organization, they are unlikely to be committed to implementing ethical
corporate behaviour in the daily working life of the company (Collier
and Esteban, 2007).
We can turn to motivational theories (see Chapter 3) to develop our
understanding of what drives people and why they may or may not be
inclined to expend effort to perform in organizational settings. Such
theories provide a useful general backdrop against which HR profes-
sionals can begin to design strategies to engage their workforces.
However, as the majority of motivational theories were developed in the
1960s and 1970s, or are variations of these, it may be questioned whether
they still stand their ground today. Moreover, such theories were developed
in Western contexts and it may be questioned to what extent they are applic
able in contexts that are underpinned by a diverse range of cultural
values. Hence I argue that in order to build sustainable engagement, HR
strategies need to be designed based on an understanding of how the
promotion of given organizational cultures, values and attributes may be
perceived and interpreted by employees and stakeholders alike in specific
cultural and socio-economic contexts. By identifying relevant motivational
factors, organizations can create processes that enable commitment and
engagement, thus driving people to perform well.
Even the degree to which we consider ourselves successful in our
careers depends on how we perceive ourselves. Although success can be
appraised objectively to a degree by someones title, salary or promotion,
personal and subjective feelings towards the individuals own achieve-
ments play a significant role in defining overall career success (Gattiker
and Larwood, 1989, 1990), particularly since the two experiences do
not necessarily correlate (Lau and Shaffer, 1999; Poole, Langan-Fox and
Omodei, 1990).
However, ultimately the success of the employment relationship
depends on how fair and equitable an individual perceives the relation
ship to be and how that is reflected in the way he or she is appraised,
rewarded and developed in the organization. The employeeorganization
relationship (see Glossary) is equally concerned with micro factors such
Perception, Making Decisions and People Management 71

as the psychological contract (see Glossary) and perceived organizational

support as well as macro factors such as the employment relationship
(see Glossary; Coyle-Shapiro and Shore, 2007). Coyle-Shapiro and Shore
suggest that the relationship between employee and organization is
founded on the concept of social exchange and essentially involves
recurring exchanges of benefits in which both parties understand and
abide by the rules of engagement the bestowing of a benefit creates
an obligation to reciprocate (2007). The problem, I suggest here, is
that in organizational contexts where members interpret and behave
based on a variety of values and priorities (whether derived from previous
cultural socialization experiences or socio-economic context), HR
practices such as recruitment, performance management and reward
strategies are often implemented without mutual understanding of the
rules of engagement, thus potentially contradicting the perceived or
implied psychological contract between the member and the organiza-
tion. Moreover, in different cultural contexts varying emphasis may be
placed on the transactional or interpersonal nature of the psychological
contract. Research conducted in the context of ITES (Information
Technology Enabled Services) companies in India suggests that a more
relationship-based psychological contract is needed to develop employees
engagement and better talent management (Bhatnagar, 2007). Therefore,
corporate decision makers need to give more consideration to both mana-
gerial and employee perceptions when creating and implementing HR
processes. HR processes need to be created in a manner that develops the
mutual understanding of the rules of engagement between managers
and the managed and does not take for granted that the understanding
already exists.

Key learning points and conclusions

Perception, that is the way in which we as individuals see and
interpret the environment around us and others behaviour in it,
has an impact on and guides the kind of decisions we make
about our own subsequent actions.
Our perceptions are shaped by our environment and past
socialization experience.
The increasing multicultural and multinational nature of labour
forces and business operations means that the norms and values
72 The Employment Relationship

of the environment, both social and organizational, into which we

have been socialized and are conditioned by, are constantly being
redefined and challenged by behaviour that we may see as foreign.
Our perceptions are frequently subject to common errors that have
potential consequences for how people can be managed and how
individuals experience management practices applied to them.
Developing an understanding of how and why we perceive is
critical to getting the right people in the right places, developing
the skills needed and sustaining the employment relationship by
ensuring that expectations are communicated clearly between
manager and employee.

Case study and discussion questions

C A S E S T UDY Cultural understanding

In most if not all African cultures interaction is premised on the importance of relationships
rather than a transaction. This emphasis on the interpersonal nature of relationships is
reflected in both social and business interactions. Somewhat simplistically put, in African
cultures people often prefer to do business with people whom they are familiar with and
whom they trust. This idea is very significant for the way in which people in such cultures
may view the employment relationship between themselves as an employee and their
manager or organization. In cultures where value is placed on relationships, a sense of
responsibility and obligation towards ones family, friends and colleagues is prevalent. This
is in stark contrast to the way in which in many Western cultures, particularly in the United
States and to a great degree in the UK, the employment relationship is viewed as a
transactional agreement between the employee and the employer.

Now, imagine a scenario where John, an operations coordinator of a Nigerian subsidiary

of a US multinational freight company, has just been offered an international assignment
in Houston for three years. John is thrilled and tells his wife about the exciting opportunity.
His wife is very happy, but as a professional working also for a local freight company as an
accounts manager, she cannot help but feel a little anxious at the prospect of leaving her
own job to follow her husband. John fully appreciates the dilemma and the two discuss
their options. As Johns wife works for a national company, there is no possibility for a
temporary transfer to Houston. After considerable research, they come to the conclusion
that the only company in which Johns wife could potentially continue doing similar work in
a similar position is the very company that John already works for. So John decides to
approach his US manager and ask her for a job for his wife. The manager refuses point
Perception, Making Decisions and People Management 73

blank and explains to him that they do not have any positions to be filled so it is simply
not possible and does not engage in any further conversation. John is very perplexed by the
reaction as he has always got on well with his manager. John explains to the manager that
his wife is not happy about leaving her job behind and becoming a homemaker for
the next three years, not to mention it would not make financial sense, particularly as the
pair are paying for their three nieces education as the main earners of their families.
The manager replies that although she appreciates Johns dilemma, it is not really her
concern as at the end of the day this is about a job and reminds John that he is being
compensated well for the assignment and that should be sufficient. John is so upset at the
managers reaction that he loses any sense of loyalty and commitment he had previously
had to the organization. He feels betrayed as the company did not make even an attempt to
help him and his wife. John loses motivation to work for the company and his performance
suffers. John feels as though he is simply being used and treated as a number, rather than
valued as a person. Most of all, he feels offended as he thought that he and his manager
had developed a relationship based on trust. As a result he starts looking for alternative
work and soon leaves the company.

Discussion questions

How do you think Johns request for a job for his wife was perceived by the US
Why do you think the manager reacted as she did?
How do you think John interpreted the managers reaction? Why is John feeling
confused and betrayed?
Even if there were no available positions, what could the manager have done
What are some of the consequences for the organization of the managers lack
of cultural understanding?



Motivation at
work: engagement
and facilitation
N a h i d R oz al i n

L earn i n g o b j e c t i v es

Develop an understanding of the roots of some classical theories

of motivation and how modern theories of motivation have
evolved from academic and practitioner research.
Critically analyse controversial debates surrounding the extrinsic
and intrinsic motivation dichotomy and how managers may use
these in practice in motivating individuals to work to a purpose.
Identify and examine the relationship between employee
engagement and the role of the psychological contract and
their influence on employee motivation.
Develop an understanding of the significance of devising appropriate
HRM strategies in creating environments that nurture sustainable
high performance outcomes and workplaces.

Employee motivation has always been a central managerial problem in
organizations and as the future unfolds the changing nature of business
for multinational corporations (MNCs) poses increasing challenges for
HR managers and policy makers. Researchers working in the fields of
76 The Employment Relationship

OB and HRM have demonstrated that employee motivation varies

according to individual employee expectations, evaluations, performance
feedback, rewards and the nature of the work itself (Amabile, 1993).
In order to create a high performance workplace, managers need to
understand what motivation means to different employees and how job
content, process and context factors are shaping employee motivation.
Furthermore, work motivation is not stable and static often due to
frequent organizational changes, which warrants managerial considera-
tion (Amabile, 1993). For example, during the recent global downturn
many organizations have undergone significant restructuring and down-
sizing, resulting in cuts in reward and compensation systems, and a
decline in promotions, regular salary increases and investment in train-
ing and development. An annual employee reward survey that has been
carried out since 2008 suggests that two-thirds of people who are made
redundant and return to work are paid less in their new job (CIPD,
2012). The surveys also find that the proportion of employees receiving
a pay increase in the year prior to the survey dropped from two-thirds
in 2008 to less than half (45 per cent) in 2011. All these changes could
have significant implications for the way people feel about their work,
their willingness to do their work, the level of effort they are likely to
expend, and the quality of their performance. The consequences of
redundancy, lower pay and pay freezes may also be felt by employees
families, friends and former colleagues and thus affect morale and engage-
ment (CIPD, 2012).
This chapter attempts to explore some of these issues and explain
some of the variation in how motivation may be perceived with the help
of a series of classical and contemporary motivation theories and models.
This chapter aims to provide insight into the roots of some taken-for-
granted classics informed by economics and psychology, placing these into
their institutional context, as well as assessing the continuing controversy
in debates surrounding the extrinsic/intrinsic motivation dichotomy.
Therefore, in the first section I provide an overview of motivation and
motivation theories, followed by a multidisciplinary analysis of motivation
literature to update and balance longstanding motivation commentary
and its relationship with employee engagement. Such multidisciplinary
analysis is intended to reframe enquiry into employee motivation in organ
izational settings reflecting the role of social justice, perceptions of fairness
and mutual obligation of social exchanges under the psychological con-
tract label. Finally, I will discuss the role of managers and employers in
developing HRM systems to enhance employee motivation and engagement,
Motivation at Work: Engagement and Facilitation 77

job commitment and organizational commitment. A key aspect is the

influence of leadermember exchange and organizational support high
lighting the vital role of line managers in leading and guiding employees
individually and in teamwork, creating environments with the aim of
motivating sustainable high performance outcomes.

Employee motivation
Motivation generally refers to the willingness to exert a high level of
effort to reach any goals or to satisfy any individual need. Daft and
Marcic explain that motivation refers to the forces either within or
external to a person that arouse enthusiasm and persistence to pursue
a certain course of action (2004). Motivation at the workplace or
employee motivation refers to the willingness to exert a high level of
effort to reach organizational goals, conditioned by the efforts ability to
satisfy some individual need (Robbins, 2005). Simply put, unmotivated
employees are likely to expend little effort in their jobs, have poor
attendance and time-keeping records, resist change, produce low quality
work and exit the organization if given the opportunity. The counter
logic is then that employees who feel motivated towards their work are
more likely to be consistent, creative, enthusiastic and productive, turn-
ing out high quality work that they willingly undertake. Besides the
work content and process-related factors, other contextual factors such
as family, society and culture can influence the motivation level of
employees. The importance of differences in employee motivation and
individual needs warrants consideration. Furthermore, priorities in in-
dividual needs are likely to change over time. Consequently, in order to
manage a workforce made up of employees with individual and chang-
ing needs, HR practitioners together with middle and senior managers
would benefit from understanding existing motivational models and the
theories behind them. Understanding of the fundamentals can enhance
their ability to identify appropriate HR systems that can be matched
with employee needs.

Historical perspectives of motivation

The concept and role of management were first developed by Taylor in
the late 19th century. Taylor (1911), an engineer, argued that managers
78 The Employment Relationship

should conduct scientific study of tasks to develop the most efficient

form of work with the intention of teaching these to employees. The
division of labour between managers and workers was seen as a separa-
tion of planning function from its execution and provided a rationale
for managers to give training to the relatively less skilled or unskilled
labour in the most efficient ways to execute a particular task. The onus
was then on managers to monitor and control employees performance
and provide economic rewards to employees using a piece rates method
(for example remuneration according to the number of units produced
or job completed) to increase or maintain the productivity. Taylor there-
fore conceptualized motivation in terms of money as motivational
factor (Buchanan and Huczynski, 2010). This notion was later the
subject of much debate in the management literature.
Mayos Hawthorne study proposed an alternative view that focused
on the social man as opposed to Taylors economic man (see Linstead,
Fulop and Lilley, 2009). Mayos research, conducted in the Hawthorne
plant of Western Electric in 192733, provided a new view of manage-
ment that was concerned with developing good human relations
between managers and workers, as well as among co-workers. Mayo
suggested that people had a need for belonging to a community as well
as order and conformity (Linstead, Fulop and Lilley, 2009). In other
words, managers are better able to exercise control over employees by
encouraging or developing informal work teams or small work groups
and by emphasizing social cohesiveness and conformity at the workplace.
Mayos approach gave rise to the human relation movement and was
marked as the coming of age of industrial and organizational pschology
(Linstead, Fulop and Lilley, 2009).
Rooted in the worldwide economic depression of the early 20th cen-
tury and the Second World War, Maslows (1943) hierarchy of human
need theory proposed that individuals are motivated to satisfy a set of
needs that are hierarchically ranked. Maslows theory has been criticized
by a number of researchers due to its lack of empirical evidence and the
highly ethnocentric view that it perpetuates being based on research con-
ducted in the United States during the Great Depression in the 1920s.
Nonetheless, Maslows hierarchy of need theory has been influential and
has given rise to several subsequent motivational theories, such as exist-
ence, relatedness, growth (ERG) theory; achievement need theory; and
Herzbergs job enrichment theory, also called his two-factor theory or
motivator-hygiene theory (Herzberg, Mausner and Snyderman, 1959).
The general distinction between the need theories and the more advanced
Motivation at Work: Engagement and Facilitation 79

theories rests on the difference between content and process. Need-based

perspectives reflect a content perspective in that they attempt to describe
what factors motivate behaviour, whereas process-based perspectives
focus on how motivation occurs or the ways in which motivated behav-
iour occurs. The next section gives a further exploration of need-based

Content theories of motivation

Hierarchy of need
Maslows theory (1943, 1970) claims that at any point in time people
are motivated to satisfy one of five important needs: physiological, safety,
belongingness, esteem and self-actualization. According to Maslow (1970)
the relative importance of needs varies depending on the individuals
current state of well-being. Thus, the emphasis on these needs varies
from person to person. The major implication of Maslows hierarchy of
needs theory is that an individuals need satisfaction can be influenced by
different factors, depending on the individuals level in the needs hierarchy.
Moreover, it implies that each individual is unique; therefore, the level
of motivation can vary depending on the characteristics of individuals.
Maslows hierarchy provides a basic stepping stone for further research
related to job satisfaction, a pleasurable or positive emotional state
resulting from the appraisal of ones job or job experiences (Locke,
1976), which will be discussed in more detail later.
In an attempt to address cynicism of Maslows theory, Alderfer (1972)
developed ERG theory:

Existence relates to pay, fringe, and benefits.

Relatedness refers to social interaction.
Growth refers to esteem and self-actualization.

He assumes that individuals will increase their level of desire for a lower
level need if their higher order need is not fulfilled. For example, if an
employee is continually frustrated in attempts to satisfy growth needs
(for example, promotion) in the organization, either the employees
desire to fulfil existence needs (such as salary) or relatedness needs (such
as social interaction) will emerge as a major motivating force.
In line with Maslows need theory, McGregor (1957), developed theory
Y, which implies that employees will be deprived and will make insistent
80 The Employment Relationship

demands for more money if there are no opportunities at work to satisfy

higher level needs. McGregor was initially inspired by Taylors approach
and provided theory X, which entails that a psychological contract is
essentially a purchase of services where the organization gives employees
economic rewards in return for their service and controls their behav-
iour through rules and regulations enforced by the designated positions
of authority.
However, he later argued that this behaviour is not a consequence of
peoples inherent nature; rather it is the outcome of management phi-
losophy and practice. Therefore, rather than using an external control of
behaviour, organizations should facilitate employees internal control or
self-control (autonomy) and self-direction.
Similar to Maslow and Alderfers theories, McClelland (1961) pro-
vided a dynamic view of needs where he focused on just three needs:
achievement, power and affiliation. McClelland suggested that people
with a high achievement need strive for personal achievement rather
than rewards. They seek situations where they can attain personal
responsibility for finding solutions to problems and receive rapid feed-
back on their performance so that they can set moderately challenging
goals. Individuals who have a high power need enjoy being in charge,
strive for influence over others, prefer to be placed into competitive and
status-oriented situations, and tend to be more concerned with prestige
and gaining influence over others than with effective performance.
The need for affiliation is the desire to be liked and accepted by others.
Individuals with high affiliation motive strive for friendship, prefer
cooperative situations rather than competitive ones, and desire relation-
ships involving a high degree of mutual understanding.

Job enrichment theory

Herzberg, Mausner and Snyderman (1959), based on Maslow and
McGregors theory, developed job enrichment theory, also termed as
two-factor theory or motivator-hygiene theory. Herzberg concluded that:

The opposite of job satisfaction is not dissatisfaction, rather it is

no job satisfaction.
The opposite of dissatisfaction is not job satisfaction, rather it is
no job dissatisfaction.
Hence job satisfaction and dissatisfaction lie on two separate
Motivation at Work: Engagement and Facilitation 81

Therefore, Herzberg argued that the presence and absence of job content
factors such as achievement, recognition, work itself, responsibility and
advancement lead to job satisfaction or no satisfaction but do not cause
dissatisfaction. On the other hand, job context or hygiene factors such
as company policy and administration, supervision, salary, interpersonal
relations and working conditions lead to dissatisfaction or no dissatis-
faction but do not cause job satisfaction. In order to develop the job
content of motivation seekers, Herzberg proposed job enrichment,
which involves giving employees whole tasks that require more complex
skills and greater expertise (Linstead, Fulop and Lilley, 2009). However,
Herzberg later argued that all jobs were not capable of being enriched
or need to be enriched as the hygiene seekers could be productive and
satisfied in their jobs even if they were monotonous and disliked ones
A subsequent version of Herzbergs job enrichment theory has been
developed by Hackman and Oldham (1976) in their job characteristics
enrichment model, widely known as the Hackman and Oldham model.
According to their model, three critical psychological needs of the
employees have to be met in order to create job enrichment and job

meaningful interesting tasks;

responsibilities for the outcome;
feedback or knowledge about outcome.

These psychological states lead to the work outcomes of high intrinsic

motivation, high job satisfaction and high performance outcomes.
The job characteristics of skill variety, task identity and task significance
positively influence the sense of meaningfulness; the job characteristic
of autonomy positively influences the sense of responsibility, and feed-
back as a job characteristic positive influences knowledge of results,
energizing the self-regulation process of self-setting goals and monitor-
ing, evaluating and reinforcing behaviour (Bandura, 1986). Unlike
Herzbergs, the most important side of this model is that it recognized
the individual differences among employees in the need for intrinsic
motivation and self-growth. Therefore, Hackman and Oldham (1976)
proposed that the positive effects of job enrichment should be greater for
individuals with a strong, rather than weak, need for personal growth.
However, it may be argued that this model emerged in the United States
where people value a high level of individualism and a relatively low
82 The Employment Relationship

level of power distance (Hofstede, 2001a). Such cultural values shape

the individual and develop a sense of self-worth and well-being by being
distinct from others. Likewise, Erez argued that Hackmans job enrich-
ment design only satisfies the motives of self-worth and well-being of
those individuals whose cultural values prize high individualism and low
power distance (2010).
Despite some obvious differences between job content theories dis-
cussed in this section, each of these theories actually complements the
others and gives insight into the desired individual behaviour for a high
performance work organization. All content theories describe the factors
that motivate behaviour; however, they have failed to tell us about the
actual processes of motivation (Moorhead and Griffin, 1995). To give
you a better understanding of how motivation occurs, the next section
will briefly examine some process theories of motivation.

Process theories of motivation

Equity theory
Adams (1963) developed the equity theory of job motivation and
proposes that individuals are concerned not only with the absolute
amount of rewards they receive for their efforts, but also with the com-
parison of this amount to what others receive. Employees perceive what
they get from a job situation (outcomes) in relation to what they put into
it (inputs), and then compare their outcomeinput ratio with that of
relevant others. When people perceive an imbalance in their outcome
input ratio relative to others, tension is created. Adams theory leads us
to think about the significance of equity and fairness in organizations.
Adams (1963) proposed that employees can reduce such tension by
making any of the following choices:

Cognitive disordering of ones inputs or outcomes. For example,

they might decide that they actually work harder than other
colleagues or that a colleagues job is not as desirable as they
originally perceived it to be.
Changing ones own inputs or outputs. For example, they can
decrease the amount of effort they are willing to exert. Individuals
paid on a piece-rate basis can increase their pay by producing a
higher quantity of units of lower quality.
Motivation at Work: Engagement and Facilitation 83

Choosing a different referent. For example, they might decide

to compare themselves with a friend in a similar job rather than
a more successful work colleague, leave or quit the situation.

However, others have argued that there are numerous methods of reduc-
ing tensions or inequalities that are likely to be largely influenced by
individual differences or the psychological profile of the individual
(Pritchard, 1969). For example, some individuals will have a tendency
to view other people as being better off than themselves, regardless of
the lack of efficiency or the actual situation. Indeed, Vrooms (1964)
expectancy theory has a more predictive and explanatory power regard-
ing the performance in paid work settings than equity theory.

Expectancy theory
Vroom (1964), an industrial psychologist, developed a cognitive theory
of motivation widely known as expectancy theory. The theory explores
the motivation concept in terms of three elements:

Expectancy: specific effort leads to a specific level of performance.

Instrumentality: a particular type of performance is likely to lead
to a specific outcome.
Valance: this is the value an individual attaches to a specific reward
or outcome.

Vroom (1964) argues that an employee is motivated to exert a high

level of effort only when he or she believes effort will lead to a good
performance appraisal; a good appraisal will lead to organizational
rewards such as a bonus, an increment or promotion; and the rewards
will satisfy the individuals personal goals. However, employees may see
the performancereward relationship as weak, because organizations
tend to reward based on factors such as seniority, length of service or
being cooperative and not solely on performance (Latham, 2007).
Porter and Lawler (1968) developed an extended version of motiva-
tion theory based on expectancy theory. Like Vrooms expectancy theory,
their theory consists of effort, performance and reward, but reward
can be distinguished as intrinsic or extrinsic. Together, intrinsic and
extrinsic rewards are argued to lead to satisfaction. Porter and Lawlers
model is complex, consisting of a series of stages that essentially suggests
that effort, performance and reward is an iterative cyclical process.
Indeed, their model has been criticized for including too many variables
84 The Employment Relationship

and hence has failed to provide clear guidance for managerial action
(Linstead, Fulop and Lilley, 2009).

Goal setting theory

The basic ground of goal setting theory as envisioned by Locke (1968)
is that peoples intentions play an important part in predicting and
explaining their behaviour. Locke (1968) made three propositions:

Setting specific high goals leads to higher performance than no

Commitment to goal is important (that is, the higher the goal
the higher the performance will be).
Variables such as monetary incentives, participation in decision
making, feedback or knowledge of result affect performance only
to the extent they lead to setting specific goal and commitment to
that goal (see also Latham, 2007).

It has been suggested that self-generated feedback, where the employee

is able to monitor his or her own progress, is a more powerful motivator
than feedback from external sources, such as supervisors. Likewise,
where employees have the opportunity to participate in setting their
own goals, the effort they expend in achieving those goals will be
greater than where the goals have been assigned to them (Moorhead and
Griffin, 1995).
Locke and Latham (1990) later integrated the goal concepts into a
longitudinal high performance cycle (HPC). They stated that two factors
affect the goals that a person chooses: 1) the importance of the goal
to the individual; and 2) self-efficacy, namely, self-confidence that
the goal for a specific task is indeed attainable. For example, people
with low self-efficacy are unlikely to choose or commit to a high goal
whereas the opposite is true for individuals with high self-efficacy.
Indeed, people with high self-efficacy not only commit to high goals,
they typically set even higher ones upon goal attainment. The HPC
model suggests that job satisfaction does not lead directly to job per-
formance, but rather job satisfaction affects an employees commitment
to the employing organization, which in turn leads to employee commit-
ment to future challenges.
Motivation at Work: Engagement and Facilitation 85

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and

the individual
Herzberg, Mausner and Snydermans (1959) pioneering work on the model
of motivational versus hygiene factors inspired countless studies on the
relationship between intrinsic as well as extrinsic job characteristics and
job satisfaction (Locke, 1976). Intrinsic rewards (rewards that determine
intrinsic motivation) are those intangible rewards that influence feelings
of achievement, responsibility and self-worth. In Hackman and Oldhams
(1976) job enrichment model, job characteristics such as the levels of auto
nomy, skill variety, task significance, task identity and feedback may all
be considered to be the intrinsic rewards of the job. Deci (1975) proposes
otherwise that when extrinsic rewards are offered for work effort that had
previously been intrinsically rewarding, the overall level of motivation is
likely to decrease due to a decline in the intrinsic interest in the job in the
mind of the individual. Decis (1975) cognitive evaluation theory suggests
that there are two processes by which rewards affect intrinsic motivation.
The first process is through a change in the perceived locus of causality.
When behaviour is intrinsically motivated, the perceived locus of causal-
ity is said to be internal. When individuals receive extrinsic rewards, their
perceived locus of causality becomes external. The idea is that individuals
behave in a given way in an organizational environment if they believe
that the extrinsic rewards will be forthcoming (Deci, 1975).
Human behaviour is often unpredictable, sometimes irrational based
on emotions rather than logic (Mosley, Pietri and Megginson, 1996),
thus attempting to understand individual differences in human behaviour
is challenging to say the least, if not impossible. Although the organ
ization can endeavour to address intrinsic rewards available within
the constraints of job design, how these are valued or perceived by the
worker will be subjective. One worker may view a job as being highly
significant, offering a high level of autonomy; while another worker
may perceive the same job as being insignificant and restricting. Kovach
(1987) argues that no standard motivational factor is applicable to all
organizations because of individual differences. So managers are tasked
with developing an understanding of how individuals differ in their
needs and priorities to enable them to design and implement policies
and practices that address the multiplicity of needs present in any one
organizational context. By doing so corporate leaders, line managers
and HR practitioners can work towards motivating employees in
86 The Employment Relationship

sustainable ways that are consistent with organizational goals. The levels
of intrinsic rewards are therefore often seen as being beyond the direct
control of the organization. However, Robbins (2005) argued that set-
ting flexible organizational rewards linked to each individual employees
goals and allowing each employee to choose the compensation package
can best satisfy individuals current needs whether extrinsic or intrinsic.
Furthermore, as highlighted earlier, individual differences, employees
choice or preferred factors of motivation may change over time. For
example, Wileys (1997) longitudinal study found that although some
motivational factors (for employees) seem to have remained relatively
constant over time, a significant portion of motivators have changed
over decades. Wiley (1997) claimed that the reasons for these changes
might be economic conditions, change of working environment or
industries, labour market conditions, industry competitions, change in
workers attitude, etc.
Similarly, the values workers attach to intrinsic and extrinsic job
characteristics have also been shown to vary substantially depending on
national characteristics (Adigun and Stephenson, 1992), see, for example,
the case study on page 99). Socio-economic and cultural factors have
also been used to explain cross-national differences in peoples values,
attitudes, and behaviour (Hofstede, 2001a). Inglehart (1997) found that
workers in richer countries may attach more value to the intrinsic
aspects of work and, therefore, may be motivated more by intrinsic
rewards, because they have taken survival for granted. In contrast, workers
in poorer countries may be more motivated by extrinsic rewards,
because the lower needs (for example food and money) are still more
prominent than the higher needs (such as self-esteem and self-actualization).
For example, British workers are more motivated by intrinsic job factors
such as achievement, the work itself and recognition, whereas Nigerian
workers are motivated more by extrinsic job factors such as pay, fringe
benefits and working conditions (Adigun and Stephenson, 1992) and
similarly Indian workers seem to be indifferent towards challenging jobs
according to Kanungo (1990).

Motivation and HRM: the psychological

contract and employee engagement
There is evidence that HRM practices, such as working in teams, greater
discretion and autonomy in the workplace, and various employee
Motivation at Work: Engagement and Facilitation 87

involvement and pay schemes, do motivate workers and hence generate

higher labour productivity (Cully et al, 1999; Boselie and Van der Wiele,
2002). In order to develop and maintain sustainable organizational
performance, employers and managers must understand what motivates
their employees to work. Kovach (1987) suggests: if an organization
knows why its employees come to work on time, stay with the organiza-
tion for their full working lives, and are productive, then the organization
may be able to ensure that all of their employees behave in that way
and would have a decided marketplace advantage over competitors
suffering from absenteeism, costly re-training programs, and production
However, managers need to understand that not only individual differ-
ences but also job content and contextual factors, such as job characteris
tics, as well as cultural and socio-economic context influence employee
choices and therefore, influence HRM practices. HRM practices are a
means for employers to communicate their expectations of the respec-
tive obligations of both parties (employers and employees), thereby
establishing psychological contract by increasing mutuality and enabling
a smoothly functioning exchange relationship (Guest and Conway,
2002). Guest (1999) assumes that the HRM practices of an organiza
tion can positively influence the psychological contract of employees,
therefore positively increase their motivation. This has led to promote
the idea of worker-friendly HRM and to encourage researchers to
explicitly consider employees positive responses to HRM (Guest, 1999).
Given the cross-cultural factors, to maintain the sustainable high per-
formance organization in this rapid pace of globalization, the managers
of multinational and multicultural workforces should be aware of such
factors before designing the HRM policies and practices for their
organizations. This section will first explore what we mean by the
psychological contract and how that relates to employee engagement.
Given the international dimension of this book, we will then focus on
the HRM practices of MNCs and their effects on employee motivation,
and vice versa, to highlight some of the emergent issues when managing
teams comprised of diverse individuals.

The psychological contract

A key component of employee motivation is the psychological contract;
the explicit and implicit mutual expectations that shape the employment
relationship. Both employers and employees need to have clear perceptions
88 The Employment Relationship

of what their mutual obligations are towards each other (Guest and
Conway, 2002). Unlike a formal contract of employment, a psychological
contract is often an unwritten and unspoken deal between an employee
and an employer that addresses the concepts of mutual trust and confi-
dence, fairness and the reality of delivering on promises and may be
more influential than the formal contract in affecting how employees
behave from day to day (CIPD, 2011d). Argyris (1960) defined psycho-
logical contract as unwritten expectations between an employee and the
employing organization. Hence, the employees expectation from his or
her employer includes the sense of dignity, worth and having opportuni-
ties to learn and grow on the job. From the organizations perspective,
the employer can expect loyalty, commitment and good performance
from their employees. Therefore, psychological contract may have
greater influence on employee engagement (see Glossary) and retention
than the legal employment contract does. The psychological contract
reinforces the need for managers to become more effective in com
munication and consultation, which will help in adjusting expectations
and if necessary renegotiating the deal. In the context of international
HRM, an empirical study conducted in Taiwan found that perceived
fulfilment of the psychological contracts of expatriates significantly
influences both their adjustment to foreign situations and their organ
izational commitment (Chen and Chiu, 2009). So in this context inter
national managers should implement appropriate human resource
measures to meet expatriates expectations for their psychological con-
tracts. They should provide adequate counselling and training to assist
expatriates in minimizing any psychological barriers they might have
to adjust to in a foreign environment (Chen and Chiu, 2009). Similar
argument for intercultural awareness could be made for most work-
forces today that are made up of culturally, nationally and linguistically
diverse individuals.
According to Rousseau (2005), employees derive the terms of their
psychological contracts in three main ways:

Individuals can receive persuasive communications about

mutual obligations from others. For example, during the
recruitment process, prospective employees receive implicit or
explicit promises from recruiters or interviewers. Once hired,
employees are likely to learn the opinions of co-workers and
supervisors about the obligations that exist between employees
and the employer.
Motivation at Work: Engagement and Facilitation 89

Employees observe how their co-workers and supervisors

behave and are treated by the organization, and these
observations provide social cues that inform employees
of their contractual obligations.
The organization provides structural signals, such as formal
compensation systems and benefits, performance reviews and
organizational literature (including handbooks and mission
statements), that all play a role in creating the terms of the
employees psychological contract.

Successful development and maintenance of a positive psychological

contract relies on the organizations HR policies and the attitudes
of managers. According to Watson (2006) an organization can either
build a low commitment or a high commitment HR strategy. The
former is based on a hire and fire strategy, in which labour is acquired
at a point of need, trained very little as their tasks typically do not
need much training, and dispelled when no longer needed. This strategy
echoes Tayloristic work practices. In contrast, the high commitment
HRM continues the path of the human relations movement and is
characterized by an attempt to involve its employees psychologically and
emotionally in the company and continue in different tasks for a longer
period of time (Watson, 2006). Furthermore, companies using a low
commitment HRM strategy draw on management based on direct
control, while those using high commitment HRM strategy use it in a
manner that draws on indirect managerial control (Watson, 2006).
Therefore, use of psychological contracts is likely to prove useful
to practitioners as an intervention for fostering feelings of justice or
fairness in the workplace and minimizing feelings of injustice. When
employers deliver on their commitments (ie by their actions they fulfil
employees expectations) they reinforce employees sense of fairness and
trust in the organization and generate a positive psychological contract
between employer and employee (CIPD, 2011c).

Employee engagement
Employee engagement can be defined as the extent to which employees
enjoy and believe in what they do and feel valued for doing it (Knights
and Willmott, 2007). The term engagement refers to something more
than motivation and it can be seen as a combination of commitment to
the organization and its values and a willingness to help out colleagues
90 The Employment Relationship

(organizational citizenship behaviour). Employers want employees who

will do their best work or go the extra mile; employees want jobs that
are worthwhile and inspire them. However, achieving such a winwin
situation has become problematic due to increased workload and long
working hours on the one hand and achieving worklife balance on
the other.
Unlike the psychological contract, employee engagement is something
that only the employee has to offer and that is not required as part of the
employment contract. However, employers can enhance their employee
engagement. Lucy McGee (2006), director of global HR at the consult
ancy firm DDI, suggests that in order to enhance employee engagement,
employers first need to measure the commitment and organizational
citizenship of their employees by using an attitude survey (see Knights
and Willmott, 2007). The results of such a survey can provide the basis
for understanding employee engagement and the ways to enhance
engagement. McGee (2006) suggests six characteristics to identify the
probability of an applicant to be an engaged employee:
adaptability (openness to new ideas);
passion for work (maintaining a positive view despite stress
and frustration);
motivational maturity (putting results before ego);
positive disposition (eagerness to help others, outstanding
self-efficacy (confidence in ones ability);
achievement orientation (the need to succeed and to excel).

Therefore, testing candidates on the basis of the above characteristics,

the argument is that employers can increase the chance of recruiting
a high performing engaged employee for the organization. However,
as with many attitude and aptitude tests, it is critical to look at how
suitable they are to the context in which they are to be applied. We
should consider: What context were they developed in? Are there any
potential cultural biases? Are the results likely to bias any particular
cultural or national group?
Motivation at Work: Engagement and Facilitation 91

C A S E S T UDY Googles employee engagement recipe

Laszlo Bock, the Vice President of People Operations at Google, stated that freedom and
curiosity is what popular employer Google is all about. Being open to ideas from employees
is really what is central to Googles success as a workplace, Bock maintained, although
people may assume it has more to do with the fact that employees can bring their pets
to work or the availability of onsite car washes. According to Bock, Googles rules of
engagement with employees are as follows:
Hire learners. They are inquisitive, and when they fail, they will ask how they can do
Give people the tools and resources to succeed; then let them work on small projects
in small teams.
Keep structures flat. Especially as the company gets big, information needs to
flow up.
Discuss everything you can publicly.
Give performance-driven rises. This is helpful in controlling turnover and enhancing
Reward success, dont penalize failure. If you dont fail, youre not doing your job
well. Quarterly goals are set and performance evaluations are based on these;
the company aims for a 70 per cent success rate.

(HR Focus, September 2008)

In the section below we will explore what our discussion thus far then
means for critical HR practices in a global multinational environment
practices such as recruitment and selection, compensation and reward,
performance management, and training and development.

Recruitment and selection

At present, the relocation of skilled employees across national borders
has become a critical business issue for MNCs that seek to bridge mana-
gerial or technical skill gaps abroad, build global relationships, develop
a common corporate identity and meet the challenge of developing effec-
tive global leaders (Briscoe and Schuler, 2004). Particularly in relation to
globally mobile employees, corporate leaders should seek to understand
92 The Employment Relationship

their employees motivational drive to accept or reject an offer of inter-

national transfer or assignment (Haines, Saba and Choquette, 2008)
before selecting the expatriate for the foreign assignments for achieving
the best results. For example, some employees would willingly accept
an international assignment for the lure of financial rewards or for
career progression (extrinsic motivation); others may have a personal
interest in an international assignment and be in search of new experi-
ences and challenges (intrinsic motivation). Research shows that indi-
viduals driven by internal or intrinsic motivation engage in seeking and
conquering optimal challenges and typically have high levels of interest,
excitement and confidence (Ryan and Deci, 2000). These characteristics
are deemed important to be recognized by the MNCs corporate deci-
sion makers in selecting employees to work in an international context
where performance is not only task-specific, but also entails dealing
effectively with the larger cultural environment (Briscoe and Schuler,
2004). Hence, international managers should implement appropriate
HR measures with their psychological contracts to meet expatriates
expectations. Managers should ensure that expatriates receive adequate
organizational support, such as counselling and training, to assist them
in minimizing any psychological barriers they might have to adjust in
a foreign environment.
Corporate managers in MNCs are increasingly providing a variety of
organizational support, such as training in cross-cultural skills, informa-
tion sharing, mentoring from home or host, orientation and performance
appraisals to ease the expatriation experience. However, further evalua-
tion of employees reactions after implementation of such organizational
practices is also warranted to understand how the employee is motivated
and to foster the organizational performance. Organizations that follow
best practice HRM offer resources and opportunities to increase em-
ployees motivation, skills, attitudes and behaviours and, subsequently,
work performance (Kuvaas and Dysvik, 2010).
Combs et al summarize that organizational performance can be
increased by high performance work practice which could be achieved by
increasing employees knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs); empower-
ing employees to act; and motivating them to do so (2006). Nonetheless,
research findings imply that in order for perceived best practice HRM
to be effective, employees need to be motivated to respond to those
practices in a manner that benefits the organization. Such motivation
may have its origin in a healthy employeeorganization relationship (see
Glossary) that creates pro-social motivation (Kuvaas, 2008), that is, the
Motivation at Work: Engagement and Facilitation 93

employees desire to expend effort to benefit their organization. It may,

however, also originate from the job itself, where employees become intrins
ically motivated because they experience pleasure, interest and enjoyment
in their jobs (Deci, Connell and Ryan, 1989).

Compensation and reward

Chang (2011) examines the effects of compensation practices on indi-
vidual attitudes and motivation to work of Korean employees. Employees
perceptions of HR practices, or how employees perceive the effectiveness
of practices, have been regarded as significant determinants of their
behaviours. Employees perception of an HR practice is an important
factor in influencing their behaviour as it is believed that when employ-
ees have positive perceptions of HR practices they will be positively
influenced by those practices (Chang, 1999). However, employees percep-
tions of practice can be changed easily by management practices such
as open communication or information sharing. More specifically in the
compensation area, the perception of the practice of an individual pay
for performance (PFP) scheme indicates an employees perception of the
functional role of the pay system in realizing its intended goals of retain-
ing capable employees and boosting performance as well (Chang, 2011).
Having said that, compensation practices in MNCs is still a challenging
issue. Cross-cultural management research argues that in managing
employees with diverse cultural backgrounds, the compensation method
should be determined by their cultural values (Chang, 2011). Studies of
the relationship between cultural values and HR practices, therefore,
warn of the danger of using individual PFP in collectivistic societies
(Kim, Park and Suzuki, 1990; Hofstede, 2001b).
Individual PFP basically links an individual reward to an employees
performance, and several theories such as expectancy theory (Vroom,
1964) and goal-setting theory (Locke and Latham, 1990) support this logic.
While individual PFP has been recognized as one of the representative
motivators in individualistic countries such as the United States (Gupta
and Shaw, 1998), in collectivistic societies, people are more concerned
about group harmony instead. This has been identified as the equality
rule, which indicates members desires to assure interpersonal harmony
in organizations and to focus less on differentiation in individual rewards.
Nonetheless, recent empirical research discloses that collectivistic em-
ployees such as Koreans may also be effectively managed by extrinsic
motivators such as incentive systems (Chang, 2006). Similar results
94 The Employment Relationship

found in Asian collectivistic societies, such as the traditional practices of

lifetime employment as well as seniority-based evaluation, promotion
and compensation, have been declining in Japan (Keys and Miller, 1994)
and individual performance incentives are reportedly increasing in inter-
national joint ventures in China (Bjrkman and Lu, 1999).
However, employees are more satisfied and committed when their
values match with those of their supervisors or the organization in
which they work. Therefore, a compensation scheme designed in accord-
ance with employees work values will trigger impacts on their percep-
tion of fairness of resource allocation methods (Fischer and Smith, 2004)
and hence create more positive effects on employees attitudes (Chang,
2011). The changing nature in the collectivist society, therefore, can be
explained by the fact that when employees perceive that the individual
PFP system will contribute to achieving the goals of motivating employees
and boosting performance, they tend to be more motivated by the pay
practice. Likewise, echoing with Kovachs (1987) findings of employees
strong preferences for intrinsic values, Chang (2011) found a strong
effect of intrinsic values on work effort and concluded that both intrinsic
and extrinsic values enhance the work effort of employees.

Performance appraisal
Performance appraisal is a tool to manage the performance of the
employees where individual employees and line managers engage in a
dialogue about each individuals performance and development, as well
as the support required from the manager (CIPD, 2012). Unlike compensa
tion practice, performance appraisal has been reported as a less success-
ful HR system for motivating employees (Fletcher, 2001). Goal setting
and feedback are key performance appraisal activities in organization
(Fletcher, 2001). Since an important purpose of goal setting and feed-
back is to increase individual performance it is expected that employee
motivation with performance appraisal would be positively related to
work performance (Roberts and Reed, 1996). Moreover, because perform-
ance appraisal often includes equipping employees with new knowledge
and skills, it may also contribute to employees perceived investment in
employee development. As per the psychological contract, employees
who believe their organization is committed to providing them with
developmental activities may feel an obligation to repay the organiza-
tion through high work performance. Though it has been addressed
both in Hackman and Oldhams (1976) and Ryan and Decis (2000)
Motivation at Work: Engagement and Facilitation 95

research, employees intrinsic motivation explains how they are affected

by performance appraisal and the existence of individual differences
explains why all employees may not react the same way to performance
As addressed in Lockes goal-setting theory (1968), the performance
appraisal system should have the clarity of goal and the capacity to
increase employees perceptions of being valued and being part of an
organizational team (Kuvaas, 2006). Therefore, if an employee can set
his or her own goal, monitor performance and get the self-generated
feedback it may lead to enhanced job commitment. Moreover, per
formance appraisal, as a means to communicate and translate strategic
visions and goals to employees, may enhance intrinsic motivation
through experienced meaningfulness of work, because superordinate
goals have the capacity to convey to employees something in which they
can believe (Latham, 2003). Research on the job characteristics model
(Hackman and Oldham, 1976) has supported the relationships between
the psychological states of experienced meaningfulness, responsibility of
outcomes, knowledge of the actual results of the work, and intrinsic
motivation. Similarly, and according to self-determination theory (Ryan
and Deci, 2000), intrinsic motivation will increase if communication of
organizational goals provides the rationale for behaviour at work.
Most people respond positively to performance feedback that is inter-
preted as autonomy supporting and competence enhancing (Deci and
Ryan, 1985). Systematic feedback on work performance through per-
formance appraisal may have an impact on intrinsic motivation through
increased experienced responsibility of outcomes and knowledge of
the actual results of the work and may increase employees perceived
competence (Deci and Ryan, 1985). Hackman and Oldhams (1976) job
characteristics model also shows the motivating potential of the work
characteristics in that employees with interesting, enjoyable and exciting
jobs are less likely to be attracted by extrinsic rewards. Thus, the intrinsi-
cally motivated employees seemed to react positively to performance
appraisal as they will learn more from the feedback they receive than the
extrinsically motivated employees. However, as intrinsically motivated
employees are more self-driven and more autonomy-oriented than those
less intrinsically motivated employees, they will be more sensitive to
negative performance appraisal experiences (Ryan and Deci, 2000).
Where Boswell and Boudreau (2002) suggest that the ultimate goal of
performance appraisal is to improve the effectiveness of employees,
Kuvaas (2006) proposes that performance appraisal is more effective in
96 The Employment Relationship

influencing attitudes and behavioural intentions than in increasing work

performance. This can be explained by job-specific task performance as
it is relatively strongly influenced by individual abilities and skills as well
as constrained by technology and work design. Therefore, perception of
contextual factors may not impact as much (Kuvaas, 2006).

Points to ponder

As a student, how do you perceive your assessment feedback from your university
tutor? How do you react if you receive negative feedback?

Does systematic feedback through performance appraisal give you a sense of

increased responsibility of outcomes and knowledge of the actual results of the
work? Do you feel more competent as a result?

Do you agree with Kuvaass findings that the performance appraisal system is
more effective in influencing employees attitudes and behavioural intentions
than in increasing work performance? Why?

Training and development

Employee motivation has a significant impact on training outcomes
as research shows that less-motivated employees are reluctant to learn
from the training and, as a result, it affects their post-training satisfac-
tion and transfer of knowledge acquired in the work situation (Ford
et al, 1997). Guerrero and Sire (2001) observed that employees do not
respond uniformly to training. As work performance is influenced
by individual abilities and skills, organizations attempt to introduce dif-
ferent training mechanisms to improve their employees abilities and
skills. For instance, MNCs use international assignments as an attempt
to develop employees global skills, knowledge and competencies
(Kobrin, 1988; Tung, 1998; Konopaske and Werner, 2005). Although
some employees may not be motivated to accept multi-year overseas
assignments, organizations try to determine factors that increase em-
ployees motivation to accept such short- or long-term international
training. Consistent with much of the relocation literature, Konopaske
and Werners (2005) study indicates that gender, age and marital status
have pervasive, consistent effects on willingness to accept global assign-
ments. They also found that benefits are an important component for
Motivation at Work: Engagement and Facilitation 97

encouraging employees to accept international assignments and long-

term assignees appear to value home-leave allowances, job assistance for
spouses and foreign-service premiums more than short-term assignees.
Along with Vrooms expectancy theory (1964), less-motivated employees
will exert less effort in training to learn the course contents whereas
the motivated employees will exert more effort to do well in a training
programme which would ultimately lead to better job performance and
consequently to valued outcomes. Therefore, Konopaske and Werner
(2005) suggest that internal communication of benefits through training
programmes or workshops is a vital part of motivating employees to
global assignments. Konopaske and Werner found that 92 per cent of
firms provide global assignees with, for example, tax equalization,
yet only 30 per cent of respondents perceived that they would receive
this benefit. Therefore, employees self-efficacy (believing in ones own
capacities) and instrumentality (knowing that the effort exerted will
be rewarded) provide a measure of motivation that influences the direct
outcome of a training programme learning and satisfaction (Guerrero
and Sire, 2001).
Conversely, Kupka et al (2009) argue that MNCs with a socially
responsible HR system should select employees based on their motiva-
tional strength and train them to overcome their motivational deficiencies
for greater global success. As MNCs aim to acquire global knowledge
and skills to enhance their worldwide operations and also to transfer the
corporate culture and best practices to control and coordinate their
subsidiaries, selecting adequately motivated expatriates for such global
missions is a must. A motivated expatriate will engage in mutually satisfy-
ing relationships with locals and can consequently transfer the knowledge
acquired abroad across the organization (Hocking, Brown and Harzing,
2004). As part of a socially responsible HRM programme, a fair and
thorough selection process and the provision of intercultural communi-
cation training enable expatriates to work effectively and efficiently
during international assignments (Caligiuri and Tarique, 2006; De Cieri
and Dowling, 2006). Sufficient motivation enables trainees to apply their
knowledge and skills appropriately and effectively and training can
address identified motivation deficiencies in an employee (Earley and
Peterson, 2004). In the training process international assignees can
acquire knowledge and skills to manage their attitudes and emotions
toward other cultures. Training enables expatriates to become aware of
their strengths and weaknesses and they can make a conscious effort to
reduce their anxiety and increase their levels of trust and self-efficacy in
98 The Employment Relationship

a foreign culture. Strategic and international HRM researchers have

also highlighted the importance of training, specifically intercultural
communication training, to improve expatriates intercultural commun
ication competence (Black, Mendenhall and Oddou, 1991; Brewster and
Pickard, 1994; Scullion and Brewster, 2001). The motivation to com
municate across cultural borders is particularly important for expatriates
who frequently engage in face-to-face interactions. Caligiuri (2000)
agrees and argues that expatriates who are motivated to establish inter-
cultural relationships with both host nationals and other international
assignees tend to adapt more quickly to the host culture, to be more pro-
ductive during their sojourn, and to complete their missions successfully.
De Cieri and Dowling (2006) point out the particular importance of
trust in these relationship webs and agree with Tung (2002) that global
organizations need to select and retain employees who are motivated to
develop, maintain and extend a network of mutually satisfying relation
ships among stakeholders through collaborative work.

Key learning points and conclusions

Employee motivation is a critical managerial issue and one that
requires understanding and awareness from organizational leaders,
HR practitioners and line managers in developing and implementing
practices and policies that are conducive to organizational success.
Content theories of motivation describe the factors that motivate
employees, whereas the process-based perspectives focus on the
means by which motivated behaviour occurs.
By developing an understanding of the implicit expectations in the
employment relationship (ie the psychological contract) we can
begin to explain underpinning factors influencing organizational
Addressing individual needs, for example intrinsic and extrinsic,
is central to understanding the complexity and contextuality of the
impact of motivation at work as well as central to developing
effective ways to managing diverse workforces.
Employee motivation not only depends on the management
philosophy or HRM strategies, but also on employees themselves,
culture and context.
Motivation at Work: Engagement and Facilitation 99

Motivational factors change over time. Therefore, to maintain the

sustainable high performance organization in this rapid pace of
globalization, the managers of MNCs or international corporations
should be aware of such factors before designing the HRM policies
and practices for their organizations.

Case study and discussion questions

C A S E S T UDY Cultural influence on intrinsic and extrinsic


A countrys national characteristics can moderate the individual-level relationship between

job characteristics and job satisfaction. Obtaining data from 107,292 employees in 49
countries, Huang and Van de Vliert (2003) found that the link between intrinsic job
characteristics and job satisfaction is stronger in richer countries, which are equipped with
better governmental social welfare programmes, more individualistic cultures and smaller
power distance. By contrast, extrinsic job characteristics are strongly and positively
related to job satisfaction in all countries. In addition, intrinsic job characteristics tend to
produce motivating satisfaction in countries with good governmental social welfare
programmes irrespective of the degree of power distance, while they do not tend to work
the same in countries with poor governmental social welfare programmes as well as large
power distance cultures. Socio-economic and cultural approaches to explaining cross-
national variation in work motivation are discussed.

In countries with a well-developed social security system, workers may tend to place more
emphasis on higher needs and are therefore more likely to be motivated by intrinsic
rewards. In countries without a well-developed social security system, on the other hand,
workers may be motivated more by extrinsic rewards that satisfy basic needs. Specifically,
intrinsic job characteristics are associated with job satisfaction in countries with high
social security and small power distances, because in these countries (for example
Denmark, the Netherlands, and the United States) socio-economic status and cultural
norms predispose people to value intrinsic aspects of their jobs more. Moreover, there is
a significant link between intrinsic job characteristics and job satisfaction in countries with
high social security and large power distance (for example Malaysia, Colombia and
Venezuela). In addition, in low social security countries people are unlikely to take survival
for granted, but they may still value intrinsic job characteristics if their country has a
relatively small power distance culture (for example Argentina and South Africa). Finally,
if a countrys socio-economic status and cultural norms constitute an environment in which
intrinsic rewards from ones job are undermined, such as those countries with low social
100 The Employment Relationship

security and large power distances (for example Egypt, Mexico and the Philippines),
intrinsic job characteristics are not related to job satisfaction. In a nutshell, intrinsic
motivation might work in countries with higher levels of social security irrespective of the
degree of power distance, while it might not function in larger power distance countries
with lower levels of social security.

(Huang and Van de Vliert, 2003).

Discussion questions

Are there any differences in the motivation between the employees from developed
and developing countries? How and why? Justify your answer in terms of motivation
theories and the cross-national variation in work motivation.
Do you think that employees in countries with low social security, such as Pakistan
or Afghanistan, may still be motivated intrinsically?
What HRM strategies should MNCs take to motivate employees for the subsidiaries
in countries with low social security?

Employing human
resources to work
together for a



Carol i ne Bolam and S ara h Jones

L earn i n g o b j e c t i v es

Understand the key principles of performance management (PM)

and performance management systems (PMS).
Be able to evaluate critically how different contexts, values and
environments influence the management of performance.
Understand the role of individual identity and social identity in how
individuals perform.
Be able to identify the difference between individual PM and team
PM and their contribution to organizational goals.
Understand the concepts of self control, social control and
administrative control and their implications for the management
of performance.

The aim of this chapter is to examine the concept of performance and
practice of PM in organizations. The intention is to help readers develop
a deeper understanding of issues surrounding the managerial challenges
inherent in managing individual and group performance, including those
associated with power, control and identity not readily found in norma-
tive PM handbooks.
Managing the performance of individuals and groups in an organ
izational context presents some very real challenges. The employment
104 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

relationship is entered into by both parties with a tacit understanding of

the deal being struck: the forgoing of leisure time and the application
of effort in pursuit of organizational objectives (performance) in return
for rewards (financial or otherwise). This is not to say of course that
employees have sold their souls as labour market commodities (Rubery
and Grimshaw, 2003). Human beings remain autonomous entities with,
it is assumed, ultimate control over their actions and behaviours. So the
challenge for managers is how to move people to apply their effort,
skills and knowledge voluntarily under direction to achieve goals that
will benefit the organizational whole. For this to occur, employees need
to come to the conclusion that performing in the way the organization
wants them to will be beneficial for them as individuals: individual and
organizational needs are aligned. Both extrinsic and intrinsic rewards
come into play here: an employee may decide that the tangible reward and
recognition on offer in the form of pay, benefits and acclaim (extrinsic
reward) are valuable enough to warrant the expenditure of effort re-
quired to produce the requisite performance a purely transactional
basis for exercising choice. On the other hand, an employee may also
feel rewarded by more intangible relational elements of work and
employment: developmental opportunities, perceptions of leadership
qualities and identification with organizational values as well as feelings
of satisfaction and accomplishment (intrinsic reward). The managerial
challenge of PM then, centres on the following key questions:

How do you convince employees that it is in their best interests

to conform to the standards of performance and behaviour asked
of them?
How do you develop and implement policies and practices that
reward employees both extrinsically and intrinsically?
How do you encourage individuals to identify with the interests
of the group, create cohesiveness and get people to work together
towards a common purpose?
This chapter will explore these issues and seeks to provide some answers
to these questions. To do this we take the approach outlined in Chapter 1
of this text in which our first recourse is to literature outside the immedi-
ate sphere of Human Resource Management with the intention of bring-
ing different perspectives to bear on HRM challenges. It is within this
framework that our approach to understanding the management of
performance is by seeing it as a mechanism of control in organizations.
Managing Performance 105

Control is not a word used comfortably by many authors of PM

handbooks. Indeed one of the underlying principles of HRM has been
a movement from management by control to management through
commitment (Walton, 1985a) and it is commitment rather than control
that is central to the discourse on managing people effectively. However,
it can be argued that seeking commitment is just another form of
control; a way to gain compliance without coercion. It can also be
argued that this is just one form of control in organizations that can be
used formally or informally, consciously or unconsciously by the organ-
izational hierarchy, social groups within it and individuals themselves in
order to regulate actions, behaviour and performance of employees.

What is performance?
A central question for our understanding of the management of performance must
be: what is performance in an organizational context? As Shields (2007) notes,
the simple answer is that it depends who you ask; for different stakeholders in the
organization performance may well have different connotations. Shareholders
of public companies may look at organizational performance purely in terms of
profitability, while customers may see the performance of an organization
as denoting quality products, value for money or level of customer service.
In the not-for-profit sector, performance may well be defined as fulfilling social
imperatives that bring positive outcomes for communities. From a managerial
perspective, the answer may be that performance is whatever management says it
is. And for individual employees, performance may not just be about getting the job
done but being seen to do so; the notion of performance as a show of some kind.
So, we can understand performance as a social construct; it is defined according
to who is thinking about it and their own values, beliefs and attitudes.

Performance and control

Johnson and Gill (1993), in their work on OB and management, cite
three aspects of control, which are worth drawing on in this chapter.
These are:

administrative control how organizations attempt to increase

social control how groups and society regulate the efforts of
106 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

self-control how individuals view themselves in work and

society and therefore wish to be part of the organization.

Each of these categories of control will be explored in turn, starting with

social control.

Social control
Nowadays, men often feel their private lives are a series of traps (Wright
Mills, 1959). In this, the first line from his book, Mills is expressing
how, as individuals, our lives are made up of unwritten rules that are
enforced by social pressures to conform to a reality that fits with what
those around us see as right; those with whom we identify and see an
affiliation to our own identity. Foucault (1975), describes how society
normalises judgement by defining what is correct and proper, and
therefore setting out a subjective ideology of how the people in that
society should behave. Foucault gives the example of prisons and mental
institutions in the 18th century which acted as a mechanism for demon-
strating to those that did not comply as docile bodies how they would
be treated. He saw this as corrective behaviour designed to elicit the
appropriate response in people and to create a social structure which is
regarded as orderly within the norms of that society. However, Foucault,
unlike Mills, did not see discipline as just a coercive measure; he argued
that although there are negative connotations to its usage, discipline or
control also produces reality. By this he means that it produces know
ledge in the individuals who interact in the society, who in turn act
accordingly and thus shape the society that they interact in. Foucault
draws heavily on how issues are discussed and the role of discourse in
the problematization of things. By examining how we talk about such
things as sexuality and mental illness (Foucault 1975, 1976, 1984a,
1984b) he demonstrates how it shapes our views. By defining what is
seen as an issue we also condone what is seen as the subjective norm.
As Burr (2003) says, discourse serves to create a framework to help
individuals to understand their experiences and as such, serves as a
social control. Drawing on Foucault, she explains how power is focused
through discourse to mask its coercive nature, thus persuading individu-
als that their choices lead to their actions, not societal constraints. When
we look at it this way, this means that power may not lie with the indi-
vidual, but in how the individuals or groups use language to create a
culture. Foucault argues that society has moved from sovereign power,
Managing Performance 107

the ability of one individual (king or queen) to enact power over others,
to disciplinary power, the ability of all to create power through dis-
course, in how they frame issues and concepts, in the language used.
Goffman (1959) argues that this not only affects how we speak, but
also how we act. This is substantiated by Foucaults (1975) work on
panopiticism (see Glossary), where he argues that social control is
enforced by how much we as individuals feel we are exposed to the
gaze of others. If we feel we are being observed, we are likely to show
conforming behaviours in our bid to seek approval from the society we
are part of.
Foucault argued that control is a complex relationship between the
individual and the organization and the key to holding power of control
is in how the relationship works. His work was in direct contrast and
disagreement with that of Marx, who felt that power and therefore
oppression lay in the hands of the bourgeois, or in the organizational
case, in the decision making of managers, not individuals. Evidence of
both viewpoints can be found in organizations. The traditional mindset
of work has been one where power has been with the managers and the
workers are expected to conform, but are not trusted to do so. This leads
to a culture of control through observation and systems of checking up.
In knowledge-intensive firms the power is seen much more with the
individual and the discourse is more about engagement and commitment
than control. What is important here is that workers feel trust towards
the organization and therefore want to give their own knowledge freely
in a bid to help the organization achieve its goals. Traditional organiza-
tional structures have been working on a mindset of sovereign power, or
obedience to a clear set of rules, with consequences for non-compliance.
This paradigm sees power very much in the hands of the authority, but
Foucaults argument is that there has been a shift to regulatory power,
where individuals are preoccupied with their own identity and the
technologies of self, how they portray themselves and warrant approval
from society. Regulatory power sees the power in individuals to improve
their self through a clear understanding of the socially accepted ideal.
Purcell et al (2003) stated that organizations that are seen to do well,
do so through transmitting their big idea to all the staff through their
structures and mechanisms. These companies have strong cultures based
on strategic vision that is integrated into their policies and practices,
thus setting up the social structures to influence behaviour and, in turn,
results. Those attracted to the organization will see themselves as
identifying with the values of the organization. Purcell et al go on to
108 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

emphasize that policies must reflect the vision and be meaningful to the
organization. Critical to the instrumentality of these policies is how line
managers engage with them and the people to whom they relate. These
organizations use observation mechanisms to reinforce and further com-
municate their vision and reinforce their subjective ideology. However,
as both Purcells research and Foucaults work highlight, this is not
without its problems. Purcell refers to the critical role of line managers,
the social actors who implement organizational policies and practices as
agents representing the organizations interest. But, and herein lies the
problem, line managers also bring their own set of interests, values and
interpretations to these policies and practices which has the potential to
subvert the organizations intentions.
The philosophies we have dealt with so far refer to how the socially
constructed ideal has an impact on the organization and also therefore
the worker. However, social control can also be found at a more micro
level in organizations. Again, drawing on principal agency theory (see
Glossary), micro social constructs may not always be to the organiza-
tions interest. Organizations are made up of teams of individuals that are
formed to carry out the vision of the organization, for the organizations
benefit, and ideologically speaking, for the teams members own benefit
too. However, these teams are made up of groups of individuals who
bring their own set of values, worries, mistrusts and interpretations to
the group, and therefore also influence the behaviours in the group.
In a classic factory experiment Roy (1952) discovered that informal
groups had formulated agreements as to acceptable rates of production.
To exceed acceptable rates or fall below them would lead to individual
sanctions in the group such as ridicule, criticism or even ostracism. This
experiment demonstrated the power of group influence; even though
pay is seen as the prime extrinsic motivator, in this case despite the
opportunity to earn more (as greater productivity would lead to more
pay under a piece rate system), individuals desire to conform to group
norms prevailed, clearly demonstrating the complexities of individual
motivation. Group membership and social acceptance can be seen to
play a large role in job satisfaction and how individuals see themselves
in their work environment. This experiment demonstrated that group
influences can be stronger than the individual motivations that organiza-
tions elicit.
Milgram (1973) demonstrated how easily individuals are influenced
by the group. He asked volunteers to teach people a series of word pairs.
Managing Performance 109

The volunteers were tasked with punishing those who did not learn by
giving them an electric shock. Each time the individual made a mistake
the shock level would be increased and the individual learner would get
a greater shock for each mistake made. During the experiment Milgram
found that individuals were prepared to, and indeed did, administer
shock levels way over what was deemed safe because they were told to
by authority figures. No shocks were actually given, and the learners
were actors, but the volunteers believed that they were giving a shock
to people. When a group member dissented from the protocol, as
Milgram orchestrated, he found that of the 40 times, where he asked an
actor to dissent, 30 times out of the 40 once someone dissented, others
in the group did so. Thus, Milgram demonstrates the power of influence
in the group.
Huczynski and Buchanan (2007) state that how we understand our-
selves is not based on an ultimate truth but on how we interact with
others around us, and our environment to make sense of ourselves in
this environment. Using this social constructivist argument (see Glossary),
it would also follow that group influences can either improve or reduce
a members productivity and performance.
Aronson, Wilson and Akert (1994) explain how social perceptions
can lead to social facilitation or social loafing. When in the presence of
others, if a person feels that he or she is going to be evaluated, this can
lead to apprehension, which tends to lead to better performance on
simple tasks but impaired performance on complex tasks; this is social
facilitation. If a person perceives that his or her performance cannot be
evaluated, there will not be any apprehension about evaluation that is
likely to lead to impaired performance on simple tasks but better per-
formance on more complex tasks; this is social loafing. It was also found
that the larger the team, the greater the chance of variation of perform-
ance in the group, therefore the harder for the organization to ensure
consistency of output or service.
Applying these theories of social control to international companies
also has its challenges. Using Foucaults theories, Said (1978) argues that
country cultures operate a relationship between economics, military and
political interests. These are all interrelated and affect the culture of a
country, which in turn affects its politics and its organizational cultures,
so companies that cross borders will find that their management practices
may need to diverge in order to be effective. These social constructions
are temporary and changeable as economics and politics change.
110 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

So far we have concentrated on ideas relating to social control processes.
However, these ideas pre-suppose that in order for social control to have
any effect, self-control must also be present.
It is generally argued that personality is relatively fixed with roughly
4050 per cent of what makes up individual personality based on genetic
factors (Loehlin, 1992). Even in this relatively fixed model, however,
this leaves over 50 per cent that is thought to be directly affected by
environmental factors. Social acceptance is just such an environmental
Social acceptance has to be warranted and individuals seeking social
acceptance must therefore control their own impulses in order to achieve
group acceptance. The enormous success of self-help books such as How
to Win Friends and Influence People (Carnegie, 1936 and still in print
in 2012) demonstrates the desire of individuals to be socially successful.
Goffman (1959) argues that every reaction, movement and utterance
is done consciously with a view to demonstrating to others our social
positioning. How we frame our discourse and how we represent our-
selves is a deliberate bid to gain social acceptance with others. We form
groups and mix with others in an attempt to build our own social
identity. Kelman (1961) proposes that there are three ways in which
individuals present themselves to show they are conforming; these are
compliance, identification and internalization:

Compliance is the adaptation of ones behaviour in order to

obtain gratification or avoid sanction. However, this is an instant
response and will therefore only last as long as there is a threat of
sanction or a promise of reward. This effect is seen, for example,
as a drop in absence rates in organizations at a time of economic
uncertainty, or an increase in productivity in response to the
promise of a bonus.
Identification is when individuals behaviour is in line with a
group that they identify with and wish to be part of, but again,
this behaviour may be no more than a temporary state. For
example, some students may appear more studious than they
normally would in a bid to join a group presentation that they
feel will be good for their development. This state may not change
their values once the presentation is done, but serves the purpose
to join the group.
Managing Performance 111

Internalization is when a value takes on a more permanent state,

and becomes a significant part of an individuals belief and value
system. Once a principle is internalized it becomes a more stable
part of an individuals value system and is therefore much more
likely to be repeated as a set of behaviours.

Individuals mix with groups and join organizations to validate their

own beliefs, and develop their own concept of self. The self-concept
sets the image of how we wish to portray ourselves and thus reinforces
our self-image. However, Rogers (1947) argues that there is a two-
sided self, and that the self-concept can also be influenced by how
others see us, depending on how realistic our perceptions of self are.
Individuals self-concept takes on two forms; how the individuals see
themselves and then how others see them. If both the individuals
view and the other peoples view are reasonably consistent, then the
individual will be receptive to the other peoples view and be influenced
by them.
So, self-concept can be seen as temporary or more permanent,
depending on how much the aspect of self is central to ones life interests
(Dubin, 1956). For example, a workaholic will have such a strong
concept of self around work that they will want to work hard all the
time this is a part of their identity that is unlikely to change. Professional
workers tend to have a stronger identity to work than non-professionals.
This would infer that non-professional workers have central life interests
outside work that are stronger than their work interests. Self-concept
is also affected by personality stability. Those who find that their view
of self is very different to others view of them are likely to find the
views offered by others threatening and will seek to ignore them and
seek out people who will help to validate their view of self. These
theories of how individuals make sense of themselves are very much
based on Western cultural assumptions that individuals can deconstruct
their historical self to understand their current self a psychological
perspective. The psychological perspective presupposes a knowledge
approach to understanding, based on a scientific approach, but this is
not the case in all cultures; some are more based on faith or spiritual
influences than psychology. Issues such as how workers see themselves
as well as the social context will have an impact on the PM processes
used by the organization. This will be further explored in administra
tive control.
112 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

Administrative control
We have seen how individuals in the organization are subject to self-
control, the personal motives influencing their behaviour as well as social
control from the group, the norms and pressures of group dynamics
the process of socialization. These controls often happen in an uncon-
scious, unplanned and informal way. By contrast, in this section we look
at how organizations exert control intentionally to regulate self-control
and social control. Organizations do this through mechanisms, policies
and processes that constrain, influence or motivate the individuals and
teams who work for them what Johnson and Gill (1993) term admini
strative control.
The rationale behind administrative control was initiated by Weber
(1978), who advocated bureaucracy as the most rational known means
of exercising authority of human beings. Weber believed that by
creating bureaucratic hierarchy, an organization cascaded through
departments and levels the organizational objectives and control. Using
bureaucratic measurements, an organization outlined what was predict-
able and calculable. Weber argued that if decision making was made by
strict rules which have to be adhered to then control would be predict-
able and orderly, as these rules are designed and construed by people,
this turns social action into rationally formed action. Administrative
control is rooted in the approach of homo economicus, using rational
economic reasoning to make decisions to increase the efficiency of
people (for example Taylor, 1947). Johnson and Gill (1993) outline three
common types of administrative control: rules and procedures, output
control and information control. If rules are defined and behaviours are
outlined then it is clear what is expected and what is the punishment
should these rules not be adhered to. This creates a rationality to de
humanize the decision making, as it is transparent and set in the rules.
Rules and procedures are useful where behaviours predictably lead to
desired outcomes, but sometimes this is not easy to analyse. In such
situations measurements of output become more important the results
are what matter, not how they are achieved but the organization must
clearly define the expected outcome and how to measure it. Information
control is elicited through the disclosure of organizational or individual
data. By demonstrating knowledge through the publishing of data, on
financial figures or even such figures as absence, the organization is
demonstrating its power and showing its position in the hierarchy to
make these rationally formed decisions based on collected data. Such
Managing Performance 113

organizational and individual data is gathered and used in a perform-

ance management system (PMS).

Performance management systems

From the HRM perspective, the performance of individuals and teams in
organizations needs to be assessed, rewarded and ultimately improved
in the belief that this will lead to organizational success. In practice, we
can understand administrative control as PM and the interdependent
PM processes and practices as a PMS. These systems will inevitably vary
from organization to organization and depend on the type of work,
size and age of the organization and the culture of the business.
For many organizations, an output-oriented definition of PM is domin
ant; a quantitative measure of production or a qualitative assessment of
achievement: income generated, units produced, levels of customer satis-
faction, targets met or objectives achieved. Here, performance means
results that can be relatively straightforward to measure. More difficult
to assess systematically are inputs; the abilities, attitudes and competen-
cies an employee brings to the role, and behaviours; the enactment of
competencies in a way that translates inputs into outcomes. And yet
these less tangible elements of performance are also key to PM.
Taking an open systems approach, we see that each of these three
dimensions of performance is interlinked. Viewed in this way, perform-
ance is a process; it is not just about the destination (the results) but
also the journey (the inputs and behaviours) that gets you there. At an
individual level, employees hold particular personal competencies that
they bring to their job, a combination of knowledge and abilities that
are required to perform the tasks allocated to them. In enacting those
abilities, each employee behaves in a certain way, puts in work effort,
demonstrates citizenship behaviour and this results in satisfactory
achievement of the task; a tangible performance outcome. Importantly
for some of the issues in this chapter, this process does not just take
place at the individual level; it is not just individuals who perform
but teams and organizations too. For teams, inputs such as collective
knowledge, experience and cooperative teamworking behaviour can
result in high productivity and quality output. At organizational level,
inputs such as cultural values and workforce capabilities lead to collec-
tive behaviour, such as customer focus, that results in customer satisfac-
tion and profitability.
114 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

Various definitions of PM from the considerable volume of HRM

academic and practitioner-oriented literature can help us to gain a
greater understanding of how organizations approach the management
and control of individual and team performance. Appraising the five
definitions of PM in the box below, we can immediately see some
areas of congruence and slight differentiation. Perhaps most striking is
Mohrman and Mohrmans argument that PM is managing the business,
ie it is day-to-day management; what managers are doing as a matter
of routine (1995). This is echoed in the IPM definition, which stresses
that PM relates to every activity of the organization; for Armstrong and
Baron (1998) it is integrated. What do we take from this? Perhaps
simply that PM is an integral part of management; an embedded activity
that happens during the course of organizational events rather than a
discrete practice that managers put into operation. Certainly, from an
administrative control perspective this would make sense; for employees
to perform effectively, there has to be more than infrequent sporadic
attempts to influence their behaviour and outputs.

Definitions of PM

[PM is] a strategy which relates to every activity of the organization set in the
context of its human resources policies, culture, style and communications systems
(IPM, 1992).

Performance management is managing the business (Mohrman and Mohrman,


Performance management is a strategic and integrated approach to delivering

sustained success to organizations by improving the performance of the people
who work in them and by developing the capabilities of teams and individual
contributors (Armstrong and Baron, 1998).

Performance management can be defined as a systematic process for improving

organizational performance by developing the performance of individuals and
teams. It is a means of getting better results from the organization, teams and
individuals by understanding and managing performance within an agreed
framework of planned goals, standards and competence requirements
(Armstrong, 2006: 1).

Performance management is the system through which organizations set work

goals, determine performance standards, assign and evaluate work, provide
performance feedback, determine training and development needs and distribute
rewards (Briscoe and Claus, 2008: 15).
Managing Performance 115

One way of understanding these issues is to look, not at what PM is,

but what organizations are aiming to achieve in implementing PM
practices. Armstrong, an influential author of many texts on PM, sum-
marizes the key aim of PM: To establish a high-performance culture
in which individuals and teams take responsibility for the continuous
improvement of business processes and for their own skills and contri-
butions within a framework provided by effective leadership (Armstrong,
This emphasis on high performance working and continuous improve
ment of processes is heavily influenced by Japanese work practices that
have been heralded in the West as a move away from management
command and control practices towards autonomous or self-managed
teams. The thinking behind such approaches centres on the organiza-
tional benefits of greater employee satisfaction, better decision making
and more creative solutions (Pfeffer, 1998). Hence, teamworking has
become an almost universally adopted concept seen as a vital com
ponent of organizational success (Marchington, 1999). The implementa-
tion of teamworking, however, has not always lived up to the rhetoric,
with the incidence of fully autonomous teams rare (Marchington and
Wilkinson, 2009). Moreover, Barker (1993) suggests that teamworking
is, what he terms, concertive control; control exerted by workers (self
and social control) rather than management control under the rational
rules of Weberian bureaucracy (the iron cage). Furthermore, control
through teamworking practices are not only more powerful, they are
less apparent and more difficult to resist, creating a new iron cage
whose bars are almost invisible to the workers it incarcerates. (Barker,
A modern, commitment-oriented PMS then, is not only a way organ
izations exert traditional administrative control on individuals and
teams, it can also be a powerful tool for tapping into the mechanisms of
self-control and social control explored above, with the potential for
even greater influence on behaviour and performance of employees.

Managing performance in practice

Given this potentially very powerful means of managing performance,
there is surprisingly little evidence of wholehearted agreement that a
PMS successfully meets organizational needs. A 2009 CIPD survey of
507 of its members, for example, found very little agreement about what
116 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

PM is capable of achieving in practice. Only 30 per cent of respondents

agreed with the statement that PM enables individuals to understand
what they ought to be doing and this rather modest result was the
highest rate of agreement in the study. When asked about claims that
PM has a positive impact on individual and organizational performance
there were slightly more respondents who disagreed than agreed (CIPD,
2009a). It is clear that HR professionals themselves are not wholly
convinced that operational PM achieves its aims.
It seems to us that one reason for the lack of confidence in and success
of PM in practice is the associated lack of understanding of the issues
we have discussed in this chapter surrounding control particularly the
impact of self-control and social control on individual and group behav-
iour in organizations. While we are certainly not advocating a return
to management by control principles, we are suggesting that a greater
understanding of the psychological processes underlying issues of control
and commitment can benefit managers approaching the challenges of
managing the performance of their teams.
Building on the PM process described above, we can classify PM prac-
tices in three categories:

Character inputs the organizational practices that are intended

to create desired behaviours and outputs. These are the things
organizations do to shape the employee, for example gaining
buy in to corporate values during induction and the
interventions that might be made (such as counselling or
coaching) if performance levels are lower than expectation.
Task behaviours they way things are done. Organizations
can set out behaviour standards in the form of competency
frameworks, create rules about conduct and appearance, and lay
down procedures and protocols to describe explicitly how tasks
are performed. Deviation from the rules or procedures usually
incurs punishment or sanction either in the form of formal
disciplinary measures or withholding of social or work-related
Results the outputs commonly associated with performance.
By setting clear objectives to be achieved, formally reviewing
performance in appraisals and incentivizing output with reward
practices such as sales commission, organizations attempt heavily
to influence the achievement of results.
Managing Performance 117

Ta b le 4.1 PM implications arising from the self-control, social and

administrative control perspective of HRM practices
HRM practice Self-control, social Implications
or administrative for PM
control perspective

Character inputs
Recruitment Finding people with the The organization PM can start before
and selection right skills, qualifications specifies pre-emptively the employment
and expertise to attitudinal and relationship begins
perform in the job. behavioural with sophisticated
characteristics of and systematic
organizational members recruitment and
(Townley, 1989) selection practices.
Induction and A process of Individuals joining an Induction can form
socialization employees adjustment organization are likely a vital part of PM
to a new job, to be seeking social processes as an
establishing working acceptance but may early opportunity to
relationships and be demonstrating establish desired
finding roles for compliance or attitudes and
themselves within identification behaviours behaviours in new
teams. rather than internalization employees as
(Kelman, 1961). internalized values.
Training and Employees acquiring According to situated Using discourse
development new skills or knowledge learning theory (Lave to influence
by formal and informal and Wenger, 1991) behaviours through
interventions such as learning is the learning. This could
training, mentoring, co-construction of be done through
coaching or on-job knowledge as a social meetings,
experience. process embedded workshops,
in a specific social coaching, mentoring
environment. or action learning.
Managing A range of practices Commitment-oriented While commitment-
the associated with employee relations oriented practices
employment managing collective and practices can be viewed may well be more
relationship individual employment as an extension of the pleasant to work
relationships emphasis iron cage shifting under for
on involvement, responsibility for employees,
commitment, employee control to the managing
engagement and individual and group performance in this
development of a rather than the way still constitutes
positive psychological organization. organizational
contract. exertion of control.
118 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

Ta b le 4.1 continued
HRM practice Self-control, social Implications
or administrative for PM
control perspective

Task behaviours
Rules and The organization makes The organization is Over-reliance
procedures, it clear and explicit to relying predominantly on on rules and
codes of its employees what is self-control to regulate procedures implies
conduct, job seen as correct and behaviour by explicitly lack of trust and
descriptions appropriate behaviour, defining its expectations necessitates
how tasks should be but will exert corrective extensive
carried out and also punishment (including observation
the consequences of expulsion) to force and checking.
non-compliance, eg the compliance of its The long-term
disciplinary procedure. members (Foucault, consequence
1975). However, for PM is that
compliance behaviours employee
are only temporary behaviour may be
behavioural strategies to arrested at the
avoid sanction (Kelman, compliance stage
1961). and does not
progress to
internalization and
commitment to
Competency Structures that set out These are mechanisms Competency
frameworks the behavioural or for reinforcing subjective frameworks have
technical attributes ideologies in the potential to be
employees must have organizations. unfair and even
or develop in order to Additionally, line discriminatory in
perform effectively in managers bring their their formulation or
their jobs. They can own set of interests, implementation by
form the language values and line managers.
of performance in interpretations to
organizations (CIPD, employee assessment
2011a) and form the of competencies.
basis for assessment of
employee performance.
Managing Performance 119

Ta b le 4.1 continued
HRM practice Self-control, social Implications
or administrative for PM
control perspective

Output Managers set desired Groups exert informal The power of
control and output levels or influences on individual informal group
objective objectives and monitor members that regulate influence cannot be
setting achievement against outputs and underestimated in
the plan. achievement of PM as an extrinsic
Performance- There are variable pay objectives and can motivational factor
linked reward schemes, linking disrupt extrinsic and should be
practices achievement of pre-set motivational techniques borne in mind
objectives aligned to such as piecework in the design and
business strategy with schemes (Roy, 1952; implementation
incentive or bonus Milgram, 1973). of output-oriented
payments. PM practices.

Performance There is an opportunity If there is little Appraisal is a key

appraisal for individuals and consistency between an PM practice but
their line managers individuals own view of can become
to review and discuss self and that of others confrontational
performance and he or she is likely to find and demotivating.
development support the views offered by Use of 360-degree
requirements. others threatening and reviews and
will seek to ignore such developing
views (Dubin, 1956). employee and
Distortion effects of manager self-
individual assessment awareness through
(Grint, 1993). the use of
questionnaires etc
may alleviate these

The PM process becomes a cycle when the results determine the organ
izations response in the form of new inputs to character, a training and
development intervention for example, to influence the performance
being achieved (see Figure 4.1).
To illustrate the PM process in practice we now focus on three mana-
gerial PM practices looking at how managers use this process and prob-
lems they may encounter.
120 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

F i g u re 4.1 Cycle of PMS practices

Character inputs
Recruitment and
Induction and
Training and
Managing the
employment relationship

Results Task behaviours

Output control Rules and procedures
Objective setting Job descriptions
Performance appraisals Codes of conduct
Performance-linked Competency
reward practices frameworks

Character inputs induction and socialization

Taylor (2010) states that there is nothing easier than giving new starters
a poor induction. He emphasizes how easy it is to neglect the early
stages of the employment relationship and thus lead to disorientation
and demotivation. Yet Armstrong (2009) makes it clear how important this
stage is to new staff, by stating the aims of induction as being to establish
a favourable attitude to the organization and obtain effective output of
new staff as quickly as possible. This can be seen as a form of social
control. By socializing the individual in the organization and influencing
group formation, organizations can work to foster good relationships
with new employees. Through arranging meetings with influential people
in the company, managers are ensuring that the right relationships are
built and thus influencing a strong organization commitment and work
ethic. This depends on key players also working to organizational goals
rather than their own agendas and on the social actors (managers)
Managing Performance 121

conveying the right messages. If one also factors in such issues as leader
member exchange (Dansereau, Graen and Haga, 1975), which is the
early influence of managerial relationships, it is vital that managers use
the induction phase sensitively to build up strong commitment with new
members of staff. Achieving successful inductions can be difficult; they
are time consuming and need to be tailored to individual need. Managers
may complain about the amount of time and personal effort that induc-
tion requires, but this is important for leadermember exchange and
building a reciprocal relationship. Often, companies run inductions for
all new staff, which are a way of introducing important policies and
rules, but these can be impersonal and do little to build relationships.
It is, therefore, crucial to also draw up individual schedules to help
people settle in. Drawing on knowledge creation theory, we can use
Nonakas (1994) model to demonstrate how induction acts as a form of
PM. The first stage of this model is socialization; here the individual is
given the chance to network with people and demonstrate his or her
existing knowledge of the job. This is followed by externalization, where
the individual is exposed to new explicit knowledge, both structured
and unstructured. This new information is then combined with what
the individual already knows in the combination phase, followed by the
internalization phase where the individual can create new knowledge to
help him or her to better carry out the role.

Task behaviours competency frameworks

Another way in which an organization seeks to influence the behaviour
of its members is by making explicit what are seen as desirable behav-
ioural traits through the use of competencies. This is a form of input
control, or rules and procedures. It makes clear and explicit what the
organization sees as desired skills and behaviours. Boyzatis (1982) refers
to competencies as behaviours that are associated with superior perform
ance. He differentiates this from competence, which is a standardized
level of performance, often used in NVQs. According to Armstrong
(2009) the four most common uses of competencies are for learning and
development, PM, selection and recruitment. Competencies break down
behaviours into different categories, the most commonly used are team
orientation, communication, people management, customer focus, results
orientation, problem solving, planning and organizing, technical skills
and leadership (Armstrong, 2009). They are time-consuming to develop
122 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

and become out of date easily as they usually comprise what were
seen as desirable behavioural traits in the past. As businesses change
constantly this can be problematic, so in order for competencies to
remain effective, organizations need to regularly review and update the
categories. As with all PM techniques, they are only as good as the user.
Managers can interpret their meaning and this can mean that some
behaviours are seen as more important than others, depending who is
administrating the process in the area. Therefore it is important to train
managers in how to use them effectively.

Results performance appraisal

The performance appraisal is the formal review and assessment of
individual performance that happens annually or more frequently and
usually culminates in a face-to-face interview between an employee and
his or her line manager. There are various reasons why appraisals can
be problematic for managers and their employees. First, there is long
standing research (notably Grint, 1993) to show that a variety of distor-
tions can occur in assessment of individuals by their line managers
(for example, the halo or horns effect when the appraiser only notes
positive or negative attributes; or the doppelganger effect when
appraisers reward attributes that are similar to their own). The work of
Dubin (1956) discussed above is also relevant here challenges to an
individuals self-concept may well be met by lack of cooperation or out-
right hostility, making the appraisal confrontational and an unpleasant
experience for all involved. Clearly, this has profound implications for
the organizations ability to operate fair and effective PM. Training for
line managers and use of alternative PM techniques such as 360-degree
appraisal may alleviate these effects but the capability of line managers
is not the only problem. One of the more fundamental problems with
performance appraisal is the potential conflict of purpose in what it is
trying to achieve. Is the appraisal to assess performance over the pre
vious year with a view to rewarding successful outcomes? Or is it to
review performance to identify development needs in the forthcoming
year? Many systems in fact try to do both and hence there is a conflict
between reward and developmental purposes. The problem here is the
likely impact on open and honest discussion between an employee and
his or her manager about development needs and then how these needs
are to be met. An individual whose annual bonus or merit pay rise
depends on a successful performance review is unlikely to flag up areas
Managing Performance 123

where his or her performance needs developing. The performance

appraisal becomes an exercise in convincing line managers that appro-
priate performance has been achieved and nothing more, which subverts
the organizations intention to improve performance by identifying
opportunities for development. Separating the process of appraising
performance and identifying development needs is therefore vital for
the PM process shown in Figure 4.1 to work effectively.

Key learning points and conclusions

We have suggested that developing an understanding of power,
control and identity in organizations is important for managers
seeking to handle the performance of their employees effectively.
Administrative control advocates the use of labour to maximize
efficiency and increase organizational performance. The creation of
rules and procedures, output control mechanisms and control of
information disclosure are key administrative control techniques
that are visible in many PMSs.
Understanding the role of such techniques is important for managers
but so is acknowledgement of their limitations and the drawbacks of
heavy reliance on this type of PM. Both the failure to acknowledge
motivational aspects of work and the dehumanizing impact on the
worker have profound implications for the rights of the individual,
as well as for basic levels of trust between worker and organization,
which undermine organizational performance.
Ideas relating to social control are rooted in the human relations
movement where there is, by contrast, explicit acknowledgement
of the importance of increasing morale and gaining trust of the
Socialization in the organization is seen as important in its
contribution to building a sense of commitment to, and
internalization of, organizational values in employees as well as
group cohesion. But the forces of informal social-group influence
stemming from individual need to form group bonds, social
facilitation and social loafing are extremely powerful. These forces
can all regulate behaviour and performance of individuals and teams
in ways that may undermine both managerial control and
organizational goals.
124 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

Furthermore, we have seen how, if managers do not have the same

interpretations of what constitutes good performance as the senior
individuals in the organization, there is a risk that organizational
intentions will be subverted. So a significant question for
organizations centres on how they control the values and
interpretations of the managers that are relied on to achieve
organizational strategy through PM processes.
It is important for managers to appreciate the role of self-control
in PM. Individuals will act in order to gain social acceptance and
this may be interpreted as adoption of organizational values by
managers but may be mere compliance behaviour.
We have also concluded that the development of self-concept and
self-identity has important implications for how individuals perform
at work. Undermining the needs of individuals to realize their true
identity in a work environment, thus inhibiting growth and
development in a traditional bureaucratic work structure, will be
detrimental to individual, group and ultimately organizational

Discussion questions
How effective are PM practices in improving individual, team and
organizational performance in your organization (or one with which
you are familiar)?
Think about how your organization (or one with which you are
familiar) manages the performance of employees. Would you
describe these practices as commitment- or control-oriented?
Do you agree that managing performance is managing the
Do you think that 360-degree appraisals are a fairer way of
reviewing individual performance than through manager feedback
Managing Performance 125

Case study and discussion questions

C A S E S T UDY Relationship between a team leader and

line manager

James was a team leader of a small group dealing with motor vehicle insurance in a
company providing commercial insurance and financial advice. He had been with the
company for six years, and three years ago was promoted to team leader, showing a lot
of early promise. But James was unhappy with his line manager, Paul. When he took over
as line manager two years ago, says James, we were having problems with a couple of
members of the team, who were not performing well, and who were a disruptive influence.
My line manager was not happy with the fact that it took a long time to resolve the problems,
and that team performance suffered. Paul didnt realize how careful you have to be if you
want to discipline and dismiss someone. After that he always saw me as a poor team
leader; he was constantly on my back, watching me and checking up on me. He just didnt
let me run the team in the way I would have liked to.

James went on to say that his line manager told him that he was weak, and not good
at motivating his team. Paul often sat in on team meetings, talking directly to the team,
undermining James authority. He wanted to see target and performance figures regularly,
and spent a lot of time telling James how to run his team, and how to get the best out of the
team members. James started to doubt his own abilities and became an inconsistent team
leader, sometimes coaching and supporting team members, sometimes criticizing and
threatening them, particularly after he had had a difficult session with Paul.

The team members were unhappy, not sure whether to trust James, or see him as a failure,
as his line manager did. They resented his inconsistent behaviour. One member of the
team left, several attempted to move to other departments, and performance was poor.

Paul had been appointed from outside the organization and had built up a good record of
getting teams to work hard and productively. By this point he was fed up with James, and
had decided to get rid of him. He was too concerned with being liked by his team. He
couldnt push them, or deal with poor performers. I couldnt rely on him to get work done,
and I had to spend a lot of time monitoring him and the team. I had to set targets, and check
performance. If I left the team to itself it wouldnt perform. I hadnt got the time to keep
telling this team what to do but I just didnt trust James to performance manage this team
effectively on his own.
126 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

Discussion questions

Reflecting on some of the issues considered in this chapter relating to social and self-
control perspectives:
Why do you think the relationship between James and his line manager Paul had
become so difficult?
Without intervention what do you think would have happened?
If you had been asked to advise on what actions to take that would have avoided
James leaving the organization and to ensure the team worked more effectively,
what would you have proposed?

and organizational
L i n da Hol b e c h e

L earn i n g o b j e c t i v es

Appreciate mainstream and critical approaches to leadership theory;

how and where these vary and complement one another and why.
Understand the key roles leaders play in ensuring organizational
Explain why new approaches to leadership are called for.

Interest in leadership as a concept and a practice is not new, yet in recent
years leadership has become one of the most topical themes in the OB
pantheon. Recently, a quick internet search on the subject of leadership
yielded about 358,000 entries in 19 seconds!
This chapter considers why discussion about leadership has become
so prominent in recent decades. Any discourse about people manage-
ment must take into account the changing nature of organizational con-
text, and while it is beyond the scope of this chapter to consider all aspects
of the context in which organizations are operating, specific aspects will
128 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

be highlighted that appear to influence how leadership is defined and

understood in contemporary organizations. In particular, we will explore
some of the dominant influences contributing to the development of
a new work culture and related calls for new approaches to leadership.
These include background factors such as the changing global economy,
advancements in technology and the changing demographic which will
continue to have an impact on the shape and nature of organizations,
work and the employment relationship.
Recent developments and trends with regard to leadership theory and
practice will be examined through a review of leadership literature post-
2002. Mainstream and critical approaches to understanding leadership,
management and HRM will be contrasted. This chapter will argue that
traditional definitions of leadership, in which leadership is primarily
associated with the characteristics, capabilities, behaviours and values
of individual leaders, need to be expanded to meet the needs of 21st
century organizations and networks.

Why is leadership so topical?

From the earliest times and in possibly every culture, tales about leaders
and leadership have abounded. Arguably, humanity has always been pre-
occupied with personal security, maintenance, protection, and survival
(Van Vugt, Hogan, and Kaiser, 2008) which leaders helped secure.
Quality of leadership by individual leaders is therefore conventionally
assumed to be central to the survival and success of groups and organ
izations. Many of the historical images associated with leadership have
their roots in conflict and are about great (mostly) military leaders such
as Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Napoleon and Winston Churchill
generals who outwit their opponents, politicians who convince and
channel groups into action, and people who take control of a crisis.
The current explosion of interest in the theme of leadership has
arisen perhaps because leadership is assumed to be the solution to a
number of challenging issues facing contemporary organizations. For
instance, perhaps because of the generally low levels of employee morale
reported in various surveys, the links between leadership styles and
employee engagement, and the notion of a great place to work have
become areas of growing HRM preoccupation. Similarly, in fast chang-
ing and highly competitive contexts, organizations may need greater
agility and the ability to achieve more for less. Other context factors are
Leadership, Communication and Organizational Effectiveness 129

also driving the growth in interest in leadership. Over the last two decades,
the increasingly knowledge-based economy has brought about a sea
change in the nature of work and the skills required by workers.
Organizations are becoming complex and networked, with speed of
innovation seen as the means of staying ahead of the competition.
In comparison to older economies, where growth was based on physical
assets, such as facilities and equipment, growth in the new economy
is said to occur through innovation rather than mass production; value
is measured on less tangible assets such as intellectual capital, talent
and patents.
Similarly, the more diverse and multi-generational nature of work-
forces and the widespread use of social media by employees as a means
of connecting with other people are factors driving the need for diffe
rent forms of communication and for different styles of leadership
than in times gone by. Old style command and control leadership styles
seem out of place in such contexts where getting work done depends
on collaboration and adultadult, employeremployee relationships.
How leadership theory is developing in response to these changing
external environmental factors will be discussed in more detail later in
this chapter.
More generally, the growing interest in leadership in the corporate
world might also be explained by the seemingly high levels of change
and restructuring taking place, often in response to the challenging
business context. In their study of the top business leaders of the last
century, Mayo and Nohria found that an innate ability to read the forces
that shape the times in which they live and to seize on the resulting
opportunities is a characteristic of successful top leaders. These
writers argue that it is a lack of contextual sensitivity to the zeitgeist
that can cause any leader to fail since, as they point out: Companies
dont succeed or fail in a vacuum. When it comes to long-term success
the ability to understand and adapt to changing business conditions is
at least as important as any particular personality trait or competency
The complexities of todays business environment, particularly the
financial crisis and subsequent broader economic and social malaise,
are contextualized as providing high levels of stress and ambiguity
for almost all businesses and employees. It could be argued that the
primitive human need to identify with a community that provides
security, protection, maintenance and a feeling of belonging is as strong
as ever, and that this need is now met by the informal organization and
130 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

its emergent, or unofficial, leaders. And while it is inappropriate to

anthropomorphize the organization (ie treat it as having a concrete
existence of its own; Guest, Isaksson and De Witte, 2010), nevertheless,
in one sense, for many employees, leaders and organization have become
However, leadership has also recently become topical for the wrong
reasons. The ethics of corporate, institutional and political leadership
has been called into question in the wake of various corporate or insti-
tutional scandals, such as the Enron and WorldCom debacles, debates
about rewards for executive failure, the MPs expenses scandal in the
UK, revelations about the power of media moguls over politicians,
to name but a few. As a result, public trust in corporate and establish-
ment leaders is reported to be at an all-time low.

What is leadership?
Leadership is a compelling, yet elusive, topic. Definitions of leadership
abound, for instance: Leadership is about capturing attention and moti-
vating people to follow your way your vision and your dreams (Augier
and Teece, 2005). Leadership is about influencing others to accomplish
organizational goals (Tubbs, in Tubbs and Schulz, 2006). Yet, according
to several commentators, in spite of the plethora of studies, we still seem
to know little about the defining characteristics of effective leadership
(Dulewicz, Young and Dulewicz, 2005). Indeed as a scientific concept,
leadership is a mess (Augier and Teece, 2005).
As a theme, leadership can be contentious, giving rise to many

Are leaders born, not made?

Is leadership synonymous with rank?
How does leadership differ from management?
Can you be both a manager and a leader?

While there is a large literature on the theme of team leadership, the

bulk of leadership literature focuses on the roles of individual leaders,
especially senior managers as leaders. Here there can be a lot of confusion.
Some argue that not all managers, for example, are leaders; and not all
leaders are managers. Moreover, many US texts treat leadership and man-
agement as synonymous (Mintzberg, 2009; Hamel and Breen, 2007).
Leadership, Communication and Organizational Effectiveness 131

Leadership at the top

From an OB perspective, there is a degree of consensus among theorists
that leadership by top management is one of the most significant factors
affecting organizational health. Schein (2008), for instance, views
leadership and culture as two sides of the same coin since, consciously or
otherwise, leaders first create cultures when they create groups and
organizations (see Chapter 8). Once cultures exist they determine the
criteria for leadership and therefore who will or will not be a leader. But
if elements of an organizations culture become problematic in a chang-
ing environment, Schein argues that it is the unique function of a leader
to be able to perceive the functional and dysfunctional elements of the
existing culture and to manage cultural evolution and change in such a
way that the group can survive. Given the link between organizational
culture and business practice, as evidenced by various corporate scandals,
this raises the question of just who exactly governs leaders.
Many contemporary studies focus on links between leadership by top
managers and employee engagement. High performance theory places
employee engagement or the intellectual and emotional attachment that
an employee has for his or her work (Heger, 2007) at the heart of per-
formance, especially among knowledge workers. Employee engagement
has been linked in various studies with higher earnings per share, reduced
sickness absence, higher productivity and innovation; the business benefits
go on and on.
Sibsons (2006) research on employee engagement found two com-
mon features in organizations with high performance: knowing what
to do and wanting to do the work. Topics such as clarity of business
strategy, top level leadership and speed of decision making can have a
big impact. For instance, Heintzman and Marsons (2006) Canadian
research on a public sector value chain lists effective leadership and
management among the most important engagement and performance
drivers. Similarly, a government report into employee engagement in the
UK (MacLeod and Clarke, 2009) concludes that engaging leadership is
one of the main drivers of employee engagement.

Leadership culturally defined

Definitions of leadership tend to vary over time, and the meanings
attributed to leadership are culturally specific. Even whether someone
is considered a good or a bad leader is culturally and politically
132 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

determined and will vary according to the lens used to consider the ques-
tion. For example, while Genghis Khan, Attila the Hun and Hitler may
have been considered great leaders by their followers, those who feared
them took a different view.
Yet a review of leadership literature, both pre- and post-2002, high-
lights how much of this reflects Western, particularly US theory. Arguably
this is because the dominant form of global capitalism over the past
30 years is Anglo-American and is underpinned by neo-liberal ideology
(see Glossary), which Hutton refers to as free market fundamentalism
(Hutton, 2010). This involves the deregulation of markets, reducing the
size of the state, the pursuit of competitive advantage and corporate and
individual survival of the fittest.
Related to this ideology and the pursuit of shareholder value is the
development of managerialism, which we will return to later in this
chapter. Leadership theory and mainstream management writing, much
of it by consultants, has burgeoned since the 1980s, a common charac-
teristic of which is an acceptance of the prevailing conditions that require
leaders to behave in certain ways.

Points to ponder

How might non-Western and non neo-liberal approaches to leadership change

how we think about the legitimate leader?

What other types of leaders or leadership in other cultural settings (for example
ethnic, geographic, gender, organizational, political) can you think of?

Categories of leadership theory

The messiness in theorizing about leadership arises partly because leader-
ship theories tend to fall into two broad categories: essentialist or con-
textualist, each of which may bracket off other ways of understanding

The ontology (see Glossary) of essentialism is that there are two realities
of phenomena: one that is the essence (which is real and knowable) and
the second that is perceived. While the essence is perfect and ideal,
Leadership, Communication and Organizational Effectiveness 133

the perceived is that which is in a constant state of flux. The essentia

list is committed to the view that the human mind can come to know the
essence of things, if only partially, since society is fragmented and a
natural science view of how it should be studied determines how it comes
to be understood. To essentialists, because leadership is a natural effect,
social scientists must search for leaderships ideal character, a general
theory of leadership that permeates all human experience. Essentia
lists document idealized and universal personality traits and situations
and match the individual leaders orientation with certain organizational
situations. The leaders role is therefore often linked to some other role
such as manager or expert. Four things stand out in this regard. First,
to lead involves influencing others. Second, where there are leaders there
are followers. Third, leaders often become visible when an innovative
response is needed to a crisis or special problem. Fourth, leaders are
people who have a clear idea of what they want to achieve and why.
Thus, leaders are people who are able to think and act creatively in non-
routine situations and who set out to influence the actions, beliefs and
feelings of others.
Over the last century four main categories of essentialist leadership
theory have been influential, though it is important to note that none of
these categories is mutually exclusive or lacking advocates today:

Trait theories
The essence of leadership approach underpins trait theory. Trait or
great man theory is an individual orientation approach. In the past, the
personal qualities, characteristics or traits of heroic figures or great men
were studied and used as templates against which leadership potential
could be understood and assessed. In leadership development pro-
grammes, special individuals stand out in the popular imagination or
memory as great leaders, for example Joan of Arc, Ghandi or Martin
Luther King, people whose actions appear pivotal in moments of crisis.
They have a vision of what can, and should be done, and can communi-
cate this to others. From this, it would be easy to assume that the nature
of leadership is common across all cultures. In leadership, the essentialist
focus is on who leaders are, what they pay attention to, as much as what
they do. Even today, we use idealized competency templates to assess
potential for leadership.

Behavioural theories
In the 1940s theorists started to focus more on how leaders behaved with
respect to other people, rather than on their traits alone. The assumption
134 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

was that leadership can be learned. Influential proponents of the behav-

ioural approach were mainly US-based, such as the Ohio State Leadership
Studies, which focused on how leaders could satisfy common group
needs. The research followed a psychological scientific method using
quantitative analysis of questionnaires to leaders and subordinates
(Ohio State University Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire,
195762). The findings indicated that the two most important dimen-
sions of leadership were: initiating structure (ie task-oriented: the extent
to which a leader defines leader and group member roles, initiates actions,
organizes group activities and defines how tasks are to be accomplished
by the group) and consideration (ie people-oriented: the extent to which
a leader exhibits concern for the welfare of the members of the group).
These characteristics could be rated as either high or low and were
treated as independent of one another. (See
According to the Michigan Leadership Studies which began in the
1950s leaders could be classified as either employee centred, or job
centred. (Boje, 2000) These studies identified three critical characteristics
of effective leaders: task-oriented behaviour, relationship-oriented behav-
iour and participative leadership. In their study of leadership behaviour,
Blake and Mouton (1964) developed a managerial grid which described
two extremes of leadership concern for production, and for people.
The stereotypical leadership styles thus identified were impoverished,
country club, middle of the road, authoritarian and team.
As time moved on, theories that focused on leadership style, without
taking into account the needs of followers, came to be considered
incomplete since the leaders task was to deliver results through people.
Instead it was proposed that leaders behaviour should flex to respond
to the requirements of the followers in any given situation. Hersey and
Blanchards (1988) situational leadership framework is still widely used
in organizations today. This takes into account what followers need
from leaders at any given time, and also leaders ability to respond
appropriately to these needs.

Contingency theory
Contingency theory is a class of behavioural theory that claims that
there is no one best way to organize a corporation, lead a company or
make decisions. Instead, the optimal course of action is contingent
(dependent) on the internal and external situation. Fiedlers (1994)
contingency model proposes that the leaders effectiveness is based on
Leadership, Communication and Organizational Effectiveness 135

situational contingency that is a result of interaction of two factors:

leadership style and situational favourableness (later called situational
control). For example, a task-oriented leadership would be advisable
in a natural disaster, such as a flood or fire, whereas the considerate
(relationship-oriented) style of leadership can be appropriate in an
environment where the situation is moderately favourable or certain.
In order to allow for complexity, good leaders need to be able to read
the situation specifically and sensitively and adjust their behaviour
accordingly. Effective leaders are deemed to be those who are responsive
or proactive in dealing with situational complexity.

Transformational theories
Weber (1947) was the first to distinguish between transactional leaders,
such as bureaucratic leaders, and transformational leaders, such as char-
ismatic leaders. Since the 1980s, the charismatic, visionary or transfor-
mational approaches all individual orientations (ie consistent with the
essentialist and atomist view) have come to dominate Western leader-
ship theory (Burns, 1978; Bass, 1985). Such approaches emphasize the
leaders ability to influence others to act. Weber (1947) defined charisma
as a certain quality of an individual personality, by virtue of which he is
set apart from ordinary men and treated as endowed with supernatural,
superhuman, or at least specifically exceptional powers or qualities.
The charismatic leader gathers followers through dint of personality
and charm, rather than any form of external power or authority.
The charismatic leader and the transformational leader have many
similarities, in that the transformational leader may well be charismatic.
The main difference is in their basic focus. Whereas the transformational
leaders focus is on transforming the organization and, quite possibly,
their followers, the charismatic leader may not want to change anything.
Exemplar transformational leaders are generally viewed as having a clear
vision, strong values and courage, together with the ability to inspire a
devoted following and to develop their followers. This approach, being
value- or principle-led is not always flexible.
Collins influential book Good to Great (2001) describes the nature
and characteristics of level 5 leaders who, in his view, are the leaders
best able to help organizations break through to greatness. In contrast
to many conventional characteristics of heroic leaders, who are stereo
typically assumed to charismatically, assertively and visibly take charge
in given situations, level 5 leaders are described as humble and of low
visibility in the organization. They work for others and themselves; they
136 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

recognize the intrinsic worth of employees and other stakeholders,

and support the development of associates. While transformational
leaders bring hope to followers, they may also create emotional pain
in others by the changes they bring about (Frost, 2004; McKenna and
Yost, 2004).
Thus many of todays most influential leadership theories, and the
assessment and development tools which derive from them, such as com-
petencies, work within an essentialist frame of understanding.

In contrast, contextualist theorists (see contextualism, Glossary) believe
that a complex system of cultural, social, psychological and historical
differences constitute human experience (Owen Jones, 1996). They do
not deny that phenomena such as leadership exist; however, they argue
that such phenomena are more complex, multi-faceted, and varying than
previously envisaged.
One concept underlying much of contextualist theory is that reality
is socially constructed. Social constructivism is the belief that reality is
developed through peoples interpretation of the world, rather than re
presenting a universal essence (Calas and Smircich, 1996). Contextualist
scholars have challenged previously held universal truths and essences
because, in this view, there is no objective vantage point (or reality) and
our perceptions are the only thing we can come to know. Contextualists
also question whether universal essences or truths even exist beyond our
perceptions. Instead, knowledge is seen as contingent on local condi
tions and contexts, the phenomena under consideration being always
in a state of becoming. Accordingly, reality is a social and cultural con-
struction, not an idealized form beyond our immediate perception.
By examining multiple interpretations, a shared sense of reality can be
detected; nevertheless, our understanding of reality is always partial and
imperfect. Each of us generates our own rules and mental models
which we use to make sense of our experiences.
Similarly, there are no universal, essential, and transcendent aspects of
leadership. For contextualists, leadership is shaped by individual, (local)
conditions, circumstances, time, and variations of human experience.
The emergent nature of leadership is emphasized, rather than the specific
behaviours demonstrated by the leader. A leader is not a person who
leads others but rather a person who is spontaneously followed by others
before he or she is aware of it. A resonance and a swell of support, rather
Leadership, Communication and Organizational Effectiveness 137

than a pseudo-organizational relationship, should be developed between

leaders and followers (Noda, 2004).
In the contextualist leadership area, the foremost theoretical schools
include cognitive, cultural and processual. Researchers in the field of psy-
chology have investigated different psychological orientations, for ex-
ample, different types of cognitive orientations among leaders (Antonakis,
Avolio and Sivasubramaniam, 2003). Sociologists have examined social
differences to understand whether race and gender affect leadership
(Calas and Smircich, 2006). They have also examined cultural differences
in an effort to understand whether different countries value different
traits or influence strategies. Ethnographic and folkloristic studies illus-
trate that organizations and societies have particular histories and cul-
tures that affect organizational phenomena, including leadership (Owen
Jones, 1996; Kets de Vries, 1999). Historians have examined whether
different (historical) periods require different approaches to leadership.
Similarly, organizational theorists have studied whether different organ-
izational contexts including processual change that occurs in response
to distinctive organizational histories and cultures (Bolman and Deal,
2008) require different forms of leadership.

Points to ponder

Reflecting back on your earlier discussion, how do your own observations about
leadership link with these various schools of thought?

For contextualists, leadership in each context is unique and is dynamic,

emergent, and evolving over time. Because leadership is a process, it is
volatile and sensitive to changes. Mayo and Nohria (2009) argue that
great leadership is not a singular concept but is a function of the particular
circumstances in which businesses and their executives operate. The
latent opportunities of the context come into play at different times and
may require different kinds of leadership. They identify three archetypes
of executive leadership:

entrepreneurs who are ahead of their time and not necessarily

bounded by the context in which they live;
138 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

managers who through a deep understanding of the landscape

in which they are operating shape and grow businesses;
leaders who confront change and identify latent potential in
businesses or any organization.

With echoes of the conventional sociological debate about agency or

structure, Mayo and Nohria argue that leadership and context are
The conclusion of these cultural studies, to contextualists, is that uni-
versal essences have little value in this emergent context and understand-
ing of leadership. Despite this, many theorists take essentialist rather
than contextualist perspectives, as we will discuss later with respect to
new perspectives on leadership. The general ideal is for leaders to be
able to respond to their changing environment by developing versatility,
resilience, and emotional intelligence, thus enabling them to tailor their
styles to specific people and situations. In other words, trait and situ
ational leadership theories are alive and well. Later in this chapter you
will have chance to consider a case study of leadership in a public sector
context. When you read it, bear in mind these categories of theory as you
evaluate the nature of the leadership challenge and the types of leader-
ship you detect.
This polarity of categorization of leadership theory feeds through
into policy frameworks that legitimize some forms of leadership and
de-legitimize others. It also has an impact on how HRM and leader
ship might interface with implications for the relative roles of
those engaged in the employment relationship in organizations. Taken
into MNC contexts, there are issues about how HQ staff judge
leaders fitness to lead subsidiary operations; about how leaders
ought to be developed as well as how leaders ought to think about

Points to ponder

Reflecting on your experiences and views about leadership, how would you
categorize your own responses?

Are you more inclined to essentialist or contextualist views? Why?

What might you be taking for granted?

Leadership, Communication and Organizational Effectiveness 139

In the next section we will consider aspects of context that gave rise
to the forms of managerialism and of HRM that are familiar today.
In contrast to mainstream views about leadership, management and
HRM, we will now consider these themes through the lens of critical
management scholarship.

Critical management scholarship

Critical management scholarship (CMS) is a disparate field encompass-
ing critical versions of postmodernism (Alvesson and Deetz, 2005) and
radical humanist approaches (Burrell and Morgan, 1979), among others.
For CMS scholars, the capitalist context is significant since some have
explicitly Marxist leanings and seek to reveal the political and economic
consequences of capitalism. These scholars aim to bring to light and
challenge underlying philosophies and interests that produce the condi-
tions in which leaders operate and to which followers are required to
comply. According to Watson (2010), CMSs motivating concern is the
social injustice and environmental destructiveness of the broader social
and economic systems that managers and organizations serve and repro-
duce, rather than focusing simply on the practices of managers them-
selves. So by implication, critical scholars take a contextualist position,
yet, for some of them at least, the agenda of conflicted employee rela-
tions might be viewed as essentialist.

The capitalist context: neo-liberalism and pursuit of

shareholder value
The dominant form of global capitalism today was developed and pro-
moted by the US and UK following the economic crisis of the late 1970s.
The welfare capitalist model (see welfare capitalism, Glossary) of mass
industrial production and capital accumulation was beginning to fail.
There was a collapse in the rate of profit and a systemic crisis attributed
by some to the successful pursuit by organized labour in the advanced
industrial economies of high wage policies. Out of this crisis grew a new
and invigorated global capitalism based on neo-liberalism (see Glossary)
the dominant intellectual ideology of which is the efficient market
hypothesis. This claims that individual competitive freedoms should be
enhanced through the deregulation of markets, allowing capitalism to
flourish free from state or other third party interference, such as the
140 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

corporatist (see Glossary) settlements which the social partners in

Europe, including the UK, arrived at after the Second World War.
Successful competition, and the pursuit of competitive advantage, it was
argued, would require new markets, greater efficiency and labour flexi-
bility (see Glossary).
The development of this form of capitalism was assisted by the deve
lopment of new information and communication technologies which
began to transform traditional manufacturing and distribution systems.
The utilization of knowledge and culture as economic resources led to
the creation of new types of post-Fordist firms (see Fordism, Glossary),
products and markets. Much traditional manufacturing capability
migrated from the developed to parts of the developing world. The UK
economy became predominantly service-based by the late 1990s, with
three-quarters of employees employed in services and services account-
ing for two-thirds of GDP (Julius and Butler, 1998). Sennett (2006)
argues that the capital-driven nature of Anglo-US forms of globalization
resulted in short-termism and businesses themselves coming to be seen
as short-term trading vehicles. By changing their investment patterns,
international corporations could put local economies at risk. The pursuit
of shareholder value became the rationale for corporate governance
including how leadership in organizations was to be legitimized.

For many critical scholars, the prominence of leadership in mainstream
theory from the 1980s onwards reflects the promotion of managerialism,
an explicitly political project to better control and exploit labour in the
interests of the capitalist class and its agents (such as corporate leaders).
Effective management, and reducing the power of organized labour,
came to be seen by governments from Margaret Thatchers UK premier-
ship and Ronald Reagans US presidency onwards as the panacea for
all economic ills. High levels of unemployment during the 1990s allowed
managers to control recruitment and introduce more flexible structures,
removing many aspects of the bureaucratic employment relationship,
such as job security, and embed managerialism. The point was, of course,
to unpack the corporatist settlement, which involved a critique of
managers as a class, and to align what they are, who they align with,
and what they do, with neo-liberal capitalist interests.
Top managements task was to increase shareholder value by provid-
ing customer value, stimulating innovation, finding new markets and
Leadership, Communication and Organizational Effectiveness 141

driving down the cost of production, including employment costs.

As deliverers of the mandate set by shareholders, leadership teams
focused on short-term value enhancements, through merger and acquisi-
tion, restructurings, outsourcing and divestments, driving down the costs
of labour and finding cheaper ways of getting work done, such as
through suppliers or via technology. The stage was set for the interests
of leaders and followers to diverge.
Managerialism was further advanced in the UK as a political project
and as a form of social domination by the New Right (see Glossary)
including the New Labour governments (19972009). This is reflected
in the political attempts under New Labour to achieve a closer func-
tional relationship between the state and a modernizing of the public
sector, as demonstrated in the centrally imposed public sector targets
(Gamble, 2009). Conventional public sector leadership (akin to Webers
bureaucratic leadership and sometimes referred to as the trust us
the professionals model) was to be replaced by managers and their
related tools, such as performance management, the rationale for which
was efficiency as defined in relation to liberal market values. As a result,
many professionals who had traditionally operated in a largely self-
directed way, which managerialists considered negative, were obliged
to comply.
Managerialism is now evident in diverse social spheres and in all
sectors of the UK economy, its apparent legitimacy in the UKs neo-liberal
economic context seemingly unquestioned. Deetz (1992) argues that the
increased influence of management may be interpreted in terms of a
corporate colonisation of the lifeworld in that cultural and institu
tional forms become progressively subsumed in the logic of capitalism.
This wholesale shift in power towards managers (Parker, 2002), reflects
the dominance of organizational interests in the employment relation-
ship, arguably at the expense of employees interests.
Thus, against this backdrop, the nature and task of leadership is
riddled with paradox, complexity and ambiguity. It could be argued that
old management and leadership styles, based on a convention of low-
trust and high control, sit uneasily against a paradigm of volunteer know
ledge workers, who are expected to be accountable and empowered, willing
and able to create shared learning and intellectual capital. Moreover,
high commitment leadership styles, especially if the walk does not
match the talk, are likely to be met by cynicism from employees. Not
surprisingly, one of the key leadership challenges in todays organizations
is that of employee engagement.
142 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

Points to ponder

In such a context, to what extent can leadership be both genuine and mutual
(ie balancing the needs of external and internal stakeholders) when measures
of success are short term and oriented to creating value for shareholders?

Will the corporate governance context converging across business systems

effectively determine how authentic leadership is defined and assessed?

The HRM contribution

The discussion on leadership naturally progresses into a consideration
of HRM as a particular form of leadership of people in organizational
settings. To what extent is HRM playing a pivotal part in delivering
sustainable performance through people (the Chartered Institute of
Personnel Developments vision for HR)? Or could HRM itself be
described as modern management, and viewed as neo-Taylorism (see
Taylorism, Glossary) dressed up as neo-human relations? The interests
and objectives of many workers and their senior managers may have
diverged. Yet mainstream management and HRM theory tends to ignore
the essentially contested terrain of work (Marchington and Wilkinson,
2009). This term refers to the complex interplay between the interests
and objectives of workers and management, acting on behalf of owners
or shareholders, typically portrayed as managers seeking to maintain
control and generate workers consent, creativity and commitment
(Delbridge, 2007). While there is a growing interest in the management
press in the practices of more mutual organizations, with the John Lewis
Partnership being a well-known UK example of an organization with an
ownership structure reflecting the principle of mutuality, on the whole
such organizational examples are rare.

New approaches to leadership

Calls are growing for new forms of leadership, for a variety of reasons
explored below.

Leadership for knowledge and service-based work

In mainstream organizations there is a growing recognition that new
or evolved forms of management and leadership are needed that are
Leadership, Communication and Organizational Effectiveness 143

better suited to the demands of a complex, fast-changing service- and

knowledge-based economy. In such an economy, people are the source of
production and, with the aid of knowledge technologies, knowledge is a
tool to produce economic benefits as well as job creation. As workforces
become increasingly diverse and multi-generational, the challenge for
leaders is to engage employees in ways which produce discretionary effort.
As Pearce (2004) points out, With the shift to team-based knowledge
work comes the need to question traditional models of leadership.
Hamel and Breen (2007) agree, asserting: Management is out of date
and that what ultimately constrains the performance of your organiza-
tion is not its operating model, nor its business model, but its manage-
ment model. For them, management, as currently practised, is a drag on

Leadership and ethical practice

Not surprisingly in this post-Enron age, business ethics and the reputa-
tions of some business leaders have been put under the spotlight. In
the management press there are growing calls for more sustainable and
ethical business and management practice, for greater transparency and
accountability at the top, and for more equitable reward practices.
Critical scholars, in particular, approach mainstream management
theory with deep scepticism regarding the moral defensibility and the
social and ecological sustainability of the prevailing forms of manage-
ment and organization (Watson, 2010). This is with a view to radically
transforming management practice.

More progressive forms of management

Some critical scholars are also arguing for more progressive forms of
management to enable the enhancement of mutual purpose and mutual
gains between employer and employee (Spicer, Alvesson and Karreman,
2010; Francis, Holbeche and Reddington, 2012). These more mutual
approaches, it is argued, are likely to produce more sustainably effective
organizations since they focus on both the outcomes, and the means to
achieve these, by reframing the employment relationship along more
equitable principles. This means paying much more attention to the
ambiguity about the goals and objectives associated with work and
organization than classical models of leadership, OD and HRM tend
to allow.
Quite what is required to lead successfully in todays organizations is
the focus of extensive discussion in the literature post-2002. In the next
144 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

section we look at the primary theme the role of individual leaders as

authentic moral leaders and consider how the nature of leadership
functions is being redefined and expanded.

Authentic leadership theories

In the 2000s, a wealth of theory focuses on the authenticity (ie honesty
and integrity) of leaders. In some ways, such approaches reflect develop-
ments in the conventional heroic leadership models. Forms and styles
of leadership are variously described as authentic, moral, grown-up,
differentiated, and prosocial (Lorenzi, 2004). Goffee and Jones (2005),
among others, argue that leadership demands the expression of an
authentic self. People want to be led by someone real. People associate
authenticity with sincerity, honesty and integrity. For Norman, Luthans
and Luthans (2005), the authentic leader has confidence, hope, optimism
and resilience, and also a moral or ethical transparency orientation.
According to Gardner and Schermerhorn (2004), the theory of authentic
moral leadership derives from Luthans (2002) work on positive organ
izational behaviour (POB) and Luthans and Avolios work on authentic
leadership (2005). POB is the study of, and application of positively
oriented human resource strengths and psychological capabilities that
can be measured, developed, and effectively managed for performance
improvement in todays workplace (Luthans, 2002). These writings
point in the same direction as earlier work by McGregor (1957) on
Theory Y (participative) leaders. For Gardner and Schermerhorn
(2004), authentic high performance leadership is something achievable
by all managers, regardless of level or setting. They lead on strengths
rather than viewing individual performance from the perspective of
problems that must be corrected.

The expanding functions of leaders

The traditional functions of leadership such as inspiring people, provid-
ing direction, building culture, developing organizational capability and
stimulating effective practice such as team working, learning and know
ledge sharing are continuously being expanded to reflect changing
circumstances. Nowadays, leaders are expected to get people to commit
to the organization at an emotional level, to produce high performance
even in the absence of certainty, to act as steward or moral compass for
the organization.
Leadership, Communication and Organizational Effectiveness 145

Though Burns, Bass and others were writing about the moral purpose
of leaders from the 1960s onwards, arguably the moral dimensions of
leadership have had a relatively low profile in leadership literature until
recently. In this post-Enron age, there is a growing literature with an
emphasis on organizational ethics, with leaders expected to act as
stewards of their organization (Kets de Vries and Korotov, 2005).
Moral leadership is seen as key to high standards in public life. Business
leaders are expected to have strong values and to act as role models for
ethical practice (Tubbs and Schulz, 2006). However, some theorists
argue that leaving the ethical stewardship of organizations to individual
leaders may be unwise or unrealistic. Augier and Teece (2005) propose
that leadership skills should be channelled and checked in the political
context by the instruments of political governance. Moreover, it could be
argued that when leaders act in ways that imply mutuality of interest
between employers and employees, when they are in fact acting in the
interests of owners, this might be viewed as little more than a sophisti-
cated and cynical attempt to persuade employees to do things that might
not be in their interest.

Capability building
There is also a growing literature theme about leaders as builders of
organizational capability and agility. The extensive scale and impact
of the economic downturn has demonstrated that a step change in leader
ship thinking may be required away from the short-termism inherent in
the pursuit of shareholder value. Prahalad (2009) and others argue that
leaders should shift mindsets and increase their risk appetites, moving
out of reactive or defensive or responsive mode with respect to the busi-
ness context into a shaping mode. This will require building robust yet
flexible business models and strategies that can be executed fast and
well, helping organizations get ahead and stay ahead of the competition.
This involves specific skills such as continuous scanning of the environ-
ment, collective intelligence gathering; processes for involving employees
in thinking through the implementation implications of choices that
have surfaced. Dive (2008) argues that leaders must simultaneously hold
people (and themselves) to account for their actions and performance,
and should use structures as a tool to define accountabilities.
146 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

Handling paradox
The literature suggests that leaders must be versatile, learn to embrace
paradox, be strategic and operational, forceful and enabling (Kaplan
and Kaiser, 2006). In line with popularized notions of emotional intelli-
gence (Goleman, 1996), such versatile leaders have high self-awareness
and self-control; they are able to bring out the best in others by their
insight into what makes others tick. Developing this versatility requires
leaders to find sources of advice they can trust and to handle uncertainty
by reflective conversations. For Joni (2004), the first step of any leader-
ship development journey requires leaders to look at themselves intensely
and critically leaders need self-insight and must grapple with their
shadow sides. They need moral codes that are as complex, varied and
subtle as the situations in which they find themselves.

Involving people
Rather than being about a set of traits, leadership is increasingly
regarded as relational and contextual, reflecting the complexity of
organizations. According to Spears: We are seeing traditional and hier
archical modes of leadership yielding to a different way of working
one based on teamwork and community, one that seeks to involve others
in decision-making, one strongly based in ethical and caring behaviours
There is a growing recognition that top managers may not have
sufficient and relevant information to make highly effective decisions
in a fast-changing and complex world (Pearce and Conger, 2003). The
principle of involving employees in issues that affect them was promoted
by HRM discourse from the outset, but it might be argued that, since
many employees no longer have their voice formally recognized through
institutionalized means such as the collective bargaining and consulta-
tive employee relations model used from the 1950s to the 1970s the
need for more direct employee voice mechanisms has become increasingly
Communication must be of a high order, not just top-down but also
two-way. Numerous case studies detail how executives are using social
media to cut across hierarchy and engage employees in honest con
versation about strategy and change. Such moves imply a potential
rebalancing of power, not simply a new vehicle for top-down leadership
communication from bridge to deck.
Leadership, Communication and Organizational Effectiveness 147

Building trust and collaboration

An emerging approach to leadership and service emphasizes collabora-
tion, trust, empathy and the ethical use of power. This began with
Greenleafs concept of servant leadership (Greenleaf, 2002; Spears,
2004). Such forms of leadership are described as the most appropriate
for knowledge-based organizations operating in these complex post-Enron
days when a firms reputation can be its greatest asset or its Achilles heel.
Kouzes and Posner (2003) emphasize credibility how leaders earn
the trust and confidence of their constituents. For them, credibility is
conferred on leaders by their followers, reflecting a more mutual, less
hierarchically distant approach: It is about what people demand of their
leaders and the actions leaders must take in order to intensify their
constituents commitment to a common cause. But people still want and
need leadership. They just want leaders who hold to an ethic of service
and are genuinely respectful of the intelligence and contributions of their
constituents (2003: xviii).
So prevalent are such new approaches that they might now be
considered mainstream. The appeal of such models is their congruence
between context drivers that many managers and employees will be
familiar with, as well as their aspirations for a better working life. Unlike
CMS, which is often criticized for having little interest in improving
practice, such approaches are often promoted by consultants, along with
methodologies accessible to practitioners. However, in these new main-
stream studies notions of leadership power tend to be played down.
Instead the new leadership focus is on dynamic, interactive processes
of influence and learning that will transform organizational structures,
norms and work practices (Pearce and Conger, 2003). That said, in
contemporary organizations facing significant business challenges, these
newer, more caring and democratic leadership approaches may be far
less in evidence than are micro management and old-style command and
control approaches (ORC International, 2011).
As we shall discuss in the next section, alongside the focus on individual
leaders in the post-2002 literature review, a strong secondary theme is
about more collective forms of leadership.

Collective forms of leadership

More collective forms of leadership are variously described in the litera-
ture as democratic (Woods, 2004), shared, distributed (Spillane, 2006;
148 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

Gronn, 2002), grown-up, we (Block, 1996) leadership. Many studies

of shared leadership appear to be centred on public sector organizations
in particular. The essential characteristics of these various models are
summarized by Turnbull James (2011):
Leadership involves multiple actors who take up leadership roles
both formally and informally, and importantly, share leadership by
working collaboratively, often across professional or organizational
Leadership can be distributed away from top management and this
distribution takes the form of new practices and innovations.
Leadership needs to be understood in terms of leadership practices and
organizational interventions, and not just in terms of leader attributes
and leader-follower relationships.

Raelin (2005), for instance, promotes the concept of profoundly democra

tic leaderful practice, arguing that developing a community of leaders
will be the key to sustainable performance. This is different from Blocks
(1996) stewardship in which leaders step aside to let others take over
when necessary. Traditionally leadership has been thought of as serial,
individual, controlling and dispassionate. In leaderful organizations
leadership is concurrent, collective, collaborative and compassionate.
Leaderful practice inspires genuineness among its community members
so that they can bring their whole person to work. Raelin argues that
top leaders have four critical processes:

1 Set the mission (purpose).

2 Actualize goals.
3 Sustain commitment.
4 Respond to challenges.

Such shared approaches to leadership implicitly challenge power balances

in prevailing command and control cultures.

Leadership in networked contexts

In new constructions of leadership, particularly with respect to public
institutions, people who are normally thought of as leaders by dint of
role, for example heads of departments, are now more clearly under-
stood to be supported by a network of people within and beyond
the institution engaging in leadership practices, even though these
may not be officially called leader. Pearce (2004), for instance, argues
that high performing teams display more dispersed leadership patterns
Leadership, Communication and Organizational Effectiveness 149

(ie shared leadership). Graetz argues that organizations most successful

in managing the dynamics of loose-tight working relationships meld
strong personalised leadership at the top with distributed leader-
ship, a group of experienced and trusted individuals operating at dif
ferent levels of the organization... [ensuring] ... integrated thinking and
acting at all levels (2000). This involves different people taking the
lead depending on organizational circumstances, supported by conscious
efforts among senior managers to examine what new structures and
systems need to be introduced to extend employee involvement and
participation in the workplace. Bryants (2003) analysis is decentralized
leadership (ie that leadership is not located in a person but in a com-
munity, and that the leader is a transient position). Everyone plays a
leadership role at different times, and can make a significant contribu-
tion. Tate (2009) goes further, arguing that leadership systems ensure
that organizations are not reliant on individual leaders since leadership
is a collective practice.
Similarly, Ireland and Hitt (1999) note that as the global competitive
environment becomes ever more complex, the nature of strategic leader-
ship is starting to shift. Instead of being concentrated around a great
leader, a more appropriate concept for strategic leadership in the
21st century is the great groups view. This sees the organization as a
community where strategic leadership and the foresight function are
distributed among diverse individuals who share the responsibility to
create a viable future for their firm (Ireland and Hitt, 1999). Further,
tasks that are highly interdependent, highly complex and require creativity
call for shared leadership. If peoples skills are brought together it is
possible to forge a concerted dynamic that represents more than the sum
of the individual contributors. Initiatives may be inaugurated by those
with relevant skills in a particular context, which others will then adopt,
adapt and improve in a mutually trusting and supportive culture.
The view of distributed leadership as concerted action through
relationships allows for top leaders to act as strong partners with em-
ployees despite the power disparities between them. The vertical leaders
role in developing shared leadership is designing and managing the
boundaries of the team. Training, reward systems and cultural systems
can facilitate shared leadership. The vertical leader needs to be able
to step in and fill voids in the team and emphasize the importance of
the shared leadership approach. The creation of a shared vision is an
especially important manifestation of shared leadership in knowledge-
worker teams.
150 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

Points to ponder

How widely applicable do you consider notions of shared leadership to be?

What do you consider to be the benefits and risks of shared leadership?

To what extent do you agree that more democratic forms of shared leadership
require a different context? What conditions would need to be present for such
leadership to emerge?

Is there any sense that a more collectivist, if not pluralist, environment for
leadership is credible or not?

Discussion questions
On balance, how would you now define effective leadership?
How much do the leadership theories discussed above reflect
predominantly Western views?
What is the HR functions responsibility with respect to leadership?
In many organizations, trust is often a casualty of change. What can
individual leaders do to avoid losing trust during challenging times,
or to regain it?

Key learning points and conclusions

Given the complex context in which organizations are operating,
definitions of organizational effectiveness will continue to evolve,
as will definitions of what constitutes effective leadership. While
many theorists continue to explore the essence of leadership, there
is increasing recognition that leadership is socially constructed.
Moreover, as the workforce becomes increasingly diverse and
multi-generational, as long as employers require particular sorts
of skills and talent, labour power may force improvements in the
employment relationship and require different kinds of leadership.
Although the main emphasis in the literature remains on individual
leaders, there is an important and growing sub-theme around more
collective forms of leadership. Increasingly, the task of individual
leaders is perceived to be about building communities of leaders at
Leadership, Communication and Organizational Effectiveness 151

every level; at the very least top leaders are expected to involve
people actively in issues that affect them. These more democratic
forms of leadership appear congruent with evolving definitions of
organizational effectiveness that emphasize mutuality.
For such forms of shared leadership to emerge, emphasis is placed
on employee development and on managers creating the
environment to allow staff to release potential and discretionary
effort. As a result, organizations will be populated by employees
working in high performing, highly motivated and committed
teams, who can proactively shape some of the context around
them, and successfully implement strategy.

Case study and discussion questions

C A S E S T UDY Leading change in the UKs national health

service (NHS)

The UKs NHS has been subject to considerable government-driven change in recent years.
Many of these changes have involved policy initiatives to modernize the NHS and subject
it to market disciplines. Foundation Trusts, which came into being under the Labour
Governments (19972010), give NHS institutions a relatively high level of management
autonomy, as well as a degree of independence from centralized financial control which
makes this form of status highly desirable. Since Foundation Trust status is only granted to
successful NHS organizations, the pressure is on to improve standards and performance
against national targets and outcomes, while increasing organizational scale and scope by
taking over other institutions.

FT1 is a large, diverse NHS Foundation Trust which, at the time of writing, was on the
acquisition trail. Directors and HR business partners at FT1 are experienced at managing
integration and FT1 has developed a reputation for being able to convert what are by some
considered failing institutions into more successful bodies once they have been
incorporated. Organization A, for example, one of FT1s acquisitions, had been previously
judged to be failing to meet NHS measures such as the four-hour target on admissions and
reducing infection rates of MRSA. The organization was considered to have cultural
problems. FT1 acquired organization A and embarked on a structured programme of

Management capacity, national performance targets and cultural issues proved to be

difficult challenges to address and FT1s overall performance suffered as a result. FT1 had
152 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

taken a total integration approach to organization A and the structure of the organization
did not recognize the needs of local sites. In times of trouble, FT1 adopted a more command
and control style of leadership to address performance. FT1 recognized that organization
A required better local leadership to engage local communities and staff. This needed to be
balanced against the requirement for corporate efficiencies in entering an era of austerity.
How did this happen?

A significant factor was developing a new approach to leadership. FT1s new CEO wanted
both a coherent corporate strategy and also to do what was right for each hospital and its
stakeholders. This can of course lead to tensions between local and corporate, but the CEO
supported management teams in working through these. He set great store by building
constructive relationships with stakeholders, especially the site management teams. The
CEO encouraged site teams to create a local partnership, to get the hospital more connected
to the people it serves. Indeed, the CEO sees his role as being a buffer to absorb some of
the bureaucratic and other pressures on site managers to give them greater freedom to lead.

The CEO recognized the need to strengthen the site leadership team at organization A, and
to develop a new approach to responding to the needs of the local community it served. For
the first three months in his new job, the CEO made himself visible in organization A and FT1
by going back to the floor and encouraging anyone in the workforce, at any level who
wished to, to come to see him. He also met with external partners. To the workforce the CEO
came across as genuine and he demonstrated the need for an engaging approach to
leadership and culture.

For the directors, as part of management in a Foundation Trust, the overall pace of activity
increased and became more concentrated. They were therefore pleased to receive support
from members of FT1s organization development team, who provided 360-degree feedback,
coaching and structured programmes such as back to the floor. The focus was on building
collegiate working among directors, then on building directors capability to lead and
become champions of change. Directors and senior managers were also able to access
other forms of leadership development which helped them see the benefits of being part of
a bigger whole and better understand their role in delivering a national agenda and in
building capability.

For staff in FT1 as a whole, the fast and demanding pace of change can be wearing.
Employee engagement surveys suggest that, while most employees remained willing to go
the extra mile, their overall engagement scores during the acquisition period were down
on previous years. The CEO acknowledged the pressures people were under in his frequent
blogs. At the same time, he let people know that they would have to work differently so that
FT1 could continue to deliver its purpose to its stakeholders. Staff engagement is now
improving and plans continue to develop an inclusive, engaging leadership culture.

FT1 has recently acquired a community services organization and has put into practice
the lessons learned from the acquisition of organization A. Local leadership and staff
engagement have been fundamental and have had a positive impact on the success of the
latest acquisition.
Leadership, Communication and Organizational Effectiveness 153

Discussion questions

How would you assess the role played by the CEOs role in leading this integration?
What kinds of leadership does this case study demonstrate?
What do you see as the key leadership challenges of this case study? How would
you address them?
What do you consider to be the strengths and limitations of the approaches taken to
strengthen leadership at FT1 and organization A?



Talent management
R a i sa A r v i nen -Mu on d o and Q i We i

L earn i n g o b j e c t i v es

Develop an understanding of various definitions of talent and what

these potentially mean for employee perceptions of self and others,
engagement and motivation.
Identify the main approaches to talent management and
conceptualize potential implications for HR practice and
organizational strategy.
Learn to identify challenges faced by organizations in identifying,
putting into operation and retaining talent.
Develop a critical understanding of talent management as a strategic
tool in developing human resources.
Identify and critically assess challenges arising from applying talent
management approaches to the development of employees in
intercultural contexts.

Talent management has received increasing attention from academics
and practitioners alike in HRM, global HRM and OB commentary.
Talent management has been associated with core HRM processes such
as recruitment and selection, performance management, retention, career
development and succession management. The assumption here is that
managing talent effectively would generate value to an organizations
performance and development. Although the notion of talent manage-
ment has been around for over a decade, there seems to be an air of
156 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

ambiguity about it. It has been criticized for being merely a fad with
nothing truly novel to offer to people management practice. However,
we suggest here, as Scullion and Collings (2011) imply, that part of the
difficulty in situating talent management in the broader management
discourse, and the reason why it is left open to critique, is that talent
management not only lacks consensus in definition and theoretical
development, but is also often equated with HRM. One can argue,
as we will later in this chapter, that the two are inherently distinct despite
their numerous similarities. However, in building the case to demon-
strate that talent management warrants attention from academics,
practitioners and corporate leaders alike, this chapter will argue that
talent management must be seen as part of the wider HRM agenda,
rather than somehow separate or in competition with it. The purpose of
human resources is to add value to organizations, but for some reason
HR as a function seems to be continually trying to prove that it is worth
the investment and position as a business partner rather than merely an
administrative function (Lawler, 2005). It is the HR functions job to create
policies and practices that enable the recruitment, development, deploy-
ment and retention of the kind of human capital that will improve
organizational effectiveness and create value for the company (Lawler,
2005). In this chapter we argue that one of the ways in which HR can
contribute to organizational effectiveness is by enabling the recruitment,
development and retention of key talent through talent management
processes. Furthermore, it is HRs responsibility, together with middle and
senior management, to identify key roles for which talented individuals
are needed. Most importantly, we propose that although the develop
ment of processes and practices from a traditional HRM perspective
can contribute to the management of talent, successful talent manage-
ment requires a more holistic approach that recognizes the influence
of and consequences for individual perceptions, behaviour and motiva-
tion to work. Talent management as strategy, practice and method can
be applicable to all areas that are traditionally grouped under the OB
cannon, but in this chapter the discussion focuses on just a few: percep-
tion, motivation and employee engagement. Successful management of
talent requires multiple perspectives in that it is relevant as much at
organizational level (structural and functional) as it is at individual and
group level.
Simply put, organizations have the opportunity to build sustainable
competitive advantage by selecting, developing and retaining the right
people. There is an entire body of literature dedicated to demonstrating
Talent Management 157

the link between HRM, human resources development (HRD) and com-
petitive advantage (for example Ulrich, 2001). If we follow the logic of
an organization is only as good as the people in it, then we can assume
that organizations would endeavour to select the most capable and
talented individuals. However, this raises several questions. How can
and do organizational leaders and HR professionals determine who is
talented and who is not? Three practical management problems can
be identified:

The first is definitional and relates to identification of talent.

Even if the parameters of talent are somehow narrowed and
agreed upon, how can organizational leaders then develop
strategies that put these talented human resources into
operation in a way that is conducive to organizational success?
The second problem is therefore concerned with developing
strategic approaches to talent management.
The third problem is then concerned with implementation of
practices and policies defined by strategy that will be effective
in creating and sustaining talent pools as well as recruiting,
developing and retaining the individuals organizations have
invested in.

In starting to address the practical management issues highlighted here,

we feel that exploring some basic concepts from OB, such as perception
and motivation, is helpful in understanding what are some of the conse-
quences of how talent is managed and, as a result, they will also enable
us better to understand why talent management approaches are useful
for organizations and people management practitioners. Furthermore,
it will help us understand why talent management warrants a place in
the people management rubric.
In the course of exploring the three management problems that we
have identified, we will discuss what perspective the OB lens can offer to
the talent management debate, particularly in relation to experiences
of being talent managed, what we mean by talent ideology, definitions
of talent, the concept of talent management and what it means for
organizational strategy as well as for people management practice. Lets
begin by setting the scene for you and briefly introducing the ongoing
debate on talent management versus HRM, which will enable you to
understand where our discussion sits in the wider management rubric.
We will identify and explore some of the emerging issues from the
158 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

OB perspective in terms of the consequent experiences of being talent

managed for individuals, such as employee self-perceptions, motivation
and potentially on performance. We will then critically explore how
talent may be defined and how its definition consequently influences
the kind of talent management strategies available to organizations.
Finally we will conclude by discussing how talent can be managed.

Talent management versus HRM

The talent management rubric is often accused of merely trying to
rebrand what is essentially HRM. Although talent management and
HRM are both concerned with how people are recruited, managed,
developed and retained in order to achieve organizational as well as
individual objectives (Cascio, 1998; Chuai, Preece and Iles, 2008) it
could be argued that talent management is a more detailed and focused
approach to managing individuals (human resources) that have been
identified as having the potential to contribute to an organizations core
competencies (Chuai, Preece and Iles, 2008). HRM may be argued to
adopt a more egalitarian approach to the management and development
of people in organizations (Chuai, Preece and Iles, 2008). The focus of
talent management on the other hand is to differentiate the skills and
capabilities of individuals and develop their talents strategically in line
with the companys corporate strategic objectives. However, talent man-
agement is also about identifying key positions that have the potential to
contribute to organizational effectiveness and ensuring that such posi-
tions are fulfilled with the right people. Talent management is often also
equated with strategic HRM; however, talent management offers a more
segmented approach to managing people in strategic roles and there-
fore the emphasis is on integrated approaches to attracting, developing
and retaining key employees and potential organizational leaders (Kock
and Burke, 2008). That being said, we argue here that talent manage-
ment, although distinct, is a component of the broader HRM agenda in
one way or another.
Iles, Chuai and Preece (2010) identify a set of policies and practices to
attract, retain and engage key talent, as opposed to a focus on HR in
general that can help us make sense of differences between the two:

Talent management involves getting the right people in the right job
at the right time and managing the development of people, which
does not necessarily make it different from HRD or HRM.
Talent Management 159

However, talent management may use the same tools as HRD but
focus on a relatively small group of employees the talent pool.
Finally, talent management involves organizationally focused
competence development through managing and developing
talent. The focus here is on talent continuity that is linked to
succession planning and HRM planning, which we discuss later
in the chapter.

For some organizations systematic approaches to talent management are

limited to individuals in leadership roles (Barlow, 2006), in which case it
is hard to tell the difference (if any) between talent management and
leadership or management development. To distinguish talent manage-
ment from HRM or management development, we should consider
talent management to be based on some form of exclusivity, but one that
is not merely defined by leadership or managerial positions. Furthermore,
an organization may have more than one pool of talent that are each
defined differently. For example, according to a Chartered Institute of
Personnel and Development (CIPD) report on talent management,
Cargill, an international provider of food, agricultural and risk manage-
ment services, has divided its talent into three different pools: Next
generation leaders, Emerging leaders and High impact performers
and therefore make varying decisions about how each of these pools
are resourced, developed, deployed and retained (Tansley et al, 2006).
Identifying and accordingly recruiting, developing and retaining indi-
viduals who have been somehow deemed to be higher potential or
specifically capable from the rest of the work population seems to be key in
differentiating talent management approaches from other HR activities,
even if the terms by which talent is defined is somewhat ambiguous and

The OB perspective
We would encourage you to look back at Chapter 2 on perception and
decision making and Chapter 3 on motivation. Although these chapters
do not discuss talent management explicitly, it is easy to see how the
notion of perception and motivation are inherently linked to the way
talent is identified, managed and developed as well as the resultant con-
sequences as you work your way through this chapter. The underlying
assumption here is that the way in which we perceive the world around
160 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

us influences the decisions we take and the options we see as available to

us. It should not, therefore, be difficult to see that the way in which we
define ourselves and the way we think others in the organizational con-
text, particularly managers, perceive us and our efforts would influence
our motivation to work and our efforts in the workplace. If we feel
valued and our efforts are noticed and recognized through intrinsic or
extrinsic rewards (see Chapter 3), we are inclined perhaps to work
harder and perform better. Therefore, if individuals have been identified
as talented by management and are aware of such classification, one
might argue that their self-confidence may be enhanced, they may feel
that their capabilities and efforts are being recognized and, as a result,
they may feel more motivated to produce results. What are the conse-
quences then if one is aware of not being identified as talented in organ
izations that clearly have a formal or at least a semi-formal approach to
managing and developing talented individuals? In the realization that
ones efforts and skills are not recognized or that managerial expecta-
tions of an employee do not match the employees self-perception,
considerable room exists for dissatisfaction and potentially loss of motiva-
tion and effectiveness. If we take an intercultural approach, for example,
in some cultural contexts that are considered hierarchical, status and
position can be very important in determining where one sits in not only
the organizational hierarchy, but in wider society (see Hofstede, 1980;
Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner, 1997). Being perceived and catego-
rized as somehow talented potentially means better development and
promotion opportunities, or at least one may perceive these to be better.
Therefore one could assume that the lack of the talent status implies
limited opportunities to develop and progress professionally.
The talent management discourse seems to further perpetuate a mana-
gerial perspective rather than an employee perspective. What we mean by
this is that very little research seems to be focused on how individuals feel
about being identified and, consequently, managed as talented. It has been
argued that in order for talent management to succeed, organizational
objectives must coincide with the employees personal objectives (Kock
and Burke, 2008). There is little point in planning out an employees
careers: no matter how great a plan, if it does not fit in with the future
that those employees had envisioned for themselves; any investment by
the company may be a wasted one. So in addition to encouraging dis
cussion on why organizations should pay due attention to strategically
recruiting, developing and retaining talented individuals, we also want
to explore what it means to the individual to be talent managed.
Talent Management 161

The notion of being identified as talented is interesting and relevant

not only for its implications for corporate success, but also because of
what it potentially means for individuals and their perceptions of them-
selves and others. Are individuals aware that they have been identified as
high potential and placed in some kind of a talent pool? Is the talent
identification process somehow explicit and evident, for example by
individuals being placed in particular development programmes? This
may be the case in organizations that have adopted a more formal and
strategic approach to the way their key human resources are managed.
However, our suspicion is that in many companies that lack a formal
approach to talent management, some individuals are implicitly assumed
to be high flyers based on the kinds of attitudes and personality traits
they display coupled with the right professional experiences and educa-
tional background. In such organizations, development opportunities
are likely to be presented on a more ad hoc and haphazard basis and the
relationship between employees and managers becomes an increasingly
important factor in talent management decisions.
Chapter 2 looked at perception and explored the notion of self-fulfilling
prophecies. Following this logic, it could be argued that if individuals
feel that they have been identified as high achievers, they are more inclined
to behave and take action in ways that are conducive to professional
success. On the flipside, the reverse may also be true. If the skills and
abilities of talented individuals remain explicitly unacknowledged, this
may have a negative effect on their level of motivation and even self-
confidence. As McLean (2009) points out, the basic idea of a talent pool
is that ideally the pool should be greater than the demand and therefore
inevitably there would be high flyers who are passed over for promotion.
Attention therefore also needs to be paid to the reaction of key human
resources that are not utilized in what they themselves may see as key
positions and significant to their professional career development.
Employees in such positions may have low morale, feel less committed
to their jobs and underperform (McLean, 2009). Although the impact
on employees morale of being passed over for a position is a concern,
there is some evidence to suggest that it is not as detrimental as often
assumed (CIPD, 2010b; McCartney, 2010). A recently published CIPD
report on talent management experiences suggests that participation
in talent management programmes is associated with high engagement
levels and that structured selection processes serve to increase talent
programmes perceived value and the motivation of participants to
perform (McCartney, 2010). However, over and above formal talent
162 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

management activities, the CIPD research findings suggest that among

the senior level participants, mentoring, coaching and networking were
particularly valued methods in talent management programmes
(McCartney, 2010).
Ensuring that employees feel engaged is an essential part of long-term
talent management as employee engagement has been linked with com-
mitment, job satisfaction, performance and retention. There seems to be
little question that people who feel engaged with their work and organiza-
tion are more productive than those that feel disengaged (Bhatnagar,
2007). It is also recognized that, in addition to financial reward, develop-
ment opportunities are a increasingly significant factor in engaging and
retaining talent (Bhatnagar, 2007; Orr and McVerry, 2007).
However, as the discussion to follow will show, there is no one set
definition of talent and even when we think we have arrived at one,
particularly in international contexts we should question to what extent
our definitions are applicable or perhaps shaped by Western ideology.
Moreover, each organization and industry differs and requires different
approaches to the way in which it selects, manages, develops and retains
individuals or groups of individuals (ie talent pools) that corporate leaders
think possess the kind of skills needed to enhance their companys busi-
ness success. In the next section we will introduce the concept of talent
ideology and how it shapes the way in which talent is defined and what
are some of the implications for individuals and organizations.

Talent identification
The talent ideology
How has the talent ideology developed in the corporate world? Generally
talent implies rarity. After Penrose (1959) ascribed importance to mana-
gerial and technical talent for firms growth and sustainable returns,
the talent ideology was formally set out in an article The war for talent
by McKinsey consultants. The term war for talent was originally coined
by McKinsey & Company in 1997 as a result of its research on talent
management practices and beliefs (McKinsey & Company, 2001). The
term has been widely used by practitioners and academics to describe
a phenomenon that most organizations had been experiencing, but one
that remained unnamed and in need of further clarity. Three major
points emerged from the article:
Talent Management 163

Talented employees have a highly disproportionate impact on

a companys performance.
Talented leaders are required by the increasingly complex global
The search for extremely effective employees has become even
more challenging due to demographic changes.

Following the above, companies would contest an ever intensifying war

for talent with their competitors. The authors very definition seemed to
provide us an ultimate foundation that a more complex economy demands
more sophisticated talent with global acumen, multicultural fluency,
entrepreneurial skills and the excellent ability to manage organizations.
McKinsey & Companys talent ideology perhaps not only provided a
sharp insight of the importance for having talented individuals, but also
promoted peoples interests of those who have highly paid knowledge
jobs. Therefore, ever since McKinsey & Company coined the phrase
war for talent, managing talent has received remarkable attention by
both academics and practitioners in the United States, Europe and Asia
(Aston and Morton, 2005; Bennett and Bell, 2004; Berry, 2007;
Buckingham and Vosburgh, 2001; Pianmsoongnern and Anurit, 2010).
In the UK, the CIPD recently claimed that most organizations believe
talent management is more not less important in periods of economic
uncertainty and it is even more important to have a well-developed
talent strategy (CIPD, 2010a). Indeed, it has been suggested that during
times of economic uncertainty individuals may be reluctant to change
employers: employers should consider growing their own talent
(CIPD, 2011b). Therefore, attracting new talent and developing and
retaining existing talent has become increasingly important.
Following on from this, lets examine what we mean by talent and
how organizational leaders might go about identifying talent.

Defining talent
What is talent? How do we define it and once we have defined it how
can we be sure that what we mean by it is interpreted in the same way
by others? What are the benchmarks? The rubric at times implies there
are some universal truths, but anyone thinking logically can see that
talent depends on a multitude of factors whether industry, company or
discipline related, so why do we talk about it in general terms? Is the
talent pool bound when individuals once enter, are they in it for the
164 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

duration of their careers, or can they dip in and out, and who decides
that? Or is being defined as talented really just about having the qualifi-
cations and meeting the right person at the right time, who for whatever
reason thinks you have what it takes?
The original concept of talent by McKinsey & Company is not clear,
and how the word has been used has become more complex. In ancient
Greek, a talent described the amount of silver required to pay the
monthly wage bill of a crew of a large warship known as trireme. Thus,
the original meaning of the word talent can be interpreted as something
that donates value. The concept of talent has been defined in various
ways (Buckingham and Clifton, 2001; Rath and Conchie, 2008;
Robertson and Abbey, 2003). The CIPD defines talent as consisting of
individuals who can make a difference to organizational performance
either through their immediate contribution or, in the longer-term by
demonstrating the highest levels of potential (CIPD, 2011b). Buckingham
and Clifton (2001) identify that talent refers to a natural recurring pat-
tern of thought, feeling or behaviour that can be productively applied.
When talent is augmented with knowledge and skills, the results become
individual strengths. In other words, individuals could never possess
strengths without requisite talent. Morton (2004) and Goffee and Jones
(2005) define talent as a handful of employees skills, knowledge and
cognitive ability and potential. Ingham (2006) considers that talent is
a critical ability set that is difficult to obtain in the labour market. So
talent is regarded as a scarcity of skills.
Some other researchers define talent as a core group of leaders,
experts and other key employees who are the best performers in the
organization. For example, Huselid, Beatty and Becker (2005) describe
high performance employees who hold strategic positions as talent.
They further note that organizations need to adopt a portfolio approach
to management, placing such talent in support positions and dismissing
non-performing employees and jobs that do not add value.
Based on a comprehensive literature review of the term talent,
Pianmsoongnern and Anurit (2010) identify two categories. The first
is individual potentials talent is a quality possessed by people that
drives outstanding performance. The second is potential people talent
is a generic term for people who hold key positions, such as organiza-
tional leaders, high performers who make unique contributions to an
organization and those who possess excellent knowledge and skills. Thus,
on the one hand, maximizing peoples inherent talent may drive them to
perform well. On the other hand, a group of employees having above
Talent Management 165

average educational qualifications, skills and performance, and defined

as talent should be well managed and developed in the organization.
In the context of management of internationally mobile talent,
DCosta (2008) defines talent in terms of technical competency and in
accordance with a definition from the Organisation of Economic Co-
operation and Development (OECD), as professionals with a minimum
of four years tertiary education beyond primary and secondary educa-
tion in fields such as physical and life sciences, social sciences, engineer-
ing, health, education and business. Although to some this may seem
a little limited, it reflects the notion that talent is often associated with
educational attainment and implies that the skills, capabilities and
knowledge that can differentiate one individual from another as talented
are consequent of higher education. However, we are then faced with
another dilemma. If talent is defined by the skills and capabilities that
organizational leaders seek in their employees, then we must ask on
what basis are the desirable skills that they seek defined? The argument
here is that in multinational and multicultural contexts the criteria used
to define the ideal candidate for recruitment or employee for develop-
ment may be based on a set of cultural values and assumptions that
may be inherent to the manager or recruiter but not the candidate or
employee (see the case study example of African candidates and US
recruiters in Chapter 2, page 72).

Points to ponder

What about countries where educational infrastructure is poor in comparison to

developed Western countries, where individuals may have four years of higher
education behind them, but do not necessarily have the same skills set as a UK or
US graduate?

Will these individuals be perceived as somehow less talented or differently talented

by leaders of MNCs where practices are largely underpinned by Western values?

In a recent article in the online magazine HR Review, a writer suggested

that the skills that organizations should be developing in their high
potential employees, in their talent pools, should not be bound purely by
formal talent programmes (HR Review, 2011). The author contends:
Instead we must look for those individuals with the universal skills that
166 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

will enable them to take advantage of the uncertainties of the future.

In essence, in order to be defined as talent now as well as in the future,
an individual has to be three things, according to the articles author:

An information seeker. It is impossible in todays world,

where we are bombarded with information, to remember
everything. One must understand how and where to look for
information and importantly distinguish what is reliable and
what is not.
A multidimensional learner. One has to be someone who is open
to new experiences and is capable of reflecting on them.
An enquiring mind. One must be capable of both problem solving
as well as asking the difficult questions (HR Review, 2011).

We realize the assessment of such qualities is an impossible task, as is the

measurement of talent. However, we argue that the qualities highlighted
by the articles author offer a useful qualitative perspective to anyone
attempting to decipher the notion of talent.
Having explored what talent is, how it may be defined and what are
some of the implications for employees perceptions and motivation,
in the next section we will address the second management dilemma we
highlighted at the beginning of this chapter that relates to how organ
izations use these high potential individuals to enhance organizational
performance by adopting a strategic approach to their management and
development. We will begin by highlighting some of the challenges
organizations are faced with that necessitate some kind of systematic
approach to the management and development of talent if organizations
want to develop a competitive edge.

Strategic talent management

Defining talent management
Like the notion of talent, the term talent management has been criticized
as a management fad and as ambiguous because there appears to be
no single concise definition of the concept (Aston and Morton, 2005;
Lewis and Heckman, 2006; Reilly, 2008). Often the terms talent man-
agement strategy, succession planning and human resource planning
are used interchangeably (Aston and Morton, 2005). In the substantial
academic and practitioner literature, Lewis and Heckman (2006) and
Talent Management 167

Pianmsoongnern and Anurit (2010) identify three main talent manage-

ment approaches that have also been highlighted by Scullion and Collings
(2011) to which they have added a fourth approach as identified by
Collings and Mellahi (2009). The four approaches are:

Traditional HR practices are used.

There is a new term for succession planning with an emphasis
on developing talent pools and tracking the progress of
employees through positions.
Peoples natural capability or learned skills that benefit an
organization are managed (HR development). A distinction
is made between top and poor performers and people are
managed accordingly.
Key positions that have the potential to make a difference to
business success are identified.

A further definition of talent management provided by the CIPD has

been widely adopted by academics, HRD managers and consultancies: the
systematic attraction, identification, development, engagement/retention
and deployment of those individuals with high potential who are of
particular value to an organization (2009b). Therefore, many of the
existing studies on talent management tend to be from an HR planning,
selection and HRD perspective (for example Garrow, 2008). While
focusing on definition and delivery of talent management, Reilly (2008)
and Chuai, Preece and Iles (2008) suggest that talent management should
not stand alone from other people management practices. The challenge
for organizations is how to design the focus of their approach to talent
management and how their approach fits in the organizational context.
It is important for managers to recognize that the organizations definition
of talent determines their talent management programme, and how
talent management is emphasized may have an impact on the organiza-
tional management system and procedures. For instance, if the organiza-
tion defines talent as employees who are in senior management positions
or the potential employees to be in such positions, then the organization
has to decide what criteria should be used and which level of managers
should be included, as well as the criteria on which to identify high
Seemingly the adoption and implementation of formal talent manage-
ment strategies remains piecemeal for many organizations. That being
said, according to a 2010 survey report by the CIPD, nearly 60 per cent
168 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

of organizations do engage in some kind of talent management activities,

but only approximately half of these consider such activities effective
(CIPD, 2010b). This could suggest that organizations are not necessarily
consistent in their approaches. Although much debate surrounds how
talent or talent management is defined, there seems to be some consensus
that organizational success in todays changing and financially challeng-
ing times requires some kind of systematic approach to the way key
human resources are managed.

Challenges and changing contexts in talent

In addition to the recent global recession, what are some of the other
changes that suggest that talent management approaches are needed to
maintain a competitive edge in todays market? Why do we need talent
management? In summary, from an extensive review of literature on
talent management the following challenges have been identified and
we will explore them in more detail next:

labour shortages;
changing demographics;
greater demand for worklife balance;
skills gap;
experience gap;
increased professional mobility;
lagging educational attainment.

Research has indicated that the competition for talent has been created
as a consequence of labour shortages (Boudreau and Ramstad, 2005;
Brewster, Sparrow and Harris, 2005). In addition, competition for talent
arises from the changing demographics of the labour market as well as
a greater demand for worklife balance (Tansley et al, 2006).
Galagan suggests that an increasing skills gap, that is a gap between
organizations current capabilities and the skills it needs to achieve its
goals, a consequence of the recent financial down turn, challenges
organizations to think more strategically about how they manage their
key human resources who hold the knowledge and skills needed to
create and sustain competitive advantage for their organization (2010).
Bridging the increasing skills gap is not only a challenge for organizations,
Talent Management 169

but industries, communities and entire nations, as Galagan (2010) points

out. Moreover, this skills gap seems to be a persistent problem world-
wide. As the generation of people born since the Second World War
(often referred to as the baby boomers), who possess knowledge and
experience and hold a significant portion of senior leadership positions
begin to retire, the existing skills gap is likely to be further exacerbated
(Galagan, 2010; McKinsey & Company, 2001; Orr and McVerry, 2007).
In developing countries lacking resources, inadequate educational infra
structures and a large gap between the rich and poor do little to enable
the development of home grown talent to meet the needs of companies
working to meet the demands of an increasingly consumerist society
(see Glossary) worldwide.
Organizations are also facing an experience gap and struggle to find
and retain qualified people with the adequate experience and capabilities
(for example, in the oil and gas sector; Orr and McVerry, 2007). The retire-
ment of baby boomers is not only likely to leave a gap in technical
knowledge and experience, but the retirement of such a significant
segment of the working population in a relatively short number of years
may also mean a loss of supplier and customer relationships as well as
a loss of understanding of the complex informal networks that often
keep organizations functioning (McQuade et al, 2007). Somewhat
contrastingly and perhaps on a more optimistic note, the changing
demographics of the workforce also means that the labour market in-
creasingly consists of individuals of the net generation, a term coined
by Don Tapscott to describe individuals born between 1977 and 1997
who have grown up with computers and digital media and now make up
the largest group in the US workforce (Galagan, 2010). This generation
of people is said to demonstrate higher IQ and different learning styles,
work habits and a new notion of collaboration, thus changing the nature
of the way a large portion of todays working population work. However,
we would like to point out here that this notion of a net generation, a
generation of people that somehow have internalized the use of computers
and take for granted the availability of technology, currently remains
one that should not be universally assumed to apply to all parts of the
developing world where such infrastructure simply remains unattainable
for the majority. It raises an interesting question in that if the notion of
talent in Western MNCs is somehow explicitly or implicitly shaped by the
expectation that all graduates entering the job market have internalized
the notion of technology and access to it long before reaching university,
then would that not mean that individuals who have not would inevitably
170 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

be to some extent excluded from talent pools, whether implicitly

or explicitly?

Points to ponder

Are individuals who have grown up without access to information technology

unintentionally, but inevitably, left sitting by the side of the pool instead of paddling
in it?

Returning to the earlier point of organizations losing tacit knowledge as people

leave, is this new generation of people with new learning habits and technological
knowledge enough to create and sustain intellectual capital needed for
organizations to stay ahead of their game?

Furthermore, relative to 50 or even 20 years ago, professional mobility

nationally and internationally is becoming increasingly the norm as
individuals search for new opportunities to better their own develop-
ment, despite suggestions that professional mobility is likely to slow
down in times of economic distress (HR Review, 2011). There is no
longer a stigma attached to changing organizations (McKinsey &
Company, 2001) and as recent findings of the Inspiring Talent 2011
Survey indicate approximately one-third of the people interviewed intend
to leave their current jobs in the next five years (Churchard, 2011).
Hence, retaining individuals in whose training the organization has
invested becomes an increasingly significant challenge. In a global con-
text, a shift has also occurred in the direction of internationally mobile
talent. The flow of talent is no longer limited to movement from the West
to East, but rather multidirectional (DCosta, 2008; Solimano, 2008).
This shift in direction poses talent management strategists and HR practi-
tioners with further challenges in attracting, developing and retaining
individuals with key skills, know-how and experience in a way that is
culturally appropriate. So, regardless of national, cultural or industry
context, organizations need to adapt, in terms of their internal culture as
well as strategically to the needs, values and habits of their changing
Coupled with this notion of a demographically changing workforce,
another reason attributed to the lack of available talent is reported to
be lagging educational attainment, in that during times of financial
Talent Management 171

difficulty, it is anticipated that organizations are more likely to reduce

the amount of low skilled, low paid jobs and these are likely to be
replaced by more knowledge-intensive positions that require more highly
qualified people (Galagan, 2010). Indeed, there appears to have been
a shift in the nature of work where more emphasis is placed on know
ledge workers and innovative thinking, which is creating a higher demand
for qualified and experienced individuals with high degrees of expertise.
A study conducted in the South African public service, for instance,
indicates a severe skills gap across middle and top management with
vacancy rates at deputy director-general level reaching 59 per cent (Kock
and Burke, 2008). The demand for top managerial talent is a global

Key components of strategic talent management

As you can see from our discussion so far, organizations are increasingly
in competition with each other to attract, develop, deploy and retain
individuals with key skills needed to maintain a competitive edge.
As such, organizational leaders need to develop strategies and practices
that not only address their current business needs for specific talent, but
also their future business needs. However, it appears that the degrees to
which talent management initiatives and practices are actively used
in organizations varies from informal and incidental approaches to
approaches that incorporate strategic talent management with wider
corporate strategy (Tansley et al, 2006).
Oakes and Galagan (2011) argue that talent management comprises
several key areas of HR: recruiting, compensation and rewards, perform-
ance management, succession management, engagement and retention,
and leadership development. The authors further propose that the talent
management framework in its entirety is underpinned by a notion of
learning and development. However, the degree to which organizations
choose to emphasize each of the key components is determined by the
organizations individual business needs (Oakes and Galagan, 2011).
Therefore, talent management is also about succession planning for
the future as it is about recruiting and deploying the right people with
the right capabilities in the present. In other words, talent management
can be used at different stages of career development, such as when gradu-
ates who enter an organization for the first time are earmarked for fast
track development opportunities or middle managers are developed for
future leadership positions as part of a longer-term organization-wide
172 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

succession plan. Indeed, the boundaries between talent management and

succession management, of which succession planning is a component, are
somewhat blurred. Succession planning refers to the process of identifying
successors for key positions in the organization and developing and deploy-
ing such individuals accordingly. Succession management as a process
(see Glossary) seems to be most often relevant at executive level posi-
tions and not something that is necessarily applied throughout the
organization except perhaps for positions that are considered hard to fill
or otherwise vital (Tansley et al, 2006). Successful adoption of a much
needed integrated approach to talent management requires addressing
the various key components of talent management (Oakes and Galagan,
2011), which is precisely the view that we wish to promote here.
We would like to add to the list of challenges a further concern for
MNCs operating in some developing country contexts: nationalization.
By this we mean the pressure from governments to nationalize work-
forces, particularly at management level. The implication for MNCs
is that in countries where they have previously been able to fill the
experience or skills gap with expatriates, this is becoming increasingly
difficult due to restrictions on expatriate quotas placed by the host country
government. This phenomenon is particularly evident in the energy sector
and oil and gas companies operating in the Middle East (for example
Omanization, Al-Lamki, 1998) and African countries such as Angola
are all too familiar with it (for example Angolanization, Bjerke et al,
2004). That being said, the problems brought about by nationalization
differ from country to country, which we do not have space here to delve
into any further.

Emerging issues in managing talent

Danger of narrowly defining talent
Based on McKinsey & Companys talent ideology, talent employees
must have a high level of mental ability and a high level of proven per-
formance. However, can we really say that todays high level of mental
ability will be tomorrows source of competitive advantage? Many com-
panies tend to believe so, recruiting young graduates with high marks
in top universities and business schools, and paying them a premium.
Organizations may put themselves in danger when highly associating
their talent pool with younger people and demotivate those who are
Talent Management 173

older and more experienced. Moreover, sometimes a high level intellectual

ability can have a negative impact on peoples behaviour. For example,
a high powered job may require employees to have a high tolerance of
humdrum and the constant repetition of similar tasks. A highly active
mind might be more likely to become dissatisfied with such a job.
A high level of proven performance as a criterion for talent could also
be problematic, since companies first have to identify precisely types of
high level individual performance. If we cannot identify high level indi-
vidual performance we cannot reward it and the talent ideology becomes
meaningless. Second, companies have to provide appropriate measure-
ments for the defined performance. Once again, if we cannot measure it,
we cannot reward it.
Nowadays, more organizations have adopted a competency-based
method to recruit employees with certain skills and knowledge to be
the future talent in the organization. The advantage of this is that the
organization may provide more opportunities to develop employees
skills and competences. However, the danger of this is obvious too.
Cappelli (2008) points out that the competence-based assessment process
does not sufficiently acknowledge peoples strengths and weaknesses.
For instance, leadership is situational and such approaches may not
value charismatic leadership.

Goals and resources in managing talent

One of the key questions for organizations managing talent is: where
do we want to be and what are our resources to get there? As we have
shown, there is a need to ensure that any talent management strategy
is in line with broader and longer-term business needs. Therefore, as
part of this process in the first stage it is essential to identify the
organizations goals and the capabilities (ie human resources) needed
to achieve them. The second stage involves evaluation of current avail-
able human resources internally in the organization as well as from
external talent pools. The third stage involves bringing the two together
to identify areas where skills gaps appear or indeed where there might
be so-called surplus of talent. Depending on the outcome of this analysis
organizational leaders would then need to decide how to structure and
organize their human capital, whether it be on a local, national, regional
or global basis.
There seems to be a consensus among researchers and commenta
tors that a top-down approach is needed for successful management of
174 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

talent. Although HR plays a critical role in driving the talent manage-

ment agenda forward, it is essential that it is driven from the top down
and supported by leadership. Talent management, after all, is a compo-
nent of HRM, but should not be the sole responsibility of this people
management function. Rather, it should be a shared priority to line
managers and top leadership (Chuai, Preece and Iles, 2008; Kock and
Burke, 2008).
The need for an integrated approach to talent management mentioned
earlier in the chapter is also emphasized in Kock and Burkes (2008)
approach to managing talent, based on research conducted in the South
African public sector. Kock and Burkes (2008) talent wheel model
(see Figure 6.1) depicts a cyclical process consisting of:

talent planning identifying the gap between demand and supply

of talent;
talent identification assessment of employees performance,
potential and readiness to advance;
talent categorization classifying individuals as high performers,
solid performers or poor performers based on the talent
identification process;
career management a process that involves matching employees
visions and career plans with organizational needs reflecting their
talent classification;
talent balance sheet a consolidation of data collected about the

All these elements are underpinned by continuous employee engagement.

Although we are not prescriptively promoting this model, it offers useful
insight into the practical aspects of the talent management process.

Sustaining quality talent

Boudreau and Ramstad (2005) argue that two paradigm shifts have
occurred that carry implications for how organizations define their people
management strategies. The authors refer to the first paradigm shift as
talentship, which entails identifying key talent pools in areas where
strategic success is influenced by the availability or quality of human
capital (Boudreau and Ramstad, 2005). As you will have noticed,
we have discussed aspects of talentship, albeit using slightly different
vocabulary. The second paradigm shift is referred to as sustainability.
Talent Management 175

Figure 6.1 Talent wheel (Kock and Burke, 2008)


Talent Talent
planning categorization

Talent balance Career

sheet management

Figure 6.1 Talent wheel. Reproduced from Kock, R. and Burke, M. (2008) Managing Talent in the South
African Public Service. Public Personnel Management, 37(4), 457470. (For further information on Public
Personnel Management see

It is no longer sufficient to define HRs contribution and organizational

effectiveness in financial terms, but rather in broader terms that enable
success today without compromising the needs of the future (Boudreau
and Ramstad, 2005). In other words, although financial success is
required to achieve sustainability in an organization, it should be defined
in broader terms that include notions of transparency, ethics, diversity,
support for employee and human rights, corporate social responsibility
and contribution to the community, according to the authors. We there-
fore suggest that succession planning, an integral part of talent manage-
ment, is not possible without achieving sustainability in an organization
and it is specifically these notions that go beyond financial definitions of
success that contribute to employees sense of organizational commitment
and motivation to work, which in return are key factors in managing
talent to meet future business needs. Moreover, as it is suggested in an
online article, when organizations look at developing their talent or indeed
recruiting new talent, the kind of individuals they need are not merely
defined by their technical or practical knowledge, albeit they too are
important, but by their potential ability to adapt to changing conditions
successfully (HR Review, 2011).
176 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

This is as far as we intend to provide any kind of step-by-step guide

to talent management as we strongly believe that the talent management
process is not a one size fits all kind of process. Indeed as Scullion and
Collings (2011) contend in their edited volume on global talent manage-
ment, we too argue that understanding the significance of contextual
factors is key to successful talent management. What we do aim to provide
you with is the ability to ask the right questions when looking at possible
approaches to managing people with key skills and expertise that have
the potential to enhance organizational performance. We also want to
emphasize the holistic approach that is needed it is not simply enough
to address one component of HR when managing talent.

Key learning points and conclusions

Despite criticism and scepticism, talent management does have a
place on the strategic HRM agenda. There seems to be little doubt
that developing the right human resources, intellectual capital,
skills and competencies are more important now than ever for
organizations to achieve competitive advantage.
Any successful talent management strategy must be holistic and due
consideration should be given to these key components: recruitment,
selection, learning and development, performance management,
retention, pay and reward as well as employee engagement.
More insight is needed on employees experiences of being talent
managed. Although we have only touched on perception and motivation
in this chapter, it is evident that talent management, like HRM, cuts
across all areas that are traditionally grouped together under the OB
canon. If organizations are to develop effective ways of developing
and retaining their key human resources, more attention needs to be
paid to how individuals experience being talent managed and what
are the consequences of applying talent management practices and
policies in terms of behaviour in the organizational context.
Particularly as organizations increasingly operate across geographical
and cultural borders, the approaches used to manage key employees
in todays economically challenging environment must be adapted to
be contextually fitting. Moreover, the expectations and consequent
experiences of those being talent managed are likely to differ in
different national and cultural contexts.
Talent Management 177

Case study and discussion questions

C A S E S T UDY Talent management in MNCs in Angola

Angola is one of Africas largest producers of crude oil, along with Nigeria and thus attracts
foreign MNCs to its shores. Angolan governments policies and practices have historically
had a significant impact on the way in which MNCs operate and thus strategically manage
their own human assets in the country. MNCs are under increased pressure to localize their
workforces as work permit regulations are seemingly tightened, thus restricting the number
of expatriates companies are able to deploy to Angola. Such barriers carry implications for
the success of knowledge transfer processes in MNCs and potentially places increasing
pressure on MNCs to send local employees abroad for training rather than relying primarily
on expatriates to transfer skills and know-how to their local counterparts. The dynamic is
further complicated and made topical by the acute shortage of local skilled professionals
(Kreeft, 2009) as a result of Angolas 27-year civil war that only ended in 2002 and the rapidly
growing oil business. Talented and experienced Angolans appear to be in short supply and
high demand.

A number of interlinked factors have been identified in contributing to current talent

management and development practice in the Angolan oil economy. First, the nature of
Angolas struggle for independence from its Portuguese colonial rulers and subsequent
declaration of independence in 1975 resulted in a mass departure of Portuguese professional
and semi-professional settlers, leaving a severe lack of skills and abilities across industries
(De Oliveira, 2007; Hodges, 2004). Second, the subsequent civil war between Angolan
nationalist movements has resulted in the destruction of much of the countrys original
subsistence industries (mainly agricultural), and had severe economic and developmental
consequences for the countrys other sectors such as education, healthcare, tourism, retail
and communications. Thus, the development of Angolas infrastructure is highly reliant on
oil exports, foreign direct investment in exchange for concessions and oil-backed loans
creating a path dependency (eg Buckley and Casson, 2001). A shortage of educated and
skilled Angolans is a consequence of the lack of access and the quality of education to
name two problems and this is proving a major resourcing challenge not only for MNCs
operating in Angola, but also for national companies. The lack of skills supply and
restrictions on expatriate quotas could potentially slow down economic growth by making
the economy difficult for foreign investors to invest in.

Furthermore, accessibility to educational and career opportunities in Angola has to an

extent traditionally been determined by ethno-linguistic divisions (Oyebade, 2007). From
a cultural perspective, family obligation, often perceived as nepotism in the West, is
practised in Angola and thus the socio-economic position of ones family, in many cases
rooted in ethnic heritage, can be a significant determinant in accessing educational and
career opportunities.
178 Employees Working Together for a Purpose

The Angolan government is driving forward a nationalization agenda, referred to as

Angolanization and thus foreign MNCs are having to put into practice strategies that will
develop local talent to meet their operational needs. Angolanization has been associated
with the development of future leadership potential, not only for its practical implications of
developing technical expertise, but also in increasing corporate capacity for local know-
how to establish constructive relationships with local stakeholders and the Angolan
government (Ernst & Young, 2004). However, Angolanization has been criticized in the
media and online forums for its limited and short-term scope (Kreeft, 2009; Paulo, 2006) and
bias towards foreign-educated Angolans, implying that the agenda in itself is selective
(Paulo, 2006) and perhaps perpetuates the social and economic divisions that are prevalent
in Angolan society.

Nationalization in this sense is generally examined from a corporate perspective. In other

words, what does nationalization mean for organizations, business performance and the
nature of the labour market? The employee perspective is overlooked. Research carried
out by one of the authors of this chapter in to the career development experiences of
Angolan professionals working in the oil industry suggests that the Angolanization agenda
carries many more personal implications for individuals who are being talent managed in
this context. Participant narratives suggest that although the development of local talent is
seen as a positive concept in principle, it is also accepted in practice with a degree of
scepticism. MNCs perceived inability to treat people as individuals is contradictory to the
Angolan cultural value of human relationships. Western transactional approaches to
employment relationships in the Angolan context seem counterproductive. Narratives
suggest that a perception exists among some Angolan professionals that their Angolan
nationality has been a factor when being recruited by foreign MNC. This realization has led
to feelings of cynicism and of being used, which in turn has implications for organizational
loyalty and motivation. It is therefore easy to see that if individuals feel that they are merely
a resource to their organization, there is a greater likelihood that they will move between
companies in search of the most financially rewarding deal for themselves. The positive
side of the Angolanization agenda that has been acknowledged is the increased training
and development opportunities for local talent and rapid career progression. Although
status and position are highly valued in Angola, rapid career progression is also met with a
degree of scepticism and it is questioned whether promotions are based on skills and merit
or governmental pressure on MNCs to localize at management level.
Talent Management 179

Discussion questions

Can you think of other countries where differences between local and typically
Western cultural values inherent in MNCs may influence the way talent management
or development practices are received by the individuals that have been identified
as somehow talented? Discuss using examples.
How would you define talent? Using cross-cultural management knowledge, can
you recognize any characteristics in your definition that would reflect your specific
cultural values?
What kind of qualities and skills do you think MNCs are looking for in their high
potential employers? What kind of similarities do you see in your definition of talent
and in the qualities and skills you think corporate leaders of MNCs are looking for?



Shifting contexts
for organizational



Conflict, power
and politics
P h i l i p Dav i es and Ro d S m i t h

L earn i n g o b j e c t i v es

Understand the key terms and nature of the contemporary debate

about conflict, power and politics.
Be able to analyse critically the key debates in existing literature.
Identify the implications of politics, power and conflict for

The study of conflict, power and politics has engaged the interest of
scholars and practitioners for centuries. The intention of this chapter is
to show how a linked approach that uses the twin lenses of OB HRM
can offer richer insights than a single track approach. Politics is, however,
often difficult to discuss in organizations. It is often said by practitioners
to be the elephant in the room a term in general use meaning that you
are ignoring the obvious problem. In some respects the term politics has
acquired the status of a taboo that refers to someone or something that
cannot be named. For example, Croziers classic study of organizational
politics (1964) had to use anonymous organizations.
Our unease about discussing politics has been heightened by recent
financial problems in the Eurozone and United States as well as global
issues such as environmental change, that challenge our view in the
West of the world as beneficent. Can politicians be trusted to put the
184 Shifting Contexts for OB

problems right or are they beyond repair? So when the term politics is
used in the context of organizations it arouses complex and contradic-
tory responses. To help answer such questions about the role of politics
in organizations we first need to be clear about the terms as well as what
is currently known.
So what do we mean when we use the terms either separately or
together power, politics and conflict? What are the roots in OB and
HRM discourses of our current theories? Have we reached a consensus
or are there still unanswered or indeed unanswerable questions? And
finally, what are the implications for executives, and for future research
by HRM and OB scholars?
Since the topic is very broad, we will use a case study of Easyjet,
a budget airline, which should be familiar to readers, to illustrate what
the various terms we highlight here mean in practice. But first we need
to be clear about definitions.

Definitions power, politics and conflict

In practice the terms power, politics and conflict are often used inter-
changeably. They tend to be used to describe a situation in an organiza-
tion where there is conflict and the appearance of power and politics
is no longer hidden but is visible. Often, for example, newspapers will
use phrases such as boardroom coup to describe a sudden dramatic
change of directors. Therefore politics, power and conflict are commonly
seen in a negative light and as something by implication that managers
should avoid or at least seek to limit. This chapter argues, and this follows
the current consensus among scholars, that the phenomena is neither
positive nor negative, but rather a normal part of organizational behav-
iour. But obtaining evidence that is publishable concerning the topic is
difficult (Crozier, 1964; Mintzberg, 1985). Often researchers use anecdo-
tal or unattributed evidence instead. Often it is only with the benefit of
a historical perspective that a true picture emerges of politics in action
and the records for business leaders are not as rich as those for political
leaders. This can be seen in an excellent biography of former US presi-
dent Abraham Lincoln (Kearns, 2005) that makes extensive use of new
evidence. The topic of politics in organizations is also frequently used in
films and television dramas as a recurring theme that tends to emphasize
its negative side to the popular mind.
Conflict, Power and Politics 185

Power is a social process by which outcomes can be achieved. It is
related to Webers concept of authority which is the legitimate exercise
of power (1947). The exercise of power can occur in a variety of ways:
directly or via reward, obedience to authority, or compliance to norms.
Lukes argues that consensual authority with no conflict of interest is not
a form of power but this is disputed (1974). Power exists in three dimen-
sions: direct power, indirect power and meaning power (Lukes, 1974).
Modernist scholars tend to focus on the first two dimensions while criti-
cal and postmodern scholars tend to consider the third dimension or the
power of meaning (Hatch, 1997).

How national politics should be organized is disputed. Some states argue
that only where everyone has a vote is there real political freedom.
Others disagree and argue that what works in one culture may not work
elsewhere so that a benevolent party or one who rules alone might be
better. Ways of describing politics can be traced back to Aristotle in fifth-
century BCE Athens. However, most observers would agree that all
politics is basically about how disagreements involving the allocation of
resources can be resolved. The political struggle usually concerns who
succeeds in getting power, the process through which they get power, and
how the ends of the organization at whatever level from small firm up to
a nation state are then determined. Organizations are political when there
needs to be agreement over the use of scarce resources (Pfeffer and
Salancik, 1974) or their future direction (March, 1962). For organiza-
tions the most convincing theory is that power in the form of strategic
choice is exercised by the dominant coalition defined as the small
number who exercise authority within the organization (Child, 1972).

Conflict can arise from disagreements between the actors in an organiza-
tion whether at individual, group, team or departmental level (Weiss,
1996). Conflict can be short term or long term, open or hidden. The
ultimate conflict is of course war, which is a continuation of politics by
other means (Clausewitz, 1968). Businesses do compete but they do not
wage war, although war-like language and metaphors are sometimes
186 Shifting Contexts for OB

used for rhetorical effect. Conflict can arise at any level up to and includ-
ing between organizations or groups of organizations when formed into
alliances, as currently occurs with airlines (Weiss, 1996).

Main arguments in the literature

OB, as Hatch (1997) argues, has essentially three research approaches:
modernist, postmodernist and critical. All have an interest in the linked
topics of conflict, power and politics but each have a fundamentally
different set of underlying assumptions about how to analyse the pheno
mena. Each research approach also has preferences as to how to acquire
knowledge, ranging from statistical analysis to the qualitative analysis
of discourse. We will cite examples where relevant in the text. These
different approaches have been well summarized by Alvesson and Deetz
(1996) who consider how the three approaches see power. Modernists
tend to see power as about how organizations exercise legitimate author-
ity and resistance as something to be managed. Postmodernists see resist-
ance to power as inevitable as well as a source of creativity. Critical
scholars distrust power and take a variety of approaches from Marxist
to feminist and generally try to reflect the views of the silenced or power-
less. There has been a long history of scholarship on politics and power
from the perspectives of actual states. This includes: the best way to
organize states (Aristotle and Plato in the fifth century BCE), power in
renaissance states ruled by a Prince (Machiavelli in the 16th century),
and social conflict in states resulting from changes to the ruling classes
from feudalism through the bourgeoisie to the industrial proletariat or
working classes (Marx in the 19th century). Each class loses power in
a crisis. Marxists assert that the current era of capitalism will end in a
crisis. Machiavelli in his advice to princes summarized the disconnect
between how princes should behave in theory and what happens in prac-
tice very well when he argued that the gulf between how one should live
and how one does live is so wide that a man who neglects what is
actually done for what should be done moves towards self-destruction
rather than self-preservation (Machiavelli, 1999).
More recently, scholars have looked at smaller-scale issues in organiza-
tions. In the 20th century research has originated from various fields
including social sciences, psychology, economics, political theory and
game theory. We will first consider politics and power in more detail before
looking at conflict via the lens of game theory.
Conflict, Power and Politics 187

Organizations are arenas for political activity (Mintzberg, 1985). Organ
izational politics involves intentional acts of influence to enhance or
protect the self -interest of individuals or groups (Allen et al, 1979). The
study of politics is the study of who gets most of what there is to get
(Allen et al, 1979). Scholars are also interested in resistance to the wishes
of those with power. A recent study by Starr (2011) suggests that teachers
in Australia resist change. She used a longitudinal approach over three
years where she compared newly appointed and experienced principals
(head teachers in UK terms) whose planned changes were resisted using
both formal and informal means. Resistance was often successful, which
has implications for change management strategy generally. Reactions
to organizational politics can also be linked to cultural differences as
a recent study by Vigod (2001) showed. He carried out a cross-cultural
comparison of UK and Israeli public sector workers attitudes and found
that while they shared similar views the clear differences could be best
explained by culture. Resistance to change seems to be rooted in local
contexts. This research also shows the benefit of taking a critical view of
power as it makes managers become more sensitive to context rather than
taking a one size fits all approach with an overall recipe for challenging
existing power relationships embedded in, for example, schools.
We should, however, be careful not to assume that every activity in
organizations can be labelled political. Reciprocity defined as a selfless
act entered into without any direct benefit may help build a mutually
successful organizational climate. However, when unresolved issues
emerge then political tactics (Pfeffer, 1981) may become much more
noticeable. Such tactics include impression management, support build-
ing for ideas, associating with the influential and building long-term
relationships. There is much anecdotal evidence for how political tactics
work in practice. In 19th-century London an eminent financier was asked
if he would support someone who wanted to raise money. The financier,
who was Lord Rothschild, said no to direct support, but instead offered
to walk across the floor of the Stock Exchange with the young man.
Everyone who watched them together assumed that Lord Rothschild
supported him and in consequence the offer was oversubscribed.
Gialdini, 1989). That is a clear example of impression management.
From limited research we know that in organizations political activity
is usually linked to the place of the executive in the organization (Allen
et al, 1979). The sentiment is that those at the top of the organization
188 Shifting Contexts for OB

view politics as natural and about resolving differences while front-line

managers see politics as getting in the way. One view of these findings
is to argue that those who are good at politics get promoted while the
obverse is true. We believe that this may be linked to the difference
between discretionary and nondiscretionary power where front-line
managers tend to obey the decisions of top managers whereas top
managers have to choose what to do and hence have to negotiate in the
dominant coalition (Child, 1972). This is more akin to Machiavellis
(1999 edition) account of politics in the Renaissance court. Childs view
of a dominant coalition is similar to Hambricks view (1995) of top
management teams. Here political behaviour is common and can lead to
fragmentation. Researchers from Bradford carried out a study in the
1970s showing how a top management team could disintegrate into a
mere constellation of senior executives pursuing their own agendas.
Decisions were games of manoeuvre characterized by obstacles, power
and muddle. Outside stakeholders were often called in to redress an
internal power balance (Astley et al, 1982). The research highlighted
the two factors driving strategic decision making as complexity: the
variety of interests involved and politicality, ie the balance of interests.
These findings have also been found in a more recent study of how an
information strategy was implemented in a university over three years,
a process that showed a similar pattern characterized by social dramas
that seem at variance with a view of an organized change process.
(Peszynski and Corbitt, 2006). So in organizations, once researchers can
go more into the reality of what is happening, a richer picture of political
activity emerges that is very different to what is sometimes portrayed
in change management texts. Political behaviour is not irrational or
perverse but rather an inevitable consequence arising from the nature of
organizational life.
Politics is important in decision making. The theoretical basis for this
view was first made by economists (March, 1962). March and colleagues
criticized the traditional model of decision making because it assumed
that there is a consistent preference for decision ordering among decision
makers and that decision rules are known and accepted by everyone.
In reality, decisions are taken with incomplete information. March argues
that this is linked to the problem of information processing. To combat
this, executives have to operate on the basis of taken for granted assump-
tions or schemata about their world (see Chapter 2 and schemas,
Glossary). They also use bias and heuristics because of their need to
simplify their input of data. But politics is not harmful in itself. It may
Conflict, Power and Politics 189

lead to a more creative outcome as executives surface differences.

Problems emerge when differences cannot be reconciled and conflict
becomes endemic. The organization descends into civil war and this can
lead to organizational breakdown (Mintzberg, 1985).

Traditionally, power studies have mainly been based on the work of
psychologists such as Skinner who follow a view of behaviour based on
stimulus response. However, Lukes (1974) suggests that this can lead
to a one- or two-dimensional view of power, which is inadequate. He argues
that power exists in three dimensions. Direct power is where actor
A can influence actor B to do something that actor A does not want to
do. Indirect power is where actor A so influences the process that what
actor B wants to discuss never gets on the agenda. Lukes third dimen-
sion is where the overall meaning is determined. This is akin to Gramscis
hegemony argument (see Glossary) where what actor B wants to do
is unthinkable it is against the cultural norms. We will explore what
hegemony means in practice when we consider the case study on
page 206.
Lukes summary of these three dimensions of power (1974) is shown
in Table 7.1.

Ta b le 7.1 Summary of three dimensions of power

(Lukes, 1974)

One-dimensional Focus on behaviour, decision making, key issues,

view of power observable conflict, subjective interests, seen as
policy preferences revealed by political participation.

Two-dimensional Qualified critique of behavioural focus. Focus on

view of power decision making and no decision making, observable
conflict (overt or covert), subjective interests seen as
policy preferences or grievances.

Three-dimensional Critique of behavioural focus. Focus on decision

view of power making and control over political agenda (not
necessarily through decisions), issues and potential
issues, observable (overt or covert) and latent conflict,
subjective and real interests.
190 Shifting Contexts for OB

The comment on real interests in the third level of power in Table 7.1
is a reference to the Marxist critique of capitalism where the real interests
of the workers are hidden from the workers themselves. Hence revolu-
tionaries may awaken the workers to their real interests by provoking
the ruling class to acts of oppression. Such logic has been used to justify
terrorism where to save people it is legitimate to blow them up so that
they can realize what they should do to free themselves! We see here how
any debate on the theory of power can lead to social action.
Traditionally OB and HRM research has been at the level of the first
two levels of power that often used experiments such as the obedience
tests. However, a more critical view of power has led to some very interest-
ing case study based research into strategic change. Anthony Giddens
work is especially significant from the sociological perspective. This led to
a focus on culture in strategy (Johnson, 1992). Recent studies include
a study of implementation using a critical epistemology (Peszynski and
Corbitt, 2006). When we assess the implications for the executive we
will include how issues of meaning relate to power.
Power is usually linked to reward. Those who manage the sources of
uncertainty usually have greater power and often enjoy greater rewards
than others. For example Crozier (1964), in a classic study of the state-
controlled French tobacco industry, found that where prices were fixed
and the firm had a monopoly the only source of uncertainty was produc-
tion. And the workers who mended the machines had the greatest power
and so enjoyed the highest wages. We see a similar process in the airline
industry where pilots have the greatest power in negotiating wages.
Their shop steward in the UK in the 1960s in fact was Norman Tebbit,
who as a Conservative MP was a key member in forming the govern-
ments policy to restrict union power in the 1980s. His career shows the
link between interests and behaviour. When a position of power is chal-
lenged those who see their power weakening will respond. We are seeing
this today in the London Underground where driverless trains will weaken
the power of drivers. Their union therefore opposes the reform on the
grounds of safety. A key point here for managers is that the behaviour of
the drivers is predictable. This is not of course a new issue. Demarcation
disputes in traditional industries have historically affected competitive-
ness by raising labour costs. So the debate about power is important
in employee relations.
Power is sought actively by executives but their motive is not neces-
sarily always financial but may be more about achieving organizational
goals. Power is the great motivator (McClelland and Burnham, 1976).
Conflict, Power and Politics 191

Power is related to the position of the executives in the organization as

well as to their physical position such as where their offices are located.
The importance of where executives are located is clear when an office is
reorganized. Location confers status as well as access to unplanned informal
conversations. This is clearly non-trivial; there is normally opposition as
those losing a central position often see it as a loss of power. We also know
from social network analysis studies that the position of individuals is
linked to how others see their personal power (Krackhardt, 1990).
Power in top teams has also been actively researched. What is of
especial interest is the external links of top teams. Since the days of
Adam Smith it has often been thought that when businesspeople meet
then they will engage in anti-competitive behaviour (1970 edition).
In the popular imagination when politicians meet businesspeople there
is a fear of undue influence being exerted under the cover of a legitimate
sharing of views. The external ties are also important in the role they
play in decision making. Senior executives make decisions under condi-
tions of information overload and ambiguity. They therefore tend to
economize (Geletkanycz and Hambrick, 1997) on searching themselves
for data and instead rely on external referents for insights into plausible
alternatives. In simpler terms, they use their personal networks. We also
know that weak ties or people you dont know that well are more likely
to give you new information (Granovetter, 1973). So the personal net-
works of top managers are one of their sources of power.
The role of networks leads into a wider argument involving social
mobility and stratification (see Glossary). Any academic debate about
power and politics in organizations can quickly shift into a much deeper
debate about the way that a society is developing. We all live and work
in organizations. We are all affected by what they do. And HR managers
are part of the process. There needs to be a more critical approach into
how staff experience power that takes an assumption that the views of
the silenced may not have been heard. We also know that any change
is resisted for often good reasons and that unless those reasons can be
addressed then change will be blocked.

We can think of conflict occurring at five different levels (Deutsch, 1990):
personal, interpersonal, inter-group, inter-organizational and interna-
tional. In this section, we will restrict ourselves to consideration of
192 Shifting Contexts for OB

disagreements at the interpersonal and inter-group level with occasional

forays into conflicts at the inter-organizational level. In particular,
we concentrate on how to handle this conflict. The boundaries between
these five different levels can be a little blurred, and we will, on occasion,
take examples from other levels to help illustrate our concepts.
Dictionaries generally define conflict in terms of war, mental struggle
and difference. The roots of the definition are Latin via Old Middle
English, and mean fought. We can immediately see how war refers to
conflict at the international level, and mental struggle refers to conflict at
the personal level. Thus, we restrict ourselves to consider conflict arising
from difference, and the Oxford English Dictionary defines this form of
conflict as: a serious incompatibility between two or more opinions,
principles, or interests .
When individuals and groups disagree, these clashes can be violent, but
is this always the case? Does difference always lead to disagreement,
clashes and violence? Under what circumstances does this occur? Can it
be handled and overcome? Can difference have positive outcomes? These
are some of the questions this section seeks to answer.

We begin by investigating the nature of difference. We want to know
whether difference is a good or bad thing. An example may help here.
In the 1990s, there was a series on BBC television that examined the
recruitment of a variety of jobs. Each week, the programme followed
the recruitment process for one vacancy. Two programmes stuck out.
The first was for the chief constable for a police force in the heart of
England. Recruiters were shown devising the selection criteria, and
candidates were shown undergoing normal selection processes such as
interviews. One process was a formal dinner of the shortlisted candidates
with members of the Police Authority, the governing body of the force,
where the candidates table manners (and presumably their capacity
for alcohol) were minutely examined. The second was for a creative
writer in an advertising agency. A key criterion for this job was to work
with others in the agency to devise creative solutions. This time, the
recruitment process involved some interviews and presentations of port-
folios of work, but it also involved group problem-solving simulations.
These were electric events, with group members raising their voices,
losing their tempers, and coming to the very edge of physically attacking
Conflict, Power and Politics 193

each other. This extraordinary behaviour was described, admiringly, by

the senior partner of the agency as teamworking.
The contrast between these two examples could not be greater.
Members of the Police Authority were looking for someone like them,
one of us. They didnt want difference. Indeed, in August 2011,
the Metropolitan Police in the UK sought to recruit a replacement
for their commissioner who had recently resigned following allegations
of police corruption. The Prime Minister suggested that the pool of
possible candidates should be widened to include overseas candidates.
This was widely interpreted as meaning that an application from a
strikingly successful US police commissioner should be considered.
The UK Home Secretary rejected this suggestion, and the advert specifi-
cally restricted the position to UK applicants only, as reported in an article
entitled Camerons supercop blocked by Theresa May by Tom
Whitehead and Andrew Porter and published in the Telegraph (London)
on 5 August 2011.
The advertising agency was determined to employ someone different,
even if it led to organizational discomfort. Now stop for a moment and
consider: the creative industry in the UK is hugely successful and
admired worldwide; the police in the UK have been under attack from
almost all quarters for the last four decades.
Is there a connection? These small examples cannot prove that there
is. They dont prove that difference is necessary, but the example of the
advertising agency does prove that difference is not necessarily a bad
thing it can bring major benefits. You may even think, like Handy
(1993), that life is a little dull without difference.
We need different ways of looking to explore this topic further.
A useful line of enquiry is systems theory (see Glossary). Organizational
theory has, in its short history, borrowed concepts from science.
For example, classical organizational theory uses the tools of natural
science, such as physics. Based on the work of Isaac Newton, it sees
the world as made of clockwork. People are cogs and wheels in this
clockwork, and we can see this in the teachings of Taylor and scientific
management, with the assembly line as its ultimate expression. After
the First World War, attention shifted to psychology as a consequence of
the Hawthorne effect (see Glossary) and the human relations movement
(see Glossary). The psychological needs of people became the major
focus of attention. After the Second World War, systems theory became
the focus, with major contributions by Lewin (1997), Simon (1997),
March (1962), and Senge (1990). Systems theory borrows ideas from the
194 Shifting Contexts for OB

biological sciences, which see organizations as living things, organisms,

rather than pieces of clockwork. They are constantly changing in ways
that we cannot, generally, predict.
In its most general sense, a system is a collection of parts that are
connected in some way and do something. In terms of an organization,
we can think of staff in a department having a web of relationships,
work and personal, that has an effect on the workings of the whole
department. Perhaps the males in the department have a ritual of meet-
ing in the pub after work on Fridays, excluding females from this
arrangement. This has the potential for having a significant impact on
departmental politics, decision making and promotions.
Of particular interest here is the idea of systems entropy. This has
its origins in the second law of thermodynamics and refers to the
tendency of systems to decay if left alone. A simple example should make
this clear. Consider a student flat. Students are not well known for
undertaking housekeeping or washing up of dishes. The opposite is more
generally the case. As a consequence, living areas become increasingly
untidy and covered by layers of dust and detritus, dirty dishes accumu-
late in the kitchen sink, and wise parents, when they visit, avoid the
bathroom. Indeed, the kitchen sink may possibly be incubating hitherto
unknown life forms. This decay has been caused by the lack of inputs in
this case, elbow grease and application. This is a general point: when
there is no change of inputs, decay occurs. To stop a system decaying,
there must be a change of inputs.
If we apply this idea to the two recruitment examples given earlier,
we can draw some deeper conclusions. It seems very likely that the proce-
dures for the selection of a new chief constable are designed to ensure that
there is no change of inputs: those involved want to recruit one of us.
In the case of the advertising agency executives, they want to recruit
someone with ideas, energy, and creativity: they want to encourage change
of inputs. Hence, we can reasonably conclude that the system used by
the police may well decay, but the advertising agency will not. It may,
however, explode, as we will see.
This brings us to consideration of inputs. They can be anything that
has an effect on the system. Investment, more resources, energy, passion,
creativity, new people, new ideas and reorganization of resources all
qualify. A suitable metaphor would be a dark, musty room, and chang-
ing the inputs as opening the windows to let the sunlight and fresh air in.
Indeed, this is a metaphor widely used. We can even expand this metaphor
to talk of open and closed systems. The dark, musty room is a closed
Conflict, Power and Politics 195

system: it is closed to the outside world, the windows are shut; it doesnt
interact with its environment. Opening the windows turns the room into
an open system that does interact with its environment. You can see how
entropy is therefore associated with closed systems. You would expect
that a closed system would decay and eventually stop functioning.
This is precisely what happened to the USSR. This example of a closed
system, isolated from the West for many years, collapsed rapidly follow-
ing the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
In summary, we consider that open systems are preferable to closed
ones, that they change their inputs, and that these inputs involve different
ways of looking at the world. Put even more simply, we need difference
to overcome the effects of systems entropy in order to survive, let alone
move forward and prosper. Although we have used the term difference
throughout this section, we could equally have used the term diversity
when we talk about human inputs.

Difference can be bad

We have established that difference can be healthy and should generally
be encouraged. But is this always so? Under what circumstances does
difference lead to undesirable outcomes?
In an early study, Schmidt and Tannenbaum (1960) viewed disputes
as passing through a number of stages starting with an initial awareness
of a difference, and eventually resulting in open conflict, as shown in
Table 7.2. Schmidt and Tannenbaum point out that a manager, seeking
to settle this potential conflict, will have most influence at the early stages
and least influence at the later stages.
The resemblance between this evolution and modern models of manag
ing change is striking. Kanter (1992), Lewin (1997) and Pugh (1978), for
example, all suggest change processes that start with gaining awareness,
moving through educating those concerned of the consequences, getting
participation of all affected, involving them in problem solving, search-
ing for winwin solutions, and implementation of agreed solutions. The
major learning point of this is that change is concerned with difference,
and this can lead to conflict if not handled carefully.
From Figure 7.1 it is clear that difference does not have to lead to
conflict. We can intervene at any stage of the process to affect the out-
come. However, interventions at early stages have the greatest probability
of success. Figure 7.1 provides a useful way of examining the stages
of evolution. Studying this process in a little more detail, we know that
196 Shifting Contexts for OB

Ta b le 7.2 Stages of dispute (Schmidt and Tannenbaum, 1960)

Stage 1 Anticipation. The manager learns of a planned event that

will result in change.

Stage 2 Conscious, unexpressed difference. Awareness rises

among the people who will be affected by the change.
Tensions rise.

Stage 3 Discussion. Information is presented, questions are

asked and differing opinions emerge openly.

Stage 4 Open dispute. The parties present their cases to each

other and argue. Differences now sharpen into clearly
defined points of view.

Stage 5 Open conflict. The parties are now committed to their

positions. The dispute is clearly defined. The outcome
can now only be described in terms of win, lose or

F i g u re 7.1 Simplified representation of Schmidt and

Tannenbaums stages of evolution (Schmidt and
Tannenbaum, 1960)

Difference Argument Competition Conflict

From Schmidt, W H and Tannenbaum, R (1960) Management of Differences. Harvard Business Review,
November 1960.

argument has a noble history, from the teaching of rhetoric in ancient

times to the debating societies of today. In general, we consider that
argument can be a good thing; it helps to clarify points, sharpen thought,
encourages learning, and so on. However, argument can be a negative
thing, disruptive and raising emotions to the point of anger. The conse-
quence of this last point is that it can lead to competition and conflict.
Skill is required to turn negative arguments into productive discussions.
We can think of competition as a contest between individuals and
groups for territory and resources. According to the Oxford English
Dictionary, it is: ... the activity or condition of striving to gain or win
Conflict, Power and Politics 197

something by defeating or establishing superiority over others.... Indeed,

we frequently talk of winlose situations.
Competition has three positive effects. First, it sets standards. In com-
petitive sport, performance standards consistently improve. In athletics,
there are very few records that have stood for any length of time. Second,
competition stimulates and channels energies. This is an important
argument for the existence of free market economies. Resources are
constantly being redirected to those areas where there is the greatest
likelihood of reward, and away from those areas where there is little
prospect of it. Third, competition is Darwinian. It sorts out the fit from
the unfit. It is the driving force of adaptation and evolution.
However, many think that competition has negative effects. As in the
case of argument, competition can be disruptive and raise emotions to
the point of anger. In fact, during the 1980s there were celebrated cases
of local authorities in the UK banning competitive games in schools
because they felt that they fostered negative attitudes.
In summary, we can say that argument and competition are negative
if they degenerate into conflict.

Possibility of competitions degenerating

into conflict
It is difficult to predict whether competition will degenerate into conflict.
It largely depends on whether competition is open or closed. An open
competition is one where everyone can win, whereas a closed competi-
tion is one where one person wins at the expense of the others.
In negotiations, distributive bargaining is an example of closed com-
petition. The parties fight for a share of a fixed-size cake. On the other
hand, integrative bargaining is an example of an open competition where
the parties seek to increase the size of the cake before sharing it out.
Closed competitions are more likely to degenerate into conflict; an open
competition can produce more cake to go round. The following examples
should make this clear.
The suppliercustomer relationship in industry has traditionally been
regarded as a closed competition, but the Japanese have redefined this
as an open competition where both parties act as partners. Thus, the
partnerships between, say, Toyota and its suppliers have devastated the
US auto industry. By 2009, the once mighty General Motors had to enter
198 Shifting Contexts for OB

Chapter 11 (a form of bankruptcy in the United States). Another example

can be found in education: if a fixed proportion of students achieve
certain grades at A level (the examination taken in the final year of
school) in the UK each year, the competition is closed, but if there is
scope for everyone to get a grade A, the competition is open. This last
example is of great interest to a number of people. A levels were intro-
duced in the UK in the 1950s as an admission examination for universities.
Thus, since university places were restricted at that time, the competition
was closed. Indeed, there were a fixed number of grades awarded.
A certain number of A grades, a certain number of B grades and so on
were awarded each year, regardless of the standard of the individuals
concerned. In a poor year, an indifferent performer could get a grade B;
in a good year, an indifferent performer might get a grade D. In the
1990s, A levels became open competitions, and the grades started to
improve. Now, a large percentage of candidates achieve As and Bs.
However, there are still restrictions on places at the older, more pre
stigious universities, and excellent performers are turned away. Thus
the competition for places is closed. We now have the worst of all
possible worlds an A-level system that is an open competition in one
regard and a closed competition in another.
Another example also makes this clear. In the summer of 2004 there
was a major dispute in the UK civil service over pay. Traditionally, civil
servants receive a pay increment each year. Lately, this had depended on
performance, but all staff had the opportunity to reach the top of the scale
through these increments. The civil service tried to introduce a system
whereby only a proportion of the staff reach the top of the scale, depending
on their performance. So, while it was possible for all staff to reach
the top before, now the civil service wanted only, say, 20 per cent to
reach the top. An open competition had been turned into a closed
competition. The unions resisted this change strongly, claiming, quite
reasonably, that it was a transparent device to save money by cutting
peoples pay. For open competitions to be fully productive, three condi-
tions must be met:

The competition must be perceived as genuinely open.

The rules and procedures for arbitration must be seen to be fair.
The major determinants of success must be under the control of
the competitors.

If these conditions are not met, the competition will be seen to be closed.
Conflict, Power and Politics 199

Game theory
What is happening here? We turn to game theory for an explanation.
This theory deals with games where the most profitable thing for you
to do depends on what your opponent does and vice versa; it attempts
to simplify the world and produce the best outcome for any particular
situation. Game theory has many applications, and it is widely used in
the social sciences.
It started when John von Neumann, a Hungarian genius who was
possibly the greatest mathematician of the 20th century, and one of the
architects of the modern computer, published a book on the theory of
parlour games (1928). He collaborated with an economist, Morgenstern,
to publish a later work (von Neumann and Morgenstern, 1944).
Initially, von Neumann identified the concept of the zero-sum game,
where one party wins at the expense of the other. Later, von Neumann
and Morgenstern invented the concept of the non-zero-sum game where
it pays to collaborate and form coalitions. They were absolutely clear
that non-zero-sum games could only arise through collaboration. Notice
also that distributive bargaining is a zero-sum game, whereas integrative
bargaining is a non-zero-sum game. These distinctions are important.
After the Second World War, John Nash arrived at Princeton University
in the United States. He chose to study game theory for his doctoral
thesis, and showed that non-zero-sum games could occur in competitive
situations as well as collaborative ones. For this work, Nash received the
Nobel Prize for Economics in 1994.

Main players in game theory

The 1960s film, Dr Strangelove, or How I learned to love the bomb, featured
a deranged scientist with a crippled body and prosthetic hand, confined to
a wheelchair. This was Dr Strangelove, the crazed genius, advising the US
President on waging nuclear war against the USSR. Many people considered
this depiction to be far-fetched, even for the purposes of satire. It was not. This
was John von Neumann, the brilliant Hungarian, who developed game theory
in order to win the coming conflict with the Soviet Union. He developed the modern
computer to carry out the lengthy and complex calculations required. The film
was directed by the masterly Stanley Kubrick and remains fresh today.

John Nash was the subject of the film A beautiful mind. His PhD thesis was
29 pages long.
200 Shifting Contexts for OB

The points made about types of bargaining, games and game states are
summarized in Table 7.3.

Ta b le 7.3 S ummary of bargaining types, games and game


Distributive bargaining Zero-sum games Winlose, losewin

Integrative bargaining Non-zero-sum games Winwin, loselose

Since the outcome of a game depends on the choices made by both parties
(we restrict ourselves throughout this description to games involving
two parties only), an equilibrium is generally reached, after which change
is unlikely to occur. In practice, this means that the four states (winlose,
losewin, winwin and loselose) are very stable. If a winlose state is
achieved, it is very difficult to shift, as illustrated in the box below.

Famous games in history

The prisoners dilemma

The most famous game in history is the prisoners dilemma. Imagine that two
criminals have been caught and locked up in separate interview rooms. The crime
is robbery with murder. The police offer a deal to each separately, but without the
other prisoner knowing. If the prisoner is prepared to confess and tell on his mate,
the police will offer a deal: that prisoner can walk away free and the other prisoner
will be executed. If neither rats on the other, they can both expect five years in gaol.
The rational thing to do is to tell on the other prisoner, but this will mean very heavy
prison sentences if both confess. So, although mutual cooperation is in everyones
interest, self-interest tends to prevail. Generally, this is to societys disadvantage.

The Red Queen race

Another example of a famous game is the Red Queen race. This is taken from Lewis
Carrolls famous childrens story, Alice Through the Looking Glass, where the Red
Queen instructs Alice to run faster in order to stay in the same place! In nature we
see tropical forests where trees grow incredibly tall, all competing with
neighbouring trees to reach the light. The upshot is that all the trees are tall: if they
cooperated, then they would be much smaller and still receive the same amount of
light as they do as tall trees.
Conflict, Power and Politics 201

The tragedy of the commons

This game is taken from observations of behaviour on a piece of common land
near Oxford in England. Common land is land that isnt owned by anyone, but local
inhabitants can use it freely: the problem is that local people graze their sheep and
other livestock there, and the land becomes overgrazed and poor. It makes sense
to limit grazing, but who is going to agree to that? Individuals are not going to
volunteer to give up their rights to grazing: what would they gain from that?
So how do we solve the problem?

This is particularly relevant at the moment in the UK fishing industry. Everyone

agrees that the North Sea is over-fished, but no fisherman is prepared to give up
fishing voluntarily. So the EU has to impose quotas to restrict fishing. No-one is
happy, of course.

There is one other way in which difference can lead to conflict. In the
mid-1960s, Jenkins and MacRae studied intercommunity conflict in
Northern Ireland between Protestants and Catholics. At that time, the
two communities had started to segregate and live in different physical
locations. As they segregated, social interaction between the two groups
diminished. The authors predicted (Jenkins and MacRae, 1967) that
as segregation increased, intercommunity tension would also increase.
They were proved correct, and violent conflict erupted in the late 1960s.
Even today, conflict exists in the province, although at a much lower
The tendency to segregate has been examined in a series of simula-
tions. Schelling (1969) showed that total segregation could occur if
people preferred neighbours who had the same colour as themselves.
He used coins on graph paper to show that people would move from
their existing home location to another where they would be happier.
This idea can be extended to include preferences for neighbours of the
same type (middle class or working class, straight or gay, and so on).
For each preference, segregation occurs. These simulations are now
performed by computers using automata. These are simple computer
programs that look like (large) chess boards. Interestingly, these automata
were studied intensely by von Neumann and form part of the general
study of game theory.
The implications are clear: if populations are allowed to segregate, then
conflict will most probably occur in some form or other. Organizations
202 Shifting Contexts for OB

display many forms of segregation, so that conflict is ever present.

The familiar silos of bureaucratic organization are the most obvious
example of such segregation. Thus, one objective of organizational develop-
ment must be to minimize this segregation.

Handling conflict
The question remains: how can we use these ideas to handle conflict
successfully? We have already noted that people will hold different
perspectives of that conflict, and will hold different objectives. Indeed,
our personal experience tells us that they may be arguing about different
things, and it takes a while before the penny drops and normal service
resumes. Using that idea, we can think of a process where both parties
learn about each others objectives. For example, a company can be
thought of in many different ways: a place where you earn income,
interact socially with others, express individual talent, a prison, a rut.
When the threat of redundancy emerges, people will react differently.
Some will welcome the release from the rut, the chance to retire from
exhausting physical work, the opportunity to use the redundancy money
to retrain for a career they have always desired, and so on. Some will
react badly, viewing the loss of income or social interaction negatively.
The point of this is that, by surfacing these objectives, it may be possible
to satisfy them for both parties and avoid conflict. This requires skill and
subtlety on the part of practitioners, of course, but this can be learned.
Surfacing objectives requires communication. The more communication
there is between parties, the more chance there is of defining objectives
so that they dont conflict with each other.
However, increased communication can also bring complexity and
confusion, and may make things worse. Its a difficult balance to achieve.
Table 7.4 represents this approach.
This is one of a number of conflict handling styles, and they seem to have
many common elements. An early model was based on the managerial
grid developed by Blake and Mouton (1964). A subsequent adapta
tion by Thomas (1976) injected a little humour. For example, it referred
to the loselose position as a pair of lemmings, and the losewin posi-
tion as a poodle. The above model (Kilman and Thomas, 1977) is in wide
use in management development training. The key lesson is that, unlike
personality traits, conflict-handling behaviours are learned and so can
change. For example, young sales representatives often display a strong
urge to compete while experienced managers who manage complex
Conflict, Power and Politics 203

Ta b le 7.4 F ive conflict-handling styles (based on Kilman and

Thomas, 1977)

Conflict style: competitive I win, you lose

Conflict style: avoidance I lose, you lose

Conflict style: collaborate I win, you win

Conflict style: surrender I lose, you win

Conflict style: compromise We both win partly

alliances will often show a strong tendency to avoid conflict. This obser-
vation is based on running exercises with aerospace managers over a
15-year period using this instrument.
The ideal position is winwin. This is the assertive position, and not to
be confused with the winlose position, which is aggressive and confron-
tational. Many assertiveness training courses use this model as their basis.
In simple terms, to be assertive, you need to have high courage of your
own convictions to achieve your own objectives, and high consideration
for other people to identify and achieve theirs. You could summarize this
by saying that, in order to achieve winwin outcomes, we cooperate
effectively in pursuit of purely selfish aims. Intuitively, it also means that
the parties must learn to trust each other when searching for winwin
outcomes. The description of the prisoners dilemma (above) showed
that while mutual cooperation is in everyones interest, self-interest tends
to prevail. High levels of trust are needed to overcome this barrier. In the
absence of trust, the only rational option for one-off games is winlose.
Axelrod (1984), however, argues that over time in a game without any
end then cooperative behaviour may develop. The point here is that the
time period of the game is key.

Evolutionary psychology
Game theory teaches us that handling conflict is possible, but it is a
rational theory, based on logic. Conventionally, we think of humans as
being irrational. Is there any truth in this, and how does it influence our
study of conflict? To answer these questions, we need to explore the
growing field of evolutionary psychology, or cognitive science, as it is
204 Shifting Contexts for OB

known in the United States. Throughout history, our species has engaged
in winwin activities in order to survive. The underlying theory is that
our brains have not developed in the short time (150,000) years since
homo sapiens left Africa. Thus, we have Stone Age genes and our behav-
iour is still dictated by our memories of the African savannah.
We had the key problem of alliance formation. We lived in groups
because it provided us with extra protection from predators. But,
because resources were scarce (food, mates, and so on) competition
became intense. Squabbles were common. So, this problem was solved by
forming alliances whereby we worked together in order to compete with
other alliances. This required two forms of behaviour competition and
reciprocal altruism.
We can observe this behaviour directly. Children have a tendency
to behave altruistically. In the ultimate bargaining game, two children
play a game. One is given a pile of chocolate money lets say ten pieces.
This child has to share this pile of money with the other child. The second
child can accept the coins given or reject them. If the second child rejects
what has been offered, both children receive no chocolate money. If the
second child accepts the offer, both children receive the chocolate coins
distributed. You would think that the second child would always accept
the coins offered, no matter how few, since they are getting something
they would not otherwise receive, but that is not the case. In simulation
after simulation, children will reject a distribution of chocolate coins
that they think unfair. They will accept a fair distribution roughly half
but not less. This has its roots in our primeval past when sharing was
the most effective route to survival. It explains, to some extent, our
altruistic nature. You can imagine how this might work in practice.
You may be a fine hunter, but a poor maker of axes and spears. Another
member of your group may well be an incompetent hunter (perhaps
he or she is lame) but has a talent for axe making. It is in both your
interests to divide up your efforts: you will hunt and provide the other
member with meat. In return, he or she will provide you with excellent
axes and spears to help you to hunt more effectively. This is a winwin
solution to a real problem. But genetically, we are still highly com
petitive. We have to compete to survive: we compete for jobs, mates,
position, you name it. Indeed, the mere fact that each one of us exists is
testimony to our competitive nature. Humans have very few ancestors:
in the West, the majority of people are descended from just seven women
(Sykes, 2002). The other women have not been successful in passing
on their genes in the competition for life.
Conflict, Power and Politics 205

In addition, the body also hardwires the memory of failure into the
brain. There is a simple genetic reason for this: living in the Stone Age, it
was important for primitive man to avoid making mistakes. Any mistake
made could have been fatal, so humans had to learn quickly from their
mistakes. Those humans that developed a rapid memory of previous fail-
ure (and survived) clearly had an advantage over less careful humans,
and so were more likely to spread this gene through the population. We
have developed to be cautious by nature. We are risk averse, and trusting
others carries risk we may not wish to bear.

Points to ponder

Having considered the various theories on conflict, power and politics, what do you
think are the lessons for managers?

Reflect on some of the major conflicts in your organization currently. Are they about
territory? At what stage of Schmidt and Tannenbaums stages of a dispute have they
reached? What do you think will happen next?

Think and reflect on how your budget is decided. To what extent can you and do you
participate? This is often a difficult process in businesses, but it illustrates well the
differences between open and closed competition in negotiating.

Key learning points and conclusions

Politics is a normal part of organizational life. If it is banned then it
will be driven underground and become more dangerous. If debate
is encouraged and disputes or concerns raised then a better decision
is more likely.
The use of power is part of a managers toolkit. Managers need
to be clear about what actual power they have and how it is best
used. If indirect power or influence is used more as is the case
in complex organizations then there needs to be an audit trail
to follow.
Conflict is often hardwired into organizations as well as places by
history and by the nature of the game. So if the rules of the game
are changed, cooperation is more or less likely.
206 Shifting Contexts for OB

Senior executives are already very aware of political issues.

Would it be healthier if this could be more openly acknowledged?
One option is to enforce the principle of cabinet government
where the rules are that open debate in cabinet is encouraged
but that decisions are collective and are not challenged afterwards
by opponents. This is a suitable area for management
Conflict is sometimes inevitable and predictable. Managers need to
plan for such conflicts but should also offer an honourable way for
an opponent to accept the need to change. HR executives need to
be part of that process.
The lessons from our evolutionary past must be better understood.
We have highly developed competitive and altruistic instincts;
however, our risk-averse nature may make it difficult for us to
trust the other parties sufficiently to overcome our competitive

Case study and discussion questions

C A S E S T UDY easyJet

EasyJet is a successful budget airline. Its main shareholder is its founder, Sir Stelios
Haji-Ioannou (Stelios). The European budget airline sector is highly competitive where the
market leader, Irish-based Ryanair, consistently delivers lower-cost flights. Actual or
potential conflict exists at several levels. There is competition between the various actors,
which includes competition between: individual airlines; between airports competing to
attract airlines; between airlines and substitutes, such as rail for short-distance travel,
London to Paris, for example. EasyJet needs to improve its main UK airport, Luton, which
is owned by the local council although managed by an operating company. There are also
disagreements with pressure groups for environmental change and with government
ministers whose decisions on the taxation of passengers or the location of airfields or rail
links can either help or hinder the aviation sector. There is also, in Marxist terms, a current
crisis of global capitalism until quite recently there were opponents in tents in the City of
London. Carolyn McCall OBE, easyJets CEO, decides to discuss the issues with her HR
director. That easyJet is of professional interest to HR managers can be shown in recent
articles in the Human Resources Management Journal.
Conflict, Power and Politics 207

What are the main issues from the case in terms of power, politics and conflict?
What practical advice can the various theories offer her? Her first task is to decide what
is outside the influence of her board or is irrelevant to the business. Her second task is to
consider where cooperation with rivals may offer a better chance of success as opposed
to conflict. This leaves strategic issues that are urgent and important. These are 1) reduce
the tax on air travel; 2) improve the links to substitutes such as rail; 3) compete with
Ryanair; 4) manage the shareholders, especially the founder Stelios. What do you think
should be done? What games are being played? What sources of power are available to
the board? What are the conflict handling styles of the actors? And what help does
evolutionary theory and game theory offer? Firstly most of the important issues are outside
the control of the board. Other issues are not so urgent and are also outside the control of
the board. This leaves issues that the board can influence and that are important as well as
those over which it has no direct power. This political strategy analysis is shown below.

Power Action needed now Action can wait

Direct or indirect Manage shareholders Environmental strategy to

power better especially Stelios. reduce emissions.
Compete with Ryanair.

Board does not Reduce travel tax. Substitutes such as rail.

have direct or Improvement to airports such
indirect power as the main UK base in Luton.

Meaning power All airline companies In the long term, air travel
need to improve within the UK will be replaced
their image on the by high-speed rail. Can easyJet
environment. Perhaps form an alliance with one of the
a joint initiative should train operating companies to
be funded? offer a joint service?

In most cases the board lacks power and so will have to negotiate. The nature of the game
is also important. Games are both open and closed. Airlines can attract as many passengers
as the market will bear so the market here is open. However, airlines are limited in terms of
landing rights at airports so here the market is closed. The case will be used to assess the
likely future actions of the top team as well as future issues.

Finally, Carolyn needs to maintain the confidence of the board in her ability to deliver
shareholder value. Here the conflict with the main shareholder is critical. Where possible
she should seek to collaborate but she should not avoid conflict if the strategy is correct
such as the current plans to expand the companys operations to new areas. The make-up
of the board is critical here.
208 Shifting Contexts for OB

What actual advice should be offered? The board faces a series of dilemmas and raising
them publicly will not help solve them. So the problem of a difficult shareholder who
disagrees with strategy may best be left to other shareholders to manage. PR to assist the
image of aviation will help all the players so here a cooperative strategy is the best option
especially when looking at overall transport policy with the government. At the level of
the actual workforce the firm seems to be doing well, although as they expand and take on
more non-UK staff clear communication is important.

Discussion questions

Using the model of conflict in the text where do you see the organization is on the
dimension of conflict?
What type of games are being played open or closed?
What power does the board have over the strategic issues raised in the case?
What should the board members do next?
What issues does the case and the in-class discussion raise for you and your own
What are the implications for HRM?

Source This case study is based on open sources and a 2011 University of Bedfordshire case study
written by P Davies and E Lloyd on the European Budget Airline Industry. Copies available on

E l i ot L loy d

L earn i n g o b j e c t i v es

Understand the complex nature of organizational culture.

Recognize the variety of ways in which organizational culture has
been studied and interpreted.
Understand the role that organizational culture may have as one
of the sources of competitive advantage.
Understand the dynamic nature of organizational culture and its
development through the organizational life cycle.
Understand perspectives and dimensions of organizational culture.
Understand the difficulties of changing organizational culture and
the process by which a change might be approached.

It has become increasingly commonplace to hear and read about managers
being concerned about the culture of their organizations. This may be
expressed in a desire to change the culture, to embed a particularly effec-
tive culture, mesh different cultures after acquisition, merger or joint ven-
ture, or maybe to preserve the culture that has proved to be successful.
In addition, as companies and economies become more global, managers
seek to understand the intricate effects of local and national cultures on
the firms and markets with which they interact. These concerns become
210 Shifting Contexts for OB

more significant as the battle for competitive advantage becomes one that
increasingly focuses on the soft side of organizations and its role in estab-
lishing a meaningful differential. This presents a problem as managers
may lack a true understanding of what culture is, how it develops and
the role it plays. As a result, efforts to build or change a culture may
prove to be frustratingly difficult and the effort put in may be misguided
in its direction (as might the optimism about the potential outcome).
This may seem a harsh observation for the concept of organizational
culture is one that seems to be readily understood at a superficial level
to the extent that people can easily conceptualize it as having meaning
and type. This level of understanding may extend to a seeming ability to
define and describe the culture of other organizations of which one has
but a passing acquaintance. Organizational culture is therefore a subject
that seems to be part of the lingua franca of organizations and yet man-
agers (and for that matter scholars) may be forgiven for not fully grasp-
ing the intricacies of the concept, for it is also one of the most difficult
subjects to define and describe with any real precision (Hatch, 1997).
This difficulty stems from the intangible elements of the nature of culture
and from the interpretative nature of the subject itself. As we shall see,
culture and organizational culture have been studied from a variety of
viewpoints, all of which have added to our understanding, but have not
helped us to reach a consensus. Organizational culture has been inter-
preted in many ways, depending on the method and intellectual lens
through which it is studied. It can be viewed from an operational or
practitioner viewpoint, from an anthropological perspective or from a
modern and even postmodern perspective. From the perspective of OB
our desire is to understand better how culture is formed, how it evolves,
its impact on the members of the organization (and vice versa) and its
potential impact on organizational effectiveness. In addition we should
aim to understand the issues surrounding attempts to grow and shape
organizational culture. The aim of this chapter, therefore, is to help you
understand more about the subject and ultimately to try to make the
study of organizational culture of use and interest to students as future
Interest in organizational culture has arisen from the study of humans
in society. The natural desire to understand more about our species has
driven research about individual and group behaviour. This has led to a
search for differences, similarities, trends, etc, resulting in intense debate
that reflects the perspective of the researcher and often reflects the times
in which the research was carried out. Thus more insular ages will seek
Organizational Culture 211

to find cultural differences from the accepted norm of the day (for example
the right culture, which is usually that of the researchers own experience)
while more enlightened times emphasized the importance of studying
culture for what it is and not for what it should be. Thus researchers would
attempt to embed themselves in the culture of the group that they were
studying and attempt through a deep immersion in the life and practices of
the group to report on and understand its culture, an anthropological
approach that has worked its way into organizational research.
More recently, the interest in organizational culture was heightened
by the desire to find managerial tools with which to gain competitive
advantage. The decline of US industry precipitated by (or at least attrib-
uted to) the supremacy of Japanese management practices led manage-
ment gurus to look to Japan as a model of management and operational
excellence. Firms were therefore urged to develop strong cultures as a
means of enhancing performance. Sadly, the research evidence concern-
ing the cultureperformance link remained unequivocal and the lack of
sustainable success from the companies cited by the management gurus
rather punched a hole in the argument. Nevertheless this legacy persists
and practitioners and managers still look towards organizational culture
as something to be leveraged in order to improve organizational output
and performance.
Interest into organizational culture now has many strands. As stated,
the cultureperformance legacy still persists, but the managerial view-
point has now shifted emphasis toward a more interpretative stance.
The manager is encouraged to understand the cultural nuances in the
organization with a view to gaining a more rounded understanding of
the consequences of any managerial actions, rather than attempting to
manipulate the culture with a view to improving performance. Other
viewpoints focus on the study of organizational culture as a subset of
the wider attempt to understand organizational life.
From an HRM and OB perspective, culture is likely to be a subject of
interest with the intention of understanding the impact of people manage-
ment practices (for example recruitment, training, reward and perform-
ance management) on individual and organizational effectiveness as well
as their potential impact on retention and image. Postmodern studies
will examine organizational culture through various lenses. This may
include interpretation and emancipation with an emphasis that anyone
studying culture must be doing so through his or her own interpretative
bias, and that issues such as managerial control (see Glossary) must
necessarily reflect manipulation of other groups in the organization.
212 Shifting Contexts for OB

A similar viewpoint can be extended to the study of culture from an

emancipatory angle such as gender and race.

Defining organizational culture

The variety of interpretations and understanding of the concept of culture
makes it a difficult subject to define. The central debate about culture is
whether it is something that an organization has or something that
an organization is.
The former suggests that culture is a set of deeply held assumptions
that guides behaviour and that these assumptions are developed over
time and are shared by members of the group. Those who view culture
as something that an organization has will also view it as something that
can be manipulated and used as a tool for improvement. In contrast,
those who view culture as something that an organization is, suggest
that processes, rules, regulations, systems, behaviour and structure, and
so on, are all part of the cultural life and they will argue that culture is
something that cannot be manipulated. These contrasting views have
significant implications for how culture is studied, interpreted and used
in a managerial sense.
Unsurprisingly, in addition to the various ways in which culture can
be conceptualized, it can also be interpreted in different ways. Some
researchers interpret meaning from what is manifested in the organiza-
tion, for example symbols, furniture, the general surroundings in which
people work and the manner in which they interact with each other.
The alternative view stems from the concept of culture as being a shared
set of deeply held assumptions and therefore surface level manifestations
are not things that can be interpreted as revelations of those assump-
tions. The emphasis here is on values and beliefs of those working in a
company, and although these may be discovered over time they lie very
deep and may not be revealed merely by studying the physical environ-
ment of the organization. Adding to the difficulty of understanding and
interpreting culture is the debate surrounding whether what is studied
and interpreted as meaningful may actually be a reflection and revela-
tion of the interpreters own bias. Despite these conceptual and interpre-
tive difficulties, it is nevertheless helpful to try to define the concept of
organizational culture, in order to try to bring us a little closer to under-
standing how culture has been conceptualized and to add focus to the
various debates about organizational culture.
Organizational Culture 213

Interpretations of organizational culture

As we have seen, culture is something about which people feel they have
an intuitive understanding and many of the conceptualizations of organ-
izational culture will have a reassuring familiarity. The simplest way of
looking at organizational culture is the standard description that it
is the way we do things around here. This implies that there are
accepted practices and norms of behaviour in an organization and that
these can be passed on to newcomers and can be experienced by any-
body who comes into contact with it. Indeed, it is this focus that forms
the basis of much of the most widely accepted interpretation of organ
izational culture in the literature. Perhaps the best-known definition is
that of Edgar Schein, who describes it as: The pattern of basic assump-
tions that a given group has invented, discovered, were developed in
learning to cope with its problems of external adaption and internal
integration, and that it works well enough to be considered valid and
therefore to be taught to new members is the correct way to perceive,
think, and feel in relation to these problems (1983).
Scheins view, therefore, is that organizational culture is something
that has been developed as a reaction to the external environment and,
crucially, has become something that is now shared as an appropriate
set of norms. In other words, the way we do things around here. Many
others such as Pettigrew (1979) and Martin (in her earlier work; for
example 1992) also conceptualize organizational culture as something
that is shared by the members. However, this view is not universally
accepted as culture can also be conceptualized as being diverse or even
fragmented, a concept that will be explored later in this chapter.
Earlier in this section we considered that organizational culture may
be interpreted through the physical manifestations of the organization,
while the above definitions seem to suggest that it is something that lies
deep in the psyche of the members of the group and that it is crafted and
embedded over time. Again, we can look to the work of Schein (1992)
who regards culture as having elements that he categorizes as being
artefacts, shared values, beliefs and attitudes, and basic assumptions.
We can view these as being the layers of culture. Artefacts are the surface
layer, and are represented by some of the following:

the way people dress;

how the office or factory space is laid out;
214 Shifting Contexts for OB

symbols and rituals of behaviour and ceremonies;

stories about heroes and villains;

While it may be tempting, it is dangerous to make too many strong

assumptions and interpretations about the culture from these artefacts,
for although they may be indicative of the values, beliefs and assump-
tions held by the members of the organization and thus representative
of the culture, they may also be symbols reflecting how the organization
would like to be perceived rather than a true expression of deeply held
beliefs. Ceremonies and symbols may just as easily form the target for
the value of rebelliousness that reflects an assumption that management
is somehow aiming to manipulate the behaviour of staff. Nevertheless as
certain authors have pointed out (Gagliardi, 1990), artefacts may truly
be the tip of the iceberg and may act as a powerful indicator of the
values, beliefs and deeply held assumptions in the organization.

Beliefs, values and attitudes

Hofstede (2001a), defines values as being a broad tendency to prefer
certain states of affairs over others and these will be reflective of ethical
moral and behavioural standards. Beliefs reflect what people hold to be
true, and it is here that Scheins argument that time and experience are
crucial in developing culture becomes critical, for successful responses
to external pressures become truths that in return become beliefs about
what is right and wrong. And it is this learned linkage between values
and beliefs that is attitude (Brown, 1998).

Over time, values, beliefs and attitudes, unless shocked out of the system,
will become so entrenched that they are no longer expressed or debated,
or even discussed, but become in essence the fabric of culture. It is this
very deepest layer that forms assumptions. Anyone who is felt not to
share these basic assumptions will be regarded as an outsider and will
quickly become ostracized by members of the group.
It is evident that beliefs, values, assumptions and attitudes are human
characteristics (Brown, 1998), and they are clearly something that
organizations per se cannot possess. This of course creates a problem
for those who perceive that culture is something that an organization is,
Organizational Culture 215

presuming that they also believe culture to be made up from such con-
cepts as beliefs, assumptions and values. Nevertheless, as organizations
are not just physical structures and systems but are also made up of
people, we can at least characterize the groups in the organization as
having human characteristics. It should also be evident that membership
is made up of individuals and the above explanation and definition
makes the assumption that individuals share a high degree of similarity
in interpretation of events. It also makes the assumption that, over time,
they have come to share values and beliefs, and therefore attitudes.
Scheins framework, discussed above, takes a unitary view of culture that
is one that is shared and common to all in the organization.

National culture and organizations

As pointed out by Nelson and Gopolan, there is: ample reason to expect
some kind of relationship between national and organizational cultures
(2003) as there has been considerable research into the differences
between national cultures and the socialized development of national
culture. The best-known work in this area is that of Hofstede (2001a,
2001b), whose impressively broad study of national and work culture
proposed four dimensions:

Individualism versus collectivism. This reflects a preference for

acting as individuals rather than as members of the group.
Power distance. This indicates the degree to which inequality
between societal and work members is regarded as normal and
Uncertainty avoidance. This indicates the degree to which members
are comfortable or prefer structure over a lack of structure.
Masculinity versus femininity. This indicates the relative
prevalence of values such as competitiveness, assertiveness and
success versus values that emphasize such things as quality of life,
care for the more vulnerable members of society, togetherness
and personal relationships.

Hofstedes research (conducted with members of IBM in many different

countries) indicated that different countries showed significant preference
across certain dimensions. Although his work is not without critics
McSweeney (2002) is particularly vocal and consistent in this regard it
has achieved a great deal of traction in the OB and HR literature.
216 Shifting Contexts for OB

The majority of research in this area focuses on dimensions that display

a considerable amount of overlap. Terms such as embeddedness versus
autonomy (Sagiv and Schwartz, 2000), individualism and collectivism
(Hofstede, 2001) and individualism and communitarism (Trompenaars
and Hampden-Turner 1997) reflect the extent to which individuals act
or expect to act as part of the group. Similarly, power distance, as
described above, has parallels with the dimensional of hierarchy and
egalitarianism (Sagiv and Schwartz, 2000) as it describes the relationship
with authority. Hofstades dimensions of masculinity versus femininity
are categorized by Sagiv and Shiraz as mastery and harmony and reflect
on a continuum the degree of domination of ones environment.
The vast majority of research on international culture and work culture
is based on the concept of values which, as described above, are socialized
and learned as opposed to inherited and over time become deeply
held assumptions. Researchers including Hofstede, Trompenaars and
Hampden-Turner, and Schein are united in their view that these beliefs
must be shared before they can be considered as culture.
In addressing the above, McSweeney (2002) reasonably suggests that
geographical boundaries are artificial and often temporary, suggesting
that these barriers are in essence false and to assign cultural differences to
false boundaries is in itself unrealistic and false. He also points out that
it is equally unrealistic not to expect and identify many different sub
cultures within regions, let alone nations. Nevertheless, work on national
culture has received considerable effort and enjoys a good deal of credi-
bility. If we accept, therefore, that there are national cultural differences,
along the dimensions suggested above, and that these are deeply em
bedded then it is also reasonable to expect that organizations in those
regions and countries will in some way be influenced by cultural values
and norms shared not only by those in individual organizations, but also
in groups of organizations. This national context may therefore become
very important when attempting to work across national boundaries
and with multicultural staff.

Organizational culture and performance

One of the most alluring and yet ultimately frustrating areas of research
in this field is the link between culture and performance. There is a sense
that culture has a significant role to play in performance and yet estab-
lishing that link has proven to be extremely difficult. In the initial phase
Organizational Culture 217

of research on organizational culture, performance did not feature except

as a passing comment that culture may have a role to play in performance.
The emphasis of the research was on trying to understand the behaviour
of individuals and groups in organizational systems. As has been men-
tioned previously, interest and research into the cultureperformance
link took off with the rise of Japan as an international business super-
power and the relative decline of the United States. Studies into Japanese
companies around the late 1970s and early 1980s suggested that
their superior productivity was in many ways a result of their focus
on human relations, and this focus was in contrast to their US counter-
parts. The natural result of these investigations, therefore, was to suggest
that if the United States were to regain its pre-eminence, then its com
panies should follow suit and emphasize human relations as a key part
of their businesses. Probably the best-known voices suggesting this focus
at that time were those of Peters and Waterman. Their book on seeking
excellence (1982) was an exhortation to companies to emphasize the
creation of shared values that would add focus and direction to the
efforts of those in the organization. Peters and Waterman claimed that,
in turn, this would create a strong culture that would help to create
excellence. This work proved to be extremely popular and gained a great
deal of traction in the business community. Unfortunately for this
area of research, the arguments presented, and in particular the exam-
ples used, proved to be less than robust, for some years after Peters
and Watermans study, many of the companies who were cited as being
excellent had run into financial difficulties. Further research had indicated
that measures used to identify strong culture revealed less than significant
differences with other companies who possessed ordinary cultures.
While these criticisms proved to be disappointing to those who were
seeking a link between culture and performance, it should be noted
that this period of interest focused on attempts to criticize the notion of
a cultureperformance link and not on trying to investigate further
whether there is indeed a link. Despite these criticisms and lack of
empirical evidence, the legacy of the research remains and since the
1990s more sophisticated efforts have been made to try to isolate and
measure a link between culture and performance. This body of research
suffers from a great many problems among which the more obvious
are as follows:

There are inherent problems in trying to isolate any one factor as

a predictor or cause of performance.
218 Shifting Contexts for OB

There is lack of agreement as to what constitutes organizational

performance, as there is a debate over whether this should focus
on financial results or on more global stakeholder measures of
There is disagreement as to what should actually be measured in
terms of culture, as there is no firm agreement as to how culture
should be studied, or indeed how it should be contextualized.
There is ambiguity as to whether it is culture that influences
performance or performance that creates either strong or weak
The familiar problem is that studies in this area tend to be
of a snapshot rather than longitudinal nature.
The majority of worthwhile studies were conducted in isolation
and did not use similar instruments nor did they build on from
each other.

Clearly, if any progress is to be made in this direction, measurement

devices of extreme sophistication would need to be developed to isolate
both national and organizational culture as drivers of organizational per-
formance. In addition, previous research suffers from the assumption that
the culture that is being measured represents that of the whole organiza-
tion and is not one shared only by a relatively small cohort this area
of concern would also have to be addressed. Despite these difficulties
and disappointments, culture as a driver of organizational performance
remains an alluring concept and it is one that is closely linked to the
resource-based view of the firm and it would appear to go some way to
explaining why some firms are much more effective than others given
similar circumstances. Thus the elusiveness of any provable link may
well be the fault of the methods of measurement and of the ambiguous
nature of culture itself and these are more to blame than the lack of a
causal link between culture and performance.

The resource-based view

One of the important debates in the strategy literature centres on the
issue of whether it is industry structure that determines the ability of
firms to generate returns or whether it is the collection and management
of resources that is the predominant factor. The former view was largely
developed by Porter (1980) who argued that an industry is subject to five
Organizational Culture 219

forces power of suppliers, threat of new entrants, power of buyers,

threat of substitutes and competitive rivalry. These forces and their
comparative strength, Porter argues, is what determines the overall
profitability of the industry in the long run, and is therefore the key de-
terminant in the ability of firms to make (or fail to make) above normal
rates of return. This concept became one of the most widely accepted in
strategic thinking, but became the focus of criticism based on the fact
that even in industries that appeared to be extremely competitive,
some firms were and are able to make above normal rates of return.
The logical conclusion of authors such as Jay Barney was that the
success of these firms must lie in their internal manipulation of their
resources and competencies, known as strategic capabilities. This argu-
ment became known as the resource-based view of the firm and it is
here that culture seems to have a natural role to play in the success or
otherwise of the company.

The framework of valuable, rare, inimitable,

organized (VRIO)
Barney (1991, 1996) argues that in order for resources to play a role
in generating competitive advantage they must be valuable, rare and
hard to imitate (inimitable). They must also be coordinated (organized).
Thus, in order for culture to contribute to the economic advantage of
the firm:

It must enable it to do things and to behave in ways that add

economic value to the firm. Thus, it must at least be consistent
with the strategic intentions of the organization.
It must not be common to many organizations in the sector as,
if all firms share a common culture they will not be able to use
it to generate above normal returns.
It must be hard to imitate. For even if the culture is rare, if it is
easily copied then the rareness will not lead to sustainable
performance advantage.

The organization part of the VRIO framework suggests that culture

is something that can be managed and maintained. This argument
is central to the problem of ascribing firms with shared excellence cul-
tures (Peters and Waterman, 1982) in that if these cultures are easily
shared and copied then they are not inimitable and cannot therefore be
220 Shifting Contexts for OB

responsible for adding to above normal performance. It also follows that

if an individual firm is able to manipulate its own culture to enhance its
value to the firm, then its competitors are likely to be able to do the same
and such manipulation is also likely to reduce the rarity and therefore the
potential to enhance performance. Barney points out the dilemma: Only
when it is not possible to manage a firms culture in a planned way does
that culture have the potential of generating expected sustained superior
financial performance (1986).
Therefore, while it may be only one of many factors that contribute
to sustained performance, ironically it may be the fact that culture is dif
ficult to describe, difficult to manipulate and difficult to identify precisely
as a source of advantage that may hold its promise as a source of per-
formance and competitive advantage.

The development of culture

The majority of later work on the development of culture takes as its
central point Scheins view that culture is a shared view based on reactions
to responses to the operating environment that have demonstrated them-
selves to be successful and robust enough to become truths. In this
section we will examine how culture is developed from the influence of
the leader in the early life of the organization through to the embed
ding process. Issues surrounding attempts to change culture will also
be examined.

The dynamic nature of culture

As described previously, one of the criticisms and difficulties with under-
standing culture and its role in relation to performance is that it is often
explored as if it were a static state. However, culture should be viewed
as a dynamic process that goes through several stages before it develops
into the level of assumptions (Gagliardi, 1986; Schein, 1992; Hatch,
2000). A useful way to conceptualize this dynamic nature of culture is to
view it through the life-cycle framework, which takes a firm through
from conception to potential decline.
Schein (1983, 1992) argues that at the earliest stage where the organ
ization is born, the founder has a crucial role to play in the development
of the culture. This role will diminish as the firm progresses through
its various stages and the role of the external environment and the
Organizational Culture 221

F i g u re 8.1 Life-cycle framework of culture


Introduction Growth Maturity Decline


interpretation of the firms members of their successful interaction with

the environment will become more important. The developmental roles
of various agents are described below:

1 Birth and early growth. During this phase, it is likely that the
founder will have a predominant role in the development of the
culture of the organization. As founder, he or she is likely to
have strong views about the values that should be espoused, how
the organization should be structured and how performance
should be measured. In addition, the founder is likely to have
a key role in appointing personnel and in designing roles and
functions. It is likely at this stage that the firm will share
a united culture.
2 Growth. As the firm grows, it is likely to develop new products,
strategies and approaches towards its competitors and customers.
It is also likely to be involved in geographical expansion and
maybe mergers and alliances. At this stage, members of the
organization are likely to be investigating appropriate strategies
for dealing with environmental shifts and competitors actions.
In addition, if a company is growing it is likely to be forming
subcultures. During this stage, the dominant role of the leader
is likely to diminish.
3 Maturity. Presuming the firm has survived this long, it is likely
to have developed what it believes to be a set of appropriate
successful strategies for dealing with its environment. These will
now become embedded in the mindsets of its members, and
222 Shifting Contexts for OB

will be enshrined as assumptions taken for granted. At this stage it

will be extremely difficult to effect any cultural change.
4 Decline or turnaround. The embedded nature of the cultural
assumptions mentioned above suggests that it may be extremely
difficult for members of the firm to envisage any solutions to
external and internal difficulties that have not been successful
in the past. It is now that the influence of an external agent may
be necessary to effect the turnaround.
In general, researchers of culture suggest that its development is largely
one of interpretation of the organizations members. That is how they
perceive the environment and their successful reaction to it is likely to
become embedded and has become instrumental in the formation of the
culture. Many, such as Hatch, view the members interpretation of the
actions of the leadership and the symbols of the organization as being
crucial to the development of the culture. In order to understand this further
it is useful to examine the four stages of development framework of
Gagliardi (1986) and the dynamic view of culture offered by Hatch (2000).

Gagliardis four stages of development

In a very similar way to the processes described above, Gagliardi argues
that the founder strongly influences the early stages of how the organiza-
tion is developed. The founder is likely to bring a vision and set of beliefs
to the new enterprise that have been forged through previous experiences
of success and failure. Any success is viewed as a cause-and-effect linkage
that suggests it is the vision and the actions taken that are the cause of
success and these actions will then become patterns of behaviour due to
simple logic that, because success was due to previous actions then similar
future actions will repeat the success. Strangely, humans do not seem to
go through the same attribution process with failure. These actions,
therefore, are likely to become guiding policies for future actions. At this
stage, this view may not be shared by all members of the organization,
but early in the organizations life the leader has the power to shape
behaviour of the members in the desired direction. If the behaviour that is
oriented by the beliefs of the leader becomes successful, then these actions
are likely to come with what Gagliardi refers to as reference criteria for
action and will influence the choice of approach to future events.
Where Gagliardi goes deeper than the previous discussion is to sug-
gest that the emphasis on interpretation shifts away at this stage, from
Organizational Culture 223

the effect of the action to its cause. Thus members will interpret any
success as being a direct result of their method. In this way, their previous
interpretation of how to deal with events in the external environment
becomes valid. When this is challenged, the group will defend and
assert the correctness of their beliefs and anyone who disagrees will be
regarded as a heretic. The fourth stage is that in which these beliefs are
no longer even consciously thought about and attain the level of basic
assumptions the way we do things round here. Gagliardi argues that:
Organizational values can be seen as the idealisation of a collective
experience of success in the use of the skill and the emotional transfigura-
tion of previous beliefs (1986).
In effect, members of the group have replaced the rational with the
emotional, in that they initially identified with the leaders vision because
they could see the rational sense in it, later the experience of success
appears to be linked to pride and self-esteem. This process clearly has
significant impacts for attempts at cultural change.

Hatchs dynamic model of culture

The early role of the leader also has important influence in Hatchs
dynamic model of culture. It is here that Hatch also draws heavily on the
work of Schein in suggesting that artefacts, values and beliefs are heavily
interpreted in the formation of culture. Unlike some researchers, Hatch
places great value on the importance of artefacts that she describes as
being: the visible, tangible, and audible results of activity grounded in
values and assumptions (Hatch in Ashkanasy, 2000).
She therefore argues that artefacts are the manifestations of the deeper
lying elements of culture and they become real (tangible, explicit, etc)
when they express the values and beliefs that have become entrenched
in the organization. This process can only truly take effect when the
artefacts become symbolic, that is when they develop personal, social
and emotional significance to the members of the group. The link between
the symbolization of the artefact and the experiences and historical
context of the organizations members is the basis of interpretation.
Put rather crudely, the interpretation allows artefacts to become mani-
festations of what it means to be a particular group, in that artefacts
will be interpreted as reflecting values, beliefs, norms of behaviour
and patterns of action that been developed (following Schein) as a
consequence of the interaction with the environment, and have proved
themselves successful, or at least interpreted as such (Gagliardi, 1986).
224 Shifting Contexts for OB

As Hatch comments: the best way to think about these relationships

is to regard artefacts and symbols as expressions of assumptions and
values rather than as their outcomes (in Ashkanasy, 2000).
The Australian cricket team provides a good example of this. Members
of the team are awarded and wear a traditional green cap with the
national teams emblem. The cap is a rather old-fashioned baggy design
and is known by the team as the baggy green. Its use has long since
passed the functional and it is used by the team to symbolize what they
perceive as the teams (and Australias) virtues. These are togetherness,
toughness, determination, etc. The players are required to wear this cap
on the first morning of a match and no deviation from this is allowed.
To Australian players it has a deep significance and to cricket followers
worldwide it has meaningful cultural assertions (Croke and Harper, 2011).
As shown in Figure 8.2, there is directional flow to the process of
cultural development, but it is not unidirectional. Thus interpretations
are likely to be influenced by existing assumptions, which will of course
be reinforced by the artefacts and their symbolization.

F i g u re 8.2 Dynamic model of culture by Hatch (taken from

Ashkanasy, Wilderom and Peterson, 2000)
Theoretical Orientation


Subjectifying activity Objective activity

(Identity) (Action)
n Re




Assumptions Artifacts





e tio
pl n

Subjective reflexivity
Symbols Objectifying reflexivity
(Meaning) (Image)

Hatch, M J (1993) The Dynamics of Culture in The Academy of Management Review, vol 18(4)
pp 657693
Organizational Culture 225

Multiple perspectives of culture

The discussion and examination of culture so far in this chapter has been
based on the assumption that all members of the organization share the
culture; therefore, it can be seen as having a single or unitary culture. This
perspective is not an uncommon approach; indeed, it is shared by Schein,
whose layered model of culture implies the unitary view. It is not a view,
however, that is universally held by all researchers of the subject.

Organizational subcultures
An alternative to the single culture view is the belief that organizations
are divided up into distinct subcultures that can be developed in the
same way as previously described, but in distinct subsets of the organiza-
tion, such as functional groups, geographical groups, friendship groups
and hierarchical levels. Subculture has been defined by Van Maanen and
Barley as: a subset of an organizations members who interact regularly
with one another, identify themselves as a distinct group in the organiza-
tion, share a set of problems commonly defined be the problems of all,
and routinely take action on the basis of collective understandings
unique to the group (Hatch, 1987).
In a firm I worked in many years ago there was a distinct cultural
difference between those in the administrative function and the sales
team. Not only were the routines markedly different, with the sales team
operating in a much more fluid attendance pattern than the administra-
tive staff; there were also distinct differences in values and beliefs between
the two groups. For example, the administrative staff were keen that
organizational processes were rigidly adhered to, while the sales team
believed that flexibility was important in being able to attract potential
clients. Both groups were rewarded in substantially different ways,
which only reinforced the differences between the two. In addition to
this type of functional subculture, subcultures may also form across
different organizations and in professional groups (for example medical
consultants or university professors may often meet and work together
as part of a distinct professional body outside the normal organization).
Much of the blame for the failure rate in mergers and acquisitions has
been aimed at problems with integrating cultures of the two joining or-
ganizations. If the culture of the two organizations is developed along the
lines suggested above, with a developed set of responses being attributed
to the success of the organization, then it is highly likely that when they
226 Shifting Contexts for OB

are merged there will be significant problems in integrating values and

beliefs, and therefore attitudes. Even if the two firms have, at the point
of merger, their own unitary culture, when merged the single organiza-
tion will have two distinct subcultures. It is even more likely, however,
that they will have many subcultures for the reasons stated above.
Change in organizational contexts and the human impact of mergers
and acquisitions are discussed further in Chapter 9.

Perspectives on the divisions of culture

The study of organizational culture can be viewed from three different
perspectives: the integration perspective; the differentiation perspective
and the fragmentation perspective:

The integration perspective takes the view that there is an

organization-wide consensus about the values and beliefs that
are held common to all. From this perspective, there is a lack of
ambiguity and although the views and assumptions held may not
be unanimous, there is consensus.
The differentiation perspective focuses on inconsistencies
between behaviour and interpretation. An example might
be when attendance at meetings is stated as being important
and yet non-attendance is commonplace and goes unpunished.
In addition, there is consensus at the subcultural level, which is
that the organization is divided into subcultures and there is
consensus within the subcultures, but not between them.
The fragmentation perspective focuses on lack of consensus
and ambiguity. As stated by Martin (2002), a perspective that
focuses on ambiguity is the hardest to conceptualize. In the
fragmentation perspective consensus is possible, but is likely
to be temporary and issue specific: Fragmentation [that]
focuses on multiplicity is interpretations that do not coalesce
into the connectivity wide consensus characteristic of an
integration view and that do not create the subcultural
consensus that is the focus of the differentiation perspective.
Instead, there are multiple views of most issues and those
views are constantly in flux (Martin, 2002).
A way of understanding organizational subcultures is to follow the con-
tinuum laid out by Hatch, in which she categorizes subcultures as ranging
Organizational Culture 227

F i g u re 8.3 Perspectives of culture (Hatch, 1997)

Unitary Diverse- Diverse- Diverse- Disorganized
integrated differentiated fragmented

from unitary through to disorganized (see Figure 8.3). The unitary culture
is obviously the state described by Schein when the organization shares
a common culture. The closer towards this end of the continuum that the
culture lays, the more closely the subcultures identify with the overall
culture of the organization. Conversely, the less the subcultures identify
with the espoused culture of the organization, the more fragmented the
culture is. As Hatch points out, the disorganized state at the end of the
continuum actually resembles several unitary cultures, and it can be seen
that in this state, the subcultures are distinct from one another.

The emergence of subcultures

Subcultures are likely to emerge through personal interaction between
members of the organization. Interaction may be most frequent between
groups who share a common function, or are brought together for
specific projects, although share a similar hierarchal level or simply share
the same workspace. There is also likely to be sharing of cultures between
those of the same gender, similar age and educational backgrounds.
Viewed from this perspective, it would seem unlikely that an organization
may possess the unitary culture but, as illustrated by Hatch, it is entirely
possible for there to be a diverse integrated culture where distinct sub-
cultures lie within the framework of a shared organizational culture.

The fragmentation perspective of subculture

The postmodernist view is that differentiation culture represents a false
dichotomy; for example, it would represent gender as having two
opposing subcultures. The postmodern view argues that there are
many ways in which gender can be experienced as being different,
228 Shifting Contexts for OB

both between the genders and within the gender groups and these per-
ceptions and issues are constantly fluid therefore consensus can only
ever be temporary (Hatch in Askanasy, Wilderom and Peterson, 2000;
Martin, 2002).

Managing organizational culture

While we hope the above discussion is useful to engage students and
people management practitioners attempting to understand how culture
is developed and conceptualized, it may also make depressing reading
for those who are seeking to understand better how to manage culture
in their organization. The real problem here is that there is no one interpreta
tion or conceptualization of culture and therefore any recommenda
tions about its management can be counted with a set of objections
about why they may not succeed. Certainly those who view culture as
being fragmented will also view attempts at managing it as being unreal-
istic. Those who take the unitary or even differentiated perspective may
well view attempts at management as being worthwhile. This leaves us
with something of a dilemma, as even attempting to make recommenda-
tions about the management of culture requires us to take a stance about
which perspective we share. This section therefore will look at recom-
mendations for the management of culture, with the assumption that
it may be either unitary or differentiated, but sharing some common

The problem of strategic drift

A common problem with organizations is that the strategy does not keep
pace with changes in the environment, even when those changes are not
dramatic (Johnson, Whittington and Scholes, 2011). As Gagliardi (1986)
pointed out, organizations responses to their environment may well end
up repeating familiar patterns that they believe to have been successful
in the past, which can easily result in a mismatch between what is actu-
ally needed and what is perceived and assumed. Particularly relevant
to the discussion of strategic drift and culture is the problem whereby
capabilities that have been the basis of advantage in the past are now
so much part of the fabric of the organization that they rarely if ever
become challenged and indeed become more and more embedded. What
were once core capabilities can now be seen as core rigidities as they
Organizational Culture 229

become extremely difficult to change and also become one of the reasons
why an organization is no longer in tune with its environment.

Cultural change
Although the link between culture and performance has proved difficult
to isolate and quantify, culture clearly has a significant role to play in how
the organization functions and the need to prevent culture becoming an
anchor on the organization is therefore extremely important. Unfortunately,
change programmes in many organizations seem to take the form of
lily padding that is, hopping from one new initiative to another,
(often the latest managerial fad will do) with the inevitable result that
the initiatives will bounce off something as robust as culture. As Hatch
has pointed out, organizational culture is dynamic in nature and while
the pace of change may be relatively slow, the change is constant. Inten
tional change, therefore, is extremely hard to effect, as the development
of culture is a product of experience, interpretation of success attempts,
interaction between members and subgroups, patterns of behaviour and
education, among other things. In addition to the complexity of culture,
there is a tendency for those attempting to impose cultural change on an
organization to fail to put in the long-term commitment that it requires.
How group members make sense of their everyday experience in the organ
ization becomes a significant factor in the development of culture and this
sense-making is not something that can be easily engineered. It is there-
fore probably more productive to attempt to understand how culture of
the organization has been formed and indeed is forming, in order to
work with it. The cultural web (Johnson, Whittington and Scholes, 2011)
is a method of doing this. As shown in Figure 8.4, the cultural web is
made up of interlinking behavioural, physical and symbolic manifest
ations of culture that create the taken-for-granted assumptions known
in the cultural web as the paradigm. The elements are as follows:

The paradigm is the assumptions taken for granted in the

organization that have been developed over time and through the
interaction of members. This is the deepest level of organizational
culture and it is one that is no longer discussed or debated, or
even questioned. As a consequence, it is very difficult to identify
exactly the nature of this paradigm.
Routines are patterns of action that take place in an organization
on a daily basis. And, as discussed previously, such patterns may
230 Shifting Contexts for OB

F i g u re 8.4 T he cultural web ( Johnson, Whittington and

Scholes, 2011)

Stories Symbols

Rituals Power
and routines structures

Control Organizational
systems structures

be a source of advantage but as they become increasingly routine

they may become core rigidities. The rituals of the organization
are those actions that are designed to reinforce what is believed to
be important in the culture.
Stories are a way of signalling to members in the group and those
outside it what is important to the organization. Stories will often
be about heroes, villains, successes or failures and will inevitably
involve an element of attribution. These are often an important
means by which the culture of the organization is communicated
to newcomers.
Symbols are objects, people, acts or events to which people attach
meaning. A typical example of this is the way in which allocation
of parking spaces becomes a symbol for status and power.
Power structures are in themselves indicative of assumptions
and values and the groups in the organization that hold the most
power will, if this power has evolved over time, often have had and
continue to have a dominant role in the development of the
Organizational Culture 231

Organizational structure is likely to reflect the power hierarchy

and also reflect the dominant mindset of the organization.
Control systems are designed to measure, punish and reward
what is expected to be the dominant behaviour in the
organization. This is again likely to be a reflection of the power
structure of the organization.

The usefulness of a framework such as the cultural web lies in develop-

ing an understanding of how culture is formed in an organization.
This understanding can then be used to develop methods of cultural
change. Lewins classic framework (1947, 1947a), which will also be
explored further later in this chapter and in Chapter 9, suggests that
change is imposed from above, with the aim being to develop a specific
culture aimed at meeting the goals of the organization.
From a strategic point of view it would appear important that culture
is at least aligned with organizational purpose. As we have seen, however,
the process by which members may attribute success may well lead to
those values and beliefs becoming embedded and the attitude becoming
entrenched. Of course, the culture does not remain entirely static. New
members entering the organization will have an impact and progressive
successful actions, probably thought to be similar to previous actions,
may have slight variants and will in turn lead to a similar process of
attribution. Nevertheless, it remains evident that the external environ-
ment of the organization is likely to be evolving much more rapidly and
in a much more dramatic fashion. It is really this that presents problems
for culture change. Gagliardi (1986) argues that it is only the interpreta-
tion of successful events that becomes part of the cultural belief, while
negative events become sources of blame and lead to identification of
scapegoats. The focus of this blame is likely to be the old and now dis-
credited culture (Brown, 1998). As a result of this, the need for wholesale
cultural change may be denied by the members of the organization and
may be obvious only to those outside its cultural norms (Gagliardi,
1986). Logically, therefore, change can only be affected by wholesale
removal of personnel in the organization, which is likely to be both
costly and traumatic. Therefore, Gagliardi argues, the only true method
of cultural change must be an incremental one.
In this process, those responsible for developing responses to changing
circumstances must develop and implement new approaches that are not
too drastically different from the tried and trusted methods of the past.
Despite the potential for resistance, if these are proved to be successful,
232 Shifting Contexts for OB

then the idealization process, whereby group members attribute success

to these new approaches, will in turn become a source of pride, self-
esteem and part of the mythology of the organization. Ultimately,
these will be turned into symbols, values and beliefs and deep-seated
attitudes that will form new cultural norms. In this framework, change
can be at best seen as incremental building on the logic of the past.
Gagliardi therefore argues that radical change must involve signific
ant upheaval and is likely to be initiated by agents from outside the

Lewins three-step change process

Developed in 1947, Lewins three-step model has become a classic in the
literature of change. While this model is not explicitly about culture,
it can be implied that his focus was indeed cultural change as Lewin refers
to behaviours and behavioural patterns. Lewin proposes three phases of
change: unfreezing, moving and freezing:

Unfreezing. In this stage, Lewin suggests that there must be a

break with habits and well-established customs. As we have seen,
this break may be extremely hard to achieve and there is often
disagreement about how best to do it. The major consensus
involves exposure to reality, which contrasts with the accepted
understanding of the situation. Confronting individuals with the
spectre of crisis is also seen to be a likely approach. Central to
the argument here is whether it is better to target behaviour or
beliefs, or indeed whether it is in fact possible to change beliefs
(Sathe and Davidson in Ashkanasy, Wilderom and Peterson,
Moving. In what is essentially a classic force-field approach,
Lewin argues that this stage should involve increasing the
forces in favour of change, pushing the attitudes, beliefs,
etc to a new level. In contrast to the reality shock approach
suggested above, this process is likely to be best achieved by
positive reinforcement, for example by building a system to
reward those who display behavioural change. Again, it must be
noted that this change is relatively superficial as it does not
guarantee attitudinal change.
Freezing. In this phase, Lewin defines freezing as the
institutionalization of the new social processes. Once again, the
best approach to achieve this is a source of debate and again
Organizational Culture 233

reflects the argument about behaviours or attitudes. As Gagliardi

has suggested, as long as the processes achieve success, they will
naturally become embedded in the culture of the organization.
Transforming behavioural processes, on the other hand, may
require implementation of motivators, although there is some
argument about whether intrinsic or extrinsic motivators are
more effective in this process. The psychological literature
suggests that the former is likely to be the case.

Critics of Lewins framework argue that imposition of change from above

is unrealistic and is unlikely to succeed. Therefore other approaches to
change have been suggested that reflect a more member-led approach.

Evolutionary change
As suggested by Gagliardi, the most effective way to change the culture is
to integrate new understandings and values to similar ones already exist-
ing in the organization. This approach is likely to avoid the obvious
problems of perceptions of manipulation and possible resistance whereby
the new values are seen as so out of line with the existing ones that they
are deemed to be wrong or not worthy of implementation. The evolu-
tionary approach is suggested by Alvesson (2002) to be developed by
the members of the group, adjusting their beliefs and thinking as they
interpret events, rather than being imposed from the top.

Revolutionary change
The problems created by strategic drift, as described above, may mean
that drastic change of culture needs to be implemented and this is most
likely to be done from above. As with all revolutions, it is not enough to
change the system and hope that those in the system will commit to the
changes, instead it is usually necessary to remove the personnel who
offer the strongest resistance and promote or recruit those who will
commit to the new ideology. This is also the case in organizations in
which there is need for drastic culture change and the ability to imple-
ment it often requires external agents.
Alvesson (2002) recommends that five principles are considered when
implementing organizational change:

The first principle is to link culture to specific organizational

events, situations and actions in order to enable people to identify
more closely with the artefacts, values and assumptions that are
present in the organization.
234 Shifting Contexts for OB

Managers need to recognize that culture is not developed,

and driven by a top-down process, but is a consequence of a
network of interactions in the organization. This recognition
will help understanding that culture is more likely to develop
at a deeper level, if it is created from within rather than imposed
from above.
Managers should understand that elements of fragmentation may
well exist in the organization and therefore individuals and even
functional groups may have multiple roles in which their cultural
understanding and interpretation may well differ.
The fourth principle is to understand that there is no one
interpretation of each cultural element, there is always individual
Finally, it is important to understand that power creates
imbalances between groups in the organization.

The role of recruitment and selection in

organizational culture
Culture is a dynamic process (Hatch, 2000), and integration of new
members is important in its development. The inference is that new
members to the organization will experience enculturation, and over
time share the existing values and assumptions of the members. New
members, however, also have a role to play in the evolution of the culture.
Recruitment and selection therefore has an important role to play in
either embedding or reframing the culture of the organization. If we
refer back to the continuum ranging from integration to fragmentation,
we can see the role of recruitment and selection along the continuum.
If the purpose is integration, then methods of recruitment and selection
will emphasize to potential new members what the values and beliefs of
the organization are. In this way the organization attempts to attract
new members who are likely to identify closely with those values and
beliefs, and therefore are likely to be relatively easily absorbed into the
existing culture. If evolutionary change is the aim, then new members
will be attracted who broadly share the values and beliefs, but who are
also aware of the important differences in the organizations environ-
Organizational Culture 235

ment and will bring this awareness and experience of alternative and
workable solutions that may help to develop cultural shifts. When revolu-
tionary change is important, selection and recruitment will involve identi-
fying and attracting those who do not share the existing values, beliefs
and assumptions of the organization and will be able to challenge and
develop these. This process may also involve deselection.

Key learning points and conclusions

Organizational culture is a complex phenomenon that has been
studied from a variety of different perspectives and consequently
has been subject to different interpretations.
Unitary view of culture does not really acknowledge the formation
of subcultures that may cause culture to lie on a continuum from
unitary to fragmentation. This development of culture and
subcultures is likely to make attempts to manage culture and
impose a unitary vision a frustrating process.
Managers are encouraged therefore to understand how culture
has developed throughout the organization and to be aware of
its potential to act as an anchor that inhibits change.
In particular, the misapprehension that all units in the business
share a common culture may lead to attempts at change being
met with resistance.
For researchers and scholars, proper understanding and
interpretation of culture may rest on their ability to recognize it
as a multifaceted concept and on their awareness that there is likely
to be an element of interpretive bias that influences how they
conceptualize culture in the organizations they are studying.
Organizational culture is a complex, multi-dimensional construct
that is not easily manipulated, evolving as it has through interaction
between the organization (or its sub-units) and its environment
and interaction between organizational members. These members
are likely to have developed a language and set of references for
success that become embedded and expressed in a way that is
likely to be hard to interpret, difficult to manipulate and resistant
to change.
236 Shifting Contexts for OB

Discussion questions
Using Schein and Hatchs concepts outlined in the chapter, describe
the complex nature of organizational culture.
Contrast the view of culture as something an organization has,
with that of something an organization is.
What are the problems associated with establishing a link between
culture and performance?
Explain how interpretation of successful actions become reference
criteria for action (Gagliardi).
What are the differences between the unitary and divisions
perspective of culture?
With regard to organizational culture, what are some of the problems
associated with attempting to impose change programmes?

Case study and discussion questions

C A S E S T UDY The decline of Eastman Kodak

By any standards the demise of Eastman Kodak from its once mighty position to the day
where it filed for bankruptcy constitutes a huge fall from grace. There have been many
explanations proposed for this and it is unrealistic and overly simplistic to blame it on a
single cause. From the viewpoint of this chapter, however, this brief case study will examine
the role of organizational culture in this dramatic and sad story.

Founded in 1880, Eastman Kodak became one of the most successful and best-known
brands in the world. Its founder, George Eastman, had spotted the potential in the com
mercial manufacture of dry plates for photographic imaging and with investment from
local businessman Henry A Strong began to build up the business and ultimately change
photography forever. It was the development of film on rolls that was able to fit the majority
of plate cameras that revolutionized the industry and with it Kodak (a name invented by
Eastman) became the founding father and dominant player in the industry for the next
100 years. Eastman founded his business on four principles:
mass production at low cost;
international distribution;
extensive advertising;
a focus on the customer.
Organizational Culture 237

He allied these principles to a strong commitment to research and development (with an

emphasis on reinvestment), and on fair staff relations. It was this emphasis on low-cost
mass production that really led to the development of amateur photography and as the
market developed so Kodak began to spread its wings and establish an international
presence, initially in London and then further afield to mainland Europe and eventually to
South America and Asia.

Kodaks domination
Once Kodak had in effect democratized photography and created the amateur photo
graphy industry it quickly established pre-eminence and was able to enjoy huge profita
bility through its classic razor blade strategy. Simply put, Kodak would manufacture and
sell cameras at a relatively low profit and sell film at a very high margin in the same way
that the likes of Gillette sell razors at low margin and the replaceable blades at high profit.
This strategy proved to be superbly successful and it was one that Kodak repeated across
many product ranges such as copiers and printers and video cameras. During this period it
created many classic brands in the industry such as the Brownie and the Instamatic as well
as producing quality film. Kodak pursued its strategy of aiming at the lower end of the
market to great effect, leaving the specialist end to others.

Kodaks decline began in the 1980s when competitors began to eat away at its advantage
in the film market. In particular, Fuji made significant inroads by offering film at either a
cheaper price and in one particularly bold move gaining the rights to become one of the
main sponsors of the Olympics in 1984, seizing an opportunity over which Kodak had

Ultimately, however, it was the shift from the classic rolls of film to digital technology that
was the cause of Kodaks downfall. It was described by one of the people close to the
company as the monster hurricane that hit Kodak. The huge margins that Kodak made
from its razor blade strategy cannot be made with digital cameras and as in all industries
there was a host of eager competitors ready and willing to take advantage of the change in
the market. Even further down the line, the low end of the market that was always such a
happy hunting ground for Kodak was now dominated by cameras that were integrated into
Smartphones and so ultimately Kodak had nowhere to run.

Blaming Kodaks demise on competitors pricing and a shifting business environment

seems rather simplistic. Although the digitalization of film was a huge shift, Kodak was well
placed to take advantage of this as it had invented the first digital camera as long ago as
1975 and Kodak executives such as Larry Mattesson had predicted in a report to the board
that digital would infiltrate various parts of the market and eventually dominate (including
the mass market) by 2010. Clearly, he was some years out but the report was written in 1979
and gave due warning (Economist, 2012).
238 Shifting Contexts for OB

Cultures role in Kodaks decline

There were a great many reasons for Kodaks decline and many were complex and
intertwined but some of the blame must lie at the feet of the culture in the organization.
George Eastman founded the business with a philosophy of continuous innovation and was
focused on making the company a moving target for competitors. This is a classic
entrepreneurial approach and it would seem that Kodak moved away from this. Despite the
initial development of a digital camera and early warnings about the change to a digital
market the response of Kodaks managers seems to have been sluggish to say the least.
The inventor of Kodaks digital camera, quoted in an article published in the New York Times
on 5 February 2008, cites the management attitude as: But it was filmless photography,
so managements reaction was, thats cute but dont tell anyone about it.

Kodak seems to have gone through the classic responses of the successful company when
faced with threats and changes, at first denying that Fuji could possibly be a serious
competitor in the US market, and then recognizing the threat of the external change but not
its urgency. Kodak then fell in to the trap of what Donald Sull referred to as active inertia
in an article entitled Why good companies go bad published in The Financial Times on
3 October 2005. Active inertia is where a company recognizes the need to act but the
actions tend towards being more and more of the same. Thus Kodak diversified into
chemicals; produced hundreds of products and entered the Chinese markets. The problem
with all this action is that it is based on the original successful business. In other words,
Kodak was pouring most of its effort and finance into maintaining the companys hold on
the traditional camera and film business (even the chemical business was directed at this)
or at least a digitalized version of this whereby people would print off digital copies of their

In short, it was probably the failure of Kodak to cannibalize its core business (and with the
margins being made, Wall Street would not have been an encouraging voice), that was
the key ingredient in Kodaks demise. It is ironic that it failed to follow its founders
determination to make itself a moving target and became stuck in the mindset that had
made it so successful but was now redundant.

Note Some newspaper and magazine articles describing Kodaks demise are: articles by Andrew
Hill in The Financial Times (London) entitled Snapshot of a humbled giant published on 2 April 2012
and A victim of its own success published on 5 April 2012; article in the Birmingham Post (England)
entitled Kodak predicted the digital threat in 1979 so how could a global giant destroy itself?
published on 26 January 2012; article by Chunka Mui in Forbes magazine entitled How Kodak failed
published on 18 January 2012; see also Economist (2011).
Organizational Culture 239

Discussion questions

To what extent does Gagliardis concept of reference criteria for success explain
Kodak Eastmans failure?
Apply the concept of strategic drift (with an emphasis on culture) to this case.
From the perspective of organizational culture what actions would you take to turn
the companys fortunes around?



Faten Ba d d ar A l- H u san and
Konstant i nos Ka k av ela k i s

L earn i n g o b j e c t i v es

Understand the various facets of the change process through

a critical discussion of key academic perspectives.
Demonstrate an understanding of the nature of resistance and
the causes that often underpin this phenomenon.
Be able to comprehend and explain the role of the change agent
in driving change.
Develop an understanding and awareness of the role of the
HR function as a change agent.

During the last three decades, change management has emerged as one
of the key organizational capabilities but also as a difficult challenge,
especially when taking into account that usually the success rate of
change initiatives is low. Indeed, research evidence shows that around
70 per cent of change initiatives fail (Miller, 2002), and that the impact
of such failures to introduce effective change can also be high in terms of
such things as loss of market position, loss of key employees and loss of
stakeholder credibility.
242 Shifting Contexts for OB

Evidence shows that managing change is about managing people

and that change does not occur in a vacuum as it influences and is
influenced by a number of environmental and organizational aspects,
particularly people aspects as the effects of change on employees can be
considerable. Hence, resistance is inevitable and as expressed by one
senior manager at one leading MNC: The employees are at the heart of
organization and at any rate there will be resistance to change because
change is painful. From a managerial perspective, the questions then
arise: how can change be implemented in a less painful way; and in a
way that generates the desired commitment in different contexts and
cultures to achieve organizational goals?
To deal with such questions and to put up with the increasing pace
of change, therefore, over the years, a multitude of OB perspectives
normative as well as more critical have emerged, aiming to explain the
nature of change, the challenges of change management and how they
can be addressed. The aim of the chapter is not to favour particular
approaches and present those as an antidote to change management
failures. Instead, our objectives are twofold.
First, at a broad level we hope that through a critical discussion of the
key academic perspectives on organizational change the reader will
obtain a better understanding of the change process and the key issues
surrounding change initiatives, such as resistance. Second, having pro-
vided an overview of different perspectives, we proceed by examining
the role of the HR function in shaping change initiatives and implemen-
tation activity and we further examine some of the key challenges of
change management by looking at international mergers and acquisi-
tions as an example of radical change.
Mergers and acquisitions have proved a popular strategy through
which managers respond to exogenous pressures for achieving greater
shareholder value (Thompson, 2003). Consequently, they provide a good
empirical context in which change management can be examined.
Over the years there has also been prolific writing on issues that concern
the human side of mergers and acquisitions (Buono and Bowditch,
1989). Therefore, the impact of mergers and acquisitions on the human
resources of an organization has been examined, with a focus placed
on the importance of communication (Schweiger and Denisi, 1991),
the crucial factor of gaining employees trust (Nikandrou, Papalexandris
and Bourantas, 2000), and the influence that cultural issues can have on
the integration of two companies, something that illustrates the signi
ficance of examining the factor of cultural fit (Buono, Bowditch and
Managing Organizational Change 243

Lewis, 1985; Schraeder and Self, 2003). As cultural integration and as-
sociated issues of staff integration are often seen undermining the success-
ful implementation of mergers and acquisitions, the second part of the
chapter also examines the role of HR function as a change agent.

Drivers and triggers of change

Many things cause organizational change. The environment (external
and internal) is a major driver for change. The external environment can be
a source of opportunities and threats, captured by organizational mem-
bers who see a need for change in the organization as a result of external
changes. In the internal environment (micro level), change may simply be
instigated when organizational members are no longer satisfied with the
performance of the organization. Examples of external and internal drivers
and triggers are given below.
External drivers and triggers of organizational change include:
challenges of growth, especially global markets;
economic downturns and tougher trading conditions;
technological changes;
competitive actions and pressures, including mergers and
changes in customers demands and tastes;
government legislation, initiatives and policies;
political drivers and changes in government ideologies.

Internal drivers and triggers of organizational change include:

changes in strategy;
the need to learn new behaviour and skills;
the arrival of new personnel or the emergence of a new outlook;
low performance and morale;
innovations in new products, and service design and delivery.

Different types of change

Change management refers to managing the process of renewing an
organizations strategic direction or key operational aspects to enhance
244 Shifting Contexts for OB

competitiveness. As the definition suggests, change is a permanent feature

of organizational life at both the strategic and operational levels (Todnem
By, 2005). In terms of time, change may be reactive when it is taking place
as a response or reaction to something, and may be proactive when it is
carried out in anticipation of what is expected to take place. In terms of
scope or scale, change may be strategic or incremental.
To capture the full range of change initiatives from operational to
strategic or small-scale, local change to radical change several typologies
have been developed. For example, Whipp (2003) uses a four-fold typology
incorporating the following types of change:

retaining the status quo, which signifies no changes in current

expanded reproduction at the operational level (producing more
of the same goods or services);
evolutionary transition that requires the adoption of a new
strategy that is, however, based on remixing existing capabilities
(the move of book publishers into electronic formats in the
revolutionary transformation that requires redefining the
organizations reason for existence.

Similarly, Dunphy and Stace (1994) offer a framework which distinguishes

among four types of change occurring at different scales in an organiza-
tion, namely:

Fine tuning, which aims to ensure there is adequate operational

support to the organizations strategy. It consists of small changes
in anticipation of future environmental changes. Thus, at this
scale, organizational change is an ongoing process marked by
fine tuning of the alignment between the organizations strategy,
structure, people and process, reflected in minor changes at
departmental or divisional levels. Examples include refining of
policies, processes and procedures; and developing staff to
acquire the necessary skills for the current strategy.
Incremental adjustment, which is also operational in nature
and may require some changes in certain management processes,
structures and corporate strategies. Examples include expanding
sales areas and adjustments to organizational structures to
improve product or service delivery.
Managing Organizational Change 245

Modular transformation, which requires major changes that

are restricted to certain departments or divisions not the whole
organization, such as a major restructuring of a department or
division and introduction of completely new technologies
affecting the main departments.
Corporate transformation, which is radical in nature and affects
the organization as a whole. It includes such things as reforms
in an organizations mission, strategy, structures, systems,
procedures and core values across the organization; and new
top management.

Having discussed the different facets of organizational change, the fol-

lowing parts of the chapter aim to offer an overview of how change has
been conceived and understood by various perspectives.

Planned change
Models of planned change have been particularly popular with practi-
tioners. The main focus here is on managerial action, which is viewed
as the main force through which organizational change comes about.
One of the most well-known frameworks on planned change that
remains influential to this day is Lewins (1947, 1951) force field analysis
(see also Chapter 8). According to Lewin (1947, 1951) the status quo in
an organization is a result of an equilibrium between various forces that
drive change and forces that act against it. Therefore, to create a climate
receptive to change, the key task for managers is identifying which forces
support the change and which ones restrain it. The identification of
forces for and against change leads to a framework of action consis
ting of three phases (see Chapter 8 for further detail). The first phase,
unfreezing, involves the possible removal of restraining forces so that
the organization is put in the appropriate condition for change. The
second phase involves the implementation of change in the organization,
while the last stage, refreezing, refers to embedding the changes, which
gives rise to a new status quo. Lewins influence is evident on subsequent
models of planned change such as the ones by Beckhard and Harris
(1987), where change is conceived as a process consisting of three states
present state, transition state and future state and Dunphy and Stace
(1988), where four different strategies for promoting and managing change
are suggested depending on a background of contingency factors time,
support or resistance by key groups and the organizations environment.
246 Shifting Contexts for OB

Additionally, prescriptive writings on the ability of individual leaders to

effect organizational change and innovation, such as the work by Bennis
and Nanus (1985) although not directly influenced by Lewin still
function in an individualistic perspective, which stresses the role of
managerial action (Slappendel, 1996).
Some of the criticism levelled at the planned approach points to its
assumptions of stability (that do not correspond with the fast-changing
business environment most organizations are faced with), its depiction
of change as a discrete episode in organizational life that unfolds in
a rational and linear fashion and its tendency to ignore issues of politics
and conflict (Todnem By, 2005). These issues have been tentatively
addressed in the work of authors such as Quinn (1980) and later on,
Kanter, Stein and Jick (1992) and Kotter (1996). In Quinns work,
for example, the focus is slightly removed from individual agents in
order to involve factors such as an organizations operating environ-
ment, a concept already introduced in the work of contingency theorists
such as Burns and Stalker (1961) and Lawrence and Lorsch (1967).
According to Quinn (1980), organizational change is still a process that
can be planned, but the planning and implementation should occur in
small steps, following the collection, study and dissemination of infor-
mation related to the organizations environment. The importance of
Quinns logical incrementalism (see Glossary) lies in the fact that he
recognizes the various limits inherent in the effort of an organization to
change and that he also introduces (albeit implicitly) the element of
politics by stressing the need to build consensus over the content and
implementation of strategic change (Pettigrew, 1985). Similar points are
made by Kanter, Stein and Jick (1992) and Kotter (1996) who stress the
importance of building supportive coalitions around the vision for
change. However, an element of rationalism (see Glossary) is still evident
in these models, as change is presented as a planned outcome to be
achieved through a series of specific activities.

Emergent change
The concept of planned change has been challenged by writers who
believe that it does not account for the influence of structural forces that
reside outside the control of individuals and therefore they have con-
ceived organizational change as an emergent process. This particular
view has been adopted by a number of writers, most notably by the
population ecology (see Glossary) writers such as Aldrich (1979, 1986).
Managing Organizational Change 247

According to the population ecology models, organizations are viewed

as members of a population with similar characteristics and the require-
ments of the operating environment of a particular population of
firms will determine the survival or demise of certain firms (Hannan
and Freeman, 1989). Therefore, organizational change mainly results
as a reaction to environmental pressures and as an attempt to secure
a specific position in the population of organizations. Consequently,
firms that operate in the same industry or sector tend to adopt similar
strategies for change.
However, although this perspective acknowledges the impact of
structural elements on organizational change, it is silent about the role
of individual agency, providing a deterministic account of change.
More recently, writers such as Orlikowski (1996) have developed accounts
of emergent change that is rooted in the everyday activities of organiza-
tional actors including both managers and employees. In particular,
it is argued that change can emerge out of the constant improvisations
of organizational actors as they attempt to cope with the challenges of
performing their work. Orlikowskis (1996) research on the customer
service department of a software company showed how the practitioners
continuous experimentation with a new piece of technology for tracking
customer calls led to a series of further and rather unpredictable changes
in many other areas such as work distribution, performance evaluation,
etc. Therefore, the key point from this situated action perspective is
that since organizational rules or routines have to be put into action by
practitioners, change is ongoing as it is grounded in the inherent ability
of actors to amend and adjust the former (Tsoukas and Chia, 2002).
Thus, change is part and parcel of the everyday organizational reality,
not necessarily a planned event that follows long periods of continuity
(although it is acknowledged that, at times, change can occur as a de
liberate event with key players and substantial resources (Orlikowski,
1996). This perspectives contribution is that it helps highlight the
dynamic and emergent nature of change in a way that acknowledges
the role of individual action that is obscured by the structuralist (see struc-
turalism, Glossary) accounts of change mentioned earlier. However,
a limitation of the situated activity perspective is that it may lose sight of
the broader context in which micro-level action unfolds. Such an emphasis
could help provide a more convincing explanation of the fact that in
certain cases local improvisations may not necessarily lead to broader
organizational changes (Fairclough, 2005).
248 Shifting Contexts for OB

The processual or contextual perspective

The previously discussed approaches provided a one-sided view of change,
which was depicted as the outcome of either deliberate individual action
or structural forces. Additionally, planned change models (indicative of
the individualist approach) implicitly assumed a consensus around the
course of action necessary to introduce and embed organizational changes,
overlooking the issue of politics. The processual or contextual perspec-
tive developed by Pettigrew (1985) is an attempt to address these limita-
tions by presenting an account of change that acknowledges the impact
of both action and the broader context in which organizations operate.
A complete framework of contextual analysis on change was presented
in Pettigrews (1985) work on strategic change in ICI, although elements
of that framework were already evident in his earlier work on organiza-
tional decision making as a political process (1973) and in his work on
organizational culture (1979).
A key element of the processual or contextual perspective is that in
contrast to planned change models that view change as a single event
or a set of discrete episodes somehow separate from the immediate
and more distant context which gave those events form, meaning, and
substance (Pettigrew 1985), change (particularly major strategic change)
is understood as a process that unfolds over lengthy periods of time. It is
therefore essential to regard organizations as social systems with a past,
a present and a future. Thus, to assess the success or failure of change
processes, there is a need to examine how future plans play against an
organizations history and current context (including both aspects of
culture and structure). With regards to contextual influences, Pettigrew
has stressed the importance of paying attention to both the intra-
organizational context and the broader environment in which an
organization operates. However, in contrast to deterministic structural
analyses such as those offered by population ecology authors, context
is not regarded just as a constraining force. It can equally facilitate and
constrain the change process while aspects of it can be maintained or
altered through action. In particular, actors can mobilize aspects of
structure and context in order to achieve outcomes important to them.
This last point also pertains to an understanding of change as a political
activity, as different groups try to secure outcomes in line with their
particular interests. As Pettigrew (1985) remarks, such activity may take
place particularly during the early discussions on deciding to promote
change as such a decision might threaten the status of certain groups
Managing Organizational Change 249

and be seen as an opportunity by others to gain in prominence in the

organization. The activity is also influenced, as it was implied above, by
certain changes in the macro-environment of the firm. Within this political
process, a key concept is that of legitimacy of certain ideas relevant to
change. Legitimacy is directly connected to an activity that is defined
by Pettigrew (1979) as the management of meaning and it involves the
construction and establishment of language, symbols and myth, so that
purpose and commitment around ideas that support change can be
generated while ideas that act against it can be delegitimized.
The emphasis on the interplay between context or structure and process
(action), the awareness of the political aspects of organizational life and
the equal attention on the role that cultural elements can play in relation
to change, make processual analysis a far more sophisticated theoretical
account of change in comparison to previous attempts and models. One
of the criticisms levelled at the processual or contextual perspective is that
it presents change as too complex a process and almost unmanageable
(Buchanan and Huczynski, 2010). As a result, it is often seen as a rigorous
theoretical framework that is, however, of little use to practitioners who
may be more attracted to the prescriptive models such as those offered by
the planned change authors. While this argument may hold some weight,
it should be noted that some research undertaken from the processual
perspective was concerned with the practical implications for managing
change. Pettigrew and Whipp (1991), for example, have raised issues
such as the need for multiple leaders at different organizational levels and
the significance of revising change strategies in the light of implementation
activities. However, another point that could be raised in relation to this
perspective is that although it acknowledges the role of action in shaping
change, this is restricted to those at the apex of organizational hierarchies,
thus overlooking to an extent how action unfolding on the ground can also
influence change processes. This interest in uncovering how micro-level
processes can inform broad organizational change has been the motiva-
tion behind the situated activity perspective, discussed earlier.

Points to ponder

How can individual action shape change?

Is change the outcome of planned activity or spontaneous improvisation?

How does context inform change?

250 Shifting Contexts for OB

Resistance to change
The key challenge facing managers involved in change initiatives is that
of resistance to change, ie the inability or unwillingness of individuals
or groups to adopt the changes proposed. Subsequently, resistance to
change has proved a popular topic of research, with the mainstream
literature providing accounts of resistance that tend to maintain a view
that is management centric. In line with the dominant perspective on
planned organizational change, the focus has often been on identifying
sources of resistance either of individual (Eccles, 1994; Dirks, Cummings
and Pierce, 1996; Eilam and Shamir, 2005) or organizational origin
(Cameron and Quinn, 1999) and on outlining specific courses of action
to deal with forces that block change (Kotter and Schlesinger, 1979;
Dunphy and Stace, 1988; Geller, 2002). In summary, this literature depicts
resistance as an inevitable reaction to change, which often seems threaten-
ing, suggesting, however, that resistance can be overcome provided that
the right strategies or management styles are followed.
A similar view of resistance is also implicit in Carnalls (1990) famous
model on how individuals cope with change. In particular, Carnall sug
gests that people usually go through a five-stage cycle when coping with
change (denial, defence, discarding, adaptation, internalization). Therefore,
he suggests, resistance (here in the form of defence) is considered to be a
behaviour that individuals unavoidably adopt to protect themselves
from the threatening nature of change but that gradually (as time passes
by and with the management support) gives place to the acceptance of
the new situation. The idea that resistance to change should be expected
to decrease with time and as a result of management initiatives such as
change communication is also evident in recent research, for example
the study by Stanley, Meyer and Topolnytsky (2005) focusing on resis
tance to change, stemming from employees cynicism.
More recently, the dominant view of resistance as a spontaneous
response stemming from change recipients has come under criticism.
For, example, Ford, Ford and DAmelio (2008) have stressed that main-
stream accounts tend to be one-sided, usually favouring change agents.
Thus, they note how the latter fail to see resistance as an outcome shaped
by the interaction among change agents and change recipients and not
as a phenomenon that strictly resides in the latter. More specifically,
Ford, Ford and DAmelio (2008) argue that change agents references
to resistance constitute a defence mechanism that they invent to divert
attention from their own failings. Additionally, the authors contend that
Managing Organizational Change 251

change agents themselves often contribute to resistance in a number of

ways, for example by violating trust, failing to legitimize change or
mobilize action or by resisting any ideas put forward by change
recipients. Ford, Ford and DAmelio (2008) encourage change agents to
use resistance as an indicator of change recipient commitment and as
valuable feedback that could guide change implementation activity.
Overall, it is argued that the concept of resistance should be recon
structed to include three dimensions: change recipients action, change
agents interpretations and the interplay between the two. From this
perspective, the notion of overcoming resistance becomes outdated as
it only highlights recipients action while ignoring change agents own
assumptions and actions and obscures the importance of managing the
agentrecipient relationship.
Finally, the scope for clear strategies of overcoming resistance,
as discussed in the managerialist (see managerialism, Glossary) litera-
ture on change management, has also been debated by critical manage-
ment writers such as Collinson (2000) and Knights and McCabe (2000)
who have approached the issue of resistance from a slightly different
angle. From their perspective, resistance is regarded as a response to
managerial control (see Glossary) and therefore it is an endemic feature
of organizational life. This is the case because managerial control is not
as all-pervasive and rational as it appears to be (and as it is implicitly
assumed by writers on planned organizational change). No matter how
effective means of control are, they are not exhaustive of employee sub-
jectivity, which can be defined as the way in which individuals interpret
and understand their circumstances and is bound up with the sense they
have of themselves (identity) (Knights and McCabe, 2000). This focus
on the notion of subjectivity questions the ability of managers to predict
or anticipate specific forms of resistance on the part of employees and
address those in a strategic way.

The change agent

Over the last three decades there has been a growing interest in the role
and significance of change agents in organizations. The change agents
responsibility has evolved and dispersed over the years from the charis-
matic leaders and heroes who sought to transform corporations by des
troying rigid and inflexible structures in the 1980s, to the traditional
managers and functional specialists who had to embrace change attributes
252 Shifting Contexts for OB

and actions to cope with uncertainty and risk in more dynamic environ-
ments, to the employees who were encouraged to participate and be
receptive to change and technological innovation. Self-managed teams,
quality circles and task groups were the main channels for this diffusion
of change agency. The complexity of change operations has also instigated
the increasing use of internal and external management consultants to
lead or drive change to achieve results on time and within budget
(Caldwell, 2003).
Thus, in many cases, and in particular in planned change, a change
agent will take the responsibility to drive the change. A change agent
may be defined as someone from inside or outside the organization seek-
ing to facilitate, encourage, promote, advance, support, sponsor, initiate,
implement, guide the change process or help to deliver change. The change
agent can be a manager or non-manager, employees of the organiza
tion or outsider consultants. Nevertheless, it may be claimed that the
trend is that change is part of every managers role and it is involving
different organizational members at all levels. To provide a more com-
prehensive picture of the different change agency models and variety of
change agents, and based on a critical review of the literature and
empirical research on change agents, Caldwell (2003) proposes a four-
fold classification of change agency:

Leadership models: Change agents are identified as leaders or

senior executives who initiate or sponsor strategic change or
transformational nature.
Management models: Change agents are identified as middle
level managers and functional specialists who carry out or build
support for strategic change in business units or key functions.
Consultancy models: Change agents are identified as internal or
external consultants who operate at a strategic, operational, task
or process level in an organization, and provide advice, expertise
and process skills in facilitating change.
Team models: Change agents are conceived as teams that may
operate at different levels strategic, operational, task or process
level in an organization and may be composed of managers,
functional specialists, employees at all levels, and internal and
external consultants. The popularity of this model increased over
the last decade due to such factors as: the importance of team
coordination at different levels as change in one area has an
Managing Organizational Change 253

impact on other areas in the organization; the sheer complexity

of large-scale organizational changes and associated high risk for
anyone to take on individually; and the belief that change teams
as units of learning can institutionalize behavioural change more
deeply while encountering employee resistance. For example, teams
of employees who are empowered and encouraged to participate
in change initiatives in certain functions or tasks such as HR policies,
represent a bottom-up task-oriented change approach that is
considered to be a more effective mechanism for institutionalizing
and embedding change than the top-down approach.

It must be pointed out that, as Caldwell argues, these models that repre-
sent a synthesis and re-conceptualization of the nature of change agency
indicate that there is no single universal model of change agency or a single
type of change agent with a fixed set of competencies. That being said,
evidence shows that change agents are usually selected for their expertise
in the area of change. However, under the emergent approach, rather
than specialist expertise, it is advocated that change agents need to have
certain competencies to manage change successfully, such as diagnostic,
communication, presentation, negotiation and influencing skills.
More specifically, the change agent role can be complex and therefore
there are strong suggestions that the person needs to have special skills
and competencies to be able to deal with such complex situations. For
example, in a survey to identify the critical competencies of effective
change agents, Buchanan and Body (1992) found the following impor-
tant areas:

sensitivity to key personnel changes and their impact on goals;

clarity in specifying goals and defining the achievable;
flexibility in responding to change and risk taking;
team building bringing together stakeholders and workgroups;
networking establishing and maintaining contacts with different
ambiguity tolerance able to work comfortably in uncertain
communication skills in transmitting effectively the need for
interpersonal skills in effective listening, managing meetings,
identifying concerns;
254 Shifting Contexts for OB

personal enthusiasm in expressing plans and ideas;

stimulating motivation and commitment in others;
selling plans and ideas to others;
negotiating with key players for resources and change;
political awareness of political coalitions and conflicts;
influence skills to gain commitment for change;
helicopter perspective and taking a broader view of priorities.

Considering the competencies of HR in change initiatives, Ulrich and

Yeung (1998) found that critical competencies related to focusing indi-
vidual attention to organizational mindsets and culture; strategy imple-
mentation; and building change capability (cited in Higgs and Rowland,

The role of HR in change management

Historically, change has always been part of HR but with different
degrees of engagement in the design and implementation of change over
the years (Ogilvie and Stork, 2003). However, since the emergence of the
literature on strategic HRM it has been argued that HR departments
should play a key role in managing change (Storey, 1992; Ulrich, 1997;
Caldwell, 2001). A number of writers attempted to classify the various
HRM roles and argued for a new set of HR competencies. Ulrichs work
has been especially influential here (Ulrich, 1997, 1998). Ulrich suggests
four key HRM roles that help in building organizational capability and
add value in an increasingly challenging and turbulent environment.
These HRM roles are advocated as: strategic partner; administrative
expert; employee champion; and change agent (Ulrich, 1997). As a
change agent, Ulrich argues that the HR department should become
an agent of continuous transformation that is actively involved in shap-
ing organizational processes and culture to improve an organizations
capacity for change (Ulrich, 1998).
It is also argued that effective delivery of organizational change
requires an alignment or fit between the organizations corporate and
business strategies, its change strategies and its HRM strategy. This means
that much of the HRM functions role in organizational change is in
creating alignment, by developing HR strategies, policies and practices
that support the organization in adapting to its environment and in
Managing Organizational Change 255

meeting its change objectives (Graetz et al, 2006). Thus, for example,
if one of the strategic objectives of a firm is to increase efficiency and
competitiveness this implies a change initiative to improve the perform-
ance of individuals through the design of HRM strategies and policies to
improve the way organization members behave, communicate, make
decisions, reward, monitor, praise and coach, to be consistent with the
new strategic directions.
In general, during the change process, it is maintained that HR profes-
sionals should assist top managers in achieving the set strategic objectives
while, at the same time, maintaining employees motivation and commit-
ment. As an active change agent, this also entails creating a strong
HR climate in which the employees understand and internalize the change
initiatives through transmitting clear, consistent and consensual messages.
This will contribute to curbing rumours and suspicions about the change
initiatives and clarify the benefits of the change initiatives, which helps
in reducing the resistance to these change initiatives. An active HR agent
also works on developing adaptable and flexible HR systems and practices,
enlarging the competencies of the employees, and enhancing employees
behavioural flexibility (Bowen and Ostroff, 2004; Wright and Snell,
1998). Thus, it is advocated that the HR department must promote
a shared understanding of the change initiatives to be able to undertake
the role of a change agent successfully. Developing social capital and
good relations with line managers also becomes imperative to assist
the HR department in the implementation of the change initiatives and
succeed as change agent (Kim and Ryu, 2000).
Evidence shows that HR can play a central role in the effective manage-
ment of organizational change. For example, the CIPD (2005) research
identified seven key areas of activity associated with successful change,
in each of which the HR department contributed constructively to
make change happen and to build organizational capability for sustain-
able change. These were termed the seven Cs of change (Molloy and
Whittington, 2005;

choosing a team with the key skills such as management of

organizational culture and organizational design;
crafting the vision and the path setting realistic and achievable
connecting organization-wide change coordinating hard
change with soft people issues;
256 Shifting Contexts for OB

consulting stakeholders consulting and involving stakeholders

such as unions and employees;
communicating providing accurate, regular and up-to-date
messages throughout the organization;
coping with change introducing mechanisms that help people
to cope with change;
capturing learning acquiring and disseminating knowledge and
experience internally and externally.

The above shows that considering the specific content of HRs role in
managing change is important. Consequently, Thornhill et al (2000)
adopt a content-oriented approach and focus on seven relevant HR
practices that HR specialists can use to support change. These are:

cultural change and HRs role in influencing employees values

and beliefs;
recruitment and ensuring the selection of employees whose
attitudes and abilities support the change objectives;
revision of performance management practices to align individual
goals with new organizational goals and reward behaviour that
supports the strategic change;
resource development initiatives and activities to ensure the
possession of the necessary skills, capabilities and knowledge
to be more efficient and cope with change;
reward management revision and integration with performance
management to support the new strategic organizational
management of employee relations and maintaining good
relations with the unions and observation of legal regulations;
downsizing that is closely monitored and implemented by HR.

Points to ponder

In your opinion, why is it important that HR is involved in managing change?

What will be the main challenge facing HR in the process of managing change?
Managing Organizational Change 257

Globally and within MNCs, evidence shows that HR plays a prime role
in leading change (Evans et al, 2011). With globalization and the accel-
erating expansionary strategies of MNCs, particularly through mergers
and acquisitions, the attention of researchers to date has been focused,
for the most part, on the role that HRM plays in post-acquisition
management, a term that has usefully been defined by Child, Faulkner
and Pitkethly to encompass the process adopted to bring about changes
in the acquired companies, the type of changes introduced and the
measures taken to integrate and control the acquisition (2001). Indeed,
evidence shows that paying attention to people and cultural issues is
imperative for the success of cross-border mergers and acquisitions
strategies. For example, the most important factors identified in the
McKinsey study of international mergers and acquisitions were all as-
sociated with HR issues and were considered to be detrimental to the
success of the acquisition. In descending ranking order these were (Kay
and Shelton, 2000):

retention of key talent;

effective communication;
executive retention;
cultural integration.

All mergers and acquisitions require some degree of integration. Merger

or acquisition integration is a change process. Most merger or acquisi-
tion failures are linked to problems in post-merger integration that is,
in managing the change process. Cultural and people issues consistently
rank among the main difficulties in executing acquisition, and therefore
it is argued that the HR department should take an active role in leading
and managing change. This is also particularly true in cross-border
mergers and acquisitions due to the complexities arising from cultural
and physical distance or more comprehensively, from psychic distance.
For example, Inkpen, Sundaram and Rockwood (2000) note that the
problems surrounding management styles and practices, and inadequate
planning for post-merger acquisition integration are the two most com-
monly cited reasons for acquisition failures. The authors go on to observe
that these issues are exacerbated in the cross-border setting because they
embody questions of corporate culture, national culture and corporate
governance (Inkpen, Sundaram and Rockwood 2000). A number of
studies have further suggested that these problems of cultural integra
tion are likely to be particularly problematic where acquisitions involve
258 Shifting Contexts for OB

the coming together of organizations from developed and emerging and

developing economies. For example, Jackson (2004) has drawn attention
to a number of what are seen as characteristics of post-colonial manage-
ment systems that can act as a barrier to such transfers. Such characteris-
tics are seen to include an emphasis on motivation by control rather than
results, the presence of high levels of bureaucracy, the use of authori
tarian management practices, and promotions and appointments based
on relationships and a lack of management skills. In this case, it is
expected that intra-organizational variations in responses to Western
management techniques can be linked to broader evidence concerning
how types of workplace changes can differentially affect workers.
Subcultures, more or less hostile to management change efforts, can
exist in organizations, shaped by a number of factors such as profes-
sional identities, length of service, functional groupings and hierarchical
positions (Harris and Ogbonna, 1998).
Al-Husan and James (2007) also found that local subsidiaries actively
mobilized their resources both at the micro (organizational) and macro
(national) levels to resist and influence the implementation of the changes
introduced by the parent company and to undermine the institutional
ization of the desired HR practices imported from the corporate head-
quarters of the MNC. Kostova (1999) argued that practices transferred
from the parent company may be adopted only at the surface level and
not internalized by the members of the subsidiaries, and therefore the
success with which MNCs transfer centrally desired changes and HR
policies and practices to subsidiaries needs to be evaluated in two ways:
first, in terms of the extent to which they have been implemented at the
local level; and second, in relation to how far employees have inter
nalized them. In an empirical study that built on Kostovas argument,
Al-Husan and James (2007) found that the HR reforms introduced in the
subsidiary were more internalized by the staff group that was targeted by
the parent company as it was accompanied by good material rewards for
this group. The negative outcomes were reported to be linked to the
group of workers who were adversely affected materially by the HR
change introduced. This suggests that care needs to be taken not only in
terms of the cultural and institutional barriers to change but also to the
differential effects on the material interests of staff, and that change pro-
grammes introduced by MNCs may require the adoption of different
approaches towards the management of different categories of staff.
Evans, Pucik and Bjrkman (2011) argue that HR should be involved
in a merger and acquisition as early as during the selection and evaluation
Managing Organizational Change 259

of a suitable target, ie during the due diligence process, and during the
planning of the post-combination integration process. This is due to the fact
that the key challenges of mergers and acquisitions are HR issues and
because the soft people aspects, such as the assessment of culture and
HR practices in the organization to be acquired, are just as important as
the financial analysis. Support for this argument is provided, for example,
by the recent developments in the UK amendments to the code for take-
over (see Glossary) in which a strict timetable of 28 days between the
identification of a bidder and the withdrawal of a bid was imposed.
This change implies the involvement of the HR function into the merger
and acquisition process at a much earlier stage not only to carry out
all the required due diligence but also to manage the communication
with employee representatives and respond to their employee-related
questions (Brockett, 2011).

Key learning points and conclusions

Change management is a multifaceted process shaped by the
interplay of managerial action and broader contextual forces.
One of the key challenges in initiating and implementing change
is that of resistance.
Mainstream management accounts restricted the locus of resistance
in the actions of change recipients. However, more recent research
has highlighted the nature of resistance as a phenomenon shaped by
the interplay between change recipients actions and change agents
own assumptions and interpretations of the process. More critical
accounts have cast doubt on the ability of managers to manage
resistance in a strategic mode.
From an international perspective, managing change, particularly
in merger and acquisition ventures, during the integration largely
depends on the effective management and integration of different
cultures and the workforce.
This highlights the importance of the active involvement of the HR
department in the change process and in acting as change agents and
early involvement in any change process to ensure the full and effective
implementation of the issues identified. This involves, as Ulrich (1998)
maintains, replacing resistance with resolve, planning with results
and fear of change with excitement about its responsibilities.
260 Shifting Contexts for OB

Case study and discussion questions

C A S E S T UDY Jordan Cement Factories

It is widely evident that the period since the mid-1980s has been marked by changes in
the world economy that have led to profound developments in the international operations,
strategies and structures of MNCs and many other organizations worldwide. Among
other things, such changes consisted of the liberalization of financial markets, deregulation
and privatization of state enterprises, globalization and intensification of international
competition. In the face of these changes MNCs have adopted fast track expansionary
strategies, such as cross-border mergers and acquisitions, and a variety of non-equity
arrangements such as management contracts and licensing agreements. They have also
increasingly expanded their growth into developing countries of which many were embarking
on economic structural adjustment reforms and privatization programmes under the
directive of the World Bank (WB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF), which led to
the sale of their state-owned enterprises, and in many cases, to MNCs.

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan was one of the countries in the Arab world in the Middle
East region that had to undertake structural adjustment programmes under the auspices of
the WB and the IMF and, as a result, a number of state enterprises were privatized and sold
to Western MNCs to improve their efficiency and competitiveness. The first state enterprise
that was privatized was Jordan Cement Factories that was acquired by a French MNC
through the purchase of equity shares. Jordan Cement Factories is a public shareholding
company that was incorporated in Jordan in 1951. The main activities of the company are
the manufacturing, production and trading of cement and its by-products and until 2002 it
had a monopoly over the supply of cement in Jordan. The Jordanian government and its
institutions had long owned around 58 per cent of the companys share capital. In November
1998, it sold 33 per cent of these shares to Lafarge, a French MNC, that subsequently
increased its stake to 50.27 per cent controlling share.

The process of change

Jordan Cement became the subsidiary of Lafarge that had strategic importance to the
MNC because, according to the General Manager of Jordan Cement, it was the first
operation in the Middle East and therefore could be the basis for market access and
further operations and developments in the area. The parent company has adopted a
management style known as the Lafarge way. Under this the organization seeks to
encourage personal initiatives and involvement of everyone in the implementation of
group strategy. At the same time, the MNC was moving towards operating along global
lines and as a result was attaching great importance to the issue of integration. In terms
of HR, this is reflected in the implementation of company-wide HR policies in respect of
a number of issues. Thus, in relations to this, the Middle East director for HR-related
issues noted that:
Managing Organizational Change 261

We apply the same HR policies on everything on all HR related issues and on all
other activities such as training and development, etc. There are company-wide
policies that will apply as much as the local culture and the law allow us... we apply
the same policies because the parent company has its own internal culture and we
aim to achieve integration. This means doing the same everywhere in the world.
It is part of our culture. Each function should have the same methods of doing things,
same understanding, and same efficiency.

Accordingly, after the acquisition, the French MNC adopted a gradual approach to change
whereby it was envisaged that the change process would occur over a period of between
two and three years. In this process, a methodological guide is used to integrate new
subsidiaries, under which teams from different functional areas are sent to the subsidiary
to identify priority actions that have to be undertaken within the first 100 days. This action
programme is, in turn, accompanied by the development of a longer-term, two- to three-
year, programme of actions aimed at making the changes needed to integrate the new
subsidiary fully. The MNC adopted a gradual approach to change due to three main
considerations. First, there was a desire only to introduce the changes after an appropriate
management infrastructure had been developed. Secondly, there was a recognition that
cultural change is a slow process, and thirdly, there was a felt need to prepare employees
adequately for change.

In addition, the company used participative change processes that encompassed the
use of task groups and working parties, and a bottom-up orientation to problem solving.
Consequently, and following the change project known as the JCF Horizon 2001 that was
created and the HR audit that was conducted by staff at the parent company, a range of
new HR policies and procedures were proposed. These policies included the establish
ment of a new system for career management and succession planning, the implemen
tation of revised job descriptions and a new job evaluation scheme, and the development
of improved policies in relation to performance appraisal, recruitment and selection, and
training and development. This was in parallel with the implementation of a new organiza
tional structure under which a new HR division was created. Under this new structure, the
HR function gained greater strategic importance, became part of the companys overall
strategic planning process and was directly linked with the operating committee that was
in charge of the daily operations of the company, while previously the role of the personnel
function was mainly administrative, HR had no representation at board level and its
participation in planning was very weak.

Furthermore, decision-making style, which was very centralized before privatization, had to
be changed after privatization. Decentralization and delegation were seen as important
changes that needed to be introduced in order to create a management style that was in
line with the parent companys best practice. Thus many positions were merged to reduce
the number of layers of management and senior managers were encouraged to devolve
greater authority to line managers. Line managers were also given more HR responsibilities
in such areas as communication with employees; pay rises and promotion of subordinates;
the use of performance appraisal to determine the level of bonus pay and the objectives
of subordinates; recruitment and selection; training of subordinates; planning manpower
requirements; communication with subordinates; paying attention to the budget and control
262 Shifting Contexts for OB

of costs; and the dismissal and discipline of subordinates. Overall, line managers participated
in making such decisions contrary to the situation in the period before the acquisition where
decisions were made centrally.

Changes were also introduced in a number of other areas such as performance manage
ment, rewards, training and development. Working parties were also created to carry out
the JCF Horizon 2001 project and the HR changes. These working parties or task groups
comprised staff from different functions including members of the trade union. A key
objective of the new management was to involve the trade union in the changes being
made. Jordan Cement had a well-established and powerful union and the companys
employees were members of The General Trade Union of Construction Workers. This involve
ment of the trade union reflected the parent companys participative culture. For example,
the Middle East director for HR-related issues observed that:

The parent companys culture is very humanistic and works with the individuals.
It is a consensus seeking culture rather than a confrontation culture... and that
employees are at the heart of the organization... you cannot force change...
change must come indigenously. I mean people should be willing and should be
participating in change... otherwise, for example, you can make the perfect
organization on the table but you cannot implement it because the unions are
going to resist it and because the individuals are going to resist. So you must have
ownership and participation to change and I think the parent company is trying to
do this and is trying to create participation to change... you cannot change the
culture overnight. You need to convince the people that what you are bringing
them is going to serve them better.

It must be noted that the union gained power during the privatization process due to
the delicate political situation in the country and its power continued to grow after the
privatization. The power of the union grew not only at the company level but also at the
national level and it obtained further support from the public and the press, and from
the several actions it took that threatened the stability of the company and the country.
It also had international support as it was a member of other international unions such as
the Union of Arab Workers. Thus, according to the unions president, during the period
when the company was considering a restructuring based on the Jordanian Labour Law
No. 31 article 33, which gave the firms owner the right to terminate the services of the
employees without compensating them, the union declared war on the company and
announced strikes and sit-ins that were widely supported in Jordanian society, and by
national figures and political parties. At the same time, for the government this was a very
sensitive situation since many of the companys employees came from high unemployment
and low income regions and the company was considered to serve the national interest by
employing these people. As a result of the growing influence of the union, it succeeded in
obtaining several gains such as the distribution of 4 per cent of the companys annual
profits to all company staff, pay increase on the basic salaries of all employees, and among
other things, it changed the terms of the early retirement scheme and gained more
favourable terms and incentives for employees. The way that the MNC dealt with the
changes and the resistance if faced is illustrated in the area of remuneration below.
Managing Organizational Change 263

Prior to privatization, pay was determined according to the qualifications and experience of
the individual and was made up of a number of elements: basic salary, various allowances,
a production bonus and annual performance-based increases of between 3.00 and 4.00.
Shortly after privatization, it was agreed to raise the basic salary by an average of 6.00 for
every employee. In addition, the existing production bonus was doubled, and 4 per cent of
the companys annual profits were distributed equally to all the companys employees as a
bonus. These changes were made in response to forceful union claims and against the
background of an increase in union influence stemming from the delicate political nature of
the privatization and a desire on the part of both the government and the company to avoid
any bad publicity during the early days of privatization. In addition, a new company-wide
performance-related bonus scheme was proposed under which payments would be distri
buted on the basis of individual performance. Initially, the new bonus arrangements were
only applied to the cadre people because of union opposition to the revised bonus
arrangements. In the face of this opposition, the company therefore later decided to link
only half of the bonus to individual performance. Accordingly, a decision was made to
distribute 2 per cent of annual net profit equally among the 1,800 non-cadre employees,
while the other 2 per cent was to be distributed according to their personal performance.
In a similar vein, the union was also able, against the background of its enhanced negotiating
power, to secure an increase from 75 per cent to 86 per cent in the average annual appraisal
mark, as the following quote from the companys career manager illustrates: The main
obstacle is the union. The annual appraisal is linked to the annual increase and the bonus.
Thus, the unions argued that this affected the employees incomes and demanded an
increase in the average mark from 75 per cent to 86 per cent. At the end, the company had to
make concessions and we reached an agreement to have an average mark of 84 per cent.

Discussion questions

Explain the MNCs approach to change. To what extent do you agree with it and why?
Discuss the different factors that need to be taken into consideration to implement
change successfully, particularly when operating across borders.
What are the sources of resistance to change? To what extent do you think that the
MNC was successful in dealing with resistance to change, and why?
What are the limitations of the planned perspective on change?
Discuss the factors that may support the argument that change is shaped by the
interplay of action and context.



innovation and
the management
of knowledge
Pa u l i ne Loe w en b er g er

L earn i n g o b j e c t i v es

Evaluate what may be regarded as new priorities in thought

and action relevant to organizational behaviour and HRM.
Draw attention to the intangible aspects of organization that point
to investment of human capital in pursuit of adding value and/or
developing sustainable competitive advantage through creativity,
innovation, learning and knowledge management.
Critically evaluate extant knowledge and understanding of
creativity and innovation.
Explore alternative discourses on knowledge management.
Examine comparative emphasis and philosophies between
organizational learning and knowledge management.
Synthesize organizational creativity, innovation, learning
organization, organizational learning, knowledge creation
and management.
266 Shifting Contexts for OB

For at least a decade, academic commentary has been drawing attention
to the intangible aspects of organization and organizing pointing to
investment in human capital in pursuit of effectiveness, renewal, trans-
formation and sustainable competitive advantage. Knowledge creation
and management, organizational learning, creativity and innovation
may collectively be viewed as responsive, dynamic processes, the integra-
tion of which places people issues in the foreground. Yet, regardless of
the potential contribution to theoretical understanding and practical
application, most contributions in OB, HRM and HRD, at best, treat
these important concepts as subsections of more traditional topics.
In this way the focus is on what may be regarded as new priorities
in thought and action relevant to organizational behaviour and HRM in
the global context providing a meaningful and useful application to
practice. Through critical review and synthesis the merits and limitations
of current argument and evidence in the fields of enquiry are assessed.
First, this chapter examines how managers might overcome barriers and
misunderstandings to stimulate, support and sustain organizational
creativity and innovation effectively. Second, it assesses influential contribu
tions to organizational learning, knowledge creation and management
and makes explicit their links to creativity and innovation management.
The overall aim is to guide you as students through the current maze of
tenuous links, also drawing on the authors own research to propose
how conditions necessary for creativity, innovation, organizational
learning, knowledge creation, transfer and management might be inter-
preted and comprehended under the employment relationship through
individual and group behaviour. In common with other chapters, cross-
cultural perspectives are therefore assumed throughout. Case studies and
vignettes demonstrate excellent and more problematic examples. Suggested
questions are aimed at provoking critical analysis for individual consider
ation and in-class group discussion and debate.

Creativity and innovation

The essence of Schumpeters (1934) classic reference to the gales of creative
destruction that arise from disequilibrium is that all economic and social
progress ultimately depends on new ideas. The basis of this argument is
Creativity, Innovation and the Management of Knowledge 267

that competition demands creative solutions leading to innovations that

fundamentally change and develop the economy, yet at the same time
are necessarily destructive in contesting the inertia of the status quo.
Suggestions that organizational effectiveness, competitiveness and sur-
vival in a rapidly changing, dynamic, highly competitive global business
environment frequently depend on new ideas is not new (Williams and
Yang, 1999). The fostering of creativity and innovation is essential in
supporting creative revolutions (Gibb and Waight, 2005). The key is
unlocking the potential of all employees, regardless of position and
level rather than only the traditionally more creative roles (Axtell et al,
2000; Madjar, Oldham and Pratt, 2002; Madjar, 2005). This applies
equally to the private sector in developing sustainable competitive
advantage, and to the public sector where the demand for efficiencies
and enhanced performance is continual as governments attempt to manage
demands for expenditure to improve the quality of life that exceed their
incomes (Dodgson and Gann, 2010).
A UK survey suggests 84 per cent of participating companies regard
innovation as critical or important (Searle and Ball, 2003). However,
this is not ubiquitous. Many companies still regard innovation as an
irritant that gets in the way of real work (Basadur and Gelade, 2006).
Realization demands raised awareness and understanding of the need
for creativity and innovation and how organizational capability might
be developed. Commitment and capability are often lacking (Salaman
and Storey, 2002) and aspirations blocked because of perceived risk,
lack of understanding of what this means, how to generate and imple-
ment creative ideas, manage the creativity and innovation processes and
overcome institutionalized routines and inertia (Storey, 2000). Simply,
It [innovation] is the theatre where the excitement of experimenta
tion and learning meets the organizational realities of limited budgets,
established routines, disrupted priorities, and constrained imagination
(Dodgson and Gann, 2010). More than a decade ago Storey (2000)
observed extensive differences between managers in the same company,
even among managers in the same top-level teams, about the actual
meaning of the injunction to be innovative and the priority accorded to it,
leading to the suggestion, firms are more than happy to use the concept
of innovation in their advertising and corporate PR, but sustained
behaviour in practice seems to present managers with a difficulty (2000).
Confusion between the rhetoric and practice remains.
Innovation calls for creative solutions. Consensus identifies key elements
of creativity as novelty or originality that is useful (Taylor, Smith and
268 Shifting Contexts for OB

Ghiselin, 1963; Gardner 1988; Mumford and Gustafson, 1988; Amabile,

1996; Sternberg, 1999). It has been suggested that without creative
ideas to feed the innovation pipeline so they may be promoted and
developed, innovation is an engine without any fuel (McLean, 2005).
Others define creativity as the seed of innovation (Amabile et al, 1996)
that potentially plays an important role across levels of analysis and
throughout different phases of the process. Innovation is the imple
mentation or exploitation of creative ideas shifting the focus to social
validation, acceptance and viability. Not all innovations necessarily
result from creative processes (Damanpour, 1990) and might include
adoption of ideas imported from the external environment (Amabile,
1988; Beswick and Gallagher, 2010). Creative ideas provide greater
potential for sustainable competitive advantage. Evidence is emerging
in support of idea-rich environments. For example, Davis (2000) found
that organizations earning more from new products and services were
nurturing around 115 ideas per day, compared to 18 for an average
organization. Stevens and Burley (1997) suggest it takes 3000 raw
ideas to produce one substantially new and commercially successful

Stimulating, supporting and sustaining creativity

and innovation
Creativity and innovation depends on management capability and com-
mitment (Mumford, 2000). Scope for synergy emerges between interactive
process theories (eg Van de Ven, Angle and Poole, 1989) and interactional
models of creativity (Amabile, 1983; Woodman, Sawyer and Griffin,
1993; Sternberg and Lubart, 1999). All propose the need to understand
the dynamic, temporal, multiplicative interaction of individual, social
and organizational characteristics in overcoming cognitive blocks and
organizational barriers. In the organizational setting, potential barriers
and facilitators operate at the individual, group and organizational
levels. Climate represents an indication of the feelings and beliefs of
employees in relation to policies, practices and procedures. This demands
stimulation of the generation of creative ideas including training in
creative problem solving, and a work environment that is supportive of
idea generation and implementation and that is sustainable through
embedded processes and practices.
Creativity, Innovation and the Management of Knowledge 269

The individual
Notions of the lone creative genius have long given way to perspectives
that emphasize everyone has the potential, yet generation of creative
ideas remains uncommon (Egan, 2005). Social and educational influences
interact in the interests of cognitive economy to favour reproductive
thinking. Creativity demands productive thinking (Hurson, 2008) in over-
coming cognitive blocks through training in creative problem solving
(e.g. Osborn, 1957; Parnes, Noller and Biondi, 1971) employing struc-
tured techniques (VanGundy, 1988; De Bono, 1993; Michalko, 2006;
Isaksen, Dorval and Treffinger, 2010). Evidence is emerging of positive
effects of robust approaches to creativity training (Balestra, 1997; Puccio
et al, 2006). Associations between training in creative thinking techniques
and the openness to experience dimension of personality raise interesting
questions concerning the direction of causality (Loewenberger, 2009).
Undoubtedly some individuals are highly creative and the importance
of personality characteristics to creativity are well documented (Barron
and Harrington, 1981; Mumford and Gustafson, 1988). The five-factor
model of personality (Costa and McCrae, 1985) validated by organiza-
tional psychologists to feature individual differences important to work-
place performance, suggests the association of openness to experience
(McCrae, 1987; McCrae and Costa, 1997; Feist, 1998; Loewenberger,
2009) to creativity. Open individuals are not only more flexible in absorb-
ing information and combining new and unrelated information but also
seek out unfamiliar situations and new experiences, raising awareness of
problem opportunities and increasing potential for new ideas. Alternative
perspectives emphasize the complexity of associations of contrasting
traits to creativity and innovation, the creative individual able to oper-
ate at both polarities (Csikszentmihalyi, 1996).

Climate for creativity and innovation

That creative behaviour is easily overshadowed by an unsupportive
environment leads to the significance of organizational culture and
climate. Group creativity (Woodman, Sawyer and Griffin, 1993; Amabile,
1996) mediates individual creativity and organizational creativity and is
a function of the outputs of component groups and contextual influences.
Challenges arise in dealing with co-workers and superiors, who may
not support ideas or who may wish to steal or suppress ideas for nefari-
ous reasons (Williams and Yang, 1999). Psychological climate refers to
270 Shifting Contexts for OB

intrapersonal perceptions, the aggregate of which represents the organi-

zational climate (Amabile, 1996; Amabile et al, 1996; Isaksen, 2007a).
Climate is distinct from culture in that it operates at a more accessible
level and is more malleable, therefore conducive to change and improve-
ment efforts.
Similarity exists between stimulants and obstacles identified by two of
the most influential climate surveys (see Figure 10.1): the KEYS survey
(Amabile, Burnside and Gryskiewicz, 1999), developed from Amabiles
(1983, 1996) componential model and the situational outlook question-
naire (SOQ) (Isaksen, 2007b). Differences are also apparent. For exam-
ple, the SOQ specifically incorporates idea time, playfulness and humour
and separates conflict. Amabiles is the only model to include a workload
pressure dimension.

F i g u re 10.1 Climate factors supporting creativity and

innovation (adapted from Amabile, 1996
(inner radial) and Isaksen, 2007 (outer radial))

Trust/ Idea
openness support


Autonomy/ encouragement
Risk Play/
taking humour

Work group

time (lack of) Debate
Workload Challenging
pressure work
(lack of)
(lack of)
Conflict Challenge
Creativity, Innovation and the Management of Knowledge 271

Amabile (1997) suggested five scales as most supportive of creativity in

a large organization, four of which have been supported through multi
level investigation on small-to-medium sized organizations (Loewenberger,
2009). The resulting model supported interaction of organizational
encouragement, challenging work, work group support and (lack of)
organizational impediments (Amabile et al, 1996) with the openness
to experience (Costa and McCrae, 1992) personality dimension in
explaining 47 per cent variance between participating organizations.
Qualitative investigation of meaning (Loewenberger, 2009) extended
climate models, highlighting the communication of senior management
vision leading to shared vision and shared meaning and understanding
of what it means to be creative and innovative in context. Misconcep
tions of creativity as purely aesthetic remain common, emphasizing
the significance of creative requirement (Unsworth, Wall and Carter,
2002; Unsworth and Clegg, 2010), expectation of the generation of
creative ideas and creativity goals represent important components in
creative behaviour. Love for ones work (Csikszentmihalyi, 1996;
Amabile, 1997) was frequently offered as was the perceived freedom
to voice ideas without fear of intimidation, humiliation or ridicule.
Finally, is the significance of appropriate mechanisms in organizations
more supportive of creativity and innovation (for example creativity
champions, training in creative problem-solving techniques, creativity
and innovation clubs).
Avoidance of risk represents an element of creative climate (Amabile
et al, 1996; Isaksen, 2007a). Research evidence (Loewenberger, 2009)
also emerged in respect of acceptance of risk taking which is, of course,
closely related to mistake handling (Martins and Terblanche, 2003;
Isaksen, 2007a). Undoubtedly, financial risk and safety must take priority.
However, acceptance of failure and mistakes, provided that we learn
from these, is an important part of creativity, innovation and organiza-
tional learning. A memorable example in the UK is the opening of
Londons Millennium Bridge in June 2000 linking the Tate Gallery
and St Pauls Cathedral. Its unsteadiness when large groups of people
crossed was explained as lateral excitation due to the male gait. This
led to new knowledge about bridge design, clearly illustrating progress
in science and engineering that is built on failure (Dodgson and
Gann, 2010).
Few would question the innovations of the late Steve Jobs at Apple,
and Pixar, fuelled by a passion for creative thinking leading to innova
tive ideas and a vision and inspiration to change lives. Gallos (2010)
272 Shifting Contexts for OB

biography summarizes seven principles of breakthrough success, sup-

ported by influential contributors and research:

Do what you love (Csikszentmihalyi, 1996; Amabile, 1997;

Loewenberger, 2009; Robinson, 2009).
Put a dent in the universe (Martins and Terblanche, 2003;
Loewenberger, 2009).
Kick start your brain (see VanGundy, 1988; Hurson, 2008).
Sell dreams not products.
Say no to 1000 things (Quantity breeds quality see VanGundy,
Create insanely great experiences (if employees are not having
fun, your customers will not).
Master the message (persuasion and persistence in gaining social
validation of ideas).

Support for creative climate is evident through a collaborative contribu-

tion derived from an independent theoretical underpinning (Martins and
Terblanche, 2003) drawing on open systems theory (see Glossary) and
Scheins (1992) work on culture and leadership. The emphasis on vision
and mission, supportive mechanisms, behaviours that encourage innova-
tion, communication and leadership have much in common with the
approach here.

Organizational learning and knowledge

Since approximately the mid-1970s economies and society in general
have witnessed the replacement of manufacturing with knowledge-
intensive work as the main generator of wealth and the service sector
representing the biggest source of employment (Bell, 1973). As the com-
bination of energy, resources and machine technology were the transfor-
mational agencies of industrial society, knowledge and information are
the strategic resource and transforming agent of the post-industrial
society (see Glossary; Bell 1980). Infamous citations of this era claimed
that the only competitive advantage the company of the future will have
is its managers ability to learn faster than their competitors (De Geus,
1988, 1997). We have also witnessed exceptional advances in information
Creativity, Innovation and the Management of Knowledge 273

and communications technology and systems. The internet is central to

global knowledge creation and sharing, including social networking.
With services innovation relevant knowledge is nearly always distributed
across a range of stakeholders including, on a much greater basis than
before, the customer (Dodgson, Gann and Salter, 2005). Knowledge repre-
sents a major source of sustainable competitive advantage (Nonaka,
Toyama and Nagata, 2000). For example, large multinational consultan-
cies such as Accenture make vast amounts of money from selling what is
essentially an intangible product offering knowledge. Open innovation
(Chesbrough, 2006) takes advantage of increased interrelatedness and
interdependency between companies; originating in the technology sector,
dedicated websites have emerged (for example
How does knowledge creation, management and sharing in the service
sector such as this lead to sustainable competitive advantage? The focus
here is on developing organizational capability, demanding increased
attention to knowledge creation, management, sharing and transfer to
mobilize creativity, innovation, learning, knowledge creation, manage-
ment and transfer.
Links with a climate for creativity and innovation are evident in
theories of organizational learning (Senge, 1990; Pedler, Burgoyne and
Boydell, 1996; Marsick and Watkins, 2003), knowledge creation and
management (Nonaka, Toyama and Nagata, 2000). All emphasize that
humans and organizations are dynamic beings that have the potential
to learn and grow together. Cross-disciplinary understanding is critical
to synergy between these important areas that have traditionally been
neglected in mainstream OB. Theoretical development and practical
application demands that links are more explicit in informing HRM,
IHRM and HRD, in particular. This is central to the suggestion, ... that
HRD, as a discipline and a profession seeks to identify, support and lead
the creative revolutions of the 21st century workforce and workplace.
(Gibb and Waight, 2005). Innovative companies tend to be characterized
as knowledge creating (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995) and a blurring of
the boundaries between research on knowledge management and inno-
vation has become evident in recent years. Others suggest that concepts
of knowledge management and organizational learning usefully integrate
with creativity by using knowledge for creative adaptation and flexibility
in the thinking organization (Basadur and Gelade, 2006). In this way,
direct links between climates for creativity, innovation and learning
become more transparent.
274 Shifting Contexts for OB

The learning organization and organizational learning

The idea of the learning organization has attracted much criticism since
the early work (Senge, 1990; Pedler, Burgoyne and Boydell, 1996)
not least because of its ideology and abstraction in terms of collective
learning. Was the original notion an idea ahead of its time? New organi-
zational forms typical of the knowledge and service economy and greater
acceptance of the value of the human resource to performance place the
spotlight on learning and development. Rowdens definition explicitly
links learning with continuous improvement, innovation and transforma-
tion: a model of strategic change in which everyone is engaged in
identifying and solving problems so that the organization is continu-
ously changing, experimenting and improving, thus increasing its capacity
to grow and achieve its purpose (2001). This emphasizes an organizational
culture and climate that encourages, facilitates and supports individual
and group learning. This is evident in Senges (1990) five disciplines that
emphasize interactive systems thinking, changing assumptions, shared
vision, team learning, synergy and the need for personal mastery that
discards old ways of thinking and standard routines. Consistent with this
are the action learning imperatives proposed by Marsick and Watkins
(2003) that emphasize organizational and collaborative learning as essential
to a learning climate.
Focusing on strategic renewal tension in organizational learning
an influential contribution is the 4I framework (Crossan, Lane and
White, 1999). Organizational learning is a multilevel phenomenon that
must satisfy the requirements of rigorous multilevel theory. Hence,
the 4I theory builds explicitly on the key principles of multilevel re-
search. This comprises four related sub-processes linking three levels.
Intuiting and interpreting occur at the individual level, interpreting and
integrating at the group level and integrating and institutionalizing
at the organizational level. This framework draws on competition for
scarce resources between exploration and exploitation in strategic renewal
evident in dynamics of transference of learning across individual, group
and organizational levels such that it becomes embedded or institu-
tionalized in the form of strategies, structures and procedures (Crossan,
Lane and White, 1999).

Knowledge management
Variously, commentary has attempted to help codify what occurs in think-
ing and learning in organizational contexts, to make these phenomena
Creativity, Innovation and the Management of Knowledge 275

amenable to management. These ideas have been grouped together as

something for corporate policy and action under the popular label of
knowledge management, influential to which has been Nonaka and
Takeuchis 1995 publication, differentiating modes of knowledge crea-
tion and conversion through blending of explicit and tacit knowledge.
Explicit knowledge is objective and easily codified through, for example,
books, journals and the internet, and shared through combination with
existing knowledge and internalization leading to changes in behaviour.
Tacit knowledge is more subjective and not easily codified, necessitating
experiential learning through articulation and social learning, for example
observation and imitation. From an ontological perspective organiza-
tions cannot create knowledge without the individuals and need to
provide a supportive context. Knowledge management is concerned
with sharing, collaboration and institutionalization of explicit and tacit
knowledge through a cycle of creation and conversion (Nonaka, Toyama
and Byosiere, 2001).
However, critical debate continues with regards to tacit and explicit
knowledge. For example, drawing on Polyani, Tsoukas argues that tacit
knowledge has been misunderstood and misinterpreted in management
studies in overlooking the essential ineffability of tacit knowledge
(Tsoukas, 2005) by reducing it to what can be articulated. Undoubtedly,
explicit knowledge draws on tacit knowledge, experience and context
manifested in what we do. New knowledge comes about not when the
tacit becomes explicit but when our skilled performance our praxis is
punctuated in new ways through social interaction (Tsoukas, 2001).
Essentially explicit and tacit knowledge are interrelated in that tacit
knowledge is necessary to make sense of explicit knowledge. See the case
study below for an example in NHS Direct.

C A S E S T UDY Creativity, innovation, learning and knowledge

management in NHS Direct

NHS Direct and NHS Direct Online represented new ways of accessing healthcare to
alleviate pressure on doctors and others, central to the modernization of the NHS. Staffed by
registered nurses, this represents an interesting context for analysis of the management of
knowledge. In contrast to the emergent paradigm of call centres as one of mass production,
technologically driven, low cost and lean production the service is non-commercial and the
occupational base of the workforce has not been transformed. Nurses are professionally
276 Shifting Contexts for OB

qualified and move back and forth between face-to-face care and tele-nursing, presenting
two challenges.

First, separation from the patient demands one-off interactions rather than longer-term
relations. Second, technologically mediated, nurses respond as generalists rather
than specialists. At the heart of this innovative software is managements attempt to
standardize and control the callernurse relationship. NHS Direct explicitly uses three
forms of knowledge: 1) a number of datasets; 2) the nurses own experience or knowledge;
and 3) the CAS software. Explicit knowledge (1 and 3) consists of facts, rules and policies
that can be codified and transmitted using formal language or an electronic format.
In contrast, tacit knowledge (2) is personal, context specific and harder to communicate
and to share, resulting in two knowledge management strategies: codification and
personalization. Codification involves a process of identifying, capturing, cataloguing
and making available explicit knowledge to professionals working in a team. The strategy
of personalization involves the practice of creatively solving problems through the use
of tacit knowledge.

CAS is the fundamental body of knowledge on which judgements and explanations of

patients needs are based. In common with customer service representatives, nurses in
NHS Direct follow a script that constrains human possibility. CAS guides questioning of
callers and assesses the urgency of need and most appropriate course of action. However,
nurses can deviate from this script and make alternative decisions. As knowledgeable
actors, nurses can control, manipulate and create knowledge, without having their
autonomy subordinated to the clinical software. This makes their work situation critically
different from that of customer service representatives in a typical call centre where
relevant prior professional occupational knowledge is unnecessary. However, evidence
suggests that rather than technological control and subordination of CAS in limiting
autonomy, nurses manipulate the system and acquire new knowledge from CAS. It is
suggested that nurses internalize the knowledge given through CAS, seeing their knowledge
and experience as complementary. In this way the power of the software to learning,
development, knowledge creation and management was underestimated.

Source Adapted from Hanlon et al, 2005; Smith et al, 2008.

Integration of cross-disciplinary literatures on creativity, innovation,

organizational learning, knowledge creation, knowledge management
and knowledge transfer literatures emphasize different philosophical un-
derpinnings, not least in relation to organizational learning and know
ledge management. Both share common features as management discourses
concerned with improved performance and shaped by the same historical
and institutional context. Organizational learning and knowledge man-
agement respectively emphasize different aspects and de-emphasize others.
Creativity, Innovation and the Management of Knowledge 277

For example, organizational learning emphasizes culture management

and leadership as a means of socialization and internalization of explicit
knowledge into the values and tacit understanding of employees. Learning
also stresses links between cognition and action where tacit knowledge is
embedded in organizational routines, culture and languages.

Points to ponder

Consider an organization with which you are familiar. To what extent might
similarities and differences between climate models for creativity and innovation be
usefully applied in practice?

How easy is it for you to make links between climate models characteristics of the
learning organization and knowledge management?

Metaphor is useful in effective conversion of tacit to explicit knowledge

creation in experiencing links between previously unrelated concepts.
We have already experienced an effective metaphor in Dodgson and
Ganns reference to the theatre. An interesting metaphor for a com
prehensive theory of organizational learning emphasizes the contribu-
tions of different disciplines and philosophical perspectives: ... the image
we have in mind is of a tree that can support many different branches on
which there is a multiplicity of leaves. The leaves connect through their
different branches back to the trunk. And the trunk is grounded in a root
system that extends widely, thus ensuring a strong, stable base and
providing nourishment for the entire system (Crossan, Lane and White,
Scarbrough and Swann (2005) make effective metaphoric comparisons
between organizational learning as building and knowledge manage-
ment as mining. Other foci of difference include an emphasis of learning
on context and culture management and for knowledge management on
information systems. This emphasizes information systems as a means
for the externalization of knowledge and the combination of different
kinds of explicit knowledge. This has been fuelled by the exceptional
developments in technology including the internet, social networking,
mobile technologies, blogs, wikis, discussion forums, VoIP, video con
ferencing and virtual learning environments. The second generation of
278 Shifting Contexts for OB

knowledge management calls for a more proactive approach that recog-

nizes the significance of intangible aspects of organization and points
to investment in human capital in pursuit of sustainable competitive
advantage. Returning to earlier metaphors this demands, we consider,
knowledge management in relation to a building metaphor alongside
organizational learning, creativity and innovation rather than the min-
ing metaphor. This also begins to raise the need for consideration of
holding on or letting go. What are the benefits of sharing tacit know
ledge versus a willingness to give away knowledge that involves consider-
able investment of personal resources? This also raises arguments around
individual or organizational ownership of knowledge, possession versus
practice and, importantly, considerations surrounding managerial control
of knowledge. A useful starting point draws on a comparison of episte-
mologies of possession and practice (Newell et al, 2009) which suggests
Nonakas (1994) perspective as objectivist and of possession.

Ontology and epistemology

Crossan, Lane and Whites (1999) and Crossan, Maurer and Whites (2011)
contributions are influential in stimulating research on knowing and the
close association with learning. Importantly, each of the 4I processes
intuiting, interpreting, integrating, institutionalizing makes different
assumptions about organizations and society and operates within and
across different paradigms (Burrell and Morgan, 1979).Acknowledgement
that not everyone agrees with the incommensurability of the paradigms
and questioning of the perceived mutual exclusivity of differential philo-
sophical underpinnings is significant. Developing a comprehensive theory
of organizational learning Crossan, Lane and White (1999) and Crossan,
Maurer and White (2011) demand an ontology and epistemology that
transcends classic paradigms (Burrell and Morgan, 1979). The perspec-
tive here concurs with such suggestions as essential to informing,
advancing and interpreting theory such that it is useful in informing
managers and other practitioners how this might be achieved in practice.
This is not disputing the value of differential philosophical underpin-
nings necessary to the academic community, but insufficient in the absence
of practical interpretation congruent with increasing calls for business
engagement with impact and knowledge co-production at the bounda-
ries of different communities (Van de Ven, 2007, 2011; Pettigrew, 2011).
My own multilevel research necessitated crossing disciplines and classic
paradigms leading to powerful and useful insights (Loewenberger, 2009)
Creativity, Innovation and the Management of Knowledge 279

that are relevant to the overall aim of contributions in this volume,

concerned with the application and interpretation of OB to HRM.
General consensus identifies two dominant epistemologies. Essentially,
the objectivist perspective assumes that knowledge exists independently
while the practice-based perspective emphasizes that knowledge is con-
textually embedded (Hislop, 2009).
Drawing on Burrell and Morgans (1979) classic two-dimensional
structure, Schultze and Stabell (2004) developed a framework suggest-
ing four distinctive discourses. Most dominant is the neo-functionalist
perspective that implies consensus in social order, as do constructivist
discourses, where knowledge management is positively encouraged for
the benefit of all concerned. This is the main perspective adopted here in
fulfilling the aims of this book drawing on OB and HRM. However,
it might be argued that this represents yet another means of managerial
control and exploitation. This chapter would be incomplete without
raising awareness of alternative perspectives. Rarely are the dissensus
perspectives (dialogic and critical discourses) considered with regards to
the extent to which knowledge management might not always be positive
but involving the harsh realities of organizational life including conflict,
power and politics (Hislop, 2009) as discussed in Chapter 7.

Points to ponder

Have any organizations that you have worked for developed IT-based knowledge
management systems? Did they embody objectivist assumptions? How successful
were these systems? Is tacit knowledge necessary for you to make sense of

To what extent do knowledge management initiatives create conflict of interest

between senior managers and workers? Give examples based on your own

Implications for HRM and HRD

Evidence suggests cultures that value innovation, human resources and
collaboration are more likely to produce innovative products (Arad,
Hanson and Schneider, 1997; Mumford and Simonton, 1997; Mumford,
280 Shifting Contexts for OB

2000) and attract talented creative people. Links with HRM and HRD
increasingly attract interest (Mumford, 2000; Searle and Ball, 2003;
Leede and Looise, 2005; Shipton et al, 2005; Shipton et al, 2006;
Jrgensen, Laugen and Boer, 2007). At this point it is salient to remind
ourselves of the need for attention to dynamic multilevel interactions
(Loewenberger, 2009; Crossan and Apaydin, 2010; Crossan, Maurer
and White, 2011; Loewenberger, 2011). Recent developments demon-
strate the nexus between human capital, the expertise applied by know
ledge workers, entrepreneurship, learning, creativity and innovation
(Martins et al, 2010; Bornay-Barrachina et al, 2011). The unique contri-
bution proposed here draws directly on climate factors supportive of
creativity, innovation, organizational learning and knowledge manage-
ment. Informed by influential contributors in the field and by my own
research the implications for HRM and HRD are considered.
The existence of what has been referred to as the big idea, a clear
mission underpinned by values and a culture that communicates what
the organization stands for and is trying to achieve, is critical to the link
between HR practices and performance (Purcell et al, 2003; Boxall and
Purcell, 2008). Shared vision, meaning and understanding have been
demonstrated as essential to organizational learning, creativity and inno-
vation (Senge, 1990; Marsick and Watkins, 2003; Loewenberger, 2009)
and depend on effective employee involvement and communication
practices. Related to this is the notion of creative requirement (Shalley,
Gilson and Blum, 2000; Unsworth, Wall and Carter, 2002; Unsworth
and Clegg, 2010), the perception that one is expected to generate creative
ideas. Tierney and Farmer (2002) extend the notion of self-efficacy
(Bandura, 1977) to creative self-efficacy, the extent to which individuals
believe they have the ability to produce creative outcomes. This extends
to the continuous improvement and transformation of the learning
organization (Senge, 1990) and points to the need to raise awareness of
the desirability and necessity of creativity, innovation, organizational
learning and knowledge creation that might not be obvious across all
roles, functions and levels and needs to be clearly communicated.
Performance management provides valuable opportunity for clarification
of creative requirement (Unsworth, Wall and Carter, 2002; Unsworth
and Clegg, 2010) in relation to individual and team objectives, as well as for
positive and constructive feedback. The subjectivity of creativity processes
and the importance of team members and others suggests the appropri-
ateness of multisource feedback or 360-degree appraisal. Linking chal-
lenging targets to creativity can provide a basis for discussion, learning
Creativity, Innovation and the Management of Knowledge 281

and development. Targets might relate to participation in problem-solving

groups and facilitation of group sessions, rather than outcomes as externally
imposed goals can inhibit creativity (Mumford, 2000). For organizations
newly aspiring to be creative or innovative, in the process of transforma-
tion or needing to reignite inert aspirations, rewarding efforts to engage
in the processes is likely to be perceived more fairly than judgement of
outcomes. An interesting and challenging exercise might be to set staff a
task to use their creativity skills to design a reward system that would be
meaningful, valued and intrinsically motivational in stimulating, supporting
and sustaining such processes long term in the organization, department
or work group.
Competing agendas of creativity, innovation and learning add com-
plexity to the desirability of specific knowledge, skills and abilities and
present interesting challenges to recruitment and selection practices.
For instance, balancing sufficient versus excessive expertise is complex in
encouraging fresh perspectives from new entrants or those with diverse
experiences on which to draw, while avoiding over-reliance on the status
quo. The openness to experience dimension of the five-factor model of
personality is linked to creativity and to learning (Costa and McCrae,
1992; McCrae and Costa, 1997) and recent evidence suggests a moderat
ing effect on climate factors and correlation with participation in training
in creative problem solving (Loewenberger, 2009). Of course, this must
be balanced with individual characteristics of co-workers as it is undesir-
able for all members of a team to score highly on openness (Shalley,
Zhou and Oldham, 2004). The significance of intellectual stimulation
through challenging work and work group support for individuals very
high in openness is suggested as significant to selection, motivation and
retention of individuals. Broad experiences increase the pool of resources
on which to draw for generation of creative ideas (Shipton et al, 2005;
Shipton et al, 2006). Implications of this suggest immense value in mem-
bership of professional associations, conference attendance and network-
ing. Worklife balance initiatives are likely to be significant in creating
opportunities to pursue a wide range of interests.
Implications for supporting creative and innovative behaviour, encour-
aging continuous learning and knowledge creation are explored through
the climate lens to consider how this might be achieved in practice.
Organizational encouragement (Amabile et al, 1996) represents a culture
that encourages creativity through the fair, constructive judgement of
ideas, rewards and recognition for creative work, mechanisms for devel-
oping new ideas, an active flow of ideas, and a shared vision of what the
282 Shifting Contexts for OB

organization is trying to do. Various of Isaksens (2007a) dimensions

might be comprised within this scale, for example, trust or openness, idea
support, idea time, playfulness and humour. From the perspective of the
learning organization (Marsick and Watkins, 2003) this would also incor-
porate the inquiry and dialogue dimension, which is concerned with
productive thinking skills to express their views, the capacity to listen
and enquire into the views of others and a climate that supports ques-
tioning, feedback and experimentation. Support for creativity, innova-
tion and learning draws heavily on intrinsic motivation. If this is to be
sustainable it is suggested that reward and recognition are based on
participation in the process of learning rather than outcomes, on the
basis that not all ideas can be implemented, at least in the early stages of
climate change. From a learning perspective this relates to continuous
learning, enquiry and dialogue (Marsick and Watkins, 2003). While
intrinsic elements of reward and recognition systems are more likely to
be sustainable in the longer term, financial rewards might not be pre-
cluded. For example, these might take the form of bonuses for achieving
creative targets, incentives for creative work or for ongoing learning and
knowledge development. Cafeteria reward systems might also be appro
priate. Recognition for creative work might also take the form of career
progression, which is often based on management skills rather than crea-
tivity, yet recognition of creative work provides valuable feedback and
supports personal and organizational development and transformation.
The significance of two elements of climate, mechanisms to support
idea generation and the fair, constructive judgement of ideas, were
exemplified and substantially extended through recent qualitative invest
igation (Loewenberger, 2009). Individuals were passionate about the
importance of a work environment where they would feel free to say
anything knowing they would be listened to. Freedom to voice ideas
characterizes an absence of hierarchy facilitating an open climate where
individuals feel the freedom to contribute to a lively flow of ideas, where
all ideas are valued and where there is no intimidation, humiliation or
ridicule. Evaluation and fear of evaluation (Egan, 2005) are important
to creativity from a number of perspectives. All individuals have potential
to make valuable contributions. Perceived freedom and trust are signifi-
cant, particularly as historical portrayal of the lone genius implies intro-
version. Does the absence of hierarchy and climate exist such that all
employees feel free to voice their ideas without immediate or subsequent,
direct or indirect fear of intimidation or humiliation? Can organiza
tions honestly say that all ideas are listened to regardless of employees
Creativity, Innovation and the Management of Knowledge 283

status? Or do power and influence preside over which ideas receive a fair
Of course, postponement of evaluation is an important part of the
generation of creative ideas that is difficult to achieve in practice, failure
of which often limits the effectiveness of brainstorming sessions.
Therefore, this is critical for a supportive climate for companies aspiring
towards creativity. Such aspects are often also referred to in terms of
evaluation, such as avoidance of premature evaluation and deferred
judgment that in practice so often prevent effective generation of creative
ideas through early termination of the creativity process (Osborn, 1957;
Simonton, 2003). Sustainability is again critical here. Having not been
respected, listened to, shot down, intimidated, humiliated or dismissed,
how likely is it that individuals will feel free to contribute what might
ultimately turn out to be the big idea with potential for organizational
Supportive mechanisms represent an important climate dimension
where significant overlap exists between creativity, innovation and learn-
ing where the need for a champion is advocated (Marsick and Watkins,
2003; Loewenberger, 2009). Champions will either possess or be prepared
to develop skills in creative problem-solving techniques and to share
these through regular group staff development activities such that they
become embedded. Creative problem-solving techniques, of course, rep-
resent one of the more familiar and popular mechanisms claimed as sup-
portive of creativity. Evidence is emerging of positive effects of robust
approaches to creativity training (Balestra, 1997; Puccio et al, 2006).
Some organizations achieve this through internal creativity and innova-
tion clubs that meet regularly and to which employees are encouraged
to bring actual problems. An integral part of these clubs is practice in
the application of creative problem-solving techniques such that these
eventually become part of employees repertoire of skills. Such training
will directly challenge staff capabilities, for example in taking respons
ibility for management of small projects or a single problem. Development
of idea management systems for future application contributes to the
sustainability of organizational creativity.
Challenging work (Amabile et al, 1996; Isaksen, 2007a; Loewenberger,
2009) represents a sense of having to work hard on challenging tasks
and important projects. HR models identify challenge as significant to
effective performance (Purcell et al, 2003). Intellectual stimulation is pre-
sented by creative and innovative work and is developmental. Work might
be made more challenging by assigning responsibility to an individual or
284 Shifting Contexts for OB

group in relation to a project, task or client account, for example, starting

with responsibility for a small project, perhaps, and building gradually
in scale and demands. This might take the form of self-managed teams
where an individual with the most relevant knowledge and/or expertise
would lead. Empowerment, variously termed autonomy or freedom
(not to be confused with freedom to voice ideas above) feature in
all models (Amabile et al, 1996; Marsick and Watkins, 2003; Isaksen,
Work group support represents a diversely skilled work group, in
which people communicate well, are open to new ideas, constructively
challenge each others work, trust and help each other and feel committed
to the work they are doing. This also comprises Isaksens (2007a) debate
dimension. Of course, team working is central to models of HRM such
as that of Purcell et al (2003) and to team learning (Marsick and Watkins,
2003). Diversity of skills in a group is likely to promote idea generation,
sparking ideas in others, stimulating associational relationships and
building on others ideas. In this way this contributes to knowledge
sharing, creation and management as well as to learning and develop-
ment. Collaborative performance objectives and targets (although with
individual recognition) and cross-functional teams, for example, might
provide the diversity of knowledge and skills necessary for creativity
and to allow for greater integration between teams or departments.
Some individuals may be better at generating ideas while others might be
more effective in securing their implementation (Puccio, Treffinger and
Talbot, 1995). Mechanisms such as creativity and innovation clubs can
also enhance effective team work. Organizational impediments (Amabile
et al, 1996) represent obstacles in the work environment that impede
creativity through internal political problems, harsh criticism of new
ideas, destructive internal competition, an avoidance of risk, and an
over-emphasis on the status quo. Control and conflict (Isaksen, 2007a)
negatively influence intrinsic motivation.
Comparative emphasis and philosophies between organizational learn-
ing and knowledge management highlight the emphasis on culture man-
agement for the former and information systems for the latter. This is
particularly evident with reference to the suggestion of mining as a meta-
phor for knowledge management. However, this de-emphasizes the
necessary people-management focus and overlooks the significance of tacit
knowledge to meaningful understanding and interpretation of explicit
knowledge. The so-called resource-based view (see Glossary) of the firm
in the strategy literature (Barney, 1991) has served as an interdisciplinary
Creativity, Innovation and the Management of Knowledge 285

check on the early annexing of the knowledge management field by infor-

mation systems and econometric commentators, emphasizing the signifi-
cance of human and social capital (Wright, McMahan and McWilliams,
1994; Wright, Dunford and Snell, 2001; Morris, Snell and Wright, 2006).
The building metaphor of organizational learning has far greater relevance
to a proactive second generation of knowledge management that recog-
nizes the significance of intangible aspects of organization and points
to investment in human capital in pursuit of sustainable competitive
Exploration of alternative discourses on knowledge management
leads us to question whether creativity, innovation, learning and know
ledge management are always positive. Is this emancipation or exploita-
tion? Early theories such as Taylors scientific management were concerned
with managing or limiting the knowledge of workers. Fordism (see
Glossary) was literally about hired hands, separation of head and hands
(Newell et al, 2009). These questions arise:

Are 21st-century approaches attempting the same thing as early

theories such as Fordism by harnessing knowledge of workers
and the expropriation of knowledge?
Is learning always positive and beneficial to all concerned?
Learning demands considerable personal investment. Who
Can we assume that all workers are willing to learn and develop?
As the demand of learning often impairs performance temporarily
there might also be implications for performance, particularly if this
is directly linked to pay. Exploration of alternative discourses also
highlights consensus as opposed to dissensus in social order where
issues of conflict, power and politics intervene. Much of the approach
to investment in people suggested here is underpinned by intrinsic
motivation of workers to enhance performance and gain commitment
and engagement. Intrinsic motivation is unlikely to be effective
in social dissent where such negative influences on creativity,
innovation, learning and knowledge management preside.

We end the chapter as we started with input from Schumpeter, who

suggested that innovation offers the carrot of spectacular reward or
the stick of destitution (Schumpeter, cited in Dodgson and Gann, 2010).
There is potential for both positive and negative outcomes. There is risk,
but surely the risk of inaction is greater.
286 Shifting Contexts for OB

Key learning points and conclusions

This chapter has synthesized creativity, innovation, organizational
learning and knowledge management from the perspective of people
management. Evaluation of new priorities in thought and action
relevant to organizational behaviour and HRM draw attention
to the intangible aspects of organization that point to investment
of human capital in pursuit of sustainable competitive advantage
through creativity, innovation, learning and knowledge management.
Extant knowledge and understanding of creativity and innovation
have been critically evaluated with an emphasis on interactional
perspectives leading to a focus on climate that is more accessible
and malleable than organizational culture.
Evaluation of the learning organization and organizational learning
highlight direct links with interactional models of creativity and
innovation such that similarities between climates for creativity,
innovation and learning become transparent. The learning
organization continuously transforms itself by developing the skills
of its entire people. Organizational systems must be designed to
value, manage and enhance skills and career development for
continuous transformation such that the learning capability of the
organization is harnessed.
There is much in common between a climate supportive of learning
and a climate supportive of creativity and innovation such that
synthesis directly informs our focus in this volume on practice.
This makes an important contribution to our knowledge and
understanding of how such processes can be supported through
HRM and HRD by highlighting specific implications for practice of
this theoretical and research-informed synthesis.

Discussion questions
To what extent might a synthesis of creativity, innovation,
organizational learning and the management of knowledge, such
as that presented in this chapter, overcome competing perspectives?
For example, consider knowledge as possession versus practice or
the building metaphor of organizational learning versus the mining
metaphor of knowledge management.
Creativity, Innovation and the Management of Knowledge 287

What are your views on the so-called knowledge society? What is

the evidence in the country where you live?
Scientific management (Taylor) limited the knowledge of workers.
Similarly, Fordism was literally concerned with hired hands. This
raises important issues around knowledge as power and influence
and of possession versus practice. Discuss fully the issue already
raised of whether 21st-century approaches to knowledge
management are attempting the same thing by harnessing
knowledge of workers.
The critical and dialogical discourses raise the idea that knowledge
management initiatives may not always be in the best interests of all.
To what extent do knowledge management initiatives create conflict
of interest between senior managers and workers? Give examples
based on your own experience.
Does the use of IT as a knowledge management system always
indicate an objectivist perspective? Is tacit knowledge necessary to
make sense of these systems?

Case study and discussion questions

C A S E S T UDY CoCre8 enhancing creativity, innovation,

learning and knowledge management

CoCre8 is a provider of business improvement and innovative services and solutions

including communication and motivation, performance, incentive programmes and events
management. Previously an independent small business, the company was acquired in
1999 by a large US group employing more than 1,000 associates worldwide and is now part
of a large MNC. The UK office employs approximately 120 associates, mostly knowledge
workers, servicing clients in Europe and operating autonomously from the US headquarters
and operations in other countries. Organizational structure is headed by the leadership
team made up of the MD, the HR director and the finance director. The HR director and MD
have both been in post for approximately the last two years, prior to which the company
was managed by its founders in very much a command and control style. Members of the
leadership team are very committed to new ways of organizing and doing business.
To achieve organizational effectiveness and competitiveness in a rapidly changing business
environment the challenge is getting the very best from their staff differentiation based on
its people. The company is committed to a culture where staff are kept informed and where
knowledge is shared through communication and involvement.
288 Shifting Contexts for OB

From the perspective of the leadership team, creativity is the very basis of the work of the
company and certainly not just of the aesthetic variety, in providing creative solutions for
clients. To enhance creative and innovative capability further this has recently been
introduced as a major strand of the companys current strategy. Creativity and innovation
are highly desired and valued, given high priority and expected. The HR director believes
that some have greater potential for creativity while realizing the need exists across all
levels, functions and roles in all areas of the organization. Here creativity and innovation
mean fun, bringing fresh perspectives, challenging conceptions, involving clients in the
development of fresh and exciting ideas and, above all, exceeding clients expectations,
views which appear to be shared by the majority of associates.

However, sharing a common language of what it means to be creative and innovative is

very different from knowing that creativity is a requirement for all functions, levels and roles
throughout the organization. It cannot be assumed that associates realize the need to be
creative, nor understand how they might develop the necessary skills in their day-to-day
work, nor that they possess the necessary skills. The misconception might be that creativity
refers only to the aesthetics of the design studio rather than a skill that can be applied to
improve most areas of the project work across all departments.

Through a largely bottom-up process, the HR director and the MD are jointly transforming
the culture of the company to one where associates are empowered and, providing it is for
the benefit of the company, expect that they are free to do or say anything and that they will
not be shot down.

Mechanisms are in place to stimulate and support creativity for associates. For example,
the MD and client services director are involved in training in different brainstorming
techniques, and have built a creative room with toys, gadgets, gismos and whiteboards.
Training tends to be ad hoc as dictated by projects rather than to develop a repertoire of
creative thinking skills. Innovation is not necessarily only dependent on creativity. A book
club encourages introduction of new ideas and a business intelligence group trawls the
outside world for new ideas. A floor to ceiling Perspex display allows insertion of obscure
pictures or collages for associates to work out. Two teams of associates were asked to
explore new ideas for employee benefits schemes. One team suggested an excellent
scheme personalized to employees lifestyles via the web with the aim of enhancing work
life balance. However, the financial risk was unacceptable. The idea taken forward involved
a reward system aimed at companies with large numbers of people doing standard jobs,
often of a transient population (for example retail) where turnover is high. Rather than
reward positive behaviour with, say, a 10 bonus that is of little value after deductions, the
company gives employees a scratch card that could be a meal for two, cinema tickets or
electrical goods, for example. Because it is immediate and unknown it is more highly

There are two main departments, events and client services; other areas include the
design studio, the technology team and the recently developed food service rewards.
However, there is some evidence of fragmentation and a lack of integration, collaboration
and cooperation between the various specialist departments rather than a more holistic
Creativity, Innovation and the Management of Knowledge 289

approach to addressing clients needs creatively and innovatively. Some associates clearly
perceive structures and procedures as too rigid.

Client services team

As head of this team the client services directors perceptions of creativity and innovation
are somewhat lower than those of the HR director, suggesting it is not that the business
does not rate creativity highly or give it high priority, rather that we operate at 150 mph all
the time. Associates tend not to prioritize creativity and rather than allowing time for the
creative process theyre just expecting it to happen. The potential problem of having a
design studio raises concerns that some associates view creativity as aesthetical and,
therefore, residing only in this department. Explaining the meaning of creativity and
innovation in context: Its about creating the right environment, getting a broad mix of
people involved, canvassing everyones views, getting them to think freely, getting rid of the
hierarchy in the room and actually express themselves and to come up with lots of ideas...
theyre not looking for the idea but should come up with lots of ideas, and then filter those
ideas down into whats right for our clients.

Although training in creative problem solving is not a regular occurrence at an organizational

level, the client services director initiates sessions with his team and clients, emphasizing
that fun is high on the agenda. Associates who have successfully employed such
approaches are invited to share and celebrate successes through presentation to others.
The client services director believes that given the right environment everyone has the
potential to be more creative and innovative and strongly agrees that this should apply in all
departments and job functions and across all levels. To support this the intention is to set
up further mechanisms such as creativity and innovation clubs to which associates present
actual problems for generation of creative ideas using structured techniques. Indeed, the
client services director is now championing creativity and innovation and is working with a
member of the design studio.

Design studio
Associates in the design studio comprise graphic designers and a copywriter responsible
for the visuals. An example of Mini mayhem in Marrakech indicates how the design team
worked with associates owning the project to design all the pictures, logos and strap lines.
A sense of frustration is clear among members of the design team in not being able to use
their creativity as often and as freely as they would like, particularly as their involvement is
often in the later stages of the process, which allows them little or no input into the planning
but also means their input has to be rushed. Clearly, this is inhibiting highly creative

Data analytics
The data analytics manager presents an interesting perception of CoCre8 as not very
creative compared to previous experience with professional radicals in a company voted
the Most creative agency of the decade, a perspective that he claims is shared by clients
and underpins the recent emphasis on the need to enhance creativity, innovation, learning
and the management of knowledge. Some of the approaches with his previous company
290 Shifting Contexts for OB

included virtual teams, a paperless office, structured knowledge management techniques

and a database of staff areas of interest and expertise so that the right people could be
matched to appropriate projects. Hot-desking encouraged staff to mix with different
people and the social side of the organization was described as phenomenal everyone
bonded as a team inside and outside work.

HR management
Internal examples of HR practices demonstrate the commitment to creativity and for going
over the top in supporting knowledge creation, learning and development. For example, in
recognition of the national Learning at work day, the company has a Learning at work
week, which involves the members of the leadership team swapping roles, for example,
and fantasy boss where associates make suggestions resulting in a memorable visit for
one of them to meet their fantasy boss.

Creative behaviour is also reinforced through reward and recognition. Staff involvement
and enthusiasm is carefully nurtured with formal and informal techniques including
performance reviews and a bonus scheme. One manager specifically spoke about the
recent introduction of a new pay and performance system comprising four performance
ratings (outstanding, very good, good, poor), noting the absence of satisfactory. Examples
of creativity include the introduction of personal development vouchers for staff to spend
as they wish on learning and developing new knowledge and skills, not necessarily directly
relevant to work (for example they might take piano or guitar lessons or a nutritional

Assessing the climate for creativity (KEYS, Amabile et al, 1996)

The leadership team recently undertook diagnostic assessment of the climate for creativity
and innovation leading to five categorizations from very high to very low. Rather surprisingly,
given the significance of creativity and innovation in this organization, results suggested
most stimulant scales in the mid-range as given below:
organizational encouragement (very high);
work group support (mid-range);
challenging work (low);
supervisory encouragement (mid-range);
(lack of) organizational impediments (high);
productivity (high);
creativity (mid-range).

Source Adapted from Loewenberger, 2009.

Creativity, Innovation and the Management of Knowledge 291

Discussion questions

Why do CoCre8 need to enhance creativity, innovation, learning and knowledge

How important was the appointment of the new directors to increasing support for
creativity and innovation?
How is creativity and innovation stimulated, supported and sustained? Give examples.
What obstacles are evident? Give examples. Based on models of climate for creativity
and innovation what recommendations would you make to assist CoCre8 in enhancing
creativity and innovation?
Give examples from the CoCre8 case study of how effectively learning, knowledge
creation and knowledge management are supported. How could these be improved?



Summation and



Coda: HRM and
OB accenting
the social
S tep h en P er k i ns and
R a i sa A r v i nen -Mu on d o

T he chapters in this book in various ways explore questions about

bringing order to what people do and how they behave in organiza-
tional settings. The authors draw attention to ways of reflecting on the
social process of interaction between people employed to work in or-
ganizations, impediments to purposeful management, and how theorists
have suggested identifying, interpreting and addressing these phenomena.
Ideas from the HRM literature about how to enjoin the workforce in
achieving managerial goals are brought into a dialogue with commen-
tary from the wider management and social sciences, to help in contex-
tualizing the possibilities of HRM-informed choices and working out
the likely consequences.
In many senses, we have responded to the invitation extended by Ackers
(2002) to recognize on the one hand the centrality of the employment rela-
tionship in capitalist society, but on the other hand to address the problem
of ordering the relationship mindful of the role of organizations as social
institutions. Given that our aim in this volume has been to encourage
engagement between HRM and OB as a way of ordering the employment
relationship, the intention has not been to limit analysis to what takes place
in the work place. Analysis in this sense also requires consideration of
contemporary society and social theory derived from our particular reading
and exposition of the OB canon. We hope that in doing so, for those
engaging in business and management education at advanced levels, the
296 Summation and Reflection

commentary presented in the previous 10 chapters will stimulate suitably

sophisticated reflection and discussion.
In this final brief chapter, we flag social trends that are shaping the
contexts for OB and HRM, but which have not yet been subjected to
extensive in-depth analytical scrutiny in those disciplines research litera-
tures. Two socio-economic meta-level factors in particular can be seen
as constituting the environment for ordering relations in work organiza-
tions, in turn being influenced by the outcomes of organizational behaviour:
economic crisis interacting with notions of social justice; and technology
enabled new social media. Each of these phenomena prompt questions
that students of OB and HRM may usefully raise and debate with their
tutors and peers in the classroom related to each of the topics covered in
the preceding chapters. Consider the impact on how diverse employees
develop and express a sense of identity and seek a warrant from other
social actors to enact particular roles in organizations (Chapter 1);
how talented individuals and occupational groups (Chapter 6) perceive
their interaction with organizations (Chapter 2) and organizational leaders
(Chapter 5), and their motivation to cooperate creatively or to place limits
on willingness to innovate (Chapters 3 and 10), releasing discretionary effort
to meet corporate ambitions, under performance management arrange
ments (Chapter 4). Considerations of social justice principles and media
enabling contemporary social interaction also prompt careful reflection on
power in and beyond work organizations and the potential for conflict
and the legitimacy of particular institutions to channel and resolve it
(Chapter 7). They stand at the forefront of debates also around cultural
dynamics (Chapter 8) and change (Chapter 9) and the opportunities for and
threats to influencing the outcomes of these social phenomena through
management interventions.
It is widely accepted that the developed world and the Eurozone in
particular is in the grip of a crisis of proportions not witnessed since the
first third of the 20th century, with the political and social dislocations that
followed the Great Depression era in the United States and wartime decima-
tion of people and places in Europe and the Pacific. Economic developments
since the autumn of 2008 have been accompanied by an emergence of social
movements around the world. The emergence of such movements is evident
not only in Europe and the United States, but also including what has been
referred to as an Arab Spring as well as early signs of strategic bias among
a new generation of leaders in the economic powerhouse of China, with its
distinctive centrally controlled embrace of capitalist expansion. Social
Coda: HRM and OB Accenting the Social 297

movements have been animated by a common sense of grievance against the

economic orthodoxy established during the 20th centurys final decades,
sometimes referred to as market fundamentalism.
Deregulated economic activities offered to society as promising a trickle
down of benefits to all have been seen instead as having been associated
with an exponentially growing gap between the so-called 1 per cent at the
pinnacle of advanced Western political economies and the rest. Elites have
been forced on to the defensive as a social justice narrative has taken a grip
in the popular imagination even if former institutions (such as the trade
unions and the political parties they sponsored) have lost once held strength
in numbers to focus grievances into a common ideology and its translation
into collective action. Government sponsored re-regulation efforts at the
national and supranational level in particular related to questions of
corporate governance equally appear as yet to be falling short in restoring
a sense of legitimacy. Ad hoc actions, whether in the form of consumerist
looting sprees in urban concentrations or continuing acts perpetuated by
only loosely coordinated terrorist cells merely at the extremes of social
expression in the heterodox space, set the context for how people and
organizations interact through the medium of employment. And this is not
to forget that the direct or vicarious experience of growing levels of unem-
ployment is adding to the socialization influences on work and employment
orientations to those still in employment relationships, and the next genera-
tion preparing to enter the world of work.
To anchor discussion prompted by these considerations, a definition of
social justice embraces equality of rights for all peoples and the possibility
for human beings without discrimination to benefit from economic and
social progress everywhere (ILO, 2011). The definition also includes dignity,
attention to rights, and voice for working women and men as well as their
empowerment as economic and political citizens factors for consideration
by organizational leaders and managers setting future HRM priorities.
Informed by contemporary developments in economics and politics,
although promoting the principle of decent work as a pillar of social justice
in social institutions, such as corporations and workplaces, the International
Labour Organization (ILO) has highlighted the severe challenges its found-
ing goal of achieving social justice for all faces, given the worst global
economic crisis in more than six decades (ILO, 2011). People currently
leading organizations, and those such as the readers of this book being
developed to lead them in the future, are challenged to avoid falling back on
narrowly instrumental management practice if they are to engage people to
298 Summation and Reflection

meet the purposes set for employing organizations despite the severity of
the environmental challenge, and to overcome what the ILO describes as
growing concerns over high levels of social dissatisfaction and the potential
for long-term social dislocation. Exemplifying this at the time of writing
early summer 2012 there is economic turmoil in peripheral Eurozone
countries such as Greece and assaults on the tenure of incumbent elites in
government and at the top of major corporations over apparently unjustified
self-reward. This is happening in both developed and emerging jurisdic
tions and provides the backcloth to understanding and managing organiza-
tional behaviour in the second decade of the 21st century. Movements
bringing into the foreground challengers for office espousing extremely
regressive views about ordering socio-economic relations have accompanied
such challenges.
A second major influence, as yet unexplored in detail but apparently
reshaping the ways in which people interact within and outside employ
ment in organizational settings, is the new medium of online social network-
ing. It is well documented that throughout the eras of human society,
new technologies have been created before people have worked out exactly
how to use them taking into account social and behavioural norms. This
brings new opportunities as well as questions as to whether socio-economic
relationships including the employment relationship will be rendered stronger
or be placed at risk. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, the most
prominent online social networking organization that achieved its initial
public offering on stock markets in May 2012, has been reported as saying
that he wants to push the boundaries of what people will share, making
the world more transparent (Dembosky, 2012). This raises questions about
the implications for underlying values and probity of action by individuals
and the institutions able to capture and use such shared, highly personal
intelligence. For example, the attitudes employees bring to the workplace as
to the boundaries perceived legitimate about what organizations may expect
from them at the publicprivate interface may become more permeable.
What consequences will this have? What, in turn, may individuals and groups
expect from leaders of organizations in sharing intelligence that may have
both tangible and intangible economic and political value? In particular,
if employees perceive their relationship to the organizations that employ
them as ever more ephemeral and virtual, this will have consequences for
what they regard as legitimate use of proprietary knowledge to advance
their interests.
In conclusion, this book is intended to prepare those interested in a man-
agerial career by helping them understand how to approach the people
Coda: HRM and OB Accenting the Social 299

dimension of organizational settings and activities. In summarizing and

commenting on debates in the HRM and OB literature, accenting the social,
however, the volumes authors encourage taking thought into practice that
is more than solely instrumental. An important goal is to enable prospective
managers to reflect on the alternatives for action open to them, guided by
values that go beyond over-simplified models of economic rationality, and
beyond exclusively micro-level psychological behavioural measurement
scales, so as to recognize and actively embrace consideration of the socially
constructed character of managerial aspirations and behaviour.



Glo s s a ry

bureaucratic leaders The bureaucratic leadership style was one of three leadership
styles described by Weber (1947), along with the charismatic leadership and
traditional leadership styles. The bureaucratic leadership style is based on
following normative rules, and adhering to lines of authority. Leaders are
empowered via the position they hold. They impose strict and systematic
discipline on the followers and demand businesslike conduct in the workplace.
Followers are promoted based on their ability to conform to the rules of the
challenging work A creative climate stimulant scale concerned with the perception
of working hard on challenging tasks that are important but not overwhelming,
and developmental. A positive pressure.
consumerist society A term referring to the high value that is placed on material
goods and ownership of material wealth.
contextualism An increasingly popular collection of views in philosophy that
emphasizes the context in which an action, utterance, or expression occurs, and
argues that, in some important respect, the action, utterance, or expression can
only be understood relative to that context (Price, 2008).
corporate governance The system by which companies are directed and
controlled (Cadbury Committee, 1992). It involves a set of relationships
between a companys management, its board, its shareholders and other
stakeholders; it deals with prevention or mitigation of the conflict of interests
of stakeholders (Goergen, 2012).
corporatist settlement The modus vivendi between labour and management, here
with respect to aspects of the employment relationship, such as job security,
often referred to as the old psychological contract.
creative problem solving Osborn-Parnes six-stage process. Each stage comprises
a divergent and a convergent phase useful as a training process for creative
thinking incorporating structured techniques at the stages of problem
redefinition and idea generation.
creative requirement Expectation of the generation of creative ideas and creativity
goals important to creative behaviour.
creativity champion An individual tasked with the responsibility for stimulating,
supporting and sustaining organizational creativity and innovation.
creativity New ideas that are novel or original and useful. These ideas are at the
front end of innovation and potentially important throughout different phases
of the creative process.
employee engagement CIPD definition: a combination of commitment to
the organization and its values and a willingness to help out colleagues
(organizational citizenship). It goes beyond job satisfaction and is not simply
motivation. Engagement is something the employee has to offer: it cannot be
required as part of the employment contract (CIPD, 2011c).
employeeorganization relationship A relationship concerned with micro factors
such as the psychological contract and perceived organizational support as well
as macro factors such as the employment relationship (Coyle-Shapiro and
Shore, 2007).
302 Glossary

employer branding CIPD definition: promotes the attributes and qualities, often
intangible, that make an organization distinctive, promise a particular kind of
employment experience and appeal to those who will thrive and perform best in
its culture (CIPD, 2010a).
employment relationship The relationship between employer and employee.
According to the International Labour Organization (ILO) it is through this
relationship that reciprocal rights and obligations are created between the two
essentialism One of the central modes of representation in philosophy. This refers
to the belief that people and/or phenomenon have an underlying and
unchanging essence.
Fordism The unique contribution of Henry Ford in adapting Taylorist principles
of scientific management to the assembly line in the mass production of
standardized products. Emphasis is on linear work sequencing, interdependence
of tasks, rigidity, standardization, dedicated machinery and tools later
transferred to new industries such as engineering and chemicals.
freedom A climate scale that refers to autonomy, ownership, responsibility and
freedom to voice ideas Perception of a safe and trusting work environment where
there is an absence of hierarchy and where ideas can be freely offered without
fear of intimidation, humiliation or ridicule.
Hawthorne effect A series of experiments were carried out by Elton Mayo at
the Hawthorne Works of Western Electric just outside Chicago in the period
192432 in an attempt to improve productivity using Taylorist principles. Mayo
discovered that much of the improvement obtained could be explained by group
dynamics rather than by scientific management. This was an early move in the
direction of systems thinking.
hegemony A term from the radical political philosopher Gramsci (18911937).
Hegemon is the Greek word for a dominant power. In practice hegemony means
the dominant global culture, which is currently capitalism. It is literally
unthinkable to challenge hegemony.
human relations movement Disillusioned with the negative side effects of
Taylorism and scientific management, researchers made use of the social
sciences, such as sociology and psychology, to investigate the workplace. In
contrast to scientific management, which saw workers as cogs in a machine,
the human relations movement saw workers as human beings and looked at
the relation between such aspects as motivation and job satisfaction with
innovation The implementation or exploitation of creative ideas. Focus is on
social validation, acceptance and viability.
knowledge management Formal control and management of knowledge in
an organization for facilitating creation, access and use aimed at achieving
its objectives. The process of creating, capturing and using knowledge to
enhance performance. Organizational capability to value, distribute and
use knowledge.
labour flexibility Either the ability of the workforce to undertake different tasks or
to employment approaches that enable organizations to access and deploy
labour resources flexibly, such as via the use of a contingent (non-permanent)
workforce. A company with high labour flexibility is assumed to be able to
respond to changes in the market more quickly than less-flexible competitors.
Glossary 303

learning organization An organization that encourages and facilitates learning

and development for individuals at all levels and continuously transforms itself.
locus of control A concept coined by John Rotter (1966). It may be considered
a significant aspect of personality. Locus of control is about how individuals
perceive to be in control of events in their lives. Individuals who have an
internal locus of control essentially believe they have the ability to influence
events and therefore outcomes. Individuals with an external locus of control
believe that events in their lives are outwith their control and they have little
control of outcomes.
logical incrementalism A perspective according to which strategy is not
formulated through formal planning. It is the outcome of an experiential
process that unfolds over time and proceeds incrementally as managers learn
more about the operating environment and also from implementing small steps
of a given strategy.
managerial control A range of processes aiming to align employee behaviour with
organizational objectives.
managerialism This has been characterized in a variety of ways, for instance as a
set of beliefs and practices, (that) will prove an effective solvent for economic
and social ills (Pollitt, 1990). It is generally held to refer to the adoption
by public sector organizations of the organizational forms, technologies,
management practices and values more commonly found in the private business
sector (Deem, 1998).
multilevel Interdependent interactions between individual, group and
organizational level factors.
neo-liberalism A return to (Victorian) liberal ideology in political economy
thinking. It is a label for the market-driven approach to economic and social
policy based on neo-classical theories of economics that stress the efficiency of
private enterprise, liberalized trade and relatively open markets, and therefore it
seeks to maximize the role of the private sector in determining the political and
economic priorities of the state. It has also come into wide use in cultural
studies to describe an internationally prevailing ideological paradigm that leads
to social, cultural and political practices and policies that use the language of
markets, efficiency, consumer choice, transactional thinking and individual
autonomy to shift risk from governments and corporations onto individuals
and to extend this kind of market logic into the realm of social and affective
relationships. The term is typically used by opponents of the policy and rarely
by supporters (Wikipedia). Key proponents of neo-liberalism include Milton
Friedman and the Chicago School of economists.
(The) New Right New Right ideas were developed in the early 1980s and took
a distinctive view of elements of society such as family, education, crime and
deviance. In the UK, the term New Right more specifically refers to a strand
of Conservatism influenced by Margaret Thatcher and in the United States by
Ronald Reagan. Thatcher and Reagan were ideologically committed to
neo-liberalism as well as being socially conservative. Key policies included
deregulation of business, a dismantling of the welfare state, privatization of
nationalized industries and restructuring of the national workforce in order to
increase industrial and economic flexibility in an increasingly global market.
Similar policies were continued by the subsequent Conservative government
and by the New Labour governments, first under Tony Blair, then Gordon
304 Glossary

ontology A range of views about what exists, involving these principal questions:
What can be said to exist?; Into what categories, if any, can we sort existing
things?; What are the meanings of being?; What are the various modes of being
of entities?
open systems theory The organization is regarded as an open system representing
a holistic approach that recognizes the interdependence of different sub-systems
in an organisation. Complex interactions between individuals and groups, with
other organizations and with the external environment determine organizational
openness to experience A dimension of the five-factor model of personality.
Comprises characteristics that include being imaginative, intellectually curious,
cultured, original and broad minded. Different manifestations depend on the
focus. Openness to fantasy refers to a willingness to explore ones inner world
and to let ones mind wander; openness to aesthetics refers to an appreciation
for artistic expression; openness to feelings involves a willingness to accept ones
emotions, both positive and negative; openness to actions refers to willingness
to try new activities; openness to ideas is intellectual curiosity and willingness
to consider new ideas; openness to values refers to a willingness to examine the
fundamental values on which one bases ones life.
organizational climate Psychological perceptions of members, the aggregate of
which gives an indication of the feelings and beliefs of employees in relation to
policies, practices and procedures.
organizational culture Collective values, beliefs, attitudes and norms that influence
how employees think, feel and behave.
organizational encouragement A scale of stimulation of a creative climate,
representing perceived value and support for creativity and innovation from the
top to the bottom of the organization. For example, this may be in encouraging
generation of creative ideas through training in creative thinking,
encouragement of risk taking, reward, recognition and collaboration.
organizational impediments A scale of obstacles to a creative climate, representing
perceptions of excessively formal structures and procedures, destructive
competition and destructive criticism of new ideas.
panopiticism A noun constructed to describe the effect on people of not knowing
whether they are constantly being watched or not. Derived from the design of
the panopticon, a building designed by Jeremy Batnahm to make those in it feel
watched, and therefore to behave accordingly.
perception A mental process that involves selecting, receiving, attending to,
organizing, structuring, interpreting and storing information in order to make
sense of the world that surrounds us.
perceptual process How we make sense of the environment external to us, events
that occur in it and the behaviour of other social actors that occupy the space
with us. First we select, receive and attend to stimuli (a thing or an event that
evokes a specific reaction), then we organize and interpret the stimuli in a way
that is meaningful to us. Finally, we store our interpretations so that they can be
retrieved later as the basis of new perceptions. Perceptions are inherently
interpretations we make about what we see, hear, taste, smell and touch a
subjective reality, rather than an objective one that could be interpreted in the
same way by all social actors.
population ecology A management perspective that contends that the key
criterion of organizational survival pertains to the ability of organizations to
adapt to the changes occurring in the operating environment.
Glossary 305

post-Fordism Definitions of the nature and scope of post-Fordism vary

considerably and are a matter of debate among scholars. As a labour process
post-Fordism can be defined as a flexible production process based on flexible
systems and an appropriately flexible workforce since the late 20th century. It is
contrasted with Fordism, the system formulated in Henry Fords automotive
factories, in which workers work on a production line, performing specialized
tasks repetitively. Post-Fordisms crucial machinery is information and
communication technologies. Key tenets include the dominance of a flexible and
permanently innovative pattern of accumulation, flexible production, rising
incomes for polyvalent skilled workers and the service class and increased
profits based on technological and other innovations (Sources: Bob Jessop,
Lancaster University, Wikipedia).
post-industrial society Transformation in the economic base from manufacturing
to services. The result is increasing numbers employed in the delivery of services
and increased consumption of services. This leads to an increase in information
handling, requiring higher levels of education and training and specialist
principal agency theory A part of game theory (how people interact) that
describes the problem that all individuals act in self-interest. For example, if you
work for a company, your actions will not be entirely in the interest of the
company, but will be affected by your self-interests.
psychological contract There are two main definitions. The first, which is
described by Herriot and Pemberton (1995) as the classic definition, derives
from the work of Argyris (1960) and Schein (1978). This refers to the
perceptions of mutual obligations to each other, held by the two parties in the
employment relationship, the employer and the employee (Herriot et al, 1997).
The second definition which is based on the work of Rousseau (1995), asserts
that the psychological contract is formulated only in the mind of the employee
and is therefore about individual beliefs, shaped by the organization, regarding
terms of an exchange between individuals and their organization. However,
in terms of underlying constructs there remains no overall accepted definition of
the psychological contract and this exchange relationship is very complex and
dynamic, with a wide range of factors shaping employees perceptions of how
they experience the deal. Consequently, the construct of the psychological
contract has been regarded as difficult to grasp.
rationalism In strategic management the rationalist approach contends that
strategy is the outcome of long-term planning based on objective analysis.
relationship-focused culture In relationship-focused cultures emphasis is placed
on building and maintaining relationships with other social actors as a basis of
interaction. In such cultures familiarity and trust are often prioritized over task
performance. In relationship-focused cultures emphasis on communication and
interaction is considered contextual.
resource-based view Focus on strategic management of resources, including the
human resource, in creating uniqueness and competitive advantage through
value, rarity, difficulty in copying or substitution.
schemas Information about underlying values and beliefs that individuals hold
that form the basis of interpretations of the world and value systems, for
example self-schemas, person schemas, social schemas, script schemas and role
schemas (Clegg, Kornberger and Pitsis, 2008).
social constructivist An approach (ontological stance) to social science that takes
the view that all meaning is interpreted and therefore constructed and validated
306 Glossary

by groups of humans, and therefore nothing is innately right or wrong; this can
change in time through societal influences.
social exchange Exchanges of benefits in which both employer and employee
understand and abide by the rules of engagement. Social exchange is
premised on the notion that the bestowing of a benefit creates an obligation to
reciprocate (Coyle-Shapiro and Shore; 2007)
stratification A term from sociology that considers how individuals are organized
into various groups by income and age, for example we know that in the UK
there is a lack of social mobility as the children of graduates tend to go to
university and then to well-paid employment.
structuralism A perspective on sociology and management theory according to
which social structures (markets, sectors, national business systems etc) are the
main source of action as they possess properties that cannot be reduced to the
individual agents that constitute these entities.
succession managament A strategic and deliberate approach to the development
of talent to ensure that key positions are filled from within the organization.
succession planning The process of identifying successors for key positions in the
organization and developing and deploying such individuals accordingly.
supervisory encouragement A scale of stimulation of a creative climate that refers
to perceived clarity of goals and communication.
supportive mechanisms Methods, systems and procedures put in place to
stimulate and support creativity and innovation.
systems theory A system is made up of a collection of elements that are
connected in some way. Systems change when elements leave or join. In systems
involving people, it is often very difficult, if not impossible, to know how the
elements are connected. Systems are self-regulating; they have their own goals.
In a mechanical system, these goals are designed in. In systems involving people,
these goals develop over time and can be extremely difficult to alter. This is why
management of change can be so difficult. If the system has many elements, it is
known as a complex system. If the elements of the system can act independently
and make decisions, these elements are known as agents, and the system is
capable of adapting itself. This is known as a complex adaptive system. Large
organizations are complex adaptive systems.
takeover The purchase of one company (the target) by another (the acquirer, or
bidder). The takeover can be hostile or friendly. In a hostile takeover the board
of the target company rejects the offer or it takes place against the wish of the
existing shareholders. In a friendly takeover the board of the target company
accepts the offer as it feels it serves the shareholder better.
Taylorism (Also known as Fordism.) Taylorism and its modern equivalent,
neo-Taylorism, is the dominant management paradigm today. It is named after
F W Taylor, an US engineer who invented scientific management principles
that were first applied in manufacturing environments such as the Ford Motor
Corporation factories in the 1920s. These include practices such as management
by objectives and time and motion studies to control the work process. By
separating conception from execution, it was thought that work could be more
cost-effectively and efficiently carried out, and (craft) workers better controlled.
transactional culture In transactional cultures emphasis is placed on task
performance and communication and interaction is content driven rather than
contextual. What is of interest in transactional relationships is the transaction as
opposed to the trust or familiarity in the relationship between the interacting
Glossary 307

war for talent Coined by management consultants McKinsey & Company, this
term refers to the ever intensifying competition for talented individuals with
global acumen, multicultural fluency, entrepreneurial skills and the excellent
ability to manage organizations.
welfare capitalism Either the combination of a capitalist economic system with a
welfare state or, in the US context, the practice of businesses providing welfare-
like services to employees. This industrial paternalism was centred in industries
that employed skilled labour and peaked around the mid-20th century.
work group support A scale of stimulation of a creative climate referring to group
diversity, openness to ideas, constructive challenge and shared commitment of
team members.
workload pressure A scale of obstacles to creative climate concerned with the
negative effects of excessive time or workload demands on creativity and
innovation. While some pressure is desirable, excess can kill creative behaviour.




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NB: page numbers in italic indicate figures or tables

A Beautiful Mind 199 B&Q 34

achievement need theory 78 Balestra, I 269, 283
Ackers, P 295 Bandura, A 81, 280
Adams, J S 82 Bandura, A and Walters, R H 53
Adigun, I O and Stephenson, G M 86 Barker, J 115
Adler, N 64 Barlow, L 159
Age UK 34 Barney, J B 219, 220, 284
Alderfer, C 79 Barney, J, Wright, M and Ketchen, D J Jr
Aldrich, H E 246 13
Alexander the Great 128 Barron, F and Harrington, D M 269
Al-Husan, F B and James, P 258 Basadur, M and Gelade, G A 267, 273
Alice Through the Looking Glass 200 Bass, B M 135, 145
Al-Lamki, S M 172 Beckhard, R and Harris, R T 245
Allen, R W, Madison, D L, Porter, L W, Beer, M et al 12
Renwick, P A and Mayes, B T 187 Bell, D 272
Alvesson, M 233 Bennett, M and Bell, A 163
Alvesson, M and Deetz, S 139, 186 Bennis, W G and Nanus, B 246
Amabile, T M 76, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272 Berry, M 163
Amabile, T M et al 270, 271, 281, 283, Beswick, C and Gallagher, D 268
284, 290 Bhatnagar, J 71, 162
Amabile, T M, Burnside, R M and Billington, R, Hockey, J and Strawbridge, S
Gryskiewicz, N 268, 270 39
Antonakis, J, Avolio, B J and Bjerke, J O et al 172
Sivasubramaniam, N 137 Bjrkman, I and Lu, Y 94
Apple 271 Black, I S, Mendenhall, M and Oddou, G
Apprentice, The 40 98
Arab Spring 296 Blake, R and Mouton, J 134, 202
Arad, S M, Hanson, A and Schneider, R J Block, P 148
279 Bock, Laszlo 91
Argyris, C 88 Boje, D 134
Aristotle 185, 186 Bolman, L G and Deal, T E 137
Armstrong, M 114, 115, 120, 121 Bornay-Barrachina, M et al 280
Armstrong, M and Baron, A 114 Boselie, P and Van der Wiele, T 87
Aronson, E, Wilson, T D and Akert, R M Boswell, W R and Boudreau, J W 95
109 Boudreau, J W and Ramstad, P M
As You Like It 4 168, 174, 175
Ashkanasy, N M, Wilderom, C P M and Bowen, D E and Ostroff, C 255
Peterson, M F 223, 224, 228, 232 Boxall, P and Purcell, J 280
Astley, W G, Axelsson, R, Butler, R J, Boyzatis, R 121
Hickson, D J and Wilson, D C 188 Branine, M 45
Aston, C and Morton, L 163, 166 Braverman, H 8, 9
Attila the Hun 132 Brewster, B, Sparrow, P and Harris, H
Augier, M and Teece, D J 130, 145 66, 69, 168
Axelrod, R 203 Brewster, C 14
Axtell, C M et al 267 Brewster, C and Pickard, J 98
Aycan, Z et al 65 Briscoe, D B and Claus, L M 114
336 Index

Briscoe, D R and Schuler, R S 91, 92 Chang, E 93, 94

British Academy of Management 21 change management 24163
Brockett, J 259 case study: Jordan Cement Factories
Brown, A 214 26063
Bryant, M 149 change agency 25154
Buchanan, D A and Huczynski, A A 78, 249 drivers and triggers of change 243
Buchanan, D and Body, D 253 emergent change 24647
Buckingham, M and Clifton, D O 164 HR, role of 25459
Buckingham, M and Vosburgh, R M 163 planning change 24546
Buckley, P and Casson, M 178 processual or contextual
Buono, A F and Bowditch, J L 242 perspective 24849
Buono, A F, Bowditch, J L and Lewis, J W III resistance, overcoming 25051
24243 types of change 24345
Burns, J M 135, 145 Chartered Institute of Personnel and
Burns, T and Stalker, G M 246 Development (CIPD) 13, 66, 76,
Burr, V 106 88, 89, 94, 11516, 142, 159, 161,
Burrell, G and Morgan, G 139, 278, 279 162, 163, 164, 16768, 255
Chen, H and Chiu, Y 88
Caesar, Julius 128 Chesbrough, H 273
Calas, M B and Smircich 136, 137 Child, J 14, 185, 188
Caldwell, R 252, 253, 254 Child, J, Faulkner, D and Pitkethly, R
Caligiuri, P 98 257
Caligiuri, P and Tarique, I 97 Chua, A 46
Cameron, David 193 Chuai, X, Preece, D and Iles, P 158, 167,
Cameron, K S and Quinn, R E 250 174
Cappelli, P 173 Churchard, C 7, 15, 170
Cargill 159 Churchill, Winston 128
Carnall, C A 250 Clausewitz, K 185
Carroll, Lewis 200 Clegg, S, Kornberger, M and Pitsis, T 56
Cascio, W F 158 CoCre8 28790
case studies Collier, J and Esteban, R 70
CoCre8 28790 Collings, D and Mellahi, K 167
creativity, innovation, learning and Collins, J C 135
knowledge management in NHS Collinson, D L 251
Direct 27576 Combs, J et al 92
cultural influence on intrinsic and Concise Oxford Dictionary of Music 57
extrinsic motivation 99100 configurational approach 12
cultural understanding 7273 conflict, power and politics 183208
decline of Eastman Kodak 23638 case study: easyJet 20608
easyJet 20608 conflict 19192
Google employee engagement 91 competition 19799
holistic HR 7 definitions of 18586
Jordan Cement Factories 26063 handling 20203, 203
leadership and the National Health difference, nature of 19295
Service (NHS) 15152 dispute and competition 19597,
Malcolms different social identities 40 196
managing across cultures 4749 system entropy 19495
Mandys different social identities 42 evolutionary psychology 20305
next generation HR 13 game theory 199201
People Together 3132 politics 18789
recruiting Polish speaking staff to recruit definitions of 185
Polish speaking customers 33 power 18991
relationship between team leader and line definitions of 185
manager 125 segregation 20102
talent management in MNCs in Angola contingency theory 13436
17778 contingent approach 12
Index 337

Costa, P and McCrae, R R 271, 281 diversity, managing 2749

Coyle-Shapiro, J and Shore, L 71 business case for diversity 3235
Craib, I 40, 42 case study: managing across
creativity, innovation and knowledge cultures 4749
management 26691 case study: People Together 3132
case study: CoCre8 28790 case study: recruiting Polish speaking
case study: creativity, innovation, learning staff to recruit Polish speaking
and knowledge management in customers 33
NHS Direct 27576 cross-cultural management 4447
challenging work 28384 diversity legislation 2930
importance of innovation and creative diversity policies 30
solutions 26668 identity 3844
knowledge management 27279 case study: Malcolms different social
ontology and epistemology 27879 identities 40
organizational learning 274 case study: Mandys different social
and recruitment 281 identities 42
risks of 285 definition of 3839
supporting innovation formation of 40
organizational culture 26972, 270, social identity 4042
28183 monitoring diversity 4243
training 269 social justice case for diversity 3536
Croke, C and Harper, M 224 Dodgson, M and Gann, D 267, 277, 285,
Crossan, M M and Apaydin, M 280 271
Crossan, M M, Lane, H W and White, R Dr Strangelove 199
274, 277, 278 Dubin, R 111, 122
Crossan, M M, Maurer, C C and White, R E Dulewicz, C, Young, M and Dulewicz, V
278, 280 130
Crozier, M 183, 184, 190 Dunphy, C and Stace, D 244, 245, 250
Csikszentmihalyi, M 269, 271, 272
Cully, M et al 87 Earley, P C and Peterson, R S 97
Eastman Kodak 23639
DCosta, A P 165, 170 easyJet 184
Daft, R L and Marcic, D 77 Eccles, T 250
Damanpour, F 268 Economist 238
Dansereau, F, Graen, G B and Haga, W 121 Edwards, J 37, 45
Darwin, Charles 38, 197 Edwards, John 2728
Davis, T 268 Egan, T M 269, 282
DDI 90 Eilam, G and Shamir, B 250
De Bono, E 269 employee engagement 8990
De Cieri, H and Dowling, P J 97, 98 Enron 130, 143, 145, 147
De Geus, A 272 equity theory 8283
De Oliveira, R S 178 Erez, M 82
Deci, E L 85 Ernst & Young 178
Deci, E L and Ryan, R M 95 Evans, P, Pucik, V and Bjrkman, I 257
Deci, E L, Connell, J P and Ryan, R M 93 Evans, Pucik and Bjrkman 258
Deetz, S 141 evolutionary psychology 20305
Delbridge, R 142 existence, relatedness, growth (ERG) theory
Delery, J E and Doty, D H 12 78, 79
Dembosky, A 298 expectancy theory 8384, 97
Deutsch, M 191
DiMaggio, P J and Powell, W 14 Facebook 298
Dirks, K T, Cummings, L L and Pierce, J L Fairclough, N 247
250 Feist, G J 269
Disability Discrimination Act 30 Fiedler, F E 134
Disability Rights 34 Financial Times 238
Dive, B 145 Fischer, R and Smith, P 94
338 Index

five forces theory 219 Hackman, J R and Oldham, G R 8182,

Fletcher, C 94 85, 94, 95
Ford Foundation 10 Haines, V Y, Saba, T and Choquette, E 92
Ford, Henry 285, 287 Haji-Ioannou, Stelios 20607
Ford, J D, Ford, L W and DAmelio, A Hall, E 64
25051 Hambrick, D C 188
Ford, K et al 96 Hamel, G and Breen, B 130, 143
Foucault, M 10607, 108 Handy, C 193
Francis, H, Holbeche, L S and Reddington, M Hannan, M T and Freeman, J 247
143 Harris, L and Ogbonna, E 258
Freeman, C 6667 Hatch, M J 185, 186, 210, 220, 222,
Freud, Sigmund 40 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 234,
Frost, P J 136 236
Fuji 237 Hawthorne effect 9, 21, 78, 193
Heger, B K 131
Gagliardi, P 214, 222, 223, 228, 23132, Heider, F 58
233, 236 Heintzman, R and Marson, B 131
Galagan, P 168, 169, 171 Hendry, C and Pettigrew, A 12
Gallo 271 Hersey, P and Blanchard, K H 134
Gamble, A 141 Herzberg, F 78, 8081, 85
game theory 199201 Herzberg, F, Mausner, B and Snyderman, B B
Gardner, H 268 78, 80
Gardner, W L and Schermerhorn, J R Jr hierarchy of need theory 78, 79
144 Higgs, M and Rowland, D 254
Garrow, V 167 Hislop, D 279
Gattiker, U E and Larwood, L 70 Hitler, Adolf 132
Geletkanycz, M A and Hambrick, D C Hocking, B J, Brown, M and Harzing, A W
191 97
Geller, S E 250 Hodges, T 178
General Motors 19798 Hofstede, G H 45, 53, 82, 86, 93, 160,
Genghis Khan 132 214, 215, 216
Ghandi 133 Hopwood, A G 105
Gialdini, R B 187 How to Win Friends and Influence
Gibb, S and Waight, C L 267, 273 People 110
Giddens, Anthony 190 HR Review 165, 166, 170, 175
Gillette 237 HSBC 34
goal setting theory 84, 95 Huang and Van de Vliert 99100
Goffee, R and Jones, G 144, 164 Huczynski, A and Buchanan, D 109
Goffman, E 107, 110 human resource management (HRM),
Goleman, D 146 definition of 1115
Gollan and Perkins 21 Human Resources Management
Good to Great 135 Journal 207
Graetz, F 149 Hurley-Hanson, A E and Giannantonio, C M
Graetz, F et al 255 68
Gramsci, Antonio 189 Hurson, T 269, 272
Granovetter, M 6566, 191 Huselid, M A 10
Greenleaf, R K 147 Huselid, M A, Beatty, R W and Becker, B E
Grint, K 122 164
Gronn, P 148 Hutton, W 132
Guerrero, S and Sire, B 96, 97
Guest, D 21, 87 Iles, P, Chuai, X and Preece, D 158
Guest, D and Conway, N 10, 87, 88 Ingham, J 164
Guest, D, Isakson, K and De Witte, H 130 Inglehart, R 86
Guest, David E 10, 11, 12 Inkpen, A, Sundaram, A K and Rockwood, K
Gupta, N and Shaw, J 93 257
Index 339

innovation see creativity, innovation and Kotter, J P 246

knowledge management Kotter, J P and Schlesinger, L A 250
Inspiring Talent 2011 Survey 170 Kouzes, J M and Posner, B Z 147
International Labour Organization (ILO) Kovach, K 85, 87, 94
297 Krackhardt, D 191
IPM 114 Kreeft, G 178
Ireland, D R and Hitt, M 149 Kubrick, Stanley 199
Isaksen, S G 270, 271, 282, 283, 284 Kupka et al 97
Isaksen, S G, Dorval, K B and Treffinger, D J Kuvaas, B 92, 9596
269 Kuvaas, B and Dysvik, A 92
isomorphism 1415
Labour Force Survey 36
Jackson, T 258 Lafarge see Jordan Cement Factories
Jenkins, R 40 Latham, G P 83, 84, 95
Jenkins, R and MacRae, J 201 Lau, V P and Shaffer, M A 70
Jenner, S, and Taylor, S 66, 69 Lawler, E E 156
Joan of Arc 133 Lawrence, P R and Lorsch, J W 246
job enrichment theory 78, 8082 leadership 12753
Jobs, Steve 271 authentic leadership 144
John Lewis Partnership 142 case study: leadership and the National
Johnson, G 190 Health Service (NHS) 15152
Johnson, G and Gill, J 105, 112 contextualist theory 13638
Johnson, G, Whittington, K and Scholes, K critical management scholarship
228, 229 (CMS) 13942
Joni, S A N 146 capitalism 13940
Jordan Cement Factories 26063 managerialism 14042
Jrgensen, F, Laugen, B T and Boer, H 280 current interest in 12830
Julius, D A and Butler, J 140 definitions of 130
at the top 131
Kandola, R and Fullerton, J 28, 30, 32, 35, cultural perspectives 13132
36 essentialist theory 13236
Kanter, R M 195 behavioural theories 13335
Kanter, R M, Stein, B A and Jick, T D 246 contingency theory 13436
Kanungo, R N 86 trait theories 133
Kaplan, R and Kaiser, R 146 transformational leadership 13536
Kearns, D K 184 and ethics 143
Kelman, H 110 functions of
Kets de Vries, M 137 capability 145
Kets de Vries, M and Korotov, K 145 employee involvement 146
Keys, J and Miller, T 94 paradox 146
Kilman, R H and Thomas, K W 202, 203 stewardship 145
Kim, K, Park, H and Suzuki, N 93 trust building 147
Kim, S and Ryu, S 255 and knowledge 14243
Kirton, G and Green, A M 28, 45 shared leadership 14749
Knights, D and McCabe, D 55, 251 learning see creativity, innovation and
Knights, D and Willmott, H 89, 90 knowledge management
knowledge management see creativity, Leede, J D and Looise, J K 280
innovation and knowledge Lewin, Kurt 193, 195, 231, 23233, 245,
management 246
Kobrin, S J 96 Lewis, R J and Heckman, R J 166
Kochan, T A, Katz, H C and McKersie, R B Liff, S 32
9 Lincoln, Abraham 184
Kock, R and Burke, M 158, 160, 171, 174 Linstead, S, Fulop, L and Lilley, S 78, 81,
Konopaske, R and Werner, S 96, 97 84
Kostova, T 258 Locke, E A 79, 84, 85, 95
340 Index

Locke, E A and Latham, G P 84, 93 Milliken, F J and Martins, L L 34

Loehlin, C 110 Mills, C W and Wolfe, A 9
Loewenberger, P 269, 271, 272, 278, 280, Mills, Wright 106
281, 282, 283 Mintzberg, H 130, 184, 187, 189
Lorenzi, P 144 Mohrman, A M and Mohrman, S A 114
Lukes, S 185, 189 Molloy, E and Whittington, R 255
Luthans, B and Avolio, F 144 Moorhead, G and Griffin, R W 82, 84
Luthans, F 144 Morris, S S, Snell, S A and Wright, P M 285
Luther King, Martin 133 Morton, L 164
Mosley, D C, Pietri, P H and Megginson, L C
MacDuffie, J P 12 85
Machiavelli, Niccol 186, 188 motivation 75100
MacLeod, D and Clarke, N 131 achievement, power and affiliation 80
Madjar, N 267 case study: cultural influence on intrinsic
Madjar, N, Oldham, G R and Pratt, M G and extrinsic motivation 99100
267 definitions of 77
management, definition of 4 employee engagement 8990
managerialism 14042 Google employee engagement 91
March, J G 185, 188, 193 equity theory 8283
Marchington, M 115 existence, relatedness, growth (ERG)
Marchington, M and Wilkinson, A 115, theory 78, 79
142 expectancy theory 8384, 97
Marsick, V J and Watkins, K E 273, 274, global perspectives
280, 282, 283, 284 compensation and reward 9394
Martin, J 213, 226, 228 performance appraisal 9496
Martins, A et al 280 recruitment and selection 9193
Martins, E C and Terblanche, F 271, 272 training and development 9698
Marx, Karl 107, 186 goal setting theory 84, 95
Maslow, Abraham 78, 79 hierarchy of need theory 78, 79
Mason, D 42, 43 historical perspectives 7779
Mattesson, Larry 237 intrinsic and extrinsic motivation 8586
May, Theresa 193 job enrichment theory 78, 8082
Mayo, A J and Nohria, N 129, 13738 psychological contract 11, 8789
Mayo, Elton 78 Theory X 80
McCall, Carolyn 20608 Theory Y 7980, 144
McCartney, C 161, 162 motivator-hygiene theory 78
McClelland, D C 80 Mullins, L 44
McClelland, D C and Burnham, D H 190 Mumford, M D 268, 279, 280, 281
McCrae, R R 269 Mumford, M D and Gustafson, S B 268,
McCrae, R R and Costa, P T 269, 281 269
McGee, Lucy 90 Mumford, M D and Simonton, D K 279
McGregor, D M 7980, 144
McKenna, R B and Yost, P R 136 Nampak 7, 15
McKinsey & Company 162, 163, 164, Napoleon 128
169, 170, 172, 257 Nash, J 199
McLean, G N 161, 268 National Health Service (NHS) 15152
McQuade, E et al 169 Nelson, R E and Gopalan, S 215
McSweeney, B 215, 216 Newell, S et al 278, 285
Mead, George 40 Newton, Isaac 193
Metropolitan Police 193 NHS Direct 27576
Michalko, M 269 Nikandrou, I, Papalexandris, N and
Michigan Leadership Studies 134 Bourantas, D 242
Milgram control experiments 10809 Nkomo, S 35
Millennium Bridge 271 Noda, T 137
Miller, D 241 Nonaka, I 121, 278
Index 341

Nonaka, I and Takeuchi, H 273, 275 Peppas, S C 68, 69

Nonaka, I, Toyama, R and Byosiere, P 275 perception 5173
Nonaka, I, Toyama, R and Nagata, A 273 attribution theory 5859
Norman, S, Luthans, B and Luthans, K 144 case study: cultural understanding
normative approach 12 7273
cultural differences in 5354
Oakes, K and Galagan, P 171, 172 and decision making 58, 6364
Ogilvie, J and Stork, D 254 definitions of 5455
Ohio State Leadership Studies 134 and the employment relationship 6971
ORC International 147 environment, effect of 5556
Organisation of Economic Cooperation and errors of
Development (OECD) 165 cognitive dissonance 6263
organizational behaviour, definition of fundamental attribution error 62
811 halo effect 6061
organizational culture 20939 perceptual defence 6162
case study: Eastman Kodak 23638 self-fulfilling prophecies 61
changing the culture 22934 stereotyping 5960
cultural web 22930, 230 and organizational choice 6567
incremental change 23132 and recruitment 6769
three-step model 23233 schemas 5657
definitions of 212 social perception 53
development of 22024 performance management 10326
dynamic model of culture 22324, case study: relationship between team
224 leader and line manager 125
four stages of development 22223 character inputs 116, 12021
life-cycle framework of culture control, aspects of
22022, 221 administrative control 11213
elements of 21315 self-control 11011
and national culture 21516 social control 10609
and performance 21620 control, implications of 11719
valuable, rare, inimitable, organized cycle of practices 119, 120
(VRIO) culture 21920 definition of performance 105
and recruitment 23435 definitions of performance
strategic drift 22829 management 114
subcultures 22528 performance management systems
creation of 227 11315
perspectives on 22627, 227 results 116, 12223
Orlikowski, W 247 task behaviours 116, 12122
Orr, B and McVerry, B 162, 169 Personnel Today 30
Osborn, A F 269, 283 Peszynski, K J and Corbitt, B J 188, 190
Owen Jones, M 136, 137 Peters, T and Waterman, R 217, 219
Oyebade, A 178 Pettigrew, A 213, 246, 248, 249, 278
Pettigrew, A M and Whipp, R 249
panopticism 107 Pfeffer, J 115, 187
Parker, M 141 Pfeffer, J and Salancik, G R 185
Parnes, S J, Noller, R B and Biondi, A M Phillips, L 57
269 Pianmsoongnern, O and Anurit, P
Patten, D M 59 163, 164, 167
Paulo, M 178 Pixar 271
Pearce, C L 143, 148 Plato 186
Pearce, C L and Conger, J A 146, 147 Polyani, M 275
Pedler, M, Burgoyne, J and Boydell, T 273, Poole, M E, Langan-Fox, J and Omodei, M
274 70
Penrose, E T 162 Porter, L W and Lawler, E E 83
People management 15 Porter, M E 21819
342 Index

Prahalad, C K 145 self-determination theory 95

principal agency theory 108 Senge, P M 193, 273, 274, 280
Pritchard, R D 83 Sennett, R 140
psychological contract 11, 8789 Shakespeare, William 4
Puccio, G J et al 269 Shalley, C E, Gilson, L L and Blum, T C
Puccio, G J, Treffinger, D J and Talbot, R J 280
283, 284 Shalley, C E, Zhou, J and Oldham, G R
Pugh, D S 195 281
Purcell, J 12, 108 Shaw, George Bernard 61
Purcell, J et al 107, 280, 283, 284 Shields, J 105
Shipton, H et al 280, 281
Quinn, J B 246 Shumba, Thumbiko 58
Sibson, S 131
Raelin, J A 148 Simon, H A 193
Ralston, D A 13 Simonton, D 283
Rath, T and Conchie, B 164 Skanska 59
Reagan, Ronald 140 Skinner, B F 189
Reilly, P 166, 167 Slappendel, C 246
Resolution Foundation Commission on Smith, Adam 191
Living Standards 35 social identity 4042
Robbins, S P 77, 86 social justice, notion of 29698
Roberts, G E and Reed, T 94 social loafing 109
Robertson, A and Abbey, G 164 social networking 298
Robinson, K 272 Solimano, A 170
Rogers, C 111 Spears, L C 146, 147
Rosenthal, R and Jacobson, L 61 Spicer, A, Alvesson, M and Karreman, D
Rousseau, D M 88 143
Rowden, W 274 Spillane, J P 147
Roy, D 108 Stanley, D J, Meyer, J P and Topolnytsky, L
Rubery, G and Grimshaw, D 104 250
Ryan, R and Deci, E 92, 94, 95 Starr 187
Ryanair 207 Sternberg, R J 268
Ryckman, R M 53 Sternberg, R J and Lubart, T I 268
Sagiv, L and Schwartz, S H 216 Stevens, G A and Burley, J 268
Said, E 109 Storey, J 254, 267
Salaman, G and Storey, J 267 strategic drift 22829
Sathe, V and Davidson, E J 232 Strauss, G 8, 910, 11
Save the Children 34 Strong, Henry A 23637
Scarbrough, H and Swann, J 277 Sugar, Alan 40
Schein, Edgar 131, 213, 216, 220, 222, Sull, Donald 238
223, 225, 227, 236, 272 Syed, J and Ozbilgin, M 29
Schelling, T C 201 Sykes, B 204
Schmidt, W H and Tannenbaum, R 195,
196, 205 talent management 15579
Schraeder, M and Self, D R 243 case study: talent management in MNCs
Schultze, U and C Stabell 279 in Angola 17778
Schumpeter, J A 266, 285 challenges of 16871, 172
Schwabenland, C 42 definitions of talent 16366
Schweiger, D M and Denisi, A S 242 definitions of talent management
Scullion, H and Brewster, C 98 16668
Scullion, H and Collings, D G 156, 167, future talent, identifying 17273
176 goals and resources 17374, 175
Searle, R H and Ball, K S 267, 280 and HRM 15859
Sears, L 13 and motivation 15962
Selart, M 59 and perception 15962
Index 343

strategic talent management 17172 Van de Ven, A H 278

sustaining talent 17475 Van de Ven, A H, Angle, H L and Poole, M
talent ideology 16263 268
Tansley, C et al 159, 168, 171, 172 Van Maanen, J and Barley, S R 225
Tapscott, Don 169 Van Vugt, M, Hogan, R and Kaiser, R B
Tate, W 149 128
Taylor, C W, Smith, W R and Ghiselin, B VanGundy, J A B 269, 272
26768 Verbeke, W 59
Taylor, F 7778, 80, 112, 287 Vigod, E 187
Taylor, S 120 von Neumann, J 199, 201
Tebbit, Norman 190 von Neumann, J and Morgenstern, O
Thatcher, Margaret 140 199
Theory X 80 Vroom, V H 65, 83, 93, 97
Theory Y 7980, 144
Thomas, K W 202 Walton, R E 105
Thompson, P 242 war for talent 163
Thorndike, E 60 Watson, T J 39, 89, 139, 143
Thornhill, A et al 256 Weber, M 112, 115, 135, 141, 185
Tierney, P and Farmer, S M 280 Weiss, J W 185, 186
Todnem By, R 244, 247 Western Electric 78
Tomlinson, F and Schwabenland, C 34 Whipp, R 244
Toyota 197 Wiley, C 86
transformational leadership 13536 Williams, W M and Yang, L T 267, 269
Tregaskis, O and Brewster, C 14 Winslow Taylor, Fredrick 8
Trompenaars, F and Hampden-Turner, C Wise, L R and Tschirhart, M 34
45, 53, 160, 216 Woodman, R W, Sawyer, J E and
Trump, Donald 40 Griffin, R W 268, 269
Tsoukas, H 275 Woods, P A 147
Tsoukas, H and Chia, R 247 Worklife 58
Tubbs, S L and Schulz, E 130, 145 WorldCom 130
Tung, R L 96, 98 Wrench, J 28, 34, 35, 37
Turnbull James, K 148 Wright, P and Snell, S 255
two-factor theory 78 Wright, P M, Dunford, B B and Snell, S A
Ulrich, D 157, 254, 159 Wright, P M, McMahan, G C and
Ulrich, D and Yeung, A K 254 McWilliams, A 285
Unsworth, K and Clegg, S R 271, 280 Wright-Smith, Cathie 7, 15
Unsworth, K L, Wall, T D and Carter, A
271, 280 Zuckerberg, Mark 298






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