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Codex Astartes Siege Assault Vanguard V0.

Space Marine armies have a strategy rating of 5. All Space Marine detachments and Titan Legion formations have an
initiative rating of 1+. Imperial Navy aircraft formations have an initiative rating of 2+.

Detachment Units Upgrades Allowed Cost
Assault Four Assault units Caestus, Commander, Close Support 150 points
Devastator Four Devastator units and two Caestus, Commander, Siege Devastator, 250 points
Rhinos Razorbacks, Dreadnought, Close Support, Heavy
Predators Tank Squadron Six Predators (any combination Commander, Close Support 375 points
of Annihilators and Destructors)
Siege Assault Six Siege Assault units and two Commander, Land Raider, Close Support, Heavy 400 points
Land Raider Crusaders Support
Siege Dreadnought Talon Six Dreadnoughts (any Commander 250 points
combination of Siege and
Ironclad Dreadnoughts)
Tactical Six Tactical units and three Caestus, Commander, Siege Tactical, Razorbacks, 300 points
Rhinos Dreadnought, Close Support, Siege Mantlets, Heavy
Terminator Four Siege Terminator units Caestus, Commander, Dreadnought, Close Support, 325 points
Heavy Transport, Heavy Support
Thunderfire Defence Battery Four Thunderfire Cannons None 275 points
Thunderhawk One Thunderhawk (Saturation None 250 points
Vindicator Tank Squadron Six Vindicators Commander, Close Support 300 points
Whirlwind Support Squadron Six Whirlwinds Commander, Close Support 400 points

Imperial Navy Aircraft Titan Legion Battlegroups

Two Thunderbolt Fighters 150 points One Warhound Titan 275 points
Two Marauder Bombers 250 points Two Warhound Titans 500 points
One Reaver Titan 650 points
One Warlord Titan 850 points

Upgrade Units Cost
Caestus Add the minimum number of Siege Assault Vanguard Caestus Assault Rams required to +125 points
transport the entire formation for 2
+175 points
for 3
Close Support Add up to three (in total) of the following vehicles:
Land Raider Achilles 100 points
Land Raider Helios 75 points
Commander Add one Space Marine Commander Character to a unit in the formation. The Commander may 50 points
be a Captain, Librarian or Chaplain. One Captain in the army may be upgraded to a Supreme
Commander for additional 50 points +50 points
The Supreme Commander's formation can add a Land Raider Prometheus +85 points
Dreadnought Add up to three Vulcan or Hellfire Dreadnoughts or a combination of the two 50 points each
Heavy Support Add one of the following Squadrons:
Three Hunters 150 points
Three Predators (any combination of Annihilators and Destructors) 150 points
Three Vindicators 100 points
Three Whirlwinds 150 points
Heavy Transport Add four transport vehicles which may be any mix of Land Raiders and Land Raider Redeemers 325 points
or two Land Raider Crusader
250 points
Land Raider Replace all Land Raider Crusaders for three Land Raider or Land Raider Redeemer or a 100 points
combination of the two.
Razorback Replace any number of Rhinos with 1-2 Razorbacks each 25 points each
Siege Devastator Replace up to two Devastator units for Siege Devastator units Free
Siege Mantlets Replace all transport vehicles for: All Tactical units gain Reinforced Armour 5+ against shooting 75 points
Siege Tactical Replace up to two Tactical units for Siege Tactical units Free

Special Rule 5.1.1 They Shall Know No Fear

Space Marines are renowned for their tenacity and bravery. This is represented by the following rules:
It takes two Blast markers to suppress a Space Marine unit or kill a unit in a broken formation (ignore any left over Blast markers).
Space Marine formations are only broken if they have two Blast markers per unit in the formation.
Space Marine formations only count half their number of blast markers in assault resolution (rounding down - note that assault resolution will not
receive +1 for having no blast marker if the formation has 1 blast marker before rounding down).
Halve the number of extra hits suffered by a Space Marine formation that loses an assault, rounding down in favour of the Space Marines.
When a broken Space Marine formation rallies then it receives a number of Blast markers equal to the number of units, rather than 1/2 this number.
Space Marines with the Leader special ability remove 2 Blast markers instead of 1.

New Units
Note: All units which can transport Assault, Terminator, Tactical and Devastator units can also transport Siege Assault,
Siege Terminator, Siege Tactical and Siege Devastator units.
All units which can transport Tactical or Devastator units can also transport Siege Assault units.

Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
Infantry 15cm 4+ 3+ 3+
Weapon Range Firepower Notes
Thunder Hammers (base contact) Assault Weapons Macro-weapon Extra Attack (+1)
2 x Heavy Flamers 15cm AP4+ and Ignore Cover
Small Arms Ignore Cover
Notes: Reinforced Armour, Teleport, Thick Rear Armour. The Heavy Flamers can shoot and be used to confer the Ignore Cover ability to the units
firefight value.

Siege Tactical
Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
Infantry 15cm 4+ 4+ 5+
Weapon Range Firepower Notes
Multi-melta 15cm MW5+ and Macro-weapon
Small Arms Macro-weapon
Notes: The Multi-melta can shoot and be used to confer the macro-weapon ability to the units firefight value.

Siege Assault
Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
Infantry 15cm 4+ 3+ 5+
Weapon Range Firepower Notes
Chainswords (base contact) Assault Weapons -
Boltpistols (15cm) Small Arms -

Siege Devastator
Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
Infantry 15cm 4+ 5+ 4+
Weapon Range Firepower Notes
2 x Multi-melta 15cm MW5+ and Macro-weapon
Small Arms Macro-weapon
Notes: The Multi-meltas can shoot and be used to confer the macro-weapon ability to the units firefight value.

Vulcan Dreadnought
Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
Armoured Vehicle 15cm 3+ 4+ 4+
Weapon Range Firepower Notes
Power Fist (base contact) Assault Weapon Macro-weapon, Extra Attack (+1)
Multi-melta 15cm MW5+ and Macro-weapon
Small Arms Macro-weapon
Notes: Walker. The Multi-melta can shoot and be used to confer the macro-weapon ability to the units firefight value.

Hellfire Dreadnought
Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
Armoured Vehicle 15cm 3+ 4+ 4+
Weapon Range Firepower Notes
Twin Lascannon 45cm AT4+ -
Missile Launcher 45cm AP5+/AT6+ -
Notes: Walker.

Siege Dreadnought
Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
Armoured Vehicle 15cm 3+ 4+ 3+
Weapon Range Firepower Notes
Flamestorm Cannon 15cm AP3+ Ignore Cover
Heavy Flamer 15cm AP4+ Ignore Cover
Assault Drill (base contact) Assault Weapon Macro-weapon, Extra Attack (+1)
Notes: Ignore Cover, Walker.

Ironclad Dreadnought
Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
Armoured Vehicle 15cm 4+ 3+ 4+
Weapon Range Firepower Notes
Hurricane Bolter (15cm) Small Arms -
Seismic Hammer (base contact) Assault Weapon Macro-weapon, Extra Attack (+1)
Notes: Reinforced Armour, Walker.

Thunderfire Cannon
Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
Infantry 10cm 5+ 6+ 5+
Weapon Range Firepower Notes
Thunderfire Cannon 60cm 2 x AP4+/AT6+ Disrupts or Ignore Cover

Land Raider Crusader

Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
Armoured Vehicle 25cm 4+ 5+ 5+
Weapon Range Firepower Notes
Frag Launcher (base contact) Assault Weapons -
Pair of Hurricane Bolters (15cm) Small Arms Extra Attacks (+2)
Twin Assault Cannon 30cm AP4+/AT4+ -
Notes: Reinforced Armour, Thick Rear Armour Transport (may carry two Terminator units OR three of the following units: Tactical, Devastator & Scout).

Land Raider Redeemer

Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
Armoured Vehicle 25cm 4+ 5+ 3+
Weapon Range Firepower Notes
Frag Launchers (base contact) Assault Weapons -
Twin Assault Cannon 30cm AP4+/AT4+ -
2 x Flamestorm Cannon 15cm AP3+ Ignore Cover
Notes: Reinforced Armour, Thick Rear Armour, Transport (may carry one Terminator unit OR two of the following units: Tactical, Devastator & Scout).

Land Raider Helios

Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
Armoured Vehicle 25cm 4+ 6+ 5+
Weapon Range Firepower Notes
2 x Twin Lascannon 45cm AT4+ -
Whirlwind Launcher 45cm 1BP Indirect Fire
Notes: Reinforced Armour, Thick Rear Armour, Transport (may carry one of the following units: Tactical, Devastator & Scout units).

Land Raider Prometheus

Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
Armoured Vehicle 25cm 4+ 6+ 4+
Weapon Range Firepower Notes
4 x Twin Heavy Bolters 30cm AP4+ -
Notes: Reinforced Armour, Thick Rear Armour, Transport (may carry one Terminator unit OR two of the following units: Tactical, Devastator & Scout
units), any unit in the same formation as the Prometheus may ignore the 5cm restriction when using the Commander special ability.

Land Raider Achilles

Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
Armoured Vehicle 25cm 4+ 6+ 4+
Weapon Range Firepower Notes
Thunderfire Cannon 60m 2 x AP4+/AT6+ Disrupts or Ignore Cover
2 x Twin Multi-melta 15cm MW5+ and Macro-weapon
Small Arms Macro-weapon
Notes: Reinforced Armour, Thick Rear Armour, Invulnerable Save, Transport (may carry one of the following units: Tactical, Devastator ,Scout units).
he Twin Multi-meltas can shoot and be used to confer the macro-weapon ability to the units firefight value.

Thunderhawk (Saturation Bombing)

Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
War Engine, Aircraft Bomber 4+ n/a n/a
Weapon Range Firepower Notes
Bombs 15cm 2BP Ignore Cover, Fixed Forward Arc
Twin Heavy Bolter 15cm AP4+/AA5+ Left Fire Arc
Twin Heavy Bolter 15cm AP4+/AA5+ Right Fire Arc
2 x Twin Heavy Bolter 30cm AP4+/AA5+ Fixed Forward Arc
Battle Cannon 75cm AP4+/AT4+ Fixed Forward Arc
Damage Capacity: 2. Critical Hit Effect: The Thunderhawk's control surfaces are damaged. The pilot loses control and the Thunderhawk crashes to the
Notes: Reinforced Armour.

Caestus Assault Ram

Type Speed Armour Close Combat Firefight
Armoured Vehicle 35cm 5+ 6+ 5+
Weapon Range Firepower Notes
Magna Melta 15cm MW5+ and Macro-weapon,
(15cm) Small Arms Macro-weapon,
Firefury Missile Launcher 30cm 1BP One-Shot
Notes: Planetfall, Reinforced Armour, Skimmer, Transport (may carry one Terminator or two of the following units: Assault, Tactical & Devastator ).

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