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Fundamentals of Humanism

We are all human knowing well what is and what is not receptive to a fellow human
Born to earth our creator, provider and possessor of all relative knowledge, of innocent and
empty mind randomly dispersed to varying financial environments ranging from extreme poverty
to extreme wealth through no fault of our own inherently bias reared to the traditions and
customs chanced upon established by the hierarchy of State and Spiritualism that we accept and
come to know “How it is” through observation and by 5 prior to the first day of school we know
the Spirit of Jesus and the aspirations attributed to be God as the Golden Rule that has forever
blown in the wind documented in history according to present knowledge that Confucius 551
BC – 479 BC was first to grasp born of poverty rising to dine with the hierarchy world renown
for his wisdom not only gave us the Golden Rule
“Do not impose on others what you would not wish for yourself” but necessary

for all to obey lest the abiders be taken advantage of gave us
“Recompense injury with justice and recompense kindness with kindness” all quite natural of the
progression of thought and reason that any sane individual can deduce for his or herself.

It takes one to know one

It is not our magnificent brains that separate us from the animals, but the adeptness to store
knowledge through the natural progression of thought and reason being that used to deduce that
The Spirit of Jesus or God as you prefer summarized by Jesus paraphrasing the Golden Rule
grasped by Confucius that any individual that had the interest and time would conclude the same
thing being the epitome of simplicity and sanity that can be expressed many ways with the
innumerable words available and Confucius said it many ways and Jesus came up with

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”

It is the intelligent obviously with an ambition to learn that should and would know this to be
true obviously not the type to sit back and let what ever will be will be, with history attesting that
they used their knowledge to organize and take advantage of the lesser educated and obviously
the lesser advantaged that would use them this way and that in every which they could being the
manner the Roman Empire was a amassed through force invading and ransacking neighboring
regions and countries having always been insatiable for wealth and power and thus forever been
behind the persistent Struggle of Humankind by their nature leaving hatred in their wake that
what goes around comes around with the masses inherently bias and ignorant held hostage to
their needs easily enticed by them with the wealth and thus power … Bully Brat Biased Beasts,
to join them with promises of a better quality of life, that which we all persistently aspire to
attentive to our personal interests that naturally segregate us to PIG (Personal Interest Groups)
driven by our perceptions of Pleasure, Leisure and MEANS that invariably results with
innumerable PIG and natural Conflict of Interest that is just “How it is” akin to the naturalisms
of gravity pull that which we must accept and go with the flow.

This is fundamental to all humans that should be common knowledge to all sane individuals that
know well of humans being one with common necessity of survival to provide for self that
should also be aware of the dangers of a human obstructed from his or her necessities.

Rocket science is for them studied of the thing as are fields of endeavor beyond the fundamentals
as in the various fields of study involved in the erection of a high rise building being all PIG with
one common factor that they are human with the Fundamentals of Humanism in play being
ground rules best defined as the Golden Rule that due the realities of the Naturalism of
Humanism must be stringently artificially enforced attentive to the Fundamentals of

Golden Rule
“Do not impose on others what you would not wish upon yourself”
“Recompense injury with justice and recompense kindness with kindness”
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”

This applies no matter what education one has or what chosen field of endeavor that we simply
and sanely must all abide by and of course it is imperative that every individual Knows the Law
to do so and why wouldn’t they being human thus FUNDAMENTAL as every sane individual

knows at 5 prior to the first day of school, whereas ignorance of the law provides no defense that
is Common Sense consistent with the Golden Rule that is the Bench Mark thus the catalyst to
know certain what is Common Sense amongst the entirety of the human populace being the solid
foundation in which to build a knowledge base through the natural progression of thought and
reason ever attentive to the fact that every individual is inherently bias with each the right in, of
and with The Spirit to act upon his or her interests in progressive advancement being the nature
of the thing and humongously beneficial to all of society that we do have different interests less
we all be dumb bi asses unable to feed ourselves or all be rocket scientists then who would
provide all the necessities?

So as we see in the erection of high rises founded on the continuity of truths known by the
various PIG with overlapping knowledge of all the PIG abuts to the certainty of efficient
effectiveness with all individual PIG Sense in Common all assembled for one purpose to erect
the high rise building for human use in which all have a commonality and in that respect bound
to the Bench Mark which Common Sense is measured by obviously a CONSTANT that is and
must be held true not subject to ignorant perceptions or perceptions developed attentive to
personal interests that would be 180 degrees adverse to The Spirit the Natural Law of Humanism
being our inherent bias of developed unique perceptions that made it necessary to finance a
system to artificially enforce The Spirit in the first place.

Before the erection of high rise there are many issues to attend to after the concept has been
materialized, back and forth to the drawing board through the process of Trial and Error
governed by Cause and Effect with due regard to the Fundamentals of Humanism where Conflict
of Interests are inevitable.

It is the Nature of Humanism prone to err ignorantly through Trial and Error, accidentally or
deliberately attentive to inherent bias that extraordinary measures must be taken when structuring
the prerequisite legal system consistent with The Spirit, with innumerable departments staffed by
inherently bias humans that present knowledge of humans being quite familiar with one provides
me with an extremely uncomfortable sense of ease.

It is such knowledge of the Natural Realities of Humanism that naivety deliberate or otherwise
cannot be tolerated within the legal system personnel that have as a whole the responsibility to
structure an unbiased, competent, responsible and irreproachable legal system with fortitude and
conviction to the certainty that due diligence has been applied with failsafe mechanism to ensure
the personnel are adept to the utmost serious purpose to ensure every individual is equally
governed, equally protected, equally benefitted and equally punished when due regardless of
financial prowess obvious it is meant to protect every individual whether or not an individual is
working with an income to be fairly taxed consistent with The Spirit attentive to the
Fundamentals of Humanism.

Every individual is RESPONSIBLE to be in, of and with The Spirit being the only viable
environment in which one can expect to be treated fairly as an equal regardless of financial
portfolio whereas that is an entirely different entity with seemingly a mind of its own that
permits varying degrees of quality of life that all income must be acquired within the bounds of
the Spirit with of course the more knowledgeable of a field of endeavor and the more effort
exerted the greater quality of life can be expected earned and deserved.

Businesses open under the guidelines of The Spirit of which the people’s government personnel
are RESPONSIBLE to the certainty that every individual is equally protected, benefited and
equally punished when due, whereas there is no doubt as to the intention of businesses to make a
profit for them with a vested interest being all about money, in as much as if such a business is in
the restaurant environment requiring a reservation we know the greater spenders and tippers are
most favorable to the owners assuredly as Natural as all of Humanism and them with the bucks
demand attention that of course the owners are most cooperative having a sense in common, but
absolutely not common sense with The Spirit being the Bench Mark should they bump an
individual out of his or her place in line in which it is mandatory that every individual be in of
and with The Spirit.

When an individual is belittled or deprived of his or her rights the ramifications can be
horrendous that begins the process of simmering hatred a variable of conditions of happenstance
with innumerable individuals of varying boiling points some hair triggered naturally perhaps to
physical or mental disabilities with varying histories impossible to know one’s life experiences,
however there are predictable nuances that can be racial related such as with blacks whose
ancestors had their lives stolen and forced into slavery with such ideology related to them with
wealth and power associated with the Spirit of the Roman Empire that take what they want
because they can and there can be no doubt that such a person that would cause such an incident
with bribery tactics is in of and with the Spirit of the Roman Empire, and of course the restaurant
owner a cooperative, understanding well why they do it with money a favorable commodity to us
all it is just such realities that must not be permitted being the catalyst as to why such arrogant
defiance of The Spirit aggressively advances Bully Brat Bi Ass Beasts naturally developing a
friendly aura for the GREEDY SEEDY WEEDY creators of the NEEDY in which they hold us
all hostage to our needs … barefoot and pregnant so to speak absolutely contrary to The Spirit an
invisible invincible entity nonmaterial thing that must be administered and enforced by
nonmaterial personnel with every individual inherently bias RESPONSIBLE to provide for self
that naturally desires to progressively advance quality of life with their jobs no different than
ours being the MEANS and thus must be as RESPONSIBLE to their jobs as they are voluntarily

Every individual in the private sector knows well the consequences to not be unbiased,
competent, responsible and irreproachable to the purpose of hire and what is required to advance
quality of life with due punishment integrated into the reality of the thing as being fired plays a
serious detrimental role in the whole of one’s career and adeptness to provide for self.

REALITY is the TRUTH impervious to perception yet precisely due to perception

Truth is that which God would observe whether or not He exists or whether or not one believes
He exists.
The IDEAL is simply REALITY sanely DEALT with

The Spirit is the epitome of simplicity and sanity the Bench Mark of Common Sense and the
catalyst to maintain it with absolutely every individual RESPONSIBLE to be consistently in, of
and with The Spirit thus consistently sane adept to Common Sense Fundamental to Humanism

Above and beyond that RESPONSIBILITY common to us all the hierarchy of State and Church
that proclaim The Spirit have a RESPONSIBILITY to instill The Spirit within us all having
gained their wherewithal on that premise with absolutely no religious sect permitted to believe
otherwise with every individual an integral part of the whole of which the REALITY of “How it

is” has a direct influence on every individual’s quality of life whether or not they are aware an
impossibility due the fact we are not aware of what goes on in any field of endeavor with enough
on one’s plate to be most attentive to their chosen career to provide the necessities to sustain life
and advance quality of life.

The Fundamentals of Humanism we must all understand and absolutely no reason not to due its
simplicity and sanity.

For example corporations that are permitted to open business by the people’s government are
presumed to be in, of and with The Spirit being mandatory prerequisite to a sane tranquil society
of the world populace as a whole.

They become successful through the cooperation of the populace of the country they adopt to set
up business, that take due consideration for the quality of education of the populace in the
locality they set up shop that is financed by the taxpayer as is everything they will use to carry on
The roads to transport their goods to and fro, the same ones used for the public to get educated,
the same ones that take the workers to and fro their places of employment and the same ones that
take the consumers to and for to purchase their products.

It is the responsibility for the governments to see that every individual has an adequate education
to be a viable member of the work force and at the same time see that everything is done to
ensure every individual has a job obviously prerequisite to provide for self.

Overtime to certain individual’s when there are numerous persons out of work assuredly
detrimental to society as a whole must be given due regard the same with medical and retirement
fund benefits.

There can be no such thing as the power of money used against the society that cooperated with
and supported their financial success and them that threaten to move their business to other
countries more favorable to advance their insatiable lust expecting concessions are in fact guilty
of extortion.

Where countries individual labor value is permitted to be below the cost of living with corruption
and the GREEDY SEEDY WEEDY are creating the NEEDY realistic approach must be
administered with absolutely no support or cooperation with such governments allowing nature
to take its course which of course the populace will rise against them out of necessity and in fact
is the RESPONSIBILITY of all countries and every individual mandatory to be in, of and with
The Spirit to aid the populace to oust such unscrupulous governments efficiently and effectively
with appropriate punishment attentive to deterrence.

The ramifications of permitting The Spirit to be defied are horrifically consequential to society as
a whole being that of the world populace.

Everything that should be done to the prevalence of sanity in The Spirit is absolutely adverse to
the world governments all being Bully Brat Bi Ass Beasts that have permitted their inherent bias
to lead them astray decidedly because all them that purport to be in, of and with the Spirit to gain
the wherewithal and trust have done so because of the natural ignorance of the populace all with

far too much on their own inherent bias plate thus a tendency perhaps rather reluctantly to trust
them when all of reality attests it to be a horrific absurdity.

Ignorance runs rampant as the hierarchy of State and Church of the 10% wealthy intend being
the precise environment they thrive in no coincidence that which they create that persist to use
the populace as if they are theirs with the people led to believe the governments are theirs being
somewhat of a humongous befuddlement DONTCH KNOW?

Being that which makes it a most onerous and formidable challenge for people like the Charter
Democracy Force to get the TRUTH the people NEED TO KNOW to them with a great majority
persistent to retain their ignorant bliss knowing well the frustration of applying the natural
progression of thought and reason in an environment that in such matters would have nobody to
relate to attentive to the IDEAL that is Simply a matter of Sanely dealing with REALITY in, of
and with The Spirit absent of the prerequisite hierarchy of State and Church self proclaimed in,
of and with The Spirit in feudal façade in, of and with the Spirit of the Roman Empire that spiked
Jesus to a cross assuredly a smoking tell tale gun of the scum of EARTH’S Lowest Life Forms
that take advantage of their intelligence and our contrasting natural ignorance born of innocent
and empty mind to be filled with the prerequisite crap to the certainty of their continued success
as professional charlatans honing their deception, prevarication, manipulation and orchestration
skills over the centuries making full use of the natural phenomenon of Osmosis to the certainty
of prerequisite befuddled minds inherently bias PIG that naturally segregate to natural Conflict
of Interest that they incite through their Bastards Law ideology.

The media are of course in on it with them with media moguls akin to once Sir … Conrad Black
as they are now on a mission to make him Righteous.
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Please go to Red immediately
This site provides NEED TO KNOW insight as to their true nature

To ignore it will give you NEED TO KNOW insight as to the true nature of your inherent
bias being a most fickle thing most often cooperating with them precisely as they
planned prerequisite to their continued success and the 90% populace’s humongous

10 80 10 Proof
If you do not comprehend then proof they have effectively disabled your connection with
the natural progressive nature of thought and reason

You along with a great majority have fallen victim to their affliction that causes you to
support them instead of those attempting to provide the evidence you NEED TO KNOW
to help yourself and ultimately the persons that NEED YOU TO KNOW the TRUTH so
you will help them and ultimately help yourself.

State Church Humanoids Induced Zombie Osmosis Intellect
Dark Abyss Lackadaisical Intermittent Spastic Masochism
The gradual, often unconscious, absorption of knowledge or ideas through continual
exposure rather than deliberate learning

Struggle of Humankind
Insider versus Outsider

10% wealthy Insiders against the 90% majority

Upon being afflicted you become humongously detrimental to your own inherent bias that
effectively becomes theirs and thus the enemy within and your continued support in cooperation
with the enemy decidedly makes you an enemy of The Spirit and all persons making every effort
to materialize The Spirit within us all so that we will be fairly equally governed, equally
protected, equally benefitted and equally punished when due.

When evidence manages to surface despite their due diligence to keep it under wraps that an
individual is being unfairly treated you must understand that is a mere symptom that they make
every effort to cover up as they do with out of court settlements ever attentive to quash such
occurrences before surfacing to cause the populace to rise against them and finally take
appropriate measures to eradicate the Spirit of the Roman Empire once and for all as appropriate
steps are taken to ensure such pathetic horrific scum of the Earth Lowest Life Forms to take
possession of our minds and thus quality of life we earn and deserve.

I personally was born to a Catholic reared father who was sane and did not take, a Protestant
reared mother who was sane and did not take and my father’s mother, my Grandmother which
the Catholicism took a firm hold, but not her husband my grandfather that permitted me to be
unencumbered with a spiritual influence and at the same time observe the fanatical obsessions of
a grandmother able to know for certain they were not normal to the family with absolutely no
connection to Common Sense.

If the world populace is ever enjoy the quality of life they earn and deserve they must come to
terms with the enemy within making every effort to assess themselves honestly whereas every
individual thinks higher of self than is the reality measured against the invisible invincible Bench
Mark that decidedly one must first deduce for his or herself if their unique perception is in
agreement with the Fundamentals of Humanism and if so as would be if basically sane would be
able to determine if their beliefs are similarly sane, and if in fact they truly believe what they
believe they believe and can they be coherent to what I requested.

Them profiting in, of and with The Spirit are locked in
“Once In There Is No Getting Out”

With no desire enjoying the benefits of the conspiracy and of course will make every effort to
ridicule the notion that the 10% rich continue to get richer and the 90% majority continue to get
poorer even though the reality that is as reported by statistics Canada well paid to provide us the

It is their nature as UPPIG (Ultimate Pig Personal Interest Groups) backing each other to the
certainty their luxurious lifestyle will continue being rather reluctant to serve due punishment.

It is humongously important that they do not start pointing fingers at each other or the likes of
Brian Mulroney to be efficiently and effectively dealt with for he would be rather peeved with
them all in on it doing he same.

Obviously they can extort each other to desirable consequences as they obviously do preventing
a snowball reaction and the end of their crime spree.

That of course is why RICHARD FINE has been incarcerated in solitary confinement for over 16
months with no hope in sight of being released and why they permitted a documentary so as to
inform all politicians, legal profession and media that OITINGO dare to do the right thing and it
it will be the wrong thing for inherent bias.

Once a person breaks free of SCHIZOIDALISM they will know certain their inherent bias will
be humongously better served, imperative though that they aid others to break free so each can
scratch the others back with mine needing a bear.

That can be interpreted with two precisely definite adverse meanings with them obviously more
informed, more organized with a ferocious appetite and humongous reason and desire to claw
from the back as the natural cowardly, but sane thing to do in an attempt to pluck my heart out or
assuredly stop it, seemingly obvious that I am insane … being the reality that permits their
continued success.

I am guided by what I have come to be all creatures of habit most comfortable in familiar places
physical and mind in which TRUTH is of major importance that one would never venture the
enormity of the challenge without a greater enormity of support whereas evidence is that which
they must persist to cover up … evidence is over abundantly provided by them in absolutely
everything they do that only persons coherent to The Spirit have the opportunity to peruse the
evidence to know if it is valid or not, and only them in, of and with The Spirit would act
appropriately in cooperation with The Spirit with exemplary support for The Spirit knowing full
well their Charter rights to be equally governed, equally protected, equally benefited and equally
punished are wholly dependent on the sanctity of The Spirit.

It matters naught should an individual all of a sudden become aware of the TRUTH of the
REALITY that IS if they cannot get the TRUTH where it NEEDS TO BE obviously with the
people that if the media was not controlled by them the people would have had it long ago prior
to the conditions of happenstance that found me on the case with fortitude and conviction since
June 30 2005 that makes no never mind how much I huff and puff if not done appropriately

attentive to the particular conditions of happenstance with the enormity of limitations of web
technologies and financial resources to hire them the world populace will have to continue to
humongously suffer to their whims perhaps best to be in ignorant bliss all together doing a Rip
Van Winkle and just by chance will awaken to a brand new world precisely the one they have
fantasized not aware that they could have it being a simple matter of dealing with REALITY

Not such a simple matter from here eh?

Yet just a matter of the flick of a switch as Confucius says.

Shall I tell you what knowledge?

When you know a thing, to hold that you know it;
And when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it.
This is knowledge

In such matters that are of the utmost importance to one’s inherent bias, they must be able to
recognize it prior to the humongous chaotic scenarios such as war when at that time they will all
loyally stand up for their archenemy believing they stand up for their country when they haven’t
the gumption are prerequisite presence of mind, an invisible thing certain that one is presumed to
have if their nose twitches a sure sign of a brain, but it reaches the height of absurdity when it is
active and stand up for them whose only purpose in life is to ransack the unprotected majority
knowing full well they are not being in on the system structured to have them believe precisely
what they do as they reach out for the government’s façade of the American Dream or the Pieties
Pie in the Sky as they flaunt theirs gained by the willingness of the masses of dumb bi asses
while naturally attentive to “What’s in it for me?” reality attests they do not have a clue being
precisely how they need be for them of the hierarchy of State and Church inhabitants of the 10%
wealthy Upper Tier are human too with the same “What’s in it for me?” attitude being why they
professionally study their Charlatan ways for the money of course as their wealth and the 10%
impoverished obtrusively give them away.

When evidence is relevant I have published a preponderance of evidence published by them

available on the Law Society Legal Scam web site.

If you are of the 90% majority you must make an exerted effort for the sake of your personal
inherent bias to understand why you should sign the Richard Fine petition.
This is not a Drill
Please go to Red immediately
Over 16 months with only 350 signing makes it abundantly clear why the 10% wealthy
hierarchy that includes the media are not on the case

Why aren’t you?

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