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OPC UA Client and

Server Connections
Easy Guide
Introduction EASY GUIDE

OPC UA is the newest open standard from the OPC Foundation to facilitate
open connectivity for a variety of systems. Use it to bridge all types of data
across remote networks.

OPC UA also effectively aggregates data from multiple devices, plants,

sites, and entire operations. Use it to leverage meaningful information on
the enterprise level.

Learn how to connect an OPC UA Client to the KEPServerEX connectivity

platform in just four steps.

Follow the Steps

OPC UA connections use endpoint addressing.
Step 1: An endpoint serves as the URL that other OPC
Define an endpoint in the OPC UA UA software applications will use to find and
Configuration Manager connect to remote applications.

To create an endpoint in KEPServerEX, open

the OPC UA Configuration Manager by
right-clicking on the Administration icon
(located in the System Tray) and selecting
OPC UA Configuration.

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In OPC UA Configuration Manager, open the

Server Endpoints tab and then click Add.

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In Endpoint Definition, locate

Security Policies. Check None
if your application does not
need to use security certificates
for encrypted communication
(such as when the environment
is already secured by IT).

Leave the remaining settings at

their default values, and then
click OK to create the endpoint.

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Step 2:
Enter the newly-created server endpoint address in the OPC UA client

OPC UA clients should support

browsing for OPC UA servers. This
means you can simply open your
client application, add a server
connection, and then browse for
the KEPServerEX OPC UA server to
connect. If your client cannot find
the KEPServerEX OPC UA server,
enter the server endpoint address
created in Step 1.

Note: This image is from a third-party OPC UA client.

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Step 3:
Exchange security certificates between the OPC UA client and server

Note: Skip this step if None was selected

in the Security Policies section of the
Endpoint dialog in Step 1.

If the OPC UA client does not prompt you

to exchange certificates with KEPServerEX
automatically, then you must manually
generate a certificate from the server and
then upload it to the client.

To manually generate a certificate, return

to the OPC UA Configuration Manager
and open the Instance Certificates tab.
Click Export Server Certificate.

Save the certificate file and transfer it to the OPC

UA client according to the clients instructions.

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Step 4:
Trust the OPC UA client connection

Browse to the Trusted Clients tab

in the OPC UA Configuration
Manager. If the client you are
trying to connect to has a red X,
click on the name of the client
and then select Trust.

If the client does not have a red X, you may skip this step.

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Step 5:
Verify the connection is successful by reading tag values from KEPServerEX in the OPC UA client application

In the OPC UA client, check that tag values can be read and that they show Good quality. If KEPServerEX is not
connected to a device, use the Simulator Driver to generate a ramp or sine wave function to see if data is changing.

Note: This image is from a third-party OPC UA client.

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To create a secure OPC UA tunnel, follow the

Secure Data Tunneling with KEPServerEX Easy Guide.

To learn how OPC UA protects message integrity and confidentiality

through message encryption and signing, read the How OPC UA
Protects Your Data blog post.

To discover how OPC standards are supported in KEPServerEX, read the

OPC UA Native Implementation in KEPServerEX Version 6 blog post.

Kepware is a software development business of PTC Inc. located in Portland, Maine. Kepware provides a portfolio of software solutions to help businesses connect diverse automation devices and software applications and enable the Industrial Internet of Things.
From plant floor to wellsite to windfarm, Kepware serves a wide range of customers in a variety of vertical markets including Manufacturing, Oil & Gas, Building Automation, Power & Utilities, and more. Established in 1995 and now distributed in more than 100 countries,
Kepwares software solutions help thousands of businesses improve operations and decision making.

2017, PTC Inc. All rights reserved. Information described herein is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be taken as a guarantee, commitment, condition or offer by PTC. PTC, the PTC logo, Kepware,
KEPServerEX and all other PTC product names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of PTC and/or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. All other product or company names are property of their respective owners.


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