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LAZO VS EMPLOYEES COMPENSATION secured by the Constitution, the Employees

COMMISSION Compensation Commission should adopt a liberal

G.R. NO. 78617 attitude in favor of the employee in deciding claims
JUNE 18, 1990 for compensability, especially where there is some
basis in the facts for inferring a work connection to
Facts: the accident.
At about 6:00 o'clock in the morning of 19 June
1986, on his way home, the passenger jeepney the This kind of interpretation gives meaning and
petitioner was riding on turned turtle due to slippery substance to the compassionate spirit of the law as
road. As a result, he sustained injuries and was embodied in Article 4 of the New Labor Code
taken to the Angono Emergency Hospital for which states that 'all doubts in the implementation
treatment. He was later transferred to the National and interpretation of the provisions of the Labor
Orthopedic Hospital where he was confined until 25 Code including its implementing rules and
July 1986. regulations shall be resolved in favor of labor.'

Petitioner, Salvador Lazo, is a security guard of the The policy then is to extend the applicability of the
Central Bank of the Philippines assigned to its main decree (PD 626) to as many employees who can
office in Malate, Manila. His regular tour of duty is avail of the benefits thereunder. This is in
from 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon to 10:00 o'clock consonance with the avowed policy of the State to
in the evening. On 18 June 1986, the petitioner give maximum aid and protection to labor. 9
rendered duty from 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon to
10:00 o'clock in the evening. But, as the security There is no reason, in principle, why employees
guard who was to relieve him failed to arrive, the should not be protected for a reasonable period of
petitioner rendered overtime duty up to 5:00 o'clock time prior to or after working hours and for a
in the morning of 19 June 1986, when he asked reasonable distance before reaching or after leaving
permission from his superior to leave early in order the employer's premises.
to take home to Binangonan, Rizal, his sack of rice.

Whether or not the accident which involved the
petitioner occurred far from his work place and
while he was attending to a personal matter.

In the case at bar, it can be seen that petitioner left
his station at the Central Bank several hours after
his regular time off, because the reliever did not
arrive, and so petitioner was asked to go on
overtime. After permission to leave was given, he
went home. There is no evidence on record that
petitioner deviated from his usual, regular
homeward route or that interruptions occurred in the

While the presumption of compensability and

theory of aggravation under the Workmen's
Compensation Act (under which the Baldebrin case
was decided) may have been abandoned under the
New Labor Code, 8 it is significant that the
liberality of the law in general in favor of the
workingman still subsists. As agent charged by the
law to implement social justice guaranteed and

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