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Airport Design Software - Airports


Airport Design Software


Airport design software supports pavement design and pay reductions for airport pavement projects. Available software include FAARFIELD, COMFAA,
COMPSYS, and other programs.

Question about Design Software? (

Software Description/Instructions Date

(select links in this column to access software)


Flexible Pavement Design ( Flexible Pavement Design Manual ( Updated
/design_software/media/F806FAA.xls) (MS Excel) /media/flexible_pavement_manual.pdf) (PDF) (Updated 7/16/2002) 10/31/2005

Rigid Pavement Design ( Rigid Pavement Design Manual ( Updated
/design_software/media/R805FAA.xls) (MS Excel) /rigid_pavement_manual.pdf) (PDF) (Updated 7/16/2002) 4/30/2004

Layered Elastic Pavement Design Version 1.3 Layered elastic design software discussed in Chapter 7 of AC 150/5320-6, Airport Updated
( Pavement Design and Evaluation ( 7/26/2004
(ZIP) /index.cfm/go/document.current/documentNumber/150_5320-6) . Software updated in June 2004
to include new commercial aircraft models and many general aviation aircraft.

FAARFIELD 1.302 (3/20/2009) FAARFIELD 1.302 replaced the previous version that accompanied Draft AC
150/5320-6E. The FAARFIELD program became the FAA standard for airfield
pavement design upon publication of AC 150/5320-6E, which required the use of
the FAARFIELD program.

COMFAA 2.0 COMFAA, as introduced in version A of AC 150/5335-5 (

(You will need to scroll down on linked page to view software /regulations_policies/advisory_circulars/index.cfm/go/document.information/documentID/22611) , is
and related guidance.) capable of calculating Aircraft Classifications Numbers in accordance with the
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) procedure.

1 de 3 06/04/2013 5:19
Airport Design Software - Airports

Software Description/Instructions Date

(select links in this column to access software)


COMFAA 3.0 (Updated 3/2/2012) COMFAA 3.0, as introduced in version B of AC 150/5335-5 ( August 2011
(You will need to scroll down on linked page to view software /resources/advisory_circulars/index.cfm/go/document.current/documentNumber/150_5335-5) , is the
and related guidance.) recommended method to determine airport runway, taxiway, and apron pavement
strength with the Aircraft Classification Number - Pavement Classification Number
(ACN-PCN) method. The software is capable of calculating Aircraft
Classifications Numbers in accordance with the International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO) procedure.

Support Spreadsheet for COMFAA 3.0 (

/design_software/media/COMFAA_Support-2-29-12.xls) (MS Excel, 1.78 MB) (Updated 3/2/2012)
Facilitates flexible and rigid pavement information required in COMFAA 3.0 for
PCN calculations.
DRAFT Support Spreadsheet for COMFAA 3.0 (
/design_software/media/draftCOMFAA_Support-11-20-2012.xls) (MS Excel, 1.79 MB) (Updated
Allows layer name changes, English/metric options, and more range for layer
equivalency factors. Chart worksheets can be copied and reformatted, and the
k-value is increased to make "A Subgrade Category" possible.


(AC 150/5370-10, Standards for Specifying Construction of Airports)

Asphaltic Concrete - Payment Adjustment for Densities and The pay equations in this spreadsheet are consistent with the percent within Updated
Air Voids, Item P-401 ( specification limits (PWL) based pay adjusments in Item P-401 as published in 2/4/2008
/design_software/media/AC1000.xls) (MS Excel) versions B and higher of AC 150/5370-10 (
/advisory_circulars/index.cfm/go/document.current/documentNumber/150_5370-10) but are not valid
for previous versions of Item P-401.

Asphaltic Concrete - Payment Adjustment for Densities and This spreadsheet is consistent with Item P-401SP as published in Engineering Updated
Air Voids, Item P-401SP ( Brief #59A ( . 3/30/2007
/design_software/media/AC1000sp.xls) (MS Excel)

2 de 3 06/04/2013 5:19
Airport Design Software - Airports

Software Description/Instructions Date

(select links in this column to access software)


PCC Pavement - Payment Factor for Strength and The pay equations in this spreadsheet are valid for versions of Item P-501 Updated
Thickness, Item P-501 ( published in versions C and higher of AC 150/5370-10 ( 10/30/2009*
/design_software/media/PC1000.xls) (MS Excel) /resources/advisory_circulars/index.cfm/go/document.current/documentNumber/150_5370-10) .

*Update fixes spreadsheet error that occurred when number of lots exceeded 102.


3D Airspace Analysis Program (3DAAP) ( Version 5.0 9/19/2006


Backcalculation Software (BAKFAA) For backcalculating FWD data and computing airport pavement load responses by 5/2012
layered elastic analysis. Use with AC 150/5370-11, Use of Nondestructive Testing
Devices in the Evaluation of Airport Pavements (
/advisory_circulars/index.cfm/go/document.current/documentNumber/150_5370-11) . Version 2.0.

COMPSYS 21 Geodetic Calculations Windows-based software includes calculations for Forward, Inverse,
Segment/Segment, Bearing/Bearing, Segment Distance, Circle Bearing,
Circle/Circle, Segment Bearing, and Airport Reference Point.

Geodetic Calculator ( Updated version of GEO83.

/design_software/media/ (ZIP)

Runway Friction Data Evaluation Program ( New Version 4.1A

/airports/engineering/design_software/media/ (ZIP)


FAA Airport Technology R&D Branch Software

Airport Pavement Roughness Criteria

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