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Energy-Saving Design and Control of a Methyl Methacrylate

Separation Process
Wei-Lun Chang and I-Lung Chien*
Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan

ABSTRACT: An alternative design for the separation of a

mixture including methyl methacrylate, methanol, and water is
investigated as compared to a previous design using the same
process units. In this alternative design, top and bottom
products of the distillation column are designed to be at
unstable and stable nodes, respectively. Thus, signicant savings
in the steam cost (16.3%) can be realized as opposed to the
previous design of placing the bottom product at a saddle point.
Another benet is that the loss of methyl methacrylate product
through the water outlet stream is also less than that of the
previous design. This represents another 9.6% savings of the
operating cost for this alternative design. Furthermore, an
overall control structure for this alternative design is also devised
based on a novel way of using open-loop and closed-loop
sensitivity tests. By the control of a temperature dierence at two trays of the distillation column and another single-tray
temperature at the stripper, both MMA and water products can be maintained at high purities despite large variations in feed ow
rate and feed composition changes.

1. INTRODUCTION feed, such as pyridine in water or acetic acid in water.13,14 The

Heterogeneous azeotropic distillation (HAD) is a separation hybrid process could be viewed as a modication of HAD
method commonly used in industry to separate azeotropic process with an extractor, which was also shown to be
mixtures or close-boiling mixtures. By adding another light economically favorable. In the above HAD examples, decanters
component, a binary (or ternary) minimum boiling heteroge- were all designed at the top of the column so that the newly
neous azeotrope can be formed. The top overhead of the HAD formed lightest azeotrope could naturally separate into two
column is usually designed to be near the heterogeneous liquid phases.
azeotrope, while the bottom is designed as high-purity product. However, for the studied system of separating methyl
The overhead separates into two liquid phases in a decanter: an methacrylate (MMA), methanol (MeOH), and water (H2O),
organic phase sent back to the HAD column, and an aqueous which is needed in the production of MMA processes, a hetero-
phase drawn out of the process or fed to a recovery column geneous MMA/H2O azeotrope at a saddle point is presented.
depending on the desired purity. For example, ethanol Wu et al.15 devised a two-column design with a bottom
dehydration1,2 by HAD utilized another recovery column to decanter. The reproduced owsheet and the material balance
meet the specication on the aqueous outlet. On the other lines are shown in panels a and b of Figure 1, respectively. The
hand, the ethylenediamine dehydration process3 was imple- bottom composition of the distillation column was designed to
mented without any recovery column because of an already be near MMA/H2O azeotrope so that a decanter can be
high purity in the aqueous outlet from the decanter. In the designed to obtain aqueous and organic streams. The aqueous
acetic acid dehydration process,4,5 the specication on the stream is pure enough to draw out of the system while another
aqueous outlet could be met by sending portions of the aque- small stripper was needed to purify the organic stream to MMA
ous pahse back to the HAD column rather than using another product specications. This design owsheet was further
recovery column. simplied by combining two columns into one column with a
For the purpose of process intensication, the dividing-wall middle decanter.
column designs or thermally coupled techniques were The drawback of the above design is that the bottom
commonly incorporated into the HAD process with a recovery composition of the distillation column needs to be placed near
column,610 showing the economic potential. Another savings a saddle point (MMA/H2O azeotrope) of this ternary system.
on the utility usage could be realized by vapor recompression or
heat pump.11,12 In addition, the recovery columns were further Received: January 27, 2016
combined with the preconcentrator for diluted feed.710 Some Revised: February 27, 2016
authors even found good extraction solvents and proposed Accepted: February 29, 2016
hybrid extractiondistillation processes to separate the diluted Published: February 29, 2016

2016 American Chemical Society 3064 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.6b00391

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2016, 55, 30643074
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 1. (a) Optimal design owsheet of original design. (b) Material balance lines of original design.

Also, the composition prole in the distillation column goes Table 1. UNIQUAC Model Parameters of the Studied
along the distillation boundary formed by two azeotropes (will Systemsa
be shown later). Thus, a larger reboiler duty was required at the
comp. i MeOH MeOH MMA
distillation column. Some contributions1620 mentioned a mix
with water in a decanter or extractor followed by distillation comp. j water MMA water
methods for this separation purpose, but they all lacked details aij 0 0 0
about the process and also the dynamic control of the process. aji 0 0 0
In this work, this concept will be implemented by simulations bij (K) 165.2623 44.6284 474.3300
and compared to the original design proposed by Wu et al.15 bji (K) 254.7308 411.6194 194.0000
Moreover, a feasible control structure will be developed and Aspen Plus UNIQUAC:
tested for the rejection of changes in feed composition or jij
i z
throughput. ln i = ln + qi ln i qiln ti qi + li + qi
xi 2 i j t j
2.1. Proposed Design Flowsheet. To correctly predict xi j
the thermodynamic behaviors of this ternary system, the
UNIQUAC model was selected as in previous work done by where
Wu et al.15 The UNIQUAC model and the binary parameters qixi qixi rx
i i
are shown in Table 1. The proposed conceptual design i = ; qT = qkxk ; i = ; qT = qkxk ; i = ; rT
qT qT rT
owsheet using the same process units by avoiding the saddle z
k k

point is shown in Figure 2a with the material balance lines = rkxk ; li = (ri qi) + 1 ri ; ti = kki ; ij
shown in Figure 2b. The fresh feed, containing 69.79 mol % k k

MeOH, 12.5 mol % water, and 17.71 mol % MMA, is rst bij
mixed with some water and condensed stripper overhead so = expaij + ; and z = 10
that the composition of this mixture is pulled within the liquid
liquid equilibrium (LLE) envelope. After liquidliquid
separation in the decanter at 50 C, the aqueous stream can mostly MeOH (MeOH/MMA azeotrope at the lowest
further be separated in a distillation column with top product of temperature in that distillation region) and the bottom product
3065 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.6b00391
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2016, 55, 30643074
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Table 2. Basis of Economics and Equipment Sizing

column diameter (D): Aspen tray sizing
column length (L): NT trays with 2 ft spacing plus 20% extra length
column and other vessel (D and L are in meters)
capital cost = 17 640(D)1.066(L)0.802
condensers (area in m2)
heat-transfer coecient = 0.852 kW/Km2
dierential temperature = reux-drum temperature 315 K
capital cost = 7296(area)0.65
reboilers (area in m2)
heat-transfer coecient = 0.568 kW/K-m2
dierential temperature = steam temperature base temperature (T > 20 K)
capital cost = 7296(area)0.65
coolers (area in m2)
heat-transfer coecient = 0.852 kW/K-m2
dierential temperature = LMTD of (inlet or outlet temperature 315 K)
capital cost = 7296(area)0.65
energy cost
HP steam = $9.88/GJ (41 barg, 254 C)
MP steam = $8.22/GJ (10 barg, 184 C)
LP steam = $7.78/GJ (5 barg, 160 C)
cooling water = $0.354/GJ
electricity = $16.9/GJ
MMA price = $2/kg (approximated from ICIS indicative chemical price)
TAC = (capital cost/payback period) + energy cost
payback period = 3 yr

Figure 2. (a) Conceptual design owsheet of alternative design.

(b) Material balance lines of alternative design.

of pure water (at the highest temperature in the same

distillation region). The MMA product can be obtained from
further purifying the organic stream in a small stripper. Note
that in this alternative design, top and bottom products of the
distillation column are designed to be at the unstable and stable
nodes, respectively.
For an easy comparison of these two designs, the total
numbers of stages of the distillation column and the stripper are
assumed to be the same as in the previous design. The remaining
design variables considered in this study are only two, including
the recycled water ow rate (REC) and the feed stage of the
distillation column (NF1). The three product purity specica-
tions are set the same as in the previous design, which are
92.9946 mol % MeOH at distillate of the distillation column,
99.5 mol % H2O at the bottom of the distillation column, and
99.9 mol % MMA at the bottom of the small stripper.
A sequential iterative optimization procedure is performed
with REC as the outer iteration loop to minimize the total
annual cost (TAC) of this process and NF1 as the inner loop to
minimize total reboiler duty. The TAC includes total operating
cost and annualized total capital cost, where a three year
payback period is assumed. Operating cost includes the cost of
steam and cooling water, while the capital cost includes the cost
of columns and heat exchangers (reboilers and condensers).
Table 2 summarizes the formulas for the TAC calculation.21
Figure 3 shows the results of the optimization procedures. Note
that the recycled water ow rate is represented by the ratio of
recycled water ow rate to the water product ow rate (REC/
H 2 O) as a representative design variable during the Figure 3. Summary of TAC plots for this alternative design.

3066 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.6b00391

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2016, 55, 30643074
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 4. Optimal design owsheet of alternative design.

Table 3. Itemized TAC Terms of Various Systems

original alternative design
design (REC/H2O = 23)
C-1 column (1000 USD) 267.59 209.79
C-1 condenser (1000 USD) 164.48 128.69
C-1 reboiler (1000 USD) 104.96 109.01
C-2 column (1000 USD) 8.75 12.66
C-2 reboiler (1000 USD) 11.29 17.64
cooler (1000 USD) 18.24 59.38
capital cost (1000 USD) 575.31 537.18
LP steam cost (1000 USD/y) 567.80 475.63
cooling water cost (1000 USD/y) 24.37 20.02
operating cost (1000 USD/y) 592.17 495.65 (16.3%)
MMA lost from water outlet 57.10 (9.6%)
(1000 USD/y)
TAC (1000 USD/y) 783.94 617.61 (21.2%)

optimization. The optimal value of this ratio is 23 with the feed

on the 28th stage of the distillation column. The optimal
process owsheet is shown in Figure 4. Also, the itemized TAC
of these two designs is shown in Table 3. Despite large amount
of water recirculated in this system, a signicant saving in the
steam cost (16.3%) is realized by using this design. Another
benet is that the MMA product loss through the water
product stream is also less than previous design. This represents
another 9.6% savings of the operating cost.
2.2. Composition Proles in the Distillation Column.
Figure 5a,b shows the liquid-phase composition proles in the
distillation column for both designs. Two isovolatility curves
divide the ternary map into three regions where dierent
volatility rankings to these three components occur. For the
original design, not only is the bottom composition designed
near a saddle point, but also the composition prole goes along
the distillation boundary formed by two azeotropes. This
prole is located in a region where methanol is the most volatile
component followed by MMA and then water. Results show
that this prole has so close volatility that it requires a large
energy duty for separation.
However, for the alternative design, most of the prole is Figure 5. (a) Liquid-phase composition prole of C-1 column in
original design. (b) Liquid-phase composition prole of C-1 column in
located in another region where MMA is the most volatile alternative design.
component followed by methanol and then water. Results show
that it requires less energy duty because most of the stages are azeotrope. More accurately, as long as the MMA content in the
separating just methanol and water, a binary pair without feed to C-1 column all goes out from the top distillate with
3067 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.6b00391
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2016, 55, 30643074
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Table 4. Results in Process Variables from Closed-Loop Sensitivity Testsa

base case (kmol/h) (kW) MeOH + 10% MeOH 10% feed + 20% feed 20%
Process Variables
REC 286.11 12.34% 11.87% 21.70% 20.61%
R1 87.85 10.04% 10.03% 20.01% 20.00%
QR1 1991.76 10.44% 10.30% 20.88% 20.44%
QR2 131.00 36.89% 37.21% 19.60% 19.89%
QC1 1592.41 10.04% 10.04% 20.02% 20.00%
V1 162.82 10.04% 10.03% 20.01% 20.00%
D1 74.97 10.04% 10.03% 20.01% 20.00%
B1 298.55 10.84% 10.40% 21.62% 20.58%
H2O 12.44 23.54% 23.45% 19.70% 19.93%
AQ 373.52 10.68% 10.32% 21.30% 20.46%
OR 21.38 36.66% 36.71% 19.76% 19.91%
V2 8.79 36.86% 36.91% 19.09% 19.67%
B2 12.59 36.52% 36.57% 20.22% 20.08%
MIX 394.89 8.12% 7.78% 21.21% 20.43%
QC 371.24 3.31% 2.78% 24.32% 22.18%
RR 1.172 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
R1/AQ 0.235 0.58% 0.32% 1.06% 0.58%
QR1/B1 6.672 0.36% 0.11% 0.61% 0.18%
QR1/AQ 5.332 0.22% 0.03% 0.34% 0.03%
QR2/OR 6.092 0.36% 0.37% 0.13% 0.03%
QR2/B2 10.405 0.58% 0.47% 0.52% 0.24%
[REC], recycled water ow rate; [R1], reux rate of C-1; [QR1], reboiler duty of C-1; [QR2], reboiler duty of C-2; [QC1], condenser duty of C-1;
[V1], overhead vapor ow rate of C-1; [D1], top distillate ow rate of C-1; [B1], bottom ow rate of C-1; [H2O], water product ow rate; [AQ],
aqueous phase ow rate; [OR], organic phase ow rate; [V2], overhead vapor ow rate of C-2; [B2], bottom ow rate of C-2; [MIX], mix stream
ow rate of fresh feed, REC, and V2; [QC], cooler duty.

methanol, the prole will be in that region where MMA is the with 50% total liquid level is used because of a smaller density
lightest component. Otherwise, if there is so much MMA fed to dierence in two liquid phases. Then this steady-state
the column that some of MMA should go out from the bottom, simulation is exported to the dynamic simulations of Aspen
MMA must be less volatile than methanol, which can be Plus Dynamics. Pressure-driven simulations in Aspen Plus
achieved only with a high-energy-required composition prole Dynamics is selected with the top stage pressures of every
similar to that in the original design. The maximum MMA column set at atmospheric pressure. Pressure drops inside the
content allowed for the prole as in Figure 5b depends on the columns will be automatically calculated by Aspen Plus
product specications and material balance. This is why the Dynamics.
TAC with REC/H2O = 21 in Figure 3 exceeds that of the 3.1. Inventory Control Loops. The intuitive regulatory
original design. The composition prole changes to the high- control and inventory control loops are designed as follows.
energy-required one because the amount of recycled water is
Fresh feed ow rate is ow-controlled with a PI controller of
not enough to separate out most of the MMA in the decanter.
Kc = 0.5 and I = 0.3 min. Both column base levels are
controlled by manipulating their bottom ow rates separately.
Reux drum level is controlled by manipulating distillate ow
In this section, a proper control strategy for this optimal design rate. As for the decanter, the aqueous phase level is controlled
in Figure 4 will be devised based on open-loop and closed-loop by manipulating aqueous outlet ow, while the organic phase
sensitivity tests with Aspen Plus steady-state simulations. No level is controlled by manipulating organic outlet ow. P-only
online composition measurement will be used in the quality controllers are used in level control loops. To speed up closed-
control loops for wider industrial applications. This control
loop control behavior in the recycle loop, the settings Kc = 10
strategy is expected to hold the product purities at speci-
for the organic and aqueous phase level loops to manipulate
cations despite any feed composition change or throughput
change. organic or aqueous ow and Kc = 5 for the base level loop of
The tray sizing option in Aspen Plus is utilized to calculate distillation column to manipulate bottom ow rate are used.
the column diameters with the assumed tray spacing of 0.6096 m Otherwise, Kc = 2 is used in the other level control loops. The
and weir heights of 0.0508 m. The resulting column diameters pressure of the distillation column is controlled by manipulat-
are 0.890 m for the distillation column and 0.327 m for the ing the condenser duty, while the pressure of the stripper is
stripper. Other equipment sizing follows the recommendations controlled by manipulating the overhead vapor ow. In
by Luyben and Chien.22 Volumes of the column bases and the addition, there are two temperature controllers controlling
reux drum are sized to provide 10 min holdup with 50% liquid temperature of the condensed overhead ow and the stream
level. As for the decanter, it is sized bigger to allow the entering the decanter at 50 C by manipulating the cooler duty.
separation of two liquid phases. The holdup time of 40 min These pressure and temperature PI controller parameters are
3068 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.6b00391
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2016, 55, 30643074
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

set at default Kc = 20 and I = 10 min for the purpose of tight specications despite any disturbance. To save time, closed-
control. loop sensitivity test is a test that can help us understand what
After the above regulatory control and inventory control kind of combinations of quality control loops will lead to better
loops are established, there are four remaining degrees of performance in closed-loop control because this test can be
freedom in this system, including reboiler duty and reux rate easily done with Aspen Plus steady-state simulation. This test
of the distillation column, reboiler duty of the stripper, and the assumes that the overall process will nally achieve perfect
recycled water ow rate, which are related to quality control. control after the anticipated disturbances are introduced to the
Thus, in sections 3.2 and 3.3, it will be illustrated how the system. Thus, what we should do is to change the input data,
additional four control loops are determined for manipulating such as feed ow rate or feed composition, as disturbance and
these four remaining degrees of freedom. then use the Design Spec option in Aspen Plus to vary the
3.2. Closed-Loop Sensitivity Test. A control strategy degrees of freedom to hold the product purities at specication.
is desirable if it is able to hold the product purities at Finally, this process will go to a new steady-state equal to
perfect control if the Design Specs options all work successfully.
The last step is to identify any process variables or ratios of
process variables that remain almost unchanged before and
after the introduced disturbance, which are suitable to be
selected as controlled variables.
For this process shown in Figure 4, as mentioned in the
section 3.1, there are four remaining degrees of freedom.
However, the number of product purities of interest are just
three, which means there is still one degree of freedom
untreated if we hold all of the product purities. Thus, a quality
control loop for one of the degrees of freedom should be
guessed again and again until all Design Spec options work
successfully. The process is tested under two types of distur-
bances: one is 20% throughput changes (feed 20%), and
the other is 10% methanol changes in the fresh feed
composition (MeOH 10%). In the feed composition change,
MMA and water composition increase or decrease simul-
taneously and proportionally to each other. The successful
guessed control loop is to x the reux ratio in the distillation
column; then the remaining three degrees of freedom are varied
to hold the purities. Parts of the results of the closed-loop
sensitivity test are listed in Table 4, including process variables
and some important ratios. Base case represents the results
before any disturbance, while the deviation means the results of
perfect control compared to the base case. The other results of
the closed-loop sensitivity test, tray temperatures in the
columns, will be used in section 3.3.
Table 4 shows that every degree of freedom should change
for the sake of perfect control, but some of the ratios can
be xed. These ratios which change least are the reux ratio in
the distillation column (RR), ratio of reboiler duty in C-1 to the
aqueous phase ow rate (QR1/AQ), and ratio of reboiler duty
in the stripper to the organic phase ow rate (QR2/OR). Thus,
xing these three ratios is feasible for perfect control. The
Figure 6. (a) Closed-loop sensitivity test on temperature prole in C-2 remaining degree of freedom is the recycled water ow rate,
stripper. (b) Open-loop sensitivity test with reboiler duty (QR2) on which must be manipulated with the aid of a tray temperature
temperature prole in C-2 stripper. controller.
Table 5. Results in Tray Temperatures from Closed-Loop Sensitivity Tests
base case (kmol/h) (kW) MeOH + 10% MeOH 10% feed + 20% feed 20%
Ratio and Temperatures
QR2/OR 6.092 0.36% 0.37% 0.13% 0.03%
T2 81.061 0.00% 0.06% 0.13% 0.08%
T36T33 11.126 0.15% 0.05% 0.18% 0.13%
T33T28 9.573 1.18% 1.12% 2.38% 2.12%

[T2], temperature on 2nd stage in C-2; [T36T33], temperature dierence between 36th and 33rd stages in C-1; [T33T28], temperature
dierence between 33rd and 28th stages in C-1.

3069 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.6b00391

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Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

3.3. Selection of Temperature Control Stage(s). Open- sensitivity (large temperature deviation in open-loop sensitivity
loop and closed-loop sensitivity tests are used to determine the test) to the manipulated variables. On the other hand, as men-
tray temperature control point for both columns. The open- tioned before, an appropriate temperature control point should
loop sensitivity test is performed in which 0.1% changes in also be almost unchanged (small deviation in closed-loop
one of the degrees of freedom is given when others are xed. sensitivity test) for the sake of perfect control. Thus, the control
An appropriate temperature control point should have large point is determined based on both open-loop and closed-loop
sensitivity tests.
For the C-2 stripper, the results of tray temperature deviation
in the closed-loop sensitivity test are shown in Figure 6a, and
the results in the open-loop sensitivity test are shown in Figure 6b.
Although temperature on the rst stage deviates the least under
perfect control, it has less sensitivity to the reboiler duty. The
best temperature control point is the second stage considering
both requirements discussed above. However, in section 3.2, we
know that the reboiler duty can also be manipulated with xed
ratio to the organic phase ow rate. In Table 5, deviations of
this ratio and the temperature on second stage (T2) in closed-
loop sensitivity test are compared. This temperature is better
as a controlled variable because of less deviation, while this ratio
can still be applied as an inner-loop ratio control for better
dynamic performance.
As for the C-1 distillation column, results of both tests are
shown in Figure 7a,b. The selection is not obvious because
stages with larger open-loop sensitivity all have much
temperature deviation under perfect control. Large deviation
in product purities is further conrmed after the introduction of
any disturbance by using either single-end or dual-end
temperature control. However, temperatures on stages 2836
have similar temperature deviations under perfect control. This
means that a smaller deviation in temperature dierence
between any two of these stages can be achieved. If the
temperature dierence between any two stages is selected as a
controlled variable, it should also have enough open-loop
sensitivity to the manipulated variables, which is the subtraction
of two sensitivities for these two stages. Thus, one of the stage
temperatures should have larger sensitivity, while the other one
should have smaller sensitivity. Figure 7b shows that temper-
ature dierence between stages 28 and 33 (T33 T28) has the
largest open-loop sensitivity. However, the nal selected tem-
perature dierence is that between stages 36 and 33 (T36
Figure 7. (a) Closed-loop sensitivity test on temperature prole in C-1 T33) for better closed-loop performance as listed in Table 5, at
column. (b) Open-loop sensitivity test with recycled water ow rate the cost of just a little decrease in the open-loop sensitivity,
(REC) on temperature prole in C-1 column. shown in Figure 7b. Here, controlling a temperature dierence

Figure 8. Overall proposed control structure for this alternative design.

3070 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.6b00391

Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2016, 55, 30643074
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 9. Closed-loop dynamic responses to 10% methanol feed composition changes.

can also be viewed as a single-tray temperature control with a xed ratio of reboiler duty in C-1 column to aqueous
oating set point from another tray. phase ow rate (QR1/AQ), controlling temperature on second
3.4. Closed-Loop Dynamic Control Behaviors. In stage (T2) in C-2 stripper by manipulating the ratio of its
summary of sections 3.2 and 3.3, the four quality control reboiler duty to organic phase ow rate (QR2/OR), and
loops are determined: xed reux ratio in C-1 column (RR), controlling the temperature dierence between the 36th
3071 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.6b00391
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2016, 55, 30643074
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

Figure 10. Closed-loop dynamic responses to 20% throughput changes.

and 33rd stages (T36-T33) in C-1 column by manipulating For the single-tray temperature controller, the resulting
the recycled water ow rate. PI controllers are used in parameters are Kc = 0.931 and I = 10.56 min with reverse
these two temperature control loops with 1 min deadtime. action. For the controller controlling temperature dierence,
They are iteratively tuned by relay feedback test provided the resulting parameters are Kc = 0.295 and I = 65.34 min with
in Aspen Plus Dynamics with TyreusLuyben tuning rules.23 direct action.
3072 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.6b00391
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2016, 55, 30643074
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Article

The overall proposed control structure is shown in Figure 8. between the 36th and 33rd stages in the C-1 column, and the
Note that two inner-loop ratio controls are added for faster temperature at the second stage in the C-2 stripper. Two inner-
dynamic response: ratio of recycled water ow rate to fresh feed loop ratio controls are added to enhance the dynamic
ow rate and ratio of reboiler duty in the stripper to organic performance. Results show that with the aid of this control
phase ow rate. Thus, both temperature controllers adjust these strategy, the process quickly reaches another steady state within
two ratios separately, rather than directly manipulating recycled 6 h and all the product purities are still maintained near their
water ow rate or the reboiler duty. specications despite any disturbance, such as feed composition
Two types of disturbances will be used to test the proposed changes or throughput changes.

control strategy. The tough disturbance of unmeasurable fresh
feed composition changes is considered rst. Large variations AUTHOR INFORMATION
of 10% methanol changes (MeOH 10%) in the fresh
feed composition are tested, and MMA and water in feed Corresponding Author
composition increase or decrease simultaneously and propor- *Tel: +886-3-3366-3063. Fax: +886-2-2362-3040. E-mail:
tionally to each other. For example, in the +10% MeOH case, [email protected].
the feed composition changes from 69.79 mol % MeOH, Notes
12.50 mol % H2O, and 17.71 mol % MMA to 76.77 mol % The authors declare no competing nancial interest.

MeOH, 9.61 mol % H2O, and 13.62 mol % MMA. Figure 9
shows the closed-loop dynamic responses to feed composition ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
changes. It is observed that the temperature in the C-2 stripper
and the temperature dierence in the C-1 column are The research funding from the Ministry of Science and
quickly controlled back to their set point values within 6 h. Technology of R.O.C. under Grant MOST 104-2218-E-002-
Three product ow rates increase or decrease according to the 006 is greatly appreciated.
unmeasurable feed composition changes. Most importantly, all
three product purities are maintained near their specications
despite these unmeasurable disturbances.
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