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[G.R. No. 47799] 74 Phil.


Administration of the Estate of Neri. Neri et al. v. Akutin and her children

May 21, 1943


[ discussion on Sec 814]


testator in his will left all his property by universal title to the children by his second marriage, the

herein respondents, with preterition of the children by his first marriage, the herein petitioner

Supreme Court annulled the institution of heirs and declared a total intestacy

clause 8 of the will, the testator made the statement that the children by his first marriage had

already received their shares in his property excluding what he had given them as aid during

their financial troubles and the money they had borrowed from him which he condoned in the


Findings of CA:

Since all the parcels that corresponded to Agripino Neri y Chaves are now in the

administrator's possession, as appears in the inventory filed in court, it is clear that the

property of the deceased has remained intact and that no portion thereof has been

given to the children of the first marriage.


It is stated by the court and practically admitted by the appellants that a child of the first

marriage named Getulia, or her heirs after her death, did not receive any share of the

property of her father.

As regards that large parcel of land adjoining parcel No. 1, it is contended that after the

court had denied the registration thereof. Agripino Neri y Chaves abandoned the said

land and that later on some of the children of the first marriage possessed it, thereby

acquiring title and interest therein by virtue of occupation and not through inheritance.

It is not true that this parcel containing 182.6373 hectares is now assessed in the names

of some of the children of the first marriage, for as shown on Tax Declaration No. 9395,

Exhibit 11-g, the owners of the property are Agapita Neri de Chaves y Hermanos.

Apparently, the said land is still claimed to be the property not only of the children of

the first marriage but also of those of the second marriage.

Issue: WON there should be cancellation of the will

Held: Yes

Respondents seem to agree that article 814 of the Civil Code is the law applicable but, in their di

scussion as to the effect of preterition, they confuse article 814 with articles 817 and 851 and other artic

les of the Civil Code. These three articles read:

ART. 814. The preterition of one or of all of the forced heirs in the direct line, whether living at t

he execution of the will or born after the death of the testator, shall annul the institution of heir

s; but the legacies and betterments shall be valid in so far as they are not inofficious.

The preterition of the widower or widow does not annul the institution; but the person omitted

shall retain all the rights granted to him by articles 834, 835, 836, and 837 of this Code.

ART. 817. Testamentary dispositions which diminish the legitimate of the forced heirs shall be re

duced on petition of the same in so far as they are inofficious or excessive.

ART. 851. Disinheritance made without a statement of the cause, or for a cause the truth of whic

h, if contested, is not shown, or which is not one of those stated in the four following articles, sh

all annul the institution of heirs in so far as it is prejudicial to the disinherited person; but the leg

acies, betterments, and other testamentary dispositions shall be valid in so far as they are not pr

ejudicial to said legitime.

The following example will make the question clearer: The testator has two legitimate sons, A an

d B, and in his will he leaves all his property to A, with total preterition of B. Upon these facts, shall we a

nnul entirely the institution of heir in favor of A and declare a total intestacy, or shall we merely refuse t

he bequest left A, giving him two-thirds, that is one third of free disposal and one-third of betterments,

plus one-half of the other third as strict legitime, and awarding B only the remaining one-half of the stric

t legitime?

If we do the first, we apply article 814; if the second, we apply articles 851 or 817. But article 85

1 applies only in cases of unfounded disinheritance, and all are agreed that the present case is not one o

f disinheritance but of preterition. Article 817 is merely a general rule inapplicable to specific cases provi

ded by law, such as that of preterition or disinheritance.

Manresa, for instance, starts expounding the meaning of the law with an illustration. He says tha

t in case of preterition (article 814). the nullity of the institution of heirs is total, whereas in case of disin

heritance (article 851), the nullity is partial, that is, in so far as the institution affects the legitime of the

disinherited heirs. He then proceeds to comment upon the wisdom of the distinction made by law, givin

g two views thereon. He first lays the view contrary to the distinction made by law, then the arguments i

n support of the distinction, and lastly a possible defense against said arguments. And after stating that t

he Spanish jurisprudence has not as yet decided squarely the question, with an allusion] to two resolutio

ns of the Spanish Administrative Direction, one in favor of article 814 and another evasive, he concludes
that the construction which may rightly be given to article 814 is that in case of preterition, the institu

tion of heirs is null in toto whereas in case of disinheritance the nullity is limited to that portion of the

legitime of which the disinherited heirs have been illegally deprived. He further makes it clear that in c

ases of preterition, the property bequeathed by universal titled to the instituted heirs should not be mer

ely reduced according to article 817, but instead, intestate succession should be opened in connection t

herewith under article 814, the reason being that article 814, "como especial en el caso que le motiva, ri

ge con preferencia al 817."

Of course, the annulment of the institution of heirs in cases of preterition does not always carr

y with it the ineffectiveness of the whole will. Neither Manresa nor Sanchez Roman nor this Court has e

ver said so. If, aside from the institution of heirs, there are in the will provisions leaving to the heirs so in

stituted or to other persons some specific properties in the form of legacies or mejoras, such testament

ary provisions shall be effective and the legacies and mejoras shall be respected in so far as they are n

ot inofficious or excessive, according to article 814. In the instant case, however, no legacies or mejora

s are provided in the will, the whole property of the deceased having been left by universal title to the c

hildren of the second marriage. The effect, therefore, of annulling the institution of heirs will be necessa

rily the opening of a total intestacy.

But the theory is advanced that the bequest made by universal titled in favor of the children by t

he second marriage should be treated as legado and mejora and, accordingly, it must not be entirely an

nulled but merely reduced. This theory, if adopted, will result in a complete abrogation of articles 814 an

d 851 of the Civil Code. If every case of institution of heirs may be made to fall into the concept of lega

cies and betterments reducing the bequest accordingly, then the provisions of articles 814 and 851 reg

arding total or partial nullity of the institution, would be absolutely meaningless and will never have a

ny application at all. And the remaining provisions contained in said article concerning the reduction of i

nofficious legacies or betterments would be a surplusage because they would be absorbed by article 817
. Thus, instead of construing, we would be destroying integral provisions of the Civil Code.

The destructive effect of the theory thus advanced is due mainly to a failure to distinguish institu

tion of heirs from legacies and betterments, and a general from a special provision. With reference to ar

ticle 814, which is the only provision material to the disposition of this case, it must be observed that t

he institution of heirs is therein dealt with as a thing of separate and distinct from legacies or betterm

ent. And they are separate and distinct not only because they are distinctly and separately treated in s

aid article but because they are in themselves different. Institution of heirs is a bequest by universal titl

e of property that is undetermined. Legacy refers to specific property bequeathed by a particular or spec

ial title. The first is also different from a betterment which should be made expressly as such (article 828

). The only instance of implied betterment recognized by law is where legacies are made which cannot b

e included in the free portion (article 828). But again an institution of heirs cannot be taken as a legacy.

It is clear, therefore, that article 814 refers to two different things which are the two different o

bjects of its two different provisions. One of these objects cannot be made to merge in the other withou

t mutilating the whole article with all its multifarious connections with a great number of provisions spre

ad throughout the Civil Code on the matter of succession. It should be borne in mind, further, that altho

ugh article 814 contains who different provisions, its special purpose is to establish a specific rule concer

ning a specific testamentary provision, namely, the institution of heirs in a case of preterition. Its other p

rovision regarding the validity of legacies and betterments if not inofficious is a mere reiteration of the g

eneral rule contained in other provisions (articles 815 and 817) and signifies merely that it also applies in

cases of preterition. As regards testamentary dispositions in general, the general rule is that all "testam

entary disposition which diminish the legitime of the forced heirs shall be reduced on petition of the s

ame in so far as they are inofficous or excessive" (article 817). But this general rule does not apply to th

e specific instance of a testamentary disposition containing an institution of heirs in a case of preterition

, which is made the main and specific subject of article 814. In such instance, according to article 814, th
e testamentary disposition containing the institution of heirs should be not only reduced but annulled in

its entirety and all the forced heirs, including the omitted ones, are entitled to inherit in accordance wit

h the law of intestate succession. It is thus evident that, if, in construing article 814, the institution of hei

rs therein dealt with is to be treated as legacies or betterments, the special object of said article would b

e destroyed, its specific purpose completely defeated, and in that wise the special rule therein establish

ed would be rendered nugatory. And this is contrary to the most elementary rule of statutory constructi

on. In construing several provisions of a particular statute, such construction shall be adopted as will giv

e effect to all, and when general and particular provisions are inconsistent, the latter shall prevail over t

he former. (Act No. 190, secs. 287 and 288.)

There is certainly a difference between a case of preterition in which the whole property is left t

o a mere friend and a case of preterition in which the whole property is left to one or some forced heirs.

If the testamentary disposition be annulled totally in the first case, the effect would be a total deprivatio

n of the friend of his share in the inheritance. And this is contrary to the manifest intention of the testat

or. It may fairly be presumed that, under such circumstances, the testator would at leave give his friend

the portion of free disposal. In the second case, the total nullity of the testamentary disposition would h

ave the effect, not of depriving totally the instituted heir of his share in the inheritance, but of placing hi

m and the other forced heirs upon the basis of equality. This is also in consonance with the presumptive

intention of the testator. Preterition, generally speaking, is due merely to mistake or inadvertence witho

ut which the testator may be presumed to treat alike all his children.

And specially is this true in the instant case where the testator omitted the children by his first

marriage upon the erroneous belief that he had given them already more shares in his property than tho

se given to the children by his second marriage. It was, therefore, the thought of the testator that the ch

ildren by his first marriage should not receive less than the children by his second marriage, and to that

effect is the decision of this Court sought to be reconsidered.

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