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The Stone Alignments of Kor Nak Tenkar's Landing, Hex 15/12


Eilean Dubh, Hex 15/12

A fantasy, 6-mile hex adventure sandbox

By GP Adventures LLC


The Stone Alignments of Kor Nak Tenkar's Landing, Hex 15/12


This hex, in its original format, is meant to be challenging for a group of heroic characters (Level 4
or thereabouts). The idea behind it is to reverse the usual assumption that the deeper you delve in
the Underworld, the greater the threats encountered. Here, the surface wilderness is cursed, and its
landmarks are inhabited by powerful monsters and NPCs. Bringing peace to the Carnelian Queen
should not be a mission or objective forced onto the Players' Characters. It must be an optional goal
for the campaign.

This wilderness is cursed, and meant to be dangerous. It is meant to top a series of tunnels or
complex that would run throughout the hex, perhaps two or three levels deep, with this idea that
the deeper the party would get, the easier the challenges would be. The underground level under
the Dolmen close to the Alignments, the sandstone corridors of the Golden Tumulus, the
catacombs under the Ruined Lighthouse, even flooded networks of caverns beyond the
Alignments, all the way to the Cobalt Caves and the Iron Pyramid, could be linked with one
another, as the Underworld map exemplifies (see Appendix at the end of this document).

Keep in mind that the descriptions are not exhaustive, and do not include all manners of smaller,
less threatening critters that are sure to populate the area. The Wandering Monsters chart hints at
this, and it is recommended for the referee to make the place come alive with a variety of threats,
not just the main hubs described herein. Likewise with treasure: some of the important items to be
found have been described, but amounts of gold, or other trinkets, scrolls, potions have not. Take
this as a license to customize the hoards to fit your campaign.

The main denizens of this area are not allied to one another. They are generally secluded to their
own areas and are not prone to leave them in pursuit of the party. Some conflicts between the hex's
inhabitants could however be occasionally witnessed and/or triggered by the party. The Korrigan
might push back against the spiders of the Grand Menhir. The Samildenech might hate the fact it
cannot control the Elder Cyclops of the Stone Circle, or be mortally afraid of the Spirit of the
Golden Tumulus. It is the referee's responsibility to breathe life into the setting.


For the sake of usefulness and visibility, this hex's map defaults to the depiction of the prominent
terrain features present in the sub-hexes constituting it. The areas shown as flat or hilly may also be
forested, albeit less heavily so than those sub-hexes showing clear dense forest instead.

This hex is generally avoided by the population of the island. Most people know this area is
extremely dangerous: people venturing here disappear, and are never heard from again. People say
the trees, the standing stones, the earth itself awakens and and devours the unwary.

This isn't far from the truth.

The Stone Alignments of Kor Nak Tenkar's Landing, Hex 15/12


A long time ago, on a different plane of existence, a powerful Empire of Men invaded an island at
the edge of the world. Soon, the legions captured the land and killed all the leaders of the native
tribes they could find. One woman, however, resisted the all-out assault. She was flogged, her
daughters raped, but she stood up against the invading forces despite the tortures inflicted upon
her house and claimed leadership of the tribes assembled under her banner. She was tall, and fair,
with long red hair. She was the Carnelian Queen of her people united against a common enemy.

Together, the Queen's armies destroyed the Iron Tower the Empire had built as its main base. The
tribes thought they had scared off the enemy as the legions backed away and left the Tower to be
sacked and burned to the ground. But the enemy only retreated out of tactical shrewdness,
gathering its many legions and well-needed reinforcements to fight back.

On the day of the crucial battle, as the historian recalls, the Carnelian Queen stood in a chariot
with her two daughters before her. She drove through the ranks, and harangued the different tribes
in their turn: "This," she said, "is not the first time we have been led to battle by a woman. But now
she did not come to boast the pride of a long line of ancestry, nor even to recover her kingdom and
the plundered wealth of her family. She took the field, like the meanest among them, to assert the
cause of public liberty, and to seek revenge for her body seamed with ignominious stripes, and her
two daughters infamously ravished. From the pride and arrogance of the invader, nothing is sacred;
all are subject to violation; the old endure the scourge, and the virgins are deflowered. But the
vindictive gods are now at hand. A legion dared to face our warlike folk: with their lives they paid
for their rashness; those who survived the carnage of that day, lie poorly hid behind their
entrenchments, meditating nothing but how to save themselves by an ignominious flight. From the
din of preparation, and the shouts of our forces, the Empire's lieges, even now, shrink back with
terror. What will be their case when the assault begins? Look round, and view your numbers.
Behold the proud display of warlike spirits, and consider the motives for which we draw the
avenging sword. On this spot we must either conquer, or die with glory. There is no alternative.
Though a woman, my resolution is fixed: the men, if they please, may survive with infamy, and live
in bondage."

Many great deeds were performed on that day. Many men and women died. Magic was forcefully
wielded on both sides with such might that, by the end of the day, the island itself lay broken at the
Empire's feet, parts of it engulfed by the waves, never to surface again. The armies of the Carnelian
Queen were dispatched, and the iron legions ruled the scarred land from then on.

The Carnelian Queen's body was never found, for in her hour of despair, she was snatched away
from the field by entities beyond her material plane, entities of great power which took her and her
gentry away from the disaster about to occur. She intended to return, but was tricked, lost between
the planes, travelling for an eternity before finding a way to another prime material world, another
reality which was not her own. This is how the Carnelian Queen and her people, the ancient

The Stone Alignments of Kor Nak Tenkar's Landing, Hex 15/12

Ayceni, ended up on the coast of Eilean Dubh so long ago.

It wasn't long before the entities of the Black Gulf caught up with the Ayceni. Slowly, the dark
energies pushed through the veil separating them from the material plane. Slowly, one by one, the
Ayceni fell to a corruption of their hearts and minds. When at last the forces of evil pushed through
and assaulted them, the Ayceni were divided. The Queen called for her people to defend
themselves, to contain the tide that came rushing from the Black Gulf, but it was too late. The
Samildenech, the druid and wise man among the Ayceni, usurped leadership of the tribe and
commanded its people to surrender to the powers of darkness. The Carnelian Queen tried to resist
with those remaining faithful to her, but the Samildenech, now acting as a representative of Those
beyond the Black Gulf, turned her forces to stone, killed the Queen, and dismembered her to
prevent her return.

The Ayceni fell from grace. In time, they lost conscious knowledge of who they were, vaguely
aware of their origins, dancing among the stones, remembering the songs of their people only
when mingled with dancing rituals meant to appease Those lurking beyond the Black Gulf.

The whole area has been laying dormant since then. An iron pyramid fell from the sky. A lighthouse
was built and abandoned. The gods of nature gave up, and let the forest rot to its core. Human
descendants of the Ayceni exist, but they are few and far between, most of them not even aware of
their ancestry. The forest remains haunted, avoided by all those who wish to live and see another
day on this forsaken earth.


Stats have been included whenever characters and monsters were unique enough to warrant it.

Some information in the hex's description is presented between brackets [-]. These are meant as
suggestions to downscale the power of those monsters and entities linked to the Black Gulf in this
area. Such as it is, the Alignments of Kor Nak are meant to be first confronted by an heroic party
which should either reach the area through its Underworld, or engage the hex from the surface and
explore to find it very tough to navigate. The information between brackets helps rescale the area,
keeping it challenging without necessarily switching monsters types or abilities. The values
indicated between brackets can be substituted if the party either weakens the surface area by
destroying some type of artifact or series of artifacts buried in the Underworld below (such as the
shards of the Black Gulf that would have fallen from the sky when the Carnelian Queen resisted,
and are now buried deep under the surface of the earth, for instance), and/or if they discover the
unique weaknesses of the denizens of the surface and exploit them. Note the weaknesses indicated
between brackets are mere suggestions, and the referee is invited to come up with his or her own
answers, whatever fits the campaign and general scenario the best.

Parties might come to an early end while exploring the hex. Make sure they know what they are
getting into, especially as far as creatures like vampires are concerned. Let them meet some of the

The Stone Alignments of Kor Nak Tenkar's Landing, Hex 15/12

inferior creatures suggested in the Wandering Monsters table first. Let them know that this will
only get tougher from there. The party could then back off and glean some information about the
area, discover parts of the Queen's story, or come to know the nature of the affliction corrupting
the land in this hex while exploring another part of the setting. They might want to find the shards
that fell from the sky, avoid the more dangerous foes of the surface, explore the Underworld to
destroy them, and then come back to solve the mystery, make the body of the Queen whole again
and grant her final peace.


As a general principle, wandering monsters should be checked once every time the party moves
within the hex from one landmark to the next. Encounters occur 1-in-6. When such do occur, the
referee is free to consult and roll 2d6 on the following table:

2) [1-6] 2-12 Hermit Crab Men on a punitive expedition near the coast (from the Crab Men
Encampment) OR Roaming pack of Undead (from the Dolmen, type chosen by the referee).
3) Swarm of Stirges, [2-12] 3-30 in number (from the Stone Circle).
4) Lone (0r 1-3) Will-O-Wisp (from the woods).
5) The Korrigan [1-6] 2-12 (from the Korrigan Settlement).
6) Pseudo-Korrigan (Simian Orcs) [2-12] 3-18 (from the woods).
7) Spiders, [1-3] 1-6 with or without an ettercap (from the Grand Menhir).
8) Animals fleeing the area. Could be Wild Boars, Male and Female, or other animals.
9) Troll on the hunt. Could be accompanied by its vicious, hungry young.
10) Carrion Creeper. Per S&W Complete Rules.
11) Party of Crazed Adventurers. Roughly equal to the party's own capabilities. These adventurers
explored one of the hex's landmarks, and came out insane. They could be aggressive, believing the
party to be enemies, and/or could reveal some clues useful in the exploration of the hex.
12) Other (Choose any creature that would seem appropriate given the circumstances).

ALIGNMENTS OF KOR NAK: Three rows of eroded, lichen-spotted menhirs silently stand guard
along the shore facing the Iron Pyramid and the Lone Tower beyond. A supernatural mist rises up
from the ground at unpredictible intervals. In such occasions, the alignments magically come alive.
The Korrigan (see Korrigan Settlement entry) emerge from the nearby forest and dance among the
stones, singing to Those beyond the Black Gulf, vaguely remembering their ancient origins, the
death of the Carnelian Queen who once ruled their people, and their ultimate descent into

The closeby Dolmen is the abode of The Samildenech, ancient druid of the Ayceni, the spiritual
leader who betrayed the Carnelian Queen at her greatest hour of need, and led her people in a
rebellion that would be her ultimate undoing.

The Samildenech remains, his soul ravaged by the black fires of unlife burning through his very
bones, fueling his cursed magics, bonding his thoughts to the worlds beyond the veils of mortal

The Stone Alignments of Kor Nak Tenkar's Landing, Hex 15/12

consciousness. The Dolmen sits atop a series of tunnels filled with the ashen bones of the dead
gathered here over the centuries, covered with molds, lichens and intertwined with the roots
plunging into the Underworld to gather the dark energies keeping the crop of trees surrounding
the Dolmen alive and sentient.

Here and there, inside the undead-populated tunnels, various species of deadly lotus slowly grow
and blossom, both fed and consumed by the ancient evil of this place, spreading their delerious
fumes throughout the complex. The party exploring this area would be subject to various
hallucinations and visions of dark sprawling cities lost swirling deep within the Black Gulf. Some of
these places might even be explored by a party not afraid to lose its way back from these wretched
places to this material plane forever.

The stench and dark energies radiating from the Dolmen are perceptible yards away as the party
approaches. Make sure the party understands that whatever threat lies beyond, it is eminently dark
and dangerous, before they ever have to face the Samildenech.

ANIMATED STANDING STONES: The Korrigan dancing in the mists rising between the
Alignments of Kor Nak can awake one of more of the Standing Stones. Treat these as [6+3] 9+3 HD
Stone Giants with the ability to throw bits of themselves at the intruders; these stone blocks inflict
the same [2d6] 3d6 damage, but the Standing Stones lose 5-8 of their own hit points in the process.
[If the stones animate during the light of day, and the mists are dispersed by gusts of winds and
likewise devices, they will be weakened until nightfall. A clue may be conveyed by the rays of
sunshine affecting the stones for a few seconds, with their surface becoming more rigid and brittle
for a moment.]

THE SAMILDENECH: Treat as a [5] 7 HD Vampire [draining Constitution instead of levels: 2

points per hit, which can be regained via remove curse (recover all lost points) or cure serious
wounds (recover 2 points per application)], with the ability to change into a raven or a wolf. He can
summon a swarm of flesh eating ravens (treat as stirges cutting their victims with their beaks, 3-18
in number). [If faced with the Head of the Carnelian Queen, the Samildenech may be weakened for
a full day. The Samildenech might reveal this weakness unintentionally to the party in a first
meeting, where his thoughts would drift back to the Queen and her burning blue eyes, showing his
great fear of finding himself in her presence again. The Spears of the Skull Cairn could be used as
stakes against the Samildenech]

The Samildenech wears the mummified Right Arm of the Carnelian Queen, and uses it to reach
through the Black Gulf and manipulate its substance (this could mean casting spells as a druid of
equivalent level, or summoning greater alien beings from beyond). This arm is needed to put the
spirit of the Carnelian Queen to rest (see the Petroglyphs entry). The Samildenech also wears the
Crimson Cloak and Silver Brooch of the Carnelian Queen. The embroided garnment is tattered
and blood-soaked, but otherwise functional (treat as a cloak of displacement), whereas the Silver
Brooch bears a powerful dweomer adding +2 to the wearer's Charisma and allowing him or her to
turn the undead as a cleric of equivalent level. Other riches abound within the tunnels.

The Stone Alignments of Kor Nak Tenkar's Landing, Hex 15/12

The Korrigan revere and despise the Samildenech at the same time. They both remember him as
their greatest protector in the moments that followed their plunge into darkness, and the traitor
who led them to this prolonged state of regression and disgrace in the first place.

COBALT CAVES: This large multicoloured reef partially exposed to the air during low tide is
inhabited by a fierce tribe of mermen who worship a monstrous star fish that came from the stars
and spawned the reef out of its unfathomable mind. The mermen consider the reef to be sacred,
and will not let anyone get close to the alien creature that is their lord and master.

The star fish, who might or might not be the only specimen of its kind, is generally dormant, and
interacts but rarely with the minds of its faithful servants. The referee might grant the creature
innate magical or psionic abilities, if it fits the campaign. Its attention might be focused somewhere
else, or it could patiently wait and prepare itself for some events it has foreseen and are yet to come,
whatever those may be.

CRAB MEN ENCAMPMENT: The entire coast leading to this structure is littered with millions of
sea shells of different shapes and sizes. Most of them are very fine, and it makes the terrain
particularly difficult to negotiate (half movement rate). Violent movements, as would occur when
fencing against an opponent in a melee, could result in shells splintering, getting past different
layers of booting and leggings (incurring 1-2 points of damage per round), not to mention the
precarious nature of the terrain.

On this multicoloured and treacherous landscape lies one particular shell of immense proportions.
It is partially buried under a mound of much smaller shells, and might be 300 feet in diameter. Its
ellipsoidal shape is surmounted by seven equidistant horns rising skyward at different angles across
its surface. One can only imagine what type of monstrous mollusk must have inhabited it in
ancient times. It is now the centre of an encampment of Hermit Crab Men who wear different
shells over their bodies and use the same as shields. These are neutral creatures, but they do have
an appetite for man's flesh, among other things.

HERMIT CRAB MEN: HD 3; AC 2 (17); AT claw 2-8/shell shield punch 1-12; ST 15; MV 9/9
Swimming; AL Neutral; XP 3/60. Larger, tougher versions may inhabit the encampment, including
Hermit Crab Behemoths.

DEVIL'S MAW: An oblong, gaping structure emerges from the waves at a 45-degree angle. It seems
made out of stone, and is covered with algae and all manners of plant life until about one third of
the way up to its tip. A break evoking the shape of a large mouth appears to open up on the inside
of the structure from the tip raised 300 feet above the waterline.

Rumours persist that these are in fact the petrified remains of a leviathan, one of the largest
creatures to ever emerge from the depths. The insides of the structure are said to be inhabited by a
collection of creatures, both marine and amphibious, under the command of an Aboleth

The Stone Alignments of Kor Nak Tenkar's Landing, Hex 15/12

Triumvirate plotting its way into the world of men. The organic insides of the leviathan, the corals
and stone protrusions that developed for ages since the monstrous creature was stranded here are
supposed to have been carved, perfected to form a deadly labyrinth completely submerged at its
lowest point. Nobody has been able to verify the truth behind those tales.

GOLDEN TUMULUS: This location bears this name because of the uncharacteristic sandstone
lining the winding corridors and oddly-shaped chambers concealed under this perfectly round yet
otherwise unassuming artificial hill. The Golden Tumulus will first appear uninhabited, but for the
lack of any form of dust inside that seems to indicate otherwise. A careful search could trigger an
encounter with an Ochre Jelly hiding in tight, almost invisible spaces between the blocks of stone.

In the deep central chamber of the tumulus, a couple of verses may be found carved into the stone.
If the Ayceni script is successfully deciphered, they will read thusly:


If the possessions of the Queen are brought to this chamber, her spirit will manifest. Blade, shield,
breastplate, cloak or brooch will do just fine. If two or more items are brought back, the referee
may consider that each additional item will grant a temporary, magical +1 to each of their
combined users equally to hit the raging spirit of the Queen, regardless of the item's nature, for a
maximum of +3 to hit. For instance, if one party member wears the cloak, while another uses the
shield, brooch and blade of the Carnelian Queen, both characters will benefit from a magical +3 to
hit the raging night hag spirit of the Queen (see below).

When first met, the spirit appears as a beautiful, strong, red-haired maiden wearing a golden torc
around her neck. The maiden leads a chariot of war pulled by a couple of pristine white stallions.
The spirit will try to get its bearings as it emerges from the wall. Unless all the items present in this
chamber and belonging to the Carnelian Queen are given back to her forthwith, the spirit will
morph into a raging white-haired [6] 8 HD night hag leading a chariot pulled by two [4+6] 6+6 HD
nightmares (the nightmares may or may not actively participate to the following confrontation,
depending on the referee's wishes). She will try to trample the party with her stallions and chariot,
phasing in and out of existence as she emerges from the walls and disappears again into solid rock.
The apparition will never leave the subterranean chambers of the Golden Tumulus. [If faced with
the Ethereal Blade of the Carnelian Queen, the hag and nightmares will be weakened. The hag
alludes to this while taunting the party about their weak weapons, lack of a proper blades, etc.]

If defeated, the spirit will recede into the Golden Torc. It will lay flat on the ground as soon as the
spirit has vanished. The Golden Torc of the Carnelian Queen acts as an Amulet of Life

The Stone Alignments of Kor Nak Tenkar's Landing, Hex 15/12

Protection. The Torc is needed to put her spirit to rest (see the Petroglyphs entry).

In the event the party gifts back the items to the spirit of the Carnelian Queen before it transforms
into the night hag, it will show signs of appeasement, and will manifest again whenever the party
comes back. Even after the transformation, the party can still restitute the items to the hag, who
will cease to attack, grab the item, and disappear for the time being, only to reappear if more of the
items are brought back to her. The spirit, whether the maiden or the hag, will only find solace once
all five items have been restituted. It will then recede into the Golden Torc. The spirit will dissipate,
and the Torc, as well as the items belonging to the Carnelian Queen, will remain behind, laying on
the floor of the chamber.

Award full experience points to the party, especially if it appeases the spirit without bloodshed.

GRAND MENHIR: This area spreads a quarter of mile (one hex) in all directions around the
Menhir itself. It is covered with very thick webs stretching between 6-foot high mounds of
displaced earth rising here and there in the landscape. These mounds lead to holes dug by a
subterranean species of albino spiders spinning their poisonous webs to catch their preys, large and
small, betwixt and between. Not only do these webs impede movement (half rate, acts as web spell
if violent movements are carried out), but they are also coated with saliva that gradually numbs a
victim on contact with one's bare skin.

The referee should inform party members not wearing any sort of protective gear when hacking
and slashing their way through the stuff that they start to feel numb on a failed saving throw,
inflicting -2 to hit in combat situations. Saving throws are made every turn, assuming any type of
movement is attempted. Those who fail their saving throw twice see their freedom of movement
and Dexterity impeded further (-4 to the attribute, additional -1 to hit). A third failure means the
victim is paralysed.

The spiders are led by a monstrosity called forth years ago by the Samildenech (see the Alignments
entry above), a thrice-headed ettercap with pale, almost translucent skin nesting under the 40-foot
high Grand Menhir located on the map. This creature can alternately spew saliva (for immediate
saving throw in a 20-foot radius at +2 on the roll, or become paralysed/numb), or gas in a cone
shape (in the form of a psychotropic substance that confuses its targets, per the confusion spell), or
regurgitate one of the eggs it carries around in its bloated body, spawning a new albino spider
instantly, with one or more of its heads. The bites of the Thrice-Headed Ettercap are numbing, and
cause saving throws, as per saliva projection, on a single target.

Treat the albino spiders as giant, man-sized spiders.

THRICE-HEADED ETTERCAP: HD [5] 7; AC 5 (14); AT 1-3/1-3/1-8/1-8/1-8 claw, claw, bite x3, OR 1-

3/1-3 claws and 1-3 breath effects (saliva projection in a 20 foot radius, psychotropic confusion gas in
a cone and/or egg regurgitation and hatching); ST 9; MV 12; AL Chaotic XP 9/1,100. In addition to
the food and eggs stored in the stomach of the creature, it is worth noting that an undigested,

The Stone Alignments of Kor Nak Tenkar's Landing, Hex 15/12

ancient, mummified leg sticks out at a weird, repulsing angle from its body. It is the Left Leg of the
Carnelian Queen. This leg is needed to put her spirit to rest (see the Petroglyphs entry). [If one of
the party members wears the tattered Cloak of the Carnelian Queen (from the Alignments and
Dolmen), the dweomer it carries will weaken the ettercap. Old Breyr might know of this weakness,
having witnessed the ettercap and spiders carefully avoiding the region around the Stone Circle for
fear of the ghostly figures there. The Ethereal Blade might be useful here as well.]

IRON PYRAMID: A regular, square pyramid of bluish metal crashed at this location, probably
fallen from the skies some time after the fall of the Carnelian Queen. The Pyramid is inhabited by a
nasty group of lacedon (sea ghouls) causing illness rather than paralysis by touch. They somehow
have been contaminated by the alien spirits (computers) plotting in the depths of the Pyramid, and
have developed a sort of hive mind that makes them guard the metallic structure at all costs. What
kind of lost lore and new dweomers could be found within the Pyramid, one has to wonder.

The lacedon of the Iron Pyramid and the mermen of the Cobalt Caves are sworn enemies, mostly
defending their domain against one another, with regular incursions back and forth, testing each
others' defences, and so on. Whether the alien star fish and the spirits of the Iron Pyramid are in
fact related is a matter of conjecture best left for the referee to decide.

LACEDON OF THE IRON PYRAMID: Treat as Ghouls, with touch triggering sickness on a failed
saving throw: -4 to hit, - 1 to AC, move at half speed for the next 1-4 rounds, until it stops.

KORRIGAN SETTLEMENT: The Korrigan live in the foliage of the twisted trees growing in this
particular area. Their nests are built out of sticks, mud and patches of moss wherever the thick
branches could carry them.

About fifty individual Korrigan live there among the branches. They use the long vines of a
particularly resistant species of poison ivy to swing from one tree to the next. A party travelling
through the area might completely miss the settlement, unless it is particularly attentive, and
specifies it is keeping watch over its surroundings as it progresses. Even then, the party might be
ambushed by the Korrigan. Such an attack would involve 2-12 individuals, and would take place
away from the settlement, if at all possible.

The Korrigan are the ancient Ayceni who receded into a state of savagery tainted by the magical
energies corrupting the entire area. They have become both more feral and fay-like as time went
on. They have all but forgotten their pasts and origins, and developed a vicious attitude towards
outsiders. They have innate magical abilities, and can easily trick the unwary.

KORRIGAN (2-12): HD [2] 3; AC 6 (13); AT 1-6/1-6 claw; ST 9; MV 12; AL Chaotic XP 4/120. The
Korrigan are degenerated humans, corrupt fay vulnerable to cold iron (double damage). They are
able to teleport through all manners of plant life, barks, fresh earth and stone (treat as dimension
door at will). They can animate stones through hysterical dances and pleading to the entities of the
Black Gulf (generally treat as an animate object spell). They have a magic resistance of 20%.

The Stone Alignments of Kor Nak Tenkar's Landing, Hex 15/12

[Mentions of the Korrigan's past, their ancestry, origins, their fall into darkness, the fate of their
Queen might awaken some trace of humanity within and weaken them significantly.]

Degenerate forms of Korrigan exist and are spread throughout the forested hills of this hex. These
creatures have a much weaker connection to the Black Gulf, and even more primitive ways. These
strongly resemble simian orcs use gnoll and bugbear stats for equivalents, with perhaps yeti
equivalents for the strongest, giant specimen.

LONE TOWER: The long, twisted needle standing on this island defies the laws of physics and
architecture. The tower is not straight, but bent at a different angle, back and forth, forward and
backwards, with each successive section, on and on, as it reaches forth towards the clouds gathered
above. Single narrow windows can be seen there scattered between the tower's tortured sections. A
lantern hangs from an iron post sticking out of the masonry next to each ogive-shaped opening.
Each lantern shines of a subtle, eerie light. The island is slammed by the frothy waves breaking up
on the sharp rock formations at the foot of the tower. There is no sign of life, no vegetation nor
movement, besides the lanterns swinging in the violent gusts of wind thrown forth by the gods of
the sea.

Some say the tower is haunted. Others insist that this is not a tower at all, but a sentient being built
of stone, iron, glass and ghostly light watching over the seas for some unknown purpose. Others yet
claim the Lone Tower is a mystical portal, a gate linking all the material, inner and outer planes
alike, the manifestation of a single location existing either permanently or temporarily in each and
every one of them, following an esoteric pattern only creatures able to perceive all realities at the
same time would be able to discern. What type of otherworldly inhabitants the Tower could host,
what manner of beings, devils and demons alike, the presence of the Tower could unleash upon this
world, is unknown. It is avoided by the mariners treading those waters.

OLD BREYR'S SHACK: This roughly-built hut leans on a hill side. It is the abode of a lone human
named Breyr of the Shield, an extremely old knight who gave up his lands in order to continue to
keep watch over the entire area until he dies. His mind is very sharp, but his strength has waned
with the many years he has spent here. He can call upon the help of various animals, and is left
alone by most of the creatures, supernatural and otherwise, of this cursed land.

Breyr is a descendant of the ancient Ayceni. He knows of the legend and the curse of the Carnelian
Queen. He suspects bringing peace to the Queen might purify the land, but isn't sure how that can
be done. Breyr has tried to confront his kin, and all the abominations that roam the woods besides.
He has failed in this endeavour, many, many years ago. Breyr is now a broken man who hopes to see
the day when other, younger adventurers will carry on with the task and see it to its conclusion.

OLD BREYR: Breyr of the Shield is a venerable, heroic ranger of extreme old age (the referee is left
to decide his exact level). His physical abilities are greatly impaired, and he would be nigh useless in
a fight. He can still call to his aid some of his natural allies, however, boars, bears, and birds, for
instance. He will try to turn an inexperienced party of less than heroic level away from this place.

The Stone Alignments of Kor Nak Tenkar's Landing, Hex 15/12

Breyr can provide a well-needed respite to the party, but is not meant to serve some ulterior motive,
like some kind of Mary Sue DM PC character, nor help the party out of a tough situation, without
very careful thinking on the referee's part. It would be possible for Old Breyr to join the party, most
efficiently as a temporary, local henchman, or even a replacement character, if the party
endeavours to see peace restored to this land once and for all.

OLD COASTAL ROAD: This ancient metallic road once ran all the way along the coast. It is now
ruined, partially covered by earth and renewed vegetation, broken up into parts that can be spotted
here and there as one travels through the landscape. The metal of the road seems to repulse the
corrupted energies bathing the entire area. It could be that the alloy is connected to the plane of
Law in some fashion, or that the dark influence of the Black Gulf precipitated a similar, reverse
supernatural response on the road's part. Whenever the party rests in these areas, no agents of evil
will come and trouble them, though these same agents would follow and fight here if they are in
pursuit from another location on the map. Old Breyr knows of this fact, and often travels the land
from one road section to the next, watching over the woods from these relatively safe viewpoints.

PETROGLYPHS: Concentric circles have been carved into great, flat slabs of stone here. A
mummified arm sticks out of the centre, as if reaching out from the depths of the stone. It is the
Left Arm of the Carnelian Queen. Ancient runes of Ayceni script around the petroglyphic circles
can be translated as saying:



Only when the Spirit of the Carnelian Queen under the Golden Tumulus has been either satisfied
or defeated, and all the Queen's body parts, the Head (Skull Cairn), the Torso (Village Ruins), the
Right Arm (Alignments The Dolmen), as well as the Right (Stone Circle) and Left (Grand Menhir)
Legs, have been brought here together with the Golden Torc therein, may the final ritual begin.
The Left Arm petrified here, in the stone, will then be released, and the body may be pieced back
together. The referee must let the players explain how they proceed. The referee may decide some
specific spells are required, such as regeneration, raise dead, and/or cure spells, or he may let them
go about their business and judge whether they put enough thought or role-playing into the
process. Whenever the referee's conditions are met, the body will be whole, its spirit bound to it by
the Golden Torc around its neck, and the Queen will find peace at last. The curse lifted, the
connection of this land with the Black Gulf will progressively fade and disappear.

The Stone Alignments of Kor Nak Tenkar's Landing, Hex 15/12

Consider awarding a new experience level to the victorious party.

RUINED LIGHTHOUSE: Only a few remaining wet stones reveal the emplacement of what was
once a lighthouse nested between the rocks at this emplacement, the ultimate land section
reaching out from the coast into the sea. A secret passage among the ruins leads down to a series of
flooded corridors. An entire dungeon level deep below the surface remains dry, however. There, a
necromancer of unfathomable power communes with the shadows and the worms of the earth. It
seems the magic user only came to this area in recent years. It may be that he too, is a descendant
of the ancient Ayceni. Maybe he neither belongs nor cares, using the energies emanating from the
Black Gulf for his own nefarious purposes. Maybe he is a fugitive, or an old enemy of the party's. It
is for the referee to decide.

SKULL CAIRN: Deep into the woods rises a large cairn entirely built of human skulls. A large
shield is found embedded at its base, the Shield of the Carnelian Queen (+3 AC), as it were. Two
spears stick out of the ground on either side of the mound (these are +1 Spears that once belonged
to the Queen, though they are not technically part of her possessions relevant to the Golden
Tumulus). As the party approaches, its members will be able to better discern the contours of the
tortured bones, the hollow orbits staring at them through the empty space. The severed head of a
red-haired maiden crowns the edifice. Her visage seems unscathed. It is the Head of the Carnelian
Queen herself.

Disturbing the mound in any way will cause five skulls to levitate and catch on fire as they zoom
towards the interlopers. These Flaming Skulls are each burning of a different colour. They inflict [1-
4] 1-6 fire damage, plus an additional 1-4 damage each of a different energy type depending on the
colour of its flames: blue (cold), green (acid), red (fire), white (electricity) or gold (sonic).

FLAMING SKULLS: HD [2] 3; AC 4 (15); AT [1-4] 1-6 + 1-4 energy type (see above) slam attack; ST 14;
MV 15 flying; AL Chaotic XP 4/120. Destroying any one of the Flaming Skulls reduces the Head of
the Carnelian Queen's HD by one as well.

HEAD OF THE CARNELIAN QUEEN: Treat as a [6] 9 HD Spirit Naga, with the caveat that the
destruction of the Flaming Skulls directly impacts her total hit dice, as explained above. Once
defeated, the head will be severed from the spine it grew in aeons past. This Head is needed to put
the spirit of the Carnelian Queen to rest (see the Petroglyphs entry).

[Shaming the Queen by reminding her of her greatness, and pointing out just how evil and debased
she has become beyond death might be the way to weaken the Head and Flaming Skulls. If so, she
should interact with the party when first encountered, and behave in a manner that makes it plain
she is full of herself, thinks she is entirely justified in inflicting pain upon this land, its creatures
and people for having precipitated her downfall.]

STONE CIRCLE: An Elder Cyclops haunts the mile-wide swampy and mostly forested area around
the raised stones. Some of the menhirs are over eight feet tall in places. All are covered with moss

The Stone Alignments of Kor Nak Tenkar's Landing, Hex 15/12

and algae. The Cyclops, an ethereal being from another plane, is cunning and learned in the ancient
thaumaturgy of its people. Such lore has long been lost by its kin who degenerated into a collection
of barbaric, bestial oafs on this plane. It has a slate skin etched with runes of power, and a single,
mercurial eye shining brightly as its plays its instrument for the forest to join in.

The Elder Cyclops remembers it shepherds the Dark Young beyond the Black Gulf, entities of great
power spawned of the chaotic substance of the Black Goat of the Woods bubbling incessantly just
beyond the materiality of this world, fertilizing itself beyond the Gulf to birth new horrors as
thoughtlessly as men draw breath under the stars.

The swamp makes the area difficult terrain (half movement rate). The Ethereal Blade of the
Carnelian Queen, a +1 blade, +3 versus ethereal and otherwise insubstantial creatures (this
includes the Cyclops and Dark Young in this instance, and would apply against the hag and
nightmares of the Golden Tumulus as well), sticks out of one of the standing stones.

Pulling the Blade from the stone is easy enough, but it will summon the Elder Cyclops to the circle,
cause him to become physical, and with him, the Dark Young it enthrals by playing the pan flute. It
is indeed the presence of the Blade in this specific location that allows the Cyclops to keep contact
with this plane. From there, the hunt to destroy the interlopers and reclaim the Blade to put it back
where it belongs will be on. It should be made very clear that all the Elder Cyclops is interested in is
to recover the blade. Dropping the blade and running away will not trigger pursuit.

ELDER CYCLOPS: HD [5] 7; AC 4 (15); AT Spells, as a seventh level magic user; ST 11; MV 12; AL
Chaotic XP 7/600. His spell selection varies, but usually includes Fear, Fly, Lightning Bolt,
Invisibility, Mirror Image and likewise spells. The Elder Cyclops claimed the Right Leg of the
Carnelian Queen as his own, and grafted it to its body, where its own limb should have been. This
leg, which will be left behind once the Cyclops has been banished or otherwise defeated, is needed
to put the spirit of the Carnelian Queen to rest (see the Petroglyphs entry).

The Elder Cyclops needs to continually play the pan flute in order to control the Dark Young. If it
stops playing, for instance to cast a spell, then the Dark Young need to make a saving throw to see if
they break from the flute's enchantment. If such a saving throw succeeds, the Dark Young either
dissipate to return to the worlds beyond the Black Gulf (1-4 on d6) or turn against the nearest
targets including the Cyclops (5-6 on d6) before leaving 1-3 melee rounds later.

The pan flute may be recovered by a victorious party, but beware those who use it, for it helps its
user reach through the Black Gulf into worlds and planes of existence only dreamed of. Such
actions could lead to many other, unintentional, and probably quite dangerous, adventures.

THE DARK YOUNG (1-4 initially): HD [6] 8; AC 8 (11); AT 1-4/1-4/1-4/1-4 initial hit, four tentacles
if any of the tentacles hit, they inflict 1-8 damage per melee round from then on, with an additional
25% chance to immobilize one of the targets limbs OR Trample 2-12; ST 8; MV 12; AL Chaotic XP
8/800. The Dark Young stand 12 to 20 feet high, are goat legged, with a single torso or trunk-like

The Stone Alignments of Kor Nak Tenkar's Landing, Hex 15/12

portion from which stick out multiple gaping maws, and four thick, monstrous tentacles crowning
the whole on top. Despite their gargantuan size, they are especially stealthy in thick groves and
forests like this one, and can surprise the unwary 4-in-6.

[The Cyclops and Dark Young will be weakened if competing tunes disturb the former's
performance with its flute. The Cyclops merely playing the flute should be enough of a hint.]

VILLAGE RUINS: These are the ruins of the old village of the Ayceni. Some walls of compact earth
and stone still stand in the clearing. The outline of the streets form concentric circles around a
lone, 30-foot high basaltic monolith still pointing at the skies. The monolith is covered of
hieroglyphs that seem to be bleeding of a black ichor whenever a living being is within fifty yards
(150 feet) from it. Within 50 feet of the monolith, blood flows abundantly, soaking the surrounding
earth. The bloodied mud starts to move, and spawns a multitude of shapes trying to dismember all
living things reaching further towards the Bleeding Monolith. Across each of the obelisk's four,
ebon-hued surfaces, a tentacle made out of blood reaches outward to grab any living being within
reach (30 feet). Under each of the tentacles bases, a single yellow eye stares at its enemies, and a
gaping maw opens to prepare and devour all those it manages to catch.

BLOOD SHADES (2-12): HD [2] 3; AC 5 (14); AT 1-4 appendages, each for 1-6 points of damage; ST
16; MV 12, will not reach a hundred feet beyond the Bleeding Monolith; Blood Shades have a 50%
resistance against normal missiles, arrows and bolts, as well as melee attacks. AL Chaotic; XP 4/120.
These shades are not undead, and are not affected by turning abilities.

BLEEDING MONOLITH: HD [5] 6; AC 0 (19); AT 4 blood strands (drag), bite [1-6] 1-8; ST 11; MV 6;
A creature hit by one of the monolith's blood strands should succeed a saving throw or find itself
paralysed; The Bleeding Monolith (a variant roper) has a 50% resistance against normal missiles,
arrows and bolts, and a 25% magic resistance, since it is connected to the realms beyond the Black
Gulf; AL Chaotic; XP 8/800. Defeating the monolith washes away the blood on its surface, and
reveals the presence of an alcove close to its base where the Torso of the Carnelian Queen still
wearing her Bronze Breastplate +2 resides. The blood-soaked torso is needed to put the spirit of
the Carnelian Queen to rest (see the Petroglyphs entry).

[The Monolith and Shades will be weakened if both Shield and Ethereal Blade are brought here to
face them. The monolith itself could bear some carvings of the sword and shield, and words
describing their power in the hands of the Queen.]

The Stone Alignments of Kor Nak Tenkar's Landing, Hex 15/12


The Underworld map is meant as an example showcasing the networks of tunnels and caverns that
might spread between the surface's landmarks, as alluded to in our introduction. The distances
between locales are accurately represented, as are the general directions of the networks of tunnels
depicted. The actual details of each particular element of the map are more figurative (e.g. The size
of the dungeons under the Lone Tower are probably not 500 yards wide, nor are the various caves
sprinkled throughout the map that huge either), and meant to give a sense of the variety present
underground, rather than an accurate representation of particular proportions.

One particular note about the Deadfall Pit, which is a location of Hex 14.13 on Eilean Dubh, a way
forward into the Underworld of this hex from a sinkhole leading down and next to a lair of
Displacer Beasts located there. Those referees using the Alignments of Kor Nak in their own game
settings might either place such a location in a nearby hex of their campaign milieu, or come up
with an entirely different location/entrance point into the Underworld, or even grow the level into
another hex, if they are so inclined.

Populate this level as you will. If you decide to go for the original approach that inspired the
surface, with a reversal of difficulty from the bottom of the Underworld up towards the surface,
you might want to supplement this Underworld map with one or two smaller sub-levels
underneath, and start the Players' Characters at the bottom of it all, increasing the difficulty as they
explore ever upwards towards the surface. To build additional levels from this sample, just select a
few particular locations underground that would connect with a deeper level and draw from there.

Possibilities to kick off such games starting at the bottom of the hex's Underworld abound: Perhaps
the characters wake up prisoners deep underground, or maybe they were teleported there by some
cursed map or artifact. Perhaps the characters emerge at the bottom of the Underworld from
another plane of existence, or they lived there in a miniature pocket plane all their lives.

Whether the party explores the surface to reach the Underworld, or the Underworld serves as the
starting location, this means that the actual denizens of the surface can be somehow avoided to
reach up and down, to and from the surface, unless the referee deems the challenge of avoiding
whatever threat lies directly next to an entrance to the Underworld necessary. Also note that any
potential Underworld level may be avoided and/or ignored altogether, with a game concentrating
solely on the surface. The referee's discretion, as always, applies. We can only hope this material will
prove useful and entertaining in some way. Make the most out of it. Enjoy, and fight on.

The Stone Alignments of Kor Nak Tenkar's Landing, Hex 15/12



Eilean Dubh, Hex 15/12, GP Adventures LLC, 2014.


Game Design and Development: Benoist Poir, with Ernest G. Gygax Jr.
Cartography: Benoist Poir
Copyright 2014, GP Adventures LLC, all rights reserved.

Swords & Wizardry Complete Rules is a trademark of Matthew J. Finch

Distributed by Frog God Games.

Tenkar's Landing: Crowdsourced adventure game setting

sponsored by Tenkar's Tavern
Join the Crowdfsourced effort at

The Stone Alignments of Kor Nak Tenkar's Landing, Hex 15/12


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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David Noonan,
Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff, Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Swords & Wizardry Core Rules, Copyright 2008, Matthew J. Finch.

Swords & Wizardry Complete Rules, Copyright 2010, Matthew J. Finch.

Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games.

The Stone Alignments of Kor Nak, copyright 2014, GP Adventures LLC.


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