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(G.R. No. 131108)

Facts: The Parsons family, who originally owned the controlling stocks in Asian Alcohol Corporation
(AAC), was driven by mounting business losses to sell their majority rights to Prior Holdings which took
over its management and operation the following month. Prior Holding implemented organizational plan
and other cost-saving measures. 117 employees out of a total workforce of 360 were separated. 72 of
them occupied redundant positions that were abolished. Of these positions, 21 held by union members
and 51 by non-union members.

Private respondents are among those union members whose positions were abolished due to
redundancy. They received individual notices of termination; were paid the equivalent of one month
salary for every year of service as separation pay, the money value of their unused sick, vacation,
emergency and seniority leave credits, 13th month pay, medicine allowance, tax refunds, and goodwill
cash bonuses for those with at least 10 years of service. All of them executed sworn releases, waivers
and quitclaims. Except for Verayo and Tormo, they all signed sworn statements of conformity to the
company retrenchment program. And except for Martinez, they all tendered letters of resignation.

Private respondents filed with the NLRC complaints for illegal dismissal with a prayer for reinstatement
with backwages, moral damages and attorney's fees. They alleged that Asian Alcohol used the
retrenchment program as a subterfuge for union busting. They claimed that they were singled out for
separation by reason of their active participation in the union. They also asseverated that AAC was not
bankrupt as it has engaged in an aggressive scheme of contractual hiring.

LA dismissed the complainants and held that the fact that respondent AAC incurred losses in its business
operations was not seriously challenged by the complainants. Private respondents appealed to the NLRC
which ruled that the positions of private respondents were not redundant for the simple reason that
they were replaced by casuals. The company at the time of retrenchment was not then in the state of
business reverses. The financial status shown in records submitted was before Prior Holdings took over
the operation and management of the corporation. This is no proof that when the termination of
complainant[s] took effect the company was experiencing losses or at least imminent losses. Possible
future losses do not authorize retrenchment. Retrenchment and/or redundancy not having been proved,
complainants, therefore, were illegally dismissed. NLRC denied the motion.

Issues: W/N there was a valid redundancy program thus making the dismissal of private respondents

HELD: Yes. We find that the reorganizational plan and comprehensive cost-saving program to turn the
business around were not designed to bust the union of the private respondents. Retrenched were 117
employees. 72 of them including private respondents were separated because their positions had
become redundant. In this context, what may technically be considered as redundancy may verily be
considered as retrenchment measure. Their positions had to be declared redundant to cut losses.

Redundancy exists when the service capability of the work force is in excess of what is reasonably
needed to meet the demands on the enterprise. A redundant position is one rendered superfluous by
any number of factors, such as overhiring of workers, decreased volume of business, dropping of a
particular product line previously manufactured by the company or phasing out of a service activity
priorly undertaken by the business. Under these conditions, the employer has no legal obligation to keep
in its payroll more employees than are necessary for the operation of its business.

For the implementation of a redundancy program to be valid, the employer must comply with the
following requisites: (1) written notice served on both the employees and the Department of Labor and
Employment at least one month prior to the intended date of retrenchment; (2) payment of separation
pay equivalent to at least one month pay or at least one month pay for every year of service, whichever
is higher; (3) good faith in abolishing the redundant positions; and (4) fair and reasonable criteria in
ascertaining what positions are to be declared redundant and accordingly abolished.

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