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Chemical Engineering Journal 243 (2014) 3142

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Combined magnetic eld and adsorption process for treatment

of biologically treated palm oil mill efuent (POME)
Rae Rushdy Mohammed a, Mohammad Reza Ketabachi b, Gordon McKay c,
Department of Chemical Industries, Mosul Technical Institute, Al-Majmoaa Al-Thaqaya, Mosul, Iraq
Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, 43500 Semenyih, Selangor, Malaysia
Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

h i g h l i g h t s

 A novel method was introduced by integrating magnetic eld exposure with adsorption technique.
 Combined magnetic eld and adsorption process has a vital role in treating POME.
 Adsorption performance and adsorption rate could be enhanced by magnetic eld.
 Magnetization process accelerated the removal of colour, TSS and COD in adsorption process.
 The new method increased the percentage removal of colour, TSS and COD by 39%, 61% and 46% respectively.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The production of palm oil, however, results in the generation of large quantities of polluted wastewater
Received 23 September 2013 commonly referred as palm oil mill efuent (POME). There is an actual need to seek factors intensifying
Received in revised form 25 December 2013 the treatment processes of POME. The new methods which not required extension of existing plants or
Accepted 27 December 2013
building very expensive bioreactors are still searching. In recent years increasing attention has been
Available online 7 January 2014
directed to the possibility of improvement of waste water treatment by static magnetic eld. The aim
of our study was to determine the impact of constant magnetic eld as well as the integration of this
technique with the famous technique used for wastewater treatment which is adsorption by activated
Palm oil mill efuent (POME)
Biological treatment
carbon as a novel method for POME treatment. This new method has been found to be a useful method
Magnetic eld for removing colour, TSS and COD from biologically treated POME.
Activated carbon adsorption 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V.

1. Introduction of water soluble components of palm fruits as well as suspended

materials like oil residues, short palm ber, cell walls, organelles,
Palm oil, the most important commodity, and its industry are a a variety of lipids and carbohydrates ranging from cellulose to
signicant contributor to the Malaysian economy with over 4.9 simple sugars, Phenol and phenolic compounds, a range of nitrog-
million hectares of planted area with a production of 17 million enous compounds from proteins to amino acids, free organic acids
tones of palm oil. Malaysia is the largest exporter of palm oil and and assembly of minor organic and mineral constituents. Nutri-
exported to more than 100 countries with export earnings of RM ents contain in POME according to are nitrogen, phosphorus,
62 billion [1]. Extraction of palm oil involves a number of processes potassium, magnesium and calcium [3]. If the efuent is dis-
that require large quantities of water. It usually requires an esti- charged untreated, it can cause signicant environmental impact
mated 1.5 m3 of water to process a ton of fresh fruit bunch, and due to its high biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxy-
half of this amount becomes palm oil mill wastewater (POMW) gen demand (COD), oil and grease, and total solids. Therefore, a
[2]. Due to the high production rates, a large quantity of polluted cost-effective treatment of POME to an acceptable level for dis-
wastewater, (POMW) is generated. Palm oil mill efuent consists charge continues to be a big challenge to the industry. In the last
decade, several treatment methods have been studied for POME
treatment such as: anaerobic digestion [46], Aerobic oxidation
Corresponding author. Tel.: +852 2358 8412; fax: +852 2358 0054. based on an activated sludge process [7], aerobic and anaerobic
E-mail address: [email protected] (G. McKay). digestions [810], ultraltration Membrane separation [11],

1385-8947/$ - see front matter 2014 Published by Elsevier B.V.
32 R.R. Mohammed et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 243 (2014) 3142

up-ow anaerobic sludge xed lm (UASFF) reactor [12], chemical 2. Experimental

coagulation and occulation [13,14], Solvent extraction [15], Elec-
trocoagulation [16], Electrootation [17], Adsorption [18], and 2.1. Materials
Hydrolysis [19].
The current treatment system, which is based mainly on biolog- Biologically treated POME samples were collected from a palm
ical treatments of anaerobic and aerobic systems, is quite inefcient oil mill in DengkilMalaysia. Sample was stored in a cold room at
and this unfortunately leads to the environmental pollution issues 4 C prior to use. Biologically treated POME was analysed for col-
[19]. our, total suspended solids (TSS), chemical oxygen demand (COD)
Liquid-phase adsorption processes have been proven to be and pH, the results are shown in Table 1. The table also lists the
highly efcient for removal of colours, COD, suspended solids, POME standard discharge limit of Environmental Quality Act
and organic and inorganic pollutants from industrial processes. (EQA) 1974, Department of Environment (DOE), Malaysia [28]. It
Activated carbon is the most effective and widely used adsorbent can be observed from Table 1 that the biologically treated POME
for wastewater treatment [18]. exceeded the standard discharge limit. Commercial activated car-
More frequently the technological systems are introduced with bon with a mesh size of 30 was supplied by GlobeChem (Malaysia).
physical factors. For instance, positive results can be obtained Distilled water was used for any dilution.
when treating wastewater with a periodical eld of external oscil-
lations, e.g. an acoustic, temperature eld with dened parameters, 2.2. Methods
as well as ultrasounds or UV radiation [20].
One of the most important physical factors is the magnetic In this study, a separate and combined process concept of acti-
eld. Since several decades, researchers have found that magne- vated carbon adsorption, and magnetic eld were applied for the
tism is a unique property that independently helps in water puri- treatment of biologically treated POME. It was proposed that the
cation by inuencing the physical and chemical properties of substantial removal of colour, TSS, and COD from wastewater by
contaminants in water [21]. For a long time now, in numerous re- adsorption to activated carbon enhanced by magnetic eld would
search centers investigations have been made in order to discover signicantly facilitate the POME treatment process.
the mechanism of changes occurring in solutions under an impact According to the studies of Oshitani et al. [29] and Zhang et al.
of this physical factor. However, the optimal conditions for mag- [30], solutions can be magnetized within a strong eld such as the
netic activation of liquids are sought, and attempts made to deter- magnetic apparatus we used generated. The magnetic eld of the
mine the favourable technological effects of such treatment. apparatus was adjustable and permanent, and the magnetic ux
Among different physical and chemical methods of water and density was high, up to 0.5 T.
wastewater treatments; magnetic methods attract a special atten- Optimum conditions were examined for each process sepa-
tion due to their ecological purity, safety, simplicity and less oper- rately. Then these processes were carried out consecutively. At
ating costs. Until now, there has been no unequivocal explanation the last stage a combination of the two processes was examined
about the modications mechanisms in the magnetically-treated simultaneously.
Magnetic eld-exposed methods have gradually drawn atten- 2.2.1. Adsorption experiments
tion to improving the adsorption and separation. Some research- To select the optimal adsorption condition without magnetic
ers described the impacts of magnetic exposure on nonmagnetic eld, we varied the adsorbent (commercial activated carbon) dos-
colloidal particles in aqueous solutions and the comparison of age from 5 g/100 ml to 25 g/100 ml, and the range of contact time
physiochemical properties before and after magnetic exposure from 0.5 to 6 h. A batch adsorption studies were conducted by add-
[22]. Magnetic exposure on the water changed water properties ing different amounts (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 g) of activated carbon,
and the interface between water and solid surface by magnetic- into a 250 ml asks each containing 100 ml of biologically treated
eld-induced adsorption and desorption [23]. There are only few POME. The conical asks were then covered with glass stoppers
studies that use magnetic eld for wastewater treatment pro- and placed on a shaker at shaking speed of (150 rpm) and at con-
cesses, and in most of them, magnetic eld is used only for sepa- stant temperature of (25 C) for a certain period of (30, 60, 120
ration of solids or attached microorganisms from efuent. 180, 240, 300 and 360 min). The samples were then withdrawn
However, there is an important observation here, which is the in- at appropriate time intervals using glass pipette, the sample then
creased biological activity with the magnetic eld application ltered and the ltrate was used to determine the residual concen-
[24]. Yulan et al. [25], found that using magnetic eld enhanced trations of colour, TSS and COD.
the biological treatment of wastewater. ebkowska et al. [26], de- The amounts of colour, TSS and COD adsorbed at time t, qt (mg/g)
duced that the static magnetic eld had a positive effect on form- and at equilibrium, qe (mg/g) were calculated using Eqs. (1) and (2):
aldehyde biodegradation in wastewater by activated sludge. Duan
C o  C t V
et al. [27], demonstrated that the adsorption ability, including qt 1
adsorption amount and adsorption rate of Pb(II) using modied
chitosan could be enhanced with a suitable magnetic eld. How- C o  C e V
ever, until recently, there is some lack of knowledge about mag- qt 2
netic effects on adsorption and the mechanism of magnetic
exposure on adsorption characteristics. Till now the effect of mag-
netic eld exposure and the enhancement of magnetic eld to
adsorption process for the treatment of palm oil mill efuent have Table 1
Properties of biologically treated POME and the regulatory discharge limits.
not been investigated.
Static magnetization is convenient, simple, of little cost, and may Property Values Standard discharge limits [28] Units
be an alternative by itself or to improve the adsorption. This paper pH 8.4 59
aims to provide basic experimental ndings of magnetic and mag- Colour 9900 PtCo/l
netic assisted adsorption and to guide the application of the mag- TSS 1800 400 mg/l
COD 4700 mg/l
netic chemistry on adsorption process and palm oil mill efuent
BOD5 1350 100 mg/l
R.R. Mohammed et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 243 (2014) 3142 33

performed by placing the samples between magnets for 15 and

180 min at 25 C. The intensity of the magnetic eld is 200 mT.
Each experiment was conducted in triplicate. The average values
were reported. The experimental diagram is depicted in Fig. 1.

2.3. Adsorption isotherm models

To investigate the magnetic eld enhanced adsorption mecha-

nism, commercial activated carbon was used as adsorbent with
200 mT magnetic eld in biologically treated POME with different
initial concentrations of colour, TSS and COD. The acquired data
from adsorption isotherm experiments were analysed using the
Langmuir equation [31] (Eq. (4)) and the Freundlich equation
[32] (Eq. (5)) utilizing correlation method.
Q 0 bC e
qe 4
1 bC e
Fig. 1. Graphical representation of adsorption with magnetic eld experimental
apparatus. qe K F C 1=n
e 5
where Q0 is the maximum amount of sorbate per unit weight of cell
The percentage of removal (%R) of each parameter and the to form a complete monolayer on the surface bound at high Ce (mg/g),
amount that adsorbed by the adsorbents were calculated by the and b is a constant representing the afnity of the binding sites. Q0
following equations: stands for a practical limiting adsorption capacity when the surface
is fully covered with sorbate molecules and assists in the compari-
C o  C t
%R  100 3 son of adsorption performance, particularly in cases where the
sorbents do not reach their full saturation. Values of Q0 (mg/g), b
where Co, Ct and Ce (mg/L) are the liquid-phase concentrations at (L/mg), and KF, and 1/n were calculated from the linear plot of
initial, time t and equilibrium, respectively. V (L) is the volume of Ce/qe vs. Ce, the intercept of linear regression, and the plot of log
the solution and M (g) the mass of activated carbon adsorbent used. qe vs. log Ce, respectively.
Each experiment was conducted in triplicate and the average values
were reported. 2.4. Adsorption kinetic models

2.2.2. Magnetic eld experiments The study of adsorption dynamics with magnetic treatment de-
The effective of magnetic eld on POME treatment as colour, scribes the solute uptake rate and evidently this rate controls the
TSS and COD removal was investigated at different magnetic eld residence time of adsorbate uptake at the solidsolution interface.
intensity ranged from 5 mT (weak magnetic eld) to 500 mT The kinetics of colour, TSS and COD adsorption on the activated
(strong magnetic eld), and different periods of exposure time carbons were analysed using pseudo rst-order [33], pseudo sec-
from (15 to 180 min). ond-order [34], intraparticle diffusion [35,36] and Elovich [37,38]
A separate set of experiments have been done using magnetic kinetic models, Table 2.
eld exposure followed by adsorption at the optimum conditions
stemmed from the above experiments. Combined adsorption 2.5. Error analysis
enhanced by magnetic eld experiments were performed in well-
tight polyethylene 50 ml bottles at 25 C. Samples of activated In the isotherm and kinetic studies, the optimization procedure
carbon, 20 g/100 ml dry weight, were suspended in the biologically requires an error function to be dened in order to be able to eval-
treated POME. The magnetic treatment of the solution was uate the t of the model to the experimental data. In this study,

Table 2
List of Kinetic models used.

Model name Model equation Parameters

Pseudo rst order qe = the amount of solute adsorbed (mg/g) at equilibrium
qt = the amount solute adsorbed at time t (mg/g)
Lnqe  qt Lnqe  K 1 t 6 k1 = the rate constant of the adsorption process (min1)

Pseudo second order K2 = the rate constant of pseudo second-order adsorption (g mg1 min1)
t 1 1
t 7
qt K 2 q2e qe

Intraparticle diffusion Kp = Intraparticle diffusion rate constant (mg g1 min1/2)

qt K p t1=2 8

Elovich a and b are model constants (mg g1)

qt abLnt 9
34 R.R. Mohammed et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 243 (2014) 3142

linear coefcients of determination and a nonlinear Chi-square

test, as described in the literature [39], were used.
Coefcient of determination, which represents the percentage
of variability in the dependent variable (the variance about the
mean) is employed to analyse the tting degree of isotherm and ki-
netic models with the experimental data. Its value may vary from 0
to 1. The nonlinear chi-square test is a statistical tool necessary for
the best t of an adsorption system, obtained by judging the sum
squares differences between the experimental and the calculated
data, with each squared difference is divided by its corresponding
value (calculated from the models). The equivalent mathematical
statement is:

qe;exp  qe:;calc 2
v2 10

If data from the model are similar to the experimental data, v2

will be a small number; if they are different, v2 will be a large
number. Therefore, it is necessary to also analyse the data set using
the Chi-square test to conrm the best-t isotherm or kinetic for
the sorption system.

2.6. Analytical procedure

Colour, TSS and COD detection were carried out with standard
methods. HACH Spectrophotometer DR2800 was used according
to the procedure 8025 PlatinumCobalt standard method. Method
No. 8006 was used to determine COD concentration of the sample
carried in COD vials (HR 201500 mg/L) by APHA potassium
dichromate method using HACH spectrophotometer DR2800 and
DRB 200 reactor. TSS was determined in conformity with the stan-
dard method No. 8000 using HACH spectrophotometer DR2800.
The magnetic eld intensity was measured by a magnetic eld
meter (microteslometer) (CLASS TOUCHSTONE-10). The eld
homogeneity was measured in different horizontal sections in
the zone of the exposed reactor. In accordance with the readings
the experimental set-up provides a homogeneous eld in 25 ml
of the reactor volume placed between the poles. The homogeneous
eld of the reactor volume has a maximum deviation from the
average value of 10.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Adsorption only

To select the optimal adsorption condition without magnetic

eld, we varied the dosage of activated carbon from 5 g/100 ml
to 25 g/100 ml. It was found that as the dosage of adsorbent was
increased, the percentage of colour, TSS and COD removal also in-
creased, as shown in Fig. 2.
It could be noticed from the gure that the best results were ob-
tained on 20 g of adsorbent for colour, TSS and COD. The removal
Fig. 2. Effect of contact time on percentage removal of (a) colour, (b) TSS and (c)
efciencies, at equilibrium, increased from 28.35%, 29.02% and COD for different amount of adsorbent dosage for adsorption process only.
65.9% to 68.05%, 93.71% and 100% by increasing the dosage from
5 to 20 g/100 ml for colour, TSS and COD respectively. This can
be attributed to increased adsorbent surface area and availability organic compounds such as anthrocyanin and carotene pigment
of more adsorption sites with more functional groups resulting that was extracted from fresh fruit bunches in the sterilization pro-
from the increase adsorbent dosage. These ndings are agreed with cess. Moreover, it included polyphenol compounds, tannin, polyal-
Igew et al. [40], who investigated the use of boiler y ash for the cohol and melanoidin [42]. From the previous facts, it is obvious
reduction of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), (TSS) and colour that colour removal is strongly dependent on the removal of total
from (POME). However, the amount adsorbed per unit mass of suspended solids and other soluble organic compounds.
the adsorbent decreased considerably (Fig. 3). The decrease in unit The inuence of contact time on percentage removal of studied
adsorption with increasing dose of adsorbent is basically due to parameters is also shown in Fig. 2. By increasing contact time, the
adsorption sites remaining unsaturated during the adsorption residual adsorbate concentrations have a longer residence time for
[41]. Suspended and dissolved particles in water inuence colour. adsorption on the activated carbon surface area. Initially there is
The dark brown colour of palm oil mill efuent consisted of many strong adsorption and then reaches to equilibrium after around
R.R. Mohammed et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 243 (2014) 3142 35

Fig. 3. Effect of adsorbent dosage on the quantity adsorbed of colour, TSS and COD
on activated carbon.

300 min. At equilibrium, the surface of the activated carbon was

covered with adsorbate molecules; therefore a longer mixing time
does not increase the percentage removal from POME.

3.2. Magnetic eld

The present study attempts to determine the impact of the

magnetic treatment on biologically treated POME. The effective-
ness of the technological systems consisting of different-strength
magnetic elds generated by a lab-scale device of static magnets
was applied. The parameters whose concentration clearly varied
were colour, TSS and COD. These parameters values were system-
atically decreasing in the examined POME, along with the time of
the experiment duration (Fig. 4).
It is thought that modications to the properties of solutions
exposed to stagnant magnetic eld resulted from changes in the
molecular structure of liquids, polarization and arrangement of
particles, and nally from changes of the electric potential
[4345]. Most of the technological effects of magnetic water can
be attributed to a decrease in surface tension of the water and
decreased wetability of the solid phase due to a larger contact
angle of the solid/liquid phase boundary. The practical result of
these phenomena is accelerated occulation and improved settling
of suspended solids [46].
The study found that magnetic treatment reduced colour, TSS
and COD effectively, a maximum degradation of 16.13% of colour
when magnetic intensity was 200 mT; for TSS, a maximum degra-
dation of 34.34% was obtained, while 44.29% COD removal were
achieved for the same magnetic eld intensity.
The reason for the reduction may have been degradation at the
Fig. 4. Effect of different magnetic eld intensity and contact time on the
contribution of atmospheric oxygen. A conrmed effect of water
percentage removal of (a) colour, (b) TSS and (c) COD.
and wastewater magnetic preparation is the modication of the
contained gases concentration. Magnetized solutions are charac-
teristic among others of the diminished surface tension and in con- effectively reduced the concentration of organic matter contained
tact with the atmosphere adsorb the paramagnetic particles of in the analysed liquids. The process of water molecule disintegra-
oxygen; eventually their concentration in water solutions tion with the formation of free radicals takes place when sufcient
increases. High concentrations of the molecular oxygen in the ana- energy has been provided [43].
lysed wastewater may have accelerated the processes of organic The precise mechanism for COD removal by magnetization was
matter degradation, especially since the compounds resistant to still obscures [48]. Based on theories of energy changes in mass
degradation were absent in that case [32,33]. reaction as well as the kinetics of magnetic eld [4952], the
Another phenomenon which occur under the impact of mag- magnetizing mechanism for COD removal may be interpreted as:
netic eld is the intensication of free radicals formation. For these The organic molecules in wastewater would absorb the energy
reasons, this physical factor is thought to be the element responsi- when the wastewater exposed to magnetic eld. Some energy
ble for generating hydroxyl radicals OH [47]. High reactivity and enhanced molecules were then induced to an excited state, which
high oxidation potential of those chemical compounds may have was unstable relative to the ground state; this increased the rate of
36 R.R. Mohammed et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 243 (2014) 3142

chemical reactions for the degradation of organic substances in the

magnetizing process [53]. Reference data would suggest that mag-
netic eld supports reduction of the surface tension and thus en-
ables introduction of numerous oxygen particles to the
wastewater mass. This phenomenon should inuence positively
the biodegradation process and limit the concentration of organic
substances in the wastewater and the COD value in the efuent
It is also found that the adsorbed layer is thickened by the mag-
netic exposure [29]. The efcient coagulation induced by the mag-
netic eld may also have positively inuenced the bonding and
removal of sorbates, also the suspended particles carry a surface
charge, and this charge is affected by the imposed magnetic elds.
It has been proven that the physical factor modies the electro-
kinetic potential [45] and inuences the coagulation process [55].
One may conclude that the coagulation process in solutions can
be initiated by magnetic waves having the effect on a liquid with-
out the application of any supporting chemical agents [20]. It has
been also evidenced that it is possible to initiate the coagulation
process in water solutions without chemical substance application,
but only with the use of magnetic eld forces. Studies of the mag-
netic treatment inuence on the physico-chemical properties of
municipal sewage have revealed that the settlement time of sew
age prepared with magnetic eld decreased considerably in com-
parison to the settlement time of non-prepared sewage. Addition-
ally, a tendency was detected to coagulate ne particles of sludge
in the magnetically prepared sewage, which eventually accelerates
sedimentation and increases dewatering susceptibility [54].
These results suggest that magnetic effects play an important
role in the conformational change of the water molecules around
an ion or on a solid surface.

3.3. Magnetic eld followed by adsorption

After the pretreatment of wastewater by magnetization, the re-

moval of colour, TSS and COD in subsequent adsorption process
was performed and the results were shown in Fig. 5. Results de-
duced that the primary exposure to magnetic eld highly affect
the adsorption process through the high rates of percentage re-
moval of sorbates.
It is clear that the percentage removals of all sorbates are higher
than that obtained from adsorption only experiments; moreover
equilibrium state had been reached faster. This consolidates that
the main role of magnetization was to improve the physical and
chemical characteristics of the POME so as to enhance the capaci-
ties of subsequent adsorption process and the adsorption behav-
iour of the activated carbon. Oshitani et al. [29] demonstrated
that the magnetic effect remains for at least 3 days but disappears
completely at 6 days. It is quite mysterious that the magnetic ef-
fects are memorized in the samples for such a long period after
the magnetic exposure, but the same kind of memory effect is
Fig. 5. Effect of magnetic eld followed by adsorption on the percentage removal of
found in all other researches experiments although the duration
(a) colour, (b) TSS and (c) COD for different intervals of time and different magnetic
time is different [56,57]. So it is hypothesized that the magnetic eld intensity.
exposure forms a quasi-stable structure of water molecules, and
the effect remains until the structure is destroyed by external dis-
turbances [58]. molecules; because of some components in the activated carbon
were magnetic sensitive, which would enhance the adsorption un-
3.4. Combined magnetic eld and adsorption der magnetic eld exposure.
After the treatment of biologically treated POME by combined
Under magnetic eld exposure, the properties of adsorbate and magnetization and adsorption process the results were shown in
adsorbent would change, e.g. magnetized water [29], and the sur- Fig. 6. This Figure presents the effects of magnetic eld intensity
face morphology of the adsorbents may become less homogeneous and contact time on colour, TSS and COD removal efciency.
under magnetic exposure [59] which would increase the surface Fig. 6 shows that the percentage removal was rst increased by
area of activated carbon particles to enhance the adsorption of sor- increasing the magnetic eld strength and reached a maximum at
bates. On the other hand, the exposure to the magnetic eld could 200 mT then decreased with the further increases. At higher mag-
inuence more the activated carbon particles than the sorbate netic eld strength more free radicals are formed and these free
R.R. Mohammed et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 243 (2014) 3142 37

radicals may combine with each other forming hydrogen peroxide improved by constant magnetic eld resulted in limitation of the
which could consider less reactive compared to the free radicals amount of used adsorbent at the same effectiveness of pollutants
and hence the suitable magnetic effect on degradation could not removal from POME. The process was fast and the impact of con-
be achieved [20]. In general the application of such combination stant magnetic eld was shown after shorter time of exposure to
of magnetic eld and adsorption may greatly affect the content POME. The experiment revealed that there is a possibility of appli-
of organic compounds in POME, and resulted in increasing the cation of lower doses of adsorbent at the same effectiveness of
capacity of adsorbent. POME treatment when constant magnetic eld was introduced.
Fig. 7 represents a condensed comparison between the different Fig. 7a showed the effect of magnetization followed by adsorp-
types of treatment processes. Positive integration of adsorption tion on removal of colour gradually approached to its maximum
and constant magnetic eld are conrmed by the results of the (69.78%) and the maximum was obtained at 4 h, whereas the un-
treatment of biologically treated POME. Adsorption process magnetized wastewater obtained its maximum at 6 h. However,

Fig. 6. Effect of magnetic eld intensity combined with adsorption on percentage

removal of (a) colour, (b) TSS and (c) COD on activated carbon for different contact Fig. 7. Comparison of efciency for different treatment processes as percentage of
time. removal of (a) colour, (b) TSS and (c) COD for different contact time.
38 R.R. Mohammed et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 243 (2014) 3142

by applying magnetic eld simultaneously with adsorption the col-

our removal efciency reaches its maximum (79.303%) after 3 h
only. Fig. 7b shows that, a better TSS removal was obtained during
adsorption with magnetic eld compared with adsorption without
magnetic eld. At magnetic eld strength of 200 mT and 120 min
contact time, the TSS removal is as high as 98.45% for the combined
process, but only 61.33% for adsorption without magnetic eld and
87.66% for magnetic eld followed by adsorption process. As it is
depicted in Fig. 7c, during adsorption combined with magnetic
elds at eld strength of 200 mT and 60 min contact time, the
COD removal efciency is as high as 98.99%, but only 67.87% for
adsorption process without magnetic eld, and 89.45% for mag-
netic eld followed by adsorption. This result indicated that the
magnetization process accelerated the removal of colour, TSS and
COD in adsorption process. At the same contact time, the pretreat-
ment of biologically treated POME by magnetization would en-
hance the capacity of adsorbent for removal of colour, TSS and
COD. This emphasizes that with the exerting of magnetic eld,
the adsorption capacity was improved. Therefore, applying magne-
tization technology is an important factor for further application of
magnetic eld assisted adsorption on POME treatment.
Based on the mentioned above, it could be concluded that the
use of magnetization in POME treatment would be benecial to
the removal of the colour, TSS and COD substances as well as the
cut of the costs in engineering applications.

3.5. Adsorption isotherms

Adsorption isotherms were employed to illustrate how the

adsorbate molecules distribute between the liquid phase and the
solid phase and are important for the design of the adsorption sys-
tem. In this work, the adsorption equilibrium data were modeled
to the Freundlich isotherm and Langmuir isotherm.
The linear models of Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms for the
data obtained from colour, TSS and COD adsorption on activated
carbon for adsorption process only and for magnetic eld enhanced
adsorption are shown in Fig. 8ac. Table 3 indicates the constants
of the aforementioned models for adsorption process without and
with magnetic eld respectively.
The plots, the R2 and Chi-squres values show that the Langmuir
model gave a very good t to the sorption process without mag-
netic eld for colour, TSS and COD. The values of the Langmuir con-
stants are shown in Table 3. The fact that the Langmuir isotherm
ts the experimental data well may be due to homogeneous distri-
bution of active sites on the activated carbon surface; since the
Langmuir equation assumes that the adsorbent surface is energet-
ically homogeneous [31]. A good t of this equation reects mono-
layer adsorption. The value of b (L/mg) parameter of the Langmuir
model is the constant representing the afnity of sorbate to sor-
bent. Higher b values mean more afnity of sorbate to sorbent
and so the higher the adsorption rate [20].
From Table 3 according to R2 and Chi-square values, it could be Fig. 8. Comparison between Langmuir and Freundlich model and experimental
seen that the Freundlich equation gave a very good t to the results for (a) colour, (b) TSS and (c) COD.
adsorption process combined with magnetic eld. With R2 value
of 0.9986 for TSS reduction, which is the highest, and Chi-square and steepness of the isotherm [61]. Thus, the higher the KF value,
value of 0.051557 which is the lowest, it means that the Freundlich the greater the adsorption intensity. Hence the higher value of KF
isotherm ts the adsorption of TSS more, followed by COD and for TSS adsorption followed by COD and then colour. Igew et al.
then colour. KF the characteristic coefcient of adsorbateadsor- [40], found that Freundlich isotherm gave a better t followed by
bent pair, a measure of the adsorption capacity of the adsorbent, Langmuir for the adsorption of BOD, TSS and colour from POME
given by the inuence of the different energies associated with on boiler y ash.
the heat of adsorption, n is an exponent. The constant (n) repre- The Freundlich isotherm does not exhibit a maximum number
sents a measure for surface sites energetic non-uniformity and of adsorption sites. It ts well data without physical meaning be-
the parameter (1/n) quanties the intensity of adsorption, in some cause Eq. (5) teaches that the adsorbed amount grows without
studies being called the intensity parameter [60]. The Freundlich restriction as the bulk concentration C increases. However, despite
exponents (1/n) are all less than one showing that signicant this formal drawback, this power-law relationship allows the
adsorption takes place. Also, KF and (1/n) determines the curvature surface heterogeneities to be taken into account, in away more
R.R. Mohammed et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 243 (2014) 3142 39

Table 3
Constants for Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm for adsorption of colour, TSS and COD on activated carbon without and with magnetic eld.

Langmuir model Freundlich model

2 2
Q0 (mg/g) b (L/mg) R v KF (mg/g)(L/mg)1/n 1/n R2 v2
Without magnetic eld
Colour 58.824 207.9  106 0.9938 0.091861 0.1869 0.5939 0.9811 0.426981
TSS 34.247 2.333  103 0.9913 0.217377 0.4219 0.5942 0.982 1.068192
COD 63.694 285.2  106 0.993 0.050708 0.0654 0.7652 0.9869 1.134951
With magnetic eld
Colour 87.719 156.5  106 0.9874 0.14199 0.1558 0.6643 0.9953 0.109748
TSS 42.735 2.573  103 0.9689 1.511188 0.9817 0.5001 0.9986 0.051557
COD 76.923 427.3  106 0.9209 2.419764 0.3099 0.6135 0.9982 0.235606

general than the Langmuir isotherm. Thus, the equation applies Chi-square analysis, the pseudo second order model was best t-
very well to solids with heterogeneous surface properties and gen- ting the kinetics.
erally for heterogeneous solid surfaces [27]. The values for the equilibrium adsorption capacity as predicted
Magnetic eld may affect activated carbon by enhancing the by the pseudo-second-order model coincided well with the exper-
high-adsorption of sorbent capacity for reactivity towards a wide imental uptake values (Fig. 9). These ndings revealed that the
range of organic pollutants. This reactivity arises from the com- pseudo second-order kinetic model provided a good correlation
plexity of its chemical surface groups compared to those of other for the adsorption of colour, TSS and COD onto activated carbon
surfaces. compared to other kinetic model used. This suggests that the rate
That difference in the adsorption caused by the use of magnetic controlling step of adsorption was largely attributable to chemical
elds can likely be explained by the improvement in the orienta- sorption. The applicability of the pseudo-second order model
tion of the molecules of the adsorbate towards the activated car- means the rat of adsorption was subject to a second order rate
bon pores, facilitating the adsorptive process, and resulting in a law, with respect to the availability of adsorption sites on the
gain in the adsorption time [62]. surface of adsorbent rather than adsorbate concentration in bulk
solution [63]. The pseudo-second-order rate constant, K2, for COD
3.6. Adsorption kinetics was higher than for TSS and colour, demonstrating that the
adsorption rate of COD was higher than that of TSS and colour.
In order to describe the adsorption kinetics for colour, TSS and Compared to same process without magnetic eld, the adsorption
COD on activated carbon, pseudo rst-order, pseudo second-order, rates with the enhancement of magnetic eld were fast. Hence, a
intraparticle diffusion and Elovich model were applied to the practical advantage of using magnetic eld enhance adsorption
experimental data. The results of kinetic parameters are shown would be in its ability to remove more colour, TSS and COD from
in Table 4 for adsorption only process and for combined magnetic biologically treated POME in a much shorter adsorption time.
eld and adsorption process. The conformity between experimen- Although the Elovich equation does not provide any mechanis-
tal data and the model predicted values was expressed by the cor- tic evidence, it has proved suitable for highly heterogeneous sys-
relation coefcients R2 (R2 values close or equal to 1) and nonlinear tems [64] of which the adsorption of colour, TSS and COD onto
Chi-square test. A relatively high R2 and low Chi-square values activated carbon is undoubtedly such a case.
indicate that the model successfully describe the adsorption kinet- Though the pseudo rst order model and the pseudo second
ics. The R2 value of pseudo second-order is higher compared to R2 order model are widely applied to study kinetic adsorption it is
values of other kinetic models tested. Moreover, the pseudo second known that they are not suitable to explain the diffusion
order model exhibited very low v2 values compared to other mechanism occurring in the adsorption process, which is generally
kinetic models. Therefore, drawing conclusion from the non-linear the rate determining step [63]. Thus the intraparticle diffusion

Table 4
Parameters of the kinetic models for the adsorption of colour, TSS and COD on activated carbon without and with magnetic eld.

Adsorption without magnetic eld Adsorption with magnetic eld

Colour TSS COD Colour TSS COD
Pseudo rst order model
K1 8.09  103 6  103 1.62  103 8.4  103 7.4  103 8.7  103
R2 0.9893 0.9931 0.9684 0.8819 0.8989 0.7751
v2 0.4856 0.140671 2.370373 12.71623 0.028598 0.027146
Pseudo second order model
K2 1.918  104 6.944  104 4.713  104 3.016  104 3.19  102 3.203  102
R2 0.993 0.9847 0.9701 0.9716 1 1
v2 0.1765 0.028463 1.072847 0.839952 0.003224 0.001593
Intraparticle diffusion model
Kp 2.1022 0.4901 1.7207 3.2466 0.1336 0.1747
R2 0.9546 0.9719 0.8387 0.9112 0.8605 0.7879
v2 1.9326 0.266308 5.495229 2.220499 0.024304 0.02207
Elovich model
a 27.128 6.6302 16.368 24.765 6.2663 19.977
b 10.747 2.5673 7. 602 12.814 0.5436 0.7256
R2 0.994 0.9968 0.9407 0.9615 0.95 0.9061
v2 0.1978 0.054931 1.919106 1.011935 0.009204 0.009702
40 R.R. Mohammed et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 243 (2014) 3142

Fig. 10. Intra-particle diffusion plots for the removal (a) colour, (b) TSS and (c) COD
Fig. 9. Comparison of different kinetic models with experimental data for the onto activated carbon.
adsorption of (a) colour, (b) TSS, and (c) COD on activated carbon combined with
magnetic eld.
as the external surface adsorption. The second step described the
gradual adsorption from 10 to 65 min, where intraparticle diffu-
model was introduced to give the explicit information about the sion was rate-controlling. The third step was attributed to the nal
diffusion mechanism. According to this model, the plot of uptake, equilibrium stage, in which intraparticle diffusion started to slow
qt, versus the square root of time, t1/2, should be linear if the down due to the decrease of solute concentration in solution. The
intraparticle diffusion is involved in the adsorption, and if these R2 values of the intraparticle diffusion model were lower than that
lines pass through the origin, then intraparticle diffusion is the rate of the pseudo-second-order kinetic model, but this model indi-
controlling step, otherwise this indicates that two or more steps cated that the adsorption of colour, TSS and COD onto activated
occurred in the adsorption process [65]. The plots (shown in carbon may be followed by an intraparticle diffusion model up
Fig. 10) presented multilinearity, indicating that three steps took to 65 min. This implied that although intraparticle diffusion
place. As can be seen in Fig. 10, the rst sharper step was not was involved in the adsorption process, it was not the only
observed and completed before 15 min, which may be considered rate-controlling step [66].
R.R. Mohammed et al. / Chemical Engineering Journal 243 (2014) 3142 41

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