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~ Vol: 11().~:~.

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[!] Postponement of issue of process - Examination of all the ::\

.dd . "'d.d ..' ,~

witnesses cited in the complaint is not a condition precedent for::

taking cognizance and issue of process against the persons named : ~
as accused in the complaint . 38~7 (SC) : ~
. . :. ~.
' ." ~
[!]Rustic witness - Discrepancies noticed in the evidence of a .. C

rustic witness who is subjected to grueling cross-examination :~

should not be blown out of proportion 3889 (SC)"

~ Right to Information - Information furnished by Public In-: .~

formation Officer in response to "request" made to him can be : ~
t~~atedas an "order". Replies (orders) to applications filed by : t
complainant under Right to Information Act are immune to chal- : ~
lenge either before Civil.Court; or before Criminal Court except: ;
by way of appealunder S. 19 of the Act 4117 (Ker ): ~
,'.:. -- " " ' .

Chief Editor
.V. fl. Manohar, Advocate


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2010 .' .Ari~Jy)iis})f);,(:)~~I1ng'in$igh.tpffr..ii'?ie,dMeh~e Cases '; Journa1295.

diction.. " .....'.
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'ra'h'W--' . "-lW""Il"In' self'", In many legalsystelJ1s, Ing<iU a~ .

ap.ll. . \."~d
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~ .l.J.~I'l~~?!I..'~.":;Yb';lc
J .at ",WI .ue una eto.naee're- .~R~~~.
;.~.,\lr.t.9., ferfdeii'.eit.her>C6fistder.
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co~;:~~n~{~l:;.a~~~~~~S{~t:::i~rti1e~ . 2'l~~;~~~!ki~a~~z:~~~~~~t,(l:67)
qo~rtt~:~t~~)X~.;s.:~ll:b~~fJ}()an a.ssaqJr~?l~h 3. Hari Singh. Gour, "Penal La:wi;>fTrfdia"
sa4Sega, rea~.()nabl(!q.pprehenslonof'death (1998)];>.,99 . . ...,
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l,:$:e,i:;,lQO~q;:)~n~iri~r~testhe sixcases, 4, Bentham, "Principles of Penal Laws" .

296 Journal Analysis of SC Ruling in Right of Private defence Cases Cri LJ
excusable homicide. The duty of retreating, (vii) Even if the accused does not plead
as one finds in English law, has no applica- self-defence, it is open to the Court to con-
tion in India, in cases where there is a real sider such a plea, if the same arises from the
need for defending one self against deadly material on record II .
assaults. Rights of self defence come into op-
(viii) The fight of self-defence com-
eration the moment there is a 'reasonable
apprehension' of death or grievous hurt will mences as soon as reasonable apprehension
otherwise be the consequence of such assault. arises, and is co-terminus with rhe duration
of such apprehension 11.
4. The Supreme Court reviewed the law
relating to the right of self defence extend- (ix) There is nothing which lays down in
ing to cause death and clearly enunciated as absolute terms that in all situations injuries
follows :- on the person of the accused have to be ex-
(i) It is not a right to take revenge. It is a plained!'.
right to defend and not to retaliate. (x) Once the reasonable apprehension dis-
(ii) It can be exercised only where the appears, there is no occasion to exercise the
immediate aid from the State machinery is right of self defence".
not available". (xi) The plea of reasonable apprehension
(iii) It is available not only to protect one- is essentially a question of fact".
self but also some innocent third party.
(xii) It is unrealistic to expect a person
(iv) It should not be an act of self-cre- under assault to modulate his defence, step
ation6 but an act of necessity to avert an im-
by step, with any arithmetical exactitude.".
pending danger and should not exceed its le-
gitimate purpose7 One may cause such in- It is hoped that the ruling of the Supreme
jury as may be necessary to ward off the ap- Court analyzing the various points of law,
prehended danger or threat". relating to the right of private defence will
(v) Where the person is exercising the serve as very useful guideline for everyone,
right of self-defence, it is not possible to who is concerned with the right of private
weigh the force with which the right is exer- defence, extending up to the causing of death
cised nor to weigb in golden scale. He need of the assailant.
not prove the existence of a right of private
defence beyond reasonable doubt". of Andhra Pradesh, AIR 197JSC 1079 :
(vi) The right of private defence is recog- 1970 Cri LJ 1004
nized within certain reasonable limits 10. 11. Munshi Ram & others v. Delhi Adminis-
tration, i968 Cri LJ 806 : AIR 1968 SC
5. State of Orissa v. Rabindranath Dalai & 702
another, (1973) Cri LJ 1686 (Ori) 12. State of Madhya Pradesh v. Rarnesh, AIR
6. Laxrnan Sahu v, State of Orissa AIR 1988 2005 SC 1186: 2005 Cri LJ 6)2.
SC P. 83 : 1988 Cri LJ 188. 13. Triloki Nath & others v. Stare of Uttar
7. Puran Singh v. State of Punjab, 1975 Cri Pradesh, AIR 2006 SC 32l.
LJ 1479: AIR 1975 SC 1674 14. Jai Dev v, State of Punjab, AIR 1963 SC
8. Kashrniri La! v. State of Punjab, 1996 Cri 612: 1963 (1) Cri LJ 495.
LJ 4452 : AIR 1997 SC 393 15. Buta Singh v. State of Punjab, AIR 1991
9. James Martin v. State of Kerala (2004) 2 SC 1316: 1991 Cri LJ 1464.
SCC 203 16. Vidya Singh v. State of Madhya Pradesh
10. Gotipulla Venkata Subramanyam v. State AIR 1971 SC 1857 : 1971 Cri LJ 1296.

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