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(G.R. Nos. L-46076 and L-46077 June 12, 1939)

Ponente: Laurel, J.

Jacob Rosenthal and Nicasio Osmea were founders and shareholders of
the ORO Oil Company, a domestic corporation organized under the laws of the
Philippines and registered in the mercantile registry of the Bureau of Commerce,
which has for its purpose to mine from the earth, petroleum, natural gas, and the
likes and the manufacturing, processing, and selling thereof.
During the period of October, 1935 and January, 1936, Rosenthal and
Osmea were found guilty of selling their shares to individuals without actual
tangible assets. Their shares were merely based on speculations and future gains.
Osmea sold 163 shares to nine different parties, and Rosenthal sold 21 shares to
seven others, without first obtaining the corresponding written permit or license
from the Insular Treasurer of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, as by law
This is in violation of Sections 2 and 5 of Act No. 2581 or commonly known
as the Blue Sky Law (a law regulating the sale of securities, intended to protect
the public from fraud).
Section 2 provides that corporation attempting to sell in the country
speculative securities of any kind under obligation to file with the Insular
Treasurer the documents and pay the 20 peso tax.
Section 5, on the other hand, provides that when the said Treasurer is
satisfied, he is authorized to issue a certificate entitling a corporation to
order securities, and at the same time, to cancel a permit, with the
consideration of public interest.
Rosenthal argued that Act 2581 is unconstitutional because no standard or rule
is fixed in the Act which can guide said official in determining the cases in which a
certificate or permit ought to be issued, thereby making his opinion the sole
criterion in the matter of its issuance, with the result that, legislative powers being
unduly delegated to the Insular Treasurer.

ISSUE: Whether or not there is undue delegation of power to the Internal


No. The Supreme Court ruled that the Act furnishes a sufficient standard
for the Insular Treasurer to follow in reaching a decision regarding the issuance or
cancellation of a certificate or permit. The authority of the Insular Treasurer to
cancel a certificate or permit is expressly conditioned upon a finding that such
cancellation is in the public interest.
In view of the intention and purpose of Act No. 2581 to protect the public
against speculative schemes which have no more basis than so many feet of blue
sky and against the sale of stock in fly-by-night concerns, visionary oil wells,
distant gold mines, and other like fraudulent exploitations, the SC held that
public interest in this case is a sufficient standard to guide the Insular
Treasurer in reaching a decision on a matter pertaining to the issuance or
cancellation of certificates or permits.
Rosenthal insists that the delegation of authority to the Commission is invalid
because the stated criterion is uncertain. That criterion is the public interest. It is
a mistaken assumption that this is a mere general reference to public welfare
without any standard to guide determinations. The purpose of the Act, the
requirement it imposes, and the context of the provision in question show the

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