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Identification of 315 genes essential for early

zebrafish development
Adam Amsterdam, Robert M. Nissen, Zhaoxia Sun, Eric C. Swindell, Sarah Farrington, and Nancy Hopkins*
Center for Cancer Research and Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139

Contributed by Nancy Hopkins, June 8, 2004

This contribution is part of the special series of Inaugural Articles by members of the National Academy of Sciences elected on April 20, 2004.

We completed a large insertional mutagenesis screen in zebrafish reciprocal best BLASTP hits, but also if no other gene in either
to identify genes essential for embryonic and early larval devel- species genome finds the gene as its top hit. A worm or yeast
opment. We isolated 525 mutants, representing lesions in 390 gene was defined as an ancestor of a humanfish gene if
different genes, and we cloned the majority of these. Here we several human genes found the worm or yeast gene as their top
describe 315 mutants and the corresponding genes. Our data hit, but no other worm or yeast gene found any of those human
suggest that there are roughly 1,400 embryonic-essential genes in genes as their top hit.
the fish. Thus, we have mutations in 25% of these genes and have
cloned 22% of them. Re-screens of our collection to identify Results
mutants with specific developmental defects suggest that 50 Identification of 25% of the Genes Essential for Early Zebrafish
genes are essential for the development of some individual organs Development. We isolated 525 insertional mutants that have
or cell types. Seventy-two percent of the embryonic-essential fish visible phenotypes by 5 dpf, a time when the embryo has
genes have homologues in yeast, 93% have homologues in inver- developed from a fertilized egg to a free swimming larva that has
tebrates (fly or worm), and 99% have homologues in human. Yeast begun to feed. Most of these mutations result in lethality, and
and worm orthologues of genes that are essential for early ze- many mutants die by 5 dpf. Almost all mutants that have not died
brafish development have a strong tendency to be essential for by 5 days fail to inflate their swim bladder, a phenotype
viability in yeast and for embryonic development in the worm. associated with certain death by 2 weeks of age. Thus, we refer
Thus, the trait of being a genetically essential gene is conserved in to the mutants and mutations as embryonic lethal(s) and the
evolution. This mutant collection should be a valuable resource for mutated genes as embryonic-essential genes.
diverse studies of cell and developmental biology. The insertional mutagenesis procedure and the methodology
for identifying mutagenic inserts and cloning their flanking
DNA have been described (13). A summary of the numbers of
T o identify a significant fraction of the genes essential for early
vertebrate development, we developed a method of inser-
tional mutagenesis for the zebrafish using mouse retroviral
mutants isolated and flanking sequences and genes cloned is
shown in Table 1. The 486 mutants for which we have obtained
vectors (1, 2) and applied the method in a large-scale screen. We DNA sequence at the site of the mutagenic insertion probably
identified mutants by visual inspection of embryos at 1, 2, and 5 represent 362 different loci; we have identified the mutated gene
days postfertilization (dpf), by which time they have developed for 315 of these, 86 of which we have reported (1, 2). As discussed
into free-swimming and feeding larvae. Mutants that result in a next, our findings suggest that these 362 loci represent 25% of
visible defect by 5 dpf are almost invariably lethal. Here, we the genes whose mutation leads to an embryonic lethal pheno-
describe 315 mutants and their genes and present an analysis of type. Thus, there are only 1,400 such genes. The following
the evolutionary conservation of these genes. The results argue evidence supports this conclusion.
that the mutant collection contains mutations in at least 25% of Our collection includes mutations in 5 of 20 (25%) tRNA
the genes essential for the development of many different synthase genes and 26 of the 79 (33%) ribosomal protein genes
embryonic organs and structures. Re-screens of the collection in in the zebrafish genome. We also have mutations in 23 of 97
our lab to identify mutations in specific developmental processes genes (24%) for which a chemically induced mutant has also
support this conclusion. This collection should be a valuable been identified and the mutated gene cloned by positional or
resource for diverse studies of cell and developmental biology in candidate gene cloning (as of February 2004). Most of the latter
this vertebrate. genes encode transcription factors, receptors, and ligands. These
data argue that we have screened 25% of the genes in the fish
Materials and Methods genome, whether extrapolated from housekeeping-type genes or
Mutagenesis and Gene Cloning. Retroviral-mediated insertional
genes with more specific developmental functions. The data in
Table 2 also show that viral integrations do not occur prefer-
mutagenesis and the cloning of the mutated genes were carried
entially into housekeeping-type genes because the allele fre-
out as described (13).
quency for housekeeping genes is no greater than that for other
types of genes.
Comparative Genomic Analysis. The amino acid sequence of each
In theory, a second way to estimate the number of embryonic-
fish gene was compared by BLASTP (4) to the reference genomes
essential genes from these data is to apply the Poisson distribu-
of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Cae-
norhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster, and Homo sapiens,
as well as the nonredundant database of all organisms to find Abbreviations: SCE, single-celled eukaryotes; IFT, intraflagellar transport; RNAi, RNA in-
genes absent in the two yeast species but present in other terference; dpf, days postfertilization.
unicellular eukaryotes. Comparative orthologous group (COG) Data deposition: The sequences reported in this paper have been deposited in the GenBank
analysis (5) to determine whether homologues were 1:1 ortho- database (accession numbers can be found in Table 3, which is published as supporting
logues or had other orthology relationships was done by itera- information on the PNAS web site).

tively blasting the top hits from each organism against the See accompanying Biography on page 12789.
genomes of the others. We consider two genes from different *To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: [email protected].
species to be 1:1 orthologues if they are not only each others 2004 by The National Academy of Sciences of the USA

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Table 1. Insertional mutants recovered (SCEs) (e.g., Giardia, Plasmodium, Trypanosoma, Chlamydomo-
Mutants Loci nas), worm, fly, and human genomes. Analysis of the completed
human and mouse genomes has already indicated that 50% of
Insertional mutants 525 390 their genes are present in SCEs and 80% in flies andor worms
Mutants with cloned junction DNA 486 362 (10, 11), (with homology defined as a BLASTP E value of 105),
Mutants with mutated gene identified 438 315 and our analysis of 50 fish genes selected at random from the July
2003 annotation of the zebrafish genome found a similar pro-
portion of conserved genes (data not shown). Applying the same
tion to the numbers of single and multiple hits in Table 2 to homology definition to our list of 315 embryonic-essential
calculate the number of loci that have not yet been mutated and zebrafish genes, however, we found that a higher fraction, 74%
hence the total number of loci that can give rise to an embryonic- of them, have homologues in yeast or other SCEs, and 93% are
visible phenotype. However, as is almost always seen in mu- present in fly andor worm. By using a more conservative cutoff
tagenesis screens, the data do not fit the Poisson distribution requiring homology over 80% of the length of the protein and
precisely, making this approach unreliable. Attempting to apply E 1020, 64% of the fish genes have homologues in yeast or
a Poisson distribution under these circumstances usually results some other SCE whereas 91% are present in flies or worms.
in an underestimate of the number of mutable loci (6, 7). For Ninety-nine percent of the genes (all but 2 of the 315) have
example, by using the number of loci hit twice in our study (62) homologues in mammals. Thus, as found in other species (12,
and keeping either the number of loci hit (362) or the number 13), the fish genes with essential functions are more likely than
of mutants obtained (486) fixed, solving the Poisson equation randomly selected genes to be conserved across species. The
predicts that the total number of mutable loci is either 1,035 or conservation of the 315 embryonic-essential fish genes in yeast
1,310 mutable loci. This finding is somewhat lower than (but not and other SCEs, in worm, in fly, and in human is represented in
inconsistent with) the estimate of 1,400 genes obtained above. Fig. 3 by using the more liberal definition of homology. The
The identities of the 315 mutated genes we have identified to identity of the human, fly, worm, and yeast homologues of each
date are provided in Fig. 1 (additional details about these genes essential fish gene can be found in Table 3.

are described in Table 3). A preliminary phenotypic description
of the corresponding 315 mutants is provided in Table 3 and Mutant Phenotypes and the Evolutionary Conservation of Genes
images are available at Required for Specific Developmental Processes. About 30% of
mutantimagesindex.html. More detailed phenotypic descrip- embryonic zebrafish mutants identified in gross morphological
tions of the defects in particular organs and structures will come screens have developmentally specific and unique phenotypes
from careful re-screens of the collection (see below). whereas 70% display relatively nonspecific or common syn-
If we take 1,400 as the number of zygotic genes whose dromes (7, 14). The latter more frequently result from mutations
mutation can lead to an embryonic visiblelethal phenotype in in cell-essential genes. Many mutants can be placed into either
the zebrafish, the 315 genes listed here represent 22% of the of the two broad phenotypic categories by superficial visual
total. Because mutated genes were cloned without regard to inspection. However, to identify mutants with phenotypic de-
phenotype, these genes should be representative of the entire set fects in specific organs or processes with certainty requires
of protein-coding genes that are genetically essential for early considerable effort. To accomplish this goal, we are re-screening
zebrafish development. the insertional mutant collection, a process called shelf-
Fig. 2 provides a summary of the types of proteins encoded by screening. Summaries of three such screens from our lab are
the 315 embryonic essential genes based on their biochemical shown in Fig. 3 Right.
function. Many of the genes are probably essential for cell Black boxes in the three columns in Fig. 3 Right identify genes
viability whereas others are likely to be required for more specifically required (i) to prevent cystic kidney, probably be-
specific developmental processes. Mutations in cell-essential cause these genes are required for the normal development of
genes can survive for 1 to at least several days due to maternal kidney epithelial tubes (15), (ii) to form cartilage that appears
supplies in the egg (8). Mutation of some cell-essential genes may normal after staining with Alcian blue (R.M.N., A.A., and N.H.,
not have been detected in our screen because maternal supplies unpublished observations) or (iii) for melanocyte pigmentation
of some genes are sufficient to sustain the embryo beyond 5 dpf, (E. Maldonado, A.A., and N.H., unpublished observations).
e.g., Dicer1 (9). About 20% of all of the genes we identified Twelve genes when mutated resulted in kidney cysts, 8 in
encode proteins of unknown biochemical function. abnormal cartilage condensation as revealed by appearance
after Alcian staining, and 11 affect melanocyte pigmentation.
Evolutionary Conservation of Embryonic-Essential Zebrafish Genes. Because we have cloned 22% of the genes essential for early
To better understand the genetic basis of animal development fish development, these results predict that mutations in 55
and its evolution, we asked whether the embryonic-essential fish genes can give rise to cystic kidney, 36 to abnormal cartilage, and
genes have homologues in yeast, other single-celled eukaryotes 50 to defects in melanocyte pigmentation in the zebrafish. As
discussed later, many genes identified in each screen are com-
ponents of a common pathway, with different pathways or
Table 2. Allele frequencies processes emerging for each screen.
Fig. 3 shows the conservation of the genes identified in each
Loci with one allele 275
of the three screens in the genomes of yeast, other SCEs,
Loci with two alleles 62
invertebrates (fly or worm), and human. Of the 12 genes that can
Loci with three allele 17
give rise to cystic kidney when mutated, 6 are shared with SCEs
Loci with four alleles 6
but not with yeast. Three of these are homologues of genes
Loci with five allele 1
identified in Chlamydomonas that encode intraflagellar trans-
Loci with seven alleles 1
port (IFT) proteins required for flagellum formation (16) (see
Average allele frequency 1.34
Average allele freq, RP and tRS 1.10
Formation of cartilaginous structures requires the deposition
Average allele freq, ENU cloned 1.95
of proteoglycans in the extracellular matrix (17). Among the
RP, ribosomal protein genes; tRS, tRNA synthase genes; ENU cloned, genes eight cartilage mutants identified, four have lesions in genes
identified as the cause of ENU-induced mutants. required for proteoglycan synthesis, predicting that 20 such

Amsterdam et al. PNAS August 31, 2004 vol. 101 no. 35 12793
Fig. 1. Genes essential for zebrafish embryonic development identified by insertional mutagenesis. Genes are listed by mutant number and sorted by
evolutionary conservation and gene function. Phenotypic descriptions are available in Table 3, and images are available at

12794 www.pnas.orgcgidoi10.1073pnas.0403929101 Amsterdam et al.

Fig. 2. Types of genes whose mutation in zebrafish leads to an embryonic
visible phenotype. The genes are assigned to the same categories as in Fig. 1
although some categories have been combined.

genes would be found in a saturation screen in the fish. Three of

these four genes are animal specific. In C. elegans, mutations in
homologues of these four genes led to a squashed vulva
phenotype (18, 19). Thus, whereas the genes are presumably

required for proteoglycan synthesis in both worm and fish, they
are involved in the formation and structural integrity of very
different body parts in the two organisms.
Extending our earlier observations (2), 9 of 11 genes we
identified as required for normal melanocyte pigmentation in
fish encode v-ATPase subunits or associated proteins or proteins
otherwise involved in intracellular vesicles. Whereas the main
v-ATPase subunits are found in yeast, zebrafish required several
animal-specific v-ATPase-associated proteins in addition.

The Trait of Being a Genetically Essential Gene Is Conserved in

Evolution. As Fig. 3 above reveals, and has been observed in other
species (12, 13), genes that are essential in zebrafish are highly
conserved in evolution. We next asked whether genes that are
genetically essential in zebrafish are also genetically essential in
other species. It is convenient to ask this question of genes that
have counterparts in yeast and worm because a large fraction of
the annotated genes in these species have been deleted [yeast
(12, 20)] or knocked down by using RNA interference (RNAi)
[worm (13, 21)]. To make functional comparisons of genes across
these species, however, it is necessary first to identify the yeast
and worm genes that are not merely homologues of the essential
fish genes, but that have orthologous relationships to them,
because orthologues are more likely to perform the same
function in their respective species. We determined which ze-
brafish genes have clear orthologous relationships with their
homologues in S. cerevisiae and C. elegans by comparative
orthologous group (COG) analysis (5) (see Materials and Meth-
ods). Because the zebrafish genome is not yet fully sequenced
and annotated, it cannot be used for this purpose, so we used the
human genome as a surrogate vertebrate genome. We con- Fig. 3. Evolutionary conservation of essential zebrafish genes. Horizonal
sidered both genes that were 1:1 orthologues and genes for which lines on the Left represent 315 different genes. The genes are listed in the
a single yeast or worm gene is an ancestor of two or more same order as in Fig. 1. In the first four colored columns, the presence of a
human paralogues. The results of the analysis are shown in Fig. colored box indicates the presence of one or more homologous genes (BLASTP
4 for yeast (Left) and for worm (Right). E value of 105) in yeast (either S. cerevisiae or S. pombe), C. elegans, D.
The left-most bars in Fig. 4 Left and Right represent the list of melanogaster, or H. sapiens. Green boxes indicate genes without homologues
315 essential fish genes, the red columns next to them show the in yeast but with homologues in other SCEs such as Giardia, Plasmodium,
number of these genes that have homologues in yeast or worm, Trypanosoma, andor Chlamydomonas. Thus, yellow boxes represent genes
conserved through yeast, green are those found in SCEs other than yeast, red
and the blue columns show the fraction of homologues that have are those found in invertebrates but not SCEs, and blue are vertebrate-
an orthologous relationship to the vertebrate genes. Having specific. The last two genes (with no colored boxes) seem to be fish-specific.
identified the yeast and worm orthologues, we then asked which The black boxes in the last three columns indicate genes whose mutation leads
of these genes are essential in their respective species. The results to one of three phenotypes: cystic kidney, chondrogenesis defects, or reduc-
are shown by the dark green columns in Fig. 4. tion or lack of melanocyte pigmentation.

Amsterdam et al. PNAS August 31, 2004 vol. 101 no. 35 12795
In C. elegans, RNAi analysis of protein-coding genes reveals
that only 7% are required for embryo viability, an additional
1.5% for other developmental andor physiological processes,
and another 1.5% for wild-type growth (21). Yet among the
worm genes that are orthologous to the vertebrate genes we
identified and for which RNAi data have been reported, 72% are
required for embryonic viability and a further 6% are associated
with postembryonic developmental phenotypes, a total of 78%.
This is an enrichment of nearly 10-fold over the worm genome
at large. In the large RNAi screens in C. elegans that have been
published to date, it was estimated that only 78% of embryonic-
essential genes were detected, largely due to inefficiencies in the
RNAi technology (21). Correcting for this failure rate, we
conclude that nearly all of the worm orthologues of essential fish
genes might in fact be essential for embryonic development (see
lighter colored extensions on the green columns in Fig. 4 Right).
In summary, this analysis reveals that genetically essential genes
have a strong tendency to retain this special status through
evolution from yeast to vertebrates.

We have described the completion of a large genetic screen in
zebrafish, the isolation of insertional mutations in 25% of the
embryonic-essential genes of the fish, and the molecular cloning
of 22% of all such genes. This collection of mutants will be a
valuable resource for the study of many cellular and develop-
mental processes in a vertebrate. Many of the genes we identified
are probably required for cell viability, others for more specific
developmental processes including patterning, differentiation or
physiology. Twenty percent of the genes encode proteins that
have no known or sufficiently clearly identifiable biochemical
function. About three quarters of the genes we cloned have
homologues in yeast or other single-celled organisms, and 25%
are animal-specific with 7% overall being vertebrate-specific.
Our results imply that there are only 1,400 genes that when
mutated result in a visible, usually lethal phenotype in the
zebrafish embryo and 5-day-old larva. This number is fewer than
the 2,400 such genes proposed by Haffter et al. (7) from data
obtained in a large chemical mutagenesis screen by using ENU
Fig. 4. Essentialness of genes is evolutionarily conserved. Shown is an as the mutagen. We do not think the discrepancy is due to the
analysis of S. cerevisiae (Left) and C. elegans (Right) genes that are homolo- inability of retroviral vectors to target genes than can be mutated
gous to the essential fish genes. In each case, the leftmost columns represent by ENU because genes mutated by ENU and cloned by posi-
315 essential fish genes, the red columns show how many of these have
tional or candidate gene cloning were mutated at the same
homologues in yeast (214) or worm (272), and the blue columns show which
have a 1:1 orthologue or ancestor gene in yeast (176) or worm (235). The
efficiency as genes encoding ribosomal proteins or tRNA syn-
dark green columns represent the number of these yeast or worm orthologues thetases in our screen. Rather, it seems likely that the discrep-
that are essential in their respective species, 135 of the 176 yeast genes, and ancy reflects inaccuracies in both calculations. The failure to
155 of the 235 worm genes. The pea green columns show the number that achieve saturation in either screen and the fact that the data for
would be predicted to be essential at random, 33 of the 176 yeast genes, and single and multiple hits do not fit the Poisson distribution
15 of the 235 worm genes. Thus, the difference between the dark green and precisely in either screen make highly accurate calculations
pea green columns is the enrichment. In the case of the worm, the pale green impossible.
extensions to the two green columns represent projections of how many of The phenotypic descriptions of most of our mutants remain
the orthologues would be found to be essential if 100% of the worm genes
preliminary, and re-screens of the collection are needed to
had been successfully knocked down by RNAi; this estimate prorates both for
the reported failure rate of RNAi and the number of genes for which no RNAi
identify the specific defects in most mutants. The first three such
data have been reported. This calculation estimates that 216 of the 235 worm re-screens to be completed, which we summarized here, are
genes are likely to be essential whereas only 22 would be expected to be at revealing in this respect. The screen for cystic kidney in partic-
random. Note that the percentage of worm orthologues that are essential ular supports our conclusion that our mutant collection contains
that is stated in the text does not include the genes for which no RNAi data 25% of the genes essential for diverse developmental processes
have been reported. in the embryo. Of 12 genes identified in the kidney cyst screen,
7 seemed to be novel when first cloned, whereas another is
PKD2, a gene known to be mutated in human polycystic kidney
In yeast, only 19% of protein-coding genes are essential for cell disease (22). In humans, cystic kidney disease results from a
viability under optimal growth conditions, despite the fact that failure of epithelial cells in kidney tubes and ducts to differen-
most nonessential yeast genes seem to be single-copy (12). In tiate properly and to cease dividing. This defect can result from
contrast, among the yeast genes that are 1:1 orthologues or defects in primary cilia located on the epithelial cells of kidney
ancestors of the vertebrate genes in our study, 77% are essential tubules and ducts. When we gained access to the mostly unpub-
in yeast. This is a 4-fold enrichment relative to the yeast genome lished sequences of 13 genes that encode IFT proteins in
at large (compare the number observed in dark green with the Chlamydomonas, and which are required for flagellum forma-
number predicted if random in pea green). tion or function in that species, we found that 3 of our 7 novel

12796 www.pnas.orgcgidoi10.1073pnas.0403929101 Amsterdam et al.

genes were in fact fish homologues of 3 of the 13 IFT genes. It genetically essential genes have a unique status in biological
is possible that others of the novel genes identified in the fish processes. Consistent with this possibility, we found that the
kidney cyst screen will prove to be yet unidentified IFT genes, or yeast or worm orthologues of genes that are essential in fish have
other genes involved in a pathway linking cilia to cell differen- a high probability of also being essential in these species. Thus
tiation and cell division in vertebrates. The finding that we have genes that can be detected in genetic screens, and in particular
mutations in 3 of 13 IFT genes whose sequences are available is those that are essential for early viability, seem to have retained
consistent with the notion that our mutant collection includes this special status through evolution. The implications of this
25% of the genes essential for processes involved in embryonic observation are not known, but we suggest that these genes may
development. The results of the kidney cyst screen also suggest be all or most of the genes that are absolutely required for many
that genetic screens in vertebrate animals can reveal many of the biological processes whereas most other genes may serve to assist
genes in a pathway and argue that redundancy may be no more these critical genes in making biological processes more robust.
of a problem in genetic screens in vertebrates than it has been in Evolution may have required that the number of genetically
genetic screens in invertebrate animals. essential genes be small and that they remain the same genes.
The data from the three shelf screens described here, along By identifying about a quarter of the embryonic lethal genes
with the data showing the conservation of the fish genes in the in the zebrafish, our studies provide strong evidence that genetic
genomes of single-celled eukaryotes and invertebrate animals, screens in vertebrate animals, as in invertebrates, can reveal
show how many of the same genes used in SCEs and inverte- molecular pathways of development. Whereas redundancy may
brates are used for different biological tasks in vertebrate hide some genes from this analysis, the fact that the genes that
animals although their cellular functions are similar in the we do find for particular phenotypes can define a biochemical
different species. Thus, IFT genes used by Chlamydomonas to complex or pathway suggests that forward genetic screens can
make motile flagella are used to make cilia with different sensory indeed identify many if not most of the genes that are key players
roles in different organisms, for example, on chemosensory in specifying complex developmental processes in vertebrates.
neurons sensing salt concentrations in the worm (23) and on
kidney epithelial cells in vertebrates (24). Similarly, the same We thank E. Maldonado and J. Davenport for assistance in screening for
proteoglycan synthesis enzymes that the worm uses to make a mutants, G. Golling and K. Anderson for help with gene identification,

properly shaped vulva (18, 19) are used in the fish to make a Maryann Haldi for phenotypic documentation, M. Cunningham for
vertebrate-specific structure, cartilage. And the production of maintenance of the mutant lines of fish, and T. Angelini, C. Doller, and
S. Farrington for maintenance of our zebrafish colony. We thank Bob
melanin pigment in the fish, which takes place in acidic subcel-
Bosselman for his interest and support. This work was supported by a
lular compartments (25), requires the same genes to acidify these National Institutes of Health grant from the National Center for
compartments that yeast cells use to acidify vacuoles (26). Research Resources (to N.H. and A.A.) and a grant from Amgen (to
The fact that there is such a small number of embryonic- N.H.). Additional funding came from the Ford Foundation (to N.H.).
essential genes and that they include genes that comprise R.M.N was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the National
coherent genetic pathways of development suggests that the Institutes of Health.

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