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Flipped Classroom Lesson Plan

Name: Kara Tippey

I. Goals/Objectives/Standard(s)
B. Objective: At the end of this lesson students will know what the value of a penny, nickel, and dime

C. Standard(s):
IAS: 2.M.7: Find the value of a collection of pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters and dollars.
ISTE: Empowered Learner: Students leverage technology to take an active role in
choosing, achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by
the learning sciences.
II. Home Based Study DAY 1
At home students will view the posted video which gives the instruction. Students should look over
posted questions and be prepared to answer them in class.

III. In-Class Lesson Study DAY 2

o Teacher checks to see that students have viewed the video as they come into classroom. Those
who have not can start watching as the rest of the students come in. Those who havent
finished yet can watch the video during the beginning of the discussion.
Anticipatory Set
Teacher asks students to share thoughts on the video about coins. Teacher can encourage
story by sharing own thoughts. (5 minutes)
Teacher begins short discussion about coins. Share personal story about coins such as
using quarters on a map or one time when coins were used to make a special purchase.
Ask students to share similar stories and allow for 3-4 students to share. (5-10 minutes)

IV. Purpose:
Today we will be playing games with coins to help us understand the value of different coins. As we
just heard, we use coins all the time so it is important for us to know how much each coin is worth.

V.Lesson Presentation (Input/Output) (40 minutes)

Activity: Four different game stations will be set up with games using coins. One station with a game
of coin bingo, one station with sorting mats, one station with a money kaboom game, and one station
with the teacher. These will all be games that are familiar to the student and station with the teacher
can be optional if the teacher is the only adult helping in the classroom.
Coin bingo game:
Bingo mat with 1cent, 5cent, and 10cent as the possible spaces. Each student gets a mat and a
handful of pennies, nickels, and dimes. There is a jar of lots of pennies, nickels, and dimes.
One student gets to reach in to grab a coin, call the name of the coin, and each student takes
that coin and places it on the correct value. First with five in a row gets to call bingo!
Sorting mats:
Students will have mats with an area for pennies, nickels, and dimes. Each of these spaces will
be labeled with the name and value of the coin. Students will have a large amount of coin and
have to work together to sort coins into correct spaces. They should work on their own at first
to sort and then work together to fix any mistakes.
Kaboom game:
There is a jar of multiple popsicle sticks. Five of the sticks have the word Kaboom on them and
all the sticks have either a penny, nickel, or dime on the end. These sticks are placed in the jar,
coin side down. Students are separated into two teams. First student get to pick a stick and if
the entire team can agree on the correct name and value of the coin, that team get to keep the

coin. If they answer incorrectly, the stick goes back in the jar and the other team gets to pick a
stick. The first team to get enough sticks to add to $1 wins.
Teacher station:
This is an optional station that can be used if there is someone else in the room to supervise the
other stations. The teacher can work with one student at a time and show them a coin and ask
for the name and value of the coin. This can be recorded for assessment. When the teacher has
completed this time they can walk around to different stations to supervise and assist students
who are struggling to understand.
After ten minutes the teacher can ring a bell and announce to students that it is time to clean up and
switch stations.

VII. Closure/ Conclusion/Review Learning Outcomes

Students all gather and teacher leads discussion to see how students feel about their understanding of
coins. Teacher shows different coins and asks all students to shout out the name and value.


Formative: During the station where the student is working with the teacher, the teacher can fill out a sheet
with how many names and values of coins the students get correct. The teacher can then go back with a
student who missed some and let them try again. As the teacher is able to walk around to different stations,
they can see which students are understanding and which ones are not understanding yet.


1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?

2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?

3. How should I alter this lesson?

4. How would I pace it differently?

5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?

6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
a. Blooms Taxonomy
b. Gardners Multiple Intelligences

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